#the treatment of fanfic writers lately is HORRIBLE
lordoftherazzles · 11 months
Let them write what they want to write and don't harass them because it's not exactly what YOU want to see. Writers don't owe anyone anything. We do this for fun (and for free), and to constantly see readers harassing authors about their works is making me so angry.
To see readers bullying writers into going back to writing something they were taking a break from to pursue other stories/aspirations? TERRIBLE. Support the writers with whatever they are writing if you love them that much.
Let them know how much you appreciate their FREE hard work!
We are not here to cater to anyone but ourselves - yes, we share our stories with people to build a conversation about the things we all love, but ultimately we create things for ourselves.
The bullying and harassment of writers needs to stop, or the writing stops. Be appreciative, be respectful, and show the authors love instead of tearing them down for other things they enjoy.
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delphiniumblooms · 3 years
fic writer review
thanks @daisy-appreciation-week for tagging!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
28 :D
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
44507 and much more in my fanfic google drive - WIPs or never-posted fics
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
i wrote a lot in fantastic beasts (18 out of my 28 works are fb) and potc, and have done a hamilton oneshot
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
these are all fb because they’re older lol
You’re All I Need - honestly I don’t like this one that much, no idea why it blew up. a slightly angsty newtina fic written for a secret santa fic exchange in 2018 for a newtina discord server.
Special Treatment - a newtina crackfic, where theseus scamander teases tina about showing up to work late with a hickey. one of my best attempts at comedy!
nativitas - a short fic about theseus scamander meeting his baby brother newt for the first time, first in my scamander brothers series
Taken By Surprise - newtina fic written based on the rayllum kiss scene from the dragon prince
discidium - the second instalment in the scamander brothers series. newt sees theseus off at platform 9 3/4. he doesn’t want his brother to leave him.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
yes i do!! i thank everyone for leaving comments cause i don’t get that many and they do wonders for my writer’s ego. please don’t be shy to leave comments, i am very friendly and will be eternally grateful for compliments on my fic!!!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
as a general rule i don’t write angst cause i treat fic like escapism and so need happy endings. the angsty ends i have are usually in line with canon. duty-bound covers the end of potc3, where will and elizabeth are separated, so that’s pretty angsty. a little fall of rain covers queenie leaving jacob in the crimes of grindelwald.
7. Do you write crossovers?
ive written only one and am not likely to write another LOL
annexus is a fantastic beasts-bbc sherlock crossover. i was thinking about how similar queenie and sherlock are, and how sherlock’s deduction powers have about the same effect as queenie’s legilimency, so boom, this fic was born. also they have the same birthday! i posted the fic on that day last year
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
never, thankfully. i’ve never become well-known enough or written sufficiently controversial stuff in order to get hate
9, Do you write smut?
nah. i write sex but i shy away from the details. i like to say i like subtlety but really i am just a coward. maybe when i become a more experienced writer and grow some balls then i will write proper smut
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
11. Ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be really cool!!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
i think i’ve tried to multiple times but it never really got anywhere
13. All time fav ship?
oh no,,, uhh it’s gotta be either willabeth, newtina or sylki. can’t pick one, all three have had such deep impacts on me
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
this 7k+ monster of a newtina fic that i started in like 2019 and still haven’t finished. kinda cringe at the thought of it, because it was just me projecting really bad. premise was tina has a really really bad period and newt takes care of her
15. Writing strengths?
i think i do emotional impact very well. i know how to use rhetoric devices and things like internal monologue and third person deep pov and i can string words together in a way that create absolute bangers of lines
16. Writing weaknesses?
i am really bad at plot/exposition LMAOO and am also like a really inconsistent writer. i have horrible perfectionism issues and so i don’t write often, only when i’m inspired, though i am making an effort to write more. also sometimes i think i’m too obsessed with certain ideas or certain ways of wording things such that i force them in even though it might not necessarily make sense to
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i’ve never done it before! i don’t dare to do it in languages i don’t know, and so far chinese (my second language) hasn’t really been useful to write dialogue in. that might change though because i’m getting into more works with chinese rep, like agents of shield!
18. First fandom you wrote for?
fantastic beasts
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
my most recent one, (wolf’s) teeth! it’s a sylki songfic based on teeth by 5sos and honestly i feel like it’s my magnum opus. i love these two so much and the song fit them and the plot so well!! i banged it out during a really busy school week in like 3 days, i’m so proud of myself for doing it
https://archiveofourown.org/users/delphiniumblooms here’s my ao3 page!!
tagging @swinging-stars-from-satellites and anyone else who wants to do it!
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hey! sorry if this sounds entitled but i wanted to know why you abandoned daughters of chaos? you wrote so many stories and so many words and you completed most of them and you left (what is for me) your best story as a wip? 😭 i’m sorry i read all your viking rollo/gisla stories but i truly feel in love with this one. i really wanted someone to tell the story of siggy and angrboda so bad bc of hirst’s horrible writing and ill treatment of daughters on the show i was delighted to find that story in ao3. and i loved it even more when i read it bc i thought you really understood what the characters most likely would have evolved if given the chance, it was very interesting to read. anyways i’m not demanding anything i hope this doesn’t come across like that i’m just hoping/begging kinda that some day you pick it up. you’re very talented btw
if that ask wasn’t long enough i forgot to say that the fact that you made boda and siggy best friends was beyond cute and angrboda being a healer and sorceress was amazing. and her relationship with ivar is literally my favourite thing. and siggy’s relationship with bjorn too. it’s honestly how i would have loved the show to be in my dreams. galaxy brain
I am incredibly flattered by the attention and the fact that you sent me an ask about this story I have left unfinished. Honestly, I saw this app and I suddenly remembered the fanfic and to read that you think it is, as of yet, my best work, is so rewarding because I have put a lot of thought into that fic (and now that I have re-read it I realize that some edits must be done in regards to the characters.). I have been pretty busy with uni lately and I have been in a writing slump for more than over a year now and managing to write a decent sentence has become so excruciating I am feeling like I am losing my English.
I am so appreciative of your words and you cannot believe how much I cling to them. I am so pleased that you think the characters are well-written, especially Siggy and Angrboda. I tend to believe Siggy’s harboring a destructive rage that leads her to do rash things and being reckless like she believes her life doesn’t matter while Boda is more poised and generous and calm enough to weather Siggy’s temper. I really wanted them to be friends and truly their friendship will bloom into something more once the first act ends (though I have yet to write past that 1% I have already written) because I think that their bond runs deeper than that. They cannot live without the other, I think. Truly I want this fic to be about female rage and female agency while bringing sense and logic into the characters Hirst has (poorly) written. I wanted it to be a long and grand saga spanning thousands of words, but I don’t know if I have the time and energy to write it now. I have the story and I know where I want to take the characters in the future and I also have ideas on how to bring in more female characters (especially poc because I want a black shieldmaiden amid Siggy’s crew as well as Sami women and Muslim women) and I also have an idea on how Thorunn and Bjorn may come to term with their relationship and I also want to introduce Blaeja in the story and give the Ragnarssons their saga ending while tying it up with Harald’s saga. I also want to include that scene in Children of the Wolf, where Sig and Boda meet Rollo’s children and manage to work past their family feud. I want Thorunn and Siggy to meet and I want Solveig to become friends with Sig and Boda and I want to fulfill the Seer’s prophecy and include a scene where Siggy mocks and taunts him because she’s a little shit and I love her.
I want to write all that but inspiration is a cunt and has left me barren with words. That and I am currently working on several wips, one of which is the third installment to an original story of mine called Salvation (which I love very much because I love my OCs, meaning they get to suffer under my quill), another which is a university-based wlw romcom, another which is the rewrite of Crashing Waves in which I change names and backstories and also gender because who said mermaids had to have one?, another one which is a dark psychological romance that’s currently left as a wip, and of course my gay fantasy trilogy.
I still want to write daughters of chaos, don’t get me wrong, but I need to begin the next chapter and I have to reconnect with the writer in me to begin it. I also need to reconnect with the story to know precisely what is going to happen. Maybe by the end of the year I’ll have a chapter to present, who knows. I still love this story very much and sometimes gush about it and I am so happy you sent that ask, because it reminded me that this was/is a good story and that people actually read and enjoy what I write. The fact that you said you fell in love with it absolutely enchants me and I am so thankful you sent that ask.
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rulerofsawdust · 7 years
Way back in July, @smilesandstarryrainpours asked me for fanfic recommendations. Being a horrible person I didn’t get back to them before they deactivated. I’m very sorry about that, if you’re lurking out there, I have a handful of Batman recommendations for you based on whether or not I thought they were good enough to download.
Some things: I adore Dick and Damian as brothers. They are like the Sam and Dean Winchester of the Batfamily, which explains all the slash fiction since people have a problem with intense non-romantic relationships. They’re peanut butter and jelly; good on their own and amazing together. Most of my recommendations will be stories that explore their sibling relationship because I’m a sucker for sibling relationships. In that vein, I’m also skewing heavy on Stephanie Brown and Damian both platonic and romantic. Talia has been railroaded for the last ten years which irks me so I have a handful about her that I think are worthwhile. Unless the writer has Talia shown in a fair light as a reasonable parent along with Bruce, I will not recommend anyone who thinks Bruce is a good dad. I know good dads, many of my friends are good dads: a couple of them are biological dads, some of them found out they had kids years after the bitter and brutal breakup, some became dads because CPS called them; some are straight and some are gay. None of them are anything like Bruce Wayne and most of them actually stopped being fans of Bruce after Damian was introduced (they also started my reading of comics because they related to Dick’s relationship with Damian. When people say Damian isn’t a self insert character, they don’t realize that his fan base prior to the movies was primarily people in their late twenties or older who had C-PTSD and could relate to his struggles to adjust, or people with child custody and felt like they were Dick dealing with their own cranky demon brat. Naturally this confused the heck out of DC, as did the dramatic rise in Damian as a baby name after 2007). There’s a great article on 13th Dimension using Tomasi’s Batman and Robin run, arguably the most caring version of Bruce since the ‘80s, to demonstrate he’s a sociopath based on his treatment of Damian. Keeping that in mind, consider Bruce being a good parent seriously ooc and fanon, but there are a few stories where he’s a good dad that I’ll suggest. Most of my recommendations are on AO3, two will require an account to view.
There are some self imposed rules. First of all, no incomplete stories. There are several incredible stories out there that I’d pay to see finished when my student loans and credit cards are paid off and I have disposable income (@hauntedlittledoll’s 12/21 series, which the first part is on my recommendation list; “Monsters to Laugh At” by aradian_nights, read it on fanfic.net instead of AO3 as it has more chapters; “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” by j23k; The Demon Inside Me series by Hawkstout, of which I am including a single one shot; and several more), but outside of the aforementioned parentheticals, I’m only suggesting completed stories. Aside from a few exceptions which I will explain why I think they’re worth my risking a suggestion, no smut. I’m old enough to buy alcohol in the US, which means I’m too old to recommend smut without knowing your age. Considering that everyone has different preferences, and nsfw stories literally being the whole reason AO3 exists, you don’t need outside help for that. Finally, except for one glaring exception due to being so beautiful, original, well thought out and researched that I can overlook its issues, grammar matters. Having worked in engraving I have huge grammar pet peeves. Using ’s as a plural is my biggest one. Unless it’s an otherwise phenomenal character study and intriguing plot, if I see a misused apostrophe I’m hitting the back button.
So all that in mind, and once again a massive apology for not making your tumblr experience worthwhile, I’ll start posting my suggestions.
Disclaimer: I know no one, Jon Snow. As you may have realized, I am not someone who needs or even necessarily wants human interaction (to the confusion and distress of almost all humans in my life). These recommendations are all based solely on my personal perceived quality and enjoyment of the stories. If they follow the Margaret Atwood/Neil Gaiman/Ursula le Guin/Naomi Novak et al rules of fan fiction, then there’s a good chance I’ll be fan and encourage others to read them.
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