#the walten files faces of grief
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jdcyt · 5 months ago
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God October this year will be especially rough for me this year as well 😭
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mdotya · 1 year ago
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dollsanddandy · 2 months ago
I need The Walten Files 5 to come out soon I’m starving for content
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slendyverseargcollections · 20 days ago
Why is “Bon” there? What the hell is going on?
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fleeglefazbeagle · 4 months ago
I made a poster for my Walten Files AU that centers around the holiday special antagonists today.
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Yes, I based it off that concept poster for Shin Godzilla.
Here's the lore summarized the best way I can(trigger warning for murder, burning and mental breakdowns):
Basically, it involves the holiday special characters (Boozoo's Ghosts and The Mysterious House).
They basically came from an obscure restaurant/playhouse called "Prezzy's Wonderland"(Willy's Wonderland reference, lol).
The animatronics are:
Mortality(originally named Prezzy)
Jolly the Sheep
Sad the Clown
Pumpkin Rabbit
Witch Sheep(full name Willow the Witch Sheep)
Jonkler(this is just a placeholder name I recently made for Halloween Billy, so please don't get used to it just in case).
The animatronics, like in my FNAF AU, are sentient(think Security Breach) and have their own individual personalities. The restaurant is acknowledged by Jack Walten and Felix Kranken and even liked by them.
It was somewhat well known, so it had its reoccurring customers but the owners didn't mind. Two particular reoccurring customers were Lily Anderson and her mother Gloria, Lily often brought a plush bunny named Daisy (keep this in mind).
Things were going quite well until one day, on Lily's 12th birthday when she and Gloria were about to head home(it was kinda late and they were the last to leave), a man named Richard Winston murdered the both of them outside. Prezzy heard the commotion and rushed over to the door to unlock it but it was stuck and by the time he finally managed to get out to see what was happening, it was too late, Lily and Gloria were murdered and the man was running away from the scene.
This broke Prezzy mentally and emotionally, causing him to have a breakdown, a nightguard came out and saw the scene, also scared and decided to call the owners, the police and an ambulance.
They investigated the footage and saw the murderer and are willing to try and find him whilst Prezzy was just sitting down on the stage in silence whilst gently holding Daisy(the plushie) and meanwhile, the other animatronics tried to comfort him.
Two weeks have passed and Prezzy wasn't really doing well(grief is a real bitch), often mumbling to himself, standing by himself in darkness all the while holding the plushie in his hand. At some points, he'd either act manic under pressure or just sit there listening to random music boxes(mostly Lily's favorite song which was "Daisy Bell").
One night when it was around midnight, Pumpkin Rabbit was wondering around when he heard a strange noise in Parts and Service, he wandered in curiously when the door shut and barricaded behind him, startling him. The same man(Richard) from the incident from two weeks ago approached Pumpkin and then he set the rabbit ablaze. Pumpkin Rabbit was freaking out, gasping for air and straight up afraid whilst the man stood there and watched with a sinister grin. Willow heard the commotion and rushed over to Parts and Service and tried to open the door, calling out to Pumpkin, clearly fearing for him and eventually, she managed to open the door and when she saw the scene, she screamed in horror, grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the flames.
She sat on the floor and held Pumpkin whose face was now melted(he's alive though, don't worry) and looked up at the man with horror and disgust.
The next day came and the employees were shocked and what made matters worse was that they ran out of the materials for Pumpkin's face and couldn't afford it but a employee made a mask(think of the one Pumpkin Rabbit had in the OG vid) and gave it to him but it just wasn't the same.
Pumpkin Rabbit had breathing problems and pyrophobia as a result of the incident. One day, the place was shut down which devastated folks especially since one of the owners who was the creator of the characters(in universe) was gravely ill and then died days later.
This left the employees unemployed and the animatronics pretty much have to live in the now abandoned restaurant. The incident with the fire and the creator's death was the final straw for Prezzy, these incidents made him go mad and hungry for revenge.
Three months have passed since the place closed, the animatronics end up gaining supernatural abilities(I'll think of an origin for that).
Prezzy decided to change his name to Mortality(he's still ok with being referred to as Prezzy from time to time).
As far as that plushie, Daisy is concerned, she's possessed by the spirits of Lily and Gloria(think of Rocket with Ed and Molly).
Lily's older cousin, James, who was also an employee at the restaurant, heard about the news and he was pissed and also vows revenge.
That's pretty much what I have so far.
(Boy, that was a long one.)
If you have any questions at all, don't be hesitant to pop into my asks about the AU.
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angelcat123 · 1 year ago
You know a funny little thing?
I thought in the Walten files there was no real villain, or antagonist.
The only antagonist would be Felix, and even then he's just a sad guy who's a complete coward.
Thought it was just going to be about grief, facing your actions, people being blinded by rage, and revenge. no real "villain" to the story.
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I want to choke the afterlife out of him so badly.
I just wanna
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walten-files-blog · 1 year ago
Oh yea there’s some Walten Files News.
Ok so:
•Episode 4 releases February 9th [9 PM EST]
Episode 4 is “CyberFun Tech”
Episode 5 is “Faces of Grief”
Episode 6 is “Behind the Smiles”
There is also the final poster for season one as well.
All of this can be found on The Walten Files YouTube page under the community tabs.
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rosiebutt74 · 1 year ago
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Full name Rosemary.
Rose (both by Bon)
Jack Walten (Husband)
Sophie Walten (Daughter) Edward Walten (Son) Molly Walten (Daughter) Carlitos Walten (Pet Dog) Jaimito (Pet Dog) Laura Peony. (Sister)
Bunny Smiles Incorporated (formerly)
Bon's Burgers (formerly)
BSI Musician & Lead Artist (formerly)
Biographical information
Marital status
Married (Widowed after Jack's disappearance.)
Date of birth
April 20th, 1934 (Age 40)
Date of death
July 19th, 1974 - Dismembered by Bon
Place of death
Bon's Burgers
Physical description
Eye color
Portrayed by
Anastasia V.
Carly Simon (Face)
Appears in
The Walten Files 2 - Relocate Project
The Walten Files 3 - BunnyFarm Spectacle The Walten Files 4 - CyberFun Tech The Walten Files 5 - Faces of Grief
The Walten Files 2 - Relocate Project
"Am I still beautiful to you, Sophie?"―Rosemary to Sophie, BunnyFarm"What if it's my fault? What if what happened to them is because.. of me?"―Rosemary talking about the loss of her two children, CyberFun Tech Collection
Rosemary "Rosie" Peony Walten, also referred to as Rose is the wife of Jack Walten and a victim of Bon who goes on to possess Sha
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juulzu · 4 years ago
(Warning: NSFW/smut)
“Ugh, where did I leave my glasses?” Jack said as he rummaged through the drawers, “Rose! Do you know where my glasses are?” He shouted across the house, “Have you looked in your office?” Rose shouted back, Jack rolled his eyes, “Yes darling, I’ve basically turned the furniture over, it’s just disappeared!”
Jack got up from his chair and stretched his arms, taking one last look around the place before he walked out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
“Goodness, where could I have left them? I can’t do my work without them!” He mumbled.
Jack walked into Sophie’s room to look around, Sophie had left a few hours ago with jenny and wouldn’t be coming back for a while, so he figured he’d try to look in there. He did some light snooping for a while before his eyes glanced at something underneath the bed.
Jack leaned down to get a better look at the thing and grabbed it, it was a tape! and it had the words “XXXX videos” written on the sleeve, along with some…questionable imagery, of which made jack blush.
“Good grief…she can’t possibly be old enough for this kind of thing, right?” He whispered to himself. Jack stood up and sat on her bed, taking a closer look at the tape, “I’m gonna have to scold her about this when she gets home…” just as he finished that sentence, a small idea popped into his head.
“...Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least see what she’s watching…just to make sure it isn’t too graphic..”
He stuffed the tape into his shirt pocket and walked out of Sophie’s room, nervously walking to his office.
“Dad? What are you doing?” Jack jumped at the sound of his son’s voice, “Eddy! My boy, I’m just…doing some work!” He chuckled nervously, Edd was holding a small rocket ship that he played with all the time, “Uh, ok then..” He kept walking down the hall and jack blew a sigh of relief.
He finally got to his office and he immediately closed the door behind him, shutting all the curtains too. He walked up to the small television in front of his desk and slipped the tape out of it’s sleeve, pushing it into the player and hitting play.
Jack sat down in his chair just as the tape started rolling, he glanced nervously at the door like a scared little teenage boy, before shaking off the feeling.
“Oh my god! Holy shit!” The television immediately changed to a shot of two girls, two naked girls, humping each other in…odd ways.
“Oh dear…this seems very...Inappropriate...” Jack’s thoughts wandered off as he leaned in, not taking his eyes off the TV as he opened his drawers, “I would’ve sworn I had some tissues in here…”
“Honey? Did you find your glasses?” Rose shouted from the hallway. Jack jumped and glanced at the door, “Uh! Yeah I did!” He said nervously, panicking as he saw the doorknob turning slowly. “W-wait! Hold on-“
But it was too late, rose had opened the door and stared at jack, oblivious to what he was doing. “What’s wrong?” She said as she walked over to the desk, luckily, Jack unplugged the tv before she could see it.
“Oh nothing, just doing some work, you know how it is..” he chuckled. “Really? I thought you said you can’t work without your precious glasses?” She said, crossing her arms and grinning.
“Well, It’s just-“ Before he could find the words to explain what he was doing, Rosemary kissed him on the temple and put her hand on his thigh. “What’s this?” She picked up the tape and gasped, “A porno? Oh Jack, I can’t with you!” She laughed as jack shrunk down in his armchair, his curly hair covering his flustered face. “Awww sweetie, don’t be embarrassed, you know you could’ve just come to me..” Jack flinched as rose put her hand on his crotch.
“I-I was just looking at it, I wasn’t actually gonna...y’know..” he pouted as rose pushed the hair away from his eyes. “I know, honey, but look at this…” rose rubbed his groin in circles, making jack whimper in desperation, “…you can’t go out with this big ol’ thing.”
Rose very rarely gave jack any sort of treat like this, so it was very surprising.
He sunk into his chair as rose unbuckled his belt, slipping her hand down his boxers and clasping it around his dick.
Jack couldn’t help himself, he started moaning in a small voice as rosemary stroked his member, taking her sweet time.
She hopped up onto the arm of the chair, putting jack’s head directly into her chest, he rested his hand on her hip as she continued to jerk him off.
Jack tilted into the warm blouse underneath his cheek, purposefully rubbing it in ways that made rose tingle.
He gripped her hip as she went faster, sweating a little bit as pure unfiltered pleasure swept his mind, “Oh god, rosemary, this feels amazing..” he barely got out as she leaned down onto his level, shushing him with a kiss.
Rose gasped as jack slipped his hand up her shirt, “Oh jack, stop that!.” she said, but it came out as a shaky moan rather than her scolding him, “Don’t act like it doesn’t feel nice, rosie.” She rolled her eyes as she rubbed the sensitive clit of his dick, making him squirm a little bit.
That pattern went on for a while until jack felt his orgasm coming on, “Oh god, do we have any tissues around?” His brain became blurry and relaxed as he loosely gripped her wrist. “Hah, you’re funny darling..” she said, Jack stared at her in confusion before realizing, “Wait! you really don’t have to-” His words trailed off into mumbled curses as a sense of relief poured over him, Rose quickly leaned down and took him in her mouth, it was only the head but it still felt absolutely divine.
Rose held his dick in her mouth for a while until it went limp, taking it out with come trickling down her chin, “Oh man, look at you, you’re a mess...” Jack said, rose definitely did look like a mess, her eyes were a bit puffy and her hair was all over the place.
Rose made herself comfortable sideways on his lap and leaned her head on his chest. “I have to admit, i love seeing this side of you..” she said, gently caressing his face.
“Really? then can we do this more often?” Jack said, looking up at her. “Well, it depends- And don’t you give me those puppy dog eyes!” She scolded him, Jack giggled as she pushed him playfully. “What do you mean? I’m not giving you puppy dog eyes!” he said whilst doing exactly that.
“Oh you! stop that!”
so uh, this was my first whack at making a walten files smut fanfic, feel free to give me some suggestions and head cannons in the notes!
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jdcyt · 5 months ago
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🎶 I wish for the rain whenever you go
And I’m digging my grave after the show
Only drifting away 🎶
GOD TWF 5 is gonna kill me
SONG/INSPIRATION: I wish for the rain - Liana Flores (https://youtu.be/MstpRfvPZEU?si=GxmtMcHUR1x3jIC-)
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jdcyt · 7 months ago
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Omg it’s the Walten Files Lesbians 🫵
I can’t wait for Faces of Grief :D
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