#the weird looking vampire lord legs?
vriibot · 2 years
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wip: this is what im thinking for rada. all about those wings baby
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pants-magic-pants · 4 months
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There will be several posts about the vampire ball, but I wanted to first celebrate the outfit I have been working on these past few months, the construction of which I barely ever talked about. haha
More under cut...
I wanted a big, billowy, dramatic shirt hanging open, and turned a sketch into reality. The right fabric to make it out of was incredibly elusive and only emerged last minute while searching at my fourth stop, completely dejected and desperate. There it was! This incredible silk hybrid with unique texturing. There are shimmery ridges almost like windswept sand going in one direction, and in the other---lord, I don't know what to call them. Cracks, scratches? Like stone ruins or a tree trunk. It was sooo "goblin king", I had to.
It was my first time doing a yoke with gathers, and although there are numerous tutorials online for how to sew a yoke once you have a pattern, there was nothing about how to draft a pattern for a gathered yoke, which involved quite a bit of altering to the original shape. I had to figure it out by myself by applying techniques like you'd see if you were drafting a leg of mutton sleeve. It worked mostly, but the fabric is slightly rigid and wasn't keen on being prettily gathered -- it mostly wanted to bubble around my basting and just be weird like that, but I got something going on in front. This quality made gathering the sleeves equally hard if not harder, and once they were gathered they also had to be pleated, and ironed, just so they didn't look like big poofy pillows hanging off my wrists.
It was my second time doing plackets, and this kind was a lot easier. It just involved cutting a slit in the sleeve, and creating bias tape from the fabric to go all around. Then it all gets inserted into the cuff, like usual. I really liked the simplicity and appearance of it.
I love the fit. There are shoulder pads, of course, and it made the exact silhouette I was hoping for. Although I don't know if anyone at the ball suspected I had made all my clothes (including the pants!), I did get told more than once that my silhouette was en pointe, that from behind the hair + shirt + everything exuded ~essence of Jareth~ and that made me quite happy.
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bloodlust-1 · 7 months
The Consort ₊⁺જ⁀➴
NSWF | Explicit 18+ | Angst | Blood | Ascended Astarion | Spawn Tav | Dark | Smut | Trauma | Stockholm Syndrome | Violence
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Ascended Astarion x fem Tav
Chapter: 4 | Revengeful Eyes
Summary: In a tumultuous tale of love, power, and betrayal, Tav finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with Astarion, a heartless vampire lord who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his newfound spawn. As Tav witnesses Astarion’s transformation and descent into darkness, their love is put to the ultimate test amidst love triangles, drama, and the pursuit of world domination. Redemption seems like an elusive goal while Tav grapples with the realization of who her lover has truly become.
Notes: Why even listen to myself when the post button exists? Did a poll and here we are now yaay.
Lovely photo by @aristenfromwarsaw
Astarion and Tav arrived at the grand ball, turning heads as they entered the room. Astarion was dressed in a finely red and black tailored jacket and trousers.
Everything about him was perfect, including his partner.
His eyes scanned the crowd with a confident air. Tav was wearing the red dress that Astarion had made for her, the fitted silk red dress with a slit up one leg and draped sleeves that accentuated her figure.
Tav excitedly clutched Astarion’s arm as they made their way through the crowd of guests. Many of them were nobles or rich families with influence. Some even recognized Tav and gave their respects.
It feels weird to be somewhat of a town celebrity.
Tav wore her hair down and adorned with beads and jewelry. She noticed she didn't look like anyone really. From her wide-set pale eyes to Tav's rounded features, she not only looked different but acted like it too. Of course, the ballroom scene was completely foreign to a girl who grew up in the woods.
Astarion twirled Tav around, eyeing every curve the dress hung off of. He was proud of his work. Both dress and spawn, are crafted so beautifully.
“Over there, see the couple in the corner?” Astarion chimed, nodding towards a noble couple near the throne. “That’s a noble couple from Waterdeep, super rich and political. Word has it they’re quite the swingers, if you catch my drift.”
The gossip was hot, steamy even. Astarion knew so much about people who knew so little about him. It was great.
Tav’s eyes widened in shock, practically breaking her neck to get a glimpse of them. “Really? I had no idea,” she whispered with a gasp.
Astarion chuckled. “There’s a lot you don’t know about these nobles, my dear. But don’t worry, social climbing could get you worthy blackmail information on dirty royalty names.”
"I bet." Tav scrunched her lips to the side, "Have you been making any moves? I know you wanted to grow influence, but I'm not sure if world domination is really worth it...Look what happened to the Netherbrain."
"Tch, it'll be all worth it when we can control everything. Think about it, to live freely with anything at your fingertips. Just say the words and it'll be yours." He then glared down at Tav and halted, "You think people will treat you fairly when they know what we are? Blood-sucking monsters."
A monster. Is this what he thinks I am?
Tav shook her head, "That's not true - we're heroes! They'll accept us."
His voice dripped with sarcasm, "Love, please. You act like you've been a vampire for 200 years. Not everyone is like you, so stop being delusional."
Astarion's arms crossed over his chest, his fingers tapping impatiently against his biceps. He let out a loud, exasperated sigh, "I'm doing this for us. This conversation is now over." He pitied and hated her delusional optimism.
Just then, a woman in a black gown caught Astarion’s eye. She was tall and slender, with brown hair that cascaded down her back in waves. She walked between the couple before presenting herself to Astarion, her eyes filled with intrigue.
The woman faced him with a sly smile, not even acknowledging Tav. “Well, well, well,” she teased. “If it isn’t Astarion himself. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Astarion raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? And what have you heard?”
The woman leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. “I know who you are, Astarion. And I know what you’re capable of. I have a proposition for you, if you’re interested.”
Astarion’s eyes narrowed. “Go on,” he tilted his head, intrigued.
"Not here." The woman's blue eyes fell on Tav with a dismissive look, "And not in front of her."
Astarion eyes met with Tav's and he nodded, "Amuse yourself, I'll be right back."
Tav furrowed her brows. Why couldn't she be there? What did this woman want and what did she know? "But -"
"I said make yourself amused." Astarion cut her words before excusing himself, walking to the furthest corner they could find.
Tav felt a tinge of jealousy as she watched Astarion walk away with this random attractive woman. She couldn’t help but feel left out, but she knew better than to interfere with Astarion’s propositions.
Tav was standing alone near the spiked punch bowl and it was crowded with fancy-looking people all trying to impress each other. She held her cup out in front of her with uncertainty.
Why would he not allow me to stay? She's really pretty too. What the fuck.
Tav was completely zoned out, frozen, and barely blinking between her rapid thoughts.
Suddenly, she felt a gentle hand on her arm and a warm, confident voice, “Let me help you with that.”
It was a man, tall, fair, with sharp features, and long brown hair. He poured the punch into her cup, his movements steady and confident. Tav listened to the sound of the liquid filling her cup, and then his eyes locked onto hers with a wry look, “Are you here alone tonight?”
Before Tav could answer he had already continued, "If so then what a damn shame. To leave a lady like you alone to fend for herself." He rolled his eyes.
"To fend for myself...? What the hell are you talking about?"
A questionable look crossed his face, "Aren't you blind?"
Tav’s eyes widened as her lips parted with a shocked scuff. “I’m not blind,” she said with extra emphasis on the 'not'.
Clearly embarrassed, his started stumbling over his words in desperation. “I-I’m soo sorry,”
“I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that your eyes… they’re so pale, and I couldn’t help but notice you were spaced out.” Again, his eyes seemed to lock onto Tav's as he brought his face closer, inspecting her white irises. This time, it made her heart race from his prying eyes, this random stranger.
Tav lifted an eyebrow in surprise, feeling her cheeks flush at his sudden attentiveness. “Oh,” she said softly. “Well, thank you.” She took a step back.
Should I even be saying thank you right now?
The man smiled and shook his head, still looking sheepish. “No, I’m the one who should be thanking you. I’m Ross, by the way.” He reached out and took her hand in his, shaking it gently with a warm smile.
Tav glared at him with uncertainty, but she tried to relax a little. “Nice to meet you, Ross,” She could feel the warmth of his hand in hers, and she couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was.
She snapped out of it and pulled away her hand with a tug. Tav stared at Ross one last time before turning a heel and walking away.
"Wait - !" Ross followed Tav and waved his hand, "You never answered my question."
Tav stopped mid-stride and turned her head. He huffed out a breath and smiled at her, again. "Are you here alone tonight?"
Plainly, "I'm not."
"Ah - same. I came here with my sister. She seemly disappeared somewhere in the crowd though." Ross looked in the crowd and then, he saw her.
His face faded from concentration into a smile, "There she is. Over there in the black dress." Ross pointed to a woman.
It was the same woman who had walked away with Astarion.
Okay. Now I'm interested.
"Is that so...Is there a reason why you guys are attending tonight's party?" Tav looked back at the woman and then back to Ross. They resembled each other’s sharp features.
Ross shifted uncomfortably under Tav’s gaze, his cheeks flushing slightly. “No specific reason, like everyone else of course. Just a guy looking for a good time.”
Tav stared at him questionably.
Ross gasped at the realization, "In good company and conversation I mean! N-Nothing else, I promise."
He mumbled under his breath, "Shit, I know that didn't sound right."
Tav chuckled to herself as he crumbled in front of her. Ross seemed like one of those gentle giants, very friendly with a heart on his sleeve.
“I - uh, never got your name?” Ross finally managed to ask.
Casually Tav spoke, "Natavia. But everyone calls me Tav."
“Tav?” Ross’s eyes widened in recognition. “Like the hero of Baldur’s Gate Tav?”
Tav chuckled softly at the comparison. “More or less…”
"Wow - It's a pleasure! I knew something was different about you. I could tell you hold weapons. A bow is it..?"
"How'd you know?" Tav tilted her head, her eyes narrowing in comparison.
"I could feel the calluses on your fingertips, especially your middle finger."
"What! Really?" Tav quickly shot up her hands and stared hard at her fingertips with a flustered face.
Ross was right, there were many little indents between her skin and she looked up at him with a shocked expression. Why have I never noticed this?
"It's not a bad thing. I'm sure you're very skilled at it, killing the netherbrain and all, little hero."
"Little?" Tav scoffed, feeling a little defensive but entertained.
Ross playfully waved his hand from side to side with a chuckle. "Just in height." He joked with Tav as if she were a long-time friend. It was weird but also felt nice. It wasn't often Tav really got to make new friends under Astarion's watch.
Finally, from across the room, Astarion's eyes landed on Tav, who was chuckling with Ross. Astarion’s gaze immediately turned cold and devilish, and Tav noticed the change in his expression. She turned her head to look at him, and their eyes met.
Tav’s laughter came to an abrupt halt as she met Astarion’s gaze. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she saw the look on his face. It was as if he was sizing her up, analyzing every inch of her. Tav crossed her arms and huffed in annoyance.
This is so stupid. He couldn't be mad at me when he was the one who left to talk to some random girl.
Ross watched Tav with confusion. He matched Tav's stares with Astarion and he spoke up, “Is everything alright Tav?” he said with a forced chuckle.
Tav rolled her eyes, “It's just my boyfriend, he's being moody.”
Ross’s face fell at Tav’s words. He looked genuinely shocked with wide eyes. He scratched his head nervously and tried to laugh it off. “Oh, I see,” he said weakly, forcing a smile onto his face. “Well, I had no idea..."
Ross began to nervously swallow and wet his lips between exchanged words. Almost as if what Tav said really uneased him.
"I take it you're not a local From Waterdeep." Ross's words snapped Tav out of her head and she shook her head 'no.'
"I'm from a remote village way South of here, but I live in Baldur's Gate if that's what you meant...What about you?"
Ross nodded, listening to her smooth voice, "I'm from a tribe, but I've moved on from sheltered woods, my home is in Baldur's Gate too. Me and my sister, Rosaline, been moving around lately."
"Oh, why?"
Ross chuckled, the look in his eyes seemed panicked, but his body language remained relaxed and loose, "Just looking for what sticks…So! If you’re ever looking for someone to talk to back home, I’m always at the Blushing Mermaid. It’s lika second home.”
Astarion’s frown deepened as he watched the exchange between Tav and Ross. But he kept his emotions in check, hiding them behind a cold, impassive mask. He knew that he couldn’t let his feelings get the best of him in public.
He completely left the woman, Rosaline, to herself as he made his way over to Tav.
Astarion pulled Tav close to him, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. “Tav,” he teased, his voice low and husky, “Let us dance.”
Tav looked up at him, surprised but pleased. “Of course, Astarion,” her eyes crinkled with a wry smile.
Astarion glared coldly at Ross as he led Tav onto the dance floor. Ross returned the glare with a dirty look of his own. But Astarion had no time to worry about Ross now, as he pulled Tav close and rested his hand on her waist.
As they began to waltz around the room, Astarion couldn’t take his eyes off of Tav. He admired her beauty, her grace, and the way she moved with him, apart from Tav's occasional missteps. But even as they danced, Astarion couldn’t shake the feeling that Ross was watching them. And every time he caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye, he felt a twinge of anger and resentment.
Who the fuck is this guy.
I'll give him something to see.
Determined to claim Tav’s attention for himself, Astarion stopped dancing and pulled her into a deep kiss. He bit down on her lower lip, causing it to bleed. When he pulled away, Tav winced as she touched her bottom lip and stared at her bloody fingertips.
Her eyes glossed over from the sharp pain, and she stared at Astarion in disbelief. Why would he do something like this now?
“I’m sorry,” Astarion clicked his tongue, though he didn’t sound sorry at all. “I couldn’t help myself.”
Tav looked at him for a moment, her expression unreadable. She didn't know how to feel - embarrassed, upset, special, or seduced? She wasn't sure...maybe a mix of it all.
Before Tav could reply, he had already sucked the blood off her bottom lip shamelessly to whoever watched.
From the corner of Astarion's eye, he could see Ross in the near distance behind Tav, shaking his head with a disapproving face. He reveled in this moment of dominance, and mentally laughed at this random stranger who seemingly stared at Tav a little too much.
That serves him right.
The night continued and Tav could only smile and wave every time she crossed paths with Ross that night. Though it always felt a bit strange considering his sister, Rosaline was always attached to his hip, arms crossed and eyes that were like she was trying to cipher out a code with each movement they took. It was uncomfortable.
Rosaline nudged Ross’s side with her elbow, “Why do you keep looking at them.” She shot him a questioning glance, her eyes searching for answers.
Ross pulled away from Rosaline, his brows clearly in an annoyed furrow, “Stop it.” He shifted his gaze away, avoiding her stares.
“You’re so annoying.” Rosaline brushed him off with a cold shoulder. “Did you at least get any good information out of her?” She then crossed her arms.
“Does it really matter?” Ross avoided making eye contact with Rosaline.
Tav, this new hero stuck with someone like him. Poor girl.
“Yes. it does fucking matter.” Rosaline’s voice rose slightly. She was just above a whisper with anger seething out her lips.
But Ross stood firm and calm, “Listen, Rosaline…We should really just move on from this.”
He didn't want to cause a scene so publicly or have anyone overhear them arguing.
Rosaline shook her head in disbelief and her eyes glossed over with disappointment, “I can’t even believe you right now.”
She scuffed, “Are you fucking serious - Tell me you’re fucking with me right now...”
Ross's voice went soft slightly as he sighed, “No. There’s innocent people involved in this and they don’t deserve to be.”
“What - the girl? Who cares, some innocents were taken from us!” She continued to lash out at him in an angered whisper. “He stole our brother - He was just a child, we all were! If you feel so damn heartfelt for them then maybe it should’ve been you!” The air hung heavy and her pain was palpable.
“It just feels wrong.” Ross’s voice wavered slightly, uncertainty creeping into his head.
“You have no loyalty, you’re despicable.”
“I do have loyalty.” Ross’s voice hardened, and he finally stared back at his sister with anger in his eyes.
Rosaline had a face of nothing but disgust for her brother, “Then act like it.”
Next part here
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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I made this with Artbreeder to try and visualize these new characters as I write and wanted to share. These siblings are so gorgeous AHH.
LOOK AT TAV. breathtaking. But I imagine her with locs, which are kinda visible? AI is not perfect but it's a pretty good generalization of her :') Ross reminds me of Flint Rider.
But a little cliffhanger. I wonder what they're talking about? Hmm. See ya next week
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Love Sucks Part 1
Randy Meeks X F!Goth!Reader
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Masterlist (Part 2 out now)
Warnings : Language, Stu and Billy bully Randy.
Summary : (Suggested by @saint-petah-the-good) A new girl moves to town and Randy is quick to fall in love. Despite her odd habits and weird interests the friend group takes her in.
Randy didn't know what hit him when he saw you. Your legs covered in fishnets sitting in his spot by Tatum. Your giant black sunhat shielding you from sunlight.
"Randy! This is Y/N!" Shes a horror geek like you!" Tatum smiled. Randy made a goofy smile at you, flushed from Tatum's comment. You smiled back shyly, "This is Randy, the one I told you about." Tatum said. Randy gave her a look, "You've been talking about me?!".
"Not in a bad way... Most of the time." Tatum took a bite of her salad. You looked down at a book you were reading. Randy sat down beside you, "What book are you reading?".
"Salem's lot. By Stephen King." You said not looking up from it. Randy tilted his head to see more of your face.
"You're a Stephen King Fan?"
"Who isn't?" You smiled looking over at him.
"Me." Tatum said, you gave her a little smile.
"How did you feel about the Shining?" Randy said testing you.
"The same way Stephen King did. It was horrible. I prefer the book. Cinema wasn't ready for it. You gotta find a harder way to test me." You smiled before flipping a page of your book. Randy smiled to himself, his heart was beating so loudly.
'Shes Perfect..'.
"So where ya from?" Stu leaned in. You sat up from reading and closed the book. You sighed, "My parents were lab worke rs in Alaska. They got tired of the cold.".
"I mean Alaska?! Sounds pretty boring!" Stu laughed. Tatum elbowed him, Randy tried to block Stu out.
"Do you need a job?-" Randy blurted out, his cheeks flushed. You looked over at him with a soft smile.
"Randy! You can't just ask that!" Tatum fussed. Randy didn't take his eyes off you, "Um, yeah actually..". Randy smiled, "I work at Bradley's Video..".
"Yeah it's the closest thing to a damn Blockbuster here!" Stu exclaimed. You nodded, "I'll check it out..".
"Oh! Get this, Y/N's Grandfather directed horror movies!" Tatum said impressed. Randy leaned in closer to you, you hesitated a bit when he got to close.
"No way! What movies?!" He said, his wide eyes gazing into yours. You bit your bottom lip, "Uh, nothing super popular, some alien stuff and Vampire stuff.".
"No fucking way!" Stu shouted. Randy, again ignored Stu, you gave him an awkward smile before going back to reading.
"Where the hell is Billy and Sid?" Stu asked looking around.
"Probably in a janitor's closet!" Tatum snorted. The lunch bell rang, you closed your book and slipped it into your bag.
"What's your next class?" Randy asked watching you stand up. You pulled out a crumbled paper, "Intro to Film Study's.".
"Oh, lord" Tatum mumbled.
"I do too! I can walk you there!" Randy stood up quickly. He threw his bag over his shoulder, "Sure. I'll see you later, Tatum! It was nice meeting you, Stu.". You walked along side Randy into the school.
"I knew they'd get along." Tatum said to Stu, Stu kiss her cheek.
"Yeah but she's a little weird.."
"You're weird!" Tatum joked.
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Randy really couldn't keep his eyes off you. How you doodled in the margin of your notebook. Your legs crossed over each other and his eyes scanned them. Your fishnets giving him a pattern to follow.
"Y/N? Your take on Slashers?" The teacher tried to get you to jump into a discussion. You looked up, "Well, everyone says the characters act stupid. When it's portraying how people actually act in those situations. Then you have some sleep demon guy and a stalker!"
"I happen to like the stalker." A blonde girl in the back interrupted. You looked over your shoulder, "Yeah but he walks and somehow catches up. Story plot holes too. I'll like slashers more when the story makes sense.
"Sometimes story lines don't need to make sense.." Everyone went silent. Randy was surprised Billy even spoke, you looked back at him. Randy watched the interaction between you two. You narrowed your eyes a bit before turning back around. The fear of you falling for Billy's good looks faded. You went back to doodling in your notebook.
Once it was the end of class Billy went up to your desk. You didn't look at him once, "I'm guessing your Tatum's new friend?". Randy huffed before getting up, "Yeah, I'm guessing you're Billy.". You grabbed your bag before leaving, Billy smiled to himself. Randy mocked his face before walking with you.
Tatum ran up to you in the hall, "How was class?".
"It was okay." You nodded with a small smile. She smiled, "Good! So me and Stu were thinking and we wanted to invite you over to hang out this Saturday!".
"Oh, sure!" You smiled, Billy walked up beside you. Randy rolled his eyes, "I like her she's cool." Billy said as if you weren't there. Randy scoffed, Billy shot him a look.
"Well, I finished all my classes for the day. I'm gonna head home. And I might stop by that video store." You smiled at Randy as you walked away. Randy smiled, "Drive safe!", Stu laughed at him.
"You're such a dork!"
Randy rolled his eyes and walked away. He tried to ignore Stus laughs in the back. He knew liking you would be difficult due to Billy and Stu.
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Randy focused on restocking the VHS tapes. He huffed to himself and checked his watch. 4:27pm, you still didn't show up, maybe you were just being nice. He kept stocking the shelves, a tap on his shoulder made him jump back.
"Sorry." You softly said. Randy smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"It's fine. Um, were you wanting to get the job?" Randy glanced over at his boss then you.
"Sure, I could use one. Besides it'll be nice to work with a friend." You smiled at him. His stomach flopped, 'Friend' he didn't want to be a friend. He took a deep breath, "Uh, I'll go tell my boss. Stay here." He smiled and walked over.
"Hey, Bradley! I got a customer wanting to apply for a job here."
Bradley looked over Randy's shoulder to spot you. He sighed, "You find the most odd kids.".
"Please. She's real nice and like movies.. and-"
"You like her?-" Bradley smiled. Randy rolled his eyes, "Maybe that's not the point.".
"Fine but if she screws up. It'll cost you your job. Send her over here."
Randy walked over to you reading the back of movies. He smiled to himself, "Uh, he's ready to meet with you.". You looked up and put the movie down, 'Prom Night, good choice.' Randy thought to himself.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm 18 and I moved with my parents from Alaska. I have a car and am able to work after school and on weekends." You smiled. Bradley looked at Randy then back at you.
"Great, have Randy show you the ropes, I'll get you a name tag.".
"That was easy..." Randy mumbled. You shrugged, "So, how do you work here?". Randy went behind the counter, "So we ring customers here, obviously. Then if someone returns them you ring them and put them in the cart. The cart gets restocked and it's a whole cycle!" Randy puts his elbow on the counter. You nodded, "Okay Cool.".
"Why did you move out here?" Randy asked.
"Sick of the cold."
"and the dark?"
"Kinda. I actually like the night, I uh sunburn easily." You softly smile. A customer walked to the counter, Randy showed you exactly how to ring up their rental. His hand would brush over yours. He'd try his best to be smooth like in the movies. You would just whisper sorry and not catch on.
"Okay, Y/N I expect you to work tomorrow but not this weekend, got it?"
"Yes, sir." You smiled at him before heading out the door. Randy caught up to you holding the door open.
"I'm glad he hired you."
"me too. But it's thanks to you really. I wouldn't have known about this place if it wasn't for you.".
"wanna get some burgers?" Randy asked. Your eyes widen from surprise, "Sure! Do you need a ride?".
"Yeah, kinda" he smiled. You walked to your car unlocking it, he hopped in quickly making himself at home.
"I hope you don't mind rock music.." you said as you buckled your seatbelt. Randy shrugged, "It doesn't bother me.". You nodded as you started the car, rock music blasted immediately. You turned it down a bit, "Sorry.".
"It's fine. We can go to In and Out for burgers.".
"I've never been there so you're gonna have to tell me.."
"Whoa! You've never been to In and Out?!"
"No.." you smiled.
"Gosh, well you're gonna thank me. Their burgers are delicious."
"I'll be the judge of that.".
Randy watched you drive, your skirt riding up from you pressing the gas. He looked away, "Any idea what you're doing for college?".
You shrugged, "College is still a question for me. What about you?".
"Easy, I wanna be a director. Actually make good films." Randy said. You nodded, "I can see that, Have you written a film?".
"God no. I can't write for shit! If you were to go to college what would you major in?"
"Um, screenwriting and Biology."
"So you are a nerd" Randy smiled. You gave him a smile, "Maybe a little. I just think living is... Fascinating..".
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Randy laid on his unmade bed, he couldn't believe his luck. He actually ate dinner with a girl, maybe it wasn't a date but it was a step. He smiled to himself thinking about your smile and how you were a messy eater. You even gave him your home phone number. He hugged his pillow, maybe he could actually pull this off. He listened to your stories and your interests very closely.
You talked about how Morticia Addams was like an idol to you. How you seen all the episodes to the Addams family and the Beetlejuice cartoon series. Then you both talked about horror movies, explaining to him how Childs Play is more of an Horror Comedy. He sat up and leaned over to his phone dialing in your number.
"Hello?" You picked up your voice was a bit groggy, maybe even deeper.
"Hey, it's Randy."
"Oh, Hey Randy! Everything okay?"
Randy fidgeted with the phone cord, "Yeah just wanted to say hi, did I wake you up?!".
"No, I have a hard time sleeping. Is there anything you wanna talk about?".
Shit, Randy panicked not knowing what to say, "What movie should we watch at Stus Saturday?".
"Oh, hmm well we could watch Childs Play.." he heard your smile through the phone.
"Of course I can rent it Tomorrow at work."
"Awesome. Goodnight, Randy. I'll see you at school!"
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Alucard [ Hellsing ] x Black! Fem Reader
Warnings: Heavy Degrading, Rough penetration .. right time for sex but wrong place 🥴 ... MINORS DNI 🔞
Summary:  A nun sweet on the outside but devious on the inside. What's going to happen when your feast of men has been out to a stop?
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Deep breaths filled the tiny confession booth, "Sister. You are amazing." The man gasps. Pulling your fangs out of his neck with a eye roll, "I know. Now be quiet will I eat." Those deep drown eyes of yours glowed into a scarlet red as the command fell off your lips.
"Yes sister." The absent-minded man says. Plump lips curve into a smile as you sinked your teeth into his neck once more. This is how it's been for the past few months. You currently on the run from Hellsing and pretending to be a woman on the cloth while simultaneously feeding on the men of the church.
People would be surprised how filthy a man's thought were inside of a church. Which is why you were thoroughly enjoying drinking them dry. The church bell ringing brought you from your feast. You quickly look up swiping your tongue over any remaining residue. Standing up fixing your clothing, "The lords work never ends." You say, straightening your clothes.
You look over at the man's lifeless body, "Well I guess you wouldn't know since your dead now." A shrug of the shoulders and you leave only to bump into another sister. "Ah Sister Y/N there you are. I was just going to clean out this booth." She says, walking past you. A quick step and you were back in front of her, "That won't be necessary."
Your eyes glow once more, "Tell everyone this booth is off limits. It's being reconstructed." The nun's eyes go blank, "Of course the renovations. How could I forget. Thank you for reminding me Sister Y/N." You watch the woman walk away, "Humans always so fucking nosey." You mutter.
Service was going on without anything unsuspecting occurrences. That was until you saw the gleam from someone's glasses. Turning your head in its direction was a man sitting on the very last row, "Weird." You whisper. Your focus goes back to the priest as he continued his sermon only for it to be taken away by a chill.
Your head turns again, and the man has moved further up the row now sitting next to a regular member. A wicked smile appeared on his face, but you paid no mind if it came to it, you'll quickly kill and wipe the entire congregation's memory. Once more you go back to your fake nun duties listening to the priest dutifully.
But you couldn't help it your eyes drifted once more into the man's direction this time he was just a few rows from you. You let out an exhausted groan, "Looks like he's going to be a problem." A hand went into the air with a quick snap of your fingers the congregation simultaneously rose to their feet and began exiting.
This time it was you to appear around him. The unknown male looks over his glasses, "Impressive." "I know. Humans are so easy to control." You say into his ears. The man slightly jumps turning around but seeing no one there. You suck your teeth sitting right beside him, "Too slow." You casually say.
He looks in your direction while you seductively crossed one leg over the other, "You are a slippery one. Makes sense since you've been feasting on the humans in this congregation." Unbothered by his presence you look over your long-pointed nails, "Correction. I have been feasting on the MEN of the congregation."
The man begins to chuckle going into his jacket to reveal a gun, but you were already across the room. Fangs on display with your eyes glowing into a deep crimson color, "Aw cmon I thought me and you could be friends." You pout. He points his gun and fire in your direction, "Alucard is your name is it not?" You question, this time sitting on the podium.
Your legs parted with one over the other, "Yes and your Y/N the vampire who has been killing humans senseless." Alucard points and fire once again. Missing once again you were leaning against the wall checking your nails, "Senseless!?" You exclaim. Alucard starts to fire shots rapidly with a grin painted on his face.
Debris fly around covering your body only when it subsides is when you go back to explaining, "You should've heard some of these disgusting humans thoughts." Alucard looks at his gun, "Is this thing broken?" He says examing it. You appear right beside him taking the gun out of his hand, "Looks like your man made weapons won't work on me."
Alucard doesn't hesitate to grab you by your neck taking your body into a nearby wall. He places the gun to your chest, "What are you?" He asked. You lightly chuckle with a smile, "I am many things. I can be the greatest thing that has ever happened to you." Your eyes glow brighter at the words. This man was truly unlike any vampire you've encountered his aura oozed dominance something that you were deeply attracted to.
"Pull the trigger Alucard." His eyes roamed your face soaking in every detail about you and you were truly beautiful. He knew that you were a creature of the night, but you had the face of an angel. Something that he wasn't used to, his finger dance on the trigger, "Problem?" You questioned with a mischievous smile painted on. "Shut up." He growls.
His grip tightened on your neck, and you instinctively stuck out your tongue. Alucard eyes wide in shock, "Filthy bitch." He sneers. "You wanna know what I think?" You ask. "No." He squeezes once again. This time a moan escapes your lips, "I-I think you find me intriguing. It's taking all your will power to not fuck me against this wall." Alucard hung his head low hiding his face that was burning red. You were right he needs to know more about you, this was a feeling hes never experienced.
A loose hand reaches out and brushes against the bulge that was being suffocated in his pants. He breathes in heavy as he looks up at you, "If we do this, you have to come with me to the Hellsing home afterwards." "I have too?" You questioned raising a brow. He thickly swallowed, "Will you come to the Hellsing home with me?" He asks.
Your loose hand reaches out and boops him on the nose, "Depends on how good you fuck me. Will it be convincing enough?" He chuckles removing a hand from your neck, "Doubting me?" He begins to fumble with his pants, sounds of his belt buckle filling your ears, "If your sex is as good as your aim then we are in big tr-"
Your words were cut off by Alucard lifting you in the air, "You haven't been fucked properly. I suppose that's why that big mouth of yours doesn't shut up." His pants fell to his ankles while the cool air grazes his sticky tip. Alucard sticks two fingers into your panties pushing them aside and you were silent, "Quiet now?" Alucard aligns himself against your need hole, "Try not to scream. We are in the Lord's house after all."
"Sure I-I" Words were cut again as Alucard stretch your poor cunt sinking every inch of himself into you. He could feel your insides suck him in immediately making him lowly chuckle, "Mhm. I was correct. You haven't been fucked properly." He begins to thrust his hips slowly savoring in the squishing sounds coming from your cunt.
His gloved hands hold you under your ass, giving it a squeeze each time he thrust deeper. Out of instinct you let out a moan, "Looks like I'm being convincing." He chuckled once more. "B-Be q-quiet or I won't come." You stutter. The man was piercing parts of your cunt that hasn't been penetrated correctly in decades, "Don't threaten me with a good time. I'll fuck you all night."
You look into his crimson eyes, and they weren't wavering he was telling the truth he would fuck you all night. He brought down a hand onto your ass cheek a shuddering moan left your mouth, "That won't be a problem. Your already on the brink of coming undone." And you were that slap almost sent you over the edge you were enjoying yourself so much your tongue rolled out of your mouth.
Alucard was fucking you senseless, "Cmon give me a kiss." His tongue slithered out without hesitation the two of you make out feverishly. Each other trying to devour the other, while his thrust sped up, "Yes. Yes. Yes." You start to chant. Alucard was piercing that sweet spot that hasn't been satisfied in forever. "What are you waiting for? Paint me dick with your glorious juices."
On command you coated his dick in your clear substance, a mischievous grin appears on his face. "My turn." The grip on your ass tightens for the last time as Alucard moved your body up and down like his personal flesh light. You could him throbbing on your insides and you were ready to be painted. His glasses falling to the bride of his nose as he bit down onto his bottom lip to suppress his moan.
You reach out placing a hand on his chin making him open his mouth, "No. Let me hear you." Right on cue Alucard released right into you letting out a deep groan, "Good boy." You say, squeezing his chin. He clears his throat gaining his composure once again, he gently lets you down. Quickly fixing his clothes, "Now why don't you accompany me to the Hellsing household?" He asks.
You huff knowing that you were going, "Fine." Alucard bows gesturing with an arm, "After you of course." "Mhm. I hope you do not expect me to work." Alucard held his hands behind his back as you walked in front of him, "How will you make money?" "I will obviously spend yours. Now cmon take to this little shit hole of an estate." You say, wagging a finger at him. A grin spread across his face, "Is this how love feels?"
©luffysgomugomuprincess,I do not own rights to any art/pictures used only the plot all rights reserved to the perspective artist©
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Yandere vampire batwoman x nun reader
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Ravens crowded from above as I exited the carriage in front of the house I knocked on the door to see a old man who seems to be in his late 40s hello sir Im the nun you called for i spoke with a warm smile. Why yes you see here weird things have been going my house my son has never returned since the last time I saw him. I looked at the man and felt sorry for no father should have to go through such things I handed him a bible and some other things. I pray that the Lord will find your son and bring him back to you I then left in the carriage now heading back to the small town I called home.
At the village*
I reached home kicking off my shoes letting out a heavy sigh hey Zach I rubbed the pitbull head as he snuggled into me. I headed into the shower wanting to lay down and sleep I was in the middle of rinsing off when I heard something from downstairs. I turned off the water to listen until I Heard another noise I wrapped a towel around my body opening the door to darkness. Zach I called out his name I heard his whimpers in kitchen I rushed down stairs to see blood on wall and Zach pawing at my leg I picked him up and grabbed a knife and slowly walked into the kitchen to see a woman with long red hair a suit and a cape with black and red and two guns at her side. She was bleeding from her back and stomach. She was still breathing I put Zach down letting him go where ever he goes and picked up the unknown woman and she was heavy as hell.
I hope God forgives me I took a close look at her as I reach to take off her mask but she grabbed my wrist holding a strong tight grip on it but let go due to the pain. Please don't move let me take care of you I tried reassuring her how do I know you won't try to kill me. Because I never killed anyone please let me help you she nodded giving me consent but to not take off her mask.
Months has passed ever since Kate also know as batwoman she told me that's she became a vampire on a mission with a man name Bruce Wayne who seemed like a old friend of hers. Kate had left to go get me food so we both can make each other dinner after months of her living with me. She's a wonderful person but can sometimes be a bitch and very overprotective but overall she's loving. The door slammed shut and saw Kate with blood in her hands and lips Kate! What happened you're hurt I rushed to her aid with my hands on her face but it wasn't her blood. It's not my blood honey but we have to leave this town she walked upstairs and began packing my things. Kate what did you do! I killed the batman love I backed away in fear and that's when she saw it baby don't back away from me. I slammed the door behind me running downstairs but I was thew back in with a intense force with my hands pinned about me. Let me go! Let go! STOP FIGHTING ME! Making me quite down her hand coming to jaw kissing my tears away. Now we're going to go to Gotham and we can start a new life together I can be everything you want everything you desire babygirl. She moved my hair from piercing her fangs into my skin as I let out a scream of pain was last thing I heard before passing out.
Darling I'm back I rushed into her arms limping on the way hugging her as she steady my balance. I missed you I said in the crook of her neck as I checked for bruises on her body I know you tried to escape princess you left the window. That deep hit me like a bullet flying into my chest I think I need break your other leg don't you think bad girls get punish for disobeying their master baby.
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captainmvf · 8 months
OCs and what their Fossil Fighters vivosaur team would be bc I am bored and have brain worms-
Hi! This is exactly what the title says. This is also going to get a bit long. Also these are just the ones off the top of my head, I'll come back to this again if I have more Thoughts.
Carta Mantua:
Tried to get some space-themed and white-colored vivos in here but her ace would be a T-Rex Lord with a Silver Leg Alectro and a Silver Body Aopteryx for support. I'll also give her a Frontier Coatlus and Papygon.
Golden Time
A mix of time-themed vivos and some regal eastern ones. She would love sauropods. Frontier Toba would be her ace. Silver Arm Krona and a Ryden for support.
Tried to get in some good support vivosaurs and wishing star motifs. I think small triceras would be her favorite. Silver Head Proto, Silver Head Mihu, and Frontier Ajka would be a great team.
Ice Flame
Needed that mix of fire and ice for her so she's getting a Yango, Silver Head Jiango, and Silver Body Kentro team. She'd not much of a believer in ace vivosaurs so she balances out her team into any and all formations.
Fire Angel
I wanted to give her a whole team of fire birds but they can't fly so she's getting fire type pterasaurs! Frontier Ptera JP and Silver Leg Sungari for support. Dimorph Ace would be her ace (haha). She's blind and not too picky on colors so she would choose miraculous fossils by how powerful it would make her vivosaur.
Candy Corn Vampire
No bat vivos. :( Sad! Anyway, tried to get some funky Halloween ones. A Breme and Silver Head Hopter for support. His ace is the Silver Body Zino of course of course.
Oblivion Starlight
She was really hard to pin down, but I decided to make her a Neutral specialist. Silver Head Brachio, Silver Head Mihu, and a Penta would be her main team, but she'd also have a Neo and Silver Body Tophis on rotation.
Deathly Toll Bells
There are no Greek vivos to add but she would have a Seidon. A Silver Head Stygi and a Frontier Mapo would also be on her team. She'd also have Kaishin up her sleeve if she wanted a serious battle.
Lady Law
She'd try to make a balanced team I'd say. No clear ace but she'd have a Paki, Silver Body Dikelo, and Silver Head Tanstro. I wanted her to have some 'weird' vivos.
I think Perry would enjoy a team of little guys to be her little helpers. Compso and Coelo for support and a Dacerus for her ace. She's not big on silver fossils, only gold ones.
Gave them a unicorn as their ace: Omias. Silver Head Parium and a Silver Arm Elasmoth for support. Didn't want to give them a dream/sleep themed team so much but I think they should have a Silver Head Jara, Silver Arm Nigo, and a Squirth in rotation.
Mary Blüde
She would most like get a 'patchwork' team that wouldn't look like it matches at first but actually has great support. A Silver Leg Tro and a Hibigon would be on her support. For a touch of regality she can have a Giga Allo for an ace. She always keeps her ace in the front like an axe so it can always deal heavy blows. She'd get a Lythro along the way.
Scarlet Frost
Water type specialist all the way! The more icy the better. Silver Arm Thalasso would be a good pick. Silver Leg Oloro would also be a good support and Frontier Cryo would be her ace.
Went with a punk theme and vivos that had a 'metal' aesthetic going on. Her ace would be a Silver Leg Cheirus and she would also have a Silver Body Breme. Later on she would be able to get an O-Raptor Fiend and Diplo.
Had to really scratch my head but I decided to give her a team of 'underdogs' for theming. A Silver Body Shanshan and a V-Raptor for support and an Aeros as her ace. I wanted all her vivos to be capable of super evolving, but the Shanshan was perfect for theming and the whole Tarbo/classification situation fits well with her story.
No goat vivos so she's getting a full fire team! She'll have a Guan as her ace and a U-Raptor and Peloro for support. She'd try to make all three balanced.
Ti Gold
No prehistoric bears- Sad! Let's give them a Silver Head Megath, B-Brachio, and Frontier F-Raptor. I also think she would be able to make a team out of Z-vivosaurs.
Madeleine Marionette
I really wanted to give her a deer but I went more with her fear-inducing color pallet and nature. She gets a Megalo of course of course and a Silver Head Krypto. Let's also give her a Silver Arm Nasaur for cute factor.
He needs a creepy team full of Z- and B-vivos in my opinion but I think realistically he should have the 'average' kind of vivosaurs. So let's give him a Spinax as his ace and Edapho and Stego for support.
She gets an unruly Titanis for her ace and two tanky vivosaurs for support: a Silver Head Pachrino and a Tricera. She'd super evolve her Tricera given the chance.
Going to give him a 'dog' vivo and make his team based more on his three friends (Shiela, Yippee!, and Ghostworx). The easy answer would have been to give him three Dinomatons. He'd have a Silver Head Hoplo as his ace and a Silver Arm Orno and a Silver Head Dunkle.
Creepy deer all the way. Silver Body Ceros and a Silver Head Synthos for support. I'm also giving them a B-Rex.
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thatringboy · 10 months
Making the guardian in my Origin!Astarion run look like the Tav I first romanced him with and then proceeding to not romance Astarion with anyone in the entire run just to write my own in-game time travel/amnesia angst
The Emperor doesn’t know why this form - this giant Teifling man with eyes as soft as his jaw was sharp - is what appeals to the vampire spawn, Astarion certainly doesn’t know why he picked it either, but he can’t figure out why the Emperor’s disguise upsets him so much. He knew it was a false face immediately, he chalks it up to his decades of manipulating others. He’s disgusted at the notion of using the tadpole’s powers, despite how it could save him from eternity in the dark. He runs his hands along his back and immediately goes to Karlach to have her read his scars, so sure that the poem on his skin is written in the language of the devils.
He knows bits and phrases of Infernal somehow. Astarion laughs at the little curses Mol and her underlings whisper under their breath when they’re scolded by adults. He gives Wyll detailed instructions on how to care for his horns and hellish skin, far more detailed than Karlach’s instructions. He feels fury in his blood when he learns of Zevlor’s mistake, the Tiefling’s moment of weakness. Even as an exile, a Paladin should stick to his oath and those he swears to protect until death! He can’t explain why it’s any of his business.
Astarion doesn’t scoff at his childish dream of marrying a knight in shining armor anymore. He considers pursuing Wyll, but he’s too much like a younger brother. He considers Karlach, he’s certainly attracted to big buff Tieflings, but she’s more like a sister to him now. A proper family, but missing something integral, something he can’t put a name on. Yet, he still drags them with him to kill Cazador, and personally spits in Mizora’s face, and tracks down Dammon in the city to desperately repair Karlach’s engine before it’s too late.
When he learns there’s no sun in Avernus, Astarion silently makes a pact within himself to join her down in the hells on her journey of survival. Why wouldn’t he? He’s got nothing waiting for him in Baldur’s Gate. Lae’zel’s flying with Orpheus, Shadowheart’s found her father, Gale’s gone back to Waterdeep, and Halsin’s opening an orphanage(?). So he goes to Avernus, braves the hells with Wyll and Karlach, becoming the very hero he hoped would save him once upon a time.
And in Zariel’s castle (because of course they’d end up there), he finds a notebook. A journal kept by the vampire lord of Ravenloft. In it are entries that detail the methods of curing vampirism, one only needs a Wish spell. And, hey, Astarion’s an Arcane Trickster! And he’s best pals with Gale of Waterdeep!
He teaches himself the Wish spell, he uses all of Cazador’s wealth to cast it, only to discover that he’s already used the spell once. He can’t use it again.
But when did he use it? Why did he use it? He can’t remember so like any reasonable person, he gets Gale to use the spell instead (it nearly kills the poor man, but oh well) and has Gale wish that “Astarion will forevermore never be a vampire spawn again.”
And Astarion wakes up in a slimy, small pod with a weird squirming behind his right eye, watching armor-clad individuals running around with a sentient brain on legs trailing behind them like a lost dog. And he licks his mouth and finds no fangs. Just normal teeth. And his gut lurches horribly as the cycle begins anew, this time just with his memories unfortunately intact.
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Lavender and Starflower (Mobster AU) – Chapter 9
The Dekarios Clan reigns over Waterdeep as the city’s protector for centuries. Suddenly, the Clan gets challenged by Cazador, the head of the Szarr Clan that rules over Baldur’s Gate. Of course, such an attack won’t be tolerated and the intruder must be forced back and out of the City of Splendors. While fixing destroyed protection sigils, Gale, wizard prodigy and heir of the Dekarios Clan, meets a charming stranger called Astarion. And Gale makes the biggest mistake of his life; he invites the pale elf into his home.
Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, graphic description of violence, non-con/rape, derogatory language, dissociation, angst, emotional rollercoaster, mobster AU
I was inspired to start writing this fic when I saw this artwork by @arczism
This is obviously an AU that isn't related to my other work.
They lay in bed and Astarion was resting his head on Gale's chest. It was nice. Contently, the vampire spawn splayed his hand over the wizard's right pecs, playing with the dark, curly hair there. It was surprisingly soft. Gale's chest fell and rose gently while he slept and his body emitted a comforting warmth.
Astarion was surprised that they hadn't had sex tonight. Gale never demanded anything physical besides tender kisses, but always went along when Astarion initiated intercourse. The vampire spawn was weirded out that his consent mattered so much to the wizard. It was... lovely, but also scary in a way. Astarion decided to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
Just when he nuzzled against Gale's neck, an order reverberated through his mind.
"Come to me, boy."
No. Despite Astarion's shock and instant anxiety, his body reacted to Cazador's powerful magic. He was helpless as he had to watch how his body betrayed him, got out of bed and dressed itself. He walked towards the balcony, opened the door, and stepped outside.
While reconnoitring the Dekarios Estate for potential emergency or secret exits, Astarion had discovered that he could flee – if necessary – by jumping off Gale's balcony. Since it was only on the first upper floor and thanks to his vampiric traits, he wouldn't break his legs and could run off.
That's what Astarion did right now, landing on the grass below, rushing through the estate's garden, and jumping over the fence. Against his will, his feet carried him to Cazador's safe house.
When he arrived, that damned skeleton opened the door for him and led him to the dining room. There, on a pompous chair at the head of the table, lounged Cazador Szarr, leader of the Szarr Clan, vampire lord, slaver, and hard-nosed businessman. Astarion could have appreciated his maker's handsomeness if he wouldn't have known about the cruelty and nastiness that inhered in every single cell of Cazador's undead body.
"You called for me, Master?" he heard himself say.
"Ah, there you are. Come here, boy," the addressed greeted him, nonchalantly beaconing his spawn closer with a finger. "We have much to discuss."
Astarion swallowed thickly while his body walked over to stand next to Cazador's chair. His master looked at him sharply.
"Kneel." The vampire spawn's legs immediately buckled, hitting the cold stone floor. "What are you dawdling about for, boy? Didn't I give you an order?"
"Yes, but it turns out to be more difficult than expected. The Dekarios Estate is very well guarded and full of magical traps, so it's impossible to smuggle the mark out. I'm in the process of gaining his trust so that I can use an excuse to persuade him to leave his premises."
Astarion unintentionally flinched when Cazador placed his hand on top of his spawn's head. A very elegant hand with long, bony fingers – and with very, very sharp nails.
"You useless little thing." The fingers tightened in Astarion's curls, nails threatening to cut his scalp. "You're denser than the rats I so graciously feed you with. Naturally, the Dekarios Estate's safer than an owlbear in its lair. I could have told you that much." Cazador tugged his spawn's head up to look at his face. "Use your rotting brain and your alluring body, boy, and find a way to bring me the little wizard. Use every seduction trick you know. My patience's running low."
"Yes, Master," whimpered Astarion. He was glad he was already on his knees, otherwise, he surely would have collapsed judging by his trembling legs.
"Good. But before you go –" Cazador's hand wandered down to cup the spawn's cheek and the latter screwed his eyes shut."– I must remind you of your place. Look at me when I'm talking to you, dog!" Astarion instantly obeyed, his eyes flying open in a panic. "Where do you belong?"
"At y-your f-feet, M-master."
"And to whom to you belong?"
"To you, Master."
To Astarion's relief, Cazador looked pleased. Perhaps, he wouldn't be tortured tonight. No, that wouldn't happen because he couldn't show up at the wizard's place, visibly bruised. He relaxed slightly.
"What an obedient pet." Cazador ran his fingers through Astarion's hair tenderly. Oh, Gods, not the tenderness. The spawn's stomach started to churn and he balled his hand into fists at his sides. "How about you show me what a good pet you are." Cazador lifted Astarion's chin up, still gently as if they were lovers. "Take a bath and then, go to my bedroom. Sit down on the floor naked and wait for me."
"Yes, Master."
While Astarion rose to his feet and walked out of the dining room, Aurelia and Leon entered with an unconscious victim in their middle. Cazador's dinner. Astarion shuddered, but couldn't ignore his master's order. When he was in the tub, cleaning his body meticulously, he wished that he could drown himself.
Cazador took his time and Astarion waited for hours. When the sun rose and its beams fell through the gap in the curtains, the vampire spawn had to shift out of the way, but at least, now, he had a way of telling how much time was passing. Astarion's mind was spiralling, anxious thoughts and worries knotted and twisted his stomach, his knee started to hurt, he was cold despite not being able to feel cold. And he waited and waited.
Finally, Cazador waltzed in, completely ignoring him, and walked around him. He sat down at his desk and busied himself with papers and letters. When he'd sorted through everything, he finally looked up and at Astarion.
"Come here, boy. Make your mouth useful."
"Yes, Master," the addressed replied sweetly and wanted to get up to stretch his aching knees.
"No," Cazador told him sharply. "Crawl. On all fours like the dog you are."
"Yes, Master," Astarion gritted out and obeyed.
He made his way across the room and underneath Cazador's desk. The latter unlaced his trousers and revealed his half-hard cock. Astarion closed his eyes, fought down the nausea, and opened his mouth, lolling his tongue out. Cazador fed him his cock and the vampire spawn simply sat underneath the desk with his master's member in his mouth. The vampire lord hummed pleased.
"Just like that. Don't do anything else. Simply sit here and look pretty."
Astarion had no other choice but to obey. He wasn't allowed to suck, move, or swallow, thus, his own saliva and Cazador's precum just dribbled down his throat on their own. He hated it. It was disgusting. He willed his mind into fuzziness. Don't think, don't feel. And oh-so slowly, Astarion drifted away.
After a while, he felt Cazador's fingers stroking through his hair tenderly.
"Good, boy," murmured the vampire lord while he continued writing letters.
A warm feeling ran through the vampire spawn. His master had praised him, he was doing a good job. Maybe, Master actually loved him. Master was gentle, he cared he – No. Astarion scotched the thought. That's exactly how Cazador's mind games worked and how they'd gotten to him for decades. But not anymore.
Well-behaved, Astarion kept kneeling between the vampire lord's legs, kept holding his cock in his mouth, while his mind drifted away again, but this time, he thought of intelligent eyes, a soft smile, a warm body, long, brown, wavy hair, and the smell of lavender, cedarwood, and sandalwood.
Cazador couldn't fool him this time.
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I would wish to see
OK OH LORD THIS IS GONNA BE LONG, some is stuff discussed w/ my pal @idiotv2 and some is just mine (we each have our own versions but there's some stuff shared so!)
without further adieu: These are kinda old lol. I'll be doing an eventual post about their USC interpretations
yeah theyre all related in this one.
They're also all italian immigrants!
There is a front related to each one (Charon's Ferry - clothing store | and i cannot remember the others tbh. kerby's was a trampoline park tho. they go feral in there)
ALL SOME FLAVOR OF NB (they/them) and all of them aroace...except hydra who is the token allo /hj
all our cogs have some slight basing on animals so. furries the lot of them (affectionate)
All have some form of bone/joint/frame/shell issues (The head attorney does too) <- that's their Zizi btw (italian gender neutral for aunt/uncle figures)
All lost their shells but in different ways
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(Left is relationships, right is an old reference with their shells + my friend's oc joey. hes funney i like him.)
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the oldest and tallest
got put into a leadership position but would rather not TM
I'm pretty sure that with their shell Charon was considered to be pretty attractive
Wolf based, i believe they're a timberwolf but we may not have been that specific
Our designs and HC's diverge around when they all lose their shells so -- Charon (to me) becomes a spotlight thing
(Based on the light almost looking like a moon and how wolves howl, and them not wanting to be IN the spotlight)
legal surname is Christy
Gorgon thing also, can reflect damage back at you. maybe also turn you to stone if you step into the beam of light and theyre MAD)
Lost shell due to illness (from their Zizi)
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Second oldest/second tallest
The affair child TM (this is unfortunately true!)
Their animal was a hyena and boy they laugh like one
THEY ARE ALSO A DHAMPIR (male vampire and human woman) or the rough equivalent. the trait of fucked up bones appears in frame issues x2!
used to do ballet for fun in italy, fell and fucked up their foot/leg so bad they had to stop (it also required a transtibal amputation)
they have a wheelchair for bad days, but often use forearm crutches, or a cane + prosthetic (styx and graham and the foreman in the prosthetic legs club)
NO ACCENT BTW. i cannot stress this enough their voice is a dead monotone with no accent or inflection
Surname is Showalter, despite relation to Charon
DOES IN FACT DRINK BLOOD SOMETIMES. and has a life drain ability (i think it should be through their voice and this is my HC list even though i share many w/ my friend)
Showed a few symptoms of the same illness and skipped right to "get this thing off me NOW before it gets worse"
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The forgotten middle sibling (REAL) who has a passive cheat that makes people unable to sense their presence (They are a cognitohazard)
This can be rectified if you're around them a lot, but it fucks up your brain forever pretty much. They can also amplify the effect to sneak around if they want (but machines like automatic doors and cameras also forget they exist)
Almost perfectly identical to the head attorney, even when they had shells
They use this to fill in for Nyx (originally when Nyx was too ill to work even after using sick days) and they now intend to go to law school
They're why everyone hates lawbots bc they would give fake CnD's and court orders
Weird bird/cat/bat hybrid thing. cat with feathery wings (and they have white patches which are remnants of their freckles)
Surname is Christy
my freak child with an eating disorder (due to derealization and the feeling that "well im not real why bother" yeah cosmos doesnt take kindly to that.)
Weird luck powers. once made buck roll BAR 7 times in a row just by looking at him weird
Also lost shell bc of illness.
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doberman pinscher (parents weren't going to straighten their ears but i assume another family member did under the guise of getting their ears pierced. sickness and despair in the world
conspiracy theorist (but not in a fucked up way, in a funny way. like cryptid hunting) (theyre also so oblivious. we had a joke about them asking THE PERSON THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT about... well themself, without knowing)
One time Hydra got dumped on their doorstep at 8 years old and they never got a moment of peace since (they were like idk 10? 11??)
can obtain messages thru electronic signals ("MOOOM THE TV CALLED ME A BITCH AGAIN" "lol youre so imaginative")
Surname is Showalter
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The shortest and youngest, but oh so feral
talked to god once we dont need to focus on that
kind of a brat but in a PTSD way (neglectful/abusive parents)
"mommy why do you have beef with me im 4"
had 2 imaginary friends growing up, a greek fish who's name translated to Jabberwocky, and a talking house (both are in fact real dw about)
their parents didnt wanna immigrate but they were 8 and didnt understand so after a tantrum their parents packed a suitcase and dropped them with kerberos
they also didnt get a chance to learn english for for like the first few months they only spoke italian (and some greek)
vessel of fate sort of.
Surname is... well they legally changed their name to be.... hydra Hydra. after the mario movie (the live action one) where mario's surname is also mario. theyre wacky.
lost their shell in a drunk driving accident (the designated driver was drunk and drove them right into another car head on)
anyways have some funneys
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s-i-m-p0 · 2 years
Dorm leaders with a claudia! S/O
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(Interview with the vampire 1994, I love this movie since I was 10-12 years old)
(QUICK disclaimer this will be platonic-ish like how claudia feels towards Louis and them saying its wrong)
Vil Schoenheit;
~my god enteral beauty? He's up for it, give him a bite.
~but on all notes you're stuck as a child for eternity, only to be viewed as a child and not a young or even a lady, only a little girl
~ he's just in Awe about you're 'familys' beauty all are (despite age)
~my god when he gifted you a doll that looked like you, you went into such a rage
~All those dolls he gifted you every month,being throw everywhere.
~ he only wanted to be kind but he doesn't notice how much seeing doll you made you remember the past.
~after you're tantrum you ran into vils arms and cried for a solid hour or 2
~ he's so concerned about you're mood changes
~ vil assigned rook to find out what else triggeres you're rage and try to avoid them
Riddle roseheart:
~well he kinda could look like a child,if you squint hard enough.
~he is one for favouriting you due to you're 'condition' so is easy on you with either rules or standards
~ he's weary about you, you and you're urges you're coffin, yo- WAIT COFFIN-!
~ yeah he found out when it was dorm examinations and found a coffin shoved under you're bed, who'd you kill?!
~ had to sit you down privately and ask a shit load of questions
~ istg he has a whole secret room dedicated to blood bags (IF YOU WISH I think would be weird if he had a whole blood bag room for no reason)
~he's scared when he's like 40 he'll die and you keep living remaining as a child
~if you end up dying before him he's heartbroken though you've lived for century's who would kill the body of a child
~truly terrified
~ He was a 'ugly' child and he can't imagine how you see You're self after beign stuck in that for for over 188 years
~you're truly something he fears
~ when he learned of you're 'crime' of killing you're own kind he strick up a contract...
~WRONG timing
~ you TORE his office appart
~like bro 💀how are you so strong
~never, I mean never, again
~overall he's...decent at caring for you're needs
Idia shroud:
~ oh hell naw!
~he's seen too many animes to see how this plays out!
~ he first saw you playing with otho and he was like: 'oh big brother! I found a friend!'
~ otho knew what you did, but meh he killed a few people no judgement here
~ idia got decently along with you, its scary since you remind him of a human otho but more scary
~ my god you hopeless at gaming, just stick to...observing him (he's too scared to tell you that 💀)
~by the seven leave him alone
~ holy shit! You beat the crap out of jack
~he'll keep you around, unfortunately
~ you're cool
~ you're dolls scare Jim but he woudl buy some for you for celebration days, just don't...throw them at him, aim for ruggie or jack
~poor jack #justiceforjack
~ leona let's you nap on him during the day since ya know vampire+day=burn
~Lord knows how you manage to sleep without you're coffin
~ his snoring his traumatising like a dad snore but woth you're ears it's 10× louder
~ he didn't see you
~ when he first met you was through lilia who saw you wondering in the woods and yoinked you away from the clutches of hyperthermia
~ oh no, a nother vampire...
~ you and lilia ✌️🤞 two peas in a pod
~mallues just keeps seeing you as lilias birth child instead of adopted so once he called you sister
~ his leg fell asleep all day while sebeck was trying to pry you off
~ you clawed the shut out of the green haired face
~ mallues overall likes how you are manipulative with you're words
~ he's tricked a few people twisting and tipping their words and wording thing so it seems good
~ Sometimes he helps you flying (you weren't taught) with lilia
~ they take turns
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scrapsovereign · 1 month
That One Time I Got Kidnapped By An Evil Vampire Lord Ch. 4
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57838303/chapters/147743656
Rion successfully helps distract Mackenzie from her panic attack.
Pairings: past Ascended Astarion x Evil male!Tav, Ascended Astarion x Original Female Character
Trigger warnings/Tags: cheating, intimate partner violence, abusive relationships, medical settings, body shaming, internalized fatphobia, referenced sexual assault, panic attacks/PTSD episode
Downtown Seattle, Washington  
The Fairmont Olympic Hotel 
Thursday, August 24th 
7:30 PM 
Mackenzie’s breathing is the only thing that she can feel her body doing at first. Then it’s the strong arms that wrap around her, the warmth of someone’s lithe, toned chest that presses against her shoulder. The fingers that grip hers. The upwards lurch of the elevator, the sensation of her leg muscles propelling her forward as she is guided down the quiet hallway. 
The quiet feels comforting. Nice.
So does the embrace of the man who fumbles around in his pockets, searching for the key to open the door in front of him.
Mackenzie scowls. What is she doing here with this guy? Who is he again? While his name is on the tip of her tongue, just barely out of reach, she knows for certain that’s not Ari. He’s too pretty and well-dressed. He smells too good to be Ari.. 
Mackenzie feels a tugging at her brain. The man she’s with- his name was pretty weird, but he goes by something that sounds normal when you say it. Does it start with an A? Or maybe it was a R? 
He holds the door open for her and she feels as if she is almost fully back in her body, but she needs an anchor. She needs to stop the emotional escalation before she is a quivering, sobbing mess on this man’s hotel room floor.
The gorgeous man cups his elegant hands gently beneath her face, looking down into her eyes to search them for answers. 
“What is it that you need most?” He asks gently, like he’s in love with her. Like how she wishes Ari would speak to her.
“Cold water,” Mac hears herself say. She’s not sure why, but she knows it’ll help.
He raises a perfect silver eyebrow. “As in…to drink?”
“Shower,” Mackenzie says robotically, walking towards the bathroom. She places her palm face down on the countertop for support as she leans to the side.  An arm that doesn’t feel like her own un-does the buckles on the ankle straps of her shoes and slips them off.
She steps into the combined shower and bathtub, fully clothed, staring blankly ahead at the chrome fixtures. Her hands hover above the knobs, trying to comprehend how to turn the thing on. The man steps in with her as she fiddles with the knobs-  is his name Aaron? No, that’s not right…
“Are you quite sure you want to- GAH!” He yelps, his body tensing in shock at the cold water that rains down upon them. He clutches onto Mackenzie reflexively, looking up at the shower head in terror.
The contrast of the cool water tracing rivers between warmth of their wet bodies pressed together brings Mackenzie back within herself.
“S-shit, that’s cold,” she complains, her hands frantically turning and twisting the knobs to turn the shower off. It takes a few seconds too long, but she accomplishes it. 
Her eyes flicker up with hesitation at the man whose name sounds-like-but-isn’t-actually Aaron, his perfectly styled silver curls slicked straight back, his carefully applied eye makeup running slightly down his cheeks. 
She isn’t sure how to read the expression on his face, which is something she’s usually amazing at. Mackenzie can look into anyone’s eyes and know exactly what’s there, but this man’s walls are up high and tight, guarded with the utmost vigilance. Despite that, she can at least tell that whatever he’s feeling, it’s intense. His ruby irises form a thin band around his blown out pupils, his gaze half-lidded, darkened, and dangerous. His plush, flushed lips are slightly parted, his sweet, cool breath escaping him with an audible pant.
Is he mad at her? Mackenzie scrunches her eyes closed. She could kick herself. He’s probably not too happy about how she got him and their expensive clothing wet, Ari would have been pissed… 
Mackenzie cringes, bracing herself to receive his well- deserved ire. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
He closes the small gap between them and cages her fully against the marble of the bathroom walls, pressing his lips firmly to hers.
Mackenzie tenses, frozen as he kisses her.
Well…maybe he’s not mad at her, then?
His lips move against hers, teasing her, tempting her to play along. She briefly considers allowing him the chance to do so. Nobody’s ever kissed her like this before, with so much skill or passion. She’s intrigued by this display of his talents, but it’s not enough to quiet the demands of her conscience to resist. 
When that doesn’t make her yield to him, he groans sinfully in pleasure, his eyes fluttering shut as his hips roll forward. She feels something hard in his pants poke into her groin and audibly gasps. Her open mouth is not an invitation but he interprets it as such, plunging his tongue between her lips. He makes a noise that Mackenzie can only describe as obscene as her body goes slack and surrenders to him.
This is wrong, so, so wrong. She should tell him to stop. 
She is scandalized by her lack of self-control when she finds she cannot. 
Their tongues glide together fervently now, Mackenzie enthusiastically kissing him back. He draws her tongue into his mouth and fellates it, using the lewdness of his actions to distract her from the hand gliding slowly up her thigh. 
Rion (that’s his name!) swiftly rucks the hem of her dress up around her waist with a practiced hand, roughly yanking her exposed thigh towards him, her ankle hooking around the small of his back. His hips snap forward as she opens for him, grinding his fully erect, rock hard length against the sweet spot between her legs. She cries out, her blunt nails clawing at the cool marble behind her, desperate to find a surface on which she can steady herself.
“Rion,” she exhales as he kisses a searing trail along the hinge of her jaw. “We need to…we need,” she stutters breathily, the word ‘stop’ never reaching her lips as she imagines it flashing in bold, bright red letters.  
“To get out of these wet clothes? What a splendid idea, my treasure…that is, after I taste your divine nectar. You’ll allow me this treat, won’t you?” he purrs sensually, his soft lips ghosting the words into the supple curve of her neck. Mackenzie nods eagerly as she huffs out her consent, feeling her sex flutter in anticipation of his filthy promise. It’s been ages since anyone’s gone down on her, and if how he kisses is any indication of what else that tongue of his can do…
Her thoughts are arrested as he licks a broad, diagonal line up from her throat to her jaw, drawing out a pathetic mewl from her. He huffs a hungry, shuddering breath when she tilts her head back, allowing him greater access to the fluttering of her pulse that thrums so deliciously for him.
Mackenzie feels the prick of two sharp points against her skin as his mouth opens wide.
An unexpected, jarring series of knocks is heard at the hotel room’s door, breaking the spell of his seduction.
Rion snaps his mouth shut and clenches his jaw, growling in irritation at the interruption. He takes a moment to cool his temper, mumbling a series of strange words to himself as he swiftly exits the bathroom, closing the door with care behind him.
Mackenzie heaves out a sigh of relief. She clings to the shower walls, overcome with gratitude…and disappointment. Partially from her inability to resist his temptations, but mostly that she didn’t want him to stop. 
How in the hell had he aroused her nearly to ruin after being on the verge of a meltdown?! Aside from the fact that her dear husband was usually the cause of her anxiety episodes, after one of these she doesn’t want Ari to touch or perceive her, sometimes for days . 
With Rion? She was ready to go in less than 60 seconds. 
Her blood runs cold and her stomach turns as she realizes what would have happened if they had not been interrupted, it was too close of a call.  
She knew she was nearing the point of no return when he turned his attention to her neck, hovering over her pulse like a sexy vampire. However, any and all willpower she possessed to resist him had abandoned her when the vibrations of his irritated growl sent a ripple of pleasure throughout her body. Slick warmth pooled low in her abdomen, her core aching to be filled with the velvety hardness confined within his trousers. 
Had someone not come to the door, Mackenzie is certain beyond the shadow of a doubt they would have fucked right there and then, their wet clothes halfway peeled off in the shower stall.
And again in the shower, hot water running over them with Mackenzie lifted up against the marble shower walls, in the bathroom with her bent over the counter as he pounds into her from behind, her legs thrown over his shoulders while he takes her on the nearest flat surface in the hotel room, and finally with her knees pressed up to her ears when they make it to the bed…
It can’t happen. She won’t let it. 
Mackenzie sees two clean, white robes hanging on the back of the bathroom door, hung invitingly on display. She slips one on as she hears Rion make polite small talk with the hotel staff person in their room. She takes a moment to examine herself in the mirror, comb fingers through her frizzy hair in an attempt to look presentable. 
She's glad she didn’t wear more than a drop of foundation mixed into her sunscreen and some concealer to hide the dark circles under her eyes. She would have been a complete mess if she’d applied the amount of makeup Ari was always pressuring her to put on. She would often hold back from rolling her eyes when he would tell her she needed to be cuter, always hold her tongue when she wanted to reply ‘With what time and whose money?!’.
She cracks the door open when their visitor leaves, getting a better look at her surroundings.
Mackenzie’s mouth falls open in disbelief. Holy hotel suites, Batman. She knows what room they’re in and how much it comps for- it was just barely in budget for the anime convention’s guest hospitality room. What she doesn’t want to know is how much he paid the hotel staff to bring the dinner they’d ordered up to where he was staying.
Her heart flutters watching Rion busying himself while he waits for her to join him. He pops the cork on a bottle that is real champagne (not just sparkling wine), pulls out a chair for her to sit in, and places the extra tableware on an accent table to make room for the feast he’d had brought up to the room. 
There’s one detail that’s out of place - how did he get dry and clean his makeup off so quickly? His clothes are clean and pressed, his gorgeous face clean of the heavy eye makeup that ran in the shower, the long, silver curls that he tucks behind his ear cascading over his shoulders in perfectly styled waves. 
A flag of skepticism starts to nag Mackenzie. Curly hair takes so much longer than a few minutes to dry and style. She knows it personally, having abandoned her formerly copper waves that she used to wear naturally with pride. For the last year or two she’s fried her hair to Jesus with bleaching, toning, and straightening it into the long ash blonde that Ari prefers.
He spots her spying on him from around the corner, smiling at her softly as she steps out from behind the wall and makes her way over to him. 
“Normally they don’t do...this,” Mackenzie says, inclining her head towards the meal laid out before them. “I’m shocked they didn’t have you order from the room service menu.”
Rion’s soft smile turns to a satisfied grin as he takes a seat, placing a white napkin atop his lap. “There’s benefits to being observant of the small print. A large amount of coin doesn’t hurt, either.” 
Mackenzie joins him, mimicking his table manners. She stops mid-napkin placement when she sees the folded up note placed between them. She reaches for it, stopping before she touches it, looking up to Rion for permission to read it. He smiles warmly with a nod. 
The contents read: “Thank you for getting my pronouns right. You’re the only guest who’s done that for the last month. The dysphoria has been real lately, and you’ve helped me find some joy today. Hope the meal is to your satisfaction. Enjoy! - R.H., Assistant Manager. PS - Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable! Ext #4928”. 
“The only person? What the hell?” Mackenzie exclaims as she looks over at Rion, who seems extremely pleased with himself. 
“I’m as shocked as you are. It’s basic, darling. And they made it painfully obvious, what, with that little gold pin they had,” He says as he leans in as if to divulge a secret. He takes a sip of the bubbly, the drink getting caught in his throat as he motions before him. “Please, eat.”
Mackenzie was waiting for him to see how he does things, but she complies with his wishes, picking up her fork and knife, cutting into her scallops. 
She spears a portion of the seafood on her fork, mulling over her current circumstances. She furrows her brow, taking a deep breath as she stares down at the impeccable searing on it. 
“This is a date, isn’t it?” Mackenzie asks flatly, her eyes flicking up to Rion, catching him mid-bite. He sets the fork down soundlessly on his plate, his lips twisting into a smirk. 
“Oh my, it seems the beautiful heroine has uncovered my wicked plans,” he drawls, ruby eyes sparkling with mischief at her from across the table. 
“I do hope this doesn’t cause any issues between you and your…’ room-mate ’,” he enunciates the last word of his sentence in mockery of how the other server described the relationship between Mackenzie and Ari. 
Mackenzie grimaces, feeling her appetite leave her. “The reason Ari’s given me for calling me his roommate is that he wants to appear single, so his streaming career isn’t impacted negatively.”
Rion huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes. “You must know that’s an excuse, and a poor one at that. One’s relationship status does not dissuade the other party from finding them entertaining.”
“And while we’re on the topic of the ridiculous. Streaming? What in the nine hells is that? Does he dance around with a ribbon for people’s enjoyment like a circus animal? Spend his days wading through rivers and creeks looking for the sense he’s lost?” He scrutinizes, making a sour face when he bites down upon the meat in his mouth. 
“He streams video games on Twitch, and he’s done some consulting work for game companies, some play testing. He’s got a huge following with the 14-24 year old crowd doing Minecraft speed runs, but lately he’s trying to branch out into other things.” Mackenzie explains, twirling her fork with the scallop bit impaled on it in the air.
“This weekend he’d planned to start a playthrough of a game that he’d previously been under an NDA with for Larian Studios. I hadn’t heard of them before I met him,” She elaborates before she finally takes a bite of her entree, feeling her gag reflex kick in when the flavor of the food graces her tongue. 
“I’m so sorry,” she mumbles, rising abruptly, looking for a place to spit the seafood out. She makes her way to the kitchenette and returns to see Rion looking down at his meal like it was crawling with bugs. 
“If anyone should be apologizing, it should be the chef,” Rion sneers. “I’ve suffered much worse at a far greater price.”
“Now, where were we…ah, yes. Your useless roommate-slash-husband and his job sitting around playing games while you’re on your feet all day, slaving away at the physician’s office. Is his occupation at least fairly lucrative? Does he contribute any coin to your household?” Rion arches an eyebrow, drumming his fingers expectantly on the table. 
Mackenzie sinks down into her chair. “So…that’s a sore spot between us. I pay rent, most of the utilities, my own cell phone, groceries, and the car stuff. He pays the internet bill- well, he doesn’t pay much, he has a sponsorship deal- and he pays for his own phone, the things he wants to buy. He said he’s saving up for his own car, but I’m not sure if that’s really true.”
Rion leans back with an unreadable expression, crossing his ankle over his thigh. “And what of the division of labor?”
“If I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done,” Mackenzie sighs out, sagging her shoulders.
Rion licks his lips, unimpressed. His next question would have been if Ari’s good in bed, but little does Mackenzie know that’s an answer he already has. 
He rises, champagne glass in hand, the sudden movement startling Mackenzie. He drags a dining chair directly next to her, sits too close with their shoulders overlapping, his lean and strong legs entwining with hers. 
“And then there’s the matter of how horrid he’s been to you,” He murmurs, lifting her left hand to scrutinize the ring that encircles the fourth digit. 
Mackenzie’s throat tightens, the sting of tears filling her eyes. 
“What did you mean earlier when you said he’s going to kill me?” She looks up at him, her eyes sparkling in the dwindling light of the evening. 
Rion pauses, rubbing his thumb overtop the softness of the back of her hands.
“It wasn’t your exact situation, but I’ve been hi- with men like him. I too have been stuck in the cycle of heartbreak, promises made, and promises broken. The lies and the abuse only escalate. One day he’s upset because you’re not standing up straight enough, and then the next he’s trafficking-” Rion pauses mid-sentence when his voice gives out. His eyes shut tightly in pain for only a moment, his fingers interlacing with Mackenzie’s.
He sits up straight and sniffles, draining the champagne in his glass. He transforms then, his princely airs returning as he looks out over their barely eaten meal with contempt. 
“You’re staying here tonight, with me. I won’t take no for an answer,” He commands, his furious eyes snapping up to meet Mackenzie’s. 
Mackenzie gulps audibly as she feels his hand grip hers with calculated pressure, considering her options. 
Option number one. Politely excuse herself to the bathroom, call Amanda to come pick her up and drive her back to her car. It’ll take awhile from Amanda to get in from where she lives in the middle of nowhere AKA Hobart, but she knows Amanda’s good for it. She can pretend she’s going to get ice when she slips out right as Amanda’s pulling up, jump into her car, and never see this man again. She’ll probably have to help clear a pile of half-finished SCA garb off the bed, but she’ll have a bed to sleep in, at least.
Option number two. Slip away using the same ice excuse, walk back to her car, drive to the parking garage at work. Sleep in her car, use the shower in the combination storage room/staff poop bathroom to get cleaned up before her shift starts, and go about whatever fresh hell her work day brings. 
Option number three. Stay. 
Normally, she would select option two, not wanting to inconvenience anyone.  
Her mind drifts back to the latter. It’s definitely not the smart choice. If her current circumstances were part of a show she was watching, she’d be on the edge of her seat calling out, “Run, bitch, run!”. However. She really, really wants to see what happens with option three. Even if it’s the stupidest one.
Mackenzie nods stiffly. “Yeah, I think I’d like that,” she admits, her voice cracking as she speaks. 
The look of approval on Rion’s face both scares and arouses her.
“Excellent. I knew it was an offer you couldn’t refuse,” he purrs, massaging comforting circles into the palm he had gripped so tightly.
Mackenzie feels her pocket inside the silk dress vibrate- she thought she turned that off?
She leans into Rion unintentionally as she reaches for her phone, which he takes as an excuse to haul her up to sit in his lap. Her ears turn hot. She could swear to God the butterflies in her stomach are actually the two bites of seafood she’s had, coming back with a vengeance. 
The notification is from…Microsoft Teams?
Oh, it’s Rob!
“CHEEZY MY DUDE. Guess who has two thumbs and has more lumpia and pancit AND LECHON than they could eat????” 
Mackenzie feels her mouth water at the mention of lechon, typing out a reply when his next message pops up. 
“THIS GUY!!!!!  /airhorn noises. Marisol really loaded me up. I got three huge takeout containers and it’s going to go bad before I eat it all. Do you want sum? I herd you liek Filipino foodz…” he types, following up with a picture of an animated Mudkip. 
Rion snorts at the strange blue creature wiggling on the screen as he reads the messages with her. “Cute. An inside joke between you two, I assume?” he sighs, nuzzling his head against her shoulder like an overgrown cat.
Mackenzie could be shocked that Rion’s only five years older than her and doesn’t get the reference to the old memes, but with his refined manners and posh British accent she isn’t. Not everyone grew up and remains chronically online like her tiny circle of friends. 
Her stomach grumbles loudly, protesting the excess of everything she’s imbibed this evening that isn’t a solid meal. 
“More or less. Hey, are you hungry?” She cranes her head to look down at him. 
“I could…go for a nibble,” Rion flirts, displaying a set of long canines that Mackenzie hadn’t noticed before. “A little something to whet my appetite for later. Any local delicacies you can recommend? Aside from yourself, of course.”
Rion smugly peers up at Mackenzie, flushed and uncomfortably squirming in his lap. 
“Hmm. Perhaps a dish that isn’t also local to the Gate?” he offers without thinking about the context of his words. 
“The Bay Area, huh?” Mackenzie muses, leaning away to get a better look at the mortified look on Rion’s face. Her Instagram feed is sometimes full of suggestions of all the delicious food available further down the west coast. She doesn’t know what else he could get in Seattle that he couldn’t get there…aside from the renowned Marisol’s home kitchen.
“I’m downtown right now at the Fairmont. Should I come to you? When’s your breaks/lunch?” she types back, hoping he doesn’t have anything to say about her current location. 
“...Fairmont? Did you win the lottery and not tell me?!???! RUDE,” Rob messages. “Nah, the ole battleaxe canceled me and forgot to tell me and isn’t floating me anywhere else tonight THANK GOD. So I’m chillaxin here, collecting the fruits of last nights….shall we say…….deeiiirtay deeds.” Rob sends a message with a GIF from the movie “Joe Dirt”, immediately sending another GIF of chocolate soft serve being squeezed out of a tube.
“Gods, eugh! Is that what I think it is?” Rion angles Mackenzie’s phone towards him in disgust and fascination, Mackenzie lifting it above her head and out of his reach. 
Mac’s backside starts to get that pins-and-needles feeling and she re-adjusts herself on Rion’s lap. 
“I don’t wanna be that person who just invites other people over to a two-person party, but Marisol’s cookin’ is a local legend up the hill, and I’d love for you to meet Rob. You up for some company?” 
Rion chuckles, a villainous sound that sends shivers up Mackenzie���s spine. “In the presence of a delightful treat such as yourself? It’s difficult to be anything else.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
a bit weird but could I have an ask of castlevania dracula where his s/o tries to like,, steals his cape lmao, that thing is long af I would trip on it all the time I bet thank you:)
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There was a lot of things you could do within Dracula’s vast home to occupy your mind for hours on end yet it felt as though that after finishing one book, you’ve read them all. You knew the plot, you knew the characters right down to their minuscule mannerisms and knew the conclusion just by brushing your fingers across the books backs as you wandered aimlessly through the vast library; looking for another distraction that came in the form of cloak with a familiar black and blood red colour scheme draped across the back of one of the plush chairs that sat before the fireplace.
Now as far as you were aware Dracula was rarely without his intimidating cloak. So for you to find it out of pure luck felt like a set up by the vampiric lord but you were as naturally curious as they could get because you disregarded the possible consequences of your actions that was to come and draped the lengthy piece of fabric across your shoulders; groaning almost immediately at the remaining proportion of the cloak that sat at your feet almost as though like a puddle of silk and thread that you couldn’t tell where the floor began and the cloak stopped. You gravely underestimated the difference between you and Dracula and were now paying the price with you taking the first step forward only to find yourself laying on your back, staring up at the high ceiling, groaning in pain from the unsuspected fall that it drew the attention of the vampiric overlord who stood in the doorway; brows raised in a sign of silent humour.
Dracula took note of the fact that his cloak was missing and tried to track his mind back to where he last placed it. So when he heard a distant thud followed by a pained groan. He had found his answer. “I’ve been looking all over for that cloak,” he stated, taking strides across the room until your head was caged between his boot cladded feet as you stared sheepishly up at him from the collar of his cloak, “looks like I found the thief responsible. What do you have to say for yourself little lamb?” His long, nimble fingers crushed against the skin of your arms as he brought an arm behind your back and beneath your legs to haul you off the floor and against his chest before letting you stand on your two feet, awaiting your response that never came but it never needed to because he would let you steal his cloak as many times as you liked as there was nothing Dracula loved more was to see you happy.
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Perhaps, One Shot
Thanks for the prompt toshisurtsdottir hope you like it!
Tom/Loki is a cruel drug lord, ruling most of the city. However, he just can’t bring his opposing crime lord down to her knees. Or maybe he can. Who knows.
And also thanks for prompt hidinagain hope you like it too!
This isn't technically a submission, I just want to say I'm a slut for demonic or vampire Tom/Loki. 
WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con, vampire so blood drinking.
The leather tight against her neck should have been terrifying, considering it was choking the life out of her, but she was so undeniably aroused it was difficult to think straight.
Was it the man who wore said leather over his hand that was arousing her? Or was it just the leather and act itself… She would never admit it, but most definitely it was both.
If this was how she was to go, then at least she was aroused. She could think of worse ways to die.
‘Any last words, pet. Before I take the life out of you.’ His voice was calm and collected, but so seductive against her ear.
But he saw her shudder. And that made him pause, a smirk spread across his face.
‘Or, perhaps… you have enjoyed our little game of cat and mouse over the years, and now upon finally being captured by the master of this city, you are finding yourself far too aroused to deal with anything else.’ He said cockily.
He then sniffed the air just in front of her face, eased up the pressure around the front of her throat and he put his thumb over her pulse point, feeling her heart racing.
‘I can smell how aroused you are.’
‘That’s plain weird. Even for an asshole like you, Laufeyson.’ She scoffed and tried to kick him, but he was too fast, with his free hand he was able to grab her thigh and he pushed it to the side, spreading her legs open, he stood between her feet to keep her legs apart.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Are you really in a position to be insulting me, hmm?’ He snarled and squeezed her neck, taking her breath away. ‘For years you’ve taunted me, tried to steal my clientele, my men. But now, you’re in my territory and you’re not getting away.’
He rudely shoved his hand up under her dress and into her knickers. She tried to contain her whimper as she felt the leather from his glove slide against her sensitive cunt, sliding between her folds to see how wet she was.
‘Well, look at this. What a little slut you are.’ He growled as he removed his hand and held it up, her juices glistening on his glove. ‘Your body truly betrays you, darling…’
‘What can I say… I’m a sucker for rough play.’ She said teasingly, narrowing her eyes at him.
Loki chuckled and then forced his fingers into her mouth. ‘Clean my glove.’ He demanded.
Instead of sucking his fingers though, no matter how nice the leather felt against her tongue, she dared to bite them instead. He hissed and pulled them out of her mouth, the hand around her neck came up to grip her face harshly by her cheeks. He leaned in so his lips hovered over hers, she could feel his breath against her.
‘You have no idea how rough I can play.’ He growled, then grinned widely, showing off his teeth.
But he didn’t have ordinary teeth. He had fangs that suddenly appeared.
Her eyes widened in fear. Whilst everyone in the city feared Loki Laufeyson, even the police did, knowing what he did for a living they turned the other way. Not wanting to interfere or get on his wrong side. But she had never feared him, she was his opponent, always there trying to sabotage his big deals to take for her own. He had been trying to take her out for years. Now he finally had her trapped.
But now, she realised she wasn’t just dealing with a drug lord.
He was a vampire.
Her first knee jerk reaction after being scared was to say something like how come you don’t glitter in the sun or melt. But she was smart, so decided to stay quiet.
‘Cat got your tongue, hmm?’ He hissed, chuckling in amusement at how quickly she shut up. ‘Let’s try again… Get down on your knees.’
Swallowing hard and hating herself for doing as he said, she sank down to her knees. For one, she knew she wasn’t just dealing with a powerful human anymore… And suddenly all the rumours of Laufeyson’s enemies going missing made sense.
But then… One question she just had to ask came to mind.
‘You… You could’ve easily taken me out years ago… Why didn’t you?’ She asked, her voice shaky. She had no real idea of what he was capable of anymore. Not now she knew what he was.
Loki’s smirk had always been menacing, but with his fangs it made it ten times worse. Especially as he was looming over her.
‘Where would the fun in that be? Hmm?’ He pressed his fingers to her lips. This time, she did as he wanted and sucked them clean.
‘That’s a good girl. See, you can obey when you put your mind to it.’ Loki crouched down on front of her and gripped her hair, she hissed at the annoyingly delightful pain in her scalp.
‘Such a pretty thing you are too. And clever. I like that. It will be such a shame to destroy you… But perhaps I will grant you some fun first, since you are clearly so sexually frustrated. It’s only fair to give you pleasure in return for my own.’
He hoisted her back up to her feet by her hair, making her kneel in the first place had just been a power move. Needing her to realise how beneath him she was. Which only became more obvious when he tore at her dress, ripping it clean from her. Her knickers and bra were quick to go too, while he remained fully clothed in his black suit.
Loki forced her against the wall, making her yelp as her head hit it a bit hard. But she soon forgot about that when he forced his mouth against hers, his tongue taking control instantly as it delved into her mouth, almost making her gag as he shoved it down her throat as far as he could. He was greatly enjoying her discomfort.
While he kept her pinned in place with a large hand at her neck once again, he put his free hand to good use between her thighs. Pressing a leathery finger up into her, his thumb landing on her clit to rub harshly.
‘I will feed on you, bleed you dry while you cum on my cock. It will be the last pleasure you ever get, with the last breath you ever take.’ He warned, his voice full of darkness.
When she opened her eyes, she saw his eyes had changed. They were just a terrifying black.
She barely contained a scream, both because of what she saw and also because his finger was quickly replaced with his cock, she was so caught up in his eyes that she didn’t even register how that happened. But her legs were hiked up around his waist as he slammed into her.
Loki began fucking into her roughly, she could barely catch her breath. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck to hold on, it was hard not to be caught up in the pure bliss he was bringing her as he fucked her.
His hips moved quicker and quicker, inhumanly fast against her. Then she felt the cool leather stroke against her scalp, before he harshly took a grip of her hair and tugged her head forcefully to the side.
He pressed his lips to her neck and moaned, his hips still pounding against her.
She shivered in fear and arousal at where he was now concentrating. And when she felt his teeth graze along her skin, she clenched down hard on his cock. Making him falter a moment, losing his rhythm he roughly just jabbed into her.
‘You seem to be enjoying this danger far too much… It would be a shame to waste such a pretty little thing.’ He continued grazing his teeth against her skin, now and then his tongue darted out to taste her. He was practically salivating now, barely containing himself from just sinking his teeth into her already.
‘Then… d… don’t…’ She whimpered out. It was difficult to speak properly.
‘Hmmm.’ His lips vibrated against her skin, making her whine again.
Loki’s cock felt so good inside her, even if he was moving at a rapid pace that was making her head spin. He was hitting all the right spots within her. If this was how she would die, then so be it…
‘Perhaps…’ Loki trailed his fangs against her again, above her pulse point. She trembled harder now, his grip in her hair tightened to keep her in place. ‘Perhaps I could keep you. As my own blood bank pet…’ He chuckled darkly then.
‘Wouldn’t that be a delight… The Master of the city claims the only opposing threat for his own.’
At that, he didn’t wait any longer. He had to have her.
With one well timed and aimed thrust into her, rubbing against her g spot, he bit down on her neck hard. The feeling of his fangs sinking deep into her made her scream out in pain, but pleasure coursed through her at the same time as he halted deep within her, keeping her pressed painfully to the wall so she couldn’t move.
And as she was cumming around his cock, the feeling of him sucking her blood out made her feel extremely dizzy. Her sight began to go blurry.
Loki moaned into her as he drank her blood, fangs and cock deep inside her, spurting his own cum into her as she squeezed him hard.
As delicious as she was, and as difficult as it was to resist from just sucking her dry, thoughts of what he could do to her flashed in his mind… Puncture marks all over her body, on her thighs, ass, stomach, breasts, hips… All the wonderful places he could feast from her. And he would have her on his arm in public, for everyone to see that she had given in and submitted to him. It would be an even bigger power move than simply having her disappear.
So with all the strength within him, he released her neck with a gasp. Her blood dripped from his fangs down onto her breasts. He licked his lips and dipped his head to lap up her blood from her. As expected, she had passed out from loss of blood and the well-timed orgasm.
He pulled out of her and scooped her into his arms, bridal style. Then carried her off to his bedroom. She stirred very slightly on the way there.
‘Shhhh, pet. You’re all mine now.’ He cooed just before she fell into the darkness once again.
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misaverawrites · 2 years
Upon The Night (Alucard x Reader) -Chapter One
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tags: canon typical violence, slow burn-ish, strangers to lovers, idk some other stuff lol
summary: you are tasked to find alucard to help your village, now that you have, what will transpire?
a/n: my second series lol, I'm excited to share it with you all!
Quiet. The night is quiet as you venture outside, a fool's errand as most would call it. The night creatures hadn’t attacked your village yet. You had volunteered yourself to go to the large castle near the village for Greta, as far as everyone else had known, the last rider had not made their way to the castle either.
You had decided to take it upon yourself to begin on a trek to the castle overnight, so you could make your way there by the early morning hours. The hoards of night creatures and miscellaneous noises of other forest creatures nearby made you cringe deep into your bones. It was only a bit longer. At least you’d hoped so…
You rode your way through the woods, silent from fear of what might hear you should you speak. You coaxed your horse to ride as fast as it could quietly, your grip on your knife steadied you in your thoughts as you emerged from the brush to see it. Dracula’s castle, well… no longer as most of Wallachia knew, but you didn’t even know what else to call it. The Alucard’s castle sounded weird to you. You stare at it nervously, brushing small pieces of branch and foliage from yourself as you begin to creep up to the door, the bodies outside hadn’t phased you anymore, there would be worse to face than bodies on stakes if you couldn’t convince this vampire to help you.
You breathe out one more time to calm your nerves as you come face to face with the door, you cannot help but stare up at the magnitude of this door, you’d never seen a building that so dwarfed you, and your terror had not helped but, you needed this. You used the pommel of your knife to bang on the door, once, twice, then a third. You waited at the door, bouncing your leg nervously as you prepared to knock once more, suddenly, before you could even do so, the door swung open and you were face to face with him. The lord of the castle and the son of Dracula. The Alucard.
You stare at him with widened eyes, a bit of contained terror within them. You do not yet bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you begin to speak, “I am from the village, nearby. We’ve been getting attacked by the night creatures and I was… I was one of the many to be sent here. I’m just the only one to make it.” The man simply nods at you as you now, feel smaller just by his intense gaze on you. “You may come in.” He says, his voice is almost like a whisper, elegant and kind. Not like any of the other vampires you had come into contact with, though those had always been brief encounters.
You look at the castle observing the interior, dust is settled upon most of the surface, except for some of the paintings, the ones that contain a woman who looks similar to him. You cannot help but think of who this woman was, maybe a former lover or something to that degree. Before you can continue your speculation, he clears his throat and you turn your attention back to him. “I have a bedroom you may stay in until morning. Then we will leave for your village.” You look at him suspiciously, “How are you just going to believe me? I haven’t even told you anything.” His gaze softens just slightly, but you cannot help but still feel like prey around him, “You have told me enough, besides, if you were lying. I could still kill and stake you before you could blink.” He was right, and you both knew it. You swallow anxiously and he sighs, “You look rather tired, come with me.” You nod, following him upstairs to a small bedroom.
The castle is dark and rather unnerving to you but this small bedroom seems almost like a ray of light, an oasis in a maze. It holds a canopy bed and a beautiful collection of hand-sewn quilts and toys. “What is your name?” The man asks you, not bearing to look at the room or you as you do not bring yourself to look at him for longer than a moment yourself, “My name is (Y/N),” He begins to walk out the door but stops at the doorway, “Alucard,” Is all that he says, quietly, to you before leaving you in the room, by yourself.
You shed your cloak and place it over a small chair before you lie down on the canopy bed, a wave of exhaustion falling upon your body after the travel and continual fear of running into your demise at the claws and mouths of the night creatures. You can barely bring yourself to cover up with the comforter as your eyes become heavy. You quickly fall asleep in the bed, all you can feel now is thankful that you made it and survived, your fear from the night subsiding as the morning arrives.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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