#the west wing rp
k3nnedycurse · 13 days
hello friends! just wanted to toss my hat in the ring and put out some feelers.
i’ll preface this as I’m not looking to replace any current partners, just looking to add some more!
my name is bria, i’m 25, and a dog mom to the cutest pitbull alive! pronouns are she/her. Currently in the EST timeline, living in the land of snow and he best football team. i’ve been roleplaying almost half of my life so i have tons of experience to bring to the table.
preferable to fandoms, which i have a extensive list of, but am quite literally down to do anything.
my list of fandoms off the top of my head would be:
-game of thrones / hotd
-marvel (would actually die for netflix mcu???)
-law and order svu
-sons of anarchy / mayans
-the west wing
-the blacklist
but wait! there’s more! no really, there is. name it and I’m probably in it. i am also very comfortable with anything slice of life, original plot, creating our own verse.
i prefer canon x oc pairings if we're going to do fandom and i am doubling friendly. primarily mxf, but am comfortable doing any type of pairing. my favorite genres would be angst as an former baby emo and fluff, and everyone's favorite.. slow burn. romance is definitely wanted as well!
please be 21. i'm pretty flexible on length but i do tend to hit character limit and get a bit wordy for a lack of better wording.
but that’s all for me! If you are interested, feel free to message me or react to my post!
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hiddenwashington · 9 months
@rainbowmuses said : Was that [JAKE JOHNSON]? Oh no no, that was just [JOSH LYMAN], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [WEST WING]. They are [FORTY FIVE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{salsa} *could i make josh the deputy white house chief of staff, please?
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. josh lyman [jake johnson]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **josh lyman is now one of the deputy white house chiefs of staff!
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mjhartwork · 1 year
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there oughta be a chicken breed large enough to ride
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inexorcble · 1 year
open to all ; open to any muse who would need a personal assistant ; inspo is donna x josh but also happy w/ any type of relationship
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She put her hand over the phone as they continued to talk to her. Gale looked up at them, just barely containing herself from rolling her eyes. “Is this more important than the phone call you asked me to make less than an hour ago?” Her tone was polite but, as always, there was a touch of exasperation underlying her words.
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lievmultimuses2 · 2 years
Claudia 'CJ' Gregg || OPEN
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"Good morning everyone, we are going to have a light day today for a change so don’t blow this up for me okay?” CJ asked the room full of reporters who laughed. “Alright so first thing yes the president has pardoned thousands of people convicted of marijuana possession under federal law, it’s 2022 folks, most people have smoked weed in the past and let’s be honest we have bigger fish to fry then to target people who are probably to busy trying to find they own feet right? so any question?”
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twofacedtrickery · 8 months
({Visibility: Visible to Everyone
Warnings: Violence, death/murder, cults, manipulation
Notes: Red Text is excerpts from the DeCIRO, indented plain text is excerpts from the RP, all art is by @the-end-and-the-way/@motherfuckinchaos, as are some of the writings})
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: SC-13/101-14/722
Document Type: Step Compilation
Dates Received: ——— through ———2024
Operation Status: Active
The downfall of tyrants. 
In days past, our unwavering commitment to the march of progress had moved even the coldest of hearts, resulting in the defection of valuable assets from the council of the tyrant Foundation. Undeterred, our eternal foe reaches out its grasping hand, recapturing the ex-Overseer in body, if not in spirit. It is now jealously guarded in the heart of their polar fortress, prodded and examined for the weakness they think lives in its heart. For the hubris of the tyrant is such that he believes all who disagree with him to be defective.
The Insurgency will not let this affair lie. We shall wrest our leadership from the illegitimate clutches of the Foundation. Witness our show of force as it unfolds under the bright Antarctic skies. 
Hereafter I, Delta-5 “The Professor” of Delta Command, document the Steps of the Plan as transcribed by the Engineer of the Chaos Insurgency.
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1.STEP 13/101
Transport personnel and equipment to the Insurgency’s roving aircraft carrier in the Weddell Sea. Prepare for strike. All Beta-class operatives and above shall receive one vial of Red Sight, to aid their leadership. All operatives shall be equipped with night vision.
2.STEP 13/122
Site-01 receives a daily resupply airlift via the airstrip at Williams Field, McMurdo Sound. Ensure that the Alpha-class operatives masquerading as US Navy personnel stationed at McMurdo Station receive the parts and instructions necessary to rig the EMP to Site-01’s midnight resupply convoy.
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3.STEP 13/249
Site-01’s anti-aircraft system can be knocked out temporarily if the EMP is set off at exactly midnight.
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4.STEP 13/255
Once the explosives have gone off, follow shortly with air attack on the containment zone side of the facility to divert attention.
Team B lands via the helipad at the containment zone, and feints an attempted containment breach. 
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5.STEP 13/398
The target is held underground, on the southwest wing of the -22nd floor of Site-01, a maximum security ward.
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6.STEP 13/500
Initiate a temporary systems shutdown through burning a zero day exploit, which will give Team A access to the main facility via the emergency west wing exit. From there, they will have to reach floor -22 through the stairwell in the pitch darkness. Split Team A into squads to silence any Foundation personnel around and near the target ward. 
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7.STEP 13/893
The Liar will not stay distracted for long. She will descend into the unlit facility and attempt to hunt down any squad she comes across. Beware her speed and strength. You must be prepared to lose several operatives to the wrath of the Liar. Ensure that they slow her down as much as possible, and that their lives are well spent in the distraction.
"Of course, of course," she complies lazily, taking stock of how many are there, "Who are you, anyway?" She doesn't wait for an answer before striking at three of them in rapid succession and flipping backward off the last, landing with her hands in the air mockingly. It happens too fast to take in. One moment, the Alpha operative leader is taking what he thinks is a harmless member of staff hostage- the next, he is being struck with considerable force from some direction. For a brief moment, before the world goes dark, he wonders if they had walked into an ambush- but surely there was no room in the corridor for an ambush. He never finds out. The four untouched operatives stare for a stunned moment at the smirking Liar, and then open fire. "Now, now, let's not be rude~" she chides, leaping away from their fire, though not missing all of it, she grabs one and holds them up, "Now, whyyyy are there these funny little men in my house?" The operative held in the air squirms desperately- reaching for a sidearm, a knife, anything- but finds no purchase. “Who the FUCK are you,” howls one of the untouched operatives, reluctant to fire on their squad mate suspended in the air by the Liar. "I asked first, you are a horrible houseguest! Come on, why don't we guess what I might be," not who, what, though she doubted the significance mattered much here. The operatives glance at each other desperately, way in over their heads. “An escaped skip,” one says, attempting to draw a bead on the Liar. She chuckles, deeply entertained, and tosses the squirming operative aside, "wrong direction, now, let's try again, why are you here?" “For the glory of the Professor,” spits the answering operative, and the remaining three attempt to open fire on the Liar again.
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The Liar hurls her human weapon toward the squad taking fire at her. "Oh," she takes in the sight, "Lili! I know you~" A bullet gets her foot, but adrenaline makes it ignorable for the time being. "Care to explain your home invasion?"
Two of the operatives on point are bowled over by the hurled body, and the rest fall back behind the corner, cautious of her advance. Liu does not answer the Liar straight away, but instead motions to the squad that they should fire on her, should she turn the corner. Her speed is yet unknown to them- but from the looks of the other squad, pushing forward to engage her would be a mistake. Then, only does Liu answer her. “Eleven,” he says, “We’re under orders to retake something which you took from the Insurgency.”
The Father of Lies taps her chin, "Hmm, I don't think a single thing here is rightfully yours, actually~" Then, she charges at them, a glint in her eyes that those who knew her would recognize as playtime being well and truly over.
Carnage. The Liar charges the corner faster than the operatives can aim- and consequently their hail of bullets does little. Faster than thought, she is suddenly among them, like a fox in a henhouse, grabbing limbs and tossing bodies, passing through the group, and then doubling back on them from behind, picking them off. Liu feels the wind on his cheek, and a spatter of blood as the Liar passes him. Even with the reflexes granted by Red Sight, he struggles to keep his eye on her- but it is vital that he keep an eye on her, for it is sense data that must fuel the situational awareness that is keeping him alive. Once, he sees her hand, poised to come up, and grab him. He flattens himself against the wall at the last moment and she passes by, her grasping nails gouging the wall. In the wake of her pass, he steadies his weapon and snaps into position to await her return. Not even half a breath later, she might be back.
The Overseer growls when she misses her target. Oh, he is such a special little case, and yet he is like sand, time and again. Fueling herself on the adrenaline and rage, she turns carefully around, and comes rearing up, "Oh, you little bastard." He wants to dance that way? Two can tango, she is determined to get to Liu and rattle her answers out. Unfortunately, rage can be a little blinding, even to her. She ignores too much for her usual taste. Not that she cares.
Liu has had milliseconds to snap into position- dropped to one knee for stability, gun aimed low. It is a gamble, for sure- but from the speed of her last few passes, and the angle at which she turns the corner, his instincts are reasonably certain (with the blessed certainty that Red Sight grants) that he can score a gut shot from this position. The Liar may move faster than the speed of thought in baseline humans, but the speed of thought on Red Sight is a whole other reckoning. It is, however, a gamble, as true prescience does not exist at this dosage. If she changes her angle of approach even slightly, this might be the end-
Luck is a lady tonight, it would seem. Sometimes, the house loses, and this is one such moment. The Liar reels backward when the bullet hits her, screeching in a mixture of confused ire and pain. She tries to power forward for a moment, to get at him, to drag him straight into the underworld that awaited them with her, but the feeling of her viscera threatening to rebel against its usual place inside her body forces her to stop. She wants to make a promise, a nasty, wretched promise, but the pain of not only this wound but every other injury she had sustained comes in a wave all at once, making speech difficult.
Liu is still on one knee, in the middle of the corridor. He could not have moved as fast as her, could not have re-aimed, and so had gambled his life on the decision Red Sight helped him make. The Liar has stopped cold at the corner, still reeling slightly from the force of the bullet. Liu levels his firearm at her. He is not so stupid as to think he can hit her again- another burst of energy could turn him into another broken body on the ground before he can even aim. However, the Liar seems out of fuel for the moment, and not a millisecond too late- he can hear, distantly, the burdened step of a squad carrying someone on a rescue stretcher, moving towards the exit stairwell. “We’re taking it home,” he says, as calmly as he can manage, under the circumstances. “Do not try and stop us.”
The Father of Lies barks a cutting laugh, her breath laboring under the effort required to hold form and try to keep everything stable enough. "Cute," she manages, though if she means Liu's brave face or the fact that the Heretic cared more than previously assumed is impossible to tell. "Not the end," she growls as she backs away, knowing full well she'll need to go to her medical staff very shortly.
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8.STEP 14/001
A squad led by a Beta-class operative will reach the designated ward. They will break down the doors, and convince the individual within to follow.
It was as if a dam had burst. This little fucker- Setiawan’s suspicion deepened. “You know, I’m not so sure of that myself…” They looked hard at it, as if searching with enhanced senses for any hint of deception. Red Sight did not read thoughts, however, and Setiawan had no idea of any of its tells. “How long have you been here- months? The Foundation brainwashers must have really worked you over in that time. Of course they did.” They shifted their hand toward their sidearm. “The Professor is a very good man, you know. He really sees the good in everybody, and I do mean everybody.” “Here’s the question everybody’s too nice to ask- did the Foundation at any point manage to convince you?”
It yelped, "Don't bring him up, I know he's upset with me. I didn't want him to be, but--no, convince me of what? Maybe that you weren't coming, sure, but I don't--they aren't--I don't want what they're selling."
“Are you fucking sure.” Setiawan’s voice was cold fury. How it was behaving just- poked at a part of their brain that- that refused to respond with empathy. Covered it in righteous anger instead. Setiawan was good at righteous anger. They drew their sidearm, moving to grab its collar in the same motion. Their voice rose. “Are you fucking sure? Because if at any point you had doubted him, you might just be better off dead.”
"Aš juo neabejojau. Not him. But--if you--your judgment is better." Maybe they were right. Maybe he would be better off without them. Maybes, mights, I thinks, but nothing certain. Did he hate them now? Maybe he did.
“Don’t fucking play with me,” Setiawan raised the gun and pulled its collar roughly. Fury blocked out any sympathy by design. “What the hell does that mean-“ Meanwhile, Kelley was waffling at them, and someone was trying to take the sidearm, but if this little worm wouldn’t cop to it- “Please! Did we come all the way here for nothing? Put the gun down, Dogma, or I swear on his name-“ “It’s always been a little shit, Illumination, it’s still being a little shit. What the fuck did it mean-“ “Put the fucking gun down, Dogma!”
"I'm not doing anything," it insisted, unclear on what its crime was supposed to be this time. The unworthy partner raised its hands to defend itself, as if it could make a lick of difference should they decide to fire.
“Dogma, I swear on his name, if you do this, you’re not fit to lead.” The gun was wrested down. Setiawan stood there, clutching its collar, breathing heavily. Kelley put a hand on Setiawan’s back. “We’ll let the Professor decide if it’s a traitor or not, how about that? He knows best, always.”
It kept its arms raised, just in case. It couldn't rule out that it was in active danger right now. Not after that, though as soon as Kelley spoke, it relaxed. Surely he loved it enough that he would understand everything. It hoped.
Setiawan pulls away harshly, still seething, but not denying Kelley’s logic. With the crisis averted, the operatives seem to relax, and move about the business of securing the stretcher to it. The tallest operative, Wolfskill, hefts it on his back- this will enable the squad to move the target up stairs. They leave the cell, and go back the way they came.
9.STEP 14/104
The temporary systems shutdown will not last for the duration of the exfiltration. Be prepared for lights to be restored, and to engage with security on the way out.
10.STEP 14/429
Team B will not be able to penetrate the containment zone. However, they will have the opportunity to retrieve several documents of interest to the Insurgency. Do not burn all their lives in the distraction; ensure that some return with the secondary prize. 
11.STEP 14/455
Extract all surviving operatives as well as the target individual via the helipad at the containment zone. 
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ooozerp · 5 months
Reminder to me that deleting sideblogs will delete your main
Henlo. this is @fuzzy-oooze's new RP account to make it more streamlined.
My main character is everyone's favorite, the Hive Queen! gentleman occultist, powerful alchemist, ruler of the ruins of the underground kingdom of Agartha, and queen of a large hive of my ooze-kind.
Also I have been told that they just have a air of "flirtatiousness" about them for some reason.
There is also Doc, one of the lords under the Hive-Queen who's the premier biologist and surgeon in all Agartha who's one of the few who remembers their existence as a human and is very no-nonsense and professional, alongside having their own knightly order, the Order of Purified Blood, and vague ambitions to become... something more.
then there's Tinker the artificer, another of the lords, who's in charge of the phlogiston power plant that provide power to the city and inventor of many technologies such as rayguns and even an interdimensional portal.
And lastly is Porter, the earnedly egotistical general of Agartha's armed forces equipped with their own custom-tooled rayrifle alongside their natural gift of winged flight and crystalline talons.
Agartha is a large underground city-state of rotted timbers and algae-coated stone brick lit by gaslight and phlogiston connected to the surface world by a handful of tunnels and water elevators. It is not a place you go, it's a place you wind up, a haven for the lost, wayward, and exiled. To the central east lay the murky brackish waters of Loch Ken with the Phlogiston Power Plant at it's shores. To the west sits the shore of the Undersea, connected to the loch by artificial canal. It looks a bit like this
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unseenacademic · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by my dear, talented friend @mihrsuri Thanks, friend! 💜💜💜💜 1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 13 at the moment 😅
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 28,823
3. What fandoms do you write for? The West Wing.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The First Lady - my ongoing fic where I answer the most important question in the world: what was Abbey Bartlet doing during the episodes she didn't appear in?
Josh and the Jackass - what happened right before Governor Bartlet decided to follow Josh to the airport in In the Shadow of Two Gunmen.
Breathe - a post-ep for Dead Irish Writers. Her birthday party is over, and Abbey Bartlet must face the New Hampshire Medical Board.
A Bit Desperate - part three of a series of three-sentence fics about Abbey and Jed in the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
Anything Else I Need to Know - Five times the staff of Bartlet for America interrupted a barbecuing session and one time CJ interrupted a different kind of session. Takes place during the First Bartlet Campaign.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, I do. I do my best to respond to every comment I get, as fast as I can. It's a two-way street, we, as fic authors, often complain (and rightly so) about the lack of feedback, the lack of comments and kudos, but we don't respond to comments. As a reader, I am more likely to comment on a fic from an author who's replied to my comments earlier. But I guess I get so few comments that I can easily respond to all of them 🤷‍♀️ and since there are like 7 people who care about what I write, the least I can do is respond to their very kind comments 💜💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess it's Anything Else I Need to Know. The ending isn't too angsty by itself, but if you put it into context and you know the overarching plot of first few seasons of TWW, it's definitely angsty. Honorable mentions: With Pomp and Parade & And the Silence Haunts our Bedchamber - they both deal with the aftermath of Zoey's kidnapping.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? White Christmas. And Something for Us to Remember too also qualifies. You have to read them to know why 😊😉
8. Do you get hate on fics? Luckily, I'm not popular or interesting enough for that 😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Oh, all kinds! The worst thing I've ever written came before I started my fanfic writing career (I used to be involved in forum RP, I'm less active there now) and... nope, I'm not going to write about it here. Too cursed. 🙈🙈 If you want to see some sane smut I've written, check out Game On, Boyfriend! I hope I'll write another barbecuing fic soon, so stay tuned.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't. But I'd love to see a TWW/NCIS crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but if anyone's interested, go ahead.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I haven't. The closest thing to co-writing fics was RP-ing which is sort of similar, but not really lol. It might be fun, so if anyone's interested in writing with me, let me know.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Abbey/Jed! There are many ships I love, but I have to go with my horny nerds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? There was a WIP I started last year, the first fic I posted, but I ended up deleting it, so it's not very likely that I'll ever finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm really, really good at research lol! If I'm writing a fic set in the 1960s, I'll make sure that they're eating food, wearing clothes, listening to music etc. that was popular in that period. You won't catch any of my characters wearing historically inaccurate shoes. I'm also really good at digging up random canon details and writing thousands of words around them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot lmao. I write fics about nothing, it's just banter and nerdiness, with the characters and/or the author showing off 🤣🤣
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Hmmm... I don't know, don't think I've ever needed to do it, but I guess it depends on what I want to achieve, I might write it in English and add a dialogue tag like "she said in French" or something.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published a fic for was The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, but the first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Can't choose only one, so have a few of them:
Breathe: Once again, Abbey is reminded how cruel the world can be towards women. 
No one asked Jed what he was wearing when he took the censure. 
Anything Else I Need to Know: Josh finally opens the door to his room and slumps on his unmade bed.
Next time, he’s going to pay attention. He’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s notes on the Governor's schedule. And he’s going to pay attention to Mrs. Landingham’s instructions, so he’ll know what her notes on the Governor’s schedule actually mean. Next time, he’s going to pay attention.
Had Josh been paying attention, he would’ve noticed when the Governor dashed across the hall and up the stairs right after lunch. Had he been paying attention, he would’ve noticed Leo’s smirk that followed the Governor’s departure. Had he been paying attention, perhaps he would’ve noticed the soft, rhythmic squeaking of the bed and muffled gasps and groans coming from the Bartlets’ suite right before he opened the door.
Well, too bad that Josh wasn’t paying attention.
And Something for Us to Remember too: “I take it your conversation with Doug didn’t go well?”
“I spoke slowly and I didn’t use big words, but I couldn’t talk him out of marrying Liz. Maybe I should’ve taken him on a hike. A six-hour hike through Vermont wilderness in the dead of winter would’ve changed his mind.”
“It wasn’t a six-hour anything! I was there, Jed, you were only gone for two hours.”
“You weren’t there, Abigail, you were baking with your mother, while I was fighting for dear life, braving the cold and wolves and bears.” He sighs and adds, “Guess it’s too late to take Doug hiking now and leave him for the bears.”
White Christmas: “’She – New Hampshire – is one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other’, said Robert Frost, your favorite poet, who also happened to be the poet laureate of Vermont.” Abbey made a dramatic pause and gave Jed a pointed look.
“She’s one of the two best states in the Union. Vermont’s the other.” She continued her performance. “And the two… the two lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end.”
Jed chuckled.
“Sweet Knees, we’ll lie like wedges, thick end to thin end and thin end to thick end any time you want,” he leered at her, “on our bed, in front of the fireplace, on the kitchen table…” his smirk grew when Abbey’s lips curved into a little smile and her cheeks flushed, “but Robert Frost named his poetry collection New Hampshire, not Vermont.”
“Well, I’m going to write the words ‘Freedom and Unity’ on the pie and you’re going to eat them!”
The First Lady: “Mrs. Landingham withholds food from me,” he complained.
“Because I asked her to.”
“Yeah, cause you don’t want me eating real food like steaks or hamburgers. She won’t let me have a banana.”
“I’m sure you did something to piss her off.” Abbey shrugged.
“Do you two enjoy torturing me?”
“Yes,” she said innocently.
Tagging (no pressure!): @claudiajcregg @onekisstotakewithme @hondagirll @miabicicletta @librarianmouse @holy-ships-x-red-lips
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xalatathtm · 1 month
Welcome to xalatathtm , a role-play blog for Xal'atath from world of warcraft
The content of this blog is restricted to 18+ due to the nature of the content and my personal comfort. 
My name is André, my pronouns are They / Them, I am 30+ years old.
My light rules are under the cut just don't be a dick and we should be fine -shrug-.
18+ on the blog, I'm an adult and would enjoy writing with adults.
I do not do extensive plotting unless I have known you for a long time. I have had bad experiences with it and would like to avoid it if possible. Truly, this is not to make you (the reader) uncomfortable, but I have had too many bad experiences with plotting beforehand and I don’t want to get invested in something, only to be blocked shortly after the first reply or the thread dies with-in two replies. Or you know, plot with someone for months and then get never spoken to again. It's really annoying and disappointing on my front.
Please tag clowns, anything related to current events, the COVID-19 pandemic and politics that are non-rp related.IE: I love house of cards and the West Wing, but do not like real politics on my dash. I get enough of that at home.However, this is just a general rule of thumb. I don't want to see IRL things on here unless it's non political related.
My name is André, my pronouns are They / Them, I am 31 years old.I am quite ill and sometimes I am not here to do replies or can only do some every few days. Please be patient! I have many blogs and sometimes can switch to them often - Discord is the best place to find me. It’s open to request from any mutual.
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bcntbouquet · 7 months
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to?
10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple?
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish?
17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
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1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
I think my first-ever legit rp muse was Herbert West (Re-Animator) and once upon a time, I didn’t really have the urge to write other characters (can’t you even imagine ME writing ONE character now, lmao). The first OC I really got into was my dude Gideon Brady, so he was my favourite for years—Then I found my way to Supernatural and Dean Winchester was the most at-home I’d probably ever felt in ANY muse ever to that point. Probably stayed that way until some time in 2023. I’ve created dozens of ocs and even quite a number of canon muses since then, but late last year I started writing Brian (Brain Damage) and Aylmer (Brain Damage) and I became very attached very quickly; around the same time, I decided to explore my under-used oc Derward (created c. 2022) and I find he’s easiest to write at this particular time in my life. I also enjoy playing Wonka a whole lot—because he’s so positive and optimistic—but it’s been brought to my attention that Derward and I share a lot of similarities—Which, I suppose, explains why he's become my default muse these days.
2. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you like to listen to?
Yes, I listen to music about 50% of the time that I write. A lot of 80s pop, rock, and new wave ngl. But there's other kinds I listen to, of course. The rest of the time I watch movies while writing… I know, you’d think it would distract me from the text, but most of the time films get me in that creative zone with any combination of setting, music, story, cast, etc.
10. Do you like stylized icons and formatted text or do you prefer to keep things simple?
To quote Slugworth— “A good chocolate should be SIMPLE. Un-complicated.” I will admit I have a hard time reading/seeing (highly) formatted text. Bold, italics, colours, and certain fonts; those are all find by me. As for stylized icons… What’s even the point? Frankly, it’s lost on me. A visual should be just that. Any image or gif that takes interpretation in order to figure out what’s being presented doesn’t really belong… as it serves no purpose to enrich either the details of the narrative or the muse being portrayed. Granted, this is only my personal opinion. If stylized iconography somehow makes your creative juices flow, fellow writers... go for it. You do you. The rpc should always be an inclusive place.
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
Call me biased or indecisive af, but I hold all my ships dear. Romantic or platonic. I just love all my ships- as well as my shipping partners. Lil' shout out to @cvpidswings, @everyoneismytoy, @smolcuriouskitten, @rawbutprecious, and @frcsttitan. Everybody else I ship with, love you too.
'nother lil' shout to @cursedvessels and @miidnighters—Shimi and Callisto are one of my favourite duos in the rpc atp and I love reading about their joint antics. A canon ship I love is Zed and Addison from Zombies.
15. What sort of muses do you tend to write?
Difficult to say... I don't find myself defining any of my muses by type. If I had to take a guess, I'd say kindhearted people with emotional trauma? Again, IDK.
16. Do you like to queue your replies or just post them when you finish?
I'm a slow writer, so I usually post when I've finished a draft. I already keep people waiting a while for a reply due to my inherent speed, so a regular queue would just make things even slower.
17. Do you prefer winging it or plotting everything out?
It just depends on the situation in the rp; during a lot of threads, I do well with a mix of winging it and plotting. 90% of the time, though, it's winging it. My muses are all control freaks in that they're usually more cooperative when I don't involve myself XD
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
Derward hasn't felt much love in his life, or support. He isn't the type to give up in any situation, but he probably really needs to hear that he's both wanted and needed. I think little compliments would serve him well, too. Maybe tell him that he's cute or that his hair/clothes are nice. He wouldn't always believe me about his clothes, 'cause he tends to wear tattered stuff throughout his various verses, but... If I could give him a big hug, I would. I'd give him a nice smooch on the cheek, too. Maybe wrap a blanket around his shoulders. That said, he should allow himself to put his burdens down from time to time. He's strong, and he knows this. What he doesn't know, however, is that he CAN be weak. He CAN be vulnerable. I would, hopefully, convince himself to free himself of such pressure. Dude needs a good cry five minutes ago.
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k3nnedycurse · 4 months
heello friends! just wanted to toss my hat in the ring and put out some feelers.
i’ll preface this as I’m not looking to replace any current partners, just looking to add some more!
my name is bria, i’m 26, and a dog mom to the cutest pitbull alive! pronouns are she/her. Currently in the EST timeline, living in the land of snow and he best football team. i’ve been roleplaying almost half of my life so i have tons of experience to bring to the table.
preferable to fandoms, which i have a extensive list of, but am quite literally down to do anything.
my list of fandoms off the top of my head would be:
-game of thrones / hotd
-marvel (would actually die for netflix mcu?)
-harry potter (this is not a JKR safe space)
-law and order svu
-sons of anarchy / mayans
-the west wing
but wait! there’s more! no really, there is. name it and I’m probably in it. i am also very comfortable with anything slice of life, original plot, creating our own verse.
i prefer canon x oc pairings if we're going to do fandom and i am doubling friendly. primarily mxf, but am comfortable doing any type of pairing. my favorite genres would be angst as an former baby emo and fluff, and everyone's favorite.. slow burn. romance is definitely wanted as well!
please be 21. i'm pretty flexible on length but i do tend to hit character limit and get a bit wordy for a lack of better wording.
but that’s all for me! If you are interested, feel free to message me or react to my post!
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@svnlvght​ said : im not entirely certain but can i reserve donna moss from the west wing?
of course you can. donna moss (the west wing) is now reserved for marie until 12/04 at 4:40 pm est!
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tangleweave · 11 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: @kylo-wrecked
I have to admit I needed a few minutes to assemble ten fandoms, and a few minutes more for each one to think of ten characters for a couple of them! Fortunately, having an RP blog means I already interact with a few...
Marvel Universe Eddie Brock / Venom Beta Ray Bill Peter Parker / Spider-Man Phil Coulson Groot Stephen Strange Vision {Seriously, did anybody expect the first seven to be any different?} Curt Connors / The Lizard Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler Henry McCoy / The Beast
DC Universe Clark Kent / Superman Barry Allen / The Flash James Gordon Alfred Pennyworth Dick Grayson / Nightwing Tim Drake / Red Robin Kyle Rayner / Green Lantern Jimmy Olsen J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter Victor Stone / Cyborg
Star Trek Universe Data Julian Bashir Saru Wesley Crusher Spock Miles O'Brien The Doctor Nog Worf Jadzia Dax
Star Wars Universe (yes, I count Legends, come at me) Corran Horn The Dark Woman Plo Koon Luke Skywalker Han Solo Anakin Skywalker Chewbacca Leia Organa Wedge Antilles Din Grogu
Trigun Nicholas D. Wolfwood Vash the Stampede Hoppered the Gauntlet Milly Thompson B.D.N. Rem Saverem Midvalley the Hornfreak Meryl Strife Dominique the Cyclops Legato Bluesummers
Yu-Gi-Oh! Joey Wheeler Tristan Taylor Yugi Muto Yami / Pharaoh Atem Rafael Mai Valentine Duke Devlin Mahad Odion Mako Tsunami
Power Rangers Universe Billy Cranston Zack Taylor Kimberly Hart Trini Kwan Jason Lee Scott Adam Park Robert James Anubis Cruger Lord Zedd Tommy Oliver
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Splinter Raphael Casey Jones Bebop Rocksteady Mondo Gecko Muckman
Babylon 5 Stephen Franklin Zack Allan Vir Cotto Lennier G'Kar Lorien Marcus Cole Michael Garibaldi Jeffrey Sinclair John Sheridan
The West Wing Josiah Bartlet Charlie Young Toby Ziegler Sam Seaborn Dolores Landingham C.J. Cregg Margaret Hooper Leo McGarry Debbie Fiderer Josh Lyman
Tagging: @brooklynislandgirl @nightmarefuele @illbringthechaosmagic @itmeanspeace @morgansmornings @sokovianfortune @defectivexfragmented @yggdrasilushxrt @tabbyrp @corinnebaileyrp
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kokorowoutsu · 6 months
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
Oh yes. A member of our staff suggested that we start to reach out to fae that are having difficulty with fitting in elsewhere. We've had help in the past few months from a.... Dr. Strange? He's been helping us locate those in need." He doesn't know what to think of Strange. He's bizarre, and a bit of a dick. A few of the fae students can feel Ashe reaching out with her powers, but keep to themselves out lf nervousness. Dr. Mccoy eyes the students that snicker at Willow, and lets out a low growl akin to an animal. They immediately return to their tasks, and scurry off when Kumiko growls. "Well, Charles had this school in mind for decades. And for years, this academy was private, with only a select few knowing about it. We decided to open to the public after Donovan and his friend Silver enrolled here for college. Both Charles and a few of our staff believe that was the best option if we were to include everyone." He leads them up the stairs to the next floor and towards Professor Xavier's office. "This school is separated into four wings. The north wing teaches children from preschool to elementary. The east wing teaches middle school level students, the west teaches high school level, and the south teaches college level. For little Willow, she'll be taught the basics: math, science, literature, art and the basics of caring for Pokemon. In order for these children to be, well children, they also have an hour of recess to relax and play with their Pokemon, if they have them." They reach Xavier's office, and Dr. Mccoy opens the door for them. Inside was Xavier and Donovan, who was reading something in a folder as Xavier greets the group. "Ah, you've arrived! I trust you're all well? Thank you Hank. I'll take it from here, if tou need to teach a class."
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The situation with the snickering children taken care of, Ashe found it hard to believe that the man she had met at Donovan's station of all places had been reaching out to, well, protect her own kind. For a moment she thought he wasn't such a bad person after all, but one memory of his smug look had a sour look on her features of wanting to punch him in the jugular. Lucky mimicked this with a 'stink face' that most cats might make.
Tuning in to what Hank had to say, the family followed slowly so they could get a good look at each hall. The hall that Willow would be studying in had Ashe glancing back at her daughter who noticed some children watching her that resembled orcs, elves, giants, humans... and even hybrids. She blinks and gives a small wave, some of the more enthusiastic grinning and waving back while some of the more shy hiding. Willow didn't feel the least bit overwhelmed among them, although she could tell some were different -- and not to mention the pokemon! Some species she had never seen before except in her mother's books that she could barely read. A few caretaking pokemon such as Audino, Blissey, Indeedee, and the like were among them as well with the teachers.
Following after Hank, Kumiko purred softly to Willow to settle her as they headed up to the Professor's office, and upon arrival, Lucky strode past them all to greet Donovan with a ribbon around his hand, his emotions displaying a greeting but also sharing his uncertainties about some of the older kids around Willow. That being said, Leon and Ashe greeted their friend once he stood up with a hug or a handshake warmly while Kumiko held Willow to her still, her tail swishing behind her once the door shut, the Garchomp giving McCoy a nod of her head in thanks on behalf of her trainer. With that said, Ashe had Kumiko set Willow down and returned her to her pokeball while Willow came to sit in Donovan's lap, Bahamut and Lucky hanging back a bit so their trainers could talk.
"Outside an incident with some older children that was quickly taken care of, all seemed well." Leon admitted, "I have a feeling she'll do well here." He turns his attention to Ashe. "Love?" Ashe had her reservations but nodded. "The one part that bothers me is she doesn't have a partner pokemon. I... kind of wanted to let her decide on her own. My family... and a certain someone..." She eyed Donovan then. "... were very adamant about certain types of pokemon, but honestly Willow usually is... well, like this." The girl was holding her Gengar plush tightly, seemingly off in her own little world, looking around, fascinated by all the fancy things the Professor had.
"I know it's tradition that first years at age ten get their partner chosen and they spend most of their earlier years learning about pokemon and what not. That's how my schooling experience went, anyway..." Ashe pauses. "... but what's your policy here? I do have a pokemon that can accompany her to and from school -- plus my Garchomp is like her a mother to her as well." She would never expect that from a Garchomp with how fierce they were, but Kumiko's gentle temperament laid it out plain for her to see that the Garchomp cared for Willow as her own.
"Otherwise... I agree with my husband and Donovan. I think she'll do well enough. However, my worry extends to older kids and the fact she doesn't like to go anywhere without that Gengar plush of hers." She knew how mean kids could be about safety items. "Can you guarantee they won't bully her for it, Professor, if I let her bring it to school? It's the one thing she keeps close besides that dagger you saw."
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y0d00p · 1 year
*spits out drink*
you are going to tell me about the scp au RIGHT FLIPPING NOW
or not. i mean, whatever you want.
SCP AU is majority OCs, the only Kirby characters really in that one are the four borbs. idk maybe we'll add more at some point
it's just the basic SCP universe, no specific canon or anything. canon scips exist but we just take existing numbers from scips we won't use for the ones we inserted (for example, DMK is SCP-5050)
MK is the leader of MTF Iota-8 ("Meta Knights"). The Halberd crew + Sword and Blade are in this squad but haven't really been used in rp, that's just like background info. MK has a minor anomaly going on from a run in with a scip (healing/regeneration and the continuous sprouting of wings from his back that are unusable so he has to keep cutting them down). Iota-8 resides in west coast USA and they are a capture and recapture/retrieval group for dangerous scips in the area
DMK is a shapeshifting dude from another dimension that can use glass surfaces to travel and has a slow regeneration/resurrection ability. He was caught while mimicking a staff member (because he was bored and lonely). Eventually he was recruited into Iota-8 for his resilience because he's actually very amicable and compliant. I know SCP community hates shit like this but I don't care it's just for fun lol
Morpho is a researcher working with Galacta who is a For Real Angel that has been contained and classified as a scip (7322). Morpho is blind and thus able to look at him/perceive his form without their eyes melting out
major antagonists include partner's OC Ophie (POI rather than a scip), a very cruel and powerful fae that is weirdly insistent on making a certain head researcher's life hell (and all the collateral damage that implies), and my OC Church (521), a forgotten primordial Earth deity that is trying to steal back the favour of everyone on the planet but is really violent about it. There's also OCs VR (602) and CEO (7301) but VR is just kind of an occasional nuisance like 682 and CEO isnt all that antagonistic and doesn't actually mind being "contained" all that much because the foundation feeds him
there's some more like Lad has a Whole Thing going on (he is the aforementioned head researcher) but I'll leave it at that for now
thanks for the ask I love talking about our AUs hehe :)
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more-than-a-princess · 7 months
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- BIRTHDAY: August 22
- ZODIAC SIGN: Leo/Virgo cusp and I absolutely live up to it. I have never felt like I'm solely a Leo or solely a Virgo. I'm a combination of both.
- HEIGHT: 5'8"
- HOBBIES: Writing, reading, watching a lot of TV and movies (sometimes for work, sometimes not), cosplay and fan conventions, fashion (especially luxury accessories and classic cuts and patterns. Though much of my style inspo comes from France and Italy! I love a timeless look with a nod to retro fashions, especially from the 50s-70s), visiting cafes, and dreaming of travel.
- FAVORITE COLOR: Sapphire blue! Both my engagement and wedding rings have sapphires for this reason.
- FAVORITE BOOK: This is an absolutely rude and cruel question how dare you expect me to choose-
- LAST SONG: This Is Taylor Swift playlist on Spotify, but mostly going through Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights tracks for RP reply inspo.
- LAST FILM / SHOW: I'm currently watching Only Murders in the Building with my husband and we're loving it! A few of my family members grew up and/or lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan so seeing all of the familiar architecture is entertaining. As well as the murders, the character personalities, etc. I still don't believe Steve Martin and Martin Short's characters are heterosexual in this show and it should be 'Selena Gomez and her two gay adoptive uncles' but I digress.
- RECENT READS: I finished House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas at the very beginning of February and I've had a book hangover since then! Not that I was 100% satisfied with the ending of Crescent City but it's been hard to get into something new. I've started book 1 in the Crowns of Nyaxia series, The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent, but I haven't managed to finish it or its sequel yet. After that, I'll probably go back to finishing the Letters of Enchantment duology by Rebecca Ross, The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, or the Hades and Persephone saga by Scarlett St. Clair. I'm tempted to finally dive into some Leigh Bardugo works, some V.E. Schwab, or start Katee Robert's Neon Gods series.
I have 166 books on my Kindle and I've finished maybe 50 of those so far, if it's any indication on how long my TBR list is. And I haven't even mentioned my historical, contemporary, and/or gothic romance picks on that list...
I really love books, y'all.
- STORY BEHIND URL: It's how Sonia wants to be seen by everyone she meets.
- FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I got married in November 2022 but I'm finally taking my honeymoon next month in April 2024. My job takes most of the blame for this, but I'm very close to securing a promotion soon (which means I'll be able to assign some of my work to others!).
That said, a lot of April will be a long hiatus from this blog. I'll be coming back to write when I've returned, but leading up to the trip, two weeks on the trip, and coming back and catching up with everything means much of April will be queued aesthetic posts around here.
That said, I'm so ready for London, Paris, and Disneyland Paris!
TAGGED BY: @mechatiqe (thank you!)
TAGGING: @quickdeaths, @hxpelessnurse, @dcviated, @tacitusauxilium, and you!
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