#the way she's so happy to see elphie and then fiyero is like “go away”
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sakurabraches · 7 days ago
thinking abt the scene in act ii of the musical where glinda sees elphie after what's probably been years, and how much emotion there is in the "elphie? oh thank oz you're alive" and how her first reaction is to tackle hug her
and then she sees the wizard and desperately tries to smooth things over but before she can even really process what's happening or really react elphie and fiyero run off together and leave her alone
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fishbonex · 3 months ago
If the world was ending, I'd wanna be next to you
Elphaba Thropp x fem!reader x Glinda Upland
Summary: Your heart breaks when you hear the news about Elphaba. It breaks even more when Glinda returns without her to see you.
Word Count: 1,3K
Warning: ANGST, mentions of spells (don't tell me), prejudice.
note: reader is a witch too.
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"I insist that you should come with me." Elphaba's deep, calm voice sounded from beside you, making you turn your head towards her.
You snorted lightly. She had been insisting on this ever since the Wizard's invitation arrived. And you kept refusing, this was her moment. Elphaba deserved this. She deserved the whole world.
"No, Elphaba." you turned on the grass, your body facing hers. "Seriously, it's going to be great. You're going to do amazingly well, as always. And he's going to love you, everyone loves you."
You had dragged Elphaba out to the field after Shiz after school ended, wanting to have a moment alone with her before she left the next day. You would have called Galinda, but she seemed too busy with Fiyero, so you just shrugged.
Your friendship with Elphaba seemed like something that was destined not to happen, since you weren't exactly outgoing and she was very closed off, always on the defensive. You didn't blame her, it was all the prejudice she had suffered throughout her life that was to blame.
"I wish someone important was with me at this... such an important moment." she smiled slightly. "Are you really sure?"
Before answering, you looked at the field around you and bent down to pluck a delicate white flower that was lying near your feet. Holding it, you turned to Elphaba and stared at her for a moment, feeling your heart swell. With a delicate movement, you took her hand and turned it over, placing the flower in her green palm.
Holding her hand gently in yours, you closed your eyes for a moment and then released her.
"Did you make a wish on the flower?" she asked, lifting one corner of her lips, her gaze falling to the small flower in her hand.
"I put my best thoughts and wishes into it." you replied, bringing your hand to her chin to tap it with your index finger. "The flower knows I wish you the best, take it with you and return it to me when you return to Shiz."
Elphaba smiled the big smile that warmed your heart and leaned in, wrapping her arms around you.
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At dusk you saw Galinda's small figure open her arms towards you in the middle of Shiz's courtyard and automatically opened yours before running towards her, feeling her lift you off the ground lightly.
"Galinda! I told you not to do that, you'll end up hurting yourself." you scolded as she lowered you again.
"It never gets old for me," she hummed. "I haven't seen you since the classes ended, where was my dearest friend?"
"Your dearest friend?" you giggled and she started walking, pulling your hand.
"Don't let anyone hear." she spoke almost singing again. "I was with Fiyero, and you? Where? And with whom."
She turned to you with big, expectant eyes, squeezing your hands tightly.
"With Elphaba, I wish I had more time to say goodbye." you said simply, shrugging.
"Oh! Elphie. I wish the same, having more time to say goodbye." she said and clung to you dramatically, hiding her face in your shoulder. "My roommate is leaving."
Galinda's dramatic and over-the-top ways had previously driven you away from her, but she ended up becoming your friend when she saw you talking to Elphaba. The arrangement worked out, somehow.
"I just had a magnificent idea!" she suddenly shouted, releasing you.
"You can live with me while Elphie is away!" she put both hands on your shoulders. "It'll be perfect! That way we won't suffer so much when she's gone."
"She's not going to die, Galinda." you laughed. "But if it makes you happy, fine, I'll live with you."
You knew it wasn't going to happen. Just like you knew Galinda would get on the train with Elphaba. Your vision was clear this time.
You saw them both walking hand in hand down the emerald green corridor, heard the wizard's voice and then your vision ended. You couldn't interfere, even though you had seen very little.
Hence the flower. A protection spell might not be enough, but it was the most you could do without interfering with future events.
Galinda let out an excited squeal that snapped you out of your thoughts and her heels began to click on the floor as she pulled you up and started running towards your dorm.
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The day in Shiz was overcast after the green train had left to Emerald City. You were writing one of your sorcery lessons when your head buzzed, forcing you to groan and squint. The vision was blurry at first, and the voices were muffled, but slowly it began to make sense.
Elphaba's irritated voice rang out, followed shortly by Galinda's calm request for something from her. Her vision blurred for a moment before focusing again, this time clearer. The outlines of Elphaba and Galinda stood in front of a large glass window.
When your head buzzed again, the image that appeared was that of your friend flying in front of a group of people, who were pointing guns at her. Galinda had her back to it, hugging Madame Morrible tightly.
With a groan of pain, you opened your eyes, looking around your dorm desperately, not really looking for anything. It wasn't supposed to be this way, why were they threatening Elphaba with weapons? Why wasn't Galinda helping her? Letting those people point their guns at her?
She managed to cast a spell to fly. In the midst of the whirlwind of negative thoughts, this one at least left a hint of pride in you.
Your despair did not pass with the hours of the day and to make matters worse, Madame Morrible's announcement of Elphaba's capture only made everything worse. Your stomach ached with worry, your head throbbed with agony.
None of it was true. Elphaba was not an enemy, she was not. And there was no evil in her either. You shivered when Madame Morrible's sophisticated voice called your best friend the Wicked Witch.
Some students who were unable to contact their families remained in Shiz until the next day, and you were among them, your eyes heavy with sadness, your chest heavy with a pain you could not explain.
Sitting on one of the fancy benches in the courtyard, you didn’t bother to look up when you heard the familiar click of Galinda’s heels approaching.
"You-you couldn't go home?" her soft voice rang out in the heavy silence present. "You can go to my-"
"Get out of here, Galinda." your voice sounded hoarse, perhaps from the hours you spent crying without knowing what to do.
"Did you know that you're the only one who calls me that now? It's just that I changed my name, now it's Glinda." she tried to sound optimistic, approaching with hesitant steps. "But you can keep calling me Galinda, I don't mind."
At another time, you would have laughed and thought she was silly and funny. But not now, not after what she did.
Encouraged by your silence, she spoke again, now almost standing in front of you.
"I couldn't do anything. I didn't want to anger her. And also Madame Morrible-"
"You already have everything, Galinda!" you snapped, standing up. "You have money, you have beauty, and everyone loves you. What do you lack?! Elphaba means so little that at the first opportunity to have the attention of someone who doesn't care about you, you trade her?"
"Don't yell..." she tried to take your hand, but you pulled it away abruptly. "I don't like seeing you sad."
"How do you want me to feel? What do you think Elphie is feeling right now?" your voice broke as tears began to threaten to spill over. "You're a terrible friend."
This seemed to shock Galinda and she staggered back a few steps, her large eyes widening even further.
"You didn't really mean it." she spoke even more softly.
"I meant." you ran your hands over your face and looked at her. "I don't want you to come near me anymore. Or even speak to me."
"No..." Galinda's broken voice made you sadder, but you started walking quickly away from her anyway.
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deeplyshalllow · 2 months ago
Hi! I've seen some fans, in my opinion, completely misunderstand Elphaba telling Glinda in the deleted scene that choosing Fiyero was a "mistake." They are taking that to mean she would've preferred bringing Glinda and hates that she chose Fiyero?
I saw her calling it a "mistake" as her 1, sparing Glinda's feelings, and 2, she called it that because it was the event that made her feelings for her BEST FRIENDS BOYFRIEND grow, so of course she has some regrets. 😅 She loves Glinda, her not choosing Glinda doesn't devalue how she views their friendship, she just subconsciously knew Fiyero genuinely cared for the same cause.
I love your takes, so I was just wondering as to what your thoughts exactly were in that scene?
^ Video for context
(Firstly, apologies if I repeat some of the same things you’ve already said, I had a lot of thoughts about this scene and I just wanted to get them down and it was easier writing this as a bit of a scene analysis rather than just a direct response)
*Checks there’s no Gelphie fans holding sharp objects in hearing range*
Ok let me begin.
I’m glad it was cut.
I don’t think it was a very good scene. I think it doesn’t really make sense with the train station scene (there’s no way Glinda would still think Fiyero was distant and moodified about Dillamond if she knew this) and it introduces Galinda’s suspicions about Elphaba and Fiyero too early (I like the scene with her waking up and noticing they were both gone, I like the scene where she notices the moment between them at the train station, I want the niggling doubts in her mind, but something big like this doesn’t feel right pre-interval).
Saying that, I don’t think it’s saying what the Gelphie fans think it was saying.
I actually think it’s a fairly selfish scene from Galinda’s perspective. She’s upset because she was left out – which I do understand, but she’s failing to see the bigger picture. There was a sentient, intelligent, being in danger and it got saved and, instead of being happy about that or even asking if the Cub was ok, her first reaction is “but what about me?” Contrast this to Fiyero not even listening to Elphaba’s panic in the Lion Cub scene, because he’s seen an opportunity to get it to safety, or Elphaba who immediately joins him. Their first priority is about the Animal – any focus on feelings or why this happened doesn’t come until the Lion Cub appears to be safe.
And let’s imagine, for a second, the scene of Galinda in the Lion Cub scene. She would go with Elphaba, I believe that much, though it would not be Galinda who made the first move the way it was for Fiyero. She’d be discouraging Elphaba from doing it at least at first “Elphie, we’re going to get in so much trouble!” and she’d be busy complaining about going through the forest in heels. There probably would be some concern for the Lion Cub, in so much that it’s cute and small and vulnerable, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t end up asking “are we sure that the teacher isn’t right that the cage is for his own good?” Galinda doesn’t like challenging the status quo and is known to downplay atrocities (hell, we see in the train station scene that she refers to Doctor Dillamond being literally dragged away by guards as an “old Goat” that she was surprised Fiyero cared so much about who was “fired”).
Her insistence that “you could have picked me” isn’t one of her genuinely thinking she had the ability to help in that situation. It’s that she’s uncomfortable that her best friend and her boyfriend shared something she didn’t, that Elphaba (quite rightly given the circumstance) didn’t immediately turn to her for help. There also possibly is a hint of her realising here (if, I think, subconsciously) that Elphaba and Fiyero might have feelings for each other, and reacting to try and prevent it.
From Elphaba’s side, she is feeling guilty for having feelings for her best friend’s boyfriend. She first tries to downplay it “he just helped me rescue the Cub,” and then, on further pushing, apologises, says it was a mistake and promises to “pick” Galinda next time.
How do we know that it was a matter of her feeling guilty over feelings for Fiyero rather than thinking it was a “mistake” that she “picked” Fiyero? BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T PICK HIM! We know that she didn’t have any control over the spell, we know she was just as surprised as Fiyero when he didn’t fall asleep with the others. The only reason she wouldn’t have said “I didn’t pick him, he must have been immune to my spell for some reason, maybe he took a lot of hay fever tablets that day,” is because the mistake is not about that. The mistake was letting Fiyero get close enough at all that she caught feelings for him (perhaps even ones she sort of knew she was brewing – given the cut Boq train station scene implies that he’s noticed too and they’ve all be hanging together for a while before this point).
Therefore, her promise to Galinda is not about trusting her, or thinking she’d have been a better person to save the Lion Cub with, it’s about making it up to Galinda, and proving to herself that she will never do something that might hurt Galinda again.
And Defying Gravity proves that Galinda was indeed the wrong person to be “picked”. We see Elphaba and Glinda in a very similar situation to the Lion Cub scene, they’re breaking the law for the good of the Animals. Firstly, Glinda doesn’t even follow Elphaba until Morrible tells her to “get her back”(again, Fiyero takes the lead in the Lion Cub scene, he’d have saved the Cub without her), then she tells Elphaba to come back, that she’s out of her mind and, while she does clearly flirt with the idea of joining Elphaba, not only does she quickly back down, it’s never, never about truly believing, or even fully understanding, why Elphaba wants to go.
Ultimately, the promise scene is a tragic one, it’s the first scene where we see how different both girls’ morals really are. They’re making the promise for two different, selfish reasons, that have more to do with their own insecurities than actual belief in each other, and it’s a promise that gets broken before the end of the movie.
It’s also worth noting that Glinda even has another chance to keep this promise in Act 2. In the throne room scene, she could have gone with Elphaba and Fiyero – it would have been easy to say “me too” when Fiyero says he’s going with her, but it doesn’t even occur to her. Meanwhile Fiyero, again, has already stepped up, willingly giving away his palace life, reputation and become a traitor to Oz to ensure Elphaba gets away safely.
Fiyero was always the right person to pick in the Lion Cub scene.
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yeetfanficccc · 3 months ago
Love is for other people Boq Woodsman x reader oneshot Wicked musical
Concept- Shiz years AU(everyone is just vibing at Shiz and nothing goes wrong because I can’t emotionally do that right now) 
(Y/N) is one of Galinda’s friends trying to get her to admit her and Elphaba like eachother. Boq takes an interest in (Y/N) instead of Galinda. Nessa is just vibing and doesn’t like Boq because plot connivence. Fiyero is Fiyeroing in the background. I made up some fun Ozian words for Galinda to say! Not proofread, gender neutral reader
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“So, you like her right?” 
“What!” Galinda gasped in her high-pitch tone clutching her chest, “I positively do not! That would be absurd, impossilosious even. We are just friends...” She spoke the last word in a breathy sigh, her long eyelashes fluttering. “Very good friends.” 
“Friends that stare at each other longingly from across the room?” Just that moment Galinda’s face snapped back to me from her not so obvious turn to Elphaba across the lunchroom during our conversation. ShenShen and Pfannee were eating near us and were only kind of aware of Galinda’s crush, so she leaned in further to me. 
“Hm.” She crossed her arms with a pout, “(Y/N) you’re too perceptive-its frustafacating!”
“You should tell her, really. From the way she looks at you, I think she might like you to.”
“Really?!” Galinda shot up from her seat eyes a blaze, “I mean… that would be nice.”
“I don’t know for sure of course. But you’ll never know if you don’t ask. Just think about it.”
“That’s the problem, I am very bad at thinkafacating when she’s around. My mind goes to mush. It’s very… very… oh I don’t know…”  
Galinda looked longingly at Elphaba on the other side of the cafeteria. 
Ever since the night at the OzDust, Galinda’s true view on Elphaba seemed to bubble to the surface. She pretended to hate her for so long that once they admitted they should at least be friends, all those deep-seated emotions were at a boiling point. For weeks now, (Y/N) watched as her most confident, cheery friend turned into a blushing idiot whenever a certain green witch was around. Really, it was adorable. 
In a way, I was a bit jealous. Sure, I’d had my fair share of crushes, but no one who made me feel like I was dancing on clouds high in the sky. So, I resigned myself to love from the sidelines. I supported my friends, kept my fancies to myself, and pretended it didn’t bother me. Love was for other people, not me. 
“Oh! Elphie is coming this way.” Galinda grinned, “how do I look?” 
“Beautiful as always. I’ll leave you to it.” I patted her on the back, “good luck.”
After a nod and signature toss-toss, Galinda shifted her focus from me entirely to Elphaba. I snuck away, smiling at seeing my friend so happy. My afternoon class wasn’t for another 20 minutes, so I decided to take a walk as a little treat. Shiz had breathtaking grounds, it was one of the main reasons I came here, I liked to take advantage of whenever able. 
“(Y/N)!” a familiar voice called waving his arms up and down. My soft smile grew.
Before, I knew it, Boq appeared at my side, “hey Boq!”
“Lovely day, isn’t it?” he said with a sheepish grin, “the clouds are umm… cloudy!”
“Boq, have you ever been in love?”
“What?” his face turned as red as his hair. 
“Sorry.” I laughed, “That was sudden of me. I just never have and was wondering what it felt like.”
“Oh.” A small disappoint fell over his face, “well I-I have.” 
“Really? How long did you date them?”
“Oh, we never dated. It’s just this person I really admire…they’re kind, smart, and endlessly breathtaking… they’re probably out of my league though.”
“Wait is this current? How come you never told me!” I grabbed my friend’s hands, and the poor boy looked like he was on the verge of passing out “sorry, sorry I got excited.”
“Don’t be sorry. You never need to apologize to me.” He said with sudden seriousness. It took me aback a bit, even making my cheeks heat up.
“Are you ever going to tell them? About how you feel?” 
“I want to. Even if it’s just so they could know how amazing they are. But it’s terrifying. I don’t want to mess anything up.”
“That’s really hard.” I directed us to a clearing and laid on the ground. Boq followed suit, our eyes to the bright blue overhead. The wind swept past us, and for a moment the rest of the world fell away. 
“That cloud,” he pointed, “what do you see?”
“A dog. No wait, a girl maybe.”
“I see a scarecrow….and next to him is a lion, with a man- but not a regular man he’s stiff- like he’s made of tin.” 
“How?” I teased shaking him, “how did you unlock such a clear vision? I just see clouds!”
“(Y/N), there’s something I really want to tell you but-“
“Well look at these two lovebirds!” 
I peeked up to see Fiyero, hands on hips, gazing down at us with his perfect face. 
“Hey Fiyero…” Boq sighed, “Wait. What did you call us?!”
“I was just going to my favorite slack off spot only to find it occupied by you two. So, naturally I assumed this was some kind of romantic tryst. And during the school day no less! I must say I’m rather impressed.”
“Move, we want to look at the clouds not you.” I sat up. Boq next to me was clearly a bit frustrated.
“You’d be the first.” Fiyero contested. I mean, he wasn’t wrong, “Well, if this isn’t a date then I guess I’m free to ask (Y/N) on one.”
“WHAT?” Boq and I said in unison. 
Fiyero was nice as a friend, but I would never want to be with someone like him. He just wasn’t serious about anything including me. I had no idea where this was coming from. 
“You, me. Tonight, at the Ozdust.” 
“Well I don’t know what to say really…” 
“Wait!” Boq said way louder than he intended to, based on the growing exasperation on his face. “I want to say something first. (Y/N), I don’t want to freak you out but the person I was talking about earlier was you.  We’ve been friends for a few months now and I always have so much fun when I’m with you. You make everyone around you happier and brighten their lives. I think you’re incredible- but I understand if you just want to be friends. All I want is for you to be happy.” 
“Boq,” I choked, “that was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. I would love to go on a date with you, to try things out.” 
“Please say I’m not dreaming.”
“You’re welcome.” Fiyero patted Boq’s head.
“Did-did you ask them out just because you knew I’d intervene?!” Boq stood up glaring at the prince.
“I like helping people. Besides it worked! Not that I wouldn’t want that date if this doesn’t work out…” Fiyero leaned down and kissed my hand, “but I want to see my friends happy.”
“We’re not friends.” Boq corrected. 
Fiyero sauntered off whistling and I was left picking up the pieces of what the hell just happened. 
“Did you really mean what you said?”
“Of course.” Boq blushed.
“Well Woodsman,” I kissed his cheek, “I’ll see you tonight, 7.” 
~ a month or so later
"And then Fiyero asked me out which lead Boq to finally confess!" I recounted my boyfriend Boq and I's coming together for the 100th time. I loved the story.
"Still, nothing is better than Galinda here stopping in the middle of her sentence to tell me that she dreams of me every night and just kept going like nothing happened." Elphaba laughed as her girlfriend lovingly pouted.
"I was covering my bases!" Galinda defended.
"All you had to do was ask and I would have done my Boq magic on you." Fiyero jumped in.
"I would have confessed on my own!" Boq tensed grabbing me tighter. My heart skipped a beat every time he got adorably defensive. Which around Fiyero, was a lot. "Eventually..."
"Please with my sister, it would have taken nothing. She would tell me about how frustratingly lovely Galinda was nearly everyday..." Nessa Rose giggled.
As I looked at my friends around me and my loving boyfriend at my side I sighed. My heart was bursting at the seams. Maybe love wasn't just for other people, maybe love could be found in the most unexpected places and people. Like a way too handsome munchkin boy who was brave enough to spill his guts to me after some clouds in the sky.
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professorspork · 21 days ago
Punctum Project, Installment 10
(what the heck is the Punctum Project? read me!)
August 4, 2007 - Los Angeles Eden Espinosa, Megan Hilty, Kristoffer Cusick
[lmao i'm gonna cheat again and give two sORRY NOT SORRY OK I JUST LOVE EDEN]
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[the "Go On'" gesture in Dancing Through Life]
How come:
This one is the cheat because Eden does this pretty much every time, but this is the clearest and best-shot example
This is a difficult moment in the show and it can have a really variant flavor depending on the people involved - sometimes Elphie's FURIOUS and sometimes she's HEARTBROKEN and sometimes she's... KINDA INTRIGUED
but I love how fucking theatrical this movement is, it's she's the leading player in pippin or something, just-- her awareness that they have an audience, her good humor leaking through despite her hurt, the CHALLENGE of it
it's. very good
What (the second):
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"Oh, look, there he is-- he did come. Fiyero!"
How come:
Most Elphabas go out of their way to look away, or make themselves busy, or keep their head down in this moment, but
I have never before or since seen it played quite like this, where you see her LIGHT THE FUCK UP because Fiyero came to say goodbye to her
it makes my heart ache
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lily-onher-grave · 3 months ago
More wicked movie thoughts because I’m obsessed and insatiable
Kiamo Ko looks sick af and I can’t wait to see more of it in part two
Is that Elphaba and fiyero’s horse riding out? It’s not Fiyero because he’s walking with Dorothy so whoooo is it and will we find out more in part 2
Ariana Grande-Butera’s sad. little. face.
I’m so serious it’s so fucking heartbreaking and she does such a good job. Like what do you MEAN she looks seconds away from crying after the flashback until the end of the song. What do you MEAN she sings “she died alone” directly to elphaba’s effigy all while looking like she’s about to break down (Glinda being able to hit operatic notes while holding back tears. Glinda being able to smile even when she’s losing everything and her entire life is falling apart)
((I’m not gonna make it through Ariana singing thank goodness. I have one year to live because I will be DECEASED by the end of her solo))
Elphaba loves their prank war so much
I said it before but Elphaba really is just so fond of Glinda so immediately and I’m soft about it. This girl has never been given this much attention! It doesn’t matter that it’s negative attention she is eating it up!!
We don’t talk enough about how Glinda loses everything she knows and loves in one day. Like she loses Elphaba yes, but also she’s losing Fiyero, she leaves shiz and everyone she knows behind, she’s left alone in a strange city with people who just condemned her best friend, does she ever even see her parents again?? I’m emotional about her brb I’m gonna go write fic
Shout out to the girl in front of me who dropped her phone and said “you’re a queen” when I picked it up for her, way to stick to a theme way to be on brand in the theater, we love women supporting women lmao
I went with fanily and one of them asked me “so where are the parts where you cried?” And my dad was like “let me guess. The dance scene and Defying gravity.” I mean yeah true but you don’t gotta read me to filth like that
Also we were talking about the dance scene and Glinda wiping away elphie’s tears and my dad was like “how long do you think it’s been since someone touched Elphaba with kindness” and if you ever wondered where my angst comes from it’s apparently genetic jfc
Sunset defying gravity still has me in a chokehold.
(So does Ariana’s last “I hope you’re happy” and Glinda being so vulnerable in front of morrible and the lights breaking and the emerald city going dark and AHHHHH)
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jtl07 · 1 month ago
Ok, here it goes. Hopefully an easier one that last time around: birthday, secret For any and all fandoms 👀
I SEE YOU AND YOUR SNEAKINESSS OKAY. and because i see it, i will actually do it: here's an attempt at gelphie ...
Elphaba wakes up to the sound of whispering. Hissing really - but it's different from the snake whisper of her father's admonitions. This is more like a vine creeping over a wall, flowers turning toward the sun.
Ah, Elphaba thinks, her eyes still closed. Galinda.
She focuses more and hears a second pair of footsteps with a heavier, lankier gait. Fiyero, she guesses - and is proven right when something tumbles and Galinda whisper-shouts his name. Elphaba almost wants to shake her head at them. Wonders how Galinda had managed to pull off those stunts when they'd first started living together, what with how loud she's being now. Galinda and quiet don't exactly go well together, Elphaba muses. But she wouldn't want to change a thing.
"Oh look, Elphie's smiling. She must be having a nice dream."
"...Do you think there are rabbits in her dream?"
Elphaba barely keeps herself from laughing as they bicker, forces herself to stay still so they can keep doing ... whatever it is they're doing. She had suspected that the two of them were up to something a week or so ago. Their furtive glances and swift topic changes whenever she'd joined them weren't exactly subtle. But Elphaba trusts them, knows they'll let her in on their secret in time.
She listens to them shuffle about for a couple minutes more and catches Fiyero whispering goodbye. Hears the soft sound of their kiss before she herself is surrounded by a familiar scent - a mix of horse and coffee and evening - before feeling a kiss is pressed onto her own forehead.
A door opens and closes.
Then the far side of her bed squeaks.
Elphaba holds back her own squeak, holds herself still as she feels Galinda wiggle under the covers and shuffle closer. Closer. Close enough to feel a sigh on her cheek.
"You can open your eyes now."
Elphaba contemplates continuing to feign sleep just to be stubborn but as always, Galinda is her undoing. Feels a gentle warmth brush against her jaw before settling against her cheek. "Please, Elphie? For me?"
And really, who is she to deny that voice, this girl, anything?
When Elphaba opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is Galinda. Eyes sparkling even in the low light, smile as soft as the gold hair splayed out on her pillow. Then she catches sight of green over Galinda's shoulder.
Elphaba lifts her head and gasps in wonder. Decorations of all colors cover nearly every surface of their room, the most prominent being a handpainted banner with two words she hasn't seen or heard in many years: Happy Birthday.
At first she thinks it's a mistake - they're beyond pranks now but Galinda is prone to jumping to the wrong conclusions. But then Elphaba thinks on the month; counts the days.
"Is this all right?"
Elphaba turns to see Galinda biting at her lip, her fingers playing nervously with the blankets.
"I just thought," Galinda starts, uncharacteristically hesitant before she finds her confidence, "Well, we knew you wouldn't want anything big, but we still wanted to celebrate you. I want to celebrate you." She drops the blankets and takes up Elphaba's hands instead. "Because you deserve to be celebrated, Elphie."
The colors surrounding them start to shimmer and blur - Elphaba doesn't realize she's crying until she feels Galinda's hands back on her face, wiping the tears away. "It's okay," Galinda murmurs, smiling the way she does when it's just them.
Elphaba nods because it is okay, more than: it's good. Good to be remembered, to be seen, to be heard - feels the press of lips against each cheek, and thinks as she feels them against her own mouth - to be loved.
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mid-sweettalk · 2 months ago
Making it Up [Wicked - Gelphie]
Rating: E (smut)
Words: 5685
Chapters: 1
Prompt from @pinkgoeswellwithgreen (summary: Top Glinda using her eyebrows to tell Elphie what to do in bed. Using her pink strap on Elphie, who’s nervous, so Glinda talks her through it and reassures and praises her. Dominating but sweet Glinda. Lots of reassurance, love, and checking for consent, eye contact, Elphie having a mini freak-out, Galinda calming and praising her, and hand-holding because you can’t have Gelphie without hand-holding.)
Notes: Warning that there are some pretty unhealthy relationship dynamics between the girlies in the beginning of this, but I promise that progress is made by the end. This is canon-compliant up to the Ozdust and takes place months after; Galinda and Elphaba are in an established relationship. No problems with the Animals here because I just want my girls to be gay and happy. Okay, here we go!
Elphaba was early to Dr. Dillamond’s class, as per usual. It was routine, at this point, to wait outside the classroom door until her girlfriend showed up, usually with Fiyero in tow. Today, when they finally arrived, they were in the midst of an argument. From what Elphaba could hear, it didn’t appear to be a very… scholarly one.
“Galinda, I promise you, a straw only has one hole.”
Oh, dear Oz. 
“And I promise you, you’re wrong,” Galinda retorted. “The drink goes in through one hole and out through the other. Two holes. Let’s ask Elphie, she’s the smartest person I know. Elphie, darling!” She turned to meet Elphaba’s gaze and stuck her arm straight up in the air to wave, as if Elphaba couldn’t see her from across the nearly-empty courtyard. She could hear Fiyero protest against the fairness of having her girlfriend be the judge.
Elphaba couldn’t help but smirk at Galinda’s antics, thinking her adorable. She lifted a hand and wiggled her fingers in return, and a moment later, Galinda was by her side. “Hello, sweet,” she greeted softly, her smirk growing into a full-blown smile in the blonde’s presence. 
Galinda leaned forward and kicked a heel up behind her as she pressed a firm kiss to Elphaba’s cheek. She lingered before pulling away fully, whispering in Elphaba’s ear, “My love.”
Elphaba felt her cheeks light aflame and was momentarily grateful, for once, for her verdant complexion–though, with the way Galinda giggled as she stepped back, she couldn’t be sure her blush was hidden at all. 
“Alright, now, come on,” Fiyero said with a groan, averting his gaze. “It’s bad enough that two of my exes are together; you don’t have to show off about it.” Even though he was complaining, he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. 
Elphaba playfully narrowed her eyes at him with a smirk. “Do we even count as exes? We never even kissed.”
“Ah, but we both thought about it, no?”
Galinda, as per usual, took the dramatic route. “This is nonsense!” she nearly shouted. Elphaba’s eyes went wide as Galinda suddenly wrapped her arm around her bicep and yanked her in close. “My Elphie deserves to be shown off. I refuse to acknowledge your man-pain. Now, stop distractifying from the question at hand.”
Fiyero sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “Yes, ma’am,” he said sarcastically.
Galinda loosened her grip on Elphaba’s arm but didn’t fully let go. “Alright, Elphie,” she said haughtily. “How many holes does a straw have? There is a wrong answer.”
Well. Elphaba knew there was a wrong answer, of course. “Well, yes, because topology tells us that a drinking straw is the same as, say, a donut; it’s just stretched out longer. And a donut only has one hole, therefore a straw only has one hole.” She tapped her nails against the book in her arms as she finished, pleased with her answer. 
Galinda, however, did not seem pleased. When Elphaba turned to meet her gaze, her girlfriend was staring at her with her eyebrows sky-high, like how she’d attempted to teach Elphaba months ago.
Uh, oh. Elphaba’d said something wrong. Her heart panged anxiously; they’d had little spats and arguments since they started dating, never anything serious, but every time, Elphaba was frozen with the fear that this would be the last straw, that Galinda would leave her. 
This fear was worsened by Galinda withdrawing her arm from Elphaba’s and stepping back. “I see,” the blonde said in a higher voice than usual. “Hmph.” She tossed her hair and walked right past Elphaba to go into Dr. Dillamond’s classroom. 
Elphaba’s chest ached. She didn’t know whether to follow her or not and looked to Fiyero for help. 
Fiyero raised his hands as he grimaced. “Sorry, love,” he said genuinely as he moved to enter the classroom, as well. “That’s Galinda for you. She doesn’t know how not to get her way. I’m sure she’ll calm down soon.”
Ah. Elphaba was supposed to have agreed with Galinda, apparently, even though she was wrong. That seemed fairly illogical, although she could see the merits of supporting your significant other in public. She wondered if Galinda would be open to a compromise where Elphaba would agree with her in public (except for possible extreme circumstances) and then they could discuss the truth in private. 
If she doesn’t break up with you right now, said a nagging voice in the back of her mind. She shook her head to clear it and adjusted her braid before entering the classroom. 
She immediately noticed that her usual seat next to Galinda was still open, so Galinda couldn’t be that mad at her. She was, however, sitting unusually straight and staring directly towards the front of the classroom, even though the lecture hadn’t started yet. Her hands were folded neatly on the desk in front of her. When Elphaba approached, she didn’t move a single muscle in acknowledgment. 
Elphaba gingerly took her seat. She set her books down on the desk and turned to look at her girlfriend. When Galinda still didn’t pay her any mind, Elphaba’s heart lurched uncomfortably. She scooted her chair closer to Galinda’s; Galinda didn’t look at her, but she didn’t move away, either. Elphaba reached out a hand and slowly, gently placed it atop Galinda’s thigh. When her girlfriend still didn’t pull away, she leaned in close to whisper against her cheek, “I’m sorry, sweet.” She placed a gentle kiss there. She saw Galinda’s eyes flit towards her for a moment, but the blonde didn’t say anything. 
“I’m still getting used to the… nuances of all this. I’ll take your side, next time,” Elphaba continued softly, apologetically. She figured now wouldn’t be the time to bring up her compromise idea; for now, she just wanted to make sure she was still in Galinda’s good graces. 
The blonde peeked over at her again and, once she saw Elphaba was being genuine, relaxed a bit. “Good,” she said firmly. Elphaba’s heart felt ten times lighter as Galinda fully turned to face her. “I understand that, as brilliant as I am, I will… occasionally be wrong.” Wow. Elphaba really hadn’t expected Galinda to be able to admit that. “But it would be nice to know that I have my girlfriend as possible backup. You can tell me how wrong I am when we’re back in our room, away from prying eyes and ears. And I’ll do the same for you if such an event ever arises.”
Elphaba’s heart swelled knowing that Galinda was thinking exactly as she had. She smiled softly and pressed another kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek. “I can do that.” She was simply relieved that she hadn’t ruined everything like she’d thought. 
Galinda returned her smile before tossing her hair and looking forward again. “Now, you’ll have to make up for your earlier transgression, of course. Any ideas?” She peeked over out of the corner of her eyes and raised an eyebrow suggestively.
Elphaba felt her face burn and couldn’t keep her eyes from darting down to Galinda’s lips. She started absentmindedly tracing designs along her girlfriend’s thigh, grazing her nails over the skin there. It drew a gasp from Galinda, who looked around scandalocialized. 
“Elphie!” she squeaked quietly. 
Elphaba shushed her with a hum. “Quiet now, sweetness; Dr. Dillamond is starting his lecture.”
Galinda opened her mouth to argue, but Dr. Dillamond did, in fact, start his lecture at that moment, making her shut her mouth and sink back into her seat. 
Elphaba couldn’t help but smirk, and she definitely didn’t pause her teasing antics. The entirety of the lecture was spent running her fingers lightly up and down Galinda’s thigh under the desk, finding spots and designs that would make her breath hitch and body tense, and seeing just how far Galinda would allow her to push her luck. She diligently took notes on the lecture, as always, and noticed how unusually empty Galinda’s own notebook was. The heiress held her pen aloft, but it never actually touched down to the parchment. Elphaba was honestly a bit surprised it didn’t snap in half in the middle of class, especially when she quietly whimpered and parted her knees slightly as Elphaba slid her fingers toward her inner thigh. 
When Dr. Dillamond dismissed the class, Elphaba barely had enough time to gather her things before Galinda dragged her out of the classroom. She didn’t even get to wave goodbye to Fiyero, Nessa, and Boq before she was yanked through the doorway.
Galinda practically stomped the whole way back to their dorm room, but Elphaba could hardly keep from giggling. Occasionally, she heard Galinda muttering to herself, things like, “Why must you be so infuriatingly sexy?” and “Stupid, beautiful, perfect hands…” as she trampled along. That wasn’t helping her hold back her laughter. 
When they finally made it to their dorm room, Galinda pulled her inside and then pushed her back against the door to shut it. She pinned Elphaba by the shoulders and narrowed her eyes, but her glare’s heat was diminished by the pink flush covering her face and ears. 
“Elphaba Thropp… you are wicked,” Galinda accused without true malice. 
Elphaba smirked. “But you liked it… right?” Her heart skipped a beat nervously at the thought that Galinda might be truly upset. 
That fear ceased, however, when Galinda kissed her fiercely. She gasped in shock, and Galinda took advantage of her parted lips to slip her tongue inside and kiss her more deeply. Elphaba moved her hands to Galinda’s hip and back, pulling her body flush against her own. She returned the kiss with just as much fire.
Galinda moved her arms to wrap around Elphaba’s neck and shoulders, using them to expertly lift herself and wrap her thighs around her girlfriend’s waist. Long-used to this move, Elphaba smoothly caught the blonde by cupping her ass, bringing moans out of both of them.
“Elphie,” Galinda breathed between kisses, before making her voice more firm, more needy and speaking directly in her ear. “Take me to bed.” 
Elphaba shivered. As frustrating as it could sometimes be outside of the bedroom, whilst inside, she loved how bossy Galinda could get. Not only did it save her from the issue of not knowing what she was doing, but hearing the sternness in her voice always sent a throb from Elphaba’s stomach to between her thighs. (Did that make things difficult when Galinda used that voice in public? Yes, but here, falling onto Galinda’s pink cloud of a bed together, it was more than acceptable.)
In their many previous heavy-petting and sex sessions, Elphaba had learned a good amount of things Galinda preferred in bed. For instance, she usually preferred to start off with Elphaba on top–this was mostly so that she could feel the power of flipping them over when she was ready. She liked when Elphaba kissed her neck, but especially this one spot just behind her ear. She wouldn’t let Elphaba finger her when she wore her nails long, but she loved it when Elphaba used her mouth, anyway, so it was a non-issue. 
Galinda pulled away from their kiss, panting against Elphaba’s ear. “Elphie,” she moaned lightly. She gripped Elphaba’s braid and tugged her away–just forceful enough to make Elphaba’s thighs clench–to look into her eyes. She had a single eyebrow raised and looked her up and down, which Elphaba was able to translate into, “You’re going to ‘make it up’ to me now, yes?” 
Elphaba nodded, even though an actual question hadn’t been asked, and started kissing her way down her girlfriend’s body, moving to kneel on the floor beside the bed. Galinda hurriedly pulled up the skirt of her dress and slid a hand into black hair to make her go faster. Elphaba couldn’t help but smirk against her skin as she allowed herself to be pushed further downwards. 
When she got to Galinda’s damp underwear, she leaned in immediately, nosing against her fabric-covered clit before pressing her tongue to the wet spot. She pulled back a bit and chuckled when Galinda whimpered and started pushing her own underwear down. 
“Elphieee,” she whined. “Help meee.”
Elphaba did as she was asked, hooking her fingers in the pink lace and tugging downwards until the offending fabric was discarded on the floor. She was immediately pulled back between Galinda’s thighs and felt her legs swing up onto her shoulders. Galinda officially had Elphaba trapped, but she wouldn’t rather be anywhere else anyway. She licked through wet, blonde curls and moaned, making Galinda shiver and tug harder at her hair. 
“Oh, Elphie,” Galinda moaned above her. “You’re so good. So perfect.”
Elphaba whimpered as her own pussy clenched at the praise. She raised her hands to grab at her girlfriend’s thighs, nails digging in like she knew Galinda loved. Dipping her tongue into the blonde’s wet entrance, Elphaba let herself get lost in the multitude of sensations she found herself surrounded by. She gave long, slow strokes over Galinda’s cunt with her tongue as if she were savoring the taste, then would move up to lap at her clit until her thighs twitched. 
“Yes, Elphie–oh, dear Oz–just like that,” Galinda rambled, free hand draping dramatically over her forehead. “Oh, my love, your mouth is amazing. Just like that.” 
Elphaba listened, staying where she was–with her lips wrapped around Galinda’s swollen clit while her tongue rubbed and flicked over it. 
“Yes! So good, Elphie, don’t stop!” Galinda’s voice raised higher and higher as Elphaba continued her ministrations. 
The green-skinned girl moved her hands from her girlfriend’s thighs to pin her down to the bed by the hips, after which she did what she knew Galinda needed–she moved her tongue to run just the tip of it back and forth rapidly over her clit. Just a few seconds of this and her lover finally fell apart, mouth falling open in a silent scream as her back arched off the bed and thighs squeezed around Elphaba’s ears. Her hips thrust up into Elphaba’s mouth repeatedly, and the hand she had in her hair tugged to keep her close. Elphaba very nearly came, herself, just at the sight and feeling of Galinda coming undone underneath her.
A moment later, Galinda finally relaxed back into the mattress with a sigh. Her grip on Elphaba’s hair relaxed, but she still pulled lightly to get her lover to lift herself off of her knees. 
Elphaba dutifully rose back up until she and Galinda were face to face once more, trailing light, loving kisses along her body the whole way. When the heiress pulled her into a slow, deep kiss and raised a leg up to wrap around her hip, Elphaba’s body was so on edge now that she involuntarily thrust her hips against Galinda’s with a moan. 
Galinda bit down on Elphaba’s lower lip and tugged for a moment, then ran her tongue over the bitten spot to soothe it. When Elphaba whimpered, she pulled back and opened her eyes to meet her gaze. Without warning–although Elphaba really should have known this was coming–Galinda flipped them over so she was straddling Elphaba’s thighs. 
An “oof” escaped Elphaba’s mouth as the wind was briefly knocked out of her. She found herself once again pinned at the shoulders by her girlfriend, who was looking down at her with a curious expression on her face. 
“Elphie, darling,” she said sweetly, “I want to try something.”
Elphaba felt one of her eyebrows raise questioningly, but Galinda was already up and bouncing over to one of her many dressers. This one, in particular, Elphaba didn’t think she’d ever actually seen Galinda use before.
She quickly saw why that was the case.
When Galinda turned back around, she had something dangling from her hand–a very large, pink, phallic something that had Elphaba’s eyes widening and heart racing. 
“What’s that?” she asked, a bit apprehensively. 
“It’s a strap-on, my love.”
“To use on… me?”
“Well, that’s what I had in mind, although I don’t think I’d particularly mind if you used it on me, either.”
Elphaba paused. This was new territory. Elphaba didn’t know anything about having sex with Galinda with this… device. 
Although… if she thought about it, the idea of using it was pretty thrillifying. She pictured Galinda above her with that adoring look on her face she wore so often, and feeling her inside, more full than when it was with her fingers. Her pussy pulsed at the thought.
You’ll mess it up, that nagging voice said, returning at a most inopportune time. You’ll mess it up, somehow, and she’ll never want to have sex with you again.
Elphaba knew that was an illogical train of thought, but when faced with this new territory, she felt untethered from reason. Her anxiety took over. 
The lights in the bedroom all flickered simultaneously, and Elphaba wrapped her arms around herself to try and calm down. Galinda looked around confusedly at the lights before realization dawned. She looked back to Elphaba with worry covering her features.
“Elphie, baby,” she said gently, using the pet name Elphaba loved the most because of its rare usage. Placing the strap-on down, she made her way back over to her girlfriend. She sat on the bed next to Elphaba and grabbed her hands, bringing them against her heart. “We don’t have to, I promise. It was just an idea.”
“No, that’s not–” Elphaba breathed out before laughing sardonically at herself. “That’s not it. I want to try. I’m just… being stupid.”
Galinda raised her eyebrows high and brought their hands down to rest in her lap. “Elphaba Thropp, that is unacceptable language. You are the brightest person I’ve ever met; you are not stupid. What in Oz has you feeling this way?”
Elphaba chewed at her bottom lip for a moment before speaking. “It’s just a… fear… that I have. It really is stupid.”
Galinda tapped the back of her hand in admonishment. “Nonsense. Tell me, darling.” Her eyebrows furrowed in worry, making Elphaba’s heart pang with guilt. 
“I just…” She paused and took a deep breath before trying again. “I have this fear that I’m going to mess this–us–up, somehow, and you’ll leave me for it.” She held her breath as she anxiously awaited her girlfriend’s reaction.
Galinda, however, only seemed more confused. “Elphie… you’re afraid you’ll mess up sex? With me?” She reached a hand out to cup Elphaba’s cheek gently. “How many laughs have we shared when either one of us struggled with clothes or messy kisses or balance?”
That… did actually help to reassure Elphaba, a bit. “That’s true… but it’s not just with sex.” At Galinda’s questioning head tilt, she continued. “Like, for instance, earlier, outside of Dr. Dillamond’s class. I was…” she cleared her throat. “I was briefly afraid that you were going to leave me because I didn’t agree with you in your argument with Fiyero. But, we have a compromise now, so it’s fine.”
Galinda seemed taken aback by this new information. The expression on her face slowly changed to one she hadn’t seen since the Ozdust–guilt. “Oh, Elphie,” she said softly. “No, my love, that’s not–that’s not okay.” 
What? Had Elphaba just ruined everything by confessing? She panicked for a split second, sending the balcony doors flying open and startling them both even further.
Galinda, however–sweet, loving Galinda–merely stood and calmly walked over to close the doors once more. “No, no, darling, not you, you’re perfect,” she said as she moved. When she returned to her place at Elphaba’s side, she took both of their hands into her lap again. “What’s not okay is that I made you feel that way with my–my… obsession with appearances and need to be right constantly. I’m so sorry, my love.”
Oh. Oh. Elphaba hadn’t expected that, at all. 
“You tell me when I’m wrong, even if it’s in front of others,” Galinda continued. “Don’t be cruel about it, obviously–as if you even would–but…” she paused and squeezed Elphaba’s hands tightly. “It seems that I could stand to be… humbilified a bit. I’m so, so sorry for putting so much pressure on you. You’re perfect, just as you are.”
Was this right? She hadn’t somehow manipulated Galinda into taking the blame for everything, had she? 
As if she could see the internal war Elphaba was battling, Galinda cupped her cheek again and leaned in closer. “Elphaba Thropp, you could do whatever your heart desired and I would still be here, fully and completely in love with you.”
Elphaba felt her eyes tearing up at that statement. She found herself leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend without even thinking about it. She mirrored Galinda, bringing a hand up to cup her pale cheek before she pulled back from the gentle kiss. Stroking her thumb over Galinda’s high cheekbone, she whispered, “I love you, too. You really understand?”
Galinda nodded, and Elphaba noticed tears in her eyes, as well. “I do, completely. I’ll do better.” She brought her hand from Elphaba’s green cheek to poke her harshly in the shoulder. “But you have to do better about talking to me, as well. I’m a sorceress-to-be, not a mind reader. Please tell me if you feel like this again, okay?”
Elphaba nodded and smiled softly, lifting the hand she still held to kiss her palm. “I can do that.”
Galinda nodded resolutely. “Good. Now let me put this hideoteous thing away, and I can finish taking care of you,” she said with a smirk, rising from the bed to move towards the pink strap-on. 
“Wait!” Elphaba called out, grabbing Galinda’s hand before she went too far. When her girlfriend turned back questioningly, she continued, “I just… I really do want to try it. It does scare me, sometimes, trying new things where I don’t know what I’m doing, but… I really like it when you tell me what to do.” Her cheeks flushed heatedly, and she suddenly couldn’t meet Galinda’s eyes. 
This apparently would not do for Galinda, though, as she used a single finger to lift Elphaba’s head up by the chin. “Why, Elphaba Thropp,” she says in mock surprise, “is this a kink I’m hearing?”
Elphaba’s ears burned. “M-maybe?”
Galinda’s eyes narrowed just slightly, and her left eyebrow rose.
“...Yes,” Elphaba admitted as her pussy throbbed.
Galinda’s face relaxed again and, with a small nod, she sat down next to the green girl once again. “Alright,” she said, “obviously, I’m not opposed to this, but I need you to know that I will never,” she placed a hand on Elphaba’s thigh and leaned in close, “ever be mad at you for asking to stop or saying ‘no’. Do you believe me, baby?” There was that pet name, again.
And she did believe her, because Galinda had nothing but open honesty and unabashed adoration in her gaze, so she nodded. “Yes.”
“And we’ll need a safeword,” Galinda continued, “something we can both remember that we can say if either one of us gets uncomfortable. We say it, and we stop right away.”
Elphaba hummed for a second before saying the first word that came to mind. “Artichoke.”
Galinda dramatically placed an offended hand to her chest as her jaw dropped. “Must you remind me of the horrendibly uncultured child I was, all those months ago?” Elphaba only smirked adoringly at her antics, so Galinda scoffed, though a smile was growing on her face. “Fine. I suppose it’s one we’ll both easily remember. If that’s decided, then…” She stood from the bed to tower over Elphaba, and the look on her face changed to one that sent her heart racing. “Time to take your dress off, darling, so I can fuck you properly.”
Elphaba didn’t hesitate to comply, scrambling to undo the buttons of her dress and kick her boots off while Galinda walked back over to get the strap-on. By the time her dress was pooled on the floor, leaving her standing in only her slip and underwear, Galinda was back with a new addition between her legs.
A low, rhythmic pulse started low in Elphaba’s abdomen, like a flame slowly spreading throughout her body. Galinda had removed her own dress, as well, and was now clad only in the pink strap-on, breasts bouncing openly. Elphaba hadn’t realized just how much the sight would turn her on, but she could feel the wetness soaking through her underwear. 
She had to admit, though, that it was still a bit intimidating simply due to its sheer size. The length of the dildo wasn’t extreme, but Elphaba did worry about how she’d be able to fit something that wide inside of her. 
Sensing her hesitation, Galinda walked up to her girlfriend and cupped her face in both hands. “We’ll take it slow, and I’ll guide you through it, my love. And remember, you just say the word, and we’ll stop–no consequences.” She paused for a moment, and Elphaba nodded as her girlfriend seemed to search through her eyes for something. “Are you sure you want this, darling?”
Elphaba nodded, but words also tumbled out of her mouth. “C-can you call me ‘baby’?” She instantly bit her lip in regret, but Galinda only smiled and lifted an intrigued eyebrow. 
“I most certainly can,” she said lowly, stepping closer until their lips were centimeters apart and the dildo pressed against Elphaba’s stomach. “Good girl, telling me what you want, baby.”
Elphaba melted before Galinda even kissed her, so she was grateful that her girlfriend wrapped an arm around her waist when their lips met. All of their earlier passion reignited as the kiss quickly deepened, tongues messily sliding against each other. Galinda slowly guided Elphaba back to the bed, where she laid her down and climbed on top of her.
“I’m going to touch you first, alright baby?” Galinda checked in. When Elphaba nodded, she leaned in to whisper against her lips, “We have to make sure you’re ready for me.”
Oh, Oz, Elphaba was ready, alright. “Please,” she gasped against Galinda’s lips. Her lover obeyed and kissed her as her fingers found Elphaba’s wet cunt. The green girl whimpered and moaned into Galinda’s mouth at the feeling of the heiress’s slim fingers moving through her folds, collecting her juices before swirling around her swollen, sensitive clit. 
“Wow, baby,” Galinda breathed, moving her kisses to Elphaba’s neck and ear. “You want me that bad?”
“Badly,” Elphaba corrected habitually, although it was said on a filthy moan as Galinda’s finger pushed inside her. 
“That’s it, baby,” Galinda said, pulling back to hover above her as she fucked her with an additional finger. “You take me so well. Look at me, baby; I want to see you.”
Elphaba opened her eyes and immediately locked gazes with her girlfriend, which sent her heart soaring. Galinda added a third finger and didn’t break eye contact as she fucked her harder. Each thrust sent Elphaba’s head spinning. She struggled to keep her eyes open as the tension in her body grew. When she felt like she was on the brink of release, her back arched and her eyes closed–and Galinda removed her fingers. 
She couldn’t help the pitiful whine that escaped when her orgasm never came. She opened her eyes again to see Galinda staring at her, worship and love in her eyes along with a bit of teasing. 
“Are you ready for me, baby?” Galinda asked lowly, and oh, yes, this was better. 
“Oz, Galinda. Please, yes,” Elphaba begged brazenly. 
Galinda shifted until Elphaba could feel the coolness of the strap-on pressing against her wet folds. Her girlfriend rocked her hips a bit, coating the dildo in her juices first. Once it was covered to her satisfaction, Galinda gripped it and positioned the tip at Elphaba’s entrance.
She looked up to meet Elphaba’s gaze again. “Are you sure you want this, Elphie?”
Elphaba nodded, pussy throbbing with need. “I want you to fuck me, Galinda, please.”
Galinda moaned and leaned down to kiss her as she slowly started guiding the strap-on inside. She pulled back, panting already against Elphaba’s lips, as she said, “Let me know if it hurts, baby.”
Elphaba nodded before dragging her down into another desperate kiss as Galinda pushed inside her.
Elphaba had figured that this would feel different than Galinda’s fingers, but she didn’t realize just how full she’d feel as her girlfriend entered her. For a brief moment, there was a tinge of pain that had her clutching at Galinda’s shoulders and murmuring, “Wait.” The lights flickered for a split second. 
Galinda dutifully paused and pressed gentle kisses along her cheeks and neck to help her through it. She started murmuring sweet assurances to her. “That’s it, Elphie. You’re doing so good, baby. I’ve got you. I love you.”
Once she was ready, Elphaba nodded and made sure to open her eyes, staring into loving pools of dark brown as Galinda entered her further. She gasped against her girlfriend’s mouth as the affirmations didn’t stop coming.
“Just hold on to me, baby. You’re doing so good for me. You’re so perfect.”
When Galinda was fully inside of her, Elphaba nearly sobbed at the feeling. She felt so full, both physically and with love. 
Galinda trailed her fingers along Elphaba’s arms before weaving their fingers together and raising their hands above their heads. She pressed the backs of her green palms into the mattress and kissed her again. “Are you ready, baby?” She whispered, lips grazing over Elphaba’s. 
Elphaba shivered on a moan and nodded, leaning up to take Galinda’s lips with her own once more. 
Then, Galinda started moving, sliding the dildo out until just the tip remained before easing back inside. As she continued, she slowly gained speed, thrusts getting slightly more forceful each time. When they weren’t kissing, Galinda made sure Elphaba met her eyes so she could make sure she was okay through it all. 
And the constant praise was probably Elphaba’s biggest undoing.
“Oz, Elphie, you’re so good for me, baby,” Galinda groaned, hand now propping herself up against green abs as she fucked her with quick, deep thrusts. 
Elphaba’s body had relaxed so completely that she’d splayed out on the bed, except for the hand that she now brought up to hold Galinda’s own atop her stomach. She was so close to falling over that edge. “Galinda, don’t stop baby,” she gasped, pet name slipping out without thinking. “I’m so close.”
Galinda groaned and gripped her hand back hard as she focused on keeping up her pace. “Are you feeling that good, darling?” she said sweetly, grazing Elphaba’s inner thigh with her free hand. As she continued to fuck her, stretching her with each thrust, she moved her hand over to rub her finger against Elphaba’s clit. “Be my good girl and come for me, baby.”
The tension in Elphaba’s lower abdomen snapped like a rubber band, sending a shock up her spine that had her arching off the bed and against Galinda with a languid moan. The lights around them went crazy as her girlfriend fucked her through her orgasm. They calmed as she did, as the tension left her body in waves. 
When she had finally stopped clenching around the dildo inside of her, Galinda slid it out and stood quickly. She undid the harness and dropped it to the floor so she could immediately crawl back on top of Elphaba, planting sweet kisses all over her neck and face. “I love you so much, baby, my Elphie, you’re so perfect…”
With the way Galinda was laying on top of her, Elphaba could feel how slick Galinda still was against her thigh. Moving on instinct, she grasped the blonde’s slim hips and pushed her thigh up until Galinda’s cunt was pressed tight against her. Galinda’s arms nearly buckled at the feeling, breath panting. 
“Elphie?” she said curiously, looking into her eyes. 
With a sudden bought of courage, most likely from her recent orgasm, Elphaba said, “I want you to ride me until you come.”
Galinda whined, “Fuck, baby,” before kissing her harshly, immediately doing as Elphaba requested. She ground down against her lover’s thigh as their teeth and tongues clashed together in the rough, needy kiss. Elphaba gripped her hips and helped her get the friction she needed. 
It wasn’t long, considering all they’d done already, before Galinda was close to coming again. She sucked at Elphaba’s bottom lip before roughly capturing it with her teeth. Without letting go, she reached up to grasp her girlfriend’s long black braid and tugged her head back, pulling at the lip she’d bitten into. She moved her other hand down between Elphaba’s legs until her finger found that familiar little nub.
Elphaba groaned at the rough displays of affection, pussy clenching as Galinda pressed against her sensitive clit. “Fuck,” she called out, “Galinda!”
Elphaba never cursed, so hearing the pure want in her voice sent Galinda spiraling as she came all over her girlfriend’s green thigh. Elphaba soon followed, still sensitive from her recent orgasm and triggered by the absolutely beautiful sight of Galinda coming undone above her. 
The girls clung to each other as they came down from their respective highs, panting softly against sweat-coated skin. Soon, their soft kisses turned to giggles, which turned into quiet cuddling amongst Galinda’s millions of pillows. 
“Elphaba Thropp, you are so unbelievably perfect,” Galinda said as she grazed Elphaba’s hip with her fingertips. “I am completely enamored with you.”
Elphaba smiled back at her girlfriend softly. “As I am with you, my sweet,” she replied, taking her other hand to press a kiss to her palm.
“Aw,” Galinda pouted playfully, “no more ‘baby’?”
Elphaba kissed the lip Galinda had stuck out petulantly with a grin. “I can use multiple, you know. As can you.”
“Yes, but your reaction to ‘baby’ is just so fun,” Galinda teases with narrowed eyes before smiling widely and kissing her back. She hummed, pleased. “I love you, my darling.”
Elphaba’s smile softened, and she brushed her nose against Galinda’s. “I love you, baby.”
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chichariann · 3 months ago
Queer Experience and Friendships and Found Families
Spoilers.... Please leave. To my irl bestie who might see this. Ignore this right now. I will kill u the moment I realize u read this
Please watch the movie or wait til its streaming... Even if you have watched the musical... You could read this? Ill be talking about the additions to the plot
I know Wicked for a very long time has had A LOT of Queer undertones in it... I would not complain if they changed the story to reveal more of Elphaba's and Galinda's potential lesbianism.
But there was something about this movie...
There was something about Defying Gravity that just really... It hit the feels at a level I DID NOT EXPECT! Ive seen so many slime tutorials and I've love em all... But this one... THIS ONE! And I listen to defying gravity like casually... Its just a lovely piece of music that I love listening to.
Listen as you read pleaseee
When Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande started singing this song I was already bracing myself... Everything in the movie was a build up TO THIS MOMENT!
All the back story
All the loathing
All the popular
All the Fiyero moments
All the moments with Prof Dillamond
All the moments Elphaba wondered what she wanted to do with this power she has
And when this song happened it was the most wonderful thing that my lil queer heart had ever witnessed!!!
Something has changed within me.
Something is not the same.
Im through with playing by the rules of someone else's games
When Cynthia held out on that "changed" I knew... Omg. This is not just a song anymore... This is a release. This is an awakening. This is a fucking manifesto now... AND THE CHILLS I GOT!
When I say awakening... Take it as a realization or growth but it was giving "I know what I've been repressing cuz people have been saying shit about how I should live... And its crazy!"
1st few lines and I know I wasnt gonna be singing along or lip syncing to this!
Its time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap
When I say taking over your own life... I mean everything is now yours to live baby
Too long I've been afraid of losing love I guess I've lost
Well if thats love, it comes at way to high a cost
When Galinda started singing with Elphaba I am not gonna fucking lie I was sensing SO MUCH CHEMISTRY FROM THEM BUT IN WAYS MORE THAN FRIENDSHIP! Yes they are straight but OMG...
Also if theyre straight or really just... Staying friends. This is the most amazing representation of what being queer and being around your best friends
Im just saying... Its giving found family
Galinda's "Elphie you're trembling"
And walks away from Elphies plead to Galinda to leave with her. It is giving QUEER EXPERIENCE WITH FRIENDSHIPS I SWEARRR
Theyre not always gonna be with you, but they're always supporting you kinda feels
When she pulled out that robe and wrapped it around Elphie.
I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this
I hope it brings you bliss
I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy my friend
Did no one else feel a different kind of bad when Galinda wiped that tear off of Elphies cheek?
EVERYTHING I JUST DESCRIBED! ITS ALL HERE! I legit thought of all the amazing people in my life that have legit seen all the growth in my own expression. Its like being happy for someone who you may not understand what they're going thru but u push em gurlie... You support them and love them and AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Its meeeeeeee
*you should pause the music after this*
The addition in the movie... I kinda wished they had just added the instrumental into the soundtrack.
As she burst through that window and starts falling... Intense music THEN SILENCE... Soft instrumental comes in
And this is really where it changed EVERYTHING for me
She falls and struggles trying to fly. She's facing death. And she looks over at the reflection on the glass of herself as a child... And they stare at each other. She reaches out to her and she flies.
WHEN I TELL YOU HEALING YOUR INNER CHILDHOOD FOR LIVING AS A QUEER CHILD. Knowing u'll never really be understood. People bully you. And you yourself feel embarassed and ashamed about yourself.
When she flies up singing
So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky
As someone told me lately
"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"
I tell you... This is all happening and the tears start coming and I just turn to one of my besties and go "BITCH IM CRYING 😭"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who ground me
Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am defying gravity
I'm flying high, defying gravity
And soon, I'll match them in renown
Reclaiming your life. Accepting all the growth causing traumas. Living with the fact that not everyone wants me alive. That being discriminated is just gonna have to be a part of my life. Of course I'd love for shit to change but its like... This is it.
Living your life when everything is against your existence... So you just live anyway
I think one of the smartest additions to this song was these lyrics they instered
This really was a moment of... Clarity? Idk if thats the right word. Elphie was flying through those clouds and it was so calming, so powerful, and so... Euphoric(?). It really was a moment of like... My life is gonna be shit but I'm like the happiest I've ever been
All of this was really sealed off with that last declaration.
And nobody in all of Oz No wizard that there is or was Is ever gonna bring me down
I hope you're happy!
Bring me down!
It was giving I am gonna survive and have survived so nothing yall can do is gonna kill me... And with Ariana's amazing voice singing Galindas line "I hope your happy" really pierced through everything AAAAAAAAAAA
*starts break dancing*
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snake-eggs · 3 months ago
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@she-doesnt-have-the-range FOR REALLLLL!!! The man she picks is a universally coveted man who would elevate her status and who makes it clear right off the bat that he has no actual substance that she has to pay attention to. When he starts thinking, she is bothered by this, and yet deep thought is all her *glinda in one short day voice* "best.... ..... friend?" Elphie does!!! And she loves Elphie for it!
Forgive me for ranting but let's look at the Ozdust scene as a lower-stakes version of what could have happened at the Wizard's Palace: in both situations, Elphaba is ostracized by the masses, and Glinda has the choice to either stand with her or do the socially accepted thing and leave her on her own.
At the Ozdust, she chooses to stand with Elphaba, and she ends up winning over the entire crowd for the both of them. And at the end of the scene, they frolic out of the ballroom together! She leaves Fiyero behind without even a word! And she's thrilled about it! She's singing and prancing around and swinging on chandeliers!
In the palace, she could have done the same! In fact, her gut instinct is to do so; she follows Elphie onto the balloon without hesitation-- her only gripe is with the physical act of jumping, not making a criminal of herself and leaving the life (including Fiyero) she has behind.
But after she's given more time to consider the ramifications, she backs down. It's like if she had actually stopped dancing with Elphie at the Ozdust when her friends told her to back down. What would have happened then? Elphaba would have continued to have been a social outcast, and Glinda would have been sick with herself! But when the stakes are raised, that's exactly what Glinda does! And so, she doesn't get to run away with Elphie, which I think is what would have really made her happy (singing, prancing, swinging on chandeliers, et al.).
I think we can reference the Ozdust scene for an idea of what would have happened if Glinda had chosen to stand by Elphaba in the Palace scene. Glinda wins everyone back at the Ozdust, and they accept Elphie by extension because of that. If she had gone with Elphie at the palace, would it have still paralleled that scene?
Glinda is not a powerful witch. Madame Morrible had no faith in her. We don't see Glinda successfully perform magic at all. So why would she and Elphaba have been "unlimited" together? Precisely because of Glinda's ability to make people love her. She could have been Elphie's wildly flamboyant, one-woman PR department. If Glinda had gone with, Elphie might not have ended up an exile. And yet, it was exactly the fear of exile and the need to have people love her that kept Glinda from going with her. It's such a brilliant instance where her greatest strength is also her greatest weakness.
At a certain point, it doesn't even matter to me whether Glinda was ever actually written to be romantically interested in Elphaba (although for the record, I do believe she was, and it's becoming more and more obvious that Ariana Grande seems to have been playing her with this in mind), because her whole story is centered around the exact kind of social pressure that leads real people to perform comphet.
Because of that pressure, Glinda spends the rest of her life pretending to be someone else, pretending not to love who she truly loves, and as a result, never letting anyone know her true self so she can be loved in a real and deep way.
In a story that's about so flagrantly being yourself at all costs, Glinda is the ultimate cautionary tale. I mean, this woman changes her name-- literally changes her identity-- to something she hates because it will buy her 30 seconds of attention and applause. Where Elphaba learns to let go of the part of her that craves external approval through actually surviving years of loneliness and learning to love herself (with an adoring Glinda's help, of course), Glinda experiences about one minute in the movie where she is not being worshipped by all, and as a result, she never grows past this. Glinda is held hostage by her need to be liked, and to do that, she has to conform to the status quo. She cannot have what she really wants. She has to smile and laugh and pretend to fall in love with high-status men and pretend to celebrate the death of the actual, real love of her life.
anyway, i know that you literally did not ask, and this is me rn but that's my two cents.
no thoughts, head empty, just Glinda flouncing around in the prettiest pink imaginable
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forkanna · 6 years ago
NOTES: Sorry to the Gelphie shippers for these Dozma chapters. I haven't forgotten you! You'll see! 
And of course, sorry for taking so long between updates. Boring IRL things distracting me - one of which being Camp NaNoWriMo last month. The upside is, you're about to get not one, but two new fanfics from me soon! so hopefully that makes up for me dragging my feet on getting this one posted.
Of course, within the hour, it was time to hold court. Glinda had hastily explained the developments to Elphaba, who remained with Dorothy to help monitor the recent immigrant. Then she bolted up to Ozma's chambers to investigate the current situation.
"No, tighter, Jellia," Ozma was urging her as the servant tried to cinch her dress closed. Never in a demanding, condescending tone; that just wasn't how Ozma treated other people, regardless of station. But she did sound more anxious than usual. "Sorry, I know, it's as tight as it goes, but… I need to look my very best! So we can't do anything halfway today!"
"Your Highness?"
"What? Oh… hello, Glinda." She looked a little cowed when she saw the disapproving frown on Glinda's face, and glanced down at her pristine white heeled boots. "Jellia, that's fine; thank you."
"Quite welcome, Majesty," Jellia said with a bow of her green head before she retreated, having enough sense to be able to tell Glinda wanted to talk to her alone.
"Are you alright?"
Laughing weakly, she turned to her full-length mirror and observed the effect. "I'll have to be, won't I? The court awaits."
"Ozzie…" When she didn't answer again, she bit her lip as she thought for a moment. Then she asked, "Do you like wearing these get-ups? You could probably pass a law. 'No queen shall wear anything but old trousers and pointed caps during royal ceremonies' or something."
That did earn a little more of an earnest chuckle. "Honestly?"
"Sure. I like honesty."
"So do I." Swishing the skirts around, she smiled vaguely. "I thought I might feel more comfortable in those old clothes. And I did, in a way… but not as much as I thought. They don't fit me anymore."
"Well, we know why that is," Glinda joked as she gave a light tap on Ozma's behind that made her squeak in surprise. They both giggled. "Not that I'm saying it's that big, of course."
"Of course. Just… no, I didn't mean only that the actual size is wrong. They don't suit me anymore. I think I might like to wear… suits tailored to my new shape sometimes, because they are more comfortable than these highly regal gowns. But that doesn't mean I don't like wearing these."
Glinda tilted her head a little again. "Can you clear that up a little for me? I'm not saying you're wrong, just that I'm not following your chain of thoughts quiiiite yet."
Ozma paused, truly pondering her words. She turned so that Glinda could really take a look at her. What a breathtaking beauty she had become! Quite youthful, but serene, her perfect auburn ringlets framing her cheeks and slender neck and supporting the silver circlet as if it had been made to rest there. Sunkissed skin, no longer as tan as when they had first met her but still not as pale as that of a spoiled princess, gleamed from above the neckline that began the concealment of the rest of her form in puffs of white fabric and sparkling green ribbons. Truly a regal presence, and one that was a joy to behold, unlike the frightened respect that the Wizard had demanded via use of his puppets. This was definitely an improvement.
"I love feeling this pretty. It's something that was deep inside of me that I didn't even know was there until you helped reveal it. But sometimes, I still feel like… I don't deserve it, or I'm not really a girl because I grew up as a boy. Which I know isn't true! This really is who I am, I believe that with my heart and soul. But the doubts come back and I can never seem to make them completely go away. So that's… that's what I meant."
Smiling gently, Glinda reached up to cup either side of Ozma's sweet face. "Oh, little angel Ozzie… it must be tough, having to always 'be the princess' in front of the whole Emerald City when it's such a new thing for you."
"Yeah. That part doesn't help; the… public part."
"But you're doing a great job. And you know all you have to do is ask Jellia to make you a few suits for casual afternoons, working in the garden with Jack, or just days when you aren't feeling quite up to the frills and frippery. She'd be happy to! You're the one in charge, so do what you want. We'll all support you."
Ozma nodded. "Thank you, Glinda. I don't know what I'd do without the coven around."
"Council," she corrected, and they both snickered. "Also, if you ever want to take a little vacation, we could probably arrange for that. Get away from the responsibilities of queendom for a week or so."
"I'd like that. As long as you and Elphie and Nessa came along."
"And Dorothy?"
Sighing, she turned back to the mirror, regarding it with a frown this time. "Do you think… she'll hate me for this? I thought easing her into the idea by turning up as Tip was a better plan, but now I feel… stupid."
"Only one way to find out." She didn't want to comment on whether or not the plan was stupid; privately, she thought it was, but she also fully appreciated why Ozma tried it in the first place. Being honest with Elphaba about her own feelings had been one of the most difficult choices she'd ever made, and she had been terrified of rejection. It was probably much the same for her forlorn Ruler.
"That's true. Do I look alright?"
With bald honesty, she whispered, "You look perfect." Then she leaned in to kiss both her cheeks and boop her on the nose with her index finger, earning a slight giggle. "And cute! Now go out there and face the music; your people await."
                                ~ o ~
So Ozma did just that. Glinda quickly took her place with Elphaba in the bench on the righthand side of Ozma's seat of power; Nessarose was on the other side, and there was room for further seats on each side, though the chairs were not present. The idea had been to allow for space for a larger Council, should the need ever arise, but so far it had not. When visiting the Emerald City, Fiyero would sometimes take a seat next to Nessa, as an honorary Councilman.
Glinda kept her eyes focused on Dorothy as Ozma entered, glancing back to make sure she could monitor how the princess was doing now and then. The girl had snagged herself a spot very near the front of the crowd, wanting her first glimpse of this regal being to be a good one.
"Hail to the Queen Ozma!" Jellia announced.
The crowd, appropriately, responded with "Hail!" and then burst into cheers and clapping. In the first few days of her reign, Jellia and the Council had tried to discourage them from causing so much commotion, but right away Ozma had told them to let the people celebrate if they wanted to. As Ozma sat, Glinda saw that Dorothy was clapping along with everyone else. Her brow was creased a little in very mild confusion, but she was otherwise as pleased as everyone else.
"Thank you all," Ozma said. Even though she was nervous, it barely showed; despite being a very young and inexperienced ruler, the ability to act "professional" in front of her subjects was something that came naturally to her. "Today, we will be hearing reports from outlying cities of the Land of Oz. If you have a grievance or report from within the Emerald City outer walls, or the cities nearest the walls in Gillikin, Munchkinland, Vinkus, or the Quadling Country, please refrain and hold your remarks for another date, wherein we will be welcoming them from your areas."
As she spoke, Dorothy's face began to come over with pure shock. To be fair, she did not make a scene, but it was readily apparent to her old friends that she had figured out Ozma and Tip were the same person without needing any explanation. Clever as she was, that came as no surprise.
"Well, there goes the neighbourhood," Elphaba muttered into her ear.
"Shh, Elphie." Still, she had a hard time disagreeing. A quick glance at Ozma showed that she wasn't paying Dorothy any attention. Purposefully. That was very like her to do, making sure that her focus remained on the matters at hand and to worry about personal issues later.
One by one, the reports were received. A band of thieves was trying to interrupt emerald mining in the Glikkus. Some city in the south of the Vinkus was in dire need of fresh water, for their well had run dry. The Quadlings wanted fairer trades for their wares. Most of these matters were settled in short order, though there was occasionally some debate needed to resolve the problem to the satisfaction of all parties involved. At the end of the day, however, the people remained as thrilled with their new ruler as before.
However, just when they were wrapping things up and the crowd started to stir and get ready to leave, Ozma called out, "One final matter for the day." After some brief murmurs, she added, "Dorothy Gale of Kansas."
A hush fell over everyone else. Slowly, Dorothy first pointed at herself, and then awkwardly pushed to her feet.
"Welcome to Oz. Myself and the Council wish to make it known to all here that you are forevermore Princess Dorothy of Oz, and should be afforded all the rights and respect that this title offers." There was only the briefest of hesitations before she went on, "And you may take a position of authority over any of the countries in Oz if you so choose, or decline such, and reside wherever you wish. For the services you have rendered us, we remain in your debt."
Glinda's heart sank. She was offering Dorothy a way out. Now that she knew Tip was Ozma and there was a possibility things might be awkward between them, she wanted Dorothy to know that she would not be required to continue living in the palace if she wasn't comfortable with the idea. It was a magnanimous gesture, but also could sound like she was sending her away.
But while the crowd was applauding the brief speech, all Dorothy could do was look stunned. When the clapping died down, and she noticed everyone was looking at her, she managed an ungainly little curtsy, then announced, "Th-thank you… Your Majesty." It seemed to be all she could come up with.
"Thank you," Ozma countered. Then she hastily said, "This concludes today's audience," and turned to step down briskly from the seat and leave the audience hall.
Immediately, the rest of the council followed her, but Glinda thought her efforts were best applied elsewhere. She whispered to Elphaba, "Tell Ozzie I thought she was very brave," then slipped down into the rest of the crowd to seek out Dorothy.
She had to chase her down. By the time she got to the audience seating, Dorothy was already out in the hall, so she had to push through the throng until she caught up with the dazed girl, leaning against the wall a little further down.
"Hey," she said in an imitation of her usual cheery voice. "Doing alright?"
"What? Oh… oh, yes, Miss Glinda, of course," she laughed — and it was a bit manic. "Why shouldn't I be? I'm… I'm a princess now! A-and so is…"
When no finish came to the sentence, Glinda provided one. "So is Tip."
"I guess so."
"Are you… really alright? Honest-to-Oz?"
"Sure! I mean, why shouldn't I be? Girl like me from nowhere, gettin' to meet a real live princess, a-and then become one? It's like a dream come true! I'm… I'm just over the rainbow about it!" But when Glinda only frowned, Dorothy turned away. "A-and she looked very nice up there, in that… dress, and the pretty crown…"
"You know, maybe I will go and visit Scarecrow after all. See how he's doin'. A-and then I can come back and… and figure out what to do with myself. Can't just sit around bein' a big nuisance all the time! Aunt Em always said…"
But she didn't finish that thought; bringing up her aunt only took away her false joy. Glinda placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Dorothy… come on, you don't have to act brave if you don't feel brave. I'm your friend."
"I… I know. And you tried to tell me somethin' yesterday, but…" Her shoulders shrugged, taut and full of tension. "I wasn't listenin' properly. Thing is, I ain't wired like you and Miss Elphaba, so… I don't know. I need to clear my head, but after that, maybe… I can find a way to…"
She drew her in for a tight hug, and Dorothy only put up a fight for the first few seconds before she melted into it, shivering. Not crying, but clearly struggling to suppress some reaction. Whether that be sadness or anger, or something else, Glinda couldn't quite say. But she held on for some time. Eventually, the shivering petered out, and she took a deep, bracing breath.
"I'm alright now," she said with a false brightness, drawing back to beam up at Glinda. "Thanks."
"You are not. But… I'm glad you're better. Do you want to go and have lunch? We could take it somewhere… somewhere else."
Dorothy could definitely tell that Glinda was carefully not saying "somewhere without Ozma." It was written all over her face. After a moment, she nodded. "If you're sure it's alright? I mean, Miss Elphaba-"
"-Will survive one meal without me," she laughed, taking Dorothy's hand and patting it gently as she led her off to find another hall in which to dine. There were plenty in the Palace.
                                ~ o ~
Dorothy did set off for Kiamo Ko the next morning. As she had told them, even without "other things" being a factor, she still wanted to reunite with her old friend, and to see whether or not Boq was adjusting to life now that he was no longer carrying around so much rage and murder in his heart. After all, he had been nothing but good to Dorothy, so there was no pretending he was wicked through and through. Maybe the new lease on life would be enough to set right what had been darkened within him.
Ozma was distraught by this news, of course, but Glinda tried to reassure her that it was a temporary absence. If Dorothy came back and decided she was moving away, they could fret over it then, but for now there was no use worrying.
So they turned their focus to other matters. Tending the queendom, as was always pressing. Elphaba was still perfecting some new spells to make all their lives easier, and Nessa trying to change certain outdated laws in the hopes that governance would run more smoothly. Glinda busied herself consoling Ozma and meeting with members of Emerald City nobility when Ozma wasn't feeling up to it. Though they missed the girl who formerly wore the Golden Shoes, there was no shortage of distractions.
Finally, on the third night after she had gone, Glinda walked in to find Ozma was again wearing the Tip costume. Rolling her eyes, she came and sat next to her on the bench in front of her vanity.
"That's not going to fix anything."
A moment or two passed as Ozma stared forlornly at her reflection. Then she said, "Mombi was able to curse me once. What if… we found that spell in her books and did it again?"
"Then we would be robbing Oz of its rightful heir."
"I could still be a prince as easily as I could be a princess."
"Is that who you believe you truly are?"
"NO!" she burst out, slumping down so that her head thunked against the lip of the vanity. "But I… I can't stand the thought of… of being this way, only to have…"
Sliding an arm around her, she whispered, "Listen. I know this is hard; I know you want to do something about it. Really, we've all found ourselves in a situation where… what we want is so hard to get our hands on, and it's tempting to change something about yourself that's really important to get it. Like… me with Fiyero."
"Fiyero? What about him?"
"Both Elphie and I were in love with him once. Or we thought we were," she added in a mutter. "But he obviously cared more for Elphie than for me, after the initial charm of my good looks wore off." More as a force of habit, she fluffed her golden girls with one hand.
"I see," Ozma snorted.
"So I tried being a little more altruistical. A little more… giving, and kind, and thoughtful of others. Not because it's the right thing to do, which is more how I do things now, but because… I thought it would make him like me better. And it didn't; he's admitted to us now that he was a lot more interested in Elphaba for being… well, genuine, I guess."
For a moment, Ozma simply nodded. Then she pulled at her long, perfectly-coiffed hair and growled, "I feel so stupid, though! Dorothy is… is perfectly entitled not to feel the same way now that she knows I'm a woman. I keep telling myself that! What's wrong with me?!"
"Whoa, whoa! Alright, you're way too tensed up. Come over here now. No, no, come here."
Glinda led a very pouty Ozma away from the bench to two chairs arranged around a small table. The usual purpose for these chairs was for her to take tea with one of the Councilwomen, if and when they needed them — though usually, the small dining room was used. She pushed Ozma into one and then sat across from her.
"Here." At first, when she pulled one of the princess's old "boy shoes" off, Ozma rolled her eyes, but the minute she began to knead into her stocking foot with her thumbs, the annoyance and uncertainty vanished. "There now. Relax."
"Ahh…" A few seconds passed as Ozma did her best to resent melting at the pleasant sensation. "Alright, I get it, Glinda. You're right. I'm… worrying about this… too much. You don't have to…" A little sigh. "Keep going…"
"Was that 'You don't have to keep going', or 'You don't have to,' and then you changed your mind and asked me to keep going?"
Chuckling just a little, Ozma favoured her with a grateful smile. "Was supposed to be the first one. But thank you. I don't know why you keep doing things like this for me yourself when I'm sure we could get the royal masseuse. If we have one of those."
"Not yet, but we should!" They both laughed. "But I don't mind. Honestly… it might sound a little odd, but I like having you around to take care of. Maybe it's my motherly instincts having nowhere to go, especially since I like taking care of Elphaba but she's even more self-sufficient than the two of us put together."
More laughter, and this time Ozma reclined a little, letting Glinda finish the job and move on to the other foot. "So I'm your surrogate child? That seems a little funny when we're technically the same age. I just haven't known I was a princess so I have to relearn everything as I go along."
"Ah, but you lost those early years, so I'm older now," she teased, wiggling her toes through the stocking fabric. For that, Ozma picked up a napkin lying on the table and attempted to throw it at her, and it fluttered to the floor uselessly. "Wow, you really have fully transitioned into being a spoiled royal girl."
"That wasn't a serious throw. You and I both know I could pick up this teaspoon and chuck it hard enough to split your nose." That made Glinda laugh so hard she snorted like a pig, and Ozma really lost it then, pulling both legs back so she could double up and wrap her arms around her sides, tittering until breathless. "OH! Oh, Glinda, that's t-too much!"
Wiping her eyes as she laughed along with her, Glinda Upland regarded the sweet princess in her old, worn-out clothing, briefly broken from her dark mood. She did deserve to be happy. If Dorothy would make her happy, and she would make Dorothy happy, it was really quite pathetic for any other factors to get in the way. So she realised that she had two immediate goals. First, to determine whether or not Dorothy's feelings for the illusion that was Tip had been infatuation, or the elusive "true love" that some spent their entire lives searching for. And second… to figure out how to get them fixed up together.
                                ~ o ~
"Hello, everyone!" Dorothy cried out as she skipped in through the dining hall doors, eyes full of unshed tears. It had only been a week, give or take a day, but she still acted as if she had been gone for another dozen years.
And the Formerly-Wicked Witches reacted as if she had, as well. They all forsook their dinners to stand and envelop her in a crushing embrace, petting over her hair and laughing gaily as they welcomed her home. Dorothy squirmed and giggled freely, cheeks bunched with the force of her happiness. Even Jellia couldn't suppress a smile, despite her typically detached and professional demeanor.
Once the initial joy wore off, they turned as one to Ozma, who had at least stood to approach them but was hanging back, uncertain.
"Get in here," Glinda urged her through her toothy smile.
"N-no, I'd… better not," she said with a slight flush to her cheeks.
"It's alright!" Dorothy insisted, then covered her mouth with a shy fist once she had heard herself speak. Clearly, she hadn't meant to do so that suddenly. "I m-mean… I've missed you, too, Tip!"
"Ozma," Nessa corrected in a whisper.
"Ozma! R-right! Princess Ozma, y-your Majesty!" She did a curtsy, and her elbow connected with Elphaba's ribs. "Oh, s-sorry, I'm… awful clumsy sometimes!"
Before anyone else could try, Ozma was there to help steady her. Their hands remained in each other's as she gazed across into her eyes, smiling gently. "I'm… so happy to see you again."
"Oh? Happy?" Dorothy seemed to fixate on that. If Glinda were to hazard a guess, it was because there were two very different potencies of "happy" that the Ruler could be.
"Very happy. But, um… I believe I'm weary just now. I'll retire to my chambers and let you all catch up." Reluctantly, she slid her hands out from beneath Dorothy's and took a step backward. "Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow?" Dorothy nodded. Without any further comment, Ozma curtsied and left the dining hall at a quick pace.
And then they were left to look at each other. After a moment, Elphaba said, "So Glinda explained things to us. Which you can't be surprised about, but I'm sorry if you feel your trust is betrayed."
"Not really," Dorothy said with a little shy smile. "But gosh… I didn't think she'd look so… I dunno. Hurt, I guess? She looked hurt, and I didn't mean for her to be."
"You didn't hurt her," Nessa said in a reasonable tone, patting her on the shoulder. "And of course you didn't mean to. But… I think she had an unrealistic expectation that you didn't meet. Knowing it was unrealistic didn't make it go away."
Though she looked as if she already knew the answer, she squirmed and asked, "What 'spectation is that?"
"That Tip turning out to be Ozma wouldn't matter," Elphaba sighed. "What a silly thing to assume."
"Not silly," Glinda hissed at her roomie, who rolled her eyes toward the chandelier above them. "But yes, that's what she was hoping. You would see she was a princess in disguise, say 'oh my goodness!' and then move on from that. And when you didn't, even though your reaction was quite understandable…"
"I made her sad." All three of them nodded, and Dorothy walked over to the table and plopped down. "Well… I've been thinking on that a lot."
"And… I ain't the kind to think a whole lot. But it seems to me that… that I should start over. Get to be friends with Ozma, like I did with you three."
Elphaba's smirk was nearly criminal. "You're going to throw water on her?"
"Hush up," she giggled, and they all shared a relieved look. It was torturous seeing Dorothy as anything less than happy. At least her drawn appearance was slowly beginning to even out; she'd been packed off with plenty of bread and cheese and cakes when she left, and had probably been richly served in the Vinkus, as well. Not quite the plump girl she had been when they all first met, but certainly healthier.
After a moment, they returned to their seats and called for some bread and jam for Dorothy, and they listened to her tales of her travels. As it turned out, they did run into a few interesting characters along the way, including a cat made of glass and a boy as bright as a button, but more or less her journey was blessedly free of complications. Fiyero had been a wonderful host. Alas, Boq was a little odd and distant, but at least he had been pleasant and spent no time complaining about former matters. After a couple of days, she felt she had reminisced long enough and started making her way back.
Which led them to ask her about Ozma. At first, she tried to ask them about the goings on within the Emerald City to distract them from the topic, but that didn't work for more than a pair of minutes.
"Alright, alright. Like I said, I want to start over. Because… I think I let Tip bein' a boy go to my head, and got wrong ideas. Maybe led him on? Well… not on purpose, but I think I did, anyway. If I'd known he was a she, I mighta been able to just… be friends! Like two normal people! Don't know why I acted so silly around him, I've never acted like that around boys before…"
Nessa smiled a knowing smile. "You grew up, Dorothy. I mean, you're still fairly wide-eyed, but you're an adult woman now. Really, I'm surprised you never chased any boys before now."
That earned her a disapproving gasp from the Kansas girl. "Oh, I couldn't! Chase a boy? Me? No, no, that's not how a lady behaves! Aunt Em told me…" She came over melancholy again, but pushed through it more effectively this time. "Well, that it ain't proper for a girl to chase after a boy; the boy is s'posed to do the courtin', and the lady waits for him, and…" Her voice faded with uncertainty.
"That may be how they do it in Kansas," Glinda conceded with her arms folded over her chest, "but sure as heck not how we do things in Oz. You like somebody, you tell them; simple as that."
Of course, she wanted to say more. She wanted to point out to Dorothy that she and Ozma had already kissed, whether the poor girl and her strangely restrictive views about romance wanted to remember the event or not. But it was painfully clear to her that Dorothy needed to take a step away from that aspect of their relationship for some reason or another. It seemed to mostly be because of Ozma being a woman now, but she wondered if it wasn't also because of how young and inexperienced she was. After all, from their many conversations, all she ever heard about from Dorothy was about the farm, the farm, and in rare moments of great variety, the farm. The girl was the furthest thing from Ozmopolitan one could be.
"This is stupid," Elphaba finally sighed. "Just talk to her. You have to start there, or you won't get anywhere."
"Exactly," Dorothy sighed.
"No, I meant right now."
"Huh? Oh… n-no, I don't wanna bother her! She said she had to lie a spell…" At their staring, she dipped her head a little. "D-do you think if I came to breakfast, a-and tried to act like everything's peaches 'n' cream, that… th-that it'd be alright?"
Feeling bad that they were pushing her so much, Glinda rested a hand on her shoulder. "Of course. And if you're not feeling up to it in the morning, that's alright, too! We just wanted you to know that Ozzie's going to be happy to see you if you do pop in, and not upset. Alright?"
Elphaba looked like she had a lot more to say on the topic. However, she merely let Dorothy nod, and Jellia hastened to make sure her things were taken up to her rooms in the palace. But hoping that would be the end of it was something Glinda wasn't nearly foolish enough to try.
                                ~ o ~
"You really think we're doing the right thing?"
Glinda's head lolled over to glance at the nude form in the bedsheets to one side of herself. Not that Elphaba was much for putting her body on display; something she understood too well herself. Still, that insatiable part of her heart wanted to see as much as possible every waking moment.
"Of course, Elphie. Ozma's no older than us, and has had to do a lot of growing up as a woman in only a few months. And Dorothy's… Dorothy."
Nodding, she turned her green eyes toward the light streaming in through the green-tinted windows. They had both been meaning to commission someone to fashion them clear panes, so that the natural colouring of the rooms could be enjoyed — at least in the private rooms within the Royal Palace. They could stand on tradition in the public audience chambers like the throne room.
"This whole thing is stupid." Her hand fell to find Glinda's and wrap around it. "They're only resisting nature's pull because Dorothy's worried about pointless gender issues, and Ozma's worried about Dorothy."
"I know."
"Then we ought to do something about it."
"Like what?" she giggled, rolling over to curl her body around that of her lover. Silky skin against her own made her stomach flutter, but it was a flutter she had grown used to. Not in a way that removed its thrill, but she no longer panicked and tried to run from the room.
And she saw Elphaba flinch. That was happening fairly often, ever since she got back from Kansas. She knew the reasons by now because they tried to be open and honest with each other about everything, but it still hurt to know Elphaba had her comfort levels with that variety of touching shaken by something that should never have occurred. Little by little, she was going to erase that discomfort. Even if it took the rest of their lives.
"Like… shove them into a closet and tell them they can't come back out until they kiss." Her further giggling made Elphaba crack a smile, and she rolled her eyes as she admitted, "Alright, alright. I know it's supposed to be none of our business."
"I think forcing two people to kiss isn't exactly the best way to cause 'love' to brew, Elphie."
"You're right, of course."
"But… I understand." Her lips pushed into Elphaba's neck, earning a sigh that caressed through her own golden waves of hair, down across her bare shoulder. That was better; she was relaxing, welcoming the reassuring touches. "Ozma's never been this worried about anything in all the time since she first took the throne. Once she was sure she wasn't going to be thrown out of the palace, I mean. Probably because…"
"Well, you saw how Tip looked at her."
"I saw how they looked at each other," Elphaba murmured, and Glinda snickered. "Like you used to look at Fiyero, and Fiyero used to look at me."
"You weren't supposed to look at Fiyero looking at you while I looked at him," she teased.
A dark chuckle floated out of her. The kind that set her skin ablaze, her heart to racing. "Where's that rule written down?"
"The Grimmerie. It's somewhere in the back, you haven't made it that far in yet."
"Oh I haven't made it! The only one of us who's read the entirety of the book!" They both laughed, and Elphaba rolled to embrace Glinda back, smiling through her mirth. "Ohhh… you're such a nuisance."
Glinda's cheeks glowed. "You only call me a nuisance when you mean to say 'I love you'."
"You say it enough for both of us." Still, gruff as she was, Elphaba wasn't too good to follow through once in awhile. So she kissed Glinda very gently, softly, and whispered, "I love you, Glinny."
"You don't have to act like it's a surprise every time."
"What if it is? Every time you say it, I'm shocked that I get to hear it from your lips. That it's meant for me."
A green hand drifted up and perched on her glowing cheek, thumb tracing its way gently up and down along the skin as she gazed across at her, raven hair spilling out over the pillow in the most artful of ways and making Glinda want to reach past and slide her fingers through it. But for now, she was content to perch hers on Elphaba's ribcage.
"You shouldn't be. Winsome girls with golden curls are the ones who always find love. It's me who's lucky; I'm-"
"Just as beautiful," she cut her off, knowing what would come next. The self-deprecation, the eye so critical that it would tear her own appearance to shreds at any given opportunity. "Moreso for being unique; cute blondes are a dime a dozen in Gillikin."
"If I could have a dozen of you for a dime… my purse would be empty."
Lines like that always worked on Glinda. She had figured they would wear off once they settled into a relationship such as the one they were now enjoying, but every last time, Elphaba could make her feel sixteen again. Tittering and burying her face in Elphaba's shoulder, she heard her chuckle and felt strong arms wrapping around her back, holding her close. Caressing every inch they could reach. Lips pressed into the crown of her head before they whispered again.
"You make my heart leap, Glinda. Every day we're together."
She pulled back to lean up and take her lips, unable to hold back for another second. There was no reason to, and she couldn't have if there were. Elphaba's response was not as enthusiastic, but that wasn't her way; she was patient, she was earnest. But that in no way meant she wasn't passionate; it was just a different passion than her own. And that was what made them work.
A few minutes later, when Glinda raised her thigh a little higher to slide between another pair, Elphaba shivered and drew back. The thighs were the worst of the zones; she always flinched from that. But now, the reactions were equally alarmed and excited. It was progress.
"Again, so soon? You normally don't try for twice in a night."
"Can't get enough of your…" Glinda's cheeks flushed. Neither of them were very good at talking about this topic in detail, even after months of trying. "Your rose and your pearl."
That got Elphaba to push her hand into Glinda's face, cackling and rolling away as if she were completely through with her. But when Glinda reached past her hip and resumed their play, she certainly didn't fight her off a second time.
                                 To Be Continued…
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talesandfluff · 7 years ago
Gelphie 15?
you are literally the sweetest for indulging me and being an actual angel all the time and I am so thankful!!!!!
prompt is: Loud, so everyone can hear
and it has been filled HERE
You can also read it under the line because it seriously got out of hand it’s like over 2k words 
just so everyone knows this is like, lowkey bookverse. more like modern AU bookverse-inspired but I don’t think anything definitely proves it CAN’T be Shiz in this particular fic. 
The fight sticks out between them for days.
Glinda's heart feels heavy day and night, carrying with her the weight of the argument. She's been near enough bedridden for the past few days, only getting out for her classes. Elphaba, the infamously infuriating Elphaba Thropp, does as she does and pretends nothing happened. The sight of it makes Glinda ache all the more. Elphie − no, Elphaba jokes around with Boq, making him the butt of her remarks, studies with Fiyero, argues with Nessa as if nothing could get to her, not even the knowledge that Glinda was suffering.
She is almost glad for the hints of prickliness and frustration Elphaba fails to hide here and there. They're the faintest proof that perhaps she is not the single one affected by their outburst. But these secret glances are only for when she's home home and she has not been home much at all. Elphaba pretends better with an audience, audience that she steals from Glinda, who was always the one who made friends who then were only obliged to take the both of them as a package deal. This week, she has been lonely, laying in bed all alone with her hermit of a roommate roaming Oz knows where. Anything to avoid the narrow room they have shared for two years now − though sometimes it feels to Glinda they have known each other since birth. She should certainly feel used to Elphaba's antics by now, and yet.
"Avaric is taking us out," Elphaba lets Glinda know the evening of the fourth day. "Tonight. Not at that horrendous club," she hastily adds, mistaking the wary look Glinda gives her. "Just at the bar."
Glinda cannot help the blank stare. Half a week with barely a few sentences between them and this is what Elphaba chooses to break the silence with. Not that silence is not what she gets still. Even as Glinda reluctantly gets up to get ready, she finds nothing to ask beyond the occasion (Avaric's promotion his father unlocked him) and the time (he's there already with Shenshen and Milla so any time is fine), and Elphaba certainly finds nothing to mention on her own.
They used to talk so much. Only up to a few days ago, before that terrible talk that turned sour, Elphaba and Glinda could converse for hours at a time and lose track of everything else. And not just converse. They were close as can be, made to be in each other's presence, to be together.
Glinda, out of spite, out of a desperate attempt to entice Elphaba's attention, doesn't pull her curtain to get changed into something nice, doesn't leave the room. Elphaba can stare at her back if she wants as she undresses down to her panties, grabbing some summer dress from her closet. Her closet. She wants to scoff. Just where Elphaba would want her. She realizes she's picked the wrong outfit as soon as she's pulled it on. Or the exact perfect one.
"I can't zip it," she sighs.
Soft, softer than anyone else seems to notice, Elphaba's hand is at her shoulder, the other slowly zipping her back. Glinda closes her eyes, basking into the touch. She missed it. She missed her so much. Elphaba's hands linger on her for longer than strictly necessary but not enough for comfort, not enough for Glinda's hopes of reconciling. Elphaba doesn't move away from behind her, not immediately, and Glinda almost wants to lean into her, wondering if Elphaba would embrace her as she always does. She opens her eyes.
"What are we going to do?" She sighs.
There is no sound, but then she feels the hint of a kiss against her shoulder, lips hardly brushing, and Elphaba is gone like the wind, already by the door by the time Glinda turns around.
"We're going to celebrate Avaric's promotion," Elphaba replies.
The bar is surprisingly empty as they arrive. Avaric needlessly hollers them over, already tipsy with what must be half a dozen expensive sugary cocktails. Shenshen and Pfannee are glued at his sides, Milla sipping on a glass of coke, smiling politely as Boq tries to make good conversation.
"Here comes the elf!" He shouts. "No, wait, wait, I'm kidding, come sit, both of you."
Glinda scans the table and takes a seat next to Milla. She has never been anything less than perfectly courteous to Avaric, but would not jump on any occasion to be overly familiar with him either. Out of habit, she turns around to smile at Elphaba, only to find empty air behind her. The little demon of emotional constipation has sat herself next to Boq, who seems just as befuddled with her decision as he is annoyed with it, surely having hoped for a better conversation partner than a sulking green bean.
Glinda orders herself a glass of wine and resolves herself to exchanging smiles and courtesies with Milla when Crope and Tibbett do decide to bless them with their presence. Hand in hand, they walk into the bar, Crope whispering something into Tibbett's ear who laughs out loud, pressing an embarrassingly long kiss on Crope's cheek in answer. Glinda's stomach knots.
"Hey, guys, too busy shagging to get a minute for your old pal?"
The good thing about Avaric being insufferably loud and obnoxious is that no one really expects conversation from her. Glinda nurses her glass, silently staring at the others who all seem to be having a good time − and although she knows for certain that Elphaba must be faking it, she is a master of pretense tonight. Deep into some conversation about classes with Milla and Boq, she is being her smartass self, charming everyone with her wits and clever remarks, leaving Glinda for the boring one. All the better. Glinda would not find it in herself to participate, not when opposite her are Crope and Tibbett, animatedly talking to a late arrived Fiyero.
Her heart is racing, her stomach churning. Glinda tells herself she should have stayed home, but her bed is starting to become shaped to her form these days and besides, she's not even sure she can call that place home as she used to. But then, without going out, she would have missed out on this, wouldn't she? Impossibly affectionate, Crope and Tibbett enjoy their freshly out relationship to the fullest. Jealousy is clinging to her as she watches them share the same beer, Crope playing with Tibbett's hair, their hands fiddling together. Their love is for everyone to see. Why only theirs?
This was the bulk of it, really. Glinda never thought this would be an object of disagreement, not that way around. Elphaba and her were friends in private, then in the open, then more than friends, and the whole time Elphaba was unapologetically herself, impossibly smart and on the verge of bullying often as not, and also proudly out with the occasional array of pride shirts. Glinda was the one who was afraid to admit, first to herself then to the world, that her affections for Elphaba were romantic in nature. She was too scared to be honest, but bit by bit, kiss after kiss, after months of being Elphaba's girlfriend in all but official label, the fear gave way to a deep desire to proclaim their love. And it was Elphaba who refused.
"Toasts!" Pfannee purrs. "Let's do toasts!"
Glinda could not be less interested in whatever people have to say to butter up to Avaric. She often wonders how she ever thought there was a handsomeness to him, to anyone other than Elphaba. He's not a horribly bad person, she's sure, but she wouldn't describe him as a good one either. She's still not sure why they stick around. Most likely because he is one of the people who can take on Elphaba when she's in an argumentative mood. Lord knows Glinda struggles to. Has struggled to.
She doesn't really listen to the others, just smiles and nods when appropriate. Boq's toast is extremely short, Tibbett and Crope's much longer and intercut with bawdy jokes, Shenshen's is likely the most flattering of all. The bar has started to fill up and there is a lot of noise and she is finding it harder and harder to focus. The touch of Elphaba's hand on her shoulder only an hour prior…
"Glinda?" She blinks. Tibbett is smiling at her and everyone is looking. "Do you have anything to say?"
She gulps. Across the table, Elphaba is staring down at her drink − what looks like whiskey, for some reason, but she could always bear alcohol much better than the rest of them, something about her mother. You deserve better than me, Glinda remembers the words from the other day that cut her like a knife. Don't corner yourself into coming out just for me. You'll find someone better. Of all people, Elphaba cared more about Glinda's reputation than the very person concerned.
"I… erm…"
Tibbett's hands in Crope's, head against his shoulder. How easy they make it seem, though she knows it must have been everything but.
"I do have something to say." She breathes. "I'm in love with Elphaba. We've been dating for five months and they've been the happiest of my life."
Her audience falls silent and it seems to her that even the rest of the bar is less animated than a few seconds ago, but she doesn't let it bother her. Four days of silence was enough and she won't let Elphaba's stubborn hate of herself get in the way of their happiness. A few pairs of eyes are bulging around the table, though none very much and certainly none as much as Elphaba's, whose mouth is gaping, her glass still mid-air. After the shock has passed, she squints in suspicion and Glinda wonders if this was a good idea after all.
"I think he meant about Avaric's promotion," Shenshen whispers loudly to Glinda.
"I was afraid to tell you before," she goes on, finding the braveness in her. "I don't even remember why… But I'll tell you now, I'll tell everyone the truth because I think I'll die if I keep it any longer: I love her." Staring into Elphaba's frowning eyes, she gets a rush to the head and louder, she adds, "I love you."
Fiyero looks at her dumbfounded, the only one. Shenshen and Pfanee are whispering behind Avaric's back, who is grinning naughtily. Milla's smile is much tamer, as is Boq's as he stares, waiting for Elphaba's reaction. A reaction which never comes. The silence drags on and on. Glinda looks, begs, but Elphaba's gaze is impenetrable.
"So…" Avaric tries. "Is anybody else gonna…"
"I have to go," Elphaba says and jumps to her feet.
Glinda's heart free falls in her chest as she watches Elphaba circle round the table to the exit. She feels everybody's eyes on her and the blood rushes to her cheeks but just as she was about to excuse herself, she hears Elphaba's voice call back.
"Well, are you coming?"
She bites her lips and doesn't even meet the gaze of anyone as she pushes back her chair. The devil. The horrible leprechaun of a woman she has found herself. Why such drama?
"Excuse me just a…"
Elphaba's hand grabs her elbow as soon as she gets a foot out of the bar, pulls her so very close, wrapping an arm around her waist and before Glinda has any time to give an explanation, Elphaba's lips are on hers, the taste of whiskey in her mouth, though not nearly as inebriating as the embrace. Her back gets pushed against a wall and she clings to Elphie for purchase, for safety, crumbling under the so very desired assault. She registers people passing them by in the background, one or two shouts, but nothing matters outside the feel of Elphaba's arms circling her, of her chest pressed up against her breasts, their bodies melting into one another.
"Elphie…" She breathes when Elphaba leans back, her forehead against Glinda's, long nose bumping into hers playfully.
"This," Elphaba says, pressing another quick peck at Glinda's lips before pulling back, taking Glinda's hands with her and swirling her into a side hug, arm around her shoulders "Was for the kind words you didn't have to say back there."
"I did," Glinda says, squeezing Elphaba's waist where her arm is wrapped. "And I meant everything."
Elphaba kisses her hair as they make their way back home.
"You're a stubborn one, Miss Glinda," she says after a moment of comfortable silence. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."
"And I you," Glinda replies, "But you don't see me making a dramatic fuss about it begging you to leave me."
She feels Elphaba's chuckle resonate against her and fill her with warmth.
"I suppose I'll have to make it up to you."
Glinda smiles. They're almost back to their dorm room. It's not even dark yet.
"Yes," she says, kissing Elphaba's shoulder where she can reach, "I suppose you will."
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wickedlyqueer · 8 years ago
It's so good to my little gay heart that you can apply Glinda question Elphie leaving her to the book as well, there has always been a missing puzzle piece in their relationship, especially with those fights in the end and everything being extra painful hahahahha good memories nvm
I’ve actually screamed talked about this before with @lily-onher-grave! We’re pretty much on the same page that had Elphaba given Glinda even a fraction of a choice after confronting the Wizard, she would’ve gone with her.
Glinda is heartbroken. The way Elphaba left her is very much described as a rejection:
Elphaba hadn’t cried, of course. Her head had turned away quickly as she stepped down, not to hide her tears but to soften the fact of their absence. But the sting, to Glinda, was real.
So reading it as a rejection it makes sense that Glinda wouldn’t immediately go after Elphaba. Also, Glinda isn’t the one out of the two who would throw herself headfirst in a situation. She’s more careful and calculative, and left on her own, would rather be in circles and situations she’s familiar with. 
This also explains when she meets Fiyero in EC, she has slipped back into her society behavior. But! Underneath it, she’s still that clever girl who was the first of her village to go to Shiz.
Glinda Upland reads him in a second. He barely has to say anything and she knows he has found Elphaba. And she’s so fucking pissed about it. Because (and this is where the screaming began) ever since in the Emerald City, Glinda has probably been looking for Elphaba. Without any luck.
 Here’s some evidence for that claim for funsies:
Glinda is very desperate to try and have the old Charmed Circle back together and wants to invite them all (Crope, Fiyero, Nessa, even Avaric), either as to try to recreate her happy period in Shiz or in the hopes Elphaba would show up.
Before Fiyero can leave she asks him about Elphaba (probably because she suspects the affair she had deduced so easily might actually be with Elphaba)
Crope says he might’ve seen Elphaba once and Glinda and Fiyero are both immediately on to him and Glinda even goes a step further saying: “You never told me that Crope.” Clearly suggesting she is hawking at any information she can find about Elphaba.
When Fiyero misspeaks about the oils, Glinda’s suspicion is confirmed
Before Fiyero leaves, she again tries to meet up with him, even specifies without Crope, because: “The past seems both more mysterious and understandable with you right here before me.”
And then she says that heartbreaking “If you should see her, tell her I miss her still.” A last desperate attempt. All her cards on the table: she knows Fiyero has met Elphaba and they’re having an affair. But she hopes that if Fiyero would slip anything of Glinda’s presence to Elphaba, she would have the upperhand again. Because she would.
All this happens in three fucking pages! Dear lord. 
Then we basically don’t see Glinda again until after Nessa’s death. Over 20 years have passed and this is also part of the ‘missing puzzle piece’ you mention. We don’t get to see Glinda’s journey. She was abandoned like Nessa, and she points this out when they re-unite again. 
Gelphie is as much as what is being said as what is left unsaid. It’s reading between the lines. We actually see that Glinda and Elphaba get the best out of each other during the Shiz-era. Glinda smoothens Elphaba’s rougher edges, and Elphaba is the first person to encourage Glinda to dig deeper and be who she is instead of who society wants her to be.
The more heartbreaking it is that circumstance rips them away from each other. Leaving them both rather bitter and resentful. Understandably so, but even after all this time, they cannot stop loving each other.
When Elphaba sees Glinda, it’s described that her heart is churring. Then a few pages later we get the gayest description ever how if she remembers her youth “she could scarcely dredge up an ounce” of their meeting with the Wizard, and rather choses to remember her and Elphaba sharing a bed “how brave that had made her feel, and how vulnerable too”. jESUS WOMAN HOW GAY CAN YOU GET??
If only one of the two had moved. If only one of them had gone after the other. If only they weren’t so hellbent in believing the other couldn’t possibly feel the same way. If Elphaba had been an ounce more selfish and not wanting Glinda to be safe, but with her. If Glinda had been a bit braver to step outside her familiar comfort zone and go after what she wanted. 
We could’ve had it all and it keeps me up at night tbh…
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transimailisa · 8 years ago
what i remember from wicked seen the 27th of may (most likely not in order)
okay so this first point is unrelated but lemme tell ya as a french vegetarian that i will freaking miss pret a manger veggie stuff and that we had some waiting for day seats so anyway
also i remember we met a fervent fan who saw it like 19 time if i remember she was super nice and talked to her again during intermission
actually beginning now
no one mourns the wicked (my painful guilty pleasure) was 10/10 cause the ensemble had that energy like wow
also how she reaches for ppl when the ensemble for shiz appears : heart thrown against the wall
willemjin was a cutie through act 1 like her acting make her actually seem like she’s more of a teen than an adult
do i need to tell you that she just throws the wizard and i so easily at your face while you forget to breathe (go see @shiranuii for the whole sound recording)
what is this feeling was SO GAY like you know sometimes it seems more playful than actual tension ? wELL OH BOI THE TENSION WAS THERE
then dancing through life was quality of course with the current fiyero that is a literal disney prince
who by the way was hugging really closely boq at the beginning of the song for gay content
willemjin was a dork for the dance and damn her facial expressions i can’t get over it. and as expected the duo dance was real cute
popular was so good like
first before they actually start the scene they make it look like they’ve been bonding for a while so they’re laughing and all so when elphaba is ‘does funerals count ?’ tHE IMPACT IS OH SO GREAT
also that cute intimate moment when glinda says ‘it may be your secret elphaba but that doesn’t make it true’ was 10/10 only cause they let a long pause after that reply
suzie is so giggly and happy during popular but also the good kind of Extra(tm)
willemjin singing that low note in i’m not that girl will always amaze you
also during the before leaving scene suzie would sometimes sing some lines ? and it was really cute and fun and elphie and glinda hugged a lot
also there was sometimes lil touches that suzie would do to willemjin the one i remember most is her fixing elphaba’s hair before meeting the wizard 10/10
anyway that’s all for today will do more tomorrow
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yeetfanficccc · 3 months ago
No-one mourns the Wicked Boq x Reader
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Summery- (Y/N), Boq, Glinda, Fiyero, Elphaba, and Nessa Rose were all one big friend group at Shiz. After the events of act 1, Elphaba is gone, Glinda/Fiyero heartbroken, and Nessa is reeling with the death of her father. Boq and (Y/N) are all who remain at the solum Shiz. 
Nessa doesn’t like Boq and Boq doesn’t like Glinda because plot connivence. Also, Fiyero is just friends with Glinda because I want LESBIANS
Reader is gender neutral, Elphie X Glinda referenced in passing as canon
TW-characters going through feelings of abandonment, a bit of a sad tone compared to my other stuff, characters believe Wizard’s propaganda about Elphie 
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Elphaba was gone.  She was really gone. 
The news reached Shiz like a firework, within moments the whole campus turned against the so-called Wicked Witch of the West. 
“I knew she was evil the whole time!”
“To think, Glinda trusted her….”
“Looks like we were right before the Oz dust! She’s a monster”
The words circled my brain plucking at what was left of my sanity. I was her friend. We were all her friend.  How could I have not known the truth? She was evil- wicked. The word rang in my head. Wicked. Wicked. Wicked. That was the truth. Madame Morrible and the Wizard himself said so. I traced my hand against the grass I sat in. Elphaba had first shown me this spot. A rare calm in the chaos of Shiz. Wicked, to be born vile and without remorse. 
I covered my face, the memories haunting me. 
We would sneak around Shiz and laugh in the library. Dr Dillamond would always tell us to be quiet, well Fiyero mostly, and we would apologize on his behalf. He would say how rare it is to have such good friends; how grateful we should be. Oz, I didn’t listen. Then, he was gone. That was the first warning. Still, we all celebrated when Elphie got the note from the wizard telling her to go to the famous Emerald City. We hugged and cheered until our throats burned. It had taken a while, but I felt like I belonged, like we all belonged. I was happy- was it really all a lie?
I turned around. Boq stood with an awkward tilt and sheepish grin.  I tried to match it the best I could. 
“I don’t see you out here much Boq.”
“I was looking for you,” he admitted, “you’ve made yourself very hard to find lately.”
“Have I?” I chuckled dryly,” It looks like we’re the only ones left.” 
“You don’t think they’re coming back?” his eyes grew. 
“Well, Elphie isn’t that’s for sure…” I laughed, “I can’t see Fiyero coming back here after running off. Nessa has the stuff with her father and Glinda- “
It had been mere weeks before Glinda nervously confessed to me at a sleepover of her feelings for the green girl. She was jumping up and down, kicking her feet, singing the praises of her newfound muse. Life was so much lighter, free. Oz, what I would give to go back. “-Glinda won’t return without Elphie.”
“You haven’t been sleeping well, have you?” he reached for my cheek before blushing and forcing his hand away. 
He sat next to me. Around us the tall, yellow grasses swaying in the wind. It was peaceful, nearly lovely. 
“I’m fine.” It was a lie; we both knew it. 
“And you’ve been avoiding me,” he sighed, “though I can’t blame you.”
“I’m sorry. It’s not you, really, it’s everyone except you. I just don’t have any social battery right now, so I’ve been avoiding everyone. I’ve missed you, a lot.”
That was true. Even before this all, Boq was the one person, even out of all our friends, I felt safest around. He was awkward and charming, with an adorable smile. I had a crush on him for a while that I was way too nervous to address so I did nothing. Except now we were both stuck together in this mess.
“I understand.”
Of course he understands, he is the only other person who was left behind. And by avoiding everyone I basically abandoned him too. My mouth filled with bitter acid. I snapped, 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I just miss everyone and you’re here still and I’ve been a terrible friend.”
“No, no no…” he panicked, “I don’t think that at all.”
“You’ve heard what they’re saying about her. I can’t listen. It makes me sick. But they’re right… it’s just I don’t- “I leaned into his chest, he tensed turning a bit red, “I don’t know what to think”
I was sobbing and didn’t know how I was going to stop the tears from coming.
“Cry all you want. I’m here. I’m always here for you.”
“Thank you…”
“When I walk around,” he spoke, with me still sobbing into his sweater, “people look at me strange because they know I was friends with her. Have you experienced that too?”
“Sort of, but I made you bear the brunt of this because I’ve been hiding so much.”
“I just- Elphie was so kind. I don’t understand how we could have never noticed.”
“She must have been a great liar,” I guessed.
“(Y/N). This is going to be hard. If they really aren’t coming back. But- “
I looked up, Boq very red and sweating? 
“Are you ok? Do you feel sick?”
“WE MAKE A GREAT TEAM!” he yelped, “And- and we can do this together!”
“Yeah!” I cheered.
“(Y/N) this is terrible timing but- I like you like in a romantic way, and I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to make things awkward in the friend group. But now apparently one of my closet friendships was a lie and my other friends are gone and you’re here and you’re incredible, but I can’t go on without telling you! And I’m so sorry for ruining things more than they already are!”
“You- like me?” I stammered.
“A lot.” He nodded fervently. 
“I like you too. A lot.” 
“I DON’T KNOW!” I matched his chaos laughing until I was laying down, “WE JUST HATE HAVING STABLE RELATIONSHIPS!”
“I GUESS SO!” he cackled laying with me, “if we do this, be together, it isn’t going to be easy.”
“I know. I don’t think anything is easy now.”
“Are you ok with that? If you just need a stable friendship right now, I understand.”
“No. Our whole lives have been turned on their heads. We deserve to find a little happiness Boq.”
“You do make me so happy…” 
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kimmyiewrites · 7 years ago
Because I Knew You ~ Chpt 7
After meeting with the lollipop guild Addelaide moved from the throne room to her office. Waiting for her there was Fiyero. As soon as he saw her, he stood from the settee he was lounging on in her waiting area just outside her office. “Are you all set and ready to go?” She asked when she saw him.
He nodded, meeting her halfway as she entered the room. “Sure are. I came to say goodbye.” He took her hands in his, pulling her closer causing her to smile.
“I do prefer face to face farewells.” They leaned closer together, lips almost touching.
“And I promise you will never have to worry about a faceless farewell from me ever again.” With that he closed what little space was left between them and kissed her breath away. When they pulled apart he had a smirk on his lips. “Wanted to leave you with something to remember me by.” He then winked.
Addelaide laughed, pushing playfully at his chest to create distance between them. “Be safe on your journey please.”
Fiyero chuckled as he gave her the Ozian Guard salute. “Yes, your goodliness.”
“Oh, don’t you start that too. Now get out of here and get that girl back home.” She chuckled, shaking her head causing Fiyero to laugh as he left the room.
Addelaid turned and just before he crossed the threshold of the room, called out his name. Fiyero turned back around with a questioning look on his face. “Return to me in one piece please.” She smiled.
He easily returned it with one of his own. “I promise.” With that he turned back around to meet up with the others so they could start their journey.
It was about a week later and she had still not heard anything from Fiyero. She wasn’t expecting a daily update but surely a week was enough time to get to Kiamo Ko and to give back the slippers. She was looking over some paperwork regarding some of the refugees. By the third time she had re read the same sentence, she pushed the papers to the side and pinched the bridge of her nose.
Luckily she didn’t have to wait much longer. Her desk phone rang. The ringing broke the frustrated silence she was sitting in and startled her. She fumbled with the handset of the gold and ruby studded rotary phone as she tried to answer it. Not only did the physical ringing scare her but the possible reason did too. The only people who had the number to that phone were the leaders of each country within Oz plus the Wizard.  
“This is Addelaid the Good. May I ask who this is?” She finally answered bringing the handset up to her ear.
“Addie! It’s me! Glinda, your cousin. You know the one living in the Emerald City.” Galinda replied with her usual bubbliness.
“Yes, Galinda, I know who you are.”
Galinda huffed. “Addie, you know I changed my name to Glinda.”
Addelaide rolled her eyes. “I will keep calling you Galinda for as long as you call me Addie.”
“Whatever. The proper use of names is not the reason I called. I called because you must get to the Emerald City, Addie.”
The urgency in her voice made Addelaide’s nerves surface once more. “What happened?”
“The Wizard sent some of the Guard with that poor girl from Kansas. They were to kill Elphie and they did Addie! They threw water on poor Elphaba and she actually melted!”
Addelaide shook her head. She couldn’t believe that something like that would actually work. “Surely, you can’t believe that.”
“Her hat and robe were all that was left Addie, so it must be true. Now will you please come to the Emerald City. I’ve got to figure out how to send this girl home and I’m not sure how.”
Addelaide sighed. “Fine but the others will be coming back to Quadling with me.”
Galinda let out a squeal. “Oh, thank you Addie! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
With that the Upland cousins hung up the phone. Addelaide sat there for a moment before jumping into action. She grabbed her spell book and wand as she called out for Ro. “Yes, Addelaide?”
“I’m going to the Emerald City for some business so I’ll need a carriage prepared, please.”
Ro nodded. “Right away.”
By the time Addelaide arrived Dorothy and her group returned. A bell hop greeted Addelaide, helping her out of the carriage just as Ro was making his way around to do just that. “Miss Glinda arranged for your stay. I’ll be more than happy to take your bags and show you to your room.”
Addelaide smiled but just as she was about to answer she spotted Galinda. “I’ll find my way to the room later. I see my cousin. Feel free to show Ro, however.” The bellhop nodded and went to work.
“Are you sure, Addelaide?” Ro asked.
She nodded. “Yes. Enjoy some time to yourself. You deserve it.”
Ro sighed, nodding almost reluctantly.
“I promise to not get into any trouble since I know that’s what you’re afraid of.” She reassured.
His expression turned sheepish. “Just promise you’ll send for me if you need my assistance.”
Addelaide laughed. “I promise.” With that she readjusted her satchel strap and made her way over to her cousin. Galinda wrapped Addelaide into a big hug. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here.” She beamed.
Addelaide did her best to return the wide smile but it still felt weird to be buddy-buddy with Galinda.
“They’re speaking with the Wizard now. So come on, we’ve got to hurry.” They didn’t make it to the throne room, however.
Madame Morrible intercepted the two and lead them into the courtyard, where some Ozians were already gathered, going on about how he’s really done it now, how whoever is taking over the Wizard role had a mess to clean up and it was not going to be her. The Upland cousins were quite confused by her fuss as they helped set up a platform and prepared a hot air balloon.
Soon after everything was in place The Wizard with Dorothy and the others trailing behind him came out. “And here it is! Oh, Madame Morrible, Glinda, you two shall be missed but it is time for this old man to say goodbye. Come along, now dear. Once this thing is ready for take off, there’s no stopping it.” The Wizard carried on, calling out to Dorothy as he climbed into the basket of the balloon.
The women watched as the young girl wished her new friends goodbye. She then realized that Toto wasn’t by her side. While trying to help Dorothy in her search for the small dog, the guard keeping the balloon anchored let go of the rope causing the Wizard to float away. Dorothy was distraught, holding toto to her chest as the Lion and the others comforted her.
Addelaide was too busy looking through her spell book to focus on what Madame Morrible was saying. Galinda’s name was mentioned and shouts from the crowd was heard but not registered. Galinda crossed over to where Dorothy was and patted her head. “Oh you poor thing. Living in Oz won’t be that bad. We’ll set you up in a nice room here in the Emerald City.”
Dorothy looked up, tears pooling in her eyes. “You mean you can’t send me home?”
Before Galinda could answer, Addelaide called out, “I got it!”
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