#the way my head is spinning for two reasons rn !!!!!
itoshi-s · 2 years
Dont make me think of tokyo ghoul rn im trying to send u down my 3rd rabbit hole... Probs send it tomorrow tho -🐇
OHHHHH MY GAWD ……. christmas is coming early this year !!!!! 🥹 nonnie i will be waiting 4 u in my hangover hours !!!
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katsu28 · 2 months
welcome home, little guy
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: to you, summer break means no races, no responsibilities, and all the poolside piña coladas you can drink. apparently to your boyfriend, it means bringing home a new addition to your family. (1.8k)
a/n: working on way too many things at once rn but i simply couldn't resist <3 lando puppy video u will always be famous to me
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To say you’re looking forward to the summer break is an understatement. It’s the first time during the whole season you get to spend two straight weeks with Lando, doing whatever you want, whenever you want. No races, no working, nothing but relaxing with the love of your life for fourteen whole days. You can only imagine the things you’ll do, the places you’ll go. 
Truth be told, he needs this more than you do. Things have been a bit tough lately, on and off the track, so to have some time off to rest and recharge before the second half of the season will be good for him. Good for you too, so you can make sure he isn’t thinking about anything other than his well being. 
You’re buzzing with excitement at the thought of him coming home any minute now, opting to await his arrival in the comfort of your shared apartment instead of braving the swarming crowd you know for a fact is waiting for him when his jet touches down in Nice. You’re so eager you’re surprised you haven’t paced a hole in the living room carpet. You like to think you’ll kiss him stupid once you set eyes on him, though you also think you’re more likely to cry a little first. 
The beep of the front door padlock powering down pulls you out of your thoughts, and then his voice, achingly familiar and soft, “Baby? Are you home?” 
“Yeah!” You say, nearly bouncing on the balls of your feet. He appears from the hallway slowly after a few seconds, and his back is facing you, which makes you pause. “Uh…Lan? What’s happening? Why are you facing the other way?” 
“Don’t get mad at me,” He replies over his shoulder, lowering his bag onto the floor gently with one hand. 
You narrow your eyes at his back, suspicious more than anything. “Why? What’ve you—oh my god, please don’t tell me you got that tattoo you were talking about a few weeks ago.”
“Alright, relax, I didn’t get a tattoo,” He huffs. He’s still facing backwards. “Though it’s good to know how unsupportive you’ll be if I ever do get it, thanks, babe.” 
“Seriously, what is going on with you? And for fuck’s sake, love, will you please turn around?”
He spins on his heel gingerly, beaming so bright it rivals the sun. At first, you think it’s because of you, but then you catch sight of what’s most likely the reason for that big smile, and your breath catches in your chest.
The tiniest puppy you’ve ever seen sits snuggled in Lando’s arms, peering out at you with wide eyes. Dark brown fur covers its head and pointy little ears, fading into a lighter coppery color around its eyes before turning pure white at the snout and along the rest of its body. The same lighter brown spreads in a patch along its back. 
“Lando, you did not.” 
“I did.” 
“Are you serious?” 
He smiles guiltily, stepping closer with the pup. “Are you mad at me?” 
“No, I’m…just surprised, is all. How did you—when did you have time to get a dog while you were working?” 
“The team partnered with a shelter for dogs for a video to, like, bring awareness and hopefully get the pups some forever homes, and um, they brought a bunch of puppies,” Lando explains, shifting the puppy a little higher against his chest. You close the leftover gap, reaching out to let the timid pup sniff your hand a few times. “This little guy crawled right up into my lap and didn’t move the whole time we were filming, and I think we just bonded with each other immediately.”
“Bet you loved that, didn’t you?” You smile, stroking its soft fur gently. Whether you’re talking to the puppy or Lando, you’re not really sure, but either way, you’re already feeling yourself start to fall in love. 
He gazes down at the dog curled up in the crook of his elbow so fondly you’re almost jealous. You’re not, but you’ve never seen Lando look at anyone or anything with this much love in his eyes before (other than you, and maybe spring rolls). “I know we've never really talked a lot about the right time to get a dog, but I couldn’t—I knew I couldn’t not bring him home with me.” 
The pup leans forward, licking your fingertips with his little pink tongue, and your heart melts into a puddle at your feet. It’s true, you’ve had the dog conversation with Lando many times before, all of which always ended the same way. With Lando being away so much and you with your own job, bringing in a new addition to your lives would be tough to figure out. 
But as Lando transfers him into your arms, and he instantly nestles up against you like you’re his home, every excuse you’ve ever made for not getting a dog flies right out the window. You know it in your heart, this is the dog you and Lando were meant to love. 
“Hi, darling,” You say softly, lifting the pup to your eye level. He’s so small he fits comfortably in two hands, tiny black nose twitching as he cranes his neck out to sniff at you. “You really did a number on this one, huh? Made him fall in love with you?” 
Lando steps behind you, sliding his arms around your waist to bring you flush against him. He hooks his chin over your shoulder comfortably, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he gives the pup scratch under the chin. “Seems like he’s doing the same to you.” 
“Seems like it,” You hum. You bring him back against your chest and up towards Lando, who breaks into a fit of giggles as his nose gets a good few licks. 
“So…can we keep him?” 
“This isn’t going to be easy, Lan, you know that, right?” You say. He nods. “We’ve got to take him to the vet, set up sessions with a trainer, potty train him. Figure out how we’re gonna do this when you’re gone.”
“We’ll figure it out before I leave again, baby. We’ve got time,” He insists, rubbing his hands up and down your arms reassuringly. “Besides, I’ve already asked Charles and Alex for tips, they’re coming round for lunch and a chat as soon as they’re back in Monaco. And they’re bringing Leo, so who knows, maybe these two will become best friends.” 
“Look at you, planning puppy playdates already. He’s got forever with us now, you know? Let’s get him used to us and this place before we introduce him to others, dog dad.” 
Lando scoffs, but not unkindly. More amused than anything. “Well! Seems like we already know which one is going to be the mean parent out of the both of us, don’t we, Archie?” 
“That’s his name? Archie?”
“It’s the one the shelter gave him, but we can still change it if we find one we like more.”
“No, it’s perfect,” You murmur, planting a kiss atop Archie’s furry head. “Welcome home, Archie.” 
“Yeah,” Lando replies, squeezing you a little tighter. “Welcome home, little guy. We love you so much already.” 
You angle your head towards him, catching his chin with your free hand, bringing him towards you and kissing him gently. Lando all but melts into you, happily reciprocating. “Welcome home to you too, my love.” 
“Mm, I’ve missed you,” He hums, nuzzling into the crook of your neck with a content, deflating sigh. “Gonna be a nice break, innit? No more grainy video chats or time differences for fourteen days, just you and me.” 
Archie lets out a whine, the first noise he’s made since Lando’s gotten home, as if to remind the both of you that he’s here too. Lando laughs, smoothing his fingers between the pup’s ears goodnaturedly. “And you too, of course, buddy.” 
You know Archie can’t understand a word either of you say, but the way he cocks his head intuitively makes you think that maybe, just maybe, he might. 
You’re used to Lando being an early riser, but he always stays in bed waiting for you to wake up on his off days, ready to cuddle with you until one of you gets hungry. 
This morning, however, when you lazily reach out an arm to find him, you come up with nothing but cold sheets. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes as much as you can, you squint over at his side of the bed to see his squashed pillow and rumpled duvet, but no Lando. In your half asleep state, part of you thinks you’d just imagined him coming home with a puppy yesterday. 
But then you see the crinkly fish shaped toy on the floor in the hall as you go to find Lando, the one you’d insisted on getting on your impromptu trip to the nearest pet supply store last night despite all his huffing and puffing about it.
It’s Archie’s favorite out of all the toys you’d bought, you’d say, based on the way he’d dragged it around the living room for ages even though it was nearly the size of him. 
Lando’s laying on the floor in the middle of the kitchen when you make your way in, spread eagle on his back with said puppy standing right on his chest. As soon as he spots you, he lifts his head, grinning at you excitedly. Archie takes note of the sudden movement and barks, leaping off Lando and making a beeline straight to where you’re crouched with open hands. 
“Little traitor!” Lando grumbles, pouting as he pulls himself into a cross-legged position. “I’ve played with you for the last hour and you run away as soon as someone else comes along? Rejection is a bitter cold.” 
“Don’t be jealous, Lan. Archie just knows who his favorite is already.”
“That’s bullshit,” He scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. He directs his next words at the pup currently enjoying a nice belly rub from you. “Remember who brought you home, Archibald Norris.” 
“Hang on, why does he get your last name? Why can’t it be mine?” 
Lando shrugs nonchalantly. “Mine’s got a better ring to it. Duh.” 
“That’s not fair, he’s my son too, he should have my last name!” 
“Fine, we’ll hyphenate. Happy?” 
Your nose scrunches, head tilting side to side in contemplation. “Mm, feels like the short end of the stick, but I’ll take it. Alright buddy, go to your dad! Go, go!” You encourage, throwing the fish toy you’d picked up towards Lando. 
“Not the fucking fish!” He yelps, but he grabs it anyway, scrambling to his feet to have Archie come after him in pursuit of his beloved toy. Archie barks up a storm as he chases Lando, tongue lolling out of his mouth, little legs moving as quick as they can. 
Sure, maybe there won't be any jet setting away on holiday during this break, but it’s fine. You haven’t seen Lando look this happy in a long time now, so you don’t care at all, really. 
In fact, as you watch Lando and Archie run around the apartment like they’ve been best buddies forever, you know there’s nowhere else you’d rather be. 
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
How they react when you blindfold them
Obey me brothers x gender neutral reader
Note: HIT 100+ FOLLOWERS RECENTLY??? I AM VERY GRATEFUL THANK YOU <3. Constructive criticism and reblogs are always appreciated!
Word count: 697
Warnings: suggestive, i accidently added knife play at Belphegor's part oops
The two of you are just working in silence. A nice and calm working environment. Well it is too calm for you! You undo your silk scarf and sneak up to him, tying the silk material around his head. You are surprised when he doesn't stand up.
-His luxurious pen drops on the table 
-"Mc if you know what is good for you, you will remove it right now. I have work to do"
-You decided to ignore his protest and spin the chair around and climb on his lap
-He is desperately trying to keep his composure and patience
-Much to your frustration, he removes the silk scarf
-Before you could take the scarf he takes a hold of your wrist
-"Now let's take care of those bratty actions of yours"
-Low-key wants to film it for 'personal reasons'
-You walk around him and lightly lift the hem of his shirt. 
-You start tracing his abdomen with the tips of your fingers
-"Mc what has gotten into ya?"
-You falter "Do you want me to stop?"
-"NO, i mean uh shit" he really did not want to seem that eager
-Your other hand gently pulls at his hair
-"That is all the permission i needed pretty boy"
-He whimpers. A reply to your gentle praise
-He bucks his hips. Desperate for some friction
-He may or may not have a boner rn
-Already predicting his movements, you hold the gaming chair down to prevent him from falling
-"A- are sure that you want to do this with me?"
-You give your answer by softly kissing his lips, then you start leaving a trail hickeys and bites on his exposed shoulders and neck
-"I can really tell that you are enjoying this Levi"
-Your hands travel to his rising erection, causing him to whimper
-"That's my pervy little Levi"
-He has 100% read this in a book before
-I swear he reads porn
-You lower yourself to your knees and softly kiss his bare stomach
-He groans as your kisses go lower, you put your hands on his and shift them to the top of your head
-He tries to remain patient
-He finds it embarrassing, but god does it feel good
-He pulls at your hair in frustration
-"Mc you never cease to amaze me dear!"
-It's safe to say he is more then just pleased
-He whines completely unashamed when you bite the soft skin of his neck
-He quickly starts to get handsy 
-You were expecting this predicament, you grab a small clean handkerchief. 
-You firmly tie his wrists together
-"Let's see how long you'll last Asmo"
-He has no idea of what to do in this situation
-You notice his stiffness in posture
-When you try to back off, he gently puts his hands on your back
-"Please don't leave, i like it" he uttered
-You make yourself comfortable and put one hand on the back of his neck 
-The other pulls out a small bottle of syrup 
-You put some in your mouth the sweet taste melts on your tongue
-While a large part of the sweet liquid is in your mouth you kiss him 
-His tongue quickly takes over
-He softly wimpers as he feels a heat rise down south
-Wants to do this again for sure
-I can't decide if it's because he doesn't have to do much or if it's the other way around, that he likes to see you helpless. respectfully?
-You pull out a small pocket knife and you gently trace the sharp tip on his collarbones and shoulders
-His breathing starts to become heavy as he starts to realize what the object might be
-He has dreamt about this, with help from his dream manipulation, but had no idea how to bring it up due to 'the incident'
-When a small pool of blood began to drip, you leaned in and licked it off 
-He shivers but also groans when he feels the sensation
Barbatos Barbie
-Wil be surprised at first 
-"We are lucky that we are alone for once, my love"
-His hands gently reach for yours and he gently presses a kiss to your hand
-You take a seat on his leg and start kissing his neck 
-He puts his hand around your frame
-"I would love to do something like this again"
-"That is if you don't mind being tied up for me"
Date began: 27th of march 2023
Date finished: 28th of march 2023
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jackhues · 10 months
❄️ matty t "you're all mine, you got that? i'm not sharing."
nonnie i adore you so much, thank you for feeding my matty t obsession rn
you closed your eyes, taking in the cool breeze against your face.
it was rare to have a cold day in south florida, so you took advantage of the nighttime breeze.
matthew held your hand, dutifully following the sidewalk rule to keep you away from harms way. the two of you were walking back to your apartment after a dinner date at a fancier restaurant. your dress was a deep red - matthew's favourite colour on you - that stopped mid-thigh.
it wasn't anything indecent, and you loved it. the latter reason was more than enough for matthew to love it too.
you took a deep breathe of the night air, doing a quick twirl. matthew laughed, lifting his arm to spin you a few times. you giggled as he pulled you close to him mid-twirl, frowning when you realized he'd stopped you two.
he slipped out of his coat jacket without a word, placing it on your shoulders.
you looked up at him, noticing the smile was gone from his face. instead, he was glaring at something behind you.
you followed his gaze to see some weird guy standing against a store, eyes trained on your ass.
"hey! what the fuck do you think you're doing?" matthew yelled, marching towards him.
"matthew, matthew, don't," you tried to reach for his arm, but he squeezed your hand, trying to reassure you.
"i ain't done nothing yet," the man responded.
matthew gripped his collar, pulling the man to his feet, "the fuck you mean? keep your perverted eyes off her, you understand?"
"if you want to keep eyes off, don't let her dress like a slut," the man laughed.
you didn't even realize matthew had punched the man until you saw him reel backwards.
"don't you dare call her that," matthew growled. "and keep your fucking eyes to yourself."
the man laughed, rolling his eyes and shrugging matthew off. "whatever you say."
"good," matthew grumbled, heading back to take your hand.
you reached out to him, but he shook his head. not now.
silently, you let matthew take your hand and lead you back to your apartment. the two of you were quiet as you entered your home, locking the door behind you.
"matthew, you didn't have to-"
"don't say it," he cut in. he looked at you, "don't say i didn't have to do that. he was practically undressing you with his eyes, while i was there. no fucking shame, people like him." he cupped your face in his hands, "no one gets away with saying shit like that about you. you're all mine, got that? i'm not sharing."
"not even with the eyes of some creepy pervert?"
matthew gave you a deadpan look.
"too soon?"
send a ❄️, player + prompt
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m0nsterqzzz · 7 months
The Gift
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pairing: katniss everdeen x district 12 reader
summary: when she can't be there to protect you, you'll be damn sure she finds some other way.
a/n: this is so fucking short but I have like 7 katniss fics in the work rn that i can't figure out an end to. it's literally only 1023 wordssss ahhhhh i prefer writing long ones so its more entertaining for yall but idk. im dying. started writing a enimes to lovers clarisse fic, and a taytay one, AND my leg fucking hurts. who knew breaking a bone hurts? not me yall. sos. send help.
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Walking up in district 13, dressed in a hospital gown that wouldn't stop scratching your body with the material, and your girlfriend nowhere to be seen wasn't exactly pleasant.
After a minor breakdown, it was revealed from Haymitch that Katniss is a few rooms down, also panicking since she’s not allowed to see you. It doesn't bring any comfort, listening in the silence of the night wondering how she’s doing. The last time you saw her face to face she was shooting an arrow towards the top of the force field of the arena you and her were placed in along with 22 other tributes that had won previous hunger games just like you and your girl.
So now you lie awake in your hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling as the annoying clock placed above your door clicks and clicks. If you squeeze your eyes shut and take a deep breath while covering yourself in blankets, you can almost imagine you’re back in district twelve, laying in bed with Katniss instead of laying in this cold room with the knowledge that your district has been burned to the ground.
Your eyes fall to the clock, watching the tiny second hand slowly spin around the full circle before the minute hand moves a little bit signaling only one minute has gone by. The only reason you finally lose interest in it is because the door below it slowly creeks open, a person with long hair and a gown similar to yours stepping inside and gently closing the door behind them.
“Katniss.” You mumble, a relieved smile coming onto your face. She nods, sitting on the side of your bed next to your body.
“Hey honey.” She whispers, clearly nervous a guard rooming the hall will hear her and come in to take her back to her own room. “Are you alright? Haymitch won’t tell despite my threats.”
You manage a small chuckle, nodding as you finally close your eyes and curl into her side. “I’m fine. Are you okay? Nobody will tell me.”
She’s silent for a minute, and you feel a wet droplet drop onto your arm. A tear, though you don’t mention anything to your girlfriend. Finally, the brunette shrugs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. “I’m okay now.”
With a small kiss to the top of your head, she relaxes her head against your pillow before sitting up. “I forgot. I brought you something.” She reaches up to the back of her neck, shuffling around for a second before she holds something out to you. Even in the very dim lighting of your room, you can see the necklace. It’s one you're familiar with, for Katniss never took it off until she volunteered as a tribute for her sister Primrose about a year ago.
“My dad gave it to me when I was a kid.” The archer hushedly says, staring at it before glancing at you. You know the story, it being one of the first ones she told you when she finally opened up to you about the loss of her father, but you listen anyway. “He said it would protect me when he wasn’t there to do it. He died in the mines a few months after that.” When she learned her district she was born and raised in was now just ashes and rubble, she thought about the lost friends and that necklace. It was placed in a jewelry box before she left for her second time in the arena, and unlike the townspeople she was decent friends with, her mother was able to give it back.
You two fall into silence for a second before she continues, her voice slightly breaking before it goes back to normal. “And he was right. It has always protected me. I want it to do the same for you.” You’re about to object when she just gently shushes you. It’s her fathers, something she’s very dear almost all her life, why would you just let her give it away?
“I hold my dad in my heart. Not in the necklace. I want you to have protection when I can’t be there to do it. This is as close as we’re gonna get to that.” you giggle, looking in her eyes for a few seconds to make sure she’s sure about this before nodding and turning your back to her so she can put it on you.
Her hands gently touch your skin as you clasps the jewelry onto you, leaving a trail of warmth on the back of your neck before she puts her hands back into her lap. You turn to face her again, hands moving to fidget with the necklace. It’s a gold chain, a small sun charm hanging from it in the middle. It’s beautiful. 
“Thank you Katniss.” You say, words sincere as she moves to lay in between your legs with her head on your chest.  She doesn't say anything, just placing a kiss on your collarbone that speaks more than enough.
The door creaks open once more, her fight of flight instantly getting triggered as she shields your body with her own and looks over her shoulder. Her tense state calms a little bit when she sees it’s only Haymitch, mumbling something about needing a drink when he sees Katniss in your room. “I was doing night checks. Making sure your person’s still alive.” He mumbles, clearly pointed towards your girlfriend after she threatened him this morning with a syringe to tell give her updates every once and a while about how you were doing.
You find yourself letting out a small laugh, one of the first you’ve had in what feels like an eternity even though it’s only been about a month and a half.
Katniss smiles at the sound of your joy, the first real one since she learned you were alive.
She may not always be able to protect you, but hopefully the trinket will.
Even if it doesn’t, one things for sure. Her dad would have loved you.
Not as much as she does though.
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
Hey cutie 🥰 I know you probably have 8000 requests rn BUT I adore you and your writing and was wondering if you would be interested in a lil Thorin x wife!reader fluff? Maybe they’re babysitting young Fili and Kili and discussing having one of their own but Thorin’s stubborn and won’t allow it until they reclaim Erebor 👀
It's been a million years- I hope you enjoy:
“And….Up!” You cheered as you scooped Fili from off the ground, swinging him up in your arms and into the air, holding him up and spinning around. Fili’s face lit up as the young dwarrow erupted into giggles, eyes shutting in glee as you spun him around the sitting room.  
“Ups!” Kili tugged on Thorin’s pant leg, no longer amused by the book that his uncle was originally reading him, now demanding to have the same fun as his brother. 
“Ups!!” The small dwarrow spoke more urgently, getting upset with the lack of quick response by Thorin. 
“Aye, aye, I heard you,” Thorin chuckled, setting the book back on the shelf before Kili was also scooped into the air, the two boys being swung around. 
“Down we go,” You spoke dramatically as you dropped your arms so Fili swung low to the ground, “And up!” You cheered, laughs coming out of you as the giggles of Fili became infectious. 
“And back to aunty!” You pulled him close to your chest, Fili clinging to your neck as you spun him close to you, hugging him against your form. After a few minutes of spinning and maneuvering the young dwarrows, you and Thorin brought the boys to the dining table.
“Lunch?” You asked them, your grin seeming permanent as Fili fought to stay in your arms, but eventually dropped his clingy behavior in favor of playing with a wooden toy sitting on the table from earlier play time. 
“‘Unch!” Kili echoed, nodding feverishly with wide eyes. 
“Pumpkin soup?”
“Umpkin-oop!” He cheered, warming your heart as you pressed a kiss to both their foreheads before exiting into the kitchen. 
After lunch had ended, the boys succumbed to their drowsiness, laying on the floor together with blankies and their stuffed animals curled into their arms. 
Sitting on Thorin’s lap in the big armchair by the fireplace,  you sighed happily as Kili rolled onto his tummy and pushed his stuffed bear against his face. 
“You know,” You spoke softly as to not wake the boys, hand drifting to your belly, “Moments like these make me yearn for one of our own,” You leaned your head against Thorin’s shoulder as he absentmindedly rubbed your thigh. 
“Aye,” He agreed, feeling soft as his two nephews slumbered. “Not now, but one day,” Thorin said almost absentmindedly. 
“One day?” You sounded confused, knowing the two of you were in your prime now. Truly, if you had it your way the two of you would already have had a child. Already being married for over two years. 
“I wish for my child to grow up in the same halls I did,” Thorin spoke simply, imagining his own little dwarrow babe crawling on the smooth stone floors, growing into a young adult shadowing him to take over the throne one day. 
“Thorin,” You sighed, already have argued many times over trying to reclaim Erebor, especially after seeing his grief of losing his family during the attempted reclamation of Moria. 
“Âzyungel,” Thorin replied, ever the stubborn one as he pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Our lives in the Blue Mountains are temporary, I do not want to uplift our child’s sense of stability half-way into their upbringing and thrust them into something foreign,” Thorin reaffirmed his reasoning. 
Sighing through your nose, you nodded, leaving Thorin’s lap in favor of going to Kili, adjusting the blanket over his shoulder and pressing a kiss to his hairline. 
“Lukhudel, please do not be upset,” Thorin could read you like a book as you moved to collect the toys up and put them back in their respective places. 
“I’m not upset,” You whispered to him over your shoulder, freezing in your movement when you heard Fili shuffle to settle into a similar position like his brother. 
“I’m just disappointed, there’s a difference.” You murmured, knowing if Thorin had his mind set on something, not even Mahal could change his mind.
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banana-pancake5 · 2 months
I invite and encourage y’all to bounce your own ideas off of mine because currently nothing is concrete and I’d love more ideas for the story! Or about y’all’s Aus I just wanna hear ideas in general and my brain is spinning rn
Anyway ON WITH THE RAMBLE!! (I warn you it’s is quite long)
Okay so y’know good ol Frida Hamato— wait y’all don’t know… yikes I don’t have an info dump on her yet. Okay during the post movie timeline (the one the story takes place in) she is quite cold to her brothers for a while. She had known of their existence her whole life but never made a move to connect to them for two reasons, 1, she wouldn’t waste her time with these brothers that she’d never met. All she knows about them is that they are enemies of Big Mama and a hindrance in her work. She is unknown to them and she’d rather keep it that way. 2, after Vita’s disappearance she doesn’t want another close relationship. Her sister, he only family she had known, was gone. She wasn’t going to replace her sister and she wasn’t ready for more siblings when she couldn’t protect her first one. Her family is Big Mama and she wants to focus on that. She wants to protect her mother without distractions.
BUT! When she sees Vita and realizes she is alive everything changes. She wants to be with Vita, she wants to be have her sister back. And by that point vita has already formed a bond with the others, so being close with Vita means being close with her brothers. Through Vita she becomes close with the others and, after a long time with many struggles, she joins the Hamato Clan and leaves Big Mama to be with her family. She still loves Big Mama and will not take and back talk of her mother but she grows extremely close with her brothers and finally feels loved.
Now the rest of her story joining the Hamato clan is a different ramble that’s just the necessary info. And in case that makes absolutely no since here’s a bullet point
Frida became close with her Brothers through Vita.
But in the apocalyptic timeline (where Casey is from) she doesn’t have Vita. (Going to refer to Bad future timeline as FT and the present timeline as PT)
Yep. She never reunites with Vita in the FT. Now let me explain why.
Vita was in the prison dimension until Mikey (PT) opened a portal to save Leo. In the FT Leo never sacrificed himself and the Krang were never locked away. (FT) Vita escaped the prison dimension during the early apocalypse. She wandered with the only goal being to murder the Krang. After years more of no interaction she went completely mad. The only thing she knew was she hated the Krang with all her being. She never joined the resistance, she never reunited with her sister, she never met her brothers, she never truly became a Hamato.
In the resistance there was a myth, a rumor, that there was someone, or something, out there fighting off the Krang. They called her Yūrei, the Japanese word for Ghost, or Specter. Yūrei was someone even the Krang supposedly feared. It was rumored her eyes were those of Krang, some even believed Yūrei was a beast sent by the Krang, but according to many stories it seemed her wrath was directed to the Krang alone. No one had heard her voice but her broken, manic, howling laughter haunted anyone who heard.
Yūrei is Vita. She would rarely stumble upon members of the resistance in her hunt for the Krang, and she saved them from the Krang’s attacks. Vita’s mind was too broken to realize she was helping someone she simply hunted anything of Krang kind. She acted almost beast like in the way she hunted, focused and intent on ending her prey. She dressed in the attire similar to 12!Mikey’s dimension X outfit. She also wore bits and pieces of Krang mechs, sometimes using the head of one as a mask.
Casey never grew up with an aunt Vee, but he grew up hearing the horrifying tales of Yūrei.
Oh and perhaps Leo had a moment where he met Yūrei on a mission. I’m unaware of the details but it’s an idea I’d like to develop further!
So! Bullet point for Vita!
Vita’s mind shattered in the FT, she became almost animal like, she lived to hunt the Krang. She became known as Yūrei, meaning Ghost or Specter by the resistance.
Now, back to Frida. Because she never had Vita to connect her with the brothers she stayed glued to her Mother’s side. She became much more serious throughout the apocalypse as well. Big Mama, even in the middle of a war, kept her business booming. Her Nexus Hotel stayed in business under a cloaking spell during the early years of the FT. Eventually, the Krang found it and destroyed it. Big Mama was left wounded and under the care of Frida. Frida sought out a shelter for her and her injured Mother and eventually stumbled upon the resistance. She pleaded with the head of the resistance, which at the time was Hamato Yoshi and the EPF. They accepted after some time, but splinter was not expecting to see Big Mama when Frida came back. Big Mama and Splinter became close again and Frida felt like she was being left behind. But through joining the resistance she met her brothers. Draxum explained that she was their sister and they were (mostly) ecstatic, although suspicious that she was raised by Big Mama. Frida stayed glued to her mother’s side and never truly became close to her brothers. She acknowledged them as siblings and would participate in conversation with them. Mikey tried really really hard to get her to open up but she never warmed up to them to the point of PT Frida. But they were all family and it was good. She was distant but did like her new brothers. She grew closest to Raph, and Mikey, who made the most effort to welcome her and also grew to be close friends with Cassandra.
The first to die was splinter. It grieved Big Mama immensely and she, only a few years later, died in battle to serve the Hamato Clan. Frida was a wreck for a long time after her mother’s death, but with her mother dying for the clan Frida felt more of a familial connection with the Hamatos.
And, with her mother gone, the Nexus Employees looked for guidance. They looked to Frida for guidance. They didn’t know what to do without Big Mama’s orders and Frida was next in line. she felt like it was her duty to follow in her mother’s footsteps. She left the Resistance with the remainder of the original hotel staff, and any others who tagged along, and went back to the nexus hotel. She rebuilt it from its ruins and created a haven for any wanderers stranded in New York. They used cloaking spells to hide the sound and lights inside.
To any passersby it just looked like a crumpled ruined building, but once they step in it revealed itself as warm and welcoming haven for the weary and tired. To anyone who had known of the Grand Nexus Hotel before its destruction it would look like a pathetic mockery of its previous elegance, but it was a remarkable transformation from its ruined state. And the head of it all was none other than Frida. Frida managed everything, from security and comfort to food regulation. Her employees served her loyally every step of the way. The Battle Nexus arena was used as a storage wing and barracks when the hotel was full.
Y’all it’s your favorite time, Bullet Points!
Frida never became very close with her Brothers, more like they were just good friends. She became closest with Mikey, Raph, and Cassandra.
After Big Mama’s death Frida rebuilt the Nexus Hotel and it became known as a sort of dystopian rest stop for survivors of the apocalypse.
Also the song that inspired most of these thoughts was the first 45 seconds of “come let us adore you” (from Steven universe) in the perspective of the hotel staff singing it to Frida.
Casey never became close with Frida but knew that she was his aunt. She is the only person he has ever known as the owner of the Nexus Hotel. Frida never tried to connect with Casey; she is not a fan of kids.
Frida dresses in a dystopian/apocalyptic business style outfit.
There’s 2 main options on how she reunites with them:
1. At one point either Mikey or Leo accidentally enter the Hotel to hide from the Krang and are shocked at what they see. Then they see Frida, giving orders left and right with a cold expression across her face. She doesn’t notice him until he runs up to her to greet her after not seeing each other for years. Her expression warms when she sees him but she stays formal, like addressing a coworker. She missed the Hamatos while she was away but got along fine without them.
2. Disaster strikes at the Hotel when the Krang discover the cloaking spell and Frida seeks out refuge with the resistance. She then learns of the passing of Raph and Cassandra and meets Casey for the first time. After that she stays with them the rest of her days, helping as commander.
Or 3… she doesn’t reunite and dies before she sees them again.
There are many more options I’m considering but those are the main ones!
And now, How this affects the PT!!!
After the events of chapter 1, Casey is so confused. He has no clue who Vita is and it seriously itches his brain because he’s from the future and has never seen this mutant turtle. Then.. he hears her laugh. And he’s horrified. He is genuinely scared of Vita and avoids her at all costs because he knows her a Yūrei. The vicious beast that he thought was just a myth.
And when he meets Frida it’s like whiplash. His aunt Frida, the distant, serious, stone faced commander, was so different. After only week of being with the hamatos she was acting competitive and overconfident. It’s a side he never saw of his aunt. (Also it was a facade but that’s for the Frida ramble)
With everything that happened in the PT vita and Frida are DRASTICALLY different people. Vita’s mind stayed as intact as it could get, and Frida finally found people that really love her, with time, discovering her real personality and showing her real smile instead of the one plastered to her face for the cameras.
Any ideas? Thoughts? Scenarios you wanna see? Questions? Apocalyptic versions of your au you wanna share? Send me an ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Piarles “we shouldn’t be doing this”
Por favor 🥺🐶
@mssr-monagato i love you.💕 this is only written because i got inspired by @hourcat @wolfiemcwolferson and @singsweetmelodies writing series of wonderful ficlets and i need the softness. (shooting myself for that gaffe rn btw) ❤️
The days are cold, but the nights are even worse.
Pushing through the lines on the Eastern front is hell. Charles knew people who thought Hell was hot were absolutely wrong. Hell was frozen land and frozen toes and frozen noses. It was cold metal of rifles and clumsy fingers that pulled the triggers. It was red streaks on dirty snow that used to be white once upon a time.
Charles used to love snow. In his memory, it was always pure white and it was always synonymous with joy. The muddy, red-and-brown streaked snow his boots fall into underneath his feet brings him only sorrow. It feels like a metaphor for this war, or maybe for life.
"You're so romantic, calamar," Pierre tells him when Charles shares his thoughts with him that night. They are both on watch. They rarely separate these days, and the watch is no exception. Their unit is sleeping in an abandoned house they found on their way East, always East, always further into the desolate freezing enemy teritory. "How do you still think of poetry when we are-" he waves his hands around, shaking his head "- here?"
Charles chuckles softly. There is no fire, they don't dare light one in case they are discovered, and the night bites at Charles' cheeks. The sky above them is covered in clouds, and the moonlight isn't enough to see anything clearly. It would be beautiful, if Charles weren't so cold all the time.
"Don't you think it's beautiful?" he asks Pierre. "There is beauty in despair."
Pierre shakes his head. "No," he says, much more sharply than Charles expected him to. "There is nothing beautiful in fucking despair. There is nothing beautiful in death, Charlo."
"You're Catholic, Pierre," Charles says, hurt for some reason. "Isn't that the whole point? That death is something to welcome?"
Pierre's brow furrows. He puffs out a breath of air and it's visible, that's how cold it is.
"I thought so," Pierre says after a moment. "I really thought so. And then we came here, and..." he trails off. Charles keeps looking at him, waits him out. "There is nothing beautiful here."
Charles smiles. "You're beautiful."
Pierre flinches, looking arou d with wide eyes. "Charles," he starts, a bit frantic, "we can't-"
Charles moves closer to him. "Why not?" He's whispering now, close enough to Pierre that he can hear Pierre's every breath. "Nobody is here. Everyone is sleeping. Our shift changes in two hours. There is nobody around for miles." He presses his cold nose to Pierre's cheek, breathes the next words to the corner of Pierre's mouth. "Why not?"
He feels more than sees Pierre swallow. "We shouldn't be doing this," Pierre says. His breath is warm when it hits Charles' skin. He's too cold to get aroused properly, but ut doesn't matter. It's not about that. It's just about Pierre.
"But I'm desperate," he whispers. "Desperate to kiss you. Desperate to feel you. I haven't tasted you for days, I haven't had you for months, Pierre, I can't-"
Pierre kisses him. Their rifles clank against each other, and they separate for a moment. Nobody stirs; nobody comes to check on them. They move the rifles out of the way, and in a moment Pierre is pulling him close, his mouth warm on Charles', his cold nose pressing into Charles' cheek. The leather of his gloves presses into Charles' neck and Charles shivers, desire and cold mixing and making his head spin.
"It won't be this war that kills me," Pierre whispers between kisses. "It will be you."
Charles grabs onto the lapels of Pierre's coat. "Nothing will kill you. Only petites morts, my love," Charles says, and Pierre chuckles.
"When all of this is done, we will go home, and we won't leave the bed for weeks, and you will die many times, and you will come back to me many times, Charles." Pierre's eyes shine with intensity. "I will bring you back every time, and then give you one more, and another, and another."
Charles nuzzles into Pierre's cheek. "You promise?" he asks softly, because he needs to hear it. Because he needs it to be true.
"I swear," Pierre replies. "I swear, my love."
Charles, despite everything, believes him.
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streakyglasses · 2 months
Just got my period, so prompt #49 on your intimacy prompts seems fitting! Would love to see #stris with this prompt, too. Currently rotting away and needing something to read lol
Hello!! Unsure if you’re the same as the last anon, but thank you if you are! I’m missing writing, too, there’s just a ton going on at the moment making it hard to actually finish anything. (lots of half-written angst/hc in the drafts rn + being absolutely stuck on aost) I’m hoping maybe rewatching the show will help cheer me up and turn the gears. Definitely missing Chris and Street a lot :(
2. so insanely real about rotting—same (and for the same reason). that said, idk if you were looking for street taking care of Chris on her period, but that’s what my brain assumed and I was too far into it to change when I realized maybe you meant a general illness 😅 (shameless plug of the two stris sickfics I do have on my ao3 if you were). anywho, i did lean in and manage to whip up a lil’ something that I hope fills the void/makes rotting slightly more enjoyable. untitled atm 🩵 below the cut!
For as independent as Chris is, being in a healthy, loving relationship with Jim Street means she can no longer hide one of her biggest desires behind walls of steel and fiery eyes. 
To be held. 
She’s always been liberal with physical touch, having no problem hanging off any of her former 20-Squad members when they hang out, or slinging an arm around her family after dinner. Street caught on early and took full advantage. It was easy in Black Betty’s close quarters, their legs and shoulders often brushing, and he wedged himself into her space around the table in Command during important debriefs. Her effort had to split between paying attention and not showing him how calm his warmth made her. 
He only gets clingier after they get together and he has full freedom to. His arms snake around her as she stands at the stove or the fridge, and their hands fit like puzzle pieces whenever they’re out together. She indulges him, tucking away how happy it makes her, and their shared smiles tell the other that they both know what’s going on, but neither are going to call it out. 
But the old habit of independence is one that still flares whenever Chris doesn’t feel well. Be it a sniffle or a hospital stay, the last thing she wants is anyone to see her weak, beyond her own sensibilities. So when one of the worst periods she’s had in recent memory falls upon her, all her instincts scream at her to hole up alone in her room and ride out the waves in isolation. 
She wakes with a groan on the second morning of it. Her cramps are already attacking her muscles, making it hard to sleep even though there’s another half hour before her alarm goes off. Hot water provides some relief, though not enough to squeeze herself into jeans when her leggings are clean. Despite not having Street stay over, secretly glad he drew the short stick on babysitting a minor drug runner in interrogation, his hoodie is still there from a few nights ago, and she tugs it on like it’s hers. 
Have a good day, love you. She shoots off the text, downs two painkillers, and holds back a groan when her body protests the weight of her backpack on her shoulder. Sighing, she grabs her keys from the hook and heads to her truck, hoping it’s an easy day at the safe house. 
Between her physical discomfort, the stress of 20-Squad’s mission as it played out on the news, and Marcos deciding it’s the perfect day to test her patience with the ridiculous claim that she can’t defend the safe house by herself if need be, it is not an easy day. Chris’s last hope clings on changing into sweats and curling up in bed with her lavender candle lit and some of her secret chocolate stash. Maybe, if she’s still feeling this shitty by the time she gets home, a good cry and a comfort movie. 
Her plan crumbles when she spies Street’s bike in the parking garage. Suddenly, her anxiety spikes as her head starts spinning with ways to not show him how bad she’s feeling. 
Not that he doesn’t know—her mortification at having to ask him to get her extra box of tampons from the guest bathroom still enough to make her cheeks burn red and not—but it’s never been this bad. Under mounting exhaustion, she doesn’t have the energy to grant it too much thought, and settles for muddling through the night of her hormones wreaking havoc on her, with elbows and knees if she has to, quietly. 
“Hey, Babe!” Street calls from the kitchen as soon as he hears the door open. “Lasagna’s almost done.”
Glancing over his shoulder, he notices the tight set of her smile and the slight flush on her cheeks. He narrows his eyes but she’s down the hallway too fast for him to notice much else. His worry grows when she hasn’t returned five minutes after the oven dings, and the dish is abandoned on the stove while he quietly closes one of the cabinets, slipping something into his pocket, and knocks lightly on her door. 
As hard as she tries, her walls tumble down the moment she’s in the comfort of her bedroom. She doubles over, gripping the vanity for strength, when a new wave of cramps crashes over her in the bathroom, and she can’t lie to herself enough to think anything sounds appetizing. Her intentions are still to change and go meet Street at the table, but she sits on the edge of her bed for a second to gather herself, and winds up under the covers before she can stop herself.
“Chris? Baby?” He says through the door. “Can I come in?” 
The groan-whimper that escapes as she curls into an even tinier ball is all the answer he’ll accept, pushing the door open. His face softens at the sight of her, laughing at how she tries to bury herself under the covers like that will keep her from seeing her. 
A big part of him wishes she could just let herself accept the comfort she gives everyone else, but he respects and loves the fighter in her too much to ever make an issue of it. Instead, he parks himself on the edge of her bed and pulls a small piece of chocolate out of his pocket, the crinkle catching her attention. 
“Think this’ll help?” He teases, smile growing at the furrow of her brows. “I may’ve hid in the hallway after the last grocery trip until I saw your hiding spot.” 
“You’re the worst,” she says gruffly, but rips open the wrapper and savors the sweetness all the same. It’s a salve on her heart. Nerves calming at his correct read on the situation, he drops a kiss to her forehead and stands. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
He keeps his promise, and brings a laundry list of items with him. A tub of chocolate covered almonds is set next to a mug of peppermint tea on her nightstand. Fishing around the drawer, he exclaims victory when his hand curls around the familiar plastic of a lighter that he uses to light the candle on her dresser so a light layer of lavender fills the space, enough to soothe but not make eyes water. Finally, he plugs in the heating pad and hands it to her to adjust it to where she wants, and then pulls back her comforter to drape the lush green quilt, something Helena knit before she was born that’s long been her favorite blanket, in its place. The comforter does cover that, but she fists the knit up to her neck, settling into it. 
Satisfied that she’s taken care of and sure she wants a few moments, he leaves her again, just long enough to eat. The lasagna is as delicious as he expected, and he’s glad she’ll have something hearty whenever she does feel like eating. With a bottle of water tucked under his arm, he heads back to her room, not even bothering with a knock this time since he heard the familiar dun dun come down the hallway. 
She’s half-propped on the pillows, the cord of the heating pad making it clear she’s situated it over her stomach. The empty bowl and mug are a relief, and he wastes no time sliding in next to her. Relishing the feeling of being in bed next to Chris, a feeling that will never get old no matter the circumstance, he lets the weight of his own day fall off into nothing. 
“Do you need anything else?” He murmurs, and kisses her head. 
“No, thank you.” Chris’s voice is small, an edge of shame to her tone, and he just pulls her from the pillows to lean against him, and meets their lips again. 
“Let me know if you do. Law and Order, really?” 
Nudging him, she gives up quickly in favor of crossing her legs over his. His arm around her is the nicest thing she’s felt all day, she realizes, and the only thing she wants to feel for the foreseeable future. 
“Don’t make fun of me.” She mumbles into his shoulder, eyes fixed on the screen. He finds one of her hands and intertwines their fingers, squeezing.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” When he tries to part them so he can draw tender circles on her stomach, she lets out a noise of protest and tightens her grip. He switches to grazing his thumb over her knuckles, a motion as constant as the waves. 
They make it halfway through the episode until a new knot forms inside her lower abdomen and she curls forward, struggling to breathe deep and slow. Street follows her body with his, as if he can form a wall of protection around her. 
“I’m sorry, Baby,” he whispers in her ear. “It’ll pass.”
She focuses on his voice and nods. Gritting her teeth, it takes a moment, but it does pass, and she straightens up with a low breath. His fingers rake through her hair while her bones creak back into place.
“Thanks.” She whispers, hating the tears in her voice but not enough to try to fight them. And then she adds, “for being here.” 
Cradling her face, heart swelling at how she leans into his touch, he finds her gaze and pours as much love as he can through his own. 
“I’ll always be here. I love you.” 
Their limbs tangle until she’s swathed in his embrace, his presence around her as soft a cloud that fills all her cracks and turns them to gold. She cracks a small smile as old habits start to thaw. 
“I love you, too.” 
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froggibus · 2 years
can you write something along the lines of genji helping the reader confess to kiriko
Help From A Friend - Kiriko Kamori
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kiriko Kamori x reader, platonic! Genji Shimada x reader
Genre: fluff!
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: when Genji discovers your crush on his childhood friend, he’s determined to make sure the two of you end up together
CW: genji being overbearing, reader being stubborn, evil plots, soft! Kiriko, platonic! Genji, incredibly fluffy lol
this one took me embarrassingly long to write because I kept getting sidetracked and writing about genji instead lol. also I have tons of requests for Kiriko + Shimadas rn so expect lots of that this week…enjoy <3
“Come on, y/n!” Genji urges you, “what do you have to lose?”
“My dignity? My pride? Self-respect?”
He rolls his eyes, “self respect is overrated.”
You glare daggers at him. You’re only in this debacle because you accidentally told the youngest Shimada about your feelings for his childhood friend, and now he wouldn’t let it go. 
He’s been urging you to ask her out all day, claiming that you guys would make the perfect couple. “You would be so good for her! She needs someone good right now.”
“No!” You scowl at the puppy dog eyes he’s attempting to give you, “I said no, and that’s final.”
You think that’s the end of the discussion of your crush on the Kamori girl, but Genji is a persistent motherfucker. Even long after you’ve left your home, he’s thinking of ways he can get you to confess with her. Not only did Genji now know about your feelings for Kiriko, but he had been on the receiving end of Kiriko’s rants about how perfect you are for the better part of a year.
He was doing this for himself just as much as he was for the two of you. Or, that’s what he told himself at least.In reality, he just couldn’t help but cause chaos.
Genji approaches you the next day, “y/n!”
“What’s up?” 
“So about Operation KK—”
You’re rolling your eyes and walking away from him before he can even finish speaking. The ninja is much faster than you, though, and catches up to you in an instant.
“Come on!” He tugs on your arm, “there has to be something I can do to convince you to tell her!”
“Can’t you just drop it?”
“You know I can’t.”
You groan. “But I can’t just ask her out. It’s gotta be like, special or something.”
“Let me help you,” he wraps an arm around your shoulders and starts guiding you to your room, “I know everything about her. I’ve known her her whole life.”
You reluctantly agree despite the uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You know it’s just nerves, and you really do want her to be your girlfriend, but the idea of even asking her makes your head spin. 
An hour later and you’re laying on the floor of your bedroom. Genji is perched in your desk chair, rattling off ideas at you. 
“She loves foxes,” he says. “Although I think that one was kind of obvious.”
“I mean that’s kind of her whole thing.”
“She loves junk food, too.”
“Everyone likes that though.”
He sighs, “I really thought I knew her better than this.”
“It’s okay,” you shrug. “Maybe it’s just not meant to happen yet.”
“No! You can’t give up, y/n. There’s gotta be something we haven’t thought of yet.”
“We’ve thought of everything, though! What more does she like?”
Suddenly Genji’s eyes light up, the lightbulb inside his head finally turning on. He leans in close, and whispers his plan to you. 
It’s absolutely brilliant. 
The next night, sometime after dinner, you ask Kiriko if she wants to go for a walk with you. The girl is more than happy to agree, even getting somewhat flustered that you asked. 
“Any particular reason you wanted to do this tonight?” She asks. 
You shrug. “Just feel like it’s been a while since we caught up, you know?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
You lead her through the city, trying to get to the highest point before sunset. Genji and you had been there earlier already, setting up the surprise he had in store. You’re almost surprised at how insightful Genji’s idea is, and you can’t wait to show Kiriko. 
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” you smile. 
“You know, if it was somewhere far, we could have taken my bike.”
You flush a little at the thought of riding on her bike with her, your arms around her waist, the warmth of her body pressed against yours. You shake the idea out of your head, trying to keep your focus on what lies in store for you tonight. 
“We’re almost there,” you assure her, and begin the final approach to your destination. 
It’s on the hill above Kanezaka, overlooking the whole city. From here, you can see all the streetlights and lights from the insides of houses. It’s a view that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, and based on the look on Kiriko’s face, she feels the same way. 
There’s a thick quilt laid out on the plush grass, a bag full of junk food in the middle of it. Genji had helped you select all of her favorite things for tonight. 
You settle in on the blanket, facing the night sky above the city. Kiriko follows your lead, plopping down on the blanket so close to you that you can feel the heat radiating off of her body. 
“Y/n,” she beams, mouth agape at the sight. “Is this..did you do all this for me?”
You nod, unable to contain your smile. “I, uh…damn, this is hard.” You swallow hard and continue, “I wanted to ask you something.”
“And what would that be?”
You rest your head over top of hers, your heart pounds against your rib cage. The blood rush to your ears is so loud you can barely hear your own voice over it. “Kiriko, will you be my girlfriend?”
Her cheeks glow red and you swear you see her eyes light up. “You—you really want me to be your girlfriend?”
You bite your lip and shake your head. You can see the flush spreading across her whole face and down her neck now. 
“Yes!” She’s so ecstatic she practically pounces on you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. 
The force of the hug knocks you flat onto your back, but you don’t mind one bit. Kiriko’s your girlfriend now. It finally happened. 
She pulls back. “Wait—why did you have to take me all the way up here to ask me that?”
“Well…” you say sheepishly, but you’re saved by the first round of fireworks going off. 
They’re bright red, just like the colour of the jacket Kiriko wears. You can see the reflections of the fireworks in her big, brown eyes. 
“These are for me?”
You know it’s now or never. You gently cup her warm cheek and lean in, pressing your lips to hers. It’s gentle at first, hesitant even. Kiriko reciprocates the movement, putting one of her hands on the back of your neck and tugging closer. She moves against you, soft lips on yours. 
When you pull away, Kiriko is grinning. “You're the best, y/n.”
You grab her hand, “I’m only as good as my girlfriend.” 
You’re on the way home from your date when Kiriko asks you something that’s been on her mind the whole time. “How did you manage all that?”
“I had a little help from a friend,” you smile. 
Somewhere in the darkness, Genji Shimada cheers to himself. His plan worked. 
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chonnysinferno · 5 months
tumblr deleted my ask :( anyway first n most importantly, could you listen to bopgil https://youtu.be/rORI1sZM-9I?si=wwaYyY82DnO9VLHk
anyway can i send you odd asks more often
anyway anyway i thought that was a completely one sided thing like. yeah. sometimes i just rotate people in my mind for a bit n then stop . pokes you with stick
juke’s towers of hell is a tower styled obby game. while you may be cascading down the social spiral, perhaps you will be able to ascend one of these trauma inducing towers
my head hurts so much but i got fries i think it’s because of malnutrition i don’t eat enough
fuckin like. i made a vaguepost about you. just two star crossed tumblr users. i guess that’s probably weird whatever
at first i saw cjshippers on your dni and i was like ok. goodbye then. and then it’s just like that one time you horribly interpreted my post about aro mind which i definitely said in a way liable to misinterpretation when i maintagged it aka i should’ve known better and then someone i admired at time took your misinterpretation n that was so fear and then i avoided you and now you are just like. oh it’s that person again. in my notes. on occasion. youre a cryptid tawa mi… i spin my pencil sometimes. badly. so sometimes when i am thinking now i get the urge to spin my pencil and i am thinking abt it right now. spinning fry gets fry seasoning in my hands so. i wrote loveless aro heart but it’s in a fic i definitely didn’t intend platinically. it’s this thing right. shipping is so weird because i’m aromantic and when it comes down to it, the difference between romance ala romance just seems like wording. a label. cause friends can do everything that partners can and there’s no depth difference so like wh huh? i call it a shipfic but it could be considered as just thing different than how i usually write thing like. i make them kiss. whatever. i focus on how close an intimate they feel. but i could also do that when romance li lon ala. so. allos are so weird to me. still figuring out what i think of the word love but still. allos……. ? ? ? anyway writing relationships where it not being love ISN’T A FLAW is so so enrichment i should do it more
pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick pokes you with a stick hiiiii hi hi hi hiii
it’s like the mutual i would usually send writing asks has established it likes ‘weird violence’ and complicated dynamics n such so i can send stuff w/o fear i know it a little bit however i don’t know. what is up. with you. i literally saved something i sent to it so i could just put that here however that feels like cheating and or betrayal. you turn the corner to your kitchen and i’m standing there. consuming ice very loudly and aggressively. recklessly even. ‘so do you think about the transient nature of any positive hms relationship’, i ask. what do you do (also i have plugged my own ice maker in btw)
also i’ve already convinced three (3) mutuals to watch centricide so if you do i will feel even more powerful like ohhhh wawa mi li kama suli…. surprisingly they didn’t eviscerate me very cool
it’s like showing up to the function like oh so you rbed that post you like those types of relationships. writes something down. ok so can i write about [paragraph redacted cause i realized maybe there’s a reason you shouldn’t put gore and cannibalism in someone’s inbox without permission. so can i put gore n cannibalism in your inbox :3]
NEW CENTRICIDE THEORY: radcen is called the ringleader of the centrists cause he
i forgot the joke fuck
i am so sorry im like. drawing funny objects (when im not supposed to0 be but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH shhshshshshhb) and watching centricide rn sodfsdfkjkljddmklslmk im like. really scatterbrained im sorry HGAHAHGHAS yea im already watching it btw feel more poiwerful in return you should watch hfjone if you havent tho. like a trade of interests i get into yours you get into mine >:-)c sorry for like. misinteruptting that one post that one time. hides away i n shame i think that was like. the time i actually knew you existed. for a negative reason ^_^''''''''''' i try not to think about it cause i dont think ur still mad at me for that. hopefully this is goign to be like not arranged in the order of the ask (aka im not reading this in the way this is written. things are being answered in a way that makes no sense) PLEASE SEND ME ASKS even if they are odd. actually the odder the better im going to be honest with you i do not get much interaction askwise so. it brings me joy it wasnt a one sided thing LMFAO i guess i can see why ud see that. no its weird idk whats going on anymore. hi tho!!! is continously poked with a stick. youch. twitches like a bug uhjhmmhmhmhmh ill try jtoh i rememebr you ranting about it sometime but i dont rmemeber any of it i am so sorry also dont vaguepost about me. coward /JOKE that is funny thjo HAHAHAH also eat more. or i will find you. dont malnourish yourslef /silly idk about the shipping thing. i dont get shipping either im going to be honest with you romance is like. just not understandable to me??????????? i cant comprehend why this happens. what is romance continues to be poked more. stares at you i dotn know whats up with me either maybe someone else knows. i dont know much about myself so ^_^ being called a cryptid is probably the best way to describe me i feel. yeag put anything you want aslong as its not. nsfw or smth. ill smite you also can i have some ice pls ice is great wdym by relationship do you mean like. platonic??? romantic????? what do you mena byt his i think ive answered everything i keep having 2 scroll up LOL also edit (once again i know) i did enjoy the video link u sent thank u
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blackknight-100 · 1 year
Hey! Hi! Hello! How are you doing? I just found your blog and I absolutely love it. Your laxman Kumar ficlet was so haunting, I just had to come back and read it. Would you mind writing an Abhimanyu lives au? It's alright If you don't want to or if you're busy or if you're not taking requests rn, but I'd love to see the way you imagine it. The post about feeling inadequate as a writer has resonated immensely with me and motivated me to start writing again, so thanks!!
Hey there!
Firstly, thank you for looking through my blog, and taking the time to leave a message. I am so glad you liked the fic and that you read it again!
Secondly, congratulations on finding the motivation to write again! You have no idea how happy I am that I could help even a little bit. And as a writer who (for some reason) can presently write nothing longer than one-shots, I hope you find the exact words you need, that you have no typos, and that all your ideas arrive whenever there is writing materials/devices nearby. I hope you will remain immune to writer's block, and write the story that satisfies you. Good luck!
Thirdly, for your story, I wasn't particularly certain whether you wanted a general tragedy or a comparatively happy ending, so i wrote two for you (even if the second became gratuitous K&D). The first one is in this post, and the second one here.
1. Drona watches the Kaurava army descend on Abhimanyu with a horrified misery he has not known since his fight with Drupada. The young warrior is every inch his father’s son, and every time Drona glances at him he sees Arjuna instead. Arjuna – as a young boy, chariotless and bowless, pressed from all sides by enemies thrice his age, bloody, broken but unbowed.
When Abhimanyu had charged into the chakravyuha, he had cut down soldiers so swiftly and so devastatingly that the spinning arms were all but destroyed. Now the same warrior lies on the ground, delirious and dying.
The feeling that stirs in his chest is not quite mercy, neither is it compassion, but a strange amalgam of pity and longing. He furtively looks around. Of all gathered, the kings of Gandhar and Anga are most likely to challenge him. The other Kauravas he can quell, and Ashwatthama and Kripa are his family. But the two kings are kneeling beside Duryodhana, who sits still and lifeless beside his fallen son. ‘Already a child has left us today,’ Drona thinks, although neither Lakshmana nor Abhimanyu are young enough to be a child, ‘and sundown is close. This valiant one must live another day.’
It is with this resolve he picks up Abhimanyu from the ground, and walks towards the Pandava camp. His feet grow lighter every step of the way.
2. The Pandava brothers fall at his feet when he brings to them their glorious child. Arjuna, having deposited his son in the makeshift ayuralay, tearfully clings to his hands.
“Do not leave, Aachaarya, I beg you. Duryodhana will not forgive you this,” he weeps. “I pray you, do not leave us alone.”
Arjuna is not wrong, but Drona will not leave Ashwatthama alone to shoulder his follies.
Krishna, standing alone in silent vigil at the tent flap, gives him a sorrowful look. “Why did you do that?” he asks.
“Should I not have brought back Abhimanyu?” Drona can hear the incredulity in his own voice.
Krishna shakes his head. “Arjuna will take no vow.”
“I’m sure he will vow whatever you want him to do,” Drona tells him. Arjuna and Krishna’s friendship is well known.
“You do not understand,” he says, cryptic as ever, before walking away.
Bewildered and a little frightened, Drona walks back to the Kaurava camp with leaden feet.
3. At the entrance, there is a motley group waiting for him. “Look who comes,” Shakuni sniffs.
Duryodhana, eyes red and leaning heavily on Dushshasana's shoulder, gives him a scowl so fearsome that he shudders. Karna rubs his back, murmurs something soothingly. The Crown Prince shakes his head. “Guards,” he calls, “arrest him. Take him to Hastinapur. Let His Majesty, my royal father, judge his treason.”
Ashwatthama sobs a little. “Duryodhana, please,” he says.
Duryodhana whirls around at him. “I could have him killed right now,” he says. “My son died today, and yet Abhimanyu still lives. This is all the mercy I can offer you, my friend.”
Ashwatthama bows his head. Drona sinks to his knees and weeps.
4. The fourteenth day dawns bright and clear, and Arjuna, angry with the assault on his son, prevails upon Krishna to charge into the Kaurava ranks.
The first person he meets is Vrishasena, chasing after his brother, and cuts him apart like a reed by the Yamuna – right in front of his father. Next he finds Karna, and the memory of Draupadi’s sorrow burns in his mind.
“To him Madhav, to him!” he insists, but Krishna has already turned the chariot away.
Karna taunts him as he chases them, but his charioteer is no match for Krishna, so in the end, he challenges him to a duel.
They fight long and hard, and nearly exhaust every weapon that laws of battle permit them to use. The other soldiers gather around to watch them fight. Finally, from the depths of his shattered chariot, Karna retrieves a long shaft with a glittering tip. Krishna immediately swings his vehicle away.
“What are you doing?” he asks Madhav, harsher than he had intended. Madhav doesn’t answer.
But he doesn’t need to. Karna has lifted the shaft to his bow. “Vajra of the Devaraj, smite the youngest of Pritha's sons,” he commands, “and do not let him rise again.”
The shaft catches him on his neck, for Krishna still hasn’t turned the chariot. Arjuna falls, and Madhav lets out a haunting wail he will remember for the rest of his life.
Through excruciating pain and mind-numbing panic, he hears Karna walk up and say, “Tell your aunt, Dwarkadheesh, he will live to see another day.”
(Nakula is expressionless when he speaks. “The wound will not heal, but he will live. Though I do not think, he will rise again.”
His brothers, wives, mother and friend all look relieved.
“Small mercies,” Madhav murmurs, but Arjuna thinks he would rather have death than be crippled evermore. )
5. “You did not kill Arjuna,” Duryodhana observes, even as they desperately try to kill Bheema's monstrous son. Karna shakes his head. “No, he acknowledges, “I didn’t.” “He killed Vrishasena.” “I know. I was right there.” Duryodhana bangs his mace on one of Ghatotkacha's fingers. The giant withdraws them with a roar. “So, why?” he demands. Karna's knuckles are white where he clutches his bow. “What greater shame than to have such talent and yet be crippled?” Duryodhana stops swinging and turns to him, unimpressed. “Do not lie to me Karna. Not you too.” “I’m not lying,” he insists, and turns to Ashwatthama. “Thama! What are you doing?” Ashwatthama is tying the soldier’s spears into one long shaft. “The ballista,” he tells them. “Get the bolt throwers.” In the end, it takes eighty three makeshift shafts, and twenty one bolts, but finally, Bheema's gargantuan son falls in a cloud of dust and smoke, and the Kaurava army cheers. Ashwatthama comes up to Duryodhana, kneels. “Please, Your Highness,” he mumbles, “my father…” Duryodhana lifts him up and hugs him close. “He will be alright, my friend.”
+1 Bheema screams well into the night, and it is music to Duryodhana’s ears. When morn comes, the grief-stricken father descends into the battlefield like Rudra reborn, and ravages more than a sixth of the Kauravas army. But rage is man’s one true enemy, and on the fifteenth day, Bheema falls to Duryodhana’s mace. His promises to his lady wife remain unfulfilled. The remaining Pandavas appeal for truce. Duryodhana offers them a palace deep in the forest – guarded by man and nature alike. Shalya whisks away Nakula and Sahadeva to Madra. Duryodhana lets them go. It is in his woodland prison that Yudhisthir settles with the women and children of his household and thus, the last of Pandu's line lies buried under broken oaths and promises.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
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✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
(prev) hmm, maybe Hair-Trigger? like, it got a good response, i'm very grateful to everyone who's read it ❤❤❤ i don't mean in a 'im looking for more hits' sort of way, i just really love Porsche & Kim as a duo and spin them around in my head like a shiny rock all the time. this mostly manifests in me spamming tortoise with Kim & Porsche snippets and thoughts that never seem to flesh out into proper fics, so Hair-Trigger has a special spot in my heart because it's my one finished Porsche & Kim fic and I want everyone to look at Porsche being extremely fond of Kim and Kim feeling all sorts of things about how fond Porsche seems to be of him (surely???? this is a trick????? he is so nice and smiley????????? a mystery)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i like them all!! i genuinely enjoy all "types" of comments for different reasons, it feels weird to rank them against each other. so long as the comment is excited to engage with me/gush over idiot nerds together, i'm excited to answer and chat with them (although, i am. very behind on my inbox rn. hjghjg im sorry friends, i promise i will respond even tho it might be v late 😂💦)
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
I've actually been rewriting a *checks date* 5.5 yr old yoi WIP (*winces*) for a while now. very slow as my attention gets drawn away, but i love epistolary fic and there's a funny satisfaction without pressure to re-writing it.
but the story rewrite that actually has been sitting on my head for...forever really, is my ft story Jinxed. i was very new to fandom/writing fic when i first posted it, and at the time i'd just posted what i wrote and then went "...wait, how the fuck do you write a multi-chapter story???" and i really psyched myself out of posting more for it.
however, it's always like...sat in the back of my head, even after the fandom bullshit and when ft went to shit. because i just...don't like soulmate/soulmark AUs. 😅 the reasons behind my dislike for the trope are uh...kinda long and extensive actually, so i'll save that for a different post if anyone cares enough to ask, but the premise in this story of two girls with mismatched timers who fall in love and choose each other anyways is one i'm extremely drawn to. and i'm still like, figuring out how to write long stories, and i'm never going to write again for ft, so whenever i look over the old story drafts and notes, i'm actually thinking about it as an original story. not one i've started and maybe i'll stumble into a fandom that i want to apply this premise to, but...after i figure out long-form stories, i really want to swing by this one again, if simply to have it stop haunting my brain every few months.
(rest under the cut because i am rambly lol)
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
hmm Silver for Truth is the obvious one since i whined about it taking a yr+ to write, but i think everyone understands when i say Tawan is an annoying ass bitch to write.
i'm actually going to cheat and say the freezer!Kim WIP i'm writing with @majestictortoise. there's a few different POVs in this story and one of them is Porsche's POV, and there is something about Porsche's POV specifically that i find very hard to capture. even when i know what i want from his arc and character struggles, post-canon Porsche carries around some conflicting beliefs and mindsets that i find really tricky to write, plus he's also a guy of action who's been forced to a standstill and i want to capture that trapped feeling without making it obnoxious. he's just tricky to me in a way that other characters aren't. (i actually ran into this issue with Hair-Trigger too, except it wasn't so hard because that's a fic about him Doing A Thing He Wants To Do, which is why i was able to write it within the timeframe i did. oh Porsche, ilu, why do u stick in my head so. orz)
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
everything? idk, my reaction after i post a fic is to either Stare At My Inbox or desperately try to distract myself from the fact that i Posted A Fic, which really go to show how secure i feel about my writing 😂 i try very hard not to let a fic's reception get to me when i post because i've been down that road and it's really bad for me. all fic i post is fic for me, but i haven't hit the carefree attitude of "idc what you think, its for me first and foremost" yet.
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
there's nothing that makes me want to give up on writing specifically. i wail and cry when stuff isn't flowing right, but like. so i had an irl thing run me over like a truck april/may of this year and it's bullshit kept spilling out through june and july too, so i had like no time or energy to write or even spend much time on fandom stuff for four months, and i went absolutely bananas. i need to do something creative to feel good, and writing is my favorite of those.
posting...posting is a different story 😂 weirdly if im chasing the high of posting a fic/the high of comments on fic, i dont like to post as much. the hill in my head is too much to get around, so that ig.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
*points up*
also prev
🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
...this is such a weird question lmao (not u, the person who made the question list should have deleted this). i've always found writing as a good way of examining my internal biases and preconceptions i might not have otherwise had opportunity to find and reflect upon so clearly, and i'm going to leave it at that.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
fuck if i know what my writing style is 😂
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
*curls up in more shy* hmm, i really like reading my own stories. like, i always have cyclic periods of "oh god this is garbage what the fuck was i thinking" feelings for each of my fics, but i know now that feeling is brief and it'll be gone soon enough and it will stay gone longer than it comes. the person who reads my stories the most is me, and the fact that i want to go back to read them again is really important to me.
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
i don't think i linger so much on the actual posting of the fic, but i return to my fics a lot and i've also started paying more attention to how much i post. i'm trying to find a balance between acknowledging that i posted stories vs "oh god, im not posting ENOUGH," but back at the turn of this year, i was really bummed that i didn't get as much posted during december as i had set out to do, specifically because i felt like 2021 had been a really strong year and i'd let myself down not finishing as many fics in 2022. then i actually checked my AO3 stats for 2021 to 2022, and realized i'd posted 4x as much in 2022 than i had in 2021. over 100k words altogether even!
i think i'm getting off topic, but between rereading my own stuff pretty frequently and trying to get a better grasp on how much i've actually posted vs what's in my head, i think i celebrate pretty often? idk 😂
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
characters!!! everything's built around the characters. i love worldbuilding, making up worlds is a lot of fun, but i worldbuild through the lens of "what am i interested in?" (which starts with characters) and "how does this affect x?" (because if it doesn't matter to/affect the character, it shouldn't be a priority to me). similarly, plots exist for me to put Specific Guys Into Situations. a plot can be objectively interesting, but i'm not going to stick to it if i don't care about the people going thru it, my brain just doesn't focus like that.
the actual writing of the story is lowest priority on my list. there's a lot of writing types i don't like, but i can muscle thru a lot in the name of a good cast or plot. similarly, i don't give a flying fuck how pretty or polished a writer thinks their sentences are, if the actual story is boring or OOC, i am not reading it. or i am reading it and bitching extensively in friends DMs, which is worse. 😂
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
honestly, hard for me to answer because i'm actively trying not to think about what sort of response i do get. i guess one that still amuses me quite a bit is the response to my fic Shining Dishonesty (howls moving castle AU for haikyuu!!). i love this story to bits and i really love the comments i have on it, but it's weird/funny to me because it's my most recommended and mentioned fic on twitter, but it's one of my lowest in terms of kudos & comments. idk what's up with that 😂
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
*big shrug emoji* nothing that comes to mind???
maybe Silver for Truth, just a little bit???? everyone got the message of "get fucked Tawan" but there was also a little more pity for Tawan than i'd expected. like, not really, because Tawan's annoying, but i don't know that everyone quite caught Khun's trap for Tawan in it. Tawan could've completely turned things around for Vegas and ruined Kinn's lie by confessing his own failures/betrayals and accepting the consequences, except Tawan puts himself before all others, even someone he claims to love.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
honestly? i don't remember the specific writing issues once something is done. even for something that takes me a while to write. usually my writing hang-ups are related to irl stressors. Pitch It was an extremely hard fic for me to write, but that was because it had a deadline attached to it while i was also trying to come up with money for a new car after my previous one was totaled 😂 and while i approach all stories with a vague plot in mind, it's purposefully vague so i can adapt to where's best for the story to go. that's the part i look forward to the most when writing lol.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
lol i don't even have to sort my stories to know which one is my least number of hits/kudos. it's by dawn's early light, which i wrote for the bnha myths zine, and it is literally one of my favorite fics i've ever written. there's some stuff i would've done differently now, but i liked it when i finished it, i liked even thru that fucking project's mess, and i liked it enough to post it after the project was finished, and that is probably the highest praises i can give that particular fic.
(this response probably doesn't make much sense to anyone who hasn't participated in a zine before and i'm not going to burden you with context if you haven't, but like. trust me. that's saying a lot 😂)
🍭why did you start writing?
to make a dick joke. i haven't changed.
💎why is writing important to you?
it's just fun. i really like doing it and i really like connecting with people over it/through it.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
i re-read the story about a bajillion times in that first week. you'd think i'd be sick of it by the time it's posted, but the satisfaction of having finished something changes the way i read it and i just bask in that.
📡why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
another terrible question in this otherwise nice questions list.
i like it, so i do it, and i'm lucky enough to have made friends through it.
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
i'm excited if anyone wants to make a podfic of my work and i give general permission for it, but it's not something i seek out specifically. i have very bad ears, it just doesn't really cross my mind.
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
*points up however many questions ago* it's very fulfilling for me and i like it a lot. i'm lucky enough to have also made connections to others by way of writing, but first and foremost is i enjoy the actual act of it.
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
maybe? idk, i leave comments because i like to leave comments. i like hearing back, but its not like im leaving a comment looking for that. wrong mindset for this question, u know?
☯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
*sighs* this fucking questionnaire maker lmao.
responding to fics is fun for everyone. it's a great way to make new friends if that's the fandom experience you're hoping for (same goes for responding to edits, art, etc). if you're anxious to start talking to people or leaving comments or whatever, take the babysteps you need to try to push and expand your comfort zone. and be gentle on yourself -- there's no "right" way to interact with fandom, and you don't have to be perfect at what you want to do right away either.
but if that's not the way you want to interact with fandom, you don't have to. there's nothing wrong with "lurking" and frankly i care about my stuff being enjoyed (even if i never hear about it!), not the ~proper~ way to be in fandom or whatever. furthermore, my healthy fandom experience is regulating and maintaining my own reactions to the reception (or lack of) i get when i post so that it stays fulfilling for me, and that's how i create my healthy fandom experience.
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
mostly i look inwards to see what exactly im dissatisfied with and examine why. there's plenty of stuff that i wish had a bigger reception, but i focus on things that i can control (what im happy with in a story, what i enjoyed about the process, talking about it more in my own blog space so people can choose to engage or ignore, etc) and push myself to that framework of mind. the worst thing you can do is focus on things you can't control, especially something as random and fickle as other people's reactions or a post/story hitting the trend wave just right.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
timeloop AU!! (prev)
timeloop AU will be 3 chapters + an epilogue. first chapter is Kim POV, the second one is Big POV, and third is Chay POV. Kim is the first one trapped in the timeloop. Big joins him later. Chay never does.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
in my fic Single Star Review, Khun goes to university and then starts seeking extra therapy help. i am Extremely excited for this one, but one of my favorite-favorite parts of it is Khun dismissively says "it's not like i can call Kim and gossip about boys" and Flop (the therapist, no that's not actually his name) asks Khun "why not" and Khun stares through a wall for a solid three minutes realizing hey, he CAN call Kim to talk about boys actually.
-later that night-
Khun: Kim! Kimmy-Kim my littlest kin! forget your other plans, tonight we are painting our nails and gossiping about BOYS
Kim: what the fuck
Khun: my therapist thinks i should try talking to you about stuff
(Kim is, ofc, over the moon and extremely excited when his brain catches up with his ears, even though he's a total little brother about it.)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Red Line fic is the first installment of a 4-fic series (tortoise is laughing at me for thinking it'd stop with 1). mostly because it immediately dived into one of my favorite variations for how Chay kills Korn.
Korn's death is not a fix-it.
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chocolate-hoarder · 1 year
i think one of my biggest pet peeves in fandom spaces, specifically where ppl create copious amnts of personal spins on original characters, is like,,, HEAVY mischaracterization. ofc have fun, i am in no way gonna comment hate and stuff under posts i don’t like but just a thought lol.
a lot of ppl, specifically in bigger communities (i’ll take voltron as an example off the top of my head) put characters in established tropes that are easy to manipulate and write in- again, nothing wrong with it i just don’t like it, not my preference.
say keith from vld- the guy was orphaned at a young age, has been self sufficient for a long time, matured way too early than the average kid in their setting, hasn’t necessarily needed support from anyone (aside from ofc emotional stuff but i’ll get to that). so many authors and artists infantilize him for no reason- not even gonna scrape the top of the whole fetishization mountain rn, an entire different topic whatsoever. same with pidge- they’re not a snarky sarcastic bitch that thrives when putting others down and accentuating their stupidity. they’re kind, are witty and sarcastic at moments yes but that is not their sole personality. people take characters that, more or less, have dimension to some degree in the original source and dumb it down to one, maybe two traits at best. not to say that the original source doesn’t have its flaws- hunk and lance have both been done dirty when it comes to executing character.
i love when people take characters and give them more substance, if you’re exploring lance’s self worth or whatever in your fiction i love you- things of that type. just don’t boil it down to his entire character being a loverboy who’s depressed behind the scenes.
this is majority of the reason why i rarely talk to anyone from the few big fandoms im interested in- the little communities of more niche stuff i like are usually filled with people who have the same type of outlook on character writing that i do hence why i rather stay in these silly goofy bubbles. i also stepped away from oc community based stuff cuz honestly.. so many tropes carry on to them as well- plus for some reason it always comes with unnecessary drama to boot.
idk just putting thoughts out there
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dimidiom · 30 days
okay okay so i watched the new alien movie with my family last night (ive only seen the first movie all the way through and seen a majority of the second one and thats pretty much all ive seen of the franchise SO) and i thought it was pretty good.
BUT, i have opinions on the end of the movie and more specifically the final monster, and ive been rotating ideas in my head all day so i need to get it out so im not just continuously ranting about this to myself. so im putting all of that under a read more cause i have a lot to say and want to avoid spoilers for people who havent seen the movie yet (note i only watched the movie once, and i would be the first to admit i have a bad memory so i might be misremembering things) (and i also cant remember any of their names, and i cant be assed rn to look them up lmao)
(also note, i havent read any of this over,so theres probably spelling errors and me repeating myself. i just needed to get this out of my head)
i havent really seen anyone elses opinion on the final monster guy but tbh,,,, i hated it?? like i understand the whole scary idea of 'it looked human, but something was off' (and thats just a trope i personally dislike for no reason lmao) but i feel like if youre making that be what makes your monster scary, give it a new spin? like, i literally missed the first major scare with that monster because i turned to make a joke to my sibling ('oh its a person!') i hate that the design was just a tall gangly pale human that you cant see the eyes of, because ive feel like thats something thats been done SOOOO many times before and ive gotten desencitised to it
and just,,, that coming after the heavy hitters of the facehuggers and the xenomorph was just a huge let down! (i will admit that showing the tail getting longer in each shot, was pretty cool) having a tall gangly pale man being the main monster just isnt scary anymore,, you could have done something original and something super new and scary. youre showing THAT right after the fucking xenomorph?? as the final monster??? its scary cause its tall and its eyes are shadowed over??
my whole thought was if they just leaned into the horror of pregnancy, it could have been so cool??? or something along those lines??? like take notes from RE8!! the baby!! in the doll ladies house!! that shit was discusting and terrifying and awesome! instead of having the monster be an adult male, have it be a scary babyyyy
or like take notes from the boss lady(?) from the second chapter of fate!! have the movie play out the same way, but have the main character hear the other lady screaming from off screen and then have her rush over, and gasp shes not in the cryopod! and have th mc panic and look around, but then sees her friend, seemingly perfectly fine, holding a baby in her arms.
theres some really cool ideas that come from the idea of the umbilical cord not being cut. like with the idea of the lady seemingly perfectly normal holding her baby, and that (those two combined) being the new monster. your still very human looking friend, and the monster that shes now attached to. thats not your friend anymore.
the horror of the idea of a monster wearing the face of a friend you couldnt save thats now hunting you down. her baby, the idea of which got the both of you so happy and excited just a few hours earlier, (who shes still connected to, still holding in her arms) being the monster that also ended up corrupting her that now is hunting you
or even if you decided that you wanted to keep the tall pale man as your new monster, give it a new introduction!!! imagine the first time we see it. it just failed a stealth attack against the mc because its still attached to the dead weight of its mom that its dragging behind it via the cord. and then we can have a visual scene where we can see the monster evaluate the situation (failed a stealth attack) find the problem (not stealthy, dragging dead weight behind it that i has no control over, no way to make it useful) and then find a solution (cutting the cord itself, or for a more visceral scene, destroying the body). so we can see it thinking and rationalizing and making a plan and following through. (and its casual disregard of humanity. of its own mother)
just like,,, fear of pregnancy, of childbirth, of babies. i feel like babies, as something to be scared of, should be used more in horror. that'd be cool.
or like,,,, change the ending up,,, have the movie do the same kind of twist the first alien movie did. introduce the audience to a character, audience assumes that character is the main character, and then at some point, kill that character and have a new character become the mc!!!!! like keep the final three people alive at the end of the movie, but do a twist where the mc dies and the other lady has to find a way out! have her not inject the prometheus fire thing, but have it be known that she lost time in that ship, so something could have happened to her, and play around with the idea of her having new trauma about having that baby. like dont say anything outright in the movie, but like, have it end with her not knowing what she wants to do now thats shed not fearing for her life. does she now have fears about something alien growing inside of her, fears of something mutating the baby? give her complicated feelings on what she want to do with that baby. like,,, would she even want to go through with giving birth after literally seeing a baby alien burst out of the chest of her friend. complicated feelings of 'maybe she didnt get away from romulus scott free, and somehow her baby was affect by it'
theres a post ive seen floating around tumbr about horror movies reflecting common fears at the time,,, playing around with pregnancy being the main horror in a movie,,,, isnt a bad idea,,,,,
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dynamimight · 6 months
cw: THIS IS NOT A FIC, the internet is simply my diary lmao. just a lil thing to get stuff about tumblr rn out of my head. read if you please, i also rly want to talk about this w/ppl 😭😭 (readmore bc i put this in fandom tags)
i recently have been feeling a certain kind of way about reading fanfic; if i find myself scrolling (bored/looking for fun stories as always) i kinda just quickly scroll through the whole page and give?? up??? like im not as excited as i used to be. this is for a few reasons:
1. i feel like a lot of fics are the same now 👍🏼 not a terrible thing, but i really look back to the quarantine era of "forced creativity" (a different conversation) and think about just how much people were writing; not to "give out content," but to truly explore an online writing community and do something that was worthwhile. the resurgence if the "[as]" trend on tiktok really put that into perspective for me: quarantine forced ppl to explore creativity, created job opportunities based on that (influencers/content creators as we now know them), and really pushed artistry to the point of basic normalcy. even though this was a cool kind of thing (seeing so many ppl create), our level of understanding art and its brilliance was lowered. which brings me to point 2-
2. a good amount of the "creative era" of quarantine was simply ppl replicating other ppl's original ideas, or straight out stealing them to add an extra topping of fame, bc ofc "everybody wants to be famous." my best examples of this are the two sides of the tiktok coin: dancing & damelio.
dancing became a big thing, and it made sense to start dancing trends; a trend is just popularity + replication. but charli damelio becoming famous for creating one of those trends and it later being stated that a completely different girl, jalaiah harmon, created it and had no recognition until the news came out?
and yes, she was on ellen, but that pales in comparison to the millions of dollars that the damelio family made bc of one instance of improperly following a trend.
and that's what i see now with multiple online spaces; they've become boring bc everyone is doing the same thing w/o giving proper credit to anyone. before content creation & whatnot became huge, no one irl would go around seriously saying tht they created some huge, celebrity-reach trend without being checked.
now, the difference between tiktok and fanfic pertaining to "trends" is based on power imbalance. no one is gonna believe a middle schooler saying that they started the trend of wearing skirts over jeans when it was very obviously some a-list celeb. in writing, you look to your favorite authors, poets, etc. and formulate your own writing style. whether that's word choice, plot format, or anything else you can cultivate to your own writing experience.
while you can always put your own spin on new dance/fashion trend, writing is different. you wouldn't put a spin on a classic in the same way: it would be a modern retelling, or smth symbolic of the original. adding an extra move is is not equal to adding an extra sentence. and that is what leads me to my final point-
3. writing is becoming/has became very formulaic. a good amount of fics in the most popular fandoms here follow a similar style. we see this with the short cycle of complaints that went around when the fic format of "short blurb with a group of character names under it" came about. along with the fact that the format probably came from the notoriously unoriginal & wattpad-esque booktok, everyone who wanted activity in their notifs was using that format. and so now, with every new group of teens that comes here to enjoy stories and explore writing, the new "trend" isn't a fully fleshed out story: it's like pushing out content.
i'm not complaining, and i'm not saying that everyone lacks originality. i enjoy whatever ppl put out bc i know that any form of writing comes from some place within. i am simply making a written observation of something i've noticed happen over the last couple of years- being a younger teen when it started, and now growing into the basics of adulthood.
the internet is my diary lol
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