#the tenth time satoru watched over her: she tried to eat a bug and then told me all the gossips at her kindergarten;;
visionkept · 9 months
headcanon question incoming! personality-wise, who do you think tama took more after? her dad or birth mom? :o
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The answer is ; NEITHER ! Tomoya's an EXTROVERT ( obviously ) and considering that Tama's birth "mom" would have been a random hook up in one of the noisy college parties they attended, it's easy to assume that she would have been an extrovert as well.
Meanwhile Tama could be described as an INTROVERT ! Yes, she has a fierce and chaotic side like Tomo but it only comes out to those she trusts ( aka. mainly her papa and Chi ). Tama is a very quiet girl, keeping her thoughts to herself and preferring to step back and analyze the situation rather than act and talk. If somehow you win her favour, you'll be able to see her coming out of her shell to tell you about her favorite things, displaying her most active and self indulgent side. You could say that part of hers does take after Tomoya.
Do not let her shy demeanor trick you, this little girl is not dumb nor oblivious, the other way around, she takes notice of every detail and if needed, she will use them against you. Beyond that polite and kind face there's a girl that can bite, hiss and scratch like a cat.
Tama is a wild card, you think she'll be the most collected and well behaved four years old kiddo yet the second she gets enough trust, she's becoming a storm full of SURPRISES ! ( Those 'surprises' do include randomly wanting to eat bugs, biting, rambling about shows, roaring as if she was a dinosaur and so much more ).
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