#the thing is i like getting sent asks and i dont mind multiple questions at once. so yeah. i uh. forget that is not universal so im even
Sorry to anyone I've ever sent asks to and I put multiple questions in the same ask. I focus so hard on asking enough questions that I forget that sending them all in one ask makes it. Harder to answer
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scoobywrites690 · 13 days
Ok I sent this to another creator bc like I'm so hooked on this idea.
But like I've seen a lot of claddagh ring content on tiktok lately. If you dont know what a claddagh ring, I recommend googling it(bc my explanation is probs confusing) but in its basics, it's an Irish ring that's worn by all genders as a symbol of your relationship status. Worn on RH facing away from wrist=you're single, RH facing wrist=you're in a relationship, LH facing away from wrist=youre engaged, and LH facing wrist=married.
With a little research(not much just a Google search) they seem to be in Scotland too, but the scotts have a version too called a luckenbooth ring(specific rings either passed from mother-daughter, lovers, or given to a newborn).
I can't get soap being a sneaky little bitch and giving the reader either a claddagh ring and being like "Yeah it's worn this way" and tells her to wear it on her left hand facing her wrist because "That's traditions" Or giving her a luckenbooth ring and then the reader finding out later the symbolism and like confronting him.
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So sorry for the delay, the new school term at my college started and I got so wrapped up with trying to get situated with my new timetable. But hopefully back to regular-ish posts.
*Haven't proofread this yet as it's late and I just want to get it posted*
This is such a good idea, I love it. This concept totally has Soap's name written all over it. Like obviously he's gonna tell other people that you're his, before he even tells you that he has feelings for you.
I had to do a bit of research because I genuinely had no idea what you were on about, but after some research the ideas started flowing. I'm so glad you decided to send me this idea, I think it's really good. I hope this lives up to your imagination and I went with the Claddagh ring for this scenario.
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It's the evening of your birthday and you planned with your friends to meet at the local bar to have some drinks to celebrate. Getting there early you find yourself a seat at the bar, and order yourself a drink whilst you wait for people to turn up.
With a drink in one hand you admire the ring Soap gave you as a present. According to Soap it's a traditional Irish ring, and that it can be worn multiple different ways to symbolise different things. But Soap recommended that you wear it on your left hand with the little heart pointing towards you, as it symbolises the strong friendship that you share between each other.
Your heart swells with how thoughtful of a gift it was, letting Soap put it on you this morning not having taken it off since
Your thoughts are interrupted by a man sitting beside you.
"Hey, I noticed you've been sitting here a while. Are you waiting for someone?" He asks with a big toothy grin plastered on his face, a pint of beer sloshing around in his hand.
"Um, yeah actually I am. I'm waiting for some of my friends" You tell him, uneasiness overtaking your senses, not liking the vibes this man has suddenly given you.
"Oh cool, you mind if I keep you company whilst you wait?" He asks
"Oh I'm not sure-""Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't realise you were married" He tells you apologising profusely before he's quickly finding somewhere else to sit.
You don't even have a boyfriend, let alone a husband. But before you could question him on why he suddenly believed you were married, you're cut off by Soap coming up behind you and slowly singing happy birthday to you.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Soaps asks concern written all over his face after catching a glance at you confused one.
Pointing at the man that was just sat next to you, you tell Soap about what he said to you before he turned up.
"Mhm, that is strange" Soap tells you "I wouldn't worry about it though, just enjoy your birthday evening"
Agreeing with Soap and deciding not to worry about it, he orders you both a drink to celebrate the special occasion.
Quite a few drinks later you find yourself dancing along to the music playing, Soap close behind with a drink in one hand bobbing his head along to the music. Excusing himself to the bathroom Soap leaves you alone on the dancefloor.
It doesn't take long for someone to approach you, coming up behind you and grinding up alongside you. Grinding up against them you let your hips sway to the music, enjoying the carefree feeling. Their hands land on your hips spinning you around so that you're facing them.
You're faced with a very attractive looking man, not someone you would consider exactly your type but there is no denying that he isn't attractive. His hands roam over your hips and waist pulling you in closer as you grind up against each other. Reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck you see his focus shift over to your hand, specifically the one that wears the ring.
His entire demeanour changes the minute he notices it, letting go of you quickly before he's apologizing and walking away.
Standing alone in the middle of the dancefloor confusion clouds your thoughts as you make your way back over to the bar.
"Hey, there you are" Soap says as he comes up behind you "I was looking for you on the dancefloor and I couldn't see you, everything alright?" He questions
"Yeah everything's fine, it's just I had another guy react the same way" You tell him "The minute he saw the ring he started apologizing and backed away" You say to him
"Weird" Is all Soap has to say about your encounter. Suspicion overwhelming your senses.
"Soap" You say, a cold tone taking over your voice.
"What aren't you telling me" You question him.
"Nothing, nothing I promise" He says
"Soap!" You say irritation lacing your voice
"Okay fine!, about the ring" He says with a sheepish look on his face.
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
hey im the gal who requested ya write the whole, mc dies and doesnt come back thing. i just read the first part and i gotta say it was really well written lol. and if you dont mind, could i ask for the side characters' reaction?
thanks :yellow_heart:
I am glad you liked the first part ^-^
Spoilers for lesson 16!!
Warnings: death and description of it, grieving.
Side characters x gn!MC(Luke is of course platonic)
MC stays dead for good
He was aware he was most likely sending MC to their death but he still held onto the hope that they will make it out alive. They have been doing so well until that point, managed to get pacts with over half of the brothers, but unfortunately, fate had other plans for them.
He will beat himself over this whole affair for a long time. Not only did the exchange program failed, but he also let down a friend and led them to their own death.
He got so carried away when MC said they want to prove that Belphegor was innocent that he forgot they were only human. They didn't have a grasp on how to use their magic and pacts.
This failure as both a ruler and a friend will always live in the back of his head. That day he failed multiple people and he was the one that had to tell them there is no saving MC in the end. The only thing worse than the memory of MC's corpse being craddled gently by Mammon were the defeated looks of all the brothers.
Belphegor should count himself lucky he is not killed on the spot. All of Diavolo's hard work went down the drain in one night. It would probably take another 2000 years before he could even attempt peace between the three world again. The only reason Belphegor is only locked up and not killed is because of the brothers. He will have to deal with political fallout that MC's death would bring, he can't deal with the chaos the brothers would rise if he were to kill Belphegor.
He knew this would happen yet he still hoped that MC would make it out alive, there are timelines where they do that after all.
In the end, he didn't get his hopes up and he was grateful for that. The sight of their corpse, the looks on the brother's faces, even the disappointed and sadness on Diavolo's face, he was able to keep his calm demeanor through all of that.
He was the one that dealt with all the details that about proceedings after MC's death. Their families would have to be informed but still hide all of the details about the exchange, Belphegor's imprisonment and standing by Diavolo's side as the consequences begind to follow.
He didn't get the opportunity to get close to MC and for that he was glad. It was easier to deal with their death and the fact that they were never coming back.
The only thing that bothered him is when he would see them happy and healthy in other timelines. That's when all the 'what if?' question would pop up in his mind. But in the end those were not his timelines. He knew better than to indulge in worlds that he did not belong to after living with his powers for so long.
He only found out days after MC's actual death but he felt something was deeply wrong even before that. Neither the brothers, nor Diavolo and Barbatos would show up to school and he couldn't reach MC.
When he heard that MC died he thought it was at the hands of a lower demon. He didn't know the whole attic ordeal so that was the only logical explanation at the moment.
When he learned the whole truth, he wasn't sure if he would have preferred to live in ignorance or not. It really shaken his perception of the brothers for a bit, after all he knew Belphie since he was an angel. To find out that the angel that loved humans so much turned into a demon that hated humanity was quite the shock to him.
He insisted to remain for MC's funeral. He wasn't there for their last moments, so he wants to be there when their soul is sent off to the Celestial Realm.
He tries hide how much MC's death hurt him from Luke. He is young and just lost someone, so Simeon tries to be there for him before the tries to work through his feelings.
He really saw MC as someone to cherish and even look up, often times referring to how they would make a better angel than him. To him they seemed so untouchable that he forgot how humans with no control of their magic could be.
All the progress he made about seeing demons in a better light is gone. He even sees them as bigger monsters than before.
Poor kid really looked up to MC as an older sibling figure so to hear that they have died broke him. Since he wasn't alive through the wars, MC's death was probably the first violent death he had ever have to deal with. Maybe MC the first person in his life to even die.
He is aware that Simeon is pushing his feelings aside for him and he hates but doesn't know how to deal with these knew feelings so he just accepts his help.
Will probably bake MC's favorite deserts in their memory...poor kid isn't really sure on how to deal when loved ones die, especially when they are murdered.
If MC died at the begging of the exchange program he wouldn't have been surprised, it's Devildom after all. But not only did they not die, they made 5 pacts with the lords of Hell and managed to sneak their way into his life.
He wasn't expecting that he would get so attached to his fellow human exchange but they did. So when things started to change about the brothers he started to expect the worst.
He knew there would come a day when MC would leave him for good and die, all the people in his life did that but he didn't expect for that time to come so soon. Especially in such a cruel manner.
MC was the one that made him see demons as friends, and while not all the progress is gone he will still need to take some time for himself.
He has done it 1000 times over the course of his life span, he dealt with the death of his loved ones more than he would like yet, it's still never easy to get used to their presence being gone. Especially when it's so out of nowhere.
For quite a while he doesn't even dare to try and make a pact with Lucifer. Is it due to MC's memory, knowing that he won't get a pact in those circumstances? He isn't really sure, he just knows he wants to throw himself into his research to distract himself from the wound MC's death left in his heart.
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kazachi69 · 11 months
hhey just coming from melo's blog here. im not jumping to conclusions. i mean i dont agree with what you said but like bruh i cant judge cuz like i dont know your side of the story so if ya comfortable.. share your side?? if you comfortable??
TLDR: In response to that post, I ain't about all that.
I'll continue to operate as normal because I'm not so childish as to let one thing weigh on my mind forever. If you think different of me based on someone else's account alone, especially after knowing me, yall are kinda fucked up for that not me.
If you actually want to know stuff it's down there V
Well, a few month ago, when I still was good friends with Melo, I was reading out some and watching some offensive memes with them and read something out that I didn't quite like (not using the word here as it still makes me uncomfy), and then later in dms kept questioning me.
I didn't exactly know how to respond, but it felt weird since I already apologized once in call and then multiple times the day after that and tried to explain it to them later as it didn't sink until they made it. Even though I felt really bad, even if I wasn't paying attention and just reading something out loud, I thought that they would be more chill with it considering that they said the f-word, (not fuck), earlier.
Something that they conveniently left out, which I asked them about right after the voice message they sent in the last screen shot
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And yeah, we were done with it after that, I apologized for about an hour and a half and then they never mentioned it to me again. If they did have that big a problem with it, they could have come to me like they had with other problems that affected them more directly, but it's not like either of us wanted to hear me say it either.
I talked to them about teasing them about certain things and what not, but they didn't say yes, or no, or even whatever. And if they were really that upset I'd think that they'd tell me about it and be more definitive instead of saying they "need to be entertained" whenever they wanted to hang out, but I did limit myself in that regard as well.
Tbh, I don't know what's happening with Glitchy, but I know they don't tolerate that stuff, but have to deal with it even if they don't like it. Idk why or what Melo's problem with Glitchy is, but it doesn't make any sense to me, and it feels like they were just hoping to hurt us. It pisses me off more that they went out of their way to go after Glitchy than they did me tbh, because it looks like Glitchy only explained to them. There has been other drama that they indirectly started when I first got to know them, but I talked them through it and helped them calm down.
This is oddly convenient as well that it's happening after *I* broke the friendship off after how they were treating me, although I could have talked to them more about it, I was really pissed at the time, and by the time I wanted to apologies, (even though I was upset) I was blocked. It seems a little unrelated, but to me, it feels like they're just trying to get back at me in some way, but I honestly don't know.
It does suck, cause a lot of people Gltichy and I considered friends blocked us without any second thought. Then again, I guess they're not really friends if they don't want to hear our side of the story or anything, so no big loss I guess.
I'll continue to operate as normal because I'm not so childish as to let one thing weigh on my mind forever. If you think different of me based on someone else's account alone, especially after knowing me, yall are kinda fucked up for that not me.
TLDR: In response to that post, I ain't about all that.
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
answering my own questions
[pt: answering my own questions]
dont really get sent anything and not many people sent in the questions when the games were posted and reblogged, and i wanted to talk about stuff, so here we are.
this might end up being a multiple part post series?
ask game one (link)
(if comfortable) tell us about your condition? as much info as youre comfy with sharing.
i have a defect in the base of my spine, since i was born its caused me chronic pain all throughout my development and in recent years its only gotten worse, twisting my spine, headaches, jaw issues etc. i've also got highly suspected rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and ive been diagnosed with a pretty bad case of anemia so bad that everytime a doctor looks at my results after bloodwork they give me a pained look and say "heyy...did you know your iron is low? like...really really low?". that and a hand full of other things, vitamin deficiencies, etc. i dont mind talking more about this
2. do you know about the spoon theory? if yes, what do you think of it?
i'll be honest, the majority of my knowledge of spoon theory off the top of my head is that "drawer with limited supply of spoons" is the disabled way of saying i only have so much motivation and energy (phys, as "battery" usually refers to social and emotional) in me. i've read up on it ages ago but would not be able to put into better words what i still remember about spoon theory (esp since we had a different host back then), i like that its just so much quicker and easier to convey my amount of ability to do things for the day by saying whether or not i have the spoons for it.
i do like to joke that my drawer is always stocked with knives and forks for the ablests, but sometimes that requires spoons to handle too. /silly
3. do you have mobility aids? if yes, which ones? if no, do you want any in the future?
i've mention how i really wish i could have a wheelchair if i were in a different situation, i dont know if i'll ever get one and i almost cried when my brother responded to my joke of "would you make on for me?" with an "i would if i could", i really would like a wheelchair of some kind in the future if the world were more accessible and i were in a safer place. right now though, i've just got my cane that still needs repainting. i guess my moms back brace counts too, i take it with me to work sometimes.
4. how did you find out about cripplepunk? what drew you to the community and movement?
i dont exactly remember but i've known about it for years. i (prev host) might have come across it looking up different punk aesthetics, though im not completely sure why it showed up in a punk aesthetic list, possibly because its punk and people misinterpreted it? my first glimpse was seeing patches on jackets, spiked customized aids, cripples/phys disabled people in your classic punk attire (piercings, dyed spiked mohawks, ripped jeans and fingerless gloves) and i loved it. im a sucker for self expression through appearance and customizing things and then when i found out it was a whole community for support and centered around being physically disabled in general and slowly came to terms with my own disabled body and started accepting myself, i kinda fell in love with cripplepunk in the "this feels like home" sense.
i could probably ramble way more but i'll stop there.
5. if you deal with any kind of pain, what's your method of pain management?
i use hot packs, ice packs, voltaren cream, sometimes i take a cbd gummy, i do little stretches when i remember them, i take walks and hot baths/showers, im trying to go back to the chiropractor and my favourite instructors in rehab (theyre trans friendly and complimented my cane when i first came in with it i love them so much), and i take whatever meds i can, normally anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen but because i cant swallow pills i either take liquid (yeah, childs liquid meds works, the couple hours of mild relief is still worth it) or powdered tylenol or something. the hot/cold stuff depends on the pain and where on my body the pain is.
6. do you stand or sit in the shower or do you prefer baths/find bathing easier rather than showers?
i take baths for my muscles and during the damn monthly ouch in order to relax my body. i take showers just for my shoulders and when im feeling icky and wanna rinse off or something, i take showers on a "regular" basis and i normally stand because the only way i sit is if im crouched in the tub and if i do that i get extra dizzy standing up to get out when i turn the water off. thankfully im no longer near passing out when i take a shower but i still have to sit on the floor matt after because my legs demand rest. i gotta be careful with hot water cuz not only will it make me overheat quickly (i will not realize if in standing in blood-boiling hot water and turning myself into a cooked lobster until after im out) but it can also cause me to literally fall asleep in the bath which can go wrong.
7. do you have a sort of comfort item or safety blanket that helps you feel better, especially on the worst days?
a couple things. a few of them are stuffies/plushies, or music, games or books to help me keep my mind off it i suppose.
8. name 3 things you hate about hospitals/doctors/nurses/the medical system
a) a lot of them refuse to take people seriously or actually listen. sure maybe theyre tired or heard the same shtick before and wanna make sure this person isnt just a drug user trying to pity their way into getting more, but even then all matters a patient presents them with should still be taken seriously and never brushed off or mocked.
b) the fact that the er, the place you take a ticket and wait, is called the Emergency Room, when its normally scheduled appointments and people taken in by the ambulance that are top priority. sure its called the er because most visits through the er are rushed "emergency" last minute visits, people going there because they couldnt schedule an appointment and needed to see someone on that day, but still it feels wrong to call it the emergency room when its really just a waiting room and regardless of the visit they arent actually treated as emergencies. the whole system of just going to see a doctor feels messed up and most of the time you end up just going to see a nurse, get a check up and leave when they tell you what they got after a talk and examination or they schedule to see you again when a doctor is available. because of this i tend to prefer walk in clinics.
c) the fact that they charge to damn much, no matter if youre insured, it still charges so much. no matter what they do. and yeah, healthcare in canada is free to an extent if youre insured but a lot of times they charge more than your insurance can cover and not everyone can get/has insurance. not to mention the medical debt so many people have in america. i get that staff and hospitals need pay and funding but the government should have that covered and not have the patients charged so much for getting help. i almost got charged over 3k just for my short visit to the ward because there was an issue with my insurance and thats a whole angry story for another time.
9. whats an accessibility tool you wish was more accessible/that you had access to?
one of them is aac, the one i have on my phone i have to disconnect my phone to and has a limited amount of phrases i can pick from. id like it better if the app or just aac programs in general when directly to your device speaker by default, had more options for more ease conversing and none of them were behind a damn pay wall, in-app purchase or otherwise. i rarely use it for several reasons but i'd love if i could use it more with less limitations.
also wheelchair ramps. i dont have a wheelchair ramp but i wish people stopped walking on them when theyre clearly able-bodied, i wished my parents taught me and my siblings what the ramps were for and not to run up and down them as well as other parents to their kids because those things are supposed to be clear for a wheelchair user. i also think the corners should be rounded for ease of turning and that wheelchair accessible paths in general should be firm to the ground (not a wimpy matt on the sand that flips over and gets buried on the beach unmaintained), maintained and cleaned regularly, not have any gaps (ive seen so many of the small ones installed in doorways that have a height gap above the ground which causes trouble getting the wheelchair on the ramp let alone through the damn door) and not have railings made of metal if theyre outside (they can often reflect light into peoples eyes and get too hot to touch in the sun both of which are not good issues to have no matter how small they seem.)
those are at least the first to come to mind.
10. whats the worst accessability cockblock you've seen ableds do/make?
theres quite a few i've seen but atm nothing significant comes to mind other than overpricing mobility aids or placing paywalls in front of aids in general.
however there was the few times in more than one school i went to you had to go to the office, provide a 'valid' reason and ask them for a key to the elevator, otherwise they make you take the stairs. i know they do it because they dont want able-bodied kids messing with it n shit but its stupid, it should be accessible to everyone regardless. thank fuck both collages ive been to so far give free elevator use to any staff or student but in the schools i went to i was only allowed have the access key because i couldnt walk up the steps on my sprained/twisted ankle and i had to give it back at the end of every day. the last school even limited my use to just the morning or 1-2 periods that i had on the second floor. nevermind if my locker was up there.
11. whats an accessibility tool youre very thankful for?
screen readers. my little brother uses/used em more than me and i dont use them too often but im glad they exist in general i used them when i was younger and my english teachers gave us work on the computer, i used it like an audiobook and it helped me majorly. i hate that people dont always provide translations to things and make things harder on screen readers by using coloured, tiny, non-serif font-ed or 'quirked' text but ever since i was a kid i was just as happy they existed as i was about braille.
12. name 3 things you like about hospitals/docs/nurses/the medical system
a) that there are some people there who are actually hoping, willing and ready to listen and help others.
b) that they provide things for kids like toys in the waiting room, people who specialize in caring for kids in the hospital, some doctors even have their office decorated. one doctor i went to had her entire office winnie the pooh themed and it helped me out a lot when i got blood work done n stuff, it was really comforting to stare at pooh bear instead of the sharp pokey in my arm.
c) that things are usually kept quiet with low voices, as it reduces risk of overstimulation as well as avoids hurting anyones head and protects privacy of those talking about whats going on. voices are usually only raised to a normal talking level when in the privacy of a nurse or doctor office and its something i dont see really acknowledged anywhere.
13. do you have any favourite disability rep? (media or character)
not picking from my own sources, when it comes to physical disability rep, its hard for me to pick something that involves a realistic character because most of them arent very well portrayed or i cant personally relate to. i can list Freddy freeman as one, hes a crutch user and how the shazam movie portrayed him does well in expressing what ableism can be like for some visibly disabled kids in school. i could probably list some shows that handle disability well through other means if i thought of them, i know theres a few that handle it through super heros being disabled (the one spider-person who's got both a wheelchair and a cane from the recent spiderverse movie for example) or non-human characters having differences that are implied to be disabilities, and i adore that creativity, especially with showing disabled super heros as it tells disabled kids theyre still strong, not broken, they can still be cool and do great things just like able-bodied people. hard for me to name specific things off the top of my head though, guess i like specific tropes around disability rep more than anything. it helps normalize disability and thats what really makes me happy with it. (thats a big reason why i made @/your-fave-is-crippled)
14. least favourite/worst disability rep?
not phys disabled but sia's fucked up movie right off the bat still angers me. i cant name any specifics once again, normally if theres some rep that i dont like i purposely forget they exist to begin with, they arent worth remembering if they arent gonna do it right, y'know? id rather forget and move on than linger and rage about it if i can help it.
15. list some creators (youtubers/bloggers etc) that are disabled and/or cater to a disabled audience that you enjoy? (if any)
@crippled-pvp, @cripple-culture-is are a couple blogs i follow that i enjoy seeing on my dash (sorry if you dont want to be tagged!)
there was a deaf/hoh girl i used to frequent the content of as she talks a lot about signing and i really enjoyed her videos, shes such a sweet person but i never remembered her name nor any of the other creators i watched/followed. no one else comes to mind atm
16. favourite aspect about the general disabled community?
i like that there are people with advice at the ready, whatever question you have or info you need etc, theres always going to be someone with the words you need. i just like how helpful people can be in general in this community and how easily support is accessed through the community.
17. least favourite aspect about the general disabled community?
the fact that theres in-fighting, fake claiming, judgment, quick assumptions, and general internalized ableism still going on when we're supposed to be a community helping each other out not tearing each other down. im not just talking about the fight over "inclusion vs exclusion" on cripplepunk and other sub/separate communities in the disability community.
18. favourite aspect about cripplepunk?
i think my answer to "what drew you to cripplepunk" also answers this.
19. least favourite aspect about cripplepunk?
honestly? none. i hate the people forcing themselves into a space not meant to include them nor benefits them in the first place. i cant actually think of an issue i have with the cpunk community, only issues with people outside being upset over how "exclusive" it is because they want in.
20. free space:
feel free to ask me about any of my answers! i'll make a second post for the second ask game some other time. its currently 11pm and i have to get up early for morning classes yuck
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[ID: banner reading "dni if... proship, transx/id, syscourse/discourse blog, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboy/turigirl more in pinned rentry. this blog is protected by the addams family, the de rolo family and co." in all black lowercase text. It has a grey cloud background. On the left is the De Rolo coat of arms with a cobweb in the top corner and symmetrically flipped on the right is the symbol of Vox Machina with the same cobweb in the bottom corner :End ID]
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minglermail · 3 months
hey I heard you've been defending groomers! that's really cool!
i get these kinds of asks like once every few months about some utterly bizarre thing that either straight up does not apply to me (someone thought i enjoyed v*vziepop for some reason?? i dont even GO here help?) or is left with no context in the most unproductive way possible
idk if ur the same person but ive said it once and ill say it again... i cannot help you or others without context, id be so understanding if this was righteous anger but the way these asks get sent and never elaborated on i can only assume the people sending them are 1) mass sending these to multiple ppl or 2) arent bringing up these issues in good faith i dont mind your tone or this ask since even if uve been told misinfo or this is the result of some misunderstanding this still is Very Much A Good Thing To Be Mad About, but without elaboration nothing can really improve... if theres something/someone i dont know about thats a danger in the toontown community then i want to work with you on this (im a mod in the ttrd for example, i have ways to actively help!), no questions asked or judgments passed as long as we can both work for the greater good here
otherwise tho im just gonna ignore these since these are so vague and out of left field that i can only assume theyre like. generic bait asks sent to a lot of ppl
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italoniponic · 2 years
Mc Hcs pt 5 sad edition
Mc when they were 12 years old were sent to a psychiatric hospital for half year due to the emergence of a second personality they said was called Dahlia(Mc as kid has been described as clumsy, honest, happy go lucky , loyal etc but Dahlia in the hospitals psych evaluation was said to be the embodiment of evil and beauty.they would eventually also know them as the noble flower of evil because when ever their around they can cause the worst in somebody to bloom and reveal the worst version of themselves )
Mc due to their fame as a 'small' time actor had their fair share of stalkers and one time nearly gkt kidnapped so they begged their dad Donald to let them practice martial arts which after the recent incident they did. Sometime later they were gettung stalked by a fanatic classmate who had been really creepy and one day took it too far with nc who lashed out and beat them within an inch if their lives, they were sent ti hospital dor two months and even thiygh they were left off the hook due to ir being self defense. They felt horrible afterwards because they beat a guy nearly to death without ever trying to get him to stop or to change and simply chose violence as their first option so after that they swore that unless there was no literally no other way they wouldn't use violence to end conflict.
Filowing the pevious HC. Mc stopped acting after that incident as to stop attracting stalkers and prevent anotger situation like that.
Mc when they were younger they struggled to fit in with people. This was because in their own words was that they always felt as if that place wasn't their real home.(even when they were un their own house they sometimes felt homesick)
Mc also used to get sick a lot when they were younger and it was said by doctors that it was odd since on their arm They did have a vaccine shot scar but they still got sick almost as if the vaccune they took was for some foreign illness.
Bonus headcanons(happy edition)
Mc and Peter always did stargazing together and when it was Mc birthday he woulf often joke about whisking them away to land where kids never grew up so he could always babysit Mc in future
Mc has on more than one occasions played the role of nobility in a play or movie they often took etiquette classes meant for nobility and due to this has some friends who are nobles.
Mc at the end of everyweek gives Lilia all the photos they took so Lilia can cherish the memorues he had at Nrc
Mc has been noted to be a treasure magnet and often finds hidden valuablss on the schook camous which they usually give to Sam.
Mc during the Port fest worked at a cafe called Dukes cafe to raise money so they could get their friends souvenirs and gifts
Mc when their not busy during clubs time often sings solos of songs from their old world(did Mc one time sing the Macarena yes do they regret the fact all of scarabia had to do a macarena dance practice for 3 hours no)
I hope you liked these new batch of Hcs as always feel free to ask questions regarding bg the Hcs and Cherry i also hope you got my Hcs home edition or if Tumblr ate my ask if they did i dont mind sending it again
Goodbye and have great day
Sorry for taking so long to reply! I got tangled in a lot of irl things and it took me some time to come back here again but once again, thanks for your additions for the MC hcs~ [these in special are continuations of the multiple MC's hcs from last time]
seems that we have sad and happy hcs this time! the thing with more angst/dramatic hcs is that I'm not so good at commenting on them as the few times I think about it so, unfortunately, I won't have much to add on the first part...
as for the more happier hcs tho~
so, interesting, MC is more of a Wendy (or one Lost Child) in this one. Another thing that I love about it, not only for my love for the Peter Pan story, is that I actually made an twst!Peter oc that is a teacher at RSA and these specific hcs always reminds me of him. I won't be able to show him yet since... well, my posting schedule is the amalgamation of chaos (especially with ocs). And the stargazing part is really beautiful
MC always has the connections since ever lol reminds me of that Barbie song "To Be a Princess" (from the og Princess & the Pauper)
aaaawwww~ I never stopped to think about how faes like Lilia or even Malleus feels about photos, in the same sense we view them. but it's an heartwarming (and lowkey sad for ch6 watchers) hc <3
MC works so hard at all times. now imagine after the event ends, MC kinda does the same thing as Jack (like he wanted to treat Ruggie to eat the special dish from this one restaurant he worked on) and they invite their friends to eat there too. and their boss is like "take a day rest and enjoy it with your friends" too~
THE MACARENA KILLED ME LMAO Kalim probably had the time of his life, he didn't feel any of the 3 hours. idk about Jamil bc he likes to dance (tho he has his issues with doing in front of other bc of the whole "not go into the spotlight", still he's getting more out there since ch4...) but maybe the same song after a lot of time might be a bit annoying for him? I'm not so sure for his part
and we ended this batch! I'm sorry again for not commenting much on the angst hcs, like it's just not something I'm familiar or comfortable enough to talk about, but your ideas are always interesting and creative, believe me!
thanks again <3
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ask-vampire-weegee · 2 years
How did Luigi get turned? What were the circumstances?
okay so ive been thinking on it more and i think i have something a tiny bit less vague figured out,
this post may get long because i am stupidly prone to rambles so ill put it under a cut~ dnfjkasda
e.gadd noticed the measurement of paranormal energy/activity in a forest nearby one of his labs (he probably has multiple dude would be the kinda guy to go to another country illegally build an underground lab thats absolutely insane and full of unethical experiments leave and never come back) and asked luigi to go check it out, charlotte's (the name of the vamp that turned luigi, people following my main @your-local-uwu-artist likely know of her) house is covered by foliage and for lack of better term she's a hikikomori so she's very low profile, a number of ghosts (such as jim) live and/or often visit charlotte's estate hince why e.gadd's machines would have picked up on the location, E. gadd was completely unaware of this, he did not know that this was a possibility, i mean even if he was aware would NOT put it past the guy to send luigi anyway, but he would have than at least sent luigi prepared.
you know how vampires cant enter somewhere un invited? yeah so the reason why a vampire living alone in a spooky mansion would attack a poor visitor is probably cause said visitor didnt have the same decency the vampire has to at least knock and not just go walkin around someone elses home: because i think the concept that vampires are both monsters that will kill you and extremely polite very comedic
aka: charlotte attacked luigi because "the fuck this guy doing in my house??"
there are sorta multiple ways that one can be turned into a vampire, im still trying to decide what i can make sound scientifically believable so please keep in mind my only knowledge of biology and sciency things is limited to what one can learn from pokemon trivia, which is more than youd expect but like not alot
when vampiric blood is injected into one it can slowly infect the victims own blood via probably multiplying but im still deciding and procrastinating googling even more stupid questions fdsank
so bassically the vampiric blood would have to be able to overpower the victim's blood enough in order for the victim to turn, so while theres multiple factors for that we can try to split that into two main categories
vampires that died while/before turning (so like, when one dies during a vampire attack, most likely from blood loss, so the vampiric blood can take over very quickly and the transformation itself is painless, i mean dieing probably hurts a bit but like, if a turning was intentional and consensual this is probably the method used)
and vampires that lived through the transformation, which is what luigi is
the transformation can vary in painfullness and length depending on how fast it takes for the vampiric blood to take over: theoretically one could even prevent a vampire transformation if they treated it quickly enough, think of it like when your sick and your bodies fighting off an illness but instead of a cold its fucking vampirism and if your starting to show symptoms than its probably too late aknfdkja
in luigis case it likely would have been preventable if he called E.gadd earlier
luigi's transformation took over a week and was very painful, because the amount of vampiric blood injected wasnt alot, and he didnt lose enough blood for it to take over quickly, after transforming luigi slept for at least over a day, which was definitely terrifying for mario sense fun fact: vampires dont really have heartbeats
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I've decided on leaving my partner for various reasons, a few being:
1) lack of showing interest in anything I like but pinging me & expecting me to pay attention to theirs. Literally watching me talk about things I like and proceeding to interrupt me/talk about something else while ignoring messages I sent hours earlier about something I like. zero engagement at all, no questions, no real encouragement past the same two compliments that have long since sounded completely hollow to me.
I understand that not everyone is expected to show the same enthusiasm for something that I do, but it feels like they dont care when I compare it against how I've encouraged other friends' projects/how I've listened to other friends talk about things they like & how other friends have encouraged & listened to me, especially when it comes to things they or I will never play or want to engage in as a media.
2) them holding onto very small conflicts we resolved months ago and casually mentioning how they still feel bad about it long after its solved which makes it difficult for me to bring up anything now
3) being financially irresponsible to the point that the one time I asked them for something- which was no more than $30 iirc- they didn't have the money for it. I had spent on them repeatedly in the past (they spent that money on gacha games because they didn't want to wait a few days longer to pull on something. It was time limited but not ending anytime soon, they very easily couldve waited, met their one obligation, and still been able to get the same shit out of that game. It did not go to something more important)
There's a bit more, but having sorted my thoughts and emotions, those are the big ones that came up in my mind again and again
If I were someone else these conflicts might be able to be solved, but I avoided bringing these up which is, of course, on me. Unfortunately my emotional state/opinion regarding them is now past the point of no return because every word they say irritates me and its been like this for a while. So that'll just have to be a lesson for future me to remember.
The really important part that I'm asking for advice on is how to go about it. It's a tricky situation since we're both borderline (just to clear up any confusion before it starts, im not the person who also had bpd that came through here earlier), and our primary communication is through discord since its a long distance relationship and they've been through a lot this year already (they lost three other friends in the last few months. I am now understanding why.) Both telling them straight up and blocking them without a word have their own drawbacks right now, being:
- The first friend to leave this year told my partner why & left and proceeded to get harassed on every platform alongside their friends & loved ones because my partner would not fucking stop trying to contact them. There were four people (all friends) including me telling my partner that this was not acceptable behavior and to stop but they were adamant on doing so and refused to listen to anyone. Afaik they were close to this person before they left so theres a good chance I could receive the same treatment too.
I probably shouldve taken this behavior as my sign to gtfo back then honestly, because I've been on the other end of shit like that before and it left me fucked up for a very long time. Something to add to my notes as a future 100% no questions asked dealbreaker i guess. I know its difficult with bpd considering I also have it, but the one thing I could never bear to do to someone no matter how much I hate them in the moment is evade blocks multiple times on multiple platforms trying to get them to talk to me.
I don't want my friends to have to deal with this (I havent actually told any of them that I'm planning/having thoughts of breaking up with my partner. I dont know how to go about that conversation either.) and I know that my partner knows at least two of their users and unfortunately discord has made it incredibly easy to find people through just usernames.
I've considered warning the ones im worried about getting targeted ahead of time so they can configure their settings/block my partner to avoid having to deal with any of it further down the line, but I dont know if my partner knows of their social medias too or would go so far as to make a tumblr just to harass them.
- That said, I know that ghosting/blocking without a word could go equally as badly- the most recent friend to leave did that but I don't have details on what occurred after because I was not mentally well enough to help at the time and dealing with my own unrelated breakdown. I'm probably wrong, but it makes this option seem much more appealing. I'll probably warn my friends and give them the user to block ahead of time either way, honestly.
They've said before that if someone leaves them (platonically or romantically) they want a reason but having seen what happened when the first person gave them one and left I'm not sure any reason or conversation that doesnt end with "ill give you another chance"/"ill stay" would be good enough for them. I honestly dont trust them not to try picking apart any reasons I give them rather than just accepting it
I just don't know where to go from here, any guidance at all would be much appreciated!!!
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how to know if you have a soulmate and get signs from them?
hi! thank you sm for asking! i want to start off by saying everyone has a soulmate. you may have one, or multiple, but at least one. it could be romantic or platonic too.
i'd say most people probably won't meet their soulmate in this life. it takes a lot of personal growth to actually reach them, and most wont want to experience the necessary struggles.
i have an oddly strong connection to my soulmate, so it makes communicating and reaching him a lotttt easier, but even then i'd still say this journey is one hell of a ride.
another thing to take in account is if your soulmate wants to/is in the right space to meet you. they may still be working on themselves, feel fulfilled with the people in their life, have different beliefs than you, live far away, etc. but i dont say all this to discourage you!! trying wont hurt, and even connecting with them spiritually rather than their human self on earth can be just as fulfilling!
so onto your second question, how do you get signs from them? my main "sign" is telepathy, which is a weird concept for me to explain skdkd. ive never really explained my personal methods to anyone, so sorry if this comes off odd. for me, i think of it as giving him access to my current thoughts rather than sending a message all the way over to him.
im sure your next question is, how do you send a telepathic message?
the most common way is to visualize your message through images, and think of the person/entity and imagine it traveling towards them. that method has worked 50/50 for me
what i do instead isnt really a method, rather something i realized i could do and brought results. i sort of focus on something and say a word/phrase inside my head. you know that little voice you use to think that isnt actually saying something but you can hear it? some refer to it as your inner monologue. its like that, except theres also this "white noise" type sound/feeling i add. it helps when theres no loud sounds around me, i close my eyes, and repeat the phrase a few times to make sure it sent clearly. sometimes i also visualize the words to help
another method is dreams! meeting up with your soulmate in a lucid dream, using dream meanings to get messages, etc. i like this one because its really relaxed and you may find dreams easier to interpret than other spiritual methods
theres also tarot cards and pendulums. i'd say these ones are a little tricky because unless you do it yourself- you may not fully trust the person to be interpreting it properly or having your best interest at hand. i'd say take whatever resonates!
angel numbers
letters and objects. you can write a letter to your soulmate and at the end, ask for them to put an object, animal, word, etc in your life to show theyve read it. some burn the letter, bury it in soil, or place it in nature. for example, if you had the word stork, you'll see one randomly where you wouldnt expect. or if you had the word dictionary, someone would bring it up in a conversation. the sign while definitely stick out
songs. not as often now, but when i'd listen to music, a specific line of a song just really stuck out to me. it was like when you get a shiver down your spine except with my mind? i think those could have been things he wanted to say to me. but id recommend listening to random playlists and you might find songs with lyrics that resonate a lot
these are just some things ive used that worked for me, you may discover your own methods in your journey! i think theres beauty in letting the universe show you things in a unique way meant specially for you. music is an important part in both his and my life, which is why i think the song lyrics is a way for us to communicate. even though ive never heard of someone having that sign, it works for me. so overall dont stress it, dont force yourself, and have fun loving your other half :)
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nahalism · 1 year
howwwww ddid you manage to study and get a darned degree within a scheduled academic reality with your impulsive and random spurges of energy/inspiration¿¡ is it survivable most of my friends r systematic, somehow collected, motivated in a beauutiful steady way that’s typically required in higher ed and i just¡ do not¡ relate¡ loove you hope you are breathing easy🫶🏻🫶🏻
lool man.
the truth is, i did get the degree, but the process was not as heroic as ur question makes it sound. the determination to finish came from a genuine passion for literature, but also cause i didnt want to drop out and have debt, but no degree to show for it. everytime i looked for an excuse to quit, i had my mum telling me 'i only had a year left and could pursue what i wanted to when i was done'. — she was right, but i dont think right means it was the only way to do things. i think my approach was courageous, but also very based in fear and lack of self believe. so whilst i dont regret it, and its part of what got me to build that self believe and faith over fear, there are times i question if dropping out and pursuing my 'spurges of inspiration' would have been the braver and more rewarding choice. it may or may not have been, but i cant answer that cause its not the path i chose.
how i did it was a matter of programming my mind. sounds cliche, but as ive said before i fanaticised over ways i could effectively 'hack my mind' so that regardless of what i thought felt and was going thru, i could not just perform, but overcome the barriers that made it hard for me to perform. (i have a ask with book recommendations and loads of those books were part of the resources that saw me thru). that process was ugly at times, full of extreme stress, insomnia, extreme highs, crazy lows, smatterings of episodes where i was so exhausted and had pushed my body, psyche and emotional state to such extremes that i was full on out of it and a shell of a person. i was sent to my uni therapist and psychiatrist multiple times, and my family were concerned for my wellbeing. i spoke to my professors one on one maybe a maximum of two times. i barely had friends and a social life because my mental state was so poor, and the friends i did have i was constantly paranoid about losing cause i felt like i had no energy to meet up with them call them or maintain a relationship with them. i had consistent insomnia and near to no quality life. and i pursued art, writing and non degree related passions only because i sacrificed doing the other stereotypical university things my friends were doing.
im not saying this to be a victim. i rate myself highly and respect myself for what ive been able to achieve, but i dont want to say all the good w out contextualising the reality of how bad it actually was. i love learning but the the institution of education itself was hell for me 2 b honestly quite insufferable. i dont know how i survived if not for sheer will
the only advice i can give you is try to have a schedule. dont compare yourself to others, just do your best, find what your passionate about re: your degree, set a personal goal of what you want to achieve, and hold on to that blindly. have people around you that will let you break down and vent about what your finding difficult without judgement. & its awkward but if you can find someone in ur unis pastoral care department that knows what your going thru and will check in to see if your doing good or struggling. above everything, life is short and not promised. follow ur urged and ur inspiration cause thats the only thing thats real and only thing that will keep ur spirits up when times are hard. skills and experience are more important than degrees
sending u a huge hug and all the luck in the world. it might be hard but its not impossible!!! u got this
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chimerabytes · 1 year
(tl;dr please feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to talk + you can ask if i have any other social platform accounts if youd like to keep talking with me on other things!)
also to add on to my tags on prev post (edited to be put under a read more because this got way longer than i intended):
i apologize if my lack of communication skills and my lack of people permanence has caused anyone to feel awkward around me and/or think that i don't see them as a person worth keeping around.
i sincerely mean this when i say it: i do see you as someone worth keeping around. i know i struggle with showing it, affection is not my strength point in the slightest. but i will continue to keep trying my best to be at least approachable. and i dont mind if you want to keep your distance and just kinda vibe from the sidelines. i still appreciate you and i respect your space.
to be honest i have a pretty big personal bubble that i find nearly impossible to let people into, the closer people want to get to me and the closer i want to get to others. think of my sociability like two magnets with the same sides facing each other: the closer you try and force them together, the stronger the force of repulsion can be felt.
i try not to mean any ill intentions towards most people! but i know that even if i don't mean it, i can still hurt people regardless. and i hate hurting people who don't deserve to be hurt. i appreciate the folks who follow me - by doing so you are welcomed into my bubble, and can peek into a very personal part of my life that i bare out in the open for others to see.
essentially... i just want to say that i do care about others, just not in the most open way. and my inbox is always open if you want to chat with me and get to know me better. i have tumblr dms open - both asks and using the IM feature. i have discord and a plethora of other social accounts on multiple platforms, including:
mastodon (plush.city is my main instance where i can be found!)
just plain 'ole e-mailing me is totes cool with me!
flight rising (yes. i will allow people to send me messages on FR and tag me in forum posts. i cannot guarantee i will reply to every thing right away, but i do read all my messages within 24-48 hours of them being sent by you!)
i don't use twitter anymore, sadly. so i apologize if thats your preferred avenue of communication!
i could dig up my skype account again if anyone wants to add me on there?
i don't use a lot of other messaging apps that are popular these days aside from discord and tumblr, but if you want you could pitch me an offer to join a website/ chat/ platform that you use and i may join!
however you will Never get me to join instagram, snapchat or tiktok. Sorry, I just dont think those apps are for me.
i try to keep my avenues of conversation open. even though i admittedly am not great at chatting and most of my affection and sillies are gleaned from what kind of memes and silly reaction pics i send, i still do want to offer up a metaphorical chill spot for people to join me in.
i realize this is pretty long so i'm going to end this, although im not sure how? just like, if you ever have any thoughts, concerns, questions, or want to just talk to me at all about literally anything (i dont care if you only send me like, one word, I will likely respond anyway!) then like... As the boys would say, hit me up, I guess?
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technowoah · 3 years
could you pls do a karl jacobs x reader with 9 & 11 from the fluff prompt list? fem or gn pronouns are fine!! <3
Crush Culture
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karl jacobs x reader blurb!
Thanks for the request!! I hope you like it 💓
9) "Dumb ass I love you" "That was aggressive-"
32) "Oh shit you're Jealous?!"
(They changed the number from 11 to 32 btw)
⚠︎ swearing, jealousy, angst, fluff at the end, not that much dialouge, unrequited love, I didn't proofread..sorry
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Karl was such a sweet and caring soul. He would do anything for anyone, but sometimes that got in the way of your plans.
You and Karl lived in the same area, well you both found out you two lived in the same after planning to do a streamer meetup to show both of your fans. He had thought you lived further away, so when you both showed up at the selected place at the same time you both realized you live in the same state.
Ever since then you two hung out more and more, fans thought you two were dating because of how many times you showed up on Karl's streams instead of your own. You both debunked the idea multiple times but fans still insisted that you two were lying, jokingly saying that you were replacing Sapnap.
After a months of hanging out, having sleepovers, listening to his laugh, looking into his eyes, you started to slowly fall for the man. Especially with all the time he's willingly spending with you. He invited you to shoots with the Mr. Beast crew and after that you both went to Taco Bell, and that became a regular thing for you two.
The falling point for you is when Karl started to get touchy. He started hugging you from behind at random times, draping his arm over your shoulder, jokingly tries to kiss you during streams. At some point in the day Karl had to have a hand on you shoulder or at least two hugs. It made you want those hugs more often, and it slightly bothered you that he gave those out to anyone.
It was selfish of you to think like this, but isnt that human nature? It was a new thing for you to want to be with someone this much. It felt like you had to go all out to get Karl to notice you wanted to be with him. You started reciprocating his hugs and small touches, started making plans more often, sending little hearts after text messages. You could've told him your feelings toward him, but that wasnt your forté. At least right now.
Karl didn't notice the change in your attitude. Maybe he thought that his actions were rubbing off on you. You were so close to straight up saying "I love you" to him at this point. Looking back, you thought that your advances werent good enough, so right now you didnt try that much. You really wanted to be with Karl, but it seemer like it wasn't the time right now.
When you made up your mind that you wouldn't confess, Karl seemed to find someone. Her name to you was "candle girl", she was a girl who worked at a candle store that Karl had a crush on. He talked about her with a smile, the smile that you loved. He told you how she looked, and how sweet she was and how he went out of his comfort zone to talk to her.
Karl talked about her so highly you seemed like a second thought to him. He talked about her on stream while you were there too and you had to act like you were happy for him when in reality, when you wanted Karl to talk about you with the same gleam in his eyes like he talked about "candle girl".
It was one particular stream where you finally blew a fuse.
"Okay so me and y/n are going to head out. This stream was fun! Thank you all for joining." Karl exclaimed.
The chat went fast as Karl tried to pick out comments. You were swaying back in forth in your chair just wanting to get to Taco Bell before they closed. The stream ran longer than usual and the only thing you two ate where popcorn and Monsters.
"Where are you going? We're going to Taco Bell as always." You answered the question that someone commented.
"It's a tradition we have!" Karl added on.
"Y/N is replacing Sapnap? Yes I am hopefully." You said jokingly, knowing that would get clipped.
There was a pause, Karl was about to end his live until a question came up about if he has a crush on someone. You knew the rant about the candle girl was coming soon so you braced for the heartache you were inevitably about to face.
"My crush? There's this girl that works at like a Bath and Body Works you know? And I really like her. I actually got het number!" Karl turned to you when he said that last part.
"You did?" You asked stunned.
He laughed like he was surprised at himself.
"Yeah! Aren't you proud? Im a man now!" Karl joked around.
You mumbled an incoherent sentence, clearly not wanting to hear what he had to say about the girl. It was selfish of you to be jealous that he wasnt talking about you that way. Karl finally ended the stream and closed everything on his computer before the two of you headed out to his car.
You sat in the passenger side and he climbed into the drivers seat. He turned the car in and you both sat in the car not talking only with the radio playing softly in the background. It was a comfortable silence, but you wanted to say something, anything, but it wasnt coming out of your mouth. Seemingly the universe was for you because the text message on Karl's phone finally made you speak up.
"Oh!" Karl exclaimed as he opened his phone.
"Whos the text from?" You asked.
Karl laughed, "How'd you know?"
"Im a genius aren't I?" You smiled.
"Yeah you are. Its the girl! She texted me." Karl said while typing on his phone, clearly focused.
He kept doing so while smiling at the textx sent back and forth. It was uncomfortable for you while Karl and the girl texted quickly.
"I was actually anxious if she was gonna text me back or not. She's actually a fast typer-"
"Can we just go to Taco Bell." You interrupted Karl.
"What's wrong?" Karl put his phone down, but the notifications were still glowing in his screen in the dark car.
"I dont know. Just drive."
"No Y/N tell me."
"Karl I'm hungry lets go, please?"
"Not until you look at me and tell me whats the matter!" Karl pressed on.
"I said it's-
"Okay! Dumb ass I like you!" You shouted finally fed up with his pressure.
"That was aggressive-" Karl laughed after that.
You shouldn't have said that. His eyes widened at your sudden, agressive, confessions. It was embarrassing. You were about to get out of the car, your eyes kept staring at your lap or anywhere else, but Karl's way. Karl placed a hand on your shoulder while his phone was still blowing up from text messages.
Karl suddenly gasped and started laughing.
"Oh shit, You're Jealous?!"
You immediately looked towards him with confusion in your eyes. "Yeah I am! You're talking about this girl you like, you have this glow in your eyes when you talk about her, and I know it's selfish, but I want that."
Karl leaned over the armrest and kissed you on the cheek while you stared out of the front windshield.
"There's no need to be jealous!" Karl said as you both stared at eachother.
"I like you Karl. If you haven't figured it out yet." You laughed slightly.
"I like you too." Karl smiled wide and you matched his smile.
"Wait!" You started again. "What about the other girl?"
"Oh yeah about her." Karl started to laugh. "Its just a small crush. The real crush I have is you. I get so giddy when we spend time together and when I get a small text from you. Everything."
You both were leaning against the arm rest, Karl leaned his head on your shoulder as your hand rested in his hair. It was an akward position, but that didn't matter right now. Taco Bell could wait
"Maybe I was trying to make you jealous." Karl spoke up.
"No!" Karl laughed. "I'm not that smart."
"Well everything worked out in our favor." You spoke up.
"Yeah. I love you, but you knew that already." Karl sat up and gave you a smile.
"I love you too Karl Jacobs."
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literaila · 3 years
tricks and tips.
loki x gn!reader. title says it all. be warned. 
the first time you met loki,
he was sitting in a cage. it was cold where they were keeping him, somewhere far too excluded from everything else, someplace that you barely recognized yourself. it was cold, and it was dark everywhere except the glass composure he was trapped in.
this wasn’t really a prison, you knew. it couldn’t have been a prison for him when he was just sitting there, watching you, no movement, no sound.
but still, something about the cage made you want to crawl out of your skin.
or maybe it was him.
maybe it was his eyes, the cruel words he had spoken to everyone else. he wasn’t just a man, he would remind you, he was something other.
you’d first been called in to interrogate him (having a doctorate in psychology was very useful apparently) and try to determine what his next move was. 
though within five seconds of entering the room, you wondered why anyone would think there was any move he could make in the first place. he was completely enclosed, trapped in something that looked like it could hold even the scariest of monsters. 
and well, you werent quite sure if that was him. 
though, you couldnt deny the chill that ran down your spine as his eyes watched you as you walked closer and closer, not letting any fear you might have deter you from the job you were supposed to be doing. figure out what his next move was. simple. 
“hello,” you started, a professional smile on your face. you could’ve sworn he’d flinched. “i’m y/n.” 
the only thing you got in return was a roll of his eyes, clearly fed up with you, probably with the cage, and definitely with the wall he was leaning against. 
your neck ached in sympathy. 
“you must be loki, yes?” trying again, you drew a chair that was sitting next to the cage, probably leftover from the last person that had tried to talk to him, and leaned back, waiting for whatever answer he would give. 
turns out, that didnt take long. 
“prince” he, not quite hissed but announced. his face was not any more pleasant, and it was clear he wasnt joking. 
even still, you had to put in some effort not to giggle. it wasnt as if you’d ever gotten corrected by a ‘prince’ before. or that you’d even been in the vicinity of one. 
allowing only a small twitch at the corner of your lips, you nodded seriously, opening the notebook you’d been holding. “ah yes, prince loki. i’m sorry” 
“why are you here?” he asked, leaning his head against the wall again, and closing his eyes. “another person sent to discover all my secrets? figure out what to do with someone like me?” 
it was silent for a moment, the two of you were completely alone. it was still cold, it was still dark, but this close to the prince, you could observe the slow movements he was making. you could see his face clearly, the dread unhidden from his features. 
you supposed it must be draining, to have people asking you the same things, hoping to find out something new. 
you wonder how long he’d been left alone since he’d arrived in the small prison. how long he’d been watched. 
someone more cheerful, less conceded, might be a relief. 
“well yes, i guess so.” there was no point in lying, especially considering it didnt seem like he was going to cooperate anyway. “but i’m willing to bet that it wouldnt matter even if i tried,” 
he opened his eyes at that, something new on his face. something other than the distaste he already had for you. 
“its usually not safe to make bets with me, as i’m sure my brother already told you.” he spit out the word brother. it didnt surprise you, but you still scribbled something down in the notebook you were holding. you didnt fail to notice the change in topic. 
“i actually havent spoken to him yet, just the agent who called me in. i cant seem to remember their name...” 
loki stood up then, walking around the cage, stretching out. he looked different now, less angry, maybe a bit more tired than when you’d walked in. there was nothing else in the cage. no water, no food, no bed. it would be a struggle to stay sitting for long. 
“you dont work for shield?” the prince asked, now standing in front of you. 
“god, no.” you giggled at the thought, imaging yourself in the all-black uniforms you’d seen on almost every person that had welcomed you in. “i’m just here to... interrogate you.” you made an effort to keep the cheer in your voice, not wanting him to return to the other side of the cage and ignore you for the rest of the time you were locked in here with him. 
it wouldnt make for a very good report. 
“no i suppose not...” he drawled, smirking at you with crueler eyes than before. you recognized the insult but paid no mind to it. he was locked in a glass cage, multiple levels below the ground. he had a right to be a little bitter. “now about that bet,” 
huh. maybe a game would work then. you were almost sure that he’d been purposefully trying to move past that. 
“i think, knowing that you are the god of mischief, that even if i asked questions-- and you answered --that it wouldnt be too far-fetched to say that it would be all lies.” you watched his face change, the tiny twitch of his lips. “a safe bet, i’m assuming.” 
loki sat back down, this time in the middle of the floor with his long legs crossed over each other. he was looking at you completely now, blank face. it wasnt as scary now, and you werent sure if this was the right prison for someone as calm as he seemed. 
“i’ve been told its not good to assume,” he replied, looking down to his lap. 
you nodded along, silent then. 
it was another minute after, both of you thinking completely different things, before anyone spoke. you, of course, were trying to figure out your best course of action. what you could ask to get him to say something that you could report back to the people waiting for you, what he would need to hear to actually reveal something that wasnt already known. 
it was only when you looked up and saw loki scowling once again that you decided it was best to just keep the conversation going. 
“how long have you been here, then?” 
“here, physically? only around a day or two. i cant tell what time it is.” he looked around, nodding to the black walls, the light that was only coming from the floor beneath him. “on earth? ...well, far longer than i intended to be.”
loki raised a brow. “hmm?” 
you looked down at your lap, undeterred by the demand in his voice. he didnt like to not know. 
“Its just that,” you looked back up at him, offering a smile and using your hands to gesture in the air. “based on what i’ve heard of you... on the news, it seems more like you came to ‘annihilate’ us all. and, well i just figured that would take a bit longer than a couple of days?” 
you kept eye-contact with him. he was far less intimidating when he was sitting like a child. far less intimidating when his eyes werent full of murder. 
he nodded, leaning his chin on his hand, staring. “that sounds like a question.” he muttered, uninterested. he looked a bit bored, mostly tired, but still. 
“oh right,” you leaned back, distancing yourself from him and returning your eyes to the notebook. “sorry”  
loki sighed, kept silent for a moment before he saw that you werent going to say anything else. he had to know. 
“if i tell you something, will you tell me what you’re writing in that thing?” 
your eyes perked up. that was a good offer. 
“i thought it wasnt smart to make deals with the ‘god of mischief’?” you emphasised the title with a wave of your hands, hoping to get him to smile. 
just something to report, you reminded yourself. just stay long enough to get him comfortable. 
“its not,” he smirked, watching you decide. this suddenly felt a bit too much like a dare. 
and, well, you werent something who backed away from a dare. 
“okay, deal.” 
loki didnt reply, only waved a hand as if to say get on with it before yawning. he was definitely paying attention, but his show of boredom was greatly appreciated even still. 
you werent used to being told what to do with gestures, but it was clear that loki was very used to telling other people what to do with just a gesture. it was the prince in him, you supposed. didnt mean you were going to listen. 
“why am i going first?” you asked, arms crossed in front of you now. 
loki laughed, full out. he gestured around him with wide eyes, energy sudenly coming back to him. he looked much more like a prince now, than he did before. “it would seem that i’m at a bit of a disadvantage.” 
you glared at him, unmoving. “how do i know you’ll tell me anything real?” 
lies, you thought. you were very familiar with them, familiar to listening to them and familiar to dealing with them. 
“you have my word,” he promised, sincerely with a hand over his heart. 
it was definitely too much. but still, you grabbed the notebook and flipped it around so that he could see. the look on his face might’ve been just enough to make this entire day worth it. 
it was just scribbles, after all. little doodles to help keep you focused. 
but of course, the god of mischief, prince of asgard, didnt know that. 
he only stared at you, an astounding look in his eyes. and you, only smirked. copying his gesture from earlier. 
get on with it. 
“fine,” he quipped. crossing his arms over his chest. copying you now. it only made you smile wider. “i wasnt born on asgard. i also murdered my biological father.” no remorse on his face with those words, just another yawn. 
well. that wasnt expected. 
“that wasnt the deal,” you said, instead of offering any sympathy you might have. pity you knew he wouldnt want. any disgust that came with the words. he didnt want emotions, and you still needed something to report. 
you suddenly felt angry with him, and you couldnt tell why. 
“darling, i said i would tell you something. not that i would tell you anything useful.” he laid down then, right in the middle of the floor. it was ridiculous. but then you could see him closing his eyes, putting his hand over his face to block out the light. “its not like you gave me anything useful either.” he teased the words out, yawning again. 
maybe you’d misread his mischief, his distaste. 
“when was the last time you got any sleep?” you asked, instead of acknowledging anything he said. 
his face snapped up at that, the pressure in the room rising to the highest level. it seemed that you’d struck a nerve. he had been there far too long. 
“another question,” he hissed, distaste back plain and clear in his eyes, tinting his mouth. he was mad now, angry. it probably wasnt at you, you thought. it was probably at the situation, at his brother, at himself. 
you might’ve known a bit more than you’d led on. 
“when i was a kid,” you started, pleasant smile back on your face. you were in the company of a prince after all. “my mom used to tell me to think ‘happy thoughts’ to fall asleep.” you saw him wince slightly, but you werent finished. “it helped lure me to sleep, and also keep away nightmares.” 
“why are you telling me this?” he demanded, quietly. whatever he didnt like about what you were saying, it was too late to take back. 
“just in case you needed some help. or a reminder to take a nap.” 
and then someone was calling your name, leading you out of the dark room. you looked back at loki once more, another smile. 
you were sure you’d be back soon. 
and loki, well he was watching you walk away. listening to the silence you’d left behind. 
compared to any other person that had attempted to talk to him, to get something out of him. you were the most entertaining. and also slightly annoying. 
but still, he couldnt get those words out of his head. and he couldnt get the weight off his eyes. 
five minutes later, your voice in his ear, he was sound asleep against the glass wall. 
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At Home with You
Happy @inoshikachoweek week and happy best friends day!  I love every incarnation of Team 10 so I really wanted to write something at least for the last day.  Thank you to @thespookymoth and @pewpewpew for hosting this week!  Hope that you enjoy! 
Prompt:  Best Friends
Summary:  When you’re best friends home and family can take many different forms.
At Home with You
“There you are!”  Curious brown eyes looked up hearing a familiar voice. Inojin grinned watching the deer trot over towards him excitedly. 
Inojin pet the deer’s fur affectionately, thankful that he seemed to still remember him.  “I’m sorry I haven’t been around a lot lately.”  The animal didn’t seem to mind and welcomed the loving touches.  
“Come on buddy, let’s take a walk. I’ve got some time before I have to go home.” Inojin could have sworn there was some understanding in those soft eyes as the animal fell into step with him.  
The peace and solitude the dense forest provided was much needed after so many difficult and grueling missions. He found solace in the twilight with his faithful companion by his side. 
The pair took breaks along their walk to eat and drink. Their gait relaxed and steady with no goal or end in sight. Inojin would feed the animal treats and pet his soft fur.  All the while the deer nuzzled in familiarity into his gentle hands. 
Coming to a stop they relaxed by the water. Inojin reclined into the deers side to sketch the landscape. Nestling into the deer’s soft fur and comforting warmth.  It was this quiet slice of heaven away safe from the noise. 
“So this is where you’ve been running off to?” 
Inojin looked startled, surprised by the amused looks on his Uncle and Aunt’s face. 
Subconsciously Inojin stepped forward placing himself between the deer and them. 
“We don’t mind you coming here but you need to let your parents know where you are.”  Temari gently scolded him.  
Shikamaru looked curiously behind Inojin. A familiar deer posed as though it was ready to defend its friend if necessary. 
“I assume your visits have to do with the deer behind you?” 
“I come by when I dont have missions to see him.”  Inojin admitted with a sigh.  There was no way to lie his way out of this. 
Temari and Shikamaru were surprised by the revelation.  Shikamaru recognized the deer as the injured one that Inojin had found and he had treated.  He remembered Inojin being terrified and distraught, hoping the deer might make it through. They didn’t quite realize how much of an impression the experience had made. 
Temari had seen him earlier heading towards the forest where he was able to walk about freely. It seemed odd though that he was going there alone. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” 
Inojin shrugged, not really having a response. He thought it might be embarrassing to admit having grown attached to the deer.  
“I couldn’t…I couldn’t save Akkun. So when I was able to save this one I felt connected to him I guess.”  
They knew all about that little creature that he’d bonded with during the mission in Iwagakure. Ino and Sai had considered getting him a pet to help with his grief but worried it might be too soon. 
Shikamaru moved forward towards them, kneeling in front of him.  “Your grandfather used to love walking through here too.”  
“Really?”  Inojin asked surprised but always happy to learn anything he could about his grandfather. 
“The Yamanaka jutsu can be very difficult mentally and spiritually. He always found reconnecting with nature as a way to reset.  He even had his own favorite deer. Shikadai’s grandfather would complain that he was out here more than him.”  Shikamaru remembered when his father would go out into the dense forest to check on his friend. 
“Inojin attachments and bonds are a wonderful thing. Companionship and friendship make life meaningful.  They aren’t something you ever have to hide.” Inojin smiled up at Temari, her words having a lifetime of experience behind them. 
“Did you give him a name?” 
“Aki, I found him on the first day of Fall.”  
“Well thank you Aki for taking care of Inojin here.”  
Shikamaru kindly rubbed the deer’s head.  Sure the Naras were known for their connection with these animals but he was thankful that Inojin saw their value as well.
“Let your mom and dad know, okay kid. That way they won’t worry.”  Temari guided him gently.  She could understand his draw towards the Nara forest.  She would often escape there just to have some quiet.  
Inojin nodded, grateful that he didn’t have to keep his trips a secret.  That he could tell his parents and his teammates about his friend.  He’d been wanting his parents to come join him for a while now. 
“Let Shikadai know you’re coming out here.  He’s supposed to be guarding and keeping this place secure.  Seeing as you’ve been able to come in and out undetected means he’s not doing his job.”  He laughed but hoped his friend wouldn’t be too upset. 
The trio remained out there in the fading sunlight as more deer came forward recognizing the clan heads.  Enjoying the mystery and wonder of it all.
Inojin at times was just like his father.  He struggled with certain social cues and norms.  Often finding himself confused by some customs. But he found there in the quiet of the forest, with his faithful friend, and family a feeling of home. 
Shikadai took a tentative taste before a thoughtful look crossed his face. 
“It needs something.” 
Karui took a spoonful of the broth before nodding. “You’re right. Go ask your Uncle Chouji for more tomatoes.”  
Shikadai went into motion and made his way over to where the Akimichi was prepping the ingredients.  ChoCho would often complain about her parents but Shikadai found them to be warm and welcoming.  Always genuinely happy to see him. 
“We’re gonna need more diced tomatoes.”
“You got it, kid.” 
Shikadai wasn’t sure when it happened exactly. He’d been over at the Akimichi’s one night for dinner and had been roped into helping. Despite his silent complaints, he’d actually enjoyed the cooking process.  It was almost like a science experiment. Mixing the ingredients to get the perfect reaction. After that day he’d come by ever so often to learn more techniques and to try out various recipes. Who better than an Akimichi to teach him to cook? ChoCho loved it when he came over, as he often made enough for her to try a new dish.  
Today he had something special planned. His uncles had sent him a recipe for his mom's favorite dish from Suna. He wanted it to be a surprise so he’d made his way to the Akimichi kitchen. 
“My dad taught your grandfather how to cook,”  Chouji told him with a grin. Shikadai looked up, never having heard this story. 
“When they were younger your grandmother was just as good of a cook as she is now.  Uncle Shikaku wanted to impress her.  It was a complete failure.  Apparently, he managed to burn through not only the food but multiple pots and pans.  He was banned from cooking on Akimichi lands for a while.  After my dad forgave him he gave him a few less-flammable lessons.  It wasn’t too helpful but there was some improvement.  Your father is no better.  For being geniuses they sure are useless in the kitchen.  You might be the only hope for the Nara line.”
Shikadai smiled at the thought.  His mother had mentioned something similar to him when he’d helped her a few times.  It wasn’t a skill that Naras were known for nor would it be one that he advertised.  Still, it was a useful ability and oftentimes a needed distraction. 
Karui yelled a few additional items they needed and he stood next to Chouji prepping the additional items.  
They added the required ingredients, checking the flavor as he went along.  The two Akimichis watched him with a smile at his attention and precision.  Temari’s look of pure determination on his face and his movements were all Shikamaru.  Like the dish he made, he was a perfect mix. 
“I’ve got to hand it to you kid.  You’re a natural.  You’re always welcomed in my kitchen.”  Karui praised him after tasting the completed recipe. 
She affectionately ruffled his hair. “Your mom is going to love it.” 
Shikadai recalled those precious times together around a table with warm food between them.  
A home-cooked meal was the perfect reminder of home.
“Thanks again for coming by!  Your wife is going to love the flowers.”  ChoCho yelled out to the customer.
She then worked to spray down the counter then watered a few of the plants.  It was a quiet day at the store but she loved it nonetheless.  The Yamanaka flower shop was one of her favorite places in the village. She was getting older.  Their team missions were more complicated and layered. For her. working at a place that was so normal was a needed reprieve.
It started a few weeks ago.  Inojin had begged her to cover his shift while his parents were off on a mission.  She agreed only after he offered her a king’s ransom in snacks and a no-questions-asked favor to be cashed in the future.  After getting a quick training session and learning the ropes she thoroughly enjoyed her time there.  She was in the company of flowers and got to meet and interact with people all over the village.  It was a natural fit.  From then on ever so often Inojin would ask her to fill in.  She’d whine and complain which increased Inojin’s offerings but she’d ultimately agree.
“ChoCho!”  She smiled brightly seeing the Yamanakas walk in.  They knew that she was there for the afternoon but assured her they’d be back as early as possible.  
ChoCho idolized Ino.  The  Yamanaka Clan head was strong, wise, and beautiful.  ChoCho loved her mom but she was still an authority figure.  Ino was her cool Aunt.  Since she could remember the blonde had assured her that she’d be a willing confidant and support.  There were a few times that she elicited her help and advice.  
“We appreciate you coming by to help us,”  Sai thanked her with a soft smile.  He wasn’t a man of many words but he was always kind and welcoming towards her.  His smile reminded her very much of her teammate.
“I love it here.  I get to see so many people and hear a lot of different stories.”  Her favorites were always of nervous individuals hoping to find that perfect bouquet to impress a special someone. 
“It’s a pretty special place.  Your grandfather still buys your grandmother flowers every month on the 7th.  When I'd come here to help my dad I always loved seeing him come in.  I'd help him pick out the flowers to give her.”  ChoCho fondly thought about the blossoms that would consistently fill their home.  She couldn’t help but love how connected their families were.  
 Sai helped her move a few buckets of flowers to refill the shelves.  “When your father started dating your mom he didn’t know what her favorite flower was so he ended up just buying all of them,”  Sai recalled that day.  
He’d come to spend time with Ino when the Akimichi had come in a panicked state.  Their team had argued back and forth about the best arrangement of flowers until Shikamaru convinced Chouji to just buy them all and figure out Karui’s favorite later. 
ChoCho grinned surprised by the sweet story.  Surprised that the old man had some moves back in the day.  
Her father had come by earlier to her embarrassment but they had worked together to arrange a beautiful bouquet for her mother. She often wondered at their relationship but their love was something undeniable.  ChoChohoped that her teammates took notes about how to treat those they loved. 
ChoCho fell into step with the Yamanakas helping to clean up before she was set to leave.  And of course, she was on her way to see her team.  
“You’re always welcome here, you know that right?”  Ino assured her. She had a special bond with the Akimichi.  It wasn’t always easy being the female in their trio.
Surrounded by a melody of flowers and the warmth of family, this was just like a second home.  
“I know.”
* **
The 17th generation of InoShikaCho sat together in the cramped booth talking about everything and nothing all at once.  A similar scene of love and familiarity having occurred many times in the past.  
At times the pressure to uphold their family’s legacy could be suffocating.  Certain heavy expectations and hopes were placed on their shoulders.  But they knew at the end of the day they were luckier than most.  They were teammates and best friends.  Not just by circumstances but by choice.  No matter what happened in this life, because of that bond they’d always have a home. 
Did you see what I was trying to do here?  I love the customs that each family has but I like to see them interacting with each other.
Life got pretty hectic so writing needed to take a back seat.  I’m thankful that I was able to write what little I could.  I hope to be posting more regularly soon.  Thanks for your support and good vibes. 
 My sincere love, thanks and admiration for everyone who supported this week!  You are all amazing!  Love, love to you all!
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
fwb part two- sidney crosby
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word count- 1.1k+ | warnings- reader asks sid to fuck them. no actual smut. sort of implied fem reader(one sentence) talk of hateful comments. other than that i think thats it.| a/n - wrote this pretty quickly so hope you all enjoy. also rushed their ‘relationship’ a little but its for a reason:). gif creds to owner. join my taglist | kind of proofread.| part one feedback is appreciated:)
You arrive at the address Sidney sent you earlier that morning, but you sit there anxiously not knowing how this was gonna go. You know that the nasty comments from his fans would not be stopping until he said something, which makes you question being friends with benefits with Sidney at all. You know he would understand your reasoning, but you needed to speak to him before cutting it off. You’re brought out of your thoughts when you hear a knock on your window. You look up at sidney and sheepishly roll down the window. ‘’Hi Sidney. I’m sorry, didn't realize I had gotten distracted.’’ you sputter out sidney shakes his head with a soft chuckle, “ It’s alright. Come on in, we should probably have that talk now.’’ Your heart skips a beat, realizing you had forgotten your original reason of coming to sidneys home. You turn your car off and slowly get out and follow Sidney. 
once your inside he leads you towards his couch and gestures for you to sit. “make yourself at home y/n. want something to drink? water? coffee? ‘’ he starts rambling trying to make you comfortable. you shake your head with a small laugh, ‘’ i’m okay sid, calm down.” you place a soft hand on his knee. his shaking leg stills at the feeling of your hand on his bare leg, just at the hem of his shorts. “ what was it that you wanted to talk about y/n?” he asks quietly. “ this morning jaz woke me up and showed me this,” you say pulling up the article to show him, knowing he doesn’t get on his phone much he most likely hasn’t seen it yet. his eyes widen upon seeing the photo of you both above the headline. “ i’ve also been getting some pretty ugly messages on social media since this came out.” you murmur before he can respond.
 sidneys face morphs into one of confusion, “what the hell? why?” he asks angrily. you shake your head at him. “ you have some...possesive fans. they definitely do not like me.” you say in a quick breath. “can i see some of the messages?” he murmured softly.you nod softly pulling up your twitter and handing him your phone. you sit in silence watching him scroll through the many messages you had received over the past few hours. you could see his face morphing from anger to disgust. “these are- tell me you don’t believe what they’re saying. right? he cuts himself off not believing what his supposed fans were saying to you despite not knowing who you were.
“haven’t read many of them, kinda hard not to though. most of them are saying the same thing.” you shrug it off almost regretting bringing it up to him. “i really only brought it up because if we’re gonna continue this friends with benefits thing we have to be more careful. i don’t wanna stop this before it even begins, but i’m not sure if i can deal with messages like these daily.” you rush out. “i know, im sorry about them y/n. is there anything i can do to make you feel better?” sidney questions. your face lights up with an idea,”will you fuck me sidney?” he shakes his head with a laugh, “c’mon,” he mutters standing you up. he rests his hand on your cheek and leans down to bring you into a deep kiss. quickly kissing down your neck leaving love bites in his path. “bedroom or couch?” he mutters pulling away breathlessly. “both.” you say with a smirk.
you wake up a few hours later, sidneys heavy arm laying across your waist holding you close to him, and a good pain between your legs. you turn closer to sidney and press multiple kisses to his chest hoping not to wake him. you begin to think about how you feel about him. when you started this agreement you both said no strings attached. he was busy with his career and you with the new job you’d gotten with your degree. “i can’t fall for him. he’s way too busy for me.” you think to yourself. but little did you know that sidney had woken up and begun to think about his budding feelings for you. looking up at sidney again you see his eyes open and already looking down at you. neither of you saying anything, just admiring each other.
“sidney,” you begin catching his attention. “ i know its early and i know we said no strings attached, but i think i may be developing feeling for you. You dont have to return them and i can leave now and you never have to see me again if you want but i think it was necessary for you to know before we kept going with this. Just say the word and i’m-” he cuts you off with a kiss. “y/n..it’s okay. i don't completely know how i feel about you but there is definitely something there, can we just go slow please?” he trails off getting quiet, a small but noticeable blush rising to his cheeks. you had heard about how his last relationship ended,the girl whos name you dont remember, though you’re glad you don’t, had cheated then publicly said she didn’t care and had been using him.
“of course sid, we can go as slow as you want,”you mutter realizing you’d been lost in thought, while peppering his chest with soft kisses, assuring him you didn’t mind taking things slowly. “thank you y/n. my last girlfriend she..” you stop him saving from having to go into detail, knowing how much it must hurt talking about it. “ i know sid i saw, it’s okay” you say while pulling him closer to you. “huh how do you know? i didn’t tell you did i?” he rushed.”no, i uh may have been looking you up and saw it then.” you say embarrassed. a grin breaks out on sidneys face,” you were looking me up huh?” he teases, the conversation of his past relationship long forgotten. you playfully hit his chest with a quiet “shut up” before hiding your face in his chest trying to hide your embarrassment.
“was looking for your social media, hadn't realized you didn't have any.” you murmur into his chest, tracing patterns into his skin with your fingers. Sidney pulls you close to him while chuckling at your confession, “maybe i’ll make one for you one day.” you smile at his comment closing your heavy eyes. “Mhm yeah, maybe..” you trail off falling into sleep. Upon hearing your soft snores sidney kisses your forehead before closing his own eyes.
taglist- @samsteel @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @2manytabsopen @only-goalies-allowed @passthehockeyplease @sidscrosbyy
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