#the way she like sighed deeply after i asked and was like ''i mean.....ok....but i don't see him anymore than you do''
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depresseddepot · 5 months ago
me: hey so one of the three cats has diarrhea but I need to figure out who. can you keep an eye on your cat, because he only really comes down here to use the litter box so I can't watch how he's acting like I can the others
my mother: wh.......huh........... .? "keep an eye on him"...........i mean............ill try.......how am i expected to do that......................do i just "look" at him.....?. "pay attention to him..?"......i don't think i can do that.......... .you're being so fucking dramatic actually. this fork becoming dirty after i ate using it is your fault too
#joey i am so sorry i have to leave you with this woman#sorry ignore this lmfao i just don't understand why she acts like keeping an eye on how HERR cat behaves is so hard for her#she works less hours than i do and makes like 5x as much (literally)#''how am i supposed to know where he is'' you Look#''okay well how do i know if he's acting weird'' HES YOUR CAT. YOU LOOK AT HIM#im watching him too ofc because apparently im the only one that gives a shit about the cats in this household#but he doesn't like one of my cats so he doesn't come down here very often#is it like unreasonable of me to ask her this. like am i fucking missing something#the way she like sighed deeply after i asked and was like ''i mean.....ok....but i don't see him anymore than you do''#HE SLEEPS OJ YOUR BED#LOOK AT HIM#he walks around and plays with dogs and you pet him all the time just FUCKING LOOJ AT HIM#''and then what? youll take him to the vet?''YES????????????#yes i will take YOUR cat to the vet because you won't fucking do it#when my cat was peeing blood she wanted me to wait a week to ''see if it would clear out''#and when he couldn't use his leg she kept telling me it was just a sprain when in fact he has TORN HIS CCL#the vet told me the only other time she had ever seen a cat with a torn ccl was when a stray had been KICKED BY A DEER#yeah a sprain. uh huh. he slept for 48 hrs straight and it must've been a sprain#hes all better now thank god but im constantly kicking myself that i let her convince me into waiting a full week for his ''sprain'' to heal#just watch joey. just look at him. just literally pay any fucking attention to YOUR cat#if joey didn't hate my other cats so much i would 100% bring him with me too#but he's very much an only cat kind of cat so he WILL be happier when i leave#i just hope she gets her shit together and starts caring for him the way she's supposed to#maybe itll spark empty nest syndrome and she'll obsess over it or something#literally ANYTHING#vent
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shrimpybbq · 5 months ago
rafe experiences the comfort of a mother
synopsis: rafe appears on his girlfriend’s doorstop, badly burnt and in need of care and affection
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Rafe stood in front of the guest room, body stiff and hand frozen against the wooden door. He wanted to knock, he really did, and yet he was hesitant. Only the day before had the couple fought, screaming and shouting until both were out of breath. Rafe had watched his sweet girl leave with teary eyes and he’d felt bad, his heart twisting as she had slammed the door in his face. It was the same door he finally knocked on after realising he’d been motionless for too long. The rap of his knuckles echoed and for a moment, he wondered if she wouldn’t answer the door at all, until a creak sounded. Rafe raised his gaze to see his girlfriend standing in front of him, her fists rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.
“R-rafe? What are yo-”, she began to ask, voice heavy with tiredness, the hour late. It wasn’t until she looked at him properly that she paused, taking in his entire state. Rafe was standing there, clutching his arm to his chest protectively. It wasn’t the childlike pose that caught her eye though, no - it was the way Rafe’s eyes were filled with unshed tears and his bottom lip wobbling ever so subtly.
“Are you ok?” She asked gently, as if she were talking to their son. Rafe could only shake his head side to side, slowly pulling his arm away. At the sight of the red and blistering flesh, she gasped loudly, “Oh my god! What happened?”.
“I-uh, I got into some trouble,” Rafe responded timidly, full of shame and in pain.
“Come here,” his girlfriend said, gently ushering him into the guest room, “sit down. Have you cleaned this?” She asked. Again he shook his head, leading her to hum lowly. “Ok, I’ll need to clean it. Gimme a sec.”
Rafe sat on the bed patiently as he took in the room. He’d never been in there since she began sleeping in there, now taking in all the little trinkets she had lying around. He had been trying to get her to move back into his room but she still refused, and the pair used the nursery as a mutual zone.
His musings were cut off by a gentle voice questioning him.
“What happened Rafe?”
“It’s nothing, just an accident, you know?” Rafe grumbled out as she began to wet antiseptic pads in front of him. She looked up at him, gaze incredulous.
“This is bad, Rafe. You don’t just get something like this accidentally! You said you got into trouble before - what did you mean by that?” She questioned. Rafe sighed, having underestimated just how much she would question him, but he should’ve expected that, he thought to himself. When he didn’t answer, she began to clean his arm.
The sharp stinging sensation that travelled through him as the antiseptic touched his burn made Rafe jump, his voice exclaiming in shock. It was that sudden pain that caused the unshed tears in his eyes to spill over, and it was like once he started he couldn’t stop. All his pain and worries spilled out of him, the tears streaming down his face.
“Oh baby, it’s ok, come here,” he heard her say, cleaning forgotten as she pulled his head into her chest. Whenever she had comforted Rafe in the past, this had been his favourite position, curled up against her chest and having his hair stroked. So she did just that, soothing his heaving sobs with each pass through his hair. “It’s ok Rafe, you’re ok here baby. I’ve got you, ok? Breathe, Rafe.”
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, his sobs wetting the fabric of the tank top she wore. He’d almost completely exhausted himself by the time his sobs stopped, only able to breathe deeply now. It was then his muffled voice could be heard, “it was Barry.”
He felt her stiffen before she tentatively probed further. “Barry, your dealer?”
At the feeling of him nodding, she pulled him away from her chest. Her voice was stern, as if she was talking to a small child,
“Rafe, why is your dealer burning you? What did you do?”
He looked up at her, eyes wide and rimmed with red. He looked just a like their son, she thought, his features so innocent and needy.
“I-I couldn’t pay him back in time… I tried, I really did, but I had this thing and I couldn’t get it all there in time, and I said- I said to him I would get it bu-but he didn’t care,” Rafe began to ramble, his voice pleading with her to understand him. He had been trying to do better, for her - for his family. He watched her sigh, before she returned to clean his wound in silence. Rafe wanted to speak, to explain himself more but he didn’t know what to say, and the idea of her disappointed gaze upon him once more sealed his lips. The feeling of her fingers smoothing a burn cream over his wound tenderly had him curling back into her chest.
She began to card her fingers back through his blonde locks, feeling Rafe relax against her. When he was upset he would be one of two ways: angry and reactive, or clingy and touch-starved. Today, it was clear he was the latter. She couldn’t bare to leave him alone like this, and so she gently whispered,
“Come here baby, let’s get you into bed, ok?”
Rafe pulled away, his eyes wide as he looked up upon her face.
She nodded and began to pull the covers away, creating a space for him to shuffle in. Rafe allowed himself to be guided under the quilt and he couldn’t help but sigh at the feeling of her fingers tenderly brushing his messed-up strands away from his forehead. As he made space for her beside him, Rafe watched his girlfriend pull away from the bed.
“Nononono-” he began to mutter, only to be cut off. His hand was outstretched pathetically to try and keep her by his side, scared to be alone.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I’m just going to the nursery. I thought you’d want him to stay with us tonight,” she soothed, watching surprised as Rafe shook his head in response.
“No, let him sleep. Just c’mere,” he mumbled, dragging her into his side and under the blankets. Within seconds Rafe had found his position for the night, curled up into her side, his head resting on her chest once more. He was so sullen and quiet as he listened to her heartbeat, hands clutching at her waist.
“Goodnight Rafe,” she uttered sleepily, the events of the night catching up to her.
“I love you,” he said quietly, his voice muffled against her chest. He didn’t say it often, preferring to show his love for her through actions, but she always knew it. With a soft kiss against the crown of his head, she echoed those words back to him, before slipping into unconsciousness,
“I love you too, baby.”
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natashaslesbian · 2 months ago
All I Want For Christmas
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Summary: You fall sick while your mom is away on a mission, what’s worse? It’s Christmas Eve
Request: Blackhill x daughter reader and reader x Kate maybe - reader gets really sick whilst Natasha is away on a mission
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Flu symptoms
“Hey kiddo, how you feeling?” Your mom asked as she brought you a new bowl of soup. “Gross” you coughed as you sat up in bed. “Did you get through to mama?” You asked Maria “no sweetie I’m sorry, she’s probably just busy fighting” she said as she helped you to sit up. “I miss her” you whimpered, thinking of the redhead. Unfortunately, Natasha was called away on an urgent mission that was expected to last for at least three weeks. You had gotten sick just after she left and to make things worse, your mama would be gone for Christmas. Thankfully, you had your mom and your best friend Kate there to look after you. “I miss her too baby” Maria frowned “eat your soup and try to get some more sleep okay, Kate can call me if you need me alright” she said as she pushed away your baby hairs. You nodded weakly as the archer brought up a spoonful of soup to your mouth.
It was an hour later while you were sleeping that Kate noticed your sudden short breaths, you could barely breath through your nose. She gently tried to move your head and carefully pry your mouth open to allow more air. Although her touch was light, you woke up in a raging coughing fit. “Sorry baby” Kate cooed as she slowly sat you up, you struggled to suck in a breath and soon began coughing up the mucus from your throat. “Oh y/n, you’re okay, it’s okay” Kate said as she grabbed the trash can “I’m gonna call your mom okay” she sadly smiled. “I want mama” you cried. You loved your mothers just the same but Natasha held the softness that you craved so deeply right now. Maria was the ‘stricter’ parent so you usually went to your mama for comfort and to Maria for the more practical advice to navigate your teenage years. “I know baby” Kate said, trying not to take your words to heart.
Maria arrived at your room in record time “ok I think it’s time to go and see Bruce” she said when she saw your frail body leaning over the trash can. “No” you whined, leaning into your girlfriend’s cooling touch. “She’s right y/n, this isn’t just a cold anymore” Kate said, helping to shift you into your mom’s arms. “Put me down! I don’t want you!” You cried. Maria knew you didn’t really mean it, but she couldn’t help but wish Natasha was here to make you feel better. Your mom got you to Bruce quickly and the doctor concluded that you had a dreadful flu. “I have some antibiotics but I think she needs rest more than anything, try and get lots of fluids in her and make sure she gets some sleep” Bruce said. “I am here you know” you huffed from your chair. “Sorry y/n. You can head back up to your room okay. Hopefully you’ll be feeling a little better for Christmas Day.” You scoffed at his words “fuck Christmas. It’s gonna suck anyway” you said. “Language kid” Maria scolded, making you even more angry than you already were.
You stomped angrily back up to your bedroom, ignoring your girlfriends attempts to sooth you along the way. “What are we gonna do with her?” Maria sighed in defeat when she found the archer in the corridor. “She needs Natasha” Kate said, causing the agent next to her to frown “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that” she said. “It’s okay” Maria sighed again. “I’ll go sit with her, I have some schoolwork to get done” the archer coughed, walking away from the awkward situation she had accidentally created. Maria kept her welling tears at bay as she retreated to her own bedroom, hers and Natasha’s. The brunette sat in her own silence for a while before reaching towards her phone. It was almost deafening as the phone continued to ring, not connecting to the one person she wished to hear from. “Oh where are you baby” Maria said as Natasha’s voicemail came through the speaker. The brunette was about to give up when the familiar ringtone of her phone began to play. She quickly reached for the mobile she had just discarded on the bed “Natasha?” She asked in a hopeful tone.
You went straight to sleep once you got back to your room and considering you were so peaceful when Kate came to check on you, she decided to let you sleep through dinner and to the next morning, through to Christmas Eve. You couldn’t quite tell what time it was when you wake and the grogginess in your head was still present. “Hey gorgeous” Kate smiled as she opened the door, fresh cup of coffee in hand. “Mmm, what time is it?” You questioned as you rubbed at your sore eyes. “It’s just gone 11” your girlfriend said. “Ok, and ugh, what day is it?” You whined “it’s Christmas Eve” Kate said, joining you on the bed with a hidden gingerbread cookie. You rolled your eyes at her festivities “you could’ve just said December 24th ya know” you huffed, groaning when a rough cough caught you off guard. “Oh baby” Kate cooed “Still not feeling great huh?” She asked, you shook your head in agreement. “Is there anything I can do?” She said. “Mommy” you whispered, feeling the tears burning behind your eyes, you were too sick to be embarrassed about how pathetic you felt. “Oh my love, she’s not here baby, remember? Nat’s still away” your girlfriend frowned. “No, I want mom, I want Maria” you sniffled.
Kate scurried away like her hair was on fire and before you could even blink Maria was stood in your doorframe. “Hey kid” she sheepishly said “how are you feeling?” She asked. “Sick” you whimpered, finally letting your tears fall. “Oh sweetie” your mom cooed as she came rushing to your side “it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here alright and I know that you want your mama but I’ve got you for now okay” she said. “No, no mom I’m sorry” you sniffled “I do want you, I just want mama too. I want you both here” you cried, struggling to catch your breath in between the chesty coughs racking your ribs. “I know sweet girl, easy, deep breaths ok” Maria said. “Why did she have to go no of all times” you sobbed “we always have Christmas together, just the three of us” you whimpered, sinking into Maria’s arms. “Well you know what Fury’s like, but never underestimate the power of your mothers” your mom said, nudging you to look up at the door.
“Hey baby girl” a familiar voice said as she stepped into the light. “Mama!” You sobbed, attempting to throw yourself towards the redhead. “Hey, hey, I’m home, it’s okay, I’m home now” Natasha said, rushing to your side and making sure you didn’t use what little energy you had left to get up. “Bu- how- how did you?” You muttered through your tears, while holding on tight to your mama. “I told Fury where to stick his mission” Natasha smiled, pulling you into her embrace. “Won’t he be mad at you?” You asked. “Who cares if he is, my y/n needs me so that’s where I am” Natasha smiled, gently kissing your forehead. “Merry Christmas baby” Maria said wrapping her arms around her girls. “Merry Christmas mom, merry Christmas mama” you said, eyes still shiny with tears, happy tears. Because finally, all was as it should be.
A/N: Happy Xmas Eve everyone! Sorry this is a day late tumblr was being an ass
- Astara Bell
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nev-valkyriesdottir / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904 / @strange-night-owl / @acciowriting / @hatergirl-69 / @lovelyy-moonlight
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mooki3-bear · 3 months ago
Who wants the drama (babydaddy!Chris sturniolo x black!fem!reader
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Summary: A look into the morning with Chris as the father of your child
Warnings: None
“Chris, what are you doing here so early? It’s not your week,” you say as you open the door in nothing but a bonnet, plaid pajama pants, and a fresh love sweatshirt, to see your daughter's father.
“Why do I need an excuse to come and see my favorite girls” He leans in to kiss you on the cheek. As you push his face away with an eye roll you hear your three-year-old running around the corner. 
“Hi Babygirl” Chris exclaims as your daughter, Isa, runs into his arms. “You spending the night” your sweet, curly-haired, girl asks him.
“No, I'm sorry honey! Mommy doesn’t let me do the anymore” With that comment, you hit him on the arm as you make your way into the kitchen.
You and Chris decided to co-parent a year ago after a particularly bad falling out about how each of you wanted to raise Isa. You also just had different goals in life that just didn’t meet each other's so you decided to call it quits and just live separately. Besides all of the disagreements, you both still find a way to get along and raise a beautiful little girl.
Chris follows you into the kitchen with Isa in his arms. As he sets her at the table for breakfast he notices a big bouquet lying on the counter.  “Where’d you get these from, Trader Joe’s,” he says with a giggle.
“No, you fool. I got them from…someone”  You say, putting eggs on your daughter's plate. 
Chris’s smile instantly falls from his face as you look at the big smile that just appeared on yours. “What do you mean? Like, you went on a date with someone” he says as he circles the counter to stand next to you. 
“Why do I have to go on a date to get flowers? Maybe he gave them to me just for fun”
“He? What the hell do you mean he”
“Chris! Don’t curse in front of my child” You whisper, waving a spatula in his face. You both turn to see Isa staring at you both, eggs stuffed in her mouth.
You both mentally agree to go into the guest room to argue while she finishes eating.
“What’s his name”
“None of your business Christopher”
“Does Isa know about him?” he said, crossing his arms with furrowed eyebrows.
“No Chris! I went on one date with him and I'm not just gonna let her around anybody” Chris lets out a sigh as he sits himself on the bed.
“It’s been a year man. I need to get some too”
“What makes you think I'm getting anything” You quirk your eyebrow at the boy as he sits up on the bed.
“I'm serious y/n! I haven’t been with anyone since we broke up” he explains as he walks closer. He looks deeply into your eyes, waiting for a response from you. You by instinct put your hand on his arms as you lean in closer to him, inches away from his face.
“Aww…that sounds like a huge you issue” With that being said, you walk away to go get Isa ready for daycare.
After what felt like an hour, Chris follows you to meet you in the kitchen.
“I can take her today,” He says as he notices you packing the rest of Isa’s lunch. “You don’t have to do that Chris,” You say as you put the glittery lunch box into her purple backpack.
“Of course I can! I didn’t get my license for nothing” he states, standing proudly.
You roll your eyes as you shove her backpack into his hands, before bending down to tie Isa’s shoes.
“Have a good day princess! Make sure daddy walks you in ok” Isa nods her head as she gives you a kiss on the cheek.
“Aw damn, I forgot something,” Chris says as he pretends to look around.
“What is it” Before you can say anything else Chris sneakily gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing Isa and running out the door, the little girl giggling in his arms.
You yell Chris's name with a giggle before running behind him to see him putting Isa snug in her car seat.
Watching him, you couldn't help but think that there is no one else you would rather have to be your baby daddy.
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hearts4chriss · 11 months ago
Watch ur mouth.
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toxic!chris x fwb!blackfem
prompt: your out at a party with Chris ( wearing top left corner ) and you start to piss him off, flirting with guys, ur tits nearly being exposed already had pissed him off and on top of that ur attitude he apparently didn’t like, so he fixes it for you
ok so this wasn’t requested but she asked for the part where you flirt with a guy so - @buckys-cumdumpster 💋 semi requested
Contains: sub!reader!, rough!dom!chris!, face fucking ( hip thrusting ), car sex, stomach bulge, missionary, overstimulation, creampie, HEAVY degrading, pet names, hair pulling, dacryphilia, cum eating, unprotected sex ( don’t do this !! ), dumification!kink, mentions of safeword ( not actually used ), dirty talk,
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Chris and I had been talking for a bit and he always manages to do some shit to piss me off and yet here I am. Going to a party with him after he just got on my nerves.
Nonetheless, this meant id have “a bad attitude” Chris calls it which already annoyed me so I decided I was gonna fuck with him.
I wore his favourite outfit on me the pants hugged my curves making ass pop out and them being low rise showing my dermal piercings and the fitted jacket made my tits look good as I didn’t zip it up all the way and this outfit would always result in something sexual, fingering or his cock buried inside me butttt I wanted to push his limits too see how far he’d go.
I finished my makeup and spraying water and putting curling products on my hair only zipping up my jacket too my lower boob allowing my tits to sit perfectly guaranteed too drive Chris crazy .
I grabbed my lip gloss and heard chris honking outside and I stepped out and hopped into his car.
Chris's eyes immediately shifted to my exposed chest and shifted his facial expression.
What did I tell you about this outfit? Chris sighed deeply gripping the steering wheel tightly and I smirked too myself already getting a rise out of him
Im wearing it like what is ur problem? I snap back running my fingers in my hair as it curved at my ass guaranteed to drive him insane.
I watch his jaw clench as we ride in silence before pulling up too this party he dragged me too.
I got out the car walking into the party disappearing in the crowd of people leaving Chris with his own thoughts.
The party had been going on for just about an hour and I had been lost in the music and alcohol. Nonetheless I wasn’t drunk but something tells me Chris was not going to be happy.
Playin games by summer walker & Bryson tiller played and immediately I rush too go dance, slowly moving my hips to the song.
this lasted before a guy, who was fairly attractive comes behind me moving my hips with his as I leaned back resting my head on his shoulder.
I look around the room and my eyes lock with Chris’s, he looks like he could explode any second, gripping tightly on his beer.
Chris’s pov
Is she fucking kidding me? I mean come on I’m way better looking than he is and he’s not even doing it right.
I know she’s only doing this to piss me off because of our little argument earlier. But fuck she looks so good
And she knows that my favourite outfit on her, the way it rests on her lower waist allowing her dermal piercings to show and how the pants hugged her curves outlining her ass just how I like. And then the fitted jacket to match- the way her tits rested from how she zipped it I wanted to bury my head in between them and inside of her
I watched how she moved her ass on his crotch and my blood boiled, knowing that’s supposed to be me, she’s mine, only I can touch her and fuck her as good as I do, hence why she’s never left.
Then she locked eyes with me and continued doing what she pleased? This women.
She shouldn’t have done that because she has no idea what I’ll do to her, god it just turned me on thinking of everything I was about to do to her. One thing I knew for sure.
I was gonna tear that ass up.
me clueless I didn’t really pay attention to Chris, I was consumed by alcohol and the sensual loud music filling my ears and shooting through my body.
Until I felt familiar hand, grip my arm.
“Let’s go”. Chris’s voice lingers on my neck pulling me away from the guy who quickly scoffed moving onto to another girl. What an ass
“Chris Chris ur pulling my arm!” I wince as he drags me out the party due to nobody paying attention and to the car pinning me on it with my stomach on the hood.
“You think that shits funny?” He says in almost a mocking tone before leaving a harsh smack too my clothed ass and I let out a yelp.
“Answer me I’m not playing with you.” Chris spoke lowly before repeating that same action.
“Chris okay okay! I’m sorry! I whimper and he chuckles standing me up.
"better, now get in the backseat". He demands and I follow and he climbs in shutting the door.
"I’m sick of ur attitude, you need to learn how to watch ur mouth". He grips my throat and I gag and nod.
"gonna put it to good use". A chuckle falls from his lips as he man spreads unbuckling his belt and I position myself between his legs.
"useless come help me yeah?" Chris rolls his eyes playfully and I sit up my nails clicking with his belt and pulling his pants down with his boxers allowing his hard and thick cock to spring out and hit his stomach.
The tip was a deep pink just oozing with pre cum.
"gonna suck this dick so good yeah?" He says spreads his pre-cum on my lips and I nod before sitting up.
"Nu uh, were doing my way, ur gonna take my dick the way I want". Chris smirks slightly before pulling my hair making my throat take al of him.
"Fuck- love that pretty mouth on me shit-" he groans matching my movements with his aggressive ones as he yanks my hair quickly and roughly not giving me time in between.
The slurping sounds of my mouth and his cock were almost pornographic as tears in my eyes already producing, Chris's moans shooting right to my core pulsating for him to be buried inside me.
"That's right be a good little slut and take it". Chris rests his head on the plush seats gripping my hair as he bites his lip my doe watery eyes meeting his seductive gaze
His hand gripping my hair forcing me to take all of his cock in my throat as a mixture of my salvia and his pre cum coats my lips and dribbles down my chin.
"Keep those pretty eyes on me, I wanna watch you- " he groaned as I peered at him through my lashes as he began thrusting his hips purposely as his cock hits the back of my throat making me gag.
"Fuck look at that- sound so much better with my dick in ur slutty mouth huh". Chris lets out a breathy laugh tucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched me struggle to take all of him.
Chris would not let up on his hip thrusts making my eyes water more each time as his dick size caused me to hollow my cheeks as he grips my hair tighter so get a quicker orgasm.
"that’s right you wanted to have all this mouth now I’m filling it with my cum-" Chris moans forcing my head all the way down my nose resting on his lower abdomen as his warm load shoots in my throat dribbling down as he lets me up his cum dripping down my mouth.
"Speechless already?" He chuckles wiping his thumb along my bottom lip collecting the excess semen slipping it into my mouth as I sucked it clean.
"Good girl. Now strip." He demanded manspreading as I unzipped my jacket first freeing my tits as I sat up pulling down my leggings revealing my red lace thong, Chris’s favorite
"wearing my favorite pair of panties huh? While grinding on some other guy?" Chris spoke angrily and shakes his head placing me back flat on the car seats.
"You just couldn’t wait to be fucked by me. Isn’t that right sweetheart?" His hand grips my face as he spoke in a coax voice and a whimpered at the sudden grasp.
"yeah you like it when I do this to you? Gripping you up like a whore? Huh?" He squeezed slightly harder and I nodded.
"Yes Chris I love it when you do this to me-" I groan feeling my lips smushed together and he smirked releasing his grip.
He leaned up taking off his jeans and boxers fully and his black hoodie.
He pulls me close gripping my legs pushing them up on his shoulders before slamming into me as I let out a loud moan.
"Shit ma- such a tight fuckin pussy- all for me right?" Chris let out a deep moan as he pushed his hips against the back of my thighs roughly knocking the wind out of my lunges.
"Fuck Chris s-slow down!" I cry out feeling his size burn into my pussy as he didn’t let me adjust the way I wanted, he was pissed.
"oh really? You don’t want this? Maybe I should call the other guy yeah?" He rests his forearm behind my head pressing our bodies together my legs in the air.
"fuck fuck no! I-I only want you!" I whimper as my eyes met his dark lustful blues his jaw clenched at the sight of me.
"good girl, sound so much better on my cock." His breath was on my neck before he positioned my legs back on his shoulders gripping my waist tightly snapping his hips with the back of my thighs abusing my cunt
At the pace he was going I couldn’t even think straight, the way his dick perfectly filled me up and his deep groans filled my ears.
"Oh fuck- Chris ur so fucking deep-" my moan and whimper fuelled his ego more as I was going to be fucked speechless already feeling my vocals fade.
"Look at that- such a fucking whore". Chris muttered gripping my neck allowing his hips to thrust harder as I was now unable to even utter words.
"shit- already? Where’s that attitude gone baby-" Chris gave me fake pout, pure anger and lust in his voice whilst he literally was fucking me speechless.
The position we were in allowed the tip of Chris’s cock to brush on my g-spot making me squeal slightly as the sounds of our skin meshing together fills the car.
"look at you, all dumb acting because of my cock so pathetic baby-" his devilish smirk grows as he watches how fucked out I look all because of his dick
"mmhm f-fuck Chris-" I cry out pathetically babbling as I shudder in his grasp, bound to leave bruises.
I noticed him not speaking and that’s when I noticed him looking down at my stomach seeing his dick poke through each thrust.
"yeah? You feel me in ur stomach? probably like this shit don’t you sweetheart". He mocked pressing a hand on my stomach and I moaned out loudly tears forming in my waterline
"you look so pretty when you cry mama". His expression softened for a second before that dominance took over quickly once more
Chris’s pace didn’t let up and my stomach began to tighten and I swore I was seeing stars, everything was a blur but fuck it felt so good.
"ugh- fuck your gonna cum- shouldn’t let ur slutty ass cum after the shit you pulled-" he says under his breath, a hint of his aggression still lingering as he reaches to rub my clit.
"better start begging baby". Chris looks at me and my eyes widen as I could barely even form words together and his request was way out of proportion.
"Fuck! P-please Chris I-i need to cum-" I whimper taking many breaths between my words hearing him scoff and how he damn near fucked me out of my vocabulary.
"That’s a good girl, cum on my dick baby show me how good I make you feel". That raspy voice of his always made me feel so many thoughts, just enough for that knot in my stomach to burst my cum began to drip down his thick cock still thrusting inside of me making me perk up
"C-Chris sensitive!" I squeal pushing his stomach away and he pins my hands above my head pressing his chest on mine being nose to nose.
"You know the safe word baby, better think fast because I’m not stopping". He breathes heavily onto my lips pressing a deep kiss against them as they swell.
"shit ma- your pussy feels so fuckin good- could stay in it all day-" Chris let out a breathy moan continuing to fuck me senseless as tears streamed down my face from overwhelming pleasure.
"oh god- Chris please-" I shudder putting my hand up and he immediately takes it holding him and he grunts feeling his own orgasm creep up along with a second one for me.
"I know baby your doing so fucking good for me- just one more yeah? He presses a kiss to my neck and I nodded as he rammed into me.
"fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna cum again-" I throw my head back and he didn’t prefer that so he gave me a look and my head shit up again as I gripped his hand tighter and he gave me a smirk.
"I’m not slowing down sweetheart- fuck just one more-" he moaned pressing his body on mine as our noses touched moaning into each other's mouths.
The tension was at an all time high, the car smelled like a sex aroma mixed with his cologne and my Dior perfume and his occasional “fuck” and my cries of his name as his cock twitched inside me of me.
"fuck- look at me I wanna see that pretty face when you cum-" Chris plants a deep kiss on my lips as I maintain eye contact with him feeling that knot in my stomach begin to burst.
"Chris I’m- fuck!" I screamed one final cry of his name before my juices coated his cock and lower stomach as his cum painted my walls.
We sat there for a minute catching our breaths before he spoke again
"You drive me insane baby-" he pants resting his head on my shoulder and I let out a breathy chuckle.
"What can I say-" I smile pushing my hair out of my face and he sits up sliding out of my tight hole making me wince.
"Shit you okay?" I didn’t hurt you did I? Chris scans my body carefully taking in the bruises of his fingers on my waist and neck.
"I’m okay- just tired and sore-" I shudder a bit when I meet his gaze, a soft one.
"When we get home I’ll run you a bath and we can watch a movie or some corny shit-" he let out a chuckle but that alone made me so happy.
I’d really like that. I say to myself but out loud I say
That's sweet- thank you Chris-
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers@gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog@blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo@luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @hoesformatt @luv4kozume @kikisturnioloo @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly @iiheartstef @junnniiieee07 @ast3ro1dzz@sturniolowhore @st7rnioioss @emma4eva@braindead4l @ihearttsyouu @kqyslyho3 @sturnsfav@sunsetsturniolos @sturniololoverr @stqrnstars @dlyansworld @chrisloyalgf @soimightlikeoldmen69 @abbie13sworld @lacysturniolo @sturniol0s @chrissgirlsstuff @luhsexcbihh @nicksmainbitch @rubyjaneaxx @love4chris @gamermattsgf @breeloveschris @meetballmatt @waydasims @vicsguitar
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exhaslo · 1 year ago
Ok ok soooo what if you did like a fasion designer y/n and she is helping Miguel redesign his suit then like as she is measuring him or something she notices he is hard and like ✨smut✨
Oh, reader will take the measurements alright. Hopefully they can remember it *wink wink*
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, p in v, oral (m receiving), slow sex, mirror sex
"How did this happen?! I specifically remember both of us working on this suit, making it nearly impossible to tear!" You yelled towards a poor, nervous Peter.
"To be fair...It wasn't one of my villains."
"Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't know heroes could villain swap! Who the hell did you trade with? The Guardians of the Galaxy?" You scoffed, holding the destroyed suit in your hands.
"Easy, (Y/N), only I can bully them this much." Miguel said as he walked into your office, "You also have to remember, he's new."
"Which is why I helped him with the suit." You hissed lowly and tossed it back to the Peter, "You get to remake it. When done, I want to know who the hell you fought that tore the suit to shreds."
Peter kept quiet as he slowly made his way out of your office. The silence was more than enough for you to start assuming shit. Inhaling deeply, you walked over to your espresso machine and made both you and Miguel a cup of coffee.
"You know the work you do is above all," Miguel hummed as he took a seat on your couch. You gave him a pout,
"But it's never enough. How am I supposed to be helping you all make suits if they never hold up after a few fights?"
"They're not supposed too," Miguel reassured you, "Only special conditions like my original suit can withstand such events."
"But you won't let me touch the stuff."
"It's unstable for a reason." Miguel said with a heavy sigh and approached you from behind, "But, like everyone else. I need to upgrade my suit."
"Oh? No more blue and red?!" You gasped in shock, then grabbed his hands, "Ohhhhh, does this mean-"
"Yes, I'm letting you help me make a new suit."
You jumped with joy, nearly squealing at the thought of helping Miguel. The man liked to keep his toys to himself. That, and you would finally get a chance to measure him. There was a glint in your eyes as you observed him.
Miguel was a FINE man. Compared to all of the Spiders, he was definitely your type. When Miguel first approached you with the intension of making super hero suits, you nearly drooled at the thought. You loved a challenge.
And Miguel was your new target.
"So, when can I take the measurements?" You asked, handing Miguel a cup of coffee. Miguel raised a brow,
"I can have Lyla send them over-"
"Seriously? What the hell am I supposed to be here for then?" You huffed, giving Miguel a glare.
"Fine. Is tomorrow alright?"
"It's a date."
Miguel was internally screaming as he sat in his office, staring at you on the cameras. The thoughts he had about you. The things you did to him. Miguel had a damn good reason why he never went to you for his suits. You brought out the worst of him.
Even now, the thought of you being up close to him was turning Miguel on. He was going to have to take precautionary measures in order not to lose control.
Today was the day. You had your morning coffee, your best outfit and your best panties attitude. No one was going to disturb you today. Your office was closed to everyone expect Miguel. This was the chance of a lifetime.
Getting your station and measurements ready, you just smiled from ear to ear. Your notepad was set aside, ready for you to take down Miguel's numbers.
"(Y/N)? Are you here?" Miguel asked as he entered. You hurried over and locked the door,
"The chance of a lifetime is mine. Get your ass up on my stage! We begin with your chest!" You cheered. Miguel resisted a chuckle as he took his shirt off,
"At least one of us is enjoying this."
You were giddy with glee as you approached Miguel. Your gaze against his chest as you started to take his measurements. You could not lie, being this close to him was driving you crazy. His cologne smelled so good too.
You hummed quietly to yourself as your fingers stroked his chest. Every now and then you grabbed your pencil and wrote in your small notepad. Moving down to his hips, you kept your focus. Miguel's body was just perfect.
"(Y/N)...Maybe we should take a break," Miguel grunted lowly.
"Not yet," You muttered.
Your hands rested against the rim of his pants, reading the numbers on your measuring tape. Adjusting the tape, you leaned down in front of Miguel and felt your face burn up. His hard erection was right in front of your face.
"Ah-" Your eyes widen and without thinking, "Should I measure this too?"
"If you want," Miguel whispered.
Both of you weren't thinking.
Your fingers gripped Miguel's boxers, slowly pulling them down. Your attention was focused on his large, thick cock. With a gulp, you grabbed your measuring tape and wrapped it around his meaty shaft. A shudder ran down your spine, before you checked the length.
"Is this...proper...length?" You whispered, your fingers wrapped around his dick, "Or should I-"
"You should," Miguel groaned lowly.
You could feel your heartbeat in your panties as you leaned towards Miguel's dick. Your tongue gently swirling around his tip, listening to his low groans and grunts. You glanced at the mirrors all around you, the sight turning you on more.
You were on your knees with Miguel's dick in your mouth. Inhaling through your nose, you leaned forward and started to suck his dick. Your hands resting against his hips as you bobbed your head back and forth. His thick shaft hitting the back of your throat.
Your panties grew damper as you felt Miguel's bitter precum start to go down your throat. His hands gripping onto your hair as he started to move your mouth faster. The sheer length of his dick was starting to burn your throat as you gripped his hips.
"Fuck, hn, (Y/N)!" Miguel hissed.
Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you tried to touch yourself. Unable to handle the burning sensation anymore, you pulled away from Miguel, panting heavy. Quickly, you stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him.
Miguel was quick to follow as he nearly tore your pants, tossing them across the room. His talons ripping your panties as he started to rub his dick against your wet cunt.
"Hah~ You owe me...new underwear and pants now," You moaned, pressing your body against his. Miguel grunted as he pressed you against one of the mirrors,
"You wanted to take my measurements," He hissed, pressing his thick cock inside you.
"Hn~ Mhm~ Y-You wanted a suit,"
"I still do," Miguel hummed, sitting his dick nice and deep inside your tight velvet walls, "Do you still remember my size?"
"O-Of course!" You huffed, glancing at yourself in the mirror, "Y-You're way too big."
"Haha, but look how well you take me,"
A shiver ran down your spine as Miguel lifted your body closer to his. He spread your legs, allowing you to see his cock deep inside your dripping pussy. The sight alone was making you hot. With a slow thrust, you moaned, nearly shaking in his grip.
"Sucking me in so well," Miguel sucked against your neck as he continued his slow, yet rough thrusts, "This was why I didn't want you to measure me."
"Ah~ Ah~ Y-You should have, mhm~ let me, oh god~" You cried out, feeling yourself about to cum.
"You're right, I should have. Look at how perfect your pussy is sucking my dick in," Miguel grunted.
Turning your face to the mirror in front, you moaned as Miguel slapped his dick back inside you. Your eyes rolled back as you cam, crying out as he kept his slow thrusts. Miguel's hands gripped your breasts, pinching your nipples as he hummed against your ear,
"Do you still remember my measurements?"
You trembled as your pussy fluttered against his dick. Miguel chuckled in response and pressed your body against the mirror, rubbing your clit as he moved even more slowly. You cried, begging for him to go faster.
"Not until you tell me my measurements."
"P-Perfect!" You cried out, moving your own hips, "S-So deep! S-So big ah~"
"Hm, good enough,"
You cried loudly as Miguel's pace finally fasten. His dick slamming against your cervix, causing you to cream and suck his cock more. Your body shaking as your juices started to stain your floor. Miguel grunted as he pulled you closer, reaching his own high.
"Want to watch me fill this pretty little pussy?" Miguel groaned. You nodded,
Lifting you back up, Miguel held your legs open. His had you staring in the mirror with him, watching your own fucked out expression contort in pleasure. You gasped as Miguel pinched your clit once more, watching you cum against his cock once more.
You cried and leaned back, but Miguel kept your face towards the mirror. You gasped and moaned as he slapped himself once more inside you, filling you with his cum. Both of you took a minute to catch your breathe before Miguel set you down,
"Are you alright? Let me clean you up," Miguel said worriedly. You grabbed his hand,
"I may have forgotten your measurements."
"Oh?" Miguel said with a low chuckle. You glanced up at him, cheeks red with embarassment,
"I think I need a reminder."
"As many times as you need."
I'll take his measurements any day. I mean hope you enjoyed!! Haha
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hysteria-things · 1 year ago
Ok so this is a fluff request based off the new podcast eher Matt got cramps and was in pain (sad Ik) so basically after the podcast Matt calls his girlfriend (the reader) and asks his gf to bring some medicine and when she gets there he takes it and he’s still hurting so they cuddle and she’s like “Ik pretty boy I’m sorry try to go to sleep” and pretty/sweet boy kink basically thanks!
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠:matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: there’s been this sharp pain in matt’s lower back during the podcast. however, you come to the rescue once they’re done recording.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: FLUFF, swearing, pain
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 661
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i did not mean for this to take so long anon but i hope you like it!
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bottles of different varieties of medications stare back at you. you’re at the drug store, scanning the shelf to find some ibuprofen or something.
matt’s been texting you ever since they started recording the new cut the camera podcast video. he’s been saying that his lower back is killing him, and he asked you to pick up some painkillers.
you scan a bottle before officially making it your final choice along with a tube of icy hot just in case, and you walk to the self-checkout to pay for it.
before you head back to their house, you stop at mcdonald’s to pick up some food for him. it won’t help with the pain, but you’re sure it’ll make his mood better.
don’t worry, you didn’t forget about the other two. you got them fries.
it’s not a far drive back to the triplets. you park outside of their house, grab all of the belongings from your trip, and lock the car doors.
you make your way to the front door and open it, walking up the stairs into their living room/kitchen. nick and chris are there at the island, grinning once they see you. “hey, y/n.” chris greets, his eyes immediately shooting down to the mcdonald’s bag.
“hi, guys.” you take your shoes off and shuffle over to them. “don’t worry. i got you something, too.”
they gasp once you pull out the french fries, taking them from your hand. “thank you, future sister-in-law.” nick starts, nudging his head toward the hallway. “i hope you can fix him.”
you shrug. “that’s the plan.”
sighing, you walk down the hall and knock at matt’s door as you’re opening it slightly. “can i come in?”
“yeah,” he says, stepping inside and closing the door. you pout, seeing him practically curled up under the blankets. the only light in the room is the TV with spongebob portrayed on it.
you sit next to him on the bed, firstly unpacking the food. “i don’t know if you’re hungry, but i got you a ten-piece with a root beer.” you say, placing it on the nightstand.
then, you reach into the medicine bag. you open the ibuprofen and take two out, placing them on the plastic lid of the drink. “take those.” you turn your head to look at his face, and he’s already staring at you in awe.
he loves you so much.
five spongebob episodes later, you can tell he’s still jittery by the way he keeps shuffling beside you. he’s eaten a little, but not as much. “is the ibuprofen helping?”
“no.” he says annoyed. “it still hurts and i don’t fucking know why.”
“i know, i’m sorry, handsome. sit up,” you demand, and he’s hesitant before doing so.
he sighs. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to sound like that. i’m just annoyed that i don’t know what’s wrong.”
you smile softly, kissing his shoulder. “it’s okay. you probably pulled something.”
lifting his shirt, he groans when he raises his arms for you to take it off. he doesn’t question you, though.
you press down on the spot he told you that hurts, and his muscles tense at the suddenness. you can feel the knot.
“jesus, matt.” you move your thumbs over the spot. “you’re tight right here.”
you continue to rub with your palm and fingers, massaging the area to loosen it up a bit. his head falls, exhaling deeply and closing his eyes.
you take the icy hot and put some on your hand, rubbing it onto his back. “this should help.” you say, leaning him back so you can hold him. his head rests on your chest. “it’ll be like a heating pad and ease the pain.”
“thank you.” he whispers. “you should be a doctor.”
you laugh, kissing his head. “try to go to sleep, pretty boy. the stress won’t help with the pain, either.”
he hums, nuzzling more into you until you hear soft snores moments later.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @r4iyaa @sturniolotriplettoplover @mattybswife @freshsturns @loverrsposts @saturncanyon @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
this is a request by: @sadeyedsugar !! i posted but deleted bc i wasn’t satisfied w it so i re-wrote it <333
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warnings: smut, dom!abby, sub!reader, size kink, abbys kind of a perv, reader is described as small but it only means smaller than abby in height n weaker than her <3 not proofread!
authors note: why the fuck do i constantly find myself writing about the wlf gym. its like i live there.
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you and abby started dating exactly 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago, abby decided to finally ask you out. she was practically pining over you since the moment she met you. your innocent smiles made her heart melt, and every time she saw you look at her it made her physically ache. she couldnt handle it anymore, which is how she found herself banging on your bedroom door at 11pm with a random bouquet of flowers to ask if maybe, possibly, youd agree to go out with her.
since that day, you practically followed abby around everywhere. this is exactly why you found yourself here, in the wlf gym, watching your now girlfriend, lifting an impossibly heavy amount of weights. for some reason, every harsh groan, every moan that escaped her throat, made your heart beat faster. abby and you kissed, sure.
shed kissed you on your second date, while you were cuddled up in her bed after watching a movie, facing her. you were having a conversation about her past. shed told you all about her father, about the void it left in her. your genuine intrigue killed her, made her heart so soft for you. she pushed a hair strand away from you face, and just asked; “can i… kiss you?” that question made you flush so hard you could feel the heat burning in your ears. all you could respond with was a small “mmhm”, and next thing, her sweet mouth was on yours. it was sweet, and warm, like a butterfly landing on your lips. so tender and so innocent, until it wasnt. without even being aware of it, you brought your hand to lightly tug at abbys shirt. just a small tug. that tug, resulted in abby letting out a shaky breath, deepening the kiss for just a moment and then abruptly stopping. you slowly opened your eyes, and noticed how her pupils were dilated, her strong chest rising up and down. “whyd you stop?” you asked in your sweet voice, the voice that made abby’s heart flutter and fist tighten.
“because…” she responded, followed by a deep sigh. “lets just sleep, ok?” she commanded, and you did.
from then on, that was your routine. slow, innocent sweet kiss on the bridge of turning into something more, and abby shutting it off. you didnt understand why. what was she so afraid of? it was just kissing, wasnt it? sure, sometimes youd push your chest into hers, making her breathing get heavier, but that was it, right? what would be so bad about a little kiss turning into a longer one? its not like youd hurt her, not like shed hurt you, right?
“good job, abs” you cheered at your girlfriend, watching her lift.
“mmph- thanks” she breathed deeply, flashing you a triumphant smile.
“how heavy is it?” you asked, curiously examining the weights.
“why? wanna try?” she responded, satisfied with herself, obviously giddy about impressing her girlfriend.
you hesitantly walked over to face the giant weight, examining it with a panicked look that made abby huff a giggle.
you slowly bent down, put your delicate hands on the weight, and tried lifting it up. the thing is, it didnt even move. not even a flinch. “mhhhhp” you groaned, with furrowed brows. how the fuck did she manage to do that? abby was eyeing you up and down, hands crossed over her chest with a cocky smile on her face, as she watched your failed attempts. “let me help you, okay?” she commanded, and you nodded while wiping a small drop of sweat from your forehead. abby stood behind you, her light breaths caressing your neck. “that is not how you dress for the gym, by the way” she snickered. “whats wrong with how im dressed?” you were wearing a jean skirt, and a bright pink sports bra. is that not gym attire? its a sports bra, you thought.
“c’mon” she sighed, “hands on the weight” she demanded. you quickly bent down again, and abby followed you, bending down with you, putting her hands above yours, wrapping them completely up. having your hands practically fully covered by hers, sent a shiver down her spine. fuck, would that be how youd look like with her above you, deep inside, big hands holding onto yours, forcing them onto the bed? would you squeeze your hand into hers while begging her for more? focus, abby, she thought to herself. shes not ready, not yet. youd ruin her.
with the strength of abbys arms, she lifted up the weight, your hands wrapped around it. you thought the weight lifting distribution was about 20%/80%. you were wrong. it was probably around 1%/99%.
“oh my god!” you giggled with excitement. “look at me!” abby laughed in your ear “thats my strong girl” she said proudly, grunting into you, making you squeal.
her strong girl. those words made you tingle and your stomach feel like its getting swarmed by actual butterflies.
“now, bend over again slowly for me okay?” she said in your ear. you slowly pulled the weights down, following her instructions. “thats it, good girl” she said gently, her voice so soft and assuring. what if she saw your breath hitch? what if she noticed how your pupils grow every time she mutters those words? what if she’d know, exactly what she was doing to you. “you good?” she asked, making you snap out of your trance.
“yeah!” you assured her. “totally fine”. “okay…” she snickered, and got back to lifting yet another weight. you shifted from one leg to the other while watching her, leaving her to lock her gaze onto you. “think im gonna do some yoga” you exclaimed.
“you do yoga?” she smirked slightly, sharp short breaths escaping her mouth as she lifts the weight up and down, up and down.
“nope” you responded, popping the p. “but i can try, right? i mean- maybe id get as strong as you?” those words made her smile, and respond “wouldnt want to hurt yourself though, yeah? go easy” in her commanding voice. if abby told you to jump off of a roof, you probably would. especially when she talked to you like that. like you were her delicate little thing.
you grabbed the beat down yoga mat from a pile of gym equipment, and laid it gently on the floor. the mat was hot pink, complimenting your bra, making it almost seem as if you matched with it on purpose. as abby lifted her weights, she couldnt stop examining you. looking at you. noticing how your short skirt hiked up slightly as you bent down, how your white underwear teased her just a little, “look at what you want abby- never gonna get it” she felt as if your body was talking to her, mocking her. every curve of your figure inviting her in, and her brain, pushing her away. she wanted to give in - wanted to give in so bad. but you were so sweet, so kind. she was terrified of what shed do to you if she snapped. terrified of the bruises shed leave, the marks shed burn into you. what if you couldn’t handle it? what if she was too rough? what if she just couldnt go slow with you? she wanted to break you, wanted to keep you whole, wanted to make you scream and cry and pant and beg, and then she wanted you to tell her you loved her, that shes your everything, that youre hers. what if once she touched you, corrupted you, youd hate her? she couldnt handle that.
her body was sweating, and it wasnt the weights that made her react way. it wasnt the rushes of endorphins running through her veins, it was you.
she was full on gawking now, like a fucking pervert. her weights were dropped a long ago, as soon as she noticed your body bending down in front of her, hitting the ground with a thud. “fuck” she mumbled to herself. her jaw was hanging open slightly, hands curled in fists, heart pumping in and out of her chest.
you spread your legs open, following the instructions of an sports old magazine you had found laying around outside the base one day. you were whimpering, desperately trying to put your legs in the right place, hands were they supposed to. were you meant to curl your head this way? shit- was your left leg supposed to be entangled with the right one or were you completely off - looking like a disheveled barbie doll.
“ughhh” you let out a sigh of frustration. “cant get it right!” you scoffed, and shoved the magazine away.
abby was gone. did you speak? she had no idea. all she could think of was the way your thigh jiggled and how your chest heaved up and down, nipples perked up through the beat down old sports bra.
“abby” you moaned, “abby help” you sighed and begged.
she snapped, quickly adverting her gaze away to look at the wall. if you werent so distracted, she thought maybe you would have called her a perv, you would have been disgusted by how her eyes didnt meet yours even once - gaze just glued on to your body.
“yeah?” she responded, wiping her sweat from her hand on her top.
“need help” you drawled.
she walked towards you hesitantly. do i get close? she though. what would happen then?
“look at this” you badgered, picking up the magazine, pointing at a picture of a lady with her head underneath her leg.
“how the hell am i supposed to do that?” you questioned, looking at abbys puzzled face.
you bent down to a form a triangle shape, abby by your side.
“can you stand behind me?” you begged.
her eyebrows raised slightly, questioning you.
she walked slowly, and stood directly behind you. it was killing her. she clenched her fist, short nails scratching her palms, leaving sharp marks.
“how am i supposed to put my arm over there?” you said, and accidentally backed up against abby, your ass slightly bumping her crotch. abbys breath hitched.
“j- just…”
her face was hot. she felt like she couldnt breathe, couldnt even swallow properly, all choked up.
she couldnt control herself anymore. it was like something overcame her, possessed her. she firmly put her hands on your waist, and jerked your body to slam her crotch, for just a second. she wanted to feel you, just like that, just for a monent. god, she needed that release so so bad. she was so good with you, so strict, stern. she managed herself. she was nice, respectful, she tried not to stare if your top was cut too low. always kept her composure, even when you whined her name in a way that made her see the devil, even when you were sleeping, and the urge to pull your pants down, for just a second, just a little bit, was so strong it made her hands grow clammy, she didnt. she was good. until she wasnt.
“abby? what are you doing?” you asked, feeling your own heartbeat speeding up.
“just… stay like that… yeah?” she panted, pulled and pushed your waist to make your ass meet her crotch deeper, harder this time.
“abs…” you gaped. you were in shock - what was she doing? why did your heart beat faster and why did your cunt start tickling? you let out a shaky breath, one that abby heard. one that signaled to her that this time - there was no controlling. not anymore.
“oh god…” she murmured, massaging your ass slowly while bumping her crotch into it.
“you know what you fucking do to me?” she grunted, her voice an octave higher than her usual, desparate. did you even know?
the scene was borderline obscene - you on your knees with your head hanging from your neck like a rag doll, abby behind you with her crotch buried in your cheeks, begging to be swallowed.
“abs- it feels- ah” you moaned. you couldnt control your body anymore, which is why you dropped quickly down to your knees, collapsing on the mat.
abby followed quickly, laying on top of you, crushing you with her weight, practically covering you whole.
she was panting over you, grinding down on your ass, begging herself for mercy.
“didnt fucking wanna do it like this” she whimpered between short breaths.
“fucking wanted to take it fucking slow with you” she grunts, when she feels you slightly arch your back for her. did you want this as much as her? is she fucking stupid?
“abby-“ you squealed, moans muffled by the mattress on the floor.
she grinded herself more harshly now, almost entirely losing herself on top of you.
“feels-“ you whimpered against the floor.
“tell me” she demanded.
“feels g- feels good, a a abby” the way her crotch was grinding into you made your clit bump into the mat, separated only by the thin material of your panties, skirt hitched up burning your stomach.
“fuuuck” she muttered, feeling herself clench at your words. she couldnt believe this was happening. the amount of times she pictured you like this, pictured you a panting mess, your pussy glistening- begging for her strap, her fingers, her tongue. she would lay awake at night with her fingers buried deep inside, fists clenched, just imagining you bouncing up and down screaming her name. after shed come, shed curse herself for it. punish herself for being so fucking unhinged.
“abby- need to see you” you cried out from beneath her. she softened for a second, breaking out of her grunts.
she lifted herself off, and carefully backed away, positioning herself to sit, hands supporting her from behind. as soon as she saw your face, your glistening eyes, the realization hit her. she was about to fuck you like an animal on the floor - you, her girlfriend, her sweet, innocent girlfriend. the same one she brought those flowers for, same one shed kill for, she was gonna ruin you.
“oh shit” she breathed, and her eyes became frantic, almost begging you for forgiveness with just her look. she couldnt hurt you.
you tried steadying your breaths, eyes glued on to the floor. you felt ashamed. ashamed of how much you liked it, ashamed of the wet spot that formed on your panties.
“im so fucking sorry” she pleaded, quickly placing her hand on your cheek, barely even grazing it, barely caressing, almost afraid to touch you again.
“for what?” you questioned, holding her palm. why was she the one apologizing to you?
“i couldnt control myself” she retreated, placing her forehead on yours.
“dont” you simply stated.
“dont control yourself”
as it it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“what?” she scoffed. she looked baffled. what were you saying? was she hallucinating?
“im saying you dont have to… im saying- i want to.” you couldnt quite put it in a sentence, a normal, coherent one. but you knew, you absolutely knew you needed to feel it again. needed her closer, needed her inside.
“c’mere” she almost moaned, and your body was hers.
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lowkeyerror · 12 days ago
Power Dynamics pt3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Notes: Requested, Nothing crazy, conversational
Summary: You and Wanda address the elephant in the room that is your feelings.
An: I honestly didn't really know what to do here, but I tried anon 😭
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist
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It had been a few months since Wanda became your mentor. You control on the powers of the black vortex had increased tenfold. You were able to do significantly more than you had in the beginning. There were still some things that you struggled with, but you worked relentlessly to become better.
It all would’ve been impossible without Wanda.
Throughout the months things became better between the two of you. However there was still so much left unsaid. Instead of tiptoeing around each other, it felt like you were dancing each other.
The more you trained with Wanda, the more your anger toward society dimmed. There was still a part of you that longed to get revenge, but it was much more calm than before.
It allowed you to think. The only reason you were in the position the were was because of S.H.I.E.L.D, If you were to attack them, you could prevent another Avenger’s event. There would be no longer because any secret government initiatives that cost people their lives.
Heroes existed before the government got their hands involved, and you were sure they’d exist after.
It didn’t matter who got in your way, with this power, you could easily destroy them.
“Thinking about world domination again?”
Wanda finds you with your back towards her in the kitchen.
“Something like that,” you mumble. “Are you still insisting that I can’t be the bad guy?”
She shrugs, “Free will, do what you want.”
“So what’s on the agenda today?”
Wanda sighs. You know by that tone it means she’s been thinking about something. You turn to five her your full attention and you can see it on her face.
Her nerves don’t manifest the same way they did all those years ago. There was a poise to her mannerisms that never seemed to leave. Instead of seeming jittery or nervous, she was calm. It was practiced, you could tell by the way her chest rose like she was deeply breathing.
Her eyes meet yours and yours, “Can we talk?”
Usually one for sarcasm, you can't bring yourself to respond anything other than, “Yeah. Here or…”
“Follow me.”
You follow her to the room, that you usually train with the Darkhold in. She sits on the floor with her legs crossed over each other and you do the same. She inhales deeply before softly exhaling.
When she looks at you, there’s vulnerability in her eyes. You see a little fear in them as well. It as if for a moment, she’s letting the mask drop. The relationship that you’ve rebuilt as mentor and trainee, rather than what you really were, was being temporarily abandoned.
“Wanda, what’s this about?”
“Us, I want to talk about us. I‐ I’m tired of us ignoring it. I wasn’t ready, but now I am and I’m willing to open up if you’re ready to hear it.”
You lean back, your palms lying flat against the wood floor. Your eyes closed, as if it would prepare you for a conversation of this magnitude. The tough outer shell, you had put up already seemed to be cracking.
You breathe deeply, like she had, before responding, “Ok.”
“I know when I said it before, you didn’t believe me, but I loved you. I mean how could I not ? You were charming, attentive, patient; you were the only one in the compound that seemed to trust me from the start.”
Instead of protesting, you chime in, “We were both young. The others, they were uncertain, maybe a little scared of you. I saw through it, you had your childhood ripped away from you, forced to become something you never asked to be. You were hurting, and you were alone. I didn’t know if I could stop the hurt, but I thought that maybe I could help you feel less alone.”
“And you did both. I never felt alone when I was with you.”
The pause in her words showed you where this was going, “But…”
“But Vision and I had something in common that just... it’s hard to explain.”
“Wanda,” you start empathetically.
You cut her off, “I get it.”
The argument dies on her lips, as she looks at you. She searches your features trying to read you, but she can’t. You inadvertently shrink under her gaze. Your knees come up to your chest and your arms lock around them.
“I got it even back then, I just didn’t want to admit it. You and Vision were both learning how to navigate your emotions at the same time. Since he was a- well you know, he could make logical sense out of literally anything, even emotion. He could show you what you were feeling and why, in a way that was non-provocative. Even if it did provoke you, he wasn’t like other people because he wasn’t going to flare back. It was safer for you to explore those feelings with him, it was better.”
He was better.
“I didn’t mean to fall for him, to put either of you in that situation. I couldn’t make sense of my feelings and I knew you were getting frustrated. I was hurting you and I didn’t want to leave you in limbo. So, I did what I thought was right and broke it off between us. I didn’t get with him right after, it took months, nearly a year,” she whispers.
“I saw it coming, but it didn’t help. I spiraled and I lost myself. The insecurities made it impossible to move on. I lost the love of my life… the smartest being in the universe. To someone without real skin or a heartbeat. To someone that was indispensable to my teammates, my family. I didn’t have a choice, but to get over it.”
“I’m sorry,” Wanda’s composure slips as her voice cracks.
“Don’t be, you loved him and I’m okay with that.”
Wanda can’t help but ask, “Do you believe me, when I say that I loved you?”
You sit silently, unable to craft answer. She’s already heard it loud and clear in your mind. You know she has. Instead of saying yes or no you try to explain it to her.
“After we defeated Thanos, I was alone. Almost everyone had someone else, except for us. A foolish part of me thought that maybe we could stick together. I’m not blaming you when I say this, but I want even an option in your head. You didn't even think about me. You created an entirely different reality where you got to be happily married with kids. If it wasn't for Strange contacting you, we would've never seen each other again. So when you say that you loved me…”
“Y/n,” Wanda starts, but stops when you meet her eyes.
“How am I supposed to believe that Wanda?” Your voice was small and broken. “I don’t hold it against you anymore, can’t that just be enough.”
She crosses the room, and kneels in front of you, “I- I want to show you.”
“Wanda, it doesn’t matter.”
Her hand reaches out to cup your face and you let her, “It matters to me.”
Slowly you could feel her entering your mind. , placing images in your head. Her thoughts, feelings and emotions mixed with yours. You could see it, her love for you. It was so much clearer in her eyes, it made sense. That doesn’t mean it was easy to digest.
“I understand,” you say silently.
“Y/n, is it too late?”
Your eyes widen, “Too late for what?”
“For us,” it’s a whisper on her lips.
Part of you wants to pull yourself from her grasp but you don’t, “Wanda, I don’t know.”
“Y/n, before this I was sure about going down a dark path. I was okay with becoming whatever everyone thought of me, but when you came into the picture… I didn’t want that anymore. I just wanted you."
You close your eyes, “You know how I feel about you, but this power… I don't want to let it go. It’s been months of us working to understand them and now that I'm so close, you want me to give them up?”
Wanda sighs, “No, I guess not. Sorry, this was stupid, let’s just forget I said anything,” her hands fall from your face. She tries to stand, to put distance between the two of you.
You’re quick to your feet pulling her back into you, “I love you, but I’m scared. Wanda we’ve done this before and you broke my heart.”
“I'm scared too.”
You look into each other's eyes and in that moment, you break, “Fuck it.”
Your lips touch hers, her hands hold your face. There’s an urgency to the kiss. Almost as if you’re both searching for answers in the essence of each other. Revenge the furthest thing from your mind as Wanda’s lips chip away at the venom in your mind.
“Don’t break me again,” you whisper against her lips with your eyes shut.
“I won’t, not ever,” she breaths against your lips.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year ago
Heyy, i love your fics so michh, can u make Buck x reader, they have a newborn girl and reader is stressed because the baby won't stop crying and buck helps her. Take your time!💋
close to you - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: this is such a great idea, and i’m so happy you asked me to execute it <3 madeline is also inspired by the name maddie, as i feel like that’s so cute for buck :((
madeline was a gift from the moment y/n took time off work because of her pregnancy. she was a gift the moment they decided on a name. she was a gift the moment she entered the world in the small hospital room.
however, y/n despised herself for thinking part of it was a curse. she loved her daughter more than anything in the world despite the short amount of weeks that she had arrived. buck had gone back to work, but y/n needed more time to recover from the birth. she got the pleasure of staying home with her baby, and she genuinely thought so.
it wasn’t until the constant screams came through madeline’s mouth that y/n started to get more and more tensed. her head was pounding, her body was sore and she just wanted to give her baby peace.
she felt like the worst mother in the world, not being able to comfort or secure her baby girl. she figured it would come naturally. in reality, it’s never been harder.
she cried when she was hungry, needed a diaper change, sleepy, or she just cried. it seemed like it was always that she just cried and screamed. it burned in y/n’s ear painfully as she listened to the squeals of her daughter. she just wanted her to be happy, and buck wasn’t there to help.
“mad, please.” y/n begged when her eyes started to water again, and the quiet squeaks left her baby’s soft cheeks. “i’m so sorry, i want to help you.”
y/n sighed as she rocked the baby in her arms, the bags under her eyes only getting darker as she stayed up with madeline. buck was exhausted when he came home, so he just went to sleep. y/n was fine with that as he did everything he could for his girls, all the time.
she’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss buck every hour.
he had some type of paternal magic to him that eased madeline. it brought her down to earth, and it gave y/n time to relax. her hormones were all over to place. every time her baby cried, it flooded her body was sadness and exhaustion. she was deeply jealous of buck secretly because of the ease he seemed to have with handling their child.
“hey, dad,” hen smiled, seeing buck walk back into the station after a few weeks with his wife and baby alone. “how’s y/n and the baby?”
“they’re good, i feel so bad leaving them though.”
“it’s hard to leave, that’s the last thing i wanted to do when we first got denny.”
“it’s just- i talk to you about anything, right?”
“of course, buck! what makes you say that, though.”
“madeline cries a lot, and i can just tell in y/n’s face that somethings wrong. i mean, i get that babies cry, but it just seems like it’s taking a huge toll on y/n. i don’t want her thinking she’s a bad mom, and if what happened to maddie happens to her,” buck thinks back to his sister, who went to hell and back trying to be a better mom for jee-yun. it breaks his heart to even consider y/n feeling left in the dark the same way. “i can’t handle that.”
“listen, buck,” hen lands a hand on his shoulder. “it’s going to be ok. you could even go for a little longer off work, you came back really soon.”
“y/n said it’d be good for us, and make me happier.”
“but is it making things easier? you both need to be doing this together. y/n’s saying a lot of stuff she doesn’t mean, and her mind is running at a 100 miles an hour.”
“i know,” buck says. “i’m gonna see her after the shift, i’ll talk to bobby. see what i can do.”
y/n continued to pace around the kitchen for hours, her lower back beginning to ache and her ears hurting from the wails of the baby in her arms. she tried everything from feeding her to rocking her in her swing, but nothing seemed to stop the cries of her daughter.
“madeline, please, i’m begging you,” y/n whines, practically on her knees for her child to stop crying.
the cries quickly started to blend in, y/n realizing that they’ll never go away. she wasn’t sick or anything, y/n repeatedly checked, but madeline still was just simply unhappy. and, y/n swore she was the problem.
buck arrived home late in the night, hours past dinner and inching closer to the bedtime of their casual family. when he opened the door, he just knew that y/n was in there with their baby, struggling to hang on and fix the problem.
“y/n?” he calls out, wandering around their home and finally landing in the nursery. the light purple walls and decorations were darkened, y/n and madeline sitting in the chair together. y/n’s shirt had been pulled down so she was able to feed madeline, but it seemed like no use. the baby in her arms was still weeping and throwing her tiny hands around. “oh, y/n.”
her blank expression told it all, along with the dark bags under her eyes. “she’s so upset, buck, i don’t know what to do.” y/n murmurs slightly over the cries of the baby.
“it’s ok, honey, we’re gonna figure it out.” y/n’s eyes just water with each tear that drops from madeline’s eyes. “no, no, it’s okay, y/n.”
“i’m sorry, i’m just so tired.”
“i know, i’m here now. we can fix this, okay?” y/n swipes under her eyes, taking in sharp breaths and trying to steady herself. “hey, honey, listen to me. you’re ok, madeline’s ok, i’m ok. we’ll be alright.
she nods as his arm touches her side, the baby wrapped in his other arm. “alright. why don’t you hold her, and i’m gonna go see if our noise machine is here yet.”
buck rustles through packages and gifts from their baby shower and tries to find anything that might help their girl sleep, and anything that will bring relief to y/n.
“i found it! it’ll be white noise, which we should’ve tried sooner. i don’t know if it’ll work, but it won’t hurt to try.”
buck allowed y/n to place the baby in her crib, letting her tiny body rest against the soft mattress. they turned the lights off and plugged in the machine, which sang out the staticky white noise that calmed their daughter.
her crying started to come to a halt after a bit of hearing the noise, her adorable little eyes shutting after a bit to finally rest. y/n could feel her whole body relax under seeing her baby finally sleep, as it had felt like days.
she felt like crying, she felt like sleeping, but she also felt like she had so much to do. the house was a mess, her baby had finally gotten to sleep, but she also wanted to sleep. it felt like one thing after another, and buck looked over again to see a y/n staring at the ground.
“what’s the matter? talk to me, y/n.”
“i’m not cut out for this,” her shaky voice comes out, his hands on the sides of her arms.
“what? of course you are!”
“i can barely manage to keep this house together, let alone keep our baby happy and i haven’t even been able to go back to work! i feel like shit and i just want to be happy with my baby, but i don’t even know if she’s happy and-“
“alright, i know,” she allows herself to fall into bucks grasp, as he worries silently for her in his mind. he can feel the exhaustion venting off her body, begging for sleep and somewhere to lay in peace and quiet. “i don’t want you worrying about anything else. let’s go to sleep, and i’m gonna help you, i promise. i’m never leaving either of your sides.”
his arms warmly grasp her body clad in a soft set. he leads her to their shared bed, pulling the blankets out and holding her as she finally gets her deserved sleep.
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beestriker015 · 1 year ago
Nejire x shy male s/o
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S/o is a member of class 1-A and met Nejire when she and the other two members of the Big Three visited his class.
Nejire, being the sweet and bubbly girl she is, immediately introduced herself to s/o.
“Hi! I’m Nejire Hado from class 3-A! What’s your name?”
“I-I’m s/o…”
He said timidly as Nejire smiled brightly at him.
“Nice to meet you s/o! What’s your quirk? I bet it’s super cool? Can you show it to me? Please? Pretty please?”
Poor s/o is overwhelmed by the blue haired girl’s bombardment of questions, but is lucky saved by his close friend Eijiro Kirishima.
“Eease up on him a little Nejire, my buddy s/o is kinda shy and you might be scaring him.”
“Oh so he’s just like Tamaki?”
She says out loud to herself before turning to s/o with an apologetic smile that makes him blush a little.
“Sorry about that s/o, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I-it’s ok. T-thank you…Nejire.”
He looks at his upperclassman with a small smile that she finds absolutely adorable.”
From that moment onward, s/o and Nejire began interacting more and more before they eventually became friends.
Being friends with Nejire obviously means s/o is also friends with Mirio and Tamaki as well, the latter of whom he’s especially close to since they’re both shy guys.
Very soon after forming her friendship with s/o, Nejire became determined to help him with his shyness.
“It may take some time, but I know I can definitely break that shell of yours s/o!”
“Y-you really think so Nejire?”
“Yep! Just look at Tamaki! He was a lot shyer before he met me and Mirio than he is now. Yeah he’s still shy, but progress is still progress! I know I can do the same for you s/o!”
True to Nejire’s word, s/o started to open up more as time passed, which he was quite grateful for.
“I appreciate you helping me Nejire, it means a lot.”
He tells her without stuttering even once.
“Aww, you’re welcome s/o! That’s what friends are for!”
That single word caused Nejire’s smile to fade for a brief moment after it left her mouth.
Why? Because at some point in their friendship, Nejire developed feelings for s/o.
The f word didn’t just affect her however, as s/o had an unexpected reaction to it as well.
S/o says with disappointment in his voice as Nejire looks at him strangely.
“Everything ok s/o?”
She asks him while tilting her head cutely as s/o lets out a small sigh and looks at her with a slight tinge of red on his cheeks.
“…..Nejire, I have something to get off my chest. Throughout our time together, I….k-kinda caught……feelings for you. I like you Nejire…a lot more than just a friend.”
After the initial shock from s/o’s confession wears off, Nejire smiles widely and glomps him into a tight hug.
“I feel the same way s/o! I love you!”
S/o blushes deeply as he melts into her embrace.
“I l-love you too Nejire.”
And thus, the two began dating.
Now that they’re boyfriend and girlfriend, s/o and Nejire are practically connected at the hip, spending whatever time they can together.
Upon learning of Nejire and s/o’s newfound relationship, Mirio and Tamaki are happy for their friends and congratulate them.
“You two make a good couple! Don’t you agree Tamaki?”
“Y-yeah, I’m r-really happy for both of you.”
“Aww! Thanks so much you guys! That’s really sweet of you two to say! Don’t you agree s/o?”
Nejire exclaims as s/o simply smiles and gives the two a thumbs up, much to Tamaki’s appreciation for his equally shy friend.
Being extremely extroverted, Nejire has no problem being affectionate with her boyfriend in public.
S/o however, is still shy and turns into a blushing mess when Nejire kisses or hugs him.
Texts between the two are almost nonstop, sometimes to the annoyance of others.
“Nejire, we’re supposed to be studying. I know you love him, but can you go five minutes without texting your boyfriend please?”
A classmate of hers says as Nejire types away on her phone.
“Hmm? Sorry, I was texting s/o. What were you saying?”
She looks up at her classmate as he shakes his head.
“….nothing, I knew picking you as a study partner was a bad idea.”
He grumbles to himself as Nejire continues texting s/o.
Despite being in different classes, Nejire has a tendency to make surprise visits to s/o’s class from time to time.
“We’re in the middle of something Nejire, go back to your own class.”
Aizawa says with a tone of pure boredom.
“Sorry Mr. Aizawa, I just wanted to check on my cuddlebug! I’ll go now. Bye cuddlebug, I love you!”
Nejire leaves after blowing s/o a kiss, his face red from embarrassment as a few of his classmates tease him about the cute nickname his girlfriend gave him.
“Cuddlebug huh?”
Kirishima asks his friend, but not in a teasing way.
“Y-you’re not gonna laugh at me too?”
“That wouldn’t be very manly of me now would it? I’m really glad you found yourself a girlfriend s/o, don’t let the others get you down.”
S/o looks at Kirishima and smiles.
“You’re a great friend Eijiro.”
They fist bump each other before shifting their attention back to today’s lesson.
When it comes to Nejire’s hero work, poor Ryukyu has to listen to the girl ramble on and on about how amazing her boyfriend is.
“From the way you speak of him, s/o sounds like quite a nice young man Nejire.”
The dragon hero says as Nejire looks at her and nods rapidly.
“He is! S/o is the best boyfriend ever Ryuko! He’s kind, handsome, and his shyness is just so cute! Maybe I could introduce you to him at some point?”
“Perhaps we can pay him a visit after patrol?”
Nejire gets excited at this as Ryukyu smiles, happy that the girl she views as a little sister found someone she cares so much about.
Whatever hero s/o interns under will receive constant calls from Ryukyu passing along messages from Nejire to her boyfriend.
“Ryukyu just called me s/o. She wanted me to tell you that Nejire-Chan says she loves you so much and that I need to keep her ‘cuddlebug’ safe and sound while we’re out on patrol today.”
He/she says with a chuckle as s/o can’t help but crack a small smile at his girlfriend’s message.
“You two love each other a lot don’t you s/o?”
“Uh-huh, she means a lot to me sir/ma’am.”
The pro hero smiles in response as he/her and s/o get back to patrolling for villainous activity.
If s/o ever got seriously hurt, nothing could prevent Nejire from staying right by her boyfriend’s side until he fully recovers.
“Miss Hado, visiting hours are almost over. You can come back first thing in the morning to see him.”
“No! I refuse to leave my cuddlebug alone all night! I’m staying right here with him.”
After a little persuasion from Ryukyu, the doctor eventually relents and allows Nejire to stay in s/o’s room with him for the night.
Once he’s back in good health, s/o is shocked to learn from Nejire’s friends some time later what she did while he was out of commission.
“Y-you were there the entire time I was in the hospital Nejire?”
He asks as she nods with a gentle smile on her face.
“Of course. My cuddlebug was injured and unconscious, so I absolutely could not leave until I knew he’d be ok.”
S/o smiles at his girlfriend as a few happy tears trickle down his face before he hugs her affectionately.
“I have the best girlfriend in the whole world. Thank you for everything Nejire. I love you so so much.”
With a slight blush, Nejire returns s/o’s hug and rests her head on his shoulder for a few moments before pulling away.
“I love you too s/o.”
She kisses him as they cuddle on his bed while watching a movie, a look of pure adoration is seen in Nejire’s eyes as she softly strokes the hair of her shy boyfriend until he falls asleep in her lap.
“Aww, I put him to sleep. Well then, sweet dreams my cuddlebug.”
Nejire whispers softly to s/o before closing her eyes and going to sleep as well.
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years ago
Hello! May I request bitey!child! reader with the housewarrdens and they find out why reder is like that.
Also love your scenarios! Just make sure to drink water and get enough reast!
Riddle & Leona find out the reason for the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes [pt 1]
Word count: 1k
A/N: Aww tysm! I'm glad you like them! You too hun! I hope you enjoy it. I was originally planning on doing them all at once but I just got too excited to share it so here is pt 1, and I'll post the rest soon.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has hated your biting from the beginning, and has wholeheartedly believed that you were just a miss behaving child
and no matter how fond of you he begrudgingly gets. he will always believe that
but that 'always' got cut short around the end of B4 and the beginning of B5 right after winter brake.
Riddle was in his room unpacking his things, he had just gotten back from winter brake and was ready to jump straight back into work. But he didn't, he was going to give himself the day to prepare and destress from the brake. He had spoken to his mother about his life and how she raised him, but he didn't want to think about that now, he was just going to unpack, get all his books in order, maybe he get have one of Trey baked goods he brought back-
Riddle jumped at the bagging coming from his door but quickly composed himself and answered it. Before he could begin to lecture the person about how to properly knock of someone's door, the Heartslabyul student just shoved Yuu in between themself and the Housewarden. Yuu didn't waste a second before the hugged onto Riddles lags.
"Watch your child!" Was all they said before quickly leaving to avoid that inevitable lecture Riddle was shocked but quickly snapped out of it and led them to his bed.
He took a deep breath before he started talking, "Ok. What did you do? Did bite them?" His stern voice did nothing to shake Yuu, they had grown used to it at this point. Yuu simply nodded their head with a smile before climbing onto his bed. Riddle felt his face grow redder with frustration. He had tried for months to get them to stop this violent behavior, but it never worked.
No matter what he did it never changed.
No matter how many collars he put on them.
Or how many lectures he gave them.
They. Never. Stopped.
His patience was running incredibly thin.
Riddle breathed in slowly then back out at the same speed, trying to do those breathing exercises Cater had shown to him. He didn't want to get too mad at them, but it was getting increasingly hard not to. As They sat there, happily laying on the covers, Riddle started to pace, both trying to calm down and think of any more possible ways of stopping them.
Then it hit him, why hadn't he thought of it sooner? Riddle stopped in his tracks and slowly walked back to his bed.
"Yuu, may I ask you a question?" Riddle pulled them up so they were sitting upright and facing him.
Yuu just hummed in acknowledgment. Riddle sighed and continued, "Where did you learn to bite people? Did anyone teach you too? Or did you perhaps see someone else do it?"
"Huh...?" They tilted their head, not understanding what Riddle was asking "What...?"
He breathed in deeply again and pushed the frustration back down. "I mean... You bite people, that is not good. I want to help you change that, but first I need you to tell me where you saw it, or who taught you to do it."
"Oh... I dunno... I just do, I don't want 'em to hurt me i guess..."
Riddle's breath hitched and his heart started to race, his mind instantly went to the worst-case scenario. Did someone hurt Yuu so badly and so frequently that they had to bite and make it a habit??
"What- What happened!?"
After hearing your story, Riddle breathed a sigh of relief
what you went through was horrible
but at the very least it wasn't as terrible as the things he was imagining.
After this he becomes far more patient and soft with you, and he works with Grim to help you feel safe
he also checks up on you far more often throughout the day.
Riddle feels quite idiotic now that he looks back on it, for not figuring out sooner who you have bitten,
I mean, now that he thought about the people you had bitten, most either fit the typical intimidating person or just gave off a bad feeling.
He made you stay the night at Heartslabyul that day, and it also became more often for him to invite you over as well
he just wants to reinforce the knowledge that you are safe.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona never cared all that much for you, but he'd be lying if he said he doesn't find you amusing, like when you try to help out Ruggie with making/bringing him his lunch, doing his laundry,
or when he finds you had cuddled up into his side while he was napping, even when you'd play with his tail while you thought he was asleep.
He never cared about why you'd bite people, just as long as you kept being funny and biting others and not him
but he did end up finding out why, not through you, but through Cheka, just a couple days before winter break.
"Unca! Unca!!" Leona groaned and turned over at the sound of his young nephew, who was running towards him in the botanical garden. Cheka was meant to be with Yuu at Ramshackle right now, so Leona assumed that you two were coming to bother him. But when the footsteps got closer he noticed there was only one pair and turning over, and sure enough, there was only Cheka coming his way. It was strange, the two of you were never far from one another when Cheka came to visit.
"What'd you want Cheka" He grumbled and closed his eyes again, instantly shutting down that ever so small carious, and maybe even worried feeling. "It's Yuu!" Cheka said trying to catch his breath "They need to come with us back home next break!". Leona groaned again, this was far from the first time the little lion had demanded Yuu stay with them. "Why this time?" Leona lazily replied, deciding to entertain the young boy so he leaves faster. "So they won't be alone anymore." The look on Cheka's face was pure determination, and Leona already knew it was going to be a pain to try and deter him. "I already told you, they won't be alone, they've got the Grim and the ghosts." The grumpy lion turned back over, his back now facing his nephew.
Cheka huffed and plopped onto his uncle's side "That's not what I mean!" "Then what do you mean?" Leona replied in a bored tone, already regretting his choice of staying awake. "I mean they should live with us!"
Leona nearly chocked on his own spit at his nephews words. Yuu? live in the same building as him?? For who knows how long??? AGAIN!?!? He'd rather actually choke then that ever happening. "And why the hell would they need to live with us?? They already live in Ramshackle."
"But they disserve an actual home for once! Please Unca! Please!" Cheka slid down his uncles side to the front of him and showed off the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. Those words confused Leona, what exactly did Cheka mean by 'Actual home for once'? "...No. They already have a home." He huffed and closed his eyes once more. "Besides, Crowley's going to send them back to their actual home soon enough."
"What?!?" Cheka shot up "No! They can't go back! They'll be alone with those mean store people again!" The small boy claimed up up onto Leona's side once more and started to shake the man as best his small arms could. "Come on Unca! You gotta stop him from sending them back! you gotta!!"
Cheka continued to scream and shake his uncle until he had enough, he sat up and garbed the boy to sit in front of him. "Ok- ok- oK! Why in the great seven can't they go back!?"
Leona had expected Cheka to say that he would miss them or smth like that
not your entire life story.
In all honestly he doesn't know how to feel
but he does understand your reasoning and why you and Ruggie get along so much.
He never confronts you about this and doesn't change the way acts around you
except he is just slightly more gentle with you if you squint.
Oh and he just told Cheka to talk to his Dad about you staying with them.
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sarastellasari · 1 month ago
The Dare
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Avery and Jameson had a game. They would dare each other to do the most insane things possible, and whoever backed down lost. Neither of them had lost yet- they had dared each other to do some pretty insane things (Avery’s favorite had been when Jameson had dared her to dress up in a giant inflatable shark costume and run around the city in broad daylight).  But Avery was certain she had just come up with the perfect dare to make Jameson back down. She smirked playfully at Jameson, silently willing him not to chicken out. The brown-haired boy let out an exhale of disbelief, his eyes widening in horror, before shaking his head.
“Heiress, that's awful. If I get caught I’ll get arrested! That’s illegal!”
“You won't get caught. ‘Cause you can be careful, right?” Avery interrupted. Jameson hesitated.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Avery’s eyes widened. She hadn’t expected him to accept her dare, but everyone knew that Jameson Hawthorne never turned down a dare. 
“Ok,” she smirked. 
“You know the rules-”
“I know, I know.” Jameson huffed. “By the way, you're gonna be the one bailing me out.” 
Avery laughed as he exited the room, presumably to prepare for his dare. She could already see the headlines.
“HAWTHORNE GRANDSON SPOTTED SHIRTLESS DURING DAREDEVIL BUILDING CLIMB DOWNTOWN: POLICE INTERVENE" Avery nearly choked when she saw the headline the next morning as she was eating her breakfast. She spent exactly five seconds panicking over what to do, and then another five panicking once she realized that Alisa was calling her.
“Hey, Alisa,” she said nervously. 
“Avery. You wouldn't happen to know anything about your boyfriend’s little… stunt, would you?” 
“No…?” Avery said nervously, wincing. She could feel Alisa's annoyance through the phone. Alisa sighed. 
“Avery… This is the third time Jameson has been caught doing something like this. We can’t keep covering these things up. Eventually, it’s going to get out. My people contacted the website to take the article down but-”
“Why?” Avery asked curiously. “I mean I'm grateful but-”
“I might be your publicist, but he’s your boyfriend. And what he does reflects on your image.” Avery pushed back the growing guilt in her stomach. She hadn’t meant to get Alisa involved. 
“I’m sorry, Alisa. This is my fault. Thank you for handling this.” Avery said.
“Whatever. Just make sure he doesn't climb any more buildings shirtless, okay? I'm sending someone to pick him up from the station right now. He won’t be in that much legal trouble, he’s a Hawthorne after all.”
“Miss me, Heiress?” were Jameson's first words when he walked through the front door less than an hour later. Avery threw her arms around him, kissing him on the mouth.
“Jameson! How’d you get caught? Tell me everything.”
“Well, it’s a story filled with heroic bravery and danger-” Avery gently hit him. He laughed. 
“I’m joking. Somehow, the building that I chose had a window washer late last night. It was bad luck, that's all. It's certainly not my fault.” Avery raised a dark eyebrow. 
“Alisa called. She said to be more careful.” Jameson pouted.
“Alisa is Alisa. Are we really gonna listen to her?” Avery scowled.
“Hmm… well, I think you should do my dare as well.” Avery scowled. 
“I couldn't finish it, so you should.” Avery grinned, her green eyes lighting up.
“Sure. But I won't get caught.” Jameson smirked. 
“We’ll see about that.” 
Avery pushed back the growing panic in her chest. She deeply regretted accepting Jameson’s dare—even if, technically, it had been hers. Unlike Jameson, though, she had come prepared. She had dressed in all black to blend in with the night (Jameson had complained about her waiting to do it, but she wasn't about to go climb a building in broad daylight).  
She was glad the building they had chosen was relatively small and easy to climb, made out of crumbling brick, but with plenty of ledges to hold onto. She would never live it down if she actually got injured doing one of their striped dares. 
After checking that no one was around, Avery slowly started to climb. She clutched onto the ledges tighter, praying that she didn't fall. To her surprise, she managed to end up almost next to the building's fire escape rather quickly. Avery smirked at it, an idea crossing her mind. 
Quickly, she jumped onto it, and hastily scrambled to the top, eventually having to resume climbing the building, before reaching the top. Avery surveyed the city from above. She took a few pictures on her phone, to show Jameson as proof she had done it. 
Then, much slower than she had gotten up, she climbed down from the building, taking care not to fall. She jumped in her car and sped away, shaky with adrenaline.
Jameson’s jaw dropped when Avery walked through his bedroom door. She smirked at him, triumph on her face.
“Hey Jameson, what's up?” 
“How did you not get-” Avery threw herself onto the bed next to him. 
“Look at the pictures I got!” She said, waving her phone at him. He raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 
“I can’t believe you got up there.”
“I guess it's just because, you know, I'm better than you.” Jameson scowled, attempting to shove Avery off the bed as she laughed, already trying to think of her next dare.
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densi-mber · 3 months ago
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A//N: Oops, I wrote more angst, followed by some fluff. This takes place shortly after Kensi and Deeks bring Rosa home. I just love writing Deeks as a dad and exploring that relationship.
Stumbles and Falls
Deeks isn’t all that surprised when they go to pick Rosa up from center that Kensi and Rosa hug and he gets a shy “Hello, Mr. Deeks”. He isn’t surprised, but it does sting a tiny bit. Mostly though, he’s excited, and stunned, and incredibly nervous.
He anticipates some of the awkwardness will fade once Rosa settles in. They’d gotten fairly close during their visits, maybe not as close as Rosa and Kensi, but enough to be past honorifics. When it doesn’t, he gives her space, and doesn’t push, takes a step back when it seems she prefers Kensi’s company than his.
Deeks would like to say he isn’t jealous and a little hurt, yet he is. Starting a family has been a desire for so long and after everything he and Kensi have done to get to this point, he craves a connection and the chance to finally be a dad. So, yeah, it does hurt and poke at something deep inside him that whispers he’ll never be quite good enough.
He pushes the voice and any lingering selfish feelings down, reminding himself this isn’t about him. Rosa owes him nothing; he and Kensi are here to help her navigate this huge transition, the trauma of the past few years, and provide a loving home. If that means his support looks a little different than he expected, and Kensi takes the lead, then he’ll do it.
A few weeks later, Deeks is reviewing the presentation for an upcoming training, when Rosa wanders in. She tucks herself into one corner of the couch.
“Hey, do you mind if I watch something?” she asks softly.
“Of course, Rosa. I’ll just get out of your hair.” He starts to gather up his laptop, but she stops him with a quick wave of her hand.
“No, you don’t have to leave,” she insists. “As long as I don’t bother you.”
He thinks he covers his surprise pretty well and shrugs, sitting back down. “I think I can block out anything at this point.”
She turns on some teen drama, which makes him smile slightly. Some things were apparently universal. Even though they aren’t talking, it feels companionable. Soon, he’s engrossed in reading about a new protocol, the slightly dramatic and stilted dialogue creating an almost soothing background noise.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed when he has the odd sensation of being watched. From his peripheral vision, he sees Rosa looking directly at him instead of the TV. He meets her gaze, hoping it’s encouraging and not off-putting.
“Everything ok?” he asks gently.
“Yes. Maybe.” She sighs deeply, worrying at her fingers. “Marty, can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” And he means it.
Her head stays lowered over her hands, and she’s silent so long, he almost thinks she’s changed her mind.
“Do I do something wrong?” she asks eventually, the words ever so slightly hesitant.
“No, of course not! Why would you think that?”
She shrugs, then turns to him with an open, impossibly sad look. “You never spend time with me like this. I think this is the longest we’ve ever been together, just the two of us.” Her eyes gleam with a sheen of tears and his heart clenches. “I mean, today, when Kensi and I went to the farmers market, you didn’t come.”
“Oh Rosa,” he whispers, shaking his head.
She rushes on, speaking faster than he’s ever heard from her before. “I understand. I’m not what you expected, but I can change if you just tell me.”
Reaching out, he gathers her hands in his, and she stops, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. “Rosa, I am so incredibly sorry I made you feel that way,” he says, fighting back his own tears. “You haven’t done anything wrong. I thought being around me made you uncomfortable, so I decided to give you space. Because apparently I’m the world’s biggest idiot.”
She laughs wetly, lifting one of her hands and wiping away a couple of tears with the back of her hand. “That’s all?” she asks. “You like me?”
“Rosamund, at the risk of swinging way too far in the other direction, I love you,” he tells her fervently. Her lips partly in surprise at that and she exhales shakily.
“Can I hug you?”
“Of course.”
Rosa launches herself at him as soon as the words are out of his mouth, her arms wrapping tightly around his torso. He gently caresses the top of her head, regret mixed with elation filling him.
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats.
“It’s ok,” she forgives him, easing back enough to look at him with still watery but relieved expression. “I’m glad I was wrong.” She smiles shyly. “Do you want to watch “The Vampire Diaries” with me?”
“I’d love to.”
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simslegacy5083 · 1 month ago
Today's (1/28/2025) Episode: A Magical House Call
In the end it was Candor who showed up to check Skye over. “Don called me” he explained as he joined the family in the living room “Vlad and I go way back. His daughter was one of my best friends; I’m very familiar with his tricks.”
“The good news is that being drank from is only a problem if he turned you, Skye, and I have a potion here that will tell us that right away.”
“What if he did?” Skye whispered, “I don’t want to be a vampire.”
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“Well…” Candor hedged “that’s a little more complicated. Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it, OK? For now, drink this.”
“What do you see?” Skye asked anxiously as soon as xe’d swallowed the concoction “Am I still mortal??”
“Yes” Candor smiled “there’s no trace of vampirism in your aura. If you were going to turn, it would already be changing and it looks perfectly normal. I would say you’re in the clear.”
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“Thank you!” Skye exclaimed, wrapping xir great-grandfather in a tight hug as xir fears for the future faded away.
“You’re welcome” Candor chuckled “You take it easy for the next day or so, and drink plenty of fluids. You’re going to be sore and dehydrated for a bit.”
Skye nodded as Luigi said “We really appreciate your help, Candor. Come with me to the kitchen so you can also hydrate thoroughly with some of the top shelf nectar our friend Amaya just brought over. It’s the least we can do to thank you.”
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As they headed off Noemi turned towards Skye “About what happened with you and Elyse tonight. Whether she means to or not she keeps hurting you, and I’m worried that its going to happen again. I know she’s your best friend and you care for her very much, but I’m not sure she’s the right partner for you.”
Skye frowned, nodding slightly “I thought all this goth stuff was just harmless fun, but then she kept begging me to take her to visit Great Grandpa Vlad. I should never have listened. I’m such an idiot.”
“Mom?” xe continued, “I don’t think I want to be a goth anymore…”
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“Is he really OK?” Luigi asked Candor once they were settled at the bar in the kitchen, safely out of earshot.
Candor nodded “its just like I said. Being drank from is no fun, but there’s no lasting harm to it as long as you don’t get turned.”
“I swear, if it wasn’t for this gimpy hand of mine…” Luigi ground out “How could he do that to his own flesh and blood!?”
“You know its not the first time” Candor sighed. “After he broke into the homestead and drank from Willow her mother was livid. Ever since then he’s generally been on his best behavior around the family, but this just shows that can’t let your guard down entirely. He’s still a very dangerous sim.”
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Candor drained his glass with a sigh. “It’s probably best if you steer clear entirely. I’ll go over there and talk to him.”
“Fine, thank you again.” Luigi sighed, gesturing for his grandfather to pour them both another drink.
 “Aren’t you on pain killers?” Candor asked, pausing with the bottle raised over his great grandson’s glass. “Gramps, just pour the juice.”
“OK, OK” he chuckled “Its your life. A toast – to my healthy, still mortal, grandbaby”
“Here, here!” Luigi agreed heartily, clinking glasses and drinking deeply as he silently thanked the watcher that everything had turned out OK.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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azes-ocean · 3 months ago
Scholar’s moral tutor
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Alhaitham x Male!reader, SLIGHT angst to fluff, mostly fluff tbh
Warnings: slightly yan Alhaitham, angst, reader thinks he is dumb, kinda mean Alhaitham,
An: im screaming, crying. This was a request from an anon asking for Alhaitham angst/fluff but I accidentally clicked post when I was trying to save it as a draft theennn I had to delete the post. So yep, now the ask is gone! IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭😭
Alhaitham was by no means a morally green person. He hardly bat an eye to the troubles of the people on the street on his way home. His usual schedule was to get his work done then get home, no exceptions unless perhaps his friends annoyances needed him. Then you changed everything. Suddenly hes working overtime to help you study for your maths exam, even bothering to backtrack on topics you didn’t comprehend. It was only later in your second semester he realized he quite enjoyed the time spent on you. It even came to him that he didn’t want these days to end. He had to have a permanent part in your life- not just your tutor. Yet he didn’t rush it, after all, he believed that as long as he a gave you what you wanted-his knowledge- then you’d never leave him. How wrong he was.
Alhaitham’s bad habits eventually caught up. He was so used to treating people as if they were invisible until they talked to him it was buried so deep in his personality that when he wanted to change, it was taking all too long.
“Are you even listening to me? I said the formula is x^3+y^3+2^3=k not x^2-“
“Stop blurting when you can be thinking, y/n.”
“No. You are wrong. Start over.”
“Pay attention, y/n.”
You buried your head in your book, biting your lip so hard you swore it bled. Why could you still hear Alhaitham’s voice in your head? You were alone and Alhaitham wouldn’t check on you for another hour. You managed to grit your teeth and breath in , lifting your pen again and starting to write down more notes. “Grip the pen like this. Messy handwriting may become illiterate, which is not acceptable in the Akademiya.”
You stood up, breathing deeply. No, no! You were fine, fine, fine.
After a few more failed attempts at calming down, you jotted it down to lack of sleep-deciding to skip lessons with Alhaitham today to sleep early.
That was just it, you didn’t want to avoid him.
”Where were you yesterday, y/n?” Alhaitham demanded, his eyes looking a bit more irritated then usual. You had totally not expected Alhaitham to find you during lunch, more than a little miffed at the fact that you had left before he could meet you yesterday. All you could do was manage a pained smile, “Ahaha…I…had…a…uhm…”
Okay, okay, think of excuses! My grandma died-ok no, she already had. Uhh, my dog ran away. Tsk, no, you don’t have a dog! My cat committed arson-You don’t have a cat either!
You just stared up at him, giving him an awkward smile. Embarrassment kept creeping up your cheeks as Alhaitham stared you down, frowning. It was only after a few awkward moments of silence Alhaitham brought up his hand to rub his head tiredly, sighing, “Fine. I suppose since you didn’t have an exam today, it was reasonable. Now, on the other hand, I refuse to let you of as you do have an exam of quintic formula tomorrow.” He ignored the way his heart rate quickened as he saw your eyes light up, beaming. This was utterly unfair for the archons to let such a handsome cute being to exist. You nodded quickly, feeling relieved Alhaitham wasn’t angry. You could not totally handle today’s lessons with him. —
You take that back. You couldn’t. He was more strict today than usual, berating you on mistakes he’d usually ignore. Your brain was pounding againt your skull as you reviewed the lesson for the umpteenth time. You could so do this. It was (not) fine. Alhaitham was explaning about how epsilon was the opposite of x in math, or maybe that was an hour ago. It all went over your head anyway. “Y/n? Are you listening?” Alhaitham demanded, frowning.
That was your latest lesson with Alhaitham, and it was three weeks ago. After that you had taken it upon yourself to study alone. You knew you were probably overreacting in this situation, but the pounding headaches from the extra assignments Alhaitham gave you and the lack of sleep to make way for his lessons were catching up on you, making your head pound with drowsiness every waking moment. It still does. Maybe it wasn’t Alhaitham himself, really. Maybe all this was your reaction to the being beside an unmatched genius all the time-pressuring you to be just as good at least, as if you could ever. You’d never have Academic validation in the eyes of the genius scribe. So what really was the point?
Your overthinking…overreacting…Why can’t you just be the perfect boy like Alhaitham?
Because your not smart. Your not gifted. Your not enough.
“Y/n. You’re no being of meager intellect, so don’t act like it.”
‘A being of meager intellect…huh?’
”Y/n avoiding you? They probably just can’t stand your personality.” Kaveh drawled, still focused on sketching out a project proposal for his client.
“I can’t believe I asked you.” Alhaitham sighed, looking down at the book on his lap. You didn’t hate him, did you? No, he made an effort to be kinder to you then most people. So what had he done wrong? Alhaitham mentally charted down everything he had done within the timespan- he pretended not to notice you stealing his lunch, he gave you cookies during the last-
So what mistake did he do? Why? What?
It was the first time in a many years the genius Alhaitham was confused, absolutely stumped.
“A-ah!?” You turned back to see Alhaitham with a deadpan serious expression, frowning, “Why are you avoiding me?” He demanded. “And don’t give me some bullshit excuse.”
Okay…Alhaitham just cursed. This was quite…bad. “I was…I was…” you stumbled over your words, wondering what to tell him. The truth? Definitely not. Absolutely not.
“Don’t lie to me. Please.”
That made your brain short circuit. Alhaitham pleading? Since when?
“…I-I it’s bit embarrassing but-I felt pressured because…because your so perfect and everything even though you have a bit of an asshole personality and I can never be like you!”
That rendered you both speechless, Alhaitham shocked and you just plain embarrassed. Your quiteeee the idiot, aren’t you? You blabbered your mouth now Alhaitham’s going to make fun of-
“Apologies if that bothered you in any way.” Alhaitham adverted his eyes, his gaze trailing across the floor, “…May I rephrase my offer? I-think that I have an idea to satisfy both of us.” That caught your attention as your eyes locked on his face. He had an expression you never expected to see from him. He was…nervous?
You remembered to speak.
“I-I uhm-the offer to be my tutor? But-uhm-I mean-er- sure.” You stumbled over your words as you cringed at yourself, why were you so jittery, really?
“I would like you to be my friend. I-will not lie I wish for more than that but-“ Alhaitham coughed into his hand, regaining his composure, “I hope you’ll let be build up from there. Please treat me like any other friend and come to me with any of your troubles, even those relating to me myself.” His voice was unusually stiff as he tried to hide his fear of your rejection, hoping you’d allow him this for now.
“I-sure! Sure! So-I’ll call you Haitham from now on!” You offered awkwardly, you were not at all dejected about this outcome- in fact, you were joyful! The only thing bothering you was the feeling of uncertainty of having Alhaitham as your friend, and maaybe that little comment about ‘wanting more than that.’
But your first worry was your math quiz in a few minutes. Oh. Right. You were on the way to class, weren’t you?
-Another thing bothering you then- You don’t have a tutor anymore. So lets see your grades.
“Y/n? Why do you look panicked?”
Alhaitham was by no means a morally green person. He hardly bat an eye to the troubles of the people on the street on his way home. His usual schedule was to get his work done then get home, no exceptions unless you or his friends asked. But you changed everything. Now he’s willing to try to be morally green- to be worthy of your attention.
Maybe your his tutor now. He doesn’t have a problem with that.
An: This was longer than I expected! Kinda crappy tbh I didn’t put much thought into the story because OH CRAP QUARTER TESTS ARE COMING! Hope you liked it even a bit 🤭 EDIT: Yeah...I reread it the plot makes not much sense sorrry promise the next post will be better 😭😭😭
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