#the tales of gg and bb
yuumasart · 10 months
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Shell-matching game, Unknown Japanese, 19th century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
43 pairs of painted white shells; (a-b): two men face to face behind small green slope; (c-d): green hill at L, water body at R, and blue and red flowers between; (e-f): male figure in white and red clothing, seated inside building and addressing two men outside beyond verandah; (g-h): rolled scroll with red cover at L, wooden stand at C, and semi-unrolled scroll LR; (i-j): two men sitting on ground; man at L in red, facing man in dark green at R; (k-l): two men sitting on ground out of doors; man at L in red is seated near a green hill; man at R is kneeling in front of a building wall; (m-n): green slope with white flowers growing at L, red flowers leaning at R; (o-p): green slope at L, with black lacquered container (?) with gold moon and grasses at R; round object near C; red plaid cloth at UR; (q-r): man at L in red seated on ground behind brown grasses; man in blue looks on at UR; (s-t): hatchet on log at C, against green band; red plaid cloth at UR; (u-v): green slope with several white flowers at L, and large spray of red flowers at R; (w-x): green hill with small bunch of red flowers at L; larger spray of blue flowers at R; (y-z) two birds perched on hill between two branches of white flowering tree; grasses overlapping a strip of red horizon in background; (aa-bb): black hat on grassy slope at L; black cap with tail at R; red plaid cloth at UR; (cc-dd): female figure seated in profile on verandah at R; two figures facing each other on either side of low wall at L; (ee-ff): cluster of brown grasses at L; water at R; spray of blue and red flowers on top; (gg-hh): green slope lined with red flowers at L, white flowers with red centers at R; (ii-jj): green hill with large spray of off-white and red flowers on R slope; red blanket at UR; (kk-ll): two tiger-striped pouches with blue, black, and red decoration; red tassels and ties; (mm-nn): orange tiger lilies on L side of grassy knoll; arching silver lines in background; leaning spray of red and silver flowers that resemble fans at R; (oo-pp): man in red on v These hand-painted seashells are parts of the popular game known as kai-awase, or the “shell-matching game.” Pairs of shells are decorated on their insides with the same scene from the Tale of Genji As in Memory and other matching games, the point was to try to match shells with similar scenes. Players could enjoy the fun of the game itself, and were also entertained by the images that reminded them of the Tale’s twists and turns or of a famous poem recited by one of the characters. Size: 1 × 3 1/4 × 2 1/2 in. (2.54 × 8.26 × 6.35 cm) (each shell, approx.) Medium: Gold, color, and shell white pigment on paper on oyster shells
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monimolimnion · 3 years
20 first lines tag
tagged by my beloved writing buddy @clarionglass thanks bb!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 other authors!
1. yarrow (unreleased) uh oh spoilers this is an unreleased franmaya fic from just this week. writing is going well, so it should be up Soon™
“Maya Fey is dreaming.”
2. look through you post-AAI1 fic i wrote last month!
“It’s way, way too late, and all is quiet.”
3. Kindred the big kahuna. My longform fic about Miles Edgeworth adopting a dog and all the shenengains therein (also narumitsu). I swear I’m coming back to you Pess... soon... T-T
“Phoenix. I’ve adopted a dog.”
4. sandglass (handle with care) a narumitsu fic where i burdened miles edgeworth with all my touch-starvation
“2:49 A.M. Miles knows the time precisely because he is awake, unfortunately, and staring at the alarm clock, situated just so on the bedside table because Phoenix still refuses to purchase a phone made in this century with a working alarm system.”
(i know that’s two lines sue me)
5. Miles Away baby’s first AA fic! i’m still so very fond of this one
“Phoenix can’t sleep.”
6. Tales of Dŵrwedd It’s a novel, baybee! This here is the book I wrote about my Witcher OC, Wynne, and how she met her later girlfriend Aurelie. 66k words. Writing this baby got me through quarantine and then some
“Ah, Novigrad. Sunset has the city all in silhouette, vivid orange and pink throwing the city into dramatic shadows, as I cluck to the grey mare beneath me and we pass underneath Oxenfurt Gate, turning north towards Temple Isle.”
7. Featherlight long-abandoned game grumps orchestra!AU
“When people complimented the beauty of a musician, it was always about their grace and poise, how they made something infinitely complex look as effortless and serene as a swan ghosting across water.”
8. Go Slow the first and last time i ever wrote smut. 
“It all started the day Arin broke the internet.”
9. hit me with your rhythm stick just a GG drabble because i liked the song
“It’s Between Grumps, and they’ve eaten just slightly more sugar than is healthy. “
10. Stay another GG drabble
“It’s the shaking he notices first.”
11. Undertow first fic I ever published! GG soulmate AU
“Sometimes he catches himself admiring the way the tattoos intermingle on her shoulder, the mandala fading as it curves around the the familiar little pattern of bubbles that hide in the crook of her scarab's wing.”
That’s it for fic stuff. How about we do first lines of games I’ve released next?
12. When Aster Falls rohan and aster my beloveds
"Listen, you’re never going to believe any of this, but hear me out, okay?"
13. Were|House we released this last year for Halloween!! ft a stellar crew of amazing peeps including @clarionglass who tagged me in this in the first place lol
"I bet Halloween this year is gonna suck."
14. DemiDato: Monster Dating Show (Demo) Full game isn’t out yet, and was also co-written with two amazing friends anyway, so here’s the first line of the demo instead. leaving in the funky renpy code for authenticity
"Are we live? {w} We’re live? {w} Okay!"
Okay I’m out of stuff without going back into old roleplay and nobody needs to see that (remember circus!AU, clari?). I don’t really have a lot of WIPs because of How My Brain Is (and those that actually are abandoned are mostly brainstorming only).
Any patterns? I used to struggle a LOT with coming up with good first lines, and I notice as I’ve gotten older I’ve leaned hard into short, snappy, very in-media-res-y openings, instead of longer sentences. That, or dialogue, which works the same. Do I like it? Dunno, honestly, but that’s where I’m at.
Picking yarrow as my favourite opener even though it’s tied-shortest because it’s the newest shiniest baby, and the scene it leads into is killer and i’m very proud of it
Tags! gonna tag @pringlesaremydivision, all the discord gremlins who i know actually write things @spaghettiandpeas @daddywright @rainphee (and all the other gremlins if they want)
aand anyone else who sees this consider yourself tagged by me, if you want!
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vampyrekat · 6 years
oh my god yes for glenya on that last post about good girl/bad guy ships????? bc anya totally makes gleb want to be better than the role he’s in. he never knew why his life didn’t quite fit right and anya comes along and just personifies what could change for the better. she’s an utter rejection of everything he’s been raised to think was good- she’s irreverent, brave, proud, and hot headed. not to mention a total snack. and anya herself, well, she just has a thing for a guy in uniform.
[in reference to this post by @qqueenofhades who’s opinions and fic-writing I admire greatly.]
The good girl/bad boy character dynamic is truly a tale as old as time, and like qqueenofhades said, it’s hard to get right, but when it’s right it’s very right. Gleb’s on the lighter end of the spectrum for these ships, but the elements show up anyway, and it’s so interesting. Though I disagree with the idea that Anya’s just into the uniform - in fact I’d say she’s very not into the uniform - but I’ll get to that in a minute.
Something mentioned that very much applies to glenya is that Anya never asks or tells Gleb to change; he does it all on his own. She’s his catalyst, true, and what pushes him from someone who’s questioning his place in the new order (the “sword and shield of the revolution”) to someone who completely rejects it (”not [his] father’s son after all”), but she doesn’t force him. She doesn’t try to. The closest she comes to actually telling him to change is challenging him to put himself in her shoes in the confrontation, when - as is obvious to the audience - he’s already unable to go through with hurting her. This final defiance is simply yet another nail in the coffin, but Gleb’s already changed by that point.
Another great point qqueenofhades brought up: that these ships can’t ever cross a boundary that has to be handwaved because ~Romance~, which a lot of these types of ship do. Gleb doesn’t cross those lines; he’s aware of their positions and never even tells her he cares about her, despite reworking his entire identity because of her. I love a subtle jealousy plot as much as the next woman but there is no “but she should be with me!” to any of Gleb’s lines. It’s all genuine concern for Anya’s well-being mixed in with a well-meaning crush, even if Gleb is truly crap at communicating that.
(One interesting thing to me is that Gleb is a lot more subtle in how he expresses things than Anya is. Max von Essen annotated his script on the line “They would kill you without hesitation” by underlining “they” and pointing out that Gleb doesn’t say “I” there; he’s not telling her what he’ll do, just what will naturally happen as a consequence of her actions. It’s an interesting nuance to have picked up on, and makes their interactions more interesting, because Anya wouldn’t know subtlety if it bought her dinner.)
And everything you said is correct, though I think something I adore about the dynamic that isn’t talked about enough is that Anya is not only the antithesis of his worldview but also the epitome of it. Gleb believes in a future for Russia that’s filled with people like this determined, hard-working street sweeper, and he’s absolutely not wrong about her having those traits, it’s just that she is also the symbol of the old Russia by birth and those two things can coexist, as he learns. Speaking of learning….
[The ship] has to stimulate real and compelling character growth on both their parts. The GG learns that the world is more complicated than simple Good and Evil and that people can do things for a variety of objectively noble reasons but with bad methods. The BB, of course, has to have a come to Jesus moment and substantially atone for his past shit.
Like, exactly. Just, exactly. This isn’t so much in canon but in the subtext and potential, but Anya’s a terribly naive character when it comes to consequences and big-picture thinking. Gleb pushes her to realize that her actions have consequences beyond herself and even for herself, and Anya pushes him to realize that not everything can be heroes triumphant and villains slaughtered. He has to realize that his father and, by extension, his entire worldview were incorrect, and he does. They both push each other to move beyond their old childhood selves and view the world as a messy, complex thing, and it’s so interesting to watch characters do that, and that’s why I think so many of us got attached. Like qqueenofhades said,
…most people don’t read/watch fiction for bleak, hopeless, cynical narratives where everyone dies and evil wins and nobody is possible/capable of change. We like fiction because it explores these ideas in encapsulated arcs with themes and tropes and recognizable points of development, and we like it to have a fulfilling or at least somewhat happy ending. We want to see characters move along a spectrum to become better people, and to feel represented in that struggle.
As for Anya, why wouldn’t she like someone who’s open and honest and changes his opinions based on her actions? Someone who tells her the simple truth and doesn’t play games or hold it over her head? Yes, the situation surrounding it all is complex, and that’s why she isn’t interested at first - but especially as she grows more confident in who she is and he grows more shaken, there’s a sense of mutual respect and almost kindred spirits there. Especially when they’re parting, because so much goes unsaid and yet understood. She’d be intrigued by it, at the very least.
[GG/BB ships] transfer the power and agency to the woman, enable substantial character development for the man in a way that real-life men are unfortunately almost never pushed to do, and are a subversion of the still-prevalent idea that controlling someone’s life is any kind of expression of real or functional adult love.Maybe the BB tries (characters are human and flawed, they should be allowed to make mistakes) and the GG shoots that shit down super quick…
I’m … not sure I need to say much more about that quote. I think it speaks for itself in regards to Anastasia. Gleb listens and knows he can’t control her, and for a character that’s playing into Galatea tropes as hard as Anya, that’s good and healthy for her. He tries to control her actions, and she proceeds to do exactly what she was planning anyway, and he finds himself unable to even carry out the consequences he warned her about. As qqueenofhades said, it’s a bit of a power-inversion too; a tiny street-sweeper-turned-princess completely undoes the officer and has him crying on his knees while she stands there, confident in her identity and self, completely flipped from their first meeting? It’s a powerful image and a powerful dynamic.
So, in summary, they’re both total snacks with emotional depth who push each other to develop and rethink their worldviews. They both make the other person reassess things they’ve always thought, and as Gleb revises his past and Anya realizes her simple dream to have a family is going to have collateral damage, there’s a lot of potential for them to connect and relate to each other while adding depth.
And that’s why we’re all in shipper hell.
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seo1code-blog · 7 years
What is a valid #Hreflang ?
What is a valid Hreflang?
Sometimes users of our Hreflang testing tool see an error like this and get baffled:
Invalid hreflang (en_US) found in HTML.
Why is en_US incorrect? Because the correct way to write a language code is with dashes, not underscores. The correct value is en-US.
What are valid values for Hreflang?
A valid hreflang can be specified as:
A 2-character language code (e.g. “en“), or
a combination of language and region code (e.g. “en-US“), or
a combination of language and script code (e.g. “sr-Cyrl” or “sr-Latn“), or
a combination of language, script and region codes (e.g. “sr-hu-Latn“)
A special value of “x-default”, used for country/language selectors and redirector pages. These pages are not specific to any language/locale. Users either choose their language/country (e.g. from a map or dropdown box), or the website uses the IP address of the visitor to this page and automatically redirects them to the page that is appropriate for them.
Examples of invalid Hreflang
Here are some examples of invalid language codes found recently by the online testing tool. See if you can figure out why these codes are incorrect:
en_US: Underscore used instead of hyphen
en-en: The second “en” is incorrect because “en” is not a valid region code.
en-UK: “uk” is not a valid region code. Use “en-GB”.
us-en: The order is inverted. It should be “en-US”.
ua: ua is not a language code. It is a region code. So it is incorrect to use it by itself, i.e. without a language code.
cmn-CN: The country code for China is correct (this page was in Chinese and the URL was a .cn URL. The language code is incorrect.
Valid Codes for Reference
Valid Language Codes (2-character ISO-639-1 Codes)
A list of valid 2-character language codes is as follows (the format is ISO 639-1): aa, ab, ae, af, ak, am, an, ar, as, av, ay, az, ba, be, bg, bh, bi, bm, bn, bo, br, bs, ca, ce, ch, co, cr, cs, cu, cv, cy, da, de, dv, dz, ee, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, ff, fi, fj, fo, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, gn, gu, gv, ha, he, hi, ho, hr, ht, hu, hy, hz, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, io, is, it, iu, ja, jv, ka, kg, ki, kj, kk, kl, km, kn, ko, kr, ks, ku, kv, kw, ky, la, lb, lg, li, ln, lo, lt, lu, lv, mg, mh, mi, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, mt, my, na, nb, nd, ne, ng, nl, nn, no, nr, nv, ny, oc, oj, om, or, os, pa, pi, pl, ps, pt, qu, rm, rn, ro, ru, rw, sa, sc, sd, se, sg, si, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sq, sr, ss, st, su, sv, sw, ta, te, tg, th, ti, tk, tl, tn, to, tr, ts, tt, tw, ty, ug, uk, ur, uz, ve, vi, vo, wa, wo, xh, yi, yo, za, zh, zu
Valid Region Codes (2-character ISO-3166-1 Codes)
And here are all the valid region codes (ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format; note that the code for the United Kingdom is “GB”, not “UK”): AD, AE, AF, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AQ, AR, AS, AT, AU, AW, AX, AZ, BA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BL, BM, BN, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BT, BV, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CC, CD, CF, CG, CH, CI, CK, CL, CM, CN, CO, CR, CU, CV, CW, CX, CY, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, EH, ER, ES, ET, FI, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GI, GL, GM, GN, GP, GQ, GR, GS, GT, GU, GW, GY, HK, HM, HN, HR, HT, HU, ID, IE, IL, IM, IN, IO, IQ, IR, IS, IT, JE, JM, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KP, KR, KW, KY, KZ, LA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MK, ML, MM, MN, MO, MP, MQ, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NC, NE, NF, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NU, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PF, PG, PH, PK, PL, PM, PN, PR, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, RE, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SG, SH, SI, SJ, SK, SL, SM, SN, SO, SR, SS, ST, SV, SX, SY, SZ, TC, TD, TF, TG, TH, TJ, TK, TL, TM, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, UG, UM, US, UY, UZ, VA, VC, VE, VG, VI, VN, VU, WF, WS, YE, YT, ZA, ZM, ZW
Valid Script Codes (4-character ISO 15924 Codes)
All valid script codes are as follows (the format is ISO 15924): Adlm, Afak, Aghb, Ahom, Arab, Aran, Armi, Armn, Avst, Bali, Bamu, Bass, Batk, Beng, Bhks, Blis, Bopo, Brah, Brai, Bugi, Buhd, Cakm, Cans, Cari, Cham, Cher, Cirt, Copt, Cprt, Cyrl, Cyrs, Deva, Dsrt, Dupl, Egyd, Egyh, Egyp, Elba, Ethi, Geok, Geor, Glag, Goth, Gran, Grek, Gujr, Guru, Hang, Hani, Hano, Hans, Hant, Hatr, Hebr, Hira, Hluw, Hmng, Hrkt, Hung, Inds, Ital, Java, Jpan, Jurc, Kali, Kana, Khar, Khmr, Khoj, Kitl, Kits, Knda, Kore, Kpel, Kthi, Lana, Laoo, Latf, Latg, Latn, Leke, Lepc, Limb, Lina, Linb, Lisu, Loma, Lyci, Lydi, Mahj, Mand, Mani, Marc, Maya, Mend, Merc, Mero, Mlym, Modi, Mong, Moon, Mroo, Mtei, Mult, Mymr, Narb, Nbat, Nkgb, Nkoo, Nshu, Ogam, Olck, Orkh, Orya, Osge, Osma, Palm, Pauc, Perm, Phag, Phli, Phlp, Phlv, Phnx, Plrd, Prti, Rjng, Roro, Runr, Samr, Sara, Sarb, Saur, Sgnw, Shaw, Shrd, Sidd, Sind, Sinh, Sora, Sund, Sylo, Syrc, Syre, Syrj, Syrn, Tagb, Takr, Tale, Talu, Taml, Tang, Tavt, Telu, Teng, Tfng, Tglg, Thaa, Thai, Tibt, Tirh, Ugar, Vaii, Visp, Wara, Wole, Xpeo, Xsux, Yiii
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gear-project · 7 years
I am a KOF fan and I am capitated by arc systems stories as they seem to be heavily scientific. What are your thoughts about Blazblue and Guilty Gear science story lines as compared to other fighting games.
I said this before but ARC System Works games originated in the "Visual Novel" spectrum of video game genres, similar to the likes of Nasu's FATE/Stay-Night series or the Tsukihime spin-off "Melty Blood".  They are close kin to Doujin circle games, so they prioritize on a mix of story and game content.
Fighting Games actually have a "family tree" of sorts that can be traced all the way back to SEGA's Heavyweight Champ, Technos Japan's Karate Champ, and Konami's Yie Air Kung Fu.  The latter two would set the template for Street Fighter and Street Fighter II, while SFII would go on to inspire Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury: King of Fighters.  It was Fatal Fury that started the trend of storytelling fighters in earnest, similar to Final Fight, Streets of Rage, and Double Dragon.
Around 1993, Samurai Showdown was released, and as far as I'm aware the Samurai Spirits series is the grand-daddy of all weapon-based fighting games.  It's around this time that "fist fighters" and "sword fighters" began to diverge.
You could say that the likes of Soul Edge (1995, later Soul Calibur), Darkstalkers (1994), Samurai Spirits, Red Earth (1996), and Last Blade (1997) all contributed to the creative "primordial soup" that would evolve in to what we now enjoy as Guilty Gear and BlazBlue.
GG and BB would both go on to inspire and influence games like Skullgirls, Arcana Heart, Under Night In-Birth, and even Marvel vs Capcom 3 (X-Factor has Roman Cancels to thank for its functionality)!
As far as storytelling complexity goes, GG and BB also borrow Western game influences, like Mortal Kombat 9, and the Injustice Series.
But if there's two key factors that really exist at the heart of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, it's the History and Culture of Japan itself.
Guilty Gear literally begins its history with World War II and the Atomic Bomb.  I'd say the fear of Nuclear War lies at the very heart of GG's story, whether the Nuke is a forbidden technology or a "living person".  Japan as a Nation had its very pride and people destroyed by Nuclear Weapons, so this foundation is particularly poignant to express, and lets the rest of us nations know the "fear" that Nagasaki and Hiroshima felt, by expressing it in the form of GEARS.
BlazBlue,  meanwhile, explores the realms of Japan's idea of "Divinity".  The deconstruction of Deus Ex Machina (God "inside" the Machine) and its impact on Humanity.  What happens when God's Will and Purpose get twisted and manipulated?  What happens when Humans reach out to surpass God?  What happens when God becomes Mankind's enemy?  These are all addressed in colorful Shinto (and Science Fiction) tradition.  The three "regalia" of Japan's greatest treasures and stories are creatively reinterpreted in the Tales of the Azure.  Japan's very ancient culture revisited and retold.
If there are "comparisons" to either of these stories, they are few and far between.  Like Isaac Asimov meeting Gandhi, or Jimmi Hendrix meeting Bella Lugosi.
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powerbuildingitalia · 6 years
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Da 85 ad 81,5 Kg. Da Bulk aggressivo a cut moderato. Forza aumentata o rimasta invariata a seconda delle alzate. . . 1️⃣ 2 mesi, deficit 500 kcal al gg circa. Carbo medio-alti, fat medio bassi, pro 2,2g x Kg circa. 2️⃣ Allenamento Full Body in Multifrequenza a medio basso volume ed alta intensità (carico!). . . 3️⃣ Zero cardio o quasi. . . ⚠️ Molto lontano dai canoni di bellezza Instagram/Facebook/Spiaggia. . . ✔️ Molto vicino ad una condizione tale da farmi sentire alla grande con me stesso a livello estetico e forte abbastanza da sentirmi atleta vero. . . ⚔️ Ora una settimana di Diet Break per dare tregua, e si riparte con un secondo breve cut moderato. P.S. Tutti sereni, non ho gare di Bb né di PL in vista. #powerbuilding #teamnoguantini #dietasana #allenamento #alimentazionesana #alimentazione #diet #trasformazione #thursdaytransformation #fisico #forza #massamuscolare — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2s728uB
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gear-project · 7 years
Honestly, i kind of want to see it took Tekken route for GG. Like it shifts from Kazuya to Jin. Sol's arc would end. It would end up with new charas for the newer one(Sin or whoever it's gonna be). As much as i wanted to see Daisuke creating new story...he seems like ZUN, he wanted to create something that he personally himself enjoy even if the fans are leaving him.
What you have to understand is that his original vision for the game had to be rewritten to suit the format, several times over he's had to do this.
Ideas can sound great on paper, but execution is not so easy.
From about 1996-97 he had the idea for this as a fighting game, but it didn't take shape until 1998 and was limited by the technology at the time.  If I had to describe his original vision to what it actually became, it'd be like comparing "Beastorizer" (the original Bloody Roar), "Power Stone", and just a hint of "Soul Calibur" with the first Darkstalkers Vampire game.
Truthfully, if you mashed up those titles together (even Darkstalkers, which was their rival), the essential idea would have been a more 3D Guilty Gear, with an RPG-like item system to go with the combat.  Actually the Tobal games and Ehrgeiz captured the essence of that idea sometime later.
Anyway, for better or worse GG was born on PlayStation instead of Dreamcast, and while they tried to stick with Dreamcast NAOMI hardware for much of the GGX Series, again, Daisuke Ishiwatari's vision for the games was stunted by the Hardware.
Daisuke tried to expand his ideas in GG Isuka, Dust Strikers, and even GG2 Overture, but Fan expectation "trapped" him by this point.
Most of the tale had to be told as a Visual Novel to compensate the limitations of Fighting Games as a medium, even things like rivalry clash intros had to be scrapped in the Xrd games because of how difficult it is to storyboard a 3D battle sequence in a 2D perspective 3D fighting game with time constraints, instead we cope with "talking head syndrome" and "moonwalking animation", to say nothing of clipping and other unusual animation sequences that "cheat" to function. (Watch Sol's Victory animation and tell me how is he flipping his sword to his shoulder without rotating his sword or wrist?)
Technical issues can be shoved in the corner for so long before people notice the limitations, of course most games are plagued with imperfections, but the greatest "blot" a game will ever have is the inability to capture the true vision of its creator.
Xrd and Revelator are still far FAR from what Daisuke envisioned, but as they continue to develop more and more games, they will learn better techniques and apply them to future games, long after GG is over.  
Even if DBFZ ends up with sequels that eclipse GG and BB in number, know that they are learning with every step they take.
And maybe, just maybe, they'll be one or two steps closer to that vision!
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