#the way he falls to the mattress so flat like a pancake i am going to flip.
hyunpic · 1 month
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Hello hello my lovely Mei!! How’s it going? I am a bit scared to go into my kitchen because I saw a long bug that was really fast and it disappeared somewhere behind a cabinet :/ I’ve come to you for some comfort maybe a little something about this with Bradley or Jake? I hope you’re doing well <33
Bradley's sleeping. The whole reason you're in the kitchen in the first place is because you want to make him breakfast in bed, so waking him seems counterintuitive. But something long and squirmy and crawly just slipped behind one of your cabinets, the one you'd wanted to reach into, and there's no way you're making pancakes with an extra houseguest.
"Brad," You push at his shoulder gently, marveling the way he's face-down in the pillow and somehow still breathing, "Bradley!"
"Mmf?" Comes his rather unsavory reply, muffled as he groans it straight into the pillow.
"There's a bug," You hiss, "In the kitchen. A big one, and I'm scared."
"Okay." He pushes his palms flat against the mattress to lift himself off of it, and you adore the way he muscles through his sleepy state to help you. He barrels down the hallway towards the kitchen with far less coordination than he'd have if he was fully awake, but it doesn't seem to bother him; he's tired, so he'll go after the bug tired, because you need him to. He's not going to make you wait and worry while he scrolls through his phone, and he's not going to get coffee first to wake him up. You need his bug-catching services, sleepiness be damned.
"Where?" He grunts, eyes still struggling to stay open. You point warily at the cabinet it had escaped behind without crossing the threshold into the kitchen itself, merely poised at the doorway watching.
"Got it," He grumbles, taking a spatula from a jar on the counter.
"Oh- Bradley, no!"
"Hm?" He turns to look back at you, spatula in hand, "What, babe?"
"That's for the food," You fret, "The bug's dirty. And- and so is behind the cabinet."
"Okay." He agrees thoughtlessly once more, taking orders like you're his commanding officer, "Can you get me a hanger?"
You retrieve a metal one, so that it can be bent and warped to however he wants to fish the bug out. But his brain isn't functioning that intensively yet, and he merely swipes it behind the cabinet. To his credit, he pushes it out and away from you, but all he does is displace the creature, not capture it.
You let out a mangled sound, something between a gasp and a cry. The bug scuttles away from you at first, but then to your horror, rounds on you, like it knows you're the one who snitched on it.
"Ew- I- Bradley!" You gush, already backing away from the doorway that it's charging. He's finally more awake now, and though you'd have liked to merely set the thing outside, you're not upset when Bradley crunches it with the bottom of his slipper.
He breathes a heavy sigh of relief when it's trapped beneath his foot, and you try to calm your racing heart.
"You okay, honey?" He asks, and you nod disjointedly.
"That was scary," You note, and he hums in agreement.
"He's gone now. I'll clean him up." He grimaces slightly at the mess under his shoe, "Can I have some wipes?"
Bradley doesn't make you move the bug's corpse, just scoops it up into a bleach wipe and scrubs down the floor. You watch with a perpetually nervous expression, even though the threat has been neutralized.
"All gone." Bradley reports, the bleach wipes falling sadly into the garbage can. You nod, gratefully accepting the embrace that he tugs you into, leaning into the kiss that he smushes against your forehead.
"Why were you up so early?" He asks, some of that sleepy fog still thickening his voice.
"I wanted to make you breakfast in bed," You admit, and you feel him chuckle against you.
"Should I go get back in bed?" He asks.
"I think I want you to stay," You fret, holding the end of his too-long sleeve, "But I won't make you cook. You just have to be on bug patrol."
"Bug patrol," He echoes curiously, testing the title on his tongue. He seems to approve, leaning in with a smug smile on his face to peck at your lips, "That's me, honey."
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chelseachilly · 1 year
THIS LOVE - chapter two | the lights are so bright but they never blind me
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pairing: ben chilwell x reader
rating: T
word count: 2.1k
summary: you have to adjust to life in the public eye as ben’s supposed girlfriend...and ben has to adjust to the sight of you wearing his chelsea kit to a game
A/N: thanks for more lovely messages, they really encourage me to update faster lol! i’m sorry this one’s a bit shorter, the next update will definitely be longer 😌 chapter title is from welcome to New York
previous chapter | view all chapters
The morning after the gala, you wake up in Ben’s guest room feeling relaxed and refreshed.
You always seem to get a better sleep when you stay at his, though you’re not sure if that’s due to his comfy mattress and expensive sheets or the fact that he lives out in Cobham and it’s significantly quieter than your own flat.
This state of relaxation lasts for about five minutes, or until you get a text from your friend Valerie asking if you’ve been on Twitter today.
Bracing yourself, you open the app and already see Ben’s name trending.
You’ve gained some followers over the years when Ben has posted you on his socials, but it’s nothing compared to the way people are currently talking about you all over the internet.
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It’s not just on Twitter - your Instagram following count has already grown exponentially, and your comments are filled with everything under the sun, from praise to cruelty.
You know Ben gets shit like this all the time, and Mia warned you it would be coming your way, but it’s still surreal to read about yourself online.
Especially when none of it is true. Even the nice tweets about what a lovely couple you make are based on a lie.
You can’t resist going down the rabbit hole for a few minutes, reading pages of tweets from Ben’s fans speculating about your relationship, some negative and some positive. Eventually, you can feel your brain starting to hurt, and you know it’s in your best interest to shut your phone off for a while.
Begrudgingly, you force yourself to get out of bed and face the day. You make your way downstairs in your pyjamas, stretching your arms out as you enter the kitchen.
Ben is already awake, like he usually is at this time, and he’s standing by the stove in joggers and an old Nike sweatshirt, flipping pancakes that you know are not a part of his diet plan.
“Pancakes?” you question, startling Ben a bit as he turns to face you.
“Morning,” he says with a small smile. “Yeah, with blueberries. They’re for you. Figured it’s the least I could do since-“
“Since I’m being torn apart online by football fans?” you joke - or, at least, you mean it as a joke.
Ben’s face falls, his eyes wide with concern, and he sets down the spatula to walk over to you.
“I am so sorry, Y/N,” he says seriously. “I didn’t know it would be like this. I’ve obviously never had a real girlfriend before, so I didn’t think about it.”
“Ben, it’s-”
“I called Shreya as soon as I saw everything and had her prepare an exit strategy, she’s already confirmed our relationship to the press but she thinks we can back out of it if-“
“Ben,” you say a bit more firmly, placing a hand on his arm. “Why would we need to back out of this? Does she not think it’s working?”
Ben just blinks at you for a moment before shaking his head. “Well, no, actually. Apparently I’m getting great press from it, and you’re the one getting all the shitty comments. But I-”
“I’m fine with it, then,” you shrug. “I’ll just make my Instagram private, you know I don’t really care about social media anyways. I’ll be fine.”
Ben still doesn’t look convinced.
“Are you sure? I hate the thought of you having to read that crap,” he mumbles. “I’m used to the pricks, but you shouldn’t have to be.”
“It’s fine, Ben, I swear,” you insist, squeezing his shoulder. “Actually, some of your fans seem to like me. Or they like that I supposedly keep you grounded or whatever bullshit Shreya fed the press.”
“Well, that part’s not total bullshit,” Ben says with a small smile that makes your cheeks flush slightly. “Thank you again for doing this. And you can still change your mind at any time, you know.”
“I know,” you say, mirroring his smile. “Now hurry up before you burn my pancakes.”
“Oh, shit!”
By the next weekend, you’ve gotten pretty used to “dating” Ben.
You go private on your socials as you discussed, with the official statement from Ben’s publicist being that you two ask for privacy as a new couple. Naturally, this only makes everyone more interested, including the media.
As Shreya hoped, the headlines now describe Ben as a “man in love” and someone ready to “settle down with a nice girl.” There are tabloid articles with pictures of you two - some from before you were even pretending to date - and all the information they could dig up on you, including your job.
It’s all a bit weird, but the weirdest part is definitely when you have to actually corroborate your story of being Ben’s girlfriend. Which, as far as everyone outside your inner circle is concerned, you now are.
It definitely feels strange lying when, for example, one of the doctors you work with congratulates you on your relationship. (Turns out her son is a Chelsea fan and she wants to know if you could ask him to sign a kit or something, which you promise to make happen.)
You’re relieved when the only event you have to attend this weekend is Ben’s game, which you would’ve gone to anyways. You’re also going with his sister Alex, who is obviously in on the whole thing, which makes it easier.
She meets you at your flat, which is conveniently only about ten minutes away from Stamford Bridge on the tube, an hour before the game.
After you tightly embrace Ben’s sister, who is like a younger sister to you as well, she grins and passes you a small gift bag.
“You got me a present?” you ask in confusion.
“It’s not from me, it’s from Ben,” she chuckles. “He also said to say he’s sorry and that it was Shreya’s idea.”
You open the bag and pull out a familiar article of clothing - a brand new Chelsea shirt with Ben’s name on the back.
Of course, as Ben’s girlfriend, it would make sense that you be wearing his kit.
“Oh, god, let me go change.”
Once you’ve replaced the plain blue t-shirt you were wearing with the shirt Ben sent over, you walk back out and find Alex with an amused look on her face.
“How do I look?” you ask a bit sarcastically as you do a twirl.
“Like a proper WAG,” Alex laughs. “Let’s go, my future sister-in-law.”
You groan as Alex grabs you by the arm and you depart for the match.
Although you’ve come to see Ben play at the Bridge more times than you can count, you have never felt this many eyes on you as you make your way to your seats. There are people not-so-subtly taking your photo as you walk up, probably made all the worse by the Chilwell kit you have on - though you suppose that’s the point.  
The match begins, and you cheer at the top of your lungs for Chelsea, just as you have from the day Ben signed for them. You never really cared that much about football, and you didn’t support any particular club growing up, but you’ve always been Ben’s number one fan.
Today, he’s playing well, making you as proud as ever. It’s not hard to pretend to be the supportive girlfriend when every flawless pass or run forward has you leaping out of your seat with unrestrained enthusiasm.
At half-time, Chelsea are up by 1 against Newcastle, and you and Alex are happily chatting and catching up over a beer.
“I saw all the pics of you guys at the gala on Twitter,” Alex says with a smirk on her face, lowering her voice so nobody overhears. “I know it’s weird to say since you’re basically part of the family, but you actually look quite good together.”
“Ew, Alex, there’s no way,” you insist, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks. “He’s…Ben.”
Alex just laughs and drops the subject as the game resumes and the boys come back out of the tunnel.
Around the 85th minute, with the score now tied 1-1, Ben comes running up the side and makes an excellent pass to Conor, who scores and secures the win. You jump out of your seats to cheer as the guys celebrate on the pitch, you rolling your eyes with affection as Ben and Conor jump up and down with excitement.
The whistle blows shortly after with Chelsea leaving victorious, and you and Alex make your way down to the tunnels to meet up with Ben. With this being their fourth win in a row, the atmosphere at the Bridge is electric, a far cry from last year’s rough season.
It’s so nice to see Ben so happy again, and the smile on his face only seems to grow tenfold when he spots you and Alex making your way over to him.
You can’t resist picking up your pace to a light jog as you move toward him, and his arms are already open to pull you into a tight hug that lifts your feet off the ground and makes your heart soar in a similar fashion.
“That assist was brilliant,” you murmur into his shoulder before he sets you down.
Ben pulls away, still beaming at you, his sweaty hair curled down over his forehead.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he smiles, his eyes wandering to the shirt you’d almost forgotten you were wearing.
It’s not the first time you’ve worn his kit - his England debut and the Champions League final come to mind - but those were special occasions, with the rest of his friends and family wearing it too. This is obviously different, and although Ben sent it over for you to wear, his eyes are locked to you like he’s trying to memorize every thread of the fabric.
You can’t figure out why he seems so transfixed, but you don’t have much time to dwell on it before you’re interrupted.
Alex clears her throat, snapping Ben out of whatever trance he was in, and he pulls her in for a hug.
“So, to celebrate the win and Ben’s assist, I’m thinking he should take us out for a nice dinner?” Alex suggests, smiling and nudging your arm.
“Shouldn’t you be buying me dinner?” Ben raises an eyebrow. When you both just laugh, he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Alright. I’ll go shower, you make a reservation somewhere.”
After you and Alex have picked out the fanciest-looking sushi place you could find online and collected Ben from the changing rooms, you make your way to his car. Just like after every game, the paparazzi are out trying to get videos and photos of the players leaving the stadium.
This time, however, most of the attention seems to be directed at you.
The lights begin to flash the moment you exit the building, and Ben reaches down to take your hand without a second of hesitation. Whether it’s to flaunt your “relationship” further or just to comfort you, you’re not sure, but it’s definitely working either way.
“Y/N, did you enjoy the match today?”
You know you don’t have to answer any of their questions, but you’d rather not be branded as cold or rude as the media loves to do when a woman ignores them.
So you squeeze Ben’s hand and nod, smiling at the man recording you.
“Of course, the team played really well.”
“And what did you think of Ben’s performance?” they fire back at you.
“He was amazing,” you say without missing a beat. “I always love watching him on the pitch.”
You can see Ben smiling at you as you speak - a genuine smile that you know has nothing to do with the cameras surrounding you - but he startles you slightly when he leans in to peck your cheek and lets his lips linger there for a moment. They’re soft and warm against your skin, and you feel significantly colder when they pull away.
You’ve clearly spurred on the media even more with this sudden display of affection, but Ben begins to pull you along with him and help you into the car before either of you has to answer any more questions.
You breathe out a sigh of relief as you settle into the passenger seat, Ben and Alex entering the car moments later.
“Nice show, you two,” Alex laughs, obviously still amused by the sight of you and Ben pretending to be a couple.
“You okay, Y/N?” Ben asks, looking over at you. “Sorry if the cheek kiss was too much. I know it’s a bit awkward.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you assure him, rolling your eyes. “It’s fine. Of course it’s gonna be awkward sometimes, but as long as it’s helping with the PR plan, right?”
Ben nods gratefully and smiles at you once more before asking Alex for directions to the sushi place.
You’re grateful for her chatting away about how hungry she is, and for the song Ben is playing loudly through the speakers as you drive to the restaurant, both of which are helping to distract you from how alarmingly not awkward this all feels.
A/N: let me know what your thoughts are after this chapter!! things start to heat up in the next one i promise ;)
tag list: @lunamelona @kathb59 @captainwans​ @amandaaa1025 @bbygrlllllll @cinderellawithashoe​ @batmansb1tch​ @ncentic​ (let me know if you would like to be added!)
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
You write fenrys so well 🥺
Can I request something for him falling in love with a lady who works in a library and is friends with aelin and he keeps finding excuses to visit the library and one day they realize they’re mates ? Can you plz include alot of longing looks & touched and his friends noticing ?
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: drinking, small argument, mainly fluff
a/n: kay so it's been a hot MINUTE since I've posted and I am sorry my loves, also I comepletely modified this but I hope you still like it, comment and shiz pls it really helps with writers block lol <33
You had met Aelin sometime after the war. She had been wandering around town a couple days after the coronation, smiling at children and waving at the elderly, observing the way the town was slowly filling again, people returning home now it was safe. There weren’t many people about however, it just being seven in the morning.
She had walked past a shop then. It was small and rickety, the door barely on its hinges as a girl fought with it, swearing like a sailor.
“Do you need some help?” she asked, moving to stand beside the girl. You screamed instantly, jumping out of your skin at her sudden appearance, having not heard anyone coming due to how absorbed you were in your job. Aelin screamed when you screamed, and it left the two of you staring at each other with wide eyes before you fell apart in fits of laughter.
You stood from where you had bent to clutch your stomach, wiping tears from your eyes as you calmed down.
“Jeez you fucking gave me a heart attack,” you laughed as she apologised, still giggling behind her hand. You then turned, hands on your hips as you glared at the door of your shop.
“Rude men should be put down,” you muttered and Aelin was laughing again.
“That I can get behind,” she said as you opened it, giving up on fixing it completely, Aelin gasping when she saw the inside.
“You have a bookshop!” she exclaimed, and you laughed.
“Had, now I just have dusty books and a broken door. It was my mother’s before…” you trailed off and Aelin put a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” she said, and you shrugged.
“It’s fine, it was ages ago anyway,” you stepped further into the shop, going to the large window up front and tugging of the white sheet that obscured it from light. “However, this shop isn’t dead yet so might as well get it done.”
Aelin looked around the shop, the paper on the walls was peeling, the paint on the shelves cracked and the books covered in a fine layer of dust. “Damn, where do we start?” she asked, rolling up her sleeves and grinning at you when you whirled around, frowning at her.
“Doesn’t the queen have better things to do?” you asked, and she shrugged, laughing at your bewildered expression.
“I’m sure my husband will cope.” You gave her an unsure look at that, and she laughed, “He’s competent.”
“If you say so.”
“If you knew I was queen you really have no fear of authority do you?” she asked as you started pulling books down and pilling them onto the sheet you just pulled off the window.
“Respect is earned, plus you’re the one who made me shit myself.” She laughed again, smiling widely, and helping you take down more books as she realised this was the most she had laughed since the war ended.
The worked all day. First removing the books and putting them upstairs in the rundown apartment you lived in, filled with plants, blankets, and somehow even more books. Next the repainted the shelves, setting them outside to dry while they re-wallpapered the walls and cleaned the floor until it was shining.
When the sky got darker you swore as you realised neither of you had eaten all day, going up to your new friend and asking her what she wanted for dinner.
“I make really good pasta,” you had suggested, and she had nodded enthusiastically as you went upstairs to your apartment, drinking wine as you cooked together. As you ate on the floor, drinking yet another bottle of wine, this time straight from the bottle Aelin asked about your past.
You assured her it was relatively normal, asides from the whole ‘evil tyrant thing’ as you put it. You talked together for hours, going back downstairs, and bringing the now dry, sage green shelves back in and putting all the books away, setting them in categories.
Hours later Aelin decided to go home, not wanting to worry so much and she opened the still broken door, the both of you laughing as you realised you had forgotten a pretty integral part.
“Hey, you could just name the shop, ‘the broken door’,” she suggested, and you smiled.
“That would work.”
When Aelin got home she was met with a concerned Rowan, asking where she had been all day.
She smiled at him, pausing before answering, “I think I have a new best friend.”
Rowan frowned at that, “And what brings you to that conclusion?”
“Today was the first time I’ve laughed since…” she trailed off as silence fell at the thought of their past few months, Rowan then bringing her in for a hug.
“You know this means I have to meet her too then,”
“Nope my best friend get your own.” She shoved him playfully, falling asleep next to him that night with a smile on her face.
They went to see you the next morning and Aelin laughed when she saw your dishevelled state.
“Did you sleep?” she asked when she walked into the shop and found signs put up and plants dotted around the room as you sat on the floor, drinking a coffee that smelt so strong she almost gagged, much preferring sweeter tastes.
“Sleep is for the weak!” you said, half-heartedly raising your hand.
“And what’s with all the plants?” Rowan asked, frowning as he almost walked into another and you sat up straighter, glaring at him.
“What you too good for plants?” you asked your hands moving over-exaggeratedly as you got to your feet. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just a stinky man,” you whispered to the plants and Aelin laughed at her husbands offended face.
You stood and started walking upstairs, your feet dragging as you went to get breakfast. You heard them follow you and you pushed open the door to your flat.
You had even more plants up here and Rowan rolled his eyes as you moved to open the large windows, letting in fresh air, you then moved about making pancakes, mixing enough for the three of you and adding blueberries when you were finished.
You cooked them up while chatting idly with Aelin and Rowan, only receiving a small amount of judgement when Aelin discovered you didn’t actually have a bed and instead just a mattress on the floor with a sheet for warmth and some soft pillows. Your house was newly decorated, art hung on the walls, plants and candles decorating every surface.
“Tea, coffee, water, vodka?” you offered them drinks and Aelin whined.
“No vodka, we had too much wine last night,” you laughed at that as you served up coffee and pancakes.
“Yeah we’ll have to go properly drinking some night,” you muttered, Rowan chuckling under his breath and nodding in agreement.
The three of you ate the rest of your food, laughing and joking together and Rowan really noticed the difference in Aelin’s manner. She hadn’t been truly comfortable or at ease in months, always looking over her shoulder, but now she sat laughing with her friend and Rowan wanted to thank you a million times over for bringing her back out of her shell.
Since you first met Aelin you were meeting up almost every day, discussing books over tea and hanging out at your shop, or drinking from expensive glasses in her castle while trying on elaborate dresses. Soon you were practically apart of the family, but that didn’t stop the confusion Fenrys felt when he walked into the castle and found a young girl sleeping on Aelins’ bed, a book opened but abandoned on her chest.
He tentatively walked forward so he could see her more clearly and felt his heart clench when his eyes fall upon her peaceful face, her eyes closed, and hair spread around her head like a halo. He was about to reach a hand out to brush a strand of hair from her soft hair when he heard the door open, turning to see Aelin run in, wrapping her arms tightly around him.
“Fenrys I didn’t know you were back,” she said when she pulled back, bouncing on the soles of her feet excitedly and he laughed.
“Are you going to explain why there’s a girl in your bed, or do I need to break some news to Rowan,” he joked and she shoved his shoulder before moving to the bed and shaking the girl awake.
“It’s just (y/n),” she explained as the girl huffed and rolled away from Aelin.
“Ah of course this person who I definitely knew existed,” Aelin stuck her finger up at him as he laughed, unable to stop his eyes from trailing back to her.
He watched as she breathed in deeply, her eyes opening slowly as she took him in, before she pulled her covers up to over her chin and frowned at him and Aelin with a small pout.
“I was having the best dream every asshole,” she complained and Fenrys smiled as she sat up on her elbows and reached a hand out to him to shake, introducing herself. He brushed the shake of and instead brought her hand to his mouth pressing a kiss to the back of it as sparks show through her skin at the sensation.
“I’m Fenrys, ambassador of Terrasen,” he smiled cheekily as she shrunk away slightly, nerves taking over her, “hope to see you around more.”
He left, pressing a quick kiss to Aelin’s temple, and winking at you as Aelin moved over to you with wide eyes.
“Aelin…” you started as she squealed.
“He was totally flirting with you! You would be such a cute couple, please, please ask him out I need you two to get married and have to worlds prettiest babies!” she was bouncing in hr seat as you moved to shut her up.
“Okay ONE, I just met him. And TWO, he was far too pretty for me,” you said and Aelin frowned.
“Nope, nope you are incorrect, and he is going to fall in love with you,” she demanded, and you laughed, kicking her with your foot.
“Mhm sure.”
The next few days, Fenrys was coming to your shop every day. He would bring chocolates and flowers some days, or coffee and pastries other days. Always dropping them off with a smile, before lounging in the plush, green chair in the corner of the shop and talking to you for hours. He has also started coming to your and Aelin’s weekly cocktail night, wrapping his arm around your shoulder’s and laughing drunkenly into your neck as you told stories.
However, through all this you remained ‘friends’. He would press kisses to your cheek and hands, keep an arm slung around your waist when men came to speak at you at bars and primarily referred to you using pet names and rarely ever your actual name. And it was getting frustrating.
You were having to start putting genuine effort to not kiss him every time you had a drink and he sat extra close to you. Or when you were invited to parties, and he moved smoothly through the countless questions asking if you were dating.
And while you revelled in the attention it was tearing at your heart slightly as insecurities told you that he would never actually be interested in you. You wanted to scream at him every time he kissed you but wanted to melt into him every time he hugged you, your brain constantly at battle with itself when he was near.
You knew you were due to explode any time soon. So when you were out one night and he was holding you extra close, you pulled away, muttering an excuse about getting another drink.
Standing at the bar as you waited you rested you head in your hands for a second before you saw a man begin to approach you. He was attractive, not like Fenrys, but honestly you would take anything to get your mind of him at the moment, so you smiled at him, tilting your head.
“What’s a doll like you doing all alone?” he asked, his voice rough and gravelly, unlike the smooth, deep timbre you were used to, but you just laughed.
“Waiting for a man to not dehumanise me,” you bit back, and he raised his hands sheepishly.
“Sorry about that, what would you prefer?” he flirted, sidling up closer to you as you turned to face him.
“Can’t go wrong with ma’am,” you joked, and he laughed, looking down and shaking his head, only to look back up, his eyes going wide. You felt a familiar hand wrap around your waist and looked up to see Fenrys, resisting the urge to roll your eyes as he glared at the man in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice deep and full of authority, the man in front of you shrinking under his gaze.
“Shit sorry man, didn’t realise she had a boyfriend,” he apologised and this time you did roll your eyes.
“He’s not my-“ you began but Fenrys cut you off.
“Yeah she does, so back the fuck off.” You looked down as he spoke, shaking your head as tears of frustration built in your eyes. You harshly pulled out of his grip, leaving the bar as quickly as you could, wiping away the escaped tears as you heard Fenrys follow after you, shouting your name.
You whirled around when you got outside, your glare murderous.
“You do not get to do that!” you shouted as he moved closer to you.
“Sweetheart I’m sorry,” he began but you cut him off.
“NO! I am not your girlfriend! You have never once asked me to be so you don’t get to try scare away any guy that might have genuine interest in me!” his shoulders slumped as you spoke. Truthfully, he has been working up the courage to ask you out for months, and while he knew it was unfair how he treated you, he couldn’t help himself. He was addicted. He thought of you constantly, the texture of your skin, the smell of your hair, the way your eyes lit up and the way you moved your hands as you spoke. So when he saw you engage with the man that had the audacity to talk to you, his grip tightened on his glass so much it shattered, ignoring the worried looks from Aelin and Rowan as he stomped over to you.
“(y/n) listen, I’ve been an asshole I know,” he raised his hands, tentatively stepping towards you, “But I really care about you, and I want to be yours.”
You laughed bitterly, “You’re just saying that.”
He shook his head vehemently, stepping closer to you again and wrapping his arms around your shoulders so gently, one would think you were made of glass.
“I love you darling, please be mine,” he said into your hair, and you pulled back, looking up at him through glassy eyes before nodding slightly.
“I love you Fenrys,” he smiled down at you before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss against your mouth, pouring his heart into the action. You gasped slightly as your lips met and he smiled widely against your mouth as the bond clicked into place.
“You know this means I now have an excuse to break the nose of any man that talks to you,” he whispered against your lips, and you giggled, shoving at his shoulder gently.
“I’m still annoyed at you,” you muttered, and his eyes darkened.
“Well I’m sure I can make it up to you.”
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
Field Trip
A/N: I’ve been working on this pic for a while, I hope you guys like it :)
Pairing: Jake Sim x fem! reader
Word count: 5.2k
Genre: fluff, high school au
Warning: mentions of virginity loss and porn, occasional swearing, nothing else I think
“How many shirts should I take?” Jake asks you through your phone. 
“Uhm, we’re there for three days so take four just incase.” you reply and you pack your suitcase as well. 
You two were preparing for your five day field trip to New York which was happening tomorrow. 
You packed your favorite jeans and hoodies and even a dress just in case. You can't help but romanticize the hell out of New York after being stuck in this small town all your life. 
“How many pairs of underwear should I take?” he asks again and you giggle. He’s like a kid sometimes.  “How many times do you think you’ll change your underwear?” you say while sitting on your suitcase to get it to zip closed.
“Probably three but I’ll take four just in case.”
“What a quick learner.” you say and you hear him scoff. 
Jake has been your best friend since elementary school when you scraped your knee during tag and he took you to the nurse’s office. He’s been a sweetie since day one. 
“I doubt I’m gonna get any sleep tonight,” you sigh. “I’m too riled up.”
“Same,” he sighs. “I wonder how many flashers we’ll run into.”
You laugh. “Why is that the first thing you think of you creep.”
“Hey now,’ he chuckles. “I thought that was the stereotype.”
You hop onto your bed and pick your phone up, it looks like Jake’s doing the same. All you can see are his eyes and a bit of his nose bridge. His dark hair has started to grow out and it was poking at his eyelids. 
Your phone pings with a text from Jake. It’s a horrendous screenshot of you climbing over your phone to get into bed. You gasp.
“I’ll kill you.” you tell him as he’s holding in his laugh. “I will do it.”
His laugh bursts out of his throat, jolly and warm. “Why I love it.”
“I hate you so much. Delete it.”
“No way,” he bunches his brows. “You have an entire photo album dedicated to bad pictures of me.”
“And I also have an entire album dedicated to good pictures of you.” you roll your eyes.
“You do?” he asks. “That’s a bit fangirly of you.”
“Me? A fangirl? Maybe Madeline but not me.” you scoff.
“Madeline?” his voice perks up. “She likes me?”
“Yeah, I thought you knew this.” you swear that you’ve brought this up before. Maybe he just forgot. 
“Nuh-uh.” he says.
“Well...” you say. “do you like her back.”
“I mean she’s nice but,” he hesitates. “not really.”
“Why not? She’s smart and super pretty. I'm so jealous of her hair.” you say. Madeline was a tan ginger girl with curly fiery hair down to the small of her back. 
“You have nice hair.” he says nonchalantly. 
You touch it and rub it between your fingers. “It’s whatever.”
He scoffs. “You’re too hard on yourself all the time.”
“I’m a teenage girl, I can’t help it.” You defend yourself, but he isn’t lying. 
“I’m bored, can I come over?” he says suddenly. 
“Tonight? We have school tomorrow.” you reply. 
“Maybe I’ll just sleep over.” he says while turning over in his bed. “I don’t think our parents would care.”
Sleepover? You two hadn’t done that since you turned eleven. 
“Where would you sleep?” you ask him, already imagining how this would go.
“I don’t know on the floor.” he shrugs.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor I’ll feel bad.” you argue.
“I don’t care, I’m the one who suggested it, plus I miss you dude, I wanna hang out.” he says and you smile.
“I saw you on Friday.”
“Yeah, a whole two days ago.” he gets up off his bed. “Okay I’ll be there in ten.”
“What-” you start but he cuts you off.
He brings the camera up close to his face and he flashes you a smile. “Bye!” he hangs up. 
Your palms feel a bit sweaty and you brush them off on your pants. Why am I nervous? You guys have had plenty of sleepovers before but the rest of the boys were always there, probably passed out from beer or a sugar crash. 
You tidy your room up a bit and prepare a little blanket bed on the floor right next to your actual bed. 
You hear knocking at the door right when you expected, Jake was hardly ever late. 
“Hola~” he says as he walks in with his backpack on. He takes his shoes off before skipping over to your room. You giggle to yourself. 
He falls back onto your bed with a big sigh. “I missed being here.” 
“Why? There’s nothing cool here. Your house is way cooler.” you say and he smiles.
“Well I can’t deny that,” he shrugs and you punch him in the arm. “you’re the one who said it.”
“We get it rich boy.” you roll your eyes and sit down next to him.
“I’m just playing,” he sits up. “you know that.”
“I hope you showered after practice,” you say. “I don’t want you stinking up my bed.”
He whips his head to you, looking a little bit offended. “I am very clean alright? Here smell my hair.” he shoves his head into your face. 
You let out a strangled noise and try to push him away. “Okay, okay!”
“No smell it,” he keeps his hair up in your face, it’s tickling your nose. “smells like mangos right.”
Admitedly, he's right. It smells like mangos.
“Yes it does,” you squeak out. “now please respect my personal bubble.” you spread your arms out and create an imaginary bubble between you two. He tries to tug at your arm but you bellow in a robot voice. “PERSONAL BUBBLE PERSONAL BUBBLE.”
“Fine, fine.” he falls back onto your bed again, laughing. “Lets watch something.”
You follow suit and tug your laptop into your lap. 
“Hold on,” you get up and close your window, it was starting to get too cold.
You shimmy under your covers and pull up Netflix.
“Scary movie?” you click on the horror section.
“Sure but you probably won’t be able to sleep.” he teases and you roll your eyes. 
“That was years ago.” you start to scroll through the movies. 
“Mhm, and I’m never letting you live it down.” he says with pride. 
During freshman year the gang decided to go to Jay’s house to watch It together and it freaked you out so much that you went to sleep in the boys room rather than the guest room. 
You click on Hush, a movie you’ve been avoiding because it’s about one of your biggest fears, a home invasion. 
“I thought you hated this movie.” Jake says, crossing his arms.  “I do, but I need to face my fears eventually right?” you click on it and get up to turn the lights off. 
Jake soon gets under the covers as well. You both cringe and slap each other every time your feet touch. 
“Yo yo yo yo watch out!” Jake whispers and pulls his hood over his head, something you both do when you’re nervous. You weren’t wearing a hoodie so you settled with a spare blanket and draped it over yourself like a cloak. 
“Oh shit,” you whisper. “look behind you!” you yell at the main character. 
By the end of the movie both of your bodies are stiff and sore from being so tense for two hours straight. 
“I thought she was gonna die.” you sigh and you shut your laptop. 
“Nah, they couldn’t kill the main girl.” Jake says, comfy and cuddled up in your duvet. “She was so smart.”
“Yeah she was.” you yawn and then kick Jake in the side. “Go to your bed.”
He groans. “It’s warm here though.”
“Go and I’ll make pancakes tomorrow.” you say.
He perks up and follows your orders. 
You relax into your mattress, but you miss his warmth next to you. You ignore that. 
Your alarm goes off at 6:30 and Jake sleeps right through it. 
“How the hell does he get up in the morning?” you whisper. “Probably Leila.”
He’s sleeping on his side, cuddling a stuffed animal he must’ve stolen from your bed while you were asleep.
You stretch your back before washing up. 
Jake’s POV
My serene sleep is interrupted by pokes at my shoulder. 
“Get up poop.” she says. I almost forgot that I was at her house. I crack my eyes open to find her crouching next to me. 
“Good morning.” I croak out.
“You stole ginger.” she points at the stuffed bunny in my arms. 
“I was lonely.” I say before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “What time is it?”
“7:30,” she says holding in a giggle. “go wash up so we can eat.”
“What’s so funny?” I ask her as she walks away. “You’ll see when you look in the mirror.” she says.
My eyes widen. Did she draw a dick on my forehead or something? I thought we swore to never do that.
I scramble to her bathroom to meet some gnarly bedhead. I have no clue how guys have good messy hair, my hair is either boring and flat or just messy. 
“Jesus.” I say to myself and try to run my head under the sink. 
I brush my teeth and secretly use her facial cleanser. 
“So fancy.” I whisper while lathering it up on my face. 
I can already hear her voice in my head when I’m drying off saying “don't forget to put lotion on, and face lotion, not body.”
A stack of pancakes is waiting for me in the kitchen, just as she promised. 
“Thank you mom.” I say to her before digging in.
She sits across from me with her own plate of flap jacks. She looks so pretty this early in the morning. Her face is fresh and sparkly and her eye bags somehow just make her prettier. It’s cloudy out and I can tell she’s cold she way her body is bundled up in her chair. 
I still remember the moment I realized that I liked her. It was seventh grade and we were at our town’s annual fair. She got a bit sick after a ride with a lot of loopdey loops so I stayed behind with her while the rest of the boys continued to go on every ride they pleased. She told me to go with them and that she didn’t want me to miss out but I said that it was fine and that I liked hanging out with her anyway. She smiled her bright smile at me and rested her head on my shoulder for a moment. Then she threw up on my shoes. Like projectile cotton candy, funnel cake, and other miscellaneous fair food vomit. And I didn’t even get that mad, I was more concerned for her. After that I figured I liked her, because if it were Jay I would’ve beat him up. 
“Did you have any nightmares?” I ask her and she shakes her head.
“Nah, I dreamt that Sunghoon married a dolphin. It was weird.” she sighs.
I choke on my pancakes. “A dolphin?”
“Yeah,” she laughs. “his name was Jerry.”
“And it was a guy too?” I hold my chest, trying not to choke.
“Don’t judge their interspecies homosexual marriage. It was beautiful.” she laughs and takes a big gulp of water.
I’m almost crying at this point. “Best dream ever. I can’t wait to tell Sunghoon this.”
“No!” her eyes widen. “He’s gonna think I fantasized about it or something.”
“What?” I cock an eyebrow. “Everyone knows that dreams are uncontrollable sometimes.” “Still it’s weird. Imagine if someone told you that I dreamt of you marrying a dolphin. It’s be weird.” she says through a mouth of pancake. 
“Did they have kids?” I cackle,
“I don’t know. How would that even work?” 
“Maybe they had a surrogate or something.” I suggest.
“Oh god,” she shakes her head, smiling. “we need to stop. I feel like I'm violating him.”
“Alright, alright.”
“Should I wear this shirt or this sweater.” she asks me as we’re getting ready in her room. 
“Sweater. It’s probably gonna be cold.” I say while tugging socks on. 
“Shit you’re right. Then I won’t be able to wear this dress.” she holds up a little dress that flows out a bit from the waist. 
“Bring it anyway and maybe you can wear it for a second so I can take pictures for you.” I suggest and she smiles. 
“Good idea.” 
We both settle of hoodies and jeans and say goodbye to her parents before hopping in my car. 
We get to school right when people start getting on the bus to the airport. We throw our luggage into the bottom carrier and get in line. 
“Yo!” I hear a familiar voice call as we get on. “We saved seats for you guys.”
Jay, Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki have already gotten comfortable in the back of the bus. Niki was already asleep. Y/N couldn’t help but pat his head before settling down next to Jungwon. The bus wasn’t a school one but one of those fancy ones they bring out once a year. 
I sit down next to Sunghoon and dap him up. 
“What’s up.” I say while putting my backpack down by my feet. 
“Tired.” he says. “Valentina kept me up all night.”
I raise an eyebrow and he smirks. 
“For real?” I ask and he nods. “No way.”
“Yeah way.” he says and holds up a fist.
I fist bump him and pat him hard on the shoulder. 
“You’re a man now Sunghoon.” I congratulate him and he snickers. 
“What does that make you then?” 
“I’m taking my time alright? I’ll get there eventually.” I say, a little embarrassed. 
I look back to check out what she’s doing when we start to drive off. She’s fast asleep with her cheek pressed against Jungwon’s shoulder. He looks like he’s about to dose off too. Cute. 
Sunghoon and I watch a couple episodes of Death Note before we arrive at the airport. Sunoo shakes Y/N and Jungwon up. 
She’s still groggy as we walk into the airport and grabs onto my arm for leverage. My heart jumps a little. It’s not often that we touch despite how much I think about touching her. I could stare at her back all day. She could ignore me for the rest of my life and I’d still be happy to be in her presence. Mental note to all of you: do NOT let your feelings get to this point.
Soon we’re on the plane and she chooses to sit next me. I silently celebrate. Sunoo and Sungoon behind us, Heeseung and Niki next to us, and Jay and Jungwon in front of us. Sunoo pokes his head over her seat.
“Do you have chapstick I can borrow.” he asks with his blonde hair flopping over his forehead. 
She digs into her bag and hands him a small tin of lip balm.
“Thank you!” he says and she nods. 
“Are you that tired?” I ask her.
“Mhm,” she sighs and shuts her eyes. “I forgot to drink coffee this morning.”
I put in my AirPods and start to watch Lady Bird. She looks over and takes an AirPods out of my ear. 
“I wanna watch too.” she say and puts it in her own. 
We take off for the six hour trip and soon Y/N is sound asleep. Her head kept dropping forward so I pushed it up and pulled it to rest on my shoulder. This was not on purpose. I can’t help but snap a picture of her and add it to the good pictures of her album. She looks so peaceful and comfortable and gorgeous. I lay my head on hers for a moment before continuing the movie. 
After two hours of unsatisfying sleep, and hour of gossip with Sunoo, and three hours of chit chat with Jake you finally arrive. You sit up and stretch as best as you can in the plane. You pull you backpack onto my back and get you luggage down from the overhead bin. It’s already five p.m. when we get off and your stomach is growling. 
We take another bus to the hotel and you can’t help but admire the city life as we drive there. 
You’re roomed with two other girls at the hotel but you don’t even bother unpacking. You know you’re gonna be in the boys’ room anyway.
Mrs. Gilroy gave us tonight to do whatever we wanted as long as we were back at the hotel by ten p.m. 
You sneak into Jake, Jay, and Sunghoon’s room as soon as you can. And when you get there, it’s already a mess.
“Good lord.” you say as you’re met with clothes all over the floor and mini bottles of liquor on the beds.
“You guys are drunk already?” you scrunch your nose and drop your stuff in a corner of the room.
“No.” Sunghoon says to you lazily with a little smirk on his face. You can’t help but giggle. Sunghoon is pretty adorable when he’s drunk. 
“Are you drunk too?” you turn to Jake and he shakes his head. His pink cheeks give him away though. “You’re all bad liars.”
“Lets go swim.” he says excitedly. 
“There’s a pool? I didn’t bring a swim suit.” you say, bummed.
“Can we go later, I’m hungry.” Jay says and you agree.
“Me too.” 
Jake tugs at your arm. “Come on~ we can order room service or ask Jay to get us something.”
“We can get you guys something.” Sunghoon says, pulling a hoodie over his head. 
“Please?” Jake looks at you with shiny eyes. He’s and adorable drunk too.
You purse your lips and sigh. “Fine. But I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Just wear shorts and a shirt.” Jake says as he tugs his swim trunks out of his suit case.
“I didn’t bring shorts because you said it was gonna be cold.” you complain, crossing your arms. 
“Uhm,” he stops for a moment. “you can wear my boxers then.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Huh?”
“What?” he looks at you. “They’re basically shorts. And they’re clean.”
You hesitate but then comply as always. He tosses you a pair of black Calvins.
You steal one of Jay’s shirts and make your way into the bathroom to change. You’re wearing a simple cotton bralette which should be fine for the pool. You bundle up the rest of your old clothes and stick them behind your backpack before heading out with Jake. 
The pool is empty and huge and is only light by the lights inside. 
“It’s so cold.” you rub at your arms as Jake sets your towels down at a seat.
“I’m sure the pool is heated.” he says and dips a toe in. “Yeah, it’s warm.” Before you can even reply, he tugs his shirt off and canon balls in. You turn your face to avoid getting splashed.
“How is it?” you call out as he emerges from the water. He shakes his hair around like a dog. 
“It’s warm so come in, you look funny standing there.” he teases and you roll your eyes. You kick your sneakers off and try to make a peaceful jump in but you didn’t realize you were in the deep end. It takes you a moment to get your senses together and swim to the surface.
“Why is it deep?” you say, a bit out of breath. 
Jake giggles at you. “Remember when we used to play and you were the mermaid and I was the-”
“Turtle companion.” you finish his sentence. “Yes, as clear as day.”
“Why couldn't I be a mermaid too? Why was a I a lame turtle.” he fusses.
“I’m sorry okay?” you laugh. “I was a mean child.”
“Yeah you were. I’ll never forgive you for shoving that clump of dirt in my mouth.” 
You burst out laughing, flailing your arms in the water to try to stay afloat. “You deserved it!”
“I did not!” he protests. 
“You cheated in handball! It was one hundred percent deserved.” you say, swimming over to him.
“I barely cheated!” he calls out, starting to swim away from you.
“Barely? I would’ve won and been champion of our grade if you hand’t pulled that shit!” you say, still laughing and swimming after him.
“Why are you chasing me?” he says while hopping around the pool where he can touch the ground.
“So I can shove another clump of dirt in your mouth.” you try your best to get him but your heavy cotton shirt is holding you back. You don’t let it stop you though. 
You finally get to him and tug his arm. He yells as you push him underwater. He finds the ground though, and shoots up soon after. 
“Are you trying to drown me?” he looks at you, astonished but giggly. 
“Maybe.” you shrug before tackling him again. It had been a while since you two wrestled like this. 
You’ve got him under water for a bit until he finds your rib cage and plunges you in. It’s hard to hold your breath while you’re laughing. You feel around for him and pinch his thigh only semi hard. He lets you go after that. 
“I won!” you celebrate with your fists in the air.
“You used pain, that isn't fair.” he rubs at the area that you pinched. 
“Don’t be a sore loser. I won fair and square.” you cross your arms.  “Fine.” he admits his defeat. “that pinch hurt though, come kiss it better.”
Your face twists. “Nuh uh.” you say plainly. 
“Please?” he asks. “I will drown myself right now.” You laugh at him. 
“I will do it!” he insists.
“Okay, okay! I’m not to going to kiss your leg you weirdo but I’ll give you a hug.” you float over to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “I even pinched you lighter than I normally would.”
“I’m sensitive.” he says into your neck and you giggle. 
His arms feel so right around your waist and you struggle to decide when to let go, so you just don’t, and neither does he. He holds you decently tight and you feel him pat your back. 
You’ve hugged plenty of times before but it felt a little different this time. Probably because you’re pressed up against his bare skin. It makes you feel a bit sheepish. 
You pull away from him. “Feel better now?” 
He nods with a smile. His cheeks are pink, but this time it’s not from the liquor. 
Jake’s POV
I can’t help but feel disappointed when she lets go of me. 
I shouldn’t have patted her back that's a dad thing to do. 
Her makeup has started to run down her face which makes me giggle.
“What?” she asks.
“Your mascara is making you look crazy.” I say and her hands fly to her face.
“Shit I forgot I had it on.” she attempts to wipe it away but all it does is smear it across her face. 
“Here,” I say and float over to her. “I’ll help you.” this was not on purpose.
I hold her face as gently as I can in my hands and rub the runny mascara off with my thumbs. I dip my fingers into the water to get all of the bits off. 
I want to kiss her so badly, but I know that I’ll never do it. Sometimes I get irritated at myself for not being able to confess. I think Jay and Sunghoon get irritated about it too. 
“You talk about her all the time man just ask her out.”
I don't know why I can’t do it. If she rejects me she’ll do it nicely and things would go back to normal pretty soon. But I don’t think I could live knowing that my feelings would never be reciprocated. Sometimes I get a feeling that she likes me too but I can never be too sure. 
“All gone.” I say and she thanks me. 
She lets her self float on her back. She has a small smile on her face and she’s so pretty I could cry. There have been multiple times where I nearly cried over how much I like her.
“What are your thinking about?” I ask.
“You know I never know how to answer that.” she bleats. “My mind always goes blank when you ask.”
“Well try to remember what you were thinking about then.” 
“Us.” she says plainly.  “Us?” I questioned. “What about us?” “I don’t know, just how I met you guys and how happy I am to be friends with you all.” she says. 
Oh. She meant all of us. 
“Yeah me too.” I agree, trying not to sound down. “Who’s your favorite?”
She snorts. “I don’t have a favorite.”
“Of course you do,” I say. “and it better be me.”
“Why would it be you?” she jeers. 
I frown. “Because we met first.”
“I’m kidding, of course you’re my favorite.” she admits.
“And why is that?” I egg her on and she rolls her eyes. 
“Because we met first.”
I sigh. “Is that all?”
“Mhm.” she says. 
You’re met with InNOut that Sunghoon and Jay got and also a room full of teenage boys. The younger ones were laying on their stomachs on a bed together, watching something on a laptop. Sunghoon and Jay were trying to watch t.v. You say trying because of the furious clicking on the remote. 
“What the hell are you guys trying to do?” you and Jake plop onto the one empty bed.
“Trying to find the porn.” Jay grumbles.
“Infront of the children?” you look over at the younger ones.
“They don’t care they’re watching YouTube.” he says, still clicking. 
You take a bite of your burger. “You have an endless arena of porn on your phone why do you want the t.v. one?”
“The t.v. makes it special.” Sunghoon says. 
“Weird.” you mutter to yourself.  “They’re probably gonna make you pay for it too.” Jake chimes in. 
“Do you think it’ll go to the school’s credit card or whatever?” Jay asks with wide eyes.
“I don't know but if it does they’ll know it’s from our room.” he says through a full mouth. 
You grab pajamas out of your bag and head to the bathroom to shower. 
You come out feeling fresh and the younger ones have gone back to their room now. 
“My turn,” Jake says, walking into the bathroom. 
You sit next to Sunghoon on his bed and start scrolling through your phone. 
“Should I get this sweater or this one.” he holds his phone up to you and shows you light blue sweater and a black one.
“Second one.” you say.
“Really?” he questions. “I feel like it’ll make me look emo.”
“You should become emo honestly. It would look good.” you reply and he chuckles. 
“You’d have to help me with my eyeliner every morning.”
“Yeah,” you giggle “wait can I do it right now? I wanna see how you’d look.”
“Right now?” he cocks a brow and you nod. “Okay but don’t give me raccoon eyes.”
“I won’t I won’t.” you rush over to your bag and bring your make clutch to the bed. 
“Hold still.” you tell him as you give him smokey winged liner.
“It tickles.” he says, trying not to blink too much.
“Beauty is pain.” you clean up the wing with your nail. 
In a couple minutes you’re done. “Finished." you say.
“Lemme see.” he grabs a hand mirror from your clutch and holds it up to his face. “Hold on. This looks kinda good.”
“Right?” you had to admit it; he looked gorgeous.
“Why are you so pretty?” Jay says from his bed. 
Soon Jake came out of the shower and it was hard to deny how good looking he is especially with his damp hair. How could someone make a t-shirt and sweats look so good? He dumps his laundry by his bag. 
“Does Sunghoon have makeup on?” he asks, settling onto his bed.
“Yeah doesn’t it looks nice?” you ask and he agrees. 
“Y/N are you gonna sleep here or in your room.” Jay asks.
“I thought I would just sleep on the floor here.” you suggest and he furrows his brows. 
“No that’s mean. Share a bed with someone.”
“You should sleep with Jake.” Sunghoon elbows you in the side and you shoot him a dirty look. “We all know he wants you to anyway.”
“Fuck off Sunghoon.” Jake looks over at him with a piercing stare, a contrast to his pink cheeks. 
“Is it okay if I do?” you ask him and he nods.
“Yeah for sure.”
Sunghoon snickers. 
“I hate you.” Jake scowls. 
After a couple hours of watching movies and horsing around it’s nearly midnight and your eyes are getting heavy. 
You crawl under the covers and scroll on your phone a bit before trying to sleep. Despite how tired you are it’s hard to sleep with the boys chatting and snickering to each other. 
“Can you guys quiet down?” you ask them.
“Sorry.” Jay says. 
After maybe an hour of sleep, you feel someone get on the bed. Probably Jake, you think to yourself. His little sighs as he gets comfortable are cute. 
“You awake?” he whispers. 
“Mm?” you turn on your side to face him. “Yeah.”
“Cool.” he says. The room is dark but the moonlight helps you make out the outline of his face. 
‘What’s up?” you ask.
“Nothin.” he says and you giggle.
“Okay weirdo. Go to bed.” you close your eyes, stilling facing him though. 
“I’m not tired.” he says.
“Count sheep.”
“That never works for me.” he sighs. “Sing me to sleep.”
You try to slap him in the arm but you end up hitting his face. “Oh shit sorry!”
“Ow!” he whines. “Why do you keep hurting me?”
“It was an accident!” you whisper and rub at his cheek a bit. 
“Now I actually deserve a hug.” he pouts and you roll your eyes.
“You are not five years old.”
“I still want the hug.” he says plainly and you sigh.
“Fine.” you scooch over to him and pull him into your chest. You pat his back. “There there. Better now?”
He shakes his head. “It still hurts.”
“You’re embarrassing yourself.” you scoff. 
“I have no shame when it comes to your affection, you should know that by now.” he smiles.
You feel his arm fall over your waist and his hand slide up your back. It gives you goosebumps.
You’re cuddling with him. You guys are cuddling right now. You think to yourself. No you’re not, you’re just...hugging. Right?
Jake pulls away to look at you. “I need to tell you something.”
“Are you gonna say your mom again?” you ask and he shakes his head. 
“No,” he says giggling. “it’s something for real.” 
“Okay what is it?”
He takes a sharp inhale. “I like you.” he winces. 
Your heart jumps a bit. “I know.”
“What?” he laughs.  “You’re very obvious about it.” you chuckle.  “Are you rejecting me?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“I would never.” you pull him in by the back of neck and push your lips against his.
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
My One in a Million Chapter 8
Hiiiii! I'm back from the dead and finally got back to writing again <3
Sorry it took ages—and sorry it's not a great chapter— but thank you so much everyone for the patience and support, it means so much!
Thank you @inloveoknutzy @donttouchmycarrots and @knittingdreams for beating, love y'all! <3
Tag list: @whataboutmyfries @justdyingontheinside @heyoitslysso @sunflowerfox87 @hereforwolfstarr @potterlocked24-7 @ttylfedora @domesticatedbeetlenamedjorge @lovemeleo @im-lana
CW: Mentions of food
Chapter 8 - The morning after
Remus woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. He blinked a few times to get the tiredness out of his eyes—which seemed to want to stay glued shut—and stared at the ceiling for long moments.
His first thought was that, for a second, he thought he could hear Padfoot’s laugh. Vague images of a dream he’d had came flooding back to him; long corridors, empty beds and his gaming console. The sound must have been a remnant of that.
The second thought was that the ceiling of his room was weird. He couldn’t quite pinpoint where the bugging sensation came from, but something was off and he was way too tired to figure out what it was. Maybe he should just go back to sleep. Groaning, he turned around to do just that, and that’s when he got a good look at the rest of the room.
He sat up with a start, regretting it instantly when nausea hit him like a wave. Closing his eyes, he stayed still until the feeling ebbed away, then opened them again slowly.
This wasn’t his room. There was no sign of any of his stuff; instead, he saw a big mirror, a dark wood chest of drawers, and a trail of scattered things that either belonged to different people or to someone with diverse tastes: a blue hair tie, a black snapback, t-shirts that at a glance he could tell were of different sizes, with stamps that varied from Disney to Strand.
One by one, memories from the night before popped up as the fogginess from sleep left him completely. That’s right, Sirius had offered his home to him after he’d found Remus outside of his flat; he’d come in to take a shower and had sat on the couch as they watched a movie and drank. Things were a bit hazy from that point on.
Had he really pouted and asked Sirius to stay with him like a little kid? Fuck, please let that be a part of the drunk hallucinations. He turned around slowly, glancing to the other side of the bed with his heart beating fast in his throat, but the spot next to him was empty.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Remus threw the blankets to the side and planted his feet on the floor to get some resemblance of stability, but frowned when he stepped on something. Looking down, he noticed a pillow and a blanket lying rumpled on the floor, next to his side of the bed.
A pang of guilt made its way to his chest when he realised Sirius must have slept on the floor while Remus was on the bed, covered from head to toe and warm. Sirius had been so careful with him. Every touch had been gentle, not invasive but rather trying not to overstep, trying to comfort. So, so very careful.
Remus felt slightly ashamed for thinking Sirius would take advantage of him. Not to mention for the way he'd bawled his eyes out in front of the man. He’d made a fool of himself yet again, something that kept happening a lot as of late and to which he wasn’t used to.
“Oh, God.” He remembered how he’d felt his mother’s hand brushing his hair before he fell asleep and he desperately hoped he hadn’t called out for her in his dream. Bringing a hand to his forehead, he could almost feel that phantom touch, tracing fingertips over his hairline.
He rubbed his face in embarrassment. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face Sirius after all that, but there was no way he could fall asleep again and a quick glance at the clock on the opposite wall told him it was barely eight in the morning. It was still too early to call Leo or go back to the clinic, plus he didn’t know how everything had panned out.
Remus glanced at the bedside table where his phone was lying face down and stretched over to grab it. He flipped it from hand to hand, back and forth, the small thing weighing him down every time it fell on his palm with a soft thud.
He could call.
He should call.
But what if something had gone wrong? What if Cocoa had had a complication during the night? Would they have notified him already if that was the case? Did he want to find out like this, far away from him and helpless to do anything? He didn’t want to show any more weaknesses in front of Sirius, he’d already shown more of his vulnerable side than he’d ever intended to.
Nodding to himself, Remus got up and threw the phone on the bed. He took two steps towards the door. The doctor had told him to go in the afternoon; he could wait a couple of hours before going back to the clinic and then he would know and—
A huff escaped him as Remus hurried back and dialed the number, plopping down on the mattress.
“Thank you for calling Mercy Animal Clinic. This is Jennifer, how can I help you?”
“Yes, hi, my name is Remus? I brought my dog in last night for chocolate poisoning and I—I was just calling to check on him?”
“Of course, Sir. What is the patient's name?”
“Cocoa,” said Remus, gripping his phone a bit tighter. Jennifer hummed and asked for a few more details to confirm his identity, to which Remus replied on autopilot, his mind going blank in a subconscious attempt to protect himself.
“Just a second, please.”
Remus busied himself counting the floorboards while he waited, trying to calm his nerves, but it had the opposite effect as he became very aware of how long Jennifer was taking to find what he wanted to know. He’d started tapping his foot when the receptionist finally came back on the other end of the line.
“Yes, everything was ok during the night and Cocoa will be ready to go home after lunch,” they said cheerfully.
Remus’ breath stopped completely and then he exhaled loudly. He could have sworn he felt his heart unclench, invisible fingers letting go of their painful grip and allowing blood to stream freely again. His shoulders dropped, releasing all the pent up tension that had been building there since he’d stepped into his apartment the night before, and he laid down, covering his eyes with his free arm.
“Sir?” Jennifer said hesitantly.
“Yes. Ok. Ok. Thanks, I’ll be there.” He hung up and let the phone fall at his side.
The silence of the room was an echo of his own head as Remus tried to let the words sink in. He peeked at the ceiling from under his arm. Cocoa was fine. The phrase repeated itself a few times until Remus took a deep breath and swung himself up.
The hall was quiet outside of the room, but he could hear some noises coming from ahead. Remus bunched the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing, not too willing to admit how comfy and warm he was in Sirius’ clothes. Especially not when he was assaulted by memories of Sirius helping him walk through this same corridor the night before and Remus almost gave in to the embarrassment. Sirius probably thought he was pathetic.
Groaning, he steeled himself as he padded the rest of the way, but his step faltered before going into the kitchen, a hand rising to settle on the wall. Something smelled amazing in there. Like melted butter and Saturday mornings back home, with his mom humming as she stood by the stove and the sun streamed in through the open windows. The sound of the sizzling pan was accompanied by a rock song playing in the background, a cool guitar distortion filling the room, followed by a gravelly voice singing a capella.
And there was Sirius in the middle of it all, moving around the kitchen gracefully, head bopping and singing into a ladle. He slid across the floor like Tom Cruise in that old movie as he moved to the fridge and a chuckle bubbled out of Remus’ chest, taking with it most of the heaviness still clinging to him.
Sirius jumped up, accidentally closing the fridge door with a bang, and turned to face Remus fully. It was only then that Remus realized what he was wearing: he had black ripped jeans and a black tee, his hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail; and on top of all that, he had one of those aprons that had a buff man printed on the front, that read “Kiss the chef”.
Remus stared for so long that Sirius followed his gaze and looked down, only to look back up quickly with a blush. “It was James’ idea of a joke.”
James, as Remus was quickly learning, took special pleasure in teasing his friends, although Lily claimed he always failed when it came to her. But Sirius clearly treasured anything that came from his best friend, no matter how silly or awkward.
Clearing his throat, Remus stepped into the kitchen and peered at the stove. “What are you making?”
“Pancakes!” Sirius exclaimed, seemingly glad for the rapid move of the subject. “I thought you could use some hangover breakfast,” he added with a shrug before turning back to the mixing bowl on the counter.
“Oh,” Remus said dumbly, taken by surprise. He scrambled for something to add. “Did you get the recipe from the same place as those cookies?”
Sirius spluttered and threw an offended look over his shoulder. “Mon Dieu, I’m never going to live that down, am I? I’ll have you know, these are my speciality. But I won’t give you anything if you keep that attitude up.”
Laughing quietly, Remus breathed a sigh of relief that Sirius wasn't looking at him with pity or mentioning his sorry state from the night before. So much had happened between them in just one day, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act anymore. He shuffled awkwardly to the island and, as he leaned on it, the name of the song Sirius had been dancing to dawned on him.
“I can’t believe you’re actually listening to Black Dog,” Remus said, covering his face, not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.
“Hey,” Sirius turned to point at him with the batter-covered ladle, “Plant speaks to me on a spiritual level. I’m sending good vibes to Cocoa.”
Remus raised an eyebrow, making an effort to keep the corners of his mouth down. “You do know that the lyrics have nothing to do with dogs, right?”
“Yeah, but it’s the feeling that counts,” he waved his hand dismissively, sending a few vanilla-colored drops flying, “and the song title.” Smiling at that logic, Remus shook his head—as weird as it was, he found it reassuring. Sirius peered at him as he flipped the golden pancakes easily. “I’m glad you look better. How are you feeling?”
Remus tensed up, but it didn’t look like Sirius was making fun of him. Focusing on some point by his feet, he rubbed at his neck. "Yeah, um. Thank you for your help. And sorry about...everything. I guess it was one thing after the other and it was just too much.”
“We’ve been through this, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Sirius smiled tentatively. “Have they contacted you from the vets?”
“Actually, I called just now.” His heart rate picked up as excitement coursed through his body. Saying the words aloud made them even more real, allowed them to settle in and gave way to tiny pinpricks of impatience. “They said everything’s good. I can bring him home after lunch.”
Sirius turned to face him fully and his hand went to grip Remus’ forearm, his smile turning so bright it was almost blinding. “Remus, that’s great.”
Remus smiled too, staring straight at him. “Yeah,” he breathed. After a second too long, he coughed discreetly and moved back. “I just feel like I won’t be able to relax fully until I see him, you know? I wish I could go over now.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Sirius said as he leaned back too, fingers moving to play with the strings of his apron. “Just a few more hours, eh?” Remus hummed noncommittally and, sensing that he needed a bit of a distraction, Sirius turned his attention back to the food. “In the meantime, can you get the plates from over there?” He pointed at a cabinet as he got the pan out of the stove.
Remus did as he was asked and brought them over to the counter, where an array of toppings were waiting. His stomach grumbled as he watched Sirius cutting up some strawberries to place over the pancakes and then drizzling chocolate on top of everything, singing under his breath to the next song on his playlist. It was all oddly domestic. It was nice.
They sat in the living room to eat, though instead of sharing the couch like they had last night, Sirius—now without the ridiculous apron—sat across the coffee table on one of the armrests. Remus took a bite of the fluffy sponge and closed his eyes with a hum. “Ok, you were right. These are awesome.”
Sirius had just taken a mouthful himself, but he beamed before he swallowed and licked some of the chocolate off his finger. “Glad you like them, Re. I don’t think my reputation could have survived another fiasco.”
“Are you sure this wasn’t just a lucky mistake?” Remus joked, if only to ignore the way his stomach jumped at the nickname, prompting Sirius to throw a napkin at him.
For the next two hours or so, the conversation was light and easy while the music kept playing at a dim level. But, as time went on and the plates got piled up on the coffee table, Sirius started getting distracted.
He kept glancing at his phone like he was checking the time or waiting for a call. Remus would have thought that he was overstaying his welcome—Sirius had a life to get back to, after all—if it weren’t for the fact that the man kept the conversation going and going, asking questions and gesturing excitedly when he was telling a story about how he and his friends had once managed to get a flock of pigeons inside a train full of passengers. At this point, Remus was pretty sure that Sirius was not capable of lying.
A lazy breeze drifted in from the open window, bringing in the smell of morning dew and ruffling Sirius’ hair so that a few strands fell in front of his face. As he brushed them back, he raised his eyes and pinned Remus with a look that was slowly becoming very familiar. That look that said he wanted to say something but he was choosing his words carefully.
Remus was pretty sure he knew what that meant. So far, everything he’d blabbed about the night before had been skillfully avoided—mostly by Remus averting his eyes every time Sirius looked at him like that. He wasn’t looking away now though. Wasn’t sure he could, honestly; not with such intensity and thinly-veiled concern directed his way. Sirius opened his mouth, the words starting to form at the back of his throat when Remus’ phone pinged.
He jumped slightly and went to quickly fish it out of his pocket, holding on to the getaway it provided. Talking about his behaviour or the few hints he’d let slip about his past was not something he was ready to tackle. A quiet sigh dropped from Sirius’ lips as he got up to take the plates back to the kitchen, while Remus stared at the notification flashing on his home page. “Oh, Padfoot just uploaded a new video?”
The sound of ceramic banging in the sink startled Remus into looking up. “Um...you ok?”
“Yes! Too much soap,” Sirius’ voice came back, muffled slightly by the running water.
Remus snorted and got comfortable on one end of the couch, resting his back on the side and pulling his knees up. He wiggled his toes as he waited for the page to load, digging them into the plush sofa and then tapping his feet when the video finally started. It began like usual, with the starting screen of a game and Padfoot’s cheerful voice.
“Hello everyone and welcome! You’ve all been nagging at me to play with Prongs more often, so I hope you appreciate how much effort it took to get his ass out of bed.”
“That’s so not the introduction I was expecting,” another voice complained.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to do it?”
“Why, yes, thank you. Hello y’all! By popular demand and because I know you like me more than this silly goose, I am here to play some games and have fun! Mostly at Padfoot’s expense.”
“You’re the only person in the world who could say ‘silly goose’ and not have everyone laughing at them.”
“I know, it’s a skill I honed for years.”
“What the hell,” Remus laughed, shaking his head fondly.
Sirius came back into the room, drying his hands absentmindedly on his pants as he took his seat back. He sat at the very edge of the cushion, leaning slightly forward with his hands clasped between his knees, eyes down.
Remus made a questioning sound, waving the phone in front of him. “Do you mind?”
“No,” Sirius croaked, gesturing with his hand for him to go on as he cleared his throat.
A small line of confusion pulled Remus’ brows together. Something was definitely going through Sirius’ mind. Deciding to give the man some time, Remus focused his attention back on the video and made a note to ask later if something was bothering him.
Padfoot was talking about the game they were going to play and Remus could feel his energy even through the screen. He always got like this when he was trying something new. Remus pictured him bouncing on his chair, waiting impatiently to start playing, tapping the buttons in anticipation. “He’s like a kid on sugar, isn’t he?” he said without thinking.
A cough came from Sirius’ spot. “Well, I… I think it’s...nice? He sounds happy.”
The corners of Remus’ lips tugged up in a small smile at that. “Yeah. That’s good.”
“He didn’t seem his usual self in the past few streams. I’m just glad he’s ok, is all.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Remus saw how Sirius’ hands gripped his knees tightly, slipping through the holes in his jeans. Remus watched in silence but, just when he was about to ask what was going on, the video changed. A small square appeared on one of the corners, showing a man sitting in a chair, not much to see in the background, his face covered with the black dog that was his signature logo. Remus sat up straighter. It wasn’t often that Padfoot appeared in his videos and he couldn’t help the interest that sparked inside him whenever it happened. He scanned the small image until something caught his eye.
“Huh? ...Wait. That’s—” Remus froze for a second before promptly throwing his phone to the other end of the couch. “Oh my God.” He covered his mouth, feeling the pull of his mouth as a grin lit up his face, his wide eyes not leaving the small device lying innocently face up. “Oh my God, oh my God.”
“What happened?”
Remus turned to see Sirius looking at him with a confused little smile, probably wondering if he was still drunk or just bonkers.
“He...he’s wearing my merch. My merch.” And one of his favourite hoodies from the collection, at that. “How—How does he even know about me? I know he likes to keep in shape but…”
The faintest blush crossed Sirius’ cheeks. He rubbed his hands together, looking down at them and then back up at Remus’ still astounded face. He took a deep breath and exhaled in one go. “You know, I’m...” He trailed off, mouth opening and closing a few times.
Remus tried to bring his thoughts back to the room, to the man in front of him and not the one on the screen. He bent forward to grab the discarded phone, his mind still reeling as he paused the video. “Yeah?” he prompted Sirius to go on when he straightened back up, smile still in place—he wasn’t sure he could wipe it off even if he wanted to.
Sirius’ grey eyes roamed his face, then went to the phone in his hands before they finally settled on his bright expression and he sighed, smiling and shaking his head. “No, nevermind.”
Remus tilted his head, but Sirius simply shrugged. “Are you sure? You can say it, whatever it is.”
“I don’t think it’s the right time,” Sirius admitted, letting his head fall back as he worried his lip.
Curiosity flared up, dazzling and hot, and Remus tried to water it down, unwilling to trespass Sirius’ boundaries. Instead, he looked down and tried to organise his whirring mind, eyes going to the clock on his phone. “Fuck,” he muttered. He really wanted to finish watching and keep talking with Sirius, but it was getting late. “I should probably get going.”
“Oh,” Sirius blinked as he raised his head up. “You can stay if you want to.”
“No, I…” Remus stood up. “I should go get the key from Leo. I will probably see both his mom and mine, which means it won’t be a short visit and I’d like to be at the clinic as soon as possible.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Stopping midstep, Remus turned to look at Sirius, eyebrows raised. “Come with me?”
“Yeah, to the clinic? You are not too fond of them.”
It wasn’t a question, but Remus replied anyway, surprised that Sirius had caught on to that at all. “No, I’m not,” he said, dumbfounded. He shook his head. “But it’s ok, you did a lot for me already.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Remus, anyone in my place would have done the same.”
No, they wouldn’t.
“It’s fine, really. Leo will probably come with me,” he said. He wasn’t sure how Sirius could think that everyone was that selfless, that any person would have helped an almost stranger without thinking it was too much effort. Remus chose not to say anything about it, knowing fully well that was not the case.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Its A Sunday!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem! Reader
Written for @writeroutoftime 's 1k challenge. Hope you enjoy reading this, Rita.💛💛
Summary: Based on the prompt, “Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” and how it feels like spending a Sunday with your "Super Soldier Boyfriend".
Warning: tooth rotting fluff
[My Masterlist]
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You woke up to the chirping of the birds, your eyes fluttering open, only for you to clench them shut once again. Your hand reached out, grabbing a pillow that had been kicked off to the other end of your bed, right where your feet were, by your boyfriend. Groaning, you pressed your face into the pillow, wondering how it was possible for the super soldier next to you to be in such a deep slumber, even though you had been wiggling around in bed.
Yes, right, it was a Sunday, which meant that you got a lot more time to spend with your Captain, but Steve never missed an early morning run. His alarm would go up at 6 every Sunday. He would kiss you at the back of your head and you would groan in annoyance, your sleep having been disturbed. This was like your little routine for Sunday to begin the day.
Shaking your thoughts away, you pressed your face into the pillow, having rolled on your front now, staying like that for a few seconds until you got frustrated and rolled back again. There was no way you could go back to sleep again.
Just then, a heavy hand came to rest on your waist, until you were pulled from the spot you lay, into the super soldier's arms. You opened your eyes, blinking at him, to see his sleep filled eyes looking at you with a faint smile on his face.
"Good morning, doll," he chuckled, his voice raspy, and low, sending shivers down your spine.
"Mornin," you began, but before you could even wish him a good morning, a massive yawn overtook you, and there you were yawning away with your mouth outstretched, like a baby hippo. Steve couldn't help but chuckle as he propped himself up on his elbow, and peered down at you, his naked, glistening chest peeking out of the blankets the two of you were wrapped in.
"Yeah, laugh at me, Rogers, real nice," you grumbled as you rubbed the remainder of sleep away from your eyes and saw the man leaning over you. Your hand came to rest against the side of his face as your thumb began to gently stroke against his stubble, and he inclined his lips so they were directly above yours, his eyes on you.
"Mhm, just wondering how I landed the most beautiful woman in the world," he rasped, as he was pulled down by you, your fingers buried into his messy locks, and you pulled him towards you, your lips locking with his into a gentle smooch.
"You're such a sap, Steve," you pulled apart, wiggling under the covers until you found your right leg on top of him, as you rolled over and pinned him to the bed, and you positioned yourself flat over him, looking down at him, "I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to date you in the 1940s though."
"Really?" He chuckled, staring up at you, as you grabbed the tip of his nose between your lips and began suckling on it teasingly. "Well, I'd have taken you dancing to jazz music, we would have taken late night strolls in the city, under the stars, I think."
"We could still do those things, Stevie. We don't need the 1940s to do it," you grinned as Steve turned to his side, and you came crashing against the soft mattress, giggling slightly until the two of you were now laying on your sides, admiring each other for a minute or two before Steve pulled the covers off himself and sat up in bed.
Your eyebrow shot up in question and Steve smiled, grabbing your chin with his index and his thumb, raising your face up slightly, "I'll go and make us something nice to eat, doll." He rolled to the side of the bed, his feet pressed against the carpeted flooring of your shared apartment when you grabbed his wrist and tugged on it, pulling yourself up too.
"Stay in bed, Rogers, you practically save the world, and the least I can do is cook us a nice Sunday breakfast," you gave him a pointed stare, a stare that meant that he should be in bed, and he chuckled, falling back in bed, almost nodding when suddenly, his phone began buzzing.
He reached for his phone that was laying on the bedside stand, and his eyes narrowed when he saw Bucky's name flash on the screen.
"Doll, I," he began, and you waved him off and nodded at him as you slid into your slippers and started making your way into the kitchen, scratching your head as you began readying the contents of the breakfast.
You could hear Steve on call with Bucky in the bedroom as you scrambled the eggs in a bowl, and began beating them to froth, when Steve poked his head in to the kitchen with an apologetic expression on his face. He tiptoed into kitchen and fixed himself behind you, pinning you to the counter and sighing into your back.
"Well, who needs saving now?" You sighed back, pretty much aware what the call was about. The truth was you were used to this, you knew what you had signed up for when you decided you wanted to date Captain America. Well, he did come with his baggage, and you had learnt to live with those.
"Buck, well he sort of got into a scuffle with the cops?" Steve drawled apologetically, causing you to chuckle dryly as you flipped the pancake in the air, and caught it in the pan.
"And if I am not wrong," you murmured, letting Steve rest his head against your shoulder, while your hands worked on the breakfast while at the same time, your mouth and your mind were busy with your lover, "Barnes wants you to save his ass once again."
"But it's Sunday, and this is the only day I get to spend time with you, Buck should realize that before getting into messes like these."
You turned the burner off, and turned towards him, so that you were facing him now, and you placed both your hands on his shoulders, your fingers toying with the back of his head, "I know baby, but I still think you should go."
"Really?" His eyebrow perked up as he regarded you carefully, with his blue irises, trying to study you, and figure out if you were just saying it sarcastically, or did you mean every word of it, but your face showed no signs of malice as you smiled at him and nodded.
"Well, to be honest? I sort of wanted you to make a fuss? Would have given me another reason to say no to Buck and sort out his own mess, so I could stay in with you?" He winked, and you laughed in response.
"I guess you picked the wrong woman then, Rogers. I am of an arduous belief in Captain America, and that man has a duty that doesn't give him Sundays off particularly." You chuckled.
"Yeah well that duty is saving Buck's ass," he wiggled his brows, and you couldn't help but contain your giggles. It was always refreshing to hear your grandpa boyfriend use a derogatory language, that you had made him accustomed to.
"I guess I'll go on then, and let you have breakfast in peace, but I'll be back as soon as I can, doll," his hands on your hips, you leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips, and he retaliated, kissing you back gently, before he pulled away.
Turned out, Steve Grant Rogers didn't come back for lunch either, and as you sat, crumpled into a ball in front of your television set, randomly flipping through the channels in an attempt to distract yourself from missing your boyfriend severely, an idea struck your mind.
You pulled out your phone and dialled Steve's number, waiting for him to pick up and just like you had expected, he picked up on the first ring, "hey, doll, sorry. Things are worse than I imagined them to be. I'll be there by dinner?"
You sighed as you fell back against the couch, pulling the comforter over your legs and let out a sigh, receiving a sigh from him on the other end too, "I love you much to be mad at you, Rogers. I'll see you at dinner."
"Bye, doll, I love you too!" Steve was almost pulling the phone off his ear when your voice rang out through it, and it was more like a yell, causing Steve to hurriedly fling it back to his ear again.
"Steve! Wait! Don't disconnect yet. Would you mind if I borrow your sweater? It smells like you."
It was funny how Steve had never thought of this before, and neither had you. The two of you were living together, and the two of you were in love. But never had you borrowed Steve's clothes before, and it had never come up. Steve swallowed thickly, and for some reason, his heart swelled upon hearing your words.
"I can't wait to see you in my sweater, doll. Don't change out of it then, until I am back," he commanded, and you smiled, stretching your legs in front of you as you replied, "Aye Aye, Captain."
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hanii-rose · 4 years
•Hello again, I’m the anon who requested gender neutral s/o! Thank you so much for writing such beautifully-written story between Garou and them. I’ve ended up loving it very much it was very good read, aww big kudos for you! ❤❤
And for the next request, as the fandom still hyped about part-timer Garou, how about of the continuation of the previous story:
The s/o has a stable job already, right? And Garou realized that currently being a freeloader in s/o’s house makes him a bit guilty. So he decided to lessen the s/o’s burden by taking a part-time job.
The s/o actually don’t mind of Garou being a freeloader, but seeing Garou becomes so determinated about it the s/o can’t help but feel very proud and happy for him.
Lots of fluffy moments after both of them finished working, like cooking a simple dinner together at home, resting their tired bodies on the couch while cuddling lovingly, Garou and the s/o sharing a lot of soft kisses during it while the s/o praising Garou’s hardworking, etc.
And as it’s the continuation of “Reunited’, of course the s/o is still a gender neutral.
Thank you so much and have nice days! 💖•
I’m so happy that I finally got to this one. There were a few requests before it so I had to complete those and I also had to write for the story on AO3 (-_-;) Sorry if I made you wait too long hehe I’m glad you enjoyed the first one tho
Reunited Part 2
Garou x GenderNeutral!Reader
You stepped through your door after returning from your 9-5 job. Your muscles and joints ached and you stretched your body in an effort to wake yourself up, the plastic bag full of groceries crinkling with every move.
"I’m home…” you softly called, unable to produce a louder noise.
You took your work shoes off along with your coat and scarf, discarding them carelessly by the door, too tired to put them away.
You heard footsteps approaching and smiled when the Garou came towards you. You walked up to him and fell into his arms. Loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, you spoke softly.
“I am so tired today. I can’t even walk straight…”
He quirked a brow. His arms slithered around your waist and he picked you up, taking the bag of groceries from you and putting it on the kitchen counter on the way the bathroom down the hall.
“Another rough day, huh?”
Garou questioned softly and you nodded yawning.
“You have no idea…”
Garou set you down onto the stable counter of your bathroom and helped you out of your office pants, sliding then down your legs. You were left in your white shirt and socks.
Garou left after fixing you a warm bath. Undressing completely, you sat yourself down in your tub, the water temperature hot enough to soothe the undeniable ache in your bones from such a hard day of deskwork.
After washing yourself and sitting in the relaxing steam for an hour, you opted to get up and leave. Garou brought you your pajamas and you slipped them on, stretching and walking out of the tiled room with a towel in your hands.
“Ya finally done…?”
Garou asked deeply, sitting on the black couch of your apartment. You sighed and plopped down beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. His fingers came up to massage your sides and you leaned in closer, the two of you now laying on the couch, Garou’s head on the armrest and your body on top of his.
“Mm, this feels good…” you said, slightly drowsy.
The two of you laid in silence, the only sound coming from the T.V. opposite from the couch. Garou turned the volume down, setting the mood perfectly. His hands circled your waist, exclusively close to your derrière. His hot breath fanned your ear and you found yourself nuzzling into him even more.
Your eyes slowly shut themselves and you curled up into a comfortable position. Oh boy, this felt so…cozy.
“C'mon, why are you fallin’ asleep on me?”
Garou’s voice rang out and you instantly awoke from your drowsy state.
“Oh, um…sorry. I’m just very sleepy today.”
“Too much work these days…”
You leaned towards his cheek, connecting your lips with it. And with that you wearily stood up and spoke, “I’m just gonna go take a nap. Too tired to function…”
Garou nodded, reluctantly, and let you go. He watched you tiredly carry yourself to your bedroom and fall flat on top of the mattress, immediately falling asleep.
Garou sighed to himself and leaned back onto the armrest of the couch. This had been going on for a number of days. You come home from work, he bathes you and takes care of you, he tries to fuck you and love you but you blow him off for sleep.
It was starting to get infuriating. But why was this happening to you? Things weren’t like this the first month he was here…
In fact, a lot of things had changed since the end of the month. Your fridge used to be stacked with food, you used to have a lot more things around and most importantly, you were livelier.
It was like he turned everything around for you….
Oh, shit.
He did, didn’t he? Fuck!
You were only so tired because you worked harder to support the two of you, you bought the groceries all by yourself, you cooked for him, man he was just taking and taking.
Garou exhaled harshly on the couch, rubbing his face with his hands in a frustrated manner. He’s such an idiot…
Ok ok, think. What do you do when someone lets you freeload in their house, eat their food, lie around all day and be the laziest bum you can be?
Oh, that’s right! You get a job.
He’s made up his mind. He is going to get a job, but there’s no way in hell he’s gonna tell you that. He doesn’t need you gushing over how sweet and cute he is, not wanting to re-experience the time you teased him for trying to make a pancake. He just wanted to be nice without being called a sweetheart, c'mon!
Now, back to the matter at hand. What job can he actually get that doesn’t require any form of experience or education?
You grab a packet of sweetener from the coffee drawer, tearing open the little paper on top and pouring it into the foam cup that held your recently brewed coffee. You silently stirred with the swizzle stick, observing the boring people of your office from the small break room you stood in.
Leaning against the white counter, you sipped the hot substance and sighed in contentment when it travelled down your throat. You slipped your phone out of your pocket and leisurely scrolled through the recent news articles which lined the screen, stopping to read anything important.
And so you spent the next 10 minutes of your 20 minute break just dawdling around on your phone. You threw away the small cup of coffee that had become too cold and bitter for your liking and trekked back to your office, pushing open the pristine glass doors.
Putting your phone away back into your pocket, you took a seat in your office chair, booting up your computer to get back to making spreadsheets and going over the accounts drafted for last month.
You sighed in boredom, correcting some errors made by your ex-deskmates. It feels so good to have your own office, feels so good to get away from those vermin and feels so good being their boss. Yep, getting a promotion was the best. The only down side was that you had way more work now, your underlings tend to make too many mistakes when it comes to balance sheets. You hadn’t told Garou the news yet, you wanted to do it over a cute dinner. It would be way more impactful that way.
Ah, Garou. He always made you feel better after a long day. Just seeing his cute big head relieved you of all the stress that you carried home. Not to mention the amazing feeling of his unexpectedly soft hair between your fingers as you tug and weave or the overwhelming feeling of his strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you close and holding your sore body. The touch of his warm mouth on your lips, kissing and worshipping it, invading every intimate part of your form. And the way his tongue felt on your
Oh, an email from your boss? What’s this about? The she-devil up there never emailed her employees for anything good…
Subject: Executive meeting
Dear D-Wing Employee,
Good Morning. Our company, as you are aware, will be merging with a larger firm, hopefully bringing us larger and more profitable trades.
It has been brought to my attention that many of our business partners and executive directors will be hosting a meeting in the D-Wing of our establishment. It would be most appreciated if all of our D-Wing employees would be willing to postpone their work for a day to enable our higher ups and VIPs to perform the necessary actions in completing this fortunate exchange between two efficient companies, striving to bring better service to the people.
The delay of work shall last from today 10:00 A.M. to tomorrow 12:00 P.M. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any concerns about this matter, please submit a written letter to the E-Wing, describing your issues.
Best Regards,
Senior Director, Akari Hina
Woah, so you’re basically getting the rest of the day off? And no work at all tomorrow? Hm, maybe your boss isn’t so bad after all.
Packing up and grabbing your coat, you turned off your computer and headed straight for the door, running past all of the other D-Wing employees readying themselves to leave.
Garou sat in the office of a delivery firm, arms crossed and leg bouncing up and down, antsy. He eyed the man in front of him, clad in a suit and tie and looking through the 5 minute resume that Garou printed up.
“So, you’re an expert in ‘being strong’ and 'being cool’. You don’t have much experience, you’re only 18 and you created this resume by yourself?”
Garou nodded, fiddling with the edge of the gray scarf you had gifted him. Ah, another reason to get a job, give you a gift.
“So, did you pass highschool or…? Sorry, I’m confused.”
The man took off his glasses, wiping it with a little cloth that was left on his desk, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, I left after my third year…”
Garou confirmed, and the man put his glasses back on, and intertwined his fingers on the desk between them.
“That’s good enough. It’ll do. Which department are you looking to work in? We have filing, storage, delivery and cleaning. But you look like a strong kid, storage would be perfect for you.”
Garou thought for a moment, face twisting in confusion. Filing…ugh reading. Storage, hmm not bad. Delivery isn’t hard. He refuses to clean after the slobs here.
“I’m up for anything that has heavy work, no reading or cleaning, thanks.”
He curtly informed his soon to be boss. The suited man huffed and opened up his desk drawer for a notepad.
“Sign these and we’ll get you started. Deliveries should be fine, no?”
Garou picked up a pen and signed away, paper after paper. Who knew FedEx had so many policies?
After providing enough details on the notepad and filling up all of the consent forms, Garou stood up, pushing his chair back slightly. He went to turn the knob of the little office door but was halted by the voice of the man, or should he say, his new boss.
“I’ll have my assistant bring you your uniform, also get rid of the hair. It won’t fit in the hat…”
Garou turned the knob exiting the office and strode out into the garage. A small man walked up to him with a transparent bag of clothes, hiding his face behind it. The only thing he could completely discern about the boy was his name written on the tag near his breast pocket, Ibiki.
“Here is your uniform. When you come back tomorrow, we’ll make a name tag for you.”
The cheery, blushing boy spoke, informing Garou of what he needs to do next. Taking the packet from his hands, Garou asked for a bag to put his new clothes in.
Ibiki scurried off to find a bag and retrieved an empty white one, filling it with the plastic packet.
Garou was about to walk out when he heard the kid call out to him.
“Hey Mister! You forgot to take our card. You’ll need the bosses number. See, right here. And this one’s mine!”
Ibiki pointed out the two separate cell numbers and Garou nodded. Ibiki placed a shaky hand on Garou’s shoulder and patted the spot, saying something along the lines of 'you’ll love working with us!’. Whatever, he doesn’t care, all he wanted to do was make your life a little bit easier.
You had arrived home an hour ago, Garou nowhere in sight. You decided to shower and read a book while you waited for him to come home. You had already purchased lunch for the two of you on your way back, deciding that the contents in your fridge weren’t good enough to work with.
After Garou had shown up, things had turned for the better. It seemed like he brought you good luck wherever you went. You could recall the time when Garou wasn’t with you, and frankly, they weren’t the best. He made your life a lot more interesting than what it was before.
Standing up and stretching, you trailed towards your bedroom with your book in hand, opting to lay down comfortably and read. An hour and a half had passed and there was still no sign of Garou. But you had forgotten all about that. You munched on some chips in bed, flipping through the pages of your book, so immersed in it that your ears hadn’t caught the sound of your front door opening.
Garou walked into your shared home, taking off the jacket and scarf and hanging it behind the door. The bag which held his new uniform was hung in the wall closet in the living room. He washed himself up and looked around, expecting you to not be here as usual, but something caught his eye. Your work shoes! Weren’t you wearing these today?
Wait were you home…?
He looked around the house, checking each each and every room when he finally decided to check your bedroom.
Opening the door, he waltzed in, his eyes perceived you on your bed, laying on your stomach with your eyes glued to the book in your hand, potato chip hanging from your lips.
You still hadn’t noticed him in the room and he fully took advantage of that. Creeping around the edge of the bed, he stopped momentarily behind you. He licked his lips at the sight of your butt, clad in tight, black trousers. Without warning, he jumped onto you, his hips landing right on top of your ample behind, rough, trained hands gripping your hips to keep you in place.
You yelped in surprise, book flying across the bed as you jumped, or tried to, out of the way.
“W-where did you come from?!”
Your face twisted in annoyance as you asked.
“I should be asking you that. What are you doing home?”
Garou laid himself on top of you, his sharp chin resting on your head and fingers tightly grasping the mattress under you.
“I have the whole day off today! Now, will you please get off?”
Garou chuckled in excitement at your words, arms coming around to flip you over onto his chest as he turned himself over on his back.
You rolled your eyes and sighed, relaxing down onto him.
“So, where were you this fine morning?”
Your question had not been answered for several seconds and you asked him again.
“Garou, where did you go?”
You turned around, still obove him, your chest to his. You gave him a questioning look, gesturing him to speak.
You quirked a brow, expression unamused.
“I know that!”
He sat up and hugged you, his sharp nose buried between you shoulder and neck, kissing the skin.
“With a friend.”
Garou said, eyes coming up to look at you, waiting for a response.
“Oh really? You have friends?”
He nodded hesitantly, avoiding direct eye contact.
Ok then, he was being weird… But you didn’t want to pry. What he does while he’s out is his business, there’s probably nothing to worry about. Its not like he’s cheating on you or anything, no, he would never do that, he’s not that kind of man.
How could he? I-, You- How?! You were just coming home early from work. Turns out your new position didn’t require you to stay for long hours like before, so you just opted to come home. You had to take the long way around this time, passing by all of the urban workshops and postal firms because your normal road was being repaired. You passed by a FedEx warehouse and you could’ve sworn you saw silver hair and a gorgeous body, belonging to none other than Garou.
That was him for sure! Oh, when you get your hands on him…
You stomped your foot in anger at the scene unfolding before you. Garou, undressing in the wide open garage, taking off the clothes you had bought for him, to put on some drab brown and black shirt and pants. A small man hanging off from his shoulder as Garou walked to the desk to…collect something? What is that…?
The fragile looking boy next to him stopped in front of his chest and took what seemed to be a small card and clipped it to the front of Garou’s shirt. He beamed at Garou and your boyfriend turned to pick up the boxes that were strewn around the warehouse and pack them into individual trucks.
Wait a second. Was he working? Garou was working! Ohhh, of course! Yeah, you never doubted him for a second…
You strolled towards them, unknown to the two inside the dark garage, hiding behind the tall stack of boxes. Playfully walking up behind him, the small man gently tapped Garou on the shoulder. He turned around, large boxes still in hand, obscuring his vision.
“What do ya’ want now, Ibiki?!”
Garou’s sudden outburst scared the young man accompanying him, making him jump back frightened.
“The uh… b-boss wanted to umm… know if you could work overtime. Y-you’ll be payed…”
Answered the trembling voice of 'Ibiki’.
“No, I got better things waiting for me at home…”
Garou’s soft answer made you tear up somewhat, and you smiled very gently. Turning your heel, you trecked back home to wait for him. Oh, you might as well set up a surprise for him!
And so, you sneaked away, racing home to start setting up decorations for your hard working man.
It was around 2:00 in the afternoon when Garou had finally walked through the front door of your shared home. He let out a relaxed sigh and carefully hung his hat behind the wooden door rack and stretched. His shows had already been discarded near the doormat as he made his way over to the bathroom, passing by the living room decorated with fairy lights and a blanket fort.
Wait a second, fairy lights and a fort?! Did he walk into the wrong house?
He came closer to the blankets sprawled across the floor, getting on his knees and picking one up to inspect it, not expecting you to be under it waiting for him.
You jumped out from under all of the pillows and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing kisses to his cheeks.
“What’s all this? Yer’ home early again?”
Garou questioned, a confused expression on his handsome face.
“A surprise for you, duh…”
He smirked and coyly slid his arms under your legs, picking you up and setting you down onto his lap.
“No, really? What’s the occasion?”
You gave him a look as if saying, 'seriously?’
“Well, I was walking home from work and I couldn’t take my usual route. I walked past a few shops and I saw you…working. I was so surprised…”
Your voice got quieter as it neared the end and you awkwardly twiddled your thumbs, eyes casted downwards.
“Garou, why…why didn’t you just tell me you got a job?”
Garou let out a huff and ran his fingers through your hair. He looked deep into your eyes and cast you a cute little blush.
“W-well, I know how ya’ kinda freak out when I do…anything so I didn’t say nothin’. I just wanted to help out, ya’ get so tired after comin’ home. I ain’t gonna sit around and watch ya’ work yer’ ass off for me…”
Your fingers gently caressed his face, bringing it closer to yours.
“Garou, the reason I’m so tired after coming home is because I’m still adjusting to my new post at the office. I got promoted and I promise, once I get the hang of it, I won’t be tired at all.”
Garou’s mouth enveloped yours in a sweet exchange, hands roaming your hips.
“I’m really proud of you though…”
Garou broke into a genuine smile, no teasing smirk or smug grin. A genuine stretch of his lips.
“And what do you mean I kind of freak out? I do not!”
You pouted on his lap, crossing your arms and looking to the side.
“Ya’ just planned a surprise for me…”
You blushed and pulled his cheeks.
“Hey, this doesn’t count!”
He chuckled and smirked as you climbed off of his lap and onto the ground below.
“Now take off your clothes and get in here!”
The rest of the afternoon was spent in bliss under a large warm blanket. The two of you lovingly cuddling together, watching movies and talking about Garou’s new workmates.
“So, this Ibiki kid follows me around everywhere, it’s kinda annoying to be honest.”
You laughed at his statement and pointed a finger at his chest.
“Well, he probably likes you. You are very handsome…”
He smirked and gave you a suggestive look, pulling your body closer to his under the blanket.
“Too bad I’m not available, right?”
You giggled at his response, snuggling into his warmth.
“Yes, too bad indeed…”
Giving you one last loving look, Garou kissed you passionately, his fingers caressing your cheek. Your own hand laid gently on his cheek, lips tightly locked with his.
Separating, the two of you breathed heavily and smiled.
“I love you…”
Garou softly admitted, giving you another one of his glorious genuine grins.
You happily blushed, hugging him close and whispered.
“I love you too. So much…”
And with that Garou kissed you again, feverishly, pulling the blanket above your heads, ready to take you to heaven.
It really couldn’t get better than this…
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers)
Masterlist Prologue
Warnings- Tiny, tiny bits of angst, but not a lot.
Chapter 1 The Pancake Disaster
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2 Months later
The mattress dipped gently, though, it was a small body flinging itself on top of hers that awoke her, just past seven am. A tiny, though excitable voice shrieking, “Emma!” Right into her ear was enough to finish the job, and with a suppressed groan, she turned onto her back, careful not to let Matt fall off her, even if he’d really only be hitting the memory foam.
Groggily, Emma wiped the sleep out of her eyes, coming to her senses. Stretching and yawning, she found it hard not to return Matt’s little smile, "Good morning,” she smacked her lips, trying to wake herself up some more, totally not prepared for him to leap back into her lap, “What’s up kiddo?” It wasn’t like the twins hadn’t woken her early in the morning before, she’d been living with the Reeves’ for going on two months and she’d found that kids seemed to enjoy awaking with the sun. Though, it was odd for Matt to bound into her room with such urgency, with his teeth already brushed and without his sister.
“Daddy’s making pancakes,” he jumped up excitedly in her lap, and Emma had to hold him at the hips to ensure he didn’t toss himself off the bed by accident, “But he’s terrible at it!” Crawling out from the safety of her embrace, Matt crept to the edge of her bed, nearer to her side, jumping off and proceeding to tug on her hand encouragingly, “You need to come help him, or its gonna be a disaster!”
Chuckling quietly, Emma shook her head, running her free hand through her caramel highlighted hair, kicking off the sheets. Swinging her bare, tan legs out of bed, it was almost a struggle to keep up with Matt without stumbling over her fluffy slippers, “Slow down Matty, I still have to brush my teeth.”
“Ugh,” Matt pouted deeply, as if she’d just ended his world. Though, his expression perked up soon after and he let her hand go, “Okay! But you have to come soon, before daddy burns the kitchen down,” he made a few explosive noises gesturing wildly with his tiny arms, and Emma couldn’t help the splitting grin that painted her features. They’d come a long way since that first meeting; Matt had been the first to warm up to her, and now, there was very little that he didn’t want Emma around for. And Poppy, while it had taken her a couple weeks, she’d more or less broken out of her shell, probably finding it nice to have someone to do her hair and who’d let her paint their nails. By then, it went without saying that the children absolutely adored Emma, and she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t feel the same. Matt and Poppy had filled a void that Emma didn’t even know was there until they’d made her laugh. Time spent with them was incomparable, and every time she’d though she couldn’t be amazed by them, they'd do something so beautiful that she couldn’t help but adore them even more.
And then, there was Keanu. Like his children, he had a colorful personality, never ceasing to amaze her. Though, the affections she’d grown for him……they were different. In quiet moments, Emma had found that she’d lost an hour or two just thinking about him; how bright his smile was, how his deep, rumbling chuckle warmed her heart and how even the slightest of touches could make her stomach flutter, and when he was around, watching him with his kids was almost enough to make her heart burst. He wasn’t around very often, owning a successful company and being a movie sensation did eat up a lot of his time, but when Keanu was there, he was always putting out his best for those two.
“Emma!” Matt broke her thoughts, and Emma hadn’t realized that she’d just been lingering near the door of the adjoining bathroom. Her bedroom at Keanu’s house was near triple the one she grew up in back in Nevada, and the one in her old apartment might have been a matchbox compared to it. The room was beautifully decorated too, modern minimalism matching the rest of the house.
“Yeah,” she shook off her thoughts, “Sorry hun. Why don’t you go wait in the kitchen and I’ll be out in a few.” With a quick, purposeful nod, Matt ran out of the room, his light footsteps barely audible. Shaking her head, Emma just chortled softly at his behavior, eccentric, much like his father’s.
In the bathroom, she made short work of quickly freshening up, deciding that she’d head out in her pajamas, an oversized cable knit sweater and a pair of shorts, and shower after she’d been covered in flour, batter, syrup and whatever else they’d decided to get into in the kitchen. Grabbing a hair tie off the counter, Emma maintained eye contact with her reflection on the awning mirror over the sink as she piled her hair into a messy bun at top her head, tendrils carelessly curtaining the sides of her face and the little diamond studs adorning her ears twinkling lowly. Free of the moisturizer she'd worn to bed, Emma dabbed a nearby hand towel below her eyes and on her cheeks, soaking up whatever water had remained after she’d rinsed her face, and finally, when she was finished, she headed out, intent on the kitchen downstairs.
Downstairs, Emma was almost stunned by what she’d walked into. The typically blindingly white and ever spotless kitchen was far different that it had ever been since she’d moved in. Clutter adorned the counter tops and the marble island, while there was a growing mountain of dishes in the deep farm sink. There was a spill on the floor too and all in all, the kitchen looked as if a small tornado had wreaked havoc on the room. And something was definitely burning. After the initial shock had passed, Emma rediscovered her voice, though her tone was still laced with an air of confusion, “What is happening in here?”
As if caught in the act of doing something insanely criminal, Matt, Poppy and Keanu all looked up at her from where they’d gathered around the island. Keanu was at the electric stove, a frying pan on one of the flat burners, while the twins were a safe distance away from the action, attempting to help by taking turns stirring the batter and both perched on the counter. Their printed pjs, Poppy’s with Disney princesses and Matt’s with race cars, were messed up with flour, and Keanu’s face was the same.
“We’re making you breakfast.” Surprisingly, it was Keanu who’d spoken up, looking bewildered and far out of his element. Then, smiling sheepishly, he cast his head down, “But I guess we’re just giving you more work, aren’t we?” He sighed, clearly embarrassed that his sweet gesture had gone awry, “I’m sorry-”
“No,” Emma blushed, she couldn’t believe that he’d thought of her, gone out of his way to try to make her breakfast for no foreseeable reason. “Its okay,” she reassured, cautiously approaching them, “I am so, so grateful that you thought of me, and tried to do something so sweet, really,” gently, she touched Matt and Poppy’s faces, quickly pecking them on the foreheads, “But maybe I could help too?” And by help, Emma actually meant take over so she could do some damage control and save Zelda, the housekeeper, the task of a huge clean up.
Before Keanu could oblige or protest, Poppy spoke up, telling the whole truth as children usually did, “It was daddy’s idea Emma! You should thank him!” She beamed, all but hopping onto Emma’s waist.
“I…..” Keanu stuttered, visible parts of his cheeks going tomato red, “I just- it’s just…..You know, you do so much for us. You’re up early every morning, making us breakfast. You take care of us, I just thought that we should do something nice for you,” he rambled on, avoiding her gaze. It was true though, while Emma had been hired to care for the children, preparing their meals, getting them ready for the day, watching them when they weren’t with their tutors and everything in between, she'd started picking up after him too. Tossing his laundry in with the kids' and making him meals so Zelda wouldn't have too. “Maybe we should have just taken you out,” he finally concluded with a quiet laugh, "Would have saved you the trouble of having to come in here and dealing with this disaster."
"Its okay," tentatively, Emma squeezed Keanu's surprisingly firm bicep reassuringly, and when he glanced at her, the moment feeling more intimate then she'd intended, her breath hitched. Still, her hand lingered, and Keanu didn't seem bothered enough to pull away. Emma held his gaze, her heart jumping after he turned a bit more, the space between them almost becoming mute and his chest close to her face, his stare penetrating. "Um," she cleared her throat quietly, knowing that the kids were watching and that their behavior was borderline inappropriate. They were too close, she was holding on for too long. But getting lost in his eyes seemed so much easier than letting go.
“It’s okay,” Emma repeated, trying to shake off the feeling that came with being in close proximity to her boss, “Why don’t I finish this, and you can……”
“Make coffee,” Keanu interjected when Emma trailed off, “And start cleaning up. I can do that without,” he gestured widely with his hands, the way Matt often did when he was flustered or excited, “Burning it.”
Smiling giddily at his erratic behavior, almost mesmerized by Keanu, Emma nodded stiffly, “That’s uh…..” Emma laughed breathlessly, vaguely aware of Matt striking up some harmless mischief off to their sides, but knowing that they only had a matter of minutes before……
A distressed scream erupted, followed by Poppy’s despondence, “Daddy! Emma! Matt put pancake batter in my hair.” When they turned, lo and behold, Poppy’s dark strands were streaked with the batter, some of it already on her pajamas and in her hands, while she was on the verge of tears.
“Matt!” Emma and Keanu scolded in unison, and immediately, she slipped past Keanu, scooping Poppy up on her hip, walking over the sink to start washing the sticky batter off before Poppy could really start crying. “Why’d you do that, Matty?” Keanu continued behind them, his stern side coming out. “You need to apologize to you sister,” he explained, lifting Matt off the counter, setting him on the floor, “We’re not supposed to pull mean pranks on each other, remember.”
“Yeah,” dejected, Matt dragged himself over to where Emma had just set Poppy down, parts of her hair still wet and a frown still painting her face. “I’m sorry Pop,” as she leaned on the sink Emma folded her arms, watching with a soft smile as the siblings made up, the sweet moment between them making her wish she had a sibling, and worse yet, making her want kids of her own. It wasn’t quite in the cards for her just yet though, Keanu paid well, but not that well, she lived in his house and it would be exceptionally hard to raise a kid when most of your time was spent taking care of someone else’s.
Still, for as long as it lasted, Emma could make do with doting on Matt and Poppy, feeling a swell of pride when they did something so magical that it reminded her of the purity of children, like when the two decided to hug it out, quickly forgetting how upset they both were. That was one of the greatest things about kids; they were so innocent that the notion of holding grudges was completely foreign to them. It was so…….untainted.
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As he wiped down the counter, trying to clear a decent work station, Keanu found himself occasionally stealing glances at Emma, leant on the sink with her arms folded. She looked beautiful, almost ethereal, with her hair up in a bun, wispy honey hued strands curtaining her flawless features, oversized beige sweater guarding her perfect curves, and tiny shorts that boasted her smooth, tanned legs, the light sheen of lotion still present. Keanu thought that he'd ever met a woman quite so naturally stunning.
She's too young for you, was what the voice in the back of his mind protested, along with several other valid arguments. But for some reason, tearing his gaze away had continuously proven to be a trying task. Keanu didn't want to look away, as corrupted as it was, he wanted to hold Emma; trace his thumb over her pink, plump lips, feel her hot breath fan his cheek, know what it was like to have her satiny skin brush against his.
He wondered if she knew her effect, what it did to him when she swayed her hips as she walked, or gnawed on her lower lip between thoughts. Keanu wondered sometimes, how easy it would be in another situation, to have her all spread out under him. Or simply, to just have her company, listen to Emma talk about whatever she wanted, be the man she went to for the most intimate of reasons, a shoulder to cry on, when she wanted someone to make her laugh.
A crush.
That's what he might have called it twenty something odd years ago. But at his age, Keanu thought of it as more of a fantasy. A very cliché one at that; lusting over the nanny. Maybe if she wasn't the nanny………. Oh, but she was. The one that his children, the apples of his eyes, his pride and joy, the two best people in life, adored to death. Keanu wasn't sure if they knew it themselves, but he could tell; Poppy and Matt were growing affections for Emma that ran past likenesses, they loved her.
The relationship that Emma had grown to share with his children was one of the more unadulterated things that had fueled his ridiculous attraction to her. They adored her, and she them, and it was warming to see her laugh with them, care for them, the way a mother might. Still, there was so, so much more than Keanu liked; her laugh, that little half smile she’d offer him when they bumped into each other in passing, the way having her around felt. Like she made their home more complete, the one missing jigsaw piece that was so satisfying when it was slipped into place.
Hoping she wouldn’t notice his lingering stare, Keanu carried on with clean up, a grin ever present on his rugged features as Emma continued without much concern; getting the kids to help set the table without fuss and finishing the pancakes while she was at it. It felt so normal, so domestic, Keanu was usually so busy getting ready to leave that he was often left grabbing what she’d carved out the time to pack for him, kissing Matt and Poppy just as he left. But that Saturday morning, he got the chance to live almost the way he’d hoped to with Diane; the twins’ mother, before she walked out on them.
Before the painful memories could wash over him, Emma was calling everyone to sit for breakfast and Keanu once again sank into the present. Laughing when Matt and Poppy did something cute, smiling brightly when Emma doted on them and eventually, when it was over and they’d hurried off to the TV room, feeling a sense of giddiness that accompanied being alone with her. “Did you do this a lot when you were a kid?” Keanu probed as he and Emma finished up in the kitchen.
She was busy clearing the table, collecting the jug of orange juice to be returned to the fridge, “I guess,” Emma shrugged dismissively, her expression troubled, and Keanu was worried that his seemingly innocent question had struck a nerve, “My parents weren’t around a lot when I was a kid.” Swallowing thickly, she continued shuffling around the large kitchen, “Making ends meet wasn’t always easy for them, you know?” Gathering the plates, she moved over to the sink, “My mom stayed home to take care of me, and the house, and my dad worked two jobs. He worked really hard for us, and….”
“Em,” Keanu frowned, noting her tormented expression as she dumped leftovers from the children and packed the dishwasher, “If it's too hard to talk about, you don’t have to tell me. And I didn’t mean to upset you, if I’d known-”
“It’s not your fault,” she turned towards him, straightening up and smiling faintly so he could be reassured, “And it’s fine really. It's just hard to talk about, but I don’t mind telling you,” moistening her lips, “I was around six, when my dad died, he was at work; fell off a scaffolding and had a heart attack on the way to the hospital,” it was easy to tell how hard she was fighting the wave of emotion, the way she struggled to contain tears while biting her lower lip. But still, he was grateful that she felt comfortable enough to open up, it felt like they were closer. “After that, funeral expenses blew our savings, and my mom had to work. She hated leaving me with my grandmother, but she had to.”
Slumping his shoulders, Keanu yearned to reach out, pull her into a hug and let Emma know that she was always welcome to find comfort in him, but seeing her the way he did was already crossing so many lines, he didn’t think he could trust himself to take her into his arms. “That must have been hard,” he sympathized instead, “And you were just a kid.”
“Yeah,” she forced a watery smile, probably hoping to ease his worrying, “But life’s like that right? He left us way sooner than anyone would have liked, but I’m glad to have had him when I did. Both my parents, they taught me that sometimes you’ve gotta bust your ass for the good life, but that just makes it even better when you get it,” she sighed quietly, “I wish he could have been here for the big things, birthdays and graduations,” she sniffled, “But I’m thankful for what I did have, and I hope one day, I can be that kind of parent for someone else.”
“That’s beautiful,” Keanu hummed with a soft smile. It couldn’t have been easy growing up without her father, but Emma still seemed so content with what she’d gotten. Grief, it hurt people, it could change them too, and he knew that all too well, but Emma had been so young that it had shaped her instead. Molded her into the kind of person that was caring, kind and driven. Someone you wanted to trust and whose presence emanated warmth. “You-” Keanu leaned back, expecting to brace his hands on the counter, though swearing loudly when his left hand landed on the top of the stove. “What the fuck?”
In an instant, Emma was at his side, weaning Keanu’s hand out of his own grasp, hissing empathically at how the base of his palm had taken on an angry red tint, “Shit,” her hands were so soft and smooth, her touch soothing, “We need to get some ice on this,” when she moved away, grabbing a dish towel as she headed to the fridge, Keanu’s face fell further, already missing her touch. Though, when Emma returned, a couple blocks of ice wrapped up in the patterned fabric, pressing it to his hand as she held it up between them, Keanu’s eyes fell on her once again. With her head downcast, it was hard to decipher her expression, though, he could see her brows knitted in worry, “Does it hurt like this?”
When she glanced up briefly, their eyes meeting, Keanu stumbled on his words. He wasn’t expecting to be that close to her that morning, or, well, at any given point. He liked it though, maybe too much. “A little, but it's no big deal,” he shook his head slightly, his gruff voice low, “Thanks Em.”
“Of course,” she swirled it ice around a bit more, “You know, the kids love having their boo boos kissed,” Emma teased lightly, not thinking too much of it, “Think they get that from you?”
Chuckling quietly, Keanu replied, also without much of a protesting thought, “Maybe.” And just like that, the moment unfolded, so quickly that it felt completely natural, like her soft, supple lips were meant to touch him. They weren’t too warm on his skin, and could hardly be considered medicinal, but Keanu swore his hand felt ten times better when Emma pulled away, once again laying the ice on top of the burn. Simultaneously, they raised their heads, that time, their jaws slackened as their eyes met. “Em….” he groaned quietly, knowing that if he leaned in any closer they’d be no point of return, yet Keanu ached to. He wanted to kiss her, feel her mouth respond against his. But he couldn’t, and more importantly, he shouldn’t.
At the very last minute, right when Keanu swore that Emma was leaning up to meet him halfway, her pupils dilated, her breath slow and ragged and his chest just and inches away from hers, he rediscovered his self restraint, abruptly turning his head away. Clearing his throat, Keanu shoved his feelings down, irrationally disappointed when Emma stepped back, easily reading the shift of the moment, “Matt has swim practice today right?” It was honestly just a ploy to make professional conversation, change the topic so they wouldn’t need to have an uncomfortable conversation.
“Uh,” flustered, Emma seemed unsure of what to do with herself, and if Keanu wasn’t mistaken, there was a disappointed glint in her dark eyes, “Yeah, at three.” Gnawing on her lip, she fiddled with her fingers, “I should go see if his bag is ready, I can't remember if I packed it or not.” Keanu knew it was a lie; Emma didn’t forget things like that, and worst yet, he was almost sure that he’d hurt her. Yet, she didn’t give him a minute to apologize, or say anything really, hurrying out of the room with nothing more, leaving him tormented and feeling more guilty than ever.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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Stranded - Part 1
Steven Hyde x Reader
Note: I’ve been watching That 70’s Show all day every day for the past three days and we already know how I feel about fics that use time travel/dimension hopping so…Also, we’re pretending Hyde and Jackie aren’t together at this point for…reasons…
Warnings: Drug mention/use (weed; it’s the 70’s), some language
Word Count: 3.3k
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When you came around, there was a horrible pounding in your head. Your entire body was sore, pain blossoming every time you tried to move. You groaned. Oh God. Oh no. Everything hurt. And…why did it smell like weed?
“She moved.”
“I see that she moved, dumbass.”
“Do you think she’s okay? Should I get my mom?”
“Not yet. It still smells down here. Don’t want Red calling the cops.”
“I think it’s alright. She’s coming around.”
You groaned again, clutching at the sharp cramp in your abdomen. “Shit.”
“She speaks!”
You heard the sound of someone hitting someone else and one of the strange voices, a boy, groaned.
“Shut up, Kelso.”
“I’m just saying, chick falls from the sky, you don’t really expect her to—”
“Shut UP, Kelso.”
You struggled to sit up and opened your eyes despite the pain in your head. You were surrounded by boys, four of them, all of their eyes locked on you. Two of them were standing behind the couch you were laying on, one was sitting on the chair by your feet, and the other was sitting on a coffee table in front of the couch. From the looks of it, you were in a basement. A basement that smelled incredibly like weed.
“Where…am I?”
 *Eric Forman’s Basement - 20 Minutes Earlier*
“Man, I’m telling you, the government is tooootally hiding aliens in Area 51.” Hyde leaned back in his chair, smoke billowing out in front of him.
Kelso laughed. “Dude, if there were aliens, don’t you think we’d know that by now? One of them would have gotten out.”
“Why, are you an alien?” Eric raised an eyebrow.
“What if I’m an alien and I didn’t even know it?” Kelso murmured, his eyes hyperfocused on the table.
Before he could open his mouth again, there was a bright flash of light outside followed by a loud crash and the sound of all of the car alarms in the neighborhood going off.
“What the hell…?”
The boys all looked at the back door, slowly rising from the table. Kelso was the first outside, followed by Eric and then Fez and Hyde. There was a great big steaming crater in the grass out back, a girl with blue hair laying unconscious in the middle of it.
“Man, I think she fell from the sky.” Eric looked up into the stars as if they held the answer.
“That’s ridiculous.” Hyde shook his head. “No fucking way.”
“She has blue hair!” Fez pointed. He gasped and covered his mouth, his eyes wide. “Maybe she’s an alien…”
“Is she okay?” Eric asked.
“She’s breathing.” Kelso pointed out.
“Maybe we should get her inside.” Fez suggested, looking around for signs of cops. If he got caught with weed, he was sure he’d get sent back to his home country.
“I’ve got her. Move over, dillhole.” Hyde pushed Eric out of his way and rolled up the sleeves of his undershirt, kneeling down in the dirt to scoop her out.
Eric walked back toward the door and opened it, Fez walking in to get things on the couch ready.
“I mean, she’s pretty hot. I think it’s our civil duty to—”
Hyde cut Kelso off with a glare as he carried the unconscious blue-haired girl into the basement.
 *Eric Forman’s Basement – Now*
“Where…am I?” You asked, looking at the boys for answers.
The one that was closest to you, the one sitting on the round table in front of the couch, had neat brown hair parted to the left. He was wearing a flannel and jeans. “You’re in my basement. You were, uh, in my backyard unconscious.”
“How long have I been out?” You asked, trying to sit up, but slumping back against the couch, wincing. You’d definitely bruised something on your way down.
“Twenty minutes.” The one sitting in the folding chair across from you answered. He had curly hair and sideburns, sunglasses, and he was wearing a black band tee over a white shirt. Led Zeppelin, you noted. That and his flared jeans would indicate…
Oh God. Your head was spinning. You looked at the slick silver watch wrapped around your wrist and tapped on the screen. 1978, Point Place, Wisconsin. Holy shit 1978. No wonder everything hurt.
“You okay?”
“What?” You blinked a few times, lost in thought. “I—yeah, I’m…I’ll be okay.”
“You got a name, gorgeous?”
“Y/N. L/N.” You swung your legs over the side of the couch and put your feet flat on the floor. You stood up, but your legs wobbled too much and you wound up against curly-haired sideburns guy’s chest, his arms around you. “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Let’s get you back on the couch…” He gently lowered you back down and you took a deep breath. “You okay?”
“Did I have a bag when you found me?” You looked up at curly-haired sideburns guy.
“I found this after Hyde got you out of the hole.” The tall lanky one with the long brown hair handed you your bag, a silver messenger bag with your things crammed in it.
“Thanks.” Hyde, you noted. Curly-haired sideburns guy was Hyde.
“I’m gonna…get you some water.” The one in the flannel got off the table and walked up the stairs.
You rummaged through your bag until you found what you were looking for: your phone. The only problem, the silver rectangle was sparking, the screen cracked badly and the panel on the back was open, exposing the wires.
“Fuck…” Well, that wasn’t good. Stranded in the 1970’s and you couldn’t even contact a ride home if you wanted to.
“What is that?” asked one of the guys behind the couch, pointing to the device in your hand.
“Walkie-talkie.” You replied quickly. You shouldn’t have taken it out in front of them, but given the circumstances, you figured the TSE would just have to forgive you. “Really high-end walkie-talkie.”
You jammed it back in your bag and slumped back against the couch as flannel guy came back down the stairs. He handed you a glass of water and you drank some down. It helped, a little. You still weren’t really sure what to do, though.
“Could I get some names?” You looked around. “I mean, I did wake up in your basement.”
“That’s fair.” Flannel guy chuckled. “I’m Eric. The long haired idiot over there is Michael, sunglasses is Steven, and that’s Fez.”
“So did you like…fall from the sky?” Michael asked.
“Probably.” You groaned, stretching. Something popped. “Yeah, I definitely fell from the sky.”
“Well in that case…” Fez leaned against the couch, his face very close to yours. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
“Yeah, it hurt a lot.” You touched your neck and winced. Yeah, that was definitely gonna bruise. “Could I get some ice?”
Steven got off of his chair and walked to the freezer up against the wall. He fished around before handing you a bag of frozen peas. “Here.”
“Thank you.” You held the bag to the spot where your neck met your shoulder.
“Where are you from?” Eric asked, sitting back down on the table.
“Not around here.” You sighed and raked your fingers through your very blue hair. If you’d landed a few decades later, that might have been alright, but you were definitely going to stick out. “My ex dumped me off here. I’m kind of stranded.”
“Well, you can stay here for a while. I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind.” Eric offered. “I mean, they let Hyde stay here.”
“Welcome to Forman’s, home of orphans and misfits.” Steven—Hyde—chuckled, leaning back against the chair. “We can blow up an air mattress in here.”
“No, Mom might come down to do laundry, I can’t have some random girl out in the open.” Eric looked to you and amended, “No offence.”
“None taken.”
“Then we’ll blow up the air mattress in my room. I don’t care.” Hyde shrugged. “Whatever.”
“Thank you.” You shifted the bag of frozen peas, sighing at the slight bit of relief the cold brought.
“Come on, Fez, let’s get the mattress set up.” Michael started walking back towards the room Hyde was staying in.
Fez winked at you. “Don’t miss me too much.”
“You didn’t really fall from the sky, though, right?” Eric asked, still confused over the whole ordeal.
“My head hurts…” You murmured, avoiding the question.
Shrugging, Eric stood up. “I’m gonna head up to my room.”
“Night.” Hyde nodded. He looked at you for a moment, considering you quietly before saying, “I like your piercings.”
“Oh, uh, thanks.” You reached up to touch one of the studs in your earlobe. “I like your shirt.”
“You like Zeppelin?”
“Hell yeah.” You grinned and so did he.
“I knew I liked you.”
 *Eric Forman’s Kitchen – The Next Morning*
“Y/N, honey, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you.” Eric’s mom, Kitty, set a plate of pancakes in front of you. “You’re welcome to stay in the basement until we get it figured out.”
“Great.” Eric’s father, Red, grumbled. Hyde had warned you about him. Said he was a bit of a hardass. “More teenagers.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Forman. I promise I won’t be here long. I’ve just gotta make a few calls and get some things arranged.” You took a bite of fluffy pancakes. “These are amazing, Mrs. Forman. Thank you for breakfast.”
“Of course, dear. It’s about time someone appreciated my cooking.” She shot a look at Red, but he was too preoccupied with his newspaper to notice.
“If it’s not too much trouble, I was wondering if you had any tools. A little screwdriver and some pliers.”
“You need tools?” That got Red’s attention. Hyde’s too. They both sat at attention. “Hear that, Eric? The girl knows how to use tools.”
“I heard.”
“I have some you can borrow. What size do you need?”
“Probably the smallest one. It’s some very fine detail stuff.”
“I’ll get some out of the garage later.” Red folded the newspaper and set it on the table. “You know, the blue hair and piercings had me skeptical, but maybe you’re not so bad. Teach Eric a thing or two while you’re at it.”
“Will do, sir.”
“So where are you from, Y/N?” Kitty asked, smiling.
“Up north. Tiny little town. My ex-boyfriend and I stopped here for gas, and…well, you know the rest.”
“Sounds like a total dillhole.” Hyde shook his head. “You’re better off.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” You shrugged. “Life is full of adventures. I guess this is just going to be one of mine.”
“Well, if it helps, it’s never boring around here.” Eric said, taking a bite of his pancakes.
You laughed, nodding. “Yeah, that definitely helps.
A while later, you were sitting at the little round table in the basement. You had pulled Hyde’s usual chair up to it and were focused intently on the “walkie talkie” in front of you. You were wearing a pair of protective goggles, your work gloves covering your hands.
“What are you doing?” You jumped at the voice behind you, but when you turned to look, it was just Hyde standing there.
“Trying to fix my walkie talkie.”
He thought for a second, looking at the device in front of you. “That doesn’t really look like a walkie talkie.”
“Yeah.” You shrugged, using the pliers to twist some wires together. “It doesn’t.”
“Yeah.” You screwed the panel onto the back of it and thankfully, it came to life, the screen, though it was cracked, glowing blue as it started up. You exhaled a huge sigh of relief and rested your head on the table for a second. “Oh thank God.”
“Are you sure that’s a—?”
“I’ve gotta make a call. I’m gonna hop outside.”
“Okay. I think the Circle is gonna get started up down here. You want me to roll you a blunt?” He offered. A 1970’s boy offering you his precious weed? You never imagined that happening in your life…
“I’m alright, but thanks. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Alright.” He nodded, trying not to watch as you walked out the door, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t sure why, but there was something about you that was just…different.
You walked into the chilly night air. It had taken you almost all day to get your damn phone working, and you could only hope the temporal chip was working or you’d really be screwed. So, hesitantly tapping on your horrible ex-boyfriend’s contact, you exhaled a long sigh. A few rings later, he picked up.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, you fucking asshole! What gives?!”
“What’s this about?”
“You stranded me in the goddamn 1970’s! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Listen, sugar, it’s nothing personal—”
“Bullshit, Jaxon! You get back here and take me to the station right now or I’ll get you banished to the fucking middle ages, you hear me?”
“I wouldn’t take that tone of voice with me, little lady. You’re not in any position to be making demands. Maybe I’ll just have to tell the society you deserted…”
“I’ll get you for this! You hear me? You will not get away with this.”
You could just about hear the smirk in his voice when he said, “We’ll see about that.”
The line went dead with a click and when you looked at the screen, there was a message that read: Temporal Chip Corrupted. Take to Repair Station Immediately.
“Fuck…” Tears fogged up your vision and rolled down your cheeks. You couldn’t believe you were crying over that asshole, but you were. You were stuck in the 1970’s and you’d used your only call to talk to the one person in the entire Time Society of Earth that didn’t give a single shit about your wellbeing.
A wave of hopelessness washed over you and you collapsed onto the grass, your phone laying on the ground beside you as you sobbed into the starry night.
“Hey, are you…alright?” You weren’t sure how long Hyde had been standing there, but he was walking towards you, his hands jammed in his pockets and his sunglasses, for once, off of his face.
“No…” You shook your head and sniffled, wiping at your tears with your hands. “I…” You choked on tears. “I’m stuck here.”
“Well hey, we can get you a ride back home. Kelso has a van, Red has a car, we’ll figure it out, okay?”
“It’s not that simple.” You shook your head.
Hyde knelt down on the grass next to you, a soft look on his face, his eyes exposed to you and sparkling in the starlight.
Your heart raced, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the look he was giving you or because he was onto your secret. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Are you…” He started, the wheels turning behind his eyes. “Are you an alien?”
You laughed and shook your head. “No. No I’m not.”
“I mean, I guess you were kind of close, though.” You looked at him, weighing your options. It might not be so bad to have someone in on your secret. Then, at least you wouldn’t be alone. “You can’t tell the others, though, alright? The less people that know, the better.”
“I can keep a secret.”
“I’m from the future, Steven.” You whispered. “I didn’t fall from the sky, I got pushed out of a time machine.”
He was quiet, staring at you for a long time. “Well, fuck. That’s not good.”
“Yeah. I mean, eventually someone has to realize I’m gone, but…he could cover up my disappearance really easily. I…” A tear rolled down your cheek and you stared at the grass. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do…”
“You’re gonna stay right here.” He tilted his head, slowly reaching out to tilt your face up so he could look at you. “We’ll take care of you. Help you figure out a way home…”
“Thank you.” You sniffled, smiling finally. Yeah, this wasn’t ideal, but things could be worse. At least you weren’t alone.
“Let’s get you back inside, yeah? It’s cold out here.” Hyde stood and helped you to your feet. His arm settled around your shoulders.
When the two of you got back into the house, the Circle was mostly gathered. Hyde pulled up a chair for you right beside his and you sat down next to him while the boys started smoking. A few puffs in, he patted your thigh, looking over at you.
“I’m gonna get a soda. You want anything?”
You motioned him closer, and he leaned in before you whispered, “Has Pepsi been invented yet?”
He laughed. “Yeah. I’ll get you one.” Hyde walked across the basement and up the stairs, leaving you with the other three.
“You and Hyde are awful cozy.” Kelso smirked. “Don’t tell me he already claimed you.”
“What, is he not this friendly usually?” You laughed.
“He didn’t even give me a chance to impress you with my foreign charm.” Fez pouted, shaking his head. “I was just saying how girls don’t fall out of the sky. Doesn’t that mean I get the one that does?”
“I mean, I don’t know how long I’m gonna be around.” You shrugged. “I don’t do long-distance. I wouldn’t get too attached.”
“Better let him know that before he does.” Eric warned.
You nodded. “Believe me, he already knows.”
Hyde returned a few seconds later, settling in beside you. He set a Pepsi can on the table in front of you and you admired the label, noting how different it looked than the cans you were used to. But when you cracked it open and took a few sips, it tasted just the same as it always did.
You talked to the boys for a while, bullshitting your way out of their questions and absorbing as much as you could about the situation you’d landed in. You had a feeling that blending in wouldn’t be too hard, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t have to be careful not to blow your cover the rest of the way.
Eventually, Fez and Kelso went home and Eric went upstairs to his room, leaving you and Hyde alone in the basement.
“How far in the future?” He asked. When you said it, you could tell the question had been on his mind all night.
“Pretty far.”
He sighed, chuckling to himself. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
“I’m stationed in 2020 in a space station orbiting earth. Time doesn’t really…pass there. It’s a null area. It’s been 2020 since…well, since I’ve been there.”
“Fifty years? Is that math right?”
“Yeah, just about.” You finished off your Pepsi.
“Yeah, damn.” You sighed, raking your fingers through your blue hair, the decades standing between you ever-obvious. “I, uh, forgot to ask Kitty for some of Laurie’s old clothes. To sleep in.”
“Oh. Let me grab you one of my shirts. Hang tight.” He walked back into his room and came back with a band shirt and a pair of shorts. “These should work.”
“Thanks, Hyde. Being here isn’t easy, but you’re…you’re making it a bit easier.”
“Well, I’m nothing if not a charmer.” He smirked.
You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek before turning to walk into the bathroom and change. When you emerged a few minutes later, he was out on the couch, some show playing on the screen, the volume down low.
“I’m gonna get to bed, I think.”
He turned around to look at you, his voice caught in his throat when he saw you in his clothes. You looked good. Really good. He snapped out of it. “I’ll be in there soon.”
“Goodnight.” Hyde turned back around to face the TV. Maybe it was selfish of him, but he couldn’t help thinking he was lucky you’d been stranded there.
Part 2
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cloudyyoonji · 4 years
Power Up!
Bang Chan x Reader  
Summary: Hard days of work = fluffy cuddles from your boyfriend 
Genre: Lil angst, but Fluffy! 
You shake the rude teenage customers from your mind as you finally clock out for the day, eyes dragging through the deserted street as you lock the door behind you. 
You’d been working unforgivably hard for the blurred weeks. You barely could remember the days now. 
Just what day was it? 
You’d barely been at home long enough to see the date or the time, sleeping for a few hours only to do it all again tomorrow. 
You hadn’t even seen your boyfriend, besides glimpses of his jacket as he rounded the corner. While he was producing music, you were serving customers with a false smile. 
But today even your crease-free concealer had caved in on you, customers noting your pale appearance with as equally much concern as your co-workers. Still, you waved it off with a smile, saying you were probably developing a common cold, which you had actually suspected might have been the case. 
But your cold-like symptoms slowly processed; a racking cough, a running nose. Maybe you’d been too neglectful of your health. 
Keys jammed into the keyhole of your apartment, you very obviously had the flu. 
Bag slipping off your shoulder, you make your way to the bathroom in sluggish steps. 
Clothing wrinkled by time and hard labour, you shed off your second skin and make a measly shot at the washing basket in the corner, redressing only for your head to fall into your hands. 
Grunting in frustration at your sick appearance, you flick the faucet on, hands filling with cold water to spill over your face. 
Once. Twice. Three times. 
Sighing at your unbending tiredness, you raise your hands to the water once more. 
The face in the mirror comes to the light as he steps in, voice soft and hand-pressed into your shoulder blade. “Sweetheart, come to bed. You look terrible.” 
Despite his good intentions, you push him off. 
“I’m okay Chan, I just need to shower first.” 
So you turn, making your way to the shower unapologetically, too exhausted to notice - or remember- the raised step before it collides with your foot. 
But Chan catches you, a grim expression on his face as he leads you back to your room. 
Despite your apprehension, as soon as your head hits the pillow you feel some sort of sense of relief. 
Chan’s hand comes to rest of your forehead, the mattress dipping beside you. 
“You’re burning up. I think you’ve worked yourself sick.” 
Opening your eyes, you see worried ones staring back at you. With a cheesy smile, you nod in response. 
“I think I might text my boss." 
“I think that's a good idea. You look really sick.” 
Pressing send on the text makes you feel even better, slumping back into the pillows, cheesy smile plastered on your features as you give a single confirming nod too Chan. 
“It's done.” 
“You should rest now. Its been a while since I’ve seen you do at least that.” 
Now you groan in a mixture of agreement and annoyance. 
“Works been hectic. But right now I’d be happy to get some actual sleep." 
“That sounds like a good plan.” 
With your hand falling onto his cheek, he smiles gingerly, pulling you a little closer for you to collect some well-earned sleep together. 
Your alarm sound is harsh, its beeping disturbing not just your slumber, but probably everything in a 1km radius. With a groan, you turn around to shut it off but are stopped by Chan’s arm, which has already shut off the alarm and is back around you. 
“Go back to sleep. You don’t have to work today.” 
“Hm,” you hum happily. “It's really nice." 
With a laugh, you two stay in bed for a little while longer, eyes shut, bodies still. 
You’re not even aware you’ve gone back to sleep until you open your eyes to see Chan’s side of the bed empty. 
Pushing yourself up, your eyes search the deserted room, hands raking through your hair in an attempt to push it away from your face. 
With one last check to see if the boy is completely M.I.A, you steal his hoodie from the back of the chair, pairing it with a random pair of jeans found in the washing basket as you take a shower to simply scrub off this sick feeling in your bones. 
“Hey, is that my hoodie?” 
You rush away from the boy once your downstairs, stealing a pancake from the plate as you cross to the other side of the bench. 
“Of course it's not.” You reply, laughing when he rolls his eyes, spatular raised in his hand. 
“What do you want to do today?” He asks, flipping the last pancake over in a simple motion. 
“Hm, maybe we could just-oh.” 
Your ringtone interrupts you, face dropping at the sight of your ‘work’ contact. 
You roll your eyes at Chan, making a face as you answer. 
“Hey Y/N,” You immediately recognise your coworker's voice, “I’m so sorry to call you like this. I know you called in today and can't work, but this is sort of an emergency.” 
You sigh. Watching as Chan shakes his head, indicating for you to decline. 
“I really can't work today if that's what you're asking me.” 
“No, No, No.” she’s frantic as if she’s shaking her head. “Nothing like that. There are some people here asking for you. I've told them your not in but they won’t leave. Do you think you’d be able to come in and tell them too in your scary manager voice? I’ll cover you for the rest of the week, I swear." 
You think about this, giving Chan a blank look for a moment before nodding. 
“Fine. But you seriously better, otherwise you’ll get the scary manager voice.” 
She bids you her uttermost thanks in busts of relief, the phone clicking off as you turn to Chan. 
“There’s an issue at work.” 
He gives you a flat look, holding up the spatula in threat. 
“You said you wouldn’t go.” 
Shaking your head, you can’t but help laugh at his ’threatening appearance.’ 
“I’m not working. Some people are asking for me and no one can get rid of them. I’ll use my scary manager voice on them, don’t worry. We’ll be like 10 minutes tops, I promise.” 
He rolls his eyes, trading the spatula for a set of car keys. 
“Fine. But only 10 minutes.” 
You at work in the blink of an eye, Chan parking right outside. 
“Just stay here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” 
He gives you a nod and a smile. 
The moment you enter the room, you swear under your breath, body wanting to just turn straight back around. 
The teenage girls from yesterday stand at the counter, phones and bitchy attitudes in hand. 
Over the counter, your co-worker gives you a half exasperated, half thankful look, making you even more annoyed. 
“What seems to be the problem here?” 
Any trace of your friendliness is gone, your stoic manager voice making a comeback. 
You knew these girls all too well. 
They were self-proclaimed JYPE prodigy trainees, bitchy attitudes making them automatically better than everyone else. 
“Finally,” the blond rolls her eyes at you, stance leaned to the side. 
“We’ve been asking for you.” 
“Yes, and pestering staff when they’ve already told you that I am not in-store today. This is highly unprofessional for some trainees.” 
Your gaze goes to your co-worker at the counter, eyes transferring your exasperation. 
“Look, girls, I’m actually quite sick at the moment, and I’m running out of patience here.” 
“We have an issue to discuss with you.” 
You gesture for her to continue, leaning against the counter now as they look at each other smugly. 
“We’ve been talking,” the brunette starts, fingers twirling in her hair. “And we think that it's best for you to break up with Bang Chan, for his career and the company status.” 
You raise an eyebrow. 
“And that’s for you to decide is it?” 
“It’s not just us!” the third girl bursts. “Its a lot of trainees actually.” 
You deadpan her. 
“This is bullshit and you know it.” 
“No, actually it's perfectly reasonable. We just want the best for Chan, and you are just not that. We explained that yesterday.” 
“The best for me?” Chan’s voice is loud in the abandoned shop front, eyebrows raised in question. 
The girls group together in front of you, turning from raging bitches, into squealing fangirls in less than a millisecond. 
“This is highly inappropriate you know, to harass someone on her day off. She came all the way here to sort this issue out, but you continue to harass her. I’m disappointed, and as JYP trainees, this is even more disappointing.” 
“Chan!” The girl's voice is high, shrilling. “There’s been a misunderstanding.” 
“No,” he shakes his head “You have no right to call me that. As your senior, I’m going to have to inform all your teachers.” 
With his bitter parting words, he takes your wrist and pulls you out of the shop. 
“Hey,” He stops you once you're outside, hand lightly on your arm. 
“Have they bothered you before?” 
You shake your head, giving him your best reassuring smile. 
“You’re sure? Because I’m going to report them anyway. So if they’ve bothered you before…” 
“Chan,” You give him a small smile. “It's okay.” 
He gives you a look in return, opening the car door for you to get in, the car ride silent 
on the way home. 
You groan in somewhat relief when your feet touch the carpet of your living room, body flopping onto the couch. Chan is right behind you, body falling onto the couch as yours does. 
“We should watch a movie.” You say, picking up the remote to shuffle through Netflix. 
He only hums in response, making you look at him. 
“What's wrong?” You ask, brows furrowing in concern. 
“I know she came to you yesterday. I heard her say it…” 
When you say nothing in response, he continues. 
"I’m just mad that a trainee would do such a thing. It's not fair on you.” 
You give him another small smile, hand on his arm to calm him down a little. 
“Chan. It's okay.” 
“No, people shouldn’t treat you like this, even if you are dating an idol.” 
You nod again, understanding of his frustration. 
“I know. It's alright,” You tell him. "They didn’t hurt me, and nothing would ever make me leave you. I don’t care that you’re an idol. Your just Chan to me. The Chan who routinely cooks pancakes on the weekend. The Chan who FaceTimes me when I’m doing a late-night shift so I’m not alone. The Chan who goes to work every day to make awesome music; just Chan.” 
He smiles, eyes locked on yours. 
Mirroring his smile, you press your body into his side. 
“Why don’t we watch Howl’s Moving Castle? I could use a movie.” Chan says arm around your shoulders now, leaning into you. 
“And I could certainly use some cuddles.” 
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gold-from-straw · 4 years
Zero Degrees 2
Read from the beginning on AO3 if you prefer! I’ll also tag anyone from the notes of this chapter in my next post, I hope that’s OK! Otherwise it’s so damn hard to find posts...
"Wow, your car is amazing," Njala said as Mum pressed the key fob.
"Thanks," she laughed. "Get in, then. Bhaya will have to go on her dad's lap, but you guys can all fit in the back. Shopping bags in the boot first."
Even Teli stared around the car when they climbed in and Mum started the engine. Njala was stroking the leather and pulling open every pocket and storage area he could find, chattering away at high speed and pointing them out to his big brother. Teli directed Mum down Parklands Road, just past the giant white model of a lotus flower outside the Raja Yoga centre.
"There it is," he said, pointing to a mustard yellow block of flats. Mum pulled off the road onto the dirt driveway and waited at the black gate for the askari to let them in, while Erika stared open-mouthed and tried very hard not to judge.
The thing was, they went to a private school. Erika's family didn't consider themselves particularly wealthy - comfortably middle class, maybe, but there were other kids in Erika's class who lived in mansions and got five thousand shillings pocket money every month. She wasn't stupid, she didn't think she was that naïve, and she was well aware of the vast inequalities in her country. All Kenyans knew how bad some people had it, and at least this place wasn't one of those shanties the city council would bulldoze and set on fire for kicks like they sometimes did in Kibera, but even so...
The building was seven storeys high, loomed over by skyscrapers, or building sites for skyscrapers. Grey water stains draped down the walls like grasping fingers, TV aerials stood crooked on the roof with wires sagging from them. Every window up to the top floor was barred, and no attempt had been made to twist the iron into something decorative. There was laundry hanging on wires in every balcony.
It was the kind of invisible place she saw every day from the bus window, stared at unseeing when stuck in Nairobi traffic jams. If she ever really thought about it, it was probably the kind of place their maid Florence lived in.
Njala waved to the askari while Teli climbed carefully out of the car with a sleeping Bhaya and beckoned them all upstairs. The stairwell smelled of fried fish and cabbage, and someone was washing the second floor landing with a broom, sluicing water across the concrete so that it dripped down to the steps below and made them precariously slippery.
Their flat was on the third floor, and as Teli juggled the keys into the heavy iron gate in front of the door, a young man opened it from inside and ran out, an apron still round his waist and arms soapy to the elbows. "Father, you're back early."
Of all the Hotokes, he looked the most… well, normal was probably an insulting word. But he was. He had a round, friendly face with the family's high cheekbones, curled black lashes and a warmth to his brown skin that none of the others shared. He really didn't look like Teli much at all. He looked like a younger version of Erika's dad, actually, and she couldn't help smiling back at him when he spied her and Mum behind his dad.
"Hello, new people."
"Hi, I'm Gloria, nice to meet you," Mum said, flashing her white teeth in her standard self-confident grin. "This is my daughter, Erika."
"I'm Ummah," he said, taking half of Mum's bags. "And is this the Erika?" He smirked at Frio, who rolled his eyes and ducked his head again. "Sorry, little brother. Come in, please."
"Is he really your dad?" Erika blurted, unable to stop her bad manners. “Sorry... but you don't really look alike - and Teli looks really young as well."
Teli smiled, a darkly amused thing. "I assure you, I am older than I look."
"What she really means is she thinks I'm old," Mum grumbled, smirking and nudging her.
They crowded into the tiny flat, Njala dumping his bags on the counter of the kitchenette and running off to one of the bedrooms. Erika caught sight of a double and a single mattress on the floor before the door shut. Ummah went back to the washing up. Mum beckoned Erika and Frio over to the kitchenette with her head and they started sorting out the items that had been damaged in the fall while Teli took Bhaya to another bedroom and lowered her onto the double mattress on the floor there. He stroked her curls with a sad little smile, then gathered the mosquito net around her and backed out, closing the door.
"What happened, Father?" asked Ummah.
"Loud noises. Shouting. The usual," he said wearily and joined the pair sorting the shopping out.
Ummah winced, his face scrunched up in pity as he looked over to his little sister. "Did she get far?"
Teli shook his head. "No. But she was distressed when I caught up to her. I… at first I do not think she recognised me."
Ummah turned in the small space and wrapped his wet arms around his father's waist. Teli pressed his nose to his son's hair and hugged him back, a slightly wobbly smile on his face. Erika pretended not to see him wipe his cheeks as they returned to their jobs.
"I do not think much of this flour is salvageable," he said, crinkling his nose up as he lifted a paper bag of Exe out, torn and slimy with egg.
"Have any of the eggs survived?" Mum asked.
"Five are unbroken, another three are cracked. They should be fine if we use them soon."
Ummah checked the clock. "I can buy more on my way back from my shift."
"You should not have to waste your wages on--"
"Shhh!" he said imperiously. "I will help you whenever I please, Father, you are a fool if you think any of us would not." He dried his hands off and leaned close to Mum, lowering his voice to a mock-whisper. "He thinks he does not need any help."
"Ummah!" snapped Teli, and the boy winked at Mum.
"I like this one," she laughed.
"That makes one of us," Teli grumbled.
"Well, I like me too, so I believe you are outvoted, Father. Now, I must go, or I shall be late." He picked up a battered backpack from the corner and threw his apron over the back of a chair.
"Ummah," called Teli as he got to the front door. He turned, eyebrows raised in question. Teli came round the counter and hugged him very tight. "I love you very much. And I like you quite a lot too."
"I love you too, Father," he said, a smile in his voice.
"Be safe."
He locked the door as Ummah left, and stood by the window to wave at him. Erika heard the clunk of the main gate, and Teli turned back, pausing for a moment to brush his fingers along a small side table with a collection of odd items. A teddy bear, a long speckled feather and a collection of candles on a white cloth, which formed a U shape around a beautiful glowing crystal ball. It looked a little like one of those plasma balls she'd seen in physics lessons, just smaller, with a soft, almost sleepy light inside. She wished she knew where they'd got it from, it was beautiful.
Teli cleared his throat as he looked up at them, clenching his hand away from the objects. "You do not need to sort the shopping, really, you have been very kind."
"It's no trouble," Mum said cheerfully. "So how long have you guys lived here then?"
"Ah, well, nearly a year."
"Where were you before then, where are you all from?"
"North," he said with a vague smile, and turned around to throw some of the dirty packaging in the bin. Mum raised an eyebrow at him, but left it alone.
"What are we going to do with these eggs, Father?” Frio asked.
"You could make cupcakes," Erika said.
"Ah," Teli frowned. "I'm not sure I have a recipe for those."
"I could write one down for you," Mum offered. "Erika and I make cupcakes every week, practically, don't we?"
"Cupcakes?" Njala squeaked. Erika hadn't even noticed him sneak back in. "Are we having cupcakes?"
Teli sighed. "I suppose just this once..."
"Sorry," Mum grimaced.
"No, that's fine," he said. "They deserve a treat. After all, it has been a while."
"Can we stay and help you guys make them?" Erika asked, looking between the two parents. Frio immediately looked up at his dad as well, and Teli rolled his eyes.
"Very well. It is not as if I know how to make them myself."
Mum grinned at him. "I promise I won't let them make a mess. Where do you keep the sugar?"
"Sugar..." he grimaced. "Ah. Is that a necessity?"
Mum frowned at Erika, then back at him. "Uh, yeah, it's a pretty integral part of it."
"Oh, no," Njala moaned, and leaned his head on the counter. "I'm starving!"
"Well, I was planning to make pancakes."
"That's not the same." The little boy's words were muffled as he pressed his face against the wood.
"Hey, how about this," Mum suggested. "You guys can come over to ours one day and we'll make cupcakes and decorate them, does that sound good?"
Njala leaped up. "Really?"
"Could they come this weekend? On Saturday?" Erika asked, her hands pressed together under her chin. "Please?"
"If you're not busy, we haven't got anything on."
"Really, that is not necessary." Teli looked slightly lost. "Please do not feel obliged--"
"I don't," Mum frowned. "I don't do everything out of some obligation, Teli. I like having other people over. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I'm genuinely offering." She shook her head. "Come on, Erika, we need to let these guys get on."
"Father," Frio grabbed his dad's wrist, and Teli rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"I meant no offence," he said. "If you really don't mind..."
"No," she smiled, her voice still a bit exasperated. "I really don't, I wouldn't offer if I didn't think the kids would have a good time. Here, let me give you my address, we're only on Brookside Drive. Is Saturday OK?"
"I have work," Frio said softly.
"Sunday, then?"
He nodded and smiled through his braids at her. She scribbled their address and her phone number on a notes page in her schedule, then tore it out and handed it to Teli.
"Bye, Frio," Erika said as Teli let them out.
Frio waved at her and pushed the braids out of his face, tucking them behind his ear. "I'll see you tomorrow, Erika."
She followed her mum down the stairs, her shoes clattering on the concrete steps. The banisters were rough and cracked under her hands, shouts and music and a crying baby echoing about the stairwells from the other flats.
She and kept quiet until they were in the Range Rover. "Why do you think Teli's so weird, Mum?"
"I don't think he's weird,” Mum said, frowning a little. "Just awkward. Anyway, we'll see what happens on Sunday."
"How come they're so poor?"
"No, really, Mum. I think all the boys share a bedroom, how can they even afford the school fees?"
She sighed and tapped her long nails on the steering wheel, but didn't answer. Erika looked out of the window as they pulled onto the Westlands roundabout yet again. "I felt kinda guilty that we've got all that stuff and they don't even have sugar."
"They might not have sugar because Teli's trying to keep them healthy."
"You know what I mean, though."
"Yeah," she said. "I know what you mean."
Thank you to @fullmetalcarer who liked and reblogged last week ^_^
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spideyy-girl · 5 years
Hope ~ Peter Parker (pt. II)
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Summary: it’s been five years since the Decimation, and a lot has changed. Y/N has yet to give up hope and move on from the death of her best friend and the love of her life, Peter Parker. But when Ant-Man reappears from being stuck from the quantum realm, could there be a way to reverse the effects of the snap, and bring everyone back?
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Warnings:  INFINITY WAR AND ENDGAME SPOILERS, swearing as always, sort of mentions PTSD and depression, angst, sad, dad!tony x daughter!reader, doesn’t really follow endgame canon
Word Count: 4910 (13.7 pages)
A/N: had to repost because for some reason the tags weren’t working lol. Anyways hope you enjoy! Tony isn’t actually the reader’s dad, but he sort of takes her in after the decimation y’know.
If you haven’t read the first part I would suggest reading that first before reading this one! Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Five Years Later…
Y/N pried her eyes open, feeling the warmth of the summer sun soaking into her room. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before stretching her arms over her head. She lay back down, confining into the comfiness of her mattress, turning to her side to see the time on her alarm clock, which read 10:03 am. It was a little later than she usually woke up, but she did fall asleep a little later than usual last night.
Y/N threw the covers off of her body, standing up and stretching her arms over her head, the oversized white shirt she wore rising up her thighs. She walked over and grabbed a pair of shorts, slipping them on under the shirt, although the illusion that there were no pants remained. She walked back beside her bed and unplugged her phone, grabbing it off the table. She pressed the button which illuminated the screen. She smiled at the background, the one that used to make her cry every time she saw his face. Pocketing her phone, Y/N opened the wooden door and walked down the hallway, the cold floor tickling the bottom of her feet.
Soon she could here pitter patter of small feet hitting the hardwood floor. Small giggles echoed off the walls throughout the house, the sound could bring a smile to anyone’s face. As she turned a corner into the kitchen, she found the source of the sounds, the young girl turning quickly, her laughter increasing as she flings herself onto Y/N.
“Y/N!” Morgan screams as the girl mentioned crouched down to pick up the four-year-old, placing her on her hip. Morgan Stark had become like a little sister to the woman and had helped her through more than the little girl could ever understand. Y/N placed a kiss on the younger girls messy brown curls, bringing her into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Morgan,” she says, smiling at her as she gets a small toothy grin back. Y/N sways with the girl still on her hip to the soft melody of the music playing in the kitchen, spinning around every once in a while, causing a string of laughter to escape the child’s lips. “What are you up to this morning.” Y/N dropped the girl back onto the floor gently, thought Morgan still held tightly onto Y/N’s hand, dragging her further into the room, where you see two other familiar faces.
“Daddy is making pancakes!” Morgan says, giggling as she goes up to her parents. Y/N laughs, going over to Pepper Stark and giving her a kiss on the cheek before replying.
“Oh boy. That must not be good,” she jokes as Morgan pulls on her father’s sleeve, causing Tony Stark to lean down and pick up the girl who was curious about the process of flipping the batter. Tony turned around to face Y/N, a girl who he’s become close enough to consider a daughter as well, an expression of faux hurt painted on his face.
“I take offence to that,” he says sarcastically, tilting his head. “I am the ultimate maker of pancakes, and I’d bet you’d love them.” Y/N laughed, shaking her head and passing by him, bumping his shoulder lightly.
“I’ll stick with cereal, thanks,” she says. Tony scoffs, his attention going back to the now burnt pancake as he urgently tries to flip it. Morgan slips out of her fathers’ arms and goes over to Y/N, tugging you down to whisper into her ear.
“I think you and mommy are much better at pancakes than daddy,” she says not-so-discreetly. Pepper laughed from the other side of the kitchen, taking out plates and cutlery to set the table with as Tony brings his attention back to his stubborn daughter. He furrows his eyebrows, looking at the girl as she stared back at him, her nose scrunching up and a giggle escaping her lips. Tony rolled his eyes as he goes back to the task on hand: breakfast.
“Wow, betrayed by my own daughter,” he says, using the spatula to put all the pancakes on a plate before pointing the flat handed tool at her. “Just for that, you are getting the burnt pancake.” Morgan laughed again, going down and grabbing onto Tony’s leg, clinging onto him like a monkey.
“Nooooo, daddy,” she smiled as he walked, slowly with the extra weight of the toddler on one leg, to the kitchen table. Y/N decided to make his life a little easier and take the plate and put it on the table, before sitting down in her usual spot. She lifts up Morgan, after pulling her off of her dad’s leg and placed her into the high chair so she can reach the table. She placed a smaller pancake onto the little girl’s plate, cutting it up in little squares for her before grabbing one for herself and doing the same. The house was silent, the only sounds being the soft music still playing from the kitchen radio and the soft sound of chewing and forks scraping against the ceramic plates. After a few minutes when everyone except Morgan finished her food (it was harder since she lost her tooth just a week ago), a conversation started to flow.
“Oh, Y/N,” Tony interrupts the quiet, catching the girls attention as her eyes go up from her plate pooled in syrup to meet his. “Nat wants you at the compound this weekend for some training. It’s been a while since you’ve gone.” Y/N nodded, making a mental note.
“Yeah. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss those dorks,” she laughed, and Tony smiled. Although he still wasn’t on the greatest terms with the rest of the Avengers team, he’s happy that she had gotten closer to them all. It really was true that the team was like a family to her, they’ve all helped her so much the past few years, more than they know. Even the ones who she had just met the first day she came to the compound, and the ones she didn’t get along with at first.
“Alright, great. I’ll send her a message,” Tony says as he pulls out his phone, which was quickly snatched from Pepper, explaining how “there are no phones at the table, you can do that after,” earning an eye roll from the billionaire, but accepting the rule none the less.
Y/N grabbed the empty plates and went over into the kitchen, washing them in the sink. As she was drying them with a towel and putting them onto a dish rack, a photo caught her eye. She placed the plate she was cleaning and reached up to grab it on the shelf, having to go on her toes just a bit.
The frame held a photo of Tony and her old friend Peter Parker, who had died after the snap. It was the two of them holding Peter’s Stark Internship certificate, both smiling goofily and holding bunny ears on top of the others head. Y/N had never seen the photo before and wondered why Tony had never shown her before, or how she had never noticed it before, although it did seem to be hiding behind everything else.
“I love that picture,” Tony said from behind her. Y/N almost dropped the frame in surprise, quickly turning around to face the older man. “It’s okay, you’re not in trouble. I just hide it because it makes me sort of emotional seeing it,” he explains, his eyes not leaving the photo. Y/N could only nod, watching as tears start to form in his eyes.
“This is a great photo, it’s very… him, y'know?” Y/N says as she tries to smile at him. Her eyes also trailed back to the photo, noticing how happy he looked. “I remember when he came home with that, he was so proud… He really loved you, Tony.” She confessed, now not even trying to hold back tears. Tony smiled softly, finally ripping his gaze to look at the girl, only to see her own eyes looking at the boy in the frame.
“He loved you too,” he says, so quietly she almost missed him saying it. “You both loved each other so much, I could tell even when I first met you. And I know you still do.” The words made a sob escape her mouth. It had been a long time since she had cried for Peter, not that she was sad that he was gone, but she had finally accepted that he was gone. He was never coming back, and although it was harsh it was the truth, no matter how hard she and the other Avengers tried to find a way to reverse what happened. Y/N pursed her mouth into a thin line, squeezing her eyes shut to try and control herself as she nodded at Tony’s words. They were true, he was right.
Although he was gone- and she realized and accepted that a long time ago- she could never stop loving him, maybe in a way more than she was supposed to.
Tony watched the girl trying to hold herself together in front of him. It was sad but even sadder that he had gotten used to the sight. But trying to fix her was like trying to put an expensive vase back together with craft glue, as much as you try and even though it will hold for a moment, everything will come crashing down again, breaking even more than before. Tony held her shoulder, before pulling her into his chest, letting her cry into his chest. He could feel his shirt getting wet from the salty tears but he didn’t mind. He closed his eyes, letting a few warm tears of his own slide down his cheeks, disappearing into the girl’s hair.
They stood there for a few moments, letting her calm down in his arms. Once she stopped shaking, he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, before pulling her away from him, holding her by the shoulders again. She looked back at him, her eyes already bloodshot. She sighed, closing her eyes in a longer-than-normal blink.
“Do you miss him?” She asks him quietly, although she knew the answer. He smiles, nodding at her question.
“Of course,” he says, replying in a small voice so she wouldn’t hear it crack. “To be honest, there isn’t a day that has gone by in the past five years that I hadn’t thought of him at least once, or what happened.” Y/N nodded, her eyes dropping onto the floor, letting out a cold laugh.
“Yeah me too,” she sniffles, wiping her extra tears away before her eyebrows pull together in confusion, looking back at Tony. “God, has it really been five years already?” She asked, thinking of all that has happened. Tony laughs, nodding.
“I know right, all feels like yesterday,” he says, not really meaning it in the way your mother would say after explaining a fond memory from when you were a child. It was meant more in a way like the event was so tragic that it stuck with and haunted not only the two, but everyone who had lost someone that day.
“Daddy?” a little high-pitched voice says from the kitchen entrance. The two looked over to see Morgan standing at the doorway, a stuffed bunny hanging limply from one of her hands, dragging along the floor. “Are you okay?” she asked, this time the question was directed more at the other person in the room. Y/N gave her a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, of course,” she said, crouching down so Morgan could run into her arms. Y/N placed the ever-growing girl on her hip and she kissed her cheek, the girl in her arms immediately making her feel so much better. “I was just thinking of my friend, remember I told you about uncle Peter?” Morgan nodded, smiling.
“Spidey!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands. Y/N smiled, a laugh escaping her own lips as she nodded. Even though the girl had never met Peter, she already loved him, always listening intently to all the stories Y/N told about him and his adventures as Spider-Man. Tony smiled at his two daughters, even though one wasn’t his blood, he loved them both. He went over and patted Y/N on the back, kissing Morgan’s still messy hair.
“I’m gonna go text Nat that you’ll be there tomorrow,” he said, winking at the smaller girl being held by her. He walked out of the room, leaving the two girls. Y/N bounced Morgan on her hip a bit before turning to her.
“How about we got get you dressed, okay?” Y/N suggests. Morgan nods, placing her head on her shoulder, closing her eyes. Y/N smiled at the girl, carrying her to her room to pick out a nice outfit for her and maybe even do her hair.
Y/N hit the ground hard after her legs were swept from under her. She groaned, propping herself up on her elbows and blinking to make the stars appearing in her vision fade away. Over her stood the red/blonde woman, Natasha Romanoff. She shook her head, although she had a small smile on her lips.
“You gotta pay more attention, Y/N,” she said, holding a hand out for the girl under her to grab. Y/N only rolled her eyes. “You can’t let your enemy see your weaknesses, you can’t give them a chance to take over you.” Y/N reached up to grab Natasha’s hand, only to pull her down and roll over, pulling her arm behind her back in a lock, standing on her knees over her.
“How’s that for seeing my weakness?” Y/N asked sarcastically, smiling down at Natasha, who had the side of her face squished down on the mat below them, unable to move from the position Y/N had her trapped in. Although half of her face was pressed against the mat, she could see the smirk growing on her trainer’s face. She tries to nod the best she can in her current situation.
“Well done, Y/N,” she compliments, trying to kick herself up again to set the girl off, but was only met with a foot on her back to keep her side. “You’ve learned so well the past few years.” Y/N finally let her go, releasing her grip on her wrist and taking her foot off of Nat’s back. She quickly jumped up, dusting herself off and looking back at the girl, who shrugged.
“I learn from the best,” Y/N says, winking at her as they both make their way out of the training room into the locker room connected. Nat smirked as looked over and offered her a towel, before grabbing one for herself.
“And this is why you’re my favourite one here,” she laughs. The two of them get changed into your normal clothes before going into the conference room. Natasha sat down in a chair and called Rocket, Okoye, Nebula, Carol and Rhodey while Y/N offered to go to the kitchen to make them both a peanut-butter sandwich, to which she happily agreed to one. She quickly went in the kitchen and pulled out four sliced of bread, lightly buttering them before putting on a smack load of peanut butter on two and a little bit less of jam on the other two. She put the peanut butter and jam slices together, making two sandwiches, and also poured the two of them a glass of chocolate milk.
Y/N’s past experience with being a waitress at Delmar’s made carrying all of the items easy, setting a plate and a glass down in front of her mentor before taking a seat beside her and putting down her own. By the time she got back, only Rhodey was standing, talking to her about who she assumed was Hawkeye, or used to be Hawkeye. Natasha sat teary-eyed while talking to the War Machine.
“Will you tell me where he’s going next?” She asked, voice shaky. Y/N felt horrible for her, knowing that they used to be close and she couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have your best friend turn into something you thought they weren’t. She couldn’t even imagine if Peter had gone off randomly killing people just for the hell of it, but she knew it would destroy her too.
“Nat…” Rhodey trailed off, giving her a silent warning to her actions. But she persisted.
“Please,” she asked again. Rhodey looked at her with sad eyes for a second before responding with a small “okay,” and walking off the screen, the blue light dissolving. Nat out her head in her hand, trying to hold herself together. Y/N reached out and placed a soft hand on her arm. She knew Natasha wasn’t exactly one who found physical contact more comforting like she did, but Nat looked over and gave her a smile, putting her bigger hand on top of hers.
“I’d offer to cook you dinner, but you already look horrible,” Steve says, leaning on the doorframe. He gives Y/N a smile, to which she returned before they both brought their attention back to Natasha. She looked up at him, rolling her eyes as they had small banter. Y/N drowned out of the conversation, focusing on the small meal she prepped for herself before something caught her eye.
“Hey, there’s someone at the door?” Y/N said, pointing at the notification that popped up from the table. Nat swiped it to open the front door camera and was met with a sight that none of them were expecting.
“Hi? Hi! Is anyone home?“The voice of Ant-Man called from the screen. Y/N had to rub her eyes because from what she remembered Scott Lang had disappeared too after the Decimation, yet there he stood, just outside the front door. She stood up immediately, checking for a date on the camera.
"Is this an old message?” she asked, and she didn’t know what answer she was expecting. Hell, she didn’t even know what answer she wanted to hear. Natasha and Steve stood as well.
“It’s at the front gate,” Nat said breathlessly. Y/N shook her head, her ears starting to ring and her head feeling dizzy but she paid no mind as she sprinted out the door, going to see Scott Lang, the two Avengers followed closely behind her.
Y/N, Natasha, Steve, Scott and Tony stood on the latter’s porch outside his new house in woods, the same one you had been in just a day ago. Scott was trying to explain how he was stuck in the quantum realm for the past five years, even though it was only a few hours for him. He then used this information and thought about how you might be able to use that to go back in time and reverse what happened. The idea was extremely intriguing to the girl, thinking of the possibility for if it were to work. But she didn’t want to get her hopes up too much.
Because last time she put all of her hope into something, it ended up destroying her.
“That’s not how quantum physics works,” Tony sums up. Y/N sat in a chair beside him, taking in his words but not really processing them. She picked on her lip in a nervous habit as she undevotedly listened into the conversation.
“Tony,” Nat steps in, standing up. “We have to take a stand.”
“We did stand,” he replies quietly, looking down at his hands before looking back at the group. He glances at the girl beside him. “And yet here we are.”
“I know you got a lot on the line; you’ve got a wife, a daughter. But I lost someone very important to me, a lot of people did,” Scott said, the statement catching her attention as she stared at him, pleading him to go on. He spares a glance at her, he’s going through the same thing she was. “But now we have a chance to bring her back, to bring everyone back! And you’re telling me that you won’t even-”
“That’s right, Scott, I won’t,” Tony interrupts his speech. Y/N looked at him in disbelief.
“But Tony, what if-” Y/N tries to speak in, but Tony interrupts once again.
“I said NO, Y/N!” he says, his face turning red as he looks at her. “Kid, you don’t understand. It’s never gonna work, okay? It’s not worth the risk!”
“I’m not a kid, anymore! Stop calling me that!” She yells back. “And I don’t give a shit about what you think. We have a chance! I’m gonna do whatever I can to get him back, and honestly, I thought you would too…” her words are silenced by her trying to hold back her sobs as she standing up, the metal patio chair scratching harshly on the porch before storming off the balcony and down the driveway. She ran down the dirt road and into a path of trees that she’s grown familiar with, it would be her safe spot when she first arrived at the cottage with Tony and Pepper and the sound of the nature around her and the green tinted light from through the leaves of the trees would silence her crying.
After a few minutes, she sees Steve emerge from the thick packet of trees. He walks over to the girl hunched over herself, the sun perfectly reflecting the tear tracks staining her cheeks, and crouches down in front of her, squeezing her arm in reassurance.
“We’re gonna be on our way now,” Steve says quietly, causing the girl to look him in the eye. “Tony wanted to know if you’re still staying for the week. I think it’d be good for both of you.” Y/N averted her gaze back to the mossy forest floor and nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she says, her voice drowned out by the rustling of the 50-foot trees in the warm wind. Steve wouldn’t have heard it if his hearing wasn’t enhanced by the super serum, as well as pretty much all of his other senses. He gave her another pat on the shoulder, before standing up and making his way back to the little cottage. Y/N sat in the clearing, watching the small river flowing steadily just a few inches beside her, the quiet trickling of water crashing over small pebbles steadying her nerves. She closed her eyes, intrapping herself in the sounds surrounding her, wondering why her life couldn’t always be this peaceful and carefree.
After she felt she was good to go, she carefully stood up, walking through the shrubs and out of the woods, walking back down the rocky driveway and opening the screen door. She smiled at Pepper, who offered her a grilled cheese and garden salad for lunch, but Y/N politely declined, telling her that she’d be downstairs.
In the basement is where Tony’s little lab was set up. She liked to come in every once in a while when she was bored or had nothing to do, helping Tony with new technology or even updating her protocol suit. She never even put it on, but she had it ready just in case. Tony called it the “Silk” suit. The design was very similar to that of Spiderman’s, but instead had the colours of white, black, and pinkish-red. The torso was white, with light webbing details in the red, and of course the infamous symbol in the middle of the chest. The arms and legs were black, with light white webbing details that could only be seen when reflecting light, and lightning like designs coming down on the shoulders and things in the same colour. And the last detail was a thin material that covered half her face, which was a beautiful shade of red. It was breathable, but still a tight fit to reassure that it wouldn’t fall from her face and reveal her identity while fighting.
She walked up to the suit, which was encased in glass and stood proudly beside past suits of Peter’s. Her slim fingers delicately traced against the glass, admiring all the tiny specifics of the suit, and how the webbing reflecting a certain way in the light. She averted her gaze to walk over to the glass table, to do what she really came here for.
What Scott had said about using the quantum realm for time travel had intrigued her, and although Tony couldn’t see how it could ever work, Y/N had seen it as an opportunity. She brought up the pop-up screen and started making models, mixing certain materials and chemicals to see if anything could be stable enough to go through with the idea. She spent hours with her head swarming with possibilities, trying every single combination. And soon enough 1 in the afternoon became almost 11 at night, but it made no difference to her. Y/N let out a long yawn, rubbing her eyes before speaking to FRIDAY again.
“Hey, FRIDAY, one more sim before I head off for the night,” Y/N spoke to the AI, turning the holographic model, looking for points of improvement. “Umm, try an… inverted mobius strip? Please?” Y/N watched as the hologram shifted and turned into the shape she asked for, turning the model around and inspecting certain particles. “Also, do you mind giving me the eigenvalue of that particle there? Factor it into the spectral decomp, yeah.” Y/N points at a certain point, which shifts immediately after she says the command.
“Processing, this might take a few minutes,” FRIDAY responded, changing the model into different structures to see if any of them fit with the girl’s idea. Y/N watches intently, not noticing the small Stark girl climbing down the stairs looking for her sister. She sat on the steps, watching her work. It reminded her a lot of her dad.
“Don’t worry if it doesn’t work out. I’ll be back on it tomorrow,” Y/N states, looking down at the glass table, watching the reflection of the changing model. After another minute or so, FRIDAY finishes up, a sound notification letting her know that the model had rendered. When she looked up she couldn’t believe her eyes, bringing her hands up to her mouth and falling into the chair behind her. There, in big letters stood tall and proud.
Y/N felt tears spring up into her eyes, staring at the large words printed beside the efficient time travelling device she created herself. “Shit,” she spoke quietly into her hands, before springing up again and starting to pace around the table, a smile making its way onto her face. “Holy shit! Fuck! Oh my god, oh my…” she rambled on, spewing profanities as she looked onto the device until she heard the smaller voice.
“Shit!” Morgan said from the stairs. Y/N whipped her head around, shock taking over her features. She shook her head, giving Morgan a stern look.
“Morgan, no no no, we don’t say those words, okay?” She said, as Morgan stood up and walked over to her, Y/N going up to her as well. “Those are very bad words, I shouldn’t have even said them.” Morgan only giggled at her.
“Fuck!” she said and then laughed. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of how yes, she was most definitely a Stark. Y/N picked her up, shushing her before bringing her over to look at the model.
“Yeah, fuck is right,” she whispered, more to herself. She felt Morgan lean on her shoulder, probably trying to fall asleep. Y/N held the little girl close to her, rocking her back and forth to soothe her to sleep as she felt hot tears fall off her cheeks. She sat back down on the chair, still carefully holding Morgan as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, silent sobs raking through her body. She didn’t really know how to feel, but she felt the need to cry.
Tony came down a few minutes later, he saw Y/N crying on the chair, still holding his sleeping daughter, and beelined towards her. “Hey, Y/N calm down, okay. What’s wrong?” Y/N could only shake her head, looking at him before looking back at the screen. Ton looked behind him as well. He straightened his legs quickly standing up and turning towards the model. “Holy shit,” he whispered, looking back at her for a second before turning his attention to the screen again.
Y/N stood up with him and leaned into his side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his embrace as he continued to stare at the model, not even bothering to blink. He placed a kiss to the top of her head, before guiding them up the stairs and into their bedrooms, Y/N saying she didn’t mind if Morgan slept with her that night.
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gyeomork · 5 years
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(im jaebeom x reader)
genre: angst, light smut, fluff, roommate au
warnings: mild cursing, suggestive themes
word count: 3.5k
a/n: so idk if it’s been a long time since i last posted but hey i’m back lol. my last fic got like a lot of love so i was like oh shit wtf thAnk yU. so basically i got kinda in my jaebeom feels because of these pictures i saw and they just kinda hit different so i made a fic lol. anywAy k bye ^3^
“please please please~” jackson begged me. we were currently sitting on the couch in the living room having a conversation about me moving out so his girlfriend could move in. “you guys could just stay in your room and i’ll stay in mine. i’ll try to make my presence as unknown as possible” he looks at me bewildered. “y/n no!” i let out a deep sigh. “alright so let’s say i do move out, where would i go? hm?” “i already have that planned out “ he points at me and smirks “one of my best friends, jaebeom, i told about him right?” i nod. “he’s been living by himself for a while and having kind of a hard time paying for the place so i was hoping you could move in with him” i think about it for a few seconds. “is it cheaper?” he nods assuringly. “ok” i say and he jumps up in excitement. “but you have to do most of the heavy lifting” “ok!”
jackson sets down the last box in my new room. i lay down on the mattress already getting tired from the thought of packing out. “there you go. jaebeom should get home from work at 7 so you have some time to be loud with your music and bad singing”. “hey!” i attempt to kick him but he pushes my foot away. “that’s one thing i wont miss” he continues and i pout. “but overall i’m gonna miss you” he pats me on the head and i smile. “me too”. “listen, i gotta get going but have fun packing out ok! bye~” before i could say bye in return he slams my door shut. he’s not gonna miss me. i put on my music and start opening up the first box.
i finally finish packing out and take a shower to cool my body down. i put on some shorts and a tank top. i check the time and it was 6:43 pm; jaebeom should be getting home soon. I think to make a ‘thank you for letting me live here’ dinner-gift. i walk out my room and was surprised when the front door opened and two shadows walked in. god my first day here and we’re already getting robbed. the tall, wide shouldered shadow turns on the light and reveals a recognizable face from the some of the pictures jackson posted on instagram. he sees me and freezes in shock. the smaller shadow reveals a very pretty woman’s face that automatically turns defensive. “who is she and what is she doing here?” she inquires. i intervene hoping to clear the air “i’m y/n, jaebeom’s new roommate.” i hold out my hand for her to shake. she looks at me and scoffs, then to jaebeom “i can’t believe you” she walks out the door slamming it behind her. jaebeom goes after her and i’m left standing there awkwardly. i go back to my room to avoid more awkwardness when they come back. i can always make that thank you dinner another time. a few minutes later i hear a soft knock on my door. “y/n? it’s jaebeom” i get up and open the door. “i’m sorry i didn’t know-” “no, no it’s fine it’s my fault actually i forgot you were coming today and i forgot to tell her. i’m sorry she was so rude to you, she can be.. defensive at times” he looks kind of stressed. “it’s ok, i won’t take it personally”. “i’m jaebeom” he holds his hand out “we didn’t get to properly introduce ourselves earlier” i shake his hand “y/n” we both give small smiles. we hold hands and eye contact for a little too long. he scans my body and i become self conscious remembering that i don’t have a bra on. i let go and cross my arms over my chest. “i’ve had a long day, so i’ll be going to bed now. good night.” i closed the door as quick as i could without being rude. i scold myself for not wearing the proper clothes. i was so used to living and being so comfortable with jackson that i completely forgot that this is not how you dress around a stranger. especially a man. an attractive man. with a girlfriend. i brush my teeth and go to bed to avoid overthinking.
i wake up early the next morning to make a thank you breakfast instead in hopes of getting on jaebeom’s girlfriend’s good side. jaebeom walks into the kitchen while i’m in the middle of cracking an egg. “good morning” he says in a husky voice. “good morning” i reply back. “you didn’t have to make breakfast, i’m the one that usually makes it” “oh no i wanted to make a thank you dinner last night but..” “my girlfriend” he finishes my sentence for me. “where is she by the way? i want to apologize” he frowns and sighs deeply “she got mad yesterday and left. and i told you it’s not your fault, you don’t have to apologize” he puts his hand on my shoulder and stares dead into my eyes. all of a sudden, i get hot. like extremely. like so hot i begin sweating. like so hot that i hear beeping… beeping? i turn around and realize that the pancakes i had on the stove caught on fire. i immediately start panicking and trying to blow it out and it only gets bigger. jaebeom comes with a fire extinguisher and pulls me away from the fire by the waist. he puts out the fire swiftly and sinks to the floor. i sit across from him and try to regulate my breathing. he squeezes the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.  god my second day here and i almost burn the house down. what tomorrow? i blow up the whole neighborhood? i get ready for the ‘you almost made my girlfriend break up with me and burn my house down get the fuck out’. but instead he just starts laughing and i do too. “what the hell were you cooking that it caught on fire like that?” “pancakes” he widens his eyes at me. “oh i am definitely cooking from now on” “no i promise i can cook just let me show you” i get up and reach for the pan. he gets up too and stops my hand from even getting remotely close to the pan. “i think we should settle for some cereal” “ok” i sigh. he pours us both a bowl and says “i don’t work today so if you’d like to do something and get to know each other, i’m free all day”. “yeah sure what did you have in mind?” “i was thinking about noraebang (karaoke). i think it’ll be really good to destress after..” he looks to the stove. “stop!~” he bursts out laughing. “so is that a yes or no?” “yes, i’ll go” “what time do you want to go?” i look at the time that reads 9:28 am “maybe around 2-ish”. “ok, 2-ish it is” he gives me a cute smile.
we enter the small room of stress relief and put our stuff down. “you want to go first?” jaebeom asks. “why should i go first?” “you must have the more stress than me, after all you did almost burn our house down” my heart kind of fluttered at ‘our house’ but it was overpowered by the annoyance i felt. i suck my teeth and grab the microphone and remote. i choose a song to terribly sing to and begin. i get a 64 as a score and when i turn around jaebeom is staring at me in disbelief. “yeah, yeah i’m bad at signing ok next your turn” “i wouldn’t say ‘bad’ i’d just say a little.. flat that’s all” “yeah ok here” i roll my eyes at him and shove the microphone in his chest; he snickers. he chooses a ballad and starts singing. and holy shit he can sing. this man sing sing like damn. when he’s done he gets a score of 98. “so this is why to took me here huh. to show off” i accuse him. “no, not at all” he waves me off and laughs. “here it’s your turn” he holds out the mic to me. “no let's do one together” i grab the other mic. we choose a trot and have fun just jumping around and being fools. there was a time when i was laughing my ass off and jaebeom was standing there staring at me, smiling. i guess he was amused by my ugly laugh but either way it made me blush. after dozens of songs later, jaebeom was doing his last one. he chose a slow love song and the way he was singing it could make anyone fall in love with him. he sung with his eyes closed; he knew it like the back of his hand. he turned to face me and opened his eyes to bore holes into mine. the normal me would avert to look at anything other than his eyes but there was something different about this time. i felt like if i did, my heart would stop or my lungs would burst or something would happen where i couldn’t live anymore. i felt like everything i needed to live was in the eye contact we were currently holding. he continues to sing to me with loving eyes and cups my cheek with his soft hands. my face would be hot if it weren’t for his rings cooling me down. the song ends and he drops the hand holding the mic to his lips to his side. he tilts his head to the side and leans in. his lips meet mine and i freeze. his kiss was soft and delicate like he didn’t want to hurt me, like he was scared i would reject him. i close my eyes and kiss him back. that fear was soon replaced by lust and desire. he bends down to put the mic on the table without breaking the kiss. the now unoccupied hand finds its way to my hip, pulling me closer. my hands move to the back of his neck and get lost in his hair. they move to his chest as i snap out of it and push him away. “you have a girlfriend” i say in disgust. “how could you even think about doing this to her?” i furrow my eyebrows “to me?” i reach for the door handle and jaebeom grabs my wrist. “y/n” i shake him off aggressively and walk out of the noraebang and all the way home.
when i get home jaebeom is waiting for me in the couch with his head in his hands. i try to walk past him quickly to my room but as soon as he sees me and jumps up almost immediately to block my way. “y/n please let me explain” “what is there to explain?” i maneuver my way around him. “a lot” he follows me on my way to my room. “no i think i understood the situation very clearly” i try to slam my door but he stops it with his hand. “no you didn’t and you still don’t” “ahh really? what part about you kissing me while having a girlfriend could i not possibly understand?” i succeed in slamming the door this time and lock the door. “all of it!” he yells through the door. i take a deep breath and rub my temples. i take a hot shower to calm my nerves and stay in my room for the rest of the day until it was time to go to bed.
the next day i pack a bag early in the morning and go to jackson’s place. i just couldn’t stay in that house, i needed a break. i think i’ve been more stressed in the last two day than i’ve ever been in my life. i ring on the doorbell and thankfully jackson answers the door. “y/n what the hell are you doing here so early?” “so i don’t have to see jaebeom” “what? why? don’t tell me you guys fought already” “i tell you everything” i walk inside and to the living room.
i finish my story without getting my blood completely boiling. “well, i think you should let him explain” jackson says as if it were that simple. “no! why should i?” “you know how hard it can be to control feelings especially if they’re strong and i know jaebeom, i know he wouldn’t be so irrational”. i know i should trust what jackson says because despite his stupidity at times, he actually gives good advice but i can’t help but get upset thinking about what jaebeom did. i just wish he would have vocalized himself first before making such an impulsive decision. “plus i know things that you don’t” he says persuasively. “ok but give me a few days to cool down” “as much time as you need as long as you listen to him” he pats me on the shoulder. “great so can i stay here?” it wouldn’t be too bad because jackson’s girlfriend knows me and would be understanding. “you- wah~ unbelievable! yes but only for two days ok” “i thought you said i could take as much time as i needed” “you can but not in my house” he gets up to go to his room. “some friend huh” “the best” he shouts down the hallway.
it’s been about four days and i get a text message from a random number.
“y/n hey it’s jaebeom when you see this please respond. i am so sorry for what i have done but if you could just let me talk to you everything will be better, i promise”
i could not believe this man had the audacity to text me. did it look like i wanted to talk to you?
i respond anyway.
“promises are made to be broken”
i turn off my phone in anger. how did he even get my number in the first place? i close my eyes and take a deep breath “jackson!” i yell. he peeps into the room like a kid who got caught stealing a piece of candy. “did you give my number to jaebeom?” “yes but-” “no buts, you’re supposed to be my friend and help me why would you do that?” i say starting to get fed up. “because! you need to get out my house y/n! it’s almost been a week. how am i supposed to get some quality alone time with my girl if you’re here moping around?” i stay silent. now i see why he needed me to move out. he sighs “listen, jaebeom is at work right now so we could go over there-” i cut him off “no. nope, not possible” “y/n listen to me please” he says in a serious tone.  “fine” “ok so we can go and when he comes home i can help let both sides of the story be told and let you guys come to an understanding and everything can be sunshine, happy, and rainbows again” i laugh at the last part. “so do we have a deal?” i sigh deeply in defeat “deal”.
when we get to my shared home, i go to my room to put my bag away and jackson follows with a chair. “why are you bringing that?” “we need to all be facing each other you know. i read somewhere that it helps the brain process information in a more understanding way” i don’t think he did but i’d rather not question jackson at his weird times. i open my room door and walk in to see jaebeom sitting on my bed. i turn back to leave and the door is closed. i try the handle and it doesn’t budge. jackson yells from the other side of the door “you’re not coming out until you guys are all made up” i roll my eyes so far back they nearly get stuck. “y/n” a soft voice comes from behind me. “yes” i answer back with poison in my tone. “please” his voice plead and i found it hard to say no. i turn back and sit next to him on the bed, making sure to keep my distance. “go ahead” “thank you. firstly, i want to say i’m sorry for not speaking my mind before i made such a choice and not trusting you enough to tell you the situation and making you feel used. so that woman that you saw me with that first night was once my girlfriend that i actually considered to be my girlfriend but that was ages ago in college. i got this place when i was in a good enough position to and everything was good for a while but then bills got overwhelming and i needed some help and she was there for me. but then she got extremely controlling and i wanted to break up with her for the longest time but every time i’d try to she’d threaten me by saying that i’d lose this place and that my parents wouldn’t take me back because they told me not to do this and i just felt so trapped” i rub his shoulder in an attempt to console him. “so when jackson said that you could move in i was so relieved like the weight of the world was lifted off of me. that night when she stormed out and i followed her, i broke things off and that had to have been the best night of my life. i didn’t want to tell you we broke up at first because i knew that no matter how many times i’d say it’s not your fault, you’d still blame yourself. and i was embarrassed to tell the truth, i was afraid you’d think i was pathetic. but i feel even more pathetic now that you’re mad at me and you have a right to because it’s all my fault”. i started to feel guilty “jaebeom no it’s not, i should’ve let you explain yourself. i was a insensitive bitch and i should’ve listened to you instead of leaving without notice” “no don’t say that” he cups my cheek just like he did in the noraebang minus the rings so this time, my face was heating up completely. “why shouldn’t i?” i ask, my voice barely above a whisper. “because i hate seeing you beat yourself up and every time you do i want to kiss you until the sun comes up” his face was so close that his breath was brushing lightly on my face. “so why don’t you?” “can i?” “god jaebeom yes”. he crashes his lips into mine with longing and fervour; i return the same emotions. i feel his hands all over me and he lays me down without breaking the kiss. “let me make everything up to you” he kisses a trail down my jaw to my chest. he hastily pulls my shorts down and spreads apart my legs. he kisses the insides of my thighs lovingly and pulls down my underwear.
he collapses next to me and we both catch our breaths. he pulls me on top of him and holds me in his arms. he caresses my cheek “you’re so beautiful” he kisses me on my forehead and i smile. we stay there for a while, enjoying each other’s presences until my stomach rumbles and i curse at myself. “hungry?” he chuckles. i cover my face with my hands and smile shyly. he pulls my hands away from my face and kisses them. “come on, i’ll make you something and i won’t let it catch on fire” i frown at him and he laughs. he puts on his boxer briefs and leaves the room. i soon follow him to his room to steal some clothes from him. i search through his drawer and grab a black long sleeve to put on. jaebeom comes behind me and grabs me by the waist to move me out of the way so he can search through the drawer as well. “is jackson still here?” “no he left a long time ago” i hum in understanding. “wait, how do you know? and come to think of it how did you get out the room?” he freezes in front of me like a deer caught in headlights and runs out the room. i catch up to and jump on his back. he falls to the ground “tell me!” i start pinching him. “ok ok i asked him to plan it” “you ask him to plan for us to have sex?!” “no! i asked him to bring you here so i can apologize and leave after 30 minutes so then i could confess but i guess things took another route”. “ugh i hate you guys” i ease off of him but he turns on his back and pulls me back down on him. “you couldn’t possibly hate me babe”
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Gravity Falls Beyond the Woods Chapter Two
Here it is, chapter two! 
Wendy and Dipper are excited for summer, while things start happening at Gravity Falls again. 
Warning this chapter is rated T for mild sexual content/ Blood and Violence 
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The fire roared around her as Wendy looked for the family. Her fellow firefighters where outside, hosing down the fire. With a swing of her ax, she broke down a burning door. There she saw the trapped family, a father and three children, helpless in the corner. He was unconscious and the kids were scared. Lifting the unconscious man on her shoulders and leading the rest out of the inferno, Wendy saved the family.
As the paramedics checked on the shaken family, Wendy removed her mask. Her long hair fell down her back. After making sure the fire was contained, Wendy returned to the firehouse. She sripped off the uniform and into the shower. Her physical career had given her a muscular physique. Her arms had some nice definition. Not to mention her abs. Her wedding ring, a simple gold band, was next to her engagement ring, silver with emerald to match her eyes, Dipper gave her on her ring finger. She could feel the grim and soot on her. Wendy turned the knob. The hot water ran down her body, washing the ash away. God, it felt amazing. The redhead made sure to scrub the soap into her skin. She shut off the shower and grabbed a towel.
As she was drying her hair, she got an idea. Grinning, she grabbed her phone and took a quick pic of herself in the buff; sending it out to her husband.
The camera steaded on Dipper as he spoke to the family. “Okay, the first step in investigating the cause of a haunting is figuring out what isn’t.” He pulled out a small white device. “This is a carbon monoxide detector. You’ll be surprised how similar the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning is to poltergeist activity. Just in case, we’re gonna hook you guys up with a hotel while we wait for the tests. I’m also check commercial flight patterns and see if any fly over your house. While there is no concrete proof that that airplanes vibrations, I want to see if it as any connection too...”
“Oooo. Oooo.” The lights flickered on and off. A cross look appeared on Dipper’s face.
“Guys, we talked about this. You can do whatever you want in post, but when we’re on the ground, I can do my research.”
One of the producers answered, “We’re not doing this.”
“I can see Steve flipping the switch.” The camera turned to the left, following Dipper’s finger point. A man with quickly flipping a switch. Dipper looked at the ceiling. “That’s just a recording. These people came to us for help! And I do not appreciate you making a mockery of this investigation!” Dipper climbed up the bed post to better reach the ceiling fan. “This is a serious investigation! A serious investigation!” As Dipper reached over to the fan, to get the phone the “ooos” were emitting from, he fell down onto the bed, breaking the frame. Sending the mattress crashing to the floor.
The video paused among the students’ laughter.  An older Dipper stood in front of the class.
“And that was the end of my reality television career. Yes it’s okay, you can laugh.” The male Pines twin, in addition to marrying his favorite redhead and fathering two wonderful children, had grown up to become a professor of paranormal studies and history at Backupsmore University; his great uncle’s old stomping ground. “In out profession, they’ll always be people who don’t take us seriously. And some of that is on us. Flat earthers, anti-vaxxers and worse makes us all look like idiots. The thing is, is to keep your head up, question everyone, especially yourself. We are still discovering new species every year. There is so much more is discov…” His phone went off. He looked at the photo his wife texted him. “Yes!” Dipper did that little arm pump thing. “Sorry, something personal. Where was I?” The bell rang. The student rose to leave. “Alright, enjoy your summer. Apologizes to those who thought this was a blow off class and thanks for sticking with it.”
Once the last students left, so did Dipper. Walking into the staff room, he was greeted by several other professors. “Mason.” Most people he met as an adult called him Mason, but to his family, he’ll always be Dipper. “So, any plans with Bigfoot this summer? How close are you guys?”
“I’ve never met Bigfoot. Mothman owes me 250 dollars though.” This elicited a laugh from everyone. “But seriously, never lend money to Mothman.”
The forest was quiet. God, Rich was so frustrated. A top of the line government agent, stuck hunting freaking bigfoot and ufos in the middle of nowhere Oregon.
“This is a waste of my talents.” Sweat was running down his brow. Pale blonde hair a mess. He was dressed in the traditional black suit and tie, complete with sunglasses.
“You have talents?” Agent Mitch was spot on for Agent Rich, expect he was a brunette and was a bit more put together.
“Yes. And they don’t involve finding Bigfoot.”
“We’re not looking for Bigfoot, we’re looking for…”
“Yeah, yeah yeah. A statue of a Dorito with a Mr. Peanut hat. Real important.” Rich kicked over some mushrooms that had grown in a circle.
Mitch went to the ground and grabbed a handful of dirt as it held the answers. He spoke as he let the dirt fall through his fingers. “The statue of ‘The Cipher’. The thing that gets me is that no one is saying anything about it. Normally, you find numerous eye witness reports from the locals. But here, we got nothing.”
“Probably because there’s nothing to-” A series of giggles cut him off. “What was that?”
Mitch sprang to his feet. The area was suddenly filled with fireflies. No, they were people. Little people. Some were the size of flies, while others were the size of barbie dolls. The creatures came in a variety of colors, green, orange, blue, and others. Some wore clothes that looked like they were made of plants, such as leaves or flower petals. Others wore silk wrapped around their bodies, sparkling and completely see through. Most hadn’t bothered with clothes at all. Their laughter was childlike but unsettling. Both agents had pulled their guns out. Rich was swearing under his breath.  
“Greetings humans.” The speaker was six inches tall, lavender skin with deep plum hair; which was worn short. Standing on a mushroom, wiggling their toes. Slender fingers They were dressed lightly. The shortest of shorts and tube top, a slightly darker shade of their skin, was all the creature wore. Both were incredibly tight, hiding very little. Their face was pointed, chin, nose, and teeth. Eyes were purple with no pupils.Wings of a dragonfly sat on their back, sparkling. The body was slim, with the barest of hints that there was a bust. To further confuse the agents, there was a slight bulge in their shorts. Voice was raspy, making it hard to deterement gender.  “I am Puck, the most humble servant of Titania, Heiress of the Tuatha De Danann, Keeper of Tir na nOg, and Queen of the Fair Folk. You have disrespected our land.” The fairy Puck gestured over to the mushrooms.
Mitch was the one to speak first. “Please, we meant no disrespect. We are looking for a statue. It’s like a rock that’s shaped-”
“I know what a statue is. And I know what you seek is no statue, but the remains of Bill.”
“You mean The Cipher?”
“His name is Bill, but okay.” Puck touched their fingertips together before spreading their arms way. “But enough about Billy. Let’s talk about the desecration of our sacred ring.”
“The mushrooms?” Rich sneered when he regained his composure.
“Yes, the mushrooms. And punishment for such disrespect is death.” Puck dramatically pointed at the two men.  
The fairies had started flying around them, keeping themselves low, around Rich and Mitch’s ankles.
Rich laughed and simply stepped over them.
“Ah, Rich?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of a bunch of little men?”
He stomped down on the fairy hard. Puck raised their hand, nails extending, piercing the soles of the shoe, emerging out the other side. Rich fell over screaming.
At this Puck laughed. Their laugh was as light as the chirp of the grasshopper and as cold as arctic wind. “Little men? LITTLE MEN!” And Puck began to recite.
Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men; Wee folk, good folk, Trooping all together; Green jacket, red cap, And white owl’s feather!
The others joined them. The fairies landed on the ground, and began matching toward the men. Meanwhile, Puck grew in size, muscle bulging out, wings receding. Hands turning into claws, teeth grew not only in length, but in number. By the end of the poem, Puck was eight feet tall.
Down along the rocky shore Some make their home, They live on crispy pancakes Of yellow tide-foam; Some in the reeds Of the black mountain-lake, With frogs for their watchdogs, All night awake.
High on the hill-top The old King sits; He is now so old and grey He’s nigh lost his wits. With a bridge of white mist Columbkill he crosses, On his stately journeys From Slieveleague to Rosses; Or going up with the music On cold starry nights, To sup with the Queen Of the gay Northern Lights.
They stole little Bridget For seven years long; When she came down again Her friends were all gone. They took her lightly back, Between the night and morrow, They thought that she was fast asleep, But she was dead with sorrow. They have kept her ever since Deep within the lake, On a bed of fig-leaves, Watching till she wake.
By the craggy hillside, Through the mosses bare, They have planted thorn trees For my pleasure, here and there. Is any man so daring As dig them up in spite, He shall find their sharpest thorns In his bed at night.
Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men!
And with that last line, Puck picked up Mitch. The man started screaming and did so as Puck put half of him into their mouth and took a bite. Blood sprayed all over Rich’s face, getting in his eyes, as he screamed too. As Puck continued eating his partner, Rich got up, stumbling, and ran off; the other fairies swarming and cutting him. He ran, will tried too as he was limping, to a hill and fell down rolling.
When he hit the bottom, he felt around the ground. “Help! HELP!”
He felt a hand grasp his. It was metal.
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lovelyshawnn · 6 years
Nervous: CEO!Reader x Intern!Shawn (Part 4)
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“This was a mistake.”
Shawn’s brows furrowed as panick set in, and he frantically tried to get my attention. He reached for my wrists, but I quickly pulled it away as I pulled my skirt on.
“Honey, c’mon, look at me,” Shawn said in a hushed tone, not wanting to scare me off.
I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose and shook my head, ”Shawn, can’t you see? This won’t work out. Its unprofessional and lord knows every relationship I’ve been in goes to shit. This could jeopardize your future and your career!”
“I don’t care about that right now, Y/N! There are a million other internships in the world, but theres never gonna be a girl like you again,” Shawn said as his eyes looked into mine, not showing any signs of dishonesty.
I sighed. Shawn was only about a year or two younger than me, but he was so much more pure. He was so wide-eyed and optimistic. This was a characteristic I dropped many years ago, which was necessary for fending off competitors and making my way to the top to have the best company possible.
“You’re so... naive, Shawn. You barely know me, and I’m sure you’ll find another woman who won’t set fire to your life. Your should career matters more than this.”
“You’re right. I barely know you. But I know that you always tighten your ponytail whenever you’re working on a particularly hard case, I know that you always twist your rings on your finger whenever you’re nervous, I know that you roll your eyes at everyone a lot more when you haven’t had your caffeine yet, and I know that you’re just as crazy about me as I am for you. So please, just let me know you some more.”
I chewed at my lip, thinking about the possibility of us being together. Fuck this intern and his stupid ability to make me rethink everything I thought I already knew. Fuck his powerful ass, carefully worded speech. His charisma and enthusiasm had me thinking that maybe for once, I could make a relationship work for once.
I laughed slightly in defeat, shaking my head and burying my face into my hands. “Fine.”
“Fine?” Shawn’s face lit up instantly. He walked closer to me until he was standing right in front of me, peeling my hands away from my shy face.
“Yeah. Fine.” I stated simply. I tried to keep a straight face, but my armor was cracked as soon as I saw his big goofy smile plastered on his bright face. “You got one shot at this, Mendes. Just one.”
“Thats all I need, honey,” he replied nonchalantly as he pulled me into his body, wrapping his arms around my waist. He peppered kisses all on my neck, pecking at the red bruises he had left on me just a few moments ago. His innocent kisses gradually became more harsh and more needy as his hands clung on to your body tighter. His lips trailed lower down my chest.
“Okay, okay. Enough of that, Shawn. Its almost 12pm. Go home.” I giggled while unwillingly pushing him away.
“Go home with me,” He said softly, still continuing his assault on my neck. My smile dropped as I looked at him for any signs that he might be joking. Of course he’d be joking, it was way too early for us to do this. But the way he looked back at me, with so much love and hope in his eyes, showed how he wasn’t kidding at all. And even though I knew I shouldn’t, I felt myself giving in to those charming eyes. It just felt right to leave with him that night. And so I did.
When I first walked into his apartment, I was pretty pleased. It was a decent size and well decorated considering the fact that he had just moved here a few months ago. I trailed behind him quietly as he gave a brief house tour, taking in every detail. His apartment revealed so much about him.
At the last stop, he led me into his bedroom. Shawn began stripping out of his work attire and into some comfy pajama pants, leaving his chest bare for the night. I turned around to give him some privacy, which is when I noticed the brown acoustic guitar sat in the corner of the room. “You play?” I questioned, pointing to it.
Shawn looked up to where you were pointing, “Yeah, a little bit.” He tossed me one of his old tshirts to change into.
I catched the tshirt before beginning to strip in front of him once again, “Well, sing a little something then why don’t you?”
He chuckled before picking up the guitar and making his way back to his bed, sitting with his back against the headboard and his legs laid flat, one ankle crossed over the other. I slipped into his tshirt and climbed under his comforter. I planted my chin in the palm of my hand as I watched his fingers strum the guitar strings while soft tunes fell from his lips. The sounds felt so serene coming from him. Pft. Of course this crazy hot intern was also a beautiful musician. Fuckin unbelievable. Could this guy get any better?
“Alright alright alright Prince Charming, I think I’m gonna have to ask you to stop before I try and jump your bones again,” I said jokingly as I placed a hand on top of his.
“I actually wouldn’t mind that, darlin” he replied, placing his guitar cautiously in the corner of the room before crawling under the covers with me. I giggled at his cheeky comment and the light feathery kisses that he was trailing up and down my neck.
I grabbed his face and planted my lips on his delicately. The kiss was passionate, filled with more love than lust. He broke the kiss for a brief second to remove my shirt before leaning back into the sweet but urgent kiss. His hands travelled around my body, wandering over the valley of my breasts before planting them on my waist and flipping me around so that my stomach was against his cold mattress. Shawn pushed my hair over my shoulder to expose my bare back before stopping dead in his tracks, eyes staring down on my back intensely.
He trailed his fingers softly over the small world map tattoo on my right shoulder blade. “You have a tattoo? Who wouldve known..” he whispered.
I scoffed at his obvious jab at me being a proper workaholic,“Well I have to keep it covered up, its not very professional.”
“...I like it. Don’t cover it u around me. Please.” He said, fingers still delicately tracing the map.
I smiled in response. He laid back down beside me, rolling my body on to his so that I was laying on top of him. “Whats it mean?”
“I wanna color in every country that I visit,” I said as I let out a small yawn.
“I could help you with the Canada spot, y’know,” Shawn joked, “Have you try some real maple syrup and Tim Hortons, eh? You can even meet my pet moose back home.”
I laughed at his attempt of fitting in as many Canadian stereotypes in one sentence as he could. But the crazy this was... his offer didn’t sound so bad. The feeling I got whenever I was around him was unexplainable and different from any other guy. He just made me feel content and secure. And thats why I didn’t run from his joke about travelling together, like I normally would for any other guy.
“That sounds lovely,” I said before laying my cheek against his chest and drifting off to sleep for the night
The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed as the sun streamed through Shawn’s thin curtains. I stuck my hand out to reach over to Shawn’s side, but to no avail. Confused, I threw my feet over the edge and pulled on his old tshirt before walking out of his bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, I was hit with a strong smell of bacon and eggs. Shawns sculpted back was turned towards me as he flipped pancakes in front of the stove, doing a little butt jiggle as he danced to the beat of the soft music playing.
I groaned loudly. He was making it so hard not to fall in love with him.
“Hey! You’re awake! I made some breakfast,” Shawn said, flipping the pancake onto a plate and shutting off the stove.
“Thank you, Shawn,” I said before reaching over to him and giving him a small peck. He sat by the kitchen bar beside me and we dug in to our food, talking about anything and everything.
“D’you not like bacon or something, love? I could make sausages instead if you’d like,” Shawn asked curiously, noticing how I haven’t touched the plate of bacon since I sat down.
“I’m a vegetarian, actually,” I said. Shawn clutched his heart dramatically and clenched his eyes. “So you’re telling me: you’re extremely hot, extraordinarily successful, and you care about animals?”
I laughed loudly at his exaggeration, to which I earned a soft kiss on the top of my nose from Shawn. “Stop, you’re too much,” I said before realizing that today was a Thursday, “Oh fuck, what time is it?”
By the look on Shawn’s face, he must’ve lost track of time too. “Oh, uh, its 8:30,” he said, glancing to the clock on his wall.
“8:30?! We gotta get to work!” I said, quickly cleaning up my dishes and putting them in the sink.
He followed me into his bedroom as I threw on my clothes from yesterday and tied my hair up in a sleek bun. He grabbed his go to work outfit as I ran into the restroom and brushed my teeth with his extra toothbrush. After I was finished, I grabbed my purse and we walked out the door to my car. The ride to work was filled with music flowing through the speakers as we hummed and sang certain parts.
Parking my car, I looked over to Shawn,”You can go in first.”
Shawn scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, “What? Why?”
“I just... I don’t want everyone to know about this. Yet.”
Shawn was a little bit hurt at that statement, but he nodded and silently left the car anyways. He thought it was unbelievable that he was deep in my guts and making me moan his name into his ear just last night, and now I want to act like none of it happened.
I watched him leave before grabbing my spare work clothes in the trunk and changing discreetly in my car. I waited about 5 minutes before trailing into the building and up the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Arlene was quick to meet me at the entrance with todays schedule. “I did some more research about that company you wanted to invest to and I emailed you some notes, you have a meeting with Mark from HR at 10 and Tiffany from finances at 11.“
I took in this info as I walked with Arlene into my office, making it a point to not even glance in Shawn’s direction to not raise any suspicion. He noticed this action, sighing at how cold I was acting.
“You seem a bit distracted, is everything okay?” Arlene’s voice broke through my thoughts. I debated on whether or not to tell her about my night with Shawn. She was one of my best friends, afterall. But for some reason, I didn’t want to tell her just yet in fear of her judgemental reaction.
“Huh? No, I’m fine. I just need my coffee,” I said, turning on my computer to start looking through my emails.
“Alright, whatever you say boss. I’ll have Shawn bring it in a bit. He’s a great intern, by the way. I think we got lucky with this one, he actually knows how to follow directions in a timely manner,” Arlene ranted. She absolutely despised the not-so-bright intern we had last summer, who didn’t even last the whole summer in this fast paced work environment before getting terminated.
“Yeah I’m really lucky to have him,” I said without thinking before I said it, “I mean, we. We’re really lucky to have him. This whole office is lucky to have him.”
Arlene stared at me trying to save myself from that slip up, “...Okay?”
She walked out of my office with no further questions, but I just knew she has her suspicions on. She was way too smart to not know. I sighed, planting my elbows on to my desk and stuffing my face into the palms of my hands. Dating is so complicated. If you could even call it dating, we haven’t even officialized anything yet.
As if on cue, there was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I called out.
Shawn walked in with my usual cup of caffeine, closing the door behind him. “Hey,” he said cautiously, not knowing where he stood with me exactly.
“Hi,” I tried to put on a brave smile for him, leaning over to clutch the coffee and bring it to my lips.
“Are we okay?” He asked in a straightforward manner.
I almost choked on my drink, “What? Yeah, of course. Why?”
“I don’t know, are we gonna act as if we don’t know each other at work everyday?”
“No. I mean, yeah but no, I-“ I started before shaking my head, trying to find the right words to say,”I don’t know. I’m sorry. I just, I’ve never done this before. Even with other guys that didn’t work with me, I never let the office know of my personal relationships. But then theres you, sitting just a few feet away from me with that stupid curly hair that looks so good between my thighs and that stupid cute smile that I can’t resist and, I just, I don’t know, okay?”
I watched his face change from extremely confused to understanding to amusement. “You think I’m cute?” he teases, walking towards me.
I rolled my eyes but laugh nonetheless, “Is that really all you got from that speech?”
He nodded, leaning in to kiss me. His hands were quick to land on my waist, pulling me closer to his body. In return, I wrapped my hands around his neck and began to kiss down his neck, harshly sucking on his sweet spot and leaving a light bruise. He whimpered whenever my tongue would graze across the spot where his shoulder met his neck. “Please touch me, fuck,” he breathed out with his head thrown back and eyes shut. I smirked at his response but decided not to give him what he wanted just yet.
I unbottoned his slacks, pushing them down along with his boxers to free his member of its tight constraint. I lightly stroked it, feeling it get harder under my touch. “Mm, thank you, thank you,” Shawn whined into our kiss. I smiled against his soft lips, he didn’t think I was actually going to give it to him that easily, did he? Poor guy.
My hands wrapped around his, dragging it down his body to meet with his hard cock. I unlocked our lips from the kiss and leaned back, crossing my arms. “I want you to touch yourself,” I smirked at the bewildered look on his face. His face was flushed and his eyes were wide. He was stunned. He’d never done this in front of anyone, ever. He stood there hoping I was going to say that I was just joking or fucking with him.
“I said, touch yourself. And don’t come until I say you can. Are you going to be a good boy or am I going to have to punish you?” I repeated with an assertive tone.
Shawn shook his head no before taking his member in his head and stroking the tip out of fear of what his “punishment” would be, as if this wasn’t already punishment. To touch himself while I was stood right in front of him, not willing to even lay a finger on him, seemed like the worst punishment he could think of right now. But nonetheless, he did it and he admitted that he liked it.
He pumped his cock in his fist harder watching me unbotton my silk dress shirt, revealing a pink lacy bra. “Oh shit,” he breathed out looking at my sexy body.
I got down on my knees in front of him, batting my eyelashes up at him. I cupped my breasts, “D’you want to come on my tits, baby?”
His mouth was agape, small moans and whimpers falling out at the sight of me on my knees in front of again. “Yes, fuck yes,” He moaned as he felt his climax rushing towards him like an avalanche.
“Well thats too bad, isn’t it? Stop touching yourself. Now.” I said, getting back up on my feet.
Shawn’s brows furrowed immediately. He was so close, so fucking close. I tugged his arm away from his member as he gasped at the close rush he had. He took his lip in between his teeth, biting down to ease his nerves after being edged like that.
I sat Shawn down on my desk before I climbed on top, grinding on his crotch with my lace clad pussy. I was still fully clothed, skirt rising up as I grinded on his fully naked body. He balled his fists hard until they turned white to try and resist the urge to pull my panties to the side and slip his cock in my wet pussy. He was absolute putty beneath my touch, letting out a string of whines. When I started to circle my hips in figure eights, that almost send Shawn all the way over the edge. “Fuck! Please, please let me come holy shit,” Shawn moaned. His climax felt like it was coming on even stronger than before. He leg muscles were clenched as he prepared to see white, before I lifted my hips up and restrained from giving him any friction again, edging him close to his orgasm once again.
“No, ba-“ Shawn started, but he was interrupted by a knock on my door.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, you have a visitor.”
taglist: @vxidnik @justjustyncase @onemorekissisallittakes @kindadefinitely-fucked @hollandechart @imfreefallinall @ashwarren32 @nevermindmisha @winterparker @kinglyhemmings @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel @alinashawn @peruvian-bae
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