#the video in question is very silly i feel like i’ve grown up a lot in the past year? by that i mean. it makes me cringe a little but y’know
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carsickcrow · 2 months ago
i just found a video i took last year on new year’s at midnight and i said “this is gonna be the best year yet. i’ve decided.” and y’know what! i was right! and next year will be even better! i’ve decided!
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softspideys · 4 years ago
Average (Frat!Tom Holland x reader)
summary: tom holland is the handsome, popular, and charismatic king of your campus. so why has he taken an interest in you?
warnings: none
word count: 3,000
pairings: frat!tom holland x reader
a/n: I personally prefer respectful frat boy tom to jerky frat boy tom. inspired by this glorious photo. I hope you you like it:) 
When Tom Holland first spoke to you, your immediate instinct was to assume it was a joke.
You’d just arrived at the party his frat was throwing and immediately made a beeline for the kitchen. You were never totally comfortable in situations like these, but after a couple drinks you tended to be more social and easygoing.
“Hey,” a voice said as you finished pouring yourself some of the suspicious-looking Jungle Juice. You turned around and almost did a double-take.
You knew who Tom was; his roommate Harrison was friends with your roommate Jess, but you’d never spoken to him. He was popular, but there were no rumors about him being a player or an asshole or a creep like there were with some of his frat brothers.
Now he was smiling at you, looking casual in jeans and a black t-shirt, a baseball cap pulled over his curly hair. “Hey,” you answered, once you were positive he was talking to you. There was no one else around you, but still.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Um, no thanks,” you said, gesturing to the cup in your hand. “I’m good.” You figured he was just being polite, but then he continued to speak to you.
“You’re Jess’s roommate, right?” he asked.
You nodded, a little surprised. You honestly didn’t even think he was aware you existed. But then it hit you—he must be looking for her and probably recognized you from one of her Instagram photos or something. “Yeah. I don’t know where she is, though. I just got here.”
“Cool,” he said. “I’ve only met her a couple times—she’s friends with my roommate Harrison—but she talked about you a lot. I’m Tom.” He held out his hand.
Slowly, you shook it. “Y/N.” This was weird. If he wasn’t being polite and he wasn’t looking for someone else, then why was he talking to you? You had to get out of there. “Um, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you.”
“Oh, okay,” he said. “See you around, maybe.” You smiled a little instead of answering before practically fleeing the kitchen and joining the party. The rest of the night passed uneventfully and you didn’t see Tom again.
You thought about him briefly afterwards, but decided not to dwell on it. Maybe he was just bored. Maybe he saw you by yourself and took pity on you.
A few days later, Jess ambushed you while you were doing homework in the library. “You talked to Tom Holland at the party on Saturday?” she whispered excitedly.
“Yeah, for like a minute. It was before I found you. Why?”
“Harrison told me he was asking about you. Want me to pass along your number?”
“No!” you said quickly, feeling your face get warm. “Wait. What do you mean, he was asking about me? Asking what?”
“You know, just like . . . what your deal is, and whatever.” She shrugged. “He probably wants to hang out with you.”
“Me? Why?” The thought made your heartbeat quicken.
Jess rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. Why wouldn’t he? You’re a total catch. I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
The conversation was making you more and more uncomfortable. Tom was good-looking and popular and probably had tons of people lining up just to “hang out” with him. What was so special about you?
Despite your doubts, you found yourself giving in. “Okay,” you said finally. “I guess you can give him my number.”
Jess smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Awesome. I’ll tell Harrison.” She leaned closer, suddenly serious. “And look, I wouldn’t push this if I didn’t think it was a good idea, okay? You know I got your back. Tom is really nice.”
She had a point. “I know,” you said grudgingly. “We’ll see if he even texts me.”
~ ~ ~  
Tom texted you the day after Jess passed your number on.
hey it’s tom, we met at the party on saturday :) i got your number from jess. i was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?
You spent almost an hour reading it over and over, trying to figure out if there was any hidden meaning in the short message. Finally you wrote back: sure.
You expected him to invite you to another frat party or something similar, but instead he asked if you wanted to grab coffee and do homework. Midterms were coming up, after all.
So you met him at a cafe on campus on a chilly Thursday afternoon. He was there when you arrived, sitting at a table in the back. He looked cozy, all bundled up in a hoodie and sweats. You bought yourself a hot chocolate and sat across from him. “Um, hi.”
“Hi.” He smiled at you. “How’s it going?”
“Good. How are you?”
“Pretty good.”
You looked around. He’d picked a two-person table, but that didn’t mean someone else couldn’t pull up a chair. “Is it just going to be us?”
His smile faded a little. “Uh, yeah. Is that okay? I thought—I mean, you can see if Jess is around or something, but—”
“No, no,” you interrupted, wanting to kick yourself. “No, this is fine. I was just asking. I don’t mind.”
“Oh, okay.” He relaxed. “I’m glad you came. I didn’t think you would.”
He shrugged. “You just didn’t seem very, uh . . . excited.”
You cringed inwardly, clearing your throat. “Oh, sorry. I’m not very good at texting. Ask Jess.” You smiled a little at the thought of your best friend. “She’s always mad at me because I take hours to respond and then it usually just ends up being one word.”
Tom laughed. “Oh man, my brother Sam is the same way. I have to send a message to him in all caps that says SOS EMERGENCY PLEASE ANSWER NOW if I want him to answer within the hour.”
“You have a brother?”
“Yeah, three actually. There’s me, then the twins Sam and Harry, and then my youngest brother Paddy.”
“Wow,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “Your house must’ve been pretty crazy growing up.”
“You could say that.”
Before you got to the cafe, you told yourself that you only had to stay for an hour. One hour, and then you could make up some excuse as to why you had to leave. But as time went on, you realized you were actually enjoying yourself. The conversation flowed naturally, and Tom was a good listener. He didn’t seem to mind when you eventually lapsed into silence to get some studying down, and the two of you worked quietly for a while. He even offered to refill your drink when he went to get another for himself.
“Got any plans for dinner?” he asked finally, breaking the comfortable silence you’d grown used to. You looked out the window and saw it was getting dark out.
At first you thought maybe he was going to ask if you wanted to get something to eat with him. But as quick as the idea occurred, you shot it down. That was silly; he’d already been here with you for a few hours now. Maybe he was meeting other people after this and wanted you to take a hint.
So you lied, “Yeah, I’m meeting Jess at a dining hall. I should probably get going, actually.”
“Oh, right,” he said, glancing down at his homework. “Uh, same here.” You both quickly packed up your stuff and left the cafe, pausing before you officially went your separate ways.
“That was fun,” Tom said. He hesitated, and you braced yourself to hear some excuse as to why he would never talk to you again.
You certainly weren’t expecting him to ask shyly, “Would you want to hang out again?” You blinked, certain you hadn’t heard him right. But he just looked at you, waiting for your response, and after a pause you nodded.
“Yeah. I would like that.”
Tom’s answering smile was practically blinding. You couldn’t help but return it. “Awesome,” he said. “Um, I’ll text you?”
“Okay,” you said. “See you later.” He smiled at you for a second longer before he turned and walked away, a happy sort of bounce in his step.
You couldn’t help it; you walked home with a dumb grin on your face.
~ ~ ~
True to his word, Tom texted you a few days later to ask if you wanted to hang out again. This time you accepted readily.
At first, the two of you just got together to have coffee and do homework. Then he somehow managed to figure out part of your schedule and would meet you on your way to class. Even if he had a lecture on the other side of campus, he insisted on walking you all the way to yours.
He started texting you more, sometimes sending you funny videos or memes, but also sharing random thoughts and asking questions. Now you checked your phone frequently, trying to get in the habit of responding quickly or initiating conversation with him first. You followed each other on social media and you noticed he’d liked all of your Instagram photos. Just to be funny, you liked a couple of his too, but then wondered if he would find it weird.
“We’re friends,” you told Jess when she noticed you smiling at your phone. “That’s it.”
“Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England. Are you kidding me?”
“I’m serious,” you said, because you knew what she was insinuating and there was just no way Tom Holland would be into you like that. Sometimes you saw him around campus, always surrounded by a laughing group of friends and admirers. He was like the sun, and you knew you were lucky to even be in his orbit.
“We’re having a party on Friday night,” Tom said to you one afternoon. The weather was nice, so you’d claimed a sunny spot out on the quad to do some homework.
“Cool.” You were more focused on the essay you were writing than the conversation.
“Are you gonna go?” he pressed.
“I don’t know. Maybe if Jess goes I’ll come too.”
“Well . . .” He trailed off, and you looked up to see he was fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. “What if we went together?”
You stared at him. Of all the things you were expecting him to say, it certainly was not that. “Like . . . me and you? Like . . .  as your date?”
Tom was blushing now, steadily avoiding your eyes. “Um. Yes?”
Alarm bells were going off in your brain. If Jess were here she’d be throwing a parade, but you knew there had to be a catch. Out of all the people on campus, why was he asking you?
You opened your mouth to say no, but then he finally glanced up at you. His expression was so earnest and hopeful that you found yourself saying, “Sure.”
“Really? You want to?” he said, like he couldn’t believe it.
You nodded. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
There was that goofy grin again, lighting up his entire face. “Okay,” he said. “Cool.”
You knew you should be excited, but there was a nervous pit in your stomach that just wouldn’t go away. It was still there when you arrived at Tom’s frat house that Friday. You didn’t recognize the brother at the door on security duty, but he took one look and waved you inside, no questions asked.
You were a little confused; you came by yourself last time too and had to say you knew Harrison. But the brother merely said, “Tom put you on the list.”
The boy in question was in the kitchen, talking to a few of his brothers. He noticed you walk in immediately and his eyes lit up. “Hey! You’re here!” To your surprise he gave you a hug, and you tried not to focus on how good his cologne smelled.
“You look nice,” he said when he pulled away. In an attempt to feel more confident, you’d worn your favorite pair of jeans and a cute top, even allowing Jess to do some hair and makeup magic on you.
“Thank you,” you said. “Um, so do you.” He was just in jeans and a purple flannel, a black baseball cap twisted backwards on his head, but he still managed to make it look effortlessly cool.
“Thanks.” He paused. “I’m, uh, really glad you came.”  
“Me too,” you said quietly. He smiled at you and the knot in your stomach tightened.
Tom barely left your side the entire night. He introduced you to some of his fraternity brothers, whose names you forgot as soon as they said them. A few of them had brought dates too, and while they were all friendly and welcoming, you couldn’t help but feel frumpy and plain standing next to them.
It didn’t help that there were some not-so-friendly girls coming over too. They gave Tom hugs and kisses on the cheek before eyeing you critically. You could practically see the invisible thought bubble forming over their heads each time they looked at you: why is he here with you? You wanted to tell them that you were wondering the same thing.
The longer you thought about it, the worse you felt. It just didn’t make sense. Tom had practically half the campus falling at his feet; why wasn’t he with someone more talented, better looking, charismatic? Why had he picked you? You were so . . . average.
Maybe it was some kind of prank, some kind of fucked-up tradition in his fraternity: find a shy girl, get her to fall in love with you, and then break her heart. That had to be it. There was no other explanation.
“Are you alright?” Tom asked, tearing you from your thoughts. You realized you hadn’t spoken in several minutes, just staring off into space.
You swallowed. “Could we, um, go somewhere quiet? Please?”
He studied your face for a second before he nodded. “Of course.” He put one hand on your back, gently guiding you out of the crowded room and up the stairs. You followed him down the hallway until he stopped at a door with a sign that said TOM & HARRISON.
Oh. This was his room. 
He ushered you in and you noticed he left the door slightly ajar, so you could easily leave if you wanted to. Still, you immediately took a seat at his desk, not wanting to even go near the bed. Tom didn’t seem to mind, falling onto it with a loud thud and a content sigh. Neither of you spoke for a minute. Finally you glanced over at him and saw he was already watching you, a tiny smile on his face.
You couldn’t take it any longer. “Is this, like, a prank or something?”
“This. Like,” you gestured vaguely between the two of you, “all of this. Is it a joke?”
Tom’s smile vanished. He scrambled to sit up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. “What are you talking about? Why would you even think that?”
You shrugged, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t know. I’ve just been trying to figure out why someone like you would be doing all of this with someone like me.”
He looked lost. “Doing what?”
“You know . . . hanging out with me, texting me, inviting me here . . .”
He stared at you for a second before he let out a short, disbelieving laugh. “I mean . . . I like you. I thought that was obvious.”
“But why?” You were frustrated to find you were near tears. “You could have your pick of anyone on this campus. There are so many girls in this house alone right now who are prettier and funnier and more interesting than me. So why . . . why me?”
Tom slowly stood up and came over to where you were sitting, kneeling in front of you. “Because I think you’re pretty and funny and interesting,” he said, looking at you unflinchingly. “None of those other people matter to me. I don’t know why you keep trying to convince yourself that you’re, like . . . not good enough or whatever, but it’s not true.”
You bit your lip as he took your hand. “I’m just . . . not used to this. Usually people tend not to notice me.” 
“I did,” he said simply. “And I really, really like you.”
“I really like you too,” you said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Tom said gently. “Just trust me, okay? I would never hurt you like that.”
He was being honest. He always had been, but you believed him now. You took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you?”
Tom blinked in surprise before he nodded. You leaned in and kissed him softly; his lips were a little chapped and tasted sweet and sort of fruity, like the juice from his drink. His hands came up to carefully cup your jaw, holding you in place. It made your head dizzy and your knees weak; it was perfect.
It was like a dam broke. Suddenly you couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t figure out what to do with the happy, fizzy feeling in your stomach. You pulled back a little, pressing kisses to his cheeks and his nose. Tom giggled like the touch made him ticklish and you thought to yourself, You were so silly to deny yourself for so long, to think you didn’t deserve this.
You knew better now. You knew you did.
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broxklynn · 4 years ago
The End Of My Candy Love
Alright, so. This post will contain a lot. First of all, it's gonna be really sloppy. I'm very emotional person and I easily get attached to games, movies and stuff. I know it's a bit weird, but yeah, I'm a weird person. Anyway, that's why there's a warning: there's gonna be a lot of sloppiness, grammar mistakes (at least I think so, specially since english isn't my native languange) and it's probably going to be long. So, if you're intrested in reading my thoughts about everything - good luck.
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First Adventure
I first heard about "My Candy Love" in 2015, six years ago. So, I was basically a baby (I'm pretty young). And I started playing a year after, I got totally obssesed with Lysander and I fell in love, seriously, haha. I was into writing back then, but I couldn't find any ideas on "what to write?" and MCL gave me just that - inspiration (that's most likely why I'm just a romance freak).
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My Story
You know, I was a child so I couldn't really pay for AP, but I always found some kind of way to get them. But then I got my phone I just used money from that, geez, I was nuts. The old AP system was so iconic, looking for Nathaniel, finding Kiki, I'm gonna miss it.
Anyway, I got along with Castiel pretty well (which suprises me 'cause I found about walkthroughs in 2017, like year after, so maybe it was because I was a brat?), but I adored Lysander. Oh, I also loved Ken (I was so sad when he went away) and Nathaniel. After I met Armin, I liked him too.
Again, being a child and playing a game like this I came across all diffrent kinds of emotions. I was laughing, crying, dying from embaressment (this thing with Nath and locker room, aaa) and getting seriously mad (Deborah's arc, Priya, Charlotte). I remember impatiently waiting for new episode to come out or crying my eyes out during Lysander's amnesia plot. Jesus. I loved the way Castiel was teasing Candy, I loved this cute-clumsy Kentin, I loved the old Nathaniel, I loved Armin and most of all - I loved my precious Lysander. I adored the interactions between characters, how funny or cringy they were and how much fun I had. I even like this secret-dating plot even when it got on my nerves. I still remember staying up late to watch videos like "lysander illustrations" and stuff. I also really enjoyed reading MCL manga and I spent hours trying to translate it from Spanish to English or my native languange (funfact: I still haven't finished it! I don't know where to find those mangas) or trying to draw something from the game up ending up terribly failing. Anyway, I was crying during the prom thing, my Candy was so grown-up, I got emotional, haha. So, 40 episode came in. I was pretty excited 'because, me, being extremely naive (I got to say, I've never had a problem with Beemoov before, I started playing MCL in 2016 and Eldarya in 2017, so there were no major issues with them, only the price of PA, I think) thought that my Lysander is going to propose (I was a child, ok?) and maybe, there's going to be a second season with us living together. Haha, how naive I was. Whole episode 40, really got me tearing up, I was a wreck, seriously (When Kentin couldn't take Candy's bra off I lost it or this whole ananas thing in Castiel's route, omg). But I finished it feeling happy. I truly enjoyed spending my time on this game. But, then this whole university thing came out. And the fact, that Lysander, Armin and Kentin won't be with us foe the next season. I spent entire vacation crying (I was a kiddo, ok?) and being mad at everyone. I felt like I got robbed. It was horrible.
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"A New Chapter"
I was one of these people who just couldn't accept the change. Not in the world. Never. They stole my Lysander, Kentin and Armin from me and changed AP system to some kind of bullshit. God, I was mad. Really mad. Seeing Castiel was quite nice, but I didn't fill the void of my baby. But, oh, my, God. When I saw Nathaniel I just couldn't believe. I said I was mad? Then I was furious. I really liked the old Nathaniel, he had his own vibe, his backstory, his character and it was just, damn, amazing. But they changed him completely, for what? They wanted the second Castiel? Yeah, they got it. Priya as a love interest was quite a good move, tho. I even though I didn't like her (in highschool or in university) I liked the idea of adding a female interest. But the thing that hurted me, was the fact that Lysander was taking care of the farm. Like, no! He didn't want that. He didn't like the countryside. He had such a potential to become a author and Beemoov didn't let him. God, that broke my heart. Anyway, I didn't spent a single penny on MCLUL, but I have to say - I kinda enjoyed it. You know, it was the guily-pleasure kind of thing. I didn't like it as much as I liked highschool, but there were some good or funny moments. I loved Rayan's kiss scene. I adored Chani. Or Hyun making us watch "Toy Story". Nathaniel's ulgy green hair or all these crazy threesomes. I liked it. Kinda. I hated Nath tho. The ending, hm, it was okay, I guess? I do feel sort of nostalgic thinking about it 'cause I got some nice memories from it, in the end. But yeah, going on.
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Love Life
Oh. My. Lord. I was so sceptical about it. Like, I was sure that, at this point they're going to do "My Candy Love Mid-Life Crises" next or some other shit. But in the end, I "kinda" like it. It wasn't good like highschool or fresh like university, but I was nice to see new chapters with our annoying-cringy Candy, that I love (btw, I started playing other otome games and I realized that Candy wasn't that bad). Meeting Eric was nice, even tho, this whole cheating plot really got me ragging. Like, damn, Beemoov, seriously? And if you going this, why not with old LIs? Just kidding. Anyway, I truly enjoyed meeting Dan and Eric, the two of them were quite a characters. I won't forget them, hah. I was happy with single ending, 'cause I think about it as a "open ending" when my Candy can go back to my baby and everything's going to be alright.
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Regrets & Complaints
Now, now. Where do I start? AP system was a freaking nightmare. Replacing old Nathaniel with some kind of weird Castiel was a nightmare. Removing Lysander, Nathaniel, Armin and Kentin was a nightmare. Not finishing plots was a nightmare. And why in the whole Love Life I haven't seen Amber once? Why Alexy never mentioned Evan like they're not brothers? Why Castiel doesn't care that I was dating his bestfriend? And why, in the world, after changing the system finding Kiki is so damn easy? Why AP is so expensive? So many questions!
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All The Good Times
But, I got to say. I will never forget this bitchy Castiel, cookie-monster Ken following us around. Or cute Nathaniel. Castiel buying Candy some kind of weird McDonald's. Or Lysander's parents exposing him having crush on Candy. Or seeing Kentin kissing Amber (ew). This super akward-funny sex ed lesson. Deborah's arc and losing my shit over it. Or Thomas (this weird child) stalking my Candy and her LI in the park. And Lysander asking us how to hide a body, aaa. Or Armin telling us he loves us. Or Kentin. And Cookie ripping this huge teddybear apart. Or the water fight in Kentin’s spin off. And crushing on Alexy and later on finding out he’s gay. Or spin-the-bottle game and Lysander getting jealous. Or Dake, being a creep for entire game straight. Or guessing what was guy's surnames. And for sure, I will never forget this demonic Kiki dog.
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What it worth it?
In the end, yes. Have I ever told you that I want to become a professional writer? Silly dream, I know, but writing is a huge passion of mine, and well, my first story was based off My Candy Love (it is cringy as hell, but I feel kinda nostalgic thinking about it). All these years spending on playing game that I wasn't supposed to be playing was amazing. It was one of the best experiences I had in life and I will never, ever forget that.
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What now?
Well, Beemoov is working on a new game and I'm kinda optimistic. I know, it's really naive of me, but I want to believe that they won't f*ck this up, this time. And going back to Sweet Amoris, well, I truly missed this place! And the teachers... And Kiki. I wonder, when it will be released and will Beemoov finally open up about telling us surnames and ages of love interests. Anyway, I want to believe they learnt from their mistakes.
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In the end. Thank you, My Candy Love, for creating so many memories. I will be forever grateful. 
(I just re-read this post and it seems like I have really love-hate relationship with this game)
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theimpossiblescheme · 4 years ago
So one of my favorite musicals of all time turns forty today…
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Funnily enough, my first exposure to anything even related to it was through a little magazine called Cricket.  I genuinely don’t know if it’s still in circulation, but it was a children’s magazine full of short stories, poems, fascinating articles, and book recommendations.  It was old enough that not only had some of my favorite writers as a kid contributed to it (I also owe my love of Lloyd Alexander to the magazine since he always wrote the “Old Cricket” editorials at the end of every issue), but my aunt had also been subscribed to it.  One day, my grandma let me borrow an old Cricket record full of stories and poems being read out loud, and the last track on the second side was a poem by T.S. Eliot.  The poem that would eventually become “The Song of the Jellicles”—“Jellicle cats are black and white, Jellicle cats are rather small…” I thought it was a cute poem, but I had no idea there was anything more to it than that.
A few years later—when I was about eight years old—I read that poem and a bunch of poems like it had been turned into what was once the longest-running Broadway musicals.  As soon as my brain saw the words “Jellicle cats”, I immediately flashed back to that old Cricket record, and I decided I had to learn more. As luck would have it, my grandma also had a VHS of the 1998 Great Performances show.  For a long time, I dragged my feet on watching it.  What if it didn’t live up to the hype?  What if they were really better off as poems and not songs and dances?  How did you make an entire musical based on poems for kids, anyway?  But one evening I finally broke down and put in the VHS. I still have all the previews on it memorized—one for the huge Andrew Lloyd Webber concert in Royal Albert Hall, one for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and one for the movie The Borrowers.  Then after a moment of silence, the overture started and the first glowing yellow cat’s eye appeared onscreen.  Showtime.
What followed was an honestly life-changing experience.  I’ve talked before about Cats being pure fantasy and escapism, and eight-year-old me had never seen anything like that outside of Disney movies.  These were real people in these fuzzy, colorful costumes doing these incredible dance moves, performing magic tricks in real time, and transforming themselves into these fantastical creatures who sounded like humans, but behaved like cats.  Real people who did this for a living—who went to work every day and got to become something else for hundreds of audience members to see.  Who could make you laugh and cheer and cry while wearing fluffy wigs and painted stripes on their faces, and you never questioned it for a second. I marveled at Victoria’s ballet solo, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s double cartwheel, Mistoffelees’s sparkling coat, Jemima and Grizabella’s beautiful voices.  And by the time the credits rolled, I decided I wanted to do this for a living.  I wanted to be an actress and make this kind of magic happen myself.
For a few years afterward, I’m pretty sure I was “the Cats girl” to everyone I knew.  I always talked about it, I had all the characters memorized, and I first discovered fandom and fanfiction thanks to dedicated websites (once I was old enough to have unlimited Internet access).  I even tried to stage my own production of it in elementary school, starring myself as Grizabella and my best friend at the time as Victoria (it never got off the ground, and it wouldn’t have been legal anyway without the Really Useful Group’s permission). And of course, it was a gateway drug to the wonderful world of musical theater; I wouldn’t have found Phantom, Great Comet, or Man of La Mancha without Cats.  It wasn’t until I was older that I learned what a strange reputation Cats had.  People respected it, but no one really seemed to like it—it was just a weird, silly fluke of a show with a strange concept and no plot.  Some even considered it the worst thing Andrew Lloyd Webber had ever written.  It didn’t make me love Cats less, but it did make me feel more… self-conscious about it.  Like it was something I needed to precede with an “Okay, hear me out…” or “I know, I know, but…” before mentioning it to anyone.  So while I still loved the show, I talked about it a lot less.
Then, about a year and a half ago, the movie came out.  And for better or worse, it got people talking about the musical again.  I was absolutely dreading the amount of people who were going to come out of the woodwork and keep saying what I’d always heard—that Cats was a bad musical and its fans were deluded, and they were never going to give it an honest chance now because of the movie’s reputation.  Hyperbolically awful reviews and video essays came out, all bashing the very concept of Cats, and I wanted the earth to swallow me whole. But then, a miracle happened. People started rediscovering the actual musical again.  People started talking about how they’d grown up with the 1998 version just like I had. People talked about liking it—actually liking this funny little show with its poems and songs and elaborate choreography in service of a loose, highly metaphorical plot.  Actual fans talked about how they loved Cats and saw multiple productions of it and cared about the dozens of characters just like I did.
And very slowly, I started talking to them.  I started learning new things, like little bits of trivia and the names of different performers and exactly what a “non-replica” was.  I made friends and talked about headcanons and favorite productions with them. I started writing again after a long dry spell.  I rejoined my first fandom ever, this time with new people I could actually interact with instead of just leaving messages in a long-dead guestbook, and I had the time of my life.  I’m still having the time of my life with everyone in the Cats fandom here on Tumblr, getting to share one of my oldest and greatest inspirations with people who feel the same way I do.  So thank you guys—for liking my ficlets and headcanon posts, for introducing me to the Mexican and Italian productions, for saying such kind words when I needed cheering up, and for letting me be a part of it.
And thank you, Cats. For sparking my love of theater and everything it’s capable of creating.  For being such a joy to watch and learn about even on my most depressing days.  For being wild and unapologetic the way few shows are brave enough to be.  And for holding a special place in my heart, now and forever.
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knives-and-narcissi · 4 years ago
Twelve-million more reasons Historia and Levi are part of the Endgame. With Pictures.
You can read the first post I made on this here:
10 reasons it would make narrative sense for Levi and Historia’s character arcs to end together.
(This is the mega-evolved version.)
Okay, I’m going to put this out there now, and before you judge me, please just read the posts. You don’t have to agree. This is just an idea. But it makes a stupid amount of sense, at least to me. So here's your fair warning (and now I'm being bold): If you don’t want to potentially be spoiled, Do Not Read On.
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Here’s the Theory:
Historia Reiss will give birth to a half-Ackerman child, and together with Levi, from the ashes and ruins of the world Eren destroyed, they will welcome the dawn of a new age for humanity, where Ymir’s curse and the power of the Titans is extinct.
I know. I sound like some crazy, Rivahisu nut. Granted, I am, but I’m not mad enough to make a claim like this without a shit-ton of evidence, because it’s such a damn twist it feels like it can’t be true. But just humour me.
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Here’s the theory, then we’ll look at why it makes sense and how it might have been foreshadowed. Please note: I have less clue how this will tie in to Eremika endgame, so I haven’t mentioned this as much, but obviously that will be the other very important side of this coin.
10 months ago (In Japan, full term pregnancy is counted as 10 months), at the banquet celebrating completion of the new railroad, Levi and Historia, having had 3 and a bit years to bond over their shared experiences and become close, may have gotten carried away together and shared one night of being a bit more than friends. She’s well into her 18th year at this point, just to clear that up. This resulted in Historia getting pregnant. Okay just stay with me; I know. I know. I sound crazy. But hear me out. So this pregnancy, contrary to the belief of the MPs and rest of the damn world, was the complete opposite of planned. Historia tells Levi, and Levi immediately panics. Because, to steal Kenny’s famous line, Levi thinks to himself ‘I can’t be some kid’s dad.’
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 Levi does what he always does best, and shuts down into business mode, telling Historia she will need to cover it up somehow. Historia does as he asks, probably reluctantly, because she really has developed very deep feelings for him during the timeskip, and finds some farm hand to take the blame, likely saying she made a silly mistake with some random and the father doesn’t want anything to do with the child, and so she needs a father for the child not to be illegitimate. Which is her worst nightmare, because of course, that’s what she was. Levi watches the exchange hidden in that famous hood, feeling very conflicted, because although he cares about her, he thinks it best if no one knows that it was him that got the Queen pregnant, and of course, he’s duty bound, with a vow to fulfil, so he has no time to be worrying about a family. (Silly Levi!) 
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How ironic this conversation would be if this theory were true. Remember, Historia was completely willing to eat Zeke if needed. Instead, she got pregnant, unplanned, nothing to do with any plot or selfish wishes, just the result of a spontaneous act of love by two people who’ve grown to care for one another a lot. ANYWAY.
Because we know Levi actually has a good heart, he feels immensely guilty for all of this; he's just a product of his upbringing and thinks he doesn’t know the first thing about families, so it's better for all involved if he not be. See where this is going? The old cursed history repeating? Making the same mistakes as our parents? Plus, Levi is bound by his duty. He is incredibly important to the military still, and he cannot just abandon this for any of his own selfish wishes. He’s supposed to be the one to vanquish the beast titan. 
Cue ten months of Historia looking hella depressed and hopeless, and Levi being even more of an asshole than usual to everyone, and not really wanting to say too much at all, as well as making some terrible workplace decisions (lol) poor boy be distracted.
Look at his face 😭
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Yes Levi. A month. Which means Historia is now due and you’re still stuck with beardy, without a solution and pretty soon no reason for the MPs not to turn the mother of your child into a Titan.
That’s what that face is. I thought he looked a bit weird first time I read these panels 🤔 He didn’t know about the wine. We see that later. Anyway, I keep getting distracted, stop. I’ll come back to this.
But fear not; Levi will have a choice to make. 
So this is where it gets a bit more iffy for me, because I'm not sure how it would work, so this could be a way off, BUT. I believe it will come to light that the combination of Royal and Ackerman genes will somehow cancel out a person’s ability to turn into a titan and connection through paths, thus making them truly ‘free.’
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The founding titan has the ability to change Eldian physiology, according to what Zeke learned from professor Xavier. 
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EDIT: Okay so here’s where I’ve had to tweak this a bit in light of there latest chapter. So we just had Zeke in PATHS. With none other than our second resident genius, and as proclaimed by Eren, the saviour of humanity: Armin. What do our boys have a conversation about? Reproduction and the importance of the small moments in life - it’s these little moments which matter, regardless of the desire or need to recreate. Interesting how both the leaf and baseball link back to what their ideas of ‘family’ became. If Historia and Levi were to be in the same scenario in PATHS, what would their items be? What truly means family to them both? 
Perhaps Armin and Zeke realise what is needed to lift the curse of the titans - maybe a blueprint for genes which can cancel out the connection to PATHS and the founder? If only they had a child with a new type of Royal-Ackerman DNA which might fit the bill ... 
Here’s Levi’s moment. He, with Historia, has created such a child - completely by accident, because of one of those ‘moments’ that both Armin and Zeke mention - moments that are simply just about enjoying what you have with no sense of how it might relate to anything bigger - a real rarity for both of them, considering their roles and constantly being asked to think about the good of humanity as a whole. What a beautiful irony, that in the moment they chose to be selfish and, to use freckled Ymir’s own words, really live for themselves, they set a chain reaction in motion that would ultimately save humanity. 
Where does this leave Eren and Mikasa? Good question. I believe Eren will die once the curse is removed, because tragically he is the character that has been forced to choose humanity over his own personal relationships. As Isayama has said before, Eren is a victim of the story. Mikasa will be the last thing he sees, hence the original dream at the start of the manga, where he wakes up crying. Something like this. But probably a lot better. Yeah.
Out of the ashes of the old world, a new one will be built, but through Historia’s kindness and love, and Levi’s guilt and understanding of what was sacrificed in the past, society will not repeat the same mistakes. The final panel could be Jean holding his child, perhaps with Mikasa, if she ever manages to get over losing Eren. That would be vague enough so that Isayama was able to show it to us already without spoiling much. Or maybe Jean’s dead and it’s not him at all. I don’t know. 😭
Right. Okay. So now you’re going, sweet story, but uh, there’s no way Levi could be the father. He’s so much older. Isayama wouldn't write a moment of romance like that. Not with him and Historia. YOU’RE JUST CRAZY.
Well this is where it get’s interesting. LET ME SHOW YOU. It’s foreshadowed literally everywhere. Right under our noses.
There is so much symbolism.
Dedicate your heart to what? has been Levi’s question recently. What are they all fighting for? What is he fighting for? How will he give meaning to his dead comrades sacrifices? Is killing Zeke really the extent of it? Is vengeance the true meaning of their sacrifices? Or is it something a lot more hopeful?
The answer is shown to us in the opening credits. And the ending credits. Several times. 
Levi says so himself - he keeps messing fulfilling the vow up - why? Why is he so worried about killing Zeke? 
Eren has the same questions to consider. Which PATH is the right one to take - revenge and violence with the rumbling, or love ... with Mikasa. We are literally shown what their choices will be in two virtually identically designed panels, which I’ll show you. Tragically, Eren’s choice is taken from him. He is a victim to the story - he must chose the path that saves humanity. Levi and Eren have been bound together through the theme of choices, and taking the ones which leave you with the least regrets, throughout this entire manga.
The upcoming anime episodes literally plot out the timeline of Levi and Historia’s changing attitude to one another, and then Historia’s pregnancy, it’s just so cleverly subtle. Isayama even tells us when/ during what event her child was probably conceived by just dropping dates in from other, seemingly unrelated plot lines.
Zeke gives pointed comments to Levi constantly - every other line of his is either a different jab at Levi about Historia’s pregnancy, a veiled question, or a reminder that he’s under the pressure of a 10 month time limit to do something about him, or Historia will have to eat him once she’s given birth. We start to see Levi unravel because of this, and make mistakes over and over.
It’s in official art. It’s in the soundtrack. Its in music videos. There’s interviews from Isayama that, when read in light of these ideas, suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
Isayama even trolls us. He’s laughing in our faces, the madman. Like, gotchu 🤣 suckers. While we’re all on Reddit and Twitter like, ‘Levi’s character has become so stagnated! He’s making such poor choices or not giving anything to the plot at all. All that’s left for him now is to give up and die! Be at peace, your story is over.’ OOF. Or, ‘Historia has just been forgotten! She’s become such a pointless character. Isayama just got bored with her and sidelined her.’
I’m going to try and write stuff up in the rough categories below, but these might change. I’ll link them when I’m done, and then pin this post. I’m a bit of a rambler so heads up - this may take a while 😅
There’s also a ton of people I have to mention who have contributed to this - I didn’t spot it by myself. I’ll tag them in the finished post too.
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 1
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 2
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 3
Ackerman-Royal Bloodline and Levi’s Choice Pt. 1
Levi’s Choice Pt. 2
Suns, Moons and Songs
Akatsuki No Requiem - Right theory, Wrong guy
The Farmer and The Cattle Farming Goddess, or WHAT’S IN A NAME.
Mistakes of our parents and breaking the cycle
Memories from the future & Levi’s Guilt
Watch this space. And hold on to your pants. If I’m right, I’m getting very drunk.
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years ago
Great post about idols dating. Thank you for that. Can I ask you something since you’ve been around for a long time and been a fan of the boys for so long?
Someone sent me a message on another platform saying they think they all the members have drifted apart because we don’t get those silly backstage videos anymore, they hardly post, we never see them outside of work together any more. Now I’ve only been a fan for a couple of years and to me they have all just grown up, I don’t think they’re any less close because we don’t get silly videos - I think they’re just more mature and tbh probably having to be a bit more professional now they’re so big. The not posting thing I’m assuming is due to the hate they seem to get when they do (don’t get me started on JM and JK - it’s like they can’t breathe without people bashing them.)
Would you agree? I don’t feel I’m “qualified” enough to answer without some input!
Thank you, and thanks for your amazing blog. I read it like it’s the morning newspaper ☺️
Aww, thank you. I’m glad that you enjoy my blog.
I’ll answer this as both someone who has been around for a while as a fan, and as someone who has grown up and matured as well. Because...I’m not sure the average age of people who say things like this, but the notions usually sound pretty childish to me. (I don’t know what’s a better word to most people, but I prefer “childish” over “immature” because, to me, it has kinder implications.)
First of all. Hi guys! I’m 27 years old. Born at the end of ‘93, so that puts me being born the same year as Yoongi, but closer to Hoseok’s age. So...right around the same age as some of the BTS members. Which means that, when they debuted, it was the year in which I turned 20. To some teens, twenty may sound old and so mature. It did to me when I was 15/16. But as a 27 year old, 20 is still a pretty childish age for most of us. (And fuck 27 is, too, sometimes. Do you ever really feel like an adult?)
So. Let’s talk about what this means for friendships and personalities. Teens tends to be very obnoxious. Through your teen years, you go through phases of wanting to be different. Speaking against the crowd. Answering every question with “tacos.” And just trying your best to absolutely unique. It’s a huge time of self discovery (but that journey can go on for years after and maybe forever), so being a teen is a really complex thing.
As an adult, you may still be hyper and have fun (See Hoseok), but most people mellow out a lot and calm down. (See Taehyung) Even so, you can always bring the childish side of someone out because I promise you its still in there somewhere. Some more than others, but it’s there.
As for best friends. Your best friends (from your teen to adult years) go from people you run around stores singing “Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate’s life for me!” and dancing stupidly to all your least favorite songs that play on the radio, to people you just chill and watch movies with and go on the occasional dinner date with. As much as our personalities become a little calmer, our friendship do, too. These friends can be the same people from your teen years into your adult life, and you’ll still go through this transformation. (See Vmin) It doesn’t mean that you and these friends have grown apart. You’ve just grown up. And people might think that makes growing up sound sad. But I think it’s sad that people look at it like that.
As children, our friends are our world. You normally become friends with people you go to school with and see on a daily basis. When you become an adult, if you still have the same friends, they’re not usually people you end up working with. This means you go from seeing them daily to seeing them when your time allows for it. Again, it doesn’t mean you’re not close. In fact, this actually solidifies how close you are. Because making time to see someone because you care about them and want to see them is a lot more meaningful than seeing them every day because your life determines it so. My absolute best friend lives five hours away from me, and I see her once a year at the very least. Thanks to the pandemic, I haven’t seen her at all last year. But I’m not worried that we’re not friends anymore because of it.
There’s something wonderful about this. Considering people you hardly get to see as those closest to you. It makes me thankful, for one, that we live in this advanced world that allows us to keep in touch with those away from us. It also proves that, as we become adults, we understand that someone’s entire world doesn’t need to revolve around us in order for them to show that they care about us. And that’s such a healthy mindset to have.
As for the members, we get moments that prove they are close all the time. Taehyung asking Jimin to come and sleep with him. Jimin constantly reminding us that he’s keeping in touch with Yoongi while he’s in recovery. I think he even said that they talked on the phone when he got out of surgery, and you don’t do that for someone you don’t care about. Jungkook’s comment on “I knew you were going to say that.” when Jimin said he came to Seoul with nothing and Yoongi said, “Were you naked?” Yeah. If they weren’t close, he wouldn’t have known that Yoongi would say that. Even if it was something 20-year-old Yoongi would have said, it doesn’t mean that 27-year-old Yoongi would say it. Jimin says that the members are his only constant friends. He talked about how he has friends that come and go and sometimes come back, but his friendship with the members is the only thing that remains constant. And I think it’s pretty important to take that for what it is. Because it sounded sincere.
They work together as BTS, but what about outside of BTS? All of the members have things they work on and want to do. They make their own music, have their own hobbies, and even have other friends outside of the group. So, they might not see each other all the time, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re close. They are probably closer to people outside of the group than their own members, and that’s fine. They can have closer friends outside of the group. But it doesn’t change the fact that they all care about each other. You can see it when they are together. They’re the same as they’ve always been. Just older and more mature.
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tirorah · 4 years ago
Road to Berlin – The Strike Witches Magnum Opus?
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Hello! It’s been a long time. I don’t plan on returning to Tumblr long-term—it simply stole away too much of my time and energy, and I had to do what was best for myself. However, I thought I’d pop in for a very special message.
You see, Strike Witches’ third season, Road to Berlin, has now reached its halfway point. And I need you to watch it.
“Strike Witches?!” I hear you say. “That weird show about girls with no pants that you’re obsessed with for some reason?”
Yes, exactly! Hold on, don’t run away yet! Sit with me for a spell and allow me to explain my boundless love for this silly, emotionally gripping show. Allow me to tell you why it might affect you in the same way, and why Road to Berlin may be the best offering yet.
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Welcome to the 501st Joint Fighter Wing
If you’ve heard of this anime, you’ve undoubtedly heard of (or witnessed) its rather infamous claim to fame: a group of teenage soldiers fighting strange creatures in an Alternate Universe World War 2 Europe, flying around with guns and magic-fueled leg machines, and none of them are wearing any decent trousers.
That takes some getting used to, doesn’t it? I’m not going to deny that. But while Strike Witches’ rather peculiar design decisions are inescapable, there’s one thing you need to take into account: Season 1 aired all the way back in 2008. And over those thirteen years, it’s evolved into an experience unlike anything its roots would suggest.
Strike Witches has always been a strange beast. It has a large cast and divides its activities evenly between (light) war drama and slice-of-life shenanigans. And there’s fanservice, lots and lots of it! But the show’s emphasis on risqué camera work, and how that camera work is handled, highly depends on which entry you’re watching.
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You see, Strike Witches is strangely ambitious. It could’ve easily taken its bizarre concept and pushed that to its limits, bringing in as much fanservice as possible and playing a simple story in the background as window dressing. But it was never satisfied with just that. Even early on in Season 1, the show deals with heavier themes like pressure, trauma and loss.
And then there are the characters, the undisputed stars of the show. Twelve strong and all with different backgrounds and personal quirks, they may at first seem like TV Tropes come to life. And certainly, sometimes they are. However, as the series progressed, things started to change. Even Season 2, arguably the lightest and silliest of all entries, featured material that built on character development and character growth earned in its predecessor.
With the movie and a trio of OVAs to round out the cast a bit more, the stage was set for Road to Berlin.
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The Difficult Road Ahead
When this season was first announced back in 2018, two things stood out to me. First of all, the key visual and promotional video released along with the announcement were much more similar in style to the movies and the OVAs, featuring serious-looking characters and stormy clouds. Secondly, for the first time in Strike Witches history, an entry received a subtitle. Yes, the OVAs were named Operation Victory Arrow, but that was merely wordplay to spell out “OVA.” It wasn’t wholly serious.
Road to Berlin, however, is deadly serious.
Let’s start with an overall theme. The vaunted 501st Joint Fighter Wing has had some major victories, but much of the continent is still under occupation by the Neuroi. The Hive over Berlin is the Wing’s new target, but the journey there is fraught with obstacles. Plans are thwarted and delayed by Neuroi more powerful and far craftier than their 2008 counterparts.
And as the opening song tells us: “We all have flaws.” The Road to Berlin isn’t an entirely literal road; it’s also a metaphorical one. The push to Berlin is their hardest battle yet. Victory can only be achieved if the characters face and overcome their weaknesses. But they’re not alone.
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Friendship Is Power
As the characters have long since been established, there’s greater room for growth not just in one character, but also in how that character interacts with others. Road to Berlin chose the best possible route and decided to emphasize character dynamics. Episodes don’t focus on a single character anymore; they focus on relationships, and those relationships are at their peak here.
There’s a newfound maturity to the writing in Road to Berlin, a gentle touch that allows the characters to breathe and be more than their foremost traits. You get a sense that the characters have grown from their experiences; they feel different, more well-rounded, but they still behave exactly as they should. This is difficult to get right, and while I’m sure there might be a few eyebrow-raising moments here and there, the overall result is a cast that continues to improve every week.
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Chekhov’s Gun
Underpinning the character work is a highly intriguing execution. Road to Berlin delivers subtle setups and satisfying payoffs in every episode. The pacing is also seriously tight. No moment is left unused, every opportunity for additional development is taken. Even the script itself doesn’t like to waste time; it explains things here and there, but it rightly assumes you know who the characters are and what everything means, so it doesn’t bother with many unnecessary lines.
On top of all that, this season is reaching new heights in confidence and sheer audacity, and it uses that to deliver something truly special. There are interactions here that I never could’ve imagined, twists that genuinely caught me off-guard, moments where I had to sit back and digest what I’d just witnessed.
Not a single episode has been predictable thus far; I’ve had more surprises than I can count. In fact, before I started watching I made a bingo card on a whim, filling it with trends and running gags I’d spotted over the course of the series. Some of those bingo spaces have already been proven wrong, and others are in question. Road to Berlin has done such a spectacular job at simultaneously defying and exceeding my expectations that I honestly have no idea where this journey will take me.
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The Fault in Our Stars
Okay, hold up, stop the hype train! I admit, I’m a massive sucker for Strike Witches. One could say this somewhat clouds my judgement. Shocking, I know. So, to make this enthusiastic recommendation fairer, let’s dig into something that I hope to see an improvement on.
There is some terrible imbalance in screen time going on here. I know I said earlier that the cast is great, and it is amazing, but some characters have definitely been favored over others. Yoshika is the main character, of course, so it’s not unreasonable for her to have a large role. Similarly, characters like Minna, Gertrud and Shirley have more experience and higher ranks than the others, which means they have an easier time fitting into scenes.
So, who’s gotten the short end of the stick?
Let’s start with Lynne. She hasn’t had as much of a presence as I’d hoped. The primary reason for this is Shizuka, who’s taken up the role of newbie to the squadron and is often paired with Yoshika because they’re working together. As each episode focuses on the relationships between a select few characters at a time, the others are often relegated to minor roles, and poor Lynne hasn’t had an episode to highlight her yet. I’m sure her moment will come eventually.
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I don’t know if the same thing applies to Minna. She’s mostly stuck behind her desk again, it seems, and while she’s definitely had some scenes, her role as Wing Commander hasn’t allowed her as much wiggle room as some of the others. What I want to see from Minna is more time to be a nurturing mom to her girls. The thing is, I’m not sure how they’d accomplish a Minna-centric episode. I suppose they could pair her up with Mio, but even then, I’m uncertain where to take her. It seems redundant to have her be worried out of her mind over Mio again, and she seems to be keeping it together pretty well so far anyway.
In a trend so merciless it’s almost comical, Sanya and Eila seem forever doomed to the peanut gallery. They started out with few lines and have pretty much remained in the background since. Of course, a big factor to it all is their role as the night patrol, which naturally separates their activities from everyone else’s. It’s my current prediction that their relationship is next in line to be showcased. The quality of that episode will likely hinge on how their personalities are tuned, but there’s potential for something great.
And most shocking of all, Mio—She Who Has Practiced Plot Armor Ten Thousand Times—has had the most infinitesimal role of all. I’m of two minds on this. It appears that Road to Berlin has realized that having Mio fly into battle without a shield or Striker Unit is silly, and this is good. On the other hand, Mio is an iconic and beloved character. She deserves some screen time as long as she doesn’t overshadow the others. For now, she seems to be relegated to strategizing and logistics, although I have a hunch that a way to circumvent her newfound vulnerability has already been set up. Time will tell if this ends up being utilized.
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Journey’s End
In closing, Road to Berlin highlights the best of what Strike Witches has to offer. It’s striding boldly forward, eager to dazzle us with its animation and audio, grinning as it challenges our preconceptions about where its characters can go and what they can do.
The path to this greatness can be tough. Watching Strike Witches means accepting a number of strange concepts, which can give quite a few viewers a rough start with the series. However, if you made it all the way here and haven’t given Strike Witches a try yet, I sincerely implore you to make the attempt. If you allow the characters to sweep you off your feet, then Road to Berlin could be the apex of a most satisfying viewing experience.
Especially if its second half is as impressive as the first. I, personally, have high hopes. There’s no sky this show can’t conquer.
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yikesharringrove · 5 years ago
So, I had this idea, but I'm not really good with writing Harringrove, so I thought I could share it with u. A modern au where Steve nd Billy are streamers in L.A. Like, maybe Billys a gaming streamer nd Steve is a v chill streamer nd basically half of their live streams consist of Steve sitting in Billys lap nd the two of them cuddling while just talking nd one day they get a donation question like, "Are the two of u dating wtf" nd they just go "duh" also. femme/nonbinary steve
I love the idea of Steve being jenna marbles-esque, just like sweet and kinda weird and super loved.
And y’all know my love for nb Steve.
Based loosely on this post. Mainly just the gif.
Watch me make up twitter handles lol
This is v soft and includes many of my headcanons for these two living their lovely modern lives.
Steve was yowling like a damn cat out in the kitchen, interrupting Billy’s stream. “Billy!”
“Stevie! I’m streamin’, Baby!” Hear could hear Steve’s feet plodding down the hall. The chat started going crazy as they appeared in the stream behind Billy, wearing a too-big sweater, thick wool socks on those perpetually cold little feet. Their hair was a fucking mess, and they were wearing their glasses, the big ones Billy loved.
They climbed on Billy’s lap, settling their face into his neck.
“What’s up?”
“Just wanted some lovin’.” Steve’s voice was soft, but they always put their face on the side Billy’s headset mic was on and the audience would go wild over the quiet things they said. Billy rubbed their back before going back to his game.
“Everyone welcome Stevie to the stream.”
He kept playing as usual, Steve a warm little puddle in his lap.
“Okay, Babes. I’m signing off for today, Steve is definitely asleep on me right now and I gotta put them to bed. Love you all, stay safe.” He had to awkwardly shuffle Steve around in his lap to turn off the stream, picking them up to take them to the room across the hall.
They had gotten a two bedroom when they were still friends, pretending they weren’t fucking in love with each other. They had moved into the bedroom formerly known as Steve’s, setting up Billy’s old room for streaming and video editing.
Steve snuffled as Billy took off their glasses, sliding into bed behind them.
Steve was sitting on the floor, laughing at the monitor.
They had been doing a series of Quarantine Madness videos, doing crafts and silly makeup tutorials.
They were currently trying temporary hairdye, had their hair sticking up in all directions.
“This is so fucking stupid, oh my god.” They had electric pink in their hair, Billy had gotten roped into it with dark blue.
“If you destroy my hair for YouTube hits, I’m gonna cry.” Steve had their thin fingers in his hair, rubbing the dye in.
“Oh, worse comes to worse you get ridda that fucking mullet.”
“You love this mullet. It’s my trademark.” Billy’s hair wasn’t supposed to be a mullet, was originally a shag that had grown in weird, but Billy had become known for it, and he had kinda grown to like it.
“The whole premise of this video is to get you to shave your head.” Billy laughed. “Okay, so we gotta wait like twenty minutes and then we gotta wash it out.” They looked at memes while they waited, figured Steve would edit all this waiting out of the video anyway.
They washed the dye out in the sink, scrubbing at one another’s heads before getting in the shower to clean off the patches on their skin.
They ended up getting a little distracted in the shower.
Steve had blow dried both their hair to see the color. The pink was subtle in Steve’s dark hair, the highlights they had gotten a few weeks before quarantine picking up more of the color.
Billy’s hair was bright fucking blue, and neither of them could stop laughing at it.
“I kinda, kinda love it on you, Bill.” Steve was brushing their fingers through Billy’s hair, making him lean into the touch like a damn cat.
The video ended up being wildly popular.
“So, you all tweeted us some questions, and we’re gonna answer them over live stream. We each picked a bunch to pose to one another, so yeah.” Steve shrugged. “Billy, @.DustinHendy wants to know why you’re such a little bitch.” Billy cackled, planting his face into Steve’s shoulder.
“Tell Dustin he’s a little garbage human.” Billy winked at the camera, making the comments along the side of the screen go crazy. “Um, I thought this question was interesting, @.llittlebug says: you two are so touchy. Are you together, or are you just close friends? We’re gal pals, actually.” Steve laughed, loud and bright.
“Two bros chillin’ in the hot tub, five feet apart ‘cause we’re not gay.” Steve sang, making them both crack up.
“Yeah, we’re very much in a relationship, have been for four years now.” Steve was giving him that soft smile Billy loved so much. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to that sweet little mouth. The chat was going insane, people sending comments along the lines of I knew it! and so happy for you both!
Steve’s cheeks were flushed.
“So, uh @.bigyikes asks, how did you two meet? Well actually, we went to high school together, and fucking hated each other when we first met, got in a big fight, worked our shit out became friends, moved in together, and fell in love like big dumb losers.”
“So bold of you to claim I ever hated you. I literally was fucking in love with them from the first time I ever saw them but I was, uh, going through a lot, and was kind of the worst back then.” Steve’s arm was on his shoulder, playing with the long hair by his neck.
“You’ve gotten so much better. And I’m proud of you.” Billy planted a kiss to their forehead.
“Next question before I fucking cry, @.imaloser wants to know our sexualities and gender expressions. I mean, you’ve been plenty open about all that.”
“Well, yeah. I’m pansexual and agender, which is under the nonbinary umbrella, but I like to typically present femme. And I use they pronouns, most of you know that, of course. I’m pretty open.” They turned big eyes on Billy.
“These days, I just identify as queer. I’ve always identified as a gay man, but I haven’t dated a guy in a long fuckin’ time.” Steve curled into his side.
“It’s been a learning process for both of us. I mean Billy’s the first person I dated seriously after I came out, and there was just a part of me that felt lowkey misgendered every time he said he was gay.”
“Oh, there was a lot of learning in those early days for sure. And I think we’re both still doing that. I hope I am.” Steve poked his stomach.
“You’re good to me, Bill.” There was a slew of sweet comments in the live stream.
“@.folks asks when did you get into makeup?” He turned to Steve.
“Growing up, most of my friends were girls, and I just always loved playing dress up, and getting make overs. When I was like, fourteen I think, I started playing with makeup myself, learning from YouTube tutorials, and just like, messing around with stuff. I always loved just feeling really pretty, so that’s why-” they gestured at themself, one of Billy’s shirts tucked into old worn out jeans, soft white cardigan. They had put on a full face of makeup for the stream.
“I think you’re the prettiest.” Steve laughed, headbutting Billy’s shoulder.
“Okay, so @.imstruggling wants to know who’s a better cook.” Steve turned dramatically to the camera. “Me, bitch!”
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vegalocity · 3 years ago
What would happen if Syntax actually did get cured of the venom? Would he still want to hang around Huntsman and Goliath or would he Think 'huh. Maybe having the people who KIDNAPPED ME around me and my family Probably isn't the best idea.' - Pixel Anon
Uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah I think the answer is Not Good Things Will Happen. I think the answer is ‘Y’all are down an integral clan member hope you didn’t have any plans that hinged on technology or science in general right now.’
Honestly I think you don’t even need to throw Minyi and Xiuying into that equation to make that the answer. Even if you assume Syntax was essentially just alone in the world before spiderfication if he got the spider limbs pulled off and the venom drained from his system, no matter WHAT his Backstory is i think he’d just book it, he’d be OUTTA THERE he is GONE. He’s running before the purple has fully faded from his skin.
And when you THROW IN the ladies, then… well even more so. He’s got Minyi in one arm, a duffel bag in the other and loading into the gd car headed for Xiuying’s cabin to lay low for awhile.
(this gets long so it's under the cut)
Like, most people like to assume that there was a sort of… adjustment period when he had just been spiderfied, usually the flavor of ‘someone (usually Huntsman) reminding him of how he is at his base a human, not a spider, not one of them, and the second he stops being useful is the second he’s only good for how he’ll taste’ and even if he wasn’t afraid of whoever it was in the moment, confident in his ability to manuver extra limbs that aren’t there anymore and speed that wasn’t there either, all the physical additions that being a Spider Demon had are suddenly gone and that threat about being the next meal for the clan suddenly feels a lot more real. Even IF the others had actually grown attached to him and Minyi and even Xiuying, the fact of the matter is if these people decided to kill them all he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
Something I could see having kind of a ‘disney channel cartoon’ resolution in this setup is a thing idk if i’ve mentioned before involving Minyi or not. Bc Minyi, as i know i have mentioned, fucking HATES Spider Queen, and at first for awhile there she was very vocal about it, she hated that her dad was working for her, she hated that he wanted her approval, and most of all she hated that whenever she’d say any of that to him, he’d just sort of… not listen.
Even when even Minyi knows what she’s talking about is silly or irrational, she never really feels like Daddy isn’t listening. Even when she’s wrong and he has to explain to her what it was that was wrong, she still felt like he was listening to her as she talked. But not this. Never this. Minyi’s an observant child, her plotline hinges on it, so she knows when Adults tune her out, she knows when she’s being condescended to. And when Daddy tells her that of course he wants to stay Loyal to Spider Queen and she’s Really Cool Actually she can tell he wasn’t listening to a word she’d actually said. Because he never mentions forgiving her for stealing him, or that he knows it might look like she pushes him around but he knows he’s always in control of the situation, or anything that would actually ANSWER her questions or settle her worries. She just… might as well have stomped her foot and yelled like she was half her age.
And now that his head is clear he can look back on that and be… embarrassed? guilty? His daughter was warning him that whole time out of honest fear and concern that she only barely had the vocabulary and emotional complexity to understand And he brushed her off as if it was nothing. And to rub some salt into it now that his head is clear and the unrelenting force of the Spider demanding subserviance to the Queen is gone it’s obvious that his fucking six year old was right about his ‘boss’ being bad news. So of course he figures he owes Minyi an apology, but Minyi’s just happy that he’s listening to her again so it’s all okay in the end.
And if this is the Cyberhunt timeline then can I get an F in the chat for Huntsman? Bc he ain’t even getting a breakup scene, i don’t think he’d even get a letter outside of the ‘I’m leaving the clan and leaving the city with my family. Don’t try to find us’ that goes out to all of the clan (maybe even still implying that Syntax DOES still have that Spider amplification in him so it’s not just a flimsy ‘stay away’ from an equally flimsy human)
I could see Syntax as being pretty mad at himself for letting the relationship happen at all in that context. Like yeah, his brain was all scrambled up and he can’t ACTUALLY be held accountable for decisions made with the fact that he wasn’t really in his right mind for the whole thing, but it still happened. But now it’s over, and- and it was just some echo of venom that hadn’t quite metabolized yet that left a bitter taste in his mouth to acknowledge that those people weren’t really friends, that he wasn’t really-... His brain is still re-adjusting, he’ll be fine in time.
Minyi I don't think would quite get certain parts about this, in her mind, the big boss is always the bad guy and the other people around are just as scared of the big boss as the person they’re bullying. So to her only Spider Queen was the bad guy. So when Daddy turned back to normal and said that they weren’t safe from the bad guys anymore and needed to go stay at Auntie Xiuying’s cabin for awhile she’d thought that Uncle Huntsman and Uncle Goliath hadn’t come along simply because Uncle Goliath didn’t fit in the car. That they’d catch up with them soon. Because surely, they’d ALL be running away from the REAL bad guy together.
So, she figures they must have gotten lost and had to head back home. Thats not good, surely that means she needs to help them find their way here like how she helped Daddy find his way home. Auntie and Daddy were both too scared of Spider Queen finding them to contact her uncles, but Minyi knew how to evade that!
She knows Uncle Huntsman likes to hang out at their apartment because he loves Daddy (she’ll keep that to herself for now, grownups don’t believe in happily ever afters) so if she mails a letter to the apartment he might find it when he eventually comes over.
She knows Uncle Huntsman doesn’t like puzzles, but he’s good with them when its something important. So she makes a cipher and writes the letter in it, copies down the decoder, and chops it up into distinct shapes, seals it all up in a letter closes the envelope with a sticker on it, and slips it into the mailbox.
Eventually Huntsman does find the letter, written in childish scrawl, the puzzle to decode the letter, and the knowledge that theres only one child on this entire damn continent that would be this obnoxiously enigmatic about sending a fucking letter.
But whatever, he wasn’t gonna do anything except sit in the apartment surrounded by things left behind and feel sorry for himself--er, that is, scavenge for anything that could be used by the Queen and take advantage of the internal heating. So he may as well do something. So he puts together the decoder, she’d just sliced it into fourths. Then translated the letter.
“Hi Uncle Huntsman! If you’re reading this that means you unlocked my letter! Yay! I knew you could! So I know you and Uncle Goliath want to leave the bad lady’s clan too and I know you’re only not here because you guys got lost.” and she just… gave them the coordinates for the place her family was hiding away. (not REALLY hiding, it wouldn’t have taken much to track down the cabin’s whereabouts through Xiuying, but the secluded nature of the cabin may as well have been)
I guess… the way the story ends depends on how you want it to end. Because Huntsman has three options, but really only two. Does he accept defeat and burn the letter, or does he do something with the information he now has? Either way he’d be betraying the queen, but he doesn’t have it in him to turn in the coordinates of their lost clan member and his family. Not this time.
There’s this youtuber i like called Breadsword, he does movie analysis, and in his video about Millenium Actress he says something along the lines of ‘My favorite moment in a romance is somewhere in the last ten minutes, after we’ve followed our characters through the buildup, payoff, and premature destruction of what they had, as they go their separate ways and come to the conclusion that it wasn’t meant to last, one rejects it and takes flight in pursuit of the other... our dreams and our love are the only things truly worth running in the name of.
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agerefandom · 4 years ago
I would love any content you wanted to write about greek deities. Apollo is one of my favorites. Do you have any favorites?
That’s a hard question!! There are so many versions of them that it’s hard to really pick a favourite, you know? 
In general, I love figures that hold the bridge between the underworld and the overworld, so Hermes and Persephone are probably my all-time favourites. We love liminal, boundary-blurring figures. It’s hard to choose between them: Spring is my favourite season, so obviously Persephone is my favourite, but also I have an ultimate weakness for trickster figures in mythology. 
Apollo and the Muses are obviously way up there as a person who’s grown up in music and art and theatre. Apollo’s role in prophecy and the way that’s used in Greek myths is also so interesting, I could study it forever. 
And then there’s the maiden goddesses!!! Power!!! Obviously Athena is amazing, and I had the biggest crush on Artemis when I was a kid, and Hestia has been the goddess my mum devotes herself for the last decade, so honestly I just kind of think of her as a mother figure. 
My favourite series when I was a kid was all about Hades and re-telling the myths from his point of view, so I’ll always be affectionate towards him as well. I always get Hades on those ‘who would your godly parent be’ quizzes but I feel like it just makes my goth aesthetic a little Too Much if I’m all about Hades. So I try and focus on other deities, but, like... I love Hades a lot. 
Oh!!! I didn’t gush enough about Dionysus! Obviously, all the Greek gods have been used as symbols of queerness, but Dionysus is my favourite because he blurs the gender binary as well as encouraging that lovely hedonistic style of queer pleasure and desire. Of course, I’m a very quiet person, and I’m uncomfortable around drinking, but I like to think that 3am screaming along to silly 2000s music videos with friends and drinking sweetened fruit punch also falls into the delirium of Dionysus’s reign. 
I’ve... almost certainly missed some other favourite mythological figures, but there you go! (Honorable mentions: Hephaestus and his relationship with Aphrodite, Prometheus, the Furies, the Fates, Medusa and her sisters, Charon my beloved, Hecate, Nyx, Psyche, Helios, Eos, and Gaia) 
Ask me about Greek Deities!!! Give me an excuse to babble! 
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serendipitykpop · 5 years ago
love on the line
Pairing: chwe hansol x reader
Summary: “I want this to work, but it seems as if it’s been over for a long time.”
“Hansol. I asked you for one little thing and you didn’t even do it.”
“Do you have to do this right now?” He groaned, checking if he had everything he needed for the upcoming tour. He was due to leave in half an hour to meet up with the members before they went off to another place.
“Yes, because apparently you don’t know how to listen. I asked you yesterday to clean up a little bit for me while I finished up my work. What do you do instead? You play video games all night!”
This happened way too many times for your liking. You would ask him to do something to which he would say he’d do it, then ended up doing something else. You were already stressed out from your boss working you to the grave and exhausted from the lack of sleep over the past few days. You just wanted to help you around the house before he left, but of course, he couldn’t do that. Thus, it led to yet another fight.
“It’s always the same thing with you, Hansol. I’m getting sick of it. I’m tired of having this annoying conversation with you every time you do this.”
“Nag, nag, nag. All you do is nag me every day. Don’t you think I get tired of hearing that too?”
You took a deep breath to keep your anger in, but it was hard when you were pissed as hell.
“You know what? Forget it. I’ll just do it myself. It’ll actually be done that way.”
“No. I’ll do it in a bit when I’m done.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Will you?” Wanting to get away from him, you turned on your heels to go elsewhere. “I really don’t expect much from you anymore.”
With that, you left the boy behind.
The departure for the tour went as always. You would see him off at the door rather than the airport. He would pack his things into the car and come back to your before mumbling your goodbyes to each other. Then, off we went for months and months.
You would never admit this to him, but it hurt you when this was how you said your goodbyes nowadays. Compared to back then, this was torture.
You used to go with him to the airport, even on days where you had to wake up early for work, but he had to leave so late in the night. The two of you would cling to each other all the way there because you didn’t want to part for even a second. The members used to tease you and Hansol for being so lovey-dovey that it made you two aware of how mushy you could get when together.
You shut the door behind you once the car was out of sight. You leaned your back against the door as you slid to the ground. You let out a groan, frustrated that you were crying about this. You huffed and bit down on your lip to stop the tears.
When did things get this bad? How did the two of you let it get this bad?
Now that you thought about it. You and Hansol haven’t been truly happy with each other for a long time. It was hard to remember a time where you could truly say you were happy and in love. Because of that, you had grown doubtful of your relationship over time. You often thought if it was better to call it quits rather than being together like this. Was it for the best, after all, you thought?
Dismissing the thought, you picked yourself up to take a nap before a friend of yours came over to hang out later. That way, you could ignore the painful feeling in your chest for a little while.
“Y/N, you look awful.”
“Gee, thanks,” You grumbled, sticking your fork harshly into your food. Your friend gave you a worried look, sensing something was off and already having a feeling about what it was. He put down his spoon and looked at you.
“Y/N. Why do you look as if you’re about to break?” He asked. Maybe it was the way his voice carried such concern and softness, but a tear fell from your eye. You sniffled, wiping it away and avoiding his eyes.
“Because I am,” You cried, finally giving in to the sadness inside. You let out a sob as he moved across the coffee table to hold you in his arms. “Hansol and I fought before he left again.”
He tightened his hold on you and rubbed your back to soothe you.
Before you could stop yourself, you spewed out all of your worries. “I’ve been having doubts about us and I don’t think it’s working anymore. I don’t even know if what we have can even be considered love. We’re not happy and all we do now is just fight with each other. I hate having to say goodbyes like this every time he has to leave. I want to go back to what we once were, but I don’t know if it’s still worth it, you know?”
He sighed. “In a relationship, when you both have been very unhappy for a long time, it’s best to end things. Dragging it out any longer isn’t going to make it better nor is it going to make your mental state better. You shouldn’t worry whether or not someone loves you when they should be showing you every day. You shouldn’t be crying yourself to sleep every night or beating yourself up this much after a fight. You should be working together to fix the problem. If you’re having doubts about whether or not you should be together, then that just means it’s not working anymore and that’s okay. Things just aren’t meant to be.”
“Even though I so desperately want it to work?” You cried, looking up at him. He softly smiled and shook his head.
“Silly. You shouldn’t have to torture yourself like this for even a hint of happiness and love. It’s not worth sacrificing your well being for that.”
“But I love him. I love Hansol so, so much.”
When the two of you started going out, he was all for it. He thought Hansol was a dream, a perfect match for you. But then things got bad and He didn’t know why things went wrong either. He, along with everyone else, thought the two of you would live a fairy tale love story. So what happened?
“But is it worth having to suffer like this every day?”
“I don’t know, maybe?”
He sighed. He knew you were stubborn. So incredibly stubborn. It was never easy convincing you, which worried him, especially when you were in this state. This was the last thing he wanted for you.
“Then, you should have a long talk with Hansol. It’s better to communicate your worries and doubts. See his thoughts and feelings, then you can see what you can do from there. However, it should not turn into an argument regarding your feelings. Let me tell you that.”
“And if it ends with heartbreak?” You asked as he wiped your tears away.
“I’ll be there with open arms and a night with just us watching horrible rom coms.”
You softly chuckled. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Now, let’s enjoy some of this food and party it up!”
Hansol was piled up with practice and concerts that he barely had any time to talk to you. Not like there was much to say anyway.
Alas, the members were given some rest the night of one of their concerts. Some of the boys caught up on sleep. Others hung out together or explored the city. Hansol was the only one who stayed in his hotel room.
His finger hovered above your name in his contact. He hesitated in calling you. Things were still tense and there were even days where the two of you didn’t speak at all.
He let out a sigh. He hated this as much as you did. He had the same thoughts as you did. But the two of you were so stubborn, not wanting to confront the other out of fear of losing everything you built.
“Oh, what the hell.” He pressed the video call button.
It rang a few times and he considered hanging up. Maybe you were busy or didn’t want to talk to him after how the two of you left things. He wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to talk to him.
But you picked up on the last ring.
“Hello?” Your small voice sounded through the phone.
“What are you up to?”
You shrugged, rolling onto your back. “Nothing really. I couldn’t sleep, so I’ve been up.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Is there a reason why you called?” You asked after some silence. This was killing you.
“Yes. Maybe. I don’t know?”
“Y/N, do you still want to be together?”
Your eyes widened at the weighted question. Words were stuck in your throat as you felt your mouth go dry.
“I said-”
“I know what you said. I just didn’t think you were going to ask that. Wha-”
“I’ve been thinking and you must have as well, seeing as how much you space out nowadays.”
You gulped. He knew.
You bit your lip to prevent the tears threatening to fall. “Hansol.”
“Tell me, Y/N. Do you still want to be with me?”
“I do, but,” You paused. “I don’t know if I can go on like this anymore. What we have isn’t love. We can’t even be civil for even a day. I’m tired, Hansol. I’m tired of this.”
His heart stopped for a beat. Did this mean what he thought it was?
“Then do you-”
“But I can’t find it in myself to let you go. Call me selfish, but there is a part of me that wants, that hopes this will end in another way. One where we don’t have to say goodbye.”
“I want this to work, but it seems as it’s been over for a long time.”
Hansol sighed. This had a heavy toll on the both of you then. He wasn’t the only one with these thoughts. The both of you have thought long and hard about this.
“I don’t think I can be without you either, Y/N. I still want you and I want things to work out. I hate leaving you the way I do and I know you do too. The sadness in your eyes reflects mine when we say goodbye every time I leave. I don’t want that anymore. I want to be happy and I want the person I love to be happy.”
“If you’re willing to work this out with me, I will stay to do the same. When I get back, we can talk about what we can do from there. Okay?”
“Mm.” You sniffle, wiping away the fallen tears. “Are you sure we can do this?”
“Well, relationships do take a lot of work, but I think we can do it.”
You chuckled and nodded, making him smile. It had been so long since you’ve smiled at him. It was a sight he surely missed.
“My, I haven’t seen you smile in so long.”
A tear rolled down your cheek.
“Same goes for you, doofus.”
The two of you looked at each other, a little bit happier and a little more light in your eyes.
“I love you, Hansol.”
“And I love you, Y/N.”
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Corpse Husband & Little Sister Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Sibling Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse’s search for a roommate ends shortly after his little sister calls him, telling him she’s moving out of her high school dorm in the suburbs following her graduation to attend college in San Francisco.
Requested by @bugger2002  Hi darling! Thank you so much for this adorable request, I had such a fun time turning it into a fic! Sorry it has taken me so long to complete it but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
Alright, it’s been a month since Y/N announced she’d be moving in with me - no, she didn’t ask if she could nor if I’d want her to, she straight up casually informed me she’d be moving in with me since she’s starting college. I’m lucky she even thought to tell me, knowing her it wouldn’t have been so strange for her to just show up on my doorstep with a grin like “Alright, I live here now.” Having a six years younger sister who can act both younger and older than me - sometimes both at the same time - is a bit complex. Obviously, my protective and nurturing brotherly instinct kicks in whenever she complains to me about something, but seconds later she tells me she’s taken care of it already and I feel like a fool for overreacting even if it was only internal. She’s calm and rational when she needs to be and a reckless airhead whose only goal is to have fun when she wants to be.
And judging by her and her friends’ main methods of obtaining said fun I can see how much alike we are: playing drunk video games, drunk darts, drunk pool. You see, there’s a lot of drinking involved and that’s something I’m greatly unhappy with and have scolded her on countless times just to get a fake promise, probably with fingers crossed behind her back - that she’ll cut down the alcohol. Not to mention she’s not even old enough to drink so I’ve been very insistent on her cutting her bad habit. She’s tried calling me hypocritical at times but she can’t do so rightfully since I’m, you know, of drinking age. So she’s basically bound by law to follow my advice and orders.
At least now that she’ll be staying with me I’ll be able to keep a better eye on her. A rascal high school student will either mature-up in college or go even more downhill. I aim to make her fall in the first category, but I’m making no promises - she’s very unruly, just like me. Damn, never did I think my own traits would come hitting me in the back of the head like a boomerang but here we are.
Regardless of all the crap I’ve just spewed about her, she’s a wonderful girl. She’s always been my pillar of support and never gets tired of it. She never misses a call of mine and has never not replied to a message of mine, no matter how drunk she’s been. She’s never skipped a Saturday night Skype call, no matter how busy she’s been. She’s never let herself forget she has a brother who often times needs her by his side.
Once she even talked one of her friends who has a car and a driver’s license drive her all the way to my apartment complex when I was having a really bad anxiety attack and legit couldn’t talk on the phone. She went door to door to find which apartment I live in and stayed with me the whole weekend she was supposed to spend at a music festival or something. It’s not wonder she’ll be a med student - she’s always wanted to be a nurse and has practically been my personal nurse since she was twelve. She maybe wasn’t always physically present to help me, but she’s a great instruction giver for when I need her and she’s unable to come to my aid.
Well now, we’ll both be there to aid one another.
I nearly flip off my chair at the distinct yelling coming from directly below my window. I’d recognize that voice anywhere, and it’d always bring a smile to my face without fail.
I rush to get up from my desk chair and open the window but when I do so, she’s no longer on the sidewalk. There’s only a car I recognize to be the one of the friend that drove her here during that nightmarish episode I explained earlier.
Before I can ever back away from the window, I hear my front door swing open and a yell echo from down the hall, “Corpse! How many times do I need to tell you to lock your door, damn it!”
“The same amount of times I’ve had to tell you to cut down on the al- WHOA!“ She doesn’t let me finish the sentence and jumps me the second I step out in the hallway.
“Missed you, stupid!“ She says, her legs wrapped around my waist as she ruffles my hair, “I’ll trim your hair later. Why have you let it get so long?“ She questions, furrowing her brows at me while running both her hands through my mess of a hair - she has a point, I’ve let it get out of control. While doing so, she seems to get an idea all of a sudden so she quickly climbs down, reminding me of the huge height difference we have now that her feet are on the floor. “I know you two have met before, but I think you need to re-meet...“ she says, turning to look at her friend who’s smiling timidly at her. She sends the flustered girl a wink before turning back to look at me, “Corpse, I’d like you to meet Abbey, my girlfriend“ she says proudly, skipping over to the blue haired girl and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Y/N pushes up on her tiptoes and places a kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek. It’s adorable to see her shorter than yet another person she clearly adores to annoy.
I smile at the two girls, holding back a chuckle as to not embarrass Abbey more, “Well then, nice to meet you Abbey. You should know you are one strong soul to be putting up with all that.“ I purposely don’t look at Y/N as I motion towards her, earning me a pissed off “Hey!“ as a response to my remark, “Stick around for dinner, don’t worry neither of us will be cooking.“ I point at myself and then at Y/N as if to reassure her she won’t be a victim of food poisoning.
“Actually...“ Abbey says, tilting her head to look my shortie sister in the eyes as if taunting her to say something.
She finally caves, raising her left hand as though she’s volunteering, “Ugh fine, I may or may not have taken a cooking course and may or may not know how to cook a decent meal. It’s whatever, really.”
To say I’m impressed would be an understatement. I’m impressed, shocked, surprised and flooded with joy that my sister has finally decided to start maturing. “Cooking course, huh? When did you decide living off of takeout isn’t a nice way to live?”
She rolls her eyes at me, “Oh no I still go full weeks with only takeout and cereal, I just needed a distraction because...well...” she trails off, her gaze dropping awkwardly as she fishes for words or perhaps already has them found but doesn’t want to spit them out.
Abbey huffs, taking Y/N’s hand and lifting it to show off her wrist where I catch sight of a batch of colorful handmade bracelets, “Because these aren’t gonna earn themselves.”
I raise an eyebrow, puzzled as to what exactly she’s referring to.
Y/N sighs, taking one of the bracelets, playing with it nervously, “I have one for every month I’ve spent without getting drunk - Abbey made them for me. I need a distraction to stay sober so...I took up cooking.“
I can’t remember a moment I haven’t felt proud of my sister. Y/N’s always been on top of her shit, drunk or sober she knows what she’s doing. She’s mindful even when she’s reckless, thinks soberly even when she’s been drinking heavily. She’s always proved herself to me and to the people who think of her as a lowlife without even trying. She lets the world breeze by her without thinking too much of it and yet she still mesmerizes me and many of the people she meets - Abbey has now officially joined the club.
But, all things said and considered, I think I’ve never felt as proud of her as I do right now, seeing those six bracelets on her wrist - half a year without getting drunk. I know she wouldn’t lie to Abbey, she rarely lies to me too, so those bracelets have been earned and well-deserved and that makes me feel like the Y/N I remember is not the one standing in front of me right now. That silly girl is still in the suburbs, making a shitty-ass choice of messing up her liver. A grown woman, a responsible adult has taken her place though, and I couldn’t be more glad.
“Y/N...“ I finally manage to utter her name, making her gaze meet mine, “I’m so fucking proud of you.“
A smile slowly stretches the corners of her mouth upwards, her eyes shning in a way that has nothing to do with the lighting in this hallway. She’s not a crier though, I know those tears are gonna stay right there, stubbornly refusing to escape her eyes, “Thanks, Corpse. I’m proud of you too....” she says, nodding her head slowly, “I can overlook the untrimmed hair.”
Y/N will always be Y/N no matter what I guess. That’s a good thing - I love her just the way she is.
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jjuzoir · 5 years ago
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To Date Itaru Chigasaki
Request: “insert here”
A/N: I had to split the request in 2 posts!! due to formatting 🙇‍♀️ so sorry!!
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- You two met at a gaming shop!
- You were looking for a gift for your best friend’s younger sister, as much as you liked games yourself- buying one for a 12 year old was another story.
- You were freaking out- you had been in the store for almost an hour searching and nothing would come up.
- You were afraid of not getting a gift at all- that is until you felt a tap from a man in a suit.
- “You look like you’re ten seconds away from crying,” Itaru looked at you, “Need some help?”
- He didn’t know why he’d helped you, you were kind of cute and, unlike with other things, he was a bit more open to helping others when it came to video games.
- “Please,” you turned around, “I need a game for a 12 year old but I just don’t know! I-I don’t want her to think I think she’s a child but she can’t play anything too… you know, grown up or else her parents will kick my ass.” You whine, maybe if things had gone better you’d be embarrassed but embarrassment is simply something you cannot feel right now, you’re against the clock and you’re tired.
- “Hmm, a 12 year old girl… thought about Puppy Crossing?”
- And that’s how you spent the next 30 minutes, discussing a game for the kid with a 20-something year old blue collar.
- By the end you had bought the gift plus a recommendation Itaru had given you based on your short, but surprisingly sweet, interaction.
- The second time you met was, again, at the store but this time it was for you instead of a kid. Thankfully.
- He was wearing another suit, you guessed he really was an office worker; what was he doing here though? What business would guy with such a high paying job, you assumed by his suit and clothes, have in such a small game store in the middle of a gaming street.
- You shrugged it off before returning to browsing, you really shouldn’t judge.
- After a few minutes he noticed you and approached you asking about the game he’d recommended for the girl last time. After gladly informing him about the success the gift had- both of you quickly began talking about the game he’d recommended you.
- After that you two began meeting up in the shop- not on purpose or anything, it just kind of happened.
- In most situations he might’ve been annoyed but for some reason he couldn’t really bring himself to be mad. He enjoyed being able to shamelessly talk about games, online and competitive, pay to win or free to play, with a cute person who didn’t judge him.
- It became a weekly occurrence and you really enjoyed it. Eventually he asked you out on a date, it’d be in an internet cafe near the store, and you said yes.
- You were looking forward to being able to know him better, not in a store or just as friends but maybe… as a possible s/o? You slap your cheeks at the thought, silly [Name], that wouldn’t happen... right?
- That is until he called in sick stating he had grown ill with the flu and you were worried, he sounded like he was in hell based on the phone call. He was coughing, his voice sounded muffled, he kept sneezing too, you were surprised he could even dial with how bad he sounded.
- When you tried to call him his number went straight to voicemail so you did what anyone would do;
- You called in to his home number (which he had given you when he gave you his business card, yes he gave you his business card instead of giving you his phone number like a normal person).
- “Hello, Izumi Tachibana speaking.” Your heart kind of stops when you hear a woman’s voice and you wonder if maybe you’d been a side piece, but thinking back to Itaru and how he acted with you - you doubted it.
- “Izumi? Ah, eh… is a Itaru Chigasaki there?”
- “Itaru? Yes, I can give him a message, who’s calling?”
- “Ah, tell him it’s [Name] from the store, I was just worried about him…”
- “[Name], huh? Wait, you mean you’re [Name] [Last Name]?”
- “Ehh… yes?”
- Turns out Itaru had told his roommate maybe wife maybe kid(?) about you?
- You didn’t know he had roommates, he looked well off so why couldn’t he afford a house? Maybe she was a girlfriend and they were in a open relationship? So many questions…
- You thought you wouldn’t really mind but it turns out your cheeks were now bright red when Izumi explained how Itaru had been talking about you often and promptly invited you to check up on Itaru, who was in fact ill. She also gave you a rundown of the situation, turns out he was part of some acting company and she was the director, so with a lighter heart you decided to take her up on going over to check on him.
- Big mistake.
- You were going to stop by after work, you decided, you’d also go and buy him some soup for his stomach just in case. You arrived at the house and welcomed inside by a smiling Tachibana and a strange bird before you were given a rundown of some rules.
- “Knock first, always knock first. If you hear anything between a grunt or a yes you’re in the clear, if you hear anything like a groan or a curse wait before knocking again. If you happen to hear something falling over or a scream I’ll text you when it’s safe for you to come over again. You seem like a nice person, so please don’t forget any of the rules! Now- go!”
- She quickly pushed you in front of the door and knocked for you before bolting behind the stairs, you received a quick thumbs up before she hid again.
- You were now alone in a dorm room looking for a grown man who had called in sick to a date with you, this wasn’t exactly how you thought your friday evening was going to go. You knock the door and put your ear next to the wood… no grunt, had Izumi explained what a no-grunt meant?
- You look at her general direction where she looks confused but encourages you to go in, so you shrug it off before turning the handle around - you end up falling over when the door is opened by the man of the hour himself.
- “Oi, Izumi- now that this match is over you can come in with the-! Ah… [Name], this is… embarrassing,” Itaru had turned around ready to scold Izumi when instead he came to see you.
- He looked like shit- he really did, not only because he was sick but because his room was a mess. You knew he liked gaming but this… this was too extreme, was this what they called a gap moe?
- “What the hell…?”
- He invites you in quickly- shoving chips and cans left and right before sitting you down on a couch.
- “What are you doing here- ACHOO!”
- You explained how worried you were about him- how he didn’t answer your calls and so you came to visit with soup (you felt the need to highlight the soup).
- He thanked you for the thought before looking around the room awkwardly remarking it’d be best you left- the flu was contagious after all.
- It was an awkward reaction, even for him- something Izumi doesn’t fail to note once you leave, unlike when anyone else would come in; Itaru couldn’t find it in himself to scold you or threaten you with an immediate and painful death.
- You leave the room quickly and wave goodbye- but not before he slips you a note with a bunch of numbers scribbled on.
- When you arrive home that night you finally realise what it said; it was his friend code.
- And that’s how your first date was on a island in ACNH he made for the date. And that’s how he asked you out too.
- Fucking nerd.
- You were crafting some furniture for your island (which he had happily helped you plan out) when he asks you out via chat.
- Your response? You used the shocked and glad reactions, the only valid reaction.
- Dating him includes video game dates; any server based game multiplayer is used to seeing you two doing some cringe couple shit.
- You will have to bathe him, he can go days without taking a bath so get ready to shove him in a tub.
- He’s not very good at being a boyfriend sometimes, he struggles in the emotional aspect. He’ll base himself a lot in dating sims, like it’s kind of cute but it can be scary if he uses the wrong dating sim.
- Will kabedon you for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only; one, he genuinely wants to know if it works like ??? does it really make people swoon is it really that cool ?? and two, it’s been a life long dream of his let him have this.
- Itaru can be both mature and kind of childish, you’ll have to stomach a lot of tantrums when you get in the way of gaming. But he’s also not a kid, he can be surprisingly mature when he wants to.
- He takes the relationship very seriously, most of the time; he genuinely likes you and he tries to leave gaming but he struggles.
- So, you decide to combine two things; you + games. You’ll go visit him often and play games together on his couch.
- He’s so fucking happy when you do that, it’s cute. He doesn’t mind you using his clothes but do not touch his yellow-tiger bomber jacket he only uses when gaming. Do not.
- Itaru will let you play with his hair while he plays games, he lets you use butterfly clips and shit too.
- Just don’t expect him to go out like that he’ll fucking riot.
- “Banri will freak out-“ “Omi bring the camera Itaru has fucking butterfly-clips on, Taichi film this shit- he’s wearing clips! And they’re buttefly ones, funniest shit I’ve seen!”
- Banri 100% teases the fuck out of him when it comes to you but Itaru will come back with some cheesy shit to make him uncomfortable.
- “It’s not my fault we two fell in love-“
- “I swear to fucking god if you go on another rant I’ll destroy you and your whole blood line with my pinky.”
- The dorm is kind of surprised how much more social Itaru can be with you- they’re so used to seeing him shut himself in with games, but now that you two are together he comes out more often to spend time with you.
- He can be kind of cold and emotionally distant but after awhile you learn that that’s just how Itaru works. He’s kind of aloof and awkward and he can come off as rude sometimes? He just be like that you know.
- That both the shut-in gamer and businessman are the same guy and that you… l*ve him for it.
- Play games with him please- just do it.
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normallee · 4 years ago
They Were Roommates || Notia and Norma
TIMING: Before Christmas LOCATION: Norma (and Notia’s) Apartment PARTIES: @humanmoodring and @normallee SUMMARY: How to be a Human 101
“Hello, roommate! I have arrived home!” Norma called out as she hung her pirate hat onto the coat rack inside the door. The entire apartment looked bare to her. Nadia had been pairing down her belongings and attempting to make it appear more human. She wasn’t convinced she was doing a very good job but the ghost in a mortal’s body was the authority on these matters. She supposed she’d have to trust them. She stepped inside and looked around some more. “Did you leave Tom on the porch again? That’s not very nice. We need to keep him until Christmas. I heard it, too, requires a turkey. And I cannot imagine having two of them running around.” She went to the sliding glass door and let the turkey back into the apartment. It was big and smelly but she had grown strangely fond of this large feathered creature. Maybe it was because it reminded her vaguely of a shriken. She wasn’t sure. “Are we going to have more lessons today?” she asked. “I have a pen and paper and everything this time. I’ve been told that is what students bring to classes. They also always have gum in order to make bribes of friendship and annoy teachers.” She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a pack, holding it towards her roommate. “Would you like some chewing gum?”
The lack of loud colors in the apartment meant nothing when there was a loud turkey and an equally loud Norma running around, but Nadia had been nursing a cup of coffee long enough that she only flinched a bit when Norma walked in. “Hi, Norma,” she said, a bit too tired for a proper greeting. She wasn’t sleeping much, these days, and… she wasn’t cold, she didn’t get cold, but her body sometimes reacted like it was, shivering for hours before she could get it to stop. She was fine, now, but it came and it went. “Tom?” The fucking turkey. “Oh, yeah! You know, it’s actually proper etiquette that, between the holidays, the holiday turkey is kept out of living spaces. Turkeys need plenty of fresh air, you know. And grass. Keep ‘em inside for too long and they get interior depression.” The turkey thing had been Norma’s idea, sure, but Nadia was rolling with it because, fuck, it was funny. Annoying as hell, but so, so funny. “Yeah, I’m down for more lessons.” They were pretty fun, especially when half the shit that came out of her mouth was made up. Sure, she gave Norma a few good pointers; she didn’t want the woman to get caught and end up killing this body because of some bad advice. “Yes, perfect. It’s always good to take notes. You’ll be quizzed on all of this, later.” She took a stick of gum. “Thank you. See, politeness. A very useful tool.” She popped the gum in her mouth and settled in for the inquisition. “So, what do you wanna know today?”
“Yes, Tom the Turkey. He informed me that was his name through a series of gobbles.” Norma started scribbling notes already as the turkey started to follow her around. “I think he also says that he much prefers the indoors, but we will take your advice into consideration.” She sat on the couch, sitting on the edge with rapt attention with her pen in hand, ready to learn. She would have to take good notes if there was going to be a quiz. Did she need a highlighter? She saw most people studying used one of those and they looked like fun. Oh, right. She had to pay attention. “Well you rearranged my apartment and I’m still not sure as to why. So more about that, please. And as well, I need to understand how a book of faces works. And why toks tik. And what a yeet is. And what humans shop for. There are so many shops and strange items to purchase, I don’t understand the value structure. Did you know that some rocks cost more than others? Why? They’re all rocks. It’s very odd.”
“You… understand the turkey.” It wasn’t a question, but Nadia still cast a doubtful glance towards the creature, looking into its beady eyes for a sign of intelligence. It, Tom, whatever, stared back. Even though the turkey blinked first, Nadia felt like she’d lost a battle of wills or some shit. “Well, thank you both so much for your consideration.” She looked around the apartment, grateful that it wasn’t in the same state that it’d been when she arrived, though it was still a bit odd. The flamingos had been allocated to outside, and she’d managed to get rid of most of those damn trophies. The furniture was better put together, though she didn’t have the patience to really build shit, and she’d short circuited the fucking apartment twice putting things together, but it looked less like an alien lived in the joint. Instead, it looked like an alien and their human roommate lived there. “Okay, so I rearranged things to look, like, more human. Yeah, yeah, all the shit here was very human, but too much human stuff makes you look… less human and more human impersonating. Also, some of that shit was old and obsolete. You don’t need it. Now it looks more liveable, you feel?”
Nadia chewed thoughtfully on her gum. “Okay, so a book with faces on it’s like one of those people from Game of Thrones that’ll steal your face and pretend to be you, but a Facebook is a website, like that town forum thing but with more videos of cats and babies. Uhhh, toks tik is, like, a clock metaphor, and to yeet is to projectile vomit, I think. Humans are dumb, but they typically make purchases for necessity and amusement, in that order if they’re smart.” This was something that she knew about. “Necessity’s like food, water, booze… Toilet paper and hygiene stuff. Amusement’s literally anything to keep them entertained for their short, short lives.” And she knew all about that, didn’t she? “Most of the stuff you’ve got here’s amusement purchases. You need more necessities. Some stores specialize in certain things, be it necessity things or amusement things. And the rock thing is all about rarity and aesthetic. Some rocks are more valuable because they’re prettier, shinier, or because they’re so damn hard to get a hold of. Then, of course, there’s paper money, where someone just wrote a number on a piece of paper and the rest of us are supposed to go along with it like chumps.” Nadia snorted. “Don’t get me wrong, I love money, but it’s fuckin’ useless.”
“Well I can’t be completely sure but he’s easier to understand than most humans, I will say that much,” Norma said. Tom gobbled in agreement before waddling off looking for seeds. The entire apartment felt oddly empty now that Nadia had rearranged it and had removed some of her belongings. They had all been meaningless but she had come to enjoy them and the sense of familiarity they brought. “Old? None of it was very old. All of it was from the last century at least. That is very recent, let me tell you. Nothing has even started to rust yet.” There was barely any dust, too. She had been very proud of this fact. Humans were always so dusty. As Nadia talked, Norma scribbled furiously, taking as many notes as she could. They were in a few different languages, mostly something that just amounted to furious scribbles. She wasn’t entirely sure what note taking actually entailed but it seemed like she was doing it the same way she had observed. It’s not like she needed to read these later anyway. “Food, water, booze. Booze? This is alcohol, correct? That is necessary? Interesting. I do find humans more tolerable when inebriated.” It made them drop their inhibitions and without those, they were far more prone to chaos. She did very much appreciate the improved hygiene over the years, she would say that much. Her face scrunched up in confusion again. “Wait, money is useless? Then why is it so often considered valuable and a thing that mortals will both risk and waste their lives on?”
“Seriously?” Nadia asked, marginally curious. “What does he say?” She watched the turkey, completely confused by the dynamic that he and Norma had going on but, really, it wasn’t the weirdest thing about her roommate. Norma was odd as hell, and that was saying something because some of the fuckers Nadia had worked with over the years had been strange. “Anything older than, like, twenty years is considered old. Some old things are good. Old might mean that it’s worth more, or is considered vintage. But, sometimes old is shitty.” She paused. “Phones older than, like, three years are very shitty.” She peaked at Norma’s notes, frowning at what looked like a mess of squiggly lines. What the fuck? Some of that couldn’t even be an actual language. “You gonna be able to study those later?” she teased. But then she sobered up. “Booze is alcohol, yes, and it’s absolutely a necessity. The drinking kind, not the medical kind. That kind’s not important. But it’s vital that humans have alcohol at least once a week, unless their lame and abstain from that kinda thing. But yeah, most people are way better to be around drunk.” It made them more fun and easier to manipulate. Nadia was a fan of doing business in bars. “Because people apply a fictitious value to slips of paper, and people think they’ve got to work themselves to death to get it, which is dumb. It’s just paper. Just, like, take it.”
Norma thought that Nadia’s question was very strange. “He gobbles a lot. And makes strange clucking noises. Your ears function, yes?” She shook her head. Did she think the turkey spoke in English? That was very silly. Tom made another gurgling noise and she nodded. “You’re right, Tom. Humans are simple minded.” She made a mental note (and a scribble in her notebook) to get Tom more grain. He seemed to enjoy it very much. “Twenty years?!” Norma shot up and practically dropped her pencil. “That’s so recent! Like a blink of an eye!” She let out a huge sigh and reached down for her writing utensil. “How am I supposed to remember what’s recent? That’s such a short time span, the next twenty years are almost here.” She broke the tip of the pencil at her next eplatantion. “Three years? Why do you bother having these gadgets if they are immediately outdated? Why bother? This is silly! That’s no time at all. Do you all really think a year is a long time? Like it matters? This is exhausting. How do you all live so slowly and quickly at the same time?” This felt hopeless. She threw her pencil away, behind the couch. It didn’t matter. “So all humans need alcohol to survive and I can just take their paper money. What about their plastic money? That one is mostly unlimited, right? The currency that is allowed on the small rectangular cards? I ran into some issues the other day but I think I resolved it.”
“Yes, my ears fucking function.” Nadia sighed. “I don’t think that the turkey speaks English. I was wondering if you spoke turkey. How the hell do you understand him?” Asshole. But she didn’t call Norma that, didn’t want to come off as too much of a jackass, even though Norma was the one to start the name calling with that simple minded shit. “Yeah, twenty years is pretty recent, I guess. In the grand scheme of things,” Nadia mused. “But not all of us live for… how long have you been around again?” She was hoping, maybe this time, Norma would say. She was beyond curious about her seemingly ancient roommate. “Technology upgrades at a rapid pace. New stuff comes out every few months, each thing better and more technologically advanced than the last. We’ve come a pretty long way from the invention of the wheel.” She laughed a bit bitterly. “Good question! I did the smart thing and just upgraded bodies when the old one expired.” She took a sip of coffee, glad that Norma was at least absorbing some information. “Yes, and you can, but you’ve got to be sneaky about it. It’s not taking so much as stealing. And you can steal the plastic money, credit cards, they’re called, too, but you gotta be especially sneaky, and you can’t use them for long, or you’ll be tracked. Credit cards are pretty simple: you use one, and they charge you for it. Not immediately, but eventually. I don’t use ‘em. I don’t trust banks.” They were only good for being robbed.
“I don’t speak turkey, I just understand the turkey. It’s very different.” Norma gave an exasperated sigh. It was far less complicated than being human was so it was strange to her to get such pushback about it. Tom agreed. She could tell by the ruffling of his feathers. “I lost track,” Norma said nonchalantly as she doodled severed heads and some intestines spilling on the floor, along with some nice bleeding hearts with knives through them. “Based on your current calendar, quite a few centuries, I believe. But there have been other calendars and other systems of time so it’s all rather subjective and silly.” She added some more blood splatters around the heart with a flourish of her pen. “The real solution would be to get a better, less human body,” she said, mostly to herself, with another sigh. “Can you upgrade bodies like technology? That’s only a ghost thing, correct?” She had a feeling if humans could, they would. They tried so hard as it was to appear less old and feeble as they progressively aged. “Stealing. That’s a thing that is against the human laws, right? Most of them seem to be very against that. I know there are many in different places but that one has always been frowned upon. Humans are very possessive despite the fact their goods and money does not go with them to death.” Her next doodle was a man dying by way of a small plastic rectangle. ‘What’s not to trust about banks, though? Is that not where the money lives? Which you need. Please explain.”
Nadia blinked at Norma, unsure if this was a topic she wanted to keep discussing. “Okay.” It wasn’t. She cocked her head a bit looking at Norma’s paper with raised eyebrows. Violent. She could get behind that. “Damn, okay. That’s, like, an impressively long time. And you don’t age or…” Norma didn’t look much older than Nadia Diaz’s body. At the most, Norma didn’t look any older than Nadia had been the first time she’d died. “Right, right. Super subjective. Very silly. Time’s an illusion, and all that.” She raised her eyebrows a bit. “I mean, you’re not wrong or anything, but less human bodies aren’t exactly easy to find, you know? Outside of this town, at least.” She kind of liked her humanness, too. It was familiar and useful. So what if she couldn’t light herself on fire or have supernatural strength? She could blend in, and humans were in an abundant supply. They trusted their own, even if they didn’t always realize that other species existed. “Yeah, it’s just a ghost thing. I kinda dig this body, though. She’s worked well for me for, like, over six years, now.” She wouldn’t give up this body without a fight, at this point. Besides, it’d literally die without her in it, now, since Nadia Diaz was gone. “Stealing, yeah. It’s definitely against human laws, but laws are subjective. What’s another person to tell me what I can and can’t do, you know?” She grinned lazily, leaning back. “Doesn’t matter. We like to look good, impressive, for the living. Nothing’s more exciting to most people than being better than everyone around them. Wealth makes them believe they’re better. And banks steal money. They all just work for big corporations and the government, and they’re fucking useless when people come along and take your money from you.” Like Nadia literally did all the time. “Why should a group of bureaucratic assholes be in charge of the value of pieces of paper? It’s fucking ridiculous.”
“Physically? No, not really,” Norma answered, eyes still glued to her paper and the hatch marks she was adding to the spleen sketch to add some shading. “For the most part I believe I look relatively the same as I did when I was last human.” The words always felt a bit like boiling water in her mouth. To admit she was ever anything so plain was shameful and never something she enjoyed advertising to her demonic cohorts. They all thought they were so much better than her because they had never once been mortal but it was not her fault that her near godhood was delayed a few years. It hardly mattered in the grand scheme of eternity anyway. “If you say so. You are right, however. There really is an overabundance of humans. I see why it would be much easier to acquire one of their bodies. But you should really consider a siren. I think it would suit you.” Norma tilted her head to get a better look at her work. She ripped the page out, crumpled it up and tossed it behind her before she started on her next set of illustrations. Norma was unsure if anything that Nadia was saying about these bureaucratic institutions were correct but she found herself nodding along in the appearance of understanding and solidarity, something they had gone over in the previous weeks. Questions were an indication of non human behavior, at least that was what she had been told by her current tutor. “So we steal money to be wealthy and toppled the banks. Very much noted,” she said, letting out a small sigh as she finally looked back up at her current roommate. “This is all very nice. Thank you. I appreciate you. But can you just show me how to find the cat videos in the world wide web again instead?”
“Huh.” Nadia took all of Norma’s information in with interest; it was the first time the other woman had admitted to once being just that, a woman. A human woman, in fact, who had somehow managed to become immortal in a way that seemed way better than any deal the undead got. “That’s pretty fucking cool.” Maybe she could check in to figuring out how Norma had become, well, Norma. It’d be pretty fucking funny if she made this body immortal. Then, if Nadia Diaz’s ghost really was still hanging around, there would be no doubt that she’d outlast it. She laughed, though, at Norma’s next remark. “A siren? Makes sense, I guess. I’ve been told I have a wicked good tongue, anyway. Imagine if it was supernaturally so.” Whether or not Norma actually took her words to heart was irrelevant. Half the time, Nadia was just fucking with her. It was fun. Norma seemed to genuinely believe whatever came out of Nadia’s mouth, as long as she said it in the right tone. And, besides, what harm could it do? It was fun, and, if Norma ended up robbing a bank or something, it’d be funny as hell. She could feel that Norma was losing interest, though, so the cat videos question didn’t come as a surprised. Nadia was only a little exasperated as she finished her coffee and went to grab her laptop. “Actually, this time, you are gonna show me how to find cat videos. Remember, it’s just like I taught you.”
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years ago
July 17: 2x26 Assignment: Earth
Finally finished up S2 of TOS yesterday. That was... a rough episode tbh. I’m just gonna say it: back door pilots are bad! They’re bad. If I wanted to watch that other show, I’d watch it.
Wow, they’re just really jumping right in, huh? “Here we are, on a routine mission into the past, using a time travel method that we invented nbd.”
Investigating desperate problems in the year 2020...2016.... no wait 1968.
Ooh, Spock in the transport room today. Does he have a whole extra random station there? That’s so weird; I’ve never seen that before. It’s like hidden in the corner.
Cat!! Cat!!
What a good actor. I’m still bitter that wikipedia has a whole section about the casting for “Isis the cat” that talks entirely about the human who played Isis for 2 minutes and nothing about the talented feline actor. Where did they find her? How did they teach her to act?
She has a lot of thoughts about Kirk.
I wrote down “Scully, you’ve got to see this” in my notes and I’ve already forgotten what it refers to lol. Some moment that I thought would fit well with my favorite x-files meme.
Change history, you say? Spock is intrigued. ...Admittedly, Spock is often intrigued.
“What if it turns out you’re an invading alien from the future?” Honestly...let him invade. You’re not supposed to be here anyway.
I’m pretty insulted by this. The aliens went through all this trouble to help in 1968...where are our alien helpers NOW?
The cat straight up attacked his face.
Kirk is so fond of Spock being fond of the cat.
“It’s a lovely animal. I feel myself strangely drawn to it.”
Kirk is way too confused by Seven--an allegedly human person with super-human abilities that he says come from aliens--and yet, he’s met Charlie X so??? Is this not the same?
Kirk’s got the whole crew checking in on zoom.
(I actually do like this sequence of him getting video calls from different parts of the ship.)
“Weren’t orbiting H-bombs a huge problem in 1968?” Looks at the camera like he’s on The Office. Not the subtlest bit of writing in the “social commentary” genre. I do say this with love, though. I always enjoy when they comment on contemporary problems.
“He has a totally perfect body.” Lol don’t distract these two bisexuals.
[soft meowing]
“The prisoner has escaped.” The way this is shot, it looks like he’s talking about the cat.
Hmm, I do love the decor. Very 60s. This honestly immediately feels like a different show, and a much more dated show; even when the Enterprise time travels, it tends not to time travel to... office space.
Love the little sounds the computer makes.
So is Isis supposed to be one of the fancy aliens? It’s never explained but one must assume she is.
Aw, he’s petting her paw.
So I assumed the cats sounds are real, but just dubbed. They’re not lol. Which I guess isn’t surprising: this cat makes a lot of noises! They were provided by a human voice actress.
Damn.... I want a secret bookshelf that turns around to reveal a super computer with a big screen. “Computer... play Netflix.”
That’s what Seven does in his spare time.
The computer is an AI. “Beta 5 snobbery” lol.
Where are OUR alien overlords to stop US from destroying ourselves before WE can mature into a peaceful society?
This is really masterful exposition lol. Not forced or awkward at all.
ST sure does love the snooty female computer trope.
“Get us the proper costumes.” Yes, get Spock his Requisite Hat.
Omicron IV....that’s one of the names they use in Futurama lol. Such nerds.
Another excellent Spock Hat.
I love Seven’s various IDs. Great style. I wish my driver’s license looked like those.
“Who do you think you are?” He hasn’t decided yet. That’s why he was shifting through his IDs.
Seven is not smart lol. Like, he should have figured out way faster that this lady isn’t one of the Alien Overlords. He asks her the code question, she doesn’t understand it, and he... assumes she’s just really in character? Dude, that’s what the code questions are for!!! To help you identify people! Otherwise you could just straight up ask: are you an alien?
Instead he’s like “oh, you silly alien, you’re playing with me,” and then is forced to trap her, reveal his whole mission, and ultimately ensnare her in his plan.
I want that typewriter. Voice recognition typewriter.
"My incompetence has made you aware of very secret devices." Well at least he knows.
Trained cat!
The alien overlords were killed in a random car accident. That’s ironic.
Oh look, a real rocket!
Brown pants + short sleeved shirt + tie is such a Classic 60s look.
This security guard doesn’t think it’s weird that this random dude has a cat with him? Is this part of Isis’s alien power?
Except for the part where it’s a weapon, it’s pretty cool to see all this build up to, like... launching stuff into space. Exciting.
Isis likes to be on shoulders. Just like Little Guy.
New hat for Spock. His outer wear hat, and now his fancy hat. There is something to be said for this ep, and that is Kirk and Spock in suits.
Amazing how they literally launched rockets with computers that old. Like seeing the big bank of primitive computers is totally wild. We put people on the moon that way! Amazing.
“Meow.” Lol, Isis is stressed so she’s speaking like a cat. That’s a pretty funny joke actually.
Seven is so incompetent. If he’d just let the Enterprise help, Scotty could have fixed that rocket issue in like 3 seconds.
Lol everyone’s just pulling Gary through space. Now on the Enterprise. Now in the office.
Why does this computer have a hug black screen if it only displays images on the small white circle?
"Spock and  I in custody. Main characters, doing nothing, knowing nothing, totally useless and irrelevant. I have never felt more helpless." Literally what is even the point of them today? Does Spock even have lines outside of “I like the cat”?
Isis is jealous of Roberta. Is she.. in a relationship with Seven lol?
Uhura is listening to everyone in the world. She probably has a universal translator on, but I do feel like this scene implies she just...understands all the languages.
So now the warhead is armed and heading to somewhere vague... in other words, everyone has collectively made the situation worse.
....Or this was Seven’s plan all along? To scare people into ceasing to be so careful with nuclear weaponry? As someone who knows humans better than this guy, I think this is a dumbass plan.
“That’s why so many people in my generation are kind of crazy and rebels.” Same, sweetheart.
Really this is just a story about bad communication. If Seven had told Kirk his plan upfront, Kirk would have helped him. And if Kirk weren’t so insistent on involving himself in something just because he happens to be somewhere he probably shouldn’t be, we wouldn’t have this issue either. The hubris of everyone.
Overall, just a really forced narrative imo.
Or that’s how it was supposed to be lol. The Irony of time travel. By it’s nature, everything has already worked out.
Kirk and Spock are like “You’re welcome. Peace out.”
Honestly... Isis was the only good part. Such a talented cat actor!! Or trio of cat actors, I guess. Had to do all those stunts and stuff.. .amazing. I also liked the concept of Isis. How she turned into a human later just to troll Roberta. How she’s never really explained--one must assume, an alien? Plus I pretty much never get tired of human + animal teams where the animal makes animal noises and the human just understands and answers in English.
As a stand alone sci fi concept...it was okay. Kinda dated by now. The alien tech was nifty and Roberta could have grown on me. Maybe even Seven, though he left a lot to be desire. That said, the narrative relied a lot on people getting in each other’s way for no reason, which I find very frustrating.
But as a Star Trek episode....no. The main characters were just nuisances on the side lines!! I’m not even sure what Kirk’s mission here was--to try to figure out what Seven was doing? And stop him if necessary? But he never really decided if it was or not, until the point where not trusting him would basically cause a nuclear war? I don’t know, I found it all very frustrating. The melding of the original show and the spinoff was not smooth.
If I were watching this in 1968, I’d feel very cheated. THIS was the season finale? That’s it? I don’t even get a real Star Trek episode and now I have to wait months for anything new?
And what I get after all that waiting is Spock’s Brain?? I’d be tempted to quit. If I had a tumblr in 1969 I’d be writing multi-paragraph rants about how the best show on television has completely nose-dived lol.
But then there’s The Enterprise Incident, which is one of the best episodes... I don’t know, man. It’s a conundrum. I’ve only seen maybe half of season 3 but from what I remember it’s very uneven: some of the best eps (The Enterprise Incident, For the World Is Hollow, Day of the Dove) mixed in with some of the worst (Spock’s Brain, The Paradise Syndrome), plus some that are good concepts but shoddily executed (The Way to Eden). So we’ll see what I think about it when I see it all in one piece, in air date order.
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obxfiles · 4 years ago
Hi Mina, I saw your post about Jimin and Namjoon and their friendship. Can you explain what bad time/year Jimin was going through? Or point me to a direction where I can read up on it? Since I‘m fairly new to BTS I have a lot of catching up to do. 😕 And the most important, may I invade your inbox and scream about our cutie Jimin? Sometimes I feel like I can‘t handle all his awesomeness all by myself. 😄💜
it was around 2015 to like 2017 i believe, but specifically around wings era. i’ll put more about it under the cut because this deals with mental health. all of this that i’m going to say is stuff he’s directly and openly/comfortably spoken about himself in his own words. there’s a line there when discussing their mental health of any of the members, but these are all things jimin has openly shared with us through vlives and his lyrics. bts has always been so vocal and candid about their own struggles and have such a desire to help others through their struggles as well. some fans take that as an opportunity to be hateful or invasive or use their struggles for headcanons, etc. or to try to discredit them. i just want to give a little preamble that what’s under the cut is strictly what jimin has chosen to share with us, and that it’s important to, when discussing those hard moments, also talk about his strength. please keep that in mind as you read on. 
jimin has always struggled with body image issues but wings era was particularly bad. there’s been different translations about what went on at that time, but to prepare for comeback, jimin said he got “overly excited/enthusiastic” about dieting, and stopped eating. one translation said that he only ate one meal for ten days (as in just one meal, and then nothing for ten days), others have said that is a mistranslation and he ate one meal a day for ten days. whatever it was, it was bad enough for him to faint multiple times during practices and be very, very scary and dangerous. he’s said later he regrets doing that so much because of how dangerous it was, and went onto say he didn’t even lose as much weight as he thought he would (which, when your body gets to a certain point, things just stop. including weight loss. been there. it’s terrifying. and nothing i’d remotely encourage attempting). 
his song “lie” is about his struggles with all this, and how it’s been an on-going issue for a long, long time. about how he’ll put on a brave face, but inside he’s feeling tortured by it all. the lyrics are haunting and as much as i love the song, i can’t always listen to it. it’s heartbreaking. i encourage you to look up the lyrics to see insight into what he was struggling with, and his thoughts through it all.
jimin opened up more about these things when he started talking about his song “promise.” he said promise initially started out as an angry song, scolding himself for doing what he did to himself. but he struggled a lot with it, saying it didn’t sound right and he wasn’t happy with it. it was taking him way longer than he thought and was frustrated. 
then during their concert, they performed “answer: love myself” and there’s a video of jimin just crying during that and singing it with his whole heart. he later said that was the turning point, when he knew promise wasn’t supposed to be angry and scolding, but understanding and forgiving. so he turned to namjoon and the two of them worked through jimin’s emotions together to put them into the lyrics.
a lot of fans don’t like to speculate on mental health, and i totally agree speculation is a no-no. but jimin, like yoongi, is so very vocal and honest about all of it to us. he speaks very openly about what he’s struggled with. when you watch his vlives, you’ll hear he’s getting lots of questions about rather he’s eating, and he’ll answer and talk about his meals and say things like “you eat all your meals and i’ll eat all mine, deal?” last year during a vlive he was talking about how much he’s improved and openly said how good he’s doing and that he “hasn’t had any scary thoughts lately - no scary thoughts.” he is very candid in talking about his struggles and from my own experience, and what i’ve seen, a lot of fans that connect deeply with jimin deal with very similar things and find huge comfort and solace in him as well as understanding and support. 
all the members were such rocks and anchors to him during that time. but namjoon was someone he could sit with in that hotel at night, and put his deepest struggles and thoughts into lyrics with. namjoon helped him navigate that, and in turn, namjoon has talked about how jimin has helped him navigate his own mental health struggles too. and i’m just so thankful to them all that jimin never has to face those “scary thoughts” (as he put it) alone. and absolutely you can always, always come cry with me over jimin - on or off anon, like this or through DMs, however you are comfortable. i love, love, love crying over how precious he is and how adorable and cute and brave and strong and beautiful and kind he is. he is my beacon through so, so many things and i adore him more than words can ever say. he is so many wonderful things and he makes me every day push myself to be a better, kinder person; and to love myself and accept myself as i am. while he’s struggled and while he’ll always struggle (those things never go away, it’s always an on going battle) he’s grown and found so much strength in himself. he went from never showing his face without makeup, to giggling about and pointing out his own pimples. he’s gone from trying to force himself to fit this image he felt he needed, to backing off from that and just letting himself be so purely himself without doubt or question. he let’s himself be silly and dorky in a way he’d previously never do. and all these things are so important when talking about jimin’s bad times and his struggles, it’s so important to also talk about how strength. because that boy has more strength in that tiny, tiny little pinky than anyone can even imagine.
so yes! please come cry with me over jimin and i hope this explains some things about what went down back then. thank you for messaging me and please feel free to come back and we can talk more <3
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