#the terf adjacent kind
grungekitty-77 · 1 year
Someone on my dash posted a god awful take this morning. It made me angry. They were very wrong and very offensive about it.
So I unfollowed them.
That’s it. No anon message telling them that they should be ashamed. No reblogging with a rant about how wrong they were. No direct messages telling them how out of line they were.
They make me upset. So I walked away.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 26 days
i'm genuinely not even a terf or terf-adjacent but you're crazy for letting them live in your head rent-free like this. obviously you can block whoever you want for whatever reasons you want and i'm not going to try to convince you to unblock them/stop blocking them because it's Your Blog but have you considered that the people who follow you don't care about the identity of the blog owner and just want to see entertaining pictures of animals? i'm pretty sure nobody is following you with the intent of purposefully spiting you and the ask that was suggesting that posting hermaphrodite/genderless animals will ward off transphobes is batshit crazy thinking
Appreciate the concern, but not to worry: terfs get about as much of my attention as a bit of dogshit on my shoe. Mostly I just get annoyed having to go through my feed every day and block them, especially since it seems like there's been more than usual lately. And me making posts about it is honestly me just yelling into the void to blow off a little steam.
And I'm going to post about those kinds of animals regardless, because it's something I enjoy doing, and I think it does highlight an important feature of nature that often gets overlooked. If it pisses them off, that's just a bonus.
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
i refuse to misgender myself and to tolerate being misgendered for a movement that doesn't care for people like me beyond bringing us up as a gotcha to mspec lesbian exclusionists or as queer label 101 posts. i refuse to let people misgender me for a movement that forcibly applies an identity in the name of politics to people (it's what TERFs do too, maybe don't copy them). i refuse to compromise on my real gender for a movement that's only allying with people without binary privilege who at least somewhat fit their criteria. i refuse to be misgendered for "simplicity". i refuse to be misgendered so "cis people get us". i refuse to be misgendered just so you all can go "nonbinary people don't owe you androgyny" like you too don't throw us into masculine or feminine boxes too, like everyone else. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement too lazy to add two words in order to not be misgendering. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that only cares about me if i happen to share a certain identity, rather than lived experience. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that does the same thing to nonbinary people that cis people do to trans people but thinks its progressive. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that feels like a circlejerk of people validating their binary (adjacent) identity. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that insists only people with a certain identity can experience a kind of oppression and everyone else is lying and needs to be silenced. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that will dogpile a nonbinary person and spread lies for speaking up about said misgendering and erasure. i refuse to be misgendered for politics. i refuse to be misgendered based on my lived experience. i refuse to be misgendered because being abinary is too much, too weird, too complicated to consider. i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that gives up on inclusivity before even trying because it's "too hard". i refuse to be misgendered for a movement that goes "got mine" and thinks that's good enough. i refuse to be misgenderee for a movement that sees my identity and inclusion as inherently less casual than binary ones. i refuse to be misgendered for people trying to relate to me through their binary privilege and miss the entire point of me not wanting to be called masculine. i refuse to be misgendered.
i refuse to give up my own liberation so more privileged people have theirs.
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soup-mother · 2 months
while it would no doubt be bad for the maybe three chill and normal nice people vaguely adjacent to those communities, a bitter part of me does wish the yankee centric (dare i say the US and Canada only) ~vintage 70's lesbian pins~ "i reblogged a picture of marsha P johnson so please ignore the fact i keep accidentally reblogging from open terfs" "queer history by which i mean Urban US queer history" industrial complex would dry up or get its act together a bit.
like if there was even a fraction of the pushback for being mutuals with crypto terfs and reblogging transmisogynistic shit as there is for when a trans girl accidentally fucks up or even just says something kinda rude, then half the most annoying userbase on the website would be dead.
idk maybe I'm being a bitch but I roll my eyes so hard when people make US Queer history out as some universal thing and make some 80's pride march their header etc and treat marsha p johnson as some kind of figure of redemption for transmisogyny ("trans women of colour threw the first bricks at stonewall so I don't need to unpack anything or stop reblogging weird transmisogynists").
I'm glad ur having fun in Ur imaginary better past but that wasn't actually a better time, especially if you're black and/or transfem. same with like riot grrl nostalgia. like just come on now we all know why *you* think it was a better era.
"know your roots, by which i mean california in the 70's"
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tinogiehd · 3 months
I get your point and Dream has reacted in very stupid ways before that were seriously eye-roll inducing even as a fan, but I don’t think he’s ever or would ever immediately and publicly cut off a friend without privately reaching out first. She added so much fuel to an already out of control fire, against a guy she called her brother. I think they’re wildly different situations and I think we need to stop trying to play the misogyny card when people are criticising women. It’s how we’ve got braindead twitter kids thinking women can do no wrong now.
I don’t think Hannah has to apologise or that she’s some terrible person or that it’s any of our business if she wants to be friends with them again or not. But to act like any criticism of how she publicly handled it on her platform is wrong because she’s a woman is kind of crazy. And I usually support your takes.
we can stop pulling the misogyny card when people stop being misogynistic about her. like it’s not misogyny to criticize her I think her reaction was abhorrent I think she could have done so much better but to be harping on it weeks and weeks down the line as some indicator of moral compass and acting as if she owes us an apology is strange as hell. like she should have done something differently for sure and you don’t need to pretend like she had a perfect response because she’s a woman, her being a woman doesn’t mean her response wasn’t shitty. but I just don’t think you can separate the response to her response Weeks down the line from her being a woman in an industry where woman have historically caught more heat for breathing than 99% of men will for legitimately heinous crimes and that mindset being consciously or unconsciously absorbed by audiences even adjacent to it, like the social contexts of an entertainer will project onto the audience and that’s just how it works and I’ve seen in the three years I’ve been here how women are cracked down on way harder than men are. misogyny is baked into this community because that’s how people are socialized in the real life and the online space. I’m not saying women are free from criticism but I am saying that I think some people would benefit from thinking Hey why am I so angry at her and so ready to rant and rave about this weeks and weeks later? half of what im seeing on my dash rn isn’t even criticism of her conduct also it’s literally invisible demons about her not having a leash on the maybe 50 dedicated hannah stans on twitter despite her being pretty offline and saying she’s promoting terf rhetoric ? Like what are you people even talking about at this point. I’m not saying disliking her response is misogynistic but I’m saying the heat she’s still catching for it is driven by closet misogyny like just move the fuck on
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waddei · 4 months
sometimes I think back on this classmate I had who was the complete ideological opposite to me and despite that her and I ended up getting paired together pretty much every time in account of being the only 2 girls in the class, we had out fair share of interesting conversations, she was studying me as much as I was studying her
she directly told me one time, "talking to you is entertaining cus you don't know anything about current stuff (she kept talking about Netflix shows ) but you also know a lot of random shit and we always disagree "
which. I guess was true, still an interesting character, I should one day make a compilation of shit shes said to me cus it's all very revealing to the thought process of a very specific kind of terf adjacent online normie mentality
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
a psa regarding the upcoming release of hogwarts legacy:
disclaimer: the following is not targeted towards anyone in particular
this has been said a billion times and i’m getting kind of tired of saying this: no, buying and playing the game does not immediately make you a bad person or a transphobe.
however, if you do buy the game, you’re not being an ally to trans people. being an ally requires giving up things you don’t want to give up. it’s recognizing that your entertainment is not more important than the dignity and rights of trans people and the dignity and rights of jewish people, since the story seems to lean heavily on antisemitic tropes.
i really don’t want to hear your justification for why you buy or play the game, that’s your business. but if people don’t feel comfortable engaging with your content anymore, or have an opinion to share that makes you uncomfortable, then i want you all to know, from the bottom of my heart, it’s not trans or jewish people tearing this community apart.
i say this all as a non-binary person who is obviously still creating content for hphl era (and the hp universe at large, but that’s a whole other conversation). i got into hphl not really knowing any of the game’s context. i should’ve looked into the background more, but i saw people creating ocs for late 1800s and i ate that shit up.
i chose to be a part of this fandom. i chose not to drop harry potter once i realised what kind of person jkr is. that was my choice and everyone is entitled to make their own. but choosing to support this particular game, even after everything that has come out about it, is going to affect this small corner of the hp fandom that we have all created together. there’s nothing to be done about that.
however you feel about this issue, i don’t condone hate or harassment. there are discussions to be had here but i really, really hope we can have them in a respectful manner.
i love my hphl era ocs, and i’m not going anywhere. i might start using a different tag for my legacy-adjacent content though, since my story lines really have nothing to do with the game anyway.
i wanted to play this game so badly. i wanted it to be good. but i’m not buying it, even if the story line ends up not being as antisemitic as the trailers made it out to be (doubtful, but hey, it could happen). i strongly encourage engaging in some good, old-fashioned piracy if you want to try it out.
please watch this video, or at least the part about legacy itself (starts at around 2 hours and 13 minutes), if you have the time:
“i know many people say and feel like ‘well capitalism makes us all complicit in one way or another. why bother fighting this fight? why not buy this game if it makes me happy? rowling’s gonna rowling anyway, regardless of what i do.’ and it creates a cognitive dissonance in people. they realise jk rowling is causing harm but they don’t wish to feel like a bad person if they want to play the game. they want to be made to feel okay.”
“but what discourse like this does is try to comfort those who want to buy the game, to make them feel like they’re still good people if they support a system that causes harm, because they can’t fight it anyways. yet it ignores that you do actually have power. it tries to make you forget that you don’t have an obligation to buy the game. you don’t have to give it your attention.”
to reiterate: i don’t think everyone who buys and/or plays this game is a terrible person, but i do disagree with those saying that buying the game is a non-issue.
finally, there are so many good games out there that don’t support a terf or subscribe to antisemitic tropes!!! i know you all fellow gamers have loads of unplayed games on your devices or libraries just waiting for you to play them. maybe try those out instead. 
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theluciferswar · 1 year
Do you have a favorite Lucifer ? Submit them !
Look, I know that I already have 2 tournaments in the works but why not start a 3rd one ?
- Don't submit real people
- No MCYT characters
- The tournament targets characters named Lucifers especially but they don't have to be a direct representation of the devil (Lucifer from Cinderella's animated movie can be submitted, Voland from the Master and Margarita can't)
- Characters with clearly Lucifer-adjacent names are allowed (you can submit Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle, for example)
- Submit as many characters as you want but only once each
- Propaganda's allowed but please avoid anti-propaganda
- Be kind to one another
The form's here and the submissions are open.
Could you please reblog this ? I feel like your followers could be interested and I need more submissions
@angelicswagsummit @demonicshowdown @red-black-aesthetic-bout @its-to-the-death @divorced-tournament @childr3ns-book-bracket @i-lived-bitch-beatdown @17-million-years-of-pining-poll @the-queer-classic-lit-ship-ever @best-book-brotp
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start-where-i-end · 3 months
Hey feel free to ignore I get what you’re doing with the sex conscious banner but imo it kind of promotes the idea that if it isn’t specified it’s okay if people assume transmascs posting abt transandrophobia believe in that. Not all of us are gonna add that to our posts.
This banner is not a message to transandrophobes who are also transgender and want to accuse us of being terfs. It's a message to the terfs who post and read the transandrophobia tag, about how I recognize their dogwhistles. It's also a signal to other pro transmasc people on what to watch out for.
I feel like investing more heavily into attacking the idea of "sex consciousness" and everything adjacent because its existence insults me personally. If you're worried my posts will make you look bad, feel free to repost that text without the banner, I don't care.
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opinated-user · 8 months
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i'm going to ignore for a second how LO has shown that she's just as gender essentialist as any other terf, in both her own works of fiction as in reality, or that she has even defended a radical feminist that SWERF use as their foundation for their nonsense. those things do contribute to the why i call out LO as terf adjacent, but let's put them aside for a moment. why do people call you a terf when you're a queerphobe or when you generally treat queer people as the enemy to take down? because terfs are the one weaponizing queerphobia in a real world sense.
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this picture was used as an illustrative example of "lesbian being pressured by trans woman to have sex", in this infamous articles from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57853385 terfs are currently using queerphobia as another way to create division in the whole community. once they have managed to convince enough people that queer should be erased, who do you think is going to be next? but not everyone is from the UK in the first place, which would be a moot point to make because do you think terfs care about that? they only see you legitimatizing their position that nobody ever should be called queer, that queer is a bad word to use, that the people who call themselves and their community queer are bad selfish people who want to force you into accepting their identity. it doesn't matter if you're from the US, Canada or any other place, they'll use that as further proof that they're right and that other people who also "force them" to accept their identity are equally as bad and should also be erased. take a guess as to who that could be refering to. as a sidenote... do you really think the UK is the only place in earth with terfs? it's where they're the most prominent and have the most political power, that much is true, but terfs exist everywhere and sometimes they do get to have an impact if given the chance. why do you all think there has been an increasing number of anti trans law in usa? why do some states have outright banned drag performances? let me be clear about this. not being queer is fine. don't wanting to be called queer is fine. correcting people who call you, you individually, the person, queer is totally valid. as long you respect the right of queer people to exist and understand our need to have our own queer community, because we'll always have that as human beings that we're, we can all coexist no problem. but queerphobes like LO don't do that and it's disgusting to even pretend so. she has made post after post about how we, queer people, are self hating morons who are beneath her. she has told anons writing to her about how they should change the name of their identity. she has actually said that "people who reclaim queer should choke". she has made an entire video full of misinformation with the express purpose of convince people in general that they should never use queer, ever, and comparing the people who do with the most hateful horrible kind of people you can meet. i have a whole tag called "lily orchard is a queerphobe" because she has done this so frequently, so blatantly and so obviously that i'm actually baffled that she thinks she's foolling everyone by reducing her hatred for us as simply "don't liking to be called that word." anyone can visit that tag and see that it goes a lot harder than that. i don't know OP, but if all they ever said was that they don't want to be associated with that word because of personal negative experience with it and never said anything about queer people as a group or as a community, then yes, it would be wrong to immediately call them a terf on that basis alone. that's not the case of LO, as i argued above. she might not be exactly the same as a terf... but does she ever make their work a little easier by normalizing their ideas.
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 7 months
As a follow up to last week's top/bottom post, i guess part of what kept me from identifying as butch for a long time, is that i am also both in my writing and as a person fascinated by feminity.
Like i know, to put it in the most fucking programmer terms ever, that butchness does not deeply equal masculinity, but I guess i was influenced a lot by how butchness in media/large fandoms as a spectrum ranging from "skinny cis girl in a leather jacket" to "trans masc uwu smol bean".
But also, wanting to get more femme so you can get more butch is kind of a weird gender which I guess goes back to the whole: complicated relationship to womanhood.
Tying it back to my whole "fascination with femininity" (which yes i know is a phrase the terfs are weird about but w/e): I find that high femme identity, or rather the heteronormative bastardization of it, tends to be portrayed as aspirational, rather than just that, an identity.
A phrase I have said A LOT when describing my gender is "I shouldn't have to wear dresses and 20 types of makeup to be recognized as a woman". And I think subconsciously that has also had a big influence on how women are portrayed in my writing.
Like, to compare and contrast: In the Burning Kingdoms (this series will not leave my brain), empowerment is very much correlated with beauty; Malini spends most of the first book imprisoned and in a drugged stupor. Unable to care for herself she stops bathing, her hair gets tangled, and she walks around in rags. The once she's freed, her first act is to get cleaned up and put on a fancy dress, which signals she's ready to take the fight to her brother.
And again, yeah that is just the kind of character Malini is right? Her power comes from being able to play whichever version of herself will garner the most sympathy - and there is no sympathetic version of an empress in a strictly patriarchal society that is not both regal looking and smoking hot.
By comparison, in my own writing, specifically "bury the antlers with the stag" Jaina is shown as the complete opposite. Her empowerment comes from being able to march into a room bags under her eyes, hair a mess, breath stinking of gas station coffee, and go "listen up idiots".
Like I don't think one approach is more "inherently feminist" than the other, its about the varied experiences of being a woman, and by extension the different ways empowerment of women and people with feminine adjacent gender experiences can be represented.
On another notes who wants to hear the incredibly complicated lore i came up with for my blood elf hunter?
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condesangre · 15 days
¡obligatory pinned post for introduction!
, I'm ángel [ahng-hehl], though i also go by Fi (which is my name if you're willing). my pronouns are it/its and she/her, i use both equally. I'm a femme lesbian, of the goth variety. i am 21 years old as of when i wrote this.
i just joined tumblr at this point, about the middle of 2024, as one does.
about me:
architecture student, and seamstress by trade.
adaptability to change, inclusivity, and body neutrality are my pillars when printing the blues or when sewing.
i make my own sewing patterns, and I'll post the ones i'm confident on here!
i'm trying to learn and collect as many trades as possible, becoming a jack but not a master.
i am autistic, late diagnosed. my support needs are relatively low.
i really like tea, to the point my biological clock announces its 16:30 when i start craving a cup of black tea and perhaps a cookie.
i like alice in wonderland a healthy amount. my favorite character is the cheshire cat. i also love every single cat that has ever existed, for all felines are my dear friends.
although my support needs are low, i have a bit of trouble with verbal speaking, i cannot recognize faces for the life of me and i'm severely haphephobic. 'tism be damned, but it has not once stopped me from making a nice dress.
my native language is spanish-adjacent.
my english can get messy, so i offer my apologies.
i do sound/write roughly the same both ways so like. you wouldn't be missing out on much.
about what i post/reblog:
SFW blog, but keep in mind:
i do enjoy slightly disturbing imagery, such as gothic/goth art and media. I'm more of a romantic goth, so this might include themes relative to death, mythology, and spooky stuff in general.
needles. as much they are a core part of my being, could be not as comfortable to others.
i'm a lesbian, of course i yearn about women.
i also really love old technology.
most of this will probably be architecture, memes, cats, sewing stuff, cats, thrift store finds, alice in wonderland, and odds and ends of my mundane life including but not limited to doodles i make, teatime snacks, and adorable little cats. who am i kidding.
basic dni criteria: terfs, racists, homophobes, zoophiles/pedophiles, ableists, bigots of any kind. go away, i block for free.
thin ice: men and minors make me kind of uncomfortable but it's okay though, you're still welcome as long as you're respectful.
this is safe space for fellow queer people, disabled folk, neurodivergent pals and of course, the gals.
you're totally welcome to use the asks, anonymous or not, just keep it squeaky clean as if you're saying it to your own grandma.
that's about it, good night world!
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tcock-of-the-walk · 19 days
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My name is Finley
I'm 25
I'm Transmasculine, and use he/it pronouns.
I like Guys and other Guy-Adjacent Folks
I'm married and monogamous
I think this blog is mostly for artsy stuff, but I may vent or be horny here. This is your warning.
More details below the cut
Minors, TERFs/SWERFs, Queerphobes, & assorted other assholes who can't just mind their business and let me fucking exist in peace: Do Not Interact!
More About Me:
I like writing poetry and I'm getting back into drawing after a long time, I'm planning to share some of that here.
I started T-gel on 2/23/2024, I'm enjoying my transition and feeling a little more myself every day, starting t was one of the best choices I ever could have made for myself. One big point of this blog is to channel some of those feelings into my art, and hopefully actually start making art again.
Not embarrassed about the fact that it was consuming massive amounts forcemasc content that finally gave me the kick I needed to go out and get what I already knew I wanted. Looking forward to taking a wack at it myself.
I'm chronically ill and disabled, we aren't sure what's going on with me, but it hurts and I'm tired.
I used to really enjoy factory work when I was able to do it. Currently incredibly envious of guys working manual jobs, I miss it so fucking bad. I'm starting to feel a bit better lately, I'm hoping in a few years I might be able to go back, but I know I can't rush it if it's ever going to happen. Trying not to expect too much from myself or my body, but that does leave me feeling a bit trapped.
On a lighter note, I do enjoy spending time in nature, sometimes foraging a little but mostly just wandering. I live in a nice little swamp with a good handful of fairly safe to forage wild mushrooms.
I'm very into birds, a lot of my art is likely to feature some kind of bird related theme.
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blind3dbylight · 1 month
i saw this one video of a trans dude once. he was in tears and upset that since becoming a guy, people have just been awful to him, solely on the fact that he's a man now. citing stuff like now he's just a guy that women have to be fearful of. people just hate men and view them all as evil, no matter what kind of man they are. it's a bit depressing.
If it's the video I'm thinking of, he also made a point to say that what he was going through, passing as a man and understanding what so many men deal with, did not diminish the issues faced by women/AFAB people in American society. And he's right, issues faced by men or women, cis or trans, coexist, and neither set of problems being talked about diminishes the other. And that's not even going into non-binary or intersex. I read on another post that a lot of it stems from this weird fear of Penis Havers in general. That anyone who looks too masculine, be it a trans man who passes well, a trans woman who is maybe still closeted or isn't perfectly passing, sometimes even butch lesbians, sets off those Penis Haver alarms in so many AFAB people. And I get it, they may be wary of AMAB people due to past trauma or other such negative experiences with them. That's palpable.
But for anyone who may fit that bill, it is 100% on them to work through this Penis Haver fear. They're so afraid a Penis Haver will infiltrate queer spaces that are supposed to be safe for anyone who falls under that umbrella, and they don't even seem to realize they are repeating TERF rhetoric, repackaged and resold well beyond its expiration date. As if masculinity in general, or anything adjacent to a Penis Haver, is inherently evil or dangerous.
I ask them: are you actually being a queer ally, or are you putting femininity on a pedestal? Are you actually supporting queer people as a whole, or only if they fit a certain image in your head?
It's deadass no different to conservatives who scream about pedophiles and rapists infiltrating women's bathrooms. That kind of thinking is isolating to trans men, and outright dangerous to trans women.
I swear to god so many people who portend to be Good Trans Allies™ focus more on sex than a porn addict. Absolutely goofy behaviour.
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st5lker · 9 months
its kind of sad when a group of people acts so stupid that it basically ends deep discussion or nuanced thought forever outside of fully academic contexts. like i do think theres potential interesting discussion to be had about how transphobia could in certain contexts be considered an extension of homophobia and how the relationship between cis gay people and trans people is very blurry and far more complicated than “oppressor” and “oppressed” but you literally can’t suggest that without people either pulling up pitchforks thinking youre suggesting trans people are homophobes for being trans or terfs and republican adjacent gay men also thinking youre suggesting that and agreeing with you
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molsno · 1 year
I can actually see why some transmascs may talk about "hatred of masculinity" in a good faith (and still be wrong).
Before realizing that they were men they were probably identifying as women heavily dissatisfied with being women and probably also heavily gender non-conforming. Neither of those are considered fully acceptable by wider society, but totally accepted by feminist movement, at least here where I live. And the most prominent feminist organisations here are radfem-adjacent.
Now, saying that those organisations at large are "anti-men" or even "against masculinity in men" is wrong, considering how they tried to portray their enemies as effeminate as some kind of own. And, though I have never witnessed it myself, how straight girls who use radfem rhetoric are willing to invent new definitions of lesbianism to call their cishet boyfriends "lesbians", men for them have higher priority than lesbians at least.
Still, running into people there who did just hate men was a daily occurrence, and many more were parroting their rhetoric ("feminine energy" as some kind of fix for civilisation and so on). If some transmascs allied more with people like this, discovering that they are what they considered to be some ontological evil might have been traumatic.
Still, posing misandry as big societal problem and not fringe worldview that they internalized is silly at best (I am using misandry here as personal attitude, not system, hence no quotes). And I always assume that people who talk about it as something important are either doing it in bad faith or repeating someone's bad faith arguments without analysing it.
(Now it's up to question how many transmascs actually joined those organisations in any way, considering how for unrealised trans girl that I was any idea about how good men or masculinity are even (in not ridiculous form) was an instant "no" on all levels, but who knows)
yeah, that's pretty much my understanding of it, too. basically all transmascs who believe in transandrophobia display at least some level of internalized gender essentialism underlying their entire ideology.
and like, I get it. the feminist wave of the 2010s was so deeply entangled with radical feminism that for a good while, anyone heavily involved in the movement was exposed to the biological essentialist worldview central to radical feminism that declares that men are ontologically evil, and I have no doubt that many young, repressed trans people at the time internalized that idea to an extent. I certainly did, and it only amplified my dysphoria as a teenager. it was traumatizing to me, and I can completely understand why it would be traumatizing to transmascs to come to terms with the fact that they were something they had always believed was inherently bad.
it's just like you said though, it's a mistake to frame misandry as a society wide issue when really it's a very small minority of people. but a lot of trans men never question or challenge the worldview they developed in their youth, so when they start getting read as men when they're adults and inevitably face transphobia, they start attributing it to a societal hatred of masculinity instead of recognizing that the actual cause of their oppression is a society that seeks to protect the concept of the immutable gender binary that enables the patriarchal hierarchy of power at all costs.
I don't really have any sympathy for them, though. like yeah, it sucks to be made to feel like you should hate yourself just for existing, but like, that isn't unique to them. the gender essentialism so many of them have internalized is a big reason a lot of transandrophobia truthers start aligning themselves with terfs, and I don't think I need to tell you how I feel about that. 😑 they have an alternative, they can just reevaluate their beliefs until they come to realize that man and woman are completely neutral categories entirely devoid of value judgment and don't say anything meaningful about any given person other than what they like to be called. I'll admit from experience that accepting that truth can be difficult but it's not impossible, and challenging your worldview is something you're going to have to do a lot in life if you actually want to meaningfully change how you interact with people and the world around you.
but why do that when they can demand trans women bend over backwards to appease them? it must feel good to get a taste of that male privilege when a few trans women are actually self-hating enough to listen to them. that is, at least until they get too much backlash from the rest of us who have enough self esteem to stand up for ourselves and they recede into the open arms of terfs for comfort from the mean trannies.
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