#the third idea is also like just cute and is actually the part that will have flynn be the least flirty
gothamcityneedsme · 2 months
okay so with that fic done. the ones i have listed that i want to do
-nanashi being convinced flynn is dying while captured by the powers and is looking for him every time he dies
-nikkari takes nanashi to watch the hunter tournament prelims, intending to teach him about the cruel realities of hunter culture--but flynn is there, and refuses to kill any of his opponents
-part 3 of my previous tumblr prompt series of 'flirty flynn'. in this part nanashi will ask flynn to help him wear the samurai uniform properly.
-messiahs in the diamond realm au where nanashi decides to go with that flynn, who is from a world that has no nanashi.
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gghostwriter · 3 months
You’re the Risk, I’ll Take it
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Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader
Summary: The three times Spencer followed advice and the one time he didn't (or as I'd like to better explain it, the three times Spencer fails to flirt and the one time it worked)
Warning: fluff! Just fluff!
A/n: I wanted to write something cute this time with Season 1 Spencer in mind--one of the best eras if you ask me. Hopefully I did him justice in this. The idea of this cute baby boy trying to flirt is too precious honestly. Also, if a guy did the last act for me, I'd fold like a lawn chair, yep. Risk by Gracie Abrams was on repeat while I was writing this and no proof reading was done. Let me know what you think!
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The first move Spencer tried was advised by Derek Morgan, the renowned ladies man
“Kid, admit it. You like her,” Morgan pestered him with a slight smile on his face. 
Spencer scoffed, trying to throw him off from the truth but monumentally failing. “S-she’s my closest friend. We joined the team at the same time, of course I feel most comfortable with her,” he noted his companion’s eyebrows raising higher and higher with each word. “Plus, she likes hearing what I say even if it has no relation to the case. She asks me questions and genuinely remembers.”
Now it was Morgan’s turn to scoff. “You could be talking about Star Trek and it’s physics mistakes and she’ll still hang on to every word you say.” 
“Actually, there aren’t that many scientific errors in Star Trek. Especially considering—”
“Right,” he nodded once, trying to push away the urge to continue further. “That still doesn’t mean I like her.” 
Morgan tapped the wheel twice before turning to face his partner. “Then answer me this. How do you feel when she walks through the office doors?” 
“Happy, I get the same feeling when I see you or Elle come in too,” he found his fingers very interesting then. Like they held the key to unlocking the mysteries of Dark Matter and the answer to the controversial scientific theory ‘Do parallel universe exist?’. He wasn’t telling the whole truth—didn’t want to because how could he, a man of science, explain the other bodily reactions he has when you walk in a room. How he hears his heart stutter in his chest with just a glimpse of you—the first time it happened, he thought nothing of it, but by the third, he considered making an appointment with a specialist for possible heart arrhythmia. How he sees the room brighten when you smile in his direction—perhaps light sensitivity, and how he feels his body heat up when you utter the words ‘Good morning, Spence.’—possibly hot flashes. Self diagnosis that he ruled out once he found you to be the common denominator. That left him with a riddle, a personal conundrum he lost countless of sleep over trying to solve.
“That’s a lie, Reid. You can’t be that happy to see me. You never blush like a tomato when I enter the room. For Greenaway, I could see it but for me, nu-uh,” he argued back. “Okay, what about when she’s not there, what do you feel then?” 
“Sad, similar to how I’d react with you and Elle,” he blurted out another half truth. Another surface level answer that doesn’t fully cover how lost he feels without your comforting presence beside him, how gloomy any room he enters in without you in it, and how incomplete his days were without hearing your voice. 
Morgan snickered. “Lies, you have to learn how to lie better to fool an FBI profiler, Reid. You don’t think I—the team, notice that you’re quieter when she isn’t on the case with us?”
“Wait. Wait, the whole team?” His voice goes up an octave. You were part of the team, did that mean you knew of the effect you had on him too? “D-Does everyone have the same idea as you do? Everyone?” 
“Not everyone, kid. Your secret is still safe,” He smiled wide like a cat that caught the canary. “So it’s true then, you like her.” 
Spencer knew there was no escape from trap, he was just glad that his secret still remained classified from the other party involved. His shoulders sagged as he nodded to confirm Morgan’s findings.
“So what’s your play then?”
His head whipped to face his companion so fast he felt his meticulously styled hair escape the confines of his ears. “Play? There’s no play. Nothing. I’m not going to do anything and this conversation stays between us.” 
“Oh c’mon lover boy, you have to do something,” Morgan challenged. “Y’know she likes you back, right?” 
“No she doesn’t! I mean, why would she?” Spencer rambled on, unable to comprehend what Morgan was saying. “She’s her—beautiful, smart, and cool. Every case we get, there’s at least one police officer hitting on her. And I’m me—I talk too much and get awkward in every situation. The exact opposite!”
“Reid, don’t sell yourself short. She likes you, trust me on this.” He paused, listening to the update on the intercom before continuing on. “So here’s what you’re going to do. Compliment her outfit, girls appreciate that. Easy enough, don’t you think?”
Spencer really didn’t think so after all he had the tendency to go off on a tangent whenever he talks to you but he agrees nonetheless. If Morgan believes he could do it then he couldn’t mess it up, right?
Wrong. It was wrong to take Morgan’s advice. Never mind he can recall everything he has ever read, never mind he has an IQ of 187. What good were his talents if he, Dr. Spencer Reid, couldn’t string the proper sentences along?
It started when you walked into the office wearing this light yellow blouse that made you more radiant than he thought possible. It was as if the a ray of sun had graced the bullpen and stunned his mind into silence, rendering him tongue-tied. All his monologues and hypothesis bouncing around his overactive brain fell away and the only thing he could think of was how pretty you look.
Morgan cleared his throat, bringing him back to the living. Spencer averted his awestruck gaze and busied himself with an imaginary lint on his red sweater. 
“Hey Y/N, did anything good this weekend?” Morgan asked as you settled into your desk adjacent to his.
You shrugged nonchalantly and teased back. “I bet it wasn’t good as yours, Morgan. Picked anyone up last Friday or are your charms no longer working?”
“Huh, i see where this is going. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed today.”
Morgan chanced a peek at Spencer and internally groaned. How you didn’t notice the kid’s crush on you was beyond him—all the staring and blushing he does when you’re near was a dead giveaway.
“Reid. Reid,” Morgan called out.
He closed his mouth and gulped. “Hm, what?” 
Morgan pointedly stared at him and titled his head towards your direction. A movement lost to you as you noted Elle leaving Gideon’s office.
Spencer opened his mouth to catch your attention but before he could even utter your name, Elle intervened. “Question for you, the foot path killer. Why’d he stutter?”
You swiveled to face her, not having caught Spencer’s intent to speak to you. The unit chief then called them in for a case—an arson case in a university campus. His shoulders drooped as they rushed to the jet afterwards with no chance of small talk. 
When there was a lull in the plane—case discussion finished, he steeled his already apprehensive nerves and took the chance, quickly wishing he hadn’t.
“S-so, your shirt’s yellow,” he stated out loud like it was some sort of revelation. 
“Yes,” you drawled out, unsure as to where he was going with this. “That’s right, Spencer.”
He drummed his fingers on the table and continued on. “Did you know that airplanes tend to avoid the color yellow as it causes dizziness and nausea? A number of studies have shown those exact results and that’s why it’s almost never used in interiors of various forms of transportation and rarely use in advertising. It’s like how the red is the most common color used by restaurants as it psychologically makes the viewer hungry.”
You looked down on your top. Yellow was one of your favorites and you specifically chose this as Penelope said and you quote, it looks good on you, brings out your eyes. Boy genius would probably react to it too so naively you splurged on it. But this—this wasn’t the response you were hoping for. “Spence, are you saying my shirt is making you feel nauseous?”
He blushed and stammered out a strong refusal. “What, no! No! I—I meant to say—you, you look nice.”
You giggled under your breath, finding his long-winded route to giving you a compliment cute. “Nice nice or airsickness nice?” 
“Nice! Just nice!” He defended on, his voice cracking at the end. He caught Morgan’s wide eyed gaze then as if he couldn’t believe what train wreck he just witnessed. 
Cheeks heating up further, Spencer slouched in his seat and busied himself with the files wishing that he could build a memory eraser so he could wipe the events from his and the team’s minds or better yet, a time machine to redo the whole thing all over again.
The second move Spencer tried was advised by Elle Greenaway, the new recruit
“Do you think it’s weird that I knew that ballad?” He questioned during one of their cases in San Diego. It bothered him since the start of the case. How Morgan had teased him about his incapability of asking out the opposite sex. Never mind that you defended him right back, that’s a lie, it made him feel special that you did but the joke was still true. A cold stone truth. 
Elle laughed, flipping her phone repeatedly on the table while waiting for the unsub to take the bait. “I don’t know how you know half the stuff you know, but I’m glad you do.”
“Do you think that’s why I can’t get a date?” He asked as he fiddled with the unfinished Rubik’s cube in his hands.
“Have you ever asked her out?”
There was no need to ask who Elle was referring to, everyone knew of his innocent—well maybe not so innocent at times specifically during his state of dreaming—crush for the second youngest member of the team. He shifted his eyes to focus a few tables before his—at you, sitting beside JJ. “No."
“That’s why you can’t get a date.” 
One of the precincts phone then rang, it was the unsub, causing him to table that conversation in his vast memory. 
There’s an English saying that states ‘the second time is the charm’ and Spencer was hoping there were some truth to the idiom even with no scientific explanation to back it up. 
A few cases after San Diego, he got an opening that he was unexpectedly looking for. The team was on their way back from a case in Virginia. It was late and the profilers were all tucked in their little corners of the jet decompressing while you and Spencer were huddled on the sofa quietly discussing Doctor Who. 
“How could you say your favorite is the Ninth Doctor when you haven’t even seen the older episodes?” He rambled, clearly he would have to do something about your limited knowledge in the great universe of Doctor Who. He’d like to explain it all, 695 episodes of the classic era to you. He’d take any topic really just to have your interest.
You stared into his hazel speckled eyes and smiled, amused by his reaction. “It’s a bit hard to catch up on a show that’s been around since the 70s. Plus, it’s a challenge to look for copies.” 
“Actually, the show started in the 60s—1963, to be exact,” he clarified. “Garcia has copies we could borrow and watch together. If that’s—” he cleared his throat and clenched his fists closed, feeling his nails dig into his palms. “—that’s alright with you. If—if not, there’s a convention happening this weekend. I have an extra ticket, if you want to come with—only if you’re not busy, I mean.”
“And risk you spoiling every episode to me? I’d rather watch it alone, if you don’t mind.”
That dragged his optimism to a crash as if a twenty ton weight landed on his chest, rendering him immovable. Of course you were going to say no. There was no proof that you’d reciprocate his interests—he inwardly cursed himself for believing otherwise.
“But, I’d like to go with you to the convention,” you said and silently added as your date to yourself, shifting in your seat with a blush blooming on your cheeks at the thought. “Always wanted to go to one. If you’re fine with me not being in a costume. I think it’ll be too late to find one, don’t you think?”
Just like that, the weight on his chest lifted, making him feel weightless with glee. A wide smile grew on his face, threatening to burst his cheeks as he shook his head. “That’s alright! But you—you can always dress up as Rose!”
You titled your head to the side. “Rose?” 
“You know, the Ninth Doctor’s companion?”
“I know who she is, Spence. I just thought you didn’t watch the revived series?”
He softly scoffed. “I never said that! I watched it too, mainly to compare it to the classics but I’ve seen it.”
You leaned in, wanting to ask about his opinion on it. “Well, what do you think? I happen to be part of the minority who think the actor who reprised the role did alright.”
He liked seeing you like this. It made him feel like a puppy who had his owner’s undivided attention. All wide eyed and interested in his conjectures as to why the actor was alright himself but the problems were his short stint—making people vilify him over that decision—and the material some of the writers came up with. He appreciated you nodding along and supplying your own thoughts on the subject. It warmed his heart that here was a beautiful, smart, and cool person—way out of his league, he might add—giving her precious time away to discuss a nerdy sci-fi show that he could not rant and rave to about to anyone on the team, except for Penelope, and she’s rarely on the field with them. 
Your show of interest made him feel seen. Not as an agent with 3 PHDs, not as a genius with 187 IQ, but rather as a person with a right to express himself and occupy space. He wasn’t Agent Spencer Reid with you nor Dr. Spencer Reid, he was just Spencer who likes to watch Doctor Who and read literature in their original language. 
The third move Spencer did was proposed by Penelope Garcia, the spirited tech analyst 
“What do you mean you took her to a convention? For a date?” Penelope squeaked out, unable to comprehend the logic behind the genius’ actions.
“She said she always wanted to go,” Spencer stated as the elevator stopped on the fourth floor. He had fun over the weekend. Going around booths with you, listening to invited guest panels talk about the behind the scenes, explaining the reference every costume that you’ve pointed out, and just basking in your presence beyond cases. It was a memory he had replayed over and over after it had ended. It occupied his whole mind, and that’s saying a lot, causing him to do nothing and sit in his leather sofa and smile like a lunatic during the rest of the weekend.
“Well yeah, but that’s not date material! A date is supposed to be intimate—you and I go to conventions together, do you count that as a date?” 
“What? No! No, of course not!” 
“Exactly, boy wonder. Then what makes you think she’ll count that as a date?” She countered back as she entered her office with Spencer in tow. 
Silence. Oh.
Penelope sighed, having read the despair painting his face. “Did you at least dress up as the Ninth Doctor?”
“What? No. No, I went as the Fourth Doctor. I even hand-knitted the scarf myself.”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before repeating what she just heard. “You didn’t dress up as her Doctor?”
“No,” he paused, unsure where she was going with this. “Should I had?”
“Yes! Yes, you should have!” Penelope slapped his arm out of frustration. “Why didn’t you call me once she said yes? We could have talked game plan or strategy or at least have gotten you a leather jacket to match her choice of companion.”
“Oh, I messed up then, didn’t I?” He slumped despondently on the office chair. “You—you don’t think she thought of it as a date at all?”
She played with her feathered pen, trying to find a way to salvage it for Spencer. “Did you take her out to dinner after?”
He shook his head, finally realizing his mistake.
“Oh Spencer,” she approached gently. “I can scoop for details with Y/N later on and report back to you?”
He shook his head. It didn’t feel right to have Penelope betray your trust and go behind your back over a mistake that he made. You were a honest person and you deserved to be treated with respect and reverence even though all he wanted now was peer into your viewpoint of the date—not date—and figure out once and for all if you saw him as anything beyond a co-worker and a friend. 
“Hm, I think I might just a solution,” Penelope blurted out of the blue. 
He looked up with a sliver of hope blooming in his chest. Maybe third time’s the charm. Besides, Penelope was the colleague you spent most of your time out with. You once mentioned that you considered her your best friend, besides from him of course. 
“You can bake her a batch of cookies! No one can say no to that,” she excitedly explained, believing it to be full proof—except for the fact that he doesn’t know how to bake. He wants to ask you out on a date but not to the expense of burning his whole apartment building down. 
“I can’t—I can’t bake, Garcia,” he squeaked out. “Did you know that 44% of all reported home fires are caused by cooking and baking. Those fires have resulted in an average of 470 civilian deaths and 4,150 civilian—”
She interrupted. “I’ll give you my recipe and detailed instructions to follow. That’ll make it easy peasy for you, boy genius.”
“C-can’t I just buy from her favorite bakery instead?”
“No can do, Doctor. Her favorite cookies just so happen to be my creation. She told me so herself.”
“Well, can’t I just ask you to make it for me? I’ll buy the ingredients!”
“Nope,” she dragged out her refusal. “Think of it as an act of service to her. Plus don’t you think it’s highly romantic when she finds out that you baked them yourself?” She swooned just thinking about it.
“Romantic? It won’t be romantic when I burn my apartment down, Garcia.”
She sighed. “Fine, I’ll supervise if you want. This weekend, granted if we’re free. But you—” she pointed her feathered pen at him. “—better be prepared and I’m just supervising, okay? I’m not baking it myself.”
He sighed. At least having Garcia around would make it easier.
It did not in fact make it easier. Spencer burnt two batches before six pieces were considered edible. Garcia couldn’t understand, hell, he also couldn’t. Baking was precise and from his scientific viewpoint, it was a lot like chemistry. He loved science and anything academic, so how is it that he failed miserably, twice, when it came to baking? 
He shook his head as he entered the office. The first one—he stole a glance at Hotch’s office and saw movement—correction, the second one arriving early. Sometimes he wondered if the unit chief ever goes home, first in and last out.
He settled in his seat before promptly fidgeting from anticipation. Statistically speaking, you arrive earlier than Morgan or Elle which gave him enough time to gift the paper bag of cookies sitting hidden in his satchel without bringing attention to and embarrassing himself. He’d like to have little to no audience if he ever does mess it up for the third time. 
He brought out the cookies, afraid they’ll get crushed between his hardbound books, and placed them on your desk before standing to wash his clammy hands and make coffee. Counter intuitive of him to do as he was already a bundle of nerves and by drinking caffeine he was doubling that but maybe the smell would calm him before shooting up his energy by drinking.
As he exited the mens room, Penelope stepped out of the elevator and squealed. “Is she here? Is she? Did I miss it?”
He shook his head vigorously, trying to silence her excited glees. “No, she’s not here yet. She’ll—” he looked at his watch and ran the numbers. “—be here soon. I’m about to brew coffee. Do you want some?” He opened the door for both of them to enter the bullpen.
“Ick, no thanks,” Penelope said, scrunching her nose at the thought of drinking even a sip before scurrying away to her cave. “I’d rather not ruin my taste buds on bad coffee.”
He laughed and turned towards the kitchenette. With the coffee brewing, he drummed his fingers on the counter and mentally rehearsed what he would say to you. If he practiced, there’s less chance of messing it up like the first time, right? In his state of concentration, he missed you entering the office in all of your beautiful glory.
“Ooh cookies!” you exclaimed as you opened the unknown package on your table.
Spencer abruptly turned, hitting his side on the corners as he did. His eyes widened as he registered you holding the unsigned paper bag of treats on your desk. 
“They must be from Penny,” You continued on, oblivious to his presence and the devastation your remark caused him. Of course, he’d find another way to mess it up. You glanced around and your smile widened as you took in his handsome presence. “Oh hey Spence! Look, Penny made me cookies!” You tip-toed out of excitement. 
He smiled at your enthusiasm for something as simple as treats in the morning. The giggle you gave out as you entered the kitchenette was enough for him to slightly care less for the truth. He loved bringing out the happiness in you. It was like his own personal sunshine shining down on him, soaking him with vitamin D and boosting his overall sense of wellbeing. “Do you want coffee with that? It’s still hot,” he offered. 
You tapped the side of your hips with his as a sign of good will. “Thanks, Spence! This is turning out to be a great day, don’t you think?”
He watched as you busied yourself with putting cream and sugar in your of cup and sighed wistfully. “I think so too.”
And the last move Spencer did was recommended by no one but himself, the awkward 187 genius
With all three acts not delivering, he promised to try one last time without any outside interference besides from yours in his memory. You always did tell him to be himself in any situation, no matter how much he stumbled through any awkward situation—always there giving him a pat on the back for encouragement. 
Over the weekend, he spent his time reading two of your favorite books—which didn’t take much but he did read them again and again, regardless of his eidetic memory, trying to understand why these specific books were your comfort. Always pushed within the confines of your go bag, dog-eared and brown from age. He wanted to know how they’ve become an extension of you and how it had shaped you to the woman he has fallen in love with. 
He found himself hunched over his dining table, underlining sentences that made him think of you, scribbling away on the margins (and sometimes on post its too), and tabbing the written pages with a variety of colors that each represent an emotion. The act in it of itself made him feel closer to you than he thought possible. Lines in the books that made him think, ah so this was what formed your kind spirit. This is why your empathy knew no bounds. And this is why your beauty is inside and out.  
Spencer laid down to rest, anxious for the next day, Monday, to come. His heart threatening to beat out of his chest but his mind oddly calm as if it had a precognition that everything would turn out just right.
You arrived earlier than he did, throwing him off balance. 
“Hey Spence!” You greeted with a smile. “I got you a croissant and some coffee from that shop near my place.”
He blushed and stammered out a thank you. You were wearing a deep purple blouse that matched the scarf around his neck—the birthday gift you’ve given. He was no believer of the mystics but he took all of these as a sign from the stars. There was no way he would mess this up now.
“I—I got you something too,” he looked inside his satchel, hands shaking from it all. Gods, he wished this would go well or else, he might just die from embarrassment. “It’s nothing much but—I read your two favorite books and just—I wanted to discuss it with you,” he brought out the tabbed copies and presented them to you. “These are for you. I know you have copies of your own but I-I put my own notes on which lines reminded me of you.”
Your face turned red at the notion behind it all. Here was the BAU genius, the certified lover of the classics and the academia, the man who had your affections since day one, reading two contemporary literatures just for him to present you a gift like no other. You reached out and hugged the precious copies to your chest. 
“Thank you, no one’s ever done this for me before,” you breathed out, falling deeper into attraction with the perfection in front of you. “ Hey Spence, I may sound delusional asking this and you can say no if you want to but—” you visibly gulped, unaware of the audience nearby. “—would you like to have dinner with me? I make a mean lasagna.”
He turned red and vigorously nodded. “Y-Yes. Yes, I’d love to have dinner with you.”
You giggled, sounding like wind chimes to his ears. He did too, giggle I mean, from the triumph of finally knowing that his feelings were willingly reciprocated.
“Finally, you love birds!” Morgan shouted as he swung his arm around Spencer. “Didn’t know how much we could take from this pretty boy—” pointing at him “asking for advice and you—” pointing at you “—pretty girl is as dense as a rock. Tell me again how’d you end up as profiler with those observation skills.” 
A hand whacked him at the back. “Way to ruin the moment, Morgan.” Elle chided before turning to Spencer with a smile. “See told you, you could get a date.”
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1pepsiboy · 5 months
Falling Asleep on the Vlog - Matt Sturniolo Fluff (request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader!
Word count: 842
POV: Third (y/n)
Warnings: nothing except caring boyfriend Matt
Chris and Nick are ahead of you and Matt as you all piled into the house. Nick held the camera as they continued to record. The four of you went to get the new baja blast flavor from Taco Bell. Mostly for Chris since it was his idea after he saw an ad for it. Of course, there was also a party box of tacos that came home too. 
It was a long day at work for you. There were so many (rude) customers that you dealt with, and you helped with unloading the inventory that arrived. You only agreed to leave the house because Matt had to drive and you didn’t want to be alone. Being in the vlog?… That you were even less thrilled about since you looked like an absolute disaster. And your mood was not particularly cheerful. 
But coming over to the house always played the game of are they recording now or no? Matt was usually pretty good about giving you a heads up. He forgot to do it this time, but you couldn’t put all the blame on him. It was just part of the deal with dating him and being around their work. 
You reach the top of the stairs and Matt carefully starts to lead you toward the kitchen. You let go of Matt and your lightly laced fingers. Immediately, he turns around with puppy dog eyes. The scruff he had actually somehow made it cuter and more heartbreaking. 
“Where are you going?” His voice was so soft and only loud enough for you to hear. 
“No where, just want to chill on the couch till you're done.” You shoot him a small smile. 
This only makes slight concern cross his face and he steps in closer to you. “Is everything okay?”
You kiss him on the cheek. “Yeah, work was a lot today and I’m just tired.” 
“What happened? Your manager didn’t shit on you again, did they?”
Up to this point, you had been putting up a smoke screen, holding it together for your boyfriend and his brothers so they could get content. Without warning for either of you, tears welled up and slipped down your cheeks. 
“I do s-so much… I put up with a lot from customers… no one asks i-if I’m okay.”
Matt engulfed you in a tight bear hug and stroked your hair. He whispered into your ear, “Sssh, babe. I am and always will.”
After what felt like minutes of Matt soothing you, rather than leaving you by yourself he talks to Nick and Chris over his shoulder. You tried not to listen too closely. You only focused on the peaceful rhythm of his heartbeat in his chest.
He let go of his warm hug and you couldn’t help whimpering. “Babe…”
“I’m sorry, I just gotta do this one part. I’ll be over right after, promise.” He kissed your temple and gestured to the couch. 
Reluctantly, you slipped into the background on the couch. It felt like they were talking about the new drink and whatever else for hours. Matt was constantly checking in on you, and it would be obvious to the fans that something was off. Hopefully Nick could magically edit out a majority of the off screen glances. 
The slight breakdown and lull of scrolling through your phone made your eyelids heavy. You managed to pull the closest blanket over you to curl up in. A little while after closing your eyes, you felt arms pick you up and then both of you lowered onto the couch again. 
“What?” you groaned, a light yawn escaping. “What’s going on?”
Matt giggled. “You fell asleep, babe.”
Your head fell on his shoulder as Matt’s arms wrapped around your body acting like a shield. Matt kissed the top of your forehead then he rested his head on top of yours. Your eyes immediately tug close again, it was hard to fight off the prickling sleep. 
“You guys are disgustingly cute,” Nick commented. 
Chris aimed the camera at the two of you. “Goodnight campers!”
“Ew.” Nick scrunched his nose. “No, that was reserved for the podcast only. Don’t do that.”
“Well, now that’s over, we should start using it in the vlogs,” Chris bartered. 
Nick shook his head. “Absolutely not.”
“What? Why not? Come on! They love it!”
Matt flipped them off. “Ssh! End the vlog over there. Please?”
Chris jutted out his bottom lip. “Aww, Nick, he said pwease.”
Nick rolled his eyes, but then babied, “Aren’t you such a good boyfriend, Matty? Cuddling with (y/n) and defending her from us.” He reached over to ruffle his hair. 
Matt swatted his hand away with one hand, attempting to not disturb you. “Yeah? This is why I’m the only one not single.” 
“Oh, I’m single by choice,” Nick threw back quickly. 
“Me too,” Chris agreed. 
Matt rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say.” 
You couldn’t help the smile that spread on your lips and you snuggled more into Matt, fueling more of the fire between them. 
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writersdrug · 5 days
I need, need need neeeeed to know who you would picture bar owner price with 😩 picturing bar owner price has me week in the knees. I need more, how would he be around the bar when he was there? Supporting, bossy,silly? The possibilities are endless. 🥰
I'm loving how people are requesting things for the rest of the 141!!
Bar Owner!Price isn't there every day, and most often not during the actual shift. He's there some mornings, already at his desk on the floor above the pub, setting up the next inventory order and dealing out everyone's tips before Simon climbs down from his flat on the third floor. They both grunt at each other, tired and in need of a hot breakfast and some tea.
He helps set up for the shift - he likes being in the kitchen with Soap. He feels bad the man is back there all by himself, even though he says he doesn't mind it. "I get to cuss 'n bitch all I want back 'ere, sir." Still, Price spends a majority of his time back there with him, prepping burger patties and making sure everything is stocked and ready. Gets on his case about updating the menu, but Soap insists the customers like it the way it is.
Price makes an appearance on the floor every now and then, opting to help run food or bartend on the busier nights. He checks in with the regulars, leaning his forearms on the bar with his sleeves rolled to his elbows, laughing and chatting with them and occasionally offering to refill their drinks. Simon grumbles quietly about him being in the way, but Price doesn't take it to heart.
He doesn't stay late. John isn't that old, but he likes to be back at home by a decent hour. One ruined sleep schedule and he's a shot for the rest of the week. He likes to get back to his flat, make himself a sandwich and pour himself some whiskey, and be on on his sofa and reading his book no later than ten in the evening. Routines have always been a part of his military career, and what can he say? Old habits really fo die hard.
Then you came along.
You didn't just rock Simon's world - you'd gotten Price, too. Though introductions could have been smoother (you nearly beat him with a keg when he came in through the back door and scared you), he's grown fond of you. First, as a hard worker and go-getter; then, as a pretty little waitress with a dazzling smile that likes to keep him on his toes. You love poking fun at him, calling him "bossman" or "barmaster" (doesn't make sense to him, since he's hardly behind the bar - but he finds it cute). You tease him for the way he runs your food, then gets stuck at the table for five minutes just chatting up the customers. You ask him things like, "Who do you prefer, Cardi B or Nicki Minaj?" And laugh when he just stares at you with a furrowed brow. He'll happily let you tease him for being an "old" man just to hear your laughter.
Then Simon sent that photo in the group chat, and Price felt something stir in his chest: looking at you, posing all prettily for your picture, working to push your little idea out there and bring in a crowd. He's impressed, but he's also intrigued. He's got his sights on you, and he's dying to figure out more about his waitress.
"'S the post making any headway?" He asks one night, leaning on the bar next to where you sit. Your tips are finished, money waded into the pocket of your apron as you scroll on your phone, sipping on a screwdriver.
"Kinda..." You mumble, a pout on your face, creasing the skin between your eyebrows. "People are seeing it, and there are a few likes, but no one's really engaging. Not sure if this will do well."
Price hums thoughtfully, looking at your lips while you stare at your screen. He's holding back the urge to lean in and take a whiff of your perfume, afraid it might seem just a bit too strange. "Have you tried promoting it?"
You look at him, laying your phone on the bar top. "Well... I could, but..." You wanted to finish with 'it would cost money'. But then, you'd be insinuating that you expected him to pay you. You could boost the post yourself, but you'd rather not spend money on something that might flop.
"'S there a problem?" Price asked, leaning in closer to you.
"I mean... promoting a post costs some money. Like, for it to be advertised to five hundred people, you'd pay around one fifty. And I think, depending on how far you wanted the post to reach - like, literally, how big of a geographic area - that would cost even more."
Price chuckles. "You do realize how much business you've brought in since you've joined the team, hmm?"
That makes your cheeks warm, pressing your lips into a line to avoid grinning like an idiot at the compliment. "I mean... sure..."
"Go upstairs to the office and get my wallet." he says, standing up from his seat at the bar.
You watch with a stupefied expression as he walks to the POS and prints some blank receipt paper. "You- you mean it? Are you sure?"
He sits on a barstool near the kitchen door. "Wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. Hurry up- before I change my mind."
You don't need to be told twice. You drop your phone onto the bar and bolt towards the stairs - you stop yourself, running back to where Price sits and hugging him from behind. He lets out a surprise grunt as you do your best to smother him.
"You're the best boss ever!" you squeal. Then, just like that - you're off to the office upstairs. He preens over the compliment as he hears you leaping two steps at a time.
"Be careful." he calls over his shoulder. He sits there a moment, staring at the paper in front of him. He's surprised he hadn't accidentally thrown you off of him purely out of instinct, but he can't say he isn't absolutely delighted by the hug. It lingers in his mind, his chest still remembering your arms around him. He shakes his head, reaching forward to grab a pen from behind the bar.
His eyes meet Simon's - the man is glaring daggers, his head framed by the window in the kitchen door, mask hanging from his ear. His lips are pulled down into quite possibly the angriest frown Price has ever seen. His nostrils flare as he exhales - Price wonders what sort of insults are flying through the bartender's head right now.
He glares right back. If Simon wants something, he'll give it to him. But he'll make him ask for it, like any normal human being. John isn't going to surrender just because Ghost is huffing and puffing, expecting his boss to back away from you just because he's stomping his foot and looking menacing. But how can he be sure that Simon really wants you, more than he thinks Price deserves you, if the lad won't say anything? It's only reasonable, right?
"If you want something, Simon, say something." Price calls out, never backing down from Simon's jealous gaze.
He huffs again and disappears from the kitchen window. Price can hear shuffling and banging, followed by Soap's irritated voice: "Oi, I got it! Get yourself outta my kitchen n' go your own shite, 'fore you break my stuff."
Price sighs, scribbling down some numbers on the paper in front of him. He'll cave, eventually.
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writingroom21 · 4 months
Play with me
Pairing: Bestfriend!Rafe x fem!reader
Summary: After the game of truth or dare, it's never mentions. Both of you rather playing games with each other till you break
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up), p in v, cream pie, light nipple play, Oral (f&m receiving), teasing, getting caught, (let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 5.1K
part 1
Four days.
Four fucking days since the truth or dare gate. You’ve seen Rafe everyday since and he has not mentioned it once. Deciding that he would rather torment you then talk about it. The only acknowledgement of the incident coming from the next morning when you two woke up. You had fallen asleep shortly after and he followed along. When you woke up he was still sleeping,he was laying on his back with his right arm over his eyes. His mouth was slightly open and he let out light snores. You lay there next to him watching, tracing shapes on his chest.
Rafe has slept over plenty of times, you’ve also slept at his more times than you can count. None of the mornings after a sleepover felt as strange as this. Before last night the idea of this never really seemed possible. Every chance to screw each other was never taken on both ends. The two of you were always flirting with one another, everyone at school thought you were together. Yet it never happened, that’s why it’s shocking to think it finally did. “It’s not nice to wake up someone who’s sleeping.”
His morning voice will never get tiring, music to your ears. “It is when their snoring woke you up.” The arm covering his view comes down and holds your hand on his chest. His eyes adjust to the sunlight shining through the window. “M’sorry. Next time suffocate me.” Rafe turns to his side to face you when he hears your giggles. The hand holding yours wraps your arm around him as his hand finds your waist. “You’re so beautiful, angel.”
You blush at the new nickname. People have joked that you’re sweet as an angel but he was never one of them. He usually stuck to babe, baby, princess, and sometimes hot stuff. You can’t say that you hate the nickname, you actually like it. You’ve always been acknowledged as the good girl with the bad influence. Just maybe they were right because for some reason you can’t shake the feeling there’s no pure thought behind it. 
You would be right. He does see you as the angelic good girl, a sweet angel. But even angels can fall. And just like Lucifer you will fall, he saw it in your eyes last night. He’s never seen that side of you but there’s no good girl when you look deep down. When you fall he’ll be there, ready to be your damnation.
He places a kiss on the tip of your nose. “Not too bad yourself.” He chuckles as he gets up. “I hope so. Had you cumming so hard around me last night.”  Rafe leaves the room to take a shower, leaving you gawking as he walks away. He really has some nerves, it's true, but still.
That was the last time he mentioned it.
After his shower, you took one yourself. You need to up the ante, he was all over you last night but this morning he couldn’t be bothered. When you were drying off  an idea popped into your head. You walk into your room with the towel wrapped around you. Rafe was laying on your bed scrolling through his phone. The phone almost slips from his hands. He was literally inside you last night yet here he is nervous seeing you in just a towel.
You walk to your dresser, opening the third drawer to get your bathing suit. The two of you are meeting Topper and Kelce to go on the boat so might as well put it on now. Rafe watches as you drop the towel, bending over to put your bottoms on. He follows every moment, examining as they glide up your legs and cover your pretty pussy. 
You turn around playing with the top, walking to the edge of the bed to show it to him. “Do you think this is a cute bikini or should I go with another one?” Rafe can’t focus on your words, your movements are causing your tits to bounce. But mostly he’s hyper focused on your nipples. 
Their fucking pierced.
How could he not notice that last night? The metal winks at him, his dick getting harder. “Earth to Ray.” His head snaps up to yours, eyes wide struck. “What?” You giggle, getting up on the bed to kneel in front of him. “Think I should go with this one?” Clearing his throat, Rafe sits up more on the bed. His phone leaves his hands so he can adjust himself.
“I like it. Wear it.” You tie the top strings around your neck, tying the bottom right after. One of the little triangles was skewed. Instinctively Rafe’s hand goes to fix it, fingers brushing against the swell of your breast. When it’s fixed his hand grazes your side. Finally you think. He’s going to finally make a move.
“Get dressed. I’ll be downstairs getting the food ready.” Then he’s off, rushing to the bathroom to get himself off before you’re done. With defeat written on your face you get ready and meet him downstairs. He’s standing by the door with the bags in his hands, you grab the keys and walk right past him. You lock the door as he loads the truck up. Even doing something so simple as that, he makes hot.
It’s not fair honestly. He doesn’t even try to get your turned on and you do. Yet no matter what you do he won’t give in. Rafe sees you stomp over to the car, getting in with a slam of the door. Once he gets into the driver’s seat you are buckled in and on your phone. “Want aux?”
He never asks you to be on aux. “Why?” He rolls his eyes at you, sucking his teeth. “Cause you’re obviously in a shitty mood. Trying to do something nice.” Is he serious right now? Your eyes narrow at him, looking forward to not see him. “I’m good.”
“Are you really going to be a brat right now?” It’s your turn to roll your eyes at him. “I’m fine Rafe. We need to hurry up, we’re already running late.” A glance at the dash clock would prove you right. The both of you are ten minutes late already and it takes fifteen to get there. He puts the truck in drive and is off, his eyes avert from the road to check on you and then back. 
Rafe knows one thing for sure about girls. When they say they’re fine it’s not true. It means they are mad and want you to know they are without them telling you. He can take a wild guess as to why you are mad and be correct. He just won’t talk about it.
The drive was silent. Usually you talk his ear off about music, some tv show, new hobbies, or random gossip. On a good day you would just talk for a little but mostly listen to music. Complete silence has never been an option until now. Rafe would look over every so often to just see you staring out the window, leaning your arm on it with your head on your forearm. 
“I’ll get the bags.” He couldn’t even finish his train of thought before you were out of the car. You were already settled on the boat when he got on. Chatting with Topper when you should be talking his ear off. He’s sad to admit that he misses it, misses the way your voice would fluctuate deepening on your emotion. He could always tell when you are really excited or sad just by your voice.
That day was mostly spent with you ignoring Rafe. Upset with him for just sleeping with you and not having the balls to own it. You would rather him say he regretted it then for him to ignore that it happened.
Day two had a boring day but eventful night. You had Topper drop you off using the excuse that he lives closest to you. Everyone knew that Rafe never minded bringing you home or driving you anywhere. In fact he always refused to let you drive, insisting that he can drive you. He wanted to argue but you had walked off already.
You had woken up at ten, not too late which is good. You went downstairs to go to the kitchen. Opening the fridge you get some eggs, green peppers, red onions, and bacon. You cook the bacon first as you cut up the peppers and onions. In a bowl you crack the eggs and mix everything together. When the bacon was done you cooked the eggs.
You did have any plans today, the only thing you wanted to do was eat and binge movies. Which is exactly what you did. The food was gone soon after you sat down. The plate still sits on the table, you would get to it later. You’re laid out on the couch, Twilight playing on the flat screen tv. You feel like Bella at this moment.
Waiting for Rafe to acknowledge what happened and what it means now. He just went back to acting like it was nothing. You had thought he cared enough to at least give you the respect to say he doesn’t want to continue. Uhhhhh the self spiral is not helping your situation. A buzz catches your attention, you see your phone screen light up. Picking it up you see that one of your friends had texted you.
Lily: Hey gorgeous! Want to come to the party Trev is throwing?
A party is just what you need. He’ll be there to sell and you know that. But if you stick with your friends you know it will help defuse the tension. He hasn’t texted you all day so you highly doubt he wants to talk.
You get ready, putting on a mini skirt and crop top that’s a little too small. If Rafe can’t man up to fuck you then maybe it’s time for someone else to do it. You arrive at the party with a group of your girl friends. It’s in full swing already, there are people on the lawn making a mess. Inside is littered with bodies of people, some are drinking, some dancing, and a lot of them making out. 
Every party is kind of the same. People drink or get high, there’s always at least one fight, and you can always count on the bedrooms being occupied. Your group makes their way to the kitchen where all the drinks were lined up. Looking around you can see bottles of vodka, tequila, and some dark liquor. You grab a cup and the tequila bottle and pour the liquid in. You find whatever juice they have and pour it in as well.
A hand wraps around your waist, the person's chest pressed to your back. You smile into the cup as you take a snip, ready to start flirting. “Hi angel.” The whispered words make you tense. Turning around you are face to face with Rafe. “Oh hey. What’s up.” the smile he had on drops when he realizes yours doesn’t match his. You always light up when you see him.
Topper and Kelce greet you and your friends as well. You try to talk to them but you keep focusing on the way Rafe’s hands are on you. Everyone had moved away from the drinks to another part of the kitchen. Rafe was leaning back on the counter and you were in front of him. His hands stayed on your waist the whole time, bringing you back to brush against him.
It was like he was torturing you with all the teasing. It continued when you all moved outside to have a smoke. Rafe made sure to find a place with less seating so you would have to sit on his lap. It worked in the end, he had you on top of him squirming around. Each movement only makes him harder. His hands skim your legs, slipping under your skirt and then back. 
Every tease of his hands makes you grind on him harder. If it were up to you he would bend you over right now and fuck the shit out of you. Clearly he doesn’t have the same plan. But you did enjoy when his groping got more intense when Mark started talking to you. He had seen you from where he was sitting and came over to pull you away.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in forever. How have you been?” Rafe glares at the guy, the hand on your thigh tightening as you respond. “Marky? Oh my god hey!” You tried to get up but Rafe wouldn’t let you. The whole conversion Rafe wouldn’t take his hands off of you. 
His arms wrap around you so his hands are resting on the exposed flesh of your abdomen. You try to not focus on the feeling of his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt, going under. His fingertips slip under the cups of your bra, feeling the flesh of your breast. Mark’s eyes flicker to the movement and back to your eyes, a slight blush forming. You push his arms down, causing his hands to leave their mission. 
In the end Rafe got what he wanted, Mark left right after making an excuse of meeting friends. You were slightly pissed off at Rafe, you haven’t seen Mark in a while so it was nice to catch up. But on the other hand you were happy he was finally paying you attention. Even more happy when he kept feeling you up even after the boy had left.
Towards the end of the night you were so horny that you wanted to slip his cock out and just have him inside you again. You mostly just want to feel how big he is again, making you ache in the nicest way possible. Having enough of it you turn around to whisper in his ear. “Why don’t we find a room or leave?” Who cares if you are being too straightforward? You are over this waiting game.
Smirking, he looks into your eyes. “Can’t handle me teasing you?” You smile up at him, pecking his jaw lightly. “I know something else I really want to handle right now. Maybe you can teach me?” Your hips grind down on him to enhance your point. “Yeah? What do you want me to teach you?”
Maybe it’s the weed but you really don’t care that you are grinding on Rafe’s lap while he kisses your neck in the middle of a party. No one is honestly surprised, they didn’t think it would take the two of you this long. Rafe is sucking on the point beneath your ear that does you in. “How to suck you off.” You bite his ear lobe. “How to deep throat you without choking.”
Rafe lets out a moan that was almost too loud for a public setting. “Let’s go I’m taking you home.” You’re giddy as you get up, saying goodbye to your friends. Rafe on the other hand is scrambling to cover the little wet spot you had left on him from grinding. Your skirt had only given you the coverage of eyes being on you. 
You practically skip to the car thinking that you finally won. Whatever dumb game he was playing, you won. You beam as he opens the passenger door for you, helping you up into the truck. The same on the drive home when his hand is on your thigh, creeping closer to your skirt. Moaning When it goes under, fingers playing with you over your panties.
“Take them off.” He snaps the elastic against you. Without saying anything you slip them off, putting them in his pocket for safe keeping. The action made him smile to himself. His hand continues its assault on you. Circling your entrance to collect your wetness to bring it up to circle your clit. Your moaning continues as your drive down the streets. All of a sudden he pulls his hand away.
“What the fuck.” You yell. Your whole body flipping to look at him, arms flying up in the air. “You’re home.” You look out your window and sure enough, he’s right outside. “Are you going to come in?” He looks at the door and then at you, shaking his head he licks the fingers that were just touching you. “Nah we have that brunch tomorrow and it’s late.” You scoff at him. “When have you ever cared about family brunch?” 
Your parents and Ward plus Rose always had weekly brunch at the club. It was a family thing everyone had to tag along. Rafe always skipped or was late, dragging you along with him. But now suddenly he cares about them, yeah fuck that.
He shrugs. “You know what? You can fuck off Cameron.” You storm out the car and up the driveway. “Fucking asshole. Teasing the shit out of me then bailing out. Fucking pussy.” You say mostly to yourself, the words echoing down to his open window. He still waits until you go inside before leaving, seeing you flip him off. He laughs knowing that you are pissed at him, just like he wanted.
Day three, had you sitting through a boring lunch right across from the one person you are annoyed at. Normally when these lunches happen you and Rafe skip to get high or hang out. When you are here the two of you are at the end of the table talking to yourselves. But not today.
You decided to sit next to you mom, your dad on the other side of her. When the Cameron family came in, Ward sat directly in front of your dad while Rose did the same to your mom. Now usually Wheeze sits next to Rose but Rafe b lined her to the chair when he didn’t see you at the end. The families were confused on why the sitting had changed and more so why there was no talking. 
You ended up talking to Sarah and Wheszie while Rafe listened to the conversation. He tried to talk to you but you shut him out. You are giving him the same treatment, if he wanted to play games so could you. Only yours was the silent game.
There was nothing more that Rafe hated than being ignored. He felt it his whole life, yet never from you. This was like whiplash. You’ve been super mad at him before but you never shut him out. He doesn’t like the feeling but he knows he can get you mad enough to break. To finally cave and say something. 
He nudges your foot with his sneakers creasing your shoes. You kick his foot away from you, turning your body more towards Sarah.  The good thing about him being tall is that he can still reach you. This time he kicks your ankle. Your head snaps at him, your eyes shooting him a glare. He’s smiling as he waits for you to say something. Just when he thinks you will crack, the waiter saves you from it.
As everyone eats he keeps it going. Accidentally reaching for things that you are getting. If he sees you getting salt, so is he. Want more bread? Well look at that he suddenly wants some too. Each time causes your hands to collide. There’s a little twitch in your eyes, just at the corners. He knows you're a second away from yelling at him and making a scene so he takes it up one more notch. He lifts his leg up, skimming your inner thigh, finding his way under your dress.
The sound of your chair pushing back makes the table look at you. Rafe looks smug, expecting you to lose your cool now. Instead you take a deep breath. “Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.” Everyone starts to ask what is up with you. “Is she okay? You two haven’t been talking?” Your mom asks. “Yeah she said she wasn’t feeling too good earlier. I should probably make sure she’s okay.”
The table shares glances as Rafe walks off after you. “Does anyone else think that’s kinda weird? Like something is definitely going on.” Wheezie questions. “Wheeze knock it off. I’m sure it's fine.” Ward says, going back to his conversation with your father. “It’s suspicious.” she whispers as she takes a bite.
Rafe’s footsteps echo in the hallway behind you. He ignores all the stares that people are giving him as he rushes to catch up. “Hey.” you ignore him and walk into the women's bathroom. He stands outside the door for a second, looking around to make sure the coast is clear. The door slams open, scarring you as Rafe checks the stalls.
“What the fuck Rafe!” You try to walk out but he blocks you, locking the door. “What’s wrong angel?” He teases. The bathroom lights are dimly highlighting his eyes. Yellow specks float in the sea of blue. “Move out of my way Cameron.” It's laughable how cute you are trying to put your foot down. “You’ve been a brat all brunch.” You can't argue as he pushes you back to the sinks and lifts you on it.
“What are you doing?” You ask as Rafe sinks to his knees, his head disappearing under your skirt. He places a kiss on your clothed clit, pulling your panties to the side so he could give you a lick. “Fucking delicious.” The tiled walls bounce your moans around like an echo chamber. You struggle to keep yourself up right on the sink. Your back hitting the mirror as you slump down. 
Rafe is holding you up by your thighs, placing them on his shoulders to keep you there. His mouth devours you as if he was still hungry. Like the food he was just eating didn’t sedate his hunger. Light hits his eyes again as you unfold your skirt, your hand finding his head. He hums into you, shaking his head from side to side. “I’m close.”
His movements get faster and when you are right at the edge he pulls away. Your eyes shoot open to look at him, following as he gets up and licks his lips. Grabbing paper towels, wetting them to clean your up. He helps you off the sink, fixing your panties and skirt. “I’ll tell them you’re okay and need another minute. See you out there.” 
The rest of brunch you were tense. So upset that he denied you a orgasim like that or the fact that he keeps messing with you. When you get home you are radiating with anger, wanting to explode. You so badly want to call him to yell or cuss him out over text but you don’t. If ignoring him got you that then it could get you more.
Day four
An insistent ringing wakes you up from your sleep. Fumbling around you feel for your phone and blindly answer it. “Hello?” You throw your blanket over your head to block out the light coming in from the window. “Are you still sleeping? Come on, get ready, I'll be there shortly.” You pull the phone away to see that it's almost 10:30 and that it’s Rafe who called you. “Why would I be getting ready?” He huffs over the phone. 
“Because I’m picking you up. Barry got some new weed and coke.” See you were ready to tell him to fuck off but he got you with free drugs. They usually let you test out what they buy before selling it. It’s great having friends that deal sometimes, especially when Rafe never let you pay. “Fine.” You hang up on him to get ready.
When he had texted you he was there you raced out the house and into his truck. Completely blocking him from opening the door for you like he normally does. Rafe just closes the door and gets back in. “Hey angel.” His hands go for your thigh but you move your legs away to face the door. “Hey.”
The ride to Barry’s was awkward to say the least.  Rafe tries to start conversations with you but you won’t say a thing. Texting your friends on your phone instead of having to talk to him. It was so awkward that even Barry noticed it when you came into the house. You had walked in and sat on the couch picking up the blunt that was already rolled on the table. Rafe lagging along like a lost puppy following its owner.
“Want any of the good stuff sweetheart?” Barry asks you while waving a baggie of coke in your face. Taking a puff from the blunt you shake your head, passing it to Rafe. “No, I'm good.” You giggle. You know Barry isn’t that bad, maybe he could help you out. The boys watch you as you get up and sit next to Barry.
He smirks at Rafe, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “Now why is a pretty girl like you always around men like us? Like pretending you aren’t a good girl?” You giggle at him, legs going into his lap. “Maybe I’m not as good as people think.” Barry likes the way your eyelashes are fluttering at him. 
Rafe is watching the two of you like a hawk, as Barry’s hands touch your exposed legs. His phone rings and he disconnected himself from you to answer it. When he’s out of the room Rafe’s eyes meet yours. “What are you doing?”  A cheshire smile spreads on your lips. “Me?”
“Yeah you. Who else would I be talking to?” You shift back to the couch next to him, taking the blunt in his hands. “Just talking to B is there something wrong with that?” Too headstrong, Rafe doesn’t back down. “I don’t know, is there? You seem to be the one with the issues.” Your smile drops and you take another puff. “Well maybe if you would stop being such a pussy I wouldn’t have to flirt with him.” 
There it is
“So this is about me not fucking you?”  He looks so cocky sitting there, lounging back on the couch. “Should have just said something baby. Wouldn’t want to leave me little angel suffering.” You are about to start yelling at him to wipe that look off his face but Barry walks in. “Aight I have to go deal with something. I’ll be back soon, don't take all that shit.” He’s out the door without looking back
The crunch of tires from a motorcycle can be heard from inside the house. Signaling that Barry was gone. “You have to be kidding! I’ve been trying ti fuck you since we woke up the next day. You were the one you wouldn’t.” You shout at him. He just shrugs which pisses you off even more. Getting up you stand in front of him, invading his space.
He leans forward only for you to push him back, crawling into his lap to get up close. “Fucking pussy.” Your lips crash to his, hands gripping his shirt to keep him still. This is exactly where he wanted you. So riled up that you’ll just take what you want. All your life he has seen you sit back and just let people walk all over you. Letting them decide what’s best for you, he wants you to take that step.
Your hips are grinding down on him, his dick getting hard from the friction. “Is it clear now? I want you to fuck me.” He gives you another kiss. “Then go for it.” Automatically you take off his shirt, yours flying along with it. Your lips travel down his body, kissing every inch of his skin. The pressure in his pants relieves when you unbutton his pants, taking them down.
Rafe keeps his mouth shut, afraid if he spoke it would ruin the moment. A moan leaves him when you use your teeth to pull his boxers down. Giving his dick kisses up and down. Licking from the base up. The feeling is amazing. Having your mouth on him was a different feeling. Sure he’s had sex but they never meant anything, you did.
You bob your head a few more times and then get up, stripping your shirts and panties. His hands find your thigh as you get back on him. “You’re perfect.” Crystal blue eyes meet yours, conveying a secret message. “Shut up.” You sink down on him, his length filling you up once again.
You bounce on his dick, leaning back with your hands on his knees to hold you up. The once quiet house is filled with your moans. You’ve been so pent up that you are ready to cum already. “Touch me.” His fingers find your clit, rubbing in fast circles. You aren’t the only one who’s pent up. Rafe’s been teasing himself just as much as he has with you. 
His other hand helps facilitate your movements, slamming you on him. “That’s it angel. Be a good girl and cum for me.” Your body spasms with your orgasim, shaking over Rafe. The lull of your hips alerts Rafe that you can’t do this much longer. Your energy pulled out of you. He wraps his arms around you, lifting up from the couch. He’s still inside you as he drapes your body over the edge of the couch. 
You are on your back, hips elevated as he stands between your legs. His hips snap into yours, ramming your g-spot with every thrust. Each of your moans sent him into overdrive, wanting to cum but desperately needed you to do so again. His thumb goes back to your clit and he leans over to suck one of your nipples. The triple stimulation does wonders, sending you over the edge once again.
Rafe’s hips keep thrusting, chasing his own release. A few minutes later he was done for. Hips slamming and shuttering into yours, filling you up. He plugs you, not wanting a single drop to go to waste. He pushes some hair off of your face, looking into your eyes and kissing you deep. “I wanted to fuck you too. Just wanted to play with you first.” You open your mouth to say something but a voice makes you stop. “On my fucking couch. The two of you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
Rafe couldn’t even care that you two were caught. He finally got you to break, to give in to what you want. His perfect little angel finally fell, not realizing that he’ll drag you down further. 
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lilirari · 9 months
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🫧 basically just going on different kinds of dates with lando <3
💌 lando norris x fem! reader (social media au)
💭 author's note : i loved making this fr !! i was going to include some writing parts but.. i kinda got lazy 🧍‍♀️ if you guys want the writing part though, i'll work on it and post it. the part two to this + oscar's version is also in the works !
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🧩 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ lego date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 19,444,127 others
yourinstagram lego date with the loml ! he gave me that bouquet of lego flowers in the morning 🥹🤍 last pic is him trying to find that one missing lego piece.
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landonorris pretty flowers for my pretty flower ♡
liked by yourinstagram
landonorris ok but did you take that piece 🤨
-> yourinstagram no oscar ate it
-> oscarpiastri i did what
-> landonorris oscar regurgitate my lego piece
charles_leclerc what a fun idea ! 🤍
carlossainz55 😍
lilymhe @/alex_albon where's my lego bouquet 😒
-> alex_albon you can make your own
-> lilymhe wtf
danielricciardo very cute
pierregasly je devrais en faire un pour kika 🥰
-> yourinstagram yes you should 🫡 she'd love it
oscarpiastri i'm surprised he has the attention span to build a whole lego bouquet
-> alex_albon right ???
-> landonorris STFU
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🎡 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ amusement park date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, lnfour and 16,999,345 others
yourinstagram third-wheeled my boyfriend and his boy space friend today. i would've included the video i took of lan screaming while we were on the rollercoaster but i'll have mercy on your ears for the time being 😞
view all 1,999,889 comments
landonorris wdym boy space friend he's literally my boyfriend
-> yourinstagram ... wow ok didn't expect you to come out of the closet this soon 😦📸
-> landonorris sorry love, it's always been max 🫣🤞
-> maxfewtrell .. um yeah no y/n take him away i don't want him
landonorris baby, istg if you show anyone that video...
-> yourinstagram i promise i won't show it to anyone dw pookie 😘
lnfour 🫶🫶🫶
oscarpiastri send me that video of lando
-> yourinstagram i already did
-> oscarpiastri nice
-> landonorris ???
-> landonorris whatever happened to 'i promise i won't show it to anyone' ?
-> yourinstagram ... oops 😅
-> landonorris 😃
riabish aww wish i could've joined you today ☹️
carmenmmundt the cutest couple ! ❤️
alex_albon i desperately need that video
-> yourinstagram sent 🫡
-> landonorris Y/N !!!!
-> yourinstagram oops i gtg🏃‍♀️
quadrant our parents ! (and max)
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🍣 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ sushi date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, yukitsunoda0511 and 17,888,645 others
yourinstagram hey guys i have some news... lando and i have recently separated ways because of the contrast in our interests. i wish him nothing but the worst and i hope all his christmas gifts will be fish related xx
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landonorris STOP
landonorris all this because i won't eat sushi for you..
-> yourinstagram if you won't eat sushi for me i don't want you get away !!
-> landonorris ... if i eat One (1) sushi for you will you stop this madness
-> yourinstagram maybe.. maybe not ☺️
-> landonorris baby give me a definite answer
-> yourinstagram ok ok i'll stop if you eat one
-> landonorris .. fine i'm doing this only for you
-> yourinstagram hehe i love u
landonorris guys we're still together don't worry she's just spreading fake news like a LIAR
-> yourinstagram girl spelt backwards it's liar 🤭
carlossainz55 sushi... war flashbacks
-> yourinstagram " iT's nEaR a fiSh "
-> yourinstagram i got him to eat an actual sushi though i won
-> carlossainz55 damn you did the impossible it must be true love
yukitsunoda0511 please get back together i'll make fishless sushi for you lando please just get back with y/n 😭
-> yukitsunoda0511 oh ok that's good.. please don't worry me like this again
-> yourinstagram yessir i'm sorry 😞🫡
pierregasly not the two of you worrying yuki.. it's on sight 🔫
-> yourinstagram i'm not scared of a hon hon hon baguette frenchie
-> landonorris yeah what she said go water your baguettes or sumn pierre
-> pierregasly i take pride in being a french man you guys are just haters 😒
-> yourinstagram that we are 🫶
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⛳ 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ golf date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussell63 and 20,349,444 others
yourinstagram once a third wheel, always a third wheel. i need someone to look at me the way carlos looks at my boyfriend 😞
ps the staff handed me that merc golf ball since they're sponsoring this golf course @/mclaren i promise i'm still loyal to you guys
view all 2,555,777 comments
landonorris i already look at you the way carlos looks at me 😞
landonorris baby i love you but was it really necessary to post that picture in the sixth slide 🥲
-> yourinstagram yes it was !! it's like a preview of spiderlando
-> landonorris you and your love for spider-man.. should we dress up as peter and gwen/mj the next halloween ?
-> yourinstagram OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK !! a thousand times yes 🥹🥹
oscarpiastri the replies under lando's comment got me thinking y'all were getting married 🧍
-> yourinstagram i mean that'd be my reaction if he proposed to me anyways
-> landonorris marriage proposal coming up in a few years 😁
carlossainz55 i need someone to look at me the way i look at lando 😭
alex_albon what is he doing in that sixth slide...
-> landonorris that's how pro golfers play, you rookie
mercedesamgf1 you got great choice in golf courses and golf balls, y/n 🤭
mclaren please take y/n to a mclaren sponsored golf course next time @/landonorris ☺️
-> landonorris you got it boss
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🧸 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ babysitting date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, savnorris, maxverstappen1 and 18,839,222 others
yourinstagram babysitting my nephew and little mila with uncle la-la ! feat baby lan (even after all these years, nothing's changed 🥹)
view all 2,123,444 comments
yourinstagram baby fever went off the charts today
-> danielricciardo when are you and lando going to have a baby 😁
-> landonorris we can make one now if you want, y/n 😏
-> yourinstagram LANDO !! 😭😭 but yeah i can't wait to get married and have children soon...
-> landonorris you'd be the bestest mum 🫶
-> danielricciardo can i be the cool uncle
-> yourinstagram ofc danny no one's as cool as you !!
-> danielricciardo great 😁😁
landonorris i'm the best babysitter in the world
landonorris where did you find that baby picture of me
-> yourinstagram your mum sent it to me 🥹 you were so cute back then
-> landonorris am i not cute now
-> yourinstagram no 🤍
-> landonorris i hate u
-> yourinstagram love u too xx
savnorris thanks for babysitting mila today ! she loves you both so much ! 🫶 (auntie y/n a little bit more 🤭)
-> yourinstagram aww, no need savvy !! i had so much fun babysitting mila she's the cutest :( please call me the next time you need a babysitter i genuinely love spending time with her <3
-> yourinstagram also in your face @/landonorris mila loves me more than u 😝
-> landonorris ... mila how could you betray your uncle la-la 🤭😞
alexandrasaintmleux the matching shoes ☹️❤️
yoursister life savers !! thanks for babysitting kai on such a short notice, sis & lando ! 🤍
-> landonorris anytime (soon to be) sister in law 🫡
oscarpiastri can lily and i babysit them with you guys the next time
-> yourinstagram ofc pastry <3
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 🛏️ 𖦹 ˚. ᵎᵎ nap date ! ⭑
instagram 🎥
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 21,929,345 others
yourinstagram and it's all too much for little lando norris.
view all 3,222,127 comments
landonorris my girlfriend's hotter than all of you
-> yourinstagram my boyfriend's hotter than all of you
landonorris why do you have so many pictures of me sleeping..
-> yourinstagram because you're always falling asleep everywhere
-> landonorris fair point
landonorris come back to bed i wanna cuddle you
-> yourinstagram coming !! 🏃‍♀️
carlossainz55 😴❤️
charles_leclerc silly lando 😆
alex_albon is he really sleeping on the floor 😭
danielricciardo wake up babe new lando sleeping content just dropped
maxfewtrell god he's such a simp for you
oscarpiastri saving these for future purposes (blackmail)
-> landonorris wtf man
mclaren our favourite papaya couple 🧡
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
Lockscreen background
Malleus x gn!reader
i seem to have a thing for characters who are clueless abt technology hahaha, this takes place before we actually find out his real name btw
(also i apologise if malleus is ooc in any way i'm still in the early books of the game😭)
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"Hello." You heard a voice behind you as you exited the classroom. You turned around to find... uh, Hornton, was it? You still can't get over the stupid nickname that Grim picked, but he seems completely okay with you calling him that, so you keep doing it.
What could he possibly want with you?
"Uhh, hi...!" you greeted him back awkwardly.
"I have a somewhat trivial yet important matter I need help with." He opened and you tilted your head slightly. Now your interest is piqued.
"Let's go somewhere more... private." he suggested at your confused expression. You nodded slowly. Though this whole conversation is strange so far, he looks anything but malicious. And knowing him, he never is.
The two of you went to a more secluded part of the school and as soon as you got there, he pulled something out from his pocket, handing it to you. It looked to be a brand new phone.
"Could you help me with this object? I have no idea how to use it and you are the only one I can approach about this." he looked a little worried.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" you offered and his expression softened slightly.
"Turning it on, for starters."
A silence fills the room.
"Ahahahaha, oh jeez... I'm- I'm sorry- hahahaha...!" You couldn't help but laugh. He didn't even know how to turn it on?
Needless to say, he was not amused by your laughter. "If you will laugh at me, I will not be needing your help anymore." He crossed his arms.
"No- No- I'm sorry, I really am." You had to hold back a few giggles. "I'll help- I'll help you, you just shocked me with how little you know about a.. p-phone." He suddenly seemed like a 90 year old grandpa who bought a phone to talk to his grandkids and didn't know the first thing about it. What a funny mental image.
"You're talking strangely." He commented, and you quickly turned the phone in his direction before he could question your attempts at stifling a laugh.
"Here, see this button? You press it and the phone turns on, like this." You demonstrated, and his face lit up.
"I see. But, the salesperson informed me that this phone is unlockable by something called 'Face ID' as well. Do you know what that is by any chance?" The genuine interest in his voice was actually kind of cute.
"Don't worry about all that. Actually, why are you buying a phone only now?" You thought it was strange. If he was this clueless about technology, why buy a modern cellphone all of a sudden?
"During class, some of my classmates were discussing about these so called phones. They talked about something called a 'magicam'. And I... became curious." the little pause at the third sentence made you think that might just not be the full truth. But you have no reason to be suspicious or question him on it, so you just told yourself to forget about it.
"Magicam might be a little too... advanced for you right now. Here, let's start by exchanging contacts." You showed him the 'contacts' app, opening it and inputting your number and your name.
You handed the phone back to him. "Here, now press this green button on the bottom left and you'll call me." he did as you instructed and your phone started vibrating in your pocket. You pulled it out, answering the call.
"Hello!" you said cheerfully.
"I can... hear you twice. Is there magic imbued within a phone?" his eyes were widened slightly, even more so when he heard his own voice from your phone.
"You silly goose, we only hear eachother twice because we're standing right next to eachother. Stay here and place the phone next to your ear, okay?" you smiled at him, walking away.
"I am not silly and I am certainly not a goose. I thought it was obvious enough by taking once glance at me."
"It's not an insult, Hornton. It's like a silly little thing you say to someone when they say something, well, silly." you smile, now completely out of his line of sight and standing in a different room.
After a few moments of silence, he spoke again "I can still hear your voice."
"Yup, that's what a phone is, in essence. Nowadays we use it for a lot of things, but basically, you can call people on it and you'll hear their voice and talk to them, no matter how far away from you they are. Isn't that cool?"
"How very fascinating." you could hear his amusement through the phone.
"Oh, I just have one more thing to do! I'll come back in a moment!" you ended the call, running back to where you were before.
"I got suprised for a moment. The phone made a strange noise and I couldn't hear you anymore." he cleared his throat. He must have panicked a bit when you hung up. How cute. "Calling someone is definitely much more convenient than sending them a letter."
You just realised that he's probably been sending physical, handwritten letters to everyone up until this point which makes him even more charmingly old-timey in your eyes. How funny is that?
"Give the phone here for a moment." you requested and when he did so, you opened the camera app and turned it towards the two of you to take a selfie. You could see him inspect himself through the phone.
"I see, so it functions as a mirror, too. What a marvel."
"Well, do I have news for you. This is the camera app, and we're going to take a photo together. Now smile!" you nudged him slightly and he smiled very awkwardly and unnaturally. Oh well, you'll take it.
You snapped the photo, setting it as his lockscreen.
"Here, now you have a photo of me and you as your background!" he took the phone back, staring at your face on the screen.
"I actually have something I have to be doing right now, so I'll continue teaching you about phones later! Call me if you need anything! Oh, and I'll save your number too, don't worry!" You waved to him, running down the hallway.
"Goodbye." he said back, immediately looking back down at your picture with him. Your face is truly precious in it. He is very glad to be in possession of a photo of you.
He knew you were the right person to ask.
The reason he decided to buy a phone was that he felt sad because he couldn't talk to anyone without a disconnect. Ignoring the fact that most of his classmates are afraid of him, they wouldn't be able to find common ground in hobbies and conversation topics regardless.
So he thought that maybe he could start by getting a phone upon hearing students discuss phone cases and the like. Surely, understanding what the masses currently enjoy would make him more approachable.
He is eternally thankful to you for helping him out.
You're very welcoming to him and that makes him indescribably happy. One day he'll repay you with all the things you could ever want. He has the abilities to do that, after all.
Maybe he should give you something as a thank you next time you meet, actually. What did you say you enjoyed again?
That's what he thought about as he looked at his lockscreen on his bed that night. If only you saw the way he smiled at your photo.
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highvern · 11 months
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, established relationship, fluff at the beginning
Warnings: bathroom sex, kissing, groping, fingering, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics but they’re both actually switches (Mingyu is a service top), cumshot, Mingyu is still obsessed with titties, hair pulling, choking (hand around throat but no breath play), doggy style, unprotected sex (not endorsed by author), praise kink and strength kink go burrrrrr, there's a little bit of fluff/angst at the beginning (care/comfort) because she had a hard day at work, porn with feelings
Length: ~3k
Note: Drunk Goggles couple's bathroom scene mentioned in Discovery! the first third is so cute i actually had to close my laptop and step away while editing it so please enjoy my brain rot lol. its implied reader is on birth control and Mingyu knows it but still wrap it before you tap it guys. This was drafted as "Champagne Confetti" but i couldn't post it with that title with a straight face
ALSO stream Mamamoo Wheein's new album In the Mood! Aphrodite was a huge inspiration for the sweeter parts of this fic
read more here
The knob of your bathroom cabinet is digging into Mingyu’s shoulder uncomfortably and his ass freezing on the hard tile, but neither register in his mind much. His sole focus is on listening to you vent about how shitty work was as you wash up behind the flimsy curtain only a few feet away.
“Oh and then she had the audacity to say I should have been more prepared for the meeting! As if she didn’t send me the info an hour before!” You babble, head popping out to look at him. 
Mingyu tries and fails to stifle the laughter bubbling at the sight of your shampoo Mohawk.
“What a bitch!”
“Right?!” You move back into the spray and out of sight.
“She’s just mad because you’re better at her job than she is.”
“I wouldn’t be if she actually did her job.” You sigh.
“I’m sorry baby.”
“‘s not your fault Gyu.”
“Do you want me to beat her up?”
“Yeah, because sending my gigantic ass boy toy after her is gonna get her off my back.” You call, closing your eyes as foam rinses from your hair down your skin.
“The correct term is boyfriend.”
“The correct term is baby daddy.”
“You’re fucking nasty.”
“You love me.”
God, I do.
But it’s too early to say those words with the level of earnestness he feels so Mingyu bites his tongue.
Steam and lavender soap tickle his senses as you wash away the evidence of your previous distress. Your manager is number one on Mingyu’s incredibly short shit list.
Mingyu had barely waltzed through the door of your apartment after work, excited to spend the evening cuddled on the couch with a movie like you do every Thursday. He nearly shit himself when he found you sitting at the kitchen counter, tears staining your face and eyes rimmed red. You dove into his chest and cried for an over hour, unable to speak as wretched sobs escaped your throat. He’s never felt so helpless as he sat there, stroking your back as he held you, whispering gentle affirmations into your hair. It was his idea for you to hop in the shower once you calmed down enough to assure him you weren’t injured and “no, no one died.” 
The entire time, Mingyu sat close by listening intently, chiming in occasionally with agreements. He hadn’t follow you into the stall, void of the desire to worsen your mood. Shared showers were not a favorite in this household. Either it ended after two minutes to move to the bed or one of you hopped out, annoyed that the other was hogging the hot water and leaving them in the cold. Mingyu wanted you to relax but the only way he could relax was to make sure you’re actually okay. Which is why he is planted on the ground near the door like a guard dog, keeping an eye on you in case the tears returned; numb butt and sore shoulder be damned.
The squeak of the faucet signals the end of your bathing, echoed by the ruffle of the curtain as you push it aside to exit the tub. He keeps his eyes trained on your face, a smile spreading at the glow radiating from the apples of your cheeks void of the earlier splotchy dullness. You already look a million times better than when he entered your home.
Mingyu is trying very hard to be a supportive boyfriend while you continue to rant; but it’s challenging when the actual woman of his dreams is standing only feet away, completely nude and soaking wet, skin flushed from scrubbing and glistening in the warm glow of the light above the mirror. It takes all his might to ignore the swell of your breast and gentle the sway of your hips, or the curve of your thighs as you stretch for your towel on the rack above the toilet. The movement sends droplets falling in staccato from your hair plastered against your head onto your shoulder before trailing down your front, tracing dizzying patterns across your skin. His very own Aphrodite, exiting the sea to fill his heart.
“I hope she gets fired soon. I know I didn’t look like an idiot in that meeting, it was all her.” 
“No one thinks you’re an idiot.” He looks down at his hands playing with the cuff of his sweatshirt to distract himself from how you start twisting to towel off, body bending and stretching suggestively as you concentrate.
“She definitely does but who cares.”
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah, actually.” You smile, towel wrapped around you snugly as you step away from the tub and towards him. “But I could still really use a hug.”
“I can do that.” 
Mingyu jumps up from his place on the floor, beaming at the soft look on your face as he tangles you in his arms. He plants peck after peck across the crown of your wet hair, nose filling with the scent of your shampoo as he squeezes you against him tightly. The remaining moisture on your body is wicked away by the soft fabric of his sweater, covering him in wet spots along his front and down his arms.
“You’re the best.” You sign into his chest as he leaves a kiss on your hairline.
To distract himself from what he really wants to say, Mingyu blows a wet raspberry against your forehead.
“Nope! Never mind!” You squeal, trying in vain to break out of his strong grip. “Get away from me!”
“But baby you just said I was the best!” He counters, arms tighten to prevent you from wiggling lose.
“No, you’re gross and I hate you!”
You can only roll your eyes at your boyfriend's dramatics.
“You hate me? I wipe your tears, clean up your snot, order us take out, and you hate me?” Voice rising in pitch, he gapes at you.
“You ordered take out?”
“Focus on me! I’m hurt. Devastated!”
“Oh no, what will I do?” You deadpan, but the twitch of your mouth betrays your amusement.
It’s a dangerous game given you’re still locked in his arms and his penchant for being over the top.
“I’m deeply deeply wounded missy. So there’s only one way I’ll forgive you.”
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss?” He says with puppy dog eyes and puckered lips that makes him look like a fish.
“Oh my god!” You cackle at his ridiculousness.
“Oh, there she goes again! Do you not care about me at all?”
His question is punctuated by him collapsing against you and fake crying. Laughter bubbles in your chest like champagne. Mingyu makes you feel better without even trying.
“Alright, come here you big baby. Let me give you a kiss.”
Matching smiles meet in a sweet kiss. In your relationship, one kiss frequently becomes ten or twenty so there's no shock when you keep planting pecks against his lips before moving to tickle them across his cheek, brow, and tip of his nose. Mingyu is all smiles and giggles under your lips as you move back to his mouth.
The short kisses become heated swiftly. You wipe the smile off his face easily enough, thanking the universe it takes almost nothing to get Mingyu started (not that you’re any better). You’re impressed he didn’t jump you when you stepped out of the shower in all your naked glory. Honestly, you’re a little disappointed he didn’t. But now with your towel unraveling from your tussle, pressed against his solid frame as you nip his lips, you know it’s a matter of seconds before Mingyu crowds against you and makes you feel a lot better.
Like clockwork, a simple hum in the back of your throat paired with your nails trailing down his chest sets Mingyu off. He turns with you still in his hold, lifting you up and depositing you on the cool marble of the countertop, pushing your legs apart to make room for himself. Clumsy hands push your towel away, giving him access to play with your chest. When the nail of his thumb scratches your nipple, you arch against him with a sigh. The shift breaks your lips apart and Mingyu wasted no time diving for your throat.
Apparently tonight is one of the few nights Mingyu wants to be a little more demanding with you. The hand not plucking your chest moves the tangle itself amongst the wet hair at the crown of your skull, giving a firm tug that has your spine arching, stretching your neck with a whine to give more space to bite along your throat. Teeth scratch against the cords of muscle, but his tongue soothes the abused skin immediately after; even when he’s rough, he treats you like a princess. You feel yourself clenching around nothing at the maddening combination of sensations.
“Please, Gyu”
“Please, what?” He asks, not budging an inch from where he latches to your collarbone.
“Touch me.” You whimper.
His mouth replaces the hand pinching your chest, sucking your abused nipple into his blistering mouth. The hand that was on your chest, skates down between your thighs, pushing your legs further apart, letting your foot find purchase on the handle of the cabinet next to you to spread you wide.
He starts slowly, middle finger parting your downy lips to trace from your entrance to your mound. The calloused pad of his finger nothing more than a gossamer touch against your heat, maddening as it teases you. Curling your hips upwards, you give him more space to circle your entrance before he dips his middle and ring finger inside, thumb stretching to caress your swollen clit.
“So wet already.”
“If you had a boyfriend that treats you how you treat me, then you’d understand why.” You pant into his hair.
“Think I understand plenty.” He replies, moving your hand to caress his dick where it sits tented in his shorts.
The bathroom is filled with shameless whines and puffs of breath as you work each other up. You’ve successfully gotten a hand into his underwear, fisting the head of his cock in a tight rhythm just how he likes. The other busies itself scratching down his back as he preps you for what's to come by twisting two fingers inside you, heel of his hand grinding against your clit with every thrust.
“Need you inside.” You whisper into his mouth.
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you?”
“Mhmm,” your tone is verging on pathetic but his reaction washes away any embarrassment.
“Then be a good girl and turn around.”
Mingyu steps back, giving you space to quickly jump off the counter to turn your back to him. He busies himself with removing his sweater while you settle on your elbows, ass pushed out in front of him teasingly. It gives him pause, easily distracted by the arch of your spine and the subtle jiggle of flesh as you rock from one foot to another. You watch in the mirror as he blinks lazily, using one hand to push down his pants while the other cups a cheek, squeezing it in his palm. When his shorts are finally pooled around his ankles, he steps closer to let his length rest on your ass.
You can feel his leaking tip brush your tailbone, leaving a faint trace of dampness across your skin as you roll on to the balls of your feet to grind back on him. The rigid velvet of his shaft has arousal dripping down your thighs crudely.
You watch his face with rapt attention in the mirror. He’s hypnotized by how his cock looks pressed snug against your rear, resting hot and heavy in the valley of your cheeks. His throat bobs with a harsh swallow; hands wrapping around your sides, lazily tracing the curve between the bottom of your ribs to your hip bones. Mingyu’s hips move of their own volition, rutting across your ass as his cock continues to drool on your skin.
“Fuck,” he whispers.
“Come on baby, I had a hard day. Need you to make me feel better.”
Mingyu's eyes find yours in the mirror. You know the pout on your lips will get you everything you want. Mingyu knows it too.
“Condom,” he prompts. 
There’s a stash in the drawer to your left but Mingyu is fully aware he lacks the will power to reach over and grab one when his hands are filled with something so much more enticing right now.
As you shake your head with a mischievous quirk of lips, he’s pretty sure you’re playing a cruel joke on hum.
“Shit,” He curses. “Are you serious?”
“Fuck me, Gyu.”
Palming his cock, Mingyu recites a silent prayer that he doesn’t blow his load immediately. This is the first time he gets to fuck you raw and goddamit if it’s short lived. Tracing his tip through the mess between your legs, he collects your arousal to lube him up. He can feel how soaking you are at the idea of him fucking you without the barrier of latex, inner thighs smeared with your essence. Hopefully you’ll come as quickly as he probably will.
“You’re so dirty, letting me stuff you with my cock like this. Aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you gasp when he nudges your clit. “Your dirty girl.”
“That’s right, my dirty girl.” He growls as he pushes inside you.
The first inch has you both closing your eyes, vision filled with stars. As nice as he feels bare inside you, it’s the mental is getting you off more than the physical. Every time Mingyu stretches you out on his cock is a treat, but the knowledge that the flared head of his cock pressing deep inside is leaving traces of his seed along your walls has you breathless. You’ve never let anyone else fuck you like this and a part shielded in your chest hopes he’s that last to.
Mingyu is more or less losing his shit behind you. The scorching wet clamp of your silky inner muscles that he’s only felt on his tongue or fingers is better than he could ever imagine. Your pussy gushing to coat his cock as he splits you open has him on the verge of tears. When he’s settled in, your ass pressed firmly to his pelvis, you wiggle against him.
Mingyu responds by pressing forward, pinning your hips to the counter harshly to prevent you from moving again. You’re clenching around him so hard, it takes all of his self control not to cum. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” You mewl.
You’re really not helping.
“Calm down.” He grits out, both to himself and you.
“Need it.”
“Oh you need it?” He chides, delivering a bruising thrust.
You reward him with a sharp whine.
“Calm down baby, I'll give it to you. Always do, don't I?”
One hand circles the base of your throat, not squeezing; just resting the curve against his palm as his thumb trails along the side of your neck. It stops your breath anyway. But then Mingyu leans down to press his chest with your back, face coming into view right over your shoulder to whisper in your ear while looking you in the eye through the mirror.
“But you gotta be a good girl and spread it for me.”
You heave at his words, afraid you might pass out. Hands scramble to grab your own ass cheeks, pulling the flesh apart so he has a clear view of your pussy sucking him in as he starts curling his hips inside you.
The way he’s fucking you is vulgar. Hand wrapped around your throat as the other moves back into your hair, your own brushing the tops of his thighs as he cants against your ass, balls slapping against your pussy with each thrust. Mingyu leans back to watch himself disappear into your cunt, pulling you up into an arch. The feel without a condom is melting his brain but the visual absence of latex is doing incredible damage to his psyche too.
You both are a mess of sweet whines and rough groans, bathroom echoing with the clapping of skin and wet squelch of your full pussy. Breaking his focus on the way your entrance stretches to accommodate his thick cock splitting you open, Mingyu looks in the mirror to watch the way your tits bounce in time with his hips; your mouth open in a silent scream, eyes misty with delirium as you watch him watching you.
“Feel so fucking good like this, shit.” He pants. “Hear how wet you are? Fucking love it don’t you?”
Your head falls forward pathetically, only stopped by the palm still resting around your throat. When Mingyu gives a tentative squeeze, you whimper a quiet agreement. He watches as you force a hand between your thighs, fingers rubbing your clit in tight circles to push you closer to the edge.
“Gonna come,” you whine.
“Yeah?” Mingyu asks, excitement clear as day. He tilts his hips to fuck deeper, stretching you just a little bit wider on his cock to send you home.
“Fuck!” You sob, tensing as your orgasm washes over you. 
Every muscle in your body ignites, squeezing impossibly tighter as electricity snaps through your nerves, licking your veins and exploding your field of vision in a blinding white. Like a taunt bow string being released, you curl in on your chest as you clench around your boyfriend’s cock, gushing down shaky thighs. Your free hand grips the edge of the sink, holding on for dear life as you twitch in his hold.
“Where do you want it?” Mingyu cries, two seconds behind you and using his last functioning brain cell to not piss you off by assuming he can finish inside despite wanting nothing more. “Gotta tell me where you want, Y/N.”
“On me, wanna feel you on me!” You cry, still playing with your clit as you pry open teary eyes to watch Mingyu from the mirror.
A bright red blush spreads across his chest and up his neck, glistening with beads of sweat and condensation from the steam clogging the air. His bottom lip swollen from where it's locked between clenched teeth, neck straining and biceps bulging from his harsh grip on your body. He has enough sense of reality to slip the hand around your throat into your hair, gathering the strands in a makeshift ponytail to keep it out of the way of the mess he’s about to make.
He pulls out with seconds to spare against a tsunami of pleasure that begins to surge through his body, beginning in his balls and crashing outward to swamp his nerves. It ripples across his skull, raising goosebumps in its wake as it ebbs through his blood stream. Mingyu’s abdomen flexes as he fists his cock still slick with your combined arousal over your ass; thick streaks of his seed rushing forward. You feel a hefty rope land between your shoulder blades, the sticky heat intoxicating as it trickles down your back. A few drops sputter on the dip of your spine and your hand still spreading you wide, decorating you in his own diamonds.
Mingyu can’t help the way he stares at your hole, obsessed with how you clench around nothing like you’re missing something. He wishes he was watching you squeeze around his dick, his cum dripping out of you with each pulse of muscle. Maybe someday he’ll get to.
As your orgasms subside, weariness circles on the edge of your senses. Two sets of eyes flutter shut, chests heaving and hearts beating in time. Unwinding his hand from your hair, Mingyu lets it gently rest next to your hip on the counter, preventing him from collapsing against you and into the sticky residue he’s left. He can’t feel his legs, head empty of coherent thought. Unconsciously, his thumb traces the dimple at the base of your spine, the gentle caress grounding him to his body. 
The quiet of the bathroom is only disturbed by the hum of the overhead fan. You both are spent, muscles weak and nerves fried. Occasionally a deep breath interrupts but it's peaceful as you bask in each other's presence. 
“Oh my god,” you pant, breaking his trance. 
“How did you get cum on the mirror?”
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lihhelsing · 1 year
Part 2
Unknown number: Hey
Steve is sitting on the couch, he has Top Gun playing in the background just because he wanted some noise. The house feels empty whenever Robin has a different shift than him.
The message comes from an unknown number and he just watches as the three dots appear. It’s probably someone trying to sell him something but he’s so bored all he can do is watch. 
When the message finally comes through, Steve feels his stomach dropping in surprise, a small rush coursing through him. 
Unknown Number: It’s Eddie. The guy who was rude to you for no good reason? You know, the one who thought you were being an asshole just to embarrass himself in front of the hottest guy he had ever seen? 
Unknown Number: God, I sound dumb. You probably don’t remember me but it’s Eddie. 
Steve remembers. Of course he does.
Unknown Number: Anyway. I’m making it worse, aren’t I? I just wanted to apologize. I can delete your number after this, but I felt like I owed you. You didn’t do anything wrong and I was a bitch. Sorry. I’ll leave you alone now. 
Steve doesn’t want to be left alone. Without thinking he dials the number. Feels like messages aren’t the best way to handle the situation. 
“Hi,” Eddie says a little out of breath after the third ring.
“Hey,” Steve says back. There’s a smile threatening to bloom on his face because Eddie sounds flustered and Steve kind of loves it. “Sorry I called.” 
“Sorry I messaged,” Eddie says back and Steve chuckles. 
“I’m glad you did,” he says and he swears Eddie’s breath hitches. 
“I’m glad you did, too.” 
Steve had been debating whether or not to message Eddie. He’d told the story to Robin and she laughed at his expense as usual, but then she shrugged and said Steve should let it go. It wasn’t his fault the guy got played and Steve shouldn’t feel guilty. 
He didn’t. He just really couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie. 
After a beat where neither of them says anything, Steve decides to tackle the elephant in the room.
"So, uh, I'm really sorry about the whole catfish thing. I don't know why someone would be this mean."
Eddie hums on the other side of the line and Steve thinks this is it, maybe he'll offer him an excuse and hang up and actually delete his number, but Eddie surprises him. 
"It's ok, you know. I should've suspected it, honestly. There's no way someone as hot as you would be interested in someone like me."
"You keep saying that and yet I remember giving you my number anyway," Steve says playfully. 
"Yeah, 'cause you were feeling sorry for me." Eddie says back and Steve actually scoffs. 
"Well, no. I actually thought you were pretty cute," Steve shrugs even though Eddie can't see him. He's never that forthcoming but there's something about Eddie that keeps pulling him in and he just wants to see where this is going. 
"Pretty cute, huh? I'll take it."
"I can tell you what else I thought when I first saw you over… Dinner?"
Eddie's laugh fills Steve's ear and it's a glorious sound. 
"You want to take me to dinner?"
"Yeah, of course. If, you know, it's not too weird. I know I'm not the person you thought you were talking to but maybe I can be cool too."
Eddie hums again and Steve thinks he's probably debating if it is too weird. He's also oddly curious about the whole thing but he has no idea if Eddie would want to talk about it. 
"Yeah, ok. We can do dinner."
Maybe he's going to find out. 
Steve has always been good at first dates, but this thing with Eddie doesn't really feel like a first date. 
After their awkward first call and Steve asking Eddie out on a date they just started texting. A lot. Because of Steve's crazy shifts at the coffee shop and Eddie's weird hours at the bar he worked on was kind of hard to find a time for their date, but it was like neither of them was in any rush for that. 
Steve discovered he was a little obsessed with finding out things about Eddie. Like how he always dreamed about becoming a rockstar but actually loved his job at the bar and creating different drinks and just getting to meet different people all the time. He also told Steve about his uncle, who he loved with all his heart, and how his dad had disappeared from his life right after his mother died. 
Talking to Eddie was easy in a way Steve had never known with anyone else and he really enjoyed it. He particularly liked the little night time routine they created. Steve would call Eddie whenever he got home, knowing Eddie was just getting ready to go to work, and they would talk, sometimes until Steve was fast asleep in his bed and Eddie was driving to the bar. 
But after a month, Steve is itching to see him. Even if it's just so the two could talk in person, he kind of wants to look at Eddie and take notes on all the little things about him like he'd done so many times with every picture Eddie had sent his way. 
So he calls Eddie and tells him Robin finally agreed to switch shifts with him next friday so they can go out. 
Steve leaves out the part where he had to promise to do her chores at the house for a month and had to make up some story about needing to see a doctor. She hadn't been budging whenever he said he wanted to go out on a date with Eddie because she kept telling him she couldn't miss her classes just because Steve wanted to get laid so, yeah, a little lie wouldn't hurt. 
"So, Friday. It's a date?" Steve asks a little nervously on the phone. He's already showered and is laying in bed with his hair dripping wet. Too excited to talk to Eddie to bother blowing out his hair. 
Eddie hesitates. Steve hears in the way his reply takes a minute to come. In a second he second guesses everything. Maybe Eddie had been talking to him just to realize Steve really wasn't the person he thought he was talking to. Maybe Eddie-
"Steve?" Eddie asks on the phone and Steve gets brought back to reality. "Sorry. Don't overthink this…"
Too late, Steve thinks. He says, "so it's a no on the date?"
"You don't want to go on a date with me," he doesn't ask now. "It's fine, Eddie. It was worth a shot and it's fine if you realized you didn't-"
"Oh my god, will you shut up? Of course I want to go on a date with you. It's just… You know, I'm weird and messy and I talk too much and you're… You know. You."
"I'm… Nothing special."
"Now, you and I both know that's not true. I mean, you're hot. I won't lie, I started talking to you because I had never had a guy that hot talking to me and wanting something with me. But now I see you're so much more than that. I just… I don't want to disappoint you. What if you don't like me in person because I'm awkward and too skinny and talk too loudly and dress weird and-"
"Now you are overthinking this. I gave you my number and I asked you out on multiple occasions and I just… Really like talking to you. I would very much like talking to you in person over dinner. And then maybe inviting you over to my place so we could keep on talking, maybe. We could, uh… You know, fall asleep on the same bed for once."
Wow. Steve has no idea where all of that came from but he realizes he means it. 
Eddie's voice comes out a little strangled when he speaks, "Just sleep?"
Steve coughs, feels himself blushing. What is up with all that? Why is he suddenly acting like a high schooler? 
"So is that a yes on the date?"
"Yes, Steve. That's a yes on the date."
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﴾ out of the blue, part one.
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pairing: lee felix x f!reader, part two
genre: one-shot, idol au, smut
word count: 5,3k
warnings: dry humping ⋆ unprotected sex ⋆ switch!felix and switch!reader ⋆ oral (m. receiving) ⋆ hair pulling ⋆ ass slapping ⋆ fingering (f. receiving) ⋆ cowgirl!position ⋆ ass up, face down!position ⋆ slight voyeurism ⋆ creampie
summary: it is you boyfriend’s birthday and you decided to let him unwrap his gift a little sooner…
Another minute passed by, watching your boyfriend click away on his computer. Surely this wasn’t your favorite way of how to spend your time but you just couldn’t say no to his pretty face. You never minded when Felix played, you quite enjoyed it actually and sometimes he would let you play with him also. However today was a special day, it’s supposed to be to him anyway. It was his birthday and he spend almost the whole day playing on his computer because of some bonus you get only on your birthday. You weren’t opposed to it at first but one hour turned into two and now it was pushing to the third. Does he even know he has been playing this long?
You laughed slightly at one of his outburst or the way he got so constrained, it was cute. But it was already too much for you. You wanted to maybe go somewhere or something but if he prefers to stay at home, so be it but not with you watching him play from your lonely, cold bed. Not to mentioned you felt unseen. It was a little silly, he was literally playing with you right behind him on his bed and you shouldn’t feel like you need to have his validation. It was probably because of the lack of sex.
It wasn’t like it was horrible or anything like that, you two actually sometimes got a little carried away and horny in the most unsuitable of places but it wasn’t all too common experience these days. Felix is simply too busy preparing for a new comeback with the other guys and he would always arrive home at the early hours of the morning. When you heard he had the whole weekend free, you heart flutter at the thought of spending it with him and finally getting to feel him again after so long.
You desperately wanted to be mad at him right now but you just couldn’t, because he is sometimes an air head, oblivious. Your body rolled around in the bed in boredom. You didn’t want to scroll through your phone anymore, you just want your boyfriend. Your godly boyfriend with his lovely, dreamy face and hard body and his pretty hands and those luscious lips—
A long sighs leaves you, dreamingly but Felix didn’t seem to notice your change of mood, so you sighed again and again till he finally turned his head slightly to your direction. Not too long for him to loose his focus or for you to feel wanted. “I’m almost done, baby”
“You already said that like an hour ago.” You whine out, not caring if you sounded desperate, watching Felix attention completely plastered on the monitor. You almost wanted to throw a tantrum again before an idea popped into your head. Well, it wasn’t like you haven’t planned it to give to him this evening but seeing him so clearly in his world right now, you simply couldn’t miss the opportunity to surprise him even more.
You rolled out of the bed, walking to the small bag at the corner of the room. It was hidden behind a wardrobe and lucky for you Felix didn’t seem to notice your moving around. You grab it, hiding it quickly behind your back before making your way to the bathroom. As you get there, you give your boyfriend a one last look before closing the door and locking it. It would be a shame to spoil his own surprise.
Clothes fall down on the bathroom floor, opening up the bag with your face slightly flooding with heat. There were many times when you almost bought something like this but anything in the big malls wasn’t anything special and also—too slutty for your taste. You wanted something cute, so subtle that it would make you feel and look more desirable than any other strappy lingerie on the market. Everyone knew about his obsession with cute things as he was one himself but you waited a long time till you found something perfect and more precisely in his favorite color. Since you bought it that baby blue material of the baby doll made you all giddy inside every time you would thought about wearing it for him. Something about buying and then wearing something like this for your partner felt so intimate and you hope that he will like it as much as you do. You suddenly become weary about how you look when you glanced at your reflection.
The lacy cups of the top fit you snuggly, from there a pretty blue tulle fell down to your waist. Pulling up the bottom of it, you twirled around to look at the white and blue, lace panties that compliment the details of the whole piece. It was so pretty that it made you slightly insecure about your bare face and unmade hair. You still could hear the soft clicking of his keyboard from behind the closed door, giving you a signal that you still have time to do something about that.
You don’t even know how long you spend in the bathroom doing your make up and hair but it surely couldn’t be any longer than you oogling yourself in the mirror. You don’t think you have ever felt this pretty. You obviously can’t mentioned the times when those words fell from your boyfriend’s mouth but it felt even better when you thought of yourself like that. Your makeup was kept light, cheeks softly blushed and in the same color as your lips with some light pink eyeshadow and glitter that made your eyes pop. You even got to do your hair quite nicely. You trailed your hands over your body, giving yourself a one last look before departing from your little hide out.
When you walk out you had to grin at the back of Felix’s head which was still turned to his computer. You kept your footsteps light, not like it could disturb him from his consecration. Your feet stopped just few steps away from him, playing with your fingers behind your back as you suddenly become nervous. “Felix….Felix-“
“Baby, I promise I’m almost–“ His sentence was left unfinished as he turned around.
His eyes became so wide that you feared they would pope out of their sockets. He turned his body fully to your direction in his chair, looking down at your body with mouth open. “Holy shit–“ He groans, head falling slightly back on the headrest, his game now completely forgotten. “Fuck–“ Felix rambles on, his hands forming into fists as his warm brown eyes stop at your pushed up breast.
You didn’t know how to take his reaction as the room was only left in silence after that. Your smile slightly fell as his eyes were completely unmoving from your figure. Did he not like it? Did he not like your body? It is quite a while since he last seen you like this but he always made you feel so good about your body, couple of times even mentioning how he wanted to be inside you every day if possible because it made him feel so close to you…So why was he so quiet right now?
You sway slightly on your feet, looking away from his seating figure. “Do you like it?” You said, wondering, voice small.
At the question he seem to blink away from whatever trance he was. Felix breathed out like you were crazy for even questioning it. “Do I like it?” He repeated your words, looking into your eyes, his eyes even darker than before. “I love it baby. Fuck, I love it so much.” You smiled at his words, hearing the genuine tone in them and you couldn’t help but shiver at his low voice. “Come here.” He said, patting his lap. He doesn’t have to ask you twice.
You fall into his lap, arms at the back of his head, giving him his own personal pillow with the palms of your hands. The moment you sat onto his lap, you both sighed out at the close proximity. You both needed this so bad. His hands pull away a strand of your hair away from your face, him noticing the make up you put on just for him. God, if he wasn’t rock hard from the moment he saw you, he would be surely now because of the fact you did all of this just for him. “How are you so pretty…” You sniffled a giggle at that, all worries flying out of the window.
You didn’t answer because firstly you didn’t know how and secondly because he suddenly grabbed your ass, pinching it between his fingers. You moan softly into his neck at his touch, it almost felt like the first time you two were together. You already could feel your wetness soaking through the front of your new panties. His fingers folded the meat of your cheeks so hard that there will be certainly marks after but you didn’t care about that. One of his hands then trail over your body to your cheekbone while the other fell into the dip of your waist. “You’re so pretty, Y/N.” He complimented you again, looking lovingly into your eyes. “My pretty girl.” His lips fell onto yours, firstly gently but it didn’t take long before his intention became rough.
You both moaned every time either of you would part your lips for a quick breath, teeth almost clashing together at the pace. “Pretty girl, my pretty girl-“ He would say between kisses, hands grasping all over your body, your mind only being filled with him and him only. “Say it-“ Felix groaned, pulling away from your lips but before you could whine in process his mouth was on your neck next. “Say that you’re my pretty girl.”
You hiss as his teeth nibbled at your sweet spot, it was all so much that you again almost forgot to response. “I’m yours, I’m your pretty girl..” And you were. He always made you feel like it, there wasn’t anyone who could make your heart beat like this.
He licks the side of your neck slowly before his lips graze over your ear. “That’s right.” His voice made your whole body vibrate. Both of his hands than fell onto your ass again, a loud smack! echoing in the room. You whimper at the delicious sting, him moaning with you before his hands started to rock you back and forth on his lap. You don’t think you have ever heard him make sounds like that. Every time you would roll your hips over the buldge in his sweatpants, he would release a whimper, almost like a cry in pain. You couldn’t help yourself but to enjoy the power you had over him right now. Maybe you should wear something like this more often?
Your clit is probably all puffy from how hard you are rolling over your boyfriend’s cock. Your juices were already putting a huge stain on the material of his sweatpants but that wasn’t relevant right now. The most important thing was how much Felix seems to be enjoying this. His eyes would open and then close again, like he was trying so desperately to keep them open and watch your body covered in favorite color and the way your tits bounce with your movements. Sweat was forming at his forehead that was put against yours and when a sob rings in the air, you momentarily stop your movements in small concern.
“No! Fuck don’t stop.” He suddenly woke up from his immense pleasure to look at you pleadingly. Your breathing was heavy from the heat of the moment, gasping at his tear stained eyes. Always— when it was too much for him he would cry but not like this when you were only just humping each other. You wish you could take a picture and then post it so others could see how pretty, how ruined he looked right now. Your sudden stop in movements, made him pathetically raise his hips to meet yours in despair. “Please, I was so–“ Felix doesn’t finish, slighty embarrassed at his own words, cheeks, neck and ears completely red.
You gave him a small peck on his pouty lips, pulling his long blonde hair away from his sweaty skin. “Shhh, what do you want, Lixie? Tell me…” His glassy eyes pull you closer, hugging your body closer to his chest if even possible.
“Can I eat you out?”
You laughed at his words, him only grumbling back in response. You smoothen down his hair again before pulling his head from you chest to make him look at you. Gosh, he really is an angel. You loved the way he could have you completely at his mercy as well as also giving up all control every once in while. “It’s your birthday, baby. Let me take care of you.”
He sighed in annoyance, head banging into his headrest. “Yes, it is, so let me eat you out. Please, I want to taste you so bad.” The way he says it, kissing all over your neck and groping at your breast…it almost made you give in but you did held your ground.
He whined out at your words and even more as you pulled away from him, standing up to your wobbly feet. Before he could whine like the baby he is any longer, his mood changes back to desperation as you sink down to your knees before him. He couldn’t help but gulp as your hands trailed teasingly over his thighs, your pretty nails that he exceptionally payed for you every time you would get them done, scrape hard enough that he could feel them on his skin. This was all torture for him. Not being able to get his hands own you, licking up all your sweetness and now you’re teasing him? He thinks that you enjoy seeing him like this a little more than you would like to admit.
To his relief your fingers finally trailed over the hem of his sweats. He fights the shiver at your soft touch, hands trailing over his happy trail to his abs. You once mentioned how you would love to lick whip cream from them…maybe for your birthday…You then tug at the material of his sweatpants, him helping you take them off, throwing them somewhere in the room and leaving him just in his underwear. A smile forms on your lips and he didn’t like that. He knew that smile and the way you look good enough to eat made it even harder, made him even harder.
Your lips left kisses on his milky thighs, muscles jumping at the almost ticklish sensation. Felix felt like crying and how could he not? He had the prettiest girl on his knees right now but she is only being mean to him. He felt how much he was leaking from his tip and if he would look down he could see you almost drooling on the obvious outline of his dick in his boxers. Felix was too occupied with not just giving himself fully to you, not because he doesn’t want to but because he still wanted to fuck you senseless into the mattress later.
Mouthing at his cock through his underwear nextly, made him groaned loudly, the sound ringing in both of yours ears. The yummy, salty taste hit your tongue, immediately sucking harder at where his tip was, the wet spot growing even larger. “P-please, I can’t take this-“ The blonde said, bottom lip quivering, looking down at your lust filled eyes.
You to his surprise, actually showed him mercy, finally pulling down his ruined underwear. His cock slapped against his stomach which was left revealed from your hungry hands and to your delight he pull his shirt over his head. You sometimes wonder how you got so lucky but he thought the same thing about you — guess you’re both lucky. You become hungry too at the thought of something more, already having enough of your own teasing. After so long you finally have him…maybe this will show him to give it to you more often.
You grab him at the base, the simple touch making him sigh in relief, body slumping in his chair. The tip of his cock was all red, leaking cum every time you would swipe your thumb over it. Felix jump at the sensitivity, not expecting it, whimper falling out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Another thing that you love about him was how he sounded, how loud he was and how he could get so whiny and also so deep, sighing at your every touch. He loves that you don’t mind him being so loud. Getting some of his precum, you then start to slowly jerk him off, pussy fluttering at his sinful noises. He has to put them in a song some day but you pride in the fact that you were the only one hearing him, making him sound like this.
You get him wet enough for you to jerk his tip easily, the wet sounds making him blush in embarrassment before it quickly fade away as your tongue lick from the base to the top. You repeated that few times, keeping your hand on his tip before you switch it with your lips and you have to moan at his taste. He already looked like a total wreck and you had to pat yourself on the back, he was completely at your mercy or so you thought…
You gag, choking on his cock as his hips buckle harshly. You immediately pull away, as you basically swallowed him whole at one go. Grabbing his cock again, you squeeze it tightly, not enough to hurt but enough to make him sob out. “Shit, sorry…your mouth is just s-so g-good.” He really did look sorry, but it wasn’t like you haven’t let him fuck your mouth before but this is the first time seeing him so inpatient. “Just please, please–Oh! Fuck!”
You went to silence him by sucking hard on his tip, slurping him all up before slowly going more down on him. Your head bobbed up and down, hand jerking off what you couldn’t fit. Now? He sounded like a slut, his hard abdomen tensing up, hand pulling your styled hair between his fingers. You look up at him when he tugged at the root, teary eyes almost not seeing his, his other hand wiping away your tears shakily. Even in these moments he is being so sweet to you and your underwear was definitely see through at this point. Your hand starts to cramp, making you take a deep breath with your nose before taking him all done your throat.
He groaned as he hit the back of your throat, keeping you there for moment and then going to pull you back up but to his surprise you gave him a look back, keeping him fully on your tongue as one of your hands came to his balls. You knew how much he like that, every time you did that his mind went black and the way you were swallowing him whole was already all too much for him. You start to move your mouth again, hand still fondling his balls. By his sounds you know he is close, he always becomes quiet, sighing shortly like gasping for air.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cuuum-“ You were suddenly pulled back by your hair from his cock, both of you gasping out at the lost of contact. A drool connect your red lips to his cock before breaking, feeling your mascara smearing under your eyes from your tears. You don’t even know who might look more ruined at this point. Your eyes fell to his cock, covered in your spit, shining in the light and twitching against his stomach.
You were pulled to your feet, legs wobbling slightly but your boyfriend was there to caught you before he throws you down on the bed. “You’re gonna be the death of me someday.” Felix laughed breathlessly and you couldn’t help but too, pulling him down on top of you to kiss him.
He moaned at the taste of himself on your tongue, straighting his back to take again a better look at you. Bottom lip pulled between his teeth he pulls your legs apart, eyes widening at your thighs soaked in your wetness and more on the filthy material covering your cunt. “You’re the best present ever, baby.” You pull your hands to your face as he then swiped his fingers over you through the underwear. It almost hurt how much you wanted him right now.
“Then…aren’t you going to unwrap it?” You said, sighing out when he pulled your panties to the side.
“You wouldn’t mind keeping this on?” He asked looking up at you briefly before his eyes go back to your glistening pussy. It didn’t even sound like you had a choice. “I like how you’re all dolled up for me.” You nod, wordless as you are finally getting his touch after so long.
He dip his fingers between your swollen lips, smearing your wetness over your twitching clit. You don’t know if it was because he hadn’t touched you in so long but you already felt like cumming. Your hips buckle as he started to circle the bundle of nerves, pressing hard on it, just how you like it. He wasn’t looking much better. Breathing heavily at the sight before him and at your every little sound. Your nails scrape at his flushed, freckled skin when he travels his other hand to your entrance.
Felix pressed his finger inside of you, moaning at the way you suck him right in. He thought you needed some stretching out but you were so wet that he slipped another of his fingers right in. Your boyfriend didn’t have the longest fingers but they were quick and so precise at targeting that one plushy spot—“Fuck, Felix-“ You gasp out as he curled his fingers just right, whole body trembling as he started to quicken his movements.
He shut you up with his mouth, fucking his tongue inside your mouth. Moaning with you at the wet sounds of your hungry cunt, biting down on your bottom lip. No words were exchanged, only just sighing in to each other’s mouths. He rutted against your thigh, hot and heavy and just the thought of having him inside you made you closer. The way how he is so good at everything was beyond you. “I’m close.” You rasp out, grabbing at his shoulder tightly as the familiar feeling starts to bubble inside your lower tummy.
Felix pulls away to look at you fully, making you quiver at his dark look and bitten lips. “Yeah? Come on baby.” He whispered filthily, voice deep, his other hand now rubbing tight circles on your clit. “Cum for me…” You let out a long drawn moan, whole body shaking, legs clasping around his hips to pull him even closer to you. Your release completely flooded his hands, soaking the sheets with your mind blowing orgasm.
Your ears ring as your head slumps onto the sheets. It’s been so long that you already felt worn out but your boyfriend had a whole different idea. He kissed you hungrily, brushing your hair lovingly, his hands all sticky from you and looking at you like you hanged the moon but you know you probably look like a complete mess. Your mind comes back to you at the touch of his cock just below your pussy. “Ride me baby, come on.” The blonde groans out, pulling you up. “It’s my birthday after all.” You let out a small laugh, a little exhausted but you couldn’t miss the opportunity to ride him.
As he got comfortable on the bed, you smoothen down your wild hair and the straps of your babydoll that keep sliding down. He literally made you cum so hard that you could hardly think straight and now he was looking at you so innocently and all naked, waiting for you. He really is the devil in disguise. Felix pats his thighs at you in expectation, smiling at you sweetly, it made your heart melt and your cunt gush.
You put your legs at each side of his hips, balancing yourself with your hand on his abs while the other grabbed his cock. The hands on your thighs tightened as his tip glides along your pussy and you couldn’t help but sigh out in bliss as you slowly lowered yourself on him. The stretch was even more delicious than you remembered. He was literally made for you.
The room was only filled with your noises of pleasure and your skins slapping against each other. You really are trying to give it all to him hard but every time you would swallow him whole, your legs would shake wildly at the pleasure. He watched with big eyes your bouncing tits that were spilling out from your top and then looking back at your blissful face. “S-so good.” The blonde shuttered, hands groping at your tits, thumbs trailing over your exposed, hard nipples. “S-so fucking good to me.”
You moaned in agreement, breathing heavily. Your legs scream at you but it was too good to stop. “Please-“ You pleaded, eyes glassy, looking down at him. “Please, fuck me hard Felix, I-I need it–“
He surprises you with his change of demeanor but you did ask for it. He grabs your hips, pulling out of you and manhandling you on to your tummy. A puff of air comes from you, arching your back, almost like in a muscle memory and putting your ass high enough for him to slide right in. The change of positions made him go even deeper, every snap of his hips hitting the small spot inside you. You are already drooling on the bed, brain dead at the way he is fucking you. “You look so good like this, fuck–“ More curses fly from his full lips, you whimpering back at him. A nasty slap rings in the air as his hand meets your right cheek, your skin jiggling by the impact. It only made him go faster.
Felix always fucks hard but there is also the undertone of his undying love for you. “Wish I could take a picture.” He said, between each trust. He grasp you by your hair, pulling your head up enough to see your fuckout state and whisper in your ear. “Fuck, I do wish I could show them how good you’re taking me, would you like that?” He hummed. You don’t know what to say to that as you are far too gone and also you don’t know what you should answer at such question.
At your lack of answer he pulls your hair harder but still not hard enough to hurt you but you could feel your scalp burn slightly. “Answer me.” He said, almost hissing out, you are just in shock by his words. “You’re not listening, too cock drunk to even think huh? I know how much you would enjoy them seeing you like this but you will always be mine–“
“Yes!” You moaned loudly at one particular angle of his thrusts that hit your spot perfectly. “I’m yours.” He pulled you into a messy kiss, his own hips shuttering against your ass. Your mixed drool fall down your chins, whining loudly. It doesn’t take long for him to go quiet again, eyebrows furrowed and your eyes roll back into your head, cumming for the second time but now finally on his cock. He whimpers at your walls squeezing around him, hips stilling before you could feel his cum spilling inside of you.
You both in exhaustion fell over, his softening cock still twitching inside of you as well as your cunt sucking him dry. Felix presses small kisses on your sweaty shoulder, feeling a smile on your skin and you couldn’t help but to pull him into a kiss. You two layed there like this for a while before he pulls out of you, you whining at the lost of contact. “I’ll be right back.” Felix said, kissing your head and walking away to the bathroom.
He comes back shortly with a cloth for you to wash yourself as you are too exhausted to move. You sit up to take it from him but he beats you to it, wiping carefully his leaking cum out of you. He is such a sweetheart. Smiling wildly he finally falls back on the bed after cleaning you up. “How did you like your present?” You grinned at him as he played with the blue tulle of your baby doll.
“I love it.” He said, glancing up at you to meet your eyes. “Maybe we could do it more often?” You two laughed at his words.
You can’t help but to wonder back at his words. What did he mean by letting his band members seeing you like this? You are not blind, all of his friends are attractive but would he really not mind sharing you? Or was it just the heat of the moment? Well it did made you hot all over and if he didn’t like that idea he wouldn’t say it, right?
You sit up, looking down at him. “I bought some of those small cakes you like so much.”
He gasps at your words, eyes twinkling. “Gosh, you really are the best girlfriend ever!” He exclaimed, pulling you down for a hug, making you sniffle a laugh into his chest.
You pull away from him, again. “I should get dressed.” You said, pulling yourself from the bed.
He at that stops pulling his t-shirt over his head. “No, keep it!” You raised an eyebrow at him and he pouts back at you with a pointed look. “It’s my birthday!” Rolling you eyes, you nod pulling him out of the room with you but he was still quick enough to smack you across your ass, a squeal coming out of you as he only laughed back at your reaction.
You walk into your kitchen that is joined with your living room but you would’ve never guessed someone already sitting at your couch. And not just someone…your boyfriend’s friends that were just a second ago mentioned while you two were fucking. “Are you guys done? I thought the roof would come down from how much you two were fucking.” Said Minho, making you both gasp.
You stood there in shock and you weren’t the only one as all eyes fell on you. You suddenly become aware of your state, pulling down the bottom of your babydoll but it only made your breast spill out from the top. You meet briefly the eyes of the youngest who quickly look away with wide eyes and then your eyes meet your boyfriend’s best friend who actually has no intention of looking away like his other friend. “Want us to joy or something?” Snickers Seungmin, some of the guys joining him but you couldn’t help but notice the obvious blush on his neck.
It wakes you up from your shock, quickly twirling around to go back to your bedroom but now your whole ass is basically out for anyone to see. You swear you heard some of them groan. A hand around your wrist however stops you from running away in embarrassment. You turn your head to meet the puppy dog eyes of your boyfriend. “Can we baby? Please, it’s my birthday but only if you want to...” You suddenly remember that his friends really were supposed to come over and celebrate with you both…was this actually his plan all along?
You shiver at his words, eyes flickering to the others who look at you hungrily. How could you possibly not say yes?
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kanmom51 · 26 days
Jikook in bed - Part 3
Are you sure?! Episodes 4 and 5
Before we get started, a little reminder of parts 1 & 2.
Let me start by saying that the occurrences in this post directly follow the whole ramen convo saga.
After speaking ramen and showering (notice how I haven't added the word "separately" there?🤣 ), and spending some time together downstairs all cozy and everything, they both decide to go to bed.
Let's talk about the pre-sleep coziness for a sec before moving on.
Watching the SNTY choreo and talking about it. JM loving the choreo.
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Nothing new here folks.
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We also got to learn, once again, just how 'informed' they are of each other's business. That's a nice way of saying they know shit about each other even if we don't tell us they do. Like, JM knowing that JK hasn't slept since NY, including on the flight. And if we're on the sleep talk already then funny how JK didn't know his 'husband' 'is struggling with sleeping lately.
And then, as we got to learn throughout the show, the two, once again, make a joint decision to go to bed.
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Enough of that.
Let's get to the juicy part of this post, why don't we?
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We start it off the two entangled.
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JK has zero issue with JM's feet basically in his face.
Well, he did say JM's toes are cute, so...
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Do we notice how JK goes for JM's ankle?
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Now holding on to JM's foot with both hands (his mobile in his left hand).
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And then letting go.
Reminded me of this moment.
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And this one too.
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JM going for the hug and JK pulling his hand in.
And they stay like that.
We don't know for just how long.
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Discussing sleeping together.
It's not about "are you sleeping with me here?" or "where are you sleeping?"
It's "don't hit my nose today... if you do I'll hit you too..."
No questions asked.
Just facts!!!
How long were they just laying like that, calm, intertwined, BEING?
And they clearly do fall asleep together both laying over the covers.
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The editors making sure to let us know that the two were sleeping on that one bed.
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That angle of the lone empty third bed. Was it really necessary?
But you'll say: JK moved at some point to the third bed. Yes he did. And why? He already fell asleep on the bed with JM.
There is a purposeful omitting of JK waking up and moving to the third bed. They cameras were rolling, and they clearly could have shown us what happened. Makes you wonder why they didn't show us.
My uneducated guess would be that he moved to the bed on the floor because he was cold at night, and didn't want to wake up JM (they fell asleep over the covers and getting under the cover might have woken JM up). We do see JK covered in the morning. A guess, no more.
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That was night 1 of Jeju.
Night 2 is a little different. This time they automatically split into 2 beds. Question I ask is why? Were they told to? Did they think it was better that way?
Either way, we see how JK insists on taking the bed on the floor.
And no, that flimsy excuse of preferring the less soft bed doesn't stand with me. I'm going to go with JK not wanting JM to sleep on the floor. Where Tae was supposed to be sleeping, btw. Funny how that worked out...
And yes, they didn't share a bed for the night, but JM sure couldn't go without his morning cuddles.
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Notice how we never see JM getting up? We have zero idea just how much time they lay on JK like that cuddling him. Sob sob. I'm going to go with it not being short lived, which is why they cut the footage.
Ok, so that basically wraps up the 4 nights. 2 in CT (the actual night they spent together in bed the whole night we got zero footage of) and 2 in Jeju.
But how can I end this post without JM's wake up alarm for JK? Waking up is still about bed, right?
When I first saw this I didn't get what was going on... and why JM thought it was so funny.
Well, until I saw this.
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Those two...
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lacy-oh-lacy · 11 months
Jennifer Check・゚: *✧・゚
N|SFW Alphabet
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Jennifer's Body Masterlist | Main Masterlist
CW: Fem!Reader, Dom!Jennifer, mentions of Jennifer killing
Jennifer may be known for her selfishness but that doesn’t mean she’s lax with her aftercare. Even bloodthirsty demons like doing cute girlfriendy shit sometimes and right after sex is when she’s most comfortable with cuddling and showering you in compliments. You better be the same way because she’s not gonna tolerate a girlfriend that’ll leave right after sex.
Body part
On herself: She actually has some pretty serious self-image issues. On a bad day she doesn’t like any part of herself. The rest of the time she’s so used to being sexualised that she’d default to choosing her boobs or something.
On you: She’s also used to sexualising you so she’d also say something like your chest, or perhaps your fingers.
Jennifer used to be a lot more grossed out by bodily fluids but after eating multiple people she doesn’t mind them so much. In fact seeing her cum on you triggers something possessive in her and really gets her going.
Dirty secret
Nah. Jennifer is straightforward to a fault about all the dirty little thoughts she has about you.
Jennifer is very experienced and proud of it. Sure aside from experimenting with Needy most of that has been with boys, but she’s had enough experience with her own body to get the idea, plus she’s a natural at figuring out what makes her partner tick.
Favorite position 
She likes positions where she can hump you so either scissoring or straddling you at just the right angle. She actually also presses you against the wall a lot and makes you cum standing up.
She doesn’t try to be but the way Jennifer words a lot of things is just comedy gold and you have a hard time not cracking up. When it comes to you she actually takes sex quite seriously so even though it’s not a dealbreaker she will get frustrated if you often joke around during it.
Obviously she keeps her hair perfectly maintained. As for you sometimes she prefers you have a bush, sometimes she prefers you hairless, it depends on her mood and fluctuates so much that she doesn’t bother suggesting one or the other.
During sex Jennifer tends to aim for hot rather than romantic. She doesn’t reject intimacy but it has to be initiated by you, but be careful because if you’re too sappy she will make fun of you once you’re done, even though she doesn’t really mind it.
Jack off
When she’s in a relationship Jennifer would much rather her partner take care of her needs. She’ll do it if you’re really not in the mood but begrudgingly.
She’s not that kinky but she does really get off on dominating you. Knowing you’re at her mercy and will do anything she wants so she’ll let you come, knowing that no matter how mean she plays you’ll still be just as eager and desperate for her… it’s exhilarating.
She mostly opts for the bedroom because it’s where you can last the longest and the loudest, but she’s also a huge fan of hidden-public sex. She loves pulling you into the janitor’s closet or fingering you under a table, making you worry that you’re gonna get caught is a turn on for her.
She has a high sex drive. A lot of the time she’s just in the mood inexplicably. If not, seeing you flustered or in a hotter outfit than usual is a quick way to get her going.
Things like cnc or being tied up bring back bad memories so they’re out. She’s also very possessive and jealous so anything that involves a third person is off the table.
She’s happy to give it, she loves being in total control of your pleasure after all, but she is a pillow princess at heart so she expects lots of reciprocating.
She’s usually pretty fast and rough but sometimes she’s in a more sweet and loving mood and slows things down.
Oh she’s so into them. Most days she can’t see you without pulling you somewhere semi-private and finger blasting you so quickly you feel like you’re on fire.
As mentioned above she’s into hidden-public sex. Honestly even if you get caught she’ll just laugh it off and continue as soon as she can.
She’s literally a supernatural creature, she could go all night and never lose momentum if she didn’t have your delicate human form to consider. You two definitely push your body’s limits sometimes though.
She’ll gladly fuck you with a strap on from time to time but honestly Jennifer prefers using her hands and mouth to get you off more than any kind of toy. It’s kind of an ego thing and also something she’s very good at. She’s a lot more accepting of you using toys on her though so you guys do own a few.
She’s such a tease, she loves touching you suggestively and saying lewd things to fluster you and then just walking off. You’re so lucky that she doesn’t have the patience to draw out foreplay for too long because you’d be edged mercilessly if she did.
She’s very vocal, sometimes exaggerating. Between her loud moans she likes to talk dirty and expects you to respond in kind. Her favorite sound from you is definitely whimpering.
Jennifer tends to get especially worked up after feeding. Usually she washes up before seeing you but there have been times she’s tried to seduce you while covered in blood. Whether or not that works depends on how much of a freak you are.
Jennifer has a famously wonderful body that she likes to dress up in pretty underwear sets or occasionally lingerie for your time together.
As a human Jennifer had a high sex drive and obviously becoming a literal succubus didn’t cool her off any. She’s seriously almost always in the mood.
Jennifer doesn’t like going to sleep after, she’d much rather stay awake and spend some quality time together. A bonus being that you could have another round at any time.
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kzpearce · 1 year
ft. zhongli, xiao, kaeya, baizhu, itto, albedo, cyno, dainsleif.
author's note. here they are as promised!! they're clean on this part! still gender neutral reader (i tried to keep it as much as possible.) i want to thank everyone of you for more than 2k notes on my first half THAT REALLY BLEW UP!! i hoped everything they want were included here! i wouldn't be making part three anymore sadly ;( I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL MWAAAAH
just in case you want to see the part one!
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– zhongli
when the child hugged him, his eyes widened. “..dear, i promise you, this is not my child—” he said, wanting to make things clear up for you so that you won’t overthink. 
“hey, zhongli,” you rested your palm on his cheeks to make him look up to you. “it’s okay. i know that and i trust you, okay?”
zhongli smiled. this is one of the main reasons why he loves you. you’re so understanding and seem to be so perfect for him, as if he doesn’t deserve you. zhongli kissed you on your lips despite the child looking at the two of you.
“i love you,” he said. 
“i love you more.” you smiled. “now we go find the child’s parents, okay?” 
– xiao
xiao’s jaw dropped when the little girl hugged him tightly with a cute smile carved on her lips. 
“oh? i thought you don’t like mortals?” you jokingly made your tone serious. “i didn’t know that your dislikes with mortals would make you come inside someone else’s womb?”
“b–but i also have a clear memory and i haven’t done whatever you’re saying—come inside someone else’s womb.” he defended himself, still quite flustered because he got somewhat overwhelmed.
you giggled. “i’m joking, xiao. but you haven’t had…” your mouth mouthed sex, trying to control your language in front of the kid. “with someone..?” you whispered.
“shut it, (y/n).” his face reddened, and you proceeded laughing at him yet found him adorable.
– kaeya
“you–” you tilted your head in confusion. you knew kaeya loved you so much, and he proved it to you that you’re his everything. let’s say you were having trust issues (just quite) when you saw the little girl hugging him tightly.
“there is no actual way that she’s your daughter.” you continued your sentence.
“she is,” kaeya said, looking at the cute little girl. “in fact, she’s my third daughter.”
you also knew that kaeya was a man who tells RIDICULOUS jokes. you glared at him—not just glared—death glare would fit nicely.
“i’m joking, darling.” he kissed the side of your forehead. “you know i couldn’t do that. i love you.”
your lips curved into a smile. you’re very down bad to him, and it’s making you insane.
– baizhu
“dear,” he looked at you sadly, afraid that you might get clouded with your emotions, and you would misunderstand it. “it’s not what you think—”
you smiled, making baizhu’s stomach drop. “i know, i know.” you kissed his head to assure him that you wouldn’t think anything differently.
“i want you to explain this, though..” you added, slightly with a frown.
“i’ve never experienced this until now,” he sighed. “this little girl must be lost and i might look like her dad.”
you smiled. “okay. we’ll look for her parents together.”
his facial expression softened at your retort. you had no idea how much baizhu felt you’re an angel coming from the heavens. he kissed you on your forehead. “alright. i love you.”
– itto
“eh—” his face reddened when the little girl clinged to him. “d-do i look like a father—?”
you shrugged, trying not to laugh.
“are you mad?” he asked. itto didn’t want to show his face. it hinted at a slight terrified look. he didn’t want to lose you.
you shrugged again, refusing to reply.
“t—this is not mine! i—i swear!” he stammered. the panic in his face started to be visible. “i—i don’t even remember liking someone else…”
“i was just joking. of course i trust you.” you laughed, kissing his cheek. he blinked rapidly as his face became redder and redder. 
oh, he looked so cute.
– albedo
“whose child is this?” albedo asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 
you blinked. “shouldn't i be the one asking? the little girl called you her daddy.”
albedo shrugged. “don’t remember having sexual intercourse with someone else.”
you sighed. you were kinda expecting albedo to give you slight affection just to prove that he wouldn’t do anything like this with someone else, and he only liked you. well… this is albedo for you.
“okay.” you slightly frowned. “let’s find her parents.” 
albedo looked at you, inserted you with a soft smile. “i love you. i hope that clears your mind.”
albedo also knew how to read someone else’s mind. 
– cyno
cyno wasn’t hugging the girl back. 
“why are you ignoring her?” you asked.
“not my child.” he deadpanned. 
“give her affection, you silly.” you laughed. 
“i ain’t going to do something that would make you mad.” he declared. “i love you but you’re kinda hard to please. it’s hard to apologize to you when you’re mad or disappointed.” 
you couldn’t help but laugh. you hugged cyno from the back and kissed his cheek. “i love you too. i’m not going mad, baby.”
cyno smiled, but he couldn’t help but sigh after. “alright.” 
– dainsleif
"too bad. if this is our little girl, she would definitely be spoiled." he sneered, kissing your cheek.
this what made you love him. he's so perfect. you love him and how he makes you calm down. you enjoyed his kiss with a smile, shutting his eyes. 
"you want babies?" you teased.
"as long as they're ours, my love." 
you smiled sweetly, kissing him on his lips. "find her parents. i'll stay here to buy the stuff you need."
"okay, love you." he smiled. dainsleif whispered something to the little girl that made the two of them wave at you as they disappeared to your sight.
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heyhoeudoin · 1 month
"I will always be by your side."
pairing: senku ishigami x fem!reader
words: 9.2k
genre/s: fluff, mystery, storytelling in the third perspective (special ep, s3, s4), slight angst
warning/s: she/her, swearing, ambiguous/not direct ending
synopsis: there is always someone next to senku, all the time.
masterlist ; loyalty built from love (part 1)
a/n: jokes on you guys, i was already writing a part two even before i got many requests for it. also, i wrote part 1 like months ago and it took months to write as well, so when i re-read it for part 2, part 1 was so ambiguously written good that even i have no idea what the hell i was going for.
also, don't be shy to give any comments, because i am reading those and i love them all <3
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anyone could tell that senku misses you
like a lot...
to the point that he mentions you
a lot...
it was rather endearing to the people around him
it's cute that senku still remains the habit of talking about you whenever you're not physically with him
yuzuriha always liked that habit of his
she will never not be bothered by it, she's used to it after all
he would always at least mention you once a day
he just loves talking about you
it's really endearing and an adorable side to the usually unaffectionate friend of hers
"the first balloon that humanity took flight in was made of hemp cloth," shared senku as gen let out an awed noise. "the one massive ordeal to overcome is..."
"right..." yuzuriha raised her hand. "you need a crap ton of cloth, don't you?" she asked with a slightly painful look on her face, already knowing the work she's going to put into.
"oh, look!" senku pointed at yuzuriha with a devilish expression. "i totally didn't realize! we've got the crafts club here!" yuzuriha jabbed a fist at his chest.
senku and kaseki then got onto the floor and bowed, performing a dogeza. "the science team will commit itself to designing the passenger basket," senku explained in a robot manner.
"we'll make any tools you need," kaseki tells her, raising his head.
"can i leave the cloth making to you? to the yuzuriha crafts team?" senku confidently asked, raising his head.
yuzuriha nods as senku stood up and the two shared a high-five. "of course you can!" she exclaimed with a peace sign.
"i could've had y/n help you with this. well actually, i think she would've helped immediately without me saying anything, but..." senku trailed off, but yuzuriha understood what he's trying to say.
she placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. "i know, senku. it's fine! i've got it handled."
later on yuzuriha asked senku and kaseki to make a loom to get things going a bit faster and easier. as she waited, senku called, "hey, it's done." she turned around expecting a simpler loom, but it was not. she let out a surprised noise, falling onto the ground. a pleasant surprise, she was given.
"was this not what you were expecting, yuzuriha-chan?" kaseki asks, a bit worried.
"we didn't have much time," says senku, looking a bit worried too. "did you want an electric one? maybe i should've. y/n would have my head seeing i didn't immediately make an electric one for you."
yuzuriha hurriedly dismissed their worry. "no! no! i appreciate it a lot!"
"they're the senku department store's first high-end products. it might be a while before they start selling," says gen, looking at the racks that held an assortment of clothes and the people that looked around the new place.
"y/n would've love this," senku absentmindedly mentions. "she would've easily volunteered for that fashion show too."
gen turned to senku as if he grew a head.
"oh, also, hand them out to anyone who works," senku then tells gen. "we have a living manifestation of greed who'll buy just about anything."
that was first time gen heard senku talk about you as if he's some clingy boyfriend that misses his girlfriend, he thought he was finally going insane in the stone world
he genuinely would have never thought that senku's the type to be like that when it comes to relationships
which was already shocking in of itself
he truly never expected to have "senku" and "relationship/boyfriend/girlfriend" in the same sentence
are you two really just boyfriend and girlfriend though?
it doesn't seem right to call you and senku, girlfriend and boyfriend
it feels like the two of you have something more
ryusui never met you
of course because when the fuck would he ever
but he has been in the same room as you a few times
people from the "rich, noble, important" families would hold these galas for the "high-class", and you attended some of them for connecting purposes
he, on the other hand, attended most of these which made it possible for him to have seen you in person a few time
though, he never dared interact with you
he only stared at you from afar in awe
it was also an added bonus that because of one of these galas, your family ended up connecting with his family through buying yachts
though, other than that, the nanami conglomerate and the l/n family has no other connection than a business one
and so when senku mentioned your name...
he didn't know what to think when senku mentioned you as if you were an old friend
and judging by chrome's reaction, it seems that the scientist has mentioned you a few times already
"we're in the sky, protected by nothing but our own skin and flesh. you don't get this kind of extravagance anywhere else," he says, looking on the horizon they are given from the air balloon. "not this unique sensation."
"yeah," senku agreed. "y/n would love to be here right now, but sucks to be her for not being here." he cackled out a laughter as chrome turned to him and gave him a light jab.
"seriously?" he deadpanned, but then got distracted by a flock of bird, flying pass the balloon. "we're with the birds!" he exclaimed.
actually, did he even refer to you as if you were an old friend?
it almost felt like he referred to you as if you were dead...
and in a manner that only a really close friend has the rights to do
ryusui didn't believe that though
i mean, how could he?
you dead?
it's ridiculous (utterly ridiculous)
he can see the reasons on why senku has survived and thrived
he also knows the reasons on why you, too, are just as capable of surviving and thriving
so where are you really?
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"it's as good as bread from a popular modern shop," senku says after taking a bite out of the stollen that francois just baked. "it'll last to the other side of the planet, and it's good as hell. a perfect food that i've been dying to have and we've got it now!"
"greed equals justice," is all what francois says.
"y/n's really missing out," senku absentmindedly called out. "she would've devoured these so fast, well, as much as her stomach can handle." he smiled fondly at the thought
gen turned to him and asked, "does she like bread that much?"
"loves them even more so than the average person," senku says with a tired expression from just thinking about it. "that girl dragged me around the globe just to have a damn bread tour."
francois wasn't sure if they had heard the scientist correctly
did senku just refer to you like you two are old friends?
a member of the most powerful family in the entirety of japan?
the eldest of the said family?
the next in line?
the hidden treasure of japan?
it was strange
they were confused on why senku would have connections to you
and judging from gen's casual follow-up question, your name has been brought up more than once by senku
but it wasn't their job to be curious and to question the lives of others
their job was to serve ryusui-sama
and for the sake of the nanami conglomerate, ishigami senku is an absolute want
minami, being the journalist she is, are one of the only few people that knows you a bit better than most
after all, she was handpicked by the l/n family to be one of the few media representation for your first ever media debut
it was groundbreaking for her career
and it also broke the entirety of japan
you had revealed then that you will not be accepting any courting, and offers of marriage because you had already found the person you'd spend your life with
no one knew who you were talking about
she remembered the massive wave of investigation happening shortly after the publication of that interview done by... everyone, really
no one ever figured it out who this person was
...or is
maybe she's the first amongst reporters to finally figure it out
"at least let me take the first picture for memory's sake!" exclaimed minami with an embarrassed expression.
"perfectly fair," voiced ukyo and gen.
ryusui laughed, raising his hand in the air. "i'm buying the photo, model rights, and all!" he declared.
minami turned to him, angry, baring teeth. "why should the first photo be yours?!"
"what are you talking about?" he asked. "it's a record of the beginning of technological civilization. it should be senku, obviously. am i right?"
senku owlishly stared at ryusui and minami.
"an exhibit at the nanami museum, representing the history of the new world." ryusui walked over to where senku stood with all the other cameras.
senku stuck a pinky into his ear. "what are you talking about?" he asked. "if anything, the first picture should be y/n." a wave of silence rose amongst the revived people. they know fully well that what senku had said was absolutely correct.
but they also know that it won't be possible right now.
the scientist sighs, breaking the silence. "it's too bad she's frozen shut right now," he mocked casually with a teasing grin.
"i think you're the only one who can joke about her like that," gen commented with a slightly awkward chuckle.
in the end, senku had the honors of being the first person photographed in the stone age, posing the famous einstein pose and minami had the honors of photographing the first picture in the stone age
but that wasn't the only thing that she got from this
she's always listening, you know? and there was one thing that stood out from the banter around her
no one in japan would have the courage, the boldness to joke around your name like senku had just did
not to your face nor behind your back
and yet senku, being the man of knowledge he is, is bold enough to do so
why is that?
was gen right?
that senku really is the only person who can joke about you like that?
since the surrender of tsukasa, there were many rumors she had heard about the two of you and it was all the same thing
that you and senku have something going on
she refuses to believe those rumors
she's a journalist—she shouldn't be believing in those rumors!
her motto is to find the truth
and the truth she will find sooner or later (when she gets the guts to ask you)
when they found the oil, obviously they had to test it out
gen was the one conducting the test drive (because he's the only one with drivers license)
then taiju dropped by, getting a whiff of that oily smell
"hey! it's the love potion," commented taiju. "are you going to give it to someone, senku?"
the people there were confused on what taiju had meant. "what are you talking about, taiju-chan?" asked gen.
"you made some for me that day, remember?" taiju says as his mind took him back to the day it all started. "so that i would have the confidence to confess to yuzuriha. you also said it worked out for you and y/n because of it. it was the last moment we had before we all got petrified."
senku ended up cackling afterwards. "i did! i said that! i told you it was a love potion! you still believe that, you meathead?! that was gasoline!"
"what?! it was?!"
"also, no way in hell would i ever use something on y/n unless she forces me in another of her batshit insane experiments," senku deadpanned. "but if you think it smells the same with no prior knowledge—"
now, gen is totally one to assume
and what senku said kind of sounded like an implication...
in both that way and a completely different way
although, if it was that way then, knowing senku, he would have never mentioned it
so it was probably an actual batshit insane thing
why does gen feel like his image of you will be changed while they're here
a small moment of reference when yo was whispering some shit to gen, pinning senku as some sort of mad lad
well, he kind of is but...
"i'm pretty sure he's wack," whispered yo to gen. both sweating.
"nah, y/n's the one who's wack between she and i. i've still got my mind intact, just barely," senku retorted, looking back at the two.
when valentines came, gen had an interesting answer to his question
"ah, valentine's day," mused gen as kohaku repeated it, confused. "yeah, events are important. for the drago—i mean, for the morale."
senku and yuzuriha went out of the laboratory, handing out the chocolates. gen turned to senku with a question in mind. "do you give chocolates to y/n-chan, senku-chan?"
senku shook his head. "nah, y/n doesn't really like them," he answered which shocked gen. "she'd rather have things that she could wear or practical gifts."
look at that
that gave a lot to gen
senku practically confirmed that he gives gifts to you!
and also does so on VALENTINES
if that's not confirmation of being a couple, he doesn't know what is
but then again...
like he had thought before, it doesn't feel like the two you are just boyfriend and girlfriends
but what other kind of relationship would still condone in the valentines romance gift giving?
shouldn't there be some kind of answers by now?
then after they took the group photo with the finished ship
senku looked a bit... down? contemplated?
it was strange to see
why would he be feeling down?
it was quite obvious as well
"are you unsatisfied about the pictures, senku?" asked minami, holding her camera.
"nah, i don't care about that," answered senku.
"then what's got you so down, senku-chan?" asked gen.
senku stared off in the direction of where the tsukasa empire was with a somber look. gen immediately understood from that alone. "take lots of pictures when y/n comes back, journalass," senku told her as he walked off towards the ship.
everyone knew that you barely had any pictures
after all, you were called the hidden treasure of japan
you probably told senku how you felt about it, and he remembers
gen thought it was sweet
minami felt herself gushing about it
when ryusui called upon the people who were needed on the expedition, it was gen's turn to come aboard.
and, to be perfectly clear, tsukasa was left behind by choice because he felt obliged to protect the kingdom of science since most of the battle team were coming along to the perseus
"uh, you don't need me, do you?" asked gen, frantically. "i've got the strength of a bean sprout."
"we don't know what kinds of enemies we're going to meet. what good is a mentalist if they aren't there when that happens, dumbass?" explained senku. "i'd have y/n instead of you if she wasn't being frozen away like a piece of salami."
the modern people felt cultural shock at the casual way of senku playing around your name, but at the same time they feel that they should get used to it.
"ah so i'm just a second choice, huh?" mused gen as he trekked up towards the ship.
"of course you are," senku answered without thinking. "it's always y/n first to me."
the crowd who watched the take off of the ship awed at the display of loyalty senku accidentally announced. gen started grinning, knowing full well that he caused senku to slip like that. senku then grimaced at what he said even thought it's true.
maybe senku should dial back a bit...
ryusui also knows now that you're very much alive somewhere in the kingdom of science
he just doesn't know why you're not physically present
also, did his ears deceive him or did senku just practically confess his feelings for you?
but it wasn't that...
judging from the way the people present cooed at his confession and how gen was smirking like he set it up on purpose
was there something else between the two of you?
this time, it was yuzuriha who shared something about you
"these kinds of people are always dying to show you the machines they tuned the hell out of," says nikki, looking sympathetic.
"they won't let you go until their done," kohaku added.
"i'll be alright!" yuzuriha clarified, making kohaku and nikki shocked. "i always sat through senku-kun's five hour rocket lectures and stuff."
"we have a veteran here!" exclaimed nikki, still looking shock with kohaku.
yuzuriha laughs at that. "if you think i'm a veteran, then y/n must be something else! she always did listen to him..." she mused with a fond smile.
senku smiled as well from that comment.
yuzuriha may not be as close to you as she is to senku, but she completely adores you!
...after getting over the fact that you're the y/n l/n
you were like... any other person, just a bit clueless in other areas
actually, you were a lot like senku in a lot of ways
it's a good portion of the reason why the two of you have the relationship that you two have grown to have
this time, gen was the one to first mention you to amaryllis
albeit in a more... implied upbringing
despite not actually knowing if you two are intertwined or not
but he's very confident that you two are
"that kind of attack isn't going to work on senku-chan," he says. "he's already married, you know?"
and then he went scummy
to which kohaku shouted and hit at him for
and then she later scolded herself after forcing a kiss on senku to save her own ass
she kneeled on the ground and slammed her head on the floor in a dogeza position, facing the direction of ishigami village. "i am sorry, y/n. i will be held responsible for this action, and i will allow you to give me whatever punishment is deemed necessary."
senku sighed, sticking a finger in his pinky, looking exasperated. "y/n's reasonable, calm down, she won't be that mad." his eyes looking far away in the same direction as if thinking of something himself for you.
while senku was making conditioner for kohaku, he mentions you
"y/n's actually been nagging me about making hair stuff for a while now," senku commented while making the hair products. "she always had this specific routine for her hair."
amaryllis didn't know who you are. "is she the one who's married to him?" she asked gen.
"yes," he answered. "y/n-chan is a very powerful person. she's probably even stronger than the strongest soldiers here on the island."
senku glanced at the implied threat gen displayed with an unamused look, but let him does so anyways. it's true, after all.
when amaryllis tried to girlie-fy the boys,
"you know, y/n would actually be impressed that you could fake being a girl like that," senku mentions, crossing his arms on his chest after washing off the makeup on his face.
"she'd probably even call you—in her words—a tall baddie." senku made a grimace as he said that.
then when the two girls and one boy dressed like a girl left, gen mentioned your name to start a conversation
"if only we have y/n-chan, huh?" gen comments.
senku shook his head. "nah, she wouldn't do that," he says. "although if she was here, she'd probably go all stealth instead."
"are they really..."
"i'm not answering any questions you have about them."
"so you do know!"
gen was inspecting the earpiece, amazed and shocked by how simple it can be done
and then, of course, senku mentions you
"it was y/n who actually taught me how to make that," senku commented. "i don't know why she bothered learning to make one when she could literally buy the best one, but she said she liked how simple and cosmetic it can be if made like this. though, i'm glad she taught it to me now because it certainly useful for this."
"of course this is y/n-chan's design, not yours," says gen, holding it up in front of him.
as senku looked through the pile of gold dust
as the pile of platinum grew
it was the first time he felt vulnerable since you had been frozen shut
he isn't one to be all emotional, but at moments like these... it really showed just how much care byakuya had for him
senku scoffs. "if y/n was here, she'd be bawling her eyes out," he says, his eyes a bit glassy himself.
"you counting seconds all that time, and your papa collecting sand for decades..." gen looked wistful. "you two are alike."
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once the team were able to make the revival fluid, the thought of reviving their stoned comrades were first in the list
senku ordered kohaku to cleanly cut the greedy captain when given the chance
afterwards, ryusui's stone parts were delivered to them
"i've always known you're ridiculously rational, but... but still you're practically psycho at this point!" screamed gen after figuring out what's happening.
senku shook his head with a smirk. "nah, y/n's the psycho one between us," he corrected. "if she was given parts like these, she'd be experimenting, mix-and-matching them. i'd be the only one to get her to stop."
"every time you say things about y/n-chan that she's a psycho and all, it ruins the image i have of her and i can't help but not believe you," gen bluntly replied. "except you're the only one that knows who she really is, so i have to believe you."
senku cackled.
when kohaku was fighting against moz, all she could think about was how he's nothing compared to you
"i like strong girls, too, as long as they have a pretty face," he says as he took out the machete out of his weapon. "what kind of men do you like, kohaku-chan? how about me? i'm strong as hell."
the girl let out a sigh, then tied her hair up to her usual ponytail while crouching down. "strength is strength of mind," she states, making him slightly confused. "to be able to continue hammering a wedge for as long as it takes to carry out one's will. that's the kind of person i'm drawn to."
her pose changed to a battle stance. "well~ this is a problem, moz. you seem to be the exact opposite," she tells him. "and compared to him?" she scoffs. "actually, compared to her? you're nothing. literally. she's stronger than both of us combined, actually, stronger than anyone else on this island."
"i don't know who you're referring to, but you're cute, kohaku-chan. just not cute enough though."
did kohaku just imply something
maybe come out of the closet?
maybe not
who knows
but she really wasn't lying
moz really is nothing compared to the people she admires and respects the most
as the parts of the gun was laid out on the table, the people from the 21st century had recognized it
of course they did, after all,
"this is what made men and women, young and old, all of humanity, all of homo sapiens, the apex predators. it's the invention of the gods and demons, and even then, humans who owns these rank higher than what we can see on the pyramid," senku states as kaseki finished the building of the gun.
"we, humans, may be on top of the food chain, but once given some source of power? we become our own enemies. and we all know who's at the top here in japan." he lets out a teasing smirk as some let out a sigh, knowing who he's talking about.
"tools are neither gods nor demons," ukyo says. "it's up to the person to determine how it's used."
"then let's be damn glad that our rulers didn't use these to become demons," cackled senku as he just had to make a joke.
both gen and yuzuriha let out a loud sigh.
ukyo decided to ignore the misplaced joke, and continue with what he was going to say anyways.
then later on when ryusui asked who would wield the gun...
senku turned his head towards the stoned yu. "if i had continued my gun lessons with y/n, maybe i can, but compared to the only police officer? yeah, he's better off with it." then he hummed, turning to his two childhood friends. "how about you two? any of you comfortable wielding a gun? i know you both got lessons from y/n also."
yuzuriha shook her head. "well, it's best to just leave it with yu... my lessons with y/n were more of for self-defense," she says.
"i also think it's better for yu to handle it. he's the professional," taiju says. "y/n tried to teach me, but i just always end up using my hands during the mock fights."
gen, ukyo, and ryusui turned to the trio in different waves of shock.
"i wonder how those lessons went knowing your non-existent strength, senku-chan," gen mused.
the scientist rolled his eyes.
it was actually pretty shocking to hear that the trio had gun lessons with YOU
like what an honor??
but it also makes sense for none of the trio to pick up on it since they've already had pretty different skill sets; a gun just didn't fit within it
it was also kind of scary to think about it
everyone knows that the l/n family are all skilled and powerful people
each person had a different skill set honed and trained to the absolute perfection, and that the regime it took to get there was of on a entirely different level
to hear that you had taught those three a small part of your regime,
just how hard was it?
it was an honor, but at the same time, no normal person can probably handle the regime of a l/n
when the team saw that the islanders were getting evacuated
it was a sign that ibara planned to petrify the entire island
"w-we're in huge trouble!" exclaimed suika in a panic.
"nah, just the opposite," senku says with a confident smirk. "when the going gets tough, the tough get going. we might be able to take all of it. the enemy, the kingdom, and the medusa!"
he starts cackling. "oh, y/n, you could've been so damn useful here, why'd you just have to go and get punctured," he sighs with a shake of his head.
ukyo looked at senku in nervousness. "why does it seem like you always have to insult her situation?" he rhetorically asks.
yuzuriha chuckles. "you'll get used to it," she says with a sympathetic smile. "it's his way of showing his love to her."
ukyo thinks that he'll never get used to it
he was one of the people that didn't know the dynamic between you and senku since your accident had happened right when the stone war ended
it's not like he doesn't believe that you two are together, it's just that he's the type to have to hear/see it to believe it
he still have that image of you in his head
that you're someone like tsukasa, except way dangerous and way scarier
it also doesn't help that you and your family are probably the only people that can get past his enhanced hearing
it's easy to say that he's afraid of you
which is why every time senku goes and makes fun of your accident, it gives him whiplash
this time yuzuriha was the one to think of you as she stared at the broken stone fragments of the master of the island
"it isn't over yet," she says. "we have to keep thinking, and keep going; that's what i learned from him... her... from them! we still have some adhesive senku-kun made for us in the kingdom of science." her eyes glistening as she darted from piece to piece.
you and senku are one of the most goal-oriented people she knows
senku will not stop until he completes what he needs to do
and you will not stop until you get what you want
it's almost scary
and when senku freed hyoga as their last resort
"we weren't cornered," senku tell ibara with a smooth confident voice despite the sweat dripping from his face. "we had you corner us into this particular room." with that, he dropped the glass of revival fluid.
of course, gen felt like he needed to mention you to get hyoga to fight for their side. "also, don't forget that if anything happens to senku, y/n-chan will have you head," he whispered out, loud enough for hyoga to hear. "i wonder what'll happen to you after seeing her dearly beloved bleeding out."
senku sighed and shook his head at the shit gen is saying, but he can't oppose to it because it's true.
the only reason hyoga was able to inflict a critical hit on you is because you were protecting tsukasa's sister. and so what if you weren't protecting anyone AND anger engulfed you?
it's safe to say that no one wants to feel the true wrath of a member of the l/n family, much less from you
"i'm alone," senku says out loud as he watched the sun set off in the distance. his back heavy from the phone, his body aching from tiredness, and his shoulder throbbing with dried blood. his eyes glistened in nostalgia as his memories of the early stone world passes through his mind. "again. i'm alone again..."
the phone rings, shocking him out of his pondering.
"can you hear me, senku-san?" called ruri from the other side. "how are things over there, senku-san?"
he stared at the phone in front of him. a smirk slipping through his lips. "no," he changes his mind. "i'm not alone this time." he then quietly added,
"i also have someone i need to go home to."
as the topic of ruri and the mainland was brought up while they ate, taiju had lots to say
"is this ruri girl chrome's girlfriend or ex or something?" amaryllis asked francois, excited to hear some juicy details about her new allies/friends.
"no, i'm told that she is senku-sama's former wife," they answered.
taiju looked absolutely shocked, shaking from the news. "what?!" he exclaimed, really loud. "when did you get married, senku?! weren't you going to marry y/n?!?!" he shook the scientist by the collar.
senku had his fingers in his ears the entire time, not phased, but annoyed. he's used to the loudness of taiju after all. "just for three minutes! we got divorced right away," he explained.
that only fueled taiju more, shaking the scientist once again. "what?! when did you get divorced, senku!? was y/n okay with this?!"
"okay! okay!" senku exclaimed as he took the hands off of his collar. "i just said we got divorced right away! also, y/n was fine with it! it was ages ago."
now, francois isn't one to oblige in gossip especially when it's related to you
but when taiju implied that you and senku are betrothed, they can't help but wonder
are you and senku really engaged to each other?
they had seen how normal engaged couples are, but the two of you don't seem to act like that
but then again, you're, y/n l/n and he's, senku ishigami
not one is normal
the small group now stared at the trashed upper control room located on the perseus
chrome was fuming. "those assholes made a damn mess! they didn't even know what they were dealing with! bastards!" he ranted as he stomped onto the floorboards.
"now's not the time to be getting all salty," senku piped up as he stuck a pinky into his ear.
"actually, i've never seen senku truly angry," taiju says, smiling at his comment.
"no, i get angry. i'm not a saint. i'm just too busy to," interrupted the scientist. "and y/n definitely seen me angry a few times."
later on, when they finally de-petrified kohaku and ginro
instead of giving ginro a hug, kohaku ran to senku, giving the scientist a hug
ginro was mad about it, but who cares about him and his pervy ways
kirisame was blushing at the sight of kohaku hugging senku. albeit, him not reciprocating that, but receiving it with a smile and soft eyes anyways.
"oh right. kirisame-chan, you think they're in a legit relationship, don't you?" gen says. "senku's actually in a relationship with someone else. kohaku's actually breaking a lot of rules doing this."
"i don't think that's what that hug is about," says amaryllis. "not between those two."
"it better not be," screamed gen, purposely gaining kohaku's attention.
kohaku broke the hug off with senku. "i almost died!" she exclaimed to gen. "let me be relieved of surviving!"
then she kneeled to the ground and made a dogeza once again at the direction of the ishigami village. "i also assure you, y/n, that that hug was nothing. i would never do you like that. i would choose you over him any day," she stated as senku rolled his eyes while both gen and nikki laughed.
"you got that right, kohaku!" nikki hollered.
later at night, once the team finished de-petrifying the islanders and the rest of their people, a party of celebration was happening at the deck of the perseus
ginro and suika found senku and his team down at the lower half of the control room where the comms are
as senku bluntly asked what ruri needed, amaryllis was shocked
"eh?? isn't this your first time talking to your former wife after all that's happened on the island?" she lets out.
"that's senku for you," is all kohaku says.
"who cares about the former wife, he's already got a current wife to think about much less than a former one," retorted gen, making kohaku hit his head.
"that's my sister you're talking about."
on a cliff, some of the battle team gathered
kohaku and kirisame stood in front of each other
ginro, kinro, nikki, and kokuyo were stationed at the side, as the audience
"now that we know why-man is our enemy, our job as the battle team is no longer to investigate," kohaku announced as the leader of the said team. "it's to train for the inevitable battle!"
ginro lets out a frightened screech. "we just defeated the petrification kingdom! this is even scarier!"
kohaku and kirisame took a stance, then lounged for each other. the two neck and neck in skill. those watching couldn't help but be in awe at the sight of the dance.
"they're evenly matched!" exclaimed nikki.
"they're both incredible," kokuyo lets out.
"you're strong," kirisame says in between strikes. "you were holding back the last time we fought, weren't you?"
kohaku scoffs. "i wasn't going easy on you. i would never be disrespectful. i apologize. i was simply not accustomed to moving around in a dress."
ginro then bursts out a scream that he held in during the entire duration of the spar, freezing the two girls in shock. he then also ran away.
kohaku shook her head at ginro. "i won't be able to teach you more than you already know since you and i fairly the same in combat skill. the only person who can teach all of us more techniques is y/n, and hopefully when senku heals her, she'll continue lessons."
"y/n? is this the person you were apologizing for?" asked kirisame.
"she's better than all of us combined," is all kohaku said as her gaze stared at the direction of the ishigami village with a sparkling look in her eyes.
a small blush slowly flushed on kirisame's cheeks the more she stared at the way kohaku looked.
it was quite an intimate look that kohaku gave
kirisame noticed it was the same one she had gave to senku
after building the windmill, chrome looked around and wondered for senku
it took a while for him to figure out where the mad scientist could have gone, but he finally found senku
opening the door to the mobile lab, chrome immediately asked, "yo, senku, what the hell are you doing all by yourself?"
senku managed to let out a chuckle. "working on an exhilarating craft," he managed to say pass his crusty lips.
"oh, shit!" chrome screamed at the shocking sight of a dehydrated and crusty senku.
senku downed a few bottles of water which made his complexion slowly come back. he lets out an exhale after drinking. "completely forgotten about hydrating. got too used to having y/n take care of that for me," he absentmindedly mentions.
senku and chrome continued to talk about the plans that senku had for later during the night.
chrome could tell that senku missed you
how could he not have noticed?
everyone practically knows also!
senku always somehow mentions you at least once a day
he never thought senku could be so damn clingy...
it takes him back to the times he witnessed the two of you intimate moments
they really need to come and revive you already
he could never get used to that empty space next to senku
later at night, a small festival was being held at the beach
the lights dimmed, gaining the attention of all
"do you hear me, all?" chrome exclaimed from the speakers. "we're gonna show you something that's going to leave the whole of treasure island speechless and wanting more! rainbow bridge, max level!"
a few seconds later, fireworks shot out into the sky.
senku stared at the night sky that bloomed an array of fireworks, imprinting their colorful displays for all to see. his eyes glistened with nostalgia, a memory popping into mind.
"hey, senku, do you think you could show these back in mainland?" asked kohaku who now stood next to him.
senku turned to her, the memory fainting away. "maybe, we'll see," he replies.
"would you change your mind if i mention that you could see these again with y/n standing by your side next time?" she retorted.
he hummed. "i was just thinking about her," he revealed, quietly. "the first time she saw fireworks, she was with me and byakuya. i could already see her whining about not being there for the first fireworks in this stone world." he scoffs, then lets out a sigh. "fine, we'll do it again at mainland."
kohaku smiled a teasing grin.
a little later, after the firework show, senku stood in front of the treasure tree. he heard footsteps behind him that got closer, and closer. "why are you here?" he asked without looking back.
"just an early morning stroll," answered kohaku. "is it not the same for you?"
"thousands of years ago, byakuya and the other astronauts set foot here for the first time in an utterly deserted new world," senku quietly says as his eyes glistened. "though they've long since turned to dirt, aside from a few fragments of rock."
kohaku scoffs as she quickly and easily climbed up the tree. "that's not true!" she exclaimed as she walked over to where the treasure laid. "you, i, and everyone else will someday die and return to dust, but their will is passed down, refined, and carried on into the future."
senku stared at kohaku who now stood at the small entrance way of the treasure. "isn't that what humanity calls 'science'? that's what you and y/n taught me, senku," she says, looking down at him.
he chuckled, feeling a bit lighter. "yeah, that's right. we're going way farther than those goofy astronauts. we're going to the moon," he stated. "and y/n will be stoked to hear it; she always did love the moon."
kohaku jumped down from the top of the tree, now standing on an elevated root. "it's not true that byakuya and his team left nothing behind. in fact, they connected everything for us," she mentioned.
senku didn't reply, but instead added, "typical, i mean, he's always done the connecting."
kohaku didn't understand what senku had meant when he said that
there are many things about senku... about you that she doesn't know about
some day, she'd like to know more about the two of you
the perseus landed
people started talking about the missing cracks
chrome immediately showed the medusa
"does that mean that mean she'll finally wake up?" tsukasa asked, stepping forward.
senku chuckled as he walked down. "yeah, let's get her out of that damn cold sleep already. our hidden treasure of japan, y/n l/n." the scientist may have not said anything else regarding you after that, but they all knew how much he wanted you to stand next to him again.
"we say cold sleep, but really, we just froze her..." commented gen.
"yeah, like an ice cube," cackled senku. "i bet you she wasn't even asleep most of the time, but suffering from the cold. she hates the cold."
gen sighs at yet another tease towards you.
"that's not the real problem though, is it? you can always trust a sailor's gut," ryusui piped up, then his eyes narrowed on the scientist. "when ibara jabbed you... senku, given how pragmatic you are, you would have healed yourself immediately with the dr. stone set. am i right? yet the crack in your forehead is still there. in other words, you didn't use it. you saved it for... y/n. why?"
"oh right, you don't know, ryusui-chan?" gen asked. "y/n-chan and senku-chan are intertwined. of course, he'd rather heal his y/n-chan over himself."
some people silently laughed knowing that it's true. ryusui, however, looked shocked. there were many implications, but never a confirmation. senku didn't say anything regarding his relationship with you, though, instead he had a different reason.
"actually, the medusa is out of battery."
that gained everyone's attention.
"that thing runs on batteries?!" exclaimed taiju, next to senku.
senku chuckled. "dunno," he says. "and we don't exactly have the luxury of smashing it open to have a look-see inside. but it is using some kind of energy. the one thing that could never happen is for it to make energy out of nothing."
he turned his head to a certain girl. "kirisame," he called out. "is the petrification beam's area specified in radii?"
"yes, why?" she answered.
"when i stoned ibara, i specified five meters. but the petrification beam barely made maybe a meter and a half."
kirisame looked taken aback. "that's impossible!" she argued. "it's never deviated in size..." then her eyes dilated as some form of realization dawned onto her. "...it's out of energy?" she lets out in shock.
here they are in the cave where you were put to sleep
senku, chrome, kohaku, taiju, yuzuriha, gen, ginro, kinro, ryusui, nikki, ukyo, and matsukaze
chrome lifted the lid of the makeshift freezer making the cold fog explode that slowly dispersed to the floor, revealing your pale cold body.
senku walked over to stand next to you. he stared at you as his eyes glistened with memories. he absentmindedly raised his hand to your face, leaving a lingering touch. his thumb caressing your cold cheek.
the small intimate moment of affection really caught ryusui off guard
senku's eyes always held conviction
after all, his eyes are the most transparent part of him
yet ryusui never saw it that soft and so full of love before
he honestly thought that gen was messing with him
but this?
seeing it for himself really changed everything
kohaku approached and stood next to senku, holding the medusa. the two turned to each other, their eyes making contact. no words were exchanged. senku gave a nod as kohaku then bent down and placed the medusa in the space of your clasped hands.
taiju walked over and took senku's hand and placed it on top of yours. "senku! hold y/n's hand with all you've got!"
senku looked taken aback. "what?" he lets out.
"i see!" exclaimed kohaku. "if you hold her really close to the device, it might give her just a little more of the light."
"that's seriously not going to make a difference," senku retorted, but a small smile formed on his face. "fine, whatever, and if i get caught in the beam, it'll heal my wounds and cracks too; perfect."
yuzuriha then walked over, standing next to taiju. she placed her hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile. then she removed it and placed it on top of yours. kohaku and chrome, too, placed their hand on top of yours.
"one meter, one second."
the green light engulfed you as your skin slowly turned to stone. the others pulled back their hands while senku immediately took the vial of revival fluid and pours it on you. the stone skin cracked and fragments fell, both stone and ice.
you sat right up as you screamed, "senku!" then you stood up and out of the freezer, tackling him into a hug.
"did they hurt you?" he asked as he pushed away and cupped your face with one hand.
your eyes widen as a big smile formed on your face. the others were confused by what senku had meant. "no, no, i'm okay," you answered as you placed a hand over his. "did they hurt you?"
"who cares."
"i do!"
you and senku then bursts out laughing.
"sorry, what just happened?" gen managed to ask. "what was that?"
taiju and yuzuriha were chuckling as well. "every time they reunite, they always reference steven universe," yuzuriha explained. "i think it was one of the first things that y/n watched with senku."
"that gem cartoon from the states?" gen asks, but then he immediately hums afterwards. "no, wait, that makes sense."
you turned your head to kohaku with a smile and soft eyes. her eyes glistened as she stared at yours. you extended your arms as she ran into them. nuzzling her nose into your chest while you tightened your hold.
a second later, you pulled back and turned back to senku. "so what's our situation now?" you asked.
"she only just woke up," says matsukaze in awe.
"i've heard around that that's how she is," commented nikki. "always working like him."
"although, i think that she's more serious and formal than him," ukyo mentions. ryusui nods his head, agreeing with ukyo.
"we're attacking the moon!" exclaimed senku with a not-so-serious face.
you owlishly blinked at senku, then a huge excited toothy wide grin formed on your face. "ah! no way really?!" you squealed as you clasped your hands together which caught the others off guard. "senku, darling, it's your dream!" you engulfed the man into a tight hug that lifted him off the ground. if anyone caught onto that affectionate name, no one mentioned it.
he pushed you away. "we've got company, y/n, calm down," he tells you with a lazy smirk on his face.
"who cares about the company!" you retorted. "tell me: are we blowing up the moon?" you asked looking like a child that just got permission to do something they've always wanted to do.
"what?! no!" screamed out senku. "this is a mistake. maybe i should make tsukasa the soldier for the moon."
"wait, honey, no! i'm kidding!"
"i take back what i said," ukyo says in absolute awe and shock with ryusui, nikki, and matsukaze also looking hella shocked.
"yeah, my image of her is completely ruined," mentioned gen.
it was then you caught sight of new faces. "oh, hello," you formally greeted with a short bow. "i don't think i've met you guys yet. although, your face is familiar. i apologize, but could you relay your name to me again?" you gestures your entire palm at ryusui.
the four felt a wave of whiplash at the sudden change in tone and demeanor of the person in front of them; a very important person they may add.
"h-hello, i'm nikki," she greeted, really nervously.
"ah, you're the woman on the phone. i'm glad to see another woman on the battle team." you smiled at her as she nodded, freezing up and pink dusting her cheeks.
"i'm ukyo," he says, raising his hand up.
"yes! the one with good hearing. i'm pleased to see you on this side now," you tell him as he gave a loopy smile, his cheeks a bit faint of red.
"ryusui nanami," he bowed, taking your hand into his and giving a light peck on it.
your eyes widen at the familiar gesture and at the name. "ah, one of the sons of the nanami conglomerate," you acknowledged, then you realized something.
"wait!" you turned around to senku. "you guys built a boat?! just how many things did i miss?"
this time, gen spoke up, "i'll tell you all about it."
"hello, gen," you greeted with a slight smirk. "you're not walking on eggshells around me anymore," you stated as you looked him, up and down. "what changed?"
gen shook his head as he chuckled. "senku ruined your image for me," he says, making you coo.
"aw, senku, you still have that habit?"
"shut up."
this is when ginro decided to speak up. "senku, i just figured it out!" he exclaimed, his face being way too overly arrogant. "you hurried back to y/n because you were worried she was going to spoil in the freezer, right? i know you hate all that mushy stuff, though!" his elbow jabbing into senku's neck.
"he's absolutely tackless!" says kohaku.
"well, if he just wanted someone super strong, he could've taken my top student—i mean, guard, matsukaze-kun." ginro really got carried away.
matsukaze stared at you
he was wondering why you were considered the strongest
he honestly thought it was that tsukasa man
that man was trained to the absolute limit, he could tell with one look
but you?
you didn't look like you were trained like tsukasa was
he stepped towards you and gave a bow, staying in that position. "my name is matsukaze," he greeted. "y/n-dono, if it would be all right, i would like to challenge you once you are well."
you looked at the new face in glee. "oh? then how about now? let's go outside," you tell him. "oohh~ this is fun! i never had anyone challenge me before."
"gee, i wonder why," mused gen, already knowing the outcome of this fight.
matsukaze now understands why you're the strongest here and not tsukasa
you had defeated him with a single finger
a single finger that you used on his forehead to stop his lunge and forcefully push him to the ground
your leaking bloodlust and monotone stare caused him to freeze on the ground, too speechless and afraid to move
you blinked your eyes and your demeanor changed, reverting to what it once was before the fight. "oh my, i apologize, matsukaze," you tell him as you extended a hand to him. "you challenged me," is all you say.
he politely took your hand as you helped him up. he bowed down to you and say, "i am defeated."
"you're a very capable man, and i'm glad to have new members for the battle team," you tell him.
ginro is now humbled
"since the device is out of battery, senku's crack will never go away now," says suika as she walked over to in front of him
"no!" you exclaimed with a huff as if you were child who were having a tantrum.
people slowly turned to you. senku sighs, feeling like he knows what you're going to say.
"i like the stone cracks!" you announced as you walked over to senku. you then traced the lines on his forehead. "it gives him character and he looks... really... good with them."
"y/n..." senku called with a warning tone. "did that freezer like give you a damn concussion or something?"
you laughed as you just give him a hug. you arms around his shoulders, your head burying into his neck. he sighed and hugged you back with one arm that rubbed your back in a comforting way.
this is when gen was like "why should senku-chan get all the fun?" leading to everyone else getting back their petrification cracks
you included of course, after you had stopped clinging onto senku like a koala
although some people didn't forget the small public display of affection you and senku shared, in fact, it really caught them off guard
ukyo, ryusui, nikki, and tsukasa aren't used to it
you were acting like a clingy girlfriend that hadn't seen her boyfriend in months
and senku is acting like a boyfriend who's nonchalant about his girlfriend's clinginess, but everyone knows just how much he missed you!
two people with the most specific personality and a reputation to uphold, and yet here they are soft for each other
it's strange
but at the same time, it felt right
ukyo was down at the control room, double checking everything in case the islanders from treasure island had touched anything else
he thought no one else was on board besides some who would drop of supplies then leave afterwards
but then he heard you
...and senku
he looked around and saw that no one was on the surface, so the two of you were probably below nearby, in one of the rooms
"what was with you awhile ago?" senku asked.
"what do you mean?" you asked back.
"you..." ukyo could hear the hesitation in senku's voice. "did you not think that we... that i—!" a tremble in the scientist's voice. "were you... unsure of ever waking up?" he finally managed to ask. his voice whispering by the end.
a pause. all ukyo could hear was the breathing and the beating of two people. he could hear the anxiousness from each one.
"senku..." you called, softly in a whisper as well. "you need to understand that..." your voice trembling. "that i wasn't expecting you to find the medusa that quick. those months in the cold dark, i was preparing myself not to see you again for who knows how long."
you inhaled a shaky breath. your heart beating rapidly. "i know that those few months were nothing compared to the time we were apart in stone, but at least we both knew that the other was alive—!" your voiced cracked.
"just when you and i were together again, the stone world takes it away once more. how cruel is that?" you let out a shaky fake laugh.
"i could have died in my sleep, senku," you croaked out to him, sniffling and trembling. your breathing became rigid as senku's became heavy. you were probably crying at this point.
both of your hearts were beating so fast as well.
"no," senku says with full on denial. "no, y/n, you would have not died. y/n, you would have not fucking died!" he screamed out.
"what do you know?!" you screamed back at him. "i was the one in that damn freezer. i know what my body felt like throughout those damn fucking months. you know how my—" you took a deep breath. "my body felt like it was on it's way to death!"
"hah~ shit," you exhaled a shaky breath. "maybe i have already died, and i'm just wishing that you were next to me." a thud to the floor then rapid footsteps, ukyo heard.
"y/n, y/n, shit— don't do this— fuck! i'm here, y/n, i'm real. dammit y/n—! i'm right here!" senku screamed out in reassurance.
then ukyo heard a desperate kiss shared between the two.
ukyo left the perseus in a daze at what he heard
he could hear the emotions the two of you felt during the entirety of that
it was strong
to the point that he could feel it as well
"ukyo-chan?" called gen. "did something happen on the perseus? why are you crying?"
ukyo raised his hand and wiped his cheeks. it's true, he's crying. "um..." he hesitated. "senku and... y/n-san are..."
gen widen his eyes then it softened. "let's leave those two be for now," he says. "it must've been hard for them both. i've never seen them apart from each other for that long."
ukyo fully believes it now
that you two are together
even before the kiss had happen
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masterlist ; loyalty built from love (part 1) a/n: i'm actually not as proud of this one compared to part 1, but that last bit? yeah, i like it part 3 will happen when the next season comes
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vscabarca · 2 months
I know your requests are currently closed, but I have this adorable idea for a story featuring Pablo.
How about a future story where the reader attends a wedding with him and his family? They decide to wear matching outfits. Before his family member's wedding, when they see each other in their wedding attire, he wants to give the reader a kiss. She asks him to kiss her gently so that her lipstick/lip gloss won’t smudge, and they share a very cute moment together. Maybe even his parents or Aurora tease them playfully, but in a fun and non-offensive way.
Hope you like the idea, and maybe consider writing it in the future! I just wanted to share my thoughts with you
the sweetest wedding guests - pablo gavi
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summary: gavi and you attend his aunt‘s wedding
genre: so fluffy it actually hurt to write
a/n: i‘m so sorry anon for taking so long but here you go😭, also quite short:/
„Mija you look beautiful!“ Belen cooed as she entered her daughter’s room, peeking inside to see how far you two were.
Aurora proposed the idea of getting ready together, that way saving time instead of having to pick you up from home. Your boyfriend Gavi still had recovery and only got the afternoon off by persuading his physiotherapist with optimistic words and promises to work even harder next week.
Of course they let him go to his aunts wedding, but they loved to lead him on for a bit.
You‘ve met Gavi‘s family countless of times, but a wedding still was something special and exciting. Everyone would be dressed pretty, dance around and smile all night long, celebrating the love between two beautiful people.
You already felt giddy inside when thinking about Gavi in a suit, getting ready in the locker room of the facility, only to get teased by his teammates. You could literally see his annoyed glare, flipping his friends off while trying to adjust his tie.
„Thank you Ma.“ You both simultaneously replied, giggling once you realized. It was just so normal for you to call Belen your „Mamá“ as you were a part of their family since childhood. What was friendship between Gavi and you in third grade first, turned into love during teenage years.
Also Aurora and you were like sisters, lending each other’s clothes, makeup or got ready together like now.
After finally being done with everything, Pablo senior drove you all to the Ciutat Esportiva to pick up his son and head to the wedding venue.
Pablo elegantly stood there waiting, hands put relaxed in his pockets while your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend.
„You’re drooling by the way.“ Javi sassily commented, nudging your shoulder which you quickly swatted away.
„Shut up. Who was trying to come inside Aurora‘s room like two hundred times to see their girlfriend?“ You questioned back, knowing exactly you had him there. Aurora only quietly giggled, patting Javi‘s thigh softly.
Your gaze quickly turned back to Gavi who was now walking to the car, his smile spread wide across his face. He looked absolutely stunning to you, your mind already drifting to the next event where he would need to wear a suit - the ballon d‘or ceremony 2025. Or you hoped one of your friends would marry soon, so you could take him with you as a plus one.
„Bon dia!“ Pablo chimed, sitting down next to you and patted your thigh softly like he did ever so often.
After everyone greeted him, you turned your head to face Pablo, flashing him a toothy grin.
„You look good.“ You stated, cheeks turning red, hoping none of his family members heard.
Pablo immediately smiled even more, quickly leaning in to give you a small kiss.
“Thank you amor, you look stunning yourself. But I need to have another proper look at you once we get there.“ He flirted, winking at you while he took your hand in his. Javi and Aurora would tease you from time to time, even getting Pablo Senior to join them, but Belen and Gavi shot back with their own little teasing comments.
You were used to it - banter and jokes were a big part in the Paèz Gavira family and after all, they loved to see how you two felt about each other.
The car drive was short and you soon already greeted the bride and groom, as well as the rest of Pablo‘s loving family.
Pablo and you stood a bit behind the rest, just quietly observing the bustling ambiance until his head leaned down a bit.
„You look gorgeous mi amor.“ He whispered, his gaze still trailing over your figure. You turned to face him, your manicured hands softly pushing a lock away from his forehead. His hands found your waist and his gaze was now fully focused on your eyes. You only smiled, being too shy to say anything in that moment. Even though you had been together for almost five years now, Pablo still made you feel nervous and shy, what he of course loved to achieve.
„¿Puedo besarte?“ („can I kiss you?”) Pablo asked so quietly that only you could hear, already pulling you a bit closer to himself.
„Of course, just gently, I just reapplied the lipgloss back in the car.“ You giggled, placing your hands on his chest as Pablo leaned down to peck your lips softly, trying not to smudge your gloss.
„I don’t think Isabel needs to throw the bouquet anymore! We have our next bride and groom right here.“ One of Pablo’s close cousins teased, making your boyfriend and you blush at the same time.
„I actually wouldn’t mind that. She‘ll be my future wife anyway.“ Pablo playfully shot back at him, earning laughter from his friends and family.
„Te quiero.“ You turned your focus back on your boyfriend to give him a second and last kiss, before heading to your designated table with him strolling behind.
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zephyrchama · 9 months
Listening to Magic Moment on a non-stop loop has forced me to write this.
Writing Prompt: MC giving "free massage" tickets to the brothers.
Under the cut. Gender neutral MC, second person, one section for each of the 7 brothers.
Warnings: Nothing hardcore but there is suggestive content (every person has different boundaries so I don't know whether to classify it as some or a lot?). One section almost has a violent outburst (guess who lol it's satan's part), that might be unsettling to some.
The Seven Rulers of the Devildom had expensive taste. Must be a side effect from being some of the most powerful and influential millennia-old entities around.
The student council gave you a regular allowance and there was some side change from various part time jobs, but no way could you afford a custom designer brand gift for each of your housemates. When probed for details about what they’d like, they always say they’d gladly accept anything from you. That’s surely true, but you wanted to gift something they’d actually use and appreciate.
So after weeks of thinking, you got a bag of nice craft paper and some cute stickers that reminded you of the brothers. You holed up for an evening with a Do Not Disturb sign on the bedroom door. Late at night a couple days before Christmas, you snuck into the festively decorated living room and dropped your gifts into the brother’s stockings. Those were also your idea, and technically a gift with some little snacks inside, but now they also contained an extra surprise.
On Christmas morning everyone would wake up and discover your “Free Massage” tickets. One use per ticket. Valid forever.
Lucifer ---
You assumed Lucifer would use his ticket quickly, given how exhausted he often was. Despite being as busy as ever, he showed no intention of using it. Perhaps he thought the gift was beneath him and forgot about it entirely. Perhaps he needed hints to remind him.
For days you would check in on him more and more frequently. Send him a text, inform him that you were around if anything was needed. “Don’t forget to take breaks, ok? I’m here if you need me!”
One evening you boldly slipped into his room on the pretenses of returning a book. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. A sleepy Lucifer was towel-drying his hair after a shower. He sat on the corner of the bed, clean pajama shirt folded neatly beside him.
You took a seat on his other side. The book was large enough to occupy a third space. “Thanks for lending this to me. It was a surprisingly helpful reference.”
“I told you it was, didn’t I?”
He sounded amicable to conversation. Time to go on the offensive. “Do you need any help with that? I have a nice hair dryer from Asmo.”
“No,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I have the same one. I just prefer simple routines like this before bed.”
One rejection wasn't enough to deter you. “How was your day? Did anyone cause you trouble?”
You would have known if one of his brothers had acted up, but maybe something else was on his mind you could take advantage of.
“It was particularly uneventful. Quiet, for once. I’m glad to have this evening off, I have to be up early tomorrow.”
Shot down again. Now Lucifer was reaching for his shirt. Before he put it on, you grabbed his shoulder and weaseled your arm under his armpit and around his back. Not the smoothest move, but he stopped to humor you.
“Is anything on your mind?” he asked.
“It’s just that you’ve been so busy lately, I’m worried about your health. You’ve got to take it easy from time to time.” You rubbed your palm over his back. “I’m sure you get sore when you’re overworked.”
“Indeed. However, it’s something I’m used to.”
He re-folded the shirt and got up to put it away. “Would you like to stay the night? You must miss me, seeing as I’m so busy.”
In the spare moments it took for Lucifer to hang up his shirt, place the returned book on its shelf, and walk back to the bed, you already made yourself at home in the sheets. He chuckled, “someone’s eager.”
The lights turned off and he slid into bed by your side. After only a couple of minutes, Lucifer shifted to face the wall. He already appeared asleep. He must really have been tired after all. Under the warm blanket, you reached to stroke his back again.
A novel idea formed in your mind. If all your attempts failed while he was awake, maybe subliminal messaging while asleep would be effective. You snuggled up close and whispered into his ear, “massage ticket… Use… the massage ticket…”
You weren’t expecting a reply, but Lucifer’s deep voice whispered back at you, “why would I waste such a valuable gift?"
"You're awake?" you gasped. Lucifer's prank had been unexpected. You began softly punching his back. "I thought you fell asleep."
"I'm awake, and I wasn't planning on using that ticket. Especially when you go through the trouble to do interesting things like this.”
Mammon ---
Mammon’s ticket had been confiscated. He no longer had it because he got up early, the most excited out of everyone to receive his shiny new presents, and once he saw what was in his stocking he knew that each of his brothers had one too.
Beelzebub walked in on him rooting around in everyone’s stockings to snag their massage tickets for himself and tackled him, as he thought Mammon was stealing Christmas chocolates. The commotion attracted everyone else and Mammon’s ticket was vetoed in a unanimous vote. But he still deserved a gift from you.
Instead of letting him choose a day and time like the others, you visited Mammon’s room when you felt like it. He was still pouting.
“You know I’ve been on my best behavior all year. S’not fair!” He punched the couch in frustration. He really had been getting into less trouble lately. It felt bad seeing him so down.
“Do you want one now? A massage, I mean. Don’t tell your brothers. It’s a limited time offer since you don’t have a ticket.”
“Ya mean it?”
You nodded, and his misery turned into excitement. He literally jumped up. “Well, do I get a little somethin’ extra too? Since I don’t have my ticket, ya know. Somethin’ to make up for that. I’ve got this nice little outfit you could wear that’s-”
You quickly cut him off before the Avatar of Greed gave too many demands. “Limited time offer with terms and conditions. Take the massage right now as-is or leave it. Up to you.”
“Aaarghh alright, alright. I’ll take it. Feel honored! I’ll humor your little massage for a while!”
Mammon dramatically pulled his shirt off but kept wearing the silliest, smuggest smile. He really was cute when trying and utterly failing to act tough. He sprawled himself out on the couch, “let’s see what you’ve got!”
Since the greedy demon hogged all of the couch space, there was nowhere to sit next to him within arm’s reach. With a “don’t mind if I do,” you decided to crawl over Mammon’s legs and sit on his butt.
In a moment of shock he wiggled out from under you. You would have toppled over the side of the sofa had Mammon’s famously fast reflexes not scooped you up, now placing you atop his chest. “Whaddya think you’re doin’, huh? Who said you could do that?”
“You did! How else was I supposed to… Look, do you want this or not?”
His scowl, no matter how big, couldn’t hide the blush on his face. “Yeah, ok, but just… warn me this time… Ok?”
Leviathan ---
It had been nearly a week since you last heard from Leviathan. After Christmas, you thought you might not see him at all until the new year. There were so many holiday game events happening, after all.
“Think I’m stuck,” read the message that popped up on your DDD late one night.
“Can��t move. Requesting reinforcements. And food.”
Concerned, you popped into the kitchen for whatever palatable finger foods you could assemble on a plate and began making your way to the third born’s room. You knocked, but there was no answer. It had been a while since he gave you a password, but it didn’t seem to matter now. You just walked in.
Leviathan was slumped over in his gaming chair, surrounded by roughly ten different screens. Each had a different game and one was streaming some idol talk show. His trash can, while still relatively contained, was almost overflowing with energy drink cans and snack packages. Levi didn’t seem to notice you walk in. He had been gaming for days. You set the plate at the edge of his PC desk.
“Dang. You live like this?”
Bleary-eyed and vitamin D deficient, he still shrieked. “Whuh? Don’t scare me like that!!”
“I came to answer your distress call. You’re stuck?”
“Oh, right. I did send that, didn’t I.” He turned back to the monitors briefly to pause a few things and save a few others. It was impressive how much he could multitask.
“My back’s turned into a pretzel. I thought I’d finally take a break, but when I went to stand up I couldn’t. I think I’m stuck to the chair, lol. If I, uh, use the massage ticket, could you help me?”
“’course I will. Here, drink something.” You slid him a juice. The gamer chair was pretty tall, blocking all access to Leviathan’s back, so you started tapping away at his shoulders. He scrambled to take his headphones off, which helped.
“Sorry to call you in for such a stupid reason. I know this is a disgusting sight..”
You shook your head, though he couldn’t see it. “How’s your game progress?””Oh, about 80% done everything? 85? But it’s mostly the daily quests now, I’ve maxed out on all the top prizes from the main event stories. Look, I even got this Christmas bow set. It has trash stats but looks like a tree and fires little candy canes.”
A big burly warrior with a Christmas hat on one of the screens demonstrated the weapon.
“Uwaah, you know that really helped. I think I can try to stand now.” Leviathan made a made show of setting his legs on the ground and leaning forward, only to magnificently slide back into the chair. “Ow. Ok. That, uh, wasn’t what I planned.” He turned away. “Don’t look at me.”
“No! Don’t give up!” You spun the seat around and he squeaked In astonishment. “We’re gonna make this happen. Levi! Do you trust me?” It was all or nothing. You dramatically reached out your hands. You knew you could do it. You were going to pull this demon out of the gamer chair.
Steeling his resolve, Leviathan nodded and grabbed your hands. You asked, “ready?”
He confirmed, “Ok… Ok lets go! One!”
As you shouted “three!” in unison, you tugged back with all your strength. Maybe you could have pulled a little less, as the two of you went flying backwards. There would have been some real damage if Levi didn’t cushion your head from the tiled floor with his arm.
“Woaaah it woooorked! We did--”
Mid-celebration, he seemed to notice he was in a compromising position on top of you. After barrel rolling off to the side, his voice got noticeably quieter. “We did it… yeah, uh… Sorry about--”
Leaving no room for negativity, you reached around his back and hugged him before he could finish the sentence. “I really missed you, y’know? Come out of your room more often, Levi.”
His face wasn’t visible, but you’re sure it was bright red as he stammered a soft “alright.”
Satan ---
Satan texted, asking if he could redeem his massage ticket after a long and tiring day. Said it was urgent. His presence was always in demand at social events, galleries, and book shop unveilings. After five busy events in one day he just wanted to return
home to relax with a book, but some idiots were running around the library playing war with rubber band shooters. His fuse that day was incredibly short. So he retreated to the comfort of his room, but each thudding footstep down the hall sounded irksome and brought Satan one step closer to snapping.
When you knocked at his door, wrath was seeping out the cracks into the hallway. He practically screamed at you to get inside. Satan was shaking on the edge of his bed, crushing an unrecognizable object in his hand. The room was dreadfully cold. You rushed to his side, practically jumping into the empty space next to him.
He barely acknowledged you. Rubbing slow, small circles on his back had a quick effect though. Upon hitting between his shoulder blades, his tense muscles loosened and he leaned against your side. You could hear him grinding his teeth. After a long minute passed he exhaled in relief.
You scooted back a bit and guided his head to your lap. Stroking continuous circles, one hand was in his rich blonde hair, the other against his shirt fabric. “Thank you for coming,” he muttered, rubbing a cheek against your thigh.“You really saved me there.”
“Any time. Do you want to talk about your day?” Your voice was low and soft.
“No. Just keep going.”
Gently pulling at his shirt collar, you loosened it to caress the back of his neck. He was still in his outdoor attire. He’d tell you about it in time, once fully calmed down. He tried to apologize for the outburst, though it wasn’t your fault and he didn’t quite know what to say. You brushed his hair back, combing it away from his forehead to let him know things were okay. It became your personal mission lessen the stiffness in his back. You’d work your way down his spine until he relaxed.
“Maybe I could read you a book, too?” You suggested, squeezing his shoulder. Satan shifted his hand to rub your knee in appreciation.
Asmodeus ---
Asmodeus set aside a whole spa evening to use your massage ticket. It was special. He filled his bath with high-end fragrances so his skin would be extra silky. He extended an offer for you to join him in the water, heated with magic to be the perfect temperature, but you said you’d wait in his room. Those baths can take hours. You’d be too pruny to feel, let alone massage anything. He had plenty of interesting magazines to flip through in the meantime, and you got to enjoy the plush sheets on his bed.
He waltzed out of the bathroom in a magnificently fluffy robe, another Christmas gift he’d received from somebody. “Thanks for waiting! Were you lonely? I’m allll ready!”
A brand new skincare set waited on the vanity, stocked with creams and masks for you to try together. Asmo plopped into a seat while you pulled up a spare chair behind him. “What are we starting with first?”
He rifled through the packages. “This!” A matte purple, gooey liquid. “I tried samples of this before, it smells divine. Come here!”
You let him plop a dab of the gloop on your nose and rub it into your cheeks. “There! Give it a few minutes and then wash it off. In the meantime, shall we begin? Hm?”
He turned to face the mirror and wiggled impatiently for his massage, cheekily sliding the robe off his shoulder. “I know you probably can’t wait much longer.” You both laughed. With the robe around his waist, you got to work redeeming the ticket. Pounding against his back didn’t seem to phase him at all, and Asmo hardly moved from the strength of your fists as he rubbed another cream under his eyes. He launched into a story about some fan who sent him a thirty page letter the other day.
“They described my beautiful eyes really well. It was even scented, and each page was another scent. Isn’t that wild? Do you think they did that themselves, or are the pages sold like that?” His eyes peered at you in the vanity mirror. “Hey, can you rub a little harder?”
“Oh, sure!” Knowing it would be hard for you to physically hurt him, you put a bit more force into each tap. “What scent was your favorite? Like, could you distinguish them?”
“Actually, yeah! There were lots of fruits like cherries, strawberries, one was pine scented, and a rose one of course.” Asmo glanced away from his own reflection once again and he shifted his weight back towards you. “Hey, hon? Harder?”
You obliged, squeezing his back muscles with as much strength as you could muster. “Is that… Was it the longest fan letter you’ve gotten?”Asmo let out a barely distinguishable moan. You almost thought you imagined it.
”Hm… Not by far…” He started, but trailed off. With a big breath, he moaned louder and leaned back further. “Oh, come on, harder… ” He wrapped his arms around his chest and wiggled.
“Asmo!? What the-- are you…? Gross!” You lifted your hands in shock and he burst out laughing. Without anything supporting him up, he fell into your lap in a fit of giggles. “Did you think I was serious? Ahaha! You’re so cute when you’re flustered!”
Beelzebub ---
“I ate something that didn’t agree with my stomach, can I redeem that gift for a massage? It might make me feel better.” That’s what Beelzebub asked one afternoon, stopping by your room after noticing the door open. It’s rare for something to upset Beel’s stomach. It must have been really rancid.
“Yeah, of course! You wanna do it here or your room?”
“We’re already here. If you don’t mind.” Beel walked in and made himself at home, smoothing out the covers on your bed.
You got up to shut the door, but wondered if a run to the kitchen would be useful.
“Will ice help? Or any kind of medicine?” Maybe even normal food would cancel out the bad stuff and make Beel feel better, but he declined. Beel already propped his head up on your pillow and laid down.
“You’re gonna lay face up? How am I supposed to rub your back?””My stomach hurts. I thought you could rub that, and I would feel better.””Oh.” Nobody else had been able to look at you directly while giving massages. This was more embarrassing.
Beelzebub realized he hadn’t taken his shirt off, but didn’t want to stand and repeat the process again, so he just pulled it up to his chest. His breathing did seem more labored than usual. Out of pity, you didn’t roll him over. “I haven’t done this way before, so tell me if it’s uncomfortable.”
The demon was so much bigger than you, it was hard to find a good starting spot. “You can sit here,” he said, patting his waist. “Only if you want to. I don’t mind.” So you scooted on up, placing your legs to the left and right of him. Beel is so muscled it was like sitting on a warm rock.
“Where does it feel uncomfortable? Here?” You prodded a bit around his stomach, careful not to make him sick.
“Pff, haha, yeah. That’s it.”
“That tickles?”
While Beel softly giggled, you worked your hands along the soft spots between his ab muscles. “What did you even eat?”
“A bath bomb.”You couldn’t help laugh along with him. Beel continued, “I didn’t know that’s what it was until Solomon told me though. I thought I maybe I accidentally had his cooking. It looked delicious. But I think it started expanding, and caused an ache.”
“I can’t blame you there. I almost ate soap once.”
“Really? You?” You were always the more level one when it came to food. “Did it look good?”
You nodded. “Boy, did it. And it smelled amazing, I could smell it from across the room. You probably smelled the bath bomb the moment you walked in that building, right?”
He vigorously nodded. “So you do get it!”
Beel reached up and pulled you into a big hug, catching you off guard so you practically fell on top of him. “Thanks for making me feel better.”
Escaping from one of Beel’s hugs was no easy feat, so you happily went along with it. “Any time. If you ever see one of those fake cupcakes again, maybe we can put it in the bath water and see what it does together.”
Belphegor ---
“I’ve got a fun idea. Meet me in the observatory?
When you showed up to Belphegor’s summons he was counting stars. The observatory was dark but the stars were bright enough to illuminate his silhouette standing in front of the window. He greeted you with a warm smile.
“I brought my ticket. I have a special request though.” Waving the massage ticket in
his hand, he came to meet you in the middle of the room. As your eyes adjusted you could make out that an old telescope was set up next to the fountain.
“ A special request? I guess I could hear you out since I came all this way.”
The two of you took a seat on the floor. For several moments, the only sounds were your own breathing and the soothing flow of water. When he didn’t start explaining, you were afraid Belphie might fall asleep in the peaceful silence. “Are you really gonna wait for me to ask what it is?”
“Yeah. If you wanna know, you should hurry up.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“What did you want to do?”
He reached to adjust the telescope in front of you at your eye level while explaining. “I thought we could stargaze together, but instead of just talking about what we see, we could draw them on each other’s backs. If you draw the constellations I can tell you what they are. When it’s my turn, I can show you what they look like and tell you stuff about it. What do you think?”
If your eyes could have stars in them, at this moment they would. “That sounds like a really fun idea.”
“Hehe, right? I told you. So take a look, what do you see?”
Belphegor turned his back towards you while you excitedly peered through the telecope. It was easy to focus and you quickly found a target to study.
“Two there, and then… Ok, I think I’ve got it. What’s this?”
You started to replicate what you saw with little knocks for stars, and connected them by slowly drawing arcs between the points. Belphegor’s jacket would slide over his shirt though, messing up the curves.
“Hm…” He sighed. “I thought I would be pretty good at this, but it’s hard to tell what you’re drawing.”
“This might be easier without the jacket,” you admitted.
“Really? I’m too tired to take it off though. Take it off for me?”
His brothers spoiled him too much, just like you did, so Belphegor didn’t move a muscle when you tried to peel off the warm jacket. You had to get in his personal space and lift his arms up for him. You told yourself the struggle would be worth it when you finally wrestled it off of him and could wear it yourself. He was being too uncooperative though, and eventually suggested “how about we switch? I don’t want to take this off, I’m comfortable now.”
Dejected without your warm prize, you agreed. The telescope stand rattled against the ground as he readjusted it and you turned away from him. “Do you still really want to use your massage ticket if I’m not the one doing it?” you inquired.
He hummed and hawed, mulling it over while gazing up at the sky. “Yeah, I do, if it lets me do fun stuff like this with you. I got one, let me know if you have this star sign in the human world.”
The first couple pokes sent tingles through your skin. The stars were really far away from each other, drawn on opposite sides of your lower back, but you weren’t prepared for such a delicate touch and had been distracted. “I don’t… think so? Hold on, draw it again.”
“Don’t you know? It goes like this.” He poked again, a little lower. You let out an
“eep!” and subconsciously scooted forward.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He was clearly holding back laughter. “I haven’t shown you this other one yet.”
The next constellation felt less like the trace of a star, and a lot more like Belphegor just wanted to tickle your sides. “Do you know what this is called?”
“Khh hahaha, no, I don’t.” The laugh-riddled admission further encouraged him. He wiggled lines all over your sides and crept his way to your stomach.
“I guess we have a lot of constellations to talk about then. Good thing the sky is so clear tonight.”
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