#the very slow fic writer
bixiebeet · 7 months
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vinelark · 7 months
happy friday! here is a little bbts chapter 5 proof of life
When Tim comes down again his mouth is full of blood—bitten cheek—and his whole head throbs, an almost fizzy numbness flooding through his jaw in the sudden absence of pain. He struggles through another wheezing breath, wincing at the familiar sensation of torn muscles around his rib cage. “Ah,” Checkered Shirt is saying. “There does seem to be a localized paralytic effect. That last placement may have been counterintuitive; my mistake. But as we discussed, that’s the beauty of mistakes in a setting like this. The opportunity to learn from them.” Tim tips his head. Clumsily spits a mouthful of blood on the metal floor—evidence, he thinks hazily, if he moves me—and finds his tongue. “Funny how you still haven’t gotten what you want,” he half-slurs, “considering how many opportunities you keep having.”
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
clear smoke, sober demons
Rating: T | WC: 3.6K | Steve/Eddie This fic depicts a panic attack, so please be mindful. Full tags on AO3.
The first time Steve had a beer after Starcourt he threw up in his parents’ hall bathroom.
Wasn’t even drunk — was nowhere near it in fact — but as soon as the alcohol started to creep up on him he felt bile rising in his throat. Heart racing, pulse thundering through his veins, he couldn’t think. Steve wasn’t himself anymore. He was in the bunker again. Strapped to a chair with his brain feeling like it was going to float away from itself. Drowning in his own blood. Grey walls, grey floor, closing in on him. Walls swaying, mind swimming in a horrid high. No sun, no windows, no breeze. Stuck. He was sweating and shivering and it was so fucking cold. Restraints pressing in as his mind floated. Sweat plastering his hair and his clothes to his skin, sticky and itchy and coated in his own blood. Or sweat. Or vomit. Or a horrid combination of the three that sent a wave of nausea through him. Shivers wracking his body, pulsing in time with his thundering heart. He wasn’t himself anymore.
Steve had spent the evening curled up on the tile floor, face pressed to the toilet seat, shaking and thinking of Starcourt.
The next morning he felt hungover. Like his muscles had been pulled and strung out like taffy, leaving them worn and tired. He was walking through sludge, each movement slow and deliberate as he headed back to the kitchen. Still in his clothes from yesterday, stinking of sweat.
Steve gagged and retched as he poured all the alcohol down the sink. Even just the smell of it sending him reeling. Clutching the kitchen counter so hard he felt like he was going to break it. That it would crumble to dust underneath his fingers. Desperately, achingly, trying to anchor himself. Pull himself back down, shove his mind back into his body.
He had a panic attack on the kitchen floor.
He didn’t drink after that.
Read the rest on AO3
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blairamok · 10 months
i’m feeling more normal these days, i’ve been enjoying my break immensely. i want to talk and post about my AU again, even though i said i wanted to keep it to myself for a bit, but i love sharing it so much. i just need to get my brain into a space that can ignore the stressful comments because i know they’ll never really go away lol
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ughgoaway · 8 months
my indecisiveness (and fucked up brain) have made me not write anything because there are too many options, so I'm gonna put it to vote so l can make sure I'm focusing on the stuff y'all actually want to read :))
(so sorry some of these have actually taken me 5000 years, annoyingly I have to do boring adult things and I'm mentally ill!! so things take me a little bit longer lmao <3)
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quillkiller · 11 months
tihi might not be a lot for some people but one of fics has reached over 1k hits:):,)<3
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yujeong · 11 months
Fic snippet #1: VegasPete
Pete squirming below him almost satisfies him, almost makes that suffocating feeling in his chest disappear. He's pleading for Vegas to stop, he shouts that he can't breathe, he apologizes. Everything falls on deaf ears; Vegas doesn't give a shit, he's killed men for nothing before, what makes Pete any different? All of that is true until- "Dad…please stop…" Vegas lets go of his neck like he got struck by lightning and almost falls off the bed.
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limirint · 1 month
I think that pacing is truly the most frustrating part of my writing process. I crave a slow burn!!!! But how slow should I make it? Should it even be burning yet? Maybe I should write an exposition about the matches first, that way I can lead into the flame— no don’t leave stick with me
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samaraxmorgan · 4 months
Soooo I may or may not have started writing a fic based off of the early 2000s unckuna headcanons….. :)
I’ve literally never written a fic before and don’t plan to post it until it’s just about finished SO it’s not coming any time super soon BUT it’s in the works!!
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char-lie-spirals · 4 months
YOU HAVE A OLIVER GRAHAM SKYRIM AU!! (I know nothing about Skyrim)
I DO!! For the past like 2 months I've done next to nothing other than playing Skyrim and learning about Skyrim but I have the 2 of them on my mind constantly so Of Course I put them in Skyrim!!
I'll explain the AU in a second under the cut, but before that, to get the basics out of the way - Skyrim is a game in the Elder Scrolls franchise where the main character, you know, runs around, kills dragons, and does quests for the people of Skyrim. It's also very fun and I love it. It's also far too big to properly explain in a single paragraph so I'll try to provide context as I go.
Now, I don't think either of them would take on the role of the main characters, so with the AU I mostly tried to focus on what they'd do/be like in Skyrim, as just normal NPCs. And the first thing I wanted to decide was Where to put them on the map. Said map, for context:
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Let's start with Graham for now. In the AU he was born and grew up in Solitude (the city in the North, on the left side of the map). His parents owned a general goods store there, but seeing as there's already a different one in the city, business was,, slow, so they took orders from other cities as well. At some point, they both set out to transport a bigger order to Markath (The city in the West), but... well. The roads around Markath are particularly dangerous, and they didn't even make it to the city before they were attacked. This is this AU's version of them dying in a car accident on the M1 near Sheffield.
At their insistence, Graham stayed behind to watch the shop, so he was still safe within the city's walls and inherited the place. He tried to keep it open for a while, but eventually struck a deal with the other shop owner - he closes down his store and in exchange, he will get permanently hired in hers. She'd be his boss, but he'd still have a job and the business should get easier to keep afloat.
Solitude is also one of the 2 cities with a college available - the bard's college, and just like in mag 003, he takes a few classes there to kill the time and broaden his mind. Is he a bard? No. Does he know a couple of songs now? Yeah :]
I also found a very fun way of translating his passion for interesting antique furniture into Skyrim! He's one of those people who looove learning about the Dwemer. The Dwemer/Dwarves were a race of elves that was Incredibly advanced, they had huge underground cities, technology, all that... but then hundreds if not thousands of years before Skyrim takes place, they just,, poof! Disappeared! And after all that time, their robots still work while the rest of the world is running around with swords (and magic), so a LOT of people are trying to learn more about their technology, inventions, culture, etc.
And Graham is one of those people. Show him a chunk of Solid Dwemer Metal and he will buy it from you no matter the cost. He also wanted to move to Markath one day, seeing as the city was built on Top of a Dwemer ruin... but well, after what happened to his parents, he's less eager.
One last thing I want to say about him is just his general armor/weapon preference: He strikes me as your average heavy armor one-handed sword user, but he also dabbles in magic a bit. Now, magic is kinda frowned upon by a lot of people in Skyrim, so he's not Loud about it, but he does know a fair few restoration spells. That extra bit of health can be really helpful and all, you know?
Now, onto Oliver!
Oliver doesn't live in Solitude. In fact, he's never visited it, even! He grew up in Dawnstar (North city, middle of the map), and I think he Might've briefly moved to Winterhold to attend a semester or so in the Mage's College, but he quickly moved back home. I also think he might've been on his way to joining the Jarl's court (the Jarl is basically the head of the city and they have a court, which usually has a Stuart (handles finances), court wizard (handles magic stuff), but a few extra people too, depending on the city), however, with how Messy everything's been lately, he just had to take a solid step back.
You see, Dawnstar is a smaller city. Hell, they don't even have a general goods store! There's a caravan that sets up camp by the town every couple days/weeks, so they can still get their supplies, but it's all very limited. Not to mention, something's been Off in Dawnstar lately. All of the residents have been plagued by horrible nightmares. Nightmares of death and alike, that may or may not have something to do with a powerful entity affecting their memories.
Which, you know. Fits Oliver, doesn't it? Nightmares, death, powerful Thing responsible for them, as well as patchy memory? Best part is, This Is Literally In The Game. This Is What's Happening In Dawnstar At The Start Of The Game. I'm sure you can see why I put Oliver in this city rather than any bigger one, right? :]
Now, regardless of whether I'll end up deciding he's been to the Mage's College or not, he does know a fair couple of spells as well - mostly Illusion ones but I think I can let him know a Destruction Spell or two - maybe Flames? Just like Graham, he doesn't talk about using magic much to make sure other people don't look at him differently, but he's quite proficient with his magic regardless.
Other than that, he prefers light armor over heavy armor, and uses bows rather than melee weapons. He just hates being in the heat of the battle, is all. And the distance is safer! Of course, if push comes to shove, he probably has a dagger and it's also possible to use Destruction magic up close, so he's not entirely defenceless... just less likely to come out of it unscathed.
Like I mentioned, with everything happening in Dawnstar he ended up taking a step back from trying to earn his place in the Jarl's court, and doesn't exactly have a job per-se anymore, he just helps around? Runs errands for people if needed, and helps out the old lady at the alchemy store by looking for ingredients for her outside the city as well.
Now with all that background information out of the way (tears in my eyes there is so much of this), the proper plot:
The Caravan that usually sets camp by Dawnstar was attacked by bandits on their way. They weren't killed or anything, but lost quite a few of their goods, so they don't have much to offer. Since the town relies on their supplies and is running quite low, the Jarl decides not to wait until they're back with more supplies and sends Oliver to the nearest town that can provide everything they need - Solitude.
The issue is, going from Dawnstar to Solitude through the official roads takes 2-3 days, depending on your pace and the amount of stops you take, and they need supplies ASAP, so instead of backtracking South and going through Morthal, Oliver decides to head straight West - through the marsh. It makes the journey take a bit over a day, but the marsh is also full of things that want to murder you.
I actually walked that path in the game just to see, and I ran into a dozen Mudcrabs (not strong but camouflage well), a troll (very dangerous) and even a bug-creature that poisons you. I had to resort to running most of the way, and it all ends in having to cross a very strong river. Which is to say, Oliver makes it to Solitude in a day, but Good Lord does he nearly die like 5 times on the way.
He gets a bit lucky, though, because as he jumped into the river to get away from the things chasing him, extinguishing his torch in the process, Graham just so happened to be outside of the city walls and spotted the light going out. And yeah, Graham's not a fan of leaving the city, but he also gets worried about travellers easily, so he decides to go down to the river bank to see what happened.
He uses his restoration magic to heal Oliver back up, or at least keep him stable in spite of being poisoned, and then helps him to the town and the tavern/inn. They get to know each other a bit over some food and then part ways.
The next day, Oliver does what he's been sent to do - goes shopping. He spends most of the gold he was given at the general goods store, and is very surprised to find out that Graham actually works there! They chat for a bit and Oliver explains he'll probably be heading back to Dawnstar now that he bought everything the city needs, and, well...
Even if he's not heading to Markath, the roads can be dangerous and riddled with bandits, and Graham really likes Oliver's company already, so,, he offers to escort him there! Watch his back and all! As well as make sure he sticks to the proper path instead of cutting corners and trying his luck in the marsh again.
They get even closer during their 2-day journey, and it just so happens that Apparently There Are Some Dwemer Ruins By The Road To Dawnstar???? Between that, and Oliver himself, Graham starts considering moving a bit closer to Dawnstar. Not into it, at Oliver's insistence, seeing as that would mean the nightmares would get to him as well, but somewhere close :]
I think he and Oliver will eventually open a general goods store + Tavern/Inn between Dawnstar and Morthal, seeing as neither of the cities have a general goods store and making it into an Inn as well makes travelling there for supplies safer (you can stay the night if you head out too late to make it back before dusk). And yeah, they'll probably go somewhere from there :]
"Unrelated" fun fact, you can get gay married in Skyrim!
If you have any questions re:the au or just like skyrim in general feel free to ask me i am. "normal" about both of them. as evidenced by the length of this post. I just checked and this is 1.7k words. Good lord.
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ollierachnid · 19 days
many shocked, i finally broke the 10k words mark for a fic
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whysamwhy123 · 23 days
Sometimes, you write the first draft of a fic and you feel shitty about it because it is objectively Not Good Writing. And you're not sure it's salvageable at all, and even if it was, there isn't much point in polishing it up because it's for a very random 3-person ship that nobody has written before and you doubt anyone would be interested in, so it doesn't seem worth trying to edit it, let alone post. So you just feel like you kinda wasted your time there.
And then AEW randomly announces that those exact three people are gonna be teaming on Dynamite next week, and you're just like ''...Well, shit, now I have to post the damn thing! And soon?!'' 😭
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happi-tree · 1 year
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happy wipweds, everybody! i am back on my swiftli bullshit once again hehe :]c this little piece actually belongs to the same fic as this one that i posted a few weeks back. taylor's having a tiny case of the ouchies
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glamsmine · 10 months
The Final Ackermann
(Yes that is the fic name and that was the best i could do but it will all make sense PROMISE)
It was unspoken, as was everything else between the two, but this- THIS was something the both needed to confirm. How to go about it? Neither knew. They were so used to questioning each other on topics and arguing, but talking things out? Leaving everything in the open? That simply wasn’t how Kenny operated in any way, shape, or form. Uri was more adept in that area, but Kenny being the other part that had to contribute to the possible conversation made it more difficult for him to find a way to even bring it up. Uri wasn’t one to keep his thoughts to himself, and part of him has doubts that this may just all be in his head and that Kenny just acts as he pleases with whoever. He had no idea of knowing whether he was wrong or not. Kenny was stubborn and to the point, so he’d have mentioned at least once what it was they were to each other wouldn’t he? He wouldn’t, in fact, because this is about the only type of thing he has no experience in. The past month felt off, awkward, not in any instance like a regular evening they had or casual banter they exchanged like before. All because of the way the two gazed at each other sitting in front of the island’s shore one afternoon.
It felt instantaneous, feverish, a bit shy. Something so foreign to the two that they realized that in that moment, they could never look at each other the same way afterwards. So in the moment that they both had that disappointing realization that there might be more to this “partnership” that they developed under the intention of keeping a royal and loyal connection, they held their eyes for as long as they could; in fear that they would never have a moment exactly like this one ever again. The sea air felt soft and smelt of jasmine rather than the nasty smell Kenny first described it as. The light coming from the sun above seemed to graze Kenny’s face and capture it in a warm glow with an expression Uri could only think of as surprised. Truly a sight to see, Kenny never softened his face or let the furrow in his brows rest.
The light breeze picked at Uri’s hair, a picture wouldn’t do him justice. The technology on the island is too behind to allow for the invention of a camera, but Kenny was grateful he was able to capture this moment in his mind where he hardly had any real memories that made him comfortable or happy.
It was just like that how their prolonged silence led to hushed nights hiding from palace guards and days where Kenny would stare up at the sky with nothing else but that white coconut head he had engrained into his eyelids. If only he wasn’t such a cowardly ass that didn’t give a damn of what others thought, maybe he’d be able to peck Uri without a single thought. Perhaps he might’ve even been able to keep that little Levi in his sights, properly raise him and prepare him for the world that he will let him see in the future. The underground was no place to live. He’d like to think that he’d have everything he ever wanted then. His family and love(maybe even more if he got the chance), but the dreams of an Ackermann can never come to fruition. He wanted to blame their heritage, maybe it was a curse because no Ackermann in existence has ever lived the life they’ve wanted, but he knew. This was just how the Ackermanns managed to survive this far, and he hoped that that wouldn’t reach Levi’s way of living. Yet he knew. This was just how things are, and how they always will be.
WOOOPWOOOPWOPPP. So this has been siting in my drafts for like, forever and I decided to finish it off just now. (I hate writing fr, why can’t I just write my stuff all at once so I don’t have to constantly revisit my drabbles when I finally have a transition point or more to add on.) anyways.
This is very much KenUri if you haven’t already noticed💀 I don’t wanna ruin the actual plot point that comes after this bc it would be a big spoiler for my fic, even though i have yet to write the whole thing🗿 but this will be an Armin-centric fic (ik. SURPRISING. Given that this is some real KenUri) but it will make sense when i actually write it🧍🏽‍♀️there’s a good foreshadow/ reference in here so maybe that is a tip-off. Anyways. This exists now…….
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nixotinix · 1 year
fic update!!!
alright you little rascals!! i've mentioned a couple times here that I'm working on a new Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde centric fanfiction. Well, it isn't done, not by a long shot. But I am proud to report that it is my longest by FAR. Just chapter 3 is longer than Mortify Curiosity (my prev fic). So, to hold you fiends over, I'm posting a little bit of info about the fic here so y'all can decide if it's a good read for you before it even comes out!!! Said info will be below the cut ^^
Starting off with the basics!! Here's a screenshot from the AO3 draft with the title, tags, and summary.
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Like with Mortify Curiosity, my other chaptered fic, I'm finishing this fic COMPLETELY before posting. I know the sting of an unfinished fic, and I wouldn't do that to you.
For some other info: chapter count and chapter titles, plus word count if the chapters are finished! -- -Chapter 1: What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought -- Word count: 5,141 -Chapter 2: You know all the right moves; use them -- Word count: 7,411 -Chapter 3: Keep in mind the deadline is closing in -- Word count: 12,968 -Chapter 4: His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 5: Confront what frightens or offends you -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 6: That child of Hell had nothing human -- Word count: ??? -Current total word count: 27,739 Just warning y'all, do not expect the other chapters to be as long as chapter 3. I literally do not know what possessed me to write an almost 13k word chapter it just. kinda happened. Chapter 4 is currently sitting at a cool 2,220 words, and I haven't really gotten into the nitty gritty. So it'll probably be a long one too.
Finally, just for you guys, I'll give you a little excerpt from the opening. You'll probably have to click to read, but this is the first 550-ish words. Enjoy ur little snack hehe
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i'll reblog this post when the fic comes out so yall can find it huehue
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carpetbug · 4 months
hey guys. la llorona fic coming out sometime this week. not clickbait
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