#the tumblr: ‘you just gestured to all of me’ httyd guy
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mumblesplash · 9 months ago
Wait a damn minute, hetalia fan that follows you for DC content here, YOU'RE the one from the Hetalia is Real post????
lol yep that’s me! the Hetalia Is Real guy
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years ago
Hey just so you know your art is really shitty. I am talking about the one you did about book hiccup.
Oh you sweet, sweet summer chiiiiild!!!
I was drawing “shit” like this when I was sixteen - ten years ago! Ten years ago, and I could draw like this!
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So why would I care what someone thinks of a small, five minute, no-erase doodle of mine? ^.^ 
Honestly, I’m in the middle of an artistic euphoria phase right now. Like, I’m legit having so much fun with visual arts - more than I have for years - and I’m delighted. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to talk about this latest exciting experience in my life! Maybe this’ll inspire some others as well? Art has been a highlight of the last few months, and even getting going on the topic now, chatting with you, is getting me happy and inspired and ready to tear out the next sheet of paper for a new bout of creativity. I’m trying my best not to start drawing NOW because of the topic you’ve brought up!
I’m working on proportions and muscle groups and more dynamic poses and figuring out digital art and testing new traditional art mediums and it’s just been a BLAST of creativity and exploration. I’m trying to figure out new styles for myself, branching WAY beyond my childhood focus of photorealism, into everything down to anime-style personalities. I’ve even checked out 3D modeling, dudes! I’m planning on exploring with cityscapes and character design and shape and color and... guys... guys... it’s literally such an exciting time for me right now. 
Art is AMAZING fun!!! What a blessing it is to create something wholly new, with the stamp of our personality, out of complete nothingness? I turned the nothingness of a piece of paper into my personality and a work of creativity. DUDE THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Humans are so amazing in our ability to endlessly create. I think creating is one of the greatest powers and blessings our species has to offer.
Being a visual artist by hobby isn’t about improving. It isn’t even about being good. It’s about having fun. My wonderful dragon-loving friends, don’t for a second think that your artwork needs to be to some sort of quality, because it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter. If you want to improve, that’s awesome, and I’m rooting for you to have some exciting experiences of self-discovery and growth. That can be an exciting time, to go through growth, and it’s well-worth your commendable, diligent efforts. But it’s also 100% fair if you go into a hobby without desiring to improve. You don’t need to improve - you’re not in some competition where your rent’s pay hinges on drawing - you just need to enjoy yourself. There is nothing shameful about “shitty” art - it’s in fact one of the coolest things you can do, because it engages your mind and your creativity and your own unique stamp of human beauty that no other soul can give. And if you share it, you’re sharing a part of yourself, and we get to see the beautiful treasure you and your mind are!
Some of my favorite things I’ve ever seen are stick people. DRAW your stick people! Do it all!!!
I’m so thankful for everyone who shares their art on tumblr in the fandom community. Not just the people who do polished digital work, but everyone. People who are starting to figure out what a tablet is. People who haven’t touched a colored pencil in ten years. People who draw five minute scratches. People who spend thirty-seven hours on a painting. You contribute to the world of fandom, the beautiful world of fandom. Together we celebrate what it is we mutually love about our fandoms, and make this a community in which creativity and celebration and positivity is resplendent. It’s because of people like you - ALL of you - that you build this incredible environment.
I’m in the middle of a phase where I think I’m going to be making rapid advances in my artwork soon. Maybe if there’s something really cool I’ll share it with ya’ll! There’s a 50% chance I might be getting a new art tablet soon, which will unfetter all the struggles I’ve had with digital art preventing me from improving there. And there’s so many ideas I have! Guys, there’s so many ideas! So much art to put down and explore and hgghghghhhh! I’m excited.
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Of course this is all on top of my other hobbies. I love being a jack of all trades and master of none. Every day’s something new to explore. I’m a conlanger and I make my own languages. I’m a creative writer and I’m planning on charging deep into a single original novel that I hope I can publish. I’m a chronic worldbuilder who loves thinking about everything from the geographic history of the world to the culture’s technology to what the cities look like to the individual culture’s elements - be it gestures, taboo language, courting rituals, what have you! I’m a music composer and I even got a Bachelor’s of Music in Composition; I’ve learned how to play over a dozen instruments; I’m itching to make covers and suites of material I love. I used to make gifs and I still miss it - maybe I’ll get back into the swing of it sometime? I made one AMV and maybe I’ll make another - I’ve always loved video editing (I did Lego stop motion stuff in the junior high, after all). And of course I want to keep writing fandom meta for all the stories that have touched my heart, be it Fullmetal Alchemist or How to Train Your Dragon or Voltron: Legendary Defender or Mass Effect or anything else. I’m hoping that I’ll get some good bursts of activity on cosplay, too! I need to work on my sewing - 2019 shall be the perfect year for it, don’t you think?
Life’s so exciting and rich and beautiful. There’s so much creativity to be had. So much to do. So much to explore.
And who gives a flipping rat’s fart if I’m not The Best(TM) of the universe? XD That’s not the true reason to create ANYTHING!
I’ve got a fuckton of weaknesses in my artistic pursuits and that doesn’t make me an ounce less awesome. Having weaknesses makes my artistic life BETTER. I honestly believe it; they make me happy. I’m excited that I have weaknesses in my visual arts abilities because it means I’m going through this period of growth. Where would be my fun if I were perfect already? I’m having a blast not because my art is perfect, but because it’s IMPERFECT. I both like what I can do already and I know ALL the areas where it needs improving - allowing me new areas to dive further and reach new goals. It’s giving me life goals, trajectory, and celebrations every time I draw something new and better than what I made last month. 
A childish, petty, and honestly rather uncreative insult isn’t going to make me blink. I know how amazing I am. I’m a powerhouse, powerfully creative, Renaissance man level talented bonfire who can do everything from advanced level linguistic scientific study to composing contemporary classical art music. I know what my strengths are and what my weaknesses are. I’ve got great weaknesses, and that’s totally chill!
I’m sorry, friend, but the only thing your message does is show how much of a naive child you are. You ignorantly think that a laughably uninteresting, child-level insult is going to affect an adult who is confident and grown in themselves. You don’t know your audience. Even if you were right that my art is shit - which it’s not - it doesn’t matter to me. My identity is more than one cute doodle with Hiccup and Toothless. It’s a shame because I’m sure you have so much positive beauty you could contribute to this world. Why waste your time with this, when it literally could not be more of a waste of your time?
What positive creativity have you done?
I encourage us all to contribute to the beauty of our community. Let’s take this moment to be an inspiration point. Let’s create together. Let’s give people reasons to smile. Let’s share posts we love and talk about why we love them. Let’s draw and write and sing and dance our way through what we love. Let’s give positive feedback on the fanfiction people wrote for us for free. Let’s send compliments to one another - that’s a legitimate form of creation and it’s one of the best. Let’s let our personalities sparkle. Kindness is so awesome. You all are so awesome.
I’m so thankful to live in a community like this, where every day I’m bombarded with incredible magic - the magic you all have created.
As for my Hiccup drawing, the HTTYD book community has a cool event going on celebrating the Twelve Days of Doomsday. I encourage you all to participate and enjoy Cressida Cowell’s works with me!!!
Who knows? Maybe I’ll have time for a few more Hiccup doodles in the next dozen days!
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Mericcup Month 2018: Some Things don’t Change (Old Friends III)
@witch19 @rose-sparks13
Thank you for everyone who is reading, reviewing, liking, favoriting, following, etc for these oneshots! I’m so glad people are enjoying them!
Question: I’m thinking of doing maybe a little bit of lime or lemon with some of the oneshots, but that means I would have to change the rating—would you guys be interested? It doesn’t really affect my ao3 version of this or my tumblr versions or wattpad, but for ff.net you’d have to put the filter Rating for “all” if you want to find it. Please review or message me about your thoughts.
Sváss = beloved
Disclaimer: I don’t own brave or httyd
Some Things Don’t Change (Old Friends III)
As Hiccup finished his story, he could tell Merida was in awe at all the adventures he had while they were separated. He bit his cheek to keep himself from snickering at her gaping expression, finding it adorable.
“Wow! That’s a lot better than what I’ve been doing all these years!” Merida exclaimed. Hiccup gave her a smile.
“I’m sure it hasn’t been that boring.” Hiccup tried to reassure her, hoping he didn’t come off as arrogant for telling her of all his adventures with his friends and Toothless. Merida shook her head, her fiery curls swinging everywhere.
“No, ye don’t understand. My Ma has always kept me close, too afraid to let me do anything remotely dangerous. I feel like a doll rather than a person at times. I’m always told to sit straight, be proper, never be anything less than a princess!” Merida waved her hands around in frustration as she mimicked her mother’s instructions. Hiccup chuckled at her display, making Merida crack a smile.
“I promise after this is over, I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” Hiccup told her. Feeling bold, he took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. Merida’s eyes widened at his words. Her cerulean eyes then sparkled and she clutched his hand, holding it close. The gesture made Hiccup’s pulse quicken.
“Really?! Ye mean it?!” Merida exclaimed, looking positively ecstatic. Hiccup felt warmth fill him from her happiness.
“We always said we’d go and explore the world together, so why not? It will be years before you become queen after all.” Hiccup didn’t want to tell her the real reason was because he wanted her to see the wonders of the world with him by her side. He wanted to see her eyes light up with awe and eagerness at the possibility of adventure from her passionate nature like when they were children. It felt so surreal to be sitting and talking with her about plans for the future again. Seeing her smile was such a thrill—as if he was flying on Toothless on a clear summer day with the breeze running through his hair a thousand times over.
“I’d like that…” Merida said sincerely, and Hiccup couldn’t help but give her another grin, just happy to be with her after so long of wishing she was there with him.
When the news of her betrothal gathering had reached Berk a month beforehand, from a Scottish trader that had good relations with the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, he felt the world being swept from under him. It was lucky that he was there, examining the trader’s goods when he had caught wind of the trader speaking to one of his shipmates about Princess Merida’s upcoming engagement.
Hiccup remembered he almost dropped an expensive spyglass at his words, whipping his head to the merchant and his shipmate. He could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage in panic, and he hurriedly left the ship, a plan already forming in his mind.
“You’re leaving the tribe?” Valka asked, blinking as her son was pacing back and forth. Toothless eyes tracked his rider in worry, wondering if the poor boy was going to self-combust like a Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup ran a hand through his hair roughly, turning to his mother with a panicked expression.
“I have to go, Mom! They’re auctioning Merida off like she’s a piece of meat! I would’ve gone back for her sooner if I knew her parents were wanting to marry her off!” Hiccup exclaimed, frustrated his childhood sweetheart was going to be forced to marry against her will. He remembered Merida—the spitfire she was—and he knew she would never be happy with an arranged marriage.
Valka furrowed her brow in worry while she watched her son beat himself up. She walked over to him and stopped him from pacing. She cupped his chin, turning his gaze to look into her own.
“Don’t blame yourself, Hiccup. You’ve had the duty of your tribe to act on—just because you’ve been busy with your duties and people doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten about Merida.” Valka soothed him. Hiccup still appeared sad.
“I just feel like I’ve failed her…” Hiccup whispered. “If she was happy with this, I would understand, but I know she is not. Even after all these years I know she wouldn’t be happy with this…”
Valka watched him, observing him.
“You were planning to abdicate to go to her, weren’t you…?” Valka finally voiced out. Hiccup averted his eyes, and Valka got her answer. She sighed, taking her hand away from Hiccup’s face.
“I wouldn’t if they would let me take her here, but she’s meant to be queen…” Hiccup murmured, and Valka knew, even after all this time, Hiccup’s heart always belonged to Merida. She couldn’t force him to stay as their chief if he wasn’t happy.
“Have you chosen a replacement?” Valka asked him, and Hiccup stared, shocked she was okay with his choice. Seeing his expression, Valka smiled. “I would be a fool if I didn’t know where Merida was, your heart would always follow. Your place is at her side—it always has been.”
Hiccup grinned in gratitude, embracing his mother, and Valka knew she had made the right decision to support him.
“I’ve thought about asking Astrid…” and Hiccup and his mother began speaking about arrangements to leave and pass on succession to ensure their tribe the best success.
“It’s getting late.” Hiccup said, reluctant to let this moment end, but knew he must return her and abide by Elinor’s rules somewhat.
“Aye. I guess even kidnappers are afraid of my Ma’s wraith!” Merida laughed, and Hiccup wanted to keep her with him forever. He resisted the urge to hold her close again and instead smiled jokingly.
“I’d fight anyone for you, but I won’t lie, she does scare me at times.” He said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. Merida giggled at his expression and words, rising from the tall grass and holding out a hand to him. Hiccup’s grin widened at the gesture, and he gently grasped her hand, allowing her to pull him up.
“Come on, ye wee baby!” Merida nudged him, and they climbed aboard Toothless, who was well rested from relaxing as they talked. Merida wrapped her arms around him securely, and Hiccup urged Toothless into the air. Instead of elaborate tricks, they coasted through the air, enjoying the scenery the setting sun casted on the Highlands of Scotland. Hiccup heard Merida sigh, laying her head against his back, and he felt a giddy grin come upon his face at her touch.
Instead of going to her window, they landed in a safe secluded place where no one would see them. Hiccup slid off Toothless and turned to assist Merida, bringing her to the ground gently, neither one of them letting go as they gazed into each other’s eyes, his hands holding her upper arms and hers placed against his chest. Hiccup felt his mouth go dry, words eluding him as he stared into her eyes that reminded him of the sea. She was absolutely bewitching, and Hiccup was undoubtfully under her spell. It appeared she was under a similar trace, gazing up at him like she was hypnotized. He licked his lips, and Merida’s eyes immediately locked onto his mouth, and Hiccup felt his heart almost burst from his chest.
He stepped closer to her, and she did the same, neither of them still saying a word. Hiccup had the sudden urge to kiss her. He had always wondered what her lips would feel like against his own, even when he was a boy. He cupped the side of her face softly, and Merida leaned into his touch, her eyes closing in contentment.
I love you. He wanted to say, emotions stirring within him. He wanted to tell her over and over again how much she meant to him. How much he had longed for her even when they were apart after all these years. He wanted to tell her he thought about her every day ever since they last saw each other. He wanted to whisper how she kept him going during the worst years of his life before he was a hero and respected in his village. There was so much he wanted to say…
But he knew it wouldn’t be right to force his feelings onto her. No matter how desperately he wanted to be with her, her happiness came first, and if she didn’t love him, he wouldn’t force himself on her. With those thoughts giving him strength, he stepped away from her arms, her warmth, and swallowed. Disappointment shined in her eyes and he refused to let himself think it was because he did not give into his urges.
“You should be getting back, sváss.” He whispered, heartbreakingly soft. Merida took a step forward, as if she was intending to entice him into her arms again, but she clutched her hands together in front of her.
“Yer right… I’ll see ye.” She finally said, and with a blushing face, she turned and ran off towards the castle with Hiccup watching her depart, his heart going with her.
Toothless called to him, and Hiccup finally turned away when Merida’s form disappeared to look at his friend. He gave Toothless a reassuring smile, petting his neck.
“You did great today, bud.” Hiccup praised him. Toothless purred. “Come on, let’s go back to the tribe so we can feed you. I’m sure the others caught a lot of fish.”
Toothless looked delighted at the prospect of fish and trotted beside Hiccup while they journeyed to where their tribe made camp. Many of his tribesmen noticed his arrival, waving excitedly as they caught sight of him. Hiccup grinned and waved back, happy to see the Hooligans settling in well.
He finally stopped at several people his age sitting around a fire eating fish. Astrid caught sight of him first and rose up to greet him, a teasing glint in her eyes.
“Should I even ask where you were?” Astrid smirked, greeting him. Hiccup laughed, not even bothering to appear guilty.
“You always knew me best in Berk.” Hiccup said. Toothless appeared offended, whacking Hiccup with his tail. “Gah! After you, bud, I mean! Sensitive reptile!” Hiccup steadied himself. Toothless made noises like he was laughing, and Hiccup playfully glared at the dragon.
“So, did you get her to say yes?” Fishlegs asked his chief, eager to hear if Hiccup had won Merida’s heart. His other friends looked at their chief, also nosy. Hiccup coughed.
“I’ll take that as a no then. Figures he’d screw up.” Tuffnut said. Ruffnut rolled her eyes.
“He’s probably doing better than you ever could.” Ruffnut remarked. Tuffnut bristled.
“At least I’m better than Snotlout!” the blonde jabbed a thumb at the bulky brunette Viking. Snotlout growled.
“Hey! I’m better than you any day, Tuff!” Snotlout protested.
“Oh yeah, then how come you still ain’t dating Astrid yet?” Tuffnut sneered. Snotlout blushed, embarrassed at his affections for Astrid being called out into the open.
“Because I’m out of his league.” Astrid chimed in, but you could see the jest in her smirk. They all laughed at Snotlout’s grumbling, his entire face glowing with a blush. Ruffnut high-fived Astrid.
“So, what did you accomplish today, Chief?” Ruffnut asked Hiccup.
“Yeah, you were out for a long time! It’s dark now!” Tuffnut pointed out.
“We flew on Toothless and then talked.” Hiccup admitted, grinning boyishly as he recalled his time with Merida.
“Just talked?” Fishlegs asked, raising a brow. Hiccup nodded, his mind retreating to Cloud 9 at remembering Merida in his arms. Everyone around the fire groaned.
“He’s whipped.” Snotlout groaned, facepalming. “You’d never catch me acting like that for a girl.”
“Says the guy who goes off into La-La land every time Astrid passes by.” Fishlegs muttered, but everyone heard and laughed, making Snotlout scowl. Astrid patted Hiccup’s shoulder, bringing him back to the present.
“Don’t worry. She’d be stupid not to fall for you.” Astrid told him. Hiccup sighed, his shoulders slumping.
“I don’t know, she finally just started to remember me. How can I expect her to fall for me?” Hiccup groaned.
“You’re putting yourself through too much stress. Even if she tells you no now doesn’t always mean no forever.” Fishlegs chimed in.
“Legs is right, Hiccup. You’re acting like if she says no, it’s all over for any possibility of you guys ever being together. From how you describe her, Merida is a girl that goes after what she wants regardless of what people say. Just give her patience and she’ll eventually come around.” Astrid comforted her chief.
“And if she does say no for forever, I’ll be happy to take her spot as your wife.” Ruffnut flirted. Fishlegs looked disappointed but didn’t allow Ruffnut to see. Hiccup sent a sympathetic glance to Fishlegs to show he understood.
“I just want her to be happy…” Hiccup finally whispered, and his friends gave him sympathetic looks. Astrid gave him a smile.
“Have faith, Hiccup. The Gods are on your side, I’m sure.” Astrid said. “I know you, and if you were your usual self, no doubt you’ve created an impression with Merida too.”
Hiccup then settled around the fire with his friends while they all chatted about mundane things. Hiccup listened to Ruffnut and Fishlegs describing all the cool stone structures they saw and mourned the fact that Gobbler was taking care of their dragons back in Berk, so they could not fly them to the top. Snotlout and Tuffnut chimed in saying that one of them would win if they raced to the top of the castle with their dragons with Ruffnut reminding Tuffnut they ride the same dragon while Astrid reminded them Hiccup would wipe the floor with them all since Toothless was a Night Fury and therefore, the fastest.
Hiccup laughed and enjoyed the company of his friends and the unity of his tribe. He was so grateful his tribe was okay with him pursuing Merida with the intention of marriage. He knew they would miss him if he became Prince Consort, but like his mother, they knew this is what Hiccup wanted. As Astrid was the second-best dragon rider and knew diplomacy, his tribe readily accepted her as a replacement when he would abdicate being chieftain. He had taught his tribe everything he could about dragons, and he knew they would treasure that knowledge and continue to advocate for dragons and Vikings to coexist.
It was when the fires died that the Hairy Hooligan tribe settled in their makeshift tents to retire for bed. The Games would start soon, and they all wanted to be well rested to cheer Hiccup on. Meanwhile, Hiccup laid with Toothless under the stars, relaxing with his dragon.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving the tribe to marry some princess!” Astrid growled. Hiccup remained firm. He knew what he wanted, and no one was going to stop him from leaving.
“Astrid, I’m not changing my mind.” Hiccup told her. Astrid glared at him.
“What about the rest of us, Hiccup? You’re really going to throw us all away, so you can run off into the sunset for your happily ever after?” Astrid shouted.
“But I’m not leaving you to rot—I want you to take over as chief!” Hiccup protested. He knew Astrid would be difficult, but he was hoping she would give him some leeway.
“But you’re chief! You’ve always brought greatness to our tribe ever since you’ve trained Toothless! Why is she so important you need to give that up?” Astrid didn’t understand. Hiccup was the greatest chief they’ve ever had.
“Because I love her, Astrid.” Hiccup stated, and his confession made Astrid pause, looking at him in shock. “Because… she’s like the sun to me. Always shining and burning bright… If I let her go, Astrid… it would be like letting the sun die in my world…” Hiccup looked defeated, the news of Merida’s incoming nuptials wearing him down. Astrid surveyed his slumped shoulders and down casted expression critically.
“And if she says no…?” Astrid asked, not biting, but not kind either. Hiccup closed his eyes, sighing.
“Then I will stay by her side and swear my fealty to her when she comes to power. Her happiness is what I want most, and if she’s happy, I’ll be happy, even if it’s not with me…” Hiccup confessed. Astrid had never seen him look so defeated, and she felt a well of emotions stir in her gut.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Astrid sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I still think you’d be a better chief…” Astrid said begrudgingly, but there was a gentle smile on her face.
“You clearly give me too much credit.” Hiccup laughed, happy he had accomplished the next step of his plan.
“Psst!” a voice startled Hiccup from his musings. Hiccup and Toothless glanced around, wondering who was calling to them. Toothless sniffed towards some trees, and the figure emerged, petting Toothless on his nose. Hiccup’s eyes widened, seeing who exactly it was.
“Merida?” he whispered loudly as the girl stumbled a little in the dark. She was wearing a black cloak over her dress, but he could make out her fiery red curls and features in the dark. He approached her, steadying her to him. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be out this late.” Hiccup couldn’t help but scold her, worried something could have happened to her on her way here.
As for Merida, she wasn’t perturbed by the sternness in Hiccup’s voice and bounced on her toes excitedly, grin wide as she peered up at him with the dying embers of the fire highlighting her face, making her eyes shine in the darkness. She was positively breathtaking with her beauty, and Hiccup could feel his cheeks heat up in the dark.
“I couldn’t wait!” she whispered back, quickly grasping his hands, and Hiccup’s blush intensified while his pulse skyrocketed. “I was sleeping Hiccup, and I had a dream—I remember us sledding into the Loch! I woke up and I was so happy I couldn’t go back to sleep! I just had to see ye to tell ye!” she explained, tone still low despite her enthusiasm.
She came all this way just to see him? That just served to make him even more warm and flustered, and he couldn’t keep the absolutely goofy grin from spreading on his face. Merida saw, and it caused her to grip his hands tighter with Hiccup clutching her hands back.
“That’s great, Merida!” Hiccup whispered loudly, heart swelling in happiness. He brought her closer, holding her hands between them, and Hiccup was too ecstatic to notice their proximity. However, Merida did, and his forwardness and unhidden joy made a blush glow on her cheeks. Nonetheless, her own smile didn’t fade.
“And that’s not all…” Merida said, forcing her blush to fade. She separated from him and went towards the bushes. Toothless and Hiccup watched curiously, and she struggled a bit, but soon presented them with a shield, her eyes shining in mischief. “I thought we could try again.”
Her smirk was positively devilish, and her eyes took on an impish glint causing Hiccup to feel a different kind of heat pooling in his body, specifically in his loins. Nevertheless, he used every effort inside him to resist the urge to ravish her and focused on the shield.
“You’re kidding.” Hiccup laughed.
“I’m not, I’m afraid.” Merida said completely serious. Hiccup walked over to her, helping her with the shield. She glared at him in envy at how easy he was able to carry the heavy shield when she had trouble.
“We could get caught.” Hiccup warned, but he knew his resolve to deny her was easily crumbling in midst of his own eagerness to recreate a precious memory.
“This coming from the one who stole me from my bedroom earlier.” Merida teased, and Hiccup laughed, shaking his head.
Even after all these years, some things don’t change.
“Alright then.” Hiccup smirked, just as mischievous, bowing to Merida playfully. “Lead the way, Milady.”
There you go! I wanted to make this longer and include the sledding, but I really have to get ready for leaving for Colossalcon East tomorrow.
Since I am going away to a convention for the weekend, oneshots “Rekindled Love”, “Comic Con”, “Coffee Shop”, and possibly “Childhood Friends” will be posted when Mericcup month is over and it’s October so that is why you won’t be seeing those oneshots posted for the next couple of days.
Please let me know if you guys want some lemon/lime content in these oneshots.
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toobsie · 8 years ago
So I’ve never really written fanfiction before but I’ve been thinking a lot about RTTE season 4 and how much I want(need)Hiccup and Astrid to get together now and this is sort of how it goes down in my head. Also, I rarely ever use Tumblr these days so I wasn’t even going to post this but hey I wrote it down anyway and looking at the HTTYD tumblr tag there’s some really cool stuff so why not. So in my mind this scene takes place at the end of the first episode of Season 4. (because seriously come on already) The Riders are on their way back from another incredible, deadly, exciting, life-threatening mission where they helped Mala save the Eruptodon, formed an alliance with the Defenders of the Wing, recovered all of Berk’s gold, and narrowly escaped being killed by Vigo and the Dragon Hunters. I haven’t actually written out this adventure, but the important part is Hiccup put himself in an extremely dangerous position in order to save his friends.
“Ohhh Toothless I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see Dragon’s Edge,” Hiccup confessed as they flew toward the island they had come to call home. Toothless, wanting to express his happiness that he, Hiccup, and the rest of the gang had once again made it out alive, dipped down to the lagoon so that he could glide the tip of his left wing in the water while Hiccup did the same with the tips of his fingers.
As the pair soared low through the air, cutting through the moonlit water, Hiccup closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled; he had gained a newfound appreciation for life after this particular adventure and wanted to savor every moment of happiness he could. Nothing felt quite like flying; nothing felt so exhilarating yet relaxing, so intricate and demanding yet effortless and freeing, so comfortable and familiar yet new and exciting with every flight.
The rest of the riders and dragons, who were flanked behind Hiccup and Toothless, decided to follow suit, running their wings and fingers through the cold water, feeling almost as relieved and thankful as their leaders.
Nearing the Edge, Hiccup and Toothless pulled up and landed by the dome. Once the Night Fury’s feet touched the ground Hiccup leaped out of his saddle to come face to face with his magnificent dragon.
“You were amazing today bud,” he said softly, crouching down to meet Toothless’s eyes.
“Thank you so much.” He reached his arms around Toothless’s neck, giving him the most genuine, loving hug he could muster. Toothless, in return, nuzzled his nose into Hiccup’s shoulder as a way of saying “you’re welcome” and “thank you for being safe” simultaneously.
As the two best friends embraced, the other members of the group landed one by one around them. As soon as Meatlug landed on the Edge, the last dragon of the group to do so, everyone looked around at each other, astonished that they had all made it back alive this time, and so incredibly grateful.
Of course it was Tuffnut who broke the silence. He had been narrating the entire adventure, but even the trickster had to take a quiet moment to appreciate the amazing feat they had all accomplished.
“And our heroes return home, to the safety of their awesome base, to stuff their faces with delicious food and sleep for hours and hours…” “And hours!” added Ruffnut in agreeance with her brother.
“For once I completely and wholeheartedly agree with the twins,” proclaimed Fishlegs, lying face down on Meatlug’s back, giving her a giant bear hug with one arm and raising the other arm with his index finger pointed towards the sky.
“Well let’s stop talking about it and start chowing down!” Snotlout yelled, yanking on Hookfang’s horns. “Hookfang, up! Hookfang, to the clubhouse!” Despite his rider’s commands, Hookfang didn’t budge. Not that Hookfang disobeying Snotlout was anything new, but suddenly Hiccup looked around at all the dragons worriedly, realizing how worn out they all were.
“Hey guys I think today’s activities really did a number on the dragons,” Hiccup said, gesturing to all the exhausted faces, “I mean Hookfang can barely lift his wings.”
At that very moment Hookfang’s body collapsed on the ground, bringing Snotlout down with him. The Monstrous Nightmare let out a great sigh through his nostrils as Snotlout recovered the helmet that had fallen off his head.
“Hiccup’s right guys,” Astrid announced, stroking Stormfly’s face, “Why don’t we walk them over to the stable and let them rest their wings? I think they’ve flown more these past few days than ever before.”
With that being said Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, and Heather all hopped down onto the ground, each taking a quick moment just to inspect that their dragons were okay. Much to everyone’s relief, every dragon was without a scratch, just extremely fatigued.
“To the stables!” bellowed Tuffnut, punching his fist forward in the air, leading the charge as Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and Heather followed behind.
Hiccup turned to Toothless, seeing the weariness in his eyes. He smiled softly.
“C’mon bud, you deserve some nice, fresh fish and a good night’s r- OW! WHAT?”
He turned swiftly towards his attacker, grasping at his right arm where he had just been punched. To no one’s surprise, that “attacker” was Astrid.
“THAT was for almost getting yourself killed,” she snapped, with a pissed yet smirky expression on her face. Hiccup’s look of pain and confusion melted into a loving smile.
In true Astrid fashion, her next act was to grab the collar of Hiccup’s shirt, pulling him in for a quick peck on the lips. She hadn’t pulled this since they were kids.
Wait. She hasn’t pulled this since we were kids. Why now? Oh my Thor, If I hadn’t made it out today I never would have been able to kiss Astrid again. I never would have been able to even see Astrid again, or talk to her, or laugh with her, or... I can’t let 2 more years pass until our next kiss. I can’t even let 2 more seconds pass until our next kiss. I… I have to go for it. If I don’t and my next near death experience isn’t just near death… In the nearly two seconds that their lips met, all of these thoughts had come racing through Hiccup’s mind.
As Astrid pulled away Hiccup made a decision. He was going to do it. He couldn’t waste any more time.  
“And THAT was for-” Astrid cut herself off when she felt Hiccup grab hold of the hand she was using to clutch his tunic. She looked into his eyes and saw a look that was familiar yet… different. Hiccup had never really looked at her this way before. Her gaze fell to his chest where Hiccup tightened his grip, gently but with intent, on her hand.
Suddenly it became clear what was happening. Is this really it, is this really the moment? She asked herself, returning her gaze to Hiccup’s eyes. They both knew that this would happen someday, but for some reason they kept putting it off. She wondered why they had for so long; was it because they felt that they had too many other responsibilities? They didn’t want to make things awkward with the rest of the group? They didn’t want to risk ruining their friendship? They were just too nervous? All of it seemed so silly in that moment. They were warriors after all. If they could ride dragons, defeat armadas, and face off against the most dangerous foes in all of the archipelago, they could do this. They could share a real kiss, have a real relationship. As Astrid was going through all of this in her mind she suddenly realized that she was slowly leaning in towards the viking she knew, for some time now, she loved.  
Their lips met and this time, instead of parting after mere seconds, they lingered and eventually pressed against each other like they had never before. With her free hand, Astrid cupped the back of Hiccup’s neck, spreading her fingers into his hair, while Hiccup’s free hand moved to Astrid’s cheek. The hands that they had begun with stayed in place, between their chests, so that each viking could feel the other’s heartbeat.
Realizing Hiccup and Astrid were not following behind them, the others turned around, stunned as they saw what was happening. Astrid and Hiccup kissing, for real this time.
“Oh. My. Thor!” exclaimed Fishlegs, bring his hands up to his mouth in surprise.
“Well FINALLY,” muttered Ruffnut, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, really. Took them long enough,” agreed Tuffnut.
Heather placed her hands on her hips, grinning satisfactorily. She had been pretty positive this was going to happen, sooner than the other riders had guessed.
Snotlout reacted less positively than the others. “What??? Seriously? She goes for Dragon Boy and not me???” he asked.
Fishlegs elbowed him in the side, annoyed once again at Snotlout’s vanity, yet knowing that it was really a joke. Well, mostly.
Not wanting to invade their friends’ private moment but (mostly) happy that this was finally happening, they smiled and looked upon Astrid and Hiccup sharing their first real kiss. Even the dragons seemed to smile as if they too had just been waiting for this to happen.
When the kiss ended and the two pulled away, just enough to look each other in the eyes, Astrid decided this would be the perfect time to ask, “What took you so long?” To which Hiccup smiled and replied, “I could get used to this.”
For Hiccup, nothing felt quite like kissing Astrid; nothing felt so exhilarating yet relaxing, so intricate and demanding yet effortless and freeing, so comfortable and familiar yet new and exciting. For Hiccup, kissing Astrid was another form of flying.
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natblake-blog1 · 8 years ago
Marry Me Milady?
Marry Me Milady?
Hi all, this is my first tumblr fan post! :) It’s a silly, cute, cheesy hiccstrid oneshot and I only spent like two hours writing it, but hey, why not. Hope you all like it, if you do, gimme a follow! I’m going to try to poat a bunch of such httyd oneshots on here as time goes on.
HICCUP took a deep breath.
“I’m not sure if I can do this,” he groaned.
“Sure ya can!” Tuffnut Thorston clapped Hiccup on the shoulder. “What’s so scary about proposing to a girl?”
“Um, Tuff, this is Astrid we’re talking about,” Hiccup said nervously.
“Hiccup.” Tuff took Hiccup by the collar and looked straight at him. “I’ve PUNCHED your father in the nuts before, Hiccup. If I can do that, then proposing to Astrid should be EASY.”
Hiccup managed a scared laugh, and his hands went to smooth out his vest for the twentieth time. Then he took another deep breath and stared out through the window into the snowy, jolly streets below, where the colors and decorations of Snoggletog were all over.
“It sure is beautiful out there,” Fishlegs Ingerman said, sitting in the corner preparing a chicken leg for consumption. “The dragons just came back with all their babies yesterday, and it’s just a perfect time for it, Hiccup. With the snow, the dancing, the fun – Hiccup, just go and ask Astrid to marry you.”
“But Legs, what if she says – no?” Hiccup asked.
Fishlegs giggled. “Hiccup, I’ve seen you two together, and there’s approximately a 99.9973 percent chance that Astrid will say yes.”
Tuffnut laughed a coarse laugh, flopping down on the cushioned bench next to the fireplace.
“Come on, Hiccup, we’ve been in here for a half hour,” he groaned. “Ruff is out pranking everyone and I want to join her. And we’re all sitting here trying to help you do this stupid thing.”
“Yeah, we’re your friends, Hiccup, but we can’t help you just grow a pair and do it,” Fishlegs chuckled.
Hiccup turned with a surprised look on his face. “You’ve like, never talked that way before, Legs.”
“Well, uhh, I guess I have now.” Fishlegs grinned and took another bite of chicken.
Hiccup took another deep breath. “All right. I’m almost ready. Let me just recite my proposal one more time -”
“NO!” Both Tuffnut and Fishlegs shouted together.
“We’ve heard it TEN hundred times!” Tuff groaned, rolling over on the couch. “Ugggghhh.”
“Trust me, its fine, Hiccup,” Fishlegs asserted.
“Oh Gods, why can’t I just do this,” Hiccup groaned. He walked over to the windowsill again and looked down over the celebrations in the village square.
There she was. His angel, his Goddess, his ‘Milady,’ his everything. Astrid Hofferson was in the middle of the square, dancing and laughing with the rest of the village. Her cheeks were rosy with the chill of the December weather, and her gorgeous blonde ponytail was flipping back and forth as she laughed and spun, a few golden strands loose. She was smiling, her deep blue eyes filled with excitement and fun.
A silly grin came over Hiccup’s face, and he leaned his chin in his hands to watch her, content to stare forever as her laughter echoed over the noise and chaos of the Snogggletog party.
She stopped dancing, and, with a final big smile, patted the head of the little boy she had been twirling around in the dancing. Then, with a flick of her hair, she made her way out of the crowd of dancers and over to the side, where her dragon Stormfly and her three newest additions to the family were curled up.
Hiccup smiled again as Astrid gave Stormfly a big hug and then aww’ed for the hundredth time over her dragon’s newborn babies, snuggling each one.
Hiccup’s smile just got bigger.
“She’s beautiful,” he whispered.
“We heard that,” Fishlegs said meekly.
“And ewwww,” Tuffnut groaned, covering his face with his hands. “Why did I agree to this… uggh. All right, Hiccup, if you don’t get out that door in ten seconds, I will yell out that window that you’re gonna propose.”
“No!” Hiccup whirled on Tuffnut.
“Hey, hey, I was joking!” Tuffnut raised his hands in defense. “But c’mon, Hiccup, go out there! Do it!”
“All right, all right.” Hiccup took a deep breath and patted his vest pocket. “I’ve got my ring. But Legs, are you SURE it will fit her finger?”
“Hiccup, I’m POSITIVE,” Fishlegs sighed. “Look, when I bandaged her finger last week, I re-measured it. Your ring is perfect.”
“What if she doesn’t like it, though?” Hiccup bit his lip.
“Holy Thor!” Tuff leapt to his feet. “Hiccup, if she doesn’t absolutely LOVE it, I’ll be quiet for a WHOLE week. If she doesn’t absolutely say YES, I’ll be quiet for a whole week. And if you don’t get out that door and ask her already, I’ll start screaming like a mad fool!”
“You are a mad fool, Tuff,” Fishlegs laughed.
Hiccup bent over at the waist and then straightened up again. “All right. I’m going down there. Watch me from the window, and uhh, I’ll – well, umm-“
“Good luck, Hiccup.” Fishlegs smiled. “And remember, she loves you. Just ask her.”
“No, just remember what a hottie she is,” Tuffnut grinned. “And think of your wedding night. THEN ask her.”
“Tuff, Gods, STOP that!” Hiccup shoved at Tuffnut, who broke out onto raucous laughter. “You’re just horrible, Tuff.”
“I am,” Tuffnut grinned. “Go, Hiccup.”
“Ok.” Hiccup went to the stairs that led down from his loft. “I’m off.” He began to descend the steps slowly, his metal leg and his leathered foot making dull thumps on the wooden steps.
“Hail to the Chief!” Fishlegs smiled. “Have fun.”
“Yeah, Legs, I’m sure – that I will,” Hiccup said sarcastically as he went down the stairs.
“Try not to pee your pants while you’re asking her!” Tuffnut called.
With a nervous roll of his green eyes, Hiccup got to the bottom of the stairs and then went to the door. With a final pat of his pocket to make sure the ring was there, he closed his eyes and said a prayer to Odin. Turning, he looked back at the loft, where Tuffnut and Fishlegs where peering over, watching him.
“I’ll be back, guys,” Hiccup said solemnly, and then opened the door and stepped out.
Hiccup grinned and took in a big breath of the chilly air. It actually wasn’t too bad. The sun was shining, the snow was soft and fluffy, and it was just cold enough to make someone want to move around a bit to stay warm.
Suddenly there was a squawk of excitement, and Toothless, his wings flapping, leapt off the roof of Hiccup’s house and landed next to Hiccup, a few shingles flying off in the process.
“Hey, bud,” Hiccup acknowledged, giving his Night Fury a pat on the head. “How’s the party so far?”
In reply, Toothless did a silly dance around Hiccup, his tail swinging around and almost hitting Hiccup in the face.
“Hey, whoa, relax, bud!” Hiccup laughed, trying to calm Toothless down. “Ok, I get it, it’s been fun.”
Toothless then suddenly stopped and sat up, making swallowing noises with his throat.
“Ah, and there’s lots of fish, too,” Hiccup nodded. “OK, bud, I hope you’re nice and full.”
Toothless bobbed his head and then looked at Hiccup in a way that only Hiccup knew.
“Oh, not now, bud,” he laughed. “I can’t go flying this time, not right now.”
Toothless kept looking.
“I have to go ask Astrid to marry me, I told you,” Hiccup said. “It’s very important. We can fly later, OK?”
As soon as Hiccup mentioned the name Astrid, Toothless suddenly got a sly look on his face and gave Hiccup a dragon grin.
“Oh, Gods, you’re worse than Tuffnut,” Hiccup laughed, giving Toothless a rub on the snout. “OK, I’m going to go do the craziest thing I’ve ever done, OK? I’m even more scared now than when I first met you.”
Toothless began to chuckle a dragon laugh, and Hiccup, rolling his eyes, turned and walked down the hill to the village square, his heart beating like mad.
 Gobber then appeared from a house on the side, going back up the hill in the opposite direction of Hiccup.
“Ah, there ya are, Hiccup!” He called. “Off ta the party?”
“Yep,” Hiccup nodded, as Gobber passed by him.
“Yer gal is waitin for ye!” Gobber winked at him, and Hiccup winced as the big smith clapped him on the shoulder. Then he passed on.
Hiccup took another giant breath, trying to release his nervousness. He had practiced this a thousand times, but simply could not stop his heart from pumping and his legs from shaking. Why was this so hard?
He arrived at the village square, and the noise and happy shouts of the celebration were all around him.
Hiccup didn’t notice any of it. He didn’t register anyone saying hello to him, any people cheering and laughing, and he certainly didn’t notice the two pairs of eyes back at his house, watching him intently from the window. He was only focused on one thing.
Astrid was sitting down on a bench at the edge of the party, with two of her baby Nadders on her lap, and the third playing at her feet.
He approached, and his hand went into his vest pocket to feel the warm, smooth edge of his golden ring.
‘Don’t mess this up,” he breathed. ‘Do NOT mess this up.’
Astrid looked up, and saw him.
“Hey, Hiccup!” Astrid bounced to her feet, picking up the two Nadders in her lap. “I’ve been looking all over for you! What took you so long?”
Hiccup walked the final few steps up to her, a smile on his face.
“Uh, I – I’m sorry, Astrid, uh, I was busy,” he stammered.
Astrid smiled sweetly at him, then lifted up both her Nadders. “Aren’t they adorable?” She smiled, leaning down and rubbing her nose against the snout of one of them. “You itty bitty thing, aren’t you just the cutest?”
“Uh, yeah, they’re really cute,” Hiccup agreed, his fingers twisting together nervously. “But not half as cute as you.”
Astrid looked up slyly at Hiccup. “Hey,” she grinned, and punched Hiccup in the arm. “I’m not cute.”
Hiccup’s nervousness started to fade as he grinned back. “Cute, pretty, adorable, loveable, you name it.”
Astrid reddened, and Hiccup suddenly broke back into his stammering once more.
“So, um, yeah.”
Astrid laughed. “What do you think of the party, Hiccup?” She gestured to the dancing.
“Uh, it looks, amazing,” Hiccup said, his heart pumping like mad. Somehow he had to just do it – just ask her…
“Don’t the decorations look awesome?” Astrid looked up at the massive Snoggletog tree. “What do you think?”
“It looks, uh, cool,” Hiccup said, glancing down nervously at his boots.
“Hiccup!” Astrid grabbed him by the shoulders. “You’re not even looking.”
“What? Oh,” Hiccup turned and glanced up at the Snoggletog tree. “Yeah, it looks great.”
Astrid looked quizzically at Hiccup and then put the two baby Nadders down.
“All right, you’re acting like a crazy person, Hiccup,” she laughed. “What’s going on?”
Hiccup opened his mouth, and tried to force out the words he had been reciting for the last week in preparation for this moment. But they just wouldn’t come.
“Hiccup…” the corner of Astrid’s mouth went up. “You’re going all stammer-y on me again. What’d you do, huh?”
Hiccup looked at Astrid’s stunning bright blue eyes. They were smiling, she was happy, radiant. They were also slightly curious.
“Hiccup, are you OK?” Astrid asked, poking his shoulder again.
Hiccup blinked and then shook himself. “Right. I. Just. Yeah. Um, Astrid, I -” He had completely forgotten his proposal. He lowered his gaze again and felt his vest pocket. The ring was there.
“I – I got you something,” he stammered quietly. He looked back up at Astrid.
Astrid laughed. “Oh, no,” she smiled. “All right, Haddock, what’d you get me this time? I told you not to get me anything.”
Hiccup swallowed. Astrid was so nice, so beautiful, so happy to see him – why was she suddenly SO scary?
“Uh, it’s right here,” Hiccup said, and reached into his vest, pulling out the rose that Fishlegs had given him. The beautiful red flower in his hand, he looked up at Astrid. “I gave you an axe last year, so, you know, I thought – maybe – I couldn’t think of anything else – so I just thought I’d give you this.”
Embarrassed, he handed the rose to Astrid.
“Hiccup,” Astrid smiled, taking the rose. “My Gods, how did you keep a rose for me! Where did you get this?”
“Um, I, I froze it from the summer,” Hiccup said nervously. “Then thawed it for today. I – I wasn’t sure you’d like a flower, so – don’t chop my head off.”
Astrid smiled and bent her head down to smell the rose.
“It’s lovely, Hiccup,” she smiled. “I – I like it. A lot. Thank you.”
She took his collar in one hand and planted a good, lingering kiss on Hiccup’s lips. Hiccup melted into it, and he instinctively pulled his left hand from his pocket to tuck the loose strands of Astrid’s hair behind her ear.
“Hey,” Astrid broke the kiss and felt her ear. “Ow. That hurt. What do you have in your hand, Hiccup?”
Hiccup gaped. He glanced down at his hand, which he hurriedly clenched into a fist. He had the ENGAGEMENT ring in his HAND.
“Uh, um, that’s – that’s – nothing,” Hiccup stammered, fidgeting. “Um, just, this thing I made – I – I – it’s for you.”
“Oh, is it?” Astrid reached for his hand with a grin. “OK, what’s in there, Haddock! Stop teasing me!”
She grabbed his wrist, and Hiccup suddenly reacted. He tore his hand away. Astrid’s eyes widened and she looked up.
“Whoa,” she said. “Calm down, I was just teasing.”
“I – I know,” Hiccup said. His fist was still clenched tight. “Sorry. I just – I – I wanted to -”
Astrid smiled again. “All right, Hiccup, go ahead and tell me what it is,” she grinned. “Is it a dragon tooth? A rock?”
“I – you’re beautiful, Astrid,” Hiccup blurted.
Astrid blinked, startled. “What?”
Hiccup found his voice. He took a step forward. “You’re beautiful, Astrid. Ever since before you even noticed me, I thought you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen. I love your smile, I love your laugh, I even love your punches, even though you never really mean them. I love the way you scowl when you’re frustrated. I love the way you tuck your hair behind your ear when you’re embarrassed. And ever since that day when you first met Toothless, when we flew through the sky, and you kissed me, I knew, deep down, that’d I be doing this someday. Most of all, Astrid, I love YOU.”
He got down on one knee.
Astrid’s mouth parted, and her hands went over it. “Oh my Gods,” she whispered.
Hiccup suddenly noticed that all the music and dancing around them had stopped. Stormfly and her three baby Nadders were all standing, looking on at Hiccup. And so was the entire village, standing in the square, gazing with open mouths at Hiccup and Astrid, as if they all knew what was about to happen.
And Hiccup didn’t care. He raised his closed fist, which up until now had been shut so tightly that his hand was numb. Carefully he opened it, revealing a stunning shiny circlet of gold with a small blue gem set on the top. Intricate little dragons were etched into the edges of the ring, and it was by far the most well-crafted piece of jewelry ever seen on Berk, ever.
“Astrid,” Hiccup smiled up at her. “I know you love me. Will you marry me?”
Astrid was still standing with her hands over her mouth, but now there were tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
“Are you serious right now?” She gasped. “Hiccup, oh my Gods, I -”
“I’m more serious than I’ve ever been in my life,” Hiccup smiled. “My knee is getting wet. Just say yes.”
Astrid burst joyfully. “Oh, Hiccup, YES!” She laughed, the two tears squeezing out of her eyes. “Yes, I will.”
Hiccup grinned, and the entire crowd of villagers watching, men, women, children, and dragons, all cheered. With a big smile, Hiccup held the ring in his fingers and Astrid held out her hand so he could put it on.
Hiccup didn’t realize till then just how much his hands were trembling with excitement, and, as he picked up the edges of the ring to put it on her finger, it slipped out of his hands and fell to the stones below.
Astrid laughed, and Hiccup yelped. “Oops,” he grinned, reaching down to pick it up.
But right as he was about to retrieve the stunning ring, one of Astrid’s baby Nadders leapt forward for it also. Hiccup yelped and tried to grab it, but the baby dragon beat him to it, seized the ring in its mouth, and, in one motion, SWALLOWED it.
Hiccup gasped in horror.
“NOOO!” He cried, horrified. “You swallowed my ring!”
He reached down and opened the baby Nadder’s mouth, even as the crowd of villagers gasped in shock. He looked in the dragon’s mouth, but the ring was gone.
“Oh, Gods, no,” Hiccup groaned, burying his face in his hands.
A strange sound came from above him, and Hiccup looked up sheepishly at Astrid. Once again, she had her hands over her mouth, but this time it wasn’t from surprise. She was trying to hold back laughter.
She failed.
“Oh my Gods, HA HA HA HA!” She laughed, putting her hands over her eyes. “HAHHAHAHAHA!” And she burst into a fit of total, genuine laughter.
Hiccup grinned embarrassedly, and the crowd of people began to laugh with Astrid. Astrid was still roaring, and she bent over, trying to stay upright.
“Oh my Gods… Bluebell… she… you… ATE my engagement ring! HAHA! HAHAHAHAHAH!”
Hiccup got to his feet, his embarrassed grin still on his face.
“You need to feed your dragons, Milady. Bluebell must have been really hungry to want to eat that.”
Astrid kept laughing, slapping at Hiccup. “Oh dear! That did NOT just happen! I’m sorry, Hiccup.”
“No, I – I dropped it,” Hiccup laughed. “My Gods, I’ll never live this one down.”
Astrid stopped laughing and took Hiccup’s face in her hands. “Oh well. Who needs a ring anyway? I love you, Hiccup.”
She kissed him, and as Hiccup held her waist and kissed her back, the villagers broke into wild cheering, mobbing the pair. As Hiccup and Astrid broke apart, they were finding themselves jostled by dozen of Vikings, all shouting congratulations at them. Hiccup raised his hands.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” He shouted. “Give us some space, everyone!”
It didn’t work. The villagers kept mobbing them and cheering. Someone threw painted pine cones over them.
“All right, all right, let’s go!” Hiccup laughed, taking Astrid by the arm. “Bud!” He waved his arm. “Toothless! Come rescue us!”
Toothless was waiting outside the square, and when he heard his rider shout, he jumped through the crowd, which parted like magic, and skidded to a halt in front of Hiccup and Astrid.
Still laughing, Hiccup climbed onto Toothless’ back and held out his hand to Astrid while he clicked his peg leg in it’s place.
“Come fly with me, Milady,” he smiled.
Astrid took his hand readily, and, amid the final cheers of the villagers, sat down on Toothless in front of Hiccup. Leaning back, she let Hiccup kiss her, and then, with one hand on Astrid’s waist and the other on Toothless’ saddle, the Night Fury took off into the sunset, leaving the cheering people behind.
Back in the window at Hiccup’s house, Fishlegs and Tuffnut gave each other a high five.
“Told you she’d say yes,” Fishlegs said smugly.
“And for once we didn’t disagree,” Tuffnut grinned in return.
And the Night Fury carrying the newly engaged couple faded into the distance.
There ya’ll go... hope you liked it! If so, gimme a follow, and if you’re on FanFiction, you can go check out my stories there too! I’ve got a few. Hope you all had a great Snoggletog and a Happy New Year.
NatBlake signing off. ;)
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