#the villians just can't leave them alone
alisonstudios99 · 1 year
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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—a/n: just a toji thought i can't get off my head. this ain't a fic or anything but i need to tell you this. but tell me if i should write a fic on it tho. major character death, gn!reader, angst, jjk major spoilers.
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toji broke up with you on the day he went to fight gojo. despite showing nothing but utter confidence, there was a tiny ration of his heart aware that he might not come home to you tonight. he might not get to eat the meal you prepared. he might not get to wrap his arms around you. the thought of you being alone, waiting for him with a smile on your face...he couldn't bear it. so he did what he always does. masks himself as the villian.
before leaving for the fight, he'd tell you how he's lost feelings for you, escalating the ground beneath your world. what did he mean? all of a sudden? what happened? your brain immediately started replaying memories, desperately hoping to find a reason where did it go wrong. You started crying, begging for him to give you a reason, or did you do something wrong but his face showed not a single shred of remorse. It felt someone stabbed your heart with an object big enough to hurt it, but not strong enough to pierce it, to leave you with an agonizing pain.
so when you leave your shared apartment—don't think you'll ever say that word again—after packing your things, hating his guts with all you've got, he sighs in satisfaction. When you're at the door, gracing him with one last glance of yours, your brows furrowed, all you could witness was him smiling. you hated him even more. Here you were, hurting, and all he did was smile? did he find someone else? but you didn't have the privilege to keep wanting him anymore so you left.
When you were crashing at a friend's place, Shiu gave you call. You tried to ignore it but 10 missed calls back to back means something.
"Toji's dead. The head of the Gojo Clan killed him." Your world shifted once again. This time, swifter than the breakup. You asked a hundred questions, denying, desperately trying to find a loophole out of this pain but Shiu answered them all as if it was the truth. And to your unfortune, it was. You've never cried harder.
But, when you happen to witness him at Shibuya, you convinced yourself that either you were hallucinating or he was doppelganger. When he locked eyes with you, his lips widened in a smile. Tears formed in your eyes. You immediately jumped in his arms.
"missed me that much, huh? i guess you don't hate me anymore" he said, arms wrapped around you.
"shut up and kiss me." when his lips crashed against yours, it felt like heaven. you've been deprived of this for years and now you finally had it. you knew why he broke up with you. toji tried to convince you to leave since he wasn't real. just an incarnation going to leave again for good, but years later your denial stage wasn't over as you tried to make him stop talking with your kisses.
"baby," he whispered. "I have to leave. It's time you go."
"No." Your voice firm but crumbled in seconds when you realized he won't listen to you anyways. "I don't care if you're not real. I need you. You can't just walk away again. You still have to make up for breaking up with me."
"Sweetheart, please." He sighed, trying to keep his composure but tears rolled down his eyes, a sight the world never witnessed but you.
"Toji. . .I know you wanted to protect my feelings so you made up all that breakup thing. . . but baby it still hurt. Nothing in this world can make me stop loving you. I hated you for it but I hated you because I love you so. damn. much"
"I am sorry. I love you and I am sorry I was so bad to you. I never deserved you. I never deserved your light, but thank you for gracing me with it." His hands started pushing you away.
"No. Stay. Toji!"
"I will always be by your side." In a quick second, he grabbled the broken part of the sword and stabbed his head.
"No. . . no. To—Toji? NO, BABY. TOJI!" you sobbed, crying as loud as ever as you held the corpse of a stranger morphed back to it's orginal body.
"Always be by my side? You left me, you motherfucker," you cried.
Ironic how there was a dead body lying on your lap, but you were the one experiencing death. Knowing everything he did in his life after he met you was to keep you safe from others, yet he was the one causing your heart the most pain right now. But how do you hate a criminal who also happens to be your saviour?
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xxextrie · 2 months
Stella's "Development"
Stolas seems to have this list of "why you can't be mad at him," which is just writers trying to defend their own ugly morals by using things that often don't apply to them so they can say, "Nuh, uh, you just don't like him because of XY and Z."
Moving on to Stella, all of her "development" consists of giving Stolas empathy points. Stella hasn't even had a conversation with Via. Stolas mistreat Blitz? Well, Stella hits him. Well Stolas has daddy issues, but Stella has been evil since she was born. Stolas is a villian? Stella's attempting to murder him. She is used to make Stolas look better in comparison. Because what would we have without the excuse-based shit?
A noble's youngest daughter who was forced into a marriage with a man she didn't love and was forced to have a kid with, who again she had to give birth to. Her husband is higher up in society than her and her family, so she has to remain with him despite she hates him. Also finding out that her husband had been repeatedly cheating on to her, the MOTHER of his child, while also risking Via's future by giving his daughter's heirloom to a stranger he met once when he was younger, endangering their daughters future. And then after the affair is exposed, no one cares, showcasing his elevated status by how little anyone challenges him. He can cheat without consequence because She is unable to leave him, due to her lower social class, the divorce would take away her life, status, and connection to her daughter—who AGAIN she was forced to have with this man—and her knowledge that she had no choice but to stay with him.
Like this is a royal hiarchy in hell; no way a woman could divorce her husband, let alone be respected if she did.
Think of the situation the characters find themselves and the potential reasons behind their actions rather than only taking in the perspectives of others about them. (That doesn't means she can abuse her husband.) But she is not this tyrannical, evil, all-powerful being that they portray her as. Considering she doesn't have much standing, why else wouldn't she have divorce him?
"Oh she likes tormenting him" is dumb—just something evil they wanted her to say to prevent people from empathizing because an attack on Stolas is an attack on Viv because Stolas is only a puppet. She chooses the plot and what role he plays in it. A character may do actions of a villian but the perspective their given shows where the creators morals lie.
Also on my account i have reposted links to GoFundMe's that could be life or death to people every bit counts if you dont have five dollars you can venmo @artisticantics on youtube they donate the money from the venue as a lump-sum.
Thank you for your time.
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"You hesitated. You always hesitate. Why?" Hero stared down at the Villain pinned under their blade.
"You're imagining things." Villian huffed.
"You could have killed me a few minutes ago and you didn't. You clearly don't want to fight me, so why are you?"
"As if I'd tell you anything." Villian took advantage of Hero's lowered guard to get out of the hold and get away, leaving Hero with just as many questions and no answers.
The next time Hero saw Villain they fell to their knees a few minutes into the fight, clutching their side.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Stay out of it." Villain winced as they pushed themself up. "Stop standing there and fight me."
"I'm not going to fight someone who can barely stand."
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not."
"Fight me."
"You have to."
"Why?" Hero asked, desperate for a real answer this time. "Why do you insist on fighting me when you're injured? Why are you forcing yourself to attack me?"
"Because I don't have a choice!" Villain shouted, clenching their fist. Their eyes widened slightly when they realized their accidental confession. "Shit."
"What do you mean? Why don't you have a choice?"
Villain glared. "Why do you care?"
"Because I want to help you."
They laughed. It was sad and empty. "Yeah, right. You just want me to let my guard down so you can lock me up."
Hero took a careful few steps towards their enemy. They're not sure if they should be calling them that anymore. "I swear I just want to help. Please. Let me help."
"You heroes are so desperate to help everyone. Have you ever considered there are things you have no place helping with? Or do you just not care as long as you get the credit?"
"No, I-"
"Save it. You can't help me." with that Villain ran from another unfinished fight, aware of the consequences but not caring as long as it ended this conversation.
Villain let out a breath as they stepped into their home (If they could even call it that) but quickly tensed when they heard a voice from the doorway.
"You're back early. Again. You better tell me it's because you won this time." Supervillain did not look impressed.
"...No. They got away." Villian muttered, eyes downcast.
"You've been losing a lot lately." Supervillain stepped around behind them. "I thought yesterday's training would have helped strengthen your resolve." they placed their hands on Villian's shoulders and leaned in. "Maybe you need another round. Or perhaps it's time to start training your little brother instead."
Villian felt themself tense even more. "No. Leave him alone. I'll do it."
Supervillain smiled. "I knew I raised a smart kid."
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
I call this the Highlander Au! >:Dc There can Be Only One! (Unless he REALLY enjoys the process and the world stops going to shit for like... FIVE god damned minutes!) (The second is sadly unlikely)
Tim? Fully Cis gendered male. Not terribly ATTACHED to this, physically, but certainly identifies as Male and has a male body.
Maybe it's been all the near misses. The "all my friends fuckin DIED on my and I mentally spiraled like you wouldn't believe". Could be him finally reclaiming his life. Or yet another horrible mental spiral. Who knows!
But he's decided.
He wants to be a Dad. *sound of various Bats choking and/or dropping things*
Is even seeing anybody? Nope. How the FUCK is he gonna get a baby?! Oh, normal, Bat Paranoid fashion. Cloning tube. Same way Damian happened. He just needs to figure out the maternal DNA and he's golden. Figure out where to hide his tech to stop Villainous Baby Snatching Plots.
Because that's a very real concern.
No you can't talk him out of this. Timmy want himself a baby. Is already designing a nursery and studying child development books. Parenting manuals, getting those little animal onsies, lazer death grids to ward of Ra's ninjas. The works.
Bruce is off to the side, quietly having an aneurysm and choking to death on his own spit. Baby boy? Fatherhood? OFFSPRING!? Alone and not going to LET HIM HELP!? But why would he help!? Bad idea! But. But he needs to BE THERE to TAKE CARE of TIM and the future BABY! Aaaaaaaaa-!!!!!
It's a... "Fun" time. Dick is nearing a nervous breakdown. Bruce not far behind. Damians having Feelings(tm).
Then! At a Wayne Charity Event(tm)? Small glowing child. Looks alien. Is getting upset. People backing away IN A HURRY because they just watched this child WARP REALITY to turn the nearest table into candy.
Tim is there as the face of the family. A hero. Already feeling generally Paternal. Upset baby is Bad. So he goes in, dispite clear protests. Gets low and talks soothing.
But the alien Wants Her MOMMY!
And? Oh. Well there goes the protective amulets JLA Dark made for him. Now he's in an alien dress and? Very much no longer Cis. Guess he would have and DID inherent from his dad's side of the family, no boobs. Tiny. At least he got his mom's killer legs.
And the kiddo isn't scared any more. Since he "looks like mommy".
Except not even remotely, because she warps into being an HOUR later, looking for her daughter and is made of pure light. Thanks him. Doesn't FIX anything. And just leaves. Gee, thanks lady.
There were REPORTERS there. Tim Drake has tits now. Front page news. Great. Ra's is GOING to know and get WEIRD about it.
Tim shrugs. Off to Leslie we go, though. Check up time!
Yep. Full lady bits action. And, hey! Shiny new spleen! So that's nice.
It DOES change his plan though. He didn't, you know, collect any "samples" yet. But? Does... does he NEED too? He COULD concoct a story of "rich person hires mystic to get penis back" after going and getting magiced back.... OR?
He could have someone put a baby in him! *simultaneous Bat Choking Noises*
MUCH easier to defend. THEN he could be changed back, after the baby is weaned. The problem is who to trust? Ra's is ABSOLUTELY going to do everything in his power to get his seed inside Tim new puss. So a seed bank is out. And-
*hands slam on the table*
Obviously! We can't trust anyone outside this house! Villian plots and Ra's specifically! Bat paranoia! W-we will just have to make this sacrifice for you!
.....Weirdly intense, but okay.
Objection! Says Tim's newly no longer Dead team mates. Tim tried to CLONE Kon! OBVIOUSLY it should be Kon! And Bart! Bro Threesome! Let nature decide! (Then kid number 2 is the other Bro, is only FAIR)
ALSO a good point. He did have that promise, if one of them ever got turned into a girl. And a Kon baby WOULD be nice...
Shit! Grayson pulls "last of my legacy and I have so much to make up for" cards!
Is betrayed by his OWN FATHER (Bruce! How COULD YOU!?) Who plays "you saved me from the time steam and nearly died for me, let me help(emotional)" to devastating effect!
Cheating! Howls the Speedster! You're CHEATING!!!
And Tim stands there... kinda confused but finding he's actually Really In To This as people argue over how much THEY want to be the one to put a baby in him? He's never felt this badly WANTED. Desired.
He may not want to go through the whole "actually carrying a baby for 9 months then pushing one out" thing more then once.... but the fighting over him thing? This might be awaking something.
And, well, Kon already made a good point. Why try to control it? Let nature decide~
Everyone can help.
The argument stops dead. For all of the seconds before "who goes first?" Occurs to everyone.
Sadly for THEM, Bruce is a bastard willing to play dirty to get what he wants. And his house his rules. He goes first. After all, he no doubt smirks, none of THEM have the... experience, to handle a virgin properly.
He refuses to allow Tim hurt on his watch.
Got it? Good talk. Tim, with him.
Which is what leads to Tim clawing at the bed and begging like his life depends on it, soaked in sweat, hours later. As Bruce STILL gently, teasingly, RUTHLESSLY eats him out. Puddles worth of lube ruining the sheets and easing his way, as he works calloused fingers DEEP to find spots Tim didn't know he had yet. As they rub and tease and fuck against those spots so relentlessly it feels like Tim's coming apart.
He didn't even know he could MAKE half these noises.
His hole is so wet and sloppy, it's like it's given up. Like his body can do nothing but quiver and twitch under Bruce's hands. Given how big he is? Probably the point. Because he crawls up to loom over Tim like a giant. Presses kisses to his whimpering, sweaty face. And rocks into his exhausted body, filling every inch of him.
It doesn't even hurt. Something that big probably SHOULD for his first time, but Bruce isn't a legendary playboy for nothing. And it just fills and Fills and FILLS. Rubs against everything in a way that makes his toes curl. Makes him want to gasp and cling, even though he's so exhausted.
Bruce just shooshes him. Pulls him close. He won't have to do a thing. He can just cling to Bruce and feel good. Bruce is here. He's got you.
And it's the best thing Tim's ever felt. Forget masturbation, sex is AMAZING. Bruce rocking then thrusting then pounding into his body. Holding tight like something precious. Hammering his good spots still he sees stars. Til he's nearly sobbing, hiccuping, from how good it feels to have his insides all messed up.
Bruce fills him up. All gooey and warm. Picks him up and carries him to a clean bed to get wiped down and tucked in. Cleans up then joins him. Fills him back up and tucks him close. He feels boneless and precious. Sleeps like the dead.
Discovers sex with a puss is AWESOME.
Next morning, he's barely out of Bruce's room before Dick is scooping him up and dragging him into his room. Almost franticly bending him in half as he presses him to the bed, kissing the air out of him. Holding his face as he whispers filthy praise into his lips. Hips relentless as they slam home, pounding at just the right angle.
Like he's trying to make for YEARS of mistakes by pouring it all into pleasure NOW. Clinging tight and trying to fry Tim's brain with how good he can make him feel. Dick buries his faces against Tim's neck and rutts like he's making up for lost time. Fucking Tim through orgasms, spilling again and again, like he's determined to drain his balls dry and wring every last bit of pleasure he CAN out of Tim's exhausted body.
Tim has to threaten to hit him with an alarm clock to let him up. Tim wants LUNCH damn it. They missed breakfast. By a LOT.
But then work calls. Damn it. So he has to get dressed. Double damn it. And he does it, but refuses to be pleased about it. Resolves things. Even gets ahead on work. Only for DAMIAN to walk stiffly into his office. Sus.
The gremlin hands him a frankly VERY well put together report on why he, Damian AL Ghul... should be allowed to fuck a baby into Tim. He has brought along a slide show and genealogical report.
Damian does. He REALIZED some things about himself. When Tim was discussing becoming a Father. Using the same method as he, himself, was created. Went through a whole "go to the Kent farm and have a life change adventure" character growth arc, as you do. And? Now realizing that he potentially COULD be DIRECTLY involved in the Hypothetical Child's life instead of as an uncle?
He wants in. They could be glorious, combined. AND he firmly believes Tim will be a magnificent Mother. Let him Father your child.
It's a bad idea. Tim knows this. He literally JUST slept with Bruce yesterday and nothing good comes from sleeping with AL Ghul's. They Obsess. But? Fuck it. Maybe THIS is the thing that finally stops the Tim-Gremlin cold war and bring peace to house Wayne once and for all. He unbuckles his belt. Walks over to his resting room.
And Tim KNOWS, even as he's being urgently fucked into the fold out bed, that this is an AWFUL idea. No way in HELL, from the desperate and sloppy thrusts, clinging, panting and whines, is this NOT Damian's first time. He's utterly undone.
Pounding load after load into Tim because it feels too good to stop. All enthusiasm and no skill. Half the pleasure Tim's even GETTING is his own hand, relentlessly teasing his own clit. But? Oh. The feeling of being wanted so BADLY. Of cum, gushing and gushing into him. Knowing it's HIS hole that's so good, it's driving Damian incoherent.
He feels... sexy. It DEFINITELY does something for him. He may not be able to go back. Could see himself enjoying being a milf.
But of course. Business hours end. And he PROMISED! Is swept up by Bart for their threesome. Which, after several rounds and untold loads of near-no-refractary-period speedster cum dumped inside him? Is kinda spotty, in his memory.
All he knows for certain is he wakes up to his sheepish best friends, "Sorry we fucked you unconscious repeatedly" bribes, no voice, and a warm bath. He's also plugged up and FULL full of that premium speedster/half-kryptonian blend cum, because apparently his friend intend to WIN and nothing says victory like overwhelming odds. He'd call them fuckers, but they ARE and hold no remorse. He can't move.
Carry him you bastards.
When he asks where Cassie is, he learns she's apparently trying to harrass the magic users into a making her a temporary "turn me into a dude" amulet. Both as a gift AND so she can join the race for Father Of Tim's Baby. Huh. Interesting new options.
Obviously, throughout ALL of this, ninjas. Because Ra's has never wanted to smash so hard in his LIFE.
Instead, Tim is out here, on Jason's shitty couch. Getting lifted up and slammed down onto his cock. Called baby girl. Princess. Jason's never been harder. Already planning their kids graduation dinner and baby number three.
Tim feeling precious and taken care of and DESIRED. Like the young adult with a first shitty apartment he never got to be. Something so close to normal. Put a baby in him. Fuck him like you love him, like they do this every Saturday night, then eat pizza and watch trash TV. Fill him up.
And if course~ it's a VICIOUS game of Fuck The Tim keep away, up until one day he starts to show. Then Everyone is loving and coddling and in a "No I Am The Father" cold war. The birth is a nightmare, because Tim is slender and more scar tissue then not. But?
Adorable quarter-Kryptonian! With the biggest blue eyes and Tim's porcelain doll face.
Tim is NOT doing that again. Ffffffuck giving birth. And being pregnant! Granted, the EARLY part? He loved. He glowed. Getting pregnant was AWESOME. But later stages? God awful. Clone tube babies from here on out.
Absolute Devastation in the Tom Fucking Community. Babe no! You can't MEAN IT!
Woah, hey! He never said he'd STOP. "Getting Pregnant" is very, VERY enjoyable. He's just refusing to carry SHIT. Birth control for HIM. Scooping that slurry of "leave it up to Nature" out and storing it. Now... Kon stop being smug and hold your son.
😭😭😭 tim getting everyone to come to dinner and they all think it was alfred and are like 'this was a great idea alfred! we should all get together like this more often' only for tim to cough and say well actually i called you all here, i figured you all deserved a heads up since i'm going to be undergoing some serious life changes. everyone's confused and then tim says he's going to have a baby.
immediate panic and some disappointment from bruce because he thinks this is a teen pregnancy and he expected better from tim only for tim to have to yell to interrupt everyone and say there is no 'girl', not yet anyway. he's just announcing that he's GOING to have a baby. they're not yet conceived and now the family is dealing with whiplash of how of course TIM would do something like this now they're sitting their listening to him talk about the ideal gene pool given tim's family has a history of mental issues and he's going into some very detailed things like nurseries and everyone just wants him to slow down because tim is still a kid!!! dick is older than him and even HE doesn't feel ready. so everyone is trying to talk tim out of it while tim insists he's ready, he's been going to a therapist for 11 months trying to deal with his issues so he COULD be ready to be a parent.
which of course baffles them even more because???? dick has been trying to get them all into therapist for years and tim just???? went??? on his own????
bruce is of course the least welcoming of tim's ideas of teen parenthood. because what about highschool, college? at least ONE of his kids has to go to college!
tim however says no, says his GED is more than enough.
bruce tries finding other angles, asking what if he just sets tim up with babysitting gigs? make him see kids aren't that great and tim just huffs and said he already did a bunch of babysitting and volunteering at the children's centers in gotham as part of his adoption application!
which ???? just stressed bruce out even more?! because tim had tried to adopt a baby first? but apparently got rejected because of his age, lack of partner, and lack of job which tim loudly says is unfair because bruce was in his 20s when he took in dick and HE hadn't had a partner or a job!
so the family is protesting, despertly trying to get tim to change his mind,,, then tim gets a womb and suddenly the protests die down VERY quick.
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jolynesmom · 4 months
I hate to share this but I don't have anyone to talk. It's been so long I've discovered about void and since then I've always wanted to manifest "family Change " in the void cause my mother. I don't want to make her the villian in my life but I can't help she literally abuse me everytime and says the filthiest, dirtiest things which I swear no parents says to their children and even my dad doesn't stop her . Everyday I having a mental breakdown and I go to bed with the hope that I will enter the void and I don't have to face the same day tomorrow again. To be honest I don't know how can I enter void at this low . I've been literally loosing hope. I feel like the void actually a void which will never come to me
hey I’m so sorry to hear that :(( my heart breaks every time someone comes to me saying they’re abused by their family. it’s such a disgusting thing and I’ll never wrap my head around on how someone can do this to their child
I really wish I could do something for your situation, but all I can do is give you a few words of advice
before anything I want to let you know that you shouldn’t feel guilty for villainizing your parents. such things are not normal and should not be excused. your parents should be thankful that the only thing you want from them is a healthy relationship after what they’ve put you through
let’s address the first issue. you’re not motivated to enter the void because you’re brought down by your circumstances. a lot of you seem to forget that the law of assumption exists and you can use it to successfully change your circumstances instantly without entering the void state. hell, you can use law of assumption to enter the void!! use the law of assumption to make your parents leave you alone or to even do a 180° in their behavior
I was actually in a similar position before entering the void where I was demotivated to even try because of my dad’s behavior towards me, so I used the law of assumption to make his stop being so harsh towards me. not only did he start to be nicer to me, but he even moved back to our home country due to some circumstances while I stayed in the uk, since then I’ve only known peace
if you don’t want to use loa to change your circumstances (which you should) then use the negativity in your life to fuel your motivation to enter the void. like ‘everyone treats me so bad, let’s see their reaction after I fulfill my desires and they’ll remain miserable here’
I feel like a broken record because I’ve said it so many times, but entering the void is embarrassingly easy. like I mean it, it’s so easy once I almost tapped into it while I laid down for 3 minutes waiting for my food to heat in the oven. and the great part about the void is that you don’t need a great mindset or to be overly motivated to try a complex method that will take you 3 hours to finish, you can just say ‘I want to enter the void’, fall asleep and wake up there
this is why I don’t like those challenges people do to change their mindset, affirm 100k times per day, listen to subs 25/8, do complicated meditations, vaunt or whatever. if you want to do them and feel like they’ll take you closer to the void, by all means go off, but you absolutely do not need them lol
when I entered the void for the first time I didn’t do anything special, I actually didn’t even think it’s possible to do it without yoga nidra then I tapped into it instantly when I was in a state between asleep and awake and said to myself that I want to enter the void asap
so yeah, use loa, treat everything with indifference and persist even if your circumstances are unfavorable
I’ll link some posts below that will hopefully give you some direction and motivation to persist
sending you lots of love and positive energy 🤍
🫐jani’s law of assumption guide
🍓 manifestation/loa is your bff
🥝psa: you can manifest anything
🍊 manifestation in 3 steps
🍑 doubting the void?
🍒 lullaby method to enter the void (personal favorite)
🥥distraction method to enter the void state
🍇 arlinski void state method
I also suggest you to check out @/tia-222 on tumblr because they have amazing posts which helped me master the void state in less than 3 weeks
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mysticalsoot · 2 years
he said he'd cure your ills (but he didn't and he never maybe will)
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A/N: this one didn't end as sad as I intended. this was supposed to be entirely angst but I got distracted. i also can't stand to villianize Wilbur for too long before wanting to cry so yeah. it's not entirely angst, but still majorly angsty! if anyone wants a seperate one to continue this vers or the other, just lmk! I will happily write it.
TW// cheating mentions, swearing, mild manipulation, Wilbur is an asshole and honestly you shouldn't forgive someone who cheats BUT this is fiction and I am a sucker for Wilbur so that's a fault of me, mostly entirely angst, bittersweet ending, heights ummm I think that's it??
Words: 2.7k
Pairings: Cc!Wilbur x Reader
Pronouns: not mentioned, a few uses of y/n
Inspired by;  The Smiths – This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Fluff version here
"Wilbur," You begin, voice trembling and caked in uncertainty, "Don't go. You can't."
"Why can't I? I have free will," Wilbur's tone is sharp like claws that slowly pick at the flesh around your heart, begging to rip it from your chest. And you're sure it will. His arms are flayed out, stretched out on either side of him. The same way they always are when he's angry. "Who's to stop me from leaving your pathetic excuse of a person?"
"You don't mean that.." Your voice gives out at the end, and you back up from him and into the wall. You want to run.
You want to scream.
You want to call him names.
Yell at him the way he's been doing to you.
Threaten him in the same ways, only worse and more tortuous than he could ever come up with.
But he's right.
You're pathetic, and so you curl up inside yourself, you freeze, and you die inside. You're rotting from the outside in. You're rotting, and isn't it his fault?
"I mean every word." His words come out slowly, it's calculated, the way he says it. It's like he really does mean to hurt you, that every word is a swing of the sword he's wielded for months. Slowly getting duller as each swing cuts deeper.
First, it was the distance; he stopped being as affectionate in public or at home. He no longer asked for it either, he just let you initiate it as if it was a chore he'd rather forget about for months on end. But you let it go, he was probably just tired!
And then it was the phone calls; his phone would ring and he would leave the room. He always said it was "work" stuff, but you knew the people he worked with and you were even friends with his manager, let alone his bandmates. But you let that slide too. Who knows, maybe it was a secret project! It's not that concerning..
The last straw was your friends. They were his as well, but they were just as much yours as they were his.
They were the ones that caught him. Up until this point you had been willingly oblivious, always pushing the gut feelings and the second thoughts as far away from you as possible and burying them six feet in the ground.
Wilbur was out during the day, he had gone to the beach that day (although he told you he went to the studio), to meet up with them. James was walking past the boardwalk that afternoon and he saw the tall man over by the water, out of the corner of his eye. He thought it was odd given the fact that Wil almost never went to the beach without you. So, he moved to a closer spot and hid far enough away that he wouldn't be noticed by his friend but close enough he could still see. It was deceptive and over the top, yes, but James was always one for theatrics.
He watched as Wilbur had gotten closer to the person he was with, holding their face the same way he watched him hold yours. He smiled at them the same way he smiled at you. But this person, they were the complete opposite of you and it made James' blood boil. He knew that you had no knowledge of this person because if you had known, he would have known. And he was in the dark, so you must be too.
And unfortunately, he was right. He went to the others first, the band, Alex, Tommy, Niki.. He covered all the bases for your closest friends and gathered them all together for dinner and game night at his place. And so, James told them everything, everything he saw or heard; the fact you probably didn't know.
They hatched a plan that night, after discussing all of the details, and their own suspicions. The plan was simple, they would stage an intervention. When worded like that, it sounds as if they pushed you into it. They didn't, the words they used were this; we found something out and we think you should know, but we have to tell you in person; and don't bring Wilbur.
It caught you off guard for sure and it filled your body with buzzing worry and nausea. But it subsided when you had gotten to the agreed apartment (Niki's), only to build again when you saw the expressions on their faces. Ones of grief, guilt, and pain.
They told you everything.
And then you went home (after plenty of comforting until you were semi-stable again), and you told Wilbur. You knew. There was no getting past you anymore. The secret was out.
And now you're here. He's making it out to be your fault and you so desperately want to believe it's not, but his arguments are more compelling and convincing than you thought.
"You, Y/N, have always been a nuisance. You're clingy, and possessive, you talk too much and you never know when to stop. It's always Wilbur this and Wilbur that. You never give me a break. You're overbearing, you're controlling. And I hate every fucking bit of your shit existence!" It hurts so bad to hear every word he says and know that he means it. The ache in your chest feels like a throbbing and if you didn't know better you would've assumed your heart had been ripped out and shredded over and over and over again, the hole in your chest then gushing blood from the half-assed job of heart surgery. All done by the sharpness of Wilbur's words.
God, you wished this was just a dream.
"If I'm such a nuisance, why have you stayed?" You ask, tears burning the skin of your red cheeks. The bags under your eyes are more prominent now than ever, it's the exhaustion from life combined with the stress of...this.
"Because I pitied you," He pauses, eyes narrowing before stepping forward, closer to you, "I never loved you."
You wish this was a dream, it has to be. He's not this cruel, it can't be him.
"What about the promises you made? Did those mean nothing to you?" You're begging him to spare your heart now, to not rip into it in the same way he ripped it from your chest. Your tone simply begs; please spare me, Wilbur, please.
"I never meant a word." He’s stern in the way he speaks, sure to lace his words with venomous hatred. "How do you not understand? I don't like you, nobody likes you. You are nothing to me." The words slice right through you, clean and quick which doesn't help the pain of his words any. It merely worsens it, how can someone who's told you he loves you, be so cruel? What did you do to deserve this?
"How can you not understand how your actions affect people, huh? What? Did you skip basic etiquette in school? Or are you just that much of an asshole?" You spit back, your anger now overruling any anxiety you hold in your body, the grief is now anger, and its an out of control flame.
“Well, I'm fucking sorry for trying to spare your emotions!"
"Oh wow, you care so much about me. Fuck you, William." He's stepped back and you can tell he's eyeing the door, planning his escape from the burning words that leave your lips. "You, are a poor excuse for a man..and a friend."
"If you can't take what you dish, leave." You let all emotion drain from your voice, and you stand tall. His mouth opens, anticipating to speak but nothing happens. He simply groans and walks out the front door.
And then he's gone.
You had spent the next year wishing you would eventually wake from the nightmare you lived. It never happened, you split off from Wilbur and hadn't heard from him since. And to help, you moved away from Brighton to London, and made sure to avoid any of his band's gigs. You still kept in contact with your friends, they always checked in and they would visit whenever they were in town. James stayed the closest, it seemed he had the most sympathy for you. They all did, but his extended further than the rest. You couldn't understand why.
He would stay at yours for a few days at a time, instead of the hour visits the rest would do. You enjoyed his company, and his kindness never failed to make you smile. It was nice to know someone had your back, even if your life prior to your move became so turbulent.
You never found out who the other person was, you didn't really care either. I mean for the most part you were perfectly okay with just not knowing, but you are human so a part of you was just a little bit curious. But you didn't waste your time looking, you simply let the theories run wild in your mind, never seeking the truth. It spared your heart, never looking.
You had run through the possibilities of how you could find out, but you really did not expect to find out when you went back to Brighton to visit family. You didn't want to go back by any means, it hurt too much, made your chest ache where his words had clawed out the flesh and your heart in one go. But you went, it hurt, but you went.
You were window shopping for the day, passing by the shops near the beach, and then you saw the spot James told you he found them. It was by the old tattered pier, by one of the poles.
You stopped there, and stared. It wasn't the most polite, sure, but you couldn't help yourself. Who cared if you clogged walking traffic for a moment or two?
You wondered what she had that you didn't, was it her looks? Was she smarter than you? Did she annoy him less, pay more attention to him? You couldn't quite figure it out, all you knew was thinking of the two of them shamelessly gush over each other in public, turned your stomach round and round like a carousel. You wanted to puke.
This is what hell is, isn't it? Your own mind torturing yourself with what ifs and ideas of what could have been. Or what you did wrong.
You went to walk away, move on with your life yet again, and you did but you quickly ran into another person.
“Sorry, sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going.” The words slur together into a single string of sound, and you quickly walk past them and down the sidewalk before even catching a glimpse of them.
Unfortunately that isn't the last you saw of Wilbur and his new partner. This time there was a more personal interaction. Tommy had invited you out for a vlog he was filming, you hadn't been a guest in his vlogs lately and he “missed your humor”. What he forgot to mention was that Wilbur was invited too, although Tommy apologized profusely and told you he forgot he even asked his brother in the first place. You didn't mind it much, I mean it wasn't like you would get up and leave Tommy's vlog over something as petty as being around your ex. Even despite how shitty Wilbur was in the end.
For the most part you were able to avoid the man quite well. He was an hour late to Phil's place before leaving. Thankfully Phil let you take shotgun and once you four arrived at the agreed theme park you could easily hide away next to Phil as the two boys annoyed the shit out of each other. Tommy humming an able sisters song was involved. He got hit in the head. Phil did a lot of scolding during the drive.
Your plan worked out decently until it came down to the last ride, Tommy begged you to ride it with him and Wilbur-- he knew you had gone on it before and that you didn't find it very scary so you riding it with a terrified Wilbur seemed pretty comedic to Tom. You sitting there with a blank face while Wilbur and Tommy most likely screamed their heads off did seem quite entertaining to the kid.
You went in line first, ahead of the boys. Phil stayed behind holding everyones stuff that they couldn't take with them but Tommy managed to keep his camera to film. He was going between you and Wilbur and sticking it in either of you guys’ faces, trying to get the funny angles he loved to throw in.
“Tommy, what is it with you and putting cameras in your friends’ faces?” You cross your arms, a mischievous smile paintined on your features. The line ahead is a good amount of people long so you had plenty of time to goof around.
“It's funny!” Tommy lets out his usual wheeze like laugh and puts his camera away for now.
“You just like annoying us,” Wilbur adds, playfully rolling his eyes while he, himself smiles.
“Maybe!” Tommy stretches out the word and scoots to stand in front of you in the line, the people in front of you still not yet moving.
It took a good twenty minutes before the three of you were able to finally get through the line and into the ride, and once you did, you could see the anxiety fill both Tommy and Wilbur simply by how their faces went pale.
“You two okay?” Your gaze switches from Wilbur to Tommy and back to Tommy again.
“I’m fine.” Wilbur states, his voice wavering in an unsure manner you hadn't heard from him in ages.
“Also okay! As fine as ever!” Tommy’s back stiffens and he pulls out his camera to take some shots before the ride starts.
He doesn't get more than a few words in before the coaster car speeds up the incline ahead.
Both boys nervously laugh just before coaster speeds down, and they scream. You simply laugh in amusement as their faces churn into a fearful expression.
The pattern repeats throughout the rest of the ride, Wilbur and Tommy laughing and then screaming while you watch the two lose their minds. The boys' screams would get louder and more terrified whenever a twist would go upside down, or when the incline went straight down.
"Soo, how was it boys?" You tease the two of them, nudging both of them in the sides.
Wilbur's eyes go wide and he looks down to meet your eyes, "I never feared heights more." He earns a laugh from you and something twists in his gut, it's not a bad feeling, but he can't pinpoint what feeling it is.
You look to Tommy, "I can't believe this was my idea." A shiver runs down his spine and he shakes, and then runs to Phil the moment he comes into view. There Phil stands, bags and cameras, water bottles and candy in hand, holding his kids' stuff in true dad fashion.
Phil then hands out everyone's stuff to each respective person and he too asks how it was.
"Meh." is your answer.
"Terrifying." is Wilbur's answer.
"I've never regretted something more." is Tommy's answer.
Phil just laughs at everyone's answer, patting his son's on the back, before ruffling up your hair. His signs of affection.
"Hey, Wilbur- Y/n?" Phil's voice breaks his string of laughter, his smile still evident.
You both hum in response, both looking to him like little kids awaiting instructions.
"Can you two go take this extra stuff to the car while Tommy and I get stuff set up for the arcade?" The request is simple, and he doesn't mean any harm. But both you and Wil are anxious about this, surely silence will fill the air when the two of you are alone, but there's a voice in the back of your head that says it won't be as quiet.
Yet, the two of you agree and various bags and candy is stuffed in you guys' arms. Phil hands the keys to you, and Wilbur whines to him about how he's the most responsible one but Phil just laughs and shrugs it off.
You're a few feet away from the other two, "So, how's your year been?" Your question shatters the silence like a glass plate on concrete. It's abrupt, and it spooks Wilbur for a moment.
"Kinda shit, I guess." He shrugs and his voice is low and unsure and his eyes are fixated on the stone pathway beneath you.
"How's that girlfriend of yours?" You spare a glance back at him, since he's fallen behind you a bit. He sucks in a breath, body tensing.
"I'm not with her anymore." Wilbur's eyes gaze downwards, refusing to look at you. A part of you is sad for him, but another part of you is..happy? The feelings and thoughts are confusing, the conflicting ideas being entirely new to you.
"Oh." You don't say much more, instead you just let the silence take over for the rest of the walk.
It's only a few minutes before you're scrambling to unlock the car, and you haphazardly open the trunk, doing your best to not drop anything while you open it with your left hand.
"I'm sorry." Wilbur mumbles to you as he puts the last bag he was holding in the trunk.
"You are?" You ask, leaning up against the back of the car after you shut it closed. Your head tilts to the side as you look at him and you cross your arms over your chest. He doesn't look to you.
"Yeah," He nods, and then he swallows nervously.
"What you did wasn't right. You should've communicated with me, Wil." You stand up straight, arms falling to either side of you and you take a couple steps towards him.
He doesn't look up, "Man, do I know that."
You reach up to hold his face, to bring his gaze to meet yours. "You should have told me what was wrong, whatever was wrong. You still haven't told me."
"There was..a lot. I don't think you'd want to hear it all right now. In a fucking theme park parking lot at that." A small laugh leaves his chest and you smile slightly at the action.
"Maybe not today, but someday?"
"Yeah, yeah, someday."
The two of you leave it at that, and head back to meet Phil and Tommy. The four of you spend the rest of your day without cameras or arguments, you simply hang out and eat stupid amounts of candy and play every game in the arcade with the only goal of beating the high scores until you started to get tired. You were sitting at a nearby table, next to Wilbur with your head against his shoulder.
"Could we ever make up?" He cautiously lets an arm rest over your shoulders, you graciously take the touch, reaching your left hand up to intertwine your fingers with his.
"Maybe." You yawn, "Just maybe."
So you nuzzle further into him, and he sighs. He's happy, you're happy, even if the day was bittersweet, there's still hope.
He wasn't a bad person, just a person who did a really shit thing.
tags; @at0micc0la (since you reblogged the first vers lmao)
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kuromispamton2000 · 1 month
after that conversation the 3 of them was there on the livingroom talking and stuff
"i can't believe you two always are on my way! can you leave me alone for 5 minutes without "SMG4 this, SMG4 that"
"SMG4, you must understand that you're not supposed to hang out with people who might think you're Mr.4 the role Mr. Puzzles gave you" SMG1 said as was concerned, for him it feels like if his efforts on bring "SMG4" are going in vain, to the trash
"yeah, maybe you could maybe break any relationship with her we have a villian to stop before your avatar dies and this kingdom gets destroyed"
"you two sure are fools, doesn't you? even SMG3...EVEN JESS! knows that this is not the the universe you want it to be, i got SICK and TIRED actually that you two think i am SMG4"
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"...what do you mean with it 4?" SMG1 asked concerned as he tilt his head, 2 was just on silence shivering some as seem his thoughts was right all the time
"what i mean...is that I had played with both of you and got advantage of your dumbness, you know, I would NEVER change you two are idiots or what!?"
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"YOU DID WHAT? but...but you showed to much progress on show you was SMG4! that "SMGP" was Mr. Puzzles and-"
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"is so shocking how you two had hate your partner for so long for something he never was, you never heard of acting, guys? it all is acting, tv spectacle...you two are such idiots...but i got tired of it, i was planning ruin SMGP's life with you two just for fun...but taking in care i have a friend that...i like alot and a evil business partner who can help me with my evil plans without pretend be someone else, i no need your foolness anymore.."
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"that means...that you're like the Mr. Puzzles of this universe and that we can't do nothing to do for change you to the goodside like any other universes?"
"...t-that means that what you said was true...you used us, you made Puzzles decapitate, and implemented scars on his tv head?"
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Both SMGS was in silence as looked at each other, soon SMG2 made a "i told you so" face to SMG1 who was on pure shock...feeling like a total fool...
"now...if you excuse me, i must keep planing my next hit, i might be an asshole, an murder, an manipulator and a good actor, but you two are monsters for had judge your own family...but nothing gives me more satisfaction than see that SMG3 and SMGP would NEVER forgive you 2~ now...if you excuise me i must keep going...leave please, or be kicked out"
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Mr. 4 feels confident with his business partner KAT and his friend Jess, would everything go right as he expected? or will regret what he said to SMG1 and SMG2?
will he get his revenge, or die trying? well, that's story for other day (when Mr, Puzzles lore advance as well XD)
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So I made myself wait to watch the witchcraft smp finale till all the povs were out, which means I waited for Cleo to upload and also my college decided to allow offline/traditional classes to be back so it took me a bit longer to finally sit down and watch the povs. So here is some of my thoughts while watching the witchcraft smp finale episodes:
(Spoiler warning)
-Yeah Lauren you kinda did drop the whole competition just to vibe, but that's okay I still love you!
-Omg her wings look like thicc slices of bread!!And the colors of it are real pretty
-Yeah Joey!!! You were the worst best friend ever, screw you!
-Scott to the rescue!!!!
-YOOOO Joey's out first!!!!!
-Hi supreme Lizzie
-Scott's the new supreme!!!
-Oh yeah they all do have her autograph in a way huh?
-Everyone reaction to finding out Cleo was an undead this whole time is really funny
-Lauren just dipped lmao?!?!??
-The "Yep that's me, you are probably wondering how I got here." Bit to start the episode was good
-Training montage
-Damm Shellby's strong af, she really giving them a hard time
-Ohhh her artifact exploded on her because of the reset, alright that makes a bit more sense
-Oh she skipped the demon fight hmm
-Lol she became a witch content creator after the competitions?!
-Oli and Sausage got bailed out by El
-They made wcsmp's version of love or host lol
-Did she steal a award!?
-Someone get Scott I found his supreme crown
-Oh that ice blast spell is cool(pun wasn't intended)
-Bro not the Stacy callback!!
-Cleo's time freeze ability <3
-Okay demon battle time
-Gods why was it that Joey give the "If we work together we can defeat the villian." Speech, it's not at all a thing his character would say
-Bro the demon's not even taking any damage lmao
-Scott's new to his supreme witch powers leave him alone
-Dude what home the mages won't accept you ba- oh that one right...
-I mean yeah screw those ice mages and all that but how is Joey's story gonna end now?
-You don't have any best friends le- oh yeah Tiff would be your best friend after all the demonic and botania stuff the both of you bonded over
-Where's Tiff?! Did mother earth take her back or smth?!
-No Joey she couldn't have gone through the elf portal, she has told you before that the portal works only one wa- aphgkgdj?!SURE JUST GO IN JOEY BYE WITCH!!!
-Okay so at this point I'm pretty sure that there many chests in the area but not all of them have stuff in them and are there for decor
-Where did that blaze come from?!
-Lmao Cleo saying "Do we have a cool name?"
-Cleo and Scott are not giving Pris a chance to breath lol
-"I can't see it but I'll pretend I do"
-Bertha's curse got broken!!(see Bertha you didn't even have to bring back your dead sister and the demon she took down with her to break your curse you just had to wait)
-Is Bertha immortal?? Also do they not have a job outside of being the supreme witch competitions referee(???)
-Is Mertha's curse also broken now?
-Lol the demon fight crashed Pris' computer
-Is Pris a siren of some kind?
-Oh her dead sister is there, I'm going to assume that's her spirit coming for a visit or something
-Oooo we are finally meeting this "she" Shubble keeps mentioning
-My girl saw the weird dead deer skulls and said "Ew"
-*Big gasp* *choking noises* *literally dying* *it was nice knowing you*
-*In a nerd voice*Uhmm actually those look like shiny charizard wings thank you very much
-Her immediate respons to seeing Cleo was zap-teleport out of there
-Love how Tiff, Shubble and Pris are just watching Lauren and Joey "attacking" eachother
-Shubble leaving the scene when Scott shows up lol
-I love hduo, found sisters <3
-So is Tiff's first death not counted?
-"He is already dead let it go" SHELLBY?!!?!!!KAGLZHSK
-Why is it always these 2 in a fight to death
-Oh she just flew away?!!
-"Aren't you like dead though?" Shellby you need to stop!!kdhdhchbj
-Oh come on!! We are not meeting "her" aww man :(
-Witch Tiff's grandma used to make nightsade berry pies. Good fact to know
-Oop the Bertha clone is back
-Oh her sneaking behind Cleo was so cool
-"Our leader!"
-"Yeah I want a piece of that. Equality!"
-The voices are back
-Oh, so she did went through the portal...huh
-This is just a random thought, but are we getting a fairies smp next? Cause I feel as though both witch!Tiff and witch!Joey 's stories are meant to continue in a way? Guess we'll have to wait and see
-Oh this is the longest episode, kinda nervous...
-The voices of all the Cleo's?! Excuse me?!??
-Gods, to get any of the end armor set pieces is so expensive
-Oh here is Pris making her amends, yeah I know this already I watched Pris' pov
-"I'M YOUR MAKER!" It's great to finally understand what she said at that time
-Yeah, I think "the coven" does sound cool and ominous
-Did Cleo just pledge herself to Scott? I-yo-I can't understand what their saying from everyone talking over eachother
-Damm has she not liked any part of being a time witch...
-All the skins!!
-And she's human again!
-"And they lived happily ever after." That's a poetic end to Cleo's story. Since she did introduce us to her character with "once/twice a upon a time" and had kind of a storybook structure from then on
-He sounds so annoyed that he's only allowed to take 20 items with him lol
-I don't like how Scott said that he feels like he was going to "burst" and green particals started coming out of him...
-"Wow, you can't just say she's big!"
-"It encapsulates how weird and wonderful we are but it all still works together." Whatever you say new supreme!
-Frank and Agatha were in a 20 buck bet lol
-Agatha what other stuff is down in your secret lair??
-Oh he is really going through with it!! Anything for his love ig
-Oh he drowned to save Maxwell(I still don't know who that is. Their dog maybe)
-4 years?!
-Maxwell passed away a year later?!
-"Moonlight" "My little shadow" aww Milo is soo sweet, I love him already
-So he left the crown behind willingly. I mean I guess it make sense he just needed the power of the supreme witch to finally bring Milo back and since he lost all his powers he's not fit to have it anymore...
-Wait does this make Eloise the new supreme or do we need a new competition to be held pronto?!(in my opinion Shellby should be the new supreme cause she came in second place)
-So the supreme cursed Bertha and Mertha because she looked into the future and saw terrible things were to happen if anyone else were to become the supreme witch? Yeah that's fair ig :/
-Oh wow that was a quick forgivness lol
-Mertha did get the worst of it
-Her nap got interrupted that's so rude
-Time for the supreme games to begin!! But were skipping that probably cause I already watched it 8 times before this
-Oh quick run down of the events?! Sure...
-Oi!! That's so mean to Lauren she did her best!!
-That was an accident though!
-Oh when Joey asked to break the crown to have all of the being the supreme witch Bertha said "Me too?" Hehe
-Where is Mertha?!
-All "-ertha named" mobs lol
-I'm getting nervous, where is Mertha?!
-Why was she on top of a ice mountain?!
-Mertha's uncursed!!
-"666 hours later" sihdudynxtwhAT!?!
-Also why were you 2 spying on Joey and how did he not see the 2 of them, they're not hiding all that well
-They have a witch police?!
-Oh Mertha looks so sad waiting for Bertha...
-"Bertha will return" well yeah I sure hope she does!
And just like that it's over...how do I feel about it? Well...I think the smp had a strong start and a strong middle the ending though...is fine I guess...just wasn't my cup of tea, but I still liked the smp
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goat-guy-tm · 6 months
I've come to realize that I have not gone through my insane rambling of why Michi is my favorite character in MYS. I need to fix that right now.
I will warn you, the ocification beam is strong on this one.
For the longest time I've always felt like Michi was a product of her soroundings. Does it excuse the things she's done? No, but hear me out; if going with the assumption that her mys lore is similar to her mcd lore, then both her parents are gone, dead in some way or another and she is without any kind of parental figure other than a single crazy cat lady who likes her just cause she's part cat.
I feel like her obsession with Aphmau could be easily explained with PDH. Throughout pdh Laurence is constantly going after Aphmau, persuing her, fawning over her, and Michi, is equally doing the same over Laurence.
And suddenly, one day Laurence wants to go out with her, be in a relationship with her. She's ecstatic, over the moon. So much so that she can't realize he's just using her as a place holder, because that's what his intentions were.
She adored him, put so much love and effort into their relationship, only for Laurence to brush her off and have googoo eyes for Aphmau, a girl two-three years below their grade.
Many girls in PDH didn't like Aphmau for boy related reasons, but Michi, Michi despised her. Whenever she would even bring up Aphmau and her concerns of her, Laurence would shoot her down, telling her she's overthinking. Michi hated Aphmau.
When she finally graduated, she tried to get far away from Phoenix Drop. She hated Aphmau so much she had to leave her home town. The one time she got attention, when she thought someone would finally love her, and it got stolen up by that clumsy little freshman.
When Michi came back on offer from KC to work at IHop with her, Michi took it up. She didn't like KC, but KC was the only person who loked her. The pink mifwa was like a sister to her. A sister she never wanted but was stuck with all the same.
Michi was never good at keeping friends, let alone making them. When KC showed intrest in Reece, Michi stepped in instantly, stealing the man from her. It's the only way she felt like she had power, and she knew it would drive KC away from her. Having friends meant being hurt by them, that's all Michi knew. No one could love her, she was a weirdo, a weirdo no one wanted.
Anything she seemed to show intrest in, suddenly there was Aphmau, stealing the limelight and praise once again from her. No matter what she can't get away from her. Every corner of her lofe was blocked by Aphmau.
Michi knew deep down that Aphmau didn't mean it, but so many times had Aphmau ruined her life.
The cycle never ended. Find a friend, get hurt by them, be all alone again.
Ein felt like normal. Ein felt like home. Ein felt like what love was, what friendship was. The pain he inflicted on Michi felt normal. She was afraid of him, she knew at any moment he could and would use a forever potion on her, but in a deep pit of her stomach it soothed her. The cycle continued, and the cycle hurt, but it felt like home. But of course, it was all for Aphmau. Aphmau, Aphmau, Aphmau.
No matter where she went, no matter who she trusted, Aphmau was always there, ruining her life.
I deeply feel that Michi is a product of abuse and neglect, that her siding with villians all the time is from a need for someone like that to view her as worthy, to love her in any way. That the neglect and rejection by Laurence all those years ago soured her so deeply that the cycle of abuse and truama became 'home' to her.
Her want and borderline need to take Aaron from Aphmau is sourced from Aphmau's stealing of Laurence from her, how she was in the middle of their 'relationship' the whole time and Michi just wnats revenge, to make Aphmau feel as hurt as she's made Michi feel for so many years.
I love Michi so much. Away from Jesson's bad writing, Michi could have been such a deeply troubled and complex character, but sadly she's just the weird villian side kick. Anyways, I love her, easily top 5 at least.
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how would the rouges react to a mad scientist type villian s/o who re-animates the dead ? kind of like a dr. frankenstein or herbert west type character lol
The Mad Scientist
Black Mask: Ew. Ew. Ew- and by the way...ew. You know, when he kills people- he expects them to stay dead. Not since you came on the scene. Nope! He'll see Jerry mindlessly wandering because your stupid ass couldn't leave a dead person alone! You give him the creeps and very few times will be actually be okay with you stealing dead bodies to reanimated them. I don't see a relation budding with him but hey he might come around after many many years?
The Riddler: Okay so he tries not to gag and he tries to be supportive but he can only handle being around you when you've cleaned up and you aren't anywhere near dead bodies. It was definitely too much when you asked him not to damage the bodies of those he challenged with his riddles and traps. First of all- no, get your own hostages! Secondly, he's trying not to gag. He can handle dead bodies to an extent when they're on a medical examiners table or dead due to his actions. He CANNOT handle you elbows deep in someone's stomach cavity because your 'work' doesnt need their liver that just so happens to be damaged beyond repair.
Harley Quinn: To her, its like you're performing autopsies. For her associates- your working is disturbing af. Meanwhile she doesn't bat an eye. She even taunts her fellow rogues with your creations. When your not looking she'll be kicking them and shit. When you catch her, she pouts because you're pissed at her for damaging your hard work. She wants to watch you make an army and will even get a hold of a few dead bodies she think would be great assets for you.
Victor Zsasz: He has no shame nor any fucks to give. He'll come in eating a slice of pepperoni pizza as he watches you work. You end up having to ask him to take a step back incase any pizza gets into the dead body you currently have open. "Want a bite?" He asks offering you his pizza. "I'm a bit...elbows deep right now, Victor." You replied. "I'll feed it to you- open up!" This is smart people shit that he knows he cannot do. Mind control? No problems but this. Nope. Never in a million years. He isn't a miracle worker. You are though and he's proud of you.
Mad Hatter: Has a very basic understanding of death when not doing very well. So if these people are up and walking around then they simply can't be dead. Now he absolutely does have the capacity to understand when his conditions aren't fogging his mind and it scares him. He's scared they'll hurt him or they'll hurt you and really just bounces between the two. Any other time that he's not himself, he'll quite literally walk around your work and have no idea that they're actually dead but think they're instead transcended into stronger beings though mindless.
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
So about rise leo x villian! Reader plot, bef i say anything am a huge sucker for good endings so don't blame me.
So i hc reader as a gymnastic - the the villian from Barbie spy movie(?) - with gadget that help her/them shape shift to anything or anybody (So OP must nerf).
Plot; So the reason why reader is begin a villian to begin with is she's working for big mama - yes am gonna blame big mama - as her special thief, reader have the ability/ or have a gadget that make them shapshift to anybody or anything which it helped them escape from the crime scene/ mad dogs may many times.
The reason why she works for big mama is because BM took her in from the streets after she almost pull a perfect heist from BM's hotel, instead of sending her to police or just k1ll her she took her in as her new minion.
The reason why she know the mad dogs was because she's also a friend to april whom she trusts, so April trusted her enough to introduce the mad dogs to her which in the beginning reader took it as a nice game to make fun of the mad dogs to know what they feel about her after she's able to escape them, but soon fall in love with leo which it was unfortunate for her.
Fast forward, the mad dogs takes reader hostage because they just can't let her go, she knows where they live, she knows too much, they try to interrogate her to know anything about her; who's her boss, where she got the gadget? Why working as a thief? But reader is as hard as a nail and won't peep of an info.
That until leo asks her " was everything about us fake? Your feelings towards me? Our dates? Was everything fakes? " Leo asks, reader wanted to be honest and say no but begin afraid of seeing her answer as a lie she sees its best for them to break up and for leo to find another person, but for this to happen he have to hate her, so she pulls the " bad girl " mask and say " yep, everything was a lie, am surprise you even believed i loved you! " To the mad dogs, splinter and April they believe her mask but leo knowing how people could see right through her.
When everyone leave leo and reader alone to talk, leo start pressing reader for his answers, reader put a fight by saying hurtful words but in the end breaks from guilt, she loves leo so much she feels the guilt is crushing her, she wants him to forgive her but she knows she doesn't deserve it.
She get surprised by leo mentioning how reader have to stay in the lair to keep on " interrogate " her, tho reader knows it's way of leo saying " you're gonna stay with me until your problems is solved ", yes reader hadn't gotten leo's full trust again but it's a step to regain his and the family's trust.
first of all, i love the headcanon of gymnastics reader with the shapeshifting because it's just such a cool thing tbh. And almost pulling the perfect heist?? i would hire her in an instant. I think if it was me who wrote this it might go something like:
You slide down the rope, eyes scanning the room to see if any alarms had been triggered yet. Noting the absence of flashing lights and loud blaring sirens, your shoulders sag in relief at going undetected.
and reader getting caught by the mad dogs and being interrogated??? Oh my GOD so much potential for angst here it's insane. Mikey interrogating her?? sweetheart won't be able to hold back tears. Raph??? Incredibly disappointed. "I thought we were bear buddies!"
Donnie?? Well. Honestly I'm not sure how he'd react but i think he'd be rather hurt bc he considered you a good acquaintance, maybe even working your way up to be a worthy friend.
And then there's Leo. Our sweet, sweet turtle who just so happened to fall for the enemy. Honestly I'm always a sucker for sweet endings but I just so happen to be rather evil and as such will leave it on a high note of heartbreak :>
So, if I were to just kinda drabble a bit (Please pardon the suddenness of it all, this is very on the spot bc inspo hit and completely unedited/thought out) I'd write it like this:
"Fine, don't tell me anything then." Leo stands up, the shards of hurt and betrayal stabbing into his chest even deeper as he watches your bowed head. You refuse to look up, to meet his gaze because you knew that if you did, you'd break.
You're already trying to silence the voice in your head practically screaming at you to tell him everything. To tell him everything you felt for him - that you still feel for him, was never a lie.
Your eyes water, but you refuse to let a single tear overflow and land on the table. Your arms are tightly secured with rope, and you can barely breathe even though they had been lenient with your restraints.
Leo wants to say something - anything, for the glimmer of hope in his heart that you'd come clean.
That makes you look up. His eyes are filled with desperation, pleading with you to admit that what the both of you had wasn't just pure deceit.
When he finally manages to meet your gaze, he almost forgets how angry he is. Your eyes swirl with guilt and regret, conflict in his chest as he watches you visibly struggle to find the words to reply. He wants nothing more than to wrap you into a hug, to soothe your worries (and his) and to forget everything that went down in the past two days.
But you don't reply, and it worsens the pit of despair his heart is already plummeting into.
So he turns around, walking out of the room and slamming the door shut, leaving you behind in the cold darkness.
but yeah! I genuinely really love this plot idea and i think i'll come back to it one day. But currently I'm rather busy and bogged down with work, so it might be a while (whoops).
Thank you so much for sending this in! I really enjoyed this idea :D
Actually, i just got reminded of this one Donnie fic by someone on tumblr(i can't remember the name of the blog, someone please lmk what it is!) but it has a similar storyline whereby Donnie and reader are in a relationship, only for him to find out she's been working for Big Mama all along! I remember it has a happy ending, so I think you'd really enjoy it!
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kmze · 7 months
Finally decided to do a TVD rewatch now that the 'verse is complete. Since I know how everything ends I thought it would be interesting to see how I react with that knowledge. Curious if my feelings might change about characters, ships, storylines etc. (obviously I am fully aware there's going some bias).
Adding my thoughts after I complete the half-way mark of each season (there is simply too many episodes to do a recap of each one). I am talking to the void mostly here but feel free to leave comments, thoughts on my posts for those who still follow me or just find this post. However, I am not here to argue, I simply DO NOT CARE whatever you think is right totally, please leave me alone.
Recaps tagged with k rewatches tvd
S1 Episodes 1-11
I am loving the dark atmosphere of the first season, feeling so much nostalgia! Nice to go back in time to when vampires were scary on this show. That's not really criticism because every supernatural show goes through this. The big bad must always be upped as it goes on but it was nice when the stakes were lower and the mythos was being developed.
Damon makes me feel so uncomfortable so far... I know he was the 'villian' for most of the beginning of the season but his treatment of Vicki and Caroline is just so predatory and gross. Which brings me to...
WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN CAROLINE A GOD DAMN VERVAIN NECKLACE ALREADY!!! Stefan and Elena both know Damon was using her (and they know damn well he hasn't stopped). Her Mom has the vervain to give her and just has not for no reason!! GET AWAY FROM HER ALREADY! I got so mad when Damon was compelling her AGAIN in the 10th episode. I'm so glad she outlives them all, justice for my baby!
I'm sorry but Stefan is so creepy and self-righteous in the beginning, I remembered this but did not remember how bad it was. Also he did not need to kill Vicki, that pissed me off. I don't think it did as much when I first watch this (mind you that was literally 14+ years ago) but just knowing how freely everyone neck-snaps around here it was bullshit. His one cool moment remains when he told Logan he can't walk in the sun. The manipulative way he used Elena’s adoption to get her to forgive him had me rolling my eyes (then of course she used it against Jenna to get out of trouble lol).
I can't remember who the other vampire is who turned Logan, I'm thinking its Pearl's henchman but yeah I don't remember that part. I also didn't remember the crystal so I like that some of this is like a 'mystery' again.
I did remember that I thought Tyler was such a dick in the first season and yeah confirmed. Though now I remembered his Dad was an abusive piece of shit. Still, fuck Tyler for now.
Alaric looks so different I don't hate him (yet).
I still hate Matt #bias
The progression of Bonnie realizing her powers has been well done, again nice to just see the simple magic again. (Stefan totally wanted to bang Sheila back in the day... maybe they did)
Jeremy just met Anna and I still love them, I wish they got more time. They were the only 'ship I like in this season when it first aired.
The Bonnie, Elena and Caroline friendship is nice but I am annoyed they haven't done more to protect Caro from Damon. Especially when she doesn't know what's going on and they do (though Bonnie only just got all the deets). This might be magnified by my love of Caroline I admit but I hate the prop-y way she's being used so far.
I kinda rolled my eyes at the whole Katherine/Damon/Stefan stuff before Elena knew they were vamps because OMG Stefan is 17(!!!) Does no one thinks it's weird he's like "it was a long time ago" A LONG TIME AGO LIKE WHEN YOU WERE 12?! They should have made him at least 20, just bothers me.
I liked that not every vampire had a daylight ring and it was more of a novelty. That is something that could have stuck more in the later seasons.
Lines that made me laugh:
Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. (Bonnie offers to help her) I guess we can put her in the back. (all right in front of Elena lmao oh Caroline never change)
Caroline: So, Elena...how long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it...like a permanent thing? (eyes on the prize baby! lol)
Stefan: (imitating Damon) Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan’s life this week. (never gets old!)
Damon: *shoots Logan with wooden bullets* Payback's a bitch, isn't it? (all in the delivery here lmao kudos to Ian)
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
don't be a hypocrite you don't love rhaenyra's character, what you do is always criticize her, better focus on netty and alicent and leave rhaenyra alone.
she is a victim of alicent but you ignore that fact because you want her to be a villain from the beginning. i bet,you think that book rhaenyra did something bad to criston cole when she was a child and that she deserves what he did to her.
(i agree with you that she is not a good person tho.but there are worse people/characters than her).
Do I say anything that's wrong?
Do I say anything that makes it seem like I'm so unempathetic to her that I can't fathom a world where people support her?
Criticism isn't hatred. I wish that was more normal.
I think I'm really nice about her and her family. I've never gone out of my way to hate on her as a character or outside specific circumstance.
I think I'm unambiguously weary of her as a character when I talk about Nettles. I push for an understanding or avoidance of her in that context because I don't think it's fair to blame her for the things Daemon does. I love blaming Daemon.
I don't make Rhaenyra a villian. What do you think is the system Alicent is perpetuating? What is she upholding?
Rhaenyra will always come short because she's not a man, her usurping is so normally justified because she's a woman.
Why would I think a 14 year old girl is egging a grown man on? Are you okay?
That's like saying show Alicent is doing the same thing or Baby Laena.
I love women, with a bias towards them anytime I talk. This isn't an in depth character analysis. This is a generalization for the benefit of understanding her complex character.
Saying this about her isn't saying that Daemon isn't burning in hell, or suddenly upholding Aegon II or preventing Larys from brutally dying (hopefully) .
When I care about them as characters outside of their multiple atrocities or one redeeming quality (Daemon core), I'll consider writing a character post about them.
I love Rhaenyra. I just talk about Nettles more because I like her more, and no one's corrupting Rhaenyra’s story to the point of mischaracterization and active plot denial.
I'm not denying that Rhaenyra is a victim.
And we agree that she's more complex than people allow for, which is the point I'm making.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
(if the ask game is still open) megamind au for the mha crew? 👀
Ok so when I think of the megamind aesthetic, gonna be honest, the only one who can come close is Toshinori's villain outfit so expect this to get derailed...
1- on his home planet, Toshinori is considered weak and powerless, but Mirai, his family minion, can receive visions of the future and declares Toshinori will be very strong one day. Uh, and also that the planet is going to explode. His parents put Toshinori and Mirai on a lot escape pod and yeet him as the planet dies. On a neighboring planet, a shapeshifting baby, even younger than Toshinori, is also yeeted.
2- Toshinori grows up on earth around the dubious influence of Sorahiko (no hero system to conveniently align his morality to), Nana (has more convictions than Sorahiko but doesn't exactly prioritize legalities either), En (straight up thief), Giran (you know me), and while he always has the drive to help people- especially after learning that he can charge up power from the yellow sun in order to get up to three hours of strength in a boosted body- the first attempt at this goes... Badly. He helps save a family from a car wreck, but his inhuman eyes and smoking form scare them and he's attacked. But he tries again! And this time a young woman shows up dressed like a superhero in a comic, declares herself Lady Nagant, a natural born hero, and shapeshifts her arm into a gun. Toshinori quickly exits when he realizes he won't be able to talk her down, and on getting home, everyone decides if he's going to be treated like a villain and monster for trying to help people, might as well embrace that. Cue an absolute incredible villain costume
3- Mirai has a vision of a scientist working to help them engineer weapons to give them an edge against Nagant, so Toshinori and he go to Professor Shield. Mirai suggests kidnapping the man's daughter to hold as leverage, but Toshinori doesn't want to involve children and also is pretty sure that's a great way for David to put a bomb in anything he builds for Toshinori to hold closely. But turns out David doesn't need convincing! He's 100% on Toshinori's side, but the decide that to protect the Shields, they will all pretend that they are hostages. This means whenever Toshinori is arrested, Mirai grabs Melissa and leaves, and it's a fifty fifty chance if David follows because he can't lose her too, or if he's rescued for a few days before Toshinori escapes and collects him again. David is kept in increasingly secure bases each time in an attempt to stop this from happening but nothing ever works lol
4- the only person who suspects something else is going on with that professor is photographer and reporter Tokuda Taneo, but he's still chasing the story behind both villain and Nagant. Endeavor is the warden and he has a completely one sided rivalry with Toshinori, even attempting to get his kids in on it. Only Touya throws himself into this with enthusiasm, and Toshinori is kinda perturbed that Enji would use a child like that. This offends him, since Toshinori clearly doesn't have a problem using the Professor's child against him, so really Enji is worthy of it too. Toshinori decides to leave that bag of crazy alone and focus on escape plans.
5- so, Nagant landed in the home of a rich politician, but when she was young she was fully turned over to the government to make a superhero. She was happy for this at first, and gave herself bright purple hair (she was under orders to look human, but she pointed out that would be possible with hair dye, and it did make her look more like a comic book hero. She also made herself look older than the teenager she was at her debut). But eventually she got worse and worse orders, and kept being told to just kill Toshinori instead of taking him in, and the branch broke when they told her to kill the Shields as well, since the hostage thing was a farce. Nagant pointed out that even if David was a villian, Melissa was a kid who was a baby when this all started. Her handler doesn't care. The worst Toshinori's really done is waste taxpayer money on the prison continually being rebuilt. Her handler doesn't care. They want to finish up this All Smite job so Nagant can move on to more important cases. Nagant picks up that this is bad, but her only way out would be if she dies so....
A fake death it is! David is pretty sure he's used copper in other machines before but ok, whatever, they won! And Toshinori mostly leaves ruling to Mirai because he believes it's important for the city to have a hero and they accidentally gave another kid shape shifting abilities, but young Keigo wants to be a hero so badly and is picking it up too like a natural! And turns out Toshinori really likes mentoring... But then Keigo gets grabbed by the government too and leaves a note that he's running away with his mom for a better life, so Toshinori, alone, isn't having the best day when he runs into a boy even younger than Melissa who asks if he can be a hero without a power. Toshinori wonders why he never thought of that, and says he can.
Mirai does not approve of Toshinori wasting time training another new hero, this one without any powers- but when he has a vision of Keigo standing over Toshinori's body, bloody feather in hand, he gets even more desperate to convince him. When Toshinori refuses, Mirai leaves.
(in the other room, David frowns, and begins working on altering a hologram so it can fit around a person in disguise, making them look like Toshinori. He's learned over the years that Mirai's visions can't be prevented, but they sure as hell can be misinterpreted)
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empressofthesunwriter · 4 months
Kill La Hero: 06
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In the lottery of Quirk’s Michi got on really special and annoying one. A living, sarcastic ribbon named Ares, who puts her into superpowered revealing outfits. But this won't stop the girl from fulfilling her dream of being a hero! Just watch her!
(But not too closely please!)
Chapter 6: Welcome to the U.A.!
A week later…
Izu-Chan: Did he write you?
No, unfortunately not. And you asked me that before dinner.
Izu-Chan: Sorry, Michi-Kun, I'm just so tense.
I know Izuku, I’m sorry too.  I'm annoyed with All Might that he hasn't called us back yet. What is he doing all this time?!
Izu-Chan: Well, he's still a professional hero.
Sure, but he used to make time for us, what's up now?
Izu-Chan: Maybe he's thinking about how he can gently tell me that I can't get to the U.A. and that it was a mistake to trust me with his Quirk.
Izuku, we've already gone through that, he won't do that!
Izu-Chan: I didn't score a single point!
You helped that nice girl, this alone has to count for something. And All Might like you, Izuku, he won't let you down.
Izu-Chan: Remember me when you go to U.A. and become the next All Might.
Furiously Michi was tipping an answer on her phone to lift Izuku's spirits when her mother called her.
“Michela!”, she shouted from behind her bedroom door. “The letter from the U.A. has arrived!”
Fast Michi tipped Izuku how her letter had arrived, so his must come also before she opened the door to find her parents and grandparents.
Her whole family was nervous, you could clearly see it.
Mother shook as she handed Michi her letter.
They all hoped she and Ares made it.
Playing her nerves down, she thanked her mother and told all she would open it first alone.
With that, she closed the door and sat down on her bed.
“Well, this is it.”, mumbles Ares from his standard place on her head.
“Let rip the bandaid off, ne, Ares?”
“Let’s do it, whirlwind.”
So  Michi opens the letter. 
A small device comes out, and a hologram appears.
It’s All Might!
“I am here as a projection!”, greets the Number one hero them. “Young Massaro and of course Ares I’m sorry I didn’t reach out sooner to you or young Midoriya. You must know I’m starting as a teacher for the U.A. and had a lot of paperwork to do.”
Michi and Ares just blinked.
Did this mean All Might would become their teacher?
How cool!
“But this is not important what is important is if you, young Massaro, have passed the Entrance Exam. Now the writing test you passed without a problem. Now we come to the battle exam.”
All Might turns on a TV beside him.
A ranking is showing.
As she reads it a happy shout and tears spring into Michi's eyes.
“Young Massaro, we don’t only give villains points but also rescue points. You have shown a formidable performance in both areas and it’s my great honor to congratulate you on the First Place! Massaro Michela 70 Villian Points and 55 Rescue Points!”
Another happy shout leaves Michi's lips and even Ares is celebrating hard.
“We did it, we did it. We are even before Bakugo!”, they shout and Michi dances around her room.
Hahaha, in your face, bastard!
“Come, Young Massaro.”, called All Might from the projection. “This is your hero academia!”
Smiling bright like a child on Christmas Eve Michi salutes the hologram.
She can’t wait to tell her family and Izuku!
In April…
Humming happily a little song Michi waited on their intersection for Izuku.
Now they wouldn’t go to Aldera but to U.A.!
It was incredible.
A real dream come trough!
“Michi-Kun, good morning!”, called Izuku for her.
The boy smiled brightly at her, only in the next moment to turn red as a pepperoni.
Michi looked so beautiful in the U.A. school uniform and the black with one red strip on the side stockings.
They made her legs look incredible.
The girl smiled at her best friend/crush, he looked so cute in his uniform and embraced him.
“Morning Izu-Chan! Can you believe it, we are going to the U.A.! Finally!”
A squeak like a yes came from Izuku which made Ares laugh.
“What’s up with your necktie?”, mussed Michi after she stopped hugging Izuku. Smiling she fixed it for him, which turned Izuku even more red. “There, now you are handsome as a prince.”
Ares nearly fell from Michi's head as Izuku imitated a teapot.
God, the boy was so red and the sounds he made.
The ribbon couldn’t anymore!
Michi ignored her laughing ribbon and took Izuku's hand.
Together they walked to the U.A., even if Izuku was still rattling like a teapot.
After taking the tram, they reached their school and searched for classroom 1A.
This was the first time they would be even in the same class.
It made the two happy. 
No more waiting for the lunch break to be together, they could even sit beside each other.
Just awesome!
“Man, this thing is huge.”, pointed Izuku at the door of their classroom. “Are there giants here?”
“Well, who knows what Quirks our classmates have, it could be.”, said Michi, ready to open the door.
Only she stopped as Izuku made a little whine sound.
“Izu-Chan, all good?”
“I’m just worried a bit…what if Kacchan and the boy with the glasses from the exam are in our class?”, he admitted shy.
He knew he could tell Michi his deepest fears, she never would laugh at him.
Surprisingly before Michi could say something, Ares spoke first: “Boy, even if they are there, you aren’t alone anymore. Michi and I are with you. We are a team, did you forget?”
“And we protect each other.”, added Michi.
Then she gave Izuku a big hug. 
He hugged her tightly back, fighting with his tears.
“You can do it Izuku!”, whispered Michi in his ear. “We believe in you. I believe in you, my hero.”
“T-Thanks, Michi.”
“Now let’s get inside!”, proclaimed the girl, raising a hand in the air.
Ares raised one of his flaps and Izuku copied Michi.
“Let’s go!”
So she took with one hand Izuku's hand, and he squeezed it as she opened the door.
Only to be met by a loud shouting match between, oh how wonderful, Bakugo and glasses from her Shit List.
Michi made a face, Ares deadpanned and Izuku hid behind his best friend's back.
Bakugo and glasses squabbled over Bakugo having his feet on the table.
At least they learned the name of the glasses, Iida Tenya from the Soumei Private Academy.
“An elite.”, grumbled Ares.
“No wonder he has a stick up his ass.”, grumbled Michi back.
Izuku just looked shyly around from behind Michi's back.
Which was a stupid move since Iida zeroed in on him. 
And the rest of the class looked at them too.
The glass-wearing girl got ready to protect her Izuku.
But it wasn’t necessary because Iida just introduced himself: “My name is Iida Tenya from the –”
“Yeah, I-I know!”, interrupted him Izuku stuttering. “Uhh… I’m Midoriya Izuku and this is Massaro Michela and Ares. It’s super nice to meet you…”
“Massaro Michela ?”, repeated Iida and all the class stared now at her. She just raised an eyebrow. “You are the one who took the first place!”
“Ares and me.”, corrected Michi, as Ares waved: “We are a team.”
Their classmates started to murmur. 
They never saw a Quirk like that, while Iida made chopping hand moments.
“What an incredible and rare Quirk. I never saw a living and breathing ribbon.”
“And you won’t I’m the only one with one.”, deadpanned Michi.
Silence occurred and someone coughed.
Then Iida recovered, turning to Izuku: “Midoriya… You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn’t you? You must be very perceptive, and I completely misjudged you. I admit as a student, you’re far superior to me.”
Okay, this pleased Michi. She would take Iida Tenya from her Shit List.
Everyone who said sorry to Izuku and complimented him was all right.
“Hey, I recognize that messed up hair! Falling boy!”, called a female voice from behind them. “And the beautiful girl with the cool ribbon. Of course, you would be together.”
They turned around.
“Oh, it’s the cute girl with the gravity quirk. How are you, cutie!”, greeted Michi, while Izuku waved shyle.
Cutie giggled and blushed.
“I’m Uraraka Ochaco, I’m fine…erm?”
“Massaro Michela or just Michi. The ribbon is Ares and the boy behind me is Midoriya Izuku .”
“Yes, he is the one who saved me at the mock exam. Thank you, your punch was incredible.”
This made Izuku just stutter and turn red more, while the girls smiled at him.
Unknown to them Katsuki watched them and felt the familiar anger in him rise.
He remembers the day their old school principal congratulated him, Deku and Massaro for entering the U.A.
Katsuki can’t believe that he is standing here before the principal with Deku.
He had a feeling Massaro would enter the U.A., he recognised her strength, but that she even took first place from him.
Yeah, Katsuki was not thrilled.
The two idiots who had the hots for each other, yes even he could tell, smiled at the principal.
“I can’t believe we have not one but three students from our school heading off to U.A.!”, said the principal proud. “And to think you’re one of them, Midoriya. It’s a miracle.”
Deku just smiles brighter like the idiot he is, while Massaro pats his shoulder proudly.
No, this was not right. Katsuki knew Deku had to use a trick to get into the hero school.
However, which one?
Massaro couldn’t have helped him, she was in her own battle zone, far away from him.
So how did Deku do it?
When the principal made them go, Katsuki turned to the pair.
“I want to talk to you.”, he simply said.
Massaro's red eyes burned him and her ribbon was flapping around.
“Whatever do you want to talk to us?”
“Not with you, Massaro. Deku, I want to talk to you.”
Before Deku could say something Massaro stood protetiv before him.
“Whatever you want to say to Izuku, you can say before me. I know you just want to beat him up if I’m not around.”
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
Annoyed Katsuki growled to Deku: “What did you do to pass the exam? You must’ve cheated somehow, right?”
Deku just stutters.
It pissed him off!
If Massaro wasn’t there he would slam him against the wall.
“I already know I had to share with Massaro to be the first students from this crappy school to get into U.A., but you, Deku, had to go and screw that all up! I warned you not to apply!”
The girl opened her mouth to surely defend her crush, but, unbelievably, Deku stepped before her and stared him down.
Him, Katsuki!
The nerve!
“Kacchan…Someone I look up to told me… that I can become a hero. That’s why I applied. That’s… why I’m going. Like it or not, you can’t stop me!”
Then Deku took Massaro by the hand and the two left him.
Well, Massaro ribbon made a raspberry in his direction, but this wasn’t important.
I’m gonna ruin that little bastard… right after I figure out how he got in.
Meanwhile, Michi and Ochaco talked with each other like they were old friends.
Izuku was a tiny bit jealous, okay.
He knew Michi liked girls also and Uraraka was way prettier than him.
It made him feel even more inferior than normal.
“What do you think we’re doing today besides orientation?”, wondered Uraraka. “I wonder what our teachers are like! I can’t wait to meet everybody!”
Before Michi could respond a male voice from the floor declared: “If you’re just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now.”
Everybody looked at the man on the floor in the yellow sleeping bag.
“Is this a hobo?”, whispers Ares quietly to Michi.
Unsure she shrugged her shoulders.
“Welcome to U.A.’s hero course.”, said the possible hobo, unzipping his sleeping bag and sucking on an energy jelly pouch. “It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That’s not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that. Hello, I’m Aizawa Shouta … your teacher.”
Every teen and one ribbon thought the same: That was their teacher?!
A wannabe hobo?!
Aizawa-Sensei pulls out a tracksuit from his sleeping bag.
Uh-Oh, what now?
“Right, let’s get to it. Put these on and head outside.”
Oh dear Mary, already?
Michi had to sign.
When they took her measure for her tracksuit and uniform she had informed that she needed to transform with Ares to use her Quirk.
It turned out Ares's eyes in the supersuit form were too big to put on the gym jacket.
So Michi got permission to only wear the pants since this was the only piece of clothing that fit over her Ares supersuit.
Amazing all would see her half-naked self already!
Stupid Ares and his stupid pervert supersuit.
Grumpy she followed the girls to the locker room, where they started to put on their tracksuits.
With a huff, Michi transformed which earned her confused looks.
Even more confused as she put only the pants on.
She explained the reason.
No one said anything, till a girl who looked like an alien said: “That’s rough, buddy.”
This made Michi smile.
“An Avatar reference, nice!”
“You are welcome, I’m Mina!”
Well, at least she made some friends.
When the girls walked out to the sports field, what Michi thought of course happened.
Nearly all boys, especially a tiny one with round balls as hair, got nosebleeds.
Surprisingly, besides the little pervert who stared, the other boys looked away quickly and did as if it were nothing.
Seems like nearly all the boys in her class were gentlemen.
Meeting a nice boy was rare.
She always thought Izuku was a special case.
Speaking of Izuku, without saying anything, he stood before her to cover her up.
He only reached under her chin, but it was the thought that contended.
“Thanks, baby boy!”, she purred in his ear and gave him a little cheek kiss.
Her best friend did his best teakettle and pepperoni imitation.
So sweet and innocent, Michi couldn’t wait to corrupt him.
One day soon hopeful.
Anyway, Aizawa-Sensei said they would do now a  Quirk assessment test.
Surprised all repeated it.
“But orientation… We’re gonna miss it.”, remind Uraraka.
“If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can’t waste time on pointless ceremonies.”, was Aizawa-Sensei's dry answer. “Here at U.A., we’re not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit.”
That sounded like trouble.
Their teacher continue: “You’ve been taking standardized tests most of your lives… but you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country’s still trying to pretend we’re all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It’s not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn. Massaro, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam.”
“Yes, sensei.”
“What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?”
“Eh, 70 meters, roughly.”
“Right. Try doing it with your Quirk.”
A bit unsure Michi walked up to the circle, where you threw balls.
“Anything goes. Just stay in the circle.”, told Aizawa-Sensei. “Go on. You’re wasting our time.”
“Alright, alright.”, Michi huffed.
She took the ball into her gloved hand.
“Ares, ready for some action?”
“Let’s throw this ball into the sky!”
Grinning Michi put all her strength into throw. 
The ball, flow and flow and flow, till it was only a little twinkle in the sky before it came down again.
“All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It’s the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero.”, said Aizawa-Sensei. 
He showed them Michi's result. 
999 meters!
Michi and Ares formally preen on their classmate's shocked and aww-ing sounds. 
Oh yeah, they were badass!
All get excited to use their Quirks and test them, however, Aizawa-Sensei reminds them that this is not a game and who failed all eight tests will be expelled!
Of course, protests are heard, however, their teacher doesn’t care, telling them life is unfair. 
So they should go beyond, Plus Ultra to prove they are worthy to be in this school.
Oh, Michi would, show him!
She was worthy!
She stared at Izuku.
He can’t still regulate his Quirk…oh Izuku how are you going to pass? I wish I could help somehow!
The first test was a 50-meter dash, Michi managed to complete it in 5,01 seconds and Izuku in 7.02 seconds.
The record for this test took Iida Tenya with 3.04 seconds, which put Izuku in the era of the last places.
Then the second test was the grip strength test.
Michi deforms the device with her grip, for which the girls cheered on her and some of the boys got scared.
She made the record and Izuku again was more average with his 56.0kg.
The third test was the standing long jump and Michi managed to jump over the sand pit, like Bakugo and another blond guy with a navel laser Quirk, as poor Izuku landed in the sand.
The fourth test, repeated side steps, starts, again no problem for Michi, but Izuku, again average.
The little pervert Mineta Minoru, who kept on staring at her, made the record since he bounced between his hairballs fast as lighting.
Since she already did the ball throw Michi can now look on.
She applauds Uraraka who gets Infinity and makes the record.
No one could bet infinity, this was clear.
Then it’s Izuku's turn and Michi prays for him.
He needs at least one good result!
The girl feels formally how her best friend uses One For All, but strangely he only reaches 46 meters.
As it turns out their teacher is no one than the famous Erasure Hero… Eraser Head, who stopped Izuku from using his Quirk.
He chest the young boy.
Does he want to break his bones again? Does he wait for someone to heal his body again?
When their teacher grapes Izuku with his scarf, only Ares hissing Don’t stop Michi from helping her love.
Aizawa-Sensei chest Izuku some more, comparing him to All Might and how reckless he is.
Then he gives him his Quirk back.
Now it was the moment of truth.
Would Izuku manage to at least use his Quirk without breaking all his bones like their teacher doesn’t want?
Michi can’t help herself and starts to pray quietly.
Izuku needs to manage this!
Her prayers are answered since Izuku somehow managed to channel One For All in one finger and can throw so the ball to 705.3 meters!
A quiet yes comes from her lips, while Izuku tells Aizawa-Sensei cool how he was still standing.
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