#the way i handled mine i ended up deep cleaning the stairs and the living room
cheemken · 1 year
Thinking abt the Unova kids again, well, more on Hilda and Guarura really
Cause y'know, despite the fact that Hilda respects and supports Bianca's choices, that's gotta hurt Hilda y'know. Imagine being in love with one of your childhood best friends, someone who you confided with, someone who's seen the worst version of you and still loving you regardless. Yet that friend loves someone else, and you could only watch as the two of them be so soft and comfortable with each other, probably more so than you two will ever be. And Hilda's there watching them talk with the other Champions, the champions themselves were the ones who held this celebration, as they were proud of Iris for finally being with Bianca. And while everyone else mingled with each other, Hilda stayed in her table, eyes fixated on the couple down the other side of the venue. She watched Bianca smile at Iris, and man that hurt Hilda that she wasn't the one behind that smile.
It's Iris. Iris who's Unova's longest standing Champion, one of the strongest trainers in their region, part of the Masters Eight, a well known and powerful Dragon Master, the Hero of Fate. Iris who.. who's been cheated on by life over and over again, who they all watched be belittled and insulted and underestimated by almost everyone in Unova back then, who wasn't seen as a Champion and a Hero for years until she finally proved herself worthy. Who has been in Hilda's shadow for as long as she could remember... Oh... She realized, is this what she felt?
Too caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't notice someone sitting on the empty seat next to her, only when she felt a nudge on her side. Turning to see Sinnoh's Champion, Cynthia, smiling at her, a cup of ice cream in her hands. "You don't mind me sitting here, don't you?"
"ah, not at all, champ. It's nice to have some company."
Cynthia hummed, taking another spoonful of her ice cream, her gaze towards the bustling party before them, "so, what's got you down in the dumps? They didn't have your favourite ice cream flavour?" She laughed, earning a weak chuckle from one of Unova's Heroes.
Altho she appreciated Cynthia for trying to lighten up the mood, she just couldn't get her eyes off of Bianca and Iris. There's that ache in her chest again, then she sighed, "hey, champion.." she hears Cynthia hum in response, "have you ever loved someone but.. but they love someone else?"
Cynthia knew what she meant, Iris had mentioned Hilda a few times during their talks. Usually it's to praise Hilda and how great of a Hero she was, how she was a strong trainer, and one of her most trusted and closest friends. But she also speaks how Hilda was like a rival when it comes to Bianca's affection, and while Cynthia was proud of her, she also knows what Hilda felt. "I have. I know that feeling all too well."
Hilda for her part didn't expect a serious answer from Cynthia. From Iris' stories, Cynthia only becomes serious in dire situations, and to hear the somber voice of the Sinnoh Champion instead of a joke saying she has no time for love, really piqeud her curiosity. She turned to look at Cynthia, only for Cynthia to look at something, or someone, else, the cup she had was on the table now, her gaze soft yet yearning as Hilda followed where she was looking. And finally she saw them, the couple next to Iris and Bianca. Lance and Diantha, Iris had talked about them almost all the time, saying how they were like her parents. And finally it sunk in on Hilda.
"maybe in another world," Cynthia spoke again, catching Hilda's attention back to her, "she would've chose me. But.." she waved the wooden spoon in dismissal, "it is what it is. He won, and I lost. But at least y'know," she smiled, altho it held a small semblance of pain, Hilda could also see she was somewhat at peace, "it's someone who really loves her. And she's happy, even if it's not with me, she's happy and that's all that matters to me."
And ofc, Hilda understands that, she was happy for Bianca and Iris, truly. But she knows, despite the Sinnoh Champion being quiet now, she's letting Hilda feel the aching pain in her heart, letting her feel those painful emotions, before finding the solace in tomorrow's sun, knowing that despite it all, the one she loves was safe and happy with someone who loves her just as much
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thebestworstidea · 2 years
A hundred years--
I have mentioned writing a Witcher OC, and today I finished the fic. I think I"m going to avoid doing an in depth backstory for the others, because I accidently depressed myself. More notes at the end
South of Lyria there was a keep; ruling over fertile valleys and watching over two mountain passes, it was practically a small kingdom in itself. But the real wealth was hidden below. 
Beneath the keep there was a system of caves. Dark and deep, and full of salt, rather than precious gems or metals. Though hardly glamorous, it was a source of wealth, something that could always be traded for. It had fueled many a warlord, and bankrolled many a king, giving the lords that controlled it power and coin.
The upper caves, that had been thoroughly excavated were used for food storage, and even retreat in case of siege.  The lower caves were still being found and excavated, still a rich source for salt and stone. 
Prisoners and criminals had done almost all the digging, even the fanciful carvings on the columns that held the ceiling up, and the stairs that led from one level to the next. Most that went down into the mines didn’t come back up. 
One of the upper caves opened on an underground river, a direction unexplored by the mines, being more stone than salt. It served as a barrier to the lower mines, a water source for the keep, and swept away the bodies consigned to it, taking them away into the mountain. No one had ever bothered to map where it emerged. It was enough that it gave fresh water, and took the bodies away. 
For the most part those that lived in the  keep itself had little to do with the poor souls that labored in the mine down below. They might see the Lord of the Keep when they were sentenced, or they might not. While the mine created the wealth, the day to day function was something handled by guards and overseers. 
So the sight of a young, well dressed man accompanied by two guards so clean one might guess they’d never seen combat was something of a surprise. As the guards spoke to the overseers asking after a particular prisoner, the Lord looked around. Some of the columns that held up the roof were carved beautifully, some of the others were bare. Braisers and torches lit the space, even a few lamps- he was fascinated by a lamp placed in a niche in an otherwise undecorated column and how it glowed from within, and defused the light to the area around it. 
The miners didn’t really hold his interest. They were stooped, dry lipped, and sweaty if not dirty.  They were probably mostly men, but it would be impossible to tell from a distance, as they were all dressed nearly identically. Over time they were all ground down into the same basic mold and shape by the work and isolation. Muscular, pale, bowed from working in smaller places, and carrying large loads; scars covering their hands and arms, lips cracked and skin dry. 
The prisoner they were looking for soon proved to be the exception to that. Easily six feet tall, his skin clung to a faint color. A thick braid trailed down the strong back, the end tucked safely out of the way in a belt that had perhaps once had been sturdy leather. If it wasn’t, surely the braid would have been at the man’s knees. Other than that his clothing was the same worn tunic and trews as the other prisoners, feet wearing carved wooden shoes to prevent the stone and salt from tearing at them. His muscles strained the worn fabric, the cuffs of it barely covering thin chains wrapped around his wrists, another, around his neck. Only the most troublesome of workers had anything like that, and that was a thick leather band sewn tight around their wrists with a sturdy loop to attach a rope to. The chains didn’t look like they would do much to hold a man like that back though. As the guards watched, he took up a large basket that other workers had been filling, settling it on his shoulders. Only then did he look up. 
It wasn’t a bad face, he had a square jaw and expressive eyebrows, the right one bisected by a scar that trailed down his cheek and up towards his hairline. Like most of the men, he had a beard, the same dark gold-brown color as his braid, and another  scar flicked upwards over his upper lip. His eyelashes were thick enough whores might be jealous. But his eyes themselves were a gold from lid to lid, with an oblong vertical pupil like a barn cat’s. In a cat or kitten it would be cute, in a man it marked him as inhuman and sent chills down their spines. A Witcher, and more inhuman than most. His head tipped curiously at the grouping of guards and lord, especially as the lord flinched back, but he didn’t approach- instead turning to the path that would lead to the tracks and pulleys that brought the salt to the surface. Behind him, two men struggled to lift a basket of the same size he carried. 
Rather than interrupt, the guards and young lord followed along behind him, until the basket was emptied into a cart. They watched as he was granted a cup of water in exchange, before one of the guards stepped forward to separate him  before he shouldered the basket again. 
His cat’s eyes stared at the guard, and past him to the young man in too-good clothes. The young lord was doing a decent job of pretending not to stare, to not be afraid, but not good enough. It almost seemed like he was going to wait until the lord addressed him directly, though the guards were starting to bristle at his direct stare. 
“How may I help you my lord?” he asked finally, his voice was more dusty with ill-use than raspy, and rumbled a bit in his chest.
“You are the Witcher-” the Lord started and the other man looked around slightly before drawing his eyes back, the corner of his lips lifting as if to say ‘Is there more than one here?’   “The records of the keep say that the end of your sentence is nearly here.” the lord started. 
“Technically, I should have been freed afore now.” the Witcher agreed. “I was promised ten years off the sentence for dealing with hauntings in the halls above more than once.” He gave a twisted smile. “But that would hardly be the first time I’d been cheated out of a payment.” His head dipped. “My apologies for the interruption. I am understandably excited for my impending freedom at last.” 
“Well you see when you were sentenced to a hundred years in the mines, no one had even lived twenty. No one expected you to live.” unusually candid that was. The older of his two guards wrinkled his nose, in a near wince. 
“Do the records say why I was sentenced?”
“You killed the lord of the castle.”
“Nothing of why?” 
“Ah, that would have been lost swiftly and a’purpose, I suppose.” 
“So, ah, we’re- the lord my father- ah- he’s adding another two hundred years.” 
The Witcher tensed slightly, and his shoulders drooped, something resigned in the posture. 
“I see.” 
They were grateful when his cats eyes closed. The guards stared at the broad width of his back nervously. 
“Would you like to know?” He asked. 
“What?”The young lord startled, taking a half step back.
“Would you like to hear about what I found, looking for missing children? How many wives had come and never left? What monster I found?”
“That’s enough.” one of the guards managed. They stepped between the Witcher and their young lord. “You’ve been told what was needed. More than enough courtesy for the likes of you. Get back to work.” 
He frowned, pupils contracting to a thin line, focused. 
“Hmn.” He grunted. He kept staring for a moment. “Two hundred more, you say.” At last he looked at the ground, and heaved a deep sigh that shuddered through his muscular frame. The guards tensed again, but he merely shouldered the basket again, and trudged away. 
The next morning, the Witcher did not wake. Briefly, the guards debated selling the body to a mage, but in the end, the body was treated like any other, at the order of the Master of the keep. A sad ending to a strange tale. They stripped him of the metal chains, the guards warily holding swords on the body as the dimeritium was removed. But the Witcher stayed dead, not popping up.  It was unlikely that they’d need them again, but the metal itself was valuable. They left the body with the dignity of the worn thin garments.  It wasn’t as if anyone else would want to wear them. Like many before him, he was consigned to the deep canyon and its’ rushing river. The body of the Witcher tumbled downward, and no one noticed a flash of gold as it hit the water, or gave it another thought. 
In a small secluded valley filled with bones, a figure crawled onto the river bank, and set his broken arm, holding it in place as he lay back on the rocky edge, following the path of the water up to where it emerged from the mountain, tumbling in a waterfall taller than a house, before crashing in a roar to a water-carved basin. 
“Well. That was easier than it could have been.” He lay there in the sun, letting it dry his skin and clothes- even more tattered now from the rushing waters and times he’d collided with stone walls. It had been a risk. He could have ended up drowning far beneath the mountain, trapped in cold dark waters that never saw the sun.
And yet here he was, the brilliance of the light burning his eyes, even through the lids, skin free of salt for the first time in years- decades even. The air might smell faintly of decomposition but it was fairly fresh. He might heal faster than a normal man, but he still lay there, eyes shut until the shadow of the mountains passed over him. Then he got to his feet, arm tucked into his tunic to support it, not quite ready for use. He wished he could afford more rest, but in a boneyard such as this, necrophages were practically a given, and he was unarmed. 
Through the peaks of the foothill-mountains, he could see the outline of the keep. He knew his swords, his medallion were there. When they fetched him up to deal with the specters that kept popping up, like locking a mouser in a pantry, he was allowed the silver sword to deal with them. Just once, he had seen where it was kept, two swords, mounted like a trophy head. And as if anyone could mistake them for anything but a Witcher’s swords; the glimmer of a pendant hung beneath. 
So really the first problem was getting back into the keep. 
As he climbed he gathered what little edible material he found- it appeared to be summer, from the wild growth on the slopes, and further up, there was still sun on the ridges to warm his shoulders and finish drying the long braid that hung down his back. When he encountered food- late blueberries, juniper berries, even a small lizard that had frozen in place instead of running for its life, he ate them without pausing. 
By the time the moon rose, he was overlooking the keep and the village below. Avoiding the well lit areas, the Witcher skirted around it, healing arm still tucked against his possibly cracked ribs. The thought of skulking about, stealing food and supplies from the village occurred to him, and was just as easily dismissed. He had no reason to take from them. 
He’d come from a mining community once. It wasn’t much of a memory; songs as the workers descended into the earth, praying for safety and return. Songs welcoming them back, praising their hard work and thanking gods for their safe return. Enough to know where he had come from, when he heard echos of them as he passed similar settlements. It wasn’t like that in the salt mines, there was no pride just desperation and depression. He supposed they could have paid laborers to do the work, but criminals turned slaves was less of an expense. A handful of skilled miners to be overseers were all that was needed, and they lived here, valued but not part of the keep’s staff. The families of the guards lived there as well, and the edges had the families that farmed the valley. 
It was the coldest part of the night- not that cold, by his reckoning, they were perhaps a month from barley harvest- that the Witcher reached the wall of the keep. It was well built, but not as well maintained as it could have been. Bruised and cracked he might be, but he could manage to clamber over the wall. It hurt, of course, and it probably did the healing no favors. He thought fondly of potions; foul though they might be. It was just as well, his tolerance would be terrible. 
It was too late for even the most dedicated worker, but still too early for the servants to start work, leaving the dark halls empty. He could follow the path he’d been walked along the first time he entered the keep, to the wood furnished room where the Lord tended to his work. His luck held out and it wasn’t locked. The swords and medallion hung over the mantel, right where he had last seen them, and it took will power to continue moving slowly, taking them down. The sheathes might have hung with them, but it was clear that no one had bothered to maintain the blades more than keeping them dust free.
Yason tried not to relax as he felt the weight of his medallion settle in place, the familiar curves and spikes of the gryphon familiar in his hand, even after all this time. His swords were shouldered, and he turned to the lord’s desk. A brief search turned up a recent correspondence, and a not insubstantial amount of coin. That drawer was locked, but the key was in a covered dish on the desk, hardly hidden.  
The coins tempted him, sorted neatly in trays waiting for storage. Not for the hundred years of toil beneath the mountain, but the fair pay for the first of the wraiths he’d put down. What he had been promised, so many years ago, before he’d made the choice to keep more from being made by the actions of one man. Not even for the ones that he had been set to lay while he’d been under sentence, hard battles without the aid of the proper oils and signs. Just the first. 
It would hardly be stealing. 
With no horse, no bow and no armor, not even a pair of boots, Yason let his morals bend a bit, and counted out exactly the amount of coin he’d been promised, a number that had stayed in his head, even through the years of labor.  
The supplies and generous bag of salt he liberated from the pantry on the way out were more a petty act of vengeance, and he accepted it. He doubted all of his teachers would object to it. Yason also took the dimeritium chains, having found them laying below the medallion and swords as if they were another trophy.  
By the time the sun rose over the keep again, Yason was back in the mountains. While he felt some satisfaction at not taking a violent way out, a small dark part of him, which had been long subdued by honor alone wished that he had. That he had been savage. Or that he had never accepted the punishment they assigned after he killed that first horrible Lord, who had been attempting to manipulate chaos with no natural talent, but through ritual and hearsay and the blood of children- some of them even his own. He had deserved a worse death than he’d had; and his surviving son was better, but only just. The ones that followed were only as corrupt as any lord, and seemed convinced that Yason deserved his sentence. He could have fought his way out at any time; the chains were not so thick that he couldn’t have snapped them with just the strength in his body. Those at the keep had probably thought him a tame thing; a monster in the basement, one of the guards had said- and that was at least two lords ago. The days Yason had counted, (three thousand five hundred and five) waiting to see sky, but the years and months were a little harder to parse. 
But he hadn’t. 
Now, Yason wasn’t entirely sure why. The fact they’d actually given him a trial like a normal human was part of it. But the sentence hadn’t been normal. A hundred years was a long time, even for a Witcher. 
The coins didn’t go as far as he hoped. Yason wasn’t surprised, really, that happened. But they got him some second hand clothing, even boots that were in fairly good shape; good enough they’d probably been looted from a battle somewhere. With a shirt and jerkin instead of just a bare tunic, he looked less like an escaped prisoner, though no one seemed particularly confident in his abilities as a Witcher. 
Fortunately in a way that was absolutely not, people who needed Witchers rarely had options. The small contracts he could safely take were a good warm up, having fought nothing but prisoners taking the piss and wraiths for a long time, he was out of practice. It came back to him faster than money came in to buy armor or other supplies. 
In the meantime he headed north, like a magnetized needle. Through Temeria and Redania, following an instinct more than a map. 
It didn’t surprise him that he didn’t encounter any other Witchers, not really. There were always too few of them.  
But as he grew closer, he wondered, fall was deepening and the monsters were going into hibernation surely he’d encounter someone also heading back. Even before his imprisonment he hadn’t returned in years; he’d been working too far south to make the journey. 
Even in the mountains, he could catch a whiff of the sea salt air when the wind blew in the right direction. Yason could remember climbing further up the mountain in his youth, and seeing the sea glinting on the horizon. The keep itself was hidden from view by the rills of the mountain, and always seemed to appear as if by magic when the last rise was topped.
Kaer Saren did not appear. There was a gash in the landscape, collapsed cliffs, tumbled stone and broken earth that had not yet healed. If he looked closely he could see worked stone, and signs of long-past digging. At some point, the Gryphon’s roost had been destroyed, barely a standing wall to be seen. 
The line of it was even and measured, with that much power it should have continued further, but it swept down and over, then crumpled into a line, like dirt left by a lazy broom. 
As night fell he saw a watchtower in the distance, bedraggled by climbing plants, but still standing- far enough away from the landslide that it hadn’t been touched. He made for it, dazedly looking back over his shoulder from time to time.
There didn’t seem to be anyone in the stout tower. The door was shut tightly, with a puzzle lock to keep it so, helped by slightly swollen wood of the door itself. Inside the air was stale, no one had been there for a long time. 
Holding igni in a small flame, he saw a bit of debris in the fire place, and mouse-gnawn cabinets. A lamp hung on the wall still had fuel in it’s reservoir, and choked to life at the application of flame. 
Carefully ascending the creaking wooden stairway that hugged the wall, he passed by empty chambers with a few bits and pieces of partially broken furniture, and further up to the outlook level. It wasn’t a tall tower, perhaps fifty or sixty feet, perched where it could overlook the trail down and Kaer Saren itself. It didn’t look any better at the new angle. 
He opened the shutters of one window, and descended the stairs with the same care he’d gone up. 
Yason took a second look around the room now. It was gloomy and miserable, carefully packed up, as though someone meant to return, and then hadn’t. There were cooking implements but any store that had been left behind had been decimated by the small animals no one could keep out of an abandoned building. 
A battered trunk yielded folded blankets, the cedar lining the trunk almost offensively strong to his nose. Just as the lamp’s paltry reservoir emptied, he found a large bound journal, similar to ones that they would take on the Path to record their deeds. In the moonlight peering in through the open window, he flipped a few pages of normal accountings of contracts, and found a new heading. 
‘The mages’ he read ‘threatened us if we would not share our knowledge. The magic tomes we keep are far from their hands for a reason. Despite the pogroms that have decimated Witchers across the continent, we thought ourselves safe. The mages triggered an unnatural landslide. It sounded like the entire mountain was screaming, even from where I was hunting with two apprentices, far from the keep. The dust and dirt clogged the air and darkened the sky, long after the destructive wave was done. 
Our brothers lie buried beneath it, with the secrets we guarded. My only solace is that it seems the mages responsible misjudged their spell’s effects, and were taken by it as well. 
I write this now, weeks after the fall. Only a bare handful of us remain, picking over the corpse of our home, and huddling in the watchtower that remains. At first we hoped to find survivors; a strong quen, a basement chamber, but now I have given up hope. Spring continues to strengthen, and our duty lies on the Path, even with so few of us left.’
The handwriting changed then, a list of things they had managed to salvage from the wreckage.
Yason didn’t bother reading further. He lay on the bare boards of a bed frame, and stared out the open window. 
He should not have agreed to abide by the punishment if the trial was fair. After all he had killed the Lord.
Even if he would have died here with the others, it would have been an honest death.
Yason realized within the week could not stay there. He had no supplies but the few he carried, the tower holding nothing but a mostly empty keg of lamp oil, a handful of bottles of sour wine, and herb stores that had gone to dust.  There was old wood stockpiled in a roughly built stable that huddled against the side of the tower, but not enough.  There was game, and what might have been a garden once, but nothing like what he would need to last out the winter. While the journal did say that a few Gryphons had stayed there a winter or two, it had also mentioned how unforgiving the seasons had been. 
Year by year, the names of those few who returned had dwindled further, and then- no one had returned. 
Until he had. 
Fall still lingered in the mountains when he locked the tower up again. After a deep thought, Yason chose not to strip the tower of anything remotely useful, perhaps there was somewhere another that would return like he had. 
He left his name and the date in the book, noting the last entry, two who had stayed a whole winter hoping someone else would return. Keldar and Coёn.  They wrote they were bringing the books they had salvaged to Kaer Morhen, as the Wolf’s Keep, though battered, still stood, and they would guard the knowledge faithfully. 
Yason would look for those last two, and perhaps, if he encountered a Wolf, they would know more. In the meantime, he returned down the mountain, and headed to the coast. Yason might have been sick of the tang of salt in his nose, but drowners at least didn’t hibernate, and he might find work to sustain him through the dark season. 
After all, they were right. 
The Path called.
And he would follow.
I just think salt mines are interesting, ok? Salt was a really important resource for most of history. These days we hardly think of it.
prisoners were frequently assigned mine work and often not expected to live out their sentences. I did take inspiration from the movie Yellowbeard for the 'we didn't expect you to live, so we're lengthening the sentence' and the subsequent pretending to be dead break out. I had a long internal debate about him breaking out through the keep vs being dumped as a corpse.
Realizing that he had been imprisoned through a whole slew of terrible events for Witchers meant that he had to find out. Poor guy. His eyes are like that because my kitten has very pretty eyes. That's the whole reason.
my original notes for him:
Yason- Gryphon, imprisoned in a salt mine for a hundred years for not only dispatching the wraith in the tower, but the lord of the keep who was generating enough suffering that wraiths continued to spawn. (ala bluebeard with some child abuse and sacrifice thrown in) Thick brown hair in a long braid. Beard. Eyes have no real white, looking exactly like cat’s eyes. Scar through eyebrow, small scar on upper lip, both on the right. (feet and hands are covered with small scars due to working conditions) 6’2” Tattoo around forearm, covered while he was in the mine, a stylised striking gryphon. (physical insp; Jason Monoa)
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
what if you did a blurb where someone says something mean to the reader about her relationship with harry and floss and they comfort her
"Hey, I'm at the shops, do we need anything at home?" I asked as I plucked the Rubik's cube off the shelf and putting in my basket, definitely needing one of those.
"Hi, baby! Hold on, let me go check the fridge," Harry said as he answered the phone. "Florence! Do you need anything from the store?" he shouted up the stairs.
"Jesus, fuck, Harry! Move the phone next time," I flinched as he yelled, clearly not moving his phone away from his ear.
"Shit, sorry. Didn't mean to do that. Florence says she needs portabello mushrooms. 10ish should do," Harry opened the fridge and looked inside.
"What the fuck is a portabello mushroom?" I asked confused as I headed for the fruit and veggies section.
"Them white mushrooms she always cooks with. Think the underside of the cap is brown? Oh, we need almond milk," Harry mused as he shook the last carton that was in there.
"If I end up buying the wrong ones and they turn out to be mega poisonous, it's not my fault," I put my phone between my ear and shoulder as I grabbed a bag and shook it out before plopping some mushrooms down into it.
"Pretty sure they don't sell poisonous foods at the store, babe," Harry chuckled as he headed back to his spot on the couch.
Dropping the bag into the basket, I grabbed my phone properly again and went to get the milk. "But you're not 100% certain. I rest my case," I smiled as I grabbed three cartons of milk. "I'm just about done, so talk when I get home?" I said as I headed to grab a few bags of crisps and some chocolates.
"Yeah, alright. Drive safe," Harry told me, making me smile as always.
"Of course. Love you," I replied before hanging up. Heading to the checkout, I grabbed a magazine with Harry's face on it - very curious to read about how our relationship was doing lately.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" a young lady asked suddenly, making me jump a bit as I finished packing up the things I'd bought.
"Emm, I don't think so?" I replied and gave her a polite smile before walking towards the exit.
"No, I think I do," the lady said and followed me. "Oh wait! I know! You're that girl who's with that boy and girl! Fucking slag," she spat out, following me the whole way to the car.
I didn't say anything as I unlocked the car and put the bags in the back.
"It's so obvious you're just after their money. Let me guess? Got you this car did they? Can't even make your mind up about who you want... Greedy little gold-digging bitch,"
"Oh, fuck off," I muttered as I glared at her while going round to the drivers' side.
"You fucking swear at me?! You fucking cunt!" the lady screeched before I felt something warm splash all over front and side.
Gasping, I looked down and pulled my jumper as far away from my body as it allowed before I watched her run away. Staring at her in shock, I only looked away when I couldn't see her anymore.
Feeling my eyes welling up with tears and my bottom lip starting to tremble, I opened the car door and quickly got in - locking the car as soon as the door was shut. My hands were trembling as I grabbed the seat belt and buckled myself in. It was fine. Everything was fine.
Before I knew it I was pulling up in the driveway not really remembering anything about the drive here. Quickly wiping my face, I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Grabbing the bags from the back, I hurried inside.
"Hi, babe," Harry called out from the living room.
"Hi," I stuttered out, kicking off my shoes quickly and putting the bags down. My hands were still shaking. Hearing Harry getting up, I bolted up the stairs, hoping he wouldn't see the state of me or my jumper.
"Woah, where you going?" Harry asked as he looked up the stairs.
"Nothing!" I called back before realizing my mistake. Dashing into the bedroom, I grabbed the bottom off the jumper and took it off quickly before doing the same with my top.
"You okay?" Florence asked.
Letting out a little scream as I looked over and saw her on the bed. "Fuck. I'm fine," I replied shakily and walked towards the bathroom. "Fine, just need to clean up,"
"Wait, you sure you're okay?" Florence asked as she got off the bed, putting down the script she'd been rehearsing when Harry came in.
"I'm fine," I said just as a tear rolled down my cheek as I closed the door and locked it quickly.
"You're crying. Baby, what happened?" Florence asked as she walked over to the door quickly and tried opening it, looking confused back at Harry.
Harry just shrugged before he picked up the discarded clothing and looked at it. "There's coffee on these," he said and came up to the door too.
I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but check out my skin to see if it was red. It wasn't. The coffee had only been warm, not hot. Seeing a stain on my bra, I took that off too and grabbed my big, fluffy hoodie that I'd wear before bed to get cozy.
"Darling, what happened? Did someone spill their drink on you?" Florence asked, leaning against the wall.
More tears fell from my eyes. I cleared my throat. "No," I sniffled, grimacing as I saw myself. Turning away, I jumped up and sat on the bathroom counter. "Someone kind of threw it at me," I said quietly.
"What? Say again? Did you say someone threw it at you?" Harry asked, staring at the door, brows furrowed.
I clasped a hand over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I tried to not cry.
"Open the door. Baby, please," Florence asked, testing the handle again.
"It's okay, I just need a minute. I didn't get burned or anything," I spoke up after taking a calming breath.
Harry clenched his jaw tightly as he closed his eyes while Florence walked over to the vanity and grabbed on her big flat earrings. "Baby, unless you tell me no I'm going to open this lock from the outside," she said and listened carefully.
I wanted to tell them to just go away and leave me alone but I also wanted them to close so I said nothing.
"Okay, I'm opening it," Florence said as she wedged the earrings into the slit on the lock and twisted it to unlock. She grasped the handle and opened the door slowly.
"Hi, baby," she spoke softly as she put the earring down next to me and put her hands on my arms.
I sniffled and wiped my face with my sleeve as I glanced at them both quickly before closing my eyes again. I couldn't bear to see how angry Harry was or how worried Flossie was.
"We need you to tell us what happened, okay? Did you say someone threw coffee at you?" she asked calmly.
I nodded.
"Where did this happen? At the store? Who threw it at you?" Florence rubbed my arms gently.
"It was at the store parking lot," I cried and wiped my eyes. "There was this lady and she didn't like me very much," I whispered.
"What lady? What did she say? Why the fuck would she throw her coffee at you?" Harry asked angrily.
I whimpered and grabbed onto Flossie.
Flo glared at Harry. "Calm down," she hissed before turning back to me. "It's okay. He's not mad at you, baby. I promise. What did this woman say to you?" she said as wiped away some of my tears.
"Just the usual stuff," I shrugged. "I'm a gold-digging whore who gets everything I want and I'm using you cause I can't even decide which one of you I want," I whispered tiredly, memories of past incidents flashing through my mind. I usually didn't take these people's words to heart cause I knew they weren't true and so did Harry and Flossie.
Harry made a noise and rubbed his hands together before crossing his hands over his chest.
"I don't mind the words, I just got scared when she threw the coffee you know? That's never happened before, and I didn't even know it was coffee at first. I just felt something warm and a million things went through my mind, thinking the worst," I rambled.
"Are you sure you didn't get burned? Can I have a look?" Florence asked gently, needing to check that first before unpacking everything else that woman had said.
I nodded and pulled up my hoodie. It was all over my front and side," I told her as I sniffled.
Harry walked over, biting down on his lip as he searched my skin for any sign of irritation.
"I can't see anything so that's good," Florence said as she pulled the hoodie back down. "Come on, let's go cuddle,"
Wiping my face with my sleeve, I held her hand as I jumped down from the counter and followed her into the bedroom. Getting under the blankets I snuggled as close to her as I could, letting the scent of her perfume, her warm touch, and the sound of her breathing calm me down.
"Harry, come lie down," Florence said gently as she looked at him, watching him pace back and forth.
Harry stopped his pacing and looked at Florence. "Shouldn't we be calling the police or something? Try and figure out who this lady is?!" he asked frustrated and angry.
"I'll call our solicitor in a bit and she'll take it from there. Come lie down," Florence said a matter of factly and held out her hand. "Come on,"
Harry let out a frustrated grunt as he walked over to the bed and got in. "You know what she said isn't true right? That we don't think that?" he said as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
Pressing a kiss to Florence's neck, I turned around so I was facing Harry. "Yeah. I know," I whispered as I nudged his nose with mine.
"I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there with you, I'm sorry it happened. Never letting you out of my sight again," he said, pulling me as close as physically possible.
"I love you too," I sniffled, smiling as Florence moved in a bit closer too, trapping me in a cuddle sandwich.
She pulled the blankets up higher over me and Harry before resting her arm over us both.
"I left the almond milk in the bags in the hallway. We should put it away," I said after a bit of silence.
Harry shook his head, holding on tighter. "Fuck the almond milk,"
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junisfics · 4 years
Heavy Petting ft. Armin Arlert (Day V)
Focus: Heavy Petting
Warnings: Sexual Contact / Nsfw 18+
Word Count: 2k
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They’ve been gone for three days, they should’ve been back within a few hours. Where the hell are they?
Armin left with the others days ago to go on a supply run. Days. This trip should have taken them only a few hours to get done. They’re on horseback, they should’ve been back ages ago.
“Stop sulking around waiting for them to get back, they most likely came across a live town and are trying to trade or something...” Eren explains.
He can’t blame me, how am I supposed to sit around doing nothing while Armin- they’re out there practically begging to be eaten alive. 
I pace Mikasa and I’s shared room in the cottage, Eren sitting on her bed as I walk from door to window and back again.
“You need to drink or something, you’re livid.” He says.
“You need to stop acting like youre completely unbothered. I know it pisses you off just sitting here, you hate being excluded from helping.” I spit back.
“You’re just acting like a bitch because you don’t have an eye on Armin for once,” He stands up, “You’re obsessive.”
“I-I am not! I- at least I care! You let Mikasa be a suicidal hero for you and you sit around doing nothing in return!” I shout at him
“She’s just chopping wood, you need to relax.” He groans
“She was just thrown around, she needs to rest!”
“They’re back.” He mutters.
“Shut up you bastard- wait what?” 
He stares blankly at the window before turning and making his way down the hall and downstairs. I’m on his heels, practically shoving him down the stairs before pushing past him. I hastily push open the door too see them getting off their horses and stabling them.
“Armin... Armin!” I cry out. I see his blond hair whip around as he turns to face me. He’s tying his horse back up into her stable.
“y/n! Sorry, we ended up getting turned around, it took a little longer than ex- oh.”
His sentence is cutoff as I run up to him and practically throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his own make their way around my torso and I hold myself flush against him.
“We were only gone a few days, are you alright?” He asks, speaking into my hair.
I let go of him and take a few steps back to look at him. His hair is coated in sweat and dirt that sticks to his forehead. It’s obvious they came in contact with a few titans, the give away being the cuts and bruises that litter his hands and face along with few rips in his clothes.
“Yeah, sorry. Are you?” My hands prod at him, inspecting any possible injuries I missed before. I take his hands in mine, examining the surface cuts. Then, I take his face in my hands and shifting it slightly to look over it. My eyes get caught at a thin gash below his left eye.
It was supposed to be just a little supply run, to get food and medical supplies, that’s it.
“Ah-” He grimaces, jerking back at my touch. I let go of him.
“Go wash up then meet me in the kitchen. I need to clean it.” I gesture my head to the house
He disappears off to the backyard where the water spout is and I make my way back inside, a little to quickly for that.
He’s alive. He’s alive. Relax, y/n.
I through the kitchen cabinets for my medical box. I’m pulling things and shoving things around when I realize I had leant it to Jean.
“Jean!” I shout
“Jesus, y/n, I’m right here, what do you want?” He sets down what I assume to be a sack of potatoes onto the counter.
“Where’s my med bag?” I ask.
“I put it in your room, under your bed. I didn’t know where else it’d go.”
It’s right where he says it was. I take it apart and pull out alcohol, gauze, needles and sutures. I lay it out accordingly onto the bedside table. Staring at it, shifting each tool an embarrassing amount of times.
Relax, he’s fine. He’s here.
“y/n?” Armin says, rounding the door frame. 
His once dirt soaked hair is now clean and wet, messily hanging into his face. His shirt clings to his still damp skin. In the absence of the dirt I can now see bruises littered across his jaw and cheekbones. His forearms are all scratched up as well.
I pat beside me on the bed gently. He closes the door quietly and takes a seat beside me. I pour a bit of alcohol onto a gauze pad and hold him by his chin to keep him still. He winces when contact is met.
“Sorry, sorry” I mumble, wiping and patting at the gash below his eye.
When It’s as clean as I think it can get I reach for the sutures and tweezers, pushing it through the damaged skin as gently as I possibly can, “I’m sorry, I know”
I can feel his eyes boring into mine and I grow obviously uncomfortable as I try and complete my work.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks suddenly. His voice quiet, nervous.
I look down to his lips, a slit in the bottom one, then into his eyes. Slowly and sheepishly, I nod, letting my tools drop to the floor.
His lips meet mine, cold but soft. He takes my face in his hands and my own drop from his and reach around his neck to toy with his still damp hair. 
My heart lurches out of my chest, his fingers gently tracing the skin of my cheekbones. His touch is overwhelming and I feel my own skin growing hot. I grab at the front of his shirt, twisting it into my fist to pull him closer. 
I’d be lying if I said I’d never thought about kissing Armin, actually, you’d have to be stupid to think I haven’t. 
“I- closer, come closer... please.” Armin mumbles quietly, his hands pulling at my waist.
I hesitate, but only momentarily, then make my way closer, shifting inch by inch before something inside him snaps and he pulls me atop him. Our lips detach and my forehead rests against his, my legs straddling his waist but he remains upright, his back up against the wall.
“Armin..” I’m out of breath, my chest noticeably raising up and down with every pant.
“Fuck, just kiss me.” He pleads and I do. I tilt my head down so my mouth meets his again, this time with more passion.
His hands skim up and down my sides and back, touching almost any place he can without overstepping his boundaries. He needs more, I can feel it. It’s almost too much to handle, my body and senses completely flooded by him. He’s everywhere all at once.
I shift slightly to be flush against him my hands still around his neck, pulling him closer. His grip drops to my hips and squeezes them harshly before taking in a sharp inhale. Before I can kiss him again he tilts his head slightly so our noses bump together.
“You- God- you can’t do that... please.” This time he’s the one out of breath, overwhelmed and his skin hot.
My eyes closed and lips still searching for his as he pleads.
“You don’t- God, y/n, stop fucking moving.” He hisses, sitting up even more so to where his nose is in line with my jaw.
Hearing him swear is a rare occasion, let alone multiple times. It’s captivating, the sexuality of his frustration is so incredibly attractive.
His breath is hot on my neck, I can feel his lips tracing gently before kissing the tender flesh. My eyes flutter shut and my mouth drops open, a shiver goes down my spine and to my center.
Tiny whimpers leave my lips and I feel his tongue lick up my jugular.
“Armin,” I breathe.
“I don’t want anything from you, just this... please.” His voice has dropped a few octaves.
It’s so much, but so not enough. I feel stupid, completely dumbed by him. My head is clouded and all I can even think about is him, his lips and his touch. His fingers are gentle as they slip under the hem of my shirt to tickle the skin there. Another pathetic sound escapes my mouth.
His hips shift and a wave of pleasure ripples through me. 
“Armin, I-I can feel you.” I giggle quietly and he pinches the supple skin of my hips.
“Shit, I’m sorry- God” He groans into the skin below my jaw and ear, “It’s just- you’re just perfect.”
He sucks gently on my skin, marking the surface with little nips and bites every so often. The warm and wet gliding of his tongue along my skin has me shaking in his lap and every move I make I can feel him beneath me.
My hands rake down his chest and stomach then up under his shirt. The muscles of his stomach tense beneath my fingers. I never expected Armin to be so muscular, yes he’s rather lean but my fingers can feel the obvious divots between his abs. 
As my hands feel over his hot skin, his chest begins to rise and fall at a more rapid pace. His once innocent hands begin to sheepishly travel towards my backside. I try to encourage him by arching my back ever so slightly... and I wouldn’t say that hurt our situation but it definitely didn’t... help.
A groan rumbles deep in his chest as I do so and his grip on my lower back releases so he can grab my face and pull me away from him. My hands rest on the bare skin of his chest as he looks into my eyes and holds my jaw between his hands.
“You drive me insane.” He says under his breath, more to himself than to me.
His thumb follows the dips and mounds of my lips before finding resting tenderly against the center of my bottom lip. He uses his thumb to pull it down before letting it flick back up.
I try to lean forward to catch his lips in mine but he holds me still. A tiny smile upturns the corners of his lips as I try again with no prevail, only bumping the tips of our noses together once more. My mouth hangs open faintly, begging him to kiss me again.
I dig my nails into his bare chest, scratching gently.
“Ah-shit” He hisses, his eyes fluttering closed and head resting back against the wall.
“Kiss me, please.” I whisper, “Please.”
He blushes, pulling his head off the wall and looking into my eyes. I will never be able to get over how absolutely beautiful he is. The cool depths of his blue eyes are captivating; the gentle rises and falls of the bone structure in his face, the flexing of his muscles with every movement is so incredibly alluring.
He taunts me, leaning in then leaning out once I do the same. His pretty teeth showing with every smile.
I open my mouth and poke out my tongue, taking it and reaching to lick at his open lips. He twitches beneath me and I snicker quietly.
“Hey y/n! Have you seen Armin, Eren wants- oh!” Sasha pushes open the door and I scramble off of him, stumbling to the floor and taking a seat there. 
“Eren! I found him!” She calls to downstairs, then returns to us, “I knew it!”
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972 notes · View notes
kj-1130 · 4 years
Nothing For Me
Part 5
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(gifs not mine)
Main Masterlist
Part 4|Part 6
It was a strange sense of deja vu; except this time you weren’t staring at the glow in the dark stars that still lingered across the ceiling, you were staring at the back of your eyelids. Your thoughts still played loud in your head. They were like a playlist that was on repeat and you couldn’t press the pause button.
It was noisy but empty, if that made sense. A strange, but not unusual feeling to you.
The demons crawled into your head, made it their home and decorated it. And you just couldn’t find the strength to kick them out.
The back of your eyelids became something you had grown accustomed to staring at. If you weren’t awake and suffering at the will of your own mind, you were sleeping--hoping that your thoughts would turn off then.
You couldn’t see the light from the tv, but you could hear it. The ‘f.r.i.e.n.d.s.’ theme song was quite an interesting mix with the yells of ‘no one cares,’ ‘you’re invisible,’ or ‘just disappear.’
But you couldn’t sleep because the music was so damn loud. Apparently, the avengers retrieved the scepter and were celebrating. You were invited to attend by Natasha, but you didn’t have the willpower; to talk to perverted business men all night or to get out of bed--either one.
So you tried to ignore the sound of faint chatter and clinking glasses. Or maybe you would listen to it; it was undoubtedly better than whatever was going on inside your noggin.
Time passed. You didn’t know what time it was. Time is an illusion anyway.
The days were all just one big blob of nothingness to you at this point. Everyday, you felt the same, did the same thing, thought the same thoughts. So what’s the point of trying to tell whether the darkness you saw was from outside or from the back of your eyelids.
The back of your eyelids. What a strange sense of deja vu…
Stars reminded you of Michelle. The two of you always watched the stars together. It was your thing.
You’d never thought you’d have a thing with anyone. You were glad you had one with MJ.
You opened your eyes. The stars that were stuck to the ceilings seemed like they grew dimmer over the years--just like your eyes.
It was significantly quieter than it was before. You guessed everyone had homes to return to. What was a home?
Your mom was your home. But she’s gone now.
Maybe Michelle could become your home. Yeah. She keeps you warm and you do the same for her. Maybe she could be your home.
Pounding footsteps were heard throughout the hall. As tired as you were, your curiosity won out. You slowly sat up despite your body’s protest and made your way towards the door. Yeah, if you were in a horror movie, you definitely would’ve been dead by now.
Just as you were about to reach out for the handle, the door flung open causing you to jump back. Looking up, your eyes connected with red ones.
“You’ll do just fine, little Stark.”
The two former agents sped down the long halls of the tower. They reached the door and saw splinters all over the ground.
Natasha slowly walked in on high alert. She and Clint searched around the room; the bathroom, closet, anywhere where someone could hide.
The redhead faced her friend with a forlorn look on her face. Her head shook slowly.
“She’s gone.”
You were in your room--your old room. There was music playing downstairs; Whitney Houston. An artist your mom would listen to during her free time.
You ran down the steps into the kitchen and stood at the entryway. She stood with her back to you. Her fro was pulled into a messy puff and she was wearing her robe; the same robe you would wear as a cape.
It smelled like french toast. You always ate french toast together on the second Saturday of the month. It was tradition.
Her head lifted and she turned to face you. Instead of her glowing and blemish free skin and that beautiful, gentle smile, all you saw was a decaying body. The jaw was hanging by one side. It was as if tissue or muscle was stuck to her face and just gradually melting off.
“Hi sweetheart.”
You gasped and backed into the well causing one of the paintings to fall.
Your mom chuckled and when you looked back, her face was normal.
“You’re always so clumsy.”
Your breathing was still labored. You watched as the woman you knew as a mother picked up the piece of art. It was the one she got from her mother--your grandmother.
“You okay? You’re looking a little flustered.”
She strode towards you and rested a hand on your cheek and then your forehead.
You resisted the urge to flinch as her cold skin made contact with yours.
“C’mon. Let’s eat.”
Your body was on autopilot as you followed her to the counter. She passed you a plate and took a seat next to you.
“Useless,” was whispered and disappeared into the wind.
You looked behind you with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.
“You okay?”
You glanced at your mom before nodding.
“Yeah. Thought I heard something.”
“I’m glad I died.”
You whipped your head towards her and found the mummified version looking at you once again.
You stood and set your fork down before running up the stairs. You entered the bathroom and locked the door before sliding down the far wall.
The door was thrown open before her figure flew over to you.
Your eyes shot open and you sat up with a gasp.
Everything hurt. It all hurt.
Frantically, you pushed yourself to the corner of whatever room you were in regardless of what the throb of your head was telling you.
The rocks began crunching as if someone was walking on them. Your head whipped around in every direction trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.
“Your father took everything from us.”
“Yeah. Well he’s a taker not a giver.”
Your mom always told you your mouth would get you in trouble. You just hoped she wasn’t right at this moment.
Looking up, you were met with two pairs of eyes; one a woman the other a man.
They both seemed significantly older than you. The woman walked closer and bent down in front of you and her eyes started glowing red. You began hyperventilating, praying she wouldn’t harm you.
She lifted her hand to your temple and rested her fingers there.
“It’s time we get our revenge.”
All you saw was a decaying body. The jaw was hanging by one side. It was as if tissue or muscle was stuck to her face and just gradually melting off.
“Hi sweetheart.”
Your head was pounding and your neck was killing you. Groaning, you craned your neck and searched your surroundings.
Hands touched your shoulders gently. But it didn’t matter how gentle it was because you didn’t want anyone touching you with their hands that could kill you with the right movements.
You swatted them away from you--with your own hands that didn’t stand a chance against a lot of people.
“Woah, hey, hey, hey. Kid, calm down.”
Rubbing your eyes, you looked around as your vision cleared. In front of you stood Clint. His face was decayed; just like your mom’s.
You scrambled back and curled up in the corner of the corner closest to you.
“Hey. You’re safe. You’re okay,” he said gently.
Your gaze transferred from one area of the jet to another frantically. You wanted something to stand out at you; make it’s obnoxiousness force the visual of it in your brain. Anything would be better than seeing her face like that.
You didn’t even notice the archer moving closer to you until he rested his hand on your shoulder. You flinched hard and gently pushed it off of you.
Clint nodded in understanding and continued to kneel in front of you.
“We’re about 15 minutes from a safe house, alright? You can eat something and then rest there. That okay?”
Nodding your head, you leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart.
The most powerful thing you knew of was Cap’s shield. Seems like that witch was taking that spot.
True to Clint’s word, the jet landed less than 15 minutes later. You were the last out although Steve did end up waiting for you. His hand landed on your shoulder and when you turned to look at it, all you saw was bones and tissue. You stumbled back and hit your back on the quinjet.
The supersoldier looked at you with worried eyes before slowly walking away.
You watched the backs of the superheroes get smaller as they walked towards the porch of the safe house.
Is that what they were? Heroes? Everyone always described them as these indestructible beings that would always be there to help civilians and save the day. But who was going to save them?
They didn’t look so indestructible. They just looked like a group of people with the weight of the world--no universe on their shoulders.
Watching everyone enter the house, you decided to follow a moment later. Cap, ever the gentleman he was, held the door open for you and let it shut once you slipped inside.
“I know all your names,” the woman who stood next to the archer said. She scanned the group before her eyes landed on you, her head tilting slightly.
You tuned out the rest of the conversation as you looked around the house--no home. It looked like a home. Not some model house that some cookie cutter family lives in. A home where parents were raising their children to be themselves and nurturing them with love and care.
The room wasn’t spotless. There were legos and toys on the floor. It didn’t smell like cleaning supplies. It smelt like a homemade meal; one that would make any stress from the day just melt away.
A hand tugged on the sleeve of your shirt causing you to glance down. It looked just like the other ones; just a decaying, withering hand.
You flinched in response and quietly stepped away, not wanting to cause a scene. Rubbing your eyes, you looked down and saw a little girl that didn’t even seem the slightest bit fazed by your little episode.
“Can you play dollies with me?”
“Actually,” Clint cut in. “She needs to rest. (Y/n) can play after a nap, alright?”
The little girl nodded and went to minding her business.
The archer placed a gentle hand on your back and you tensed under his touch. You heard him whisper to his wife before the two led you up stairs.
“You good to clean yourself up?”
You grabbed the towel and extra clothes out of his hands and sat them down on the bathroom counter.
“I’m fine, Clint,” you muttered while pushing him out of the room.
You sat in the bed of the spare room that Clint’s wife, who you learned was Laura, said that you could stay in.
A knock reverberated through the room, the sound of the door opening following suit.
You felt a dip in the bed, but you refused to look up from the spot on the covers.
You didn’t want to see a decaying face.
You didn’t want to see someone dead.
You didn’t want that image stuck in your brain like a starred picture on google photos. You didn’t want to give your mind a chance to somehow twist it all around--inside, over and out--and convince you that it was all your fault.
You just wanted to have a few seconds of peace instead of the roaring tides that were washing through your head, even if it was false.
“What did she make you see?”
You swiped your tongue over your dry lips and shook your head.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
There was a moment of silence and continued to mess with the unraveling thread in the blanket.
“Look at me then.”
You hesitated, but eventually lifted your head.
“I said look at me, not at the wall. Look at me.”
Taking a deep breath your lip began to tremble.
“Don’t make me do it,” you whispered.
A hand was turning you towards her before you could even stop it, but you managed to close your eyes.
“Whatever she showed you is not real. I’m here and I always will be.”
You only saw her ivory skin and forest green eyes. There were no visible bones or muscles. Just her red hair and sad smile.
Your eyes fitted around her face, making sure that it wasn’t a cruel trick your mind was trying to play on you.
Natasha lovingly patted your cheek and pressed a light kiss to your forehead.
“Let’s get some rest, alright?”
You couldn’t rest, long story short.
It was so noisy up there and you just couldn’t get it to calm down.
Every time you closed your eyes, somebody’s dead body was infiltrating your mind. Whether it was Clint or his kids, Natasha or MJ.
MJ. Oh shit.
You threw the covers off your body and slowly lifted yourself from the bed. Making your way downstairs, you heard some chatter coming from near the kitchen.
“I thought you were dead.”
A hand immediately flew up to your mouth as if that would stop the words that already came out of your mouth. Muttering a ‘my bad’ you walked up towards the group of adults while simultaneously scanning your surroundings.
“I am,” replied Fury.
Clearing your throat you took in a deep breath. But before you could speak, somebody beat you to it.
“What are you doing here, kid?”
You rolled your eyes and prepared to talk.
“Does anyone have a phone I can borrow?”
Practically everyone raised their eyebrows at you in confusion. You let out a sigh and started wringing your hands
“I-I need to call MJ. Please.”
When it was clear that desperation was shining through your eyes, Laura was quick to get up.
“Sure, honey.”
Everyone else was left confused.
“Who the hell is MJ?”
Laura gave you a phone and told you, you could call from the couch.
You were swift to dial her phone number and bring the device to your ear. You bit your lip, waiting for your friend to pick up which she did after the fourth ring.
“Who is this?”
While you were grateful the phone was picked up, it wasn’t who you wanted to answer.
“I-it’s (y/n). I-i-i’m just calling from a d-different number. I-Is M-MJ home?”
You knew all the adults were staring at you and as much as it made your skin itch and crawl, you didn’t care about it as much as you cared about talking to MJ.
There was shuffling on the other side so you could only assume that her mother was traveling around their apartment.
“Thank goodness. I thought you died or something,” she chuckled.
A smile rose to your face before you could even think about it.
“I mean, close but no.”
“I-You know what? I’m not even gonna ask.”
“It’ll probably be on the news by the end of this week anyway.”
You had finally relaxed into the couch and pulled your knees to your chest. You could still feel them staring holes in your skull and it was making you feel like you were exposed and vulnerable.
It was silent for a moment before you heard let out a sigh MJ let out a sigh.
“Are you okay?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Do you wanna come over and talk about it?”
You let out a hum before answering, “I can’t”
“Why? A-are you hurt? If so, I can come over there and-”
“No. I literally cannot-”
“It’s not a big deal. I can-”
“I’m in another state.” There was a pause on the other side of the call. “Or country. I-I don’t know where I am.”
You heard the girl clear her throat before taking a deep breath, obviously processing what you just told her.
“So that’s what you meant when you said-”
You clicked your tongue a couple of times, wondering what was going through Michelle’s head at the moment as the silence lingered.
“I guess you’re not in Kansas anymore.”
You let out a small chuckle, something you only seemed to do in MJ’s presence.
“No longer in Kansas.”
The conversation could no longer continue as you heard your friend’s mom yell for her.
“Well, I gotta go.”
“Yeah, I guess I’ll talk to you later.”
The two of you never said ‘goodbye’ to each other not wanting it to feel like it was the ending of something.
You handed the phone back to Clint’s wife and made your trek back to the stairs before you stopped.
“Where am I exactly?”
The archer blinked owlishly at you while you stared at him with a raised eyebrow. You shrugged before continuing your way to the room you were staying in.
“Eh. I’ll figure it out.”
“What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see.”
They left. Again. Not surprising.
You should be used to it by now. They had people to save anyway.
It was late at night and you couldn’t sleep--what’s new?
You didn’t want to bother anyone but you just couldn’t stand the commotion. You couldn’t stand that being the only thing you’re focused on.
You decided to go to the kitchen to see if Laura needed help with anything considering she did just have a whole team of unexpected guests.
The scene downstairs, kind of seemed… upsetting to you. The lights were dimmed, it was quiet, and the woman you were searching for was hunched over a cup of tea.
“Are you okay?”
Stupid question.
The brunette’s head snapped up and she met your gaze. Her eyes held a melancholy undertone in them and you just couldn’t imagine what was swirling in her mind.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
You took a seat next to her on the couch and fiddled with your hands.
“I just… worry sometimes, you know?”
“Yeah. Clint can be an idiot sometimes.”
You both shared a chuckle but the deafening silence still returned. The air flowing through the home could be heard. You could probably hear the kids’ breathing if you tried hard enough.
“Why are you still up?”
“Why are you still up? Isn’t that like, bad for the baby or something?”
Through the corner of your sight, you could see Laura shaking her head at you as a small smile danced across her lips.
“I asked first.”
You let out a sigh and shrugged your shoulders.
“Just...couldn’t sleep I guess.”
The woman nods in response and takes a sip of her tea. It was obvious to her that something else was on your mind but she didn’t pry and you were thankful for that.
Instead, she just grabbed the remote and turned the television on, an episode from the sitcom Living Single playing quietly.
A weight was felt on Laura’s shoulder and she looked down to see the young teenager resting with small breaths escaping her parted lips. The woman was careful to free an arm and wrap it around your shoulders, you subconsciously snuggling in further.
Walking down the halls of the compound, you searched all the doors. As you reached one, you raised your fist to knock only for the door to fly open before you could.
You clear your throat before looking towards the ground.
“May I, may I come in?”
The person nods and you hesitantly step inside the room and take a seat at the desk.
“I’m sorry about your brother.”
“Me too,” Wanda nods.
There was this awkward, tense silence that just floated through the room that seemed almost impossible to get rid of. It was suffocating.
“I’m sorry about the uhhh, whole mind thing.”
You too nodded in response and gave your reassurance, your mind focused on her accent. It was comforting to say the least.
It had been at least two weeks after the whole ultron thing. Tony was obviously oblivious to what happened to you.
When he ignored or neglected you, it was like a paper cut--never acknowledged or thought about until something provokes it.
You had passed the witch a few times in passing, but never truly held a conversation with her.
You knew of the passing of her brother and you knew how hard it was--is to lose a loved one. Especially if that loved one was the only one that made you feel like you weren’t completely and utterly alone.
“I know it’s not my place to say but,” you paused to take a deep breath. “Don’t let this hold you back. I-I was never given the chance to grieve my m-mom properly and, and I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you, I guess.”
At this point, you felt like you were just spitballing. You figured she already knew what was going on in your head so why not just be open about it.
“And I’m pretty sure the others will come around. Clint seemed to like you.”
The corner of Wanda’s mouth lifted a little and she gave a breathy laugh.
“And I guess, I like you too.”
You took a moment to gather yourself before heading towards the door.
“I guess I’ll see you around.”
“So to recap, you were kidnapped by a robot with murderous tendencies, got your mind manipulated by an enhanced individual, and now you’re living and somewhat acquaintances with said ‘enhanced individual’.”
“Yeah, that’s about it.”
Michelle chuckled in response and shook her head in disbelief.
“That’s crazy.”
You shrugged with a frown and scooted closer to her. Your shoulders were touching but neither of you moved.
“Eh, I’m kind of getting used to the crazy.”
You were watching the stars on the roof of her building again. MJ brought some snacks and a blanket which the two of you were currently snuggled up in.
The food was eaten quite quickly and silence was quick to wash over the two of you. But the silence wasn’t like it was with Wanda or even Laura. With MJ it was a peaceful and serene moment; like the two of you were in this indestructible bubble that only you two were allowed in. With her you felt safe.
You turned your head towards Michelle only to find her already looking at you. Both of your faces heated up but neither of you could look away. Instead, grins rose to both of your faces before the girl pulled you closer to her.
Yeah. Michelle was home.
@leahnicole1219 @thebadasssass @littlegasps @lengendarymcnuggies @stillmanicc​
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Red Haired Boy
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry got carried away)
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: PTSD, mentions of death (happy ending tho), panic attack, graphic violence at parts, mentions of blood, cursing (maybe?), tell me if I need to add anything
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House Y/N/N= Your nickname
I get shoved sideways by a red haired boy and run into the wall. I let out a small gasp feeling my shoulder run into a sharp brick. I hold the cut with tears in my eyes. I see the boy turn around and run back worried. "Bloody hell! I'm so so sorry!" He tells me and I shake my head firmly. "It's alright." I mumble trying to make it seem like I'm not crying. "No it's not, you're bleeding!" He tells me and I see another boy run and stop seeing us. "Fred! He's on my tail!" He tells him tugging his arm. "Go on then! I need to handle something!" He tells him angrily getting his arm free. "Whatever..." The other boy mutters. "Does it hurt?" He asks and I shake my head shyly. "No... I'm fine. Really."
"WEASLEY!" I hear and see its our groundskeeper. "I'm going to enjoy this one..." He mutters to himself as he pulls the boy by his arm harshly. I look at him and he looks sad but smiles weakly at me. "AH MY ARM. OH IT HURTS!" I say not thinking. "What?!" He asks and I clutch my arm. "AH HELP HELP!" I yelp and he drops Fred, as soon as he's freed I silently tell him to run and he smiles at me. He runs and Filch is still distracted by my wailing. I stand straight and smile. "Its gone now. I think I just need to get patched up." I say calmly, walking to the infirmary.
"What do you mean?" I hear as I get wrapped up by Madam Pomfrey. "It was bloody amazing. She started screaming her arm hurt and let me run off!" A nearly identical voice replies. "Well good for her but karma must've came to bite you." The voice replies. "Yeah... But- No way! It's her!" He says and I look up to see the boy I helped earlier. "Hey- What happened!?" I ask seeing his eye covered in blood. "When he was running he was distracted and fell face first into a statue, cut his eyebrow pretty good." His identical brother tells me. "Oh no!" I say and he walks over and Madam Pomfrey groans.
"Sit there, I'll be back in a moment... Foolish boy..." She mutters and he hops up next to me. "Fred Weasley." He introduces and I smile shyly, shaking his hand. "Y/n, Y/n L/n..."
"I wanted to say thank you, for not only saving me but I also wanted to say thank you for saving me despite me hurting you." He tells me shyly and I smile. "My pleasure."
I wake up to my boyfriend kissing my shoulder as I sleepily wake up. "Hi baby..." I whisper groggily. "Hi darling..." He smiles at me and I notice he's kissing my scar from how we met. He places his cheek against mine as I wrap his arms around me. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask and he sighs. "I never payed you back for saving me the day you got this..." He tells me and I laugh. "How bout..." I say pushing him lightly so I'm on top. "Five minutes, whenever I choose to use it, you have to do whatever I want." I whisper and he smiles cheekily. "Yes ma'am..." He tells me and I chuckles. "Yay that one day I will be doing no dishes." I tell him and he scoffs. "I was thinking something more sexual but ok." He tells me and I kiss his nose.
I look around frantically for my loved ones, happy I am a half witch so my family isn't here, blood related though. I look for the Weasley Family trying to see through the falling dust and rubble. I see a messy ginger hair and get excited. I limp over as quickly and see its not my Weasley but Percy. He's screaming for help. I ignore the pain coursing through me and run the best I can.
He's digging through rubble and I freeze in fear. "W-who is that?" I ask seeing a hand underneath it all. "JUST HELP!" He screams and I rush over moving each piece of rubble. I finally help drag the body out. I lay him on me to support his head and moves his hair from his eyes. "Freddie?" I ask softly and he looks at me smiling. "Hey..." He barely says and he gasps slightly for air. "Hey, stay awake for me... Percy get help, he's bleeding a lot..." I cry and he runs. I feel Fred's weak and cold hand wrap around mine. "I hoped you were in my last moments ya know?" He tells me smiling, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Well let that be another day. Freddie you are going to stay alive you idiot." I tell him chuckling through my worry, combing his hair lightly. "I want you to be happy. Don't wait for me to come back. Find someone who makes you happy. Alright?" He asks and I scoff. "I would if you were dying. But you aren't." I sob and he holds my hand. "You'll be ok..." He whispers closing his eyes but I grab his head shaking my own. "Hey remember the time we met?" I ask smiling at him and he nods smiling. "You cut my shoulder so deep and I saved you minutes later, remember that?"  I ask and he scoffs leaning his head back weakly. "Didn't think my last moments would be getting guilt tripped." He tells me and gasps at a pain in his side. "Well because of that you told me you would give me five minutes of anything I wanted. I want to have five minutes, after this war, dancing with you. You understand? I want to get married and dance for five minutes." I demand and he chuckles, then cringes at the pain.
Wizards swarm us and help him onto a stretcher as we finally let go of each other's hands. People help me up saying I need to heal my injuries. I keep my eyes on him scared..
Three months.
Three fucking months and nothing is better. They said it would be better by now. But I still miss him, miss my fiancé. He died shortly after I saw him. His dead body being the only thing on my mind every single day. Today I need to collect his belongings so I throw myself out of bed sadly. I walk out to the room to the empty, quiet, kitchen. I look for my mug and think George must have put it away when he was cleaning. The twin of my passed fiancé constantly stops by to help around the house, he says it helps pass the time.
I climb on the ladder and see he just put it far back in the shelf. I look right above it and look at it shocked. It's Fred's mug.
I hold it and tear up. "Why couldn't you stay? You promised you would stay! You promised! Wh-why did I have to loose you?!" I scream and fall to my knees feeling my heart crumble. "You promised..." I whisper against the mug. I put it down and feel the ground rumble from the nearby train. I ignore it until it makes my mug fall from the counter and drop on Fred's. "No... No no no no no..." I sob picking up the pieces.
George's POV:
I walk into the building to see Y/n yelling at the landlord angrily. "NO YOU CALM DOWN GARRETT! THAT BLOODY TRAIN BROKE MY FIANCE'S MUG! HE FOUGHT IN A WAR YOU WOULD NEVER IMAGINE! HIS MUG IS IRREPLACEABLE! HE FOUGHT DEATHEATERS! DID YOU FIGHT DEATHEATERS GARRETT?! NO! SO YOU WILL GET THAT BLOODY BLOODY TRAIN TO STOP OR PUT A DAMN SPELL ON THIS BUILDING SO I DON'T HAVE TO THINK I AM ON A CRUISE EVERYTIME IT PASSES!" She yells at him holding a bag to her chest, tears streaming down her face. I grab her arms holding them to her chest as she continues to yell at him. "Sorry mate its just a horrible day." I explain as I wrestle her into the lift. "Y/N!" I yell at her and she sobs clutching the bag. "All I had left George! I didn't even know I had it! And it was gone just like he's gone! It was practically a reenactment!" She cries and I hold her close. I kiss the top of her head knowingly.
"He's gone!" She sobs and I nod not wanting to add to it. As much as I miss Fred, she misses him more. She has had everyone in her life leave her and he was all she had besides our family but we weren't even close to him. She trusted him with her life and it was ripped away so quickly. Her love for him was more than a man could describe.
"Let's get you washed up..." I whisper and she nods silently.
Fred's POV:
I limp inside the home I once knew and look for my mother, brother, anyone. I can barely see through my bloody hair that has overgrown. I climb the stairs harshly noting the pain in my ribs. I open my room and everything is empty on my side. I walk over to George's bed and nothing. "Mum?" I barely croak. I keep searching ignoring the pain.
I hear a teacup fall and break behind me, I whip around to see my mother as pale as possible. "George? What's wrong?!" She asks and I try to smirk. "Mum wrong twin, but before I yell at you about that I need to find- well myself..." I say drawing my wand. "What? George are you alright? Please don't tell me my boy is gone too." She whimpers. "Mum, where have you last seen me, or well Fred?" I ask and she walks over, tears filling her eyes. "Georgie... Fred died. You remember don't you?" She whispers, combing my hair, I nearly relax at the sensation, haven't been able to see my mother in a year. Only being tortured.
"Mum? I died?" I ask and she sobs, holding me. "C'mon Georgie! Don't tell me we have to go back to St. Mungo's!" She sobs into my chest. "What?! George went to St. Mungo's?!" I ask getting worried. "Oh Godric... Georgie! Y/n! She snapped! Please stop this!" She cries and I freeze. "What do you mean mum?" I ask and she cries more. "You know what happened!" She clutches my shirt tightly. "Mum!" I say grabbing her wrists. "It. Is. Fred. I have been tortured for a year. I need to go find Georgie and Y/n. Where's my girl?" I ask getting worried. She places a hand on my cheek and looks at me carefully. "Freddie?" She asks and I nod, cupping her hand. "Yes mum. Freddie. Can you heal me up and show me where my girl and twin is? I haven't seen them in so long, I miss them." I ask and she smiles. "ARTHUR COME HERE!" She yells as she helps me to the den.
I walk into George's apartment with him and my parents slowly. "Why's she living here?" I ask and George sighs. "Please be calm alright?" He asks and I nod. He unlocks the door and looks around. "Y/n?" He calls and sighs. "Don't know why I try anymore..." He whispers mostly to himself. "Please show her slowly George. We can't have her getting worse." My mum tells him and he nods.
I walk into a room across from his and see her laying on her bed. "Hey Y/n! Got you a surprise..." George says and points to the corner. "Let me get her used to seein me first." He whispers and I look at him confused. She turns around and smiles at him silently. "Still no talking?" He asks and she tears up. "It's alright. Can you trust me real quick?" He asks and she nods confused. My heart breaks seeing her, she looks broken.
"C'mere Fred..." He tells me and she whips her head around. I walk over and she tears up. "No..." She whispers and I back away. "Hey Lovey..." I whisper. "You're dead." she tells me and I chuckle. "Turns out. A lot of people think that..." I joke and she walks over. She pokes my chest and I poke her shoulder playfully. "What was that for?" I ask joking and she says nothing but wrap her arm around me.
"Hey Y/n/n, want some tea and we can explain?" George asks and she nods. "Alright me and Fred-" He begins but she shakes her head, holding me tighter like a toddler with a teddy. "I want Fred to stay." She says and I kiss her head. "Y/n, you need to change." He tells her and she grips on my shirt. "I want Fred to stay." She repeats and he sighs. "George. She can just change while I'm turned around. I don't think she'll let me leave, right lovey?" I ask and she nods, nuzzling her face into my shirt. "He'll leave again." She states and I kneel. "Never again. I promise." I tell her and she starts to cry. "You said that." She tells me and my heart breaks. "I know, but this year was temporary. I promise." I tell her.
George finally leaves and she changes as quickly as possible and races back to hug me again. I pick her up and she stays hugging me. "Freddie..." She whispers and I nod. "I gotcha baby." I tell her and she shoves her head in the crook of my neck.
I sit down and George is tearing up. "You got her to talk." He tells me and I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I ask and he wipes his face. "She was ok at first... Then she saw a Scrapbook of you guys. She realized that you were actually well- You know what I mean. And she stopped talking. We brought her to St. Mungo's in hope she'd start talking but after a month I just took her in here. Hoping one day she'd talk again. Then you came back. She talked for the first time today. Only because she saw you." He explains. "Your turn." She says and I nod, rubbing circles on her back.
"They thought us twins were the only two who were important enough to be in the army but slightly unimportant to kidnap one and try to get answers. They replaced me with a soldier using Polyjuice. Luckily... I had the memory of you guys keeping me strong." I explain kissing her neck. I feel tears on my shoulder and I move to see her face. "What's wrong lovey?" I ask and she hides in my neck again. "My fault." She cries into my neck. "Hey... What do you mean?" I ask and she nuzzles her face into my neck. "I didn't notice..." She cries and I kiss her neck up and down softly. "No baby, they took some of my memories so it would be impossible to not notice." I explain and she holds me tightly. "But I love you so much. I should've." She explains, taking breaks, every time trying to remember a word or at least how to say it. "I'm going to pack her things, I think your flat will be more comfortable." George says and I nod.
"I'm sorry." She mumbles and I kiss her again. "Me too..." I whisper.
"Good morning darling." I say as I sit on the couch next to Y/n. She smiles at me slightly and I grab the newspaper. "Want me to read for you?" I ask and she nods,  laying on my lap. I run my fingers through her hair as I read the news, showing her the cartoons. I'm smiling and laughing for her until she gets up and grabs a grape. She eats it and I pop up straight. "Sorry did you want that?" She asks and I smile at her. I kiss her all over her face and she giggles. I start kissing her even more causing more giggles. The sound I haven't heard in two years, right before the war.
"Freddie!" She giggles and I smile at her with the dopiest smile I can muster. "I love your laugh..." I sigh and she smiles at me. I get a call and answer it seeing its George.
"Hey could you come down to the shop? Ron set off fireworks after falling and there might be a hole near your office. We tried fixing it but your Magic Blocker is being a pain" He tells me and I sigh. "Alright coming. You two are very much interrupting the best day of my life." I say kissing the crown of Y/n's head. "Why? What happened?" He asks and I smile at the girl in my hold. "Y/n both ate and I heard that gorgeous giggle of hers." I say smiling proudly at Y/n. She blushes slightly and I kiss her nose.
I get up to change with Y/n following closely behind after hanging up and change in our shared room as she fiddles with the sensory knickknacks. With my ADHD and her PTSD we got them to keep our minds healthy. I laugh when she throws the dollar bill squishy at me playfully. I pick it up and she smirks at me. "Pass me my wallet." She tells me and I sigh knowing what I'm getting myself into. I toss her the wallet and she opens it looking for something.
I continue getting dressed when I feel a coin hit my back. "Hey! Dollar bills!" I say tossing the coin back. "I see no such rule." She replies and I smile. "How can you annoy the hell out of me but make me fall so much harder..." I mumble and she smiles. "Its cause I pay good." She quips, tossing a coin at me. I finally get my belt fixed and I walk over. I pick her up and drop her onto our bed. I kiss her neck and she giggles as I tickle her lightly. "I love you so much..." I whisper and she kisses my cheek. "Not as much as I love you." She whispers back.
I get fully dressed and I watch as she disappears into the closet and returns, first eyes searching for me quickly and when she finds me she walks over hugging me. "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods.
Y/n's POV:
I walk into the shop with Fred as we walk out into the streets of Diagon Alley. "Busy street today." He mutters worried and I nod, holding onto his hand tightly. "Don't worry. If we lose each other, meet me at the shop. You know the way." He tells me and I nod silently.
We set off and halfway I lose him in the crowd. I look around scared. My heart beats faster and faster as the seconds pass. "Fred?" I say loudly and get no response. My heart starts to go faster than I've ever felt. "Fred?" I say, tears forming in my eyes.
What if he gets kidnapped again?
What if he's hurt?
What if I get kidnapped?
What if Fred has to go through the same as I did?
What if-
I rush to the shop and go into the bathroom, locking the door as I fall to the ground crying. My heart beating faster than it should. I try to breath but no air is allowed down my throat. Tears fall from my eyes and I cry harder.
I need to go back and look for him.
Stop being a coward.
He could be hurt.
God I can't move.
What if me being a coward causes the last of the Deatheaters kidnap him again?
I can't lose him-
"Y/n? Darling?" I hear and I wipe my tears, quickly standing up shakily. I unlock the door and smile at a distressed Fred. "Hey I just had to fix my makeup." I say and his frown deepens. "C'mere." He says holding his arms open. I stop before hugging him and take a step back. "How do I know?" I ask and he sighs. "I got some Veritaserum in the back if you'd like that." He tells me and I run into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry." I cry softly into his chest and he kisses my head. "I'm here for you every step of the way. For better and worse." He whispers into my head softly.
"Now it's time to deal with my idiot brother's mistakes."
Fred comes into the apartment and smiles happily. "Lovey!!!" He says and I smile brightly at him. I hold up my now empty plate and he wraps his arms, one hand holding his briefcase, around me. "I made you some too!" I tell him and he looks at the coffee table. "I can't believe I was lucky enough to marry you..." He whispers in my ear and I smile. "I can agree." I tell him, kissing his nose. It's been two years since he got back and I finally got better. I started talking again, laughing, hugging, all because I had my loving husband next to me the whole time. I still have some issues with him leaving but not as bad as before.
"How was work?" I ask as he sits down, starting to eat. "Good. Missed you though." He tells me and I smile, laying on his lap as he devours his food. I unbutton his shirt and pull up the t-shirt underneath, I put my head under the cloth and kiss his scars lightly as he rubs my hair lightly. "I love you my crazy lady." He tells me and I pull my head away, smiling at him goofily. "I love you my red haired boy."
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livexdolan · 3 years
40 & 70 with gray? :)
40. "Thought I told you to stay by my side, eh?"  & 70. “You know what? Never-mind, you’ll know I’m lying to you anyway.” 
Whenever people found out who your best friend was- you knew they were trying to keep from laughing in your face. If he weren’t standing right next to you when you told people, sometimes they would think you were lying.
You’ve been friends with Grayson Dolan for more than a decade, knowing each other since elementary school. By high school, you drifted apart socially but you still hung out at each other’s houses, played video games, helped him with projects, even decided to go to the same college.
You handled Grayson’s popularity in high school well and he handled your lack of popularity well. All you prayed was college would be different.
It wasn’t.
Grayson decided to join Theta Xi, known to be the biggest pothead frat but also the best partiers. You told Grayson that maybe your friendship wasn’t going to work out, this was the sign. Grayson argued with you and spent weeks proving the frat would never change him.
Three years and a presidency later, he had changed. Yet for some reason, she stayed.
Well, she knew the reason, she’s been in love with him since the first time they kissed. It was on a rock in the forest behind his house, they were 16 and 17 and he had just learned no one had ever kissed her before.
After that, she knew she had to stay in his life even though she wasn’t his type at all and he had never given her any reason to believe he was interested in her as more than a friend.
Now, she’s cursing at the way she always get blindsided when it comes to Grayson. He talks her into the stupidest shit because he asks her in ways that she doesn’t realize what she’s getting into but by the time she finally realizes, it’s too late to back out.
Like right now, leaning against the counter in one of the kitchens. The frat house was split into four quads downstairs and two quads upstairs. Each quad has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a small living space, which all lead out into the main, large room of the house where the main part of the party is happening.
She could still hear the music thumping beneath her feet, she was upstairs in the ‘off-limits’ quad. It was Grayson, Ethan, Ryan, and Mando’s rooms up here.
Grayson’s the president, E’s vp, Ryan’s in charge of everything grayson doesn’t want to deal with but his official title is treasurer, and Mando’s in charge of all things social media for the frat.
I’m in Ethan and Grayson’s kitchen, the cleanliness not surprising seeing as Ethans girlfriend pretty much lives with them at this point. I always try to clean up Grayson’s room and bathroom when I’m over, the OCD type A freak in me hates seeing his books everywhere, trash cans full of bottles, laundry piled in the corner.
It’s not like that most of the time though, that only happens on his bad weeks. Those are the weeks when he falls into this funk and only talks to me and Ethan. We all give him space because we know why it’s happening, they started right after their dad died.
Mr. Dolan dying was so hard on everyone. My family included. My dad wasn’t a very stand-up guy, and Mr. Dolan always made me feel welcome and was the kind of dad I always imagined my dad to be.
“Thought I told you to stay by my side, eh?" I jump at the deep voice, turning to see Grayson standing in the doorway, looking like an angel committing a sin by looking so hot.
He has on a pair of slacks and a loose, silk shirt, the pattern almost matching Ethans. The theme for the night was Coachella. Even if we were many states away and most of the people here couldn’t afford to even look at Coachella tickets.
I let him talk me into coming, wearing a knit triangle bralette top and off-white shorts Grayson picked out, I just realized my shorts match his pants perfectly.
I quirk my eyebrow at him and cross my arms, “I’m sorry, did I leave you to play beer pong?”
He smiles at me and I want to slap it off his face- or kiss it off- either is fine with me, “I’m sorry, angel. Just come back down and enjoy the rest of the party with me, I won’t ditch you again, I promise.”
Grayson’s always done his hardest to keep ever promise he’s told me, so I push off the counter, my entire hard-ass demeanor falling away and my normal, shy and reserved self takes it’s place. He grabs my hand and I try to ignore the pleasure I get from feeling his warmth on mine.
He pulls me towards the stairs and then we walk down together, me slightly behind him. He abruptly stops and I bump into him, cursing at him but he squeezes my hand, silently telling me to shut up.
I look over in time to see Dylan here, with McKenna. Dylan was my first boyfriend, though we’re only kissed and cuddled, I thought we were serious. Until I found out he had been sleeping with my dorm mate the entire time. That was freshman year, I should be over it. I am over it, but the look Grayson gives me tells me I don’t look as though I’m over it.
“C’mon.” Grayson pushes us through the crowd, keeping us out of the line of sight of my ex.
We duck into one of the quads and I realize too late- it’s the pot quad. The rooms filled with a thick haze, the slight soundproofing making the vibes much more calm and relaxing. There’s only a dozen or so people but I feel much better in here than out there. Even if I don’t smoke.
Someone passes Grayson a blunt and he takes a quick hit, “I feel like I should stay sober to make sure that asshole doesn’t even look at you,” I smile at Grayson’s protectiveness.
“I’m fine. It was a while ago, Gray. I’m over it,” I shrug. Maybe it would’ve hurt more if my heart didn’t belong to someone else.
I make a quick decision and go to take the blunt. Grayson pulls back, the weed out in the air where I can’t reach it, “What do you think you’re doing?”
He raises his brow and I scoff, rolling my eyes, “Give it to me, Grayson. I just want one hit.” He pulls back again when I try to reach out.
He just shakes his head and it feels like his patronizing a child, “this shits strong, angel. You can’t handle it.”
Something about the way he said it sends me back to a memory I forgot ever happened. After Dylan took me out for our five month, we went back to his place and we started making out. I tried to reach for his belt but he pulled away, telling me I wasn’t ready. Couldn’t handle it. That I was too immature and if I wanted it to be great, I should lose a little weight, because skinny girls have the best sex.
I snatch the blunt from Grayson, taking a hit before he can stop me. Fuck men. Fuck all men who think they know what I can and can’t handle. I think I inhaled to much because when I exhale I feel a heavy burn and a dry cough comes up my throat.
Grayson pats my back, “Angel-“
“Don’t.” I push his hand off me. Taking a deep breath, I see Grayson watching me closely. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look it. What is wrong with you tonight?” He asks me and I roll my eyes.
“You know what?” He looks at me expectantly and I sigh, “Never-mind, you’ll know I’m lying to you anyway.”
He grabs my hand and takes me out of the small room, moving us through the crowd to the back porch- a large, glassed in room. There’s only a few people out here.
He grabs my arms, “what’s wrong, y/n? Is it Dylan? I’ll kick him out if you want. ”
I look up into his eyes, the sincerity there surprising me. Grayson’s always been so honest with me. It’s time I’m honest with him. I don’t know if weed works this fast or if it’s the beer I downed earlier but I decide to be honest with him, “No, it’s not Dylan. I wasn’t even that hurt when we broke up. That’s because- I uh- I like you, Gray. I’ve had a crush on you since eleventh grade. I want to be with you. I mean- with you with you. I want to wake up next to you and hold hands and kiss and hug and- I want you to love me as much as I love you.” I rant.
His hands fall off my arms and my eyes well up, knowing the thing I’ve always feared is about to happen. He’s rejecting me. “Y/n I- I care about you. So much. But I- this isn’t a good idea.”
His words break my heart and I keep my gaze on the ground, “Um- okay. Well, I’m gonna- I have to go.” I say, looking up at him and biting my lip to hold back tears.
I turn on my heel and practically run back into the main room, trying to get out of this house as quickly as possible, “Y/n! Come back! Wait!” I hear Grayson’s voice and the tears start to fall, I push through the crowd faster, when someone grabs my arm, stopping me.
“Y/n?” I look up at Dylan, standing with McKenna. His eyebrows furrow when he sees me crying.
“Let me go,” I state, trying to get my arm out of his tight grip.
“What’s wrong? Who-“ he stops when he sees someone behind me, “Of course it was you. You’re such an asshole. What did you do to her?” He demands and I finally get my arm away from him.
Turning to see Grayson with rage in his eyes. He never got over Dylan cheating on me, “I didn’t do anything to her. You’re the piece of shit who cheated on y/n. How dare you come into my house and accuse me of hurting my best friend?” Grayson spits and I grab his arm out of instinct as he lurches forward.
“Gray, stop.” I say, he looks away from Dylan’s smirk to make eye contact with me for only a second before shrugging my hand off him.
“Yeah, Gray. Listen to your girlfriend. Don’t wanna embarrass you in your house, right?” Dylan mocks and I roll my eyes, knowing he’s just trying to rile Grayson up.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” the words are out of his mouth so quick, I don’t even realize what he said at first. I scoff and roll my eyes.
Because this is the time to correct him. You know what, “Fuck you.” I spit at Grayson and push my way out of the small circle forming around us. I make it to the front door when I hear a loud crack, looking back to see Dylan on the ground holding his nose and Grayson looking for me in the crowd.
We make eye contact and I shake my head, knowing this is the end of us. I open the door and slip out, running down the road, passing all the other fraternity houses. I can feel my heart pounding in my ears but I keep pushing myself until I get to my apartment, knowing it’s only a mile or so.
Once I get inside I slide down the door, leaning against it as I realize that happy ever afters are fake. The person you love isn’t always going to love you back. Fuck fairytales.
It’s not like I can hate Grayson- he didn’t know. I can hate him for not chasing me. He probably realized I’m not worth it. Best friends don’t run after each other, right? If he loved me, he wouldn’t have let Dylan get to him. He would’ve grabbed me and made me stay.
Tears fall down my face unrestrained as my heart clenches at the thought of never being friends with Grayson again. We’ve gone through death, high school, years of people trying to pull us apart, and I was able to ruin our friendship with three words.
If it was meant to be, he would’ve fought for me. Figuratively, not physically, seeing as he already punched someone tonight. I drag myself to my room and fell into the blankets, closing my eyes. I pray I will forget this night ever happened.
Next Part...
A/n: For all my people who didn’t get their fairy tale ending ❤️
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lilkermit14 · 3 years
Jay is from the show Red Widow and unfortunately he's not really known 😅 At first I wanted to ask for Jack but I had no idea of ​​the details for the story... Maybe he had to leave reader because of his job, but he loves her too much and decides to come back and find out that she is pregnant (a baby girl) I know, it's not original but i can't imagine anything else for this charming cowboy 🥺
Whole (Jack Daniels x Fem!reader)
Notes: Idk why I struggled so hard to write this fic but here she is in all her glory........yay. Not as smutty as per usual to prove I’m not a total whore but here ya go
Summary: after your life is threatened unbeknownst to you, whiskey takes it upon himself to protect you the only way he thinks he can––by leaving you. but what his cowboy brain doesn’t for see, is that he’s doing both of you more damage than good especially after a happy little accident. 
warnings: brief description of smut and aftercare (like the La Croix of smut but still no minors), ANGSTTTTTTT, rOUGH, unplanned pregnancy, a slap, and a happy ending
Jack should have known the first time he wasn’t meant to have this kind of happiness—the kind where one could always have someone to return home to at the end of the day. No, he couldn’t have it with his late wife and he couldn’t have it with you either.
The human trafficker had somehow gotten access to personal statesmen information, because he had found out about you. Had your name. Had shown him pictures of you. Had shown that men were waiting at your doorstep if Jack didn’t back down now.
Thankfully, they were able to stop the man before it came to any of that—but it broke something in Jack. He couldn’t have another woman he loves die like his wife. He didn’t know if he could handle it. You didn’t even know about Jack’s real job, all you knew was that he was the CEO of a distillery and you never asked questions about that. Maybe it was easier keeping it like that, as Jack realized the only way to keep you safe was to leave you.
He had picked a night, picked a place to head out to after it was all over, and planned out the note. He had made love to you one last time before leaving—slowly savoring the way your skin felt pressed against him and the way it felt to have your walls drag against him when he thrusted, and finally stilled deep inside you. He made sure to take care of you before he left, clean with all sore muscles rubbed out and well hydrated—comfortable as you could be. You fell asleep so easily it somehow made Jack more guilty for what he thought was the right thing. He stayed longer than he should have after he wrote the note and got dressed, bag packed by the door, just staring at you, attempting to memorize the sound of your soft noises as you slept and the way your naked body looked covered by the sheets and pale moonlight. It was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen and wanted it to be the clearest memory he had of you. Tears sprung in his eyes, thinking that this is the only thing he will ever have of love—memories. He kissed your forehead one last time before walking out of your life forever.
Jack hasn’t felt alive since, the toll of leaving you behind eating at him more than he ever thought it could. He’s changed in a way and everyone knows it—they see the way he moves or speaks now and know something has changed. He just goes through the motions of living with no actual life in his eyes to prove he is alive. He throws himself into his work working through cases and bad guys more efficiently than ever, but it doesn’t distract him from losing you—not when he lies awake at night crying and missing you.
Everyone around him changes too—Tequila doesn’t tease him anymore and walks around him like they’re threading through a room full of broken glass. Ginger does more medical evaluations—ones that are less to do with physical health and more to do with mental health. Most of all—champ acts different, “son—“
Jack pauses from exiting the debriefing room after giving Champ a status report and picking up another case, “I’m wondering if you should take a few days off from wo—“
“No,” Jack says curt and without a single space for bargaining. Champ is stiff when Jack looks at him, “I know you're wallowing over that girl.”
“I did what I had to do and I’m going to continue doing it.” Jack reminds him, staying steadfast in his decision. Champ shakes his head, “and it’s tearing you apart—statesmen get threats like that all the time Whiskey and they don’t go deserting their relatives or loved ones—“
“Well they're not me,” Jack states his stare is cold as he looks down at Champagne, “I can’t lose another person like that again.”
“You’ve lost her by leaving her,” his words cut through him and he knows it’s the truth, but it’s not something stubborn ol Jack is willing to withstand. Jack turns to leave again, “I’ll be off on the case.”
You can’t help but pick up one of the sandwiches from the various food carts before they go out. It’s too tempting after standing for hours on your feet with a six month old pregnancy belly on your front—one you’re rubbing as you enjoy the taste of the mozzarella, pesto, and tomato together. The father of your child disappeared before you could even tell him—fitting considering you never grew up with a father in your house. So it has just been you and your baby girl, and well your best friend and business partner that was walking towards you now, joking “are the sandwiches up to your standards?”
“I needed something to eat after four hours of standing and being pregnant Travis,” you contest, taking another big bite. He shrugs with some sort of understanding, looking over the trays of food with you and approving them before they go off. Travis randomly starts, “I don’t think we should try to have this client again.”
You turn, finishing your sandwich with an eyebrow raise, “why? Did someone from the company say something to you—“
“Not that—although I was worried when the CEO invited his childhood priest—” he notes sending off the last tray, “I get bad vibes from the company itself.”
You think about it for a moment agreeing that something was fishy about the way a family-owned soap company was able to afford such a lavish event—something was a little off. You nod, “maybe not—I don’t want to get too close to a company that's a front. I doubt they would want us back because they’ve fired every event planner they’ve had before and the CEO’s wife already complained that the flower garnishes weren’t the correct shade of maroon.”
“We just have to finish the job then and we’ll be scott free” Travis mutters checking his watch, “just a couple hours left—what could go wrong?”
As though you were in a badly made comedy, right as Travis says that you hear clatter and gunshots come from the main event area, “......I spoke too soon didn’t I?”
Vincent Marsulio had tried to make a run for it once he realized his plans to run a million dollar drug business had gone to shit—I mean a soap company as a front? Really? Jack had dodged gunfire, tequila and the new agent rum covering him—allowing him to use his lasso to drag Vincent into Statesmen custody.
The scene was under control now—with agents and Ginger’s crime scene investigators gathering follow up information and evidence. Jack was just there to make sure the scene stayed secure and that no witnesses ran off that were revealed to be involved. Scanning the crowds of those being interviewed is when he saw you.
He should have known you were here—he should have seen your touches in the flower displays, the food selections, the drapery, and the table cloths. You were a party planner, he should have made note of that. You’re the same as the images in his mind—the memories that flash through his mind whenever he gets a flicker of your perfume or hears a laugh that sounds like yours. The only thing that's changed about you is your stomach—there's a sizable baby bump there, and he mumbles to himself “no…”
It had been seven months—seven months since he left you. It had to be his. He left you pregnant. As though you heard the gears turning in his head you turn and make eye contact with him—freezing in your place. He has to talk to you now, but you make efforts to move away, running towards a stairwell to get away from him as he shouts your name.
Despite being seven months pregnant you make a good chase, ducking down the stairwell and moving as fast as your swollen ankles will carry you while he shouts for you behind you. You can’t see him right now, he left, he doesn’t deserve this. Your condition must somewhat get the best of you as you end up stumbling on a landing—slowing down enough for him to catch up. You knew it was futile after all he ran faster than you even when you weren’t pregnant.
He grabs your wrist before you can go any farther, pulling you towards his body—only for you to wack a big slap to the side of his face, “how dare you—you asshole.”
“You're pregnant?” He asks quick as hell, and you frown still jabbing hits at him, “Why else am I so fucking big dickhead.”
He pulls you closer in an effort to restrain you from hitting him and from running away at any point, “is it mine?”
You had been avoiding looking at his face the entire portion of the ordeal—not wanting to see the face of the man that abandoned you. But you end up looking anyway and feel the tears spring up in your eyes. Despite the fact he left you you still feel love for him in your heart. You can’t lie to him, “it is.”
“Sugar, I’m—“ he breathes out, struck in the moment by every error he’s made in the past few months knowing he should have stayed, “I’m so sorry, please let me explain why I did what I did.”
You don’t respond just letting him speak at his own will as he settles you two down to sit on the steps of the stair. Jack tells you about his job, his wife, and the scare he had that just accumulated to him feeling like he had to leave to keep you safe. You had known about his late wife but none of the details about the affair and understood just why he was so afraid—but he still acted like an idiot. Head in hands, “why did you keep everything hidden from me Jack, I mean you lied to me about your job––no wonder I was able to find you after I found out, I was stuck looking for Jack Daniels brewery CEO instead of Jack Daniels statesmen.”
You got him there, “I should have––everyone told me I should have told you.” Silence emanates between the two of you, “I know sorry doesn’t make up for all I did––I don’t know if I can ever make up for what I did, but give me a chance because I want to be there for you and the kid–I love you sweet pea.”
Tears spring from your eyes, “I love you too Jack, we’ll figure it out I promise.”
Jack pulls you into his arms whispering what sounds like a thousand thank you’s for you and the girl in your belly, “it’s a girl you know.”
“A girl…” Jack trails off with a smile gleaming on his face and some unspoken joy in his eyes, that shifts into something of deep regret, “I was almost like him I don’t ever wanna be like him”
“You won’t.” you state firm and jack pulls away to cup your face and wipe away the errant tears still streaming down your face, “can I kiss you darling?”
“Please,” and with that the lips you have missed meld on to yours. After months, both alone and apart, both you and Jack feel a sense of security that everything will be alright––that your little family is finally whole.
I’m sorry that its bad....
@poenariuniverse @harleyamidala @yespolkadotkitty @storiesofthefandomlovers @babybelou @legally-a-bastard @computeringturtle @clydesducktape @sixties-loser @buckysalefty @april-14-blog @prettylittlegoldfish @softpedropascal
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revengeisourlullaby · 4 years
Dai the Flu
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected, a bit of a daddy kink, spanking, biting, spiting, cumplay, quirk usage, choking, voyeurism, slight dumbification, degradation, lil bit of fluff at the end
a/n: this is my first time ever writing a smut. i’ve actually never really attempted creating something in the format of a fanfic. so please, if anything, lemme know what i can do better! hope you enjoy this <3
Word count: 7.5K
Dabi x female reader
You weren’t a part of the League of Villains, but you had a small involvement with them. It wasn’t the turn you wanted your life to take, but after you had a run in with Dabi, it was almost inevitable.
You were walking back to your apartment after your shift at the corner store was over. Darkness had already been cast upon the sky and the only thing surrounding you was the static from the neon signs declaring that a shop was still open. The whir of passing cars gave you a sense of comfort walking alone at such a late hour. The area of town where you lived had gone up in villain attacks and you were always on edge. It wasn’t that you couldn’t handle yourself but the last thing you wanted was to face off against someone you had no business doing so.
There was word going around about this guy who was a human cremation system and honestly it gave you goosebumps thinking about it. It was one reason you wished you had another way to get home. Just thinking about those blue flames flashing before your eyes was enough to give you nightmares and yet, the man who this quirk was attached to was something out of your dreams. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, after seeing him on the news in passing one day while getting ready for work, his face was ingrained in your brain. Even though he bore resemblance to a modern day Frankenstein, something about him had you hooked.
You were almost a block away from your apartment complex when you passed an alleyway and heard footsteps. Curiosity taking over, you stopped in your tracks and tried to peer down the alleyway that was shrouded in darkness, a lone lamppost giving off dingy yellow light. You started to feel your stomach twist in knots as you heard the footsteps getting louder and the silhouette of this person becoming more visible. Once you saw the beginnings of this figure’s hair your heart stopped and your eyes widened in disbelief.
It’s him.
Your mind was racing and you were frozen in fear. You couldn't move your body to move, let alone let alone a word to announce for him to stay away from you. As he passed the lamppost you saw his staples shine in the dim light, making him look more daunting than usual. You shook your head to bring back to reality and attempted to make your break for your apartment. Having seen enough and being in paralyzed in your own astonishment, you wanted to get out of there as fast as you could. The universe had different plans for you though.
“Fuck..” you muttered under your breath. Before your left foot could even touch the ground he stopped you dead in your tracks.
“You’ve been standing there like a lost dog watching me limp up here, least you could do is respond back.”
You turned, almost robotically and finally faced him. He had now moved up a lot closer to you and you had to crane your neck to look at him.
“Hey kid, you a mute or somethin’?” he chuckled to himself really while you were still slightly shaking in your frozen state.
“N-no.” you shook your head in embarrassment trying to get your bearings together. You didn’t want to end up like the others but also was so confused on how to approach who was in front of you
“Sorry I’m just a little shook up here. I don’t know what I was expecting by sticking my nose in this but it definitely wasn’t this.” you had finally managed to get out. Your breath heavy and hands visibly shaking.
“Well, since you stuck your nose in someone else’s business don’t you think you should help ‘em out if they need it. I think you do.” He smirked at his staples having a slight click when he moved his mouth.
“What are you suggesting here..” you trailed off. The man pointed at his torso that he was holding with his other hand in a poor attempt to stall the bleeding that was oozing out of him.
“Kinda a little cut up here sweetheart...what were you thinking about?” He smirked forcing you to turn your head away due to the unwanted heat rushing to your cheeks.
“Uh-yeah...I can help you out. I’ve got a kit at my place. Just follow me.” your voice was meek due to the sheer embarrassment you felt at the moment. As you walked out of the alleyway you felt his blue eyes burning through your back. You weren’t sure whether to start up a conversation, you couldn’t place if it was due to the fear running through your veins or fear of humiliating yourself again in front of someone you found so intimidating yet so beguiling.
Finally reaching your complex, you walked up the stairs leading into your second level apartment. Heavy footsteps trailing behind you, you grabbed your keys from your back pocket and unlocked the door to your home. As you stepped in you hit the light by the door, illuminating the main room. Turning around to shut the door, you took a deep breath to prepare yourself with the villain you just willingly brought into your home. Turning back around to face him you fully realized that you had Dabi standing in the main room of your apartment, blood pooling out into his hand and staining his white shirt.
“Come on let’s get into the bathroom and get you cleaned up.” your eyes refused to meet his and you stared at the floor while walking to your bathroom because you could once again feel the heat rising up into your face.
“You got a lot of guts to just bring a wanted villain in your place and help him out. How do you know this isn’t a ploy of mine to wrap you in my flames?” He asked while standing in the doorway of your bathroom while you were searching in the cabinet underneath the sink. Finding it, you stood up and faced him
“You would’ve done it already. You don’t peg me as the type to play with your food; plus, as you pointed out, you’ve got a situation we need to handle. Not as menacing when you’re asking for help. Even if you phrase it as an owed debt.” you turned away from him to open up your first aid kit box. Surprised at your own sudden confidence while speaking to him. Looking back up at him, you pointed toward your counter.
“Have a seat.”
He looked at you and a small smirk forming upon his lips. You furrowed your brows slightly, trying to understand the look he was giving you. You shook your head feeling that you were giving yourself away too much and grabbed the gauze out of the box.
“Can you take off your jacket and shirt for me…” your voice softening, feeling as if you were intruding somewhat. He silently obliged by taking off his top articles of clothing. As they both landed on the floor, leaving a small splotch of blood as it hit the tiles. Your breath got caught in your throat as you paused your movements, staring at his toned chest. Pulling you out of your thoughts you heard Dabi’s voice resonate through your ears.
“If you’re gonna stare like that you could at least get me some food. Or at least fix me up first.”
He smirked looking at you straight in your eyes. Your eyes widened, completely humiliated that you had been caught staring at him so shamelessly. You quickly grabbed some hydrogen peroxide from underneath your sink to wet the gauze and clean up his wounded area before you did anything else. Closing in on his torso you brought the wet gauze around his wound to wipe away any smeared and dried blood. Throwing the used one away, you grabbed another and wet it again placing it directly on his open gash. He hissed at the contact chastising you in the process.
“Hey watch it! That shit hurts”
“Look, it’s not like I want it to hurt, but if I don’t do this it will get infected. Pretty sure that's the last thing your body needs.” You looked at him with eyes narrowed. Glancing toward his scars. While you knew that comment was a little harsh, you were annoyed not only with yourself for slipping up in front him but also his attitude was starting to irritate you. 
“You’re pretty funny” he rolled his eyes and lightly chuckled at you.
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the small suture kit in your first aid box. Lining yourself up with his torso you pressed the needle against his skin,
“This is probably going to hurt a bi-”
“-You look pretty good beneath me like this.” Dabi cut you off before you got the chance to give your warning about the sutures he was about to receive. Looking up at him incredulously you scoffed and continued your work. He chuckled but before he could get it out of his system you cut him off by saying he needed to stay still or he would make this process a lot longer. Both of you letting out a sigh you finally finished up the last stitch and snipped the end of the thread with a scissor. Leaving the bathroom, you went to go grab a shirt from your bedroom.
“Stay here, I need to grab something.” you added before you left the doorway. You went into your drawer looking to find one of your oversized t-shirts to give to him. Grabbing an old Slipknot shirt you went back into the bathroom to find him standing in front of the mirror looking at himself. Holding your hand out you gave him the shirt.
“I’m not sure of the state of your jacket but I can’t let you leave with a bloodied shirt. It’d really make you eyesore out there.”
Staring down at you, Dabi looked at you with something that could almost be seen as curiosity. Taking the shirt from your hands, you swore you saw a small smile creep onto his face.
“Thanks princess.”
The pet name that slipped from his lips made you fluster immediately. Your eyes widening for a moment and heart rate picking up. He obviously saw the effect it had on you because when you looked at him the smirk that adorned his face was impish. Fully knowing what he was doing to you.
Picking his jacket up off your bathroom floor, he slipped it on and looked at you to move from the doorway. Scooching to the left you let him pass by. You knew he couldn’t stay but for some reason your heart sank as you watched him go to your front door. As if he knew the wave of emotions running through you, he turned around with his hand still on the door handle,
“Don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll see me around soon enough.” and with that he turned around and walked out the door. Your back hit the wall in your hallway and you let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding in. Shoving your hands into your face you rubbed them and heaved out a sigh.
“What the fuck just happened...”
With that you failed to realize the world you just opened yourself up to. The world of having Dabi actively in your life. You failed to realize that this quick interaction with a villain that stirred up such fear in others was one to stir up excitement in you.
That happened over six months ago. Over the span of these few months you ended up becoming Dabi’s personal ER doc. Not by choice either. You never knew when he was gonna spring up on you while walking home from work, at work, or even sneaking through your window waiting for you to return home. Something he called a “pleasant surprise” for you. To see him sprawled on your couch covered in filth and the occasional markings of blood.
Tonight was the start of you finally having a few days off of work. So you decided to treat yourself to some self care days. You felt you deserved it. Between dealing with the nightlife that sauntered into the corner store and constantly having to patch up Dabi, you were reaching your limit of it all. You needed a few moments to yourself to finally release all the pent up emotions that were flowing over inside of you. Unlocking the door unto your apartment, you threw your keys into the bowl on the table by your door. Propping your hands on the back of your neck you stretched and let out a moan. Sighing, you walk into your bedroom rummaging through your drawers, you grabbed a sleep shirt, some underwear, and a few candles. Walking into your bathroom you set the items on the counter. Lighting the candles, you looked in the mirror noticing your tiredness masking over your face. Feeling grimey from the day's work, you stripped yourself of your clothes and turned the shower on. You wanted to scrub any filth off first before you decided to rest in the bath.
Finishing up cleaning off your body you pulled the knob on the head of the bathtub to switch up the source of water. Grabbing your lavender scented bath salts from the floor you poured them into the stream of hot water flowing from the knob. Deciding they had dissolved enough you let your body relax into the tub, the feeling of the water instantly relaxing your muscles. There was steam filling up the bathroom adding to the relaxing aura you had already created. Closing your eyes your mind had drifted to him. That blue eyed bastard. He didn’t even know your name. It was never short of a surprise whenever he showed up and you couldn’t deny the excitement that stirred within your body when he did. 
He was intoxicating. Like a drug. You knew that he was more than a handful to be involved with but, something about him wouldn’t allow you to leave him alone. You were always ready to help him, even if seeing him in such a state worried you. You wondered what unannounced visit would be the last. You couldn’t deny how you wished there was something more than just you patching him up and him leaving with a wink. It pained you not being able to live out this fantasy of yours, but you knew it was for the best.
Opening your eyes, you let out a big sigh. Bringing yourself up from out of the tub and letting it drain, you grabbed your towel from off the toilet and dried your body off. Blowing out the candles you put on your moisturizer and sleepwear and left the bathroom sauntering back in your room. Leaving your dirty clothes on the floor in the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of your bed your mind drifted to Dabi again and a sudden urge overcame your body. Feeling heat rush to your core you scooted further back on your bed and situated yourself into a more comfortable position.
Letting your hands roam down your body you scrunched up your shirt moving to play with your nipples. Guiding one hand down to your core you began to tease your sensitive bud through your underwear. Getting antsy you pulled your underwear off and threw them somewhere on your bedroom floor. Slipping your fingers into your wet hole you began thrusting them inside you, your back arching while doing so. Squeezing harder on your hardened nipple you let out a soft moan. Increasing your speed you grazed over the spongy spot inside you causing you to let out a loud gasp and a name slipped from your lips.
Too engrossed in your own pleasure you failed to hear the window in your main room slide open. A slender leg slipped through the window and Dabi pulled himself in. He had no intentions of being patched up tonight, he just decided to make a quick stop considering he was in the area. Turning around to shut the window he heard you gasping from the other room. Curiosity and pure sadism rushing through his veins he made slow steps to your bedroom. With you having left your door open he was able to watch over you without making a sound. Crossing his arms, a smirk was cast upon his face watching your writhe in your self made pleasure. Completely intrigued by your moans he continued to watch but what he didn’t expect was the words that followed,
“Dabi! Please~”
His eyes widened for a second but they quickly narrowed, carnal desires now taking over his mind. His smirk turned into a sadistic smile and he finally opened his mouth.
“I’ve always wondered what it takes…”
His voice boomed through your room, echoing in your head like a tainted prayer. Your hand ripped from your drenched cunt embarrassed heat rushing to your face. You felt mortified.
“D-dabi...what’re you doing in here”
“Ah, c’mon princess, that’s not how you were saying it before. Say it right.” He sneered at you obviously amused by your state of utter humiliation.
“You can’t just come in here unannounced” you tried desperately to keep your composure while your slick was drying on your fingers.
“I always come in unannounced and by the looks of things...looks like you wanted me to cum in somewhere else.” His voice dropped entering a state of utter rasp. Eyes trailing down your body. He started to stalk over to you like a predator to its prey,
“Dabi, I- you weren’t supposed to see me like this ever. Please...just leave I can’t take you looking at me like this anymore.” You hid your hand underneath yourself trying to look as in control as possible, but the docile tone in your voice betrayed your words. Dabi continued his tread toward you, coming up near the edge of your bed. Pressing his hands into the mattress he leaned forward, pinning you with his eyes against the bed.
“You’re right, but right now I really enjoy what I see.” Drawing his finger up your exposed leg. He continued his verbal assault on you
“In fact, I’d like to see you under me. Squirming and crying while you beg for me to give you a break when you know you just want me to keep fucking you.” He breathed out as he crawled over your figure.
“But before we do that princess, I just realized I don’t know your name. Why don’t you tell me, hmm” As if to emphasize his question, he pressed his thumb into your clit causing you to moan out his name.
“Nah, sweetheart, that’s my name. Tell me yours” He purred against your ear, his breath hot against it.
“Y/N.” you panted out “It’s Y/N.” Unable to catch your breath you just looked up at him, frozen at what was currently happening to you.
“Y/N huh, it suits you. Although, I can’t promise you that’s the only thing I’m gonna be calling you tonight.” He leaned down pressing unusually gentle kisses into the crook of your neck. Your body filling up with goosebumps and heat rushing straight to your core. You moan arching your back, simultaneously giving him better access to your neck. Enjoying yourself a little too much, you were brought back to reality when he sank his teeth into your shoulder. Hissing you snapped your head at him ready to bark out profanities, but he beat you to it.
His two toned hand wrapped around your jaw, squishing your cheeks together and pursing your lips forward.
“Don’t even try it. I got you all figured out Y/N. You make a move and I’ve already predicted it.”
“Oh bite me.” You hissed at him.
“Careful. Princess.” Growling out his words, he sunk his teeth back into your shoulder making you let out an ungodly moan. Coming out from the crease where your shoulder and neck meet he looked into your glossed over orbs
“I believe the sting proves heart to me, and I know that you love me. So submit to me, I promise you won’t want anything else.”
“Dabi, please.” you whined against him
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you, say it one more time Y/N.” Releasing his grip from your jaw it allowed you to enunciate better even though he heard you clearly the previous time.
“Dabi, please, I wan- I need you so bad. Please Dabi don’t make me wait anymore”
“Look at you, whining like a desperate slut and all I’ve done is thumb your clit a bit. You’re pathetic. I love it.” Grabbing your jaw again he looked down at you his pupils blown wide with lust and his member poking at your sex through his pants.
“Open your mouth.”
Shamelessly, you opened your mouth, automatically sticking your tongue out for him.
“Good girl.” He curled his bottom lip back a bit gathering the spit in his mouth and he spat it into yours. You squeezed your eyes shut in shock of what just happened but you couldn’t lie to yourself. You were soaking and were begging silently for him to do it again. When your eyes opened back up they resembled that of a doe. Looking at Dabi with complete adoration. A dark chuckled stumbled from him mouth
“You liked that didn’t you, you naughty bitch.” He emphasized the last of his words with a hard slap to your thigh which jiggled from the impact. You bit your lip trying to hold back a moan to not give him the satisfaction.
“C’mon baby girl moan for me. They’re so sweet, I love ‘em. Let me hear you.” He slapped your thigh again punctuating his words. He slithered down your body and came face to face with your core. Wrapping his arms around your hips, he brought your body closer to his face, his nose brushing up against your clit. You whimpered, the unexpected contact making you grow impatient.
“God, please, please use your mouth on me, I’m begging you Dabi.” You cried out to him and he crowed at you
“Damn, I didn’t even have to ask. You’re such a slut.” He bowed his head into your core, licking a stripe from your hole up to your clit. You threw your head back indulging in the sudden pleasure he was giving you. Lapping at your clit, he looked up at you through hooded eyes. Feeling his gaze, you met his eyes and when you did he placed a small nip at your clit, following it with a hard suck. You darted your hand down to his head, threading your fingers through his stygian locks. 
Pulling at it, you felt him smile against your heat, still continuing his performance on your clit. Feeling your core twitch and the knot in your stomach tighten, your breath started to quicken and started babbling that you were about to cum. Tightening your grip on Dabi’s hair, your high washed over you spawning you to arch your back and your legs to shake from the stimulation. Panting heavily and trying to bring yourself back down you heard Dabi’s voice ring through your ears.
“Get up.” You were in such a state of overbearing lust that it took you a moment to register what Dabi had said to you. Your body finally registered his words and lifted yourself up from your spot on the bed. Standing up, you watched him roll off of his knees and sit on the edge of your bed waiting for you to finish his command.
“Y/N, don’t just stand there, come over here in front of me. You know I don’t bite hard.” He patted his lap while carefully watching your movements while you made your way toward him. Standing in between his legs you wrapped your arms around his neck, you weaved your hand in his hair pulling his head back. Looking into his alluring blue eyes, down to his lips and back up to his eyes. You two spoke an unspoken language and with that you smashed your lips upon his.
He moved himself a little further back onto your bed and pulled you down with him, forcing you to straddle his hips. The kiss was nasty and fueled by pure unuttered lust. Grinding down against him he let out a strangled moan. Your wetness leaving a trail on the outside of his pants. You clawed down Dabi’s chest and he pulled at your hair in response. With a low growl he pulled you away from him and looked straight through you.
“Get on your knees for me.”
Licking the leftover spit off from your lips you backed up and brought yourself down to your knees. Teasing with the buckle of his belt, you pulled it out of its loops antagonizing slow. Following suit with the button of his pants, you pulled them down along with his underwear. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of his cock, having you wonder if you could fully take it down.
“Staring at it isn’t gonna do it for me princess.”
Looking up at him with doe eyes and a slight nod, you licked a stripe up from the base of his cock up to the tip, pressing a feather light kiss to the head. Lapping away at the drops of precum beading out, you swirled your tongue around his tip before gathering up spit and letting it fall down the sides of his hard cock. With one hand at the base you took him into your mouth, looking up at him through your lashes. Gagging slightly when his tip hit the back of your throat. Tears welling up in your eyes at the contact, Dabi let out a low moan, throwing his hand into your hair,
“God. You’re so good at this Y/N.”
With the sudden praise you picked up the pace feeling confidence surge through you. You incorporated your hand and bobbed your head in sync. Taking your other hand, you began to fondle his balls adding extra stimulation
“Y/N fuck. Fuck keep doing that” Dabi’s hand tightened in your hair and he began thrusting lightly into your mouth, attempting to hold onto the last bits of his composure. You hollowed out your cheeks creating a tight seal around his dick and he groaned so loud that it definitely echoed into the halls of your surrounding neighbors.
“Fuck! Y/N, I’m gonna, fuck I’m cumming- ah!” His thick ropes of cum shot in the back of your throat but before you could swallow Dabi grabbed your jaw again,
“Keep that fuckin cum in you mouth. You don’t swallow until I say you can. Now get on the bed and lie down.”
Keeping your mouth closed, you climbed up onto the bed and lied on your back, careful to not choke on the fluid residing in your mouth. Dabi stepped out of his pants and came up to place a kiss upon your lips. He reached down to the bottom of your sleep shirt and pulled it over your head. Before he came back down to your body, he discarded his shirt across your bedroom floor. He faced you again, kissing across your collarbone, trailing down the valley between your breasts and finally landing on a nipple. Suckling on it you let out an airy moan, still worried about choking on the cum you had settled in your mouth.
Dabi looked up at you and smirked, trailing his hand down the curves of your body, placing his palm flat upon your tummy he let his hand fall into your dripping sex. Rubbing small circles in your clit, he sucked harder on your nipple. You threw your head back in sheer pleasure simply forgetting about the cum in your mouth, you swallowed. One of Dabi’s fingers slipped inside your aching core and you whipped your head forward letting out a scream. This caught Dabi’s attention and immediately he was on your case.
“Oh. So my little whore doesn’t know how to follow orders does she? Such a pity I was hoping to have a little more fun with you.” Removing himself from your body he sat up on the bed. Looking at you, a domineering look took over his eyes.
“For not following directions...bend yourself over my lap baby girl. I’m gonna remind you of who’s in charge here. Now, count.” His voice dropped and your heart raced, making your blood boil all at the same time. How was he having this affect on you so easily. Your body moved on its own before you could resist his command. Laying yourself across his lap you felt your breath quicken, unsure of how these next few moments were going to turn out. Your questions were answered quickly when Dabi’s hand met your bare ass cheek. You let out a squeal surprised at the contact.
“I said, count Y/N. I don’t like repeating myself.”
“S-sorry, o-one.” you stuttered out as another slap came down on your ass.
“Two.” By the ninth slap your ass was starting to sting and you weren’t sure how much more you could take. All of a sudden you felt an unexpected heat creep up on your backside, when you turned your head you saw small embers of blue flying around. You saw Dabi’s hand raise,
“Dabi...why is your quirk activated?”
“Because princess, not only do I need to remind you who’s in charge, I need to remind you who you belong to.” With that, his hand came down with a final smack leaving his handprint branded on your ass. Letting out a scream that would make the hair stand up on anyone else, it brought a smile to Dabi’s lips. Letting him know that he had done his work properly.
“You’ll never forget me.” His voice dripping in your ear like honey. His foul words sweeten your mind and current neglected heat.
“Dabi, please I need you now.” Pulling yourself up from his lap you looked at him in the eyes, straddling his waist again.
“Move back.” you softly told him, a speck of dominance threatening to break through your tone.
“Watch the tone Y/N, remember who’s in charge here” he sighed out, but nonetheless centered himself against the headboard of your bed. You moved to the foot of the bed crawling up towards Dabi. Resting in between his legs, you gave him a teasing lick against the entirety of his length, looking up at him through your lashes while doing so. Furthering your journey up his body, you brought your legs around his hips hovering over his intimidating length. You already had the same thought before you sucked him off but taking him into your pussy had a different feeling. Setting off your nerves in the most pleasurable way imaginable. Lowering yourself you started grinding against his cock which released a groan from him.
“C’mon baby don’t tease me. I don’t think you want another punishment do you?” he cocked his head lowering his eyes as he finished his threat. A sudden wave of confidence bursting through you, you spat back at him
“I think you can handle a little teasing. I’m already yours, at least let me have a little fun.” You bat your eyes at him coming closer down to his face to insinuate a sloppy kiss. During your assault on his mouth, you reached your hand down between your legs and wrapped your hand around his cock, slowly pumping him. Receiving a small moan from him, you moved his tip to your slick opening and inched your way down until he bottomed out inside of you. Tearing his face away from yours he let out a moan that sent vibrations directly to your heat causing you to tighten around him.
“Fuck! Y/N” he panted, placing his two toned hands on the curve of your hips he helped you bounce up and down on him. Throwing your head back in pleasure you groan. He filled you up so well hitting up into your cervix with every thrust. Taking more control over your thrusts you brought yourself forward starting a heated kiss between you two. Weaving your hand into his hair you tugged at it, eliciting a groan from Dabi.
“Yeah, you like that Dabi?” You said in a tone that you would soon regret. The taunting nature that controlled your sentence, relinquished the last bit of power you had in the situation. Tightening his grip on your hips, Dabi flipped you over. The wind knocked out of you and your eyes widened as he hovered over you. His eyes a swirling mix of lust and predatory dominance.
“I let you have your fun. Now, it’s my turn.” Bringing himself down to your ear he breathed in “I’m gonna make your scream my name until you cry. I want you crying underneath me because it feels so good.” Noticing you starting to squirm beneath him in a poor attempt to feel some friction he smirked. Spitting in your face again, he ordered you, “Now, beg.”
With a hard slap to your thigh you squealed, mumbling out a small please in hopes that it would be enough for him. You were aching and were starting to lose your touch with reality.
With a dark chuckle, he spat at you
“That’s not fucking begging, do it right or I’ll leave you here a sopping mess. With only your hand to take care of you.”
“N-no please! Please, Dabi I need you. I need you so bad. I wanna cum I wanna cum with you inside me. Please, please don’t leave me here, I know I’m desperate, but please fuck me! I can't stand another momen-Ah!”
Without letting you finish your sentence Dabi plunged himself inside of you. Bottoming out you let out a moan so strangled you felt embarrassed at the sound that came out of you.
“Yeah, you’ve been waiting for this all night haven’t you. You hopeless slut. So fuckin desperate for my cock to be inside of you like this. You’re practically cumming already.”
Moaning out you arched your back in writhing pleasure, almost unable to consume what you were feeling all over. Dabi only added to your rapture by wrapping his stapled hand around your throat and bringing his other to play with your swollen bud. This extra stimulation forced you to clench and twitch around his hard cock which in turn made him pick up his pace.
“Look at you, you’re fuckin pathetic. Your pussy gets tighter as I wrap my hand around your throat. You like it when I ram into you like this?”
Lost in your pleasure you just squeaked out a moan not being able to form complete sentences.
“Fuckfuck, Yes! I love it, shit!” Slurring your words together you didn’t even feel the embarrassment that you had been all evening. You just wanted to be fucked, you needed to be absolutely ruined.
With Dabi’s quickened pace you felt the knot below your stomach form and you clenched tighter around him.
“You gonna fuckin cum, baby? Yeah, cum all over my cock Y/N.”
Dabi applied more pressure on his hand that was placed on your clit and that sent you over the edge. Your orgasm washing over you and stealing the last of your breath with a moan ripping through your cords. The pleasure that’s coursing through you caused your body to jerk forward, accidentally hitting your head against Dabi’s. With a growl coming from him and your pussy clenching around him he released inside you, feeling his hot ropes of cum paint the insides of your walls white. He dropped his head in the crook of your neck and bit down hard, almost drawing blood.
“God damn, you feel so good Y/N.” Panting out his words he flipped you over, “Bring your ass up here baby, I’m not done with you yet.”
Still trying to catch your breath, you bring yourself up on your knees arching your back to an angle that almost hurt. You felt Dabi line up with your entrance, once again teasing you. Not fully inserting himself in and playing with the shared juices dripping out of your hole.
“Daddy please don’t tease me again, I can’t handle it” you begged him. Before you could even realize what slipped from your mouth Dabi made sure to make you flustered about your current slip up.
“Daddy, huh? You wanna be my good little girl, princess?”
“Dabi, I-I I didn’t mean that I’m sorr-”
“Shh Y/N, Daddy’s gonna make you feel real good.”
With that Dabi sheathed himself inside you, the friction sending you over the edge. He set an unrelenting pace making you scream out in ecstasy.
“Shit! Dabi!”
Removing one of his hands from your side he wrapped it around the back of your neck, bringing your back up against his chest.
“Say it right baby girl, I wanna hear you scream it.”
With tears welling in your eyes from the overwhelming sense of pleasure washing over you you screamed out
“Daddy! Shit, please. Fuck me. I need you to ruin me”
Craning your neck to look at him from the side in your current position, he turned your head to face his and shoved you into a bruising kiss. The contrast of his skin setting sparks off in your brain. You had felt nothing like it and yet you never wanted to feel anything else in this moment.
“God, you feel so fuckin good clenching down on me like that. Like it when I fuck you like this?” He punctuated his words by thrusting even harder into you. Taking the hand that was around the back of your neck, he shoved your face back into the mattress of the bed moving his hand to press in the small of your back. Putting your back into a burning position. You screamed out attempting to get used to the pain you were just placed in. The sound of skin slapping echoed through the room and you knew that your moans were ringing through your apartment but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Dabi felt too good and you were lost in the euphoria of what he was doing to you.
“Ohhh, Fuck! Y/N” Dabi brought both of his hands to your ass now and was intensifying his thrusts. You were trying your best to meet his thrusts but his pace was so zealous you could barely keep up. You felt the fat of your ass rippling with each thrust and you were starting to feel yourself come to that peak again.
“Ohmygodoh~ fuck, Daddy, I’m gonna cum, please let me cum again.”
Tears were starting to fall from your eyes, the overstimulation of it all catching up to you. You didn’t mean to, but you let out a sniffle giving away your euphoric disposition. Slipping out of you and turning you on your back, Dabi plastered his hands on the side of your head, making you feel so small.
“I told you I wanted to see you cry Y/N, now why would you try and hide that from me? Your face, show me...let me know what you like.” He purred into your ear. Sending goosebumps down the entirety of your body and making your hole flutter around nothing. Lining himself back with your entrance he slowly pushed into you. Almost mocking you for being so close to your release.
“I’m gonna watch you cry while I fuck you and you’re gonna scream my name so loud that this whole complex is going to know exactly who’s making you feel this good.”
Starting at a slow pace Dabi made sure that you would feel every inch sliding in and out of you. You brought your hands to the sides of his back leaving red trails in their wake, careful to avoid his scars. Hissing at the contact Dabi moved one of your hands from his back and grabbed your leg. Bringing it up to rest on his shoulder, giving him deeper access to your soaking cavern. Tears began to fall from your eyes again from both the sheer excitement and lust of the situation you choked out stumbled words.
“Holy fuck Dabi, I’m gonna I’mgonnacum soon, oh my~ shit!”
You felt Dabi put his other hand back on your clit and began rubbing fast hard circles.
“Can’t even form a proper sentence, am I really fuckin you that good princess?”
“Yesyesyes, fuck Dabi please I’m gonna cum”
“Yeah? Yeah, c’mon, cum around my cock Y/N. Ohh, fuck!”
Letting a wanton moan rip from your throat your head dipped back into the sheets, but before you could be fully immersed in your ecstasy, Dabi grabbed the back of your neck forcing you to face him.
“Look at me when you come sweetheart, I wanna watch you fall apart before me.”
A moan turned into a scream and your final tears fell down your cheeks, wetting small sections of your hair that was sprawled out underneath you. Clenching and fluttering even harder around his cock, Dabi released another load into you, stilling inside you while he groaned out in pleasure and pride of how he ruined you.
Both of you panting and returning back to reality after living out your highs, Dabi came down to press an unusual soft kiss to your lips. It almost felt loving and after the intense scene the two of you just shared. It made you feel oddly comfortable. Dabi pulled out of you, his seed following shortly after, pooling out of your hole. Dabi laid down beside you, eyes piercing into you. Getting in your last breath you finally looked over at him, looking into his addictive blue eyes once more.
“That was hot.” He said sort of deadpan, yet his eyes showed something different.
“I think that would be an understatement. I’m still shaking...” you rolled over onto your stomach placing a hand on his chest. Drawing small shapes into his chest you continued your sentence
“...but, I’m not complaining, I could go a few more rounds with you.” Biting your lip you looked up at him. Something of a gleam of hope shining in your eyes.
“Not sure if you could handle it princess, you were crying quite a bit a moment ago.” He chuckled, a small yet sincere smile adorning his lips.
“Get up real quick for me.” You pushed yourself off of him and let him get up. He walked out of your bedroom and into the hallway. You heard the water running for a moment and then stopping. He emerged from the bathroom with a damp towel in his hands. Tossing it to you, he figured you knew what it was for. Giving him a nod, you silently thanked him and cleaned yourself up a bit. Your mind started to race and your heart plummeted, realizing this was probably just a one time thing. You watched Dabi reach for his underwear pulling them up his legs. Throwing the now used wet towel on the floor you grabbed a new sleep shirt from your drawer. Pulling it over your head you felt a deafening silence take over the room.
How did he leave so quick, you thought. Dread filling your face to turned around only to see Dabi still in your room. He was sitting on your bed, back halfway up against your headboard staring at you.
“Heh, I thought you left. It got so quiet.” You began fidgeting with your fingers feeling somewhat embarrassed again standing in front of him.
“Not you being embarrassed again after I was inside you. Besides, what kind of asshole do you take me for? Leaving without a word. I may come in without one, but you’ll always know when I’m gone, sweetheart. Come here.’’ Patting the spot on the bed next to him, you climbed in next to him sitting down. A little further away from him than necessary.
“Closer, Y/N.” A small smile fell on his lips as you finally let your embarrassment go and you cuddled into his side.
“Stay. Please.” You looked up at him, eyes glossing over out of fear of hearing rejection fall from his lips.
“I’m not going anywhere kid, not now.” Bringing his hand to rest on your head, he began to rub your temple, slowly lulling you to sleep. You didn’t know where you two were going to stand by morning, but that was a thought that could wait till then. Right now, you wanted to hold onto this moment, cherishing the memory.
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atlafan · 4 years
One Last Time - One Shot
a/n: heavily inspired by Let Me Love You Goodbye lmao. I didn’t proofread, sorry!
Warnings: smut and angst
Words: 8K
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After months of bottling things up, they finally had the discussion they needed to have. They argued a little, but never really raised their voices. Tears had taken over them at some point, and when they had both calmed down, they were able to think and speak more rationally. It was over. A year and a half over and done, just like that. It wasn’t from a lack of trying or a lack of love. They loved each other very much, it just wasn’t enough anymore. Sometimes when two part start to grow up, they grow apart instead of growing together. This is what happened with Harry and Y/N.
“I’ll stay in the guest room tonight. Meg said I could move in with her. She’s been looking for a roommate anyways.”
“So…you’ve discussed us breaking up with her before you even discussed it with me?” He was hurt, of course he was.
“She’s my best friend, Har. I told her how I was feeling and how I wouldn’t really know what to do if things ended with us, and well…she offered.” His eyes were still puffy. His lips part to say something, but there wasn’t much else left to say. “I’ll need some time to get all of my things, divide up the shared items…but I should able to do it while you’re at work.”
“I’ll stay in the guest room, you can stay in the bed.”
“No, I…I don’t want to.”
“Why not? Now the bed’s not good enough for you?” It was a jab, one that he needed it get in.
“The guest bed doesn’t smell like you, like us.” She says quietly, and his face softens more. She blinks away a few more tears and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. I wish things could be different.”
“Me too.” She laughs to herself and he raises an eyebrow. “At least I can say the first boy I ever truly loved, loved me back, and it was good.” She stands up and wipes her face. “I’m gonna get settled for bed…not that I think I’ll be able to sleep much.” She sighs.
“Me neither. Go on, do what you need to do, I’ll give you your privacy.”
Every night when Harry got home from work there were more and more things missing from his home. First, she cleared out all her toiletries from their shared bathroom. Her special hair color shampoo and conditioner, her Dove soap for sensitive skin, all of her raisers, not even a box of pads or tampons. One would never know a woman had lived there. Then it was her clothes. She had about six different mental breakdowns packing her clothes, not that he would know. She had to stand there looking at the closet and decide if she wanted to keep any of the sweatshirts she had taken form him over the years. T-shirts, sweatpants, bandanas, scrunchies, so many things they just shared. She decided just to keep one of each, her very favorites, and leave the rest for him. This caused him to breakdown. He wanted her to keep these things, he wanted her to keep part of him. Her next task, he realized, was the kitchen. Her favorite mugs were gone. She had a knack for collecting them. They had a shared home office that she had to finish packing up. That was about it, though. He had all the furniture they needed when she moved in. He wondered what she was doing for a bed at Meg’s. He thought to ask her if she wanted to take the guest bed, but he knew she was would just say no.
Y/N knew the last time she would go to pick up her last bit of things, she would be leaving the keys to the once shared home behind. Meg said they could go out for brunch once it was done, so she made sure to doll herself up. She did her hair and makeup, and put on a cute red crop top with some mom jeans. She looked cute, yet casual. She took a deep breath as she pulled into the driveway. She took an even deeper one when she keyed into the house. She walks all the way to the back where the office is and gasps when she sees Harry at his desk, headphones on, typing away at his computer. He jumps when he turns and sees her.
“Christ.” He says, taking his headphones off. He looks her up and down. Why did she look so good? Did she always dress up like this when she’d come by to pick up her things.
“Why are you home…here?” She corrects herself. This wasn’t home anymore.
“I didn’t have any meetings today, so I thought I’d work from home. You didn’t tell me you were coming by today.” He stands up and rubs the back his neck.
“I didn’t think I had to.” She looks at her boxes and moves to go pick one up.
“Let me do that.”
“No, I’ve got it.”
“Please, it’s the least-“
“Harry, it’s too weird! I don’t want you helping me move out, okay? It’s too much.” She picks up a box and moves down the hall. He watches as she comes in and out four separate times. The last time she comes in she takes the keys off the key ring and sets them down on his desk. “That was everything, bye, Harry.”
He grabs her wrist just as he’s turning.
“You’re sure? You double checked everything?”
“I think you left some clothes upstairs.”
“No way.” She shakes her head. “That’s impossible.”
“Will you at least come up and look?”
“Alright.” She sighs. “But then I need to go.”
He nods and gestures for her to go first. He watches her as she walks up the stairs. Why did she have to wear this outfit? She knew he loved when she dressed like this. It was so simple, but she made it look so good. And she was wearing a very particular shade of lipstick that he liked on her. She was also wearing the perfume she knew he liked most. What was she trying to do?
“Show me what you think I left.” She says, crossing her arms.
He looked good today too. He was just in a simple t-shirt and grey joggers. Those damn grey joggers.
“These sweatshirts, they’re not mine.” He tosses them on the bed.
“They are.”
“But you wore them more.”
“So that makes them mine? I don’t want them.”
“Neither do I.”
“So, get rid of them.”
“Nice of you to let me do that.” He huffs and shakes his head. “And why did you come around here looking like this, hm?”
“Looking like what?”
“Don’t act so innocent.”
“I had no idea you’d be home. I’m going to brunch after this, and-“
“Must be nice to have an appetite.” He scoffs.
“Hey!” She snaps. “This is a mutual breakup, Harry. Neither of us were happy, and noting we did helped.”
“Doesn’t mean this part doesn’t suck. You’re leaving, you’re really leaving, and…I’m never going to see you again.”
“We have mutual friends, we’ll see each other.”
“But we’ll do what all people do when they breakup. We’ll share an awkward smile, and then we’ll avoid each other the rest of the time.”
“What do you propose we do then? We agreed we shouldn’t really contact each other unless it was an emergency.” She looks down. “You’re dressed how I like too, you know? It’s not just me.”
“I literally had no idea you’d be coming here today. Also, I’m just in sweats, what’s so special about that?”
“What’s so special about a fucking crop top and jeans?!”
“It’s because you’re wearing it.” He steps closer to her. “We always makeup after a fight, and this time we didn’t.”
“Because we broke up, Harry. We don’t need to makeup.”
“I just don’t think we’re getting a proper goodbye.” He whispers as he cups her cheeks, making her look at him. “You’re about to walk out of my life…can’t we just…”
“Are you asking to have sex with me?” She was shocked. They hadn’t had sex in a really long time.
“Just one last time.”
She’s be lying if she said she didn’t want to. Why not go out with one last bang? All she does is nod her head yes. He leans in, but she backs away.
“Don’t kiss me.”
“Y/N.” He frowns.
“I can handle the rest, but don’t kiss me on the mouth, please.”
He moves some of her hair away.
“Where can I kiss you then?”
Her face flushes. They hadn’t had sex in a while, and they certainly hadn’t done that. Would it be so wrong to ask him to do it…just one las time?
“Anywhere but my mouth.”
His hands move to her hips to pull her close as he mouths at her neck, and just under her ear. Her hands move up to his hair to tug at it how he likes. His hands slides up her back to pull off her top. He takes his own and then unhooks her bra. He brings them both back to the bed for her to straddle him. He presses their chests close as he kisses on her neck. It was difficult not to kiss her, and that’s when he realizes he had taken it for granted. She rolls her hips down on him, causing him to groan. He needed this, he really did. He needed her so badly.
He grips her hips and places her on her back. He gets between her legs to undo her jeans. He pulls them down on her legs, she lifts her hips up to get her under wear off. She was breathing heavily. He knew what she wanted. He dips his head down to suck on one of her nipples while his fingers slide around her folds. When he pushes them inside her, she gasps and tightens around him. His thumb rubs on her clit as he works his fingers. She grips at his hair and pushes his head down further.
“Harry, please…I’ll return the favor, just please…”
He nods and moves down her body, finally wrapping his lips around her clit while he continued to finger her. Her hips move in sync with his fingers. Harry was always really good at this, there was no denying that.
“Oh my god, that’s ittttt.” She moans.
Harry felt like a fool. Why hadn’t they done this in a while? If they had would it have made a difference? Listening to her moan was almost torture because he knew after today he’d never get to hear the beautiful sound again.
“Shit, oh fuck, Harry!” She nearly screams as she comes on his fingers. He retracts them so he can suck on her center, bringing her way over the edge. “Fuck.” She breathes.
She watches as he sucks his fingers into his mouth to clean them off. He stands up to take his joggers off. He was commando under them. He lays on the bed next to her, and she gets between his legs. She spits into her hand before gripping him. She pumps him a few times before wrapping her lips around his tip. She listens to him grunt appreciatively. She sinks a little further down, but she doesn’t take much. She never could. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get her gag reflex under control. Harry never minded, felt best around his tip anyways.
“Feels so good.” He groans. “But I need to be able to fuck you.”
She pops off him, and crawls up his body, lining him up with her. She sinks down on him, and she nearly came from the feeling of him stretching her out alone. How the fuck was she supposed to move on and find someone else when Harry literally had the perfect dick. And she was just supposed to live with knowing that some other girl was going to be able to know him like this? It was bullshit. She was angry with him, and with herself. The entire situation was complete shit.
She bounces up and down on him at first, taking control of the pace, but he doesn’t let her for long. He pulls her close to him, and thrusts up into her. He essentially moves her up and down on him. She clutches at his shoulders, nails scratching at his tan skin. One of his hands snakes between them so he can rub her clit.
“Harry.” She whimpers.
“Like that?”
“Yes.” She says into his ear. “Faster.”
He rubs her faster as she moves up and down on him. She comes again, easily. Just as she’s coming down form her high, she’s being put on her back. Harry fucks in and out of her nice and hard.
“God.’ She groans. “So good, Harry.”
“Like it like this? Nice and hard?”
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
She can feel herself starting to tear up, so she grabs him by the back of the neck to pull him down. His face goes to the crook of her neck, and he rocks in and out of her.
“Can I?” He asks.
His pace quickens and before she knows it, he’s coming inside her. Maybe it was a little irresponsible, but she was on the pill, and just wanted to feel all he could give her one last time. They were both glossy eyed when they looked at each other. After getting cleaned up and dressed, he walks her down to the front door. He hugs and holds her close, kissing the top of her head.
“Goodbye.” She whispers.
He closes the door and rests his forehead against it, bursting into tears. She cried too, the entire way to meet Meg for brunch. She had tissues in the car, luckily, so she looked perfectly normal. She didn’t tell Meg about her abrupt and passionate romp with Harry. She didn’t want to be scolded or be told she was stupid for once again giving him exactly what he wanted.
“That’s impossible, I’m on the pill.”
“Sometimes birth control fails, Y/N.” Her doctor told her. “When was the last time you had sex?”
“Two months ago.” She groans. “With my ex-boyfriend. I don’t understand, I hadn’t missed a pill or anything.”
“It just happens sometimes.” She says, trying to be as sympathetic as possible.
“How far along am I then?”
“About ten weeks.”
“How could I be so stupid?! All the signs were there! I just thought I had mono or something, and maybe that’s why I haven’t been feeling well.” Her voice cracks.
“You know…you don’t have to…I mean, if now’s not the right time for you to have a baby, there are options.”
“I know.” She sniffles. “I just don’t think I could go through with it.” She takes a deep breath. “I’ll figure it out.”
Y/N explained to Meg that she was pregnant, forcing her to come clean about the last time her and Harry had sex. Meg was a really good friend, so she told Y/N they’d figure it out and make it work.
“Are you going to tell Harry?”
“No.” She sighs. “I can’t. He has so many plans, and-“
“So your life is allowed to change, but his isn’t?”
“He’d want to get back together, Meg…”
“I think he’d just want to help you.”
“You don’t understand, he has this thing…sometimes when we’d have sex we’d talk about having kids someday, it’s like a kink or something. If he sees me like this he’s not gonna let me go. I don’t want to be with him. I feel like I’m finally moving on, you know? My career is launching, I don’t want him in my life again.”
“Alright.” She sighs. “I just think he could help you…financially, that’s all.”
“I never wanted him for his money, and I certainly don’t intend to want him for that now.”
“And you want to have this baby? It’s okay if you don’t, Y/N…”
“Thanks.” She smiles a little. “I want to keep it. I’m already ten weeks along, I heard the heartbeat…I know it’s not even a thing a yet, but I-“
“Hey.” She squeezes her hand. “It’s your choice.”
Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her parents were shocked when she had initially told them, but they supported her, they were going to be grandparents after all. They were right there in the hospital with her. Y/N named her Emily, having always loved the name. Meg was a saint, being perfectly okay with using their office as a nursery.
Y/N loved her baby girl so much. As she watched her grow she realized that she had Harry’s eyes and curly hair, but Emily also had Y/N’s nose and face shape. A perfect mixture of the two. Among all this, Y/N had become quite friendly with a guy she had only ever been friends with. He wasn’t scared away by Emily, he knew Y/N wasn’t in contact with Harry. His name was Kevin, and she was wonderful.
Things were going better than expected, and Y/N took to motherhood way better than she thought. She was greatly enjoying her maternity leave as well. She only had about two weeks left to milk it before she’d have to leave Emily with her mother while she was at work. She thought it would be nice to have some mother-daughter time, and go a nice walk in town. Y/N heads inside her favorite coffee shop. Still not able to really drink caffeine, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t get a fun smoothie or something.
“One blueberry and banana please, with avocado, a little cocoa powder, and coconut milk.” She smiles. She has Emily strapped to her chest as she snoozes. It was pretty cute.
Her eyes grow wide as she steps aside to wait for her drink. She turns around and sees Harry there, in his suit, small coffee cup in hand, no doubt housing black coffee.
“Harry, oh my goodness, hi.” She says, almost in shock. This wasn’t exactly how she thought he’d ever meet his daughter, if she ever allowed it at all.
“It’s so good to see you.” He smiles. “It’s been…”
“A little over a year.”
“Miss?” She turns and sees her smoothie is done, and thanks the barista.
“Yeah, uh…” He looks down at the baby. “Did your sister have a kid or something?”
“No.” She giggles. “I did, about three months ago.” She could tell he was trying to do the math in his head. “Maybe we should sit.”
“I just came here quickly on my lunch hour…” His heart was racing.
“I really think we should sit.” She gestures to a table in the back. He sits down with her and watches as she takes the baby out of the little restraints she was in against Y/N’s chest. “Shh, shh, sweet girl.” She coos as Emily stretches out and yawns. “Harry, this is Emily.”
“Hi, Emily.”
The baby blinks and looks over at Harry. Harry puts his hand out and she grabs at his finger. Harry chuckles as he tries to get his finger out.
“Quite the grip.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty strong.”
“So…uh…” Harry furrows his brows as he looks at the baby. She almost looked familiar.
“She’s yours…” She says quietly.
“Pardon me?”
“She’s yours, Harry.”
“How is that even possible?” He searches for his inhaler on his person as now he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He takes it out and takes a couple of puffs.
“My birth control failed…after we…said goodbye.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice cracks as tears start to well up. “I could have…I mean…I would have wanted to be around for all of it.”
“I was selfish.” She admits. “I didn’t want to see you. I thought you might try to get back together with me, and I didn’t want that. I was doing really well, still am…and it’s not like she doesn’t have a male figure in her life, I’m sort of seeing someone. You remember my friend Kevin?”
“Kevin?! I knew I never liked him.”
“Can I hold her?” He could scream. He could pout. Hell, he could punch her in the face for keeping something like this from him, or he could be the bigger person and do what he could now to get his supposed daughter in his life.
“Of course.” She passes Emily over to him. He holds her like he was always meant to. “I have pictures from every moment, even when I was pregnant if you want to see…”
“Could we find a weekend to catch up? I’d love to see everything.”
“Harry.” A woman walks over to them, clearly annoyed. “I’ve been waiting outside for fifteen minutes, what the…what’s going on?”
“Heather! Uh, this is, um, this is Y/N…and uh, Y/N, this is Heather, she’s my colleague, and-“
“I remember her.” Y/N says. “Hi.”
“Haven’t see you in quite some time.” She crosses her arms. “What’s going on Harry?”
“You may want to go back to the office without me…I’ve just got some news, and I don’t think I can make it back.” He gestures to the baby.
“Are you say that’s yours?”
“Yes.” Harry and Y/N say at the same time.
“She could be lying, you know? Probably just wants your money.”
“She doesn’t. If she did, she would have told me she was pregnant. This meeting happened by chance, I’m glad it did, now go back to the office and tell them I’m not feeling well or tell them I just found out I’m a father, I don’t care, just go.”
Heather huffs, but leaves.
“So, shitting where you eat?” Y/N smirks.
“It’s not like that.”
“So you haven’t hooked up wither?”
“No, I have, she’s just not my girlfriend or anything. We’re colleagues.”
“You don’t really have a leg to stand on, you’re dating a guy I never trusted, and you never told me you were pregnant when you should have.”
Harry looks down at the baby in his arms and then back up to her beautiful mother.
“Can we go somewhere?”
“What happened to meeting up on a weekend?”
“As you just heard, I’m not going back to work this afternoon. Come on, I can call a car.”
“No, I walked here from my apartment, and I’d like to walk back. You can keep holding her if you want, or I can strap her back in.”
“I wanna keep holding her.”
The walk back was quiet. Y/N sipped on her smoothie while Harry carefully held Emily.
“So…” He finally says. “Are you and Kevin, like, serious?”
“We’re taking things slow. We’ve been on a few dates, but I’m really not in a position to have a boyfriend. All my free time goes to her. I go back to work soon, and then she’ll be with my mom.”
“Oh boy, they must love me.”
Y/N chuckles and keys into her apartment. She takes Emily form Harry and grabs a bottle out of the fridge.
“I pump.” She tells Harry as they sit on the couch.
“Wasn’t judging. You’re her mum, you know what’s best.”
“Thanks. I’ll let you burp her.”
“You were never going to tell me?”
“I don’t know.” She sighs. “There were a lot of times I wanted to call you…but…I wanted to do this without you. I wanted her to be a little older before I reached out to tell you.”
“How much older?” He scoffs. “Eighteen?”
“Harry.” She hands Emily to him, and puts a rag on his shoulder. “I know, it wasn’t a nice thing for me to do. I was sort of resentful.”
“Shouldn’t keep a baby from their father. I’m not a bad person.”
“I know.”
She takes Emily back and puts her down for her nap in the nursery. She comes back out and sits with Harry again.
“You look great, by the way.”
“Thank you.” She smiles. “I walk a lot, helped get rid of some of the extra fluff I put on.”
“Can I see the pictures?”
Y/N nods, and takes her phone out. Harry smiles at the pregnant photos.
“You were glowing.” He gasps when he sees the pictures of when Emily was first born. “Well, you’ve sold me. I’ll be setting up a nursery at my house. We’ll have to set up some type of schedule. Maybe I could have her on the weekends?”
“Whoa, slow down.”
“What? I have rights, don’t I? Is my name on her birth certificate?”
“Alright then.” He shrugs. “I want to be involved in her life, Y/N. I want to be her dad, not just her father.” He frowns. Y/N knew Harry’s father wasn’t around much, and it really affected him. “Couldn’t we try to co-parent?”
“I suppose we could…you’re not too busy? I know you’ve moved up a lot at work.”
“I can make it work. I want my home to be her home.” He looks around at Y/N’s apartment. It was small, not tiny, but not big enough to have a child grow in. “Let me give you some money, you could get a bigger place, and-“
“You’re nuts!” She laughs. “She has her own room here.”
“What happens when Meg moves out, or doesn’t want a baby around, or whoever she ends up dating doesn’t want a baby around? Oh! I know, I have a guest house, you could-“
“Harry!” She puts her hands on his shoulders. It was the first time he had felt her hands on him in so long. “I’m not moving in with you. We’ve done that before, remember? Didn’t quite work out. We’re two very different people.”
“You wouldn’t be moving in with me, you’d be moving into my guest house. It’s sort of like a pool house, but larger. I have friends use it when they come visit, but it could be yours if you wanted it. It even has its own driveway and garage. It would feel like your own place.”
“One step at a time.”
“It would just make things easier.”
“Harry, what do you think other people do? Normal people don’t live within the same vicinity just to raise a kid.” She shakes her head. “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work.”
“What’s that?”
“If I move in there, you and I will start getting close again. Then some night you’ll suggest I just move into the main house, and before we know it, I’m sleeping in your bed, we’re married, and we have three more kids.”
It sounded like a dream to Harry, why not to her?
“Well, we did talk about having four kids.” He smirks, but his smile fades when he realizes his joke didn’t exactly land. “I don’t have any schemes. I just want you well taken care of, along with her.”
“You just found out about her. We’re plenty well taken care of. I take care of her, and soon my mom will be with her when I go back to work.”
“You’re gonna outgrow this place.” He sighs. “But I won’t force you to move, just think about it. In the meantime, let me…” He takes his checkbook out of the inside of his suit jacket. “I’m not sure how much all your hospital bills were, but I want to-“
“Put that away.”
“At least let me send you money weekly, or monthly? She must be costing you a fortune.”
“I don’t want your money.”
“It’s not about you, it’s about that little baby girl.”
“You really wanna help financially?”
“I do.”
“Start a college fund for her then. I make plenty to cover things, but I haven’t been able to start a savings account for her yet. Any time you want to send me money, put it into a college fund for her.”
“That’s a brilliant idea. I’ll do that.” He smiles. “When can I have her?”
“We can pick a day to go shopping, I can help set a room up for her, and then we can discuss a custody agreement, okay? I know how busy you get with traveling.”
“Maybe every other weekend for now? If I can get it on my calendar they won’t schedule me for anything.”
“Okay.” She smiles. “It would be kind of nice to have some weekends to myself.”
“Yeah, you can keep going out on dates with Kevin, and then eventually, she’ll call him dad. Won’t that be great?”
“You’re impossible.” She nudges his arm. “Harry…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I know how much  you love kids, and-“
“I get it. You thought you were doing what was best. And you’re right, I would have tried getting back together with you.” He shrugs and stands up. “Still might, you look really fucking good, love.” He winks at her and heads out.
He leaves her flustered as all hell. He always had the effect on her. She tells Meg all about the encounter when she gets home from work.
“You know you’re going to end up moving in with him.”
“Am not.”
“Sure you are. An entire guest house to move into for free? Fuck, I’d move in if he asked me.” She laughs.
“He’s different, but still the same. It was crazy just running into him like that.”
“I’m surprised he didn’t pass out when you told him.”
“He took it really well. He jumped at the chance to be involved. It was sweet. I feel guilty.”
“I told him I did it because I was being selfish. He made a good point that it was more about her than it was about me.”
“He’s smart, I’ll give him that.”
Y/N brought her mother with her when she met up with Harry at the baby store. It wasn’t as awkward as she thought. Her mom always loved Harry. He held Emily throughout their time in the store. They all drive back to his place so he can show them the room what would be hers. He already had it painted.
“Tell me again why you don’t want to live in that nice place out back?” Her mom whispered to Y/N while they let Harry change Emily.
“It would be weird. What about Kevin?”
“What about Kevin?” She scoffs. “You’ve got a perfectly great guy in front of you, and-“
“Mom, please.” She says.
“All done! Not too shabby.” Harry says, holding his daughter up with pride. “So, think this could be a place she’ll partially grow up in?”
“She’ll love it.” Y/N says, taking Emily from him. “Once you get all the furniture, we can figure out when your first weekend with her is.”
“Sounds great.” He smiles. “I can’t wait to have her to myself. Already got her picture on my desk and everything. I promise, I’m gonna be a great dad.”
The first weekend Y/N didn’t have Emily she felt conflicted. She missed her like crazy, but also slept better than she had in a long time, not being woken up by the crying and all. Harry did well with his baby. He enjoyed having her there very much, and nearly cried when Y/N came to pick her up.
“So…I’ll see her in two weeks.” He frowns.
“Harry, I can’t give her to you every weekend, then I wouldn’t have any of the fun time with her. She just gets me after a long day of work.”
“Maybe I could have her on Wednesday nights? A lot of people do that.”
“So, every Wednesday, and every other weekend?”
“Okay, I think I could make that work. I could drop her off here after work.”
“You’re serious?!”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I won’t keep her from you, Harry. Not when I see how serious you are about all this.”
“You’re amazing, thank you.” He nearly almost kisses her, but stops himself, and gives Emily the kiss instead.
“Nice save, Styles.”
“Wait…uh…I had a thought the other day. If I needed to bring her to the doctor or something…is her last name mine?”
“Of course it is.”
“So, you were just going to let her grow up with my last name and not even tell her who I was?”
“No.” She chuckles. “My plan was to tell you about her when she was around six months. I just needed more time and courage. I’ll regret it forever, I can assure you.” She sighs.
“Well, what matters now is the present and the future. We don’t need to dwell on the past.” He smiles.
“Thank you.”
Y/N was exhausted from work when she had to bring Emily over to Harry’s. She mumbled under breath that he should have to come pick her up if he wants her so badly. She gets Emily out of the car, and Harry opens the door.
“Come on in, I’ve got dinner on the table.” He smiles.
“You’ve got a bottle of formula for her on the table?” Y/N smirks as she enters the home.
“No, silly.” He chuckles and takes Emily out of the car seat and gives her a big kiss on the cheek. “That’s on the counter in the kitchen. I’ve got dinner for you and I. A little thank you for being so wonderful to me.”
“I really don’t deserve dinner, Harry. I’m not wonderful.”
“You are. You could have told me to fuck off, or you could have told me Emily wasn’t mine when we ran into each other that day. I’ve never been so happy. I can’t shut up about her at work. Please, have dinner with me after I put her down. You must be hungry.”
“You’re lucky I am. I’ll help you put her down.”
Harry nods and goes upstairs with Y/N. They get Emily fed, burped, changed, and down for bed. They both go downstairs. Y/N’s mouth waters when she sees chicken, potatoes, and asparagus on the table.
“You made all this?” She asks, sitting down.
“Course I did, I’m a great cook, remember?” He sits down adjacent to her. A little too close perhaps, but oh well. “Want some wine? Water?”
“Wine, please.”
Harry pours her a glass, and one for himself. Y/N dives into the food and moans.
“Delicious, thank you.”
“Anytime. Maybe this could be our Wednesday night tradition? It could add some normalcy for Emily, and you wouldn’t be starved dropping her off.”
“Oh, so I always need to drop her off.”
“Makes it easier, I’m on the way. Plus, it gives me time to get home, and get everything ready.”
“I suppose as she grows it would be good to have some type of family dinner.”
“Exactly!” He smiles and takes a bite of the food. “So tell me, how was your day? What did you do?”
“Harry…the last thing I want to do is talk about work.” She chuckles.
“Alright, then how are you?”
“I’m good, how are you?” She laughs.
“I’m great.” He smiles and sips on his wine. “Like I said, never been happier.”
“And how’s Heather been with all this?”
“Every day she asks me to get a paternity test. As if you could look at that child and not know she’s mine.”
“Are you two stil…?”
“Nah, probably another reason why she’s been so pissy with me, but, oh well. I got a kid to worry about now. No time for random late night hookups.” He looks at her. “How’s Kevin?”
“Oh, we stopped seeing each other.”
“He wasn’t thrilled that you’ve come back into the picture, and he said he wouldn’t compete with you, and I told him there was nothing to compete with, and then he told me I wasn’t even worth it because Emily would never be his.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” She shrugs. “He showed his true colors. I didn’t love him or anything, he was just someone to go out with.”
“Sad neither of us have met someone else we’ve wanted to take things to the next level with.”
“Well, I was busy being pregnant, what’s your excuse?”
“I was busy being busy. Threw myself into my work, moved up, bought this house as soon as I could. I couldn’t stand living at the old place. Too many memories. I love it here though, it’s amazing. It’s gated so I have peace of mind, and the guest house has been amazing.”
“You’re not lonely?”
“That’s what Heather was for.” He shamelessly admits. “I went on other dates, tried to meet new people, but none of them…well, none of them were you.”
“You say that like the breakup was all my idea.” She frowns and pushes her plate away.
“I had a lot of time to reflect after that day. As we were…saying goodbye…I realized we hadn’t had sex in a long time, and I wanted to punch myself for being so stupid, for neglecting you. It was like we had become friends.”
“The intimacy depleted, that’s for sure. We were un a never ending rut.” She stands up and brings her plate to the kitchen. “We grew apart, Harry.” She says to him as he follows her in, taking her plate to soak it. “I was really starting my career, you were doing you’re thing…”
“I just ignored things when they were going wrong instead of getting on it.”
“So did I. It was easier to pretend.”
“And look where that got us.”
“I was scared at first, but I love that little girl with my whole heart. I don’t regret having her. I’m not mad about it. I was…because I just couldn’t understand how my birth control failed, but I accepted it.”
“I love her too. I know I haven’t known her as long, but I love her too.”
“That makes me really happy.” Y/N starts tearing up. “I know you said we didn’t need to dwell on it, but I hold so much guilt and regret for not telling you. I should have told you right away so you could have been around for the doctor’s appoints, fuck, so you could have been there when she was born! I’m so sorry, Harry. How you don’t fucking hate me is a wonder.”
He pulls her in close to his chest, and lets her cry on him. He strokes the back of her head and her back to try to soothe her.
“I forgive you.” He whispers. “You don’t need to feel guilty.”
“Why are you being so nice about all this?”
“Because I have a beautiful baby girl…and you’re back in my life.” He blushes as he looks down at her. “Never thought we’d talk about again, let alone see each other. I know we’re not together, but we’re parents…always wanted you to be the mother of my kids, I meant it every time I said it.”
“Harry.” She presses her head back into his chest so he can hold her close again. “Thank you for saying all that.” She smiles up at him and then lets go of him. She looks at the time on the clock. “I better get going, it’s getting late.”
“Alright.” He sighs. “I’ll drop her off at your mum’s?”
“By the way…my mum and sister might plan a trip here soon.”
“I told them about Emily, obviously. They were thinking of planning something around when her first birthday is. Like, we could have a big party here if you wanted.”
“That’s seven months from now, they wanna wait that long?”
“Well, they’d come stay for a month.”
“Well, I think a nice big party would be nice. You’ve obviously got the room for it.”
“Great…when’s her exact birthday?”
“July 10th.”
“Poor thing.” He cups one of her cheeks, causing her heart to skip a beat. “So pregnant during those hot months.” He pouts.
“I survived.”
“Wish I could have been there for you, could have given you lots of foot and back rubs.”
“Thought you weren’t going to make me feel guilty.” She leans into his touch for a second before backing away. “I really need to go.”
“Alright…have a good night.”
“You too, thanks again for dinner.”
Harry sighs heavily after she leaves. They were doing the right thing by putting Emily first, but he couldn’t help but feel traditional. He wanted to make things work with Y/N. He wanted to give Emily a stable house hold. Not to mention he fucking loved Y/N with his whole heart, but he’d work up to dealing with that later.
Things went on like that. Wednesday nights Y/N and Harry had dinner together at his place, and every other weekend they would take turns having Emily. It was a good system. Harry was able to take Emily to appointments when she needed to see the doctor. Y/N didn’t realize how much help she actually needed, and was grateful Harry was around for so many things. Sometimes when he’d drop Emily off on Sunday evenings, Y/N would make him dinner as a thank you. Sometimes when she dropped Emily off on Friday evenings she’d stay to watch a movie. Things went on for months like this. Y/N would find herself almost missing Harry, especially when she’d drive all the way back to her apartment. Meg would often stay at her boyfriend’s place, so she was alone. Maybe living in Harry’s guest house wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
“Harry, could we talk?” She says to him when she takes Emily from him Sunday evening. “I’ve made dinner.”
“Yeah, of course.” He smiles. Once she gets Emily settled, she sits down with Harry. “What’s up?”
“Is your offer still good?”
“Which one?” He smirks. Harry may or may not have cheekily offered sex up to Y/N a couple of the times they had too much wine.
“The offer to live in your guest house, smart ass.”
“Oh my god, are you serious?” He perks up immediately.
“Yeah…Meg’s getting serious with her boyfriend, and I feel lonely sometimes. I thought maybe if you’re a little closer by I’d feel less lonely when you take Emily.”
“Yes, a million times yes! I could get it fixed up in a couple of weeks. We could move her furniture from here right away. You could just stay in the house until everything’s to your liking, and-“
“Harry! You always jump so far ahead.” She chuckles. “I should give Meg a month’s notice.”
“Right, of course. Sorry, I’m just really excited. Like, we could have dinner every night if we wanted.”
“We could.” She agrees.
“I’m so fucking excited.”
Y/N moved into Harry’s guest house a month or so later. It was so nice being able to just hand Emily over a few steps away instead of having to drive home afterwards. Harry and Y/N not only had dinner together, but they would try to do the morning feedings together at the same time.
Y/N was sleeping peacefully one night when her phone went off. She sees it’s Harry.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry to bother you, but something’s up with Emily, and I-“
“I’ll be right there!”
Y/N races out of bed, only in a large t-shirt, not even bothering to grab a robe or put other clothes on. She rushes across the pool area and in through the back door. Emily was crying loudly while Harry was rocking her.
“She just started crying like crazy, I tried feeding her, changing her, she won’t stop, I have no idea what’s wrong.”
“Let me see her.”
Harry hands Emily over to Y/N. She caresses her and rocks her. She furrows her brows and gasps.
“She’s teething!” Y/N walks over to kitchen and looks for something to stick in her mouth. She opts to just run a pacifier under some really cold water and stick it in her mouth. She calms down after a few months. “Poor thing.” She rocks her. “Must be in pain from the teeth coming through.”
“Christ, I could have figured that out. I’m sorry to get you out of bed.”
“It’s okay, I’m glad you called, here, I’ll make us some tea.” She hands Emily over to Harry.
Harry sits down at the kitchen table and watches Y/N. He just now notices the shirt she’s wearing.
“You still have that?”
“Hm, oh…yeah, it’s my favorite bed shirt.” She blushes and reaches for two mugs, revealing the underside of her ass. “Is that weird?” She asks as he turns around. Harry’s face was beat red.
“Not at all.”
She plugs in the kettle and gets some tea bags out from where she knew he kept them.
“How’s the house been?” He asks her.
“Great, actually. I’m grateful, really. Most people wouldn’t be so lucky.” She pours the now boiled water into the mugs with the tea bags and puts them both on the table.
“Thank you. I think she’s out.”
“I can bring her back upstairs.” She carefully takes Emily from Harry. He follows her up with his tea. He can’t help but take peeks of her underside.
“Y/N.” He says, just as she’s getting Emily into the crib.
“Hold on.” She whispers and shuffles him out of the room. “Sorry, I didn’t want to risk her waking up again.”
He grabs her wrist and yanks him into his bedroom, setting his tea down on his dresser.
“What are you doing?!”
“What am I doing?! What are you doing?!”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not wearing any knickers!”
Y/N’s eyes grow wide. She was so concerned about Emily she had completely forgotten.
“I’m so sorry! I…I rushed out, and, and, I, oh my god, so you saw my ass?”
“And a bit of your other…bits.”
“Oh my god.” Her hands slide down her face. “So embarrassing, I’m sorry.”
“Embarrassing?!” He laughs. “Please, I appreciate it. Anytime you wanna walk around her half naked, feel free.” He smirks.
“Harry…I didn’t do it on purpose.”
“You’re comfortable around me to rush out the door like that?”
“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“Haven’t seen it in a really long time.”
“What are you-“
“You’re not getting what you want, I won’t fall for you again.” She brushes by him and leaves his room. He follows her quickly down the stairs. She takes a sip of her tea before dumping the rest down the drain.
“So…you’re suppressing feelings for me because you’re scared, is that it?” He crosses his arms.
“I’m not suppressing anything. I just don’t believe in the breaking up and getting back together thing. We know this doesn’t work, and we shouldn’t try to force it just because a baby is involved.”
“I’m very different now, and so are you.”
“I like who you’ve become…a lot. I think I’ve gotten to know you fairly well again. Couldn’t you say the same for me?”
“I guess.”
“And you like what you’ve gotten to know?”
“Alright then, so what the fuck is your problem? Oh wait, you know what hasn’t changed? You’re still the most stubborn fucking person I’ve ever met. You did the same thing the last time. I asked you to move in, and you said you weren’t ready. Then a month later, when it was on your terms, you asked if you could move in. Everything has to be on your terms! Great, so I’ll just continue waiting for the night that you decide to come over and crawl into my bed. Does that work for you?”
“I’m confused! I was done with you, I thought I was better off without you, and then you came back into my life, and it was like…you were never even gone from it. I feel safe when I’m with you, but I’m fucking terrified of falling for you again. There were so many things that went wrong, and-“
“But some many things could go right!”
“We have a baby involved! What if it doesn’t work again, and she gets a little older? She’ll see and hear us fighting. I don’t want that.”
“I don’t want that either. You of all people should know that. If I wasn’t certain about us…”
“So, what…we’re supposed to just jump back in?”
“No, I’d like to take you out on a proper date. Something nice and formal, maybe a night away from the baby, or fuck it, let’s bring her along, I don’t care. I want you, I want you back. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I let you slip away. I’ll never forgive myself. That day…I shouldn’t have let you leave after. I should have made you stay in my bed and cuddle and just talk everything through one more time.”
Y/N was crying now and so was Harry. She hated him, and she loved him all at the same time. She was stubborn.
“God damn it!”
She wraps her arms around his neck and crashes her mouth to his. He doesn’t waste a second to deepen the kiss. He hoists her up on the counter to stand between her legs, licking into her mouth. They both groan into each other.
“Is, is this smart?” She pants. “We have so much to talk about, and I don’t know if-“ She gasps when he lifts her shirt overhead. His eyes gaze at her body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I want you.”
“My boobs are saggy and I have stretch marks all over the place, how could you-“
“Shut the fuck up! For once in your life, just shut up, and take a compliment. You’re gorgeous, breathtaking, and it pisses me off to no end I never got fuck you while you were pregnant, alright?” He spreads her legs apart as she tugs at his shirt. He takes it off and she runs her hands over his chest.
“Even when I was sweating and as big as a house?” She pouts, knowing it’s only going to rile him up more.
“Especially then.” He pecks at her lips again.
“I want you too.” She breathes. “But you have to pull out this time. We’re noting bringing another baby into this world until we figure things out fully.”
“Excellent compromise.”
He drops his pants and runs his fingers over her center. She gasps at the feeling, especially when he pushes his fingers inside her.
“Oh fuck.” Her head rolls back.
“You’re so wet, why?”
“You just…you make me so…fucking crazy!”
Her lips slot over his again as he pumps in and out of her.
“Is this comfortable? You want me to fuck you here, or-“
“Put it in.”
He takes his dick out and pushes inside her. She wraps her legs around his waist to pull him closer.
“We’re so fucking stupid.” She grunts as he thrusts in and out of her.
“Idiots.” He sucks on her neck. “But I can’t help it, you drive me just as crazy. Always have.”
She tugs at his hair while he rubs on her clit.
“Harry, will you eat me out? You feel amazing, but I just…your tongue…it’s so fucking-“
He pulls out of her and she leans back on her elbows while his mouth attaches to her other lips. He sucks and licks, and does everything he remembers she likes. He rubs on her clit still while he fucks her with his tongue.
“Oh, that’s it! Fuck, Harry!” She pushes his head further against herself. He was nose deep and loving it. He groans against her, and she moans out loudly. “Don’t stop, please!”
One of his hands squeezes her thigh, pressing bruises into her. She comes on his tongue and he laps it all up. He plunges his dick back into her without warning. She was sensitive now, but she knew he needed to come too.
“You take it so well.” He grunts as he grips her hips. She tightens around him, loving the way his voice sounds in her ear. “How’d it feel, baby?”
“So good, thank you.”
“Anytime you want it, you have it, always.”
She was going to come again, and he gets her there. Just as he’s about to get there he pulls out and comes on her stomach. He rests his head against her shoulder as he catches his breath. He looks at her and kisses her before grabbing a rag to clean her up with. Neither of them say anything. He simply scoops her up, and carries her upstairs to his room. He lays her down, and spoons her.
“This just feels right, doesn’t it?” He says to her.
“It does.” She sighs and adjusts against him.
“I wanna be a real family with you.”
“I think I want that too. We just need to take baby steps.”
“I’d wait forever, Y/N. Just don’t walk out on me again.”
“I won’t.” She turns over to face him. “I may have walked out, but you left emotionally before I did. We hadn’t even had sex and-“
“I know, I’m not saying it was just you. It was me too, but never again, okay?”
“I just wanna makeup for all the lost time.”
“We can.”
Harry hold her close as they both slowly drift off. Even though they had jumped in physically, it would take some time to mend things altogether. Neither of them minded because this time around they each were more willing to put the work in.
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mainviper · 3 years
since the valorant protocol discourages fraternization, how would Soviper hide their relationship?
Well the birthday is mine but I wrote this as a gift for you anon! I hope you enjoy!
Sova x Viper - Excuses
Sabine knew she could never be intimate with someone within the protocol, she made the rules, she needed to settle an example and never fool herself again thinking about working with the same person you sleep with, hell, she couldn't even think about spending time with someone else THAT way ever again.
And Sova was insufferable since the beggining. Vipere just knew it was a matter of time that she loose control over him IF they ever get close. So she put a wall that worked until their first mission together. Why did they have to make such a great team ? Why that inexplicable sync ? The way both walked, feet by feet knowing every angle to cover, every utility to use, every bullet being shotted with a purpose.
She came back, making sure she never ever get in the same situation or something really serious could happen, because Sova was slowly breaking her wall without even realising. He is too much of a gentleman to ever notice, and if she wanted to go away she would just say it and of course he would respect it. But as easy as that sounds, she couldn't do it.
So when Brimstone came at her lab's door with a bunch of documents looking worried but certain, she knew it was a mission. A very specific one, that require not only her scientist brain but her battle training and why not ask Sova since he needed a sniper ? She rolled her eyes not wanting to, but he insisted.
Sova also had some doubts about being next to Viper. Not that he didn't want to, but because he knew his presence made her unconfortable as much as he liked being near the scientist, observing, learning, discussing things. He always waited for her, wanting so bad her attention, her eyes to glance at his presence whenever he entered the room. She made him had feelings long forgotten and he treasured her for that.
They had a reservation. Disguised as a couple, both packed and went away to kill some doppelgängers.
The housekeeper was very suspicious about their stay, and how distant they looked when arrived. Of course both were very cautios and looked inside every corner, every object, furniture, any decoration item that could have some sort of device or gadget spying on them. Nothing was found so while undercover, the controller took her space and remained silent just barely talking to the initiator when the room maid came into their room to clean.
It was enough. Mission accomplished, side by side again and that was that.
Two weeks later, another mission for them because apparently, they worked well together. Brim could always count on Sova to be there and Viper never came back with a failed mission. So their dynamic evolved, their synchrony developed more and more to a point that basic things like reloading were timed by heart.
They became partners and were almost always assigned together.
And some speculation begun, gossip at the HQ's corridors about how they were together.
But Viper shutted everyone down making very clear that she made the "no fraternization" rule for a reason and she would never, under any circunstances, be such a hypocrite. She als said that romance were inevitable for some people, the time that some of the agents spend together and the constant danger they're in could bring up these feelings so that was the reason she decided that "discouraging" was the right therm for that.
"It doesn't mean it's forbbiden, but it's also non acceptable."
So if any couple within the protocol could never work together under the same cathegory or mission, how could she be always partnered with him ?
Viper also stopped showing up at the common areas whenever Sova was around, she changed her training routine and for a while stopped doing work outside the HQ.
It hurted Sova. He was upset that some simple gossip could make Viper completely change her life, so he decided to talk to her face to face and demanded and explanation.
"An explanation ? For doing my job and trying to make this place safer ?"
How dare he ? The reason that rule existed was so no agent could ever be taken by surprised when another was killed on the battlefield. They couldn't afford that type of misbehaviour, they couldn't loose more lifes because X Agent was trying to save Y Agent. It had to be that way.
They had the best stats and that pettiness could cost a lot.
So he didn't give up, trying to understand how that type of behaviour would end the gossip around. He didn't want to admit that void she left, the way he was always worried about never telling Viper how important she was for him.
Sova convinced her for a mission after almost begging Brim to give it to them. It was supposed to be simple, just a little spy on enemy lines, watching far away what was going on. That night started calm, like nothing new was happening. But they should know better by now.
So when the two were discovered, knowing damn well they were surrounded, he took a deep breath and kissed her before anyone could catch them. A single tear left her eye, she kissed him back almost too afraid to let go and made up her mind. They had to go back, they had to live and be together for at least one night or she would loose her mind completely.
They jumped into the fire stairs taking all the equipments and shooting whoever came in their way. They took a taxi, a bus to another state, rented a car and finally after 4 hours they went to one of those cheap hotels and got some sleep.
Undercover as a couple, they spended the night there and called Brim on the other day. He said he was coming, that they had to wait for a couple of hours for the rescue and demanded them to not leave the room.
And while waiting, Viper kissed him again, devouring, savouring the moment with Sova. They made love, knowing that could never do again, memorizing every second of it.
When they arrived, the initiator and the controller tried to live their lives like nothing happened. But they seemed to always find themselves touching the other, they were always cornered ina small space at every training their lunch was always at the same time and their free time too.
One night Sova entered his room only to find a Viper shutting his mouth and closing the door. She needed him so much, she was flustered and really trying to keep on her toes, she scolded him saying Sova was trying to seduce her, that they could never do what they did EVER again.
An almost ofended Sova tried to argue but he realised she was coming closer and closer while arguing with him and just shutted her mouth with a kiss. That was the second time they made love, and it felt as amazing as the first, it was hard to go on after that.
Viper visited him three times before finally being able to talk about their boundaries under the protocol. She stopped the "we're not doing this" speech because it was useless to resist.
Their encounters happened when a lot of agents were away on missions, very late at night or very early in the morning. NEVER in public, always keeping distant being extremely cordial with the other, and soon the gossip stopped.
Everyone knew that Viper would never go against her own therms and rules, and she would be very strict with Sova. He also begun to go away for a while, counting the hours to see her.
They knew it was necessary, because they were certain about what would happen later.
And they did a lot of things together, talking about the past, the future and their personalities. Discovering and enjoying the company, cooking, reading and even massaging the other.
No one suspected what they did when they went on a mission by themselves, hell, even when they had other agents they would rent their rooms on the same floor or side by side.
After a while they lost the fear of being discovered, but they kept some precautions and safe words to know exactly how to handle every situation.
Until they didn't have to hide anymore.
But that's another story...
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sweetbunnykook · 4 years
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Adopted!JK x Detective!Noona - Oneshot/Drabble
Warning: taboo relationship, angst (manipulation/unhealthy boundaries)
Word: 1,855
Synopsis: Jungkook prepares to surprise you during Halloween but you have other plans that fuel his insecurities.  
A/N: I combined most, if not all, of the drabble ideas you guys sent me. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this drabble that is borderline a oneshot! ♥ Everyone had such wonderful ideas I couldn’t just choose one. I also had to force myself to stop writing because it was going to turn into a chapter. 
Jungkook just wanted to spend Halloween with you in peace. That was it. Just you and him, in front of the television, wrapped under a single blanket, wearing matching clothes and drinking warm tea. He even planned to order food from your favorite fried chicken restaurant with the little money he made doing art commissions. It was supposed to be a surprise and you were supposed to be jumping with joy when you see him holding two tea mugs in his hands, wearing a pumpkin patterned pajama pants and a large plain white cotton shirt big enough for you to climb inside in its warmth.
Is it surprising that when you walked downstairs, saddle bag in hand, dressed in an outfit he’s never seen before (a dress that was certainly revealed too much of your decolletage), he would be furious?
“Where are you going, mom?”
He can feel his stomach drop when your bright eyes suddenly dimmed upon seeing the cups in his hand and his eyebrows furrowed.
“I…” You struggle to find the words, knowing that his gaze is steadily trailing up and down your body. You’ve never dressed like this for any of your previous dates and Jungkook dreaded that you were going to end up in another man’s house, in another man’s bed, and come back reeking of this bastard’s cologne.
“I have a d-date,” your meek reply comes as you walk down the last few flights of stairs and open the shoe closet, grabbing a pair of boots and a clean pair of socks, your back towards him.
“With the same guy?” Jungkook’s voice lowers and you can hear the clinking of porcelain as he sets down the mugs on the coffee table, next to the rental DVD.
You nod. “Yeah.”
When you risk a glance towards him, you regret it immediately. Jungkook’s fists are clenched at his sides, his jaw is tight, and his eyes gleamed with unshed tears.
“Kookie,” you sigh, dropping your shoes back onto the rack to stride towards his tall figure cloaked in semi-darkness. “I’ll be back soon, maybe around midnight, okay?”
“The last time you said that you didn’t even come home. I was worried sick.” Jungkook pulls away from you when you reach to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I’m a detective,” you chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood. The pitter-patter of the rain outside isn’t helping nor is Jungkook’s anger seeping out of every pore. “You know there’s nothing to worry ab-“
“It’s easy for you to say, mom. It’s easy for you to pick up your bag and go because you never look forward to our plans like I do. You never think for a second that maybe I want to spend the night with you and not have to wait for your leftover time like…like a pet.”
Has he always felt that way? It seems almost impossible given you spent your waking hours showering him with affection.
You pressed your lips together. “I didn’t know we were going to spend time today and I always, always prioritize your needs above mine. Don’t ever say that to me. Where is this coming from? Jungkook, if you need me to-”
Whatever you said might have struck a nerve within him for he flinched backwards, shaking his head.
“Forget it,” Jungkook takes the mugs back from the coffee table and paces towards the kitchen, knowing you’re trailing behind in concern as you struggle once more to keep him calm.
He knows he’s being unfair. He knows that you may have forgotten to tell him you were going on a date today, that it was his fault for planning a surprise on a holiday when you’re free from work. You only went on your rare dates on your day offs when you didn’t need to go grocery shopping or tend to other household responsibilities. The fact that you bought a new dress tells him all he needs to know about how much you looked forward to this night, even forgiving his snide remarks about your date when you first introduced him months ago. You don’t deserve to be treated this way and it makes Jungkook’s eyes fill with tears not just from frustration but from guilt that you ended up with him, a burden. This wounded, bleeding burden of a boy who falls more and more in love with you as the years go by.
Jungkook hates your little dates where you most likely had sex before coming back to him. The idea of a man kissing your soft nipples, your full hips, the inside of your thighs – it makes him sick with wrath. Jungkook hates that you still see him as the boy you took under your wings all those years ago. Jungkook hates that you’re so comfortable walking around in a towel in front of him because you don’t see him as a man; he knows you would never be that carefree with a date. He owns a piece of you that no other man can see. But his punishment is that he’s kept in this mold of the adopted son he desperately wants to be rid of. Changing his body to become stronger, becoming independent, pretending to be mature most of the time about the idea that a stepfather can appear in his life at any time – Jungkook was sick of it. He was sick of it all.
He throws the mugs in the sink, the two porcelain clattering in cacophony as it hits the sink and cool tea swirls down the drain.
“Jungkook…” your strained, mournful voice reaches his ears and his heart breaks. He can’t breathe, he needs to get out of there, he needs to get out fast.
“Kookie, wait-” You reach for him once more but he turns back into the living room, taking the rental DVD in his hands before he takes the flyer for your favorite restaurant laying haphazardly and balls the paper in his fist.
He skips up the stairs, noticing that you didn’t follow him this time. Somehow that makes it hurt even more.
Jungkook throws the DVD and paper on his bed and opens his closet, reaching for a pair of black sweatpants and a matching hoodie. He sheds off the plain shirt and pajama pants (so much for October festivity) and quickly change into the black set, keeping an ear out for the sound of the front door closing. He grabs his cellphone, his wallet, and keys off the textbooks stacked on his desk and shoves them into his pocket. For a moment he catches his reflection from the mirror pinned to the closet door and Jungkook decides, from his teary red face, that he hates himself more than he hates your dates and your cluelessness.
He’s gotten taller, much taller, stronger, smarter, but emotionally he is still the boy you rescued all those years ago. He’s still the boy who looked up at you and called you his superhero and smiled through the bloody black and purple bruises on his face when you held him and sobbed.
Jungkook slams the door shut behind him as he walks away from the comfort of his bedroom. Stepping down the stairs, he’s surprised to see you sitting on the couch, your feet still bare and your phone clutched in your hand. Why haven’t you left?
“Kookie I’m-“ You pause. You take notice of his attire and take a deep breath. “Where are you going?”
“Out where?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“Please don’t do this,” your voice cracks and Jungkook grinds his teeth. Yes, he hates himself more than ever. He’s self-centered, dramatic, and immature, he thinks, it’s no wonder you won’t see him as anything other than a child. Hell, being regarded as a dog would be better.  
“Just go on your date, mom. Sorry for ruining your perfect night or whatever and tell him I said hi.”
Jungkook walks past you to grab his backpack. He won’t be able to focus on schoolwork and he doesn’t have anywhere else to go except Jimin’s house yet he slumps the bag over his shoulder anyway.
“I canceled the date. I’m not going anywhere,” You grab his sleeve, halting him in his tracks before wrapping your arms around him. He’s gotten so large that your fingers barely touch when you hold him.
He’s silent for a second, harsh breaths gradually fading to soft sighs when he hears you sniffle once and lay your forehead on his back.
“…You didn’t have to do that.”
You shake your head. “I should have expected that you’d do something special.”
“It’s not your fault…” Jungkook can see the porcelain cups in the sink from where he’s standing. His cup and yours, the handles designed to fit each other like puzzle pieces. “I’m…I’m just…”
How does he admit that he’s throwing a tantrum because he wants you all to himself? How does he admit that it was unreasonable of him to expect you to read his mind? How does he admit that his heart feels like it’s about to pounce right out of his chest when you’re not near him? It was embarrassing enough for him to slip into your bed at night while you sleep, lying about his nightmares to earn the privilege of your gentle fingers brushing through his hair in your sleepy daze. He might die of shame if he admits that he’s been daydreaming about a night like this when you can be at ease and when he can pretend he’s your lover and pull you close.
Halloween has always been a tradition – not a strict tradition but a tradition nonetheless that is not disrupted by strangers. He’s way past the age of bouncing off the walls for candy and horror movies but he’d hoped that, the older he gets, this ritual of spending time with you and living out a part of his fantasies during special days won’t perish.
“I’m sorry, mom.” Jungkook murmurs at last, letting the rattle of the kitchen windows from the rain keep him grounded. “I…I didn’t mean to be like this. I wanted to surprise you and I just…I got angry and it wasn’t right. I’m sorry. Can you call him again and-?”
Jungkook swallows. Forgiveness feels so out of reach. It feels…
“I don’t want to call him.” You continue. “I want to be here with you…if you’ll have me.”
He turns, making you tilt your head towards him to reveal your watery eyes, and wrap his arms around your shoulders, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Your perfume smells like heaven. You smell like heaven and you feel ever better pressed to him; soft against solid, molded like the puzzle piece patterned mugs in the sink.
“Do you even have to ask, mom?…I want you here with me. It’s…it’s okay, right? You won’t be mad at me?”
You peck his cheek, tucking your sorrow deep inside like the same way you’ll fold this new dress into a bag and return it to the boutique.
“I will never make you feel alone.”
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gerbithats · 4 years
A long sims 4 rant
Starting this I can already predict it’s gonna be a big one so if you stick with me, thank you and I’ll try and add pictures to make things feel easier 😆
I was thinking about it and I mean really thinking about these community surveys we’ve been getting and how they speak volumes on the way the game is handled but also also how we position ourselves as a community. I noticed alot more game changers are starting to get pretty vocal about their thoughts since the first community survey came out and that’s refreshing to say the least, but it shows a pattern that we all present: give us what is missing no matter how. We want beaches. We want cars. We want more stairs. We want bunkbeds. Etc.
So these things are probably somehow rushed into production to please the community and then, when we finally get it, it’s like we finally realize that what this game truly lacks is gameplay and not more items.
I invite you to come and think about the packs and the stuff we got throughout these 6 years with me.
🏢 Chapter 1: The apartment issue 
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Yes we got apartment buildings with city living, but sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it’s a game feature because it’s L I T E R A L L Y related to living in a city, so it’s not a real feature. We have no possible way to play with apartments and condos outside of san myshuno because for the first time ever we can’t build or own apartments. This was such a missed opportunity of giving us new lot treatments like condos and even rentable properties. I mean, just think about how those 2 features could allow so much new gameplay and stories with it (I can literally imagine being a landlord, having to go fix renters stuff in my their places and doing social events as condo meetings).
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The neighbors in that type of lot could also help solve somehow what so many people mention as “boring lot gameplay”. Let’s be real. hardly something ever happens with so little npcs and only the walk by sims (You have to literally run after them to make things happen sometimes and it shouldn’t be like that). But if sims were to live in the same condo or building as yours, sharing common living spaces that’s a whole other thing. Which brings me to the fact that even in the city, where apartments exist, there’s no common area other than the halls. Imagine if we could build laundries, rooftops, basements, patios with pools and all that sort of stuff.
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That sort of detaling and really getting deep into the pack’s features is even show in elevators: we can’t use them ourselves (for building) and they’re not even animated, your sim is just teleported (even the modded ones have animations and that’s just awkward).
🌊 Chapter 2: Swimming in shallow waters
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“We want a beach”, we said. So they gave us a beach, and a beach only. I’ve never seen so many people call a pack “shallow” as I’ve seen it happen to Island Living and tbh I do agree with them ‘cause... there’s really not much to do in this pack. For the first time ever swimming was restricted to this pack which is already a big let down by itself, but then features like deep diving were added for no reason and of course, as a rabbit whole, not actually contributing with much to do. So how could it be better?
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My answer is pretty obvious: resorts. It is a livable world, but that don’t mean your sims can’t take a vacation from work and just stay there if that’s the gameplay you want to go with and resorts match perfectly with that, not to mention it would have great integration with packs like spa day. It also means a new lot type and lot system, that wouldn’t be much new if the city living building condos and sublocating them as I mentioned would’ve already been implemented, but now with the feature of renting it yourself too. Resorts could also have their own event schedules, integrated with the seasons calendar: cava parties every wednesday, yoga lessons on thursdays, etc. And the best thing would be: if you own one, you can make your own events and traditions. imagine just how fun that would be. A feature like this would also mean it’s already done for other packs coming later on, maybe a colder destination where you can ski and build iglus or even another cultural based pack like jungle adventure.
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Other obvious resolution would be better mermaids. Make it harder to become one, being only able to get the kelp from a mermaid themselves. Make it less anticlimactic, having an animation of them turning before they just walk in water with a tail all of the sudden, maybe just some scales in their legs. Give them more unique features and powers like vampires and spellcasters have, such as easily persuading people (sort of like the mind control feature aliens have) and maybe even a secret lot, like a grotto where all the mermaids are. Give them curses with the points system to go with it, some mermaids are actually sirens amirite
🥶 Chapter 3: Seasons change, gameplay stays the same
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Activities truly based on the season that are specific to that moment create urgency and different moments. Something I can think of is integrating a pack we already have: spooky stuff. It does feel lackluster ‘cause it’s missing opportunities, but imagine going trick or treating but actually going, loading different houses and gathering it while a meter like the active jobs one guided you. Forming groups with friends to do it or maybe for tpeing trees and bushes if you’re on the rebel teen side and destroying their porch jack’o lanterns. It could even be randomly generated, like the game would send you to 3 different houses to do it (that would bring lots of replayability value ‘cause you could end up in houses with neighbors that love you and will give you candy no problem, but maybe also neighbors with family feuds that won’t answer their door or make it harder for you to accomplish the event objectives), maybe one of those could even be a abandoned one that’s haunted or something like that.
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The implementing of a better wants and fears system is very essential for this pack. Yes your sims get overheated and a popup message tells you they need some water or lighter clothes, but it’d be so good if they’d actually want to go to the beach, swim in the ocean, take a vacation from work and go to a resort. Heatwaves that would make your sim act weird, not strangerville level of weird, but maybe not obeying your commands.
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Blizzards so strong that work and school would get canceled and you actually don’t have the option to leave your home lot anymore until it passes would not only add a different element to the gameplay, but also add value to the weather controler machine.
🥺 Final chapter: The general “more stuff to do” and “more things happening” factor
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The game offers all these beautiful secret worlds and yet when you finally get to them there’s not much to do other than searching for rocks and frogs and doing some fishing. I miss going to a community lot hidden somewhere and finding an eremite, goddamn bigfoot, some crazy npc or even just an actual community lot with something to do and people doing stuff in it. Unique community lots would also be a way to make towns more lively and captivating like they did so well with realm of magic and the casters alley section of the world. Maybe forgotten hollow has this abandoned haunted house where people claim they’ve seen the grim reaper walking around. Maybe sixam has a alien station where they clone human sims. Maybe sulani has this beautiful sunken ship beach where a club of people that dress up as pirated meet. Maybe Del Sol Valley has a movie theater where you can watch premieres. Maybe Oasis Springs mine hides actual gold that you can collect and get rich outta nowhere. That kind of stuff.
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I can’t stress this enough, but NPCs are so important to shake things up. It was so good to have a pack like realm of magic where the we would have to go to the three sages in order to progress. Having unique sims like this or npcs that change the way your story is going like burglars, firefighters, cops, social bunny, bonehilda and even a fortune teller is so important to keep things impredictable and interesting.
Age groups really need more specific restricted gameplay for better feel of progression. Many people say sims 4 is a young adult simulator and well... there’s not much to show that differs from that. Toddlers are as interesting as hamsters, locked in an object waiting for you to feed, clean and give them attention. Teens really should feel more like a transiction period, and the wants and fears system would really help out with that. I miss being able to participate in more elements that would mark a sims life even if they’re cheesy as heck, like having a prom, graduating, having a midlife crises.
In conclusion
First of all: if you got to this point thank you and I’d really wanna know what you think about all of this.
Some people may find even ridiculous for someone to go about a rant this big on a game and to that I have to say I agree lol I can’t help it tho, honestly, the sims has always been the game I’m most passionate about and it helped me express myself and my creativity so much since I was a kid. I really do care about this game and this franchise.
The point I want to make with this is: perhaps we shouldn’t ask for more and more different stuff, but actually put some effort into showing things we already like in the game and how they can be improved to make it more interesting. At the end of the day I still want spiral staircases, ladders, paintable ceiling, werewolves and all that but does it really matter if they get added to the game following the same patterns as the things pointed in here? Also we really are getting to a point where only a few things are missing as far as cas/build/buy go and I believe it’s time for us, as a community, to give gameplay as much importance as all these things we wanted so bad that got implemented. I probaby forgot to say something here and I didn’t even mention the infamous hamster pack, but anyway, I hope the point got across.
I try really hard to believe that the gurus are here for us and that most of all we, as a community, have a very strong voice, all we need to do is make it clearer and stronger about the things we really wish for this game.
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A Place Like This 1
Warnings: this short series will include dark elements including noncon, possible violence, mentions of mental illness, and other explicit content. I’m not your mother, curate your own consumption.
This is dark!Lumberjack!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your new boarder isn’t who he seems to be.
Note: So I wanted to do a lumberjack!Andy and got a bit carried away but let me tell you, somehow Andy always turns into an ultimate creep with me.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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It wasn’t often you found a stranger in Heron Creek. 
The small town was barely more than a single street; most residents lived further out. It was more a marketplace than anything. Townsfolk came to shop and socialise amid the limited stretch of businesses and not much else. The lumberyard fueled much of the economy and was closer than any home.
After weeks of arguing with your mother, you’d finally resigned. You needed a boarder to see you through the winter. Money was tight since your mother’s diagnosis; pills, therapy, reduced income. Your own job was just enough to see to the bills but not for the groceries or any incidentals. Even if you did some odd jobs around town, you wouldn’t be able to scrape enough to get by.
You’d never seen the man before. The message had been expected and a last hope. You agreed to meet at the town’s only cafe and were surprised and slightly disappointed. 
He greeted you by name as you looked around. You expected a woman; the advert had requested only females but, you supposed, that beggars couldn’t be choosers.
“Andy,” He introduced himself as he offered you his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too,” You lied as you sat.
“You want a coffee? I’m headed up for a refill,” He grabbed his empty mug.
“Sure,” You reached for your wallet. You could tell by his accent he was from the city; if you were to guess, one far from Heron Creek. “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I can get it.” He waved you off as you fumbled with your purse. “I’ll be back.”
He returned with two cups and slid one over to you. You added cream from the table.
“I know you advertised for women only but… I’m kinda running out of options and judging by how long your ad’s been in the paper, I think you might be too.” He began.
“Uh huh,” You sipped from your coffee. “You’re new around here.”
“I am.” He confirmed. “But you’re not so you should know there’s not a lot to choose from.”
“Why would you move all the way up here?”
“Tired of the city.” He said evenly. 
“You have a job?” You asked.
“At the lumberyard.” He replied. “Been there two months now, living down at Harry Brennan’s but he’s ready to have me out.”
“Hmm, yeah, he can be a bit prickly,” You remarked. “My mother, too. She’s sick. Moody. You sure you wanna trade in one for the other?”
He looked at you. He sat with his shoulders back, his head held up proudly. His gaze was discerning, as if he was measuring your every word and move.
“I can pay more than you’re asking and I’ll help out around the house.” He said. “Well, I won’t decide until I see the place, of course, but I’m optimistic.”
You tasted the bitter coffee. You preferred your own brew. You nodded as you set down your mug.
“They don’t have many lumberyards in the city. What’d you do before?”
“I was a lawyer.” He said. “And what do you do?”
“A lawyer? You’d give up that to live in the middle of nowhere and chop wood?”
“It’s quiet up here. Peaceful.” He tapped his fingers on the table beside his gloves. “A few more months and I should be able to afford my own place. At least a plot to start building.”
You considered him and held your palm to the warm porcelain. Your mother was wary of men. You couldn’t make the decision without her.
“You didn’t tell me what you do.” He said.
“I’m a writer. Mostly pieces on the local species and whatnot. There’s not many jobs to be had around here but on the internet…”
“So?” He asked as he shifted in his chair.
“I’ll have to talk to my mother.” You answered. “Then maybe you can come check out the room. It’s a big enough place for three. Probably too big but there’s a lot of work to be done in the winter.”
“Right,” He said. “As I said, I’ll help out with anything I can.”
You squinted and gulped the coffee even though it burned your throat. You stood and gathered up your purse.
“I don’t mean to run out but I have to hit Marla’s.” You hooked the strap of your bag over your shoulder. “I’ll let you know before the end of the week, but… well, my mom isn’t an easy person to deal with. Not unless you’re related.”
“Got it,” He watched you placidly as he rose. “I look forward to hearing from you.”
You heard voices from the front porch. You blinked and set down the basket of warm laundry on the kitchen table as you sighed at your mother’s mug. There was still tea in it which meant she had taken her first chance to chase her innate stubborn streak.
You’d argued for much of the morning as she accused you of inviting a strange man into her home and you countered that you’d merely agreed to a look at the house. No decision had yet been made, though the only reason your mother entertained the notion was the desperately needed money. And that had been your only winning point of contention.
You didn’t want the strange man living in your space anymore than she did but you also realised that you couldn’t possibly go on as you were. You went to the door, the thicker one open as the screen door was the only shield from the bitter late autumn air. You heard the creak of your mother’s rocking chair and the deep voice of a man. You recognized it even after a single meeting.
“...hauling wood, ma’am.” Was all you caught as you peered through the mesh.
“So you work at the lumberyard? My husband worked there before he tucked tail,” Your mother ranted. “That was almost twenty years ago.”
“Just like every other man in the county,” You opened the door. “Ma, I’d be down there too if I hadn’t lucked out.”
“I’m sorry about your husband, ma’am.” Andy slipped in as he stood on the bottom step. 
“Don’t call me, ma’am,” Your mother rebuked. “I’m not that old just yet.”
Andy glanced at you and you touched the back of your mother’s chair and stilled it.
“It’s a nice looking house,” Andy broke the silence. “Big property.”
“All that bastard left me,” Your mother swore and leaned on the arm of her chair. “Well, aren’t you going to show the man around.” She pushed back so you were forced to let go of the chair or else sprain your wrist. “Take your shoes off, sir.”
You nodded and waved him up the steps with a wry smirk at your mother. You held open the door as he passed and your mother looked pleased with herself as she rocked again. You let the door clatter behind you as Andy bent to loosen his work boots. He stood as he kicked off his boots and you rubbed your forehead.
“I’m sorry about my mom.” You said. “She’s… stubborn.”
“Don’t you apologize for me, girl.” Your mom called through the screen door and you quickly closed the thicker one.
“Well, nothing too fancy,” You stepped past him into the front room. “Living room, dining room,” You waved your hand back. “Kitchen in the back, bathroom as you walk through and the laundry room just on the other side.” You lowered your arm and neared the stairs. “Your room would be up here.”
You turned and he followed you up the noisy old stairs. The carpet at the top was faded and tattered and did little to cushion the hard wooden floor as you walked along the hallway.
“My mother’s is at the end. Mine is to the left and yours is right here,” You opened the door next to yours. “Looks out onto the yard, so not the worst.”
“Mmm, okay,” He paced around the bed and went to the window. He felt the lace curtains as he gazed out through the glass.
“I’ll empty out the closet. Probably why it smells like mothballs.” You explained. “Pretty simple, we share the common spaces and clean up after ourselves.” You shrugged. “My mom will leave you alone as long as you don’t get in her way. She usually stays in her room if she’s not out front.”
“That’s fine. I won’t be here much.” He said. “Just really need a place to sleep.”
“There is one other thing. My mother...she has some issues. She gets manic and sometimes… well, I can take care of her but I don’t want you to be blind-sided. She’s on medicine but she’s still adjusting and--” You gulped. “It took me a lot of convincing but if you want the space, it’s yours, at least until spring.”
“I don’t have a lot of choices but I’d be happy to.” He said. “And don’t worry so much about your mother. I was a lawyer, I saw a lot worse in the courtroom.”
“Mmm,” You tucked your hands in your pocket. “Well, anytime after Sunday the room will be ready for you.”
“Sunday,” He repeated. “Okay, that works for me. Should I call ahead?”
“Uh, yeah, you have my number,” You replied and paused as you heard your mother hollering. You huffed and rolled your eyes.
“I really hope it’s a squirrel and not a bear again,” You swept out of the room and stomped down the stairs. You went outside as your mother was tossing a stone and shouting at it, the wind chime tinkling and swaying from the porch. “Ma, it’s just a bird.”
“It damn nearly tore the chime off,” She sneered. “Your grandmother made me that.”
“I know, I know, just sit down.” You nudged her back to her chair. “You forgot your tea inside, do you want it?”
“My tea?” She blinked. “Oh, I forgot. Again.”
“It’s okay,” You patted her shoulder as you went back inside. Andy knelt as he pulled his boots back on.
“Everything okay?” He asked as he looked up at you.
“It’s fine,” You assured him. “Sometimes her meds make her a little jumpy. And forgetful.”
“Anything I can do?” He asked as he stood.
“Keep clear of her if you can,” You advised. “I’m not going to sugar coat it. She’s a lot to handle and she’s not very keen on men.”
“The latter I guessed,” He chuckled. “I’ll get out of your hair and see you next week.”
“Next week,” You confirmed as he pushed open the door. “Drive safe.”
“Thanks,” He called over his shoulder as he stepped out onto the porch. “I’ll be seeing you.” He said to your mother as he passed. “When I come back,” He stopped on the second step and you got closer to listen. “I can fix that feeder.” He pointed at the broken bird feeder under the tree. “If you like?”
“Oh,” Your mother grumbled. “Well, I think that… might be nice. As long as it keeps ‘em away from my chimes.”
“I think it will,” He smiled. “My-- I used to have a feeder just like that.”
Your mother was quiet as she stopped rocking. Finally she cleared her throat. “You have a nice day, sir.”
“You too,” He nodded and continued down the steps. 
You watched him go to his pick-up before you spun back and went to fetch your mother’s cup. You returned to the porch as he was backing out and you gave the lukewarm tea to your mother.
“Friendly,” She commented and took a sip. “The ones from the city usually don’t have such good manners.”
“Mhmm,” You grumbled. “Do you need me to warm that up?”
“Go on, girl,” She brushed you away. “I can stomach cold tea.”
Andy showed up on Monday. He called you the night before to let you know he’d be there and so you planned a trip into town with your mother to let him get settled. You waited until his truck pulled up, his tires crushing the pine cones and twigs as it neared. He got out and you handed him the spare key you had made. Your mother wore a parka and shivered in the car.
“We’ll be gone for a few hours,” You crossed your arms as you resisted the chill that nestled over the top of your scarf. “So you should be able to get settled in.”
“Thanks,” He turned the key over in his hand. “I’ll be discreet.”
“She’s in a good mood today. Well, until she starts complaining I left her in the car so long,” You rubbed your gloved hands together. “I’ll go. There’s logs by the fireplace in the living room. Heating downstairs isn’t so good but it makes a difference.”
“I’ll figure it out,” He assured. “You ladies have fun.”
“Ladies?” You arched a brow but he was hardly bothered. You nodded and left him.
You got in the jeep as your mother played with the radio and bemoaned the downfall of modern music. You shifted out of park and backed up as you tuned out her and Patsy Cline fizzling from the local station.
You went to Gerry’s, the only proper restaurant in town. Breakfast was often better than the evening’s affair and you showed up just in time for the lunch menu. Your mother gabbed with the waitress a little too long and you resisted apologizing on her behalf, knowing it would only sour her already brittle mood.
You ate and grabbed a pie from the display at your mother’s behest. She stopped by Geraldine’s thrift shop and bought another figurine for her collection; the porcelain wolves decorated her room and even some of the front room. You grabbed a few books you hadn’t read before and checked the time. You were certain you’d wasted enough time for Andy to get figured out.
As you drove back, the pale sky made the trees seem bleak in comparison. The first snow was imminent.
“You should make a nice dinner tonight.” Your mother said.
“Oh, I should?” You asked.
“I’m pooped. I gotta lay down.” She huffed. “But you always made a good chili. You can send that man off with a good lunch tomorrow if you make a big pot.”
“Mom,” You looked at her briefly. “You know his name.”
“I do. And that’s it.” She crossed her arms. “He seems nice enough but you never know. He’s not from around here.”
“No he’s not. But no one around here would pay what you want for that room.” You argued. “You’re lucky he’s from the city, they’re used to paying a fortune for shit.”
“Watch your mouth.”
“You said it was alright, ma. You agreed to it. It’s too late to send him off now.” You muttered.
“I like him,” She sneered. “I don’t like the way you look at him.”
“What?” You scoffed. “You’re ridiculous.”
“If I was younger, I wouldn’t turn my nose up at him. He’s handsome but I do wonder how he ended up here. You said he was a lawyer.”
“All sorts end up here, ma,” You countered. “Kenneth used to be an ad exec and now look at him; he sells sod and salt.”
“Still,” She rubbed her chin. “You’re young. When I was your age, well, if I had been alone all the time like you are, I’d be rearing to go.”
“Ma,” You were almost laughing. “You’re crazy.”
“That’s what the pills are for,” She retorted. “But I’m not blind.”
“Okay,” You said dryly as you rolled your eyes. “I think maybe I should be keeping my eye on you.”
“Ha, maybe I should give you a few pills,” She chuckled. “I’m not that mad.”
“Alright,” You gripped the steering wheel. “I’ll make chili but don’t go on about this in front of him. It’s gonna be weird enough.”
“Sure,” She harrumphed. “I’ll be good.”
As you took the lid off the deep pot, a billow of steam went up and the front door opened and closed. Your mother sat at the table after her nap and sipped on a hot tea. You listened to the floor groan as Andy stopped by the door and proceeded with lighter footfalls into the kitchen.
“I fixed the bird feeder,” He clapped his hands together. “Your chimes should be safe.”
“Oh, thank you,” Your mother beamed. “So sweet of you, Andy.”
“Not at all,” He said. “Simple work. Didn’t realise how much easier life is when you don’t have to think so much.”
He neared the table and grabbed the back of an empty chair. “You mind if I sit?”
“Go on,” Your mother was unusually chipper. “So how’d you fair? Got all your stuff unpacked?”
“Yep,” He answered, “Mmm, whatever you’re cooking smells good.”
“Chili,” You answered as you replaced the lid. “Twenty more minutes at most.”
“Chili. I remember--” He stopped and cleared his throat. You turned and watched him as he smoothed the front of his shirt, his fingers grabbing at the tie that wasn’t there. “I knew someone who used to make chili but it wasn’t chili chili. White beans and turkey… good but, I don’t think I’ve had real chili in forever.”
“You go down to Gerry’s on a Thursday and you’ll get some,” Your mother intoned.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Andy gave a small smile. “How was your day in town?”
You didn’t answer and looked to your mom. She frowned at you but quickly wiped it away.
“It was nice. You know, me and my daughter live together but we really don’t spend too much time together.”
“That’s great,” He said but barely seemed to see your mother as he watched you lean against the stove. “Well, hopefully I can help out some more and you can find more time for each other.”
“Uh huh,” You muttered. “Hopefully.”
That night, your mother went to bed and you retired soon after her. Andy had been quick to hide after dinner and you were thankful for that. You told him you’d set aside a container for his lunch and he was almost sheepish at the gesture.
You climbed up the stairs and slipped inside your room. The night was quiet and no moon floated above to shine in the windows. It was almost eerie. You changed into your pajamas and climbed into bed with your laptop. You turned off the lamp, content to type in the dark and eke out a few more paragraphs for your latest commission.
As the night wore on, only the tapping of keys filled your ears and you found yourself slumping lower against the headboard. You flipped onto your stomach and hugged the pillow as you tried to keep going, yawns blurring your vision as your body resisted your determination. 
You didn’t recall falling asleep but it was a haze of visions. Your head swirled with your mother’s voice and Andy’s deep blue eyes. A blizzard turned the landscapes white and a wolf’s howl made you shiver. 
You woke, still on your stomach, an arm beneath your pillow, and your laptop dead. You groaned as you rolled over. The grey light of dawn filled your room and the frigid air raised bumps on your skin as your blanket was twisted around you. 
A floorboard creaked along the hallway and you sat up. You blinked at the shadow that flitted away through the crack between your bedroom door and the frame. You had closed your door; you were sure of it. Entirely certain as your door always stuck terribly and was quite a pain in the ass.
You drew a blanket around your shoulders as you stood and went to the door. You blinked and peeked out into the hall. There was nothing, no one. You sighed as your eyes froze on the closed bathroom door. You heard the sudden whine of the shower and the rattling of the pipes. Andy must have woken up to get ready for work.
You always wondered how the lumberjacks could handle the early mornings, especially in the winter. You turned back and closed your door. Your feet were cold on the floorboards and the rug was just as unwelcoming as you crossed to the window. Snowflakes blurred the horizon and shrouded the dawn.
Winter had come and you sensed a storm brewing.
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Bad Baby || K.H
Summary: Maybe what he needed was a wake up call... And a little punishment.
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Words: Oof quite a bit
Genre: Smut, Angst
⚠ orgasm denial, praise kink ⚠
A/N: I fucking loved the live concert, I was so happy seeing them... Enjoy xx💖
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 "So, you think he'll like it?"
 Seonghwa nodded and gave you a thumbs up.
 You twirled in front of the mirror, appreciating the way your black skirt flowed and simultaneously hugged your waist.
  With the comeback approaching, Hongjoong felt very pressured and stressed, and you wanted to help him relax since it wasn't good for his health, and since he really deserved a treat for being so hardworking.
  You'd prepared a nice little dinner at the dorm and dressed up for him. You were really excited, and you couldn't wait to see his face shift from an ugly, tired frown to his gorgeous, pure smile.
   That wasn't the case, however.
   The second he opened the door and you threw his arms around him, yelling 'surprise!' he immediately groaned and pulled you off of him. Your eyebrows furrowed and you felt a little bummed out, but then again, being attacked as you stepped inside probably wasn't a great thing.
   "Hongjoongie, I made you something!" 
   As you grabbed his wrist and started dragging him to the kitchen excitedly, you felt him pull away. You turned around and looked at him, a little confused at his cold behavior.
  "Hongjoong, is something wrong?"
  He rolled his eyes and huffed.
  "No, everything is fine, but it's just not great having someone cling to you all the time. It's fucking annoying Y/N, I just left work, let me rest for a fucking second before you come jump around near me."
   You couldn't believe your ears. All of the other members looked at you in pity, they knew how excited you were about that night, and it made you feel absolutely humiliated. You didn't quite know what to say, or how to react, your boyfriend had never spoken to you in such a heartless manner.
   "Hongjoong, please don't say things like that you know-"
   He immediately cut you off.
   "I'll say whatever I want! Y/N you fucking cling to me all the goddamn time, I want to rest, is that too much to ask!? For you not to glue to me 24/7!?
    His voice grew by the second, and his arms flailed like he was desperate, yearning for air, as if you really choked him. Tears brimmed in your eyes and your heart ached. Each vile word of his was like a stab on your body.
    "Joong I think-"
    He cut you off once more, but this time the bubble burst. You weren't going to hear another second of that nonsense. Your fists balled up behind your body and the previous sadness in your eyes shifted into anger.
   "Shut the fuck up! Now you shut up and listen to me! I know you're fucking stressed out, we all know, but you don't have the goddamn right to mistreat everyone around you for days on end comeback after comeback! It's exhausting! Everyone lets it slide because we all understand the weight you carry on your shoulders, but that doesn't give you the right to treat anyone like shit! I did my best to try and do something sweet for you and this is how you thank me!? Maybe I should rethink our relationship."
  There was not a drop of emotion as you said in the last sentence. You didn't mean it, you didn't want it, but it was what you felt deep down. You couldn't handle it, not like that...
   Hongjoong, who up until then had been listening very much against his will, widened his eyes in shock. He was visibly taken aback by your boldness, by how angry you were. You had never acted like this, you had never exploded in front of him, and a sense of regret immediately washed over his body.
   You walked past him, making sure to bump your shoulder against his, and grabbed your purse while simultaneously gripping the doorknob.
   Hongjoong turned around as fast as possible.
  "Too late." You told him, as you turned the doorknob and left the apartment, making sure to slam the door behind you.
  Your ruthless expression scared Hongjoong, and for the first time ever, he was scared that he had lost you. 
   He was terrified, hopeless, and he didn't know what to do. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he didn't move, not until Seonghwa approached him.
   "You know, she really tried hard... You have to stop breaking her heart like that, you'll eventually lose her."
    The smaller boy turned to face his elder and sniffed, not bothering to clean his tears.
    "What if I already have?..." His voice was just above a whisper, too broken to be able to speak any louder than that.
   Seonghwa sighed and placed his hands on Hongjoong's shoulders, whilst looking him in the eye.
   "You haven't, not yet, trust me. But you have to go there and promise her, and make her believe that you won't hurt her like this anymore, she's only human Joong. You have to make it up to her." 
   As Hongjoong took in the information he just nodded. Once Seonghwa was done, he immediately sprinted out of the apartment. He didn't want to let another second pass by, knowing that you were hurting on your own, knowing that maybe you weren't his anymore.
   The tears continuously cascaded down his cheeks, the thought of losing you hurting way too much.
   He assumed you had taken a taxi, since he couldn't find you anywhere on the streets as he ran to your apartment block.
   Once he arrived, he ignored the elevator and took the stairs, not wanting to waste one second.
   He knocked on the door loudly. 
   No answer.
   He knocked once more.
   "Y/N, Y/N please I know you're in there! Give me another chance, I can't lose you like this!"
   Hongjoong's shaky voice made your heart quiver.
   You slowly opened the door, revealing the flushed, sweaty, and teary man you loved oh so much.
   "You haven't lost me yet, Hongjoong..."
   He immediately pulled you in a tight hug and cried onto your shoulder.
   "Princess I'm so sorry... I love you more than anything I'm sorry I treated you like that, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel lonely, I'm sorry for taking you for granted, I'm sorry... for everything."
  Your tears, that had already dried up, stained your cheeks for the second time that night.
   "It's okay, just, please don't do it again..."
  Hongjoong pulled away from the hug and cupped your face, making you look him in the eye.
   "Never again, I promise."
   You smiled and bit your lip, trying to suppress a sob.
   The both of you stood in the doorway, holding each other close, for a couple more minutes before a gush of wind rushed by you, sending chills down your spines. You shivered in his arms and he chuckled.
  "Should we go in?" He asked.
  You nodded and intertwined your fingers with his, pulling him inside your apartment as he closed the door.
   You dragged your boyfriend to the couch and cuddled up to him. You sat beside him and laid your head on the crook of his neck, while his head rested on yours and his arm pulled you close by the waist.
 "I missed this..." You confessed in a whisper, loving the quietness and peacefulness of the ambient.
  Hongjoong hummed in agreement.
  "Me too..." He paused for a second, unsure if he should bring it up, but Hongjoong decided to go ahead "You know Y/N, about that thing from before, if there's any way I came ake it up to you, you know, as an apology... I'm all ears."
  You looked up at him as he spoke nervously. Being with him was enough, nothing came to your mind particularly. That was, until a dirty scenario popped into your mind.
  You bit your lip and one of your hands caressed his chest for a second before moving down to his abdomen, where you left it.
  "You know... We haven't done anything in a long time.”
  Immediately he understood what you mean, and a smirk was plastered across his face. Hongjoong's arm, that was around your waist, pulled you to his lap as he hummed contently. 
  "Do you have anything in mind, pretty princess?" He asked as he delivered small kisses to your neck and jaw.
  You placed your hands on his chest and pulled him back. He squeezed your thighs and looked at you confusedly.
  "Tonight you're mine." You leaned down so your lips would be by his ear "You misbehaved baby, you have to be punished."
   You gave his crotch a light squeeze and tugged on his earlobe with your teeth.
   You stood up and walked to your bedroom, and when you noticed he wasn't following you glanced over your shoulder.
   Hongjoong sat there, perplexed at your sudden attitude.
   "Aren't you coming?"
   He shuffled in his place for a second before jolting up and following you to your bedroom.
   Hongjoong watched as you stripped down to your underwear. A wave of guilt instantly hit him. You were wearing the piece of underwear he had been eyeing in a store for a couple weeks now. You had gone and bought it for him to see and he had treated you like shit, fuck he was an asshole.
   "Don't stand there looking pretty, undress for me."
   You bit your lip as you watched him peel off every piece of clothing one by one, leaving him only in his boxers. You raised your brow at him and stepped closer to him.
   Your index finger hooked around the waistband of his underwear and tugged on it, letting go of it immediately after so it'd snap against his hip.
   "I said strip."
   Hongjoong swallowed dryly, getting a little nervous about your dominant demeanor. He was excited, he had never been controlled by you and he didn't quite know what to expect.
    He slipped off his boxers and watched as you knelt down and grabbed the base of his shaft. 
   Your boyfriend immediately hissed at the contact, as it had been long since you had touched him that way.
   Your tongue swirled around his tip and you sucked it, teasingly. Your fingers gripped his base tighter and he moaned as he gripped your hair tightly. You took more of him into your mouth and started bobbing your head to a steady rhythm, taking more of him each time, until you felt his tip hit the back of your throat.
   As your hand started following the movements, Hongjoong became more neddy. His hips thrust into your mouth, causing you to gag. You pulled away completely and looked up at him.
   "If you do that again I won't let you cum today, understand?" You asked as you delivered a slap to his naked thigh.
   Hongjoong nodded his head.
   "Y-yes, I do."
   "Good boy."
   His dick twitched in your hand at the praise, and you took him in your mouth once more. 
  You sped up the pace substantially, and when your hand's grip tightened slightly around his base Hongjoong let out a desperate cry.
   "Princess that's so good... I'm- I'm gonna cum..."
   As soon as he told you that you pulled away from his dick and removed your hand. Hongjoong moaned, displeased at the denial.
   He thought his punishment was over, but little did he know it had just begun.
   You stood in front of him and removed your bra, followed by your panties. 
   Right then, Hongjoong only wanted to kiss your neck and sit you down on his dick until you both came, but he knew he couldn't, not after what you had done to him.
   You looked over to the bed.
   "Lay down for me baby."
   He obeyed your wishes and laid on the bed, facing up.
   You sat on his dick, rubbing your wet pussy on his rock-hard cock. You leaned down and pressed your lips against his in a rough, desperate kiss. 
   Even though you took the leading role, his tongue controlled the kiss, out of habit. His hands snaked up your legs, grabbed your ass harshly and he pulled your core closer to his cock, wanting more friction, needing more friction.
   You slapped his hand away and looked at him with a dirty grin.
   "You don't get to touch me, baby."
  Hongjoong groaned and threw his head back.
   "Fuck Y/N, I can't handle it..."
  You brought your lips down to his neck and nibbled on his soft skin.
  "You have to, or else," You paused, as you lifted yourself up, aligned his cock with your entrance, and slammed down on him "I won't let you cum."
  Hongjoong gripped the sheets in desperation and moaned into the air.
  He wouldn't last like that... It had been too long since you two had fucked and he had been denied his orgasm before.
   "Y/N please, please let me fuck you, let me touch you..."
   His breathy begs were so cute. You loved how his pretty voice and heavy breaths echoed in the room, you were obsessed with the way you made him plead, with the way you drove him crazy.
   Hongjoong's eyes were tightly shut and his mouth was agape, as his chest rose and fell quickly.
   You started bouncing on his cock, slowly and steadily, and both of your moans increased volume.
   Your hands caressed his lower abdomen, giving you some stability.     When it eventually became too much for you to bear too, you gave him the green card.
   "Fuck Hongjoongie, touch me."
   As soon as he processed your words, he gripped your waist and flipped the two of you around. 
   Hongjoong pounded into you mercilessly. The headboard hit the wall loudly and repeatedly, certainly annoying some neighbors, but you didn't care, you were so, so close.
   You gripped Hongjoong's shoulders, your nails digging into his skin, as you looked at his lust-filled face. There were beads of sweat rolling down the side of his cheek, his hair was sticking to his forehead and his skin glistened. Hongjoong's eyes were glued to the way he entered you relentlessly, and his eyebrows were furred in pure pleasure.
   "Hongjoong... Hongjoong I'm going to cum." You moaned.
   Your boyfriend looked at you and smirked. He squeezed your waist tighter.
   "Should I let you cum?"
   You groaned and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
   "Shut up." You told him.
   His thrusts became sloppier as your tongue explored his mouth, and you could feel your orgasm bottling up.
   Hongjoong came first, not being able to hold back anymore, and he nearly collapsed on top of you as he shot a load of his thick cum inside you.
   Feeling him fill you up made you reach your orgasm. Your might went blank and your mouth fell agape as you cried his name.
   Hongjoong removed himself from you and fell beside you, pulling you close to his body.
   You placed one of your hands on his chest and kissed his cheek.
   "Hm, you were a good boy today." You teased, with a small smile.
   Hongjoong looked at you and kissed your forehead.
   "Fuck, I love you so much."
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Enough is Enough
Pairing: JJ x Plus Size Reader
Summary: You and JJ are starting to constantly be harassed by the Kooks about your relationship. What happens when it becomes too much for you to handle?
@drewswannabegirl @velyssaraptor @kaitieskidmore1 @jiaraendgame @teamnick @jeyramarie @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​ @baby-pogue​ @ma10427​ @judayyyw​ @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @agirlwholovescoffee​ @justcallmesams​ @lasnaro​ @lonely-kermit​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @ifilwtmfc​ @gviosca​ @fernweh-fangirl​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @eb15​ @tangledinsparkles​ @hurricane-abigail​ @outerbongs​ @jaxandcomet​ 
Note: This is for the anon that requested this summary, I tried to combine the ending so I hope that’s ok! I hope I made you proud! And as always I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!
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JJ and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Our parents big on the drug market in The Cut. We had similar home lives in that as well, except my parents just mentally abuse me. I had always been ‘bigger’ than everyone else we grew up with. JJ and the others accepting and never having a problem with my size, but my parents were never ending on how I needed to change. There was nothing more than I hated then having to go home....
The endless comments about how I’m ‘too fat’, ‘need to go on a diet’, ‘have you tried exercising’, ‘how do you have friends’, ‘you will never be loved because you are fat.......It wasn’t just them I got these kind of comments from however, the Kooks were also ruthless when it came to body shaming....
I had started developing feelings for JJ about a year ago, he had started sending me mixed signals that just confused me to no end. For example, he would only want to sit beside me anytime we went anywhere, sometimes he would hold my hand, and he had become a lot more touchy. Which I didn’t mind at first, I thought nothing of it. It wasn’t until at a kegger when JJ got piss drunk and I had to take him back to the chateau since I was the only one capable of driving that things had changed between us....
“You know, you’re really pretty.” JJ slurred, his hat tipped way down over his eyes.
“Who, your hat because I’m sure that’s all you can see right now J.” I laughed, tipping it back up for him. 
“No silly, I’m talking about you! I think, I think I might be falling in love with you.” he hiccuped.
“What the fuck JJ?!” I yelled, looking at my very intoxicated friend.
“Well...I am. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, my favorite part of the day is seeing you. Do-do you think you’re falling in love with me too y/n?” he asked, trying to sit up in the car seat.
“I don’t even know how to respond to that JJ.” I groaned, pulling into the chateau.
“Just say yes or no what do you mean?” he slurred, giving me a ‘duh’ look.
I helped him out, he was a lot heavier than he looked. I kind of threw him on the couch because it was enough getting him up the stairs of the porch. He whined when his face hit the cushions, rolling over to face me. He grinned widely, sitting up not so sturdily. 
“Are you going to answer me baby?” he asked, playing with a strand of my hair.
“You’re hammered J, you won’t remember any of this in the morning. Go to sleep.” I mumbled, getting up to take his bed for the night.
“Nooo, come back I need to know! Babyyyyyy.” he whined, seconds later he was snoring.
 I woke up encased in warmth, I threw my hand out to take the blankets off when I came in to contact with something hard. I turned to see JJ beside me, his strong arms caging me against him. I didn’t even know he had came in here last night....Does he even remember doing it?
“Ow,” JJ groaned.
“JJ, what are you doing in here?” I asked, turning in his hold. 
“Sleeping,” he grumbled, nuzzling his head further into me.
“I’m positive I left you on the couch last night.” I said, brushing some hair out of his eyes.
“I wanted a cuddle buddy,” he pouted, his eyes still closed. 
“Do you remember last night?” I asked hesitantly.
“Bits and pieces, but I do know what I said to you.” he said, cracking his eyes open. My breath hitched in my throat, preparing myself for the worst.
“It’s ok J, we all say things we don’t mean when we’re drunk.” I chuckled, trying to play it off.
“Well I meant what I said, and I know you feel the same way.” he said, blue eyes staring deep into mine.
“Full of yourself much Maybank?” I scoffed, pushing him playfully. 
“I know you like the back of my hand sweetheart, which  I was surprised you never said anything. I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m into you.” he said, his eyes searching mine for any tell of what I might be thinking. 
“JJ, look at me....do you know what people would say? I can’t let you go through that.” I whispered, hiding my face in his chest.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. I don’t give a flying fuck what people have to say about us. I-I love you, and I will do whatever I have to. I want to be with you.” he said, pulling my head back to look in my eyes.
“I love you J,” I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes. 
He kissed me hard, our teeth clashing together at the force. All of our pent up emotions and feelings for each other poured out into the kiss. Teeth and tongues moving sloppily, but it was beautiful. Never in a million years did I think JJ would ever feel the way I felt. I never thought any guy would give me the time of day, but all this time.....it was JJ.
It’s been about 6 months since JJ and I became official....
I was over the moon with him, never have I felt happier then when I was with him.
That was until the Kooks found out..more specifically, Rafe and his posse. It was hard enough with them harassing us because we are Pogues, but now they go out of their way to get at JJ and I. JJ of course flew off the handle anytime they mentioned my name, and I was tired of having to clean him up. I didn’t like seeing the marks on his face...I had seen enough of them come from his dad. I couldn’t help but feel like it was all my fault.... 
What drew the line for me was a day Pope, JJ, and I were making some deliveries to Figure Eight. Of course we were minding our own business when Rafe, Kelce, and Topper spotted us walking by the golf course. 
“Well, well look who we have here Top!” Rafe yelled, all of us freezing in our spot. I did not want to do this today.
“Guys come on, let’s just do these deliveries and go home.” I sighed, trying to pull on JJ’s bicep.
“You might run out of business if you keep having fatty here make runs with you Pope, she probably eats everything before it gets to the door.” Rafe smirked, eyeing JJ. 
“You watch your fucking mouth Rafe,” JJ growled.
“JJ please, they aren’t worth it.” I whispered, tugging on him again. 
“Hush piggy.” Topper said, shoving you to the side. 
No clue where it came from, but I had enough with them bullying us. I swerved my fist back and punched Topper straight in the nose, a sickening crunch sound followed by a shout came from Topper. Everything happened so fast after that... Topper grabbed me, pulling me off to the side. JJ and Pope were busy fighting off Rafe and Kelce.
“You will NEVER be good enough for him to love you y/n. You know that right?” Topper taunted, holding his bloody nose. 
“He does love me Topper!” I shouted, frustrated tears rolling down my face.
“Who could ever love someone like you? Look at you! You’re disgusting, ugly, and fat” he laughed.
“Shut the fuck up Topper!” I screamed.
I heard a scream, my eyes tearing from Topper to see Rafe beating JJ with his golf club. I cried out in horror, going to JJ’s aid. I was held back by Topper, his sinister chuckle sending chills through me. JJ tried to fight back, reaching for the golf club to stop its attack. Blood covered his beautiful face, splattering Rafe’s shirt. Sobs wracked my body, it became harder to breathe every moment I had to endure.
“JJ!” I yelled, tearing myself from Topper’s hold. I ran at Rafe, my only thoughts were keeping JJ and Pope safe.
“No!” Pope yelled as I ran towards Rafe.
I jumped on Rafe’s back, wrapping my legs around him so I could grab the golf club. It provided enough distraction for JJ to jump up, grabbing the golf club from Rafe and tossing it. Topper threw me off of Rafe, my face hitting the gravel below. The Kooks had enough since they ran off from us, leaving all of us beaten and bloody. I looked at JJ who was starting to sway, I got to him just in time before he hit the gound.
“JJ!” I yelled, and he was unresponsive....
I sat in the ER room with JJ, machines and tubes running every which way. Silent tears still rolled down my face, the reality of everything overwhelming my brain....I couldn’t let JJ keep getting hurt for me. He has enough to deal with at home, I can’t bare bringing him anymore hurt. It was too much, my heart shattered to pieces. I knew I had to end things before they got worse, no one else was getting hurt for me...
I was huddled up in my room a few days later, not having spoken to JJ, or any of the Pogues. I had hundreds of missed calls, texts, and FaceTime’s. This way, no one could get hurt. This way would be better for them. 
That’s what I kept telling myself at least....
There was a loud banging on my front door, I looked out the window and saw JJ. I froze, his solemn blue eyes made my heart clench. I opened the door slowly, met with my teary eyed boyfriend. His eyes were so red, it looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His slight stubble adding to his tired appearance.
“Why the fuck haven’t you been answering your damn phone!” he bellowed, veins popping out of his neck.
“I want to break up.” I blurted. His face dropped, fresh tears coming to his eyes.
“What?” he asked, his voice croaking. 
“I-I don’t want to do this anymore JJ.” I said, trying to sound convincing. 
“What has happened in the past three days that you decided you don’t want to be with me anymore? Do...Do you not love me anymore?” he whispered, the sheer pain in his voice made me want to forget my plan.
“No,” I croaked, trying to keep my tears at bay. I breathed in, clutching tight on the door.
“You’re lying.” he growled, seeing right through me.
“Dammit JJ! I can’t do this! I can’t watch you and the others get hurt for me anymore! Rafe almost fucking killed you because I’m fat!” I screamed.
“Don’t you fucking say that again! You are not fat! You are beautiful just the way you are, who the fuck cares about the Kooks? They harass us anyways, it wouldn’t matter!” he yelled back, tears rolling down both our faces at this point. 
“Either way, this is done JJ. Goodbye.” I said, slamming the door in his face.
“Baby please! Open the door! I love you, please don’t leave me! Y/N!” he cried, fists pounding on the door.
 I could hear his sobs through the wood, my heart breaking as I cried with him...
Almost a week had gone by...
I haven’t ate, slept, just stared at my wall and let the tears roll. I felt like shit....literal shit. I hated myself for looking the way I did...not only did it cost my happiness with JJ, but it put the Pogues in danger. I wished more than anything that I could look like Kie, or Sarah. A skinny, beautiful girl. Someone people are excited to see, someone who can wear no makeup and look flawless, someone who didn’t have to try....
“Kie is here piggy,” my mother slurred, stumbling back to the living room.
“Hey” she whispered, taking in my tear soaked features.
“Hi Kie,” I croaked, my bottom lip trembling.
She came to me, sitting beside me as she wrapped her arms around me. I cried in her arms, what I’m sure JJ had done as well.
“I’ve missed you,” she said, brushing my tears away.
“You don’t have to say that because you feel sorry for me Kie.” I chuckled.
“When are you going to understand that we love YOU. You are the glue of our group, you light up everyone’s day. You’re kind, funny, beautiful, and just an all around amazing friend.” she said, holding my hands tightly. 
“Kie...I’m-” I started.
“You are not fat, I don’t want to hear that word out of your mouth. JJ has been a mess this whole week, what is going on?” she asked, so I explained everything to her.
“I can’t let him get hurt for me when he has enough of hurt from his dad Kiara.” I muttered, looking into her brown orbs. 
“You all need each other y/n. You’re each other’s soulmates, I truly believe that. JJ can take care of himself just like the rest of us can. We would do anything for you, you’re our family.” she said, pulling me into a hug.
“I love you all so much Kie, I can’t let them keep hurting you all.” I sobbed.
“You let us deal with that, now, I think you should talk to JJ.” Kie sighed.
“I-...I can’t Kie. There’s no way he’d take me back. He-he doesn’t understand...” I mumbled, picking at my fingers.
“Alright, I’ll talk to him. Then we can go from there yeah?” she asked, raising her brow. I nodded, hugging her again before she took off.
It wasn’t even an hour later before knocking at my door was heard again. I looked to see my mom passed out on the couch, a bottle of liquor in her hand. I ran to the door, peaking out to see JJ. He looked just as bad if not worse than me.
“Hi,” he whispered, looking me up and down.
“JJ,” I croaked.
We both collapsed into each other, crying into the other’s shoulder. I clutched onto JJ tight, afraid that if I let go I’d lose him again. We both mumbled apologies to each other. His huge, ringed hand encased my head to his chest, his lips kissing wherever they could reach on my face.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you JJ, I-I just didn’t want you or anyone else to get hurt because of me.” I sobbed, pulling back to look at his handsome face. 
“I’m sorry to baby, for not understanding your reasons and just blowing up like that.” he sniffed,  his hands gripping my face to kiss my cheeks before placing a tender kiss on my lips.
“I don’t want you to get hurt like that again J,” I whispered, holding his wrists.
“I don’t want to hear you talk bad about yourself anymore. I love you just the way you are...You’re perfect to me. Deal?” he smiled, kissing my nose. I giggled, throwing myself forward to kiss his lips again. 
“Deal, I love you JJ Maybank.” I said, my voice cracking.
“I love you more,” he said softly, leaning his forehead on mine.
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