#the whole data fiasco
plugnuts · 2 months
what a fucking year this week has been
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Sorrows and Despair
(just found out one of my favourite ST fanartists has deactivated 😔 really wanted to get one of their pieces back on my queue for later and. well. gone)
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rosy-crow · 3 months
Sephiroth is such a fucking wild character when I really think about it sometimes.
He was injected with alien cells in his mom’s womb as part of an extremely dubious science experiment, transformed into “part alien” because of it, was marked a successful specimen shortly after he was born, and then raised by a company as a product and weapon.
He got sent to war (ACTUAL WAR THAT ALSO INVOLVED GENOCIDE) at age 14 by Shinra as the first of his specific type of super-soldier, LITERALLY BY HIMSELF with no guide or mentor, but just the knowledge of his past training, a nameless sword, a few materia, and a picture of his missing mom.
He took command of a team of veteran mercenaries, got overly attached to them after just over a week had passed because they were apparently the first kind adults he had ever met + he had never known any semblance of a normal family, home or life, and then they all killed a bunch of people together on an island.
Halfway through Sephiroth fucking lost the photo of his mom like a classic little kid would except he was a child soldier, so he had to dig through literal corpses to look for it.
Meanwhile, his adult team started realizing the company they were working for was pretty corrupt and hmm, genocide bad. So they DESERTED to go save a kid that was the sole survivor of the people they had battled to extinction.
And Sephiroth COMMITTED TREASON ON HIS FIRST MISSION for them and to go help save the kid. But then he killed that same kid to save his team from a sinking island instead, who got really upset about that and left him to go desert their posts as soldiers hired by Shinra. Also, he somehow regained his mom’s photo during this whole fiasco but then one of his adult squad-mates kicked it into the sea in a fit of rage. Most pointless photo ever.
But that’s fine because then he just went BACK TO WAR and grew up through his teen years fighting in it, made two new friends with his fellow super-soldiers, nearly finished the war with them, and then they deserted too. One basically committed assisted suicide. One vanished completely and went ballistic.
Then Sephiroth ended up in his hometown on a mission, but he didn’t know it was his hometown because had no idea who he was.
He instead found a creepy weird room inside a reactor full of his dad’s unethical human experimentation, had a mental breakdown and a bad falling out with one of his former super-soldier friends who was dying and deranged, went to a basement library in an old haunted mansion, read a bunch of data on his own experimental creation and the project that led to his conception, believed a lie that he was the last of an ancient species, and lost his mind.
So he went and burned down his own hometown, killed a bunch of people, cut off the head of an eldritch alien that he thought was his mom and stole it to keep, got nearly cleaved in half by some farm boy, fell into the depths of a mako reactor (with the aforementioned alien head), and died for five years before coming back to destroy the world with a meteor. He briefly became a god around this time too.
He didn’t successfully carry out the meteor plan and basically died AGAIN, but this time he came back by using the forms of three random kids to rediscover his own personality because his memories of his past self were erased. He was resurrected, fought his mortal nemesis for revenge, lost again, and seemingly died for the last time but with a final statement about not really ever vanishing in full? Sure?
Also, his real mom is locked away in a crystal because she couldn’t kill herself thanks to being stuffed with alien cells. His dad never admitted to even being his father until his last moments and was just a devoutly cruel, horribly abusive scientist, that let Sephiroth go through all the previous shit just to see what would happen.
For some reason, Sephiroth can also traverse multiple worlds now too.
Oh and he has hair almost to his knees, cat eyes, goth leather club gear, and a sword taller than he is. He is 6’7/200 cm.
Oh and the wing! He has one random wing too. Sure.
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Absolutely bizarre character. There is so much wrong with him. It’s perfect.
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 15, Undermined - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, allusions to sexual situations, damning texts
Word Count: 2.5k
Previously On...: Bucky attempted to explain himself in an effort to regain your trust. You offered him an ultimatum: He cut off all contact with Jade Carthage and let you go through his messages with her on his phone.
A/N: Bucky decides to lay it all out on the line, showing Pocket all his texts with Jade.
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43 @wolfgirl21
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
There were hundreds of texts. Possibly thousands. You honestly had no idea he had been communicating with her this way so consistently. The first thing you did was check his deleted texts, but the folder was empty– though you doubted Bucky even knew how to delete texts, you couldn’t be positive he hadn’t picked it up somewhere. You made a mental note to yourself to hack into his phone’s data from your laptop later and check his phone records, and then hated yourself for having to resort to something so controlling. God, who was he turning you into?
The texts started innocently enough– questions about training schedules, protocols, general life in the Tower. All perfectly reasonable inquiries one would make to their new superior officer. But then came the requests– fixing her lights in her room, would he eat breakfast with her because she was so lonely? They began texting each other good morning and good night… every day.
She started calling him “sexy” and “handsome” as a way of greeting him. He never encouraged it, or reciprocated, but he never shut it down or told her it was inappropriate, either. 
Then, there was the evening after the Central Park fiasco.
Vix: It was really mean of you to make me walk all the way back to the Tower by myself, you know.
>> I know. I’m sorry. I just needed to talk to Pocket alone.
Vix: I could have been assaulted or kidnapped!
>> lol You’re a super soldier. You could wipe the floor with anyone who tried.
Vix: Aww, thanks Jamie <3
Vix: Did your girlfriend get over her temper tantrum?
>> She had a right to be upset. It was shit of me to forget about her like that.
Vix: What is she? A golden retriever?
>> lol
Vix: She was alone for, like, five minutes. She’ll survive. 
Vix: If you ask me, she was just looking for an excuse to be mad at you.
Vix: She obviously doesn’t trust you, which is so hypocritical.
>> What do you mean?
Vix: Come on, Jamie. You don’t really buy her whole bullshit story about her ‘friendship’ with Stark, do you?
Vix: I don’t care how rich he is. *No one* shells out that kind of money for someone’s education without expecting something in return. She obviously fucked him. 
>> She told me it wasn’t like that.
Vix: Don’t tell me you believe her! I know you’re not stupid.
>> Yeah, well of course I wondered.
“What the fuck, Bucky?” you asked, your voice rising as you stood up to face him. “Uh, which part?” he asked sheepishly.
“There’s more than one part that would have me asking ‘what the fuck’?” you asked, disgusted. Bucky just kind of shrugged his shoulders. “You seriously think I slept with Tony?!” “Oh, that!” Bucky looked relieved, and that concerned you, because if he was relieved that that was what you were upset about, what the hell else was in those texts? “I wondered about it when you first told me he paid for your school,” he said. “Back before we were really friends. But you said that you didn’t, and I believe you. I’ve always believed you.”
“Well, your text to Carthage sure makes it sound like you don’t believe me,” you argued. “Like you’re still wondering.”
“That wasn’t my intention,” he said softly.
“Yeah, well, and I say this with all the lack of respect it deserves,” you snapped, “your intentions are shit.”
Bucky looked down at the floor, no longer meeting your gaze. “Fuck,” you said, “I don’t even know if I want to read the rest of these,” you told him. “If that was something ‘well intentioned’ but there’s still things you expect me to get upset about.”
“No,” said Bucky, looking back at you now, “please– I want you to read them. I don’t want to have any more secrets from you.”
You sighed and sat back down. “I’m not even going to touch on you laughing about her calling me a literal dog,” you said as you picked up the phone and started reading again.
There were several selfies from Jade to Bucky of her in various skimpy outfits, asking for his opinion. Completely inappropriate, in your opinion, but Bucky would just respond with the thumbs up emoji, or occasionally “nice,” or “pretty.” 
What really got to you, though, were the late night texts. You noticed some of the timestamps on Bucky’s end were from hours after you would have fallen asleep. The idea of him texting her in the middle of the night, in the dark, while lying next to your sleeping body repulsed you, and you had to suppress a shudder.
What was worse was the context of them– it wasn’t anything salacious or sexual, no– it was his vulnerability. His personal thoughts and feelings, memories of his past and descriptions of his nightmares that he refused to share with you, telling you they were too dark, or that he couldn’t remember them. Even now, you skimmed over what he had written without really reading them, knowing that he hadn’t wanted you to be privy to those parts of him. It broke your heart to see him being so open with her, so lacking in defenses, when you had literally been right there, yet he’d kept you at arm’s length, all without you knowing it.
Vix: What did you tell her about the sparring match?
>> The truth. It was just an intense practice session.
Vix: So you didn’t mention your hard-on, then? >> That was just a physical reaction. The adrenaline from the fight. It had nothing to do with you.
Vix: lol Keep telling yourself that, Jamie.
>> Vix. Vix: Relax, I’m just teasing xoxo
>> Yeah, I know.
Your hands were shaking. “I fucking knew it,” you seethed. 
“Knew what?” Bucky looked like a deer trapped in headlights. 
“That fucking sparring match,” you said through clenched teeth, your eyes beginning to water. “I fucking knew there was something sexual going on between you two, and you lied to my god damned face! And then, what? You fucked me with the erection she gave you? God, I knew you looked guilty. I could see it in your fucking eyes!”
“Okay, yes, but no!” Bucky said. “Yeah, I felt guilty because I got hard during the fight, and I was worried you saw it, but it really didn’t have anything to do with her! It’s… it’s a thing that happens to me, sometimes. Doesn’t matter who I’m fighting with. It’s, uh, happened when I’ve sparred with Steve– ” You shot him a look, skeptical. “I swear; you can ask him!” he continued. “It… look, I’m pretty sure it’s a hold out from the… things… Hydra did to me. When they were turning me into the Winter Soldier. The details are hazy, the memories aren’t all there, but… I have… flashes… how they used to, uh, stimulate me, to get me to do what they wanted me to do.”
You looked at him, waiting for more details, but he didn’t offer them. He obviously still didn’t trust you with those parts of himself, even now. “But, I swear to you– as soon as I saw that look on your face, it was gone. I felt awful, knowing what you would think if you’d noticed. That killed it, instantly. When we were together, later, that was all because of you. It was all for you.” He took in your expression. “You don’t believe me.”
“Seems to be a pretty convenient excuse, don’t you think?” you asked. You felt like a bitch, on the off chance he was telling you the truth, if his erection had been based on the conditioning of decades of sexual abuse on top of the physical and psychological trauma he had endured, but he’d eroded your trust so thoroughly, you couldn’t help but doubt.
“You think I’d lie to you about something Hydra did to me?” he asked you, hurt. “Something like that?” You could hear the unanswered question in his voice: Something horrible we’ve both been through?
You shrugged, knowing you were being cruel. “How should I know? I’m not the one you’ve been sharing your secrets with, so I don’t know what’s the truth and what’s another lie.”
Bucky grimaced, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You, of all people, knew how shameful discussing sexual abuse could make one feel, but you’d always been honest and open with him about what had happened to you, because you had trusted him. It was hurtful to know he’d been through something similar and hadn’t afforded you the same trust in return, even though you knew you had no right to demand it of him. But he had given it so freely to her.
You went back to the texts, hoping you had read the worst, but dreading there was still more to come.
He told her about your fights. That was difficult to read, knowing that he had made her privy to the lowest points in your private relationship, and how she must have been eating it up. >> I just don’t know what more she wants from me. 
>> What more she expects me to do.
>> One minute she’s furious with me, and the next minute, she’s saying she doesn’t care.
Vix: She’s messing with you. Fucking with your emotions to show she can control you.
Vix: Why do you keep putting up with this?
>> I don’t know. Sometimes I
Vix: ???
>> Nevermind.
Vix: What, Jamie? You can tell me anything. I’m here for you.
>> Sometimes I just wish she was maybe a little more like you. More understanding.
You stared down at the screen, unable to move.
“Pocket?” Bucky asked, noticing you hadn’t scrolled in a few minutes.
“You don’t know why you keep putting up with me?” you asked him, voice barely above a whisper. “You wish I was more like her?” 
“I was upset,” he said, crouching down in front of you. “That was the night before she went to Malaysia, after I left our room, but before I got her to go to Gino’s. When I could tell you were pulling away, and I didn’t know why. I didn’t really mean it; it was just venting because you had me so confused.”
You stared off into the middle distance as Bucky tried to make eye contact with you, unable to look at him. “I feel like there’s this whole entire side of you you’ve been hiding from me,” you said, speaking to and through him simultaneously. “I don’t know this version of you, at all. And I don’t think I want to.”
“Doll,” Bucky grasped your hands, desperation entering his voice, but you didn’t have the energy to pull away. “Those texts aren’t me. You know me. You know my heart.”
You met his eyes then, the look you gave him full of loss, betrayal, and heartache. “I don’t think I do.”
Bucky’s face cracked; you’d never seen him look so defeated. He took the phone from you and scrolled to the very bottom of the text thread, to the most recent exchange the two had had, from the night of her ‘panic attack.’ Wordlessly, he handed the phone back to you.
Vix: Please, Jamie. I could treat you so much better than she can.
>> I told you, Vix. I’m not going to leave her. I love her.
Vix: But all you do is fight. I can hear you from my room, you know. I know you’re not happy.
>> We fight because of *you*. Please don’t make this difficult. I don’t want to ask Steve to reassign you for training.
Vix: Please don’t do that! I just want to be with you. I could make you so happy.
>> *She* makes me happy. She’s all I want. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it’s how I feel. I’m never gonna love anyone the way I love Pocket. That’s just the way it is.
Vix: You can’t deny there’s something between us!
Vix: I know you feel it!
Vix: We could keep it a secret. She doesn’t need to know.
Vix: You could have both of us.
>> Stop. I don’t want you. And to be honest, I’m disgusted you’d even suggest I cheat on the love of my life.
Vix: You don’t mean that!
>> I do. You need to accept it.
His last message was followed by a barrage of texts from Jade, begging him to respond to her, but he hadn’t. You supposed, in a way, that should make you feel better, but you were so emotionally exhausted, you couldn’t feel much of anything. All you knew was that you should have never read those messages.
“This… this is a lot to process,” you finally said, looking at Bucky. “I don’t really know what to do here.”
Bucky frantically tapped at his phone screen. “Block her number,” he said. “If cuttin’ her out’s what it’s going to take for me to start rebuilding your trust, then I’ll gladly do it. Pozhaluysta, Pocket.” Please, Pocket.
Mechanically, you went through the motions of blocking Jade’s number from Bucky’s phone. “I… don’t know if this is going to be enough, Bucky,” you told him, handing it back. “Those things I read just now… They’re honestly making me question everything. Our entire history.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes,” he said, putting his forehead to yours. “If this is just step one, then it’s step one. I’ll take however many steps you ask me to until I make this right.”
“You’ve gotta be one hundred percent on this, Buck,” you said. “Because if you’re not, if I find out that you couldn’t keep this promise to me, there’s no coming back. You’ll be the one who’s so iced out, it’ll make Siberia feel downright tropical.”
Bucky grinned slightly. “I’m positive, sweets,” he said, putting a hand on top of yours. “You’re all I want, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it to you if I have to.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him. It was just that, well, you didn’t fucking trust him. “FRIDAY?” you called.
“Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N)?”
“Please alert me any and every time Sergeant Barnes and Ms. Carthage have an interaction in the Tower going forward. I request audio and video footage be sent to me immediately should they cross paths.”
“Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N). For clarification, do you want alerts for physical, audio, or digital interactions to be sent to you?”
“All of it, FRIDAY,” you said, watching Bucky very carefully for any sign of discomfort or uneasiness over your course of action, but you saw none. “And do not allow an override without my express verbal consent and company password.”
The AI agreed and promised to alert you if any such interaction occurred.
“That was very thorough,” Bucky said, sounding somewhat petulant. “You really had to cover all the bases, didn’t you?”
“Well, I had to have someone I trust keeping an eye out on things,” you said pointedly. Bucky flinched, the expression on his face faltering.
“I am going to make this right, doll. I swear to you.”
“I’m tired of you telling me, Buck,” you said, really needing to drive your point home. “It's your last chance to actually grow up and start showing me.” 
<- Previous Chapter / Next Part ->
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sunsetcougar · 2 months
How does everyone at the hotel and of course Carmilla respond to the reveal that Vaggie is a Carmine when that data dump is sent down? Did Vaggie have an idea or was it a surprise to her as well?
Add in if you want how everyone (including our beloved chaggie) responded when Vaggie and Charlie were first allowed to return to the hotel after the whole fiasco.
Another long post! The plot bunnies keep multiplying and asks only encourage them.
The hotel residents are mostly surprised, even Vaggie had no idea that she was related to the Carmines. Charlie is nervous but also excited at the prospect of getting to meet Vaggie’s family. Angel is a little jealous that Vaggie is most likely going to get her family back, but he doesn’t show it. Husk is happy for her, from what he knows Carmilla is a good mom. Sir Pentious wants to know if this means he can buy Carmine products again. Niffty is Niffty.
The only one displeased about it is Alastor since he knows this will mean another overlord butting into the hotel and his territory, and he won’t be able to do anything about it. Charlie’s authority far outweighs his and she’d do anything for Vaggie.
As for Carmilla herself she opened the letter Vaggie sent her pretty soon after she got it since she’s not one for letting things sit. At first she didn’t believe it, this wouldn’t be the first time someone who learned of her missing third daughter tried to impersonate her to get close to the Carmines, but the more she reads the more legitimate it looks. The photocopies of the records match up with what Vaggie wrote, there’s no holes in her story. Plus the records have a couple portrait shots of Vaggie, one from when she was first kidnapped and one from a few weeks before she was abandoned, and she does look so much like the portrait Carmilla has of her daughter.
Carmilla doesn’t tell Clara and Odette of this at first, not wanting to get their hopes up only to be crushed. She spends a day pouring over every detail she was given before finally deciding it’s worth the risk and calling the number on the letter to set up a meeting.
As for the second half of your ask, Vaggie charged through the portal as soon as it was opened and nearly barreled into Angel, Charlie close behind. Vaggie didn’t stick around in the lobby for more than a few seconds, instead bolting up the stairs to her and Charlie’s room to go hide, once again with Charlie close behind.
That left the hotel residents staring after them, processing their sudden return. They’d begun truly thinking that Chaggie had been murdered in Heaven, but they were very obviously alive if more scared than any of them had ever seen them before. They want to follow and check on them, but also want to give them space. They opt to go with the latter option, knowing they have each other and probably just need time and privacy to work through whatever emotions they’re dealing with before they’re okay to talk to other people.
All except for Alastor who opts to follow Chaggie in his shadows, and finds them in their room, the door left open enough for him to peek in. Vaggie had dropped to her knees and was beginning to break down, everything she’d been suppressing over her time in Heaven bubbling up now that she’s safe. She noticed him out of the corner of her eye and faster than he’s ever seen her move she grabbed her spear and threw it, piercing the door and his shoulder.
They didn’t see Alastor for a few days after that. He melted into his shadows and just didn’t return. Which turned out to be for the better since his antagonistic nature wouldn’t have helped.
Husk ends up making both Charlie and Vaggie pretty strong drinks when they finally come downstairs, Angel makes the pasta dish he knows they both love, and Sir Pentious and Niffty get their door fixed and everything cleaned up. They can all tell that neither of them want to talk about what happened.
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cephalog0d · 1 year
Yeah I'm not done yet.
The thing I keep coming back to is that as much as I'm down to nit-pick things like how characters are written and plot details (and boy are there a whole infestation of nits to pick), what it boils down to is that the basic premise here shouldn't even be happening.
I get they're doing a Thing with Bruce and the after effects of Failsafe and Zur and Insomnia so sure I guess it makes sense to have him acting totally unreasonably. I'm not saying it's a plotline I'm thrilled with, but whatever. This is about everyone else.
You have half a dozen people routinely patrolling in Gotham, who've been doing it for years, who know the city and how it works, who have at least two people who are particularly inclined towards collecting and parsing data for patterns for crime fighting purposes, and none of you noticed anything amiss until Selina called and was like "Hey did you notice my neat new plan I've been doing?"
To that point, in a room full of literal canonical geniuses not a single person has thought to ask any of a dozen very practical questions that occurred to me, a non-genius reader, roughly 10 seconds after reading what The Plan was. Things like, oh, I don't know
How is this going to be a sustainable long-term effort?
For example, what happens when Gotham's wealthiest realize what you're doing and dramatically beef up their security (with tech or with actual people), making it much harder and more dangerous?
Like iirc you, Selina, have definitely had some real dicey situations as a result of your profession, and you're a lot more experienced than these people.
(Hey speaking of which isn't there a whole secret society of Gotham's wealthiest and most powerful who have access to nearly unkillable assassins? Who keeps coming back even though they keep being taken down? You think any of these people might belong to that?)
What happens when the rich folks get pissed and sic the heavily militarized GCPD on you? Don't act like they won't, I'm sure someone's squirreled away stuff from that whole Fear State fiasco.
For that matter, what happens when the costumed villainry figure out who swiped all their henchpeople and decide to object to it, presumably violently?
How many people are we talking here anyway that you're training? How many ultra-wealthy people live in Gotham? How many easily stealable things do they have sitting around to take? (As opposed to, like, other non-liquid fake assets like stocks)
How are you fencing all this anyway? Isn't that a great way to get caught? Or is everyone just stealing cash? (Or did nobody think about the part between "got the valuable thing" and "have usable money from it"?)
How on god's green earth did you ever assume this was going to end in anything other than violence?
Like of course one of your guys got killed. It doesn't matter that you told them no violence, even if they fully buy into that it only takes one panicked reaction when someone's home who shouldn't be, on either side, and there you go.
Look I get what they're trying to do. It's supposed to be a big moral quandary about whether it's right to allow some crime if it decreases other crime, the struggle between Batman being unreasonably violent and unwilling to listen and this new plan of Selina's. First of all that's a weird debate to have when everyone having it is technically a criminal to some degree. And second of all, it doesn't matter, this isn't about the morality, this is about how this plan is fucking dumb and was destined to fall apart even if Batman was still asleep and the fact that any of you are buying it just means there's a gas leak in Gotham somewhere.
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cheswirls · 16 days
here's another bc i like how it started <3
undercover op where ace sees Sabo behind the counter and immediately moves to play along
Sabo working as a barista in a fancy upscale cafe that businessmen in the area flock to in droves. He has register duty for the week and the screen system has already been wired so each card that's swiped gets the data pulled and saved to an external drive. When Ace walks through the front door Sabo does his best to smile through his teeth. 
“Is cash okay?”
“Sorry, sir, all we take is card.”
“Ah, no problem. Got one saved to my phone.”
“I’m afraid it has to be a physical card.”
“That so? Let me see what i have here. Will a gift card do?”
“We are not accepting gift cards at the current time.”
“Just my luck. Oh!” Ace smiles wide and pulls a silver card from his wallet. “Good thing i have a prepaid credit card on me! There you go.”
Sabo takes it with more force than necessary and swipes it through the system without looking. “Very good, sir. Anything else for the day?”
“Well, actually-”
Sabo's eyes fall open and his pupils are narrowed to slits. “That was rhetorical,” he hisses between his teeth, leaning just slightly closer to Ace so he can't be overheard. “Take a seat, Ace,” he says, saying the name Ace had given him to write on the order with such disdain but disguising it with a well-intentioned smile.
Ace is having none of it, planting a palm heavy on the counter between them as a warning to keep Sabo close. “Don't be like that, sweetheart. I was only curious as to when a certain barista would be off for the night.”
Sabo sniffs and pointedly leans back, looking at his nails and perfectly playing the part of pretending to halt a customer's advances. “Shop closes at six,” he mumbles.
“So seven?” ace tries. “Or six-thirty?”
“Closer to seven,” he mutters, then turns to accept Ace's ready-made drink and slams it onto the counter so he just barely avoids crushing Ace's hand. “There you are!” he announces, overly fake and plastic smile perfectly intact. “Enjoy.”
Ace takes the card he now suspects has no balance remaining and his too-expensive coffee and chooses to be petty and take a seat at the back of the cafe instead of leaving outright. This spot gives him the perfect view of Sabo, which he knows has the other seething, but hey. It's been some time since they've seen each other. The least he can do is enjoy it before it's all over.
“I had no idea you were seeing someone, sabby! You’re so cute together, too! Hehe~”
Sabo grits his teeth behind closed lips and works hard to not snap the after-rush checklist clipboard between his suddenly-taut fingers. “Cute is not a word i want to be associated with, especially not in this setting. And no, i’m not seeing anyone.” He turns sharp on his heel and points a finger threateningly at his teen coworker. “Unless any other thirty-something in a suit asks after me, and then you say i am not single. Understood?”
Aisa laughs behind a poised hand and turns her eyes to very blatantly look in ace’s direction. “No? Well if he’s not taken, maybe i’ll try my chances.”
Sabo holds back most of his strength when he brings the clipboard down over her head. She still whines and brings both arms up to shield herself, the little drama queen. “Don’t, he’s too old for you. If i let you flirt with men while on the clock, your father would have my head.”
Aisa sticks out her tongue, but the act of defiance is tamed by the shudder that runs through her frame. “Yeah, yeah. You always gotta ruin my fun.”
It keeps him sane, most of the time: getting to put a brat in her place. He hadn’t planned on being stuck in shifts with the owner’s own daughter, but his luck had always been down in the dirt. Adding him suddenly showing up out of nowhere was just the cherry on top of this whole fiasco. At least he only had a week left. If he could–
Sabo raises a brow at aisa’s enthusiastic waving and looks over his shoulder to see her target.
Of course it’s ace, at the door with his empty to-go cup, waving one-handedly in sabo’s direction.
Sabo crosses his arms in response, wanting no part in this. He turns back to snap at aisa only to find she’d stopped on her own, now content with leering at him from up on high. 
“Ohhh, i get it now,” she insists, making her voice extra bubbly for the added edge. “He’s your ex, isn’t he?”
The clipboard snaps in two before he can register the pressure he’d applied to it. Aisa frowns and grows quiet when she sees. She jumps off the counter and mutters an apology before hurrying into the back room.
Sabo can’t even blame her. He can’t even get mad. She’d been right, after all.
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mformarsala · 5 months
ok long-ish post with my thoughts on how tbb might end
Kinda of a fixed point we have is that Hemlock's research should be successful to a certain degree and lay foundation for cloning Palpatine.
My understanding is that Omega's blood function as a medium, substrate that allows to clone force sensitives while maintaining M-count. So you need Omega's blood and someone force sensitive.
Therefore, either Omega stays at the Tantiss (and tbb all die) or she stays just long enough for them to get enough blood (and than gets rescued by tbb)
While tbb casually kills a lot of characters it does not feel in the tone of the series to go the first glum route (and it does not really fit into overall plot).
I think there will be another time skip where they get enough data of Omega before she is rescued and it will serve to explain why after s3 the empire is no longer after Omega or tbb.
Plus partial success would explain why remnants of the empire are after Grogu in the Mandalorian. Say tbb rescues the force sensitive children and Omega, than the empire has enough of Omega's blood but needs more force sensitive children for experiments. And Hemlock is demoted because of the fiasco and it creates the delay till the Mandalorian in the program.
In s1e2 Cut says "You wanna know how to dissapear? Put being a soldier behind you and make a new life for yourself." so it seems likely to me that the ending of tbb is going to be akin the ending of the Mandalorian and they'll settle as farmers somewhere out of the way.
Maybe with the force sensitive kids, maybe they'll offload them onto someone "who can train them".
Emerie is probably going to defect and stay with the kids.
I hope clones imprisoned on Tantiss will be rescued by tbb. Omega keeps bringing it up for a reason, right?
Comandos... Tbb does not seem to be too focused on forcefully removing chips/programming so they'll probably be reassigned to other projects (in assumption that Tantiss closes at the end of tbb) or disposed off screen.
As I'm writing this I'm realizing that i see tbb ending either with a small farm just for tbb and Omega or a big farm for tbb and all the kids accumulated on the way. My money on the small farm though.
There is a possibility I suppose that Omega IS force sensitive and she goes with the other fs kids and tbb goes to live somewhere else.. But like the only thing that suggests that ending is that one line from Ventress. And I think the whole obsession with Omega's blood works differently. It's not confirmed high M-count, it's confirmed high M-count replication.
With how little Echo was in this season it does seem likely that the rumors are true and there will be another animated series. The story of Emerie, comandos, and freed clones might continue there.
Big question of course is the identity of CX-2.
Narratively I think the only option that makes sense is Tech. Plus observations I have seen online regarding speech patterns and fighting moves do seem convincing. However, I do have some reservations here. CX-2 is almost.. too good to be Tech? Absolutely no shade to Tech but he was always part of a team and not a sole operative and focused on technical aspects and his weapon of choice were pistols rather than a rifle. Idk if time skip was enough to retrain him.
CX-2's distorted voice is different from CX's distorted voice. On one hand Tech's voice is different from reg's so it's a point for team Tech. On the other CX's voice sounds nothing like clone's and it was a bit of a reveal in s2 that the operative was a clone so maybe it's neither here nor there.
The second obvious option that comes to mind is Cody. Rampart knows about CX program; a clone that expresses doubts regarding empire is send to a secret reconditioning program and if anyone asks "he went AWOL". I mean it sounds plausible. Plus Cody is usually depicted wielding DC-15 either carbine or rifle so it's perhaps an easier switch to the CX's rifle. Though this season noone is mentioning Cody so it does seem far fetched. Unless face reveal is like the final frame of s3 and is used to pivot into the new series.
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brisksunrise · 1 year
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Dipper knew that something would go wrong when Mabel decided they should revisit Hoo-Ha Owl’s Pizzamatronic Jamboree just a few short days after the whole Giffany fiasco. However, of the things that would do so, discovering that Giffany was living in a Fight Fighters cabinet was not one of them.
Upon recognizing Dipper, Giffany managed to reach out of the screen of the cabinet with a pair of glitched hands and grabbed onto him. Luckily, Mabel managed to unplug the game, but before Giffany fully disappeared back into the machine, the leftover data and code seeped into Dipper with an intense jolt.
At first, things seemed to be okay, but right away Dipper would notice that he had turned kinda pixely, as well as his own hair and eye color shifting to resemble that of Giffany’s.
It wouldn’t be long before Dipper started to experience more and more changes. He had become more excitable and seemingly girlish in several of his actions. Mabel would seemingly be right in stating that he had basically become like some kind of ‘shoujo heroine’.
To compound onto this, Dipper would discover that he had developed video game themed powers, and even a variety of stats that could manifest themselves in the way of visual text boxes. It was concerning just how much he felt strange compulsions to look and dress cute.
However, at the same time, there was a lot of curiosity about all of the things he could do now, as well as to what more he could do. All of this needed research... and written down.
If only Mabel would stop calling him ‘Gipper’
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seventeenlovesthree · 6 months
so, apparently there's plenty of death symbolism/metaphors surrounding, are you interested in elaborating that? including "indirect" death like spiritual death, character assassination or death of identity, somethjng along those lines?
- death symbolism surrounding Taichi, sorry, somehow I pressed ask , sorry for my blunder
It's fine, no worries, I already assumed that it was referring to Taichi! If you think about it, several characters in Digimon Adventure have been dealing with the subject of "death" one way or another, most in direct association with someone (human or Digimon) close to them.
Now, if we look at our favourite main character, riddled with traumatic childhood experiences and questionable coping mechanisms, there is a bunch of instances where he had to deal with the potential of death happening in front of him or CAUSING death himself - either to others or himself -, so it should not be surprising that, at some point, he may have dissociated himself (mostly subconsciously, I'd say) from being a Chosen Child. Whiiiich may or may not have led to Kizuna's events, but yeah, it's count the instances first, shall we. TW: death, mental health.
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The whole Hikarigaoka incident: While Hikari was scared too, she was still much younger than him and couldn't grasp the implications of what was happening there, while Taichi did EVERYTHING in his power to protect her and himself from not getting crushed by the two Kaijus in front of them.
Him almost causing Hikari to die due to his (still existing) sense of childlike innocence: Yes, she was sick, but he thought she was already on the way to recovery and only took her to play football to cheer her up. That's where he first had to face that good intentions don't always lead to positive outcomes...
The SkullGreymon fiasco: Again, he intended to do good for the sake of the group, but overlooked the bigger picture and became reckless, thus causing his partner to evolve into a literal symbol of death and decay in the process. Something that may have happened to the ENTIRE group if the Digimon hadn't run out of energy...
The electrical fence and its aftermath: This one has several follow-up points, but I still think it's suitable to summarize them all here - first of all, there is him being confronted with the idea of actually dying by getting electrocuted after he was 100% convinced that nothing they did mattered, since they were "just data in a computer". Once again, he was being reckless and careless - not only did it lead to almost killing himself, but in extension, also dooming Sora, whom he failed to save. Overcoming his cowardice, finding his own sense of courage eventually led to victory - but also led to him disappearing and roughly 50% of the remaining group ended up thinking that he had actually died in the process. Meanwhile, he was back in the real world and had to choose between saving only himself, or everyone else as well... And we all know how the answer to this turned out to be.
Him almost causing Hikari to die AGAIN: Of course there have been several instances of death before and after they re-entered the Digital World again, leading to the eventual "fallout" between Taichi and Yamato in regards to how they should deal with the immediate danger at hand... But the most devastating instance here was Taichi reliving his early childhood trauma, fearing that, by taking Hikari with them, he made the same mistakes again, acting thoughtlessly, not considering the circumstances... He has been acting self-sacrificial for the sake of the group before, but it's this arc that shows that he is actually ready to die if he can at least manage to save everyone else in the process (hence why he ended up fighting with Koushirou as well, because Taichi forbade him from taking on any pain himself and Koushirou was having none of it).
Let's not forget that, during the events of Our War Game - and all the follow-up movies, especially Diablomon Strikes Back -, he was also under immense pressure: To save the entirety of Tokyo from getting blown up by a missile and every other side-effect that Diablomon may have caused in traffic or elsewhere... And once again, his own hotheadedness may almost have caused his partner to get killed, to the sense of guilt plays a huge role in here as well...
02 portrays Taichi as matured, it showed that, while he still occasionally needs to get reminded of it, he KNEW that he has to make uncomfortable decisions sometimes; of course he almost despaired when his partner was being captured and corrupted, but he also realized that he may have had to sacrifice him for the greater good; he needed to remind Hikari that the new kids never had to deal with the same kind of death exposure before, but warned her - with quite a grim, but serious expression - that they would have to face it eventually. He grew aware of their duty throughout all this time, through all these experiences, and it's not pretty, but at this point, he was still ready to act.
Tri picks that point of the story back up again by mirroring Meiko's fate with his own - at least to some degree. Once more, they had to face the possibility of having to kill a beloved partner Digimon and at this point, Taichi was questioning whether or not recklessly sacrificing infrastructure and lives for the sake of fighting was the "right way" to deal with everything. It may have felt a bit like recycled conflict at this point, but it's been several years by now, and Taichi is, overall, contemplating his life choices, contemplating his diplomatic future, the status quo AND his "duty" as Chosen Child.
It's through the course of Tri that he: Watched parts of the city get destroyed ONCE AGAIN, almost died through the course of several fights and an earthquake-like blow, had to witness his teacher - whom he greatly looked up to - sacrifice himself, covered in wounds and blood, to save him AND their missing friends... And all that after Daigo told him that they lied to protect them and that he should move on and create a better future... Thus, Taichi decided to go for the kill again. Again, he didn't like it, again, he got reminded by Hikari of all people how terrible it all is, but he knew that he had to.
Kizuna chose a similar premise to Meiko's once again - first of all, if we look at everything above, is it really a wonder that Taichi probably developed some fatigue? We all know, see, can tell how much he loves Agumon - hence why he did end up horrified by the prospect of losing him. And as I pointed out before, he did use the fighting for the sake of having a purpose, because... Who else was he if he couldn't "lead" anyone anymore?
And since the rest of his young adult life was pretty directionless... Can you really blame him for it? The amount of nightmares, the tiredness, the PTSD the previous experiences may have caused in him could never be treated by a "normal" therapist - who could ever relate to all of these things that sound incredibly supernatural and like nothing an adolescent should have shouldered all by himself? Heck, he isn't even able to talk to his friends about it at all (even if stageplay!Agumon told him to!), just swallowing it all by himself, dealing with the thought spiraling in his head on his own.
Hearing Menoa tell him that she lost her partner, making it all sound like a huge punishment for making the wrong choices... It may have rang several alarm bells in Taichi. How often must he have dreaded making the wrong choices? How much guilt must he have felt for the sake of Hikari, Meiko, Daigo, everyone he temporarily let down by hesitating or acting out in the wrong moment, let it be Yamato, Sora, Koushirou, Daisuke... Now there's this young woman who asked him to figure out a way to fix a problem she couldn't herself, a problem that may separate him from his soulmate forever and for what? Because he grew unsure of himself, because he faltered, because looking at all his friends, who found their paths, had become painful and tiring. Because, even after coming to temporary answers, he didn't know who he was and who he wanted to be anymore.
He had to choose to fight so many times, he sacrificed himself as much as he could. Then there was the prospect of fighting Menoa with two possible outcomes: losing would lead to his own death (or "loss of self" since he would have his consciousness be trapped forever in a neverending dream of his childhood), winning would lead to the death of his partner anyway... It must have been dreadful.
When it comes to the different kinds of "deaths" you mentioned, I will try to summarize this quite shortly, even though they're definitely interesting angles.
I believe that a "death of identity" is basically what I have outlined above - while it mainly focused on Taichi's (decline of) mental health, which may also have resulted in a tendency to isolate himself, Taichi's journey is basically some kind of Lion King analogy, where he starts as your typical head-through-wall protagonist, but has to deal with the aftermath of cowardice and the consequences of his choices - and does so by running away from the pain FIRST. From himself and his responsibilities. He also could have chosen to let Menoa win and let his consciousness be turned back into that of a carefree child... But he chose not to let that happen.
Because deep down inside, there IS his path. There are his values, his persistence, his belief system. He's been on the brink of a breakdown, but it's all there. Hence why I really, really, REALLY want to WATCH him getting to his "Simba strikes back" phase at some point, since we only ever saw it implied by the end of each, Tri, the stageplay and Kizuna. We KNOW he will push back, but we have yet to see in what way, if he ever got therapy and how he's actually doing - mentally, physically, spiritually.
Speaking of which, "spiritual death" is a bit harder for me to grasp in his context, but considering how his sense of guilt and fear of cowardice have led him to (temporarily) turn away more and more from his true self, his natural sense of courage and more positive, outgoing attitude... It all leads me back to him having lost his sense of self. I will never forget the feeling of how my stomach dropped during the "depressed adult" scenes in Kizuna. Again, I want to give this movie props for depicting adulthood like that, but it really hurt and felt way too relatable.
And I guess in this sense, we can also talk about "character assassination", because... As you may have noticed, I have linked quite a few analysis posts in this answer, because I have been trying to analyze and understand Taichi for MONTHS now. And sometimes, I feel like I may be trying too hard - who knows me also knows that, while Taichi is one of my favourite characters, I also have my fair share of problems with the AMOUNT of Taichi suffer p*rn in the OG timeline (and I still maintain they only made Taichi as generic as he was in the reboot to avoid these allegations). Some may argue that it's all over the top and that they keep recycling the same conflict (for him and in general) over and over again for the sake of even HAVING a plot to revolve around (which also wouldn't contradict the epilogue too much and actually leading towards it eventually).
For me, it has been interesting to look at all of this in context, as heartbreaking as it is sometimes. Mental health is a serious issue and watching a character like Taichi experiencing at least some form of implied depression after everything he went through tells you that everyone can get affected by this. Even if your experiences won't involve several instances of near-death-situations, even if you are resilient and have a lot of social, mental and physical resources to deal with set-backs or intense, difficult situations... It may still happen. And it's important to show that there are ways to deal with it as well as you can. That there is hope, even if things are not 100% alright.
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
Asking them about their family for 00q, pretty please! 🙏🥰
Thanks for the prompt, Alex! This is admittedly a bit of a twist on it, but you and I both enjoy a bit of ambiguity, so I thought I'd be forgiven for it!
You can read it below or on AO3.
Enjoy! 💖
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It’s only Bond, Q tells himself. He’s just a man, for goodness sake. This whole situation is proof of that.
Q clears his throat and gestures for Tanner to give them some space in the lab, then wishes fervently for the ground to swallow him whole. He grips the edge of his desk. Perhaps, in the next three seconds, he’ll think of a way to give Bond some mind-reading powers so they can avoid a conversation. Hardly worth the risk, normally, but on this occasion…
“Before you go, 007, I’m er—”
“Spit it out, Q.”
“Right. Yes. I’m going to need you to change the password for your company-assigned laptop.”
Bond narrows his eyes. “Aren’t you a bit overqualified to be delivering messages usually sent by automated prompts?”
“And here I thought I still had too many spots to be qualified.” Bond gives him a look and Q remembers why jokes are a terrible idea in times like this. “You’re right, I am usually. But given the security fiasco with Denbigh and the merger, I’ve been doing some manual audits. Your password passes most requirements, but it’s—”
“—easy to guess,” finishes Bond. His hand twitches. Whether it’s out of annoyance or the desire for a strong drink, Q doesn’t know. He sympathises with the latter thought—he could certainly use a scotch or two himself.
“Yes. It’s linked to your file, and therefore a security risk. This isn’t something a computer would normally pick up, especially with the state of our backend systems. I’m sorry, Bond.”
Bond’s face remains unreadable, but he nods and promises to sort it out as soon as he gets back to his desk.
For a moment, Q is pleasantly distracted by the thought of James Bond sitting at a desk in an open-plan office, a human like the rest of them and just as subject to the indignities of hierarchy. Q wonders if he drinks coffee out of that awful, too-small company mug everyone’s got, or whether he’s put a few government-issued pens in it instead. Neither, probably. Bond has taste. Q would put money on him favouring better coffee and pens.
“Good,” says Q with a thin smile. “Good, thank you. You’re free to go, then.”
While he tries not to choke on the awkwardness in the room, Q turns toward a half-finished surveillance device on his workstation.
“Thank you.” At the look Q gives him, he elaborates. “I can’t imagine everyone else who failed your security audit got the personal attention of the Quartermaster.”
That’s true. All the other agents and analysts who failed it got emails written by one of his graduate techs. Q tries not to linger on the thought that he’d probably have gone out of his way to talk to Bond anyway. Thinking about it for too long would mean interrogating why, and he’s fine with living in ignorance on that particular subject.
“Let’s call it luck of the draw.”
His discretion is awarded with a rare smile. He carries it with him until two days later, when he does a follow-up check of the admin systems. It reveals a clean sheet of secure passwords.
Q leaves dealing with Bond’s for last. He knows the man has more sense than to make the same mistake twice, so Q could leave unchecked. It’s not as if it matters whether he knows the password or not; he has full remote access to everything on Bond’s laptop anyway.
But he’d be naive to believe most passwords didn’t reveal some secrets about the person whose data they hide.
Q isn't sure he's ready for more of Bond's secrets.
No favouritism, he reminds himself. You’ve checked everyone else’s. God knows Bond already gets handed enough exceptions around here.
With that rebuke to himself in mind, he clicks the button to reveal the new password.
He taps his pen on the desk twice, then laughs. There is no mention of Delacroix, nor any other baggage-laden names in Bond’s file.
Instead, translated into an agent's approximation of leetspeak, blinks the word Temeraire.
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chopper-base · 1 year
Dead Among the Living
Summary: Fives knew he had a target on his back. The Chancellor himself wanted the ARC dead. With the help of his brothers, he faked his death and went into hiding. Though the news of a resurrected Domino may have him coming into the light-
Warnings: mentions of death, past trauma, Canon typical violence/Canon violence, cursing
This was originally for day 2 of @tbb-appreciation-week but I procrastinate and apparently can't get my shit together-
Prompts: Echo, No order 66 AU, Touching foreheads, "This wasn't supposed to happen"
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Chapter 1
Officially, I'm dead. Any document you find on my death will tell you I "lost it" and Commander Fox took me out to save lives.
Unofficially, we planned for this. When I found out about the Chancellor, I confronted Fox. I didn't think he'd believe me, but he did. We both knew the only way I was getting out of this fiasco alive was if everyone else in the galaxy believed me to be dead. So that's what we did. As of this moment, a total of 6 people know I'm still alive. Unfortunately, that number probably isn't going to change-
"Fives! Stop talking to yourself and get up here!"
Fives sighed, turned off the holo recorder and stuffed it in one of his belt pouches.
"I'm coming! I'm not deaf!" Fives stood up from the consol he had been seated at, moving up towards the cockpit. The moment he stepped in, a ration was pelted at him, hitting him square in the face. "Gah-! Cross!"
The sniper sent him an amused smirk, his arms crossed innocuously over his chest. He didn't say a word as Fives bent down to pick up the ration bar, unwrapping it and taking a bite. Fives kept their eyes stubbornly locked the whole time, glaring blunt daggers that they both knew meant nothing more than annoyance.
Across the cockpit, Hunter cleared his throat loudly, calling everyone's attention. "Fives, Crosshair, enough. We've got another mission and it's gonna be complicated."
Fives took another bite of the ration bar as Crosshair shrugged. "When is it not?"
Hunter cut him a look of slight annoyance. "It's complicated because we are going to be working beside the 501st." The Sergeant turned his gaze back to the ARC. "Specifically under General Skywalker and Captain Rex."
Fives ran his hand down his face. "Yeah, that makes things complicated…" he looked back up at Hunter, "Rex will recognize me in an instant. As will half the 501st."
Hunter nodded in agreement. "Which is why I'm a bit confused as to why Commander Cody specifically asked for us on this mission."
The ARC gawked at Hunter, bewildered. "Cody?! Why the hell would he put us with the 501st when he knows I'm with you lot?!" Fives pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. "He's specifically been keeping us away from anyone that would recognize me for months!"
Hunter crossed his arms, his shoulders falling in a light shrug. "You might have to stay in your bucket the whole mission. The Commander said he'd explain more when we land on Anaxes."
Fives looked past Hunter to watch the swirling lights of hyperspace. "Cody's gotta have a reason, right?" He met Hunter's gaze. "A really good reason. He knows how important it is to keep me hidden. He wouldn't jeopardize the entire war just for some mission."
Tech spun the pilot's chair around to look Fives in the eye. "You are correct. You remaining 'dead' is imperative to us finding a way to shut down the behavioral modification chips in the rest of the GAR."
Fives motioned to Tech but kept his gaze on Hunter. "Which is why I shouldn't be going anywhere near the 501st. What could possibly be important enough to risk this?!"
Hunter grabbed a datapad off the copilot's seat, handing it to the ARC. "All we know is it's a data retrieval mission in the middle of Separatist controlled space."
Skimming the information on the datapad, Fives glanced back up at Hunter. "We've run this kind of mission several times solo. Why do we suddenly need jedi backup?"
Hunter shrugged, unable to find an answer for the ARC. Fives handed the datapad back before turning to leave, finding himself unceremoniously crashing into the seat of the tail gun moments later. Fives let his head rest against the back of the chair, his eyes falling closed as he sucked in a lungful of the recycled air in the small ship. The soothing hum of the engine had the ARC slipping in and out of consciousness, letting the time fly by as the swirling blue of hyperspace lulled him further into a dreamless sleep.
Something grabbed Fives' shoulder. Jarring awake with a start, Fives whipped his head around in search of a threat, only to be met with a pair of mismatched eyes and a familiarly warm smile. The tension melted from Fives' shoulders like ice.
"Sarge told me to wake ya and letchu know we are about to land," he explained before promptly turning and walking back towards the front of the ship. Fives let his head fall back against the headrest, taking a shaky breath before getting down from the gunner's nest to follow Wrecker. Through the cockpit view port, Fives watched as Tech piloted the Marauder down towards the planet, landing strip gradually coming into view. He could tell by their speed that Tech was about to do one of his 'fancy' landings as Fives had taken to calling it.
Hunter patted Fives' shoulder to get his attention. "Crosshair's agreed to leave his bucket on for the duration of the mission to keep some of the heat off you, but it's probably best you don't talk too much."
Fives glanced over at the sniper where he was leaning against the wall. Crosshair nodded to him, a small smile crooking his lips. He smiled back as Crosshair spat out the toothpick between his teeth, pulling his bucket over his head. He turned back to Hunter, giving him a nod before walking back to his bunk to grab his own helmet. He felt the ship lurch and turn quickly, causing him to crash into his bunk with a string of curses. Fives would be shocked if there wasn’t at least one decapitated trooper when they touched down. The landing gear touched down with a rumble Fives could feel in his chest, and only when he felt the ship’s weight settle did he know it was safe to stand up without risk of getting knocked back on his shebs. Fives promptly snatched up his blasters and shoved them into their holsters before rushing to the cockpit. The rest of the batch had donned their helmets, doing a final double-check of their gear to make sure everything was as it should be. Hunter strode up to throw open the ramp and the rest of the batch filed out after him.
"The cavalry has arrived!" Wrecker boomed.
Fives had to fight to keep his breathing steady when he noticed the three other troopers standing with Cody. The last time he’d seen Rex was when he’d watched the light leave his eyes and felt his body run cold in his arms. Now, he was standing before his Captain, alive and well and unable to say a word to ease the grief he knew he had caused. Beside Rex stood Jesse and Kix, both wearing looks of confusion as they surveyed the batch. Jesse now probably wore ARC armor, but he still had the republic cog painted brightly on the front of his helmet. Fives recalled the day he had returned with that same cog tattooed on his head. Fives had given him shit for it for weeks and Kix had been no different. Kix had grown his hair out to a regulation cut which surprised Fives. He always had those designs shaved into his head and Fives had helped him re-shave it on several occasions. His tattoo peeked out from under his hairline , hiding the rest of the phrase behind his tight curls.
As they approached the group, Hunter removed his helmet, holding it firmly against his side and extending his other arm out to Cody. Meeting him halfway, Cody grasped Hunter’s hand in a firm, professional shake.Tech followed suit, easing his helmet off and surveying the three 501st troopers before them.
"Sergeant. Good to see you again," Cody said, letting his hand fall back to his side.
Hunter offered a smile, nodding. "You too, sir."
Cody turned to the other three troopers, motioning to the Sergeant. "This is Hunter."
Rex nodded, looking Hunter over. Jesse and Kix were still visibly confused. Fives tamped down on the snicker that threatened to spill past his lips. He knew the batch didn't look like any clones they had seen before. Wrecker was an absolute mountain of a man and even though both Tech and Crosshair looked more like the average clone than Wrecker, still stood four inches taller than average.
"Sorry we’re late, Commander," Hunter apologized "We had just finished putting down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in. Had a few unforeseen… complications."
Wrecker’s booming laughter echoed across the landing platform, causing other troopers walking past to stare at the group. "Ever fought a male Yalbec?" he challenged, looking between the three regs.
Jesse shrugged uncomfortably. "Um… No. Can’t say that I have."
Wrecker cackled , swiftly pulling out his large vibroknife. "You’re lucky! Only way to kill ‘em is with one of these!"
Hunter chuckled, shaking his head. "That’s right. Wrecker here cut off the queen’s stinger while she was still alive."
Wrecker slid the knife back in its sheath, the confident, borderline cocky smile never leaving his face.
Hunter looked back at Wrecker with a challenging glint in his eyes . "That's why all those Yalbec males tried to eat us."
"Ah, technically,” Tech cut in swiftly, “they were trying to mate with us. And, for your information, the stinger of a Yalbec Queen is a delicacy on some planets."
Cody smiled and motioned to Tech. "They call him Tech." he explained shortly.
Hunter nodded, turning to the regs. "Yeah, he can fill your head with useless info for hours." He motioned to the sniper behind him. "Crosshair, on the other hand, is not much of a conversationalist, but when you have to hit a precise target from ten klicks, Crosshair’s your man." He turned his gaze back to Cody, his helmet shifting in his hands. "So, Commander, what kind of suicide mission do you have for us this time?"
Cody motioned to the parked gunship on the other side of the platform. "Let’s get going. We’ll brief you on the way."
The group followed Cody across the landing strip, loading into the LAAT. The batch stayed on one side as the 501st piled into the other. The ship took off quickly, the doors sliding closed once they were already in the air.
Jesse was watching the batch closely, his eyes falling on Crosshair who's helmet hid any expression from view. "What are you looking at?" he accused, glaring at the sniper.
Sniper shrugged with an amused huff that was barely heard over the engines. "We don't usually work with regs." Fives could hear the smirk that had wormed its way onto the sniper's face.
Jesse only glared harder. "Regs?!" he hissed , taking a menacing step towards the sniper.
Hunter quickly stepped between Crosshair and Jesse. "He’s talking about regular clones,” he clarified, calm and placating “But don’t take it personal."
Cody set his hand on Jesse's pauldron, the ARC looking back at the commander. "We’re all on the same team, so cut the attitude and listen up,” he instructed, stern and no-nonsense “Here’s the mission: Our target is this Cyber Center." Cody pulled out a holo projector, a map of the Cyber Center illuminating the ship in cool blue light. "It’s the brains of the entire Separatist campaign here on Anaxes."
"I could demolish that with one hand. Yeah!" Wrecker bragged, grinning wildly as he, pumped his fists in the air.
Though it was clear that Cody found Wrecker's excitement amusing, he cut him off. "This isn’t a demo job, Wrecker. It’s strictly a retrieval operation."
Fives watched as Wrecker deflated a bit with that news but the big guy was still clearly smiling. It was then Fives noticed Rex was staring at him. Specifically, his eyes seemed to be glued to his shoulder armor which Fives realized had the same Rishi eel painted that his old helmet did. Fives mentally facepalmed at his own stupidity. He had kept the design as a reminder of who he used to be, not thinking about the fact that it was his identifying mark within the 501st. Though it was evident Rex was staring at it, he never said a word.
Fives reached for one of the handles above his head as the LAAT shook, causing almost every clone to lose their footing.
"We're going down!" Wrecker yelled, his laughter barely heard.
Fives grabbed the handle with a death grip as the ship hit what he assumed was the canyon wall. The bone chilling scrape of durasteel against rock filled the small ship as it slid down the canyon wall. Fives was thrown as they finally hit the ground, landing on top Crosshair who was quick to start manhandling him off. A large hand grabbed his arm, pulling him from the wreckage, dropping him on his shebs on the side of the ship next to Jesse. Wrecker continued to help the rest out of the ship while Fives jumped down onto the sand, offering Jesse a hand which he ignored.
"We always get shot down when we travel with regs." He complained.
"Cody!" Kix yelled turning towards the others. "Help!" He turned back, looking down into the ship. "He's trapped! We have to do something!"
Rex stepped forward towards the ship. "I'll get him."
Hunter moved in front of the Captain, pushing him back. "Woahwoahwoah!" He said quickly. "Easy Captain." He looked over Rex's shoulder. "Wrecker! Get him out." He continued to push Rex back away from the ship, the Captain putting up a small fight but let himself be moved.
"Get back!" Wrecker ordered, rolling his shoulders with a grin.
Kix stared at Wrecker in disbelief. "This is ridiculous! He's going to need help to get Cody out of there!"
Beside him, Crosshair chuckled, motioning to Wrecker with his head. "He's gonna get the gunship out of there, not Cody."
Wrecker slid his helmet on, grabbing the side of the gunship. Kix watched in awe as Wrecker lifted the ship, pushing over and away from the Commander underneath. He grabbed Cody, slinging him over his shoulder and walking back towards the group. "Boom." As if on cue, the gunship exploded in a rain of fire and metal causing Kix to flinch next to him.
Kix ran forward as Wrecker placed Cody on the ground, the Commander groaning in pain. "He has internal damage. I can cut the pain, but he needs help fast."
"We all need help."
Fives looked to Crosshair who was seemingly looking over his shoulder. He turned, spotting battalions of battle droids steadily marching towards them. "Oh fun." Fives said with a shrug.
"That blast gave away our position." Crosshair pointed out, turning towards his Sergeant.
Hunter chuckled, pointing to the obliterated gunship. "I thought getting shot down gave away our position."
"Everyone, find cover. We’ll hold this position and let them come to us." Rex ordered, pointing towards the gunship.
Hunter shook his head. "I don’t think so, Captain. That’s not our style. We prefer going to them." Turned back to the batch. "Bad Batch, Plan 82: Shockwave!" He yelled, pulling his helmet over his head. "Let’s get to work."
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Tag list! (Let me know if you'd like to be added!)(I forgot I had a tag list😅)
@rain-on-kamino @idoubleswearimawriter @staycalmandhugaclone @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @kalykat
I may be missing people so just let me know pls!!!
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Act two, oh boy. Ughhguhegjeb ok good to go.
Tango, the jig is up, everyone knows everything is NOT FINE dude
And here we go again, I am the Watchers' number one hater fr
Ooooooo, Helsknight mention, realization, yess
Grian's "that makes so much sense" is so funny for some reason
REN TOO LMAO. It was just another Tuesday on Hermitcraft.
Mmmm, explanation, tasty.
I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin, UGHG.
Maybe if I turn off my computer rn, I can live in ignorant bliss.
Nope, continuing.
Reminder that the Watchers literally watch hels too, and probably knew about Tango, like at least one did. Ugh.
This whole conversation is just, ugh, like, everyone is just horrified. I mean, it's really putting into hindsight just how HORRIBLE it was, like omfg.
This explanation of how the farm works, UGH, Tango being so chill about it, UGGHH
When I first read the accident line of Etho's, I thought he meant the portal switching them was the accident, and not that Tango didn't mean for it to happen lol
Seriously Watchers are on my LAST NERVE
Tango talks so casually, omfg.
Hm, how did you not see that coming Grian? Lol
Ty so much for having all the DL people be on Tango's side, literally couldn't handle this otherwise. Cleo's statement about how could they not tell Tango was dealing with this? Mwah
OOOOOOO, Grian askin' about Hels..
???????? Was that???? Grian's voice/thoughts??? In Jimmy's head???? Hm??????
Oh, is this were the decapitation comes in?
I'm still so worried about Tango going back to Hels. Please, so scared.
Oop, Jimmy speaking back to the Watchers omfg, love it.
Tango trying to justify why he should be a damn farm, uggghhh. This is literally just him coping and stemming from trauma, and it's not even hurtful seeing as death has no consequence.
Sometimes the Watchers can be funny, as a treat, they still need to stfu.
OOP "I don’t care if some random guy thinks you’re just the manifestation of all his evil- frankly, I think that says more about him than it does about you.” YEAAAAHHHHHHHH, GAG BRAVO WHEN HE CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF (he couldn't even if he wanted to)
The l word :) (love <3)
Fade to black and back to the ranch afterwards
"My gloves" awwwwwww, they're Jimmy's gloves now ugghhfew
The DL ppl coming to help ugh, love DL
And Etho takes the comm to explain! Huh, why am I getting deja vu back to a certain Hels player hm
Petition for a oneshot where the DLers explain what happened after this is all over to X, I think that would be great.
Etho a portal expert, do you get deja vu?
LMAO, Patho said he'd need Tango's comm to confirm his theory, and now Etho says he'd need Bravo's comm to confirm his theory, my my how the turn tables have turned. Just sit these two in a room already damnit.
Atlas fr need to move on god damnit. All these issues is because of Atlas, god damn it.
Uhoh, I thought we could be happy and not mention the feather farm again :(
Not the Watchers again 😭 I'll give em a pass, cause they're all moods.
I do wonder how everyone else outside of DL is handling all of them being on lock down. Can they still message, or is everyone just cut off from contacting them? How's X, an admin of a sanctuary world, reacting to this fiasco? How's fWhip, the admin of Empires, doing with a good chunk of his friends stuck in one server with minimal to no context?
Mmmm, please have the decapitation work, pleeaasssee
Jimmy talking back to the Watchers is my favorite Jimmy <3
I was so worried Tango was just gonna BOOKIT through that port 😭
??????? NO?????? NO???????? NO??????????
It's done, it was a roller-coaster, htp can't hurt me (for a while)
Tysm for this incredible fic <3
‘voluntary decapitation’ got a LOT of reactions hagsjdha i didn’t know how else to put it…
one thing about tango is that he is gonna try and insist he’s fine TIL THE BITTER END like asking for help is always the very last resort for him in all facets of life. we stan an emotionally walled-up king.
obligatory ‘the watchers suck’ blanket statement 🫡
i’ve talked abt helsknight before but it was SUCH a handy way to quickly get into the explanation, like that’s the whole reason tango ever even realized he was a doppelgänger. and ofc the other hermits who were there are like ‘OH HEY YEAH wtf was up with that…’ they’re so used to having weird shit happen and then just moving on LOL
“I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin” :3
of COURSE tango had to tell them all about the horrible blaze farm while acting like he’s completely unaffected. no way was i gonna leave out any of those tasty details.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: IMPULSE WAS THE MVP 💪 💪💪 even if he accidentally spooked tango in this case, it’s good to know he would go FERAL to protect his friends.
the rest of the DL gang are p great too, NO WAY they’d buy all the ‘doppelgängers are evil’ bullshit 😤 and i really don’t like mischaracterizing someone just for the sake of added drama/having an antagonist. i can just MAKE a new guy for that (hence bravo and atlas HAH)
WATCHER (kinda) GRIAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE FINALLY 💃 usually he’s more careful about not using his abilities near a listener but the situation had him frazzled.
listen. the scene where jimmy finally confronts tango about the destructive nature of his self-hatred is my FAVE. sometimes love means just being there for someone and supporting them, but other times it means laying down some hard truths. it’s the culmination of jimmy’s arc and i’m SO glad you enjoyed it.
it takes a server to rebuild a ranch 💪
i am an ethogirl first and a person second so u KNO i had to have etho lay it out for us, at the same time allowing me to draw parallels between him and patho.
i’m def not qualified to discuss fwhip or empires in general (i’m a sham, i’ve never watched any of it) but x was for SURE freaking out. this is gonna make one hell of a story (hah) for the rest of the hermits when they get back.
CMONNN i couldn’t have the decapitation work, that’d be too easy ;0
i’m cryin at ur reaction going from “I was so worried Tango was gonna book it through the portal” to “NOOOOO???? NOOOOOOOO” like damn talk about foreshadowing 😂
GLAD U ENJOYED THE RIDE we’ve still got plenty of twists and turns to come 💃 thank u for being absolutely STELLAR w the feedback!!
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murdotranscribes · 2 months
[Profile picture transcription: An eye shape with a rainbow flag covering the whites. The iris in the middle is red, with a white d20 for a pupil. End transcription.]
Hello! This is a blog specifically dedicated to image transcriptions. My main blog is @murdomaclachlan.
For those who don't know, I used to be part of r/TranscribersOfReddit, a Reddit community dedicated to transcribing posts to improve accessibility. That project sadly had to shut down, partially as a result of the whole fiasco with Reddit's API changes. But I miss transcribing and I often see posts on Tumblr with no alt text and no transcription.
So! Here I am, making a new blog. I'll be transcribing posts that need it when I see them and I have time; likely mainly ones I see on my dashboard. I also have asks open so anyone can request posts or images.
I have plenty of experience transcribing but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. We can always learn to be better and I'm not visually impaired myself, so if you have any feedback on how I can improve my transcriptions please don't hesitate to tell me. Just be friendly about it.
The rest of this post is an FAQ, adapted from one I posted on Reddit.
1. Why do you do transcriptions?
Transcriptions help improve the accessibility of posts. Tumblr has capabilities for adding alt-text to images, but not everyone uses it, and it has a character limit that can hamper descriptions for complex images. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the ways transcriptions improve accessibility:
They help visually-impaired people. Most visually-impaired people rely on screen readers, technology that reads out what's on the screen, but this technology can't read out images.
They help people who have trouble reading any small, blurry or oddly formatted text.
In some cases they're helpful for people with colour deficiencies, particularly if there is low contrast.
They help people with bad internet connections, who might as a result not be able to load images at high quality or at all.
They can provide context or note small details many people may otherwise miss when first viewing a post.
They are useful for search engine indexing and the preservation of images.
They can provide data for improving OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology.
2. Why don't you just use OCR or AI?
OCR (Optical Character Recoginition) is technology that detects and transcribes text in an image. However, it is currently insufficient for accessibility purposes for three reasons:
It can and does get a lot wrong. It's most accurate on simple images of plain text (e.g. screenshots of social media posts) but even there produces errors from time to time. Accessibility services have to be as close to 100% accuracy as possible. OCR just isn't reliable enough for that.
Even were OCR able to 100%-accurately describe text, there are many portions of images that don't have text, or relevant context that should be placed in transcriptions to aid understanding. OCR can't do this.
"AI" in terms of what most people mean by it - generative AI - should never be used for anything where accuracy is a requirement. Generative AI doesn't answer questions, it doesn't describe images, and it doesn't read text. It takes a prompt and it generates a statistically-likely response. No matter how well-trained it is, there's always a chance that it makes up nonsense. That simply isn't acceptable for accessibility.
3. Why do you say "image transcription" and not "image ID"?
I'm from r/TranscribersOfReddit and we called them transcriptions there. It's ingrained in my mind.
For the same reason, I follow advice and standards from our old guidelines that might not exactly match how many Tumblr transcribers do things.
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gobs-o-dice · 2 months
Okay, so, now that my month has restarted for mobile data, I'm back up and running...ish.
Supposedly, the new wifi home kit is on its way. After nearly a month of them not responding with more than useless chatbots that ignored everything we said and closed the support tickets the second we looked away (Seriously, if you have any other options, go with someone other than starlink, because it might quite literally take an act of calling down the regulatory authority in your area to get them to actually do their jobs).
While I might not have wifi again yet, I've got enough data that I feel like I can run updates, catch up on some youtube and post extra pictures and stuff. Y'know, when the mobile data signal isn't throwing some sort of tantrum. And even then, it's pretty unpleasant and inconsistent to rely on.
Anyway, here is my overdue post for my
From earlier this week
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Sets 353-358 have finally arrived!
Yes, four of them are chessex lab sets from the latest batch (Borealis Cosmos, Festive Hydrangea, Nebula Fluorite, and Marble Calcite)
The other two sets were ones that looked neat when I was placing the order - On the left is "Grey with White Irregular Pattern" (I'm just gonna call it "Grey Irregular"); On the right is "Multi-Colour Mix" (I'm calling it "Multicolour Splats")
Haven't done a full photo session yet - Not like I was able to post anything for a bit, there. Not like I'm gonna post a whole ton of photos right now anyway.
Plus, after this whole fiasco with relying on mobile internet and my mobile device, I've realized that I definitely should upgrade my phone - It probably won't fix network issues, but might have better hardware for maintaining a signal and whatnot.
So, I'll probably wait until I have the new camera in that new phone to do the full photos (and I may or may not be strongly considering getting more dice from amazon because I saw I really good deal on the wiz dice series 4 line)
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megamattzx · 5 months
Preview: Dragon Ball New Frontier: Echoes of Recollection.
Set 10 years before the events of Dragon Ball New Frontier.
Age 881, The Time Patrol has enjoyed a small amount of peace for the last few years, however, rumors start to spread of various versions of the Frieza Force expanding their influence. When reports come in about the Frieza Force beginning operations in an alternate timeline where, having a mining operation going on in a version of yardrat in one of the many alternate timelines, Son Kakarot Goku Jr, the Clone and adopted son of Goku, and Vegeta Jr, aka Prince Vegeta V, the Clone and adopted son of Vegeta, are sent to investigate this activity.
The two believe that this is paranoia from the Supreme Kai of Time, as it was not like her to send some of her most experienced veterans on a milk run type of mission for them.
Unbeknownst to them, however, they are about to uncover the conspiracy of an old foe. And that Goku Jr would be forced to confront something from his past…..
Chapter 1:
Age 881, the Time Patrol had been active for 90 years at this point. The organization had been going strong. Its influence was growing larger and larger every day. Things were becoming much easier than they used to be. However crises were also a frequent thing. However, a good 20 years of Peace so far, was a nice change of pace. There weren't many cataclysmic events within the Time Patrol for that long. At least nothing that required all of the attention to the Time Patrol. No bombs that could destroy timelines, no God Emperor wreaking havoc across the Omniverse, at least to what most people were aware of. No demon realm members trying to take over, or any other multi dimensional groups.
However, a few versions of the Red Ribbon Army and Frieza Force have been growing its influence to an alarming rate, and the Time Patrol had set their attention on it before the situation could escalate into a potential crisis. So far there hasn't been a full-scale war across realities, yet. However, there are quite a few skirmishes and battles. When the Time Patrol gained Intel of a joint operation between multiple versions of both organizations, the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa, since two of her best time patrollers, Son Kakarot Goku Jr, a clone and adopted son of Goku, and Vegeta Jr, a clone and adopted son of Vegeta, to investigate the rumors of this base, to learn what they can about it and even neutralize the operations and any and all Frieza force and Red Ribbon Soldiers.
Little did they know that the two Saiyans are about to uncover a much more sinister plot than what they might have originally expected……..
Timeline29-074, a timeline where there were surviving Saiyans colonizing another planet. They had recently invited Vegeta and the other saiyans of Earth to join them. According to the history info on the time scroll of this timeline,
"If my data is correct, we should be arriving near the base soon enough," Vegeta Jr. said.
"This place is dead like the rest of Yardrat in this timeline," Goku Jr said with irritation in his voice. "Chronoa is getting paranoid. It ain't like her to send pros like us on milk runs.”
It was at that moment Vegeta Jr then quickly stared at his friend in shock. Sure it was normal for him to show a bit of confidence in their abilities, but this irritation, and even anger was something that was building up inside. For a while now Goku Jr could contain it. Then it clicked. It had been nearly 35 years at this point. Ever since the whole fiasco with Kakarot II. Ever since Celia. Goku Jr rarely talked about her after what happened. And very few people knew exactly what it was, with Goku Jr being one of them and he damn well refused to talk about it.
“What the hell's gotten into you, Kaka?” Vegeta Jr then stated, clearly as a response to what his friend just said. This causes Goku Jr to just look at him with a glare. “Don't give me that look!” he then stayed as a response to his friend glaring at him. “Ever since the whole fiasco with your evil twin, Kakarot II, you haven't been the same! You've been more aggressive, less talkative, and quick to anger.”
“Do I anger you!?” Goku Jr snapped back. Unintentionally validating what Vegeta Jr was saying.
“No,” Vegeta Jr responded with. “You worry me….” As soon as he said that last part the calm link began to open and a holo projection of the Supreme Kai of Time was seen forming. "Ah, Lady Chronoa, perfect timing as ever," Vegeta Jr said at the holo projection of Supreme Kai of Time. "Kaka and I were just talking about you not too long ago." The last remark caused Goku Jr to glare at him.
"No doubt," Chronoa said but her demeanor turned serious. “I have concerning news in regards to updates on your mission. Time patrollers have recently intercepted one of the communications in regards to the base that you are investigating. And well, I think it's best that you two have a listen for yourself.”
As soon as she said that she didn't set the communications up to where the recorded communication from the time patrollers as she mentioned began to play. The message was rather concerning, despite them not being able to overhear the entire thing. The static was extremely noticeable as it played.
“Come in Grand Master Haruto…….. this is Captain…… we managed to stabilize the…… as instructed….. we'll be getting ready positions for you to use the scepter……. And the valley of the ki Masters…. More cultists and reborn…… among the saber-wielding shadow troopers…… Dr Thorn has…. New renditions of the various generations and a new prototype….. Dark Troopers….. Lord Kakarot the Second…. Big Boss…… Contingency Plan: Outer Heaven.”
And just like that the communications were cut. “Valley of the Ki Masters?” Vegeta Jr begins to say in a rather confused and even concerned tone. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Goku Jr who was also just as confused as he was.
“Reborn, Cultists, Shadow Troopers and Dark Troopers?” Goku Jr added and showcased his confusion. But then it clicked when he remembered Haruto.
“It's the remnant!” They both said simultaneously. Of course it was the remnants of all of Kakarot II’s forces and organizations. Haruto was one of the few that managed to escape from them during their encounters with them, 34 years ago. Not many of them got away but they must have gathered all of their resources and the remains of what Kakarot the Second's organization was and rebuilt as much as they could. They were surprised that Haruto is still alive. Then again, Kakarot II and the others were very resourceful back in the day.
“We're looking into the information that broken communication provided for us,” Chronoa said. “However, that was all that we could salvage for now, but I figured you should know, considering that during your battle to catch her the second you are survivors of this whole endeavor, this may prove more dangerous than we originally thought. Your objectives however remain the same. Clear the space, correct any anomalies that they may have caused, and find out what you can about their operations, perhaps even in regards to all of their operations that they are seemingly in the workshop here based on the communications.”
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