#the treatment and burial of the dead bodies has been so draining to see knowing they don’t have any other option
meyhew · 11 months
there are a lot of things i’ve seen in the last month i’m never going forget but hearing a mother say “i swear i won’t wash them i won’t wash my hands, how else am I supposed to sleep near my kids” will be near the top of that list. harrowing
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residentanchor · 6 years
The Seeds We Sow Ch. 7
<<Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Summary: The fallout... Word Count: 4241 WARNING: There’s a bit more mention of violence and death in this one as well!
Roman stood up immediately once he saw his guard fall backward after the doors flew open. Upon seeing the sorcerer enter, he turned and looked around the room. A suit of armor stood off to the side for decoration but luckily had a sword sheathed at its side. The prince didn't hesitate to walk over and retrieve the sword for himself, hearing his father cry out for the death of the intruder.
Roman turned back and looked over at the visitors, seeing Patton tug at Prince Logan's arm in panic. Good, retreating and getting out of the fray was the best option for them. Heaven forbid harm come to Logan on his first trip, his father would have his head. Looking back over at the sorcerer, he caught him jumping up on the table and glaring down at his father before advancing. Roman looked down at his chair and smirked, taking a few steps back. A running headstart and using the chair as a step, he could face off with the intruder no problem. The sword may be a dull decoration but in his hands, a weapon was a weapon and he was not the type of prince to stand by as his men were slaughtered.
Roman took one step back before hearing his name being shouted, looking up at the threat. The sorcerer bared his teeth and raised his hand, magic gathering and glowing brighter by the second. Roman went to jump to the side in hopes of dodging the blast before it suddenly launched. In the same moment, Roman felt someone reach up and grab him, holding him close. The prince watched as the blast hit the person in the back, forcing both of them to fall. Roman's protector had grabbed the back of his head last moment, preventing it from smashing against the ground.
Blinking in a daze, he gathered himself and looked down at the all too familiar man who jumped in and took the blast for him. His eyes were open in shock and his mouth silently screaming, Roman pushed himself up and shook his shoulder.
"H-hey." Roman turned the man over onto his back and laid him down slowly. "Come on, wake up. Snap out of it!" He leaned down, resting his head on the man's chest as he listened for a heartbeat. After a moment, Roman jolted and stared down at the man as he tensed up. "This isn't funny, Reggie, please!"
The prince heard a cry of anguish and looked over at the battle. The sorcerer seemed to be battling another one, but as he blinked tears away, he could only focus on one thing.
Grabbing his sword, Roman went to march up onto the table until the one that had attacked him was grabbed by the ankle and forced backward. The other sorcerer took the opportunity to strike, attacking the defenseless assailant. He cried out in pain for only a moment before he fell silent.
Roman looked up at the other sorcerer to find it was actually the new recruit he had recently met. She had magic and had lied about it to get inside the walls. Roman took two swift steps and found himself on the table, gripping the sword and looking at the woman across from him. She looked up and smiled, ignoring Roman's rage.
"Your Highness, you're alright!" She took a step closer before the same hand that took down the other sorcerer reached out and grabbed her ankle. She waved her arms frantically as she fell forward, trying to catch herself. The man who had caused her to fall swiftly jumped up onto the table and pinned her arms behind her back. "V-virgil! What are you doing?!"
"I suggest you don't struggle," Virgil spoke with an even tone. Roman marched over, stopping at the attacker that caused it all. After making sure he was dead, Roman stepped over his body and stared down at his two servants. "Are you alright, your majesty?" Virgil whispered, ignoring the whimper of the woman he had pinned down.
Roman ignored him and looked down at the woman. "You entered these walls knowing magic was a crime punishable by death. How do you plead?"
"I-I wanted to help!" He cried out, moving to look up at Roman. "I stopped him, I saved you!"
"How do you plead?" Roman spoke again, ignoring the tear that ran down his face. She went silent and Roman took it as a silent 'guilty'. "Alright then. You. Virgil. You have been training someone with magic inside of the walls for days. Did you know about this?"
"No," Morgan spoke, voice firm as she shut her eyes. "I told no one, he had no idea. He is innocent."
Roman nodded and looked up at Virgil. "I owe you many thanks, I will not forget this." Roman turned to the nearest guard beside the table. "Take this woman to the dungeons, she is to be charged for her crimes. My father-" Roman froze and spun around, running down the table to where his father had stood. "Father!" He stopped and kneeled down, finding a few guards surrounding the king. "Is he alright?"
A knight let out a sigh and looked up. "He's still alive but he was hit. I can get him aide but... we know nothing of magical injuries, your highness."
"I don't care." Roman cried out. "Get him help, we can discuss this shortly." Roman looked over and saw a knight that seemed to have attempted to jump in the way of the attack in the same condition as his father. "Him as well, we will give them the best treatment we can."
Roman hopped off the table and suddenly felt drained, the adrenaline running out and all he wanted to do was sit down and rest. He ran a hand through his hair as a guard approached.
"Your Highness, I must speak with you." Roman didn't answer him, let alone turn and give him any attention. "I'm sorry it has to be this way... but with King Asher in this condition, you are now acting ruler. We need your orders."
Roman chuckled to himself, not bothering to hide his amusement as he shook his head. "Of course I am." His voice sounded rough and he felt tears gathering in his eyes once more. "First thing, Reg..." Roman felt his mouth run dry and he took a moment to gather himself. "Scott... needs a proper burial with honors. Make sure he has taken care of." The guard nodded and turned to do as he was told. "And someone burn that damned body!" He cried out, waving an arm at the table. "I want it out of my castle immediately!"
Footsteps stomped around him as Roman stood there, feeling out of place. Someone walked up to him and spoke, but Roman hadn't even made a move that he had heard. They stood there silently until Roman looked up, finding the exhausted face of the servant that had helped take down both servants standing a considerable distance away. "Virgil." Roman sounded tired and didn't bother to hide it.
"Prince Roman," Virgil spoke soft but sounded just as tired. "I helped Prince Logan and Patton escape earlier. If you do not need me, I can tend to them. They should be safe."
A loud sigh of relief escaped the prince and he felt as if he could almost smile. "Good news for once. Thank heavens." Roman looked over at the servant. "Is there anything else I would need you for?" Virgil went to speak before turning somehow paler and bit his lip. "Well, out with it."
Virgil only seemed to grow more tense and uneasy at those words. "I, well... you... don't have an active personal servant, your majesty."
It was a surprise to everyone that Roman didn't flinch at those words. He nodded silently and turned back to where he had sat only minutes before. "I suppose your right. Well then." He looked up at Virgil with a frown. "Please take care of Logan and make sure he is safe. I will be with my father. You will be under my direct command at this moment going forward, is that understood?"
The moment that Patton approached the door and pushed it open, Logan seemed to snap out of whatever haze his mind was in. Once inside the room, he turned and closed the door as Patton locked it from the inside. Logan looked around and raced over, pulling the curtains closed in the window and surveying the room.
"Alright, we should be safe for now. I want you to tuck away and hide, I'll let you know when it's safe." Logan turned and faced Patton who just stood facing the door. "I'm sure we will hear from someone soon."
Patton spun around marched up to Logan, grabbing his arm. "We could have died!" Logan watched as it finally all started to hit Patton all at once. "He just... decided he was going to attack everyone he saw. Didn't even care what the consequences were! How... how can someone just do that?" Patton's lip trembled and Logan pulled him close as the other clung to him desperately. "Magis is supposed to help people."
"Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like you do, Patton." Logan eyed the door and listened for any sounds. "This is why Roman is so scared and why I want to hide you away. They don't live the same way we do."
Patton pulled Logan closer and shook his head. "Even... even if I did nothing, do you think... would the king-"
"It won't come to that." Patton started to pull away and Logan looked down at him. "Now, we should get you hidden just to be safe."
Despite the tears running down his face, Patton gave his strongest glare he could muster. "You're the one we should be hiding and protecting! You always seem to forget you are a prince!"
Patton wiped his face with his sleeve and stood there silently for a few moments before they both heard a knock on the door. They froze and turned, standing silently as they held their breath. The knock rang out once more before they heard a voice. "Patton? Prince Logan? It's Virgil!"
Patton smiled and ran over to the door, holding his hand out to Logan and signaling him to stay put. He pulled out the key and unlocked it before slowly peeking through a crack in the doorway. Patton gasped and threw it open and jumped on the man as he giggled happily. "You're okay!"
Virgil slowly and a bit unsure wrapped his arms around Patton as he looked over at the prince. "You're both alright, that's great."
Logan frowned at Virgil's tired tone and walked over. "Is everything alright? Has the sorcerer been apprehended?"
Patton pulled away and looked at Virgil as he stepped back to stand by Logan. Virgil shut his eyes and let out a heavy sigh before shaking his head. "No. He's... been taken care of." Patton froze at the words and Virgil bit his lip. "There seems to have been another sorcerer within the walls. The one I was training, Morgan. She..."
"Is she..." Patton whispered and covered his mouth, afraid of the word that almost followed.
"No, no. She's locked away in the dungeon and is to be tried for her crimes." Virgil only seemed to grow more upset as he spoke. "She stopped the attacker and will probably be put to death for it."
"That's highly unreasonable. Surely saving the lives of others including her own king would pardon her from heavy punishment." Logan questioned.
Virgil shook his head and looked up at the other prince. "Prince Roman is unharmed, but King Asher is currently incapacitated. Someone tried to protect him and take the blast, but they're both unconscious. Their condition is unknown."
Patton gasped and turned to Logan. "I've got to help them!"
Logan did not hesitate to glare and put his foot down. "No. You promised to stay low and you will do so."
"Two people are hurt! One of them is a king! If it's too magic intensive, regular remedies won't help! They'll need someone who-"
"I said no, Patton." Logan kept his tone firm as he stood up tall. "That is an order. I'm sure the king has his own men that can take care of him."
Virgil huffed out a laugh and shook his head. "Patton has a point, though. The king is as good as dead if there was anything magical about the attack. It seemed different than the ones on everyone else."
Patton grew desperate as he turned to Virgil. "Is there any way you can help?"
"What? No!" Virgil jumped as he shouted a bit panicked. "I told you, I don't have any magic!"
"Regardless, no one is risking themselves when it is still plausible that King Asher will be perfectly fine." Logan stood in between the two before looking over at Virgil. "If everything is cleared, I'd like to return to our quarters if it is safe."
Virgil nodded and bit his tongue as Patton frowned but remained quiet. "Yes, of course. The castle is still on lockdown until further notice but I can bring you back quickly before I go help Prince Roman."
"Thank you, Virgil." The servant nodded and exited the room and checking the hallway before stepping to the side as they walked out. "I'm sure Roman can wait with Reginald a moment or two longer before you return." Instead of answering, Virgil turned away and bit his tongue. Patton gasped quietly and Logan felt it hard to breathe. "Oh. Well."
"He, uh." Virgil cleared his throat and fought the feeling of his voice trying to give out on him. "He took a hit for Roman. He is to be given a Knights burial for his act of bravery." With that said, Virgil turned and walked down the hall, hoping the other two would follow.
When Virgil knocked on Roman's door, a million thoughts buzzed in his head about what happened and what was going to happen and what could happen that he hadn't even really processed what he was even doing. He hardly paid any attention to the guard in the doorway keeping watch before the door opened and there stood Prince Roman.
"Ah, excellent. I take it our two guests are doing alright?" Virgil kept silent as he nodded and  Roman seemed to ease a bit at the news. "Excellent. Please, enter." The prince left his door open and walked away for Virgil to enter and close it behind him. He had barely been in Roman's room in all his years at the castle, it was usually not necessary with Reginald as Roman's personal servant. As soon as the door made a noise to confirm it was shut, Roman seemed to sag and drop his princely persona. Just the sight of seeing the smug prince so distressed and exhausted was enough to throw Virgil for a loop, but after the events that had just occurred, it seemed only natural.
"Prince Roman-"
"Please." Roman's voice spoke soft, tired and with no force behind it. "Just Roman." He turned and Virgil could faintly see just how hard everything was hitting the prince. "You are my new personal servant after all."
Virgil contemplated trying to give some comforting words to the prince before he clicked his jaw shut. The last thing the prince needed was his servant opening his mouth and upsetting him further. "Of course, Roman."
"Firstly, I need to know one thing that I hope you can help with." Roman started pacing his room to an elaborate desk littered with papers. Most were blank and covered in doodles from what Virgil could tell as he watched Roman brush them aside for the more important ones. "We test everyone for magic, so how did one slip by?"
Roman shifted through a few papers before looking over at Virgil. The servant jumped once he realized he was actually expected to answer back. Usually, when people above him socially asked him questions they simply wanted him to nod and remain silent. Being Roman's personal guard meant having more of a personal relationship with the prince as well. Anyone would consider it such a high honor but it just made Virgil's heart race as he started to panic and think of everything that could go wrong.
"I would check the, uh, shipment papers. Perhaps we ran out of the herb used and had requested more? There is a delivery tomorrow morning, it is possible they simply pre-approved Morg-ah, I mean, the criminal, and we're going to test her when everything came in on the next arrival." Roman seemed to not take in anything he said and Virgil took a moment to calm himself. Eventually, the prince pulled a paper up and read it carefully before smiling.
Roman turned to Virgil and waved the parchment in his hand. "Well, look at that. You're right. A request form for more to be sent to the castle over a week ago. This means someone approved her to work before running the test."
"I'm afraid I am not sure who that would be." Virgil wasn't going to throw any single one of his friends in the dungeon over something like this. "It has been a hectic time preparing for Prince Logan's arrival and that was never really my area."
Roman rubbed the sleep from his eyes as his frown grew. "Of course. Well, not going to worry about that now." Roman put the paper down and huffed to himself. "What would father do?" He stood up tall and suddenly all the sleep and stress seemed to simply vanish. Virgil watched Roman put on an act so convincing he wondered if the little he even knew about the prince was true. "Have an order given out. The second that shipment is here I want it searched and brought in." Roman turned to exit the room before looking over at Virgil. "Once we are able I want every single person in this castle being tested. I'm not making another mistake again."
The next morning, Patton awoke to the sound of voices outside of his door. He had hardly slept the night before and couldn't wait until they could leave, but with the castle on lockdown he wasn't sure exactly if they would be able to leave.
There was a knock on his door and Patton gave in, getting up and reaching for his glasses before heading over and answering it. Henry, who had been assigned Logan's personal assistant during his stay, stood on the other side. He seemed tired and Patton wondered how long he had been awake and running around with everything that had happened.
"Good morning, Patton. Sorry to wake you at such an hour. Your presence is requested as soon as possible in the ballroom." Henry didn't wait for an answer before tiredly walking off and leaving Patton confused. He shut his door and took a moment before getting dressed and ready for the day.
After packing all his belongings and closing the door, Patton stood and thought for a moment where the ballroom was from his room. He had spent a day at the castle and was still completely lost where anything was. He chose a direction and started walking, hoping he would come across it or someone who could help him eventually. As he passed a branching hallway, a pair of arms shot out and grabbed him, pulling him out of sight while muffling him into silence. Patton shot awake by the assailant and fought against the pair of arms before he fell back against someone. The arms wrapped a bit tighter but didn't let go nor seem to constrict him too tightly.
"Shh, Patton! Stop struggling, it's just me!" He stopped and looked down before slowly turning. The man lets go and Patton gasped and smiled. "Hey, sleep alright?"
"Virgil!" Patton placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart pound. "You scared me!" Patton whispered rather loudly. "Are we hiding?"
Virgil nodded and brought out an old canteen and held it out. "I don't have time to explain, drink this."
Patton took the canteen and looked up confused. "What is it?"
Virgil shook his head and looked serious for a moment. "Don't smell it, just take about two big gulps. Trust me, Patton."
Patton frowned and looked down at the canister and held it tight. "Virgil, what's going on?"
"Patton, just... please!" Patton jumped as Virgil suddenly turned desperate. "I'm just trying to help, I promise."
Patton swallowed and nodded his head. "Okay, I trust you." He brought it to his mouth and shut his eyes, throwing his head back and taking a big gulp. The second the liquid touched his tongue, it felt hot. The liquid itself was cool but felt spicy and almost burned like whiskey as he took a second gulp. Pulling it away, Patton gasped and Virgil reached out, capping the canteen quickly and watching Patton start to cough. "Eh, that's worse than cough sap! What was that?"
"Promise me you won't be mad." Virgil held the canteen close and took a step away afraid. "I'll explain but you have to promise me you won't yell."
"Why would I yell?" Patton watched Virgil grow silent as he panicked more. "Virgil?"
"Remember that plant I went and got yesterday?" Virgil whispered softly. "If you boil it and water it down into like, say, a tea... it will sap the magic in your body and leave you pretty much exhausted for half a day and completely powerless."
"You poisoned me?!" Patton held onto the wall next to him as he started to panic and tried to steady his breathing.
"No, please just listen!" Virgil reached out and Patton leaned into him. "Look, Roman has demanded everyone in the castle be tested if they have magic! If you drink this then take whatever they want you to, nothing will happen!" Patton looked up at Virgil as the other was still panicking. "They have this weird thing they make you take, I guess it's similar to what I gave you? Except it doesn't sap your magic, it attacks it and causes your body to fight back. It leaves you defenseless and I just..." Virgil stopped as Patton gave him a soft smile. "I'm sorry, I should have explained but there's no time! I have to bring you to the ballroom where they'll give you the herb test. You'll be tired for a day but you'll be alive and safe."
Patton nodded and stood up before falling backward. The room spun and Virgil reached out and grabbed him. "Thanks, Virgil. I guess I owe you."
Virgil snorted a laugh and turned his head away in embarrassment. "No, you don't. I kind of poisoned you, why would you even say that?"
Patton stopped walking just as they reached the corner to turn down the hall to the ballroom. Virgil looked back at him confused before Patton looked up at him. "Why do you take it every day then? If you don't really have..."
Realization ran across Virgil's face as he frowned a bit. "Well, I had these... headaches as a kid." Virgil cleared his throat and looked down the hall to make sure they were alone. "Then I got these strange nightmares. When I was a little older, they grew worse and worse until my parents realized... they sort of turned into vague, blurry visions?" Patton gasped and Virgil tensed up. "They were scared and upset that their son was... Anyway, they took me into these woods and brought me to this witch coven and asked them to take me and help me with the headaches before running off." Virgil smirked and turned to Patton. "Did you know witches know nothing about that sort of thing? They had no idea what to do with me, but unlike my parents, they took me in any way and raised me."
"Aww, I'm so sorry! Were they nice?"
"The nicest," Virgil mumbled. "The absolute best. They taught me everything, which was a lot. Except I get names of plants wrong all the time, I tend to remember the witch names over the other ones."
Patton gasped at the realization. "You did stutter while naming a plant yesterday! I thought you were just trying to remember what it was!" Patton blinked as his eyes widened. "Wait, what did you call that weird foxglove we found yesterday?"
"Uh, dragon claw?"
Patton muffled a laugh and looked away. "That is such a witch name for something!"
"Hey!" Virgil cried out in mock anger. He smirked until Patton's laughter turned into a few coughs. "Woah, hey. Take it easy." He rubbed Patton's back as the other looked up and smiled. "It's starting to kick in. We should get to the ballroom quickly and get this over with."
Virgil led the way slowly as Patton trailed behind. Every few steps he felt himself get slightly more out of breath and tired, but Virgil seemed to have predicted this and kept a slower pace. "Hey, Virgil?" The man made a noise to show he was listening but never turned around. "You're a really great guy, you know that?"
Virgil smiled and bit his lip, refusing to let the other see. "Thanks, Patton." Chapter 8>>
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