#she was there cus her brother had gone there pretty sure
waddei · 4 months
sometimes I think back on this classmate I had who was the complete ideological opposite to me and despite that her and I ended up getting paired together pretty much every time in account of being the only 2 girls in the class, we had out fair share of interesting conversations, she was studying me as much as I was studying her
she directly told me one time, "talking to you is entertaining cus you don't know anything about current stuff (she kept talking about Netflix shows ) but you also know a lot of random shit and we always disagree "
which. I guess was true, still an interesting character, I should one day make a compilation of shit shes said to me cus it's all very revealing to the thought process of a very specific kind of terf adjacent online normie mentality
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compaculaaa · 2 years
SP being a bastard and not recognizing EO as his sister anymore because of a mistake he refuses to acknowledge is such a bitch move (I need to see Op giving him a beating; also, creator's reactions/opinions on the subject) I'd imagine that Op and Elita would grow to be so much closer, and that both creators are starting to regret all that xenophobia/organicphobia propaganda
Also, at which point everyone is willing to go to cure her?, I mean, in canon she was isolated from everyone and therefor willing to do pretty much anything to cure herself, but now? She has the support of her only brother, and maybe her creators
We need to know about that Perceptor incident...
He’s just a lil bitch who’s afraid of spooders. Of course OP would argue with him about this and it would get very heated (almost becoming physical) and tension would still exist among them. When the creators hear about Sentinels behaviour that was when the fact she was organic went straight out the window and all they saw was their daughter. Sentinel would also argue with his creators except more tense now and eventually he became so much of a bitch Ultra almost expelled HIM from autobot academy and Alpha gave him a good slap on the face. So in the end Sentinel had to try and look out for Elita while also trying to avoid her as much as possible, which Optimus can clearly see him doing.
This was supposed to bring all the siblings together and I’m sure after a long time Sentinel would have to accept Elita for who she is and she’ll forever be his sister. When they were younger Alpha used to read all 3 sparklings stories on how brave autobot warriors slayed evil organics from other planets and their disgusting nature, what’s worse is that HE wrote all their bedtime stories so HE engrained it in their minds. He regrets it so bad and (hesitantly) erased all the books from the archives. Ultra is now contemplating his current planned route of enslaving certain organics and eventually calls the plan off (Cus of his daughter lol). The council then decides to etch away from the “organic bad” propaganda for awhile.
Her creators are fucking powerful they can ask the science division to find a cure (with her consent of course) to which Elita immediately agrees to. The science division can be very cold to her especially in her new state except for maybe Wheeljack Cus he’s awesome like that, but her brother(s eventually) and creators will always be by her side no matter what.
Ok time for the Perceptor thing. Once Perceptor and Wheeljack found a cure they called Elita in to enact it, Optimus was there to keep an eye and as emotional support for Elita. Unfortunately the procedure was incredibly painful and Elita was screaming and scratching her restraints in pain begging them to stop. Optimus and Wheeljack demanded Perceptor to stop it immediately however he could not feel pity for the girls screams. Only to get the job done. So Optimus and Wheeljack had to manually turn the contraption off and once it shut down Elita immediately went out of conscious. She woke up in a medical berth with her brother and creators by her side. She was glad the pain was gone but was disappointed once she looked down at her still organic hands. Ultra and Alpha were reprimanding Percy for his actions and Wheeljack felt abit to blame as well. But Percy just continues to stare, emotionless. Once they were walking alone Wheeljack asks Perceptor if this would’ve happened if he had his emotions. To which Perceptor once again replies logically. Creators had to go settle more things with the science division while Optimus stayed with Elita for comfort. Sentinel eventually came and bought one of their “dumb old story books” that Trion used to read to them. So they spent the night reading it together like old times.
Ultra and Alpha storm back to the medical room after scolding the whole science division. They wanted to be their for their daughter and make sure she’s alright. However upon seeing Sentinel, Optimus and Elita all asleep together like little sparklings again, they think she’s gonna be fine
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screamingpandas1452 · 2 years
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#can you imagine him talking about his theories dipper or whatever and hes just like 'oh boy do i have something to tell you...'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Based off this post:
Ao3 version:
The Weasley family wasn't particularly known for keeping secrets very well. If someone had a big secret it would probably would be out to the whole family by next week.
That's why, when George sees that his brother, Percy (Percy!!), had several tattoos, he almost immediately told the whole family.
It had happened 10 years after the war(how had he kept a secret that long?), George had his bad days (his twin had died, so obviously), but luckily this day had been pretty good.
He had gone to the bathroom and, since one of his ears had been destroyed, he didn't here the shower on. When he walked in he saw Percy in the shower completely naked, with some tattoos.
Wait, George thought. Tattoos?
He didn't have time for another thought when-
"George!" Percy shrieked, he grabbed the curtain and yanked it close. "What are you doing? Get out! I'm showering!"
George stood there for a few more seconds and then, "Sorry couldn't hear the shower. You know."
His voice came from behind the curtain, "I really don't care. Can you get out and not tell anyone about this?"
"Um- yeah sure, whatever," George said, not really paying attention to what he was saying, and backed out of the room and closed the door.
So, George thought, Percy has a tattoo. Huh, looks like all of the Weasley siblings are disappointments.
It wasn't a secret that Molly was a firm believer of "tattoos and piercings are bad!" It also wasn't a secret that all of the Weasley children had both of those things. Besides Percy, at least. Well, that's what they thought. Apparently he had tattoos as well!
He walked back to the living room. All of the Weasley siblings were there(besides Percy, of course). It was a " Weasley siblings reunion! No partners or children or parents aloud!" The rest of the family would hang out on their own and then come back to The Burrow at dinner.
"You look like you saw a ghost," Bill said with an amused tone of voice.
George rubbed his neck, "I-uh, saw Percy in the shower."
Ginny scoffed, "That's it? Pathetic!"
"No, no, you don't understand!" He leaned in and whispered, "he has tattoos!"
"Really?" Ron said in disbelief. "Are you sure you didn't, I don't know- missee(is that a word?) Something?"
He scoffed, "I may only have one ear, but I'm not blind!"
Suddenly, Percy walked into the room and everyone went oddly quiet.
"What are we talking about?" He asked with a smile.
"Nothing!" Charlie squeaked. "No secrets or anything like that!"
He sighed, "I'm not an idiot. Did George tell you about my tattoos?"
Everyone looked at each other and then nodded.
"Do not tell mum or dad, okay?"
Again, everyone nodded.
"So..." Ginny said. "Can we see them?"
See the full post
56 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
You're telling me, after seasons of marinette being obsessed with adrien, the moment he likes her back she says she doesn't like him? Bullshit! I swear if it's cus she's falling in love with chat noir-
75 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Gabriel: I don't remember raising you like this, Adrien
Adrien: I don't remember you raising me at all
105 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Jackson: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Clawd: ... Your what?
Jackson: My friends.
Deuce: Is he saying “friends”?
Gil: I think he's being sarcastic.
Heath: No, no, no, this is delirium, he's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Jackson! All of your friends are in this room.
Jackson: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
From this incorrect quote generator:
171 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I hate when people bash my comfort characters. Like, how dare you disrespect my children?
284 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i-like-potatoes · 2 years
ty for your reply! its me my liberation notes anon! since my ask i was planning to come and talk about it more but i got soaked into the story every day that i didnt break out of it but the ep i just watched was too heavy not to get away from. their mom died :'( and so suddenly? i was not expecting it and it scared me to death... like one minute shes checking if her daughters bf is someone she should marry and the next, shes gone? god.. the scene when theyre at the funeral just breaks me. but one thing i really relate to is the sibling dynamic. my siblings and are i not that close. we're like roommates like they are.. and i always get a little jealous of families and siblings that were close cus im wondering what thats like. but when they had that moment together on the beach :'( god a lot has happened i dont even know what else to talk about. like i relate to each of their stories in different ways. i understand the exhausted mom, i get the sister wanting to find love, i get the one that has someone and lost him, i have the older brother that wants to take a break... also gu calling mijeong after idk how long ahhh 🥺 i hate how he left and how much she could've used him there but he has his own life and i really wonder how they all up and left to seoul. but this has been one of the most engaging dramas and nothing /that/ grand has happened. its just life, and its still very much so interesting. also the little comedy moments in the show is hilarious. i have 2 more eps left 😭
hi anon! i'm happy that you got back to me!! i wrote my previous reply assuming that you already finished the series, i'm sorry for that. did i spoil anything? 😅
this one’s pretty long so i kept the rest of my answer under the cut.
i understand what you mean. my liberation notes might not be for everyone, but once you connect to the characters and their stories, your heart opens up a little space for them to sit in.
about their mom :(( i did not see that coming either. it was so sudden that the only thing i could think of was that i'm glad that hyesuk had a bit of some good moments with the kids: asking mijeong if she's still in contact with mr. gu, sneaking in to see what kind of person gijeong dates, and that truck race with her husband and changhee.
i totally get you about the sibling dynamic. i have siblings too, although they're much younger than i am. we bicker a lot, we criticize each other's decisions, we get annoyed by each other's existence. but there are times where we just talk about deep things (life, plans, politics, etc.), talk about our worries and perhaps dreams, agree on the things we hate, and disagree with the things we love. sometimes, we just sit in comfortable silence, and that's it. that kind of thing. i remember you talking about the situation you're in from that ask where you found me in the replies. i hope that you're hanging in there, and i hope that you have someone, or maybe find someone, to speak your mind to.
the scene in the beach is so beautiful and emotional. i have no words for it (too).
like i relate to each of their stories in different ways.
yup, it's too realistic. you just resonate with them. that's why i can't hate gu for leaving like that because i see where he's coming from. i'm just really happy how mijeong and gu were all smiles the first time they met after a long time instead of dragging the heartache. i loved how they enjoyed their sunday saturday too.
but this has been one of the most engaging dramas and nothing that grand has happened. its just life, and its still very much so interesting.
right?! it's amazing how park hae young (writer) managed to write these characters and bring a drama into life. a piece you can really call a slice of life.
also, please tell me your thoughts when you're done watching. i wanna hear them!
btw, anon, are you the type of person who watches the intro of the shows they watch? i'm not sure if you noticed, but there's a bit of change in the opening from ep 13 (i think?) onwards. anyway, i really am emotional for the shows i watch, and i remember being so overwhelmed by the music that i ended up crying when i heard the change in the intro. weird.
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argylesweedstash · 3 years
did you just call me baby
(ao3 link)
The first time it happens, it’s an accident. At least, Dean’s banking on Castiel thinking it’s an accident. And it is, really. Dean fell onto the war room floor covered in black goo with his arms around Cas. Sam and Jack leapt up from the table, moving away from the intricate spellwork that no longer needed their attention.
Cas stirred a little. He’d been out of it when Dean had found him - half-lucid and mostly disbelieving. He’d let Dean pull him up and sling his arm around his shoulders, but hadn’t said much. Only mumbled apologies and words that sounded a lot like, “I hope this is real.”
Jack was first on the floor next to them. “Cas?” he asked, a tentative smile playing on his lips. Cas nodded and within seconds, his arms were full of his son.
Dean watched them, a smile playing on his lips. When they broke apart, Sam offered Castiel his arm. Cas had looked at it before taking it and being pulled into a hug by the taller man.
Dean removed himself from the floor and helped Jack up. When Sam released Cas, Dean stepped in front of him.
“It’s real,” Dean said, looking into Cas’s eyes.
Cas nodded. “Thank you for saving me, Dean.”
Dean finally closed the distance between them and pulled Cas into a bone crushing hug.
“I missed you, baby,” Dean muttered against Cas. When he realized that he’d said baby instead of buddy, he could feel heat rising to his cheeks. He removed himself from Cas and grinned sheepishly at the floor. There was a weird fluttering feeling in his chest. He wrote it off as the adrenaline that was still pumping through his veins.
Cas, for what it was worth, didn’t seem to notice the word. “I missed you, too, Dean.”
That was two weeks ago. Since then, Dean has been avoiding talking about it. Not just his slip, though, the things Cas had said to him before The Empty came and took him. It wasn’t that Dean didn’t feel the same way - he just didn’t know if he did or not. He likes Cas and he’s his best friend. He knows he likes spending time with him. Sometimes he’s overwhelmed by how fond of his friend he is, but he doesn’t read too far into that.
Plus, things hadn’t changed between them. They still watched movies together in the Dean Cave a couple nights a week. Castiel would always come and join Dean in the garage when he was working on any of the cars they kept. Dean would greet him with a, “Good morning, Sunshine,” every morning from his place at the table. The only thing that had changed was that they didn’t have the end of the world looming over their heads. Honestly, this is the happiest he’s been in a long time. Getting Cas back meant that they’d tied up their loose ends and now they could relax. Of course Dean had never felt this happy, they’d never so resolutely saved the world like they did this time around.
Dean is sitting at the table, now, staring at the laptop screen in front of him. There were still monsters, there might still be a case somewhere. In the back of his head Dean knows he doesn’t really want to find a case. He’s been enjoying his time with Cas and Sam. He likes that the most pressing thing he has to worry about is whether or not the fridge is stocked. He knows Sam has been getting stir crazy, though. Maybe he’ll find a case and send Sam off, encourage him to get Eileen in on it.
The sound of footsteps draws Dean’s attention away from the laptop. Castiel pads into the room. He’s wearing one of Dean’s hand-me-down shirts, even though he hasvclothing of his own. Part of pulling Cas out of The Empty meant leaving his grace behind. Jack had been pretty clear - Cas’s grace was the reason Jack was unable to just pull him out. So, here Cas is, as human as Dean, wearing Dean’s shirt. A smile threatens to break on Dean’s face.
“What’re you up to?” Dean asks.
Cas turns to face him. Dean notices toothpaste stuck to the corner of Cas’s mouth, he must have just finished brushing his teeth.
“It’s almost lunch time,” Cas says. “I was going to make myself something. Are you hungry? I can make enough for two.”
Dean shakes his head. “Just ate,” he says. “You, uh -” He gestures vaguely at Cas’s mouth.
“I what?” Cas asks, tilting his head a little.
“Baby,” Dean starts as he gets up from his chair to walk over to Castiel. “You have some toothpaste. Right there.”
Cas stares at Dean, wide eyed. Dean resists the urge to roll his eyes and grabs a napkin from the table. He wipes at Castiel’s mouth before he crumples the napkin and walks it over to the trash. Cas watches his movements.
“What?” Dean asks when he notices Cas staring at him. It’s not that he minds, Cas just looks a little lost.
Cas just shakes his head and puts a smile on his face. “Nothing. Thank you, Dean. I didn’t realize.”
“It’s part of being human, man. No worries,” Dean says, depositing himself back in his chair. “You gonna eat in here?”
“Yes, of course,” Cas says, finally moving from where he was stopped.
Dean nods in his direction before he pats the chair next to him, smiling up at his friend. He returns to his research as Cas busies himself in the kitchen.
Two days later, Sam is gone to go after a nest of vamps and Eileen’s place just happens to be on the way there. Dean isn’t quite sure why Sam hasn’t just asked her to move in. He’s pretty sure Sam had refrained before because Dean had been a wreck with Cas gone. It was probably better for Dean and Eileen’s relationship that she hadn’t seen him like that. But now, there was no reason for her not to be here. She was family, after all.
Dean knocks on Cas’s door, ending his stream of thoughts. Dean was kind of bored and he hadn’t taken Cas anywhere but the supermarket since they’d brought him back. And, come to think of it, Dean couldn’t remember the last time just he and Cas had gone out for drinks.
Cas answers the door already dressed. “Dean. I was actually coming to look for you.”
“Well, I found ya first,” Dean says, putting an easy smile on his face. “Was gonna see if you wanted to come grab a drink with me. Looks like you’re going somewhere, though.” He didn’t want to press, but where on earth could Cas be going? It wasn’t like he really knew anyone around here outside of Sam and Dean. And if someone they knew was in town, why hadn’t Dean heard of it?
The ends of Cas’s lips turn up slightly. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Dean lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and beams at Castiel. “It’s a date, then. Give me five minutes and I’ll meet you at Baby.”
Cas nods at Dean’s retreating figure and mumbles, “It’s a date,” before shutting his door to walk to the car.
Dean meets him there a few minutes later. “Had to grab my keys,” he says, holding them up for Cas to see.
The drive to the bar passes in comfortable silence, Cas staring out the window at the passing buildings. Dean drums his fingers on his steering wheel. He glances to Cas a few times; he almost can’t believe Cas is really back. He’d been gone for two months. Dean had spent most of that time frantically reading through every lore book and the rest drinking until he couldn’t remember the pain. It had been Jack that finally suggested opening the rift and leaving Cas’s grace behind. Dean had been ready to go almost immediately.
Now that Castiel was back, Dean felt better than he had in years. A warm feeling had settled over him after they fell through the rift and it stayed around. Whenever he was with Cas he could only describe the we he felt as “content.” Like now, for example, he could drive all night like this and be pleased with the way he spent his evening.
They pull in and Dean holds the door to the bar open so Cas can walk through. “Grab us a table and I’ll get drinks,” he says, clapping his hand over his shoulder and walking past him to the bar.
He gets the bartender’s attention pretty quickly. “Hey, Lynn. Slow night?” he asks.
She rolls her eyes at him and pushes a stray strand of blonde hair out of her face. “It’s a Wednesday, what do you expect?” She gives a little chuckle and leans against the bar. “Where’s your brother?”
“Sammy’s with his girlfriend. Won’t be back for a few days,” Dean says easily. “Left me alone with Cas over there.”
Lynn looks past him at Castiel, who is seated at a booth in the corner. He’s looking around the mostly empty bar, seemingly taking in the neon signs advertising different kinds of alcohol. He’s wearing one of Dean’s flannels, Dean realizes belatedly.
“He’s cute,” Lynn says. She turns her attention back to the man in front of her. “What can I get for you two?”
“Two beers,” he says. And then, as an afterthought, “And two shots of your top shelf whiskey.”
She grins. “Celebrating something?”
“Come to think of it, yeah,” Dean says. “He, uh.” He looks for the words. “Just got back from a work trip. Gone for a couple of months.” That sounds like a good cover.
“I bet he’s happy to be home,” Lynn says, setting the beers in front of Dean before turning to grab a bottle from the shelf behind her. “You seem happy that he’s back.”
It’s Dean’s turn to grin. “I’m freaking thrilled. Dude’s my best friend.”
Lynn slides the now filled shot glasses toward Dean. “Want a tray to carry all that?”
Dean doesn’t get to answer before she’s sliding a tray toward him. “You need a tray,” she says, putting the drinks onto it. “I know you were going to try to carry all this over there without one.”
Dean thanks her and slides the tray onto his left arm, steadying it with his right hand. He turns toward the booth Cas is in and flashes him a smile while he lifts the tray slightly, indicating the beverages.
“That my shirt?” he says when he gets to the table. He sets a beer and a shot down in front of Cas.
Cas looks down at the flannel and then back at Dean in a way Dean can only describe as bashful. “Yes. It must have gotten mixed in with my laundry. I can return it, if you want.”
“Keep it. Looks better on you anyway.” Dean picks his shot up and motions for Cas to do the same. “We’re celebrating, Cas.”
Cas picks up his shot and looks at Dean curiously. “What are we celebrating?”
“You’re back!”
Cas smiles warmly. “I am,” he nods. “Thanks to you.”
“Well, Sam and Jack helped,” Dean says, grinning.
“To humanity,” Cas says, raising the shot.
“To humanity,” Dean echos before taking the shot.
Cas makes a face after he downs his and raises his beer to his lips to chase the taste away.
“You’ve not had a drink since you got back,” Dean remarks, watching Cas take a few long drinks from the bottle.
“You haven’t either,” he replies.
Dean contemplates the statement. “Really?” He takes a sip of his beer. “I guess I’ve just been busy.”
They both know that isn’t really true. Dean’s only been engaging in leisurely activities, he’s just not been drinking during them. He wonders for a moment why that might be. It’s probably because he doesn’t have any pain he needs to ignore, he thinks.
“Your tolerance is going to be shit.”
Cas shrugs. “I’m a cheap date.”
Dean looks at him for a moment before laughing. Cas gives him a genuine smile before returning to his beer.
Several beers later, Dean cuts himself off. Someone has to drive home and Cas is more than a little giggly on the bench across from him. He takes a sip of his third beer and gives Dean a measured look.
“What?” Dean asks, putting a soft smile on his face. “See something you like?”
“Yes,” Cas says.
Dean grins back at him. There’s a tug somewhere in his chest, but he ignores it. “Anything on your mind?”
Cas just looks at Dean, clearly deep in thought. “Not really, no.”
Dean laughs and shakes his head. “Want another?”
Cas’s beer is still half full. “Another what?”
“Another drink. Or another shot.”
“Another shot might be nice, actually.”
Dean smiles at him. “That’s my boy. I’ll be right back.”
He returns to the bar and waits for Lynn to walk over to him.
“Two more?” she asks.
“Just another shot,” Dean says. “I’m driving but huggy bear over there can have whatever he wants.”
Lynn shakes her head and pours another. “You two been together long? I haven’t seen him in here.”
Dean blinks back at her and then looks down at the shot. “Actually we, uh, we haven’t talked about… that. Being together.”
She frowns at Dean and he takes a breath. He hadn’t been avoiding it, really. He and Cas had just fallen back into their comfortable rhythm.
“He doesn’t know how you feel, does he?” Lynn asks. She looks a little sad now.
“I guess he doesn’t,” Dean says thoughtfully.
“You should tell him.”
Dean looks up at her.
“Not tonight, though. He should probably be sober.”
Dean nods and grabs the shot. “Thanks, Lynn.”
He sets the shot down across from Cas when he gets back to the table. “For you.”
Cas downs the shot as Dean settles back down across from him. “What were you two talking about?”
Dean stares at Cas. He knows he shouldn’t lie but if he says anything Cas may actually want to talk about his feelings and Dean isn’t ready for that. He doesn’t really have words and he’s not even sure he’s fully processed Cas’s confession yet. And, Lynn was probably right. Cas should be sober for that particular conversation.
“Sam,” Dean lies easily. “This is where we come for drinks. Neither of us have been by in a while.”
Cas accepts the lie and sips from his beer before starting a conversation about Jack and the prospect of weekly family dinners.
By the time Cas had finished his beer the shot he’d taken seems to hit him. “Dean.”
“I’d like another shot.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “You can get it.”
Cas frowns at Dean before swinging his legs to the end of the booth to pull himself out. He pushes himself up on the table and wobbles a little before Dean is up and at his side, steadying him.
“When you don’t stand it hits you all at once,” Dean explains. He’s gripping Cas’s bicep and shoulder.
“I know how drinking works, Dean. I spend all my time with you.”
Dean chuckled low in his throat. “How about we get you home?”
“Can I drink there?”
Dean turns Cas to face him fully. “Hell yeah, you can.”
“You’ll be drinking, too?”
“Well, yeah. I won’t have to drive us anywhere. Can’t let you have all the fun.”
Dean walks Cas to the Impala and deposits him in the passenger’s seat. “I’ll be right back, baby. I have to pay the tab.”
Cas stares at Dean for a moment before opening and promptly closing his mouth.
“I’ll leave the door open in case you hurl. And I’ll get a bag from Lynn.”
Dean returns to see Cas has closed the door and is currently slumped against it, sleeping. He rolls his eyes and drives him home, careful to avoid the bumps on the road. When they get home, he shakes Cas awake.
“‘Morning, Sunshine.”
“It’s not morning, Dean,” Cas replies groggily.
“Nope,” Dean says, leaning over to pull Cas out of the car. “Let’s get you to your room.”
They make their way through the bunker slowly. Dean sits Cas down and gets him out of his shoes and, after a brief moment of hesitation, his jeans. Once he’s gotten Cas under the blankets, he gets a glass of water from the kitchen and a few tylenol from the bottle he has stashed in his room.
“Alright,” he says, setting everything down on Cas’s night stand. “Take the tylenol when you wake up. You’re probably going to be hungover. And drink some water, okay?”
“Yes, Dean,” says the Cas sized lump under the covers.
“Let me know if you need anything else, okay? I’m right down the hall.”
Dean turns to leave but Cas makes a noise. Dean turns back around.
“Thank you for taking me out tonight, Dean. I had fun.”
Dean smiles. “I had fun, too. Get some sleep, baby.”
He flicks out Cas’s lights and reminds himself to stop calling Cas buddy. The dude loves him and Dean’s probably making it hurt or something. Plus, he’d accidentally called him baby when he’d first gotten back from The Empty. Dean’s probably sending him mixed signals. He shuts the door behind him and walks to his room; he knows he should probably figure out what to say to Cas. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure that meant poking at that warm, fluttery feeling that seemed to be permanently in his chest.
Sam returns from the hunt a week later. He assures Dean it was an easy hunt and that he and Eileen hadn’t needed any help. He also admits to spending a few days with Eileen after they’d taken out the nest.
“How is she, anyway?” Dean asks, handing a beer to Sam and setting one on the end table next to Cas. They’d been watching old western’s in the Dean Cave when Sam got home. Cas had wanted to spend the day watching movies and Dean had agreed on the condition that he got to pick the movie.
“She’s good. She misses you two,” Sam answers.
“Tell her to get her ass out here,” Dean says. “She’s family at this point, man. She should be here, anyway. It would make hunts easier.”
Sam shook his head, smiling. “That’s the first hunt I’ve been on since we beat Chuck. You still haven’t been out.”
“Hey, I’m keeping Cas company. He’s still newly human,” Dean argues.
“You could go hunt if you want, Dean. I’m capable of taking care of myself. I don’t mind,” Cas says from the couch. Dean looks over at him and shakes his head.
“Nah, you’ve been back less than a month. We gotta make sure you have your sea legs before I go anywhere, baby.”
The words left his mouth effortlessly. Sam and Cas just stared at him for a second before Sam coughed.
“It’s great seeing you guys but I’m going to go shower and pass out for a few hours,” he says before making a quick exit toward his room.
“Fine, Sammy. We didn’t want to hang out with you, anyway,” Dean shoots back before collapsing onto his side of the couch.
He hits play on the movie and settles in. He has his own bottle of beer pressed to his lips when Cas speaks.
“Yeah, Cas?” he replies, lowering the bottle from his lips.
Cas is quiet for a moment. “Why do you keep calling me ‘baby’?” he asks carefully.
Dean stares back at him. “I only called you that once,” he says, on guard now. Had it slipped out again? He didn’t think it had but now he’s not so confident. He sets his beer bottle down.
“No, you’ve done it five times.” So, it had slipped out again. More than once. “You did just now before Sam left.”
Dean is silent, unsure of what to say. He hadn’t even realized it had come out. “I’m sorry,” he finally decides, lowering his gaze from Cas’s stare for a brief moment.
“I don’t mind it,” Cas says quietly. He’s looking somewhere to the left of Dean, his eyes occasionally flickering to Dean’s face. “I thought you were doing it on purpose, is all.”
Dean can’t seem to form a fully coherent thought. He knows he needs to say something - mention Cas’s confession, maybe. But he doesn’t have the words for that yet. Instead he says, “Do you want me to stop?”
“I want you to do it on purpose,” Cas says, looking down. Dean can see the beginnings of pink on the top of his ears. He’s overwhelmed with an ache somewhere in his chest.
Dean doesn’t know why, but he slides in close to Cas. He reaches his hand out and lifts his chin so their eyes meet. “Anything you want, baby,” he says, softly. The fluttering in his chest is more insistent now.
He hears Cas’s breath hitch. Cas closes and opens his eyes before saying. “Can I ask something?”
“Of course,” Dean says, his hand still resting on Cas’s chin.
“Will you kiss me?”
Before Dean registers what he’s doing, he nods and ducks his head in. The kiss is chaste and quick but Cas leans in and responds gently. When they break, there’s a soft smile on Cas’s face.
“Cas,” Dean says, moving his hand to Cas’s cheek. “I, uh. I need to talk to you about. About what you said. Before you… Ya know.”
“When I told you I loved you?” Cas supplies, his eyes half-lidded.
“Yeah,” Dean says, chuckling lightly. “I. I think I do, too. I just haven’t -”
“You don’t have to say anything, Dean. You know that.”
Dean brings his mouth gently back to Cas’s and kisses him again. This time just a little longer, his other hand finding Cas’s waist.
“It was just so easy when you got back,” Dean says when he pulls away. He tries to find any string of words that expresses how he feels. “I didn’t think I needed to say anything but…”
Cas stares at Dean, encouraging him to keep going. Dean can feel his face heating up.
“Lynn asked how long we’d been together,” he says, lamely. “The bartender,” he adds.
“I didn’t get to meet her but I remember her name.”
Dean smiles at him and takes a breath before speaking. “And I told her we hadn’t talked about it. And she looked really sad. I realized I do need to say something.”
They’re silent for a moment and then Dean says. “Holy shit. That was a date.”
Cas looks confused. “You told me it was a date.”
“I did?”
“Yes. When I said yes to going with you, you said ‘it’s a date.’” Cas says.
Dean shakes his head. “It’s… It’s an expression, Cas,” he says. Then, “But, uh, that was a date. I think.”
“Dean. Did you want it to be a date?” Cas asks. His voice is lined with both patience and amusement.
Dean pauses for a minute before saying, “Yeah. That was our first date.” He leans in and presses another kiss to Cas’s mouth.
Cas kisses back and then pulls away a little. “Would you like to go on a second date?”
Dean makes a show of thinking. He hums lightly.
“Yeah, Cas. I do,” he places a kiss on the side of Cas’s mouth before he drops his hand. “I, uh, I don’t really know what to say but… You can have me, if you want. You’re just going to have to work with me. I don’t really know what I’m doing here.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Cas says.
Dean places a kiss on Cas’s cheek before he turns back to the TV and starts the movie. Cas reaches across to grab his hand, intertwining their fingers in the space between them.
“Hey, baby?”
Cas’s head pops up in response to the pet name, there’s a faint smile on his lips. “Yes, Dean?”
“I love you.”
Cas beams at him before replying, “I love you, too.”
Dean turns his head back toward the TV but spends a better part of the rest of the movie sneaking glances at Cas. He indulges the warm feeling in his chest, even if he doesn’t quite have the words for everything yet.
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Imagine taking in Mako and Bolin off the street and Mako becoming protective over you.
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Warning: Brief street harassment which some readers may find triggering
You were home alone one day when you heard a noise in your back garden. You peaked through the blinds and found two men crouching low in your flower beds obviously hiding from someone. You figured it was the police until you saw Shady Shin’s gang members poking their noses around. You watched curiously and saw the boys made no movement towards the house or to steal anything, they were just hiding but the gang members were rapidly getting closer. So, not really thinking, you opened the back door and hissed at them to get inside. The smaller of the two bounded inside but the taller one paused before sighing and following. You shut the door and turned off the lights. “Who are you and why...” the smaller one started but you shushed him as the gang reached your house. They peaked over the fence but not finding anything moved on. “They’re gone but I wouldn’t go out so soon” you explained turning to face the two men and you finally got a good look at them. The tallest one was very obviously fire nation, chiselled chin, paler skin, amber eyes. The smaller one looked younger and definitely earth nation by his stature and features. They looked very different but there was an air of similarity between them. “Why did you help us?” the older one asked and you just looked between them “are you brothers?”. “We are!” the smaller one cried “Nobody ever works that out! I’m Bolin and this is my older brother Mako”. You nodded looking between them “I helped you because I didn’t want the gang to get you, I don’t know who you are or what you’ve done but I’m pretty sure you don’t deserve what they’d do if they caught you”. Bolin nodded “they’re mad cus we left the gang, we were only in it until we paid off our debt but Shady Shin wanted us to stay so we ran off”. “Bolin!” Mako cried “shut up!”. “Why? She’s not going to go rat on us after she saved us”. The older brother eyed you suspiciously “but what does she have to gain by saving us?”. “Maybe she just wanted to help?” you replied and Mako frowned not believing you. “Look my family will be home soon, my mom and dad are both pretty smart, they’ll be able to get you out of the city and somewhere safe so just sit tight for a while okay?”. Mako looked like he wanted nothing more than to run away but he glanced at Bolin who was sniffing the air “are you cooking something?”. You smirked and led him to the kitchen “it’s only cabbage soup but there’s plenty if you want some?”. “Yes please!” Bolin cried and Mako sighed “Bolin....we can’t pay her”. “You don’t need to pay me” you told the fire bender “my parents would kill me if I charged someone in need”. “We don’t take charity” the older brother snapped and you sighed “well don’t think of it that way, think of it as being a friendly neighbour”. Bolin stared at Mako pleadingly and Mako sighed “fine Bolin you have some but I'm okay”. “Suit yourself the offers there” you shrugged and led Bolin to the food.
While Bolin was eating you noticed Mako standing weird and frowned “where is it?” you asked and Mako jumped. “What?” Bolin asked but you kept your eyes on Mako “where is it?”. Mako looked down “i don’t know what you’re talking about”. You rolled your eyes “my dad’s a nurse, I know how someone looks when they’re injured”. Bolin gasped “they did stab you! Mako why didn’t you tell me”. “They didn’t stab me...it’s just a scratch” Mako said as Bolin started to tear up. You took out a first aid kit and put it on the table “if you show it me, i can help before my dad comes”. “No” Mako said “i’m fine”. You rolled your eyes “i’m not going to hurt you, just let me help”. Mako sighed and lifted up his shirt. Bolin gasped “ow no Mako you’re going to die!” and Mako glared at you. “No he won’t Bolin” you said calmly “he will need stitches which I can’t do but I can clean and bandage it till my dad gets back, okay?” you asked Mako. Mako seemed very angry at the whole situation but sighed “fine” and allowed you to approach him. You had just finished cleaning the room when the door went and your parents and 3 younger siblings all walked in. Everyone paused and you turned to them. Mako threw his shirt down immediately and Bolin stood up so quickly he almost knocked the table over. Your parents took in the situation and nodded “what's happening and how can we help?”. 
You explained the situation to your family and they agreed to help. Your father stitched Mako up and you helped as your mother talked through their options. Your parents didn’t even ask what the brothers had gotten into or why they were involved with the gang in the first place. They just asked questions to assess how the brothers could get to safety. Your mother asked if they had any other relative that could help but Mako shook his head “we don’t have any other family”. “Well, we do have some distant relatives in Ba Sing Sei” Bolin added. “But we’ve never even met them” Mako cried “why would they take us in?”. Your father went to speak when someone knocked loudly on the door. “Stay here” your mother said and your father nodded “y/n finish this off for me”. Your parents headed to the door and you worked on sealing and bandaging Mako’s wound. 
As you were working you heard the door open and your father ask “can i help you?”. “We know you’ve got them so let us have them or else yeah?” a voice responded and Bolin froze “that’s Hulo and Chehe!”. Mako stepped forwards and you grabbed his arm “no don’t, you’ll make it worse”. I’m not letting your parents endanger themselves for us” Mako cried and gently removed your hand. After commanding your siblings to stay put, you and Bolin scrambled after him. You saw your parents arguing with two men but they paused when they saw Mako. “Ahhh decided to give yourself up eh Mako? You always were the smart one”. Mako stood up taller and didn’t let the pain of his wound show “don’t hurt any of them, we’ll come with you” he spoke confidently. “Not a chance” your mother said and she stepped right in front of the man blocking Mako from his view. You saw the man pause at your mother’s act and they frowned recognising her voice. Your mother was well known in the community, she owned a store not far from your house and was well-liked for being a kind woman always available to help others. You knew she’d helped some of the gang with their wounds before and sure enough so did the men. “You’re the woman from that store, you patched me up once after a fight....I didn’t realise this was your house Ika”. Your mother nodded “it is and anyone in it, is my responsibility”. “Yeah but see they’re shady Shin’s men....”. “They said they paid their debt” your father piped up “this isn’t Shady Shin’s territory, if he lets them go he won’t be bothered by them ever again, we’ll make sure of it”. The men looked at your father and then to your mother “you can promise that?”. Your mother stared back at them “you have my word”. The men stared before looking away “that sounds reasonable but if we see either of them near our territory....”. “We understand” your mother nodded and the men walked away. Your parents closed the door and Bolin cheered “you saved us!” rushing to hug them. You laughed as did your siblings who had not listened to you but Mako just stared. “Why did you do that?” he asked “you know they could just come back now you’ve stood up for us?”. “Then can try” your father smiled “but me and Ika are known for being able to handle ourselves, we’ve always left the gangs alone and they’ve left us alone too, I think we’ll be okay”. Your parents led you back to the kitchen but Mako wouldn’t budge. “But why risk it?” Mako asked “for someone you don’t even know! You put all your children at risk” Mako said gesturing at you and your siblings “just for 2 strange boys? Why?”. Your father frowned but your mother shrugged “because we hope that if something happened to us another person would do the same for our kids” she said simply “the world’s a cold place but it only gets colder if we turn our backs on those in need, I’m not sending you or your brother back out there because it’s the right thing to do, it’s that simple”. “Really?” Mako asked and your dad nodded putting his arm around your mother “yes”. Bolin grinned “i think i’m going to love it here” and Mako frowned “we’re only staying for one night”. Your father went to argue but your mom silenced him with a look “if you say so but you can have a room in the attic for as long as you need it, it’s not charity. We can help you find good jobs and you can pay a small fee for the room and food. But if you’d rather go out in the cold and make it on your own...that’s okay too”. Mako looked down and you smiled at your mother and how clever she was. Your family started dishing out food and you smirked as Bolin took a seat at the table for seconds. Mako let you finish bandaging his wound but didn’t sit down, he stood by the window. Your mom glanced at him and then at you “y/n why don’t you show Mako the room, the two of you could clear out some of the stuff in there?”. You nodded and looked at Mako “this way”. Mako followed you through your house and you smiled “our house is nice but it has a few quirks you should probably know about” you explained “don’t step on the 8th step, the living room door doesn’t close properly....ow and you’ll probably have to bend your head on all the stairs but it’s a good home. Small and crowded but nice” you said and Mako nodded in response. You could see why nobody figured Bolin and Mako were brothers, they couldn’t be more different. You could hear Bolin downstairs chatting loudly while Mako just followed you silently. You reached the attic and flicked on the light. “Wow, this is bigger than I expected” Mako said and you nodded “my mom used it as an office but now it’s mainly storage”. Together you and Mako managed to clear most of said storage and revealed the two beds in the back of the room. “You’ll need new bedding and it might smell a bit musty but we can air it” you said smiling and Mako paused “why are you all so nice?”. You paused “I don’t think we are....we just do what anyone would do”. Mako shook his head “no you don’t...trust me I’ve met a lot of people and they’d sooner chase me and my brother away from their lawn than give us a meal and a bed”. You shrugged “my parents both came from humble beginnings but they had kind people who helped them, maybe that’s why they’re like they are....either way I’d say stop questioning why life’s throwing this at you and maybe just say thank you?”. Mako looked down and nodded “I’ve been rude, I apologise. Thank you for...this, it all happened because you let us both in...so thanks”. You grinned at how awkward Mako was when you heard footsteps and Bolin and your parents appeared. “This is our room?” Bolin cried and you laughed how everything amazed him. “For as long as you want it” your father nodded and Bolin dove on a bed “and we get our own beds too! Mako this is amazing isn’t it!”. Mako nodded and turned to face your parents “thank you for everything”. Your parents blinked in surprise and you smiled just a little bit proud. “It’s no problem” your mother replied and Mako looked down “if it’s okay with you...the plan you said before, could we maybe try that?”. Bolin gasped in suprised and your parents smiled. “Of course” your mother smiled “for the next few days just lay low and rest up and then in the next few weeks we’ll find you a job you like and go from there, sound good?”. Mako nodded his head and looked from your parents to you finally “yes, thank you”. You smiled “no problem” and Mako smiled softly back trying to return the gesture. Your parents smiled glancing from you to Mako. “We’ll let you boys sleep now, let us know if you need anything, bathroom’s second door on the right and there’s food in the kitchen if you get hungry”. “We’ll be okay” Mako said seeing Bolin’s eyes light up at the thought of thirds “thanks again, see you in the morning”. “Good night” you smiled and Mako nodded “good night”. “Good niggggght” Bolin sang and you laughed before following your parents downstairs. “I think we’re going to like it here” Bolin said sleepily into his pillow and Mako nodded “yeah maybe”. “They’re all so nice! I can’t believe y/n just saved us like that and her parents, they’re all something special aren’t they?”. Mako nodded “they sure are”.
2 months later
The house was definitely more crowded with Bolin and Mako in it. The attic was just big enough for them but between you, your 3 siblings and your parents, the two men were noted. The house was always bustling with movement or noise and Mako and Bolin fit right in with that aspect. Bolin was loud and friendly so got on with everyone easily and even Mako began to open up and talk more. The brothers were both very polite and while they laid low from the gang they offered to help in the house as much as possible. Even when Mako got a job (your parents refused to make Bolin work given he was only fifteen) he still pitched in with the chores like you and your siblings did. The main things the brothers did was help your mother with the store and shopping. They were now the strongest people in the house so it made sense but you also got the idea they were protective over your parents after what they’d done for them. You saw the way Mako would give up his chair for your ageing father or how Bolin would pass your mother the first bowl of food and grew fonder of the brothers every day.
Bolin soon felt like another brother but Mako didn’t. There was something about him, his calm attitude or insanely handsome features, that made you excitedly nervous to be around him. You soon realised his cold exterior was an act he had to wear to protect him and Bolin but there was no need for it anymore and you noticed it rapidly slipping away. The more relaxed and genuine Mako became the more you liked him and the closer you became. Bolin would often rush right into whatever game your brothers were playing, being loud and boisterous like them, whereas Mako and you would usually end up on the outskirts avoiding the conflict. You soon came to love the evenings you spent sat in a corner of the living room together and knew you had a small/huge crush developing. You blushed easily around him and both seemed to awkwardly get caught in situations that made your feelings even more obvious.
For instance, one afternoon you were heading out to meet a friend when Mako and Bolin appeared with your mother and the food shopping for the week. You jumped spotting Mako so suddenly and he smiled making you feel weak “hi y/n, sorry didn’t mean to scare you”. “It’s fine....” you smiled back and went to retreat back up the hall so they could pass when Mako shook his head “it’s okay I think I can squeeze past!”. You stepped closer to the wall and Mako tried to bustle past you. He lifted the bags above your head trying to pass you when Bolin crashed into him trying to turn in a hallway too narrow for his broad shoulders sending Mako crashing into you. Mako tensed trying to stop himself from hurting you and managed to not put all his weight on you. He sighed and shot you a nervous smile as you were trapped against the wall by him “sorry”. “It’s not your fault” you smiled back “stay still I think I can slip out”. You tried getting out from under his arm but that was hard. Mako tried lifting the bag but it started to rip so you told him to stop. You ended up having to climb out under his arm and above his leg. Mako was blushing bright red when you managed it and you too felt flustered. You came into the living room to let Mako pass and then stood awkwardly by one another. "So you’re heading out?" Mako asked. You nodded "yes i’m meeting my friend Geho, i should be back late". Mako nodded resisting the urge to warn you about taking the main road not the back streets, a habit he’d gotten into with Bolin that had apparently passed onto you too. You almost sensed that and smiled "i’ll be careful" and Mako smiled "good" and tried not to watch as you walked away. Mako liked you too.
Later that evening your mother realised she’d forgotten to get the meat from the butchers and Mako and Bolin offered to go and fetch it. The shop would be closing soon so Mako and Bolin hurried to the store as quickly as they could. The streets were largely empty and as the brothers stood in the butcher waiting something caught their eye. "Is that y/n?" Bolin asked suddenly and Mako’s head shot around. Sure enough there you were walking, or more like running down the street in the direction of your house. "Who is that?" Bolin asked and they watched as some boy hurried after you calling after you. "That’s her friend Geho” Mako said recognising the boy but he frowned “something is not right". When you lifted your head slightly and Mako saw you were crying he shoved the list your mother had given him into Bolin’s hands and rushed after you. He jogged over to you at a fast pace but when he saw the boy touch your shoulder, trying to make you turn around and face him, he exploded in anger. "Hey" he yelled "get off her!". The boy looked back around just as Mako grabbed him by the shirt and threw him away from you against a wall. Mako held the boy off the floor being taller and growled fire on his fingertips. "Dude what the hell?" the guy cried trying to get free and you spun stound. "Mako it’s okay! Don’t hurt him". Mako frowned "but he was bothering you". "Well yes" you nodded and Mako glared until you touched his arm "Mako it’s alright, he'll leave me alone now, right Geho?". The man glared at Mako "don’t think your boyfriend here will give me much of a choice". "Geho it’s not like that..." you started but the boy swore and just walked away "fuck you y/n". Mako glared and went to follow him when he realised you were still crying. "Y/n" Mako said softly "are you okay? Do you need a tissue? A hug?". You took Mako’s last suggestion and buried your head against him. Mako wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back saying soothing things. Mako held you tightly for a while before it started to rain and he frowned. "Come on let’s get you home" Mako said putting an arm around you and you nodded "thank you".
Mako got you home, upstairs and into your room without any of your family noticing. You sat on the edge of your bed not bothering to remove your coat, scarf or shoes and Mako frowned "y/n what happened". You wiped your eyes and looked at him "i just lost my best friend". Mako sat beside you "how?". You sniffed and Mako looked at you "y/n?". "Geho asked me out...he’s apparently liked me for a while and i had no idea! I told him i didn’t feel that way and he got angry and aggressively persistent. He was trying to convince me to give him a chance and getting madder that I didn’t want to when you got him away from me". Mako raised an eyebrow "he got mad at you for not liking him?". You nodded and Mako shook his head. Mako went to comment on how stupid that was when you sighed "i mean maybe it was my fault, maybe i was too friendly and gave him the wrong idea, I should’ve noticed he liked me...". Mako almost produced fire that idea made him so angry. "No" Mako said firmly "y/n you did nothing wrong! Being friendly is no invitation for a guy to try something with you and you’re not supposed to always know how he feels. He’s a grown man he could just tell you..." Mako trailed off realising that applied to him too and coughed "and to blame you for not liking him...y/n he’s an asshole and you deserve way better friends than him". "But he’s my oldest friend" you sniffed and Mako shrugged "well if he’s a true friend he'll come back and apologise, i think he should beg for forgiveness personally". Mako relaxed to see you smile slightly. "And if he doesn’t then who needs him? You don’t need guys like that around you y/n, nobody should ever treat you that way". You smiled looking up at Mako "how are you so sure?". "Because it’s common courtesy, because it takes nothing to be polite. After all, friends should never blame you for your feelings or things you can’t control, because you’re the kindest sweetest person i know and if anyone does ever treat you that way i will put a stop to it". You smiled softly "like today? You were like a knight in shining armour, you just appeared out of nowhere". Mako smiled "i’m just glad i was nearby, when i saw him reach out for you...". You tensed and Mako frowned "but you’re okay, you’re safe" he rushed to reassure you. You nodded "thanks to you". "You know i can teach you some stuff" Mako told you "so you know what to do if a guy tries to grab you like that again". "You can?" you asked and Mako nodded "there’s actually a lot of ways to get out of holds and to reverse them on the person, I can show you a bunch of ways to protect yourself". "You’d help me with that?" you asked and Mako nodded "of course!". You smiled "thanks Mako that’s amazing! I’m so glad i met you". Mako’s heart lifted and he smiled "i’m glad i met you too". He wanted to tuck that piece of hair behind your ear but didn’t want to touch you and scare you after what had just happened. "I think i’m going to shower and then go to sleep" you announced and Mako nodded standing up. "Thanks for today" you smiled at him and Mako nodded "no problem and if you need me, for anything, even if it’s just to have someone with you until you fall asleep...just call me". You smiled "thanks Mako" and he focused on your watery eyes and red nose and just wanted to comfort you. "Can i hug you?" he asked and you blushed but were so pleased he asked for permission. "Yes" you smiled and he wrapped you in a hug. You hugged him tightly feeling safe there and when you seperated Mako was worried to see you were crying again. "Y/n are you alright...". "Yes you just make me feel safe" you smiled through tears "that’s all". Mako blushed and felt so proud he made you feel that way. “That makes me glad to hear, I’d do anything to keep you safe and well....all your family” he trailed off and you smiled. “Well you do so thank you...for being you I guess?” you said awkwardly and Mako laughed. “No problem...I meant what I said, just bang on the ceiling if you need me” Mako said as his room was above yours. “Thanks Mako” you smiled and Mako nodded leaving your room.
Mako closed your door softly and walked to his own room. Bolin burst in soon after and gasped “where’s y/n? Is she okay?”. “She’s alright, her friend was harassing her but I got him to leave her alone, hopefully he’ll never go near her again but if he does....”. Bolin laughed “I can imagine what you’d do to him for messing with y/n given your feelings for her”. Mako blushed looking away “is it that obvious?”. “Ow yeah to everyone apart from her” Bolin nodded “but maybe not after today”. “I’d have helped her regardless” Mako explained and Bolin nodded “yeah I know...but I don’t think you’d be so emotional and protective, all i’m saying is she might’ve noticed that”. “Maybe” Mako nodded “but after what she’s been through the last thing I want to do is to put any pressure on her”. Bolin nodded “i get that, so just let her come to you, or wait for enough time to pass and then ask her out”. Mako nodded “I think the first option” and Bolin smirked “chicken!”. Mako shook his head “you didn’t see how upset she was, I’d do anything not to see her cry again...I’ll let her come to me if or when she wants to, I’m not going to stop showing I care about her but I’m also not going to force her to decide anything, I’ll be here if she wants me” Mako said adamantly. Bolin smiled “aww my big brother all in love, so cute”. Mako blushed and pushed Bolin away from him. “You’re an idiot” he huffed and got into bed turning the light out. Mako listened as Bolin pottered around the room and he sighed. “You’re not an idiot Bolin you’re just...accurately annoying” Mako clarified. “I know” Bolin smirked and Mako rolled his eyes. Bolin was exactly right, Mako had fallen for you hard and he’d do anything to protect you. He meant what he said though and wouldn’t pressure you in any way, he’d wait for you....as long as it took.
I only recently realised Mako was only 8 when his parents died and he became Bolin’s guardian which made me really sad...so I wanted to write something where someone looked after Mako for once. 
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nextinline-if · 2 years
(continuing on the chaotic gremlin MC adopting raccoons ask)
*MC being surrounded by a group of kidnappers*
MC: you know I inferior to my brother in every way physically socially and intellectually I had no combat combat training or experience cus I avoid them lIke the plague however I have something’s that’s he doesn’t
Kidnapper: oh and what’s that?
MC: raccoons
*the kidnappers hear the sounds of chittering and growling behind them and when they turn around they see about 200 raccoons*
MC: good news everyone I’m here I’m alive the kidnappers are gone an- oh yeah and I’m pretty sure some of the raccoons have just develops a taste for human flesh so um yeah might wanna watch out for that
Vivian sighs and wonders, for the 10th time today, where she went wrong. Her son, a perfect example of a leader, her other child…she wonders if the gods replaced them with a clone. A devious, psychotic clone.
She looks out her chamber window. Watches the sun rising and with it, droves of raccoons fill the streets. Looking for their next victim.
Gods save us.
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fallin-4-ya · 3 years
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Tell Me How You Really Feel
george weasley x reader
summary: don't take sweets from fred wealsey before going to confess your love to your crush. a lesson george weasley learned the hard way.
warnings: a small bit of foul language but that's it! (gif is not mine, credit to owner!)
request: can I request something where George is going to confess his feelings to the reader but is hexed to only say the opposite of what he means so he ends up insulting the reader instead, but ends in fluff?
George paced his eyes across the sea of students in the hallway, flooding into the Great Hall. His eyes darted back and forth from student to student, in an attempt to find the one he was looking for. However, Fred pulled him out of his expiscate with an elbow to the ribs.
‘Let’s go, Georgie.’ Fred said, pulling him towards the Gryffindor table. There, George sat next to his twin and across from Ginny and Lee, both who were engaging in a complex conversation about quidditch that George didn’t care to follow. Mostly because he was too busy looking for someone.
Not just anyone, but who George thought was the most beautiful being on the planet, y/n. She was sweet and shy, but also fancied herself a good joke and loved to have fun; and that was the ultimate girlfriend material if you asked him. Being the more reserved of the twins, the brains behind the operation George liked to call himself, he had always felt less inclined to put himself out there. So, often times he just held his crush in silently with the hopes that it would go away.
And it would usually! But not when it came to her. No matter what, he could not sway the feelings he had for y/n. She was different, and if George was being totally honest with himself, he was afraid he was going to mess things up.
Then as if someone was reading his thoughts, y/n walked into the Great Hall, laughing and linking arms with her friends. George smiled, resting his head on his hands, because wow. She looked so beautiful when she was smiling.
Ginny’s snapping fingers pulled him out of his trance, ‘George. what on earth has gotten into you?’ his younger sister questioned. George didn’t even shift his gaze to acknowledge her, so Ginny followed his line of sight, eyes landing on y/n, giggling with her friends. Ginny’s mouth shaped into an oh and she smiled.
‘Think you’re in love, Georgie.’ She teased.
‘Pft, absolutely not, Gin.’ He fumbled over his words, ‘You’ve gone bonkers.’
‘Oh, please. If you think that this is the first time I’ve caught you staring at y/n, you’d be dead wrong.’ Ginny said, ‘You’ve been eyeing her down for months, George. I don’t see why you don’t just ask her out.’
George threw his sister a look before huffing.
‘Look, I know how you get. Your scared she’s not gonna like you back, but I see the way she looks at you. Trust me I would know.’ Ginny offered reassuringly to her brother, reaching out her hand for his. ‘And, we all know you’re the better-looking twin anyways.’
George laughed as Ginny smirked, ‘Thanks, Gin. And do you really think so?’
‘Well, of course! Just don’t tell Fred I said that.’
‘No,’ George smiled. ‘I mean, about her liking me.’
Ginny got up from the table, ‘George, if I thought she didn’t, I wouldn’t tell you to go for it.’ She winked at him and headed back to the common room.
George stayed up tossing and turning almost the whole night, thinking of how to confess to y/n. It was uncharacteristic of him to make a huge deal out of it; and not to mention the total embarrassment of a public rejection. And she was too special to just pass a note to and hope for the best. Eventually, he decided on walking her to the courtyard after class and telling her how he felt.
Yeah, George thought, not too big, not too small. Its perfect.
With that in mind he fell asleep, hoping that the response he got from y/n would be a good one.
The next day during lunch he sat across from his brother, Fred, who had a box of Weasley Wizard Wheezes treats set out in from of him. They were definitely starting to get places with their small business, and weren’t planning on slowing down. Fred had managed to get a lot of new products going, and George was usually the test dummy.
‘Georgie, try this one.’ Fred said, tossing his brother a blue colored candy. George inspected it, taking it out of its wrapper.
‘What’s it supposed to do?’ George questioned, raising his brow.
‘Supposed to be a truth telling sweet, but I’m not too sure if they still work. The batch got messed up a little.’ Fred said eyeing Lee, who just shrugged his shoulders.
‘Alright.’ Then George popped the sweet into his mouth. He waited a moment, trying to see if it would take effect. ‘Yeah, sorry, Freddie. Think this batch is a no go.’
Fred cursed under his breath and thanked his brother. The trio then headed to charms shortly after. When George walked into the classroom, his eyes were immediately set on y/n. And almost as if it was on cue she turned from her friends and sent him a wave. George felt like his whole entire soul had left his body and exchanged with butterflies, because she was too good for words.
He then walked up to her sheepishly. ‘y/n,’ George breathed, ‘I was um- well I was just wondering if I could walk you to the courtyard after class?’
‘Of course, George.’ She purred, smiling sweetly at him.
To stop himself from becoming even more jittery, George nodded and headed to his seat, trying to conceal his excited nervousness. He sat as his desk, the minutes feeling like hours and the hours going slowly as ever. What felt like a week passed for George as the bell finally rang out. He swiftly gathered his belongings and headed over to wear y/n was sitting.
Offering to carry y/n’s books, the two of them walked down the halls together and into the courtyard. George couldn’t help a feeling arise in his stomach, only this time it wasn’t nerves, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. So, he shook off the feeling and continued walking.
Once they reached the courtyard, George sat beside her and sighed a breath of relief. Well, he thought, I’ve made it this far.
Y/n turned to the ginger boy, ‘So, Georgie. What’s up?’
‘Oh, well I really didn’t want to tell you something.’ George shook his head, because that’s not what he meant at all. What he meant to say is that he really wanted to tell you something. ‘Sorry, I don’t know why I said that. What I really want to tell you is that I think you’re ugly and boring and a horrible person.’
George slapped his hand over his mouth because, what was he saying! He had meant to tell her how beautiful, fun and kind she was; not anything he said. He looked at y/n panicked and she looked at him with a demure expression.
‘What are you getting at, George. I better not be another one of you pranks.’ She intoned.
‘No, no! Oh dear, what I meant to tell you is that I cannot imagine anyone ever fancying you.’ And with those final words, y/n got up, water filling her eyes. ‘I wish you told me this sooner, Weasley. That way maybe I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.’ George looked up at the girl, tears cascading down her face. ‘I thought you were different, George. But now I know you’re just as foul as everyone else.’
Y/n turned on her heels and paced away from him, wiping away tears as she walked. And George sat there, absolutely furious at himself; because how had he managed to screw this up that bad. He got up in his state of frustration and began walking to the common room. Basically yelling the common room password at the portrait, he huffed his way to the couch where Fred and Lee sat.
Fred and Lee.
Oh, My Godrick.
It hit him like a ton of bricks. George turned his anger towards his twin, ‘Fred, ever figure out what those blue sweets did after they got messed up?’
‘We did, as a matter of fact. I made Lee eat one during charms and he told Katie that her new broom was rubbish. She got a Nimbus 2000! We figured it makes the consumer say the opposite of what they mean. Still a pretty cool idea if you ask me.’ Fred and Lee exploded with laugher, but George found none of it to be hysterical. He ripped the Weasley Wizard Wheezes box from Fred’s hands and practically ran out of the common room.
George sprinted through the corridors and down the hallways, desperately heading towards the courtyard. Once he arrived he saw y/n sitting with her friend, who was trying to comfort her.
George approached her slowly, afraid of what the reaction might be. A Slytherin George recognized to be from her friend group turned to face the poor boy, who was already petrified. ‘Beat it, Weasley. Don’t you think you did enough damage for one day?’ she snarled at George.
Y/n looked up with stained cheeks, ‘Rach, its fine. Don’t worry about it.’ She put on a smile and walked away from her friends.
‘What do you want, George?’ beckoned y/n.
‘I wanted to apologize.’ She let out a dry laugh, ‘No, I really do! What I meant to say to you earlier is how much -well- how much I like you.’
‘And I’m just supposed to believe you?’
‘It’s the truth. Earlier before class I took one of these.’ George held up the blue sweet, ‘I had no idea what it did, until I was talking to you. The sweet makes you say the opposite of wat you mean.’
She looked at him, taking the candy and inspecting it. Eyes flickering backup to George, ‘So this will make someone-‘
‘Say the opposite of what they mean.’ George completed her sentence.
Without giving George a chance to stop her, y/n popped the candy into her mouth.
‘Uh, y/n? Why did you-‘ but he was cut off by a finger pressed against his lips.
‘Because it’s going to make it so much easier for me to say this.’ She hesitated, ‘I don’t like you, George Weasley. Not even a little bit. In fact, I find you absolutely insufferable and atrocious to look at.’
George smiled at her, and she broke out into a giggle. He took her hand and looked into her soft eyes. ‘Tell me how you really feel, y/l/n.’
‘I hate you, Georgie.’
‘I love you, too.’
(A/n: wow i LOVED this request. it was so frickin’ cute! i hope you all enjoyed it! my requests are open!)
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
A tale of three Idiots
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ahhh i love this idea
Bokuto x Reader x Akaashi
Warnings: swearing, and uh? that's it.
word count: 1,500 (about)
summary: a week of increasingly flirty encounters with your two best friends leave you... flustered to say the least. But it’s not like they mean anything by it right?
“What’s wrong?” you asked and as you made your way over to the stranger cryig on the ground. As you came to his side and you saw his scraped knee. He looked about your age, maybe six or seven. You didn’t even wait for him to tell you he tripped and fell before you started yelling “OH My mom has Bandaids! let me help you,” again you didn’t wait for an answer before pulling him to his feet and racing over to your mom so she could bandage his damaged knee. 
“Thank you,” he said whipping at his runny nose. Then he beamed at you “My name is Bokuto do you want to play together?” and from that moment on you were inseparable. Little Bokuto didn’t have the words for it at the time, but what he was feeling in his chest was the first blooming of love. 
“HEY HEY HEY (Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT!?”  You jumped hearing Bokuto yell and looked down from the stans to see where the loud Ace was bouncing. You used to sit on the side of the court but Bokuto would often get too excited and run off in the middle of a game to hug you every spike he scored so now you had to sit up in the stands where he couldn’t reach you. 
“That was great Bo!” you cheered, even though you hadn’t really seen his spike. your eyes drifted, back to Akaashi. You had met the pretty setter through Bokuto but the three of you had clicked right away. Even though he didn’t say much he was easily one of your closest friends and one of the only people who knew Bokuto as well as you did. 
You watched as Akaashi darted across the length of the court to meet the ball. He moved so gracefully, and he looked so good even covered in a sheen of sweat. 
There was a loud booming sound and your eyes snapped back to Bokuto. You tired hard to keep him firmly in the “childhood friend” part of your brain but the second you saw his muscles flex all of that went out the window and all you could think about was how much you wanted him to pick you up and slam you against a wall. 
There plenty of Fukurōdani girls who were jealous of your situation, best friends with two of the most attractive boys at school. But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. in fact recently things had gotten incredibly tense between the three of you. 
You caught the two of them arguing more often and when the three of you walked home together it was dead silent. You couldn’t help but think it was your fault. Akaashi was observant, and Bokuto had known you long enough to read you like an open book, it wasn’t hard to belive that they had both figured out your feelings and put some strain on the group dynamic. 
The game finished, And you were quick to run down, Bokuto was high on the rush of his win. He tackled you in a tight hug yelling in your ear. You hugged him back just as fiercely. his jersey was damp with sweat but you didn’t care. he pulled away and beemed at you. 
“I always play better when you’re here watching me,” he giggled still not letting you out of his arms. 
“I don’t know what makes you think that, I come to all your games and practices so how could you tell?” you questioned
“I just can, so keep coming K?” he smiled then leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to your temple before dropping you and heading to the changing room. You staggered before Akaashi caught you. 
Your heart fluttered everytime Bokuto kissed you, though you knew he didn’t mean anything by it. 
“Thanks, Akaashi,” you said 
“Bokuto sure kisses you a lot doesn’t he?” Keji asked steadying you.
“I guess, He’s done it since we were kids, you know how he is,” you said with a shrug. Bokuto used to think that kisses really made injuries heal faster so he kissed your booboos until he was thirteen when he learned the truth even then the habbit just stuck. 
“would you mind if I started kissing you as well?” he asked. He said it so casually you almost didn’t think anything of it. Could your heart take a kiss from him? probably not.
“sure,” you agreed offering him the side of your face, your heart hammering in your chest. If he was a little braver he might have turned your face so he could kiss your mouth. Instead, his lips were gentle as they brushed against your hair. Then he was gone too leaving you twice as flustered. 
“(Y/N)!!” Bokuto shouted stopping you in the middle of the hall
“Hey Kou,” you said sleepily. You had no idea how he had so much energy this early in the morning.
“My grandparents are coming over for dinner tonight!” 
“That should be fun,”
“They wanted me to invite you over as well,”
“Oh, I mean I love your grandparents but why?”
“they think you’re my girlfreind,” 
“What? Why?” you demanded. It would be just like Bokuto to not correct someone who thought you were dating simply becuase he didn’t care. but surly his parents, who you’d basically grown up with, knew the truth. Why hadn’t they said anthing?
“Well you know, we spend all this time together they just assumed.” 
“and you didn’t deny it? Aren’t you embarrassed that they think were a couple?” you asked
“No? why wouldn’t I want you as my girlfriend?” instantly you flushed with embarassment. You shoved him away. 
“You can’t just go around talking to girls like that you Idiot!” you shouted quickly running away from him.  Bokuto pouted, not sure what he did wrong. He did want to date you, why would he say different?
You didn’t have much time to worry about boy problems for long because as it turned out you were failing math. you had to stop going to practices so you could study more. It sucked. Bokuto was in a slump becuase of it to, and he sure as hell let you know that the whole Volleyball team was missing you.
“I’m sorry Bo you know I wish I was there too but I can’t fail this next test,” you groaned. “No matter what Mr.Tsukasa tries I just can’t understand anything,”
“I could help you,” Akaashi spoke up. “I’m the top of the class I don’t know why you didn’t think to ask me for help sooner,”
“really would you do that for me?” you blinked
“of course, it’s not a big deal. I’m free this weekend if you want,” tears pooled in your eyes as you lunged at him 
“AKAAAAASHI!”  you cried in a voice that could rival even Bokuto.
That weekend you straightened up your room in preparation for your study date. Bokuto couldn’t make it so it would be just the two of you, a thought that set you on edge. 
“You know (y/n) we never hang out just the two of us,” Akaashi said. after about two hours of studying you were taking a brake. He really was amazing, you were understanding everything better than you could have ever hoped, he made for a fantastic teacher. 
“It’s always with Bokuto, it never seems like we see eachother one on one,” he contuied. you furrowed your brow and tried to think of the last time just you and Akaashi had been out together. 
“you’re right, I’ve never really thought about it. I guess since we met through Bokuto it we just always included him,” you said. 
“would you like to spend more tme together one on one?” he asked.
“of course, you don’t have to be so nervous asking me to hang out,” you agreed instantly. complicated feelings aside, Akaashi was your friend first and formost why wouldn’t you want to see him more?
“alright then. I was starting to worry you didn’t like me,” 
“what made you think that? you know you’re one of my best friends.”
right. he was just a friend to you.
You knew you shouldn’t be listening in. this was a private conversation, but that didn’t stop you in the slightest. 
“you should just ask her out already,” Akaashi huffed. “You would be much happier if you were in a relationship,”
Bokuto had never talked to you about girls, it was strange you were only realizing this now. It kind of stung to know that A) your feelings were unrequited and B) he had been keeping a secret from you. 
“But you wouldn’t be happier, Don’t lie to me, you like her which is why I told you to ask her out. She just sees me as a brother anyway,”
Right, there was the fact that Akaashi and Bokuto both seemed to like the same mystery girl. Maybe that’s why things had been so tense between the two of them lately. It had been narsistic of you to assume that your feelings factored into the mater at all. 
“I did ask her out, she rejected me,” keji protested.
“did you say the words I want you to be my girlfriend? cus if not that doesn’t count we both know (y/n) is an idiot,”
your heart stopped in your chest. You? they liked you? 
“you’re an idiot if you think she doesn’t like you as more than a friend,” 
all three of you were idiots you realized. 
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It for me Part 1
mob!Harry x mob!Reader
Summary: you and harry are in an arranged marriage and one day you get kidnapped by one of the hollands enemies and harry knew he loved you.
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A/N: So I love some Harry fics and well I kinda wanted to do a mob one, as this would be my first one so let's see how this goes.
Next part>>>
TW: mentions of a car crash, arranged marriage, and baby making but not explicit. 
You didn't expect to find the “one” through an arranged marriage. And may i add an arranged marriage with a mafia son, Harry Holland, whose father was one of the biggest and most successful mobs ever to be discovered. You knew your father was very great friends with him and he needed a boost in his line of work. Your father was willing to do whatever it took, but you didn't think you would be in love, to think he would just give you away while he made millions. You had no interest getting involved with the mafia, but you were the oldest, which was rare for a girl, but you had a few tricks up your sleeve. You would help your dad when he asked and well, you were made for this, but you just knew that it wasn't in your nature. But then again people are full of surprise, your father being one of those many people.
You were at a dinner party to announce your relationship with harry, well fake relationship, you two had to make it seem real even though it didn't feel real. The first time you met Harry you got two words out of him and since that day you knew he wasn't going to be good to get along with.
He had walked up to you but you knew that it was fake for of course both our parents sake.
“So are you gonna need to get used to some blood? Our family is quite hetric.” he said as you were shocked with the question. He had thought you had nothing to do with the mafia business but oh did you surprise him.
“Uh no I don't, I've gotten used to it, you should ask frank stipendii sure got to him and he was a bleeder may I add.” you said as harry was now the one that grew shocked.
“That was you? You seem innocent and not the type.” he said as you nodded knowing where he came from. Everyone called you that until you had shown them the bad side of you and well people had learned to never mess with you.
“Yeah i get that a lot.” you said not giving him eye contact.
“Well I just want you to know that this is just an arrangement and soon we will split, so no feelings attached.” he said as you nodded and looked at him with a blunt look.
“Yeah okay,” you said as Harry was even more shocked with how okay you were with this. Not that this was his second or third arranged marriage but from the stories he heard women get their feelings involved and fall from the mafia man, would it be bad if the positions switched?
“No come, I never fall for no one,” Harry thought but those were the mafia thoughts talking.
A year after dating, your wedding was announced and well it was huge, not the news of the actual wedding but literally the wedding was huge. The agreement had extended because the hollands and your father were making more in business and well now you were getting married and officially a Holland. There was also another thing that had to be done, but you didn't think it would happen. Once you got done getting most people you had met up with harry with a smile as he smiled at you. He had placed his arm around your waist as you walked over to your table.
“Well this is something else, how many weddings have you gone to?” Harry asked as you laughed at him as you sat down.
“I've gone to many, those being my dads, they were not as huge as this though,” you said as he nodded. You two had gotten used to one another almost as if you were friends, you liked that you two were getting along to be in the same room.
But what you didn't know was that Harry had started to fall for you ever since he met you. Of course he wouldn't admit it outloud, but he was sure about you, you made him feel something he would never feel.
As you were getting ready to leave for your “honeymoon” you had gotten to change in a less puffy dress. Nikki walked into your room and you smiled at her presence, she was probably the only who understood your position which helped you a lot. You gave each other a hug, she had told you you were the daughter she never had, even if it was just an arrangement.
“Oh love, you look amazing, once this arrangement is over i will require brunch together, just you and me alright.” she said as you nodded.
Of course you would continue to meet up with her, you actually liked her. You liked Harry too, after he was a little nicer to you, but you knew you couldn't fall for him so you had to act hard and not care when you two were alone.
“Of course Nikki..” you said a little bit on the sadder side, she was the only person you could show this emotion to. She knew you had fallen for her son, she didn't mind, you were perfect for harry, but he hadn't seen that.
“You love him don't you.” she said as you nodded slightly and gave you a final hug.
“You can try with him, but his father taught him very poorly on how to love when he got older, he will see you are the one love.” she said as you smiled and walked out to the reception as your arms were over one another.
You were met with Harry as he walked the both of you out making your final appearance and left. Of course to make this relationship well real, you two had gone on an actual honeymoon, it was the bahamas, which was the most obvious place you two would go.
Remember that one thing that you didn't think would happen, well that thing was, well having a child. At this point you two were friends, having sex with your bestfriend was normal for well normal people. You two talked about it, it happened, and there was nothing awkward about it.
Harry however, his thoughts were on a rollercoaster, he would think about how innocent you looked that night, he couldn't forget how beautiful you looked he had meant everything he did and he just wished his mafia brain would turn off and let him tell you how he feels. You couldn't forget that night either, you didn't know he could do what he could do. You two pretty much surprised one another and well you both would be surprised in the upcoming months.
Fast forward to today, you had Harry and had just gotten married months ago and well you were expecting. I mean you knew it would happen after, well that night, and you were pretty okay with it. You were having a kid with your best friend for business so in the mafia world this would be considered normal.
You were in your bedroom reading one of the many books either you brought or harry would give you, to pass the time that was spent in, well i guess you could call it a jail but you knew it was for protection for you and your child. As you looked at the same page over and over you wondered what everyone else was doing. You usually spent time with Nicki but she had gone away for some retreat of some sort and well you were pretty left alone. As you got up you were getting so used to you baby bump, you were really excited for this baby. As you were walking along in the hallway and saw paddy in the rec room, you and him were pretty close, you had the same interests and well you two were what's left of any humour in this family, besides Haz but you knew he would try too hard.
“Hey paddy, what are you doing here?” you asked as you sat down across from him as he stopped whatever he was doing. He enjoyed talking to you, you were a sister he never had, he learned more from you than his brothers.
“Oh well you know, making friends, going out, you know living my teenage life.” he said with sarcasm you sensed.
“Yes, teenage years are very important, to find yourself.” you said as you both laughed and silence came right after, but this silence between you too was good, no tension.
“So, has Harry annoyed you yet, cus you know the time you guys spend together, it's like you're inseparable.” he said as you laughed.
“Oh you can't imagine, but the walks in the hallway are pretty nice to well get away from him.” you said.
“Hey, you're already showing huh?” he pointed out as you placed your hand on your bump and smiled.
“Yeah, I can't believe this little one is growing so fast already, it feels unreal.” you said as he smiled.
“I am going to be the best uncle ever, I promise.” he said as you giggled and one of the bodyguards in the building walked in and found you two. Behind them was the Holland gang along with haz. You were guessing that they couldn't find you so they set the building for a search. Harry walked up to you hugging you, a part of you didn't know whether this was for show, or this was his true feelings. .
“There you are darling, what are you and paddy doing here?” Harry said as you looked at him with a smile.
“We were just talking, we're fine.” you said as you reassured him as he looked over at paddy who nodded in agreement as everyone left, you walked along all of them wondering if something had happened.
You and Harry had walked into your room, he was getting ready for a huge meeting and needed your help with the ties. As you were tying it, Harry just looked down at you. It was hard for him to keep his feelings away from this arrangement. That little show was real. He was practically falling for you but he couldn't actually tell you that. He knew you were better off without him. His feelings for you were pretty strong. When it was for show he was glad to show his feelings so you could sense it, but you being the oblivious person you had no clue. He had noticed your bump and he gasped a little and placed his hand over it as you smiled.
“No way our little bean is already showing.” he said as you smiled, the “our” made your stomach flutter, a part of you just wanted to kiss him, but you two were just friends.
“Yeah, i'm just getting used to it, it's kinda unreal but I'm excited.” you said as he nodded with a smile and you went back to fixing his tie,but the question was bugging you so you just asked to get it out of the way, but the pregnant you wanted to find out.
“That little darling, was just for show right? I'm just making sure.” you said as harry was caught off guard and nodding knowing that was the right answer you wanted to hear.
You had told Harry that you were afraid of loving someone, so he knew that he would have to hide his feelings so you didn’t feel that fear.
“No yeah...totally that was just for show...” he said as you nodded fixing his tie. As much as you hated it a part of you was down and quite bummed. You had grown feelings for harry, but alas this whole thing was just for show. As you got done you patted his shoulders and smiled.
“Well good luck.” you said as he smiled and kissed you bump, which made you blush and you tried looking away.
“See you later.” he said as you nodded and he left. You were craving some food hours later so you headed over to the kitchen where you met haz and tom. The other two trouble makers, but very potential mobsters. They noticed you were coming and they greeted you with a smile.
“Hey y/n” Harrison said as you smiled.
“Hey you two, how's it going?” you asked as you looked in the fridge but nothing appealed to you so you closed it right up.
“Nothing just eating before more of our meetings for today.'' Tom said as you nodded, your mind was somewhere else, your small moments with harry. You were honestly quite confused, and you wanted to talk to someone about it and well these two werent really the people you should tell.
“What's wrong?” haz said as you were brought back, and you just shook your head placing your hand on the top of your bump.
“Oh nothing, just I was thinking about something.” you said as haz was definitely going to get it out of you, tom was pretty interested, which was quite normal of him.
Harrison had kept asking you what was wrong and well you spit it out and they just looked at you with shock, but they weren't surprised as they grinned at one another.
“y/n, harry likes you a lot, he just has a hard way of showing it.” haz said as tom nodded and continued.
“Yeah, y/n he freaked out when you weren't in your room, and called a lockdown on the place, just give him time, plus you're having a baby together,” Tom said as you nodded.
“Speaking of baby, he or she is just showing too.” you said as they gasped and were very happy. They have been very excited since they found out they were both gonna be uncles, with Harrison being godfather.
“But anyways back to the situation that whole thing was just for show.” you said as they both shook their heads.
“No that wasn't, y/n we might be better at gossiping then you.'' Tom said as you shook your head playfully and paddy had walked down getting into the freezer. He groaned, “there's no ice cream, shoot.” paddy said.
“Oh yeah, we kinda finished it.'' Harrison shot a look at him then back at tom.
“Oh well i guess.” paddy said as he was walking away and well you were craving ice cream too.
“I could get some, if you want.” you said as paddy smiled and nodded. Harrison and Tom were both going to disagree with you going since you weren't allowed to leave the building at all, but you were pretty careful and the guys had forgotten you were a mob daughter after all so you had your training, but the one thing you would forget is that well you were pregnant.
“You sure you want to go?” Harrison said as you nodded.
“Yes, besides I have training.” you said reminding them again, but this time things changed if you were to go out and something would happen to you harry would be at fault here.
“But youre pregnant.” haz said as tom nodded.
“And... Harry won't like it if you leave alone what if we both go with you.'' Tom suggested knowing his brother would be calm knowing they were with you so you agreed.
You all got in the car and you felt it was quite ridiculous that you had the mob talking you out to go buy icecream for a teenager. One of the body guards had gone with you to go get some, you know not making it so suspicious that he was a bodyguard. You did feel some eyes on you, but you felt that the most when you were out of the store. As you got back inside of the car you were on your way to the house.
“See nothing bad happened, you guys just need to relax.” you said as the both nodded and you rubbed your belly.
Harrison had seen a car tailgating you guys and he realized it was the same car of one of his fathers enemies and he tried to not freak out but he got his phone out texting tom. Tom looked at his window and nodded to Harrison, you sensed the car speeding up and you wondered why. Tom moved over seats just in case anything were to happen. Then out of nowhere a car got right in front of you guys getting you guys into a crash. Glass braking and the breaks of the cars around you was all you heard, plus the sounds of the car alarm going over and over. Before Tom became unconscious he made sure you were safe and he was sure you were okay since the care hadn't flipped over.
Everything then went black and you had no remembrance of where you were going or who you were with. You didn't even get to see if Tom and Harrison were okay or if you and your baby were okay. You felt arms grabbing you and that's all you could remember, you were hoping those arms belonged to either tom or haz, but alas, your brain let you believe that.
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harringrovetrashrat · 4 years
Brother, Can You Spare Some Bells?
“Okay,” Steve said, standing in Billy’s doorway. Billy looked up from his switch, raising a brow at his roommate. His insanely cute, sexy, and sweet roommate he totally did not have a crush on, thanks. “I have a proposition for you.”
“Hurry it up,” Billy grunted, looking back at his switch. “I have a Smash battle starting in a second against Max and if she gets the upper hand--”
“If I give you a blow job will you give me 1,000,000 bells in Animal Crossing?” Steve said it in a rush, a light flush on his cheeks. Billy’s brain short circuited. He gaped at Steve, mouth hanging open, eyes wide. For a split second, Billy’s conscience and self preservation were the loudest in his brain, screaming This is a bad idea! Don’t let your crush suck your dick, you live together! Luckily, they were easily silenced by the horny side of his brain, as well as the side that made him sabotage himself.
“Seriously?” Billy asked, because this had to be a joke. Like, Steve was bi, he knew that, but Billy was pretty sure he wasn’t Steve’s type. He’d seen him go out with petite brunettes and some stockier ones, but cut blondes? Steve just didn’t date guys who looked like Billy. Which was fine. Really. “Like, I’m not on Pranked or something?”
“Why would Pranked ask someone to give a blow job? They couldn’t air that--” Steve shook his head. “No, that’s not the point.” He bit his lip and looked Billy in the eye again. “I’m serious. I’m trying to get a full theme and I just don’t have the bells, and no one is buying my radishes--”
“Okay, okay,” Billy chuckled, turning off his switch before texting Max that something came up and he’d be on to play later. He got an immediate response but chucked his phone to the side, focusing on Steve. “If you’re serious, I mean like, I’m not gonna say no.” He gave a sleazy grin, masking the fact that his heart was beating incredibly fast. It wasn’t like Billy’d dreamed of this since he’d met Steve. Wasn’t like he’d imagined all the different kinds of things he’d do to Steve, or have Steve do to him. Wasn’t like he’d imagined them on dates and building a life together. Billy definitely didn’t lie awake at night wondering if there was a way to get Steve to live with him forever, no siree.
“Really?” Steve asked, perking up a little. “You don’t think it’s--”
“Harrington,” Billy said, sucking a breath. “If you don’t wanna do this, you can just like, buy me a fucking pizza--” But before Billy could finish his sentence, Steve was climbing onto his bed. Billy’s mouth went dry and he shoved his excitement down as best he could. He was already getting a little hard, just watching Steve settle between his legs. Billy propped himself up against the headboard, swallowing thickly. He had to play it cool. Steve gently pulled Billy’s sweats down with his pointer fingers, smirking a little when he saw that Billy was already chubbing up.
“Excited?” He teased.
“I haven’t gotten action in a while, Harrington, don’t flatter yourself.” It wasn’t a total lie. Billy did what he needed with random hook ups, but in the past week he’d been without. Especially after he moaned Steve’s name with the last guy that he’d fucked around with. Seemed like asking for trouble.
“Sure,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes. He was smiling though and when he looked back down at Billy’s half hard dick, he licked his lips. Billy had to bite his lip.
Steve’s tongue was wet, warm, and gentle as he licked a stripe up Billy’s shaft, cradling Billy’s dick in one hand. The other moved to grab Billy’s balls, groping them firmly. Billy let out a shuddery breath, unable to tear his eyes away from where Steve was giving the head kitten licks. He stroked Billy, playing with his foreskin, running his tongue along the inside of the skin around the head.
“Shit,” Billy hissed, gripping the sheets in his fists. Steve looked up and smirked before doing the same thing again. He pulled his hand up, bunching the foreskin around the head so he could tongue underneath, pulling the skin back to take the head into his mouth. Billy watched, breath coming in short as his dick steadily filled out. This was… Billy knew a blow job done to get the job done. Knew the urgency and near disinterest that came with it. Steve was enjoying himself. He was taking his time, eyes closed as he bobbed on Billy’s cock. He slurped around the shaft, pulling off to kiss along the vein on the underside, gently scraping his teeth along the velvety skin.
It took all of Billy’s strength not to grab Steve by the hair.
Steve panted against Billy’s groin, breath hot and wet as he kissed at the base. He slowly kissed his way up, pulling Billy’s foreskin down to kiss the edge of the head, making Billy’s toes curl and his fists pull at the sheets. Billy let out a breathy moan, torn between squeezing his eyes shut and keeping them open so he could burn this image into his brain. The way Steve’s mouth looked, slick with spit, red and so soft. Fuck-- The way his fingers looked, gripping Billy’s wet and throbbing cock, pulling down the skin so he could makeout with the head of Billy’s dick. His breath came in shorter as Steve tongued the slit, pulling back to spit into his hand a few times before stroking Billy’s cock in time with his kitten licks. His eyes were closed, cheeks flushed, and Billy let himself pretend for just a moment that this was more than it was.
Steve chose that moment to look up, brown eyes blown with lust. He pressed the flat of his tongue against the head, slowly dragging Billy’s dick down. It was too much.
Billy gasped, breath hitching on a quiet moan as he came, shooting onto Steve’s tongue and upper lip, some hitting his cheek. Steve’s eyes fluttered shut and he let out a quiet moan, sucking the tip to get every last drop he could.
“Fuck, dude, sorry,” Billy panted, trying to catch his breath. “Shit, I didn’t--” Steve just pinched his hip, making Billy swat at his hand.
“It’s fine,” Steve said, voice rough. He smiled, swiping the jizz on his face off with his thumb. He brought it to his mouth, sucking it off with a pop. “Seriously fine.” Billy pulled his sweats back up, glad he was sitting down or his knees might have been too shaky.
“1,000,000 you said?” Billy asked, breathless and trying not to panic. Steve got up, tying his sweater around his waist.
“I think that’s fair,” Steve said with a grin. Billy looked up at him with a blank look, making Steve chuckle as he ducked out of Billy’s room. “I’ll let you know when you can visit my island and see what your sugar daddy money did!” He shouted.
Billy ignored how hot his face was and sent Steve 2,000,000 bells before pulling his blankets around him and calling Heather.
“Billy, this is a horrible idea.” Heather was focused on painting her toenails, but her words were sharp and hit Billy right in his guilt.
“I know,” he groaned, leaning his head against the back of the couch. He held the bottle of polish out for her, so she could lean forward and dip into it without spilling. The couch had enough stains already. “But we both know I have absolutely no self control. There was no way I wasn’t gonna say yes to that.”
“If he asks again you have to say no.” Heather looked up when Billy didn’t reply. “No, Billy.”
“But I always luck out and I have like, so many bells and some kinda cool stuff maybe he’d want--”
“Then just gift it?” Heather said, going back to her toes. “I don’t see why you can’t just give it to him.”
“He’s got some complex, Heaths, you know that,” Billy sighed. “I once tried to give him a slice of pizza that I didn’t want, and he literally did the math to pay for the slice. Says his parents bailed him out enough he wanted to pay for his stuff on his own. Didn’t wanna flaunt his privilege.” Billy ran his free hand over his face. “I bet I made it awkward,” he grumbled. “I’m never gonna be able to look him in the eye again. It’ll just remind me--” He cut himself off, groaning. “Why am I an idiot?”
“‘Cause you think with your dick,” Heather replied with no hesitation. “It won’t be weird if you don’t let it happen again.”
It happened again. And again. And again.
Any time Steve wanted something in Animal Crossing that Billy had, he’d offer a blow job. Always a blow job. And Billy, like the sad sack he was, always said yes. It became a weekly occurrence. Happened enough that Billy didn’t even question it when Steve moved up after sucking him off, kissing Billy and sharing the taste of his cum. That also turned into a regular thing.
It was dangerous, this game they were playing. Billy thought maybe he’d be able to put his feelings aside and just let this happen. Just enjoy the feeling of getting to have Steve. Even if he didn’t. Not really. He just needed to remember that.
It was about a month later when the shit hit the fan.
“Steve, have you seen my red button up?” Billy called from his closet. Billy had really thought maybe he could separate his feelings from the blow jobs if he tried really hard, but once again, he’d been lying to himself. So, he’d gone on Grindr and gotten himself a date. A date that was gonna end, hopefully, in sex good enough for Billy to finally deny Steve. That maybe he’d be fucked out enough to not jump at the chance to see those red lips stretched around his dick.
Yeah, right.
“Yeah, it’s in the laundry room, hung up,” Steve replied. He was leaning against the kitchen counter as Billy went by, slurping some sweet milk from his bowl of cereal. “Why? You only wear it for fancy occasions.”
“I got a date,” Billy said, slipping his arms into the shirt. There was a clink and a smash from the kitchen, and Billy poked his head out of the laundry room. Steve had his back to him, shoulders tense, as he picked up the bowl shards. “Butter fingers much?” Billy teased. Steve just grunted, ignoring him as he angrily threw the shards away, grabbing a rag. “Jesus,” Billy grumbled, coming out of the laundry room as he buttoned his shirt. “What crawled up your ass.”
“Nothing,” Steve replied, curt and definitely pissed off about something. “Absolutely nothing.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” Billy scoffed, putting his hands on his hips with a frown. Steve just squeezed out the milk into the sink before going back to wipe up the rest. “Seriously, dude. You were fine like two seconds ago--”
“Oh my god!” Steve exclaimed, chucking the rag onto the linoleum with a wet slap. He whipped around, eyes all fire and fury. “Just go on your fucking date already! I’m fine.” And Billy didn’t have time for this. If Steve wanted to be a passive aggressive little bitch, Billy wasn’t gonna stick around for the tantrum.
“Don’t come crying to me later, Harrington,” Billy snapped, stomping back to his room. He swiped up his keys and shoved his wallet into his back pocket, slipping his phone into the other. After slipping on his jacket, Billy made his way to the front door, resolutely not looking in the kitchen. He could see Steve out of the corner of his eye, but ignored the weird stone settling in his stomach. Normally, Billy said something to the effect of see you later, because he had to. Didn’t wanna leave without the promise of coming back. But he was feeling hurt. Feeling petty. So he didn’t.
The date was horrible. The guy was way more boring than his profile, a huge dick, and so far up a pyramid scheme’s ass that he spent the whole date trying to convince Billy to take some exercise supplement or oil. He didn’t remember because he didn’t fucking care. The whole date the only thing he could think about was Steve. He hated leaving angry. They’d done that whole song and dance when they’d moved in together, butting heads immediately. They’d been mean to each other, rude and snarky, often having fights that lasted days.
But they’d moved past that. They’d sat down and talked it out and that had been the start of Billy moving past lusting for Harrington to actually wanting him. And Billy might have fucked it all up. Not that Harrington was making it easy, but Billy had once again been thinking with his dick.
The apartment was dark when he got back, which wasn’t weird necessarily, but it put Billy on edge. Steve was a night owl, lost track of time, but sometimes he’d crawl into bed early. Maybe today was one of those days. Billy checked his phone. It was barely past 9. It made something like worry clench around his lungs. Maybe Steve wasn’t here. His car had been in the lot, but maybe he’d gone on a walk.
The floorboards creaked as Billy made his way towards the back hall. Everything was quiet and heavy. Billy hated it. He knocked on Steve’s door.
“Harrington?” He asked. There was no response. Billy considered knocking again, but instead went into his room and shut the door. He sat on the edge of his bed and pulled off his boots. He sighed, heavy and hard, resting his head in his hands. “Shit.” Billy stood and took off his jeans and shirt, pulling on a pair of gym shorts. Maybe he’d wait up and see if Steve was out and about to come home. He wasn’t super tired anyway.
Billy was halfway through a bowl when Steve came home. He was stumbling, definitely drunk, and he squinted at Billy before scoffing. He kicked his shoes off, pushing the front door shut with a click.
“Thought-- Thought you woulda been out,” he slurred. He swayed a little on his feet sending an angry look Billy’s way. He really didn’t fucking get why.
“Guy was a total loser,” Billy grumbled, taking another hit. “Wouldn’t shut up about some bullshit pyramid scheme. Like I give a shit about that.” Steve snorted, pausing only a moment before making his way to the couch. He collapsed next to Billy, who held the pipe out to him. Steve took it and took a large hit, staring up at the ceiling.
“So why’d you even go?” His voice was small, sad. Billy looked at him, brow furrowed.
“If he was a loser. Why’d you even go?” Steve was still staring at the ceiling, eyes sad. He sagged into the couch, all anger gone. Which wasn’t a great sign. Billy furrowed his brow.
“Are you okay?” Steve let out a bark of laughter, cold and mean.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Fucking cut that out!” Billy snapped. Steve jumped a little, head lolling to look at Billy with wide eyes. “Your shit matters, Harrington. Stop pretending like it doesn’t. We’re friends, man.” Steve’s eyes clenched shut and he let out a shaky breath. Billy felt something a little cold grip his heart at how sad Steve looked about that.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Friends.” Billy thought it might be the weed that made him say what he did.
“Do you… Not wanna be my friend?” He asked, tense. Steve furrowed his brow, giving Billy a weird look.
“What? Of course I wanna be your friend.”
“So why do you seem so upset about it?” Billy asked. He was confused. He was stoned. He was in love with a boy who didn’t love him back, and he just… He wanted the truth. Even if it was gonna hurt. Steve was quiet, eyes wide and vulnerable. They darted to Billy’s lips then back to his eyes.
“Because I wanna be more.” Billy sucked in a shocked breath, eyes going wide. Everything clicked into place. “I know… I know you don’t like… do relationships,” Steve grumbled, rubbing at his eye. “And this is my own fucking fault. I was the one who started this whole thing -- my island looks dope by the way, you still haven’t come to see it -- ‘cause I thought it’d help me like, get over you if I got it out of my system but--”
“--it just made it worse,” Billy finished for him, quiet. Steve nodded, swallowing and closing his eyes. Billy was trying to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest. Because he was so stupid. Because Steve had a lot of love languages, and Billy had been waiting for the words when he should have been paying attention.
“We should, uh, probably stop,” Steve forced out. His voice was still slurred, he was still incredibly drunk, and Billy wished he was sober so they could really have this conversation. “I can stay with Robin for a bit too, let you have some space, and we can make boundaries--”
“Steve,” Billy said. Steve’s voice dried up and he looked at Billy, scared and open and so fucking beautiful. “I only went out with that guy because I’ve been trying to get over you for months.” Steve’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “I’ve liked you since we met, and it only got worse. And then you asked to suck me off and I just--” Billy sighed, blushing. “You know I think with my dick.” Steve snorted, but flung an arm out, slapping around until he found Billy’s hand to hold.
“You do,” he replied.
“I’m so gone on you, Steve Harrington,” Billy sighed with a smile. “You don’t don’t even know, man.” Steve smiled back, shy and sweet.
“Aww,” he whispered. There was a pause before Steve pursed his lips and gave a nod. “Hey, you wanna grab the trash can, ‘cause I’m not gonna make it to the bathroom--” Billy grabbed the trash can from beside the couch, dumping its contents out and getting it under Steve’s head right before he puked. As Steve heaved, Billy rubbed his back, wondering how even this made his heart race.
“Let’s talk in the morning, yeah?”
All Steve could do was nod.
A week later, Billy was playing on his switch, battling Max, when Steve moved from beside him. He settled himself between Billy’s legs, licking his lips as he massaged at Billy’s dick. Billy grunted, eyes flicking away from the screen for only a moment.
“What do you want this time?” He asked. “It’ll have to wait till after this game.”
“Can’t I just suck my boyfriend off?” Steve teased. Billy snorted, but couldn’t hide his blush.
“You sure? I just got that couch thing you were talking about…”
“How about,” Steve said, stroking Billy’s hardening cock through his shorts, “We play a little game? I’ll hold your dick in my mouth, just a nice, light suck, and if you can be a good boy, as well as win the game,” Steve paused for effect with a smile. “Maybe I’ll let you cum.” Billy’s breath hitched and his dick kicked under Steve’s palm, making his smile grow.
“Yeah, okay, shit,” Billy breathed out.
And while Steve pulled down his shorts and slowly took Billy into his mouth, just holding him there, tongue moving on occasion and making Billy’s breath come in short, he thought about how far they’d come. Thought about how happy he was. About how Steve sucked his dick for fun now, not just the shit Billy would gift him in Animal Crossing (his island really was coming together nicely).
But then Steve sucked, and he didn’t think much at all.
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otonymous · 4 years
A Bolt From The Blue (MLQC Shaw - NSFW) - Part III: Near & Far
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Description: Promising beginnings and a premature end throw you into a tailspin Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language & mature themes — reader discretion is advised.  Potential trigger warnings: depictions of mild PTSD symptoms, mentions of death of a close family member, disappearances, “breakups,” angst, profanity Word Count: 1882 words (~9 mins of falling in love and wallowing in angst 😱😂) Author’s Notes: If you’re still following this story, please accept a giant (virtual) hug from me to you!  Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and this piece of work! 💖 Without further ado, I present to you part 3 of my slow-burn Shaw fic, written for the lovely @op-peccatori​ as part of my follower milestone celebration.
As always, dear reader, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above, and happy reading! 😊
Jump to Chapter(s): One | Two | Four
“You can relax, you know.  I won’t try anything funny while you sleep, not my style.  Besides, isn’t this much better than camping out on the floor?”
Nodding your head before you realize that Shaw probably couldn’t see you in the dark, your “Yes” comes out in a mewl so pathetic you wished you could immediately take it back.
His snicker shakes the bed, reverberating across squeaky springs to where you lay beside him, right at the edge of the twin mattress as you tried not to let your hands touch.
No matter how much you wished for them to.
Beyond the window, a neon signboard paints electric shadows on your walls in splashes of pink, flashing in time to a rhythm Shaw tapped out with one foot beneath the covers.
“Is it cool if…if we didn’t draw the blinds tonight?  I can’t sleep in complete darkness.” He had asked you earlier that evening, towelling off his hair as he emerged from your bathroom wearing a shirt your ex had left behind along with your broken heart a year and a half ago.
Snoopy looked much better riding his skateboard across Shaw’s broad chest anyways.
And there, in the midst of an awkward arrangement where sleep would surely prove fleeting, the sounds of the night: the low hum of the refrigerator, the pawn shop’s sign buzzing just on the other side of the windowpane…the tick-tock of the clock on the wall, steady like Shaw’s breath beside you as it counts down precious time—
“I’ll be out of your hair first thing tomorrow morning.”  
“No, there’s…there’s no rush.  Honestly.”
“Can you really afford to miss more work because of me?”
Silence.  You couldn’t refute the truth.
“Tell you what, in exchange for putting up with me, you can ask me anything you want.  I’ve seen the way you look at me sometimes; surely you must be curious about some things.  Might as well find out before I go.”
Your stomach knotted, clenching tight.  He was right.  For all you know, it was now or never.  “Why did you join?  The triad, that is.”
He is silent for a moment, as if trying to find the right words to piece together.
“I’m looking for my brother.”
Out of all possible answers, this wasn’t one you were expecting.  Turning onto your side, you study the handsome profile of his face — watching as pink mixed with lavender in the most ethereal way until you were overcome with the sense that in this vast ocean of life, you and him stood on very different shores.  Eyes still fixed on your ceiling, Shaw continues.
“He was an undercover cop, working to infiltrate the ranks of the group I’m currently a part of.  I only found out by accident, and he made me swear up and down not to breathe a word of it to mom.  Then one day…he was gone.  Just...disappeared off the face of the earth.  Mom and I went down to the station every day for months, knew the names and faces of everyone who worked in that building, but it was like Gavin never even existed.
“It was too much for her.  I came home late from school one day — found her on the floor, barely breathing.  It was dark in the apartment…so dark.  She had probably just drawn the curtains.  By the time the paramedics arrived, she was already gone.  Heart attack, they said.  
“I lie awake at night sometimes, wonder how I’m going to tell him that mom’s no longer here — go through the motions in my head, rehearsing every line.  ‘Cus I know that sooner or later, that day will come.  There’s no way he’s dead.  I know my brother.”
A glimmer at the corner of his eye catches yours.  Beneath the covers, your fingers inch towards his, finding courage in the darkness to brush against his pinky as if the sliver of warmth could express what words simply couldn’t convey.
“With mom gone, there was nothing to lose.  I joined the group, worked hard…did what they needed me to do to gain their trust, all while collecting scraps of info here and there — whatever I could get my hands on in the hopes that it’ll lead me to Gav.”
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.
Tiny drops of rain speckle your windowpane.  And when Shaw’s finger hooks around yours as if in a solemn pinky swear, the tears burning your eyes finally fall.  You don’t ask him how many years it’s been, the dirty deeds he’s had to sully his hands with.  You don’t question him about the father he doesn’t mention.  All you can do is watch as a solitary drop rolls down the side of his face before soaking into lavender strands fanned out on the pillow, the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows back bitterness only he knew.
In spite of it all, he is the one who chuckles when he turns towards you, eyes red rimmed even as his brows rise in feigned exasperation when he says, “Why are you crying?!  I’m the one with the tragic past here!”
And when you start to cry even harder, his soft hushes of “Shh, shh…I’m sorry, that last part was a joke.  It’s all right, everything will be okay, I promise,” burrows deep into your heart and you believe him.
Because when he reaches towards you — the thumb wiping the tears from your eyes calloused yet gentle — you are struck by a sense of overwhelming tenderness:
In the carefulness of his touch.
In the way he regards you with the sincerity of some unspoken emotion.
In the entirety of this man whom the rest of the world has already written off.
And that is when you know…
“I didn’t mean to make you cry by telling you all this, I’m sorry.”
…that you are in love with him.
“I’ll make it up to you.  Ask me another question.  Maybe something less depressing this time.”  
A smile spreads across his face.  You wished there was a way for you to keep the warmth of his hand on your cheek forever.  Sniffling, you try again.
“Wh-why did you keep coming in to my store everyday?  There’s a lot of other convenience stores in the area—”
A flash of panic in those amber eyes, and Shaw is turning over with lightning speed until all you can see is the smooth expanse of his back.
“Changed my mind.  A guy’s gotta keep some secrets!  Goodnight!”
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“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
Wrap your arms around the pillow.
“Good girls shouldn’t concern themselves with bad boys.”
Bury your face into its cushiony fill.
“Or have you forgotten that I’m wanted by the police?”
And inhale deeply.
Shaw’s scent on your sheets is faint now, so much so that you can’t be entirely sure you’re not imagining it, having gone through this ritual countless times since the day Shaw left your apartment…
…and stepped out of your life.
                   *                                         *                                          *
“Is there…any way I could stay in touch with you?  I-I just…just want to make sure you’re okay…”
Voice trailing off, you watch as Shaw gingerly shrugs one arm then another through the sleeves of his leather jacket, still wearing the Snoopy t-shirt he had slept in the night before after you told him he could keep it.  His own was torn beyond repair, stubbornly dyed in blood regardless of how much you scrubbed at it.  And when he hesitated still, you said he would just be doing you the favour of taking out the trash.  
Smoothing down the front of his jacket, Shaw glances at the phone in your hands — eyes tracing along your eager fingers, poised to type.  The expression on his face is unreadable, as if the man you had spent the night sharing secrets with was nothing more than a figment of your imagination.
“It’s better if we don’t.  I’ll be fine, just laying low for the next while — boss’s orders.  And I don’t want the cops coming around to your place again.  Detective Whatshisname looks like he could be really good at hounding pretty girls like you.”
That smirk again, so familiar to you by now.  And in the compliment that would’ve made you blush bright red before, nothing but a smokescreen.
“Shaw, I don’t mind—”
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?" The force in his voice cuts, and you barely breathe to feel his finger curl beneath your chin, tilting up your face until you have no choice but to meet his gaze.  Those eyes are dull, like molten gold frozen beneath a layer of impenetrable ice.  “Good girls shouldn’t concern themselves with bad boys.  Or have you forgotten that I’m wanted by the police?”
The shiver that runs electric down your spine makes the hairs on your skin stand on end.  It was like looking at a stranger.  Heart racing, your palms grow clammy with sweat, unsure of exactly when your phone had dropped from your hands, slipping away like…
“I don’t care about the cops!  I’ll deal with them—”
“DEAL WITH WHAT?!  You think that just because you managed to turn them away at the door that it makes you a hardened criminal?!  WE are not the same, okay?  My life is worthless.  I’ve already signed it away a long time ago, I’m ready to give it up without a second thought.  But you…you’re different. Y-you’re kind, innocent.  You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.  One day, you’ll make someone the luckiest person in the world, be a beautiful mother to beautiful children.  Don’t sell yourself short…not for someone like me.”
The silence that descends is thick, suffocating.  You don’t speak, afraid to open your mouth because it takes all your concentration just to keep the tears from spilling from your eyes.
Finally letting go of your chin, Shaw reaches behind his neck to undo the clasp on the thin gold chain he wore, the jade disc pendant that hung from it still warm from the heat of his skin when he places it in the palm of your hand.
“It’s not much, but it was a gift from my mom and the most valuable thing I own.  You saved my life, so it’s yours now.  Maybe…maybe one day, you can give it to your own child.”
Lump in your throat, you can barely breathe, let alone tell him there was no way you could accept something that precious, something that priceless.  That you didn’t drag him home that night, broken and bleeding, in the hopes of gain; not for money, not for love.
He curls your fingers around the heirloom, gentle thumb pressing on index, middle, ring then pinky in turn before your fist finds itself held tightly within the press of his much larger hand for one…two…three seconds…
…before those purple Chuck Taylors take him to your door…
…and just like that, the man with the lavender hair is gone.
Forgive me for trolling, but there really was only one bed LOL!  Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter, and please stay tuned for what may be the final instalment in this Shaw saga! - XOXO
Jump to Chapter(s): One | Two | Four
Thanks so much for reading! 💕 Check out more of my work here! 📚(Please do not repost/copy/alter my work.  Reblogs, on the other hand, are a-ok and much appreciated! 👍🏼💖)
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estrelio · 4 years
Catalysts & Changes: a 15x16 Meta
I wanted to talk really quickly about Dean’s change this season, especially regarding 15x16.
My main focus of this meta is to talk about Mary’s impact on Dean being the catalyst for this change we’ve been seeing, but I’m also going to be mentioning some Cas/destiel things to tie into this. So, here we go:
I. Mary as Catalyst & Myth
Mary is Dean’s reason. By that I mean that literally the whole reason Dean hunts--or, rather, continues to hunt, since John honestly forced it on him--was all in the hopes of catching what killed Mary. That was the main purpose of season 1, other than finding John. This is Dean’s motivation, his basis as a character. 
Dean has also mentioned on multiple occasions that Mary was why he was brave, why he kept fighting, and that he often thought about her. 
Dean: I was scared, too. I didn’t feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom...I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day (1.03 Dead in the Water)
Remember this quote, because I think it’s eerily similar to the one in 15.16 that I’ll talk about later in this post.
This makes sense--she’s his mom, he should be affected in some way about her death. But Dean takes it to the extreme, based his life around it, held on to it for far too long. Sam was different, because he never actually knew Mary, and we know from earlier seasons that their feelings about her are pretty different. 
Meanwhile, almost any time Dean has dreamt of something ideal, Mary was there (think of his djinn dream in 2.20 where Mary never died, and in heaven in 5.16). We can especially see that this is true because of what Amara said in Gimme Shelter:
Dean: What was the point?
Amara: I wanted two things for you, Dean. I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person. That the myth you’d held onto for so long of a better life, a life where she’d lived, was just that: a myth. I wanted you to see that the real, complicated Mary, was better than your childhood dream because she was real. That now is always better than then. That you could finally start to accept your life. (15.15 Gimme Shelter)
Here, Amara was anticipating a turning point. She had wanted Dean to be “released” by having Mary back, but obviously this didn’t happen. Instead, Mary’s death was once again the catalyst for Dean’s change, just like it was the first time when Azazel killed her. We can also see from this that Dean has always been stuck in the past, hence Amara telling him that he should be focusing on now, instead. Another thing to note for future reference is the “real” line. Remember Cas saying “we are” when Dean asks him what is real.
Mary was also not exactly what Sam or Dean--hell, not even the viewers--had been expecting when she returned. She was scared, alone, and had trouble dealing with being back in a new century with her little boys all grown up and even worse-- hunting. But Dean eventually accepted this. He accepted the real version of Mary, but continued to idolize her and bring up the past.
II. Mary’s Death
Now let’s take a look at what’s happened since Mary’s second death:
Denial. Dean hopes Mary isn’t actually dead, even though all signs point to this.
Grief. Dean cries alone at the site of her death.
Blame. Dean blames Jack and Cas for what happened. 
During and after the funeral, Dean avoids talking about it with anyone. However, he is obviously affected by her death. Sam even holds Cas back from going to Dean while burning the pyre. Bobby makes a comment about Dean being a lot like him and not wanting to show his feelings to others.
These all sound like the Dean that’s been built up since season 1. Not dealing with his feelings properly at all, pushing people away, denial. The one thing that makes this time different from other deaths, though, is that--just like the first time Mary died--there's no body to bring back. It's implied in 14.19 that if there had been, Dean would have tried, because he even tells Sam:
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Note: This is also an episode where we see Jack being a mirror for Dean by doing exactly that--doing everything in his power to try to bring Mary back by himself. It doesn’t work; Mary’s gone for good. And she’s happy--she’s in heaven! 
In addition to there not being a body, Dean also knows who did it. It's not some unidentifiable yellow-eyed demon that he can spend years tracking down, it's Jack. It's his son, it's someone he can't and won't kill, because he's family, even if he’s guilty. So Dean has no outlet for his rage except to put blame on not only Jack, but Cas (specifically in 15.03 The Rupture, Jack is dead at this point and he pushes Cas away for several episodes). And here is where Dean begins to change.
III. The Shift: Anger, Apologies, and Forgiveness
Because then, in 15.09 The Trap, there is a big, significant shift. Dean forgives Cas:
Dean: You’re my best friend, but I just let you go. ‘Cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong. 
He cries, looks around, and gets on his knees.
Dean: I don’t know why I get so angry. I just know-I just know that it’s just always been there. And when things go bad, it just-it comes out. And I can’t- I can’t stop it. No matter how--how bad I want to, I just can’t stop it. And I forgive you, of course I forgive you. I’m sorry it took me so long to...I’m sorry it took me ‘til now to say it.  (15.09 The Trap)
This is an incredibly important scene because it shows that Dean knows about his anger--the anger that Amara talks about in 15x15, and he wants to stop it. 
Amara: I thought having [Mary] back would release you...put that fire out. Your anger. But I guess we both know I failed at that.
Dean: You’re damn right.  (15.15 Gimme Shelter)
After this, Dean clarifies that he’s not only angry, but furious. This is change, this is change caused directly by Mary’s death--by Amara bringing her back again. Dean might say he is furious, but he has also said before that he wants to stop his anger. And, in many ways, he’s been taking steps towards doing that: 
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For example, here in 15.09 when Dean forgives Cas, (gif credit)
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and here in 15.14 when he tells Jack he’s trying to forgive him for killing Mary, (gif credit)
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and again in 15.16 for not telling Sam and Caitlin about the dead bodies when they were younger (gif credit)
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and most recently, at the end of 15.16, when he didn’t tell Sam about Jack dying. (gif credit)
So now we’ve taken the turn towards forgiveness. Dean has been handing out apologies and forgiveness like never before this season, which is a definite change to how it used to be with him. He’s opening up, and he is trying to do better and be better than before. Billie also tells him this at the diner:
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I’m inclined here to believe that Dean is on that road to forgiveness with Jack. I mean, he said it himself in 15.14 that he’s trying, and Cas also vouched for him when Jack asked if forgiveness from Dean was a possibility. So in 15.16, when Dean says they have “no choice” but to let Jack die, it’s not because it doesn’t haunt him. It clearly does, with the entire episode dealing with Dean coping with the deaths of children, even his brother. He doesn’t want Jack to die, but his anger, his fury towards Chuck is taking precedence over that. It’s something he wants to change, but feels like he has no choice in the matter.
To add on to this, Jack has been a clear mirror for Dean this entire season. Dean’s argument with Sam about them having no choice is an indication of this. Just an episode prior in 15.15, Jack told Cas that the choice wasn’t his whether or not Jack died. So the pair ups in 15.17 aren’t all that surprising. With the episode being titled “Unity,” I think that the four of them will reach an agreement by the end of the episode (I keep mentioning agreements in all of my metas, because I think Chuck/Amara and Sam/Eileen’s agreement had important implications, but alas...), and be unified in a new plan to defeat Chuck. 
As for Dean? I don’t think his ending is going to be expected. He is changing--he won’t be making the same decisions he used to make in earlier seasons. 
I also find it fascinating that they made 15.16 a flashback episode to their past as children. Not only did 15.16 show us Dean being annoyed by sex, ignoring a possible love interest (which we were right as an audience to assume it would be written that way, because it has been so many times before), and how he’s dealing with the prospect of Jack’s death (with all of the imagery of dead children), but it really brought to light how much Dean has changed. 
The most obvious way they showed us this was through this scene with Caitlin (who looks eerily like a young Mary...interesting), who says this:
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Dean: Always am.
Caitlin: You have changed. The old you never would have admitted that.
Dean: Well, I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
Caitlin: I think so. What do they say about getting older? You tell the truth more because lies...they don’t make anything better. (15.16 Drag Me Away (From You)) 
Now, ignoring the fact that Dean has admitted this (in 1.03), we know that the only time he has admitted to being scared before was in relation to Mary. But I think what the writers were going for here was not only to highlight Dean’s recent character growth by admitting to Caitlin that he’s changed, but also the running theme of lying this season. I’ve said it before that Sam has been the only one telling the truth in s15, and I think it’ll eventually come into play during the final episodes. The truth/lies aspect will become a central plot point--I mean, it already is. But I think it’ll factor into how the show will end as a whole, especially with this episode and previous ones alluding to normalcy and the possibility of it for Sam. 
I’m going to finish this here, because I’ve dragged on too long, but some other (destiel) things to note are:
Dean falling to his knees in the hallway as a parallel to falling on his knees in Purgatory, praying to Cas, apologizing.
Dean cutting off Baba Yaga’s fingers, whereas Cas restored a woman’s fingers in 15x15. The pastor telling Cas that people are god’s hands; they lift each other up with each finger. The implications of Dean cutting people off, and Cas bringing people together.
another amazing meta regarding 15.16 and another about dean changing + 15.16
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altagraye · 3 years
The ties that bind series part 1
Part 1: Anger management
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!!!!!T.W.: dean being a hurt asshole to jack, age gap, worried dean, language.
I went to sleep thinking this was the first time in a long time that I was thinking there'd be no hope for Y/N. She's been 'asleep' for 1 year 7 months and 6 days. Damn right I've been counting.
I got pissed at Sammy for letting Jack see his 'sister'. Jack asked me if he could help, bring the dead girl back to life. She's not dead. She's asleep. She has to come back. She has to come back to us. I'm so sick of losing people I love and care about. And with Cas. I can't even tell Y/N about it. I just sit in her room and hold her hand.
I've been practically begging to have her back. I miss how I have to get her things from high places. Like cereal boxes and coffee mugs, because she's pretty much a munchkin around us. All 5 feet of her though, is like a firecracker. She missed her 22nd and 23rd birthday. I got her a cake and I ate some of it for her, blew out the candles, wished for her to come back. Drank some Hennesy for her, got snockered. Even though she's gentle and uses her heart, there's a hunter's fire in those bones. She's an awesome hunter with a heart of gold and an even better friend. There's some part of me that if I met her earlier in life, then she'd be the perfect girl for me. I have a blast hunting with her now, if I'd met her when I was her age, I'd be a smitten kitten. Wishful thinking I guess. I'm terrified of Jack, to be very honest.
There's no telling what he's capable of. And the cherry on top of his bowl of ice cream is that he's half horns and pitchforks?! Sam insists on teaching him better, that evil is taught. I'm not so sure with this. Today Y/N's conditon was getting to me. We didn't have a case yet so it was just Sam, me, and 'Damien 2.0' around the bunker. I stared up from my laptop at Y/N's usual seat next to Sam. I could imagine her sitting there, laughing at a corny joke I'd tell her. Maybe helping with a case, leaning over with her nose in Sam's screen, examining an article with him. The little stuff that's what I miss most. Her smile, I can hardly think of that, 'cus that hurts too much. Jack came back from the back of the library with a stack full of books. Sam told him to read every dusty, dog-eared, boring text in this place at least once.
Jack set the books down with a thud, in her spot. I gave him a look of death. His face innocent and ignorant. Sam returned a knowing smirk. He didn't like how I've been treating Jack, but I can't help it. As far as I'm concerned, everything has gone to Hell in a handbasket, and someone had to be the punching bag.
"Not that seat. Take the one next to it." I told him forcefully, biting back wanting to break out into a bellowing yell. He looked at me confused. Oh this is going to be a difficult day.
"Why? There's nothing wrong with this chair." He asked innocently. That was my final straw for the day.
"Because I said so! It's her chair, get off it. When I tell you to do something, you do it!!" I let the chains unfurl a little bit, just enough to let my anger out. Jack didn't reply, he couldn't look at me really. He took his books and slid them across the wooden table to the next space and sat down.
"Dean?!" Sam interjected, here comes the 'treat him gentle' schpeel. I didn't know what pissed me off more, Jack's idiocy, or my brother's complete ignorance to the situation. He knows what Y/N's condition did to me. Just as he was about to give me the speech of the century my phone rang, the caller ID read Jody. Yes! Saved by the bell, and a possible case. I answered it, Sammy tilted his head noticing he missed his chance to talk to me about Jack and my behavior. I put it on speaker phone so that Sam could hear too.
"Hey, what's up Jody? You're all ears. How're the girls?" I greeted her with some half-fabricated pep in my voice. I has been a while since we've heard from her. Usually if she called us, the case was especially difficult. She didn't like taking help from anyone if she could handle it herself.
"Dean! Uh, the girls are fine. Listen, we've got a Jane Doe at Sioux Falls General this morning. She matches your bolo. She has snake tattoos on her arms right? And umm torches on her wrists right? H/C hair, 100 pounds soaking wet? Does that sound like her?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yeah, that has to be Y/N. But how is that even possible? She's been asleep in her room for more than a year. I visit her at least three times a day. I rose from my chair, my heart racing and thumping against my chest. Please be her. The wooden legs of my chair scraped against the floor with a cringing sound.
"Jody? Are you one-hundred percent sure? If this is some joke it is not funny. I'm going to her room now." My breath started to hitch. Sam noticed my urgency and followed, Jack on his tail. I reached her door and opened it. There was no one in the bed.
"Holy shit. She's not here. But how?! Fuck it, it doesn't matter how. But why is she in the hospital? Jody? Is she alright?!" My mind was racing. Sam and Jack got closer to me, listening in to Jody, the phone still on speaker mode.
"That's why I called. Dean, Sam. She was attacked." Jody's voice cracked at the word attacked.
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queen-bunnyears · 4 years
Chapter Two - Christmas Eve
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader, Tom Holland x Reader (not at the same time)
Summary: Every year with Christmas Tom, his brothers, some friends and you rented a house in Scotland to celebrate the holidays and New Years Eve with a lot of friends. Last year’s christmas you and Harrison had something special going on, and this year he brings his new girlfriend. Chaos ensues.
Am I ignoring corona christmas lockdown in this fic? You bet your ass I am.
Am I posting three chapters in one night cus I forgot to post the first two? Yes ma’am I am. 
Wordcount: 1,6k
Warnings: consuming of alcohol, probs some swearing.
Chapter one - Chapter three
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24 December 2020
Your car looked lonely in the empty parking space next to the cottage. You and Tom were early to make the house ready for everyone. Decorating the house with Tom and Harrison was tradition, but Harrison couldn't make it in time so it was just the two of you. You took boxes with lights, food and drinks from your trunk. The whole car was stuffed to the ceiling with enough food and drinks for everyone who was coming, about 10 friends. 
"Hey dreamy! Could you get those light strings? If you hang them around the porch I‘ll take the beer crates inside," Tom said, waving his hand in front of your face. You laughed and got to hanging strings of small lights around the porch and fence. When you were done the whole garden lit up. In the meantime Tom had emptied your car. You walked into the house. The christmas tree wasn't decorated yet, but the house already looked cosier than before. Tom walked in, two beers in his hands. 
"A beer while decorating?"
"Let's first pick rooms. Is that okay? I want to have a good room if I am gonna be the only single lady this week," you laughed, taking the beer from his hands, "but I won't say no to beer,"
You raced Tom up the stairs, going left and opening a door. You threw your bag on the bed and sat down on it, taking a sip of your beer. 
"Okay you won," he laughed. The room you had claimed was the prettiest of all rooms in the house. It had an ensuite bathroom, and a balcony. A large queen sized bed made the dream complete. Most other rooms were half the size of this one, so you were always fixed on claiming it as soon as you arrived. Tom and Harrison usually shared the other master room next to yours, with two single beds, so Tom wasn’t really upset you beat him. He threw his bag in the room next door and raced you down the stairs again.
Decorating time had started, and you knew you were going to be putting up lights and christmas decorations for hours. All I want for Christmas came on, you started singing along, hearing Tom bring in the ladder and scream from the top of his lungs, singing the song you had heard four times in the car already. Nothing could beat christmas.
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“Sam!” you hugged Sam tightly. You and Sam were close every year at christmas. Your shared love for cooking got you spending hours in the kitchen together, making two excessive dinners for the actual christmas days, but also making lots of snacks and often cooking supper for everyone. You had met over coffee a week ago just for planning meals and groceries. 
“Y/n! So good to see you. How are you?” he asked. You chatted lightly, helping him and his girlfriend put their stuff in one of the empty rooms. By five Sam, Tuwaine and Jacob had arrived, only Harrison and Harry hadn’t yet. Everyone was in their bedroom, unpacking their bags. You walked to your car to grab your pillow you had left in the car, when you saw Harrison standing next to his car. 
“Hey Haz, “ you said, waving with your pillow in your hands. 
“Hey,” he said. Damn he looked good. His hair had grown a bit since you saw him last time, half a year ago. It looked more like last Christmas. 
“I should go back inside, see you later,” you said awkwardly, and turned around hurrying back into the cottage. 
"Oh, this room is pretty!" You looked up over the bag you were unpacking and saw a pretty woman standing next to the door.  "I see it's taken. I'm sorry,”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. There has to be an empty room left. You are Harry's girl right?”
‘No Harrison”s girlfriend actually,’ she smiled.  “Lily,” she extended her hand for you to shake, “you must be Y/n. Hazzi told me so much about you!”
“Oh, did he?” you said, shaking her hand, “I suppose only the bad parts. Please tell me everything he said during dinner,” 
“Oh I will! He spoke in detail about your talents for cooking,” you laughed. When she left you sat down on your bed, trying to oppress your laughter. How did he find her? You had never met someone who looked so subtly like you. The haircut, colour, her eye color, body shape… Yet there was something quite different about her. You remembered her calling Haz Hazzi, and you smiled. You were never gonna let him live that down. 
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“Hey, so Haz brought his girlfriend,” you looked up to see Tom standing in your door, his pillow in his hands. 
“Yeah I just met her. So you came here to fix the bed situation?”
“Well Haz proposed swapping rooms, you and me sharing the double and them getting this one,”
“He can kiss my ass. No way I am giving up the private bathroom and balcony for his unprepared ass,” you muttered. Harrison wasn’t going to take your room, you weren’t gonna let that happen.  
“I thought so. So can you share your queen bed with me? I really don’t feel like sharing a room with them,” Tom said, already throwing his pillow your way.
“Sure,” you looked at your massive bed, “I think there is enough room for both of us.”
“What did you think of her?” Tom let himself fall onto the bed, sat up and patted the spot next to him. You sat down.
“Really Tom, I am fine,” 
“Okay, if you’re not you’ll tell me right?” he asked, eyes studying your face.
“Yeah Tom, I will. The only thing is,-” you hesitated, and Tom nudged you to keep talking, “Is it just me or does she look a bit like, well… Me?” Tom laughed a bit. 
“Yeah I thought so too. I guess Haz has a type,” you laughed too, giving him a hug. 
“Go get your bags, before I have taken up the entire closet,” you said. You were happy he was moving into your room. It was less lonely, and wasn’t that what Christmas was all about?
“Actually, I gotta do a last grocery run. Sam wanted a specific spice he hadn’t put on the list,” Tom said, making a funny face. 
“And you just go get it?” you rolled your eyes, “Well you do you,”
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“Hey Y/n” 
“Jeez, should I put a non disturb sign on the door?” you muttered, looking up to see Harrison. ‘How are you doing Haz?” 
‘Uhm yeah,” he hesitated, “Great. How are you? How’s the bathtub?” 
“It’s lovely,” you rolled your eyes, “Tell me, you didn’t actually think I would swap rooms with you did you?” 
“No not really. I’ve known you for long enough to know you won’t give up your room because someone else was unprepared or unannounced,” he laughed. You smiled, glad it wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. 
“Well I just value my bathtime,” flashes of him fingering you in the bathtub last year flew through your mind, but you tried to ignore it. He hadn’t changed much since last year, but that was probably just the outside. 
“Have you met Lily?” 
“Yeah I have. She seems really sweet Haz,” you said honestly. “I am happy for you both.” 
“Thanks. I was afraid it was gonna be awkward between us you know,” he said. 
“Yeah me too. But it’ll be fine. See you later,” you hesitated, but then added teasingly, “Hazzi,”
“God isn’t that embarrassing. A terrible nickname, but she really likes it,” he laughed. 
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You didn’t exactly know how many glasses you had of Harry’s “Christmas eve special”, but you knew you were drunk. It was one A.M., and you and Tom had been singing “Lonely this Christmas” from the top of your lungs, dancing around together, nearly knocking over the Christmas tree. Most were already to bed, but Harrison, Harry, Tom and you were still up. You broke yourself free from under Tom’s arm, heading towards the bathroom. You felt a hand on your arm and tried to shake it off. 
“Y/n,” were you mistaken or did Haz look completely sober? You apparently said that out loud, because he laughed. “Yeah I haven’t drank anything love,” You stepped back. 
“You don’t get to call me that anymore Haz,” you said, stumbling towards the hallway. “Go to Lily,”
“I just wanted to say that you look good,” you weren’t sure if you heard him right. Your head was slightly spinning, and somewhere in your mind you registered Harry asking if you wanted one last drink.
“What?” Your eyes half closed, you tried to focus on what Harrison said. 
“You look good Y/n. Happy, I mean,” 
“Okay. I am,” he kept his hand on your arm and you really needed him to let you go. You needed to pee. You wanted to have fun, not have Harrison make you sad. “I gotta go.” you said, shaking his hand off. 
When you finally sat down on the toilet you held your head in your hands. Being drunk around Harrison appeared to be a bad idea. When you made your way back to the living room he was gone. Only Tom and Harry were there, together on the couch watching The Grinch. Tom looked up when you came in and gestured beside him on the couch. You dropped your body down and took another sip of your drink. Stupid Harrison. 
Chapter three
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
first, paul and rainer autistic so real. second, im curious about what your interpretation of belle n rainers relationship is!
1. SO glad we’re all in agreement about this, Listen they just are, ist just, its just in the way that they are, it has to be,
2. THIS Might get long and is literally completely made up like i dont have ANY textual evidence for it. So bear with me here and understand that this is just my brain synthesizign things out of nothing.
As i briefly discussed in my last ask, i think rainer was belle’s babysitter or at least had some other reason to be around her Quite A Lot. We know that they know eachother pretty damn well - rainer is like, cued in to the exact shit shes insecure about and appears to be trying to rile her up as much as humanly possible in the notes he leaves on her copy of the game, and its clear they had some...uncharacteristically philosophical discussions. so i think they were pretty close and that belle trusted him quite a lot when she was a kid (even though if he was her babysitter he probably did a shitty job. see the below picture)
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Considering i think belle was a survivor even prior to being part of the leskowitz-hammond-mark family , i think its rare and unusual for her to trust older people, so the faith she put in rainer to confide in him things like the fact that she feels insecure about not being a biological member of the family is probably quite a lot. And i think for rainer to remember things like that and truly like, consider her opinions on things like rebirthing, he probably had quite a bit of faith in her as well. to sum it up i think they were close, and that it was a relationship that kind of started to fill the void that mike’s absence had left in rainer -- until the whole rebirthing debacle.
That being said i also think belle would be a menace to babysit and that rainer probably had to physically stop her from setting fires in his mothers house and like, deconstructing peoples alarm clocks for fun and shit. Its a relationship like “you are so annoying and stupid i will protect you and i want you to have a happy life.”
obviously belle was no longer able to trust him after realizing that rebirthing is actually A Bad Idea and you cant overwrite yourself to create a new person and shed all your trauma, so i think its likely there was a lot of bitterness between them towards the end of rainers life. Rainer probably couldnt understand why she didnt want to finish, and she probably ended up feeling scared of him and betrayed by him for trying to perform a ritual that was ultimately harmful, even if he thought it would make life better for her.
i dont think thats a rift that would be able to heal, and i think that in the present day during the course of the actual webseries, she harbors a lot of resentment and hatred towards him for taking advantage of her trust like that (another reason why she probably wants to keep petscop a secret from her brother.) this would, of course, be exacerbated by the notes that he left on her game.
...but i really think he was trying to piss her off on purpose with those notes, they’re so intentionally comically cruel that i’m sure he either wrote them directly after she quit, when he had completely no understanding of why she wouldnt want to finish and was frustrated and hurt by her backing out...or that he wrote them closer to the time he died, with the knowledge that he would kill himself, in an attempt to make sure that she wouldnt think fondly of him after he was gone. Pain so much pain.
THATS really all there is to be said about it, thank you so much for taking the time to send an ask, its super cool because i love your petscop content and im glad you’re interested in mine ^-^ / Here’s a comic i made about it that i think is very funny
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