#the whole thing with half clan relationships also deals with choosing happiness
ryefield · 2 years
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Lionblaze, crazy he’s a grandpa now
#he’s an interesting one that’s for sure#I’m not sure how to concisely talk about my feelings about him#just a lot of unused potential I think#I really would’ve liked if Ivypool were his apprentice that’s one of the biggest ones for me#the complexities of him having been abused in Ashfurs apprenticeship#then have Ashfur try and kill him and ruin his family#then to have his own apprentice whose struggling really hard with her sisters prophetic importance#also it would open up some discussion with how he was in the dark forest a bit too#he would know the manipulation of the df and might have been able to help her process the trauma she faces there as a spy#Lionblaze had an arc with Cinderheart about choosing happiness over fate and I feel like that could’ve been something bigger too#it’s such an important sentiment that has just been burried in current arcs#the whole thing with half clan relationships also deals with choosing happiness#and still he played one of the most important roles to the clans history#anyways I think he’s also written like the Erin’s don’t even have an idea for his character sometimes#lionblaze#lionpaw#po3#power of three#warriors#warrior cats#warriors fanart#warriors art#thunderclan#oh also about the design#Ashfur left a scar on the whole of his family but for the untouchable lionblaze I wanted the scar to be a physical thing#I also gave him a lot of the tiger family motifs not just to give credibility to them being brambles kids but also because#I wanted to give a nod to mothpool lol I love the idea of moth being their bio other mom :)
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 20, part two
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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So much happens in this episode that I couldn’t stop the meta and had to break it in thirds. Part one is here, part three is here. 
Owie Owie Owie
Wen Zhuliu takes exquisitely tender care of Wen Chao, despite presumably disliking him quite a lot. He wipes his tears away, saying that the tears will infect his wounds, which...isn't likely, but ok. 
I will note that he didn't get the "no sting" kind of medicine, however, so maybe there's a limit to his kindness.  Wen Chao screams and yells at him while he puts a tiny amount of medicine on one tiny spot of owie. It's going to be a long night for these fellas. Except it isn't because they're going to die, so at least they won't have to put more medicine on.
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The candles blow out and we hear the sound of a flute, which Wen Zhuliu hilariously says is just the wind when Wen Chao starts freaking out. They have two days to go before they get to safety, and Wen Chao is pretty sure he's not going to last two days. And you know...he's right!  
As usual he blames Wen Zhuliu for the situation, but then gets afraid that WZL is going to leave him, and starts making promises of status. WZL says that's not necessary. He is a loyal sonofabitch, I'll give him that. 
The Man Comes Around, Redux
And now Wei Wuxian enters the scene, climbing menacingly up the stairs carrying his own hair fan, just like Lan Wangji did in the previous episode. (Gifset here). Wen Zhuliu doesn't look optimistic. When the boys on the roof see Wei Wuxian they don't look too happy either.
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Wei Wuxian stops in front of Wen Zhuliu and proceeds to have a philosophical conversation with him. Wei Wuxian has come to fuck your shit up, but he has also come to pass judgement on your ethics because he is, fundamentally, still himself. 
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Wen Zhuliu takes the opportunity to justify his actions, giving a heartfelt statement about what he owes to Wen Ruohan. Wen Zhuliu knows his number is up and that they obviously didn't kill Wei Wuxian hard enough, but he still feels righteous.
(more after the cut)
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Here Wei Wuxian asks a question that shows the fundamental difference between himself and Wen Zhuliu. In many ways they are similar: neither of them was born into their clan. Both were appreciated by the clan leader and placed in high positions. Both feel an obligation to those clan leaders. When Wei Wuxian asks "why do other people have to pay for your gratitude?" he's foreshadowing the moment when Jiang Cheng demands the death of the Dafan Wens.  
Wen Zhuliu doesn't hesitate to murder people because his clan leader wants him to. Whereas Wei Wuxian doesn't hesitate to pay a terrible price--his golden core-for his gratitude to Jiang Fengmian. But he won't let the Dafan Wens pay the price of his continued membership in the Jiang clan; he chooses exile while Wen Zhuliu chooses murder.
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Wei Wuxian is done talking and very very slowly brings his flute into position and starts to play. Wen Zhuliu doesn't make a move to stop him, but he might be frozen in place...everything happens at weird speeds in this scene.
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Lan Wangji is super horrified when he sees what Wei Wuxian is doing with his flute. So horrified, in fact, that by the time they are face to face, he's moved past any other emotion.
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Lady in Red
As Wei Wuxian plays the flute, the camera moves around him (or they spin him on a turntable) and the scenery around him shifts to a 360 view of...the burial mounds! That's so fucking cool! 
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You can take the boy out of the graveyard but you can't take the graveyard out of the boy. He is carrying it within him now.
He summons up the hottest ghost lady ever, to scratch the shit out of the Wens with her fancy fingernails. She's all in red, not the dark Wen red, but super-saturated bridal red. 
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She's not dressed as a bride, but she is very pretty and the color is awesome, particularly when she turns into red smoke. Presumably having actual ghosts attacking people is ok with the censor board as long as they are pretty ladies in nice clothes, since there are two in this episode and this one is absolutely definitely a non-corporeal being when she wants to be.
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Camera Operator: What did I ever do to you?
She fights with Wen Zhuliu, who tries to put his core-melting hand on her, unsuccessfully, and then figures out that Wei Wuxian is the better target, so tries to put his core-melting hand on him. 
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Wen Zhuliu, you need to have some different moves! Not everybody has a core for you to melt.
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Zidian’s Revenge
As soon as Wen Zhuliu targets Wei Wuxian the boys break in from the rooftop, with Jiang Cheng snapping Zidian up over a rafter and down around Wen Zhuliu's neck in a single move, and then hauling him up and hanging him. 
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This is a pretty gratifying moment; Jiang Cheng finally gets his vengeance using the weapon his mother gave him before this fucker killed her. He also gets to come back at the guy who melted his core and kill him with a spiritual weapon. All around nice work, Jiang Cheng.
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji initially placed himself between Wen Zhuliu and Wei Wuxian, which is a pretty strong show of devotion, given that his chest was directly in line with Wen Zhuliu's hand. 
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He watches intently while Wen Zhuliu dies...Lan Wangji is actually a pretty vengeful guy, isn't he? He's not into torture but he seems to like executing bad people, and he enjoys chopping off arms a whole lot.
Welcome Back
Having disposed of Wen Zhuliu, Team Where The Fuck Have You Been is ready to greet Wei Wuxian. This is Lan Wangji as he prepares to turn around and face him. 
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This is not "relieved that my soulmate is ok" or even "feeling betrayed because you didn't even send me a text." This is cold, hard, fury. He's plowed right past relief and joy into full on disgust and vehemence.
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Jiang Cheng is also pissed at him, but he's so used to being pissed at him that it's not a remarkable emotion, and it passes quickly. He gives him his sword, calls him a prick, punches him in the shoulder while Lan Wangji looks grumpy Wang Yibo tries very hard not to smile, and fails. 
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Then Jiang Cheng gives Wei Wuxian an enormous squishy hug. 
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Wei Wuxian, who has probably wanted that hug for the past decade, does not return it, and looks stricken, eventually raising his flute hand behind Jiang Cheng's back.
Lan Wangji glares at him while Jiang Cheng hugs him, and then shifts to glare at the flute.
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Let's talk about Lan Wangji's body language here. This scene is often talked about, including by OP, as "Wei Wuxian picks a fight with Lan Wangji in order to push him away." But since their very early days,Lan Wangji's nonverbal communication has been an essential component of his relationship with Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian has been reading his microexpressions from the very start, and he's the only one besides Lan Xichen who does that. 
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Lan Wangji's anger and disapproval are written all over his face and posture, so much so that even a casual observer can tell what he's feeling.  For Wei Wuxian, with his extreme awareness and having shared actual literal telepathy with the guy previously, this has got to feel like Lan Wangji is screaming at him.
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Lan Wangji is the one picking this fight. Wei Wuxian is trying to defuse it by giving him time to calm down before engaging. For perhaps the first time since meeting him, Wei Wuxian ignores Lan Wangji to focus on Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng asks him a bunch of questions and Wei Wuxian slides out from under most of them, giving half answers, non-answers, and what All The President's Men calls a non-denial denial.
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Wei Wuxian, who is adept at sounding like he's speaking truth when he is lying, here sounds like he's lying when he's speaking something very close to the truth. He spins a particularly outrageous-sounding tale of finding a cave and learning an ultimate power there...but that's actually what he actually did, actually.  Xue Yang does this "lie so much that the truth now sounds like a lie" thing by accident, years later in Yi City, but Wei Wuxian is using it as a deliberate tactic to hide the truth from his brother. Which is basically his main occupation at this point.  
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He acts offended that Jiang Cheng doesn't believe him, but he does it playfully to cast everything in the conversation as a joke.
Lan Wangji is not as inclined to accept utter codswallop as Jiang Cheng is, and he has already figured out an important underlying layer of the situation--the turn away from the way of the sword--while not seeing the very bottom layer, the "I don't have a golden core" layer.  
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Unfortunately, he continues to be judgy and pissed off. He says "Wei Ying" gently enough, but his body is braced for conflict. 
Wei Wuxian looks at him wearily and stands up to have the fight Lan Wangji is asking for.
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Maybe you were right But baby I was lonely I don't want to fight I'm tired of being sorry
I'm standing in the street Crying out for you No one sees me But the silver moon
Soundtrack: 1. Sympathy for the Devil, The Rolling Stones 2. Tired of Being Sorry, by Ringside
Writing Prompt: Who is the lady in red and what is her deal?
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theanoninyourinbox · 3 years
Longstar Au Thunderclan Boogaloo
First, i’d like to thank all of you for your support of my au, I was really surprised at the support!  Seriously thank you!!
Second, some details I forgot to mention last time.  Cinderpaw still gets hit by the car, but instead of being forced into being a medicine cat, she genuinely enjoys working with Fireheart and Yellowfang.  Flamewish makes a bunch of jokes about how her brother stole her apprentice, but she’s just glad Cinderpaw survived.  And Longstar still gets kicked in the face by the rabbit, but manages to turn his head at the last second.  He still loses some of his vision, but only about half - as he ages it gets worse, but by the time he goes completely blind, he’s got a grandkit that helps him work through his struggles.
Anyway, onto the next part!
In the space between book canon, Longstar is out looking for a juicy mouse for his hungry wife, who’s caring for their first kits, when he’s caught off guard by the scent of dog.  To his dismay, he finds a ravaged dead dog with a large grey molly breathing her last nearby.  She rasps out for something in the dark, and passes.  Longstar looks around, and finds a terrified kit hiding under a nearby bush, bleeding from a paw.  After a rushed run back to camp, the kit is treated by Fireheart and Cinderpelt, and Flamewish scoops up the traumatized kit to snuggle with Swiftkit and Foxkit.  It’s quickly agreed he’s staying with Flamewish, and Longstar deduces he’s the Dark that the molly was referencing, and Dark-kit is officially adopted by the leader of Thunderclan.  Canon continues until...
 Swiftpaw comes to her father, worried that her problems hunting and anxiety outside of camp will keep her from being a warrior.  Longstar remembers a tale about a warrior who guarded the camp after an injury crippled him, and works with her mentor Mistlenose to get her up to speed on hunting, while working with Fireheart and Cinderpelt with her anxiety.  Foxpaw and Darkpaw join her to be supportive, and Darkpaw discovers a love of healing, leading to him apprenticing under Cinderpelt.  Canon continues until...
Ashfur!  He has zero romantic intentions towards Foxfur - for one, she’s his niece!  Ew!  Also he has a mate - Flyshadow, Frostfoot’s daughter.  They’re holing off on having kits for now, but are absolutely smitten with each other. Flyshadow’s brother Coldlight has a crush on Sandstorm, but with his selective mutism and shyness, he’s never told her.  Canon continues until...
Brambleclaw!  Foxpaw absolutely bothers the snot out of him, but he has a plan - he hates the leaders of Thunderclan, despises Whitestorm for betraying his old friend, and Longstar for usurping his father’s rightful place.  That's right, Brambleclaw is a Tigerstar apologist.  His mother and sister have no idea how much he idolizes his father, or that his ghost has been visiting him in the night.  His plan is to use Foxpaw to get close to Longstar, and eventually usurp the old foxheart Whitestorm, then murder Longstar and return Thunderclan to a pure, kittypet free clan, feared by the other clans.  So he puts up with her, hoping to get closer so he can enact he and his father’s plan.  Canon continues until...
The new Prophecy!  Fireheart has a vision of a flaming cat and a shadowy tiger. and Foxpaw starts having strange dreams.  She meets up with the others, with Brambleclaw following behind, claiming she needs “a real warrior” to back her up.  Tawnypelt is happy to see her brother, but a bit suspicious - he seems like he’s hiding something.  Foxpaw and the older Crowpaw bond over their status as apprentices, and after a while, Crowpaw opens up about his phobia of water.  He tells Foxpaw and a supportive Feathertail about his adoption into Windclan, and how the first thing he can remember is drowning, and then being dragged out of the water by twolegs.  He fled, and was found wandering Windclan by Deadfoot, and adopted.  The three create a strong friendship, which continues canonically until...
The Tribe! Feathertail is still the silver cat of the prophecy, but survives just barely, breaking her back and becoming paralyzed.  Stormfur promises to come back for her, plus he still falls for Brook.  The rest of the gang continues on by canon until...
The trapped cats and Shrewpaw!  Sandstorm is the one who gets driven off instead of Graystripe, and the clans all mourn her as if she died.  Shrewpaw manages to yeet himself farther than canon, getting clipped on the hip and spun across the road.  He drags himself back to Thunderclan, pheasant clenched in his mouth.  His hind leg never fully heals, but he throws himself into cat-physical therapy with Cinderpelt to get back on his feet. Canon continues until...
The return!  The cats are greeted lovingly by their families if not the rest of their clans, and Foxpaw and Crowpaw become Foxflight and Crowfeather.  Shrewpaw, now Shrewleg, and Ashfur help Foxflight mourn for Sandstorm, her mentor.  Brambleclaw sees this, and feels a surge of jealousy - that’s HIS Foxflight, his pawn!  But he holds it together, fake consoling Whitestorm.  Canon continues until...
The elders!  Mudfur is still ill, and Frostfur, Speckletail, Loudbelly, and Shadepelt decide to stay with him.  However, Flamewish insists in giving them a chance, and convinces them to go to her previous Twolegs home, where they’re taken in and cared for like kittypet royalty by the twolegs and their neighbors, as they deserve.  Canon continues until...
Smokepaw falls!  Russetfur spots him clinging desperately to a root, and Mudclaw bravely climbs down, retrieving the terrified apprentice from his certain doom.  Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.  Canon continues until...
The Tribe again!  Graystripe is reunited with Feathertail, who’s flattered by Crowfeather’s requested name.  Darkpaw has the vision of Spottedleaf, and the clans marvel at the Lake Territory. Canon continues until...
Hawkfrost and Mothwing finally meet up with Brambleclaw, but their conversation is interrupted when Mothwing spots Crowfeather, and thinks she’s seeing a ghost - but then Hawkfrost is like, wait, I see him too?  And Crowfeather is startled, but, do I know you?  And it’s officially revealed that Crowfeather is Tadpole!  A joyous, if slightly confused sibling reunion takes place, and Crowfeather gets to introduce his adopted family to his missing siblings!  The only one not delighted is Brambleclaw, furious at being upstaged.  But he feigns delight at the events.  Canon continues until...
The death of a leader.  Tallstar passes, but with Mudclaw at his side.  He begs his Deputy to treat the other clans with kindness, as he treated Smokepaw.  Mudclaw is fervent in his promise to be a better leader than he has been a Deputy. Onewhisker is seen talking angrily to Brambleclaw, but Brambleclaw dismisses suspicions by claiming to be trying to calm his fellow warrior down. Canon continues until...
The moonpool!  Darkpaw follows the spirit of Spottedleaf, and finds the Moonpool.  At the next half-moon, he’s named Darkmoon.  Canon continues until...
The Windclan Revolt! Onewhisker attacks Mudclaw on his way to becoming leader.  Things go mostly the same, with Swiftpool being saved by Crowfeather and the following Feelings Confession, but this time it’s Foxflight and Longstar chasing down Onewhisker.  He’s nearly crushed by the tree, but instead is knocked clear, breaking his hind legs and cracking him on the skull.  Mudclaw calls for the medicine cats, and when Onewhisker wakes later, he has no recollection from the start of the Journey onward, and professes no animosity towards Mudclaw. Now Mudstar chooses to spare him and he is confined to the medicine den until he heals. Canon continues until...
Way different romantic drama!  Foxflight and Shrewleg fell hard for each other on the Journey, and Ashfur and Flyshadow just decided to start trying for kits.  It’s too bad Brambleclaw keeps starting rumors about secret relationships.  They go nowhere fast, and Brambleclaw scrambles to keep a hold of his plans.  Crowfeather and Swiftpool keep meeting up in secret, and consider running.  During this time, Darkmoon finds out about the Tigerstar training program, and warns not Brambleclaw, but Hawkfrost, about the consequences of his actions.  Hawkfrost mulls over when he tried to drop a moth wing by the medicine den, but one was already there.  Canon continues until...
The Badger attack!  Midnight warns the runaways and they return, but not in time to save Cinderpelt.  Flamewish spots Crowfeather, does that math-circling-the-lady meme, and drags Crow, Swift, Fox, and Longstar into the den after the fight, and commands the nervous duo to spill it right now sO HELP ME STARCLAN!  And they spill it, the whole secret romance. There’s a moment of silence, then Foxflight starts the Traditional Thunderclan Threats to a Siblings Datefriend, Lonstar assures Crowfeather and Swiftpool he isn’t angry, while Flamewish demands details of the love confession, was it passionate?!?!  This leads to Longstar and Mudstar hashing out a deal - as long as their clans are at peace, the two can be in a relationship.  This deal eventually spreads to the other clans, allowing more cross-clan relationships. (Deadfoot is simultaneously disappointed and impressed by his son, Mudstar can’t stop laughing) Canon continues until...
The blood on the lake.  Brambleclaw snaps, and lures Longstar to the lake, where he’s foxtrapped.  Hawkfrost is visited in his dreams by Yellowfang, who yells at him to wake up and stop his idiot half-brother gET UP OR SO HELP ME STARCLAN!!! (Yes this is exactly where Flamewish gets it from)  Hawkfrost makes it to the shore as Longstar falls, and knocks Brambleclaw off the Thunderclan Leader.  The two tussle, and Hawkfrost frees Longstar, killing Brambleclaw with the stake. 
Sometime later, Swiftpool tells Crowfeather she’s pregnant.
And that’s it for the moment!  Next up, the Three, the return of Sandstorm, and Sol that smarmy heretic.  Thanks for reading, and I appreciate your support!
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The Arrangement
Chapter 6:  The Performance 
Welcome back, my wonderful readers!  We’re racing towards the end of this story!  Thank you for stopping by!  I'll be happy if this helps take your mind off of the world for a little bit.  Enjoy the chapter :D 
Summary:  They've danced around their feelings for long enough now. 
“Step 2, ugh this is the worst one yet.” Shikamaru waited with bated breath worried. 
“It’s a dinner followed by a dance.” 
He just stared for a moment waiting for more information.“Oh, that’s it?”
“Yup. This is where we need your mom and some Naras. The dinner is supposed to consist of food half from Suna and half traditional Konoha dishes.”  He nodded knowing that his mom would love to have a whole kitchen staff to boss around. 
He just shrugged.  “Doesn’t seem too bad.”
“I have to perform a dance.” 
Never in his life did he expect the cruelest kunoichi of their generation to make such a statement. Thus he couldn’t help the bubble of laughter. 
“Shut up! It’s not that funny!”
“Yes, actually it is.” He couldn’t imagine his murderous warrior prancing around on a stage. 
Temari just rolled her eyes annoyed, but her lips quirked into a smile at his laugh. He didn’t laugh often and she wished that he could do so much more. 
“Anyways, it’s a traditional dance girls are taught from a young age. It’s a way for Suna to share part of its culture with my suitor and his family.” 
“Do I have to do anything?”
“No, you just get to sit there and watch it like it’s the most incredible thing that you’ve ever seen.”
“I'm sure it will be.” He teased her and he should have expected her tackling him to the floor. 
Despite her best efforts, he continued to laugh amused while she half-heartedly pounded at his chest. That is until she fell into a fit of laughter herself. She wasn’t sure whether she was happy, tired or overwhelmed but it felt good. If Shikamaru never laughed she sure as hell didn’t but like so many other things he brought that joy out of her. 
Once the laughing spell had passed they laid there on the floor in warm familiarity her head tucked into his neck. 
“You think I can do this?”  She asked, feeling a little insecure. War, battles, missions were easy, but there was a kind of vulnerability inherent in all these rituals. This wasn’t the kind of attention she wanted. 
He kissed her forehead affectionately, his arm tightening around her.  “I know you can.” 
Shikamaru’s arm was wrapped casually around Temari while they laughed and joked along with their friends and clansmen.  It felt similar to some of the time that she’d spend in Konoha, carefree nights that would turn into mornings.  
All-day long Shikamaru had been affectionate, holding hands, kisses lingering on her head.  At first, she assumed that it was just to perpetuate the lie, but it seemed all the more sincere and he was seeking out those moments.  Whatever his reasoning she fell into it the comfort and warmth the safety of his arms gave her.  Even now she leaned into his chest as they enjoyed the company of friends and family.  
The dinner was more enjoyable than she expected.  She loved the food from Suna and enjoyed it being paired with the food from Konoha.  She’d spent many family dinners with the Naras and when she was home she’d often crave Yoshino’s home-cooked meals.  She could tell that her brothers and everyone else that had been invited were enjoying it as well. Yoshino had worked the kitchen to the bone wanting to make sure it was all perfect and their hard work paid off. The food was delicious and there were few things that she enjoyed more than feeding the people she cared about. 
Temari didn’t take for granted that they were able to eat a meal together like this.  People from different villages, clans, and places breaking bread together. Years ago this would not have been possible.  Years ago Shikamaru had been her enemy. How times had changed. 
Shikamaru’s hand was curved tightly around Temari’s waist.   His fingers lightly brushed over patches of exposed skin and he could feel goosebumps where their skin touched. He knew that he needed to talk to her about the feelings that he’d finally begun to accept, but his heart had been broken in so many ways. If she was to reject his feelings this was one heartbreak he wouldn’t survive. 
“Do you have to get ready soon?” He whispered over to her his fingers easily threading through her hair. Temari nodded solemnly knowing that her performance would be up soon. 
Shikamaru tapped the pendant of her necklace with a soft grin. A wordless and sweet reminder.
“I’m excited to see it.”
“Why? Do you want to see me embarrass myself?”
He sighed, she was still so stubborn.  “Of course not. I know it’s out of your comfort zone but I’m proud of you and I know it will go well. Tem, it means a lot to me that you’d do this. I’ve enjoyed being here and learning about Suna and your traditions.”  He was so damn sincere and it was making her hesitancy wane. 
Her hand went to cup his cheek warmth and affection in her eyes. “Okay, this is for you.” 
Temari paced back and forth behind the curtain trying to calm herself down.   
“Stop it!  You’re making me nervous!”  Ino scolded her pausing her movements.  
“Sorry, I just can't believe that I’m being forced to do this.” 
Ino just stared at her confused.  “For as long as I’ve known you no one has ever been able to make you do anything you didn’t want to. It’s okay to enjoy it.  I know that the rituals might seem a little outdated but you’re an actual princess living out a fairy tale.”
“You don’t think that it’s stupid?”
“No, I don’t think so, it’s kind of nice actually.”
“You’re welcoming Shikamaru into your village and culture.  There’s something sweet and timeless about it.  When Sai and I get married and he becomes a Yamanaka there are certain steps to it.  It’s not as elaborate but I’m excited about it.  When my mom married my dad she had to go through it so in a lot of ways going through these rituals honors his memory and everyone else that has come before us.”  Temari had never thought about it that way.
“As Kunoichi, we have a lot of different expectations placed on us.  We’re expected to be strong warriors, but also to carry on bloodlines by bringing new life to the village and caring for our families. There’s so much to live up to but in some ways, I think that we’re lucky because we found partners that would never force us to be just one thing.  I know in some ways it might feel like you’re losing your freedom but maybe in this case you’re actually gaining something.   Shikamaru can be a lot of things but he’s always been your biggest supporter.  He’d never force you to do anything or be anything you didn’t want.”
Temari couldn’t help but smile. She was right.  She was lucky to find someone that supported her goals in life, that never tried to change her. “Thank you Ino, and thank you for doing this for me.”  While she remained in Konoha she had enlisted Ino to help her. She needed a few women to dance along with her and the blonde jumped at the opportunity. Temari thought that it would be a nice way to integrate his life into their traditions. 
Ino just waved off her appreciation, throwing an arm around her. “Shikamaru is my brother so that makes you my sister.  We’re family now.  We’ve gotta stick together.”
A sister, it was a concept that she’d never considered but she couldn't help but like the idea.  Over the years she’d grown to appreciate and respect the blonde.  She was a strong, fearless and capable kunoichi that cared greatly for the people in her life.  Temari was thankful that she was counted amongst them.  This would only make it all the more difficult when they revealed the truth about their “relationship.”  Everyone in his life had welcomed her with open arms and she was terrified of disappointing them all. 
Ino began preparing the other girls while Temari peered from behind the curtain to where Shikamaru was sitting with her brothers, his mom and Choji. That was her family out there. The stability, sense of home and belonging she’d always wanted was there with them.  She was fearless, a storm and she was tired of being some kind of pawn. The council may have forced her hand, but she had still chosen Shikamaru and she knew that in all situations, times and places she’d always choose him.  In a twisted way, she was thankful for what they had done and caused her to realize. 
Why couldn’t they be together? What was the harm in making this relationship real? Was it so far-fetched for them to be a couple when everyone around them seemed to believe that they belonged together?  She was tired of hiding behind duty, and tradition. For blaming everyone else for what was happening. She needed to be honest with him because she finally felt like she was being honest with herself. He was only going to be in Suna for a few more days. She was working with borrowed time. 
For now, she tried to put those thoughts aside playing in her head the dance steps when Gaara and Kankuro appeared. Garra was set to introduce her but they both looked like there was something more to be said. 
“Come on Temari, let's have a moment before you go out there.”   They walked out of the large room into a private study.
They both stared at her for a moment. She’d been dressed in traditional Suna fashion, bright embroidered fabric, make-up done and adorned in priceless jewels.  Even now her costume was elaborately made with brilliant colored cloths. She very much looked like a princess. 
“Temari, are you sure about this.  You can still back out.  We will deal with the Council.  We know that you don’t like this kind of attention.” They wanted one last chance to intervene before she made a spectacle of herself unnecessarily. 
Temari knew that her brothers were still worried about her but as she reflected on the last few days and really the last few years she knew what she wanted.  Why she just “let” this happen the way that it did. 
She just shook her head. “No, I’m okay.  To be honest, I want this.  I want Shikamaru as my suitor, to really have him become part of our family one day.  It’s real to me now, all of it, as silly as it might be. If these rituals are what it takes then I’m all for it. ”  They both just smiled at her neither one surprised by the revelation.  It was nice to see her look determined and ready to take her life back in her hands. 
“Does he know this?”
“No, I wanted to get through this first.  I won’t ask for permission but I’d like your support?”  It had just been the three of them for so long now she was bringing someone else into the fold. 
Garra placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  “You are our sister. We will always support you. If Shikamaru is who you want then he's good enough for us.”
“Hey if he’s crazy enough to take you on for the rest of his life and become a part of this family he’s pretty damn brave.” Kankuro teased her trying to keep the emotion out of his voice. Temari was his big sister and best friend, he was happy that she’d found someone worthy of her that would love and take care of her the way that she deserved.
She just hugged them both thankful that despite it all, through life, tragedy, and war she still had her baby brothers.  
The room fell silent as Gaara stood at the center to address the guests. 
“Shikamaru, it has been a great honor for us to have you and your family here in Suna. Now more than ever it’s important to show not only our familiar bonds but to strengthen the ones that we share with those miles away from us. You have shown us that love can cross the driest deserts to the deepest forests.  My people, the time for mourning and sadness has passed. We must look towards the desert sunrise to a new day. One filled with joy and laughter, of singing and dancing. And so it is an honor for me to present to you the crowned jewel of Suna, our Princess Temari.” 
The crowd watched enthralled as the women appeared on stage in gorgeous and elaborate costumes with fans in their hands.  Shikamaru’s eyes were glued on Temari’s form as she moved gracefully with the music.  She was incredible and he couldn’t understand her hesitance. She was a natural as her body moved fluidly through each step her hands waving the fans in elaborate gestures. He watched in a daze as each long and lean limb moved with intention through the air, his eyes following each line and curve. Her face was set in that familiar look of pure determination. She was there to prove herself capable and better than anyone could have ever expected. He didn’t doubt that the room was stunned by the level of precision and grace present. 
“She’s beautiful.”  He vaguely heard his mom remarked. Her eyes opened in wonder and pride. 
Temari while she complained and resisted this whole process had demonstrated the dignity and strength of her bloodline. She was truly Suna’s princess and he hoped she'd be his queen. 
Once the performance concluded the crowd erupted in loud cheers.  Shikamaru made his way towards Temari, pulling her into his arms.  Overwhelmed by love and emotion he couldn’t help but place a sweet, warm kiss against her lips.  He was not the least bit ashamed of being affectionate towards her in front of all these people. 
“You were amazing Tem.”  She just blushed embarrassed by the attention and impromptu kiss. 
Once the cheers had died down they faced their guests hand in hand.  As part of this event, he was supposed to make a statement to Suna.  Initially, he’d been nervous never being one for public speeches, preferring his work to be behind the scenes. After what he’d seen Temari do he no longer had that hesitation. 
“Thank you, Lord Gaara, the wonderful citizens of Suna and my Princess Temari for welcoming us to your village and home. Sunagakure is a strong, proud and wonderful country that we have been fortunate to learn more about. I am humbled by the kindness and friendship that we have been shown.”  Shikamaru looked down at the girl holding onto him so tightly.  “Temari, my love.  Thank you for choosing me.  I will spend the rest of our days together proving that I’m worthy of you.”  
Everyone was completely floored by the sincere love present between them. Their relationship represented a new chapter in Suna’s story, one that proved that the world had changed.   
The rest of the evening's festivities consisted of more food, drinks, and celebration.  The Konohagakure delegation would be leaving soon so it was an opportunity to enjoy each other’s company for a little while more. 
Shikamaru remained by Temari’s side for the rest of the night, not wanting to be more than a few feet away at any given moment.  Ever so often she’d reach up to place a chaste kiss against his lips and it made them both breathless with anticipation for when they could finally be alone.
They were finally going to have this conversation that was years in the making.
 The Arrangement:
Chapter 1:  The Set-Up
Chapter 2: The Proposition
Chapter 3: The Participants
Chapter 4:  The Declaration
Chapter 5: The Fear
Chapter 6: The Performance 
Important Notes:
Temari’s dance was inspired by traditional Japanese dances.  They are really pretty so look them up! 
There are maybe 3 more chapters to this story then it will be all done. 
Ino and Temari would totally get along and be good friends! 
The world is a crazy place right now.  Please be good to yourself and others. Do what you need to keep yourself happy, healthy and safe.  Good hygiene and good self-care right now! I don’t know when, or how but it will all be okay, I’m here and I love you! 
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and with a slow crescendo, my world explodes “Naruto”
or... read it here on Ao3!
Naruto knew from a very young age that his soulmate was someone who was very very sad. That was the only way he could describe the sounds in his head. He hadn’t known what they were until he started attending the academy and Iruka-sensei taught them about soulmates and soulmate songs. 
“Everyone has a song in their head,” his teacher had said. “The song is meant to guide you to your soulmate. Until you meet them, the melody is incomplete. But when you meet your soulmate for the first time, the melody is completed and that is how you know you’ve found your soulmate.”
“But Iruka-sensei, how do you know the melody is completed?” a young Sakura had asked, glancing shyly at the raven-haired boy seated next to her.
“No one can truly explain it, Sakura-chan. People have described it as an overwhelming feeling of completeness. The song changes and you can feel it.”
Naruto had wondered if he would ever meet the person who caused such a sad song to play in his head.
Once, when they were on an overnight mission, his genin team decided to discuss their soulmate songs. Sakura had described hers as if spring had a voice, soft staccatos and uplifting. She hummed for a moment and Naruto smiled at her. He was glad her song was such a happy one. 
Sasuke had surprised them by describing his song as sweet. Lilting notes that blended into each other to create a beautiful melody. 
His teammates looked at him, waiting for him to describe his song. Naruto had merely said “they’re sad” before Sakura had pulled him into a fierce hug. Sasuke whispered an apology to him. 
That night changed their friendships forever. 
It was when he opened the hotel door and saw red and black eyes staring down at him that he understood why the song in his head was so sad. Before he could truly realize what was happening his head exploded with sound. Iruka-sensei had been both right and wrong. The sad, haunting melody in his head was still there but now it was just so much more. There was more to it, a harmony for the soft melody filled with discordant notes that left him wanting to cry from the ache they created. 
The eyes that bore into his own widened with acknowledgement and grief. But it was all brought to a harsh pause when Sasuke’s voice resounded down the hallway and Naruto realized this was the man Sasuke wanted to kill. 
Naruto didn’t talk about what had happened until several days later, when Jiraiya and he were relaxing in the onsen during their journey back to Konoha. “Who were those men at the hotel,” he asked.
“They are part of an organization trying to collect the tailed beasts like Kyubbi.”
“Why did Sasuke attack the one man?”Jiraiya sighed, “has Sasuke ever explained to you what happened to his clan?” Naruto shook his head in response. “That man is his older brother, Itachi. A few years ago, Itachi killed their entire clan except for Sasuke.”
Naruto looked down at the steaming water that surrounded him, the haunting song loud and clear in his head. “Oh,” he turned towards his mentor, “that man is my soulmate.”
They didn’t discuss it, after that one conversation. He supposed Jiraiya felt it would be too painful for the young boy. Afterall, his soulmate was a mass murderer who had killed his entire family except his younger brother, who happened to be Naruto’s teammate and best friend.
Also, his soulmate worked for an organization who were actively trying to kill him.
It was all a little painful, if Naruto was honest with himself. And yet, the song inside his head played on.
The dreams started shortly after that. Meeting your soulmate so close to puberty did Naruto no favors when it came to his nightly dreams. He’d only had such a brief time to look at his other half and yet his dreams were so vivid, filled with creamy skin and a deep voice. The whole situation was driving Naruto mad.
Relief only came with heartbreak, however. The maddening dreams subsided as Naruto was forced to focus on training with Jiraiya in order to bring Sasuke back. So, Naruto pushed the melody in his head to the back of his mind and focused on becoming stronger and Naruto never mentioned his soulmate to Jiraiya during the three years.
Naruto decided to tell Sakura when he came back. Her own song had been completed when they met Rock Lee the first time, surprisingly. While neither had been pursuing a romantic relationship with each other when Naruto had left, he returned to find them comfortably together. It was a relief for him, that at least one of his teammates was happy.
So, after they had beaten Kakashi at the revamped bell test Naruto spilled his secret to his best friend. She cried with him, for him, as they sat together. It was the first time Naruto had allowed himself to cry about his situation. It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, like he maybe now he could move forward. At least, that’s what he thought until he was facing his soulmate again just a few days later. 
It was the first time he heard his name fall from his soulmate’s lips, Naruto realized dazedly. “Naruto-kun, I am sorry,” Itachi’s rich voice reached his ears and Naruto felt that he could weep all over again. He wanted to curl up on the ground and weep as the melody in his head grew louder in the presence of his soul’s other half. Instead he harshly bit the inside of his cheek until it bled and forced himself forward with a rasengan. 
He wanted to cry even more when he realized he had been placed under a genjutsu.
But he didn’t cry, he didn’t even curse his soulmate when they discovered it had been an impersonation jutsu. Instead he just kept going, fighting his way to save Gaara.
It was when all was said and done, Gaara brought back and the Konoha shinobi were making their way back to their village that Sakura approached him. With Lee suitably preoccupied by his latest insane self-challenge, Sakura walked next to her blonde teammate in silence for a while. Eventually though her hand slipped into his and she asked him, “are you okay?”
Naruto squeezed her hand tightly before releasing it, “no, I’m not. But I suppose I will be. I have no other choice.” And if a couple of tears escaped his eyes this time? Well no one said anything to him. 
Naruto fell into a routine. He completed missions and trained. He got to know Sai and Yamato. He saw Sasuke again for the first time in three years. He trained more, he trained harder. He hung out with his friends and allowed himself to laugh. Eventually, the melody quieted enough that he felt that he could breathe a little bit easier again. 
Jiraiya apparently had told Kakashi as the man asked him about it one day during training. “How are you dealing with it, Naruto?”
The blonde closed his eyes tightly, willing the song back into the corners of his mind where he could ignore it. He forced his eyes open wide and smiled at his sensei, “I’m just fine, Kaka-sense! What are you talking about?”
Kakashi didn’t ask again.
Naruto was fine. He was surviving. He was getting stronger and things were great. That’s what he told himself when the melody was too loud or too haunting. He was going to bring Sasuke back and it didn’t matter that he was doomed to have a soulmate he could never be with. It didn’t matter. What mattered was protecting his precious people and becoming Hokage. 
It was like a mantra in his head, intertwined with the ever present song. Somehow the idea that capturing Itachi would be the best way to bring Sasuke back to the village was decided. Naruto wanted to scream in frustration. It was as if Fate had decided to continue playing cruel jokes on him, over and over and over again. He couldn’t escape the raven haired man who starred in his dreams and who’s song played constantly in his head.
Naruto could feel both Sakura and Kakashi looking at him, waiting for him to object. Instead he plastered on his best determined smile and told Tsunade to plan the mission.
That was how Naruto found himself alone with his soulmate for the first time in the four years since their melody had completed itself. “I promise I won’t harm you, Naruto-kun. I only wish to speak with you.” 
Naruto looked into black eyes, realizing it was another first between the two. I’ve never seen him without his Sharingan activated, the jinchuuriki thought. “Tell me, Itachi-san, does it hurt for you as much as it does for me?” He clenched his shirt in the area above his heart, feeling the familiar ache settling there, the one that always came when he listened to the music too closely.
“I am sorry, Naruto-kun. It was never my wish for you to be involved in this mess.”Naruto scoffed at that, “you talk as if we ever get to choose who our soulmates are. I’m used to Fate treating me like a punching bag. I’m a jinchuuriki and an orphan. Of course my soulmate would be tragic as well.” His laugh was bitter and cold.
Itachi frowned at him, “tell me Naruto, you are alone. Why don’t you run?”
“I can go from one to a thousand in an instant, I am never alone. Besides, if I capture you then I get to see Sasuke!” There, move the topic away from us. Focus on Sasuke. Focus on what you CAN change!
Sharingan eyes flashed at him and Naruto wanted to scream at the sight of them. Itachi’s eyes were far more beautiful in their natural state. “What is your attachment to my little brother?”
“He is my best friend. He is like a brother to me! I will bring him back to the village where he belongs!”
Naruto could have sworn that Itachi smiled at his response. “And if he doesn’t come willingly? Or what if he were to try and attack Konoha? What would you do then, Naruto-kun?”
“Why would he attack the village?”
“Sasuke is still naive. He could be painted many colors by those who wish harm. Would you protect the village against him?”
Naruto was confused, this conversation had taken a turn he hadn’t been able to predict. “I’ll bring him back and protect the village!”
The raven haired man chuckled at him, the sound surprising Naruto even further, “you are still so naive as well. Still, it cannot be helped.” Itachi walked up to him and placed a finger under Naruto’s chin. The touch sent an electric spark down the blonde’s spine and he had to force himself not to shiver. “Things are going to start moving quickly and I am sorry that you are stuck in the middle of it all. I am leaving Sasuke in your care, Naruto-kun.” Itachi leaned in, placing his lips firmly against the younger’s. 
Their melody crescendoed in Naruto’s head and his knees felt weak. He pushed up to meet the Uchiha’s firm lips, deepening the kiss with a small gasp. Itachi’s tongue traced the seam of Naruto’s lips softly before he leaned back with a sad sigh, separating the two. Naruto opened his eyes, not realizing he had closed them to begin with, and his world flashed red. 
“I am leaving you with a gift, Naruto. I wish things could have been different between us,” Itachi’s voice echoed around him before Naruto saw a crow fly towards him. It’s beak forced its way between his lips before making the trip down his throat, all while Naruto struggled not to choke. When the red world faded, he dropped to his knees and looked up at the other man. His eyes were black once again and Naruto forced himself to memorize the image before him. “Goodbye, Naruto-kun,” Itachi said before he disappeared and left Naruto alone. 
Kiba found him shortly after that, still on his hands and knees staring at the grass. The blonde boy got up and placed a mask on his face, ignoring his buzzing lips and the discordant notes inside his head. He pushed aside the sense of impending doom Itachi left in his wake and focused on the task at hand. He gave a terse nod to his teammate and off they went, searching for his soulmate’s wayward brother.
It was later that day, when they were all trying to figure out the mystery that was the orange masked Akatsuki member, that it happened. The strange plant-like man who Tobi addressed as Zetsu appeared with an odd apology for interrupting. He looked at Tobi before announcing “Uchiha Itachi is dead. Sasuke killed him.” 
Naruto fell to the ground as a strangled scream ripped from his throat.
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linssikeittomies · 5 years
Flood Plain - Banana Fish Fanfic Excerpt
I‘ve been in the throes of a severe writer’s block for several weeks now, but before it started I watched Banana Fish and started this fanfic. The first chapter is mostly done, but I might have to turn this whole thing into a one-shot.
Yue Lung had hit his lowest point many times in his life. The first time had been when he watched his mother be raped and murdered. The second was when Ash Lynx pulled the trigger without hesitation. The third was when Sing Soo Ling pointed a gun at him.
Yue Lung had meant what he had said at that moment – Soo Ling still had all the right to blow his brains out. He had betrayed the boy, blackmailed him, manipulated his brother, exploited his whole gang... Yue Lung wouldn’t have been bitter about facing his end at Soo Ling’s hands that day. His life goal may not have been accomplished, with some members of the Lee clan still running loose in the world, but at that moment he had just been so tired, so exhausted, struggling to draw breath when the hatred for his brothers wasn’t there to fuel him anymore. Alcohol had been just about the only thing that had kept him from staying comatose. As long as he had been drunk, he could at least get angry. And being compared to Ash Lynx really had pissed him off, he wouldn’t even have needed the champagne to get angry enough to slap Soo Ling. Insinuating that Ash Lynx had anything Yue Lung would ever be envious of was more of an affront than accusing a monarch of treason! He had been a vile snake, and if you asked anyone else but the three assholes who kissed his ass with glee, they would all say that bleeding out for hours hadn’t been punishment enough for him! That slut had had no right being happy, and he dared to go out with a smile! The only justice would have been that thrice-damned jap dying instead! Ash Lynx should have hated himself for all eternity for failing to save him. The way Yue Lung had hated himself. For being weak, for being cowardly, for being the exact thing he had vowed to exterminate from the world. For being the kind of person Soo Ling had to pity, for not being the kind of person he could look up to. For not killing himself when the last of his half-brothers had been eradicated.
Yue Lung hadn’t been grateful to Soo Ling for sparing his life, and still wasn’t. He wasn’t grateful for being forced to slave away until Chinatown returned to its normal state, but he didn’t resent Soo Ling for that, either. It was simply a duty he eventually felt like he owed to Soo Ling. Now that everything was stable, that duty was fulfilled. Chinatown was safe. Soo Ling was doing well, he’d been accepted into business school with Yue Lung’s recommendation, and was looking to a future as the CEO of Yue Lung’s group. He no longer pitied Yue Lung, much less needed him. The emotional tangle inside Yue Lung had slowly disintegrated over these few years. Thanks to Soo Ling, he no longer felt like a mere vessel for vengeance, or indebted to anyone. For the first time in his life, Yue Lung felt calm. At peace. His relationship with Soo Ling had evolved over the years to something resembling friendship. Soo Ling was forced to work with Yue Lung for an extended period of time, and as some sort of coping mechanism he came to think he actually liked Yue Lung, and started visiting outside of business. Yue Lung didn’t mind it much, if nothing else then Soo Ling was pleasant company the majority of the time. Besides, once Yue Lung would no longer be there, he would soon forget everything. Why not enjoy it while it lasted? Soo Ling made him feel normal, like someone who hadn’t been raised as glorified merchandise. They talked about their day, movies and economy, all sorts of mundane things instead of assassinations, poisons and shady business deals. Soo Ling had taken Yue Lung to a karaoke bar on his 18th birthday. They were both terrible singers. Yue Lung had returned the favor on Soo Ling’s own 18th birthday party, renting the whole bar so all his friends could come. They felt comfortable in each other’s company. Soo Ling came over often, usually bringing take-out Chinese food with him or forcing him out to eat because he knew Yue Lung drank more than he ate. Sometimes he helped Yue Lung get to bed, on the nights he was too drunk to make the trip himself, and he’d stay the night so he could lecture Yue Lung about it, all the while having just as bad a hangover as Yue Lung. At first these small signs of concern had irritated him, but with time he had come to appreciate them. Soo Ling could be harsh and demanding, but that was only because he had a strong sense of honor and demanded others to live up to it as well. It was thanks to that demand that Yue Lung was able to feel redeemed to some degree. At least there was now one person in the world who didn’t look at him with contempt. Just one person who would sit with him in the garden and gaze at the flowers.
It was quiet in the garden. Late spring afternoon, it was warm but not hot, sunny but not overly bright thanks to the thin sheet of clouds. Many of the flowers were yet to bloom, but the amaryllises and larkspurs were in full swing. The earliest risers had already been harvested, and if there was anyone left to take care of them, the seeds would be taken from the rest. The calla lilies and fox gloves would bloom much later. Come summer, and the garden would be bathed in pink and peach. Soo Ling had made fun of Yue Lung for choosing such girly colors, of course, saying he could have at least chosen purple. He didn’t know that the monkshoods were purple this year, as they always were. The pink ones just weren’t as pretty. On the off chance Yue Lung’s words would hold some weight after he was gone, he had instructed his staff to give a bouquet of every flower in this garden for Soo Ling once the oleanders flowered. He wouldn’t appreciate it, but since it would be a gift, he would be obligated to accept it. A gigantic bouquet of nothing but pink flowers. With any luck he’d be stupid enough to touch them without gloves. Would serve him right for bullying Yue Lung about his femininity. “See those bleeding hearts? I planted them just for you”, Yue Lung snickered around his wineglass. He had chosen gold heart specifically for the obnoxiously pink flowers, though he himself was partial to snowdrift. Unfortunately the gold heart was new, so it wouldn’t be reaching it full size until a few years later. Provided someone looked after it, of course, and Yue Lung wasn’t banking on that happening. “It’s your garden, dude. You’re the one who’s gonna be looking at them every day, not me.” “Come take a look”, Yue Lung said, standing up and walking to the flower. Soo Ling followed him with a smirk and a slight sway, thanks to the buzz from the booze. Despite his impressive size, he only needed to drink half as much as Yue Lung to get drunk. Yue Lung pointed out the largest flower. “I named it Soo Ling, because it’s the biggest bleeding heart of them all”, he chuckled. “Not because it’s the same color as my Asian glow?” “Its full name is Sing Can’thandlealcohol Soo Ling”, Yue Lung giggled, because he rarely passed an opportunity to tease Soo Ling about his alcohol tolerance. “Oh, shut up already!” “You shut up, you know it’s true!” Yue Lung laughed. He went back to sit back down while Soo Ling lingered at the plant. Yue Lung almost asked him what was taking so long, but then Soo Ling returned to him, with his namesake in his hand. He held it against Yue Lung’s ear, and nodded approvingly. “It would look good on you as an earring.” “Careful there, those are poisonous. You could get a rash.” Soo Ling threw the flower away in a panic, and then whined about how nothing in Yue Lung’s garden was ever safe. “Doesn’t stop them from being pretty”, Yue Lung mused. “Besides, I prefer cutting the middle man in my business, all my poisons come from here.” “You need a real hobby, dude”, Soo Ling muttered. “No time anymore. I’m going to kill myself tonight.” Yue Lung enjoyed watching the indecisive shock on Soo Ling’s face. He couldn’t tell whether this was one of Yue Lung’s dramatic jokes or a serious statement. He was too much of a nice guy to keep joking for the fear of Yue Lung being serious – which he was – but also not keen on being laughed at. “...why?” was what he finally managed to say out loud. Yue Lung shrugged and told his reasoning nonchalantly. “I just feel like it’s the right time. I’ve paid my debt to you, and I’m the only Lee left.” “...I think you’ve had too much wine”, Soo Ling commented quietly, as if Yue Lung didn’t habitually guzzle down twice the amount he had that day. He was barely even buzzed. “This is only my second glass. I’m not drunk enough to think my debt hasn’t been paid, you disagree?” “It’s not that! I don’t even remember borrowing money for you!” Soo Ling yelled, but worried. “Are you serious?” “Money? Now I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “That makes two of us”, Soo Ling said, dropping his head into his hands. He was reacting oddly. Yue Lung had expected him to just acknowledge the plan and move on. Not knowing what to say to that, Yue Lung distracted himself with his ponytail – long and silky, his pride and joy. Soo Ling would claim otherwise, but he was jealous of Yue Lung’s hair – he was always looking at, even dared to touch it when they were both a little drunker than usual. Long hair might have suited him when he was younger, but it would have looked odd on him now, with his much more masculine looks. Sweet sixteen had hit him hard and heavy, and he seemed to turn into an adult nearly overnight. He was much taller and wider than Yue Lung, not that there was much to surpass. He had stayed delicate and dainty, and he was glad for that. Yue Lung took another sip of his wine while Soo Ling gathered his thoughts. “You’ve already proved you’re different from the other Lees! You don’t need to kill yourself to atone for their sins!” “Wouldn’t that be hypocritical of me, though? Deciding who’s worthy and who isn’t?” Yue Lung chuckled lightly despite his growing annoyance - in the past, it would have been Soo Ling pointing out the hypocrisy, and now the irony escaped him completely. “Not that I agree with your point. I’ve made up my mind, and I’d appreciate it if you just shut up and let me enjoy my last day on Earth.” “Why does it have to be today?” “Why wouldn’t it be today? Your friends aren’t getting shot at every time they step outside their homes, and you’re doing well in school.” “Couldn’t you at least wait until my birthday? It’s not that far away.” Not that far away? It was almost two months to Soo Ling’s birthday! It wasn’t even a special year, nothing changes when you turn 19! Yue Lung sighed in annoyance. He wouldn’t have told Soo Ling if he knew he would make such a show about it. “What’s the point? Your friends hate me, and you always forget about me when Eiji comes in anyway”, Yue Lung pouted. Was that loser some kind of succubus? What was up with every man on the planet fawning over him like school girls over One Direction? “Well maybe if you weren’t such a bitch I’d feel like remembering you!” Yue Lung was this close to throwing his wine at Soo Ling’s face. It was bad enough that Soo Ling’s friends were either needlessly stiff or outright hostile with Yue Lung, the universe had also decided that Okumura Eiji had to be a sentimental little bitch and move to New York permanently so he could rub Yue Lung’s failures at his face. Seriously, what was so fucking special about that dweeb? Soo Ling practically kissed the ground at his feet, it was gross. “If you’re expecting to get in to my will with this stunt you can forget it!” Yue Lung could rewrite his will after he kicked Soo Ling out. He didn’t need to know that everything valuable was left to him in the current one. “Who gives a shit about your will!” Soo Ling groan-shouted and slapped Yue Lung on the back of his head, almost sending the wine flying. “I thought you were done hating yourself! You’ve been doing so great lately!” “Shut up already! What would you know?!” Soo Ling barely even flinched at the weak slap Yue Lung gave him. He just gave a frustrated sigh. the kind that meant he was debating just shaking Yue Lung “until the stupid fell out of his head”, like he had a few times before. Damnit, he hadn’t invited Soo Ling for this. They weren’t supposed to get angry at each other. Yue Lung didn’t want to spend his last day alive disappointing the one person who had never exploited him. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and counted to ten. Fine. If it was so damn important to Soo Ling, Yue Lung would come to his birthday party to be sneered at and ignored. But he would kill himself after that. “Whatever. If it makes you happy, I’ll come to your stupid party. I’ll even get you anything you want as a present.” “You promise?” Soo Ling confirmed gravely, staring Yue Lung challengingly straight in the eye, ready to blow up if the answer was anything but right on the mark. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s just stop talking about this.” “I won’t visit your grave if you don’t keep your word”, Soo Ling threatened. It wasn’t very effective, Yue Lung hadn’t expected him to visit anyways. “I said yeah, just shut up already you goddamn bleeding heart.”
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immortalpramheda · 6 years
The 100 ‘How We Get To Peace’
Well, things are really screwed up now. But it sure made for a very compelling episode.
Over in Shallow Valley, Echo is still hellbent on killing Shaw. Murphy is on board too, with doing whatever they have to do to survive. Even though Raven thought it was their best shot last episode, now that McCreary is back she has a better idea.
“What’s weaker than an enemy at war with themselves?”
Divide the prisoners, make them turn against each other, make them wipe their own people out. A civil war will give them time to remove their collars and escape.
And also, Raven doesn’t want to leave without Shaw. I cannot get enough of these two! Every time they are together my heart is so happy. It does take some careful flirting on Raven’s part to convince him to join them, but he agrees.
To make their relationship even more adorable, he refused at first to join them because he was worried about Raven’s safety. Umm, he was willing to put himself in danger to protect Raven!! I don’t think its possible love these two anymore!
And not to mention Raven’s smile when she was talking to him. When was the last time, if ever, that she has smiled like that? Seeing Raven this happy is such a welcome change from the pain she is always enduring.
A civil war is what they need, and who is the one to spark that into being? Murphy, of course. First, he lets slip to McCreary about the cure, which Diyoza had been keeping from him. She’s picking and choosing who get’s cured, and obviously McCreary is not on that list. She’s willing to let him succumb to his sickness.
And then Murphy literally starts the big conflict himself, by throwing a rock into the crowd causing a huge riot. Such a typical Murphy thing to do!
"This is my masterpiece.”
There was a lot of miscommunication this episode, most notably with Spacekru in the Valley and Kane. While Emori is busy removing their collars, Kane returns to the mayhem and tells them what he’s been up to. Scouting the land, preparing for the peace deal. But now, by starting a war, they have potentially screwed that up.
I just want to talk about how badass Diyoza is! She is five months pregnant and she can kick butt and protect herself all on her own. That fight scene was awesome! She’s a former Navy Seal, so the skills she has shouldn’t really surprise me, but the fact that she is pregnant while doing all of this just blew my mind!
McCreary is almost too strong for her, but then she lets slip about her child. Their child. So he is the father!! That gives her the chance to stab him in the neck. She’s a fighter, she’s a survivor, and I hope that she lives for a long time. I hope she gets her peace.
Their plan was good with the information they had. They didn’t know peace was a possibility, and unfortunately now they’ve potentially destroyed that for everyone. McCreay is now in charge of Shallow Valley. They have Abby as a hostage, a doctor to administer the cure, so she’s safe for now.
Over in the bunker, Clarke, believing she will be executed, has taken comfort in knowing that Bellamy will take care of Madi. She’d made peace with that. She’d accepted it.
But things may work out still, because Bellamy has a plan. One that will end with them traveling to the Valley, together. At this time, the plan seemed so hopeful, but as we know from this show, things rarely go to plan.
Bellamy and Clarke have done so many things together, and getting out of this situation should have been no exception. He poisoned his sister for her, he promised to protect Madi, and he promised they’d get out of here together. But unfortunately, things don’t end up going that way.
Wonkru will not follow Indra, they will only follow Octavia. They’ve begun to divide again into their old clans. Half of them think that is what they need to do, and the other half are loyal to Wonkru. There is tension building, and Indra is powerless because she wants peace, but they are determined to fight.
And then, in comes Miller. He riles them up and tells them they need to do what Bloodreina would have done, march on Shallow Valley and go to war.
Really Miller? I know that stuff happened in the bunker, but from all the wars they’ve already been in, does he genuinely believe that this is the right thing to do? Why is he this loyal? What really happened in the Dark Year?
Since that all fell apart, Bellamy believes there is one other thing that may work; give Madi the Flame and make her the new Commander.
Obviously, Clarke is not on board. Madi has been Clarke’s entire world for the past six years. She was supposed to keep her safe, that has been her whole purpose these last few years. Madi was hidden from the Flamekeeper’s as child to keep her from this fate. Clarke knows how dangerous being Commander is, and she is determined to not let it happen.
Madi is Clarke’s family, in the same was that the people Bellamy spent six years up in space with are his family. It sucks that Bellamy does not consider Clarke his family anymore, but the reality is that they were separated for all those years. She has spent more time with Madi than she ever spent with him. And now that he is planning to use her daughter to get his way makes her motherly instincts kick in.
It broke my heart to see Clarke chained up, powerless to do anything, physically hurting herself as she tried to escape. A clear parallel to last season when Clarke stole the bunker and chained Bellamy up to stop him from opening the door. He pulled against his chains as hard as he could because he needed to save Octavia, the person he loved most in the world.
As much as I hate that they’re fighting, I do understand where they are both coming from, even though it breaks my heart.
Gaia’s faith is still strong, but the last thing she ever thought her mother would come to her about is her faith. But here is Indra, saying that she wants Madi to take the Flame.
Madi is still terrified of it, and she knows that Clarke would never agree to it. But she trusts Bellamy, and he tells her that it’s the only way to save Clarke, and so she agrees.
There was some manipulation involved in that. Madi is a child, how is it fair to ask something this huge of her? Strategically, yes I see how it’s the best way. But surely they could have thought of another way, one that does not involve putting a target on Madi’s head.
But things, once again, go wrong because Octavia wakes up. When Murphy ate the algae on the Ark, he was in a coma for a week. But Octavia has a doctor, something they did not have in space, and she was only out for at most a couple of days. They really should have thought that through and poisoned Jackson too to be honest.
So, Octavia is now awake and says that her brother poisoned her. Jackson is a loyalist and demands that Bellamy be arrested, but Indra knocks him out. Everyone in that room was dealt with by Indra.
Indra loves Octavia as thought she’s her own daughter, but now it seems that their relationship is cracked beyond repair. Indra has betrayed her more than once. She is an enemy of Wonkru now.
Niylah, of all people considering what she did a few episodes ago, is the person who frees Clarke. Clarke, desperate to stop the ascension, pulls a gun on Octavia. But she is least of her worries, they both want the same thing. They don’t want Madi to become Commander.
It's Gaia and Bellamy who are present for the ascension ceremony. Poor Madi, even though she agreed, this still was kind of forced on her. I thought they were going to pull out, like last season when Clarke almost bluffed her way to becoming Commander. But they actually did it. Madi has the Flame now.
Clarke is too late, it was already done. She slaps Bellamy, who completely deserved it. He promised to keep Madi safe, and now he has put her in more danger than ever before. All Clarke ever wanted was to keep her safe, but now she’s in danger, all because of Bellamy.
When Madi wakes up, she seems different. The Flame contains the spirits of the previous Commanders, and from my understanding, Madi will be able to access knowledge and wisdom, but won’t be able to actually see memories or anything of that sort.
Madi uses that knowledge to speak to a guard who was ordered to kill them. He was a guard under Lexa’s rule, and Madi’s words make him bow down to her. As much as I kind of hoped the whole Flame thing was done and dusted, I do find this very interesting. What could this mean in the grand scheme of things? Is there something she could find in the Flame to help stop the war?
Clarke then kills the guard because she is not willing to risk anything now. Madi is reluctant to leave because Bellamy and others are in danger, but as Clarke says, they made their choice. They betrayed her, they broke her trust. I know deep down she must understand, but Madi is her family, her number one priority.
Clarke and Bellamy have switched roles. Clarke is using her heart, by doing whatever it takes to protect Madi. She is letting her emotions control her decisions. Look at how many people she has killed to protect her. Madi has even called her out multiple times, but Clarke still keeps letting the need to protect her overrule everything else.
Bellamy has been using his head, making decisions based on what is the best strategy. He poisoned his sister and he put Madi in a very dangerous position, things he would never have done when he was being ruled by his heart.
They’ve both changed and have butted heads because of it. It’s turbulent, that’s for sure, but I am confident that they will make up. It’s just that the situation they’re in at the moment is making it difficult for them to be on the same page.
Octavia is now forced to sentence the people she loves most to battle to the death in the arena. Her brother, Bellamy, and her mentor, Indra, along with Gaia. She puts on a tough exterior, as these battles are the Wonkru way. Anyone who is not Wonkru is an enemy, and that is what they’ve made themselves.
But when she’s alone, sitting on her throne, she sheds a tear. She shows some actual emotion. This proves that she is not entirely lost yet. Octavia is still in there. She feels some sort of guilt about what she’s done. Maybe she can come back from this still.
Well, that was a rollercoaster ride. Everything that could possibly have gone wrong, went wrong. Things are very messed up and it’s frustrating to watch I know, but that is the way we’re supposed to feel. We’re invested in these characters, and we care about them, and I understand how frustrating it is when they make decisions we don’t agree with. But they will get though this somehow, I’m positive that they will.
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beebundt · 6 years
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Okay so I totally wasn’t gonna, because I have like 4000 ocs and there’s no way I could choose just 1, buuuut this was my first real digital art that I did yesterday and I’m happy with it so I’ll Gush ^^
This is my Dragon Age Warden Ciara Rhys. She was born to two Dalish nomads (an elven clan) who had eloped because there were too many mages in the clan and one of them were bound to be casted out. When ger mother gave birth they realised that the two of them couldn’t raise a child, as they were barely surviving themselves. On the night of her birth, a human fisherman from a nearby village found them and instead of fleeing or attacking him, they requested that he take her in and raise her. He accepted, as that was what his dead wife would have done, but he was nervous about treating an elf as his own. He grew fond of her anyway.
Ciara grew up as the babe of the town, despite her race everyone adored her. She was friendly to all, despite what prejudices she faced. Her adopted father, Meurig Rhys, taught her what little he knew of reading and writing, for he knew that there was a strong possibility that she would be a mage as well and that she would be taken to the Circle Tower when she first showed her powers. (The Circle Tower is kinda like a prision for magesn where they can learn but they also are never allowed to leave) Mages were feared, and he taught her that. He taught her to be ready for the templars to take her, and to understand how important it was for her to know her place in the world. She accepted her fate with open arms and only wished to make everyone happy. She felt lucky that her life was so full despite the cards that she had been dealt.
When her powers did come, (and they came late) she told a neighborhood guard and he escorted her home to wait for Meurig to say goodbye. This was quite an oddity. To treat a mage (or an elf for that matter) with so much kindness, but she had won over the hearts of everyone in the town, and so she was given this nicity. Meurig had grown to love her as his own daughter and tried to convince her to flee-to go to the forrest and join with the clan that she had come from, but she only smiled and thanked him for his love and guidance.
In the circle she was treated as anyone else, save for a few who tormented her for her sex, race, or body. But this was to be expected. After a few years there was a templar who fancied her, and she him.(In fact she gets hung up on him for like 15 years until after she saves the world by killing an archdeamon but whatevvs) But she ends up getting recruited to join the Grey Wardens (a group of warriors that battle darkspawn) so she gets to leave the tower and go off on a quest to save the world.
Shes hecka bi, and actually leans towards women moreso than she does men (that has a big deal to do with how they treat her tbh) but she gets hung up on that one Templar guy so she never actually has a real relationship. She tries to persue relationships after she leaves the circle (esp because she hasnt seen him in years but whatevv) but they kinda fall through. She really likes sweet teas and scones, though they are very rare in her occupation. She connects with the fade(spirit world) on a level that she is unaware of but she loves to dance to its rythems. She also loves swimming, though otherwise shes not very active. She sleeps curled up like an infant, but will move in her sleep so that she is half laying on her back while keeping her legs folded.
She has a habbit of linking her hands loosly together in front of her chest in a way that is easily seen. ((Idk how to explain it through text but her fingers are intertwined with her palms facing up))She developed this tendency because she knows that her kind arent truested, and so to set others at ease she keeps her hands in view most of the time. Though she becomes a very powerful mage, she was not to begin with. She was also quite the passifist at first, and only used nature spells when she first started studying magic.
In a battle with posessed trees (Sylvan) she ended up getting a living wood staff that she uses. She’s not sure if there is a spirit tied to it or not.
I know you don’t know anything about this fandom but I really appreciate you letting me ramble on about my babes ♡
submitted by @myagletismissing
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i hope u like it and and and and THANK U FOR SHARING UR OC AND IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG AGAIN!!!!! i love em’ :’}
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javistgs-ficlibrary · 7 years
Unforgettable Fics
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Last year I posted my first Unforgettable Fics List (you can find it HERE). In that list, I included the stories that had left their mark on me as a fangirl, writer, and reader.
Those were the stories that pulled me into fan fiction, the first ones I read, the ones I think back on when I remember my earlier days in the fandom.
The fics in this year’s list are the ones that keep me here; the ones that inspire me, that prove that this fandom is still kicking, alive and well.  
Some of the fics you'll find here are very new, others are well-known classics I read (or re-read) this year.
Go ahead, take a look, you might find a new favorite among them.
Happy reading!
All the World Drops Dead by @andthisisthewonder
Peeta’s voice has been inside her head since she turned 14. She doesn’t know why they share a connection, and she doesn’t care. She likes having him with her. They comfort each other. Protect each other. Until he goes where she cannot follow. Until he enters the arena. (Based loosely on the film “In Your Eyes.”)
Peeta is reaped. Katniss stays behind in Twelve and follows his struggles on TV. Sounds a little bit like One Victor, doesn’t it? Well, that part of the premise might be similar, but the rest of the story is completely different. In this fantastic fic, Katniss and Peeta share an extraordinary gift that keeps them connected. Even though they’re miles apart, Katniss guides and comforts him. Spending her days glued to the TV screen, she stops him from eating poisonous berries and keeps him updated on his enemies' whereabouts. I’m really intrigued to see how this story is going to end.
Cadavres Exquis by @andthisisthewonder, @mtk4fun, @finnicko-loves-anniec, @xerxia31, @nancymay, @titaniasfics, @peetabreadgirl, @hutchhitched, @sandyeyes, @burkygirl, @geekymoviemom, @i-roaring-girl, @mega-aulover and @javistg 
After six years of radio silence came the call Katniss Everdeen had been dreading for years. Her mother, the last living member of her family, was dead.
Though it had been six years since Katniss had fled her hometown of Panem, she knew she had no choice but to come back and take care of her mother’s possessions, sell her house, get rid of the last vestiges of the life she once knew.
Organised by @loveinpanem. The principle behind this challenge was very simple. Each author was given a very tiny amount of world-building, (that summary you see above) and the last two sentences the previous writer created. From there, the sky was the limit. The resulting story was charming and funny, with unexpected twists and multiple visits to the bank while Everlark tried to solve a riddle they didn’t understand.
An awesome example of what it means to be a member of a creative community. I loved being a part of this!
Camp Mockingjay by @peetabreadgirl, @katnissdoesnotfollowback, @hutchhitched, @javistg, @appleblossomgirl0305, @titaniasfics, @xerxia31 and @burkygirl 
When Katniss agrees to spend the summer working with Gale at a summer camp, every choice brings her closer to an opportunity she thought she'd missed forever.
Another collaborative fic. This one was organized by @everlark-your-own-adventure. Following the principle behind the Choose Your Own Adventure books we read as children, readers were asked to choose between two options at the end of each chapter. Writers had to follow the story and adapt to the readers’ demands.
The resulting fic is as sweet as a summer adventure. Each chapter closely follows the storyline while showcasing its author’s personality and writing style. The last installment --an epilogue written by @burkygirl​ and @xerxia31-- is one of my personal favorites.
Cinders by @ghtlovesthg
Canon-Divergent AU. As rebellion starts sweeping through Panem like wildfire, Katniss quickly learns it will take all she has to keep her loved ones from getting scorched. Submission to PIP. Everlark. WIP
Katniss and Peeta find common ground when Gale and Delly are reaped. Defiant, stubborn, and too consumed by anger to think about the consequences, Gale challenges the Capitol.  In a shocking twist of events, his family pays the price. An intriguing fic, full of twists and turns that still has me at the edge of my seat.
Destiny by @xerxia31
“This would have happened anyway." Canon-divergent Everlark.
In the cave scene in THG Peeta implies that being reaped was the best thing that ever happened to him. Well, in the case of this fic, it is. The dread I felt while reading the introduction, quickly turned to excitement when I found the surprise @xerxia31​ had in store for us. A must read.
Dominion by @muttpeeta
Killing me would be a waste when you could leverage something much more useful out of me.“ Captain Peeta Mellark strikes a deal with his captor, the Empress Katniss Everdeen.
This intriguing one-shot shows Peeta as Katniss’s prisoner. I love the way their relationship evolves here, how they gradually learn to trust and care for each other despite their circumstances. 
Elaborate Lives by @booksrockmyface
Katniss had a normal life, two kids, a husband, and a great job. But it all turned upside down when she shook hands with Peeta and got the literal shock of her life. So how can they handle this delicate situation without destroying their lives in the process?
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics, and this is one of my favorites. Katniss and Peeta meet through their children, who are best friends. She’s married. He’s a widower. They want to be together, but they don’t want to hurt those they care about.
A lovely fic about friendship, love, and the inevitable pull of being with the one person who’s right for you.
Everything But Money by @mtk4fun
Katniss Everdeen learns how the other half lives, and finds love in this Everlark historical set in 1936 during The Great Depression.
@mtk4fun​ takes us through the toils and struggles of the Great Depression. In her fic, Katniss and Peeta face poverty, hunger, unemployment, and jealousy as they fight to find stability in a world that’s collapsing around them. Haymitch’s role as Katniss’s uncle is definitely worth reading!
First Love by @sothereff
Primrose Everdeen makes a friend in new neighbor Peeta Mellark and looks forward to spending her summer days with him at the creek. But when he finally meets her sister, Katniss, Prim finds she has some competition for Peeta’s time… and affections. Loosely based on the film The Man in the Moon.
 I love this version of Prim! She’s sweet and innocent at times, but she’s also as angry and hateful as only a teenage girl can be. And, while we don’t want to see her suffer, we all know this is a battle she just can’t win. 
Five kisses that should have been, and one that was by @muttpeeta
Katniss and Peeta keep meeting on New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, it’s just never the right time.
Everything seems to conspire against Everlark in this fantastic one-shot. They date the wrong people, they wait, they drink, they cry. Somehow, they push through. A wonderful read with a very satisfying ending.
If I Have You by @everlarkeologist
Everlark, months after their divorce. Written for the F4LLS charity drive.
Katniss wants Peeta to be happy. Why is he in so much pain then? A beautiful story of sacrifice and love that shows us how the pressures we put on ourselves can drive us to hurt those we love.
Kindergarten by @heyyouao
Katniss and Peeta meet in kindergarten and develop a relationship that will last a life time. Modern day AU. Rated for teens initially, although the rating will change as the story develops. This work contains depictions of child abuse which may be difficult for some to read.
This incredibly cute story follows Katniss and Peeta as they grow up as best friends. I especially like Peeta’s connection with the rest of the Everdeen clan --who immediately adopts him as one of their own.
Love Letters by maddmaddworld
You are my best friend in the whole world, and I promise you that you will never feel this much pain ever again. You are my heart, and I intend to keep it safe.
Love, Katniss
Sometimes it’s easier to write what we feel than to say it out loud. I love Katniss’s  reaction to Peeta’s letters in this fic, and what he says is as beautiful as what he writes. 
The Murder Game by @deinde-prandium
College AU fluff. 
This fic is a lot of fun. Katniss and Peeta survive a Murder Game by hiding in his room. With great parallels to canon and the cave scenes, this story seamlessly blends the world of Panem with a modern day AU.
Museum Marriage Proposal by @badnovels​
This is such a Peeta thing to do.
A sweet drabble that makes me smile every time I read it.
The Percentage of Us by @badnovels
Katniss finally believes Peeta when he says he wants her to stay.
How can something so wrong feel so right? A fic that leaves you reeling; dazed as you try to remind yourself that this particular version of Everlark shouldn’t be together, and still.. how can they be apart?
The Playdate by @awhiskeyriver
When Peeta’s son is having trouble in school, he thinks the last thing they need is to plan a get together with the source of the problem.
Daddy!Peeta faces off against Mommy!Katniss in front of Principal Abernathy as they each try to protect their respective children. Just that scene is well worth a read! But, of course, there’s more. There’s friendship, and love, and loss; the frustration of divorce, and the loneliness that comes with being a single parent. And then, there’s also some smut.
Procreate by Loudmouth Lamb
In a version of Panem where young men and women are bred in an annual ceremony to produce the next generation of manual laborers, Gale and Madge try to make the best out of the worst. AU (no Hunger Games). Mild Everlark.
I haven’t read a lot of Gadge fics, but this one is one of my favourites. Inspired by A Handmaid’s Tale, Madge and Gale are chosen to provide a child for Panem.  I love the balance between the two characters’ voices. Madge’s quiet dignity and strength shine though this story as she stares an angry Gale down.
Ruse by @purple-cube
“I should have volunteered to take your place in the first Games,” Gale tells him. “Protected her then.”
“You couldn’t,” says Peeta. “She’d never have forgiven you.”
Friendship and loyalty are tested in this beautiful canon-divergent fic in which Gale and Katniss are crowned as co-victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Forced into marriage, the best friends help each other find love and happiness. 
Silver Thaw by @eala-musings
Set during the Dark Days rebellion. A Capitol hunting guide and Panem Games Biathlon champion is enlisted to hunt down and capture a mysterious rebel troublemaker in the snowy mountains of District 13.
Once again, Peeta finds himself acting as a pawn for the Capitol. As the story unfolds, he realises things are not what they seem. Gradually, Katniss’s strength and resolve draw him in, and they become allies and much more. With perfect pacing, beautiful descriptions, and believable interactions between the characters it’s no wonder I consider this an unforgettable fic. 
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