#the things i'd would let andrew garfield do to me
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petew21-blog · 10 months ago
Just a party
Another inbox story: I loved your Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland story! Would you be able to do a Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans body swap?
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Chris:"Tell me again Downey, why did I voluntarily swap bodies with you?"
Robert:"Cause everybody took the pill and there is a swingers party that will follow. You just have to prove you have been swapped for the past 5 hours or you won't be let inside. They say it helps them from body thiefs."
Chris:"Why do we even wanna go to swingers. If it were on me I'd just suck my cock right here and now and then swapped back. I don't need some rando in even more random body sucking your cock. Even if it gives me pleasure."
Robert:"Dude, just... be chill. Ok? We leave in 30 minutes. Just stay and wait for me. My body has a fabulous look, but right now I have to take care if this things you gave me and call a face."
Chris:"Oh, fuck off. I'm way more sexy than you are and you know it!"
They left for the party. Everybody had to leave their belongings at the entrance and stay in only their underwear.
The hunky bodybuilder called out:"Good evening everyone. it is my honour to start this evening by choosing our first pair. You all have been given one even and one odd number to the pair you came here with. This way is to make sure that you don't end up having sex with your body. Even though I know many of you already have done that before arriving. Without further ado. The first pair is number 17 and 21. Please enjoy the room number 7.
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Robert:"Here I go. That's me. Wish me luck for someone hot"
Chris:"Yeah, hope you don't get some std"
Then the man took out another two numbers. "Number 4 and 18. Enjoy your room number 8."
I followed the same way Robert left. I just hope the person that comes inside here will be hot atleast. I know that last year some people ran away. I opened the door. And there he was, already witing for me
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Paul's body:"Hey, Ironman. What a funny coincidence. Wanna check out my enlarging device?"
Chris:"Hey, who are you really?"
Paul's body:"We're not suppose to say until we finish, remember? Now come here and show me what is that body made of really"
Oh man. I wonder how Robert is doing in my body nextdoor.
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Meanwhile Robert was enjoying a blow job from the mouth of Chris Hemsworth
What a night
Part 2:
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ghostofbambifanfiction · 1 year ago
CYOA C46 Longer Snippet
It might be a while before I can get chapter 46 updated because I'm not feeling particularly well or energised lately, but I did get one scene fully edited to a standard that I'm happy with so the least I can do is share that with you guys while you wait. I've shared a section of this already but changes have been made.
Anyway, check under the cut if you fancy it!
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Saturday 5th March, 2022, 07:53 Members: James Potter, Remus Lupin
James Potter: is there a tribunal you can report employers to when they go out of their way to set employees up with random celebrities who for all we know could be high-ranking members of all sorts of illuminati-run sacrificial sex cults?
Remus Lupin: What on earth are you talking about?
James Potter: andrew garfield hasn't even WON an oscar remus he lost out to casey affleck CASEY AFFLECK how bad does a man have to be to be the most problematic brother in a family that includes ben affleck, remus?!!!
Remus Lupin: Right.
James Potter: he lost out to a man who has been ACCUSED OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT, REMUS if that's not proof that he's a talentless hack I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
Remus Lupin: In defence of Andrew Garfield, I don't think that's a fair assessment of the situation.
James Potter: and what about the cults the illuminati cults what of the cults, remus? don't try to claim they don't exist i've spent time in la in tinseltown el pueblo i've seen that city's seedy underbelly in the flesh
Remus Lupin: I say this with love; if you ever happened to find yourself in the seedy underbelly of any city, you'd shit your pants.
James Potter: i would not shit my pants i'd be uncomfortable but i'm not incontinent and aren't you supposed to be on my side?
Remus Lupin: I am on your side, but you have a tell when you deflect your anger to the wrong target, and it's pretty much what you're doing now. You know that your mother wouldn't hurt you on purpose, and Andrew Garfield, poor as his timing was, certainly didn't do anything wrong. Neither of them are the actual problem. If you want to talk about the actual problem, I'm all ears, but I can't help you with things that don't need fixing.
James Potter: i should have had him assassinated when i had the chance
Remus Lupin: You never had the chance.
James Potter: i could have had the chance my parents have money
Remus Lupin: They have money, not mafia money.
James Potter: they might do you don't know my mum can be pretty shifty
Remus Lupin: Mate.
James Potter: no i know did you see your girlfriend's instagram post?
Remus Lupin: I didn't know you were following her?
James Potter: i don't, but i've been checking her posts in case lily showed up in any of them and please don't lecture me about how sad that is i'm aware
Remus Lupin: I have no intention of lecturing you. I saw her post, yeah.
James Potter: so you'll know
Remus Lupin: Know what?
James Potter: that she's not upset
Remus Lupin: Lily?
James Potter: yeah
Remus Lupin: You can't really believe that.
James Potter: yeah i do believe it in fact i don't think she ever was upset
Remus Lupin: I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to what you're saying, except to say that I simply don't think that's true.
James Potter: no no it is true she's not upset at all, she doesn't care about how i'm doing or how it would make me feel to see those photos if she did she wouldn't have let beatrice post them, would she? well?
Remus Lupin: I don't know, I don't think she's curating Beatrice's posts.
James Potter: she doesn't care that i'm stuck here dying for love of her, does she? because she's in fucking paris with her champagne or her baguettes or whatever else they eat over there escargot cheeses and shit she's laughing and posing for photos with a famous actor's arm around her waist as if everything is dead brilliant all of a sudden sorry remus but that's not what upset people DO
Remus Lupin: That's what a lot of upset people do. To save face.
James Potter: but SHE doesn't do that! not with me, never with me, we've always said we'd be honest
Remus Lupin: Maybe that's true, but she doesn't really have you at the moment.
James Potter: i'm right here! i'm not the one who cut her off and i'm not the one who thought we needed a break from each other that was HER, that was all her idea, i've been waiting for her like a dickhead for four days and she hasn't said a word but hey! she's over it! partying with celebrities! now that she's met andrew fucking garfield she's all cheered up and enjoying herself so good for her i guess was he all it took for her to stop giving a shit about me? she doesn't even KNOW him he is LITERALLY just some guy!
Remus Lupin: That's exactly what he is, just some guy who she will never see again after last night, and his meeting her doesn't suddenly mean that she no longer cares about you, or that she isn't upset about your fallout. I have it on good authority from Beatrice and from Lily herself that this isn't the case. In the grand scheme of things, Andrew Garfield doesn't matter.
James Potter: you'll eat your words when it comes out that they fell in love last night i saw his hand on her hip
Remus Lupin: His hand was on her hip because they were posing for a photo.
James Potter: yeah and they're probably sneaking off to some romantic parisian hotspot right now having sex on the eiffel tower
Remus Lupin: What, in front of the tourists?
James Potter: don't laugh at me
Remus Lupin: I'm not laughing. She's not with Andrew Garfield. She's been with Beatrice all day.
James Potter: then he had a prior engagement and they've exchanged numbers and they've been texting at every available second same difference
Remus Lupin: That isn't going to happen.
James Potter: it already happened why wouldn't it happen? why wouldn't he want her? the casey affleck thing aside, i'm sure he's not totally useless
Remus Lupin: It hasn't happened because the hold she has over you is not universal, much as you might believe otherwise. And because Beatrice told me what happened. They chatted sporadically throughout the evening, took a few photos and that was it.
James Potter: maybe beatrice is lying to you because lily doesn't want me to know the truth
Remus Lupin: Why wouldn't she want you to know the truth?
James Potter: because she's figured out how i feel about her and she's trying to let me down easy
Remus Lupin: Given what happened with Skylar, I doubt that she has.
James Potter: please don't mention skylar i regret everything about skylar and you might doubt, but lily's smart enough to get to the bottom of it
Remus Lupin: I think, in this case, that you might be hampered by your understanding of your side of the story. Which Lily has not been let in on. Just try to remember that you don't know hers either. Nor will you, until you talk to her.
James Potter: she doesn't want me to talk to her
Remus Lupin: She probably thinks that you don't want to talk to her.
James Potter: she's the one who asked for a break
Remus Lupin: After you started an argument. Which I don't blame you for, in case you ask me for the twentieth time. But she's had a few days to process it all now, and Beatrice says she's calmed down. Talk to her, and if she doesn't respond you will be no worse off than you are now.
James Potter: if she doesn't respond i'll be much worse off if she doesn't respond it's the end of everything
Remus Lupin: Even if it is, at least you'll know.
James Potter: even you wouldn't be this pragmatic if you were walking in my shoes right now
Remus Lupin: You're right, I have no defence for myself. The only thing I can do is advise you in the way I think best.
James Potter: heavy is the foot that wears the air jordan, i suppose
Remus Lupin: That's odd. Sirius said that you were more of a Crocs man nowadays.
James Potter: i have never bought crocs
Remus Lupin: He said you bought two pairs of Crocs
James Potter: fine, i'm going to drown him in the bath
He isn't doing well.
Sure, James has devilry enough inside him to chuck a vengeful mug of cold water over Sirius while he's lounging in the bath, and laugh loudly at the subsequent, Jaws-like thrashing (he never bought those Crocs! Merely considered it!) but in general…
Yeah. He isn't doing well.
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fandomzwriterk · 8 months ago
I'm not sure if you're still taking requests, but if you are, I'd like to request a story where Liu Kang saves the reader from an accident. The reader fell in love at first sight, but Liu Kang disappeared immediately after. The reader wants to repay Liu Kang's kindness by working for him so they go in search of him. Eventually, they find him.
A/N: you got it! This is brought to you by 30/90 by Andrew Garfield. BTW Liu Kang is so damn hot like damnnnnnnn🙏🙏🙏 The only god I’d worship
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You barely remember that night even if it was yesterday. All you remember was you went out to the town and meet your friends Raiden and Kung Lao for an early lunch. It would be the last time too since both boys were moving to another place where they both said they’d be trained and live alongside other trainees too. They didn’t tell you where or with who, so you wanted to see them one more time just in case it would be the last. You had known them since you were all kids and those two would always protect you no matter what. They were more like your brothers than your friends as you all got older. However, that night was different than most.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
The hand on your wrist was tight, fear kicking in as you realized who was behind you. His dark smile was menacing, making your heart sink and your body quiver in fear.
“Let me go!”
It was Shang Tsung. He’d made his name known as he chased you down every other day, and only you. He never said why, just that he was always looking for you and when you would be most vulnerable. Now, he finally had you where he could find you easily.
“Not a chance. You’re coming with me. After all you’re important in my little plan I have.”
He chopped the back of your neck with the side of his hand, making you collapse on the ground. Your eyes were still slightly open, seeing him reach down to grab your leg. There was a bright light coming from the other direction, seeing someone fly at Shang Tsung and kick him into the dirt. You couldn’t see much as they landed within your peripheral vision. All you could see were shining white eyes staring at you, long dark black hair falling down behind him and a little over their chest. Dragon tattoos lined their arms, the shirt they wore showing off their very fit chest and body. Your vision became blurry and eventually closed them as you saw Shang Tsung run off and the new person walk towards you, crouching in front of your eyes. You had no strength left from trying to withstand Shang Tsung’s own power over yours.
“Stay here don’t worry I’ll find your friends.” The calm voice spoke
The next morning…
You awoke inside Raiden and Kung Lao’s shared wooden house. Of course your two friends lived together, it’d be weird if they didn’t considering how attached at the hip they are. Neither boy was there, finding yourself lying on their comfy sofa with a blanket over you. The boys were gone after your dinner last night, and now you’d have this little house to yourself since both of them passed it to you when they left. It was small, but it was comfortable and safe for you to stay in instead of sleeping on Madame Bo’s floor of the back room.
“How was the dinner last night?” You heard somewhere behind you
You sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning to see Madame Bo dusting off a shelf in the kitchen.
“I ought to teach those boys a thing or two about cleanliness.”
She spotted you sitting up, her smile bright as she turned to carry a cup of tea to you. Moving to the side, you let Madame Bo sit down on the sofa next to you.
“So. How does it feel to have a house of your own now?”
“Pretty great actually. It’s nice being in the town all the time now and not sleeping on your floor Madame Bo, even though I am happy for your generosity.”
“Oh nonsense Y/n I loved having you around. Made things easier at work.” She teased
You playfully rolled your eyes, standing up to follow the elder woman around.
“Speaking of which I heard you had an encounter last night with a… friend of mine.”
“The man who saved me?”
“Oh yes I know him very well. It’s a good thing he was around to save you.”
“Can you tell me where he is?”
“Why do you ask child?”
“I owe him, I want to thank him for saving me.”
“You don’t need to I’m sure-“
“Please Madame Bo I want to tell him myself.”
Madame Bo sighed, your insistence was just as bad as hers, but she knew you had a good heart and wanted this so very much.
“Alright. Just behave when you get there.”
Some time later…
It was late at Madame Bo’s restaurant, everyone gone and closed so nobody would find out where you would be “going.”
“Madame Bo, how sure are you that I won’t be in trouble for this later?”
“You’ll be fine young one. After all, you have some friends on the inside.”
“I do? Who would that be?”
As if on queue, a fiery portal opened in the middle of the room, two people walking out to greet you.
“Raiden! Kung Lao!”
You ran to them, hugging them both. They were here, right back where you had last seen them. Where had they come from?
“Hey Y/N it’s good to see you too.” Kung Lao responded
“Yeah we were about to ask about you when Madame Bo said you wanted to look for somebody.”
You tilted your head to the side, puzzle as to how they were your connections to the mystery man.
“Don’t worry we know him very well. He’s really nice, and he’s super strong.” Kung Lao assured you, sensing your curiosity
“Come on Y/n we don’t have much time left. We came here without-“
“You two are going to be the death of me.” Madame Bo teased
“Sorry Madame Bo.” The three of you responded
“Will I be seeing you again Madame Bo?” You asked as you walked to stand in front of the portal
“I’m sure you will. Now behave while you’re there… and make sure those two listen and behave.”
Raiden and Kung Lao smiled, walking through while you reached a hand through, pausing to look at the elderly woman again.
“I’ll try my best.”
“Be safe child.”
“I will Madame Bo. I owe you next time I see you.”
You walked through, taking only a couple of steps before you were behind Raiden and Kung Lao in a totally different place, some sort of training compound around you. As the three of you walked straight, three men in masks greeted you. The two with dark haired ones wore blue and orange, the other covered in dark grey, silver hair much shorter than the other two men.
“Y/n these are some of our… friends. They know who you’re looking for.” Raiden assured
The silver haired man looked you over, putting a hand out to you.
“Smoke. These are my brothers Sub-Zero and Scorpion.”
You shook his hand, feeling how soft his skin was yet how strong he was underneath.
“Follow us.” The one named Sub-Zero spoke as Smoke and Scorpion followed behind the rest of you
You followed the three men, much taller and stronger than both Raiden and Kung Lao. They could easily overpower you if they wanted to, but they seemed like that wasn’t their type of way they behaved.
“Where are we?” You whispered
“An academy for the Champions.” Raiden answered
“Oh right wait till you meet Lord Liu Kang he can explain.” Smoke added
They brought you to an open area with all sorts of training equipment, seeing many different people working on each things they wanted to learn better.
“We have to go Y/n. Don’t worry these three are the best there is here.” Raiden spoke as he and Kung Lao walked over to two other gentlemen
One was wielding a katana at his side, the other pulling out a phone and pointing it at Raiden and Kung Lao. His who fashion statement screamed rich boy.
“Come on.”
You followed closely behind Smoke, your eyes watching as Scorpion and Sub-Zero stopped on top of the short stairs into a small open building. Inside were two other men, one with golden armor on his shoulder and the other with dark hair tied in a bun, some falling down his back and over his shoulder.
“Lord Liu Kang. You have a visitor.”
The man named Liu Kang spun around, spotting you standing alone as Smoke and his brothers walked away. You stood there silently in front of the two men.
“Oh. It’s you! I’m surprised you found out who I was pretty quickly. I guess Madame Bo had something to do with it.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, his VERY muscular chest with a smile on his face, those pure bright white eyes shining at you
“It is you! I- I didn’t get to thank you that day and I wanted to make sure you knew how thankful I am.”
“There’s no need to thank me. I know Shang Tsung all too well unfortunately.”
“Know him?”
“Unfortunately. He’s not the greatest… person… to be around.”
“I’ll leave you two alone for a minute.” The bald man spoke
You stared at Liu Kang, seeing his dragon tattoos glow on his arms. He was very fit, he was almost like a god in front of you.
“I assume you didn’t just come looking for me to thank me as well?”
“N-no I was wondering if, somehow, I could stay here and work for you. I owe you for saving my life.”
“You don’t owe me. However, if you want to stay here with us, you can gladly stay. I like having more friends around. After all you do know Raiden and Kung Lao very well. You’ve also seem to make an impression on my Lin Kuei friends.”
You turned your head to the right, seeing the three brothers staring at you while the both of you spoke. They went back to talking amongst themselves, seeming to only look if they were mentioned.
“I can stay?”
“Of course. Shang Tsung is a bad man, and I’m not going to say no after all. You’re a friend of a friend.”
He uncrossed his arms, walking towards you, putting a hand on top of your head. He was so much taller than you, towering over you by a foot. His smile was contagious, so you smiled back at him.
“Thank you Liu Kang, for letting me stay and saving my life.”
“You don’t need to thank me Y/n. I promise my friends and I will protect you from now on.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I’m also a Liu Kang simp so yes, all three Lin Kuei brothers are hot and so is Liu Kang.
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pashfoxx · 1 year ago
I've been browsing AO3 for hours and stumbled upon a few AUs where a character becomes Spider-Man. I quite enjoy these types of AUs because of the endless story possibilities, considering Spider-Man has a vast array of villains. The best ones I found were where Remus and James were Spider-Man. But I'm here to pitch an even stranger idea: what if Peter Pettigrew were Spider-Man? I mean, the guy is a coward, and I think that would make for a great story opportunity – someone as cowardly as Peter becoming Spider-Man, someone who clearly lacks a moral compass at first. And here's where I think Peter would urgently need the death of someone as significant to him as Uncle Ben was to Peter Parker. It couldn't be any of the Marauders because Peter holds them in a strange kind of pedestal, so the death of any of them might scare him more than give him the push he needs to do good.
So, hypothetically, a character not mentioned in canon could be used: Peter Pettigrew's father. Now, listen, Peter definitely wouldn't use his powers for good at first. I'd bet Peter would use them to steal some small things from stores – these kinds of things would give him some self-confidence, which we know Peter definitely lacked. So Peter's father discovers this, and he and Peter argue. Peter runs away from home, and his father goes after him (similar to what happens in Andrew Garfield's movie). Peter's father encounters the thief Peter just let go and is shot dead. Peter wants revenge because now he has these powers, and that's what he always wanted – now he's more powerful than anyone, and he wants to find the man who took his father from him.
I think his origin as Spider-Man would definitely be much more violent since it would be for entirely selfish reasons, but I also like to think that with the help of the Marauders, they could help him take a better path, especially James. I think he could definitely have a great influence on Peter's morality.
I also like to think that Peter would still be the same shy and kind boy but definitely much less willing to take any kind of mockery, especially after what happened to his father. As Spider-Man, he would be much more himself, as if wearing the mask eliminates that little fear of what others might say.
Lastly, I don't think Peter would be smart enough to create web shooters, so I actually think if I ever write this, I'd give him natural webs like Tobey McGuire's Spider-Man.
The opinions don't matter to me, but please, if you're going to spread hate about Peter Pettigrew, just don't comment. This is an AU, so we're completely taking into account the canonical personality of the character.
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theninthdoor · 12 days ago
Hi, can you do a reading on Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh (As in Friendship and Relationship)
before I get into the reading, let me just say: the cards took AGES to come out of the deck, first of all. second, Florence was heavy on my mind the whole time I was shuffling. her energy is SO strong and present, I'm not even kidding… in my opinion, she's definitely "spiritually-aware" and may dabble with a lot of this stuff herself.
cards: ace of pentacles, seven of cups, six of pentacles, king of wands
Alright, so this is reading as being a very work-focused relationship, first and foremost. They came together for a project, and that was the glue in their connection. Personality wise, honestly, I don't think they are as good of a match as it may seem (or as they made it seem)... It just feels like they would get (or did get, actually) bored of each other easily. As for now, they just see one another as acquaintances and co-workers, I'd say. However… there must've been a little hookup here at some point, for sure. Seven of Cups + King of Wands?? Honey… 🥴c'mon... iykyk Five of Cups + Three of Swords at the bottom of the deck = whoever wanted more, got disappointed because, again, they both got bored and the other person wasn't willing to put any more attention or energy into this.
Don't know if they will ever work together again, tbh, because things seem rather awkward between them behind the scenes (when the cameras aren't there, I mean…). Time should tell, though… but based on how things are right now, I don't see either of them particularly wanting it.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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drifting-pieces-blog-blog · 7 months ago
Besides Werewolf by Night and the characters presented in the show, who else would you be interested in seeing MK system meet up with? Any other MCU characters?
Boy Howdy.
So…. Of course I want him to meet up with Jack Russel. They could be BFF.
Who do I want the MK system to meet up with otherwise?
If we're talking already established MCU characters:
Dare Devil - They have such a complicated relationship. And there's so much room for shenanigans and silly situations. Angsty Catholic Boy meets Angsty Jewish boy is always an A+++ in my book.
Not to mention Highly Observant Steven catching on right away that the blind man has more going on than it seems.
FRANK CASTLE - Oh man. Jon Bernthal and Oscar Isaac on the same screen? I don't think I'd survive. Marc and Frank talking war crimes shop? Family trauma? Vengeance???
Not to mention the whole issue with Khonshu in the comics being jealous of Frank and trying to get Marc to be more like Frank.
Circling around to bigger MCU lines….
See, I want Mk to interact with Spider-Man, but not Tom Holland Spider-Man.
MK and Spider-Man have always had a nice relationship, but it's an older Spider-Man, not a little wide eyed naive kid Spider-Man. He needs to be snappy and witty and on his game Spider-Man. Like almost Andrew Garfield Spider-Man but not quite. He has to fill in the silence from the non-communicative Moon Knight side of things.
DeadPool. Almost. That's a rough one because Moon Knight at full angry vengeance mode plays so well with Deadpool. But that's more comics MK and not quiet MCU MK if that makes sense? (Though Steven might hold up with his snark).
The Hulk has potential. But I also don't see any of them getting along with Bruce well enough.
Bro-Thor might be a wholesome interaction. I could see emotional kind Thor making friends with Steven easily. Not to mention Steven could geek out about mythology to him.
I don't think Ironman would work well. Honestly, Moon Knight and Ironman have never gone well together in my books.
Captain America in THEORY has always been a nice one for quick interactions. (Steven Grant may or maynot be a fictive of Steven Grant Rogers, but that's a differnet story from the comics), but Captain America and Marc have never gotten along at all.
It's hard to imagine Marc (marc in particular) mingling with the other MCU characters because they have all been done as quick witted chatty guys with egos and Marc in MCU is so socially awkward.
Put him and Bucky in a room and you just got two silent broody men standing on opposite sides of the room with Bucky staring intently and Marc not picking up social cues and doing his best to maintain eye contact till one of them breaks. You would need Steven or another outside force to bridge the gap and try to connect, but then you have Marc being overly protective of Steven and fighting his overall impulse to not let anyone know about his mental health issues and forcing front to keep Steven out of it.
But this takes me back around to characters that are already soft, quiet, friendly, and who also suffer from misunderstandings and issues: Jack Russel. The ultimate friend and buddy to MK system. With his sweet smile and desire to please and make people happy. He'd be soft with Steven, chatty for Marc (to cover so Marc doesn't have to talk), and a great Spanish drinking pal with Jake.
And Ted. I think Ted would love Steven.
Elsa Bloodstone? She's already met one man with a dual side and complicated story. She'd take one look at Marc and heavily sigh and accept that she seems to just attract problems.
NOW: Who do I want to see them interact with that are NOT already in the MCU?
Task Master. Hear me out - He's a villain that can make the rounds in ALL MCU shows/movies. He has a photographic memory and can instantly learn and mimic any fighting style. And in the comics, he loathes the day that he learned Moon Knight's style and wishes he could forget it.
The Sentry. If they could introduce the Sentry and get him RIGHT I'd be so happy. He is the direct opposite of Moon Knight on so many levels.
I'm trying not to ramble here because I could go on and on about why I think some characters would and would not team up well with MCU MK....
But let me pose this to you, which was not part of your original question:
Can you imagine protective Layla with MK meeting up with the MCU cast? I want to see her character evolve and I imagine she's latched onto Steven and taken up Marc's position of "This delightful piece of marshmallow fluff must be protected at all cost".
I think if anyone tried to give them trouble or pointed out the issue of Marc and Steven switching in front of them she'd be in their face so fast.
"What's that? You can't trust him because he's too unpredictable? How about I unpredictable your face?" That girl is a spit fire.
But I think she and Elsa would get along well.
Anyways, I have a wish list but I also have anxieties depending on the writer. Historically Moon Knight has not done well in groups and tends to get labeled "that schitzo lunatic" that just stands in the background a lot. Which would be a shame to do to Oscar Isaac and doubtful that they would be able to do to him. But so many MCU characters have been written With intense egos...
Who do you want to see them interact with? Anyone I forgot? Anyone that you think would actually be able to make friends with them?
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scarlettwriter91 · 1 year ago
Okay. I love Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, and Gary Oldman. Like seriously love them.
But as I'm about to turn 33 next month :( it's become glaringly obvious that they were too old to play Snape, Remus, and Sirius. (I always knew, but good Lord now I KNOW) They expected us to believe that those guys were 33?! Or 31 in Snape's case during Harry's first year. Two years out of his twenties?? I don't think so.
So I'm on a mission to find age appropriate face claims for them for my As Potter is to Snape series.
Adam Driver is 100% Snape. I don't even try to picture anyone else lol. But I need help with Sirius and Remus.
I know everyone points out Ben Barnes and Andrew Garfield, (who I love!) but I don't think they work for them as adults as well as they do for teenagers. Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban and then another year on the run. He's seen a thing or two lol.
I feel like they would both be a little hardened, and war torn maybe.
Anyway, if any one has any suggestions, I'd love to hear about them!! Let me know what you think in the comments because Idk if I can finish this chapter until I figure this out.
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year ago
I’m currently watching all of the Spider-Man films on Netflix (which is confusing because there’s like 3 films that aren’t on Netflix, so the story doesn’t make sense to me) and my Media Studies teacher told me to illegally watch them.
D’you know what order to start marvel in? My friend told me to not watch them in the specific order (she never gave me the actual order, and google won’t tell me)
Oh, you have come to the right place!
Fun fact: I was a Spider-Man super fan when I was little. Literally, my three year old birthday party was a Spider-Man themed because I was absolutely obsessed with Tobey or I guess Peter Parker (There are even baby pictures of me with a spidey suit).
So first of all something you have to understand is that the Spider-Man movies are kind of like Batman. They have been rebooted several times and they have changed Spider-Man two times so far. That means we have three different Spider-Men: Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland (there are other vintage ones but they aren't that popular).
My personal favourite is Tobey, but I am biased, because he was the first one I ever met and the one that made me love spider-man. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely love Andrew, because you know Remus <3
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Now, onto the order!
I’d recommend approaching it on a release date order, although you can watch any of the different spider-men in any order as long as you follow the movie order for them.
So, let’s go through the different spider-men.
First of all, we’ve got Tobey: his movies are known as The Raimi trilogy and were what kickstarted the whole Superhero movie craze of the following decade (he’s a pioneer, my boy).
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Names are super easy, you just need to find “Spider-Man + (Movie number)” and that’s it. There are three of them and number two is one of the most beloved Spider movies of all time (Tobey had some of the best Spider-man villains ever).
Then we have Andrew’s movies:
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This are “The Amazing Spider-Man” and “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (My little brother’s favourites).
Andrew was a great Spidey, and although his villains aren’t my favourites, he’s my second fav.
None of the previous movies are part of the MCU (Kind off)
Now onto the MCU, or Tom Holland’s trilogy. Tom is part of the MCU since he was created and the first time he appears on screen is in Captain America: Civil War (The third CA movie).
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Although he is on this movie for like 15 minutes in total, it is pretty much the backbone of his story, so I'd definitely recommend giving it a watch. Besides my man Bucky Barnes is a big character on this one so <3
After that, you have his solo movies:
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These are: Home Coming, Far From Home and No Way Home.
No Way Home will bring an interesting surprise since you've already marathoned all the other films.
So that's it, you can watch either the Raimi Trilogy or Andrew's movies first, just make sure you leave Tom's for the end (if you want to be as excited as me screaming like a crazy person in the theatre).
Now I'm not sure if your teacher also wanted you to watch these two, but Spider-man Across the Spiderverse and Into the Spiderverse are also spidey films, even though they are mainly focused on Miles Morales and not on Peter Parker.
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Now, Miles is a different Spider-Man from a different universe, but that's a lot to do with a bit more technical multiverse things that you'll learn as you watch the other Spider-Man movies.
The animation on these ones is absolutely insane, and I love them, but I would wait until I've watched at least the Raimi Trilogy and the Amazing Spiderman movies to dive in. If you watch it after Tom Holland's movies though, you'll have a much better understanding of the Spiderverse by the time you enter this world.
Sidenote: Tell your Media Studies teacher that your internet friend thinks they're super cool for making you watch all the Spider-man films.
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spacecadet-ticklesinspace · 2 years ago
Andrew anon here and I'd like to submit a prompt!
If you would still like to write one, i was thinking an Andrew and reader? In not thats fine, but if you would like please take your time!!💜💜
Andrew Garfield and Reader
Summary: A tickle scenario between big brother Andrew and little sibling reader :)
(Thank you so much for this Andrew Anon ❤️ This was so much fun to get to write and I hope you enjoy it :))
You looked over your lines for the upcoming scene. "I'm not ready for this."
"You've been going over your lines for ever Y/N." Andrew glanced up from his script to give you a smile. "You'll be just fine."
"I guess you're right." You flipped to the next page of the script. "There's just so many emotions and really important lines and I . . . just don't think I can do it."
Andrew leaned toward you. "Hey now, you've been doing great so far. Don't let one scene knock you down."
"Thanks Mr. Garfield, but I don't know . . ."
"First, I am not Mr. Garfield, that's my father."
You turtled into your shoulders. "Sorry."
"No need to apologize, that one is an easy fix." Andrew reassuringly squeezed your arm. "But the second point I'm trying to make is that you're doing great so far Y/N. You get out there in front of that camera and you just shine."
You blushed brightly. You never were very good at accepting compliments from other people, but honestly, that felt really good to hear. "T-thank you Mi---."
Andrew raised one eyebrow.
"An---Mister Andrew."
Your older costar playfully rolled his eyes. "Eh, I'll take ihit. Anything I can do to help you calm your nerves?"
You bit your lip and thought. "Umm . . . Could---could we run through the scene together? Atleast once?"
"Of course." Andrew stood and pulled you up with him. "But let's move over to the couch?"
You stumbled along behind him. "What?"
"It's a sibling scene and we're on a couch anyway." Andrew pulled you next to him. "Practicing the same way you'll perform helps ease any nerves."
You tensed a little. While running through the scene, you forgot how close you had to be to Andrew. The older man had never done anything to you; in fact, he had treated you as a younger sibling throughout the whole production. But ever since you were first introduced to Andrew Garfield in his Spider-man movies when you were younger . . . Your first Lee mood had awakened. You had immediately scoured ever fanfiction website for fanfiction for this man and that had been your gateway into the tickling community. Ever since you had wanted nothing more than to be tickled by the man sitting next to you.
Your blush darkened as you were pulled into Andrew's side. You had been able to hide the Lee mood through previous scenes because as siblings, you were mostly throwing things at each other or shoving each other away. But now you were close to his side with his arm around your neck and his hand mere inches away from your side. This was both your dream and your nightmare rolled into one!
However, Andrew must have assumed your red face was from the nerves about this scene because he squeezed your arm as he flipped the script to the first page. "Just try your best."
You fumbled to get your script to the right page. "Uh, y-yeah! Sure!"
Andrew chuckled and scratched the side of your head. "Yohoull doho greheat Y/N."
Those fingers were so close to your ear that you instinctively turtled into your shoulders. But you tried to push the tickle thoughts out of your head as you focused on your first line. "I can't believe he's gone."
Andrew immediately stared at the far side of the room and let his facial features go blank. "Me too."
It was impressive how quickly he got into character. You tired to match his energy by pinching your arm to make your eyes water. "Remeber---remember when we u-used to---to go to . . ."
Your older costar leaned closer and whispered out of the side of his mouth. "He took us."
"Remember when he took us---to the park? He would always---always---." You tried to finish the line, but your hands were so sweaty that your script slipped to the floor. "Oh shoot!"
"It's okay Y/N." Andrew bent forward to pick up your script. "Those nerves like to get the better of us."
"I-I'm sorry, I just---don't know why I'm s-so nervous."
Andrew gave you a wink as he placed the script back in your hands. "Let's give it another try."
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and started the scene again. On the second read through, you felt proud of yourself for getting farther even with tickle scenarios playing in the back of your mind, but then Andrew repositioned himself to give you a hug---and his hand grazed your side.
You squeaked and dropped your script again.
"Wow!" Your older costar pulled back. "Sorry! Did I hurt you?"
"N-no! You didn't hurt me! I'm just---super nervous! I-I'm sorry!"
Andrew stared at you as he reached his other hand down to grab your script. You tried your best to hold his look but your eyes kept darting away as you internally begged your Lee mood mind to get the image of him pinning you and tickling you out of your head.
Then a hand squeezed your knee. And you squeaked.
You looked down to see Andrew's free hand wrapped firmly around your knee. Then that same hand squeezed your knee again and you couldn't stop the second squeak that left your mouth.
Meanwhile, Andrew grinned. "Ihi don't believe ihit."
Your eyes widened. "Uh--uh--M-mister Andrew! L-let's talk abohout thiIIS!"
"I already told you Y/N." Your older costar quickly shuffled you around so you were pinned with your back against his chest. "You reheally need to relax. Otherwise, you'll never gehet thihis scene down."
"I am relaxed!" You exclaimed, neck already turtling into your shoulders. "The mohost relaxed!"
One arm wrapped around your rib area including your arms. "Ah-ha! Know how I know that's a lie?"
"Uhum . . ."
"If you were relaxed." Andrew dug into your side. "You would be smiling mohore."
A surprised squeal left your mouth as your side was attacked.
"See? Soho much mohore relaxed nohow."
"Ah! Nohoho!"
The attack lasted a minute with Andrew tickling along your sides and stomach. It was like a dream come true that you second guessed everything and kept waiting for the moment you woke up, but that moment never came.
You were so caught up in everything and couldn't believe this was actually happening so when he let you go, the first words out of your mouth were, "Is ihit oveher already?"
"Come again?"
Once you registered what phrase had just come out of your mouth, you immediately pulled away and jumped up from the couch. "Uhum, wh-what I meant t-to say . . . Well I--I . . ."
"Hey, it's okay Y/N."
You looked up. "W-what?"
Andrew gave you a comforting smile. "It's okay. Did you want me to tickle you a little longer?"
Your mouth dropped. "You---you don't m-mind?"
"Course not! I think it's adorable."
"Yehes." Your older costar leaned forward. "My nephew still asks for them when we hang out."
"B-but I'm so much older!"
Andrew shrugged. "Doesn't make that much of a difference."
"But . . ."
"Y/N, look at me please."
You managed to make eye contact with your older costar.
"Please stop making excuses. Kids who like tickling grow up into adults who like it. Plus, if tickling actually helps you relax and focus, we can use that to our advantage."
"But you said practice the way you perform!"
Andrew smirked. "If you don't stop making excuses Y/N, I'll show you how we can make it part of the performance."
You heard what he said, but before you could process it, you where talking again. "But---."
"Alright, that's it."
You squeaked and jumped back as Andrew stood. "Wait! Wait, I'm sorry!"
Andrew smirked as he followed you. "Come here Y/N."
You tried to babble out a response as the older man followed you around the room. "Please! M-mercy! Mercyhy!"
"Look at that grin! You're so cute!" Andrew took his hands out of his pockets to reach toward you. "They knew exactly what they were doing when they cast you as the younger sibling."
You continued walking backward. "Shut uhUUP!"
While distracted by the approaching enemy, you forgot the couch you had been sitting on didn't move. You caught the edge of the couch and tipped backward onto it. Once you were on your back, Andrew quickly knelt in front of the couch so you can't get away. "No where else to run nohow."
You continued giggling as those wiggling fingers came closer and closer to you.
"Aww, no reply?" Andrew's fingers wiggled into your tummy. "Or do I have to tickle it out of you?"
"Ack! Mihisteher Andrehew!"
Andrew dug into his sides. "Tickie, tickie, tickie! The tickle monster's gonna get you!"
You wouldn't want to admit it to him, but this was heaven to you. This had been your dream for years! The teasing, the chasing, the wiggling fingers. Everything was perfect.
And you were on cloud 9.
The Andrew began to roll up shirt. "You know what ehelse my nephew begs for still all of the time?"
You squeaked. "Whahat?"
"He used to call them Tummy Toots, buhut yohou would know them better as zerberts."
Your eyes widened. "Wha? Ah!"
Andrew quickly rushed his head down and blew a raspberry into your tummy.
You squealed loudly before dissolving into cackles as he gave your tummy a few more raspberries. "ANDREEEW!"
Your older costar giggled down at you. "Yohou sohound lihike him too!"
You shoved Andrew's shoulders. "Stohop! Yohou're embarassihing mehe!"
"Aww, is someone flustehered?"
You growled. "Yehes!"
"Do I neheed to put you ihin aha better mood?"
A small smile made its way on to your face. "Mahaybe."
Andrew smirked. "Does someone's tummy need a few more toots?"
The smile on your face grew even more as you wrapped your arms around your tummy. "Dohon't yohou dahare!"
Andrew chuckled as he began pushing your arms up. "I'm gonna get your tummy! I'm gonna get it!"
"Ack! WaitwaitwAAAIAT! NAAHAHA!"
You squealed as Andrew blew more raspberries into your tummy. You put your hands on his head as your legs kicked wildly behind him. All of the talk of his nephew mixed with the teasing made you feel like a little kid. Not that you minded at all, that just made the tickling more fun and carefree.
Once he was done with his raspberries, Andrew moved up to give you a hug. "Did you have aha gohood time Y/N?"
You nodded as you returned the hug. "Thank yohou."
"No problehem. Doing this with you reminds me of being home."
"Mehe too." You squeezed him. "I miss them."
"Me too."
After a few more seconds, your older costar pulled back to smirk at you. "And that's also how I would incorporate it intoho thehe scene."
Your eyebrows furrowed together before what he said earlier clicked in your head. You shoved Andrew. "Yohou're horrible!"
"Aww, Ihim sorryhy." Andrew gave you another hug and added in a forehead kiss. "You're really awesome Y/N."
"W-wehell---You're awesomer!"
"No you."
"No yohou!"
"Noho you!"
You held out a hand. "Truce?"
Andrew took your hand. "Truce."
Your older costar helped you up to a sitting position while you tugged down your shirt.
He then handed you back your script. "Come on, let's get back to work. Ohor Ihill have to tickle you again."
You were tempted to slap Andrew's shoulder, but the threat of more tickles made you hesitate. A moment later you tapped his arm. "Mister Andrew? If you want . . . Could we . . . have another tickle fight tomorrow? We have another really difficult scene and . . . It really does help. . ."
Andrew grinned as he nudged your arm. "I'd love to Y/N. It helps me too."
The smile on your face grew even bigger as you settled back onto the couch. This was turning out to be the best movie ever.
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ablatheringblatherskite · 2 years ago
1, 8, 16? 😁 (for the movie/tv asks)
HEY IM SO SORRY I'M SO LATE WDHWHKJWHWD. There was so much happening lately and I haven't had the time to actually write out a thought out post 😭 but I'm finally here!! Let's do this!!
1.What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?
This is kind of hard because I haven't watched REALLY depressing films lol?? But one of the more depressing films I've watched was Breathe (the one starring Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy). It's about how Robin Cavendish was struck by polio and his life afterwards, and how his and his wife's relationship was affected by it. It really does sound depressing when I summarize it like that, but it's actually really hopeful and most especially triumphant, which I loved. An absolutely beautiful film btw, which I HIGHLY recommend (I can send you a copy if you want to watch it and are having trouble finding it!).
But yeah, that's probably one of the more depressing films I've watched so far. I'm sure there are others, but I can't actually remember them right now smh
8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film/TV Show?
You know, one of my favorite book series, Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland, was actually supposed to become a Netflix series. AND THEY CANCELLED IT. So I'd really like it if they would pick that up again. I'd also love to see a show adaptation of the Zodiac Legacy by Stan Lee! It'd be EPIC. I'd also love to see a short film of Once Upon A Time In The North by Philip Pullman so I could see Lin-Manuel Miranda play that version of Lee Scoresby! I did enjoy his portrayal of Lee in the His Dark Materials series, but I really wanna see him play a version of Lee that fits his style of Lee better! It'd be a lot of fun, and I could never say no to more Lee Scoresby! I also think a Studio Ghibli adaptation of Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi, and a Laika Studios adaptation of The Wonderling by Mira Bartok would be absolutely gorgeous!
16. A film/TV Show you love but everyone else hates?
Oh okay this is good, because I'm kind of known in my circle as someone who's really forgiving towards films and series that aren't that good. It's not that I can't tell it isn't that good, or that I can't see its flaws, it's just that I generally know how to enjoy it despite that. Because that's how I like to enjoy things!!
Anyway some movies that a lot of people hated that I absolutely loved actually is Andrew Garfield's The Amazing Spider-Man duology. Yes, I know it isn't perfect, but things don't have to be perfect for you to love them anyway!!! I love those films!! He's my favorite Spider-Man and everything 😭 yes I DID watch both the Sam Raimi and MCU Spider-Man films too, but there's just something about The Amazing Spider-Man that I really love. BESIDES how cute Andrew Garfield is in it :>>>
Anyway thank you so much for sending this ask and I'm sorry again for answering it so late!! I really appreciated it and I hope it doesn't make you not wanna send asks again in the future 😭
If anyone else wants to send me some film/tv asks, feel free!!!
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florcncepgh · 6 months ago
we need more men in the free the nipple movement, because yes. having andrew garfield in it, a big win for us. now is it because you want mine free or just for every woman? my boobs are pretty great, i'm pretty happy with them. they might not be huge or anything. they're small but mighty. you want me to join you in the horse costume? only if you realize you're getting the arse end of the horse. I'm not ending up behind your arse. no matter how hot it is. but what if i'm telling my girl best mates all the things, i can't tell you those same things about you, silly. that's what i'm here for to make you insane, in the best ways possible. i can offer to make you insane some time if you want and have some free time. maybe he needs an origin story, how do we know until we see what the fans think? that really is such bullshit i would have flipped my shit if someone was trying to get my personal id information while i'm just trying to get my food. let alone if i'm hangry? this is why i cook so much because i would absolutely ripped him for filth and then i'd be getting cancelled because of a fucking doordash douchebag. why don't we test that theory, andrew.
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I support the free the nipple movement. As long as you feel comfortable, that's all that matters. Like I said, you have perfect boobs and the world is lucky for having the pleasure of seeing them. Yours are most definitely much hotter than any mans, trust me. Would you like to join me in the horse costume then, babe? But as one of your best mates, I feel like I should know the things you're saying about me. I can only assume they're only good things, but I won't know until I hear them. You do have a tendency to make me insane, but in the best sense of the word. If he gets the Oscar nom, I guarantee they're going to capitalize on his success and make a sequel all about his origin story. That's exactly what I've been wondering. All I wanted was my food, but he gave me a hard time and kept asking for ID. He probably just wanted it just to snap a pic of it or something as some sort of proof. And if that's the case, I'm glad I didn't give it to him anyway. I'm very confident I know the answer here. So confident that I'd put my life on the line.
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theworthlessdivine · 2 years ago
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andrew garfield for gq
i repeat
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harrysfolklore · 2 years ago
could you pls do a fake ig post with daisy edgar jones!? love ur work <3
day two of blurbs !! this has writing under the cut so don’t skip it just yet ! you know how much i love doing interview blurbs <3 i hope you like this
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated ! | support me <3
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liked by harrystyles, florencepugh and 1,278,937 others
yourinstagram I let @elleuk ask me anything, you can watch the video on the link on my bio 😁
view all 57,836 comments
florencepugh 💍💍💍💍
harryfan1 i’m jealous of harry
harrystyles You’re cute ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Thanks, but i’m not single
↳ ynfan2 they’re that annoyingly cheesy couple i love them
↳ harryfan2 BABIES
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The video began with you sitting in a chair in the studio, with an excited smile on your face and ready to get on with the questions
"Hi I'm YN and I'm here with Elle UK to play 'Ask me Anything'" you introduced yourself as the producers told you to, the video then moved to show the first question.
"What's the funniest thing you've read about yourself?”
"There was something really funny that happened quite recently" you told the camera giggling a bit as you remembered said moment "I kept getting messages from people saying like 'oh my gosh congrats on your pregnancy' but I'm not pregnant so somebody came out with the rumor on social media and everyone thought it was real" you continued as you let out a small laugh, "The fact that I kept wearing baggy clothes didn't help at all I guess, even my boyfriend's mom Anne texted me about it. But just to be clear, I'm not pregnant, don´t believe everything you read on the internet, kids" you pointed to the camera as the video moved to show the next question.
"What's your biggest fangirl moment?"
"It was actually when I met Harry" your smile grew wider again, and anyone could tell how much you loved telling that story "He was in the room and I was like oh my gosh, I couldn't think of anything else, I went up and said hello and I was quite uncool, but we were both 18 and he was really nice to me even though I was clearly fangirling over him" the producers let out small laugh at your story, and you were pretty sure fans would go crazy over it "But we've been together for 5 years now so I think my fangirling charmed him" you winked at the camera, ready for the next question
"Who would you let tattoo you, Sebastian Stan or Andrew Garfield?”
"Oh my gosh if I had to choose between Sebastian or Andrew to give me a tattoo" you paused to think, not sure which one of your co stars would you trust with a tattoo "I feel like I would get a funnier tattoo from Andrew, but I trust Sebastian more with it, I feel like I could trust him if I couldn't choose, he would choose that was good for me" you clasped your hands together as you finished your answer, really satisfied with it
"What's the best thing about attending red carpet events?”
"I'm still getting used to going to red carpet events, no matter how many years you've been in this industry, you're never fully used to it" you paused "But I guess the good thing about them is that you're able to be there with people you love, I think everyone knows how much I love going with Taylor and Daya, and when It's even better when Harry is able to join me" you muttered with a smile, not hiding how much you enjoy talking about your boyfriend
"Name three celebrities, dead or alive, you'd invite to a dinner party"
"If I was having a dinner party and I could invite anybody, dead or alive, I'd of course have to have Sofia Vergara because I love her, she will make any party or event so much fun, and I would love to invite Heath Ledger because I always dreamed of working with him, and maybe Viola Davis, because Viola Davis is Viola Davis, so" you shrugged with a grin, moving to the next question
"What's the most difficult part of being in the public eye?"
"I think one of the most difficult parts about being in the public eye is that no one truly knows who you are but they all assume they do" the tone in your voice was a bit more serious, since this an answer you want everyone to understand "There's a lot of misconceptions or ideas that people ran with and you can't really shut them down" you continued "And when you're in a relationship with someone who's also in the public eye, that's hard too, we have people who constantly want a scoop on our private life and people who are not cool with us being together, that's something we have learned to endure all these years" you finished, hoping your answer doesn't start any arguments
"Whats your karaoke song of choice?"
"Okay It’s time to tell a secret" you changed the tone of your voice to make the moment sound dramatic "I actually won a karaoke competition once singing 'Go your own way' by Fleetwood Mac, I won a Chipotle gift card and It felt like winning a Grammy" the producers laughed again, your natural bubbly personality always making everyone have a great time "But I don´t know, I feel like now it would be 'Juice' by Lizzo because I love singing it while I'm cooking breakfast, and I love Lizzo"
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"There's a lot of versions I could see, but one that I for sure love to see happen is me creating an empire" you smiled into the camera "And, you know, I am rocking it as a producer and acting in great amazing projects, hopefully I have a stable life and family with the man I love and I can balance it all" you answered genuinely, not resisting the urge to mention your beloved boyfriend once again.
"How was your first meeting with Florence Pugh?"
"So the first time I met miss Flo” you paused and smirked at the camera, knowing too well that fans would instantly catch the meaning behind that nickname “Was at a get together that was organized by Greta Gerwig for the 'Little Women' cast" you began telling the story "She was really nice and since I didn't know anyone else I kinda stayed glued to her the entire evening" you giggled before continuing "But after that we became the best of friends, basically, and she knows I love her to pieces" you smiled and the video moved to show your final question
"Would you star opposite to Harry Styles in a movie?"
"I mean, I don't know how convenient would mixing business with pleasure be, you know what they say about that" you smirked, aware fans would rewind and screen record your answer at least a hundred times "But I would love to do a project with him, I'm so proud of how much his acting career has evolved and It would mean the world to me to share the screen with him" your words were laced with adoration, meaning every single one of them "So who knows? Maybe you'll see us together in a horror slasher soon" you winked and giggled, hoping your answer was enough to make fans go crazy
"Thank you for watching me play 'Ask Me Anything', I'm YN and I hope you enjoy 'Fresh', now streamimg on Hulu" you said your goodbyes with a smile and waving your hand, wrapping up the video.
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda a @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry
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stormblessed95 · 2 years ago
Can I ask something & you be honest. Usually I get sarcasm. Do you really think JK’s bday vid to JM, the tone of it & the bite/hickey is enough to keep JK from being in a relationship with another member? To me, I would personally find both of these offensive If I were dating JK & I might even feel insecure since both things happened with JM, who is part of the same group. I get told both of these Jikook moments are meaningless & jokes & JK’s partner understands that. So Is this gaslighting me?
Friend, whoever you've been talking to is lying to you and gaslighting you, yes! Lmao omg. Now I'll also say that nothing is impossible to do and have JK be in a relationship with someone else. We don't know what their boundaries look like or how their relationships work and it's different for everyone. He could be dating someone else and his partner might not care at all! What's okay for you, might not be okay for someone else and vice versa. Like Ryan Reynolds kissing Andrew Garfield instead of his wife at an award show and Blake (his wife) just cracking up and laughing about it.
But that's not generally who i think JK is in his relationships, it doesn't appear to be what he wants from relationships. So I don't think he would be in a relationship and letting his bestie suck on his neck and send thirst traps as a come hither for your present bday videos if he was dating someone else. Lol so I'd guess he is either dating the man (Jimin) that he is doing these things with, or he is single but involved somehow with said man (Jimin) in some way with however they are defining or not defining that relationship 🤣
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But that's just me!
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ismyteadoneyet · 11 months ago
Okay, delulu ramble time lol
First off, I feel you. Completely. I am 100% in the exact same emotional soul-crushing mess as you are. HOWEVER, I am also incredibly delulu and optimistic. I also happen to be unhinged-ly obsessed with analyzing and understanding marketing strategies regarding new releases of things so here is my high-key optimistic delulu take on the whole thing:
I think something is brewing, but it's gonna take a ✨️while✨️. I think this is a call-to-action from Kenny and the cast to put preassure on Netflix to sell the rights to Kenny/his new agency, OR to see how many people still long for a continuation of the series (maybe in a new form?).
The cast obviously still love the series as much as we do. They have possibly also been praying for the day the Netflix deal finally is off and maybe ✨️something✨️ can be done about it. HOWEVER, if there truly was ✨️NOTHING✨️ going on, it would be INCREDIBLY CRUEL for the cast to start posting about "a possible season 2" SPECIFICALLY, or all the "The Band Is Back"-posts IN PARTICULAR because of what they KNOW it means to the fans. If there had been absolutely nothing going on, then just posting a "omg I miss this 🥺🥺🥺 remember when we made this show ?? Man, those were fun times" would have made more sense, and would have been A LOT nicer to people like us who would do unmentionable things for another season.
The way they all just ✨️happened✨️ to be posting at the same time ?? The way Charlie's hair just ✨️happened✨️ to be Luke-short at the same time as someone else just ✨️happened✨️ to be at the location they filmed the 'This Band Is Back'-scene?? The way those posts just ✨️happened✨️ to be posted at the same time as Reggie's actor had some non-castmember music friends visiting and made a short clip of That Song because why choose any other of the gazillion songs there are about reuniting with friends hmmm?? And this all just ✨️happened✨️ to happen at the MOMENT Kenny signed with his old agency and the Netflix deal was off? Nuh-uh ma'am I ain't buying it.
And let's say it just WAS a coincidence, hm? WHY ON EARTH would you WILLINGLY cause the entire remaining fandom to FLOOD your mentions and Every Single Social Media Post as well as PHYSICALLY TRAVEL TO A PANEL AT A CON JUST TO ASK about a second season (i'm not saying that that person at the panel travelled there to specifically ask about JATP but they did ask about it when he was there to promote something else so my point still stands)?? Like ?? Why would you do that?? If I was part of the cast/crew for jatp and fully in my heart of hearts knew that there was no chance in hell to have a second season, I would, at most, just make a lil "awe, happy 4th anniversairy to my favorite show ever 🥰 fy Netflix ! 😘🎸" to save myself a phone or two from the mentions and notifs I'd get from angry fans agreeing.
But see, that is what they DIDN'T do.
And yes, Kenny edited his post on instagram, and in the new edit he namedropped Netflix as the reason it ended. He essentially pointed the finger directly at Nerflix and said "yeah ! If it weren't for you, we'd have more fun ghost shenanigans and good music!" And sent the entire fandom onto Netflix to complain. He is no longer tied to Netflix. His creativity and ideas are no longer tied to Netflix, except for one;
The rights to Julie and the Phantoms.
I saw someone on tiktok comment on the clip of Charlie at the panel and said that when he said that there weren't gonna be a second season he "was pulling an Andrew Garfield about being in [that one] Spiderman movie (forgive me if this is wrong, I don't know anything about Spiderman lol)" ...
(or, more to my area of knowledge, MatPat saying multiple multiple times that he "was never even invited to be in the FNAF movie" and complained about it over and over again, and then turns out he had a cameo in it all along lol. In defense of Charlie telling the truth about this, Markiplier did the same thing and actually wasn't in the movie BUT I'd like to argue that he had a way more reasonable amount of proof and explanation as to why that was because he explained it in detail, whereas Charlie just went "... no sorry it's really cute and ... i guess people saw me cut my hair and... ye no nope nothing is going on!" Like ??? With how high of a hill he climbed up on to "never cut his hair that way unless it was for Luke" and then WITHOUT EXPLINATION uploaded That Photo on Instagram and didn't IMMEDIATELY DAMAGE CONTROL ?? Nu uh ma'am something is not adding up lol)
...and honestly, what else could he do? IF there was another season in the works, HE is probably not allowed to talk about it, and definitely not allowed to announce it himself. If anyone should be the one to announce it, it would probably be Kenny, or the company backing it, ykno?
Considering how the past month has played out, I'm carefully optimistic that a continuation of sorts is in the works, but 100% certain that there is a lot of talk going on behind the scenes that we are not aware of. I am 100% certain that there is a "battle of custody" for the rights to JATP, and that Kenny is working his butt off to try and make that happen somehow. Copyright laws are complicated and now it's just a question about how selfish Netflix are about "keeping what is theirs" or how much they value fans of the shows they currently host. In regards to how much they seem to go by "content over quality" though, I'm less optimistic about JATP being able to continue as we know it. HOWEVER, Kenny's new agency is closely linked with DISNEY (which is a shame because of the boycott but a positive in this specific custody-case in regards to a possible reboot or smth of sorts), and with the sucess Kenny's previous Disney-productions have had, I'm thinking that they are pretty willing to back up his fight for the JATP rights.
SO, IN CONCLUSION, I am pretty optimistic that things are in the works. It's just gonna go Very Slow. We might not hear anything for a couple months, or multiple months, but I am 100% sure this ain't the end of this JATP drama currently unfolding. I've seen enough bands and artists and actors deny and dodge questions about new stuff enough times to know the dance by now lol
i have been in shambles the past few days. why the fuck have the jatp cast been teasing us like that just for kenny to post that there ISNT going to be season two, charlie basically confirming that there isnt going to be a season two in a panel AND charlie cutting his hair really short
im crying
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bi-bard · 3 years ago
The Line - Peter Parker Imagine (The Amazing Spider-Man)
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Title: The Line
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Word Count: 1,322 words
Warning(s): fighting, mentions of slight violence
Summary: After trying to be understanding, (Y/n) draws a line and Peter has to figure out how to handle that.
Author's Note: Now... I am a DC fan. I have been for years. However... I do love Andrew Garfield. Go watch Tick... Tick... Boom! on Netflix.
I let out a sigh as I slammed my door.
Three dates. Three dates were suddenly canceled or ended about five minutes in because Peter had a whole city to save. To put it politely... I was pissed.
I tried to be understanding but there were only so many times that I could forgive and forget. I could not always sacrifice so much energy and never get anything back for it. It made me feel selfish, but I was starting to let myself be angry about it.
I walked over to close my blinds, so I could go to bed.
I didn't want to call Peter or read or work on anything. I had notecards covering one wall with half of a plot written out and I didn't have the energy to add to it.
As soon as my hands grabbed the curtains, Peter's head popped in front of my window. I yelled but covered my mouth quickly. He pulled the mask off his head and gave me a cheesy smile.
I pushed the window up and glared at him. I wanted to make my anger obvious. He seemed confused about all of this. It only made me more upset. With a roll of my eyes, I turned away from him and walked away from the window.
"What's wrong," he asked, climbing through my window slowly.
"You aren't stupid enough to actually ask me that question," I sighed, turning to face him and pinching the bridge of my nose.
He was still acting like he was confused. I rolled my eyes.
"Last Wednesday, a movie we both wanted to see comes out in theaters and we go," I explained. "Ten minutes in, you went to the bathroom because you ignored when I told you that you should go before... and then you never came back because you heard police sirens. On Saturday, I waited in the front area of a restaurant for two hours before you sent me a very half-assed text... without an apology, I might add-"
"You know why I-"
"I am not done," I snapped. "And tonight. You were supposed to take me out for my birthday. And you sprinted out in about twenty minutes because of an emergency. You said it should have been a fast thing, so I wasted my birthday by waiting for you again!"
"I was saving people-"
"Then stop setting dates with me!"
"I am sick and tired of being let down, Peter," I tried to ignore the feeling of tears in my eyes. "Stop making promises. Please. I can't do it anymore."
"Hey, I'm sorry," Peter stepped forward and cupped the sides of my face, pulling me closer. "I'm so, so sorry."
He kept mumbling that he was sorry as he leaned over and kissed me. He pecked my lips over and over. It took me a moment to come to my senses and push him back.
"Stop," I muttered. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips to mine again. It made me angry all over again. I should him back roughly and stumble backward, "Stop!"
Peter looked down and frowned.
"I... I want you to go," I pointed to the window. When he didn't move, I shouted, "Now!"
"I'm... I'm sorry," he mumbled again before crawling out the window.
I slammed it shut and locked it behind him. Peter turned around and looked at me in shock. I just clenched my jaw and closed my curtains.
I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed.
I just needed to sleep. Let this bad night roll off... and hope that the best relationship I've ever had didn't just go completely sour.
--time skip--
I woke up the next morning, curled up around one of my pillows. My nose was pressed into the fabric. The one that Peter would lay on whenever he was here.
It brought back memories. Waking up after a nap and seeing him smile at me. Making him read to me when I didn't have the energy. Studying together where he'd relax up by my headboard and I'd sit on the other end.
I put the pillow back where it belonged and sat up. I pulled my knees up so I can rest my elbows on them. I let out a sigh.
I should call him, I thought. No, no. He messed up. Make him call you. But that might be a waste of time... which will prove that we're... over.
I looked up to my window, hoping to find something else to focus on.
There was something on the window.
I stood up and walked over. It was a heart traced on my window. A heart made of spider webs. I couldn't help it... I smiled.
I jumped when Peter dropped in front of me. He seemed shocked to see me too. I was up earlier than usual. He held up a coffee cup holder with a small grin. He brought breakfast.
I was going to open the window but froze. I didn't want to wreck his work. I touched the window lightly and looked back at him.
I shook my head.
His face turned sad.
I pointed for him to go around. He nodded.
I took the moment of privacy to clean up a little. Just to look a little less messy. I walked over to the door to let Peter in.
"Happy... late birthday," he said with a guilty smile.
I grinned awkwardly and let him in. He walked in slowly before finally putting the coffee on the table. He turned back to me.
"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I know that I let you down. I never meant to do that. I didn't think about what I was doing to you by going completely silent and leaving you on your own. I'm... I'm so sorry."
I stood there for a second.
"I can just leave this stuff here and leave-"
I wrapped him in a hug before he could continue talking.
"Am I forgiven," Peter chuckled as he hugged me back.
"I think so," I smiled as I stepped back enough to look at him. "I... umm..."
I froze right at the last moment.
"What is it," he asked. I shook my head, stepping away from him and looking down nervously. "No, no, no. We were having a moment. Don't back out of it now."
"I... I love you," I muttered.
Peter stepped forward and cupped the sides of my face. When our eyes met, he gave me a sweet smile. I felt like shying away again just so I could avoid the intensity in this moment. He was close enough that the slightest move would press our lips together.
"Guess what," he asked quietly.
I hummed in response. I was lost in his eyes and being so close seemed to make my mind fog up.
"I love you too," he said before closing the distance between us. "So. Much."
I wouldn't have the strength to pull away if I wanted to. It was such an intense and intimate moment. My entire body felt like it was heating up. It was a trance. And I was happy to be in it.
"You brought coffee," I asked, finally pulling away.
"Always have the priorities in order."
"Absolutely," I replied.
"Go sit down," Peter pushed me toward one of the chairs at the table. "I'll serve breakfast."
He must have sensed that I was uneasy.
"No, I'm not cooking," he promised. "I have food in my backpack."
"Thank God," I chuckled.
"You almost burned down my kitchen-"
"I forgot to set the timer," he laughed as he tried to explain himself.
We both fell silent after a minute.
"I love you," I repeated, no hesitation this time.
"I love you too," he said.
At that moment, the entire city disappeared. It was just the two of us. And that moment of peace was perfect for me.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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