#the walten siblings
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I'd said what I'd said that I'd tell you And that you'd killed the better part of me
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halstar-the-clown · 7 months
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Ok so this community is a bit of a hive mind kgjdknflfj
Since three separate people all wanted the same pair, I drew a big page of just Edd and Molly. @userwhocommentsbirds @a-otter-appears @bpksii ask and you shall receive, my friends.
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Since I know Tumblr is gonna shit itself and mess up the quality, close ups will be under the cut 👇
Alrighty, here they are. Hope they look a bit better
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spacebunniesmha · 8 months
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I adore them sm😭😭
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ghastlychamber · 10 months
who wants to gift me an arcade game made by a sketchy company about a group of animatronics doing chores around a farm but in reality it's the ghosts of people from my past trying to talk to me through the screen while reminding me to take my pills
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junyduny · 10 months
Michael Afton,Sophie Walten and Frisk Dreemurr hanging around together bc why not? (VER 2.0)
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johnnycagesrightnut · 2 months
Before Somebody disappears Mason is happy. He’s 14. He looks 14. After she goes missing it’s like he ages years from stress. He looks 17, 16 at youngest. Juno’s a clone. Supposed to be identical to Mason. What if they’re only not identical because the stress has aged Mason.
What if Juno looks the way Mason looked before. What if Juno Micah looks identical to how Mason James looked before the stress weathered him. What if Juno looks like Mason when he was happy and looked his age.
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
sometimes i feel like toby fox made spamton and the addisons especially for people to hyperfixate on. everything about them seems so perfect for people to go rabid about its insane to me
for one, spamton himself pretty much counts for 4 people, those being addispam, big shot spamton, in game spamton, and spamton neo. now sure you mostly see people going rabid about in game spamton but ive seen plenty of people who are obsessed with a version we dont get to see on screen
secondly, even the main in game spamton himself is kinda up to interpretation. loads of people characterise him differently. if i compared two aus to eachother theyd often be very different and depending on the ones i chose could be almost like 2 different people, and then if i compared those to in-game spamton, theyd still be very different. also since you dont see addispam and big shot spamton on screen you dont even know what they acted like so again basically you can make your own guy to fixate on with a few prompts as to what he was like
dont even get me started on the addisons. now im biased as fuck here seeing that ive been fixated on the addisons for like 6 months now (send help) but toby fox basically gave us 4 templates for us to have fun with. sure based off of in game dialogue you have a bit to go off of when it comes to their personality (pink being an asshole and blue being caring for example) but even then every addison in every different au is slightly different and i have never seen two addisons turn out exactly the same. ALSO you dont even know the relationship these characters have to spamton meaning you can have them be siblings, you can have them be friends, or you can ship them based off of what you enjoy. OR you could just ignore them altogether (which a lot of people do lmao)
also another thing is the fact that you dont necessarily need to have your addisons' personalities just reflect off of spamtons. I mean the main 4 addisons give you enough to go off of to make your own, and you are given cyber city, an entire fantasy world for you to put them in. cyber city again is up to interpretation, some people have it be like a normal city, some people make it a utopia, some people make it a hellscape. the choice is yours!!
and even then in game spamton is so versatile. he is perfect for angsty stuff, fluffy stuff, or jsut silly stuff, and none of it is out of character. you couldnt really make an angsty spongebob edit could you, itd be weird and out of characer and no one would take it seriously. but also you couldnt make a silly walten files video, sure people do but its out of character and wouldnt actually happen canonically. but spamton on the other hand. hes the kinda guy who you can draw holding a wallet in his mouth like a cat and generally being silly but also you could draw him sobbing at the bottom of dumpster and neither would be out of character!! AAAA
also extra thing i thought id add but his backstory is also very up to interpretation, like i dont think ive ever seen two people who think spamtons rise and downfall went exactly the same. sure everyone has the same general idea of how it went but some people believe in acid theory, some people believe in puppetification theory, some people have a mix of both, some people have their own idea of how it went down, and with that you can project different parts of your own trauma onto whatever happened to him.
ok sorry that was so long thank you for reading my very biased ramble about why spamton is perfect byeeee
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butchsophiewalten · 6 months
03/16/24 Twitter Space Recap
There was a (pretty long!) twitter space yesterday, feat. Martin & Eva, with a later arrival of Crystal, and a (relatively brief) appearance from Coral. Kyle was going to join, but was experiencing technical some problems, so ended up sitting this one out.
-Martin starts the space proper by asking Eva to post some "Jack Walten Photoshoot" images he made back in May of 2022. Here they are:
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-Someone asks if Martin could possibly release unfiltered versions of the Walten Files episodes, and Martin said that at one point, back in 2020, he sent HD versions of episodes 1 & 2 to Eva, but later deleted them, thinking 'why would I bother keeping this around, it's all on my computer anyway,' and then his computer died, and they were lost. He says he thinks he has an HD version of TWF3, but that for TWF4, the VHS filter was applied to the scenes individually before the episode was edited together, so there is no 'HD cut' of the entire episode.
-Martin reads a question, "Is it possible you could describe what happened in the Welcome to Bon's Burgers trailer? I swear I saw it back in 2020 after Sagan Hawkes released his his video." and answers, "Uh, the Welcome to Bon's Burgers trailer was basically like, uh, a very low-quality, movie-style trailer with like, royalty free stock trailer music that was like, really action-packed. And it was like, 'We can stop him, Sophie! Welcome to Bon's Burgers!', and it was so cool. I'm not making this up, this is literally what the trailer was like."
-Martin and Eva joke back and forth about Sophie doing really cheesy action movie stuff in the WtBB trailer, like saying 'fuck you!' to Bon, and throwing a grenade at him. Eva than starts explaining some context for those jokes, saying, "Back in 2021, we like, desperately tried to, like, make Sophie this, like, badass epic horror protagonist, and it- it's just really funny, because that's just not who she is, at all. She's just some loser!"
Martin laughs, saying, "We were talking- we were like, she would not be like this, she would not be like this at all, she would be so awkward."
Eva responds, "She's literally just some awkward, like, mentally unwell loser. She wouldn't be this, like, badass epic hero."
Martin responds, "I think it was- in my opinion, that stemmed pretty much from like, Walter White, because we were on like, our peak Breaking Bad phase. And it was like, Walter White originally was so awkward, and loser, and then he becomes 'badass' and 'cool', and we wanted to, like, replicate that.
Eva laughs, saying, "...Now she's literally just some loser- loser girl. And she's like, way cooler now," to which Martin says, "I love Sophie, she's one of my favorite characters."
-Martin reads a question, incredulously, "'Out of the entire cast, who would like yaoi the most?' Nobody! Nobody would like yaoi the most... Well, maybe Brian."
-Somebody asks something about Showstoppers Inc, and Martin says that the series is currently on hold, so he can finish TWF5.
-Someone asks what Martin's favorite non-canon episode is, and he says it's definitely The Mysterious House. He says out of every episode of The Walten Files, The Mysterious House and TWF6 are probably tied for his favorite. He talks a bit more about it, saying, "I know it's not the best- Maybe it hasn't aged perfectly, but just- it just has that vibe. It just has a really cool vibe, that I really dig."
Eva responds saying, "It's such a fun episode. I like how it just all goes to shit.", to which Martin asks, "Wait, are you talking about Six, or The Mysterious House?" and Eva replies, "Well, both. They both go to shit."
Martin says "Yeah. Technically, Six- we've talked about this in private, but Episode 6 is very inspired in The Mysterious House. Like, I wanted to have that feeling The Mysterious House had, because I really love that."
-Eva reads a question asking what Edd & Molly's relationship was like, and she says she likes to think of them as siblings that just fight all the time. Martin agrees, saying he thinks it happens a lot that Molly is really annoying, and Edd gets angry with her very easily.
-Felix's new VA, Connor, sends some audio to Martin and tells him to share it with the space. Transcribed, it went as follows:
"Uh, hey, Jack, it's Felix. You probably won't be able to answer your answering machine, it said it was full, but it's still letting me leave a message. I'm not entirely sure- I already called the police, uh, nothing's wrong, uh. Well- there is something wrong, I- I can't take your kids home. I'm drunk. Uh, and- you've gotta be pissed out of your mind right now, that's- that's fine. Uh, I'm sorry. And if there's a way- way I can make it up to you- I know, that, like, why the hell would you trust me, after I fucked up the first time, but, I tried to take Edd and Molly home, bad idea. I swerved a bit- we didn't- nothing crashed, nothing happened, I just- I lost my balance. The kids seem okay, I hope they are. They didn't seem to notice, but, in that instance, I just- I couldn't do it. I can't. So, uh, if you can, just- I'm near Saint Joanne's right now, y'know, the forest near section 95, but. Uh- hang on, hang on, kids, give me a minute. They're trying to get my attention. We pulled over on the side- Luckily there was a payphone- there was like a gas station maybe a walk over from the highway. Ope, and they're coming out, they want to say hi to you. Well, I'm gonna hang up now, 'cause I don't have the- Hang on! I'm just gonna hang up. Uh, I am so sorry. I- I really am. And again, if there's anything I can do, if there's a future favor you need, I will- not fuck it up. I'd be fucking foolish to. I'm just so embarrassed, I'm sorry."
Martin was surprised that the audio was so genuine and sad, since he hadn't listened to it before playing it on the space, and thought it was going to be kind of joke.
-Eva reads a question, "'Which character would be into some real good yuri?' Jenny."
-Martin talks about "Raw Bunny", a character which originates from The Walten Archives. He says there were originally going to be two dolls, "Raw Bunny" and "Raw Tammy", and that Edd was going to possess Rocket, and Molly was going to possess Tammy. He has no explanation for why they were called "Raw".
-Martin asks Eva if there's any autistic characters in The Walten Files, and she answers, "Uh, Sophie, I guess, Maybe?"
-Eva reads a question, "'Would Sophie read yuri and yaoi?' I don't think she knows what those are." to which Martin says, "Do you think Sophie would respond, like, 'I've never listened to that band'?"
-Someone asks for character birthdays, and Martin tries to joke that Jack and Rose's birthdays are both on February 31st, but misspeaks and says "21st", which later lead to this very funny twitter interaction:
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-Eva reads a question, "What did Sophie do in college?", which leads Coral (who has joined the space by now) to say they don't think Sophie ever went to college. Martin says, "She did. She did go into college, but she got kicked out, because she shaved one of her colleagues' head bald... Like, Sophie really fucking hated this one girl in college, so one day, at night, she goes to her bedroom and starts shaving her head." The original question never gets answered.
-Martin keeps talking about Sophie, saying, "I can't remember if it was in school or college, but I had it written down that she broke someone's arm one time, because the person was bullying her." Then a couple minutes later, goes, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember! Yes, it was in school. I had it written down, because I remember, uh, this was after- of course, I can't get too much into it, because we do cover it in the series, but it was after the crash that someone was bullying her, and since she wasn't in a really good headspace right now, she broke a kid's arm. And that's how she got kicked out of school. I don't think she ever, like, returned to school after that."
Coral responds, "She was forever just wandering," and Martin says, "That is very Sophie Walten. Sophie Walten is always just wandering."
-Eva asks, "Which Walten Files character would've had an emo phase?" and Martin says, "If we were talking like, a year or two ago, I would've said Sophie, but now I think- uh, probably... y'know what? Ignoring, like, the time period and everything, if a character were around to have an emo phase, I think it would be Rosemary, since Rosemary's, like, the most artistic. She would just be like an emo for like, a year or two, and then she would be like, the most jolly person ever."
-Coral jokes that it'd be really funny if Charles had an emo phase, and Eva says she thinks it's funny to imagine Jenny going through an emo phase, because she's such a colorful and friendly person. Crystal says "I feel like [Jenny's] the kind of person that will, like, fully commit to, like, a fashion aesthetic, like 110%." to which Martin responds, "Actually, yeah, definitely."
-Eva says, "I like to think Jenny is like, really good at fashion and shit, meanwhile Sophie just dresses like absolute shit." Coral says, "I don't think Sophie knows how to dress," to which Martin responds, "No, I think she doesn't, but I don't- I don't think she has, like, bad- I wouldn't say 'bad style', because I definitely don't think she has any style. But I don't think she wears bad combinations, y'know? She has like, 5%-2% style."
-Martin says, about Sophie, "Her brain is one ketchup tall."
-Martin asks everyone to say something they think Sophie would actually be really talented at. Eva jokes that she'd be good at "Eating spaghetti.", but Crystal says "I feel like she would, like, be a surprise good cook," and Martin says, "Yeah. I feel like, since she worked at the meat store, so I think she would know how to work with all that." Crystal jokes that someone would think her cooking is really good and ask her for a recipe, and she just completely mentally blanks.
-Eva reads a question, "Would Ashley and Sophie be friends?" and Martin says, "I think Sophie would hate Ashley. I think, Sophie- I think she would stand Ashley, but I think Sophie wouldn't be able to stand Ashley like, actually going blindly into a fucking- I think Sophie would be, like, really annoyed at Ashley's obliviousness, to me. I'm not saying Ashley is stupid, I don't think Ashley is dumb in any way, but I think Sophie wouldn't be able to relate to Ashley's, like, motivations and shit."
-They start joking about Sophie getting high? Martin says that she could never be allowed to get high, because she'd freak the fuck out and have the worst trip of her life. Martin says, "I think if Sophie got high, imagine she's, like, looking horrified at the door frame, and she's grabbing Jenny's hand, and she's like 'Jenny, Ronald Reagan's here. He arrived. He's taking me away, Jenny.''
Martin keeps going, "Imagine- imagine Sophie holds Jenny's hand, and she's like, 'Dude. Jenny- I cracked the case. I cracked the case. Jenny- Jenny, c'mere, I cracked the case. I think Bon killed Kennedy. I think Bo-Bon kill- Jenny I think Bon killed John F. Kennedy.'"
-They start talking about if Sophie would drink, and Martin says "I think Sophie drunk, like, at a party, like- imagine it's like, the only time she goes at a party, and it was just because she was, like, going with Jenny, who was invited. And she gets drunk, and then she's like, 'Uh, here's my car. This is my car.' and she doesn't even have a car. She's just trying to, like, break into a random car on the street."
Martin jokes, saying, "The entire friend group is like, talking about, like, 'aw, yeah, dude, y'know, when my grandma passed away, it was so sad,'- and then Sophie goes like 'Dude, when JFK died, it was like a national tragedy.'"
-[Eva] "Sophie would hate The Irishman. If she watched it."
[Martin] "She wouldn't watch twenty minutes of it! She would be like 'Jenny, I don't get this. I don't get this.'"
[Eva] "She would be like, 'I'm turning this off, this sucks.'"
[Martin, laughing] "And Jenny would be, like, so offended."
-Martin says, "I think Jenny would be more, like, artistic, and, like into experimental films. And Sophie would just watch, fucking, I don't know, fucking-" and Eva interrupts, saying, "Sophie would enjoy Adam Sandler movies if she was, like alive today. She would enjoy Adam Sandler movies." Martin laughs, saying, "Do you think Sophie would watch Ted and be like, 'Ohh, that's just like me...'?"
-Eva says, "I just had the worst idea. Sophie would, like, watch those stupid fucking Sigma Male movies, like Taxi Driver, and shit like that, and be like 'oh, that's me. that's me.' Martin laughs, saying, "That is so accurate! Imagine Sophie watching American Psycho, and for an entire week, like quoting the movie." then later says, "Imagine she does the fucking Taxi Driver cut, for like two days, and then starts crying because she regrets it."
-[Martin] "Someone- someone once said- Did I ever tell tell you, Eva and Crystal, that there was this one time when I was high, and I- I heard someone on Twitter going like, 'oh Sophie would love Weezer,' and I started crying. I started crying."
[Eva] "She would! Sophie would love Weezer!"
[Martin] "No! No she wouldn't! And I started crying, because I realized I failed as a creator."
-[Eva] "Someone asked, 'Does Jenny get high?' Yeah, Jenny would get high. Jenny would be stoner."
[Martin] "Yeah. No- I think she- she was probably, like, back in like, the late 70's she was more of a stoner, but then, when she started living with Sophie, she kinda just, started like, just settling down. Into a jolly- Into a silly, jolly lifestyle."
-[Eva] "Sophie would get really irrationally angry over video games, I think."
[Crystal] "I feel like she wouldn't, like, say anything. She would just stare really angrily at the screen."
[Eva] "She would, like, pick up a thing on her desk and just crush it."
Martin says he wants to draw that, and later posts this:
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-Eva reads a question asking what Sophie's fears are. Martin says, "I think Sophie's fears, um, to me- and, of course, I cannot explain where this originates from, because again, it's spoilers. But I think one of Sophie's, like, fears she has- I wouldn't say it would be 'losing control', but not being able to decide what happens to her. Like, the idea of not being able to have control of her future. To me, I feel."
-Eva says "[Bon] would occasionally vomit blood, as a treat."
-Martin says "I think Sophie- I mean, I don't think she would be completely competitive, but I think Sophie would secretly be a bit competitive, when it comes to playing games. And Jenny would be more like 'Hey, it's just having fun!' and that's just because Jenny is like, the best gamer ever."
-Someone asks if Jack or Rose would experience road rage, and Martin says, "A lot of, uh, Jack, when I first wrote Jack, was a lot of inspiration from Me and my dad, because both me and my dad have had to deal with anger issues, and we both had to, like, y'know, go treat that. But I will forever remember how my dad would act during fucking road rage. I think Jack would act like that, just- Jack would fucking punch the fucking steering wheel, going 'God FUCKING DAMN IT!', and he would like, get out of the car, and- because this is something my dad would do- Jack would get out of the car and walk to the fucking thing that's causing the traffic jam. And go, like, 'Hurry the FUCK up, HURRY UP!'"
Martin goes, "I think Jack would go up to the driver that's causing the traffic jam, with the most polite, gentle look on his face. He'd ask him to, y'know, put the window down. And then he would poke his head through the window, and he would go, "Heya, man. KILL YOURSELF!!!!"
-Martin goes, "Why do Jenny and Sophie say 'fuck' so many times in BunnyFarm?" to which Crystal responds, incredulously, "You're the one who wrote the script, what do you mean!?"
-Martin says, "I think Sophie would eat the Forever Weed Brownie."
-Eva asks if Sophie would have the same anger issues as Jack, and Martin says, "No, I don't think she would have anger issues, but I do think she would have a big- a big fuckin' temper."
Eva responds, going "Well, no, she fucking broke some kid's arm and saved some girl's head, she probably does have, like, some anger-" and Martin goes, "Well- yeah, yeah. To be fair, yeah."
-Martin says, "I've told this to Eva, Sophie was a shoplifter, for a while."
-Martin says he changed Sophie's height again (For what, like the third time?) She's about 5'6-5'7 now. Jenny's height has increased proportionally, Martin doesn't give a number for her, but says she's still taller Felix, who's 5'7.
-Eva talks about how she was asked to sing a song as Bon for an episode, and the song Martin had sent her had some sexual undertones, so he changed it to be more kid-friendly and told her to perform the new lyrics. But she fucked up, and just sang the normal song, so they're just using that audio anyway, and it's really funny to both of them.
-Martin says, "One idea I had, back in TWF2, that I really want to repurpose someday- Originally, there was going to be a funny scene where Kevin, Hilary and Ashley would, like, play around with the robots, and dress them up, and make them do fucking goofy poses and shit like that. And I think, If i ever get the chance to do it again, I would probably do something like that... I would really love doing a scene like that, in The Walten Files. The caretakers just absolutely doing goofy shit in K-9."
-Eva talks about how she's a bit mildly uncomfortable with cutesy ship art of Felix and Linda, and asks Martin if that's weird of her. Martin says, "I don't think Felix was abusive, per se. I don't Felix, like, abused of Linda. Y'know, I don't think we was, just, uh- intentionally taking advantage of Linda's emotional state, for his own benefit. But I do think Felix was a very neglectful person, who- the way I see it, he was just with Linda just because, y'know? He didn't really- It was just a thing of, 'Oh, there's a guy and there's a girl. It makes sense, yeah, it should be a couple, yay,' Y'know? And the way I've always seen it is that Linda and Felix had, had, a good dynamic. But I don't think it was a good romantic dynamic.
I think they just- They took what could have been a could've been a potential good friendship as romantic feelings, and that was their downfall. And by being a couple they didn't really help each other, and Felix being neglectful eventually took a toll on Linda. Which- is bad! It's a very bad behavior. And I don't blame people who consider that to be emotional abuse, but to me I don't feel like Felix ever had that intention. But it's not a good couple, because they're not healthy for each other."
-Martin continues, "I feel like Felix didn't know how to be- Felix didn't have a couple before Linda. And I feel like, to me, Felix never properly learned how to love? So, to me, it would be like, uh, he wouldn't be emotionally connected with Linda. He wouldn't open up to her, and he wouldn't really try to be close to her. Both in an emotional and a physical way. It would just be like, every now and then, that he remembers, 'oh yeah, my wife', and just, like- a kiss, every one in 500 years."
-"I do think that Linda was a very independent person. And does- she wasn't like, too focused on, 'oh, how much does Felix care about me?', she was just, like, doing her own thing. I think it was later down the line that she started realizing how neglectful Felix was, and started, like, actually trying to reconnect with him, in a way. And since Felix had become worse and worse, he just kinda kept brushing her away until he ended up confronting her, and ended up hurting her feelings in a really bad way."
-Martin reads a question, asking, "Why did Felix start drinking, anyway?" and answers, "Uh, without revealing it too much, I think the reason he started drinking was because, uh, there was a problem, to Felix, that was starting to build up, and he started isolating himself on that problem. And, uh, when he started isolating himself, he started losing all the things he had, to like- all the shoulders he could lean on. So, without nobody he could actually go to, to reach out to them, he started drinking. Because it kinda numbed away those feelings, it kinda helped him control all the frustrations he had about himself, and the kind of person he was. And thus, at first he was just, like, 'Oh, it's just, every time I feel some kind of hatred towards myself and the person I am.' And it kept escalating, to the point that-- The moment he started fully hating himself was the moment he started completely drinking all the time. To kinda, just numb away those feelings."
Martin says, "To me, uh, the way I see it is like The Shining, where they refer to alcohol as a medicine. And to me, I feel like Felix saw it as a medicine, too. Like, as a way that, hey, it's an easy way to be happier with the person you are and the decisions you've made."
-"I feel like, in a way, the way I see Felix as a character- I like to think that he's someone who isn't happy, wasn't happy with the kind of person he became and the kind of decisions he took, because I think he saw a lot more potential in him that he didn't- that he didn't actually use. And, it's like, I feel like that frustration was the one of the reasons he got into drinking. Because it's like, just the idea of, 'Hey, I wasted so many years away not doing the stuff I wanted to do. So what's the point anymore?', Y'know."
-"Felix has- In my opinion, a very realistic, kind of like- I want to say a middle-aged crisis. As like, a way of being depressed over- I like to think Felix is sad that he didn't get to savor his young age very much. Because, to me, it's like, one second it was him and Jack going, like, 'Hey! We gotta do this project, and it's going to be so cool, so great and everything!', and then the other second it's like, having to worry about the paperwork, and the idea that- Yeah, sure, Jack and him are still best friends, but Y'know, Jack has his family now. Jack has other priorities, it's not the funny, 'Hey, we're young, we have our whole future ahead of us!' because now the future is happening, and Felix doesn't know what the fuck he's about to do, what the fuck is going to happen to him. And thus, he instantly thinks it's all doomed, it's too late for him to choose a different way to be, a different person to be with, a different goal to have. He thinks that all the decisions he made lead him to this, and he can't change it, because it's too late for that. I think that's what kinda dooms him, in a way."
-Martin says, "To me, when [Felix] had a low point, instead of trying to get himself out of it, he just accepted defeat, because he thought he couldn't get any lower than that. And, there was another rock bottom, and another one, and another one." He says, "I'm always going to say this- and this is kinda like, a message from The Walten Files- It's not a priority, but it's a message that you cannot live a future you do not want to live. You cannot force yourself to accept and settle down for a future you don't want to live, because you're only going to live in constant- you're going to be miserable with yourself! And you're going to be constantly looking to the past, instead of trying to fix your future.
And I think the main flaw with Felix- and you can even notice now, in the current content, that Felix looks a lot in the past, and he's stuck in the past, and he's so unhappy with the place he is right now, that he doesn't try to get himself out of it. And it's just like, "Ah, maybe if I just keep doing what I'm doing, it'll just magically get better on it's own!', and that's not how life is, so yeah."
-Martin and Eva talk about how it's kinda funny, how for them, Felix's hangups have served as a sort of cautionary tale, because his experiences and struggles are so human and so relatable, that his behavior helps them to understand why you need to work against the kind of thinking he succumbs to.
-Eva goes, "I can't wait until we can have long ass discussions like this, publicly, about fucking Jack." and Martin goes, "God! Jack is so cool, too!"
-Some asks if there's any "canon trans rep" in The Walten Files. Martin says, a little regretfully, that No, there aren't, not because he thinks there shouldn't be transgender people in The Walten Files, but because he doesn't go out of his way to think about applying those sorts of labels to characters as he makes them, he just lets them develop naturally, and sometimes ends up applying concepts like that depending on what he thinks feels natural for them. He says, "I never actually touch the territory of, like, their gender identity and all that. So, I guess you could headcanon any character you want as trans. That's totally fine."
-Martin says, "Felix, his main issue was not talking to people and getting help when he needed it the most, and I feel like the way I wrote it stemmed down from the way that a lot of- especially in that era- there was a lot of toxic masculinity around the idea that you cannot show weakness around other people. That you have to be, like, the strong person that takes care of everyone else. You have to be, like, the man in the group, the man in the family, and you cannot, like- you cannot be vulnerable towards anyone else. And I feel like Felix kinda grew up around that mentality, and he isolated his issues from everyone else, because he felt like showing any kind of, uh, vulnerability and just any weakness at all would make him lesser.
And I feel like that problem amplified itself when he met Jack, who was this collected, smart person, who always knew what he had to say. He was charming, he always had an answer for everything, and Felix felt like- if he- if he showed vulnerability towards Jack, Jack would see him as someone lesser than him, y'know? As someone weak. Not worthy of being Jack's friend, y'know?"
-Eva reads a question that asks, "What're some genuine flaws about Jack, besides his anger issues? Has he ever done something he ended up regretting?". Martin pauses for a while, then says, pretty definitely, "Yeah. He does."
Martin then says, "I feel like we could answer some flaws about personality. I think, like, the one thing I could say is that Jack also stems a lot from that mentality of, like, that you shouldn't be weak, you shouldn't show vulnerability to anyone. And I feel like, uh, he- the only person to me, that Jack was ever vulnerable to, the only person that Jack could tell 'I'm scared', to was Rosemary. And, uh, I feel like Jack is a person who wants to always be in control of everything. He cannot lose control, because when he loses control he feels weak, and he doesn't like feeling weak.
And, uh- He kinda, like- One of the bad things that happened, is that, to me, I feel like he kinda passes those bad habits to Sophie, who also doesn't like the idea of losing control. And doesn't like the idea of showing other people that she cries, and that she's vulnerable. And I feel like that stemmed a lot because of Jack."
-"I think one of the worst things with Jack is that he has a problem with communicating stuff. He cannot, for the life of him, just let out a vulnerable side of him. And the way I wanted to show that is that he's always shown smiling in photos, he never tries to frown. He never tries to show any other face, other than just him being okay, him being happy."
-[Eva] "I find it cool how, like, Jack wants himself to be perceived as like, this ideal dad type-guy, which is also how Felix-"
[Martin] "The perfect- the perfect person."
[Eva] "... In reality, Jack would be like, very- very flawed. Very, like-- I don't know how to describe it. His brain would be very, like- emotionally he'd be very fucked up. Not, like, evil- I mean like. his emotions and shit, he has a really bad way of expressing them, and stuff like that."
[Martin] "He doesn't know. He doesn't know how to express his emotions. And to me, Jack, I feel like- I feel like one of Jack's greatest flaws is that, to him, everything is appearances. He really cares a lot about appearances, and he cares about looking like the perfect role model, like the fucking 1950's magazine, cut-clear perfect dad, and his cut-clear perfect family where everything is fine, and nothing can ever go wrong. That's one of, like, Jack's fears. But if we talk more about it, we'll go into spoiler territory!"
-They talk about how frustrating it is to be so interested in and passionate about these characters, but so little of their stories have made it to the audience so far, so they have to be really cagey about everything. Martin says, "I think, mostly because of Sophie, because to me, the way that Sophie is shown in The Walten Files 3, that's just scratching the surface. That's not an ounce of, like, her character. And I really, really want to show what she does, and how everything goes down, but I can't."
-[Eva, reading] "Which character's story goes the deepest? Which character has the most depth?"
[Martin, immediately.] "Jack. Definitely Jack. (pause) No- Jack and Sophie. I think it's Jack and Sophie."
-Martin says, "Bon is so- a much worse person than Felix, but I really like that he's not as unlikable, because Felix knows what he's doing wrong, and apologizes and says he wants to change, but he doesn't. Whereas Bon is a delusional prick, who fucking- doesn't regret anything. And that's so cool to me." Later, he says, "I wouldn't say [Bon] has regret, but he has a lot of, like, emotion about what he's doing. He's not like a cold, heartless killer."
-Martin answers one last question, "What was your original plan for The Walten Files?" and answers, "The original plan for The Walten Files was actually very different, because it was- first of all, I had two original ideas. Originally, it was going to be just a compilation of, uh, footage of Welcome to Bon's Burgers, and I was just gonna plaster a VHS effect on it, and just be like, 'hey, look at all this cool stuff!' But then, when I scrapped that idea, there was The Walten's Archive, which was gonna be, like, a documental, that was, like, a retelling of the events that happened. Like, a 1990s documental, like, a dramatization of everything that happened, and that's why you'd see everything in like, a cinematic light and everything. And it was going to be, like, ten episodes. And I still have that document, and some of the ideas carried over to the actual stuff, but not all of them."
-Eva wants to answer one last question, too, saying, "Someone asked, 'Is "Bon" a 'it's for the greater good' type of person when it comes to his killings?' I'd say yes. Whenever he's like, killing someone, he definitely knows that they're afraid and that they don't want to die, but he'd kinda like, think of it as 'Oh, you don't know what's good for you,' or 'This is for the greater good,' like, when he's killing them. That's kinda like, a way he would justify it in his mind. Like he would just think, 'Oh, yeah, you want this, you just don't know it,' like shit like that."
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rosemaryfuckingwalten · 6 months
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dannybobany · 8 months
I see Sophie walten compared to Micheal Afton a lot and that’s understandable I mean …. Yeah, but when you think about it she’s a lot like Charlie Emily
They’re both missing a sibling(s) they can barely remember, who were taken from them when they were too young to fully know them
They were both wronged by their fathers best friend, a selfish man whom they once thought of as family, once called “uncle”
And I mean, Jack is sort of like Henry in some ways, a close bond replaced by a seething rage,,, (Felix/william)
Also. Greyscale dads. Food for thought
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omori-headspace · 8 months
sorry hold on
okay. so. horror siblings. but mane six. please im autisming
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Thomas Greywhinder -> Twilight Sparkle
i can see him being stressed about the littlest of things. i mean. look at the photo of him. and also i didnt have a more suitable fit for twilight. soooo
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2. Macy Greywhinder -> Rainbow Dash
iirc she's very excitable and she seems like the type to do the type of shit rainbow dash does. she also has mabel pines energy. which is moreso pinkie pie energy but pinkie pies honor goes to someone else. and. no one else fit. if she was anypony else she would be pinkie tho
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3. Edward Walten -> Applejack
come on man. just come ON. he is clearly the eldest of the group- him being 11 or 12 in canon, and all the other kids are around the 6-8 age range. so i think ed is the guy to keep people in check and also seems like the honest type? idk. mother hen of the group i guess
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4. Molly Walten -> Pinkie Pie
i'on even need to say anything.
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5. Elizabeth Afton -> Rarity
yes yes i KNOW she is more pinkie pie (or most notably sweetie belle) energy but LISTEN. she is totally the type to make a fuss about her hair. like look at her. i also headcanon the aftons to be dedicated to their reputation and maybe are above middle class in terms of wealth, so she has high standards on her beauty. shes also the type to be a fashion designer one day
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6. Evan Afton -> Fluttershy
again. i do NOT need to say anything. its just how it is
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
*Plops this onto your lap like a cat drops a dead mouse on its human's doorstep* Enjoy, friends!
It's got Edd and Molly's povs, some sad Rosemary, sibling squabble, light angst, and whole heap of tooth rotting fluff for y'all to enjoy!
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junyduny · 10 months
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Michael Afton,Sophie Walten and Frisk Dreemurr hanging around together bc why not?
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tokox02 · 7 months
Question for everyone please.
La-La: Can you please tie your siblings to a chair and do their makeup?
Walten: Can you please use your powers on something?
Iruu: Can you get a pet cat and put the cat and Po in the same room together for 1 hour?
Tinky:Have you ever seen Po do something stupid that end up being reasonable? Also please let Lala do you hair?
Dipsy: How are you doing? (Sorry couldn’t think of a better question ⊙︿⊙)
Po: Can you get a pet spider and put it in Tinky’s room?
Also one quick question How do their powers work and when is the next animation meme (Sorry just dying to know (●´ϖ`●))? Bye love your videos keep up the good work
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Also for the last question, the powers are given through genetic and only activated when they are around 10-12 (some ppl might delay for unknown reason), if not genetic then it's stolen magic
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pleasantspark · 7 months
Welcome To My Blog!
For starters, hello, my name is Orion, I go by many handles, 16xOrion, PleasantSpark and sometimes just Orion. I make content for Welcome Home, Sims, DDLC, Mega Man, Hazbin Hotel, Transformers... You get it all, but mainly I am fixated on DBZ.
Things You Should Know About Me
I own Over 9000 AUs, I own a fair share of OCs, and well. I have a personal artist who does not want to be credited (Mainly because they are and I quote "A Child" (They are 13) and they don't want to be out there.))
My favorite things are somewhat mixed bag.
I also use AI ART AS A TOOL.
DNI If You...
I am finna get hate but please DNI if you're a Minor (This falls under only this Tumblr bc I am mostly SFW on other platforms Minus A03, Wattpad... On Discord I am FULLY SFW).
Do not Interact if ur a Proshipper (I don't have issues with y'all its just I don't want to interact with people and get the other side pissy at me, bc I don't take sides.)
DNI if you're a bigot, Racist, Transphobe, Homophobe...
Selfshipping Info
I licherally forgor to share shit.
Romantic Husk - Hazbin Hotel (Shipped with my Self Insert Nyx) Husk/Angel Dusk - Hazbin Hotel (Shipped with my Male Self Insert Moon) Beerus - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Chi/Chiara) - Married Whis - DBS/DBZ (Shipped with my Self Insert Athena/G.O.D. Brandi) - Married Alastor - Hazbin Hotel (Shipped with my Self Insert Pandora Morningstar) - Married Adam - Hazbin Hotel (Shipped with my Self Insert Nyx) - Formerly Married (In Left Behind) Liquiir - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Kuras [Sister of Beerus and Champa, all are triplets]) - Mates The Main Six (Rung, Rodimus Prime, Skids, Swerve, Kup, Whirl) - Transformers MTMTE (Polyship, Shipped with my Self Insert Comet) - Sparkbonded Goku - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert May, Only in selective versions oi an AU) - MARRIED, FUCK YOU CHI CHI Yamcha - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Goki [Goku's Twin Sister]) - Married Vegeta - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Calypso Briefs (Twin sister of Bulma) - Married Zamasu/Goku Black - DBZ/DBZ (Shipped with my Self Inserts Maru/Goki Black respectively) - Married, semi Polycule Hit - DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Colbat [Beerus and Champa's DAUGHTER?! Yeah, Colbat's Mom cheated on Beerus and ended up going with Champa and they are unsure who the father is.]) Grand Priest/Whis/Vados/Mohito/Kusu/Sour/Camparri/Cognac/Cukatail/Kusu/Marcerta/Martinu/Merus - DBS [Polyship, All Relationships a LOOONG V shaped. None of them are dating each other, only me.) - MARRIED (Wait how does that work? I dunno.) Grand Priest - DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Angel) - MARRIED Android 16 - DBZ (AU where he didn't die, bc fuck canon, shipped with my self insert Orion) - MARRIED Fu - DBS/XV2/DBH (Shipped with my Demon Self Insert Echo) - MARRIED Alan Orion/John Doe/Alastor/Zamasu/Caine/Jack Walten/Jax/Astarion/Monika/Mateo/Ford/Wally Darling/Peter - My Dear Hatchet Man, John Doe, Hazbin Hotel, Dragon Ball Super, The Amazing Digital Circus, The Walten Files, Buldar's Gate 3, Doki Doki Literture Club, Steampunkochi, Welcome Home, Your Boyfriend (Shipped with my Isekai'd Yandere AU Protag, Orion) - MARRIED? Shinzu - OC? Canon Character? DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Kai Self Insert Aura, alternatively with Beerus and Chi) - MARRIED Jack Walten - The Walten Files (Shipped with my Self Insert Orion Walten) - MARRIED Frieza - DBZ/DBS (Shipped with my Self Insert Frostbyte [Female Freiza Race, Often but mainly May my Saiyan OC.) (There's probably OVER 9000 others but too lazy) (Expect a Caard soon. Or a website.) Familial Liquiir and I's Kits - Children Chocolate & Ankho - Beerus' and I's Children Gohan, Goten, Gine the II, Goki The II, Goshin - Goku and I's Children Rose - Adoptive Daughter Fizz & Deni - OC and I's Twin Children King Vegeta, Vegeta, Tarble, Queen Salz (Mother of Vegeta, May and Tarble) - May/My Family Raditz & Goki - Sibling In Laws Bardock & Gine - Parent In Laws Calypso & Bulma - Sibling in Laws Trunks & Bulla - Nibling in Laws Yamcha Jr, Cody, Miracle, Goku The II - Nibling In Laws Matt - Grand-Son Android 16 (May) - Son in Law Whis (Orion) - Adoptive Father Kuriza & Hale (May) - Sons Champa & Beerus (Kuras) - Twin Older Brothers (I am the triplet younger sister)
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snoople-boop · 5 months
Fandom Oneshots: Sophie In Wonderland (The Walten Files)
This was requested by TheGrimRead3r on A03. If you want to request me anything let me know (keep your fetisheize to yourself and don't request me any weird shit. Your gonna get blocked if you do)
She remembers what happened at Bunnyfarm... Everyone else that got hurt including her own family
A white man was next to her and scared her. Sophie is haunted by memories of Bunnyfarm, where so many people were killed, including her own family. She is startled by the appearance of a mysterious white man, and it triggers her fear. "Who are you?" Sophie said, Bon got close to her and leaned forward "my n am e is B on" he said "I do n't t hi nk we've me t be fore" "Bon" said "b ut" he trailed off "yo ur moth er said so mu ch abo t you" Bob tried to to place his hand on her check and backed away Sophie remains alert and doesn't let "Bon" get too close. She looks puzzled as he trails off, and says, "My mother did?" "Bon" tries to place his hand on her cheek, but she pulls away. "Y es". She seems surprised with Bon's assertion, and doesn't quite believe him. "What did she say?" She asks. Bon gets a little closer and tries to place his hand on her cheek again, but she pulls away just like before. This time, he doesn't try to stop her. "T hat y ou we r e specia l, tha t y ou wer e her on ly chi ld." Bon says gently.
She glared at "Bon" "I had two other siblings, Edd and Molly, I was never an only child" "I th in k she me ant tha t y ou wer e her specia l chi ld." "Bon" says sympathetically. "She loved you ve ry, ve ry mu ch." Sophie remains silent, taking in "Bon's" words. A hint of sadness crosses her face as she remembers her family. "My mother loved me very much..." she repeats softly. 
"Bon" tries to grab Sophie's hand while she resists. He seems to be trying to gain her trust, but she's not letting him get close to her. "Le t me ta ke yo u to h er," "Bon" says earnestly once again, "S he wa nts to se e y ou"
He makes one more attempt to grab her hand, but she pulls away again. "Wait..." Sophie says once more, "Your name sounds familiar..." "My n ame is no t Im porta nt r igh t no w de ar" "Bon" said as he looked at her "yo ur m o ther is wor ried" Sophie looked at him "who are you"
"Bon's" voice had a certain kindness to it, but even so, something about him made Sophie feel uneasy. She tried to pull her hand away again, but Bon grabbed it before she could. "Do n't be af raid," he said softly, "I'm n ot goi ng to hu rt y ou."
"Why should I trust you?" Sophie said with a mixture of anger and fear in her voice, "I don't even know who you are." "I'm j ust he re to he lp," Bon said gently, "Yo ur mo th er se nt me to fin d y ou. S he wa nts u s to go ba ck-"
She looked back at "Bon" and he turned into the rabbit from Bunnyfarm
"-S he wa nts to s ee y ou."
Sophie recoiled in fear as "Bon" transforms into the dreaded rabbit from Bunnyfarm. The memories of that fateful incident came flooding back, and she felt the same terror she felt that day. But a creeping doubt began to set in, could this actually be true? Could her mother actually be alive? Or was this some sort of sick, twisted joke? "You- you killed innocent people including my mother, why!" The rabbit remained silent, not willing to respond to Sophie's accusations. He just stared at her, his face conveying no emotion whatsoever. It was as if he was waiting for her to make the next move. Sophie was shaking with anger and fear, her heart racing and her body aching from the adrenaline. In a moment of rage, she lunged forward to attack the rabbit, but he ducked out of the way easily and quickly. "Oh S oph ie" Bon said
Sophie froze, hearing her name in the rabbit's voice. Something about it sent chills down her spine. "H-how do you know my name?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear. The rabbit didn't respond, just smiled back at her chillingly. The rabbit took a step towards her, his sharp teeth and piercing eyes making her recoil in fear. "I kn ow a l ot of th ings, my de ar." He said, his voice menacingly calm. Sophie felt trapped, like a deer in the headlights. "D on't be afr aid," The rabbit continued, "I'm not go ing to h urt yo u..."
Sophie stayed frozen. She was terrified, but the rabbit's tone made her feel slightly emboldened. Maybe she could reason with him, or at least figure out what he wanted. "What do you want from me?" She asked, her voice still trembling. "J ust to s ee yo ur m oth er." The rabbit calmly replied, "Sh e wa nts to s ee yo u to o, and s he's wa itin g for yo u." People with masks came into view, a sheep, a clown, a purple rabbit, and a musician "a re n't th ey bea utif ul So ph ie" Sophie felt her heart sink as the masks appeared, knowing that those were the faces of the other victims of Bunnyfarm. It was a horrifying sight, and reminded her of their tragic fates. She wanted to look away, but at the same time she couldn't help but stare at the masks. "Why are you showing me this?" She asked the rabbit.
"Y ou ca n't make an om elett e, wit ho ut br eak ing a f ew eg gs" "Bon" said as he grabbed her arm, Sophie flinched in pain as Bon grabbed her arm, but she didn't try to pull away. She didn't want to make him angry. "What do you mean?" She asked nervously. Sophie struggled to understand what Bon was saying. She wanted to fight back, but he had a firm grip on her arm. And before she knew it, she was surrounded by the masks - the other victims of Bunnyfarm. The sight of the masks triggered a wave of anger within her, and she tried to pull away from Bon's grip again, but he wouldn't let go. She pulled hard, but he held fast and she just couldn't get free.
In a sudden burst of anger, Sophie twisted her arm hard, causing Bon to let go. She swung at Bon, but he was quick and dodged just in time. He lunged forward and grabbed her arm again, but this time she was prepared. She kicked Bon in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and allowing her to spin away. Sophie stood her ground, determined to fight. She glared at Bon, waiting for his next move. Bon stared back at her, his expression unchanged. He lunged again, this time in a lower stance. He got close quickly, looking to grab her again. Sophie saw this coming and stepped back quickly, dodging his grab and landing another powerful kick to his stomach. Bon backed away, not wanting to get within kicking range again. He held his arms out wide, inviting her to come at him. Sophie saw this as a challenge and charged forward, swinging a powerful punch at his face. Bon saw this coming and caught her punch, flipping her onto her back and slamming her hard onto the ground.
"My h ead, m y rul es" "Bon" said then he twisted her arm causing her to yell "wh at a p ity" he said then dropped her "I th oug ht you wo uld be mor e of a fi ght" Sophie moaned in pain as her arm was twisted, her body aching from the pain of the fall. She couldn't move her arm at all, it sounded like it was broken. She glared at Bon with a mixture of anger and fear, waiting for whatever he would do with her next. "Yo u're mu ch we ak er th an I thoug ht." Bon said with a cold, calm, and almost amused tone. "I th ough t yo u'd pu t up a b igge r fi ght, bu t, y ou ca n't eve n mov e yo ur ar m no w" He said, as he stood over her. "Wh ere's you r stre ng th, S oph ie?" He mocked. Sophie groaned as her arm ached severely, causing her to feel even more anger. She glared up at Bon, and even though she couldn't move her arm, she still wanted to fight back. Sophie screamed in pain as Bon's foot was pressed firmly against her back, pinning her down to the ground. She was powerless and couldn't move a single inch. She was scared, wondering what Bon was doing and what he was going to do to her next.
"P oor litt le Sop hie" Bon said "yo u ca n't eve n fi ght" Sophie screamed when she felt her back snap, the pain of it was like nothing she had ever felt before. She wailed in agony and couldn't move, unable to do anything to stop it. Bon kept his foot planted on her back, preventing her from moving in any way. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't move a single inch. The agony of her back was so immense that it made her unable to think or speak, she couldn't even form a complete sentence. Bon walked away from what he did and left Sophie there to slowly rot
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