#the sun and moon show Moon
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tsams-and-co-memes · 2 days ago
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If you see any typos here, no you don't
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jay-berries · 1 year ago
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dumping my Moon doodles onto you guys-
Can you tell I'm sad over new Moon not using magic? Can you?????
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peachyfnaf · 8 months ago
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nnnnnormally i'd put art fight attacks directly in people's inbox's, but i'm proud of this one sooooo @polaris-stuff, hiiii <3<3 nice solar (and moon) designs ya got there dfjhsfdsd
i miss them guys. i miss them a Lot ;w;
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mrspinkloveheart · 2 months ago
I wish I could’ve held you more…
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tsamsheadcanons · 2 months ago
Random hcs for the celestial twinssss-
• Sun and Moon occasionally accidentally coordinate outfits/gifts. Birthdays/Activationdays? They both get each other some kind of gag gift that somehow Works With The Other's. Sun once got Moon a mothman onesie pj set, and Moon got Sun a Baphomet themed one ((it was a toss up between that and Cthulhu but the cult tendencies won)).
• sometimes the twins go full Spooky Twin Mode á la The Shining. It's not always intentional either, which somehow makes it worse. Side by side, perfectly in synch, just completely like a copy-paste. Lunar HATES it.
• they also can have full conversations with Looks or just "Moon." / "Sun." / "Moon." / "Sunnn-"
• Moon usually isn't a fan of touch, but sometimes He Needs It. When that happens, he goes to Sun like "Cuddlebug protocol is acting up. Gimme. [insert grabbyhands.exe]". Both know he does not, in fact, have a cuddlebug protocol, but it's fine. If Sun's doing something like making dinner, then it's backpack brother hours. Moon just clings like a whiny koala.
• bc of the way they were separated, in order to keep their systems from registering a catastrophic code loss, Moon scraped pieces from Sun, too. As a result, they have a sort of... sixth sense with each other. Like a Bluetooth connection on steroids. ((Made all the worse when Moon reset, bc Nexus never had those codes active. It was all dormant, and Sun lost a literal chunk of his remote systems as well as his brother :3))
The twins :3
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noffy96 · 8 months ago
Old Moon & Dazzle fic
Do i love the 'Sun hopefully adopts Dazzle' headcanon. Yes to bits, But If he is. Then Dazzle get's a whole new family. And I wanted to explore Moon's side of that for a small bit. So here you go.
Uncle Moon
Word count: 2,510
Chapter 1 ( Complete)
“Hey, you alright?”
Dazzle shook her head,
“I-i know…it’s late…and I am not…supp- supposed to be awake. But…But”
He stopped himself from taking another step closer, as she ducked her head down. More tears were obviously falling.
“But…I…I..is…Is Sun home?”
When Sun is out grocery shopping, Moon finds Dazzle, who has just woken up from a nightmare and looking for Sun. Is he gonna be able to handle this on his own
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He blinked open his eyes with a groan. He had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for his brother. With Dazzle and Jack moving in, the need to buy groceries had increased dramatically. His brother of course had plans to buy some food, but a portal malfunction had sent them both away for most of the day.
They just didn’t have the time to do anything else, But they would still need the food in the morning with his own increased appetite as well as Dazzle’s growing one. Sun said he would just do some bulk shopping now at the weird kmart that was always open. So they wouldn’t have to come back for a few days.
He had just been waiting up, maybe a little bit paranoid about his brother's safety with the portal shenanigans happening today. But he was gonna do better and not demand that he stay. It would make Sun feel better and not do something stupid like sneak out. And this way, someone was home with Dazzle and Jack as Lunar was out dealing with something astral-related.
He heard a creak of stairs and he sat up straight, wondering if that was what woke him up in the first place. Switching on his old security programming. Getting off the couch as softly as possible so it didn’t make a sound. He tried to sneak towards the stairs.
That was until he heard a soft quiet sob. As he quickly shut the protocols off, his chest filled with a whole new kind of dread and softly called out.
He heard a soft gasp that confirmed his suspension, So instead of being quiet, he made sure the bells on his outfit let out a little ding as he approached, as he turned the corner and saw the little animatronic deer halfway down the steps. Holding onto the bannister tightly. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears. Along with the signs of tears tracks.
His chest clenched harder. Old protocols long abandoned and unused were trying to make him run towards her. Scoop her up and soothe her. To calm her down. He fought them down, not wanting to scare the poor kid.
He grabbed the bannister pole.
“Hey, you alright?”
Dazzle shook her head,
“I-i know…it’s late…and I am not…supp- supposed to be awake. But…But”
He stopped himself from taking another step closer, as she ducked her head down. More tears were obviously falling.
“But…I…I..is…Is Sun home?”
She changed her sentence, and fuck if the whole scene. Had not already shaken at his cold heart, to hear her so brokenly ask for his brother certainly did it. There was another sob
“I knocked on his door, but he didn’t answer….and then I went in to see if he was sleeping. I know I sho-should wait..bu-but…I was scared..and I just…”
Her hands let go of the railing and started scrubbing her eyes and sobbing. Before he knew it he was up the few steps to reach her, crouching down in front of her.
“Hey, now. You did nothing wrong, Dazzle. Why were you scared?… Did you have a bad dream?”
Dazzle nodded
His fans vented out some air of relief. Happy it was nothing more serious.
“Sun should be home soon, wanna sit with me and wait for him?”
Maybe he should tell her it was okay. Or find out what the dream was. But Sun was better at handling that sort of stuff. He could put kids to sleep. But…he hadn’t done so in a very, VERY long time. And besides he didn’t want her to feel bad for trying to seek help. He’ll ask Sun how to handle this in the future if it happens again.
For now, he could at least distract her.
“R-really, I am not in trouble…for being up after bedtime?”
He shook his head, and gently reached out for her hands taking them away from her face and squeezing them softly
“No, of course not. Why don’t we watch something, hmm? Anything you want, While we wait.”
He gently encouraged her to move down the stairs, and they slowly made their way back to the couch he had initially fallen asleep on.
“Could we watch Bluey? “
“Of course, we can Dazzle,”
“And you are not gonna ask about my nightmare?”
“That is up to you if you want to tell me, but I think you'd rather tell Sun first right?”
Dazzle made a little hum. As she climbed onto the couch he turned on the TV. He grabbed a blanket that was tossed over one of the chairs and warped it around her. And she blinked at him, surprised.
“No reason to be cold while waiting, Is there an episode you want to watch?”
He asked her as he turned on their TV and navigated towards the streaming service he thought held Bluey…he hoped he had remembered it correctly.
“The one where they call their cousins on the tablet? I think it’s pretty funny. Muffin reminds me of Jack sometimes”
He laughed at her remark, and he was happy to see the corners of her mouth move up slightly too. He nodded as he sat down scrolling through the shows,
“And Dazzle?”
“If there is anything else you want, just ask, okay. I’ll do my best to get it. No problem”
Dazzle went quiet, and he let out a little sigh of relief as he saw the show pop up. He sat back on the couch again,
He paused before pressing play and turned to face the small deer. There were still some tears in his eyes, and she looked a bit unforgettable. As if scared. Soothing out his voice the best he could
“Yes, what is it?”
“Can I…can I sit in your lap so…so that..so that I know I am safe from the monster”
The question almost made him feel like he got slapped in the face. But he was somehow quick enough to answer her with a calm tone.
“Of course you can.”
He shifted back more, and after some awkward bit of shuffling, he was holding the deer animatronic to his chest. One arm wrapped around her middle to keep her secure, as he pressed play to start the show.
He had planned to just absentmindedly watch the children's show. But right now his thoughts were more focused on Dazzle. She had clearly taken a shine to Sun, people having already joked here and there. That his brother had basically adopted her and become a parent.
Sun also didn’t seem to deny this statement. But would correct people if they called him her father. If he knew his brother, that was because he didn’t want to replace her actual father. Who might still be out there. Even if he never knew what had become of his daughter. Sun wouldn’t want to take his place.
In the time that Dazzle had been here. They had gotten closer too, not strange as they lived together now. But he didn’t think she trusted him this much. He was still kind of a stranger to her.
She listened if he asked something, but he didn’t think she trusted him like this. Of course, it was because Sun was not here. But still. He was doing something right at least if the kid didn’t hate him.
As the episodes went on, Dazzle slowly went from still crying a bit, to being calm. occasionally laughing at the show but still feeling quite tense. Whatever her dream had been, it clearly was still on her mind.
Slowly ever, so slowly he raised his free hand and started to calmly run it over her back in a soothing motion. Dazzle let out a purely mechanical chirp, which he responded to in a soft croon. And with every swipe, he felt Dazzle lean more and more against him.
He tilted his head down and saw her slowly close her eyes. Slowly nodding off. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. If he should let her fall asleep or keep her awake. Either way, he’d tell Sun what had happened. IT was scratching an old itch somewhere deep in his code though, seeing her fall asleep.
The show stopped playing with a ‘Are you still there’ message appearing on screen. Then suddenly, from deep inside his chest, a soft lullaby started playing. It surprised him, he didn’t think he’d still have the music box installed in his chest.
But Dazzle didn’t seem to mind, slowly seemingly falling into a deeper sleep. As he tugged the blanket around her more securely she mumbled something.
“Go to sleep kid, I’ll keep you safe until Sun is here”
“Okay, thank you, Uncle Moon”
His eyes widened, as he pulled the air across his fans in a gasp. Dazzle falling into a deeper sleep. He tried to think, tried to process. But all he could do was stare forward,
Repeating over and over again inside his head. He had never been anything other than a brother. And that he had screwed over big time. He was still repairing his relationship with Sun. Lunar was still distant from him and was still in the process of getting to know Earth.
So too have this new title, suddenly thrown in his lap. He wasn’t sure what to do with it. He moved to keep gently stroking the child's back. Maybe…maybe it was a good thing. Something to start completely clean.
A relationship he didn’t need to repair or start over. Or attached to the baggage of his other self. No…he could be an uncle. He would be the best damn uncle there was.
He heard the front door open, and his brother struggled with dragging in the groceries. But the second Sun spotted him he left the bags in the foyer to come closer. And he could hear the cameras go off behind his eyes.
He raised his eyebrow at him, but considering he did the same when Dazzle stayed the first night. He supposed he couldn’t complain. He texted his brother so as to not wake Dazzle with their voices.
‘She just fell back asleep, nightmare, was looking for you’
His brother's emotes went through several different ones, not being able to settle onto one. As he slowly moved closer.
‘Jack not here?’
He got a text back, and he sent a shrug emoticon back. As Sun stood beside them, adjusting the blanket around Dazzle onces before pulling back
‘Did she say anything about the nightmare’
He carefully shook his head
‘Only something about a monster when she asked for me to hold her’
Sun let out a soft crooning noise,
‘We’ll see if she remembers when she wakes up, anything else?’
He hesitated for a brief second. Not sure what he should say, but he needed Sun’s opinion on this as her primary caretaker.
‘She called me Uncle Moon’
Sun let out a soft gentle whirr as he hesitated to meet his brother's gaze.
‘I’m not surprised’
Was the text he got, and heard Sun let out a nervous chuckle.
‘If you don’t want her to call you that, you can ask her to stop’
He texted back a bit too quickly and he saw Sun basically whip his head around to face him. As his face started to glow lighty feeling embarrassed.
‘I’m okay with it, just wondering if you were’
Sun moved his hands around like he did when he was spluttering and having a hard time getting his thoughts out. Eventually, he got a text
‘Not really up to me…it’s her choice’
He gave his brother a stare, the same one he always did when he felt like his brother was understating how much he meant to Dazzle. And how much the little girl had grown on his brother as well. He wasn’t lying when he told Sun that he was a good parent to the children he took care of. Not only in the daycare.
He got why Sun hesitated to take the title of Dad. But as far as he was concerned. Sun was her parent. And Sun, despite his nerves knew this too and took that role seriously.
Sun faltered slightly before letting out a deep sigh.
‘I have nothing against it. Just be sure to fulfil that role as best you can'
He felt a slight pang of hurt at the text. Knowing how much he still had to make up to Sun for. That his brother was at least a little bit afraid he might hurt her as he did him.
‘I have every intention to, could you maybe later teach me how to better handle it if she gets a nightmare again?’
‘I think you did pretty good Moon, if she fell asleep on you’
He gently stroked Dazzle’s back once more who had been sleeping soundly but he could still feel that she was not as relaxed as she could have been.
‘I think that was more exhaustion, I think she’d been crying longer than it took her to get out of her room. I wish I could have calmed her more before she fell asleep. Cause it doesn’t feel like she’ll get a restful one’
Sun nodded with a sad expression.
‘Okay then, I see what I can do…I’ll put the groceries away now’
He gave a nod and listened to the sounds his brother made as he put everything away. As well as focusing on the quiet breaths of the animatronic in his arms. She twitched once and he made some soft shushing noises. Glowing again as he realised that his music box had still been playing.
But now that Sun was home, he felt something relaxed inside of him. His own eyes fell shut once more, Sun bustling becoming a background noise. He didn’t realise he was falling asleep. Until he felt the click of a charging cable being put into the back of his head. With another quiet click, he assumed the same was done to dazzle. There was something being wrapped around his shoulders and he felt too warm and toasty to open his eyes again.
The couch dipped slightly beside him. A hand softly squeezing his shoulder gratefully, as he heard Sun murmur something softly to Dazzle he couldn’t understand.
‘Thanks, Moon, for taking care of her’
Came a final text, and he couldn’t help the odd sense of pride at it.
Seems he had gotten a niece. hah…A niece. Never thought that would happen. He squeezed her a bit closer. He was gonna be the best damn uncle he could be. He didn’t have to worry. He was sure his brother would help him. He wasn’t gonna fuck up another family relationship.
He felt Sun’s head hit the edge of his shoulder, seemingly having fallen asleep himself.
They got this.
He was sure of it
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wonders-sunlight · 2 months ago
My Moon design
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He the last one at the moment, I just finished his design today
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thejesterconcept · 4 months ago
I am very behind on the show. It's before New Moon even goes by Nexus, but all signs point to this Nexus guy being New Moon. And also, I don't know if there's been a canon explanation yet, so I have a merry little explanation for everyone.
So, as we know, Eclipses are made when Moon and Sun separate, and Moon cuts out some code and leaves it in Sun's body in an attempt to remove the killcode, which obviously fails. Solar was made the exact same way, yes? So, Moon loses regular code. OG Moon, had the chance to grow, and learn to function without that code.
New Moon doesn't. Because he's reset, but the code that's missing can't be reset, because it's just gone. New Moon is missing that piece of code but had to work around hat missing gap. And Solar shows up, and they start bonding and working together not even that long after, not giving Moon a chance.
They bond together. Which makes sense, because their code is meant to be together. It was built to be together. Solar's not as affected, because he's used to being without, especially with how his AU's Sun and Moon are.
New Moon never learned to cope.
And having Solar ripped from his life...it wasn't some clean cut like when OG Moon removed the code. It was a loss. He had depended on Solar, and then Solar, a piece of himself, was gone.
No wonder he was so attached.
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cornerfluff · 2 months ago
Tsams Og Moon/Moon headcanon dump because I love him ~~~
Just a bunch of personal headcanons for a silly guy.
- After the whole Nexus attack, he is pretty off balance by his motherboard being so heavy. Sooooo, he uses a cane to help with balance! I think it would have a crescent moon on the top and stars and constellations carved into the body of it! (And perhaps initials carved by each family member somewhere on it 👀) ~🌙⭐
- What if his eyes turn yellow sometimes? I headcanon that to be their default color before killcode happened 🤔
- Me when robot purr. As a built in way for him to calm kids since he was originally the naptime fella, he can rumble his engine in a way that sounds like purring? He doesn't do it often or infront anyone other than Sun or MAYBE Dazzle
- Bro definitely has multiple of the same black sweater he wears. All identical.
- He spends free time when hes not home hanging out with Molten (pls tsams you gotta let them interact more 🙏)
- He is completely silent on his feet. Like, he will walk into a room and you will have no idea he is there until he scares the life out of you by commenting on something. Thanks to this, Sun sewed bells onto his hat and clothes so now you can hear him coming a mile away
- He's willing to try any food but struggles with texture a good bit. (Maybe I'm just projecting)
- He likes Classical music and DUBSTEP. That or anything that has a lot of synth/electric synth. (Also totally not me projecting on that last bit)
- After stress making those figures of his fam, sometimes he goes and places them in the respective family members rooms to where they are staring at them when in bed. He does it to creep them out as a joke and hopes they now understand how he feels when around dolls/mannequins 😈
- On the lower half of his frame (what is technically his 'stomach' and upper back/shoulder blades, he has very faint etchings of the stars and constellations that are impressively accurate to the actual night sky layout! They are kinda like freckles
(I'll add more if I think up more)
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helinedmightbehere · 3 months ago
> be me > try to find main enemy for months > twin finds him in three days with sheer will > try to find and kill own creator for 8 years > little brother does it in a day
I'm so done.
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years ago
(Yes I animated it diajcifkrmdivgiossjv)
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tsams-and-co-memes · 1 month ago
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sen-sational · 2 years ago
I wanna fight nice eclipse's moon
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peachyfnaf · 7 months ago
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Hello chat. would anyone like some low effort solarmoon in these trying times. (i just wanted to draw them dfkjhsdf and oh this is N.M/Nexus btw)
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simpalert · 8 months ago
Hello my littles I have returned with more icons
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If u wanna use em, either give cred in bio or reblog this post
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