#the start of vaxilmore
ravenquingvax · 2 years
Thinking about Vax and Vex but what if Syldor never discovered them and they ended up surviving Thordak's attack with Elaina.
They move into a small one-bedroom flat in Emon, Elaina finding work as a seamstress again while her neighbour home schools the twins for her while she works.
When the twins are old enough, Vex gets an apprenticeship at a local veterinary practice to save up for college and Vax starts doing odd jobs around the city.
Maybe one day he stumbles across this small but colourful shop of Marquesian architecture that has a hiring sign in the window, the promised pay almost eye-watering to Vax.
Maybe Vax goes in and meets a middle-age Halfling woman rushed off her feet, tired and low-key panicking, and Vax starts helping her carry things.
When it calms down, maybe Vax brings up the hiring sign outside and the Halfling woman excitedly starts yelling for her boss to get out here to talk to Vax.
Maybe Vax is charmed immediately as Shaun Gilmore steps out to greet him, the older man exhausted from enchanting too many items in too short a time period without any rest but still looking absolutely gorgeous.
Gilmore is very polite at first, thanking Vax for helping his shop assistant Sherri, and the two sit down over tea to discuss the job.
Vax would be a cashier during opening hours, a shelf stocker after closing for the night and a cleaner in the morning before opening up the store.
Vax happily accepts this and Gilmore is relieved to hear it, so they quickly get the paperwork done and Vax goes home to tell Vex and their mom that he starts work tomorrow at 8am.
Vex drops by on her break to check on Vax during his first day and she is amazed by the little purple shop on the corner that looks one-storey outside but is actually 3-storeys on the inside.
Vax introduces her to Gilmore and you just know that Vex is going to bully Vax about the very obvious crush he's developing on the man.
Over time, as Vax gets older, he and Gilmore become close friends and eventually start flirting.
Elaina meets the man and is charmed as well, but she connects with Sherri better and the two ladies become best friends.
Maybe Elaina moves jobs to help out at Gilmore's as well?
And maybe, at some point further down the line, the store Gilmore's Glorious Goods becomes Gilmore's Glorious Goods & Friends?
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
An Interlude.
[Takes place just after the Thordak battle - in the campaign, Vax and Gilmore both arrive to search his lair about 20 minutes after the rest of the group, and I wanted to see what that time may have looked like]
If there's one thing Shaun Gilmore knows for certain, it's that he's never doing this again. Never. He's gained a new respect for the fact that Vox Machina throws themself into situations like this regularly.
Everything hurts.
He's been up against Thordak before, briefly, and while that wasn't exactly a walk in the park either, it was relatively quick. He got in, absolutely failed at doing any damage to the creature, and got the fuck back out again, nearly dying in the process.
And to think he'd just managed to heal from that time. Now he's thrown himself into it again.
One dragon's dead, at least. No matter what the future holds, they killed Thordak, and no one's permanently dead. They couldn't have asked for much better.
He would, however, like to not feel like half his body's on fire constantly from the sheer amount of burns that haven't healed yet. He's not in danger of dying, but magic only goes so far, and they've used most of theirs already. Even the great Vox Machina has their limits.
It's strange, almost, to see them like this. He's seen them swagger into his shop with all the confidence in the world, seen them drunk in a speakeasy celebrating his arrival. He thought he came close, that night with the assassins, to seeing them at their most vulnerable, but even then, by the time he arrived, the problem had mostly been dealt with, and the majority of them were back to joking, barely fazed by it.
No one's come out of this with that bravado intact. Sure, they survived, but they're shaken, exhausted. Tending to each other's wounds with a strange quiet he's not used to seeing from them.
They share bandages, and food, taking a moment to rest and process. Grog's run off somewhere, but Pike is going around treating minor injuries the old fashioned way. Vex is just leaning against the cavern wall with her eyes closed, Percy has his head rested on his knees, not looking at anyone. Keyleth is in the corner with the man Shaun hasn't met, but he seems to be comforting her. Even Scanlan seems to have more on his mind than usual.
Vax is asleep on his sister's shoulder, stirring only barely when Vex or Pike need him to move to check on his injuries. They don't seem worried, so he should be alright, but Shaun would be lying if there weren't a few moments in that fight where he'd assumed the worst. He'd heard the sickening crunch of bone when Vax was thrown to the ground, and between the poison gas, the lava, the cold spell... They're all lucky to be alive. As it is, there's still blood down Vax's face from a cut across his cheekbone, several scrapes and bite marks along his arms, and a particularly nasty looking claw mark on his side. The broken bones, at least, appear fixed, so that's something.
Despite himself, Shaun can't help but think that even like this, Vax is the most handsome man he's ever seen. Fate never had the two of them in the cards, it would seem, but he'll never stop appreciating this beautiful, reckless, dangerous half elf. Selfish and selfless in the same breath, the most painful deeds with only the best of intentions, his joy and grief wrapped up in one.
Vox Machina are his friends, all of them, he loves each and every one. But he'll never meet anyone else who can twist his heart in knots like this.
After they've gathered themselves, when all wounds seem to be healed to the best of their ability and they've had their breather, the group starts to wander in small clusters back to the treasure pile. Grog's been there for a while already, so it seems they're not wanting him to have all the fun.
Vex gently lays her brother down on the ground beside her as she gets up. It speaks to the really rough day they've all had that he doesn't even stir.
Shaun should probably go look with them. In all likelihood there's plenty of his own belongings somewhere in that treasure pile, things he put a lot of time and care into that he definitely wants back. Thordak's been sitting on all of Emon's goods for far too long.
Instead, he stays.
Without a word, he stays, and counts Vax's laboured breaths until they sync up with his own.
He can tell when Vax starts to wake up by the way those breaths get quicker and shallower, and, when Shaun opens his eyes, by the way Vax's face is twisting with pain.
Vax groans, carefully pressing a hand to the wound on his side, then withdrawing it and letting it hover slightly above. He still isn't fully awake yet, but he's getting there, twisting himself around on the dirt floor of the tunnel.
"...Shaun?" is the first thing Vax asks, as he blinks groggily, looking around the mostly empty space, eyes finally landing on where he's sitting.
"Sleep well?" Shaun asks wryly.
Vax just lets out another groan, rolling back onto his back. "Not really," he says, rubbing his eyes with his palm. "Everything hurts."
"Hah, tell me about it," Shaun replies, with genuine humor.
Another minute passes as Vax slowly drags himself to full consciousness, sitting up against the tunnel wall. After a moment, he looks around, seeming to just now realise they're alone.
"Where'd everyone go?"
"Oh, off to loot the dragon's treasure, I suspect. We may have let one dragon go, but the other is very, very dead, and therefore no longer sitting on all of Emon's belongings."
"You didn't go with them?" Vax asks, confused.
"I'll join them in a bit. For now I think I could do with the quiet, just for a moment. It's been one hell of a day," he says, stretching his arms out with a bit of a yawn.
"Did you want me to leave?"
"Oh, no, never, you're fine. Stay as long as you like. God knows you deserve the rest far more than I do."
"I wouldn't say that," Vax says quickly but surely, staring intently at the floor.
"You didn't, I did," Shaun counters. "But seriously, look at you! Killed a dragon, saved a city - you're living up to your hero name, and it just keeps getting more impressive."
"This isn't over yet."
"No, but it's four of five down. Take some credit for that! And considering how convinced you were Thordak was gonna kill you, I think you've done very well. I have complete faith in you, all of you, to see this through."
"You're not coming with us?" Vax asks, finally raising his head again.
"Oh nooo, no I don't think so," Shaun says immediately. "I have had, more than enough dragon to last a lifetime. How you lot do this every day is beyond me."
That gets a small laugh from Vax, and he looks down again, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand.
"Hah, yeah, you get used to it, I suppose. You know, you run your face into the wall enough times, you kinda stop flinching at it."
"That's, concerning, but I'll thank the gods every day Vox Machina's out there doing that so the rest of us don't have to," he replies with a smile.
There's another lull in the conversation for a while, as they collect their thoughts. The awkwardness and tension that's filled so many of their conversations since Vax broke up with him seems to have mostly dissipated, and Shaun couldn't be gladder for it. Even if they're not together, and probably never will be, they still know each other extremely well, and there's a trust there that takes more than a breakup, a pact with a mysterious god, and four ancient dragons to shake.
"How are you doing?" Vax asks, after a moment.
"I feel like I should be asking you that," Shaun says wryly. "I mean, could do with fewer burns, will not be jumping into any more fires in the near future, but I'll heal. And Thordak's dead, thank you again for that. So I think we've both got all the vengeance we needed to."
"It doesn't bring back what we lost."
"No, it doesn't," he agrees, simply. "But he won't be doing it to anyone else."
Vax sits in quiet agreement another moment, then gets a curious smile on his face.
"What are you thinking?" Shaun asks.
"It doesn't bring back all that we lost. But I seem to recall a lot of your shop making its way into Thordak's gold pile. Care to find out how much is left?"
Shaun had said no to the same question when he himself asked it, fifteen minutes ago. But he's feeling so much more renewed suddenly, now that they're all awake and alive.
"Before Grog or, gods forbid, your sister, get their hands all over it? By all means," he says with a grin.
"She's not that bad," Vax protests, but there's just laughter in his voice.
"Oh I adore her, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to my business dealings, I'll take a rematch with the dragon. She will come out of this with more of my belongings than me, just you watch."
Shaun's entire body rebels again when he tries to get up, reminding him just how many burns he sustained in that last fight - but eventually he manages it, with minimal embarrassment.
"Give yourself some credit," Vax says, leaning back against the wall and looking up at him. "I mean, not even I managed to seduce you into giving us stuff for free."
"Yes, because I run a fine boutique of magical items, not a charity for down on their luck adventurers." Shaun holds out a hand, and helps Vax to his feet. "No matter how good looking they may be."
"Hey, the way things are going, we might end up with more gold than you. Four dragon hoards and counting, it's no joke."
"Oh, really? And remind me, how much of that did you make yourself?"
"Hey, you get paid to make magical items, we get paid to fight dragons. It's not stealing if it was already stolen by a dragon and won't be missed."
"I will find the last remaining functional postal service on the continent and I will mail your sister a full inventory, don't test me."
"Yeah, funny thing, she tends to just rip those up."
"I am so very unsurprised by this."
And they walk away.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
⋆ “did you do this just for me?” for Vaxilmore
“did you do this just for me?”
Vax hates doing this. He and the rest of Vox Machina already rely so heavily on Gilmore's generosity, wouldn't have survived half the shit they've encountered without it—the last thing he wants to do is limp, bruised and bedraggled, to Gil's doorstep, a stray cat mewling to get in.
Yet here he is, shoulders slumped up to keep his head protected from the heavy rains over Emon, knocking pathetically on the front door of a darkened Gilmore's Glorious Goods. He's half-hoping the door doesn't open, that he has to slink back down the road, waterlogged and hobbling, so that Gil doesn't have to see him like this, so Gil doesn't have to worry, so that Gil isn't inconvenienced—
The interior of the store flickers to life, and relief floods through Vax's body like whiskey. A moment later, the front door is swinging open, just an inch or two, and Vax pushes inside, leaning heavily on the door. "Gil?"
It's Gil's voice echoing around the main floor of the shop, but Vax can't see him anywhere. He frowns, confused by the order, until a plush gilded purple chair dances up to him, its legs moving in a little jig until it comes to a stop just a foot in front of him. Vax stares, confident that he's hallucinating, but Gil's voice repeats, "I'm serious. Sit down before you pass out."
He's not going to argue. He sits in the chair, which takes off as soon as his ass touches it, cantering back toward the interior of the shop. Vax grips onto the arms for dear life, as if this chair is the most terrifying thing he's encountered today. (It is not.) The chair carries him up the stairs and delivers him into a room containing a small, deep pool of fragrant water that is surrounded by, if he had to guess, every single candle in all of Emon. The chair comes to a stop, and it remains still, as if it never moved at all.
"Shaun?" Vax starts to stand, his muscles screaming at the effort.
"Slowly, sweet bird." His voice is no longer sourceless, as Gilmore appears beside him, his hands coming to steady Vax. "You've seen better days, haven't you?"
Vax lets out a laugh. "That is...an understatement." He looks around the room. "Did I interrupt something, or did you do this just for me?"
Gilmore is carefully unlatching his blood-soaked leathers. "I have eyes and ears everywhere, Vax'ildan. I saw you coming a mile off."
Vax's throat is suddenly thick. "Oh."
"We'll get this blood off of you, and if you're a good boy, you can have a healing draught as well."
Vax's head tips onto Gilmore's shoulder. For the first time all day, he feels safe. "You're too good to me, Shaun."
A whiskery kiss is pressed onto the tip of his ear. "You're good to all of Tal'dorei, sweet bird. You take care of us, I'll take care of you." He tosses Vax's armor and linens into a pile, which Vax imagines will be cleaned through arcane means at a later time, and then guides his now-nude form into the water. It's warm, blissfully warm, and Vax can feel the knots in his muscles begin to loosen. He wants to sink down, down, down, until the water consumes him whole, but Gil's strong hands keep him up, working a lavender shampoo into his hair. His fingers feel so good, and Vax fights the desire to fall asleep right where he sits.
Gil must notice his drooping eyes, because he murmurs, "I won't let you drown, Vax'ildan. Nod off if you need to. I'll get you clean and in bed just fine."
Vax shakes his head to clear it. "No, not yet." He turns, hooks his hand over one of Gilmore's wrists. "Tell me about your day?"
With a smile so tender, so gentle it nearly knocks the breath from Vax's lungs, Gilmore leans in, kisses him once, and says, "Whatever you like, sweet bird." And as he begins to tell tales about his day here in the city, Vax's eyes drift closed once more, and he thanks each of the gods for the strength they gave his feet to carry him here.
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sapphim · 1 year
/ / nexus mods profile / / sapphimods tutorials / / tag directory / / character directory / / ko-fi / /
main: @vaxilmores
mod updates free of my bullshit: @sapphimods
faq ☆
↳ tag: #faq
↳ see also: #modding tutorial, #modders resource, #troubleshooting
Right now, most of my focus is on DA2 mods and modding tutorials. I am happy to answer modding questions, especially as they pertain my area of interest.
If you can't figure out where to begin with a mod, or if you have been following my tutorials and have gotten stuck at a certain point in the process, and you haven't been able to find a solution elsewhere, I may be able to help. All I ask is that you be understanding that this is something I volunteer to do with my free time!
If you need troubleshooting help with one of my mods, please do not contact me on anon! It makes it difficult and tedious on my end to get the information I need. Either leave a comment on the Nexus mod page (that is what it is there for!) or message me off-anon. I promise I don't bite.
☆ What's your opinion on Veilguard?
↳ I have none. I haven't been following development.
☆Will you be modding it?
↳ Nope! I hate Frostbite, and my graphics card is older than Inquisition, and also, I hate Frostbite.
☆ How did you/How can I get started modding?
↳ I got my initial start fiddling with others' mods that I had downloaded, fixing minor bugs or tweaking them for personal use, which introduced me to the process without having to start from scratch.
My general advice for getting started is to pick something small in scope to work on, where you will be able to start testing it in game in short order. Being able to see results from your work is key to maintain motivation. However, if this doesn't interest you and there's a bigger project that you're super enthusiastic about, go for it! It is all about the enthusiasm.
Just remember that modding is all trial and error. Sometimes you'll try something and it won't work and you'll have to spend a lot of time figuring out what went wrong. Don't get discouraged when this happens. The mark of a seasoned modder isn't that you stop failing, but that you get better at powering through the failures.
For Dragon Age Origins (and DA2) I have compiled some resources to get started here.
☆ What tool do I need to make mod [x]?
↳ I have a list of tools here that I have used for modding. However, I think often a better mindset to start is "how do I make mod [x]?" Once you know where to begin, you'll have a better idea of what tools will be required.
☆ Do you take requests or commissions?
↳ I do not take requests, unless I have specifically solicited requests for additions to a specific mod.
I am open to the idea of taking commissions for mods of the type that I usually post, but I would have to talk through the idea to get an idea of the scope before I could quote a price.
I do not create mods for Frostbite games anymore.
I will not accept commissions for mesh/model/armor mods, which seem to be the type of mod commission people most often try to solicit.
☆ I have a question about mods for Inquisition or Mass Effect or [other game]!
↳ I can try to answer general knowledge questions or give my opinion on a matter, but I haven't modded Frostbite games like Inquisition or Andromeda for years and I'm too out of touch to answer any specific modding questions.
These days, most modding discussion seems, for better or for worse, to take place on Discord servers, and that is imo your best bet for finding people available to answer questions. So I strongly recommend questions be directed to a server such as the Frosty Toolsuite, DAI Modding, or Mass Effect Modding discord.
For good measure, here's a link to the Dragon Age Origns Modding discord for Origins/DA2 mods.
☆ Can I message you off-tumblr?
↳ Yes, you can DM me on the Nexus, or if we are mutual members of a modding discord server, you should be able to find and DM me from there.
☆ Solas/Abelas/Fenris/Orsino is taller than the other male elves in the game, right?
↳ No. ♡
☆ Are you sure?
↳ Yes. ♡
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halftheway · 1 year
oooh ty @lunareclipsez for the tag hehe
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
well i don't have Folders per se as much as i have google docs with one Million wips just. In There. but let's go !! and for fun since i color code my docs i'll put the colors in too :3
untitled document(💀), white
walk towards love, blue
bonus tracks, pale yellow
dawg help me, neon green
the hatty, neon green
we're starting over redux, peachy pink
lightning 6/14, yellow
selkie au, green
loanshark<3, pale green
the joy of rediscovering you, yellow
hoo hoo vaxilmore, white
yuh oh, purple
annnnd anything older than this i haven't really touched or thought about in a long while<3 i don't know enough writer ppl to tag That many but @sageification @levlies889 hi (and any of my other writer mutuals/followers that wanna do it pls feel free to say i tagged you !!)
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gaywatch · 2 years
Your top 5 lgbt pairings (even if not official)?
Okay so I've actually been wanting to make a video about this for a long time but have never been able to find a place in my schedule, HOWEVER the channel is gonna do things a little differently starting in January that should free up time for more involved videos like this. But obviously I wanna answer your question and not pull the 'I can't tell you' card so what I'll do is show you the list I'll have to whittle down to five when the time comes (maybe ten okay I can't make decisions).
Nominees (lol):
Ineffable Husbands
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
I will admit I am tempted to take some non prompt list requests, similar rules to when I take prompts aka only critical role (no mighty nein since I haven’t seen any C2, no exu either. aka it’s best to stick with Vox machina and bells hells with me), can be an au of mine or normal, can be any cannon relationship or vexleth or vaxilmore (maybe Keyleth/Vax/Gilmore).
I think I’d be most comfortable doing like a test run of taking non prompt list requests? So starting now and ending this coming thursday, I’ll be taking non prompt list requests aka normal requests (I think???) and of course I am willing to take prompted ones as well!
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wackachewbacca · 2 years
Now that I have some hot cocoa and some time to reflect about everything here are some thoughts about this week’s first episode
Spoilers ahead for episode 1 (with minor campaign spoilers)
1) As much as I love(d) Emon, it really was just satisfying watching it all come crumbling down like a Lego build.
3) Poor Sovereign Uriel rip. I knew he died but watching it is another punch to the gut
4) The encounter with Raishan and Keyleth like damn this is how we’re starting it! And the way Raishan grins when they run ma’am I love you
5) Did they change how Gilmore got injured? Yes, and was it was so much better in the podcast when he had the balls to fight Thordak head on but I’m not gonna fault the show for changing that because that wouldn’t have been sensible for pacing and such
6) Speaking of Gilmore, Vaxilmore shippers eat your hearts out
7) I love how different each of the dragons look. Thordak obviously has the large crystal in his chest, Raishan looks sickly like her name describes, Umbrasyl has an acid sack, and Vorugal’s head is much blockier and shorter than the others which I like on him
8) Gilmore warning Grog his sword is dangerous and Grog promptly ignoring it: on brand
9) Speaking of things coming up early on, Scanlan walking away from the table… that brings up bad memories
10) and rounding it out with why you should always be familiar with plant life and never trust strange trees or you might just fall out of one
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wizard-hubris · 3 years
for a little change of pace it’s gently sobbing over Vaxilmore hours over here today
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nomercifulpercival · 3 years
Masterpost of CR fics that won’t spoil TLOVM watchers
I just wanted to compile fics set in/around/before the briarwood arc or AU fics that don’t have any spoilers - for people who havent watched Critical Role C1 but would like to peruse our excellent fic repositary. 
Please feel free to reblog with additions, I am a perc’ahlia main so vexleth, vaxleth, vaxilmore and perc’ildan fics would be appreciated
In Your Possession - Perc’ahlia, Rated T, 9k words, arranged marriage AU retelling of the Briarwood Arc. There are a few ficlets that also take place in the AU but they have some more mildly spoilery content than the main fic
Stuck on You - Perc’ahlia, 40k words, Rated M but stopped updating before it got to the sexy bits so i would rate it T, technically unfinished but it does have a satisfying ending, arranged marriage AU, it does go a little deeper into Vex & Vax’s Daddy Issues than the show but there’s no major plot spoilers
Shadows - Percy-centric, mild Perc’ahlia vibes, Rated M, 1.6k words, Trigger Warning: Rape/non-con, just some non canon Percy Angst. 
A Natural Progression - Established Perc’ahlia and Vaxleth, Polymachina + Gilmore, specifically Vexleth, Vaxilmore and Perc’ildan. Rated T, 4k words. no spoilers just polyamory. 
Of Needles and Near-Misses More Percy Angst, mild perc’ahlia, Rated T, 2k words, TW: PTSD and less than gentle medical care, Vox Machina Are Just Big Family Vibes OK
if it makes you less sad (we'll start talking again) Perc’ahlia, Rated T, 4k words, full AU no spoilies, just a little exploration of Percy’s Angst
The Words - Perc’ahlia and a little one sided Perc’ildan, rated T, 6k, soulmate identifying marks AU, mentions some characters from the stream (Tiberius) and some events that were different in the stream but sticks to the briarwood arc plot-wise. 
take a step that is new - Perc’ahlia having a threesome with Jarrett, Rated E, 15k words, honestly probably my favourite fic in the fandom - theres a moment with Grog that makes me laugh every time. a few mentions of in-stream moments (the butt flap pyjamas) but no post-briarwood spoilers. 
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glossolali · 3 years
TLOVM Ep 5 Watch Party Summary
- If there's dying guard NPCs it's all of us just screaming in a sound booth alone at home
- Sunil is so good as Gilmore he just gets it
- Gilmore's shop is so gorgeous, critters on the design team put in a million easter eggs. Like Sprinkle!
- Shopping episodes are the best. Travis hates them, Tal loves them.
- They're big fans of both Vaxleth and Vaxilmore (mica: why not both?, me: Vax has two hands!)
- The cart is so epic and classic as the start of an adventure!
- Percy @ everyone: "You're not old enough to drive."
- Every dog is the best dog even these perfect but disturbing tentacled demon doggos
- All dogs go to heaven, the best dogs come from hell (Taliesin <3)
- They love how overpowered Keyleth is and how she always saves the day as long as there's no planning
- Scanlan and the tentacle: "Maybe I don't wanna be saved..."
- Marisha made a dog growling noise first time she recorded Minxie Keyleth growling (LOL)
- #justiceforthehorses
- "Such a good boy!" @ Necro Dog
- It was terrible and shiver inducing to see the family and the kid before they got Sun Tree'd
- They love the wind downs to balance the action, great opportunity to learn about characters and develop their relationships
- Compressing hours and hours of the stream into a very effective and precise scene or just a few lines to sprinkle throughout the season took hundreds of hours and a lot of work
- The lighting is amazing, the world is very complex and layered, lots of love went into this world
- Keyleth always accidentally killed things, it was a running gag
- The foreshadowing in the twins conversation!!!! :(
- Whitestone is sadly beautiful, beautifully sad
- They animated the reveal of the Sun Tree so that it takes a second, like in the game. Actual chills for the sun tree scene (oof me too even the third time around!), including the creaking in the end credits
Q: Vex and Percy, what do they see in each other?
Taliesin: She's hot. He thinks Vex is the only other adult in the room. Vex is so kind to him, especially when he's freaking out
Laura: Percy is hot too. And Vex is interested in seeing what he's hiding, and that's incredibly enticing to her.
Q: And Vax and Keyleth?
Liam: It happened over a long time and there was 30 pre-stream games to represent in the development of Vaxleth's relationship and do it in a way that makes sense with the other relationships' development
Q: The twin's sibling dynamic and Vaxleth, why is Vex feeling threatened by Keyleth?
Laura: They've always had each other's back, this is the first time she's seeing the vulnerability of her brother and what could happen. The terror of being left behind is what makes her give Keyleth the cold shoulder, shittiness, pushing away the thing that's putting me at risk and Keyleth's coming between the most important thing in her life. But she loves Keyleth and is kind of forcing herself to dislike her. Would love to be a perfect person, but it's a really honest emotion.
Liam: Vax understands where she's come from but wants her to feel supported and loved, not abandoned. (CRIES)
Q: The incredible chase scene! Let's talk about it.
(Over the cliff draft animatic plays!)
Sung: Chase scenes are challenging, keeping track of speed, momentum, etc. the horses were difficult too and that's why they had to die! Initially dogs were weird creatures but too hard to animate so they did an in-between with the dog and the weird frankenstein creatures
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Q: How long did TLOVM take to sink in?
A: It's still a fever dream, hasn't sunk in yet. Feels unreal, but we're very happy with it and proud of it. That's all artists want is to have people enjoy and feel something about their work. We feel very fortunate, and we get to make people forget about their lives for just a little while. (CRIES) The opportunity to open up the story to a brand new audience is so great. We wanted it to be accessible, it was always on our mind. Like 'this doesn't make sense unless you've seen the game' while also rewarding long time fans. Friends, family finally watched what critters have loved for years.
Q: Can we talk about the sun tree again? Comparing the stream and the show
A: Brought back all the feelings of the original stream. It's a bit of a warning for watchers like "you can get off the ride still!"
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
based on how you started with how the courtesan au was "originally" a widomauk au, i would love to know how youve expanded it!!
Thank you!! Basically I’ve added every single ship I have to this au!
There’s actually two different versions based on what ships I want to have in it because I’m unstoppable and chaotic. It’s either a perchalia and vaxilmore AU or a percildan and vexleth au.
I also have dorym in here more recently where Dorian comes to be the brothels bard after running away from his parents and Orym is a dancer who lives in the house and does much loved nightly performances. That’s the bit I’m looking to add with another fic!
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demonologue · 3 years
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I’m so glad I’m not alone yawl. T_T 
Yes! What is with Gilmore not sponsoring Vox Machina in the show? That was such a big thing in campaign. 
It shocked me, too, that Pike was so curt with Gilmore (don’t get me started on the cock-blocking) and both Vex AND Keyleth had absolutely 0 qualms stealing from Gilmore’s shop like WHAT?! You love this man. He’s Vox Machina’s emotional support gay. Where did that all go? If it was in an effort to be less racist, thank you. But you don’t have to make the PCs stop loving a character OR remove him from the main plot to give him agency. 
Thanks to all the Vaxleth shippers who still acknowledge Vaxilmore. They really did do them dirty in s1 by removing/playing down the ship so much, imo.
It was like a breath of fresh air to go back and look at those episodes in campaign. I felt gaslighted by the show how it hinted at but didn’t actually stay faithful to how the ship was in canon. 
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ladedanixie · 3 years
also on Gilmore, upon rewatch, it does seem to me that they’ve made his flirting much more aggressive. Vax doesn’t shy away from it, nor show any disinterest, but unlike in the campaign, Vax isn’t taking any initiative to flirt like before, since he’d activate do so to get discounts, even when his love for Keyleth started blossoming. 
I’m sure its to account for the backlash that happened when those who were rooting for Vaxilmore got hit with Vaxleth instead, which, imo, back then felt slightly out of left field if not for a few, select moments before the briarwoods arc. the underdark, and one moment in vasselheim before the chroma conclave arc took hold. 
They don’t wanna do the whole reject GIlmore thing again or go through the trouble of people going but I thought it was gonna be Vaxilmore or that came out of left field. They do only have so much screen time to devote to it, so it is understandable. But it feels strange to me. 
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ravenquingvax · 4 years
Feeling soft rn so take these little scenarios;
Imagine Shaun is closing up the store for the night when Vax appears, just home from a job looking worse for wear and a tad drunk, so he takes the rogue home and takes care of him, feeding him dinner, tending to any injuries Vax has and helping Vax bathe before they go to bed and snuggle until they fall asleep.
Imagine Shaun and Vax are out on one of their dates when some kids overhear one of them sharing one of their adventure stories and the pair end up spending the rest of the evening entertaining kids with their many stories.
Imagine Shaun and Vax dancing together at a ball in Whitestone, laughing and grinning with eachother, forgetting about the rest of the world as they mindlessly waltz the night away together.
Imagine Vax has a nightmare so Scanlan sings him to sleep with old Byroden lullabies.
Imagine Vax stealing Scanlan new instruments for him to play on when his current ones start to break down.
Imagine Scanlan occasionally, randomly serenading Vax just because he can, Vax melting more & more each time he does, only motivating Scanlan to do it even more.
Imagine Vax has to deal with his dad again and, when Vax gets upset, Percy steps in and verbally murders Syldor again before getting Vax far away from the bastard.
Then imagine Percy comforting Vax and distracting him, reminding Vax that he's more a person than that bastard could ever be, half blooded or not, and that he is very proud of how far it is Vax has came.
Imagine Vax lounging around in the workshop when he gets overwhelmed by something, enjoying the warmth of the forge as he stims away, listening to Percy work.
Imagine Percy making Vax little raven and dagger trinkets and getting really happy when Vax says he loves them.
Imagine Percy and Vax having picnics in the cemetery and just relaxing together, thinking about their late family and dreaming about the future.
Imagine Grog and Vax training together and then taking care of each other afterwards.
Imagine Vax being Grog's loudest supporter whenever Grog fights in the Crucible.
Imagine Grog taking Vax out on walks in the woods so he can help Vax practice his hunting and tracking, then them stargazing together after it gets dark out.
Imagine them practicing their reading and writing together, Grog encouraging Vax when Vax gets stuck and flusters, Vax reassuring Grog when he gets something right but isn't sure about it.
Imagine Grog reminding Vax that he'll always be a man so long as he identifies as one, regardless of what body parts it is he has or of who it is he's attracted to, and if anyone ever tells Vax otherwise, Grog promises that he will see to them personally.
Imagine Shaun taking his 4 boyfriends (Vax, Scanlan, Percy and Grog) out to dinner and the lot of them ending up having a very jolly, drunken sing along on the way home.
Imagine that, whenever Vax has doubts about his gender identity, that Shaun and the other 3 will reassure him and comfort him until he feels better again and calms down.
Imagine the 5 going to a bathhouse together and renting a private room so Vax can lounge about without covering up his chest, letting him enjoy himself freely without worrying about anyone saying anything to him or about a cramped bathtub.
Imagine Scanlan giving his 4 boyfriends private concerts, testing any new songs he has on Shaun, Percy, Vax & Grog.
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enkelimagnus · 4 years
2020 Fic Round-up
F/F Fics: 
Wedding Dress:  Claia, rated T, 1201 words, Clary overthinks the show stopper of her new collection, and Maia offers an alternative to the original wedding dress...
Babe: Maryse x Cleophas, rated T, 1029 words, Maryse is waiting in a taxi in front of Cleophas’ building. She asked her to be her plus-one to Clary and Izzy's wedding, and pretend they are dating, so she wouldn't feel bad around Robert. Turns out, saying 'fuck you' to fears of what others think is the best way to go.
Curiosity, perhaps: Aline x Maia,  rated T, 564 words, Maia asks Aline out
Same Coffee, Different Containers, Midge Maisel x Susie Myerson, rated T, 1010 words, slice of life
F/M Fics:
Monstrous, Sebastian x Isabelle, rated M, 2010 words, Sebastian and Isabelle have a fight after he hurts someone for her, and it sends Sebastian in a terrible spiral.
Power in Her Hands, Isabelle x Meliorn, rated M, 1826 words, Things have changed since the death of the Seelie Queen. Isabelle visits the Seelie Court, her Seelie King.
10 AM - Paris Time, Maryse x Luke, rated T, 1033 words, Luke is on mission in Paris, and Maryse enjoys life there, sitting at the terrace of a café.
wrap your fingers around me, I’m your gun, Clary x OC, Clace, rated M, 1483 words, Jonathan and Clary are on the prowl again, to get revenge on someone who has wrong them. Jace helps.
M/M Fics:
Please Make it Go Away, Meliorn x Jace, rated M, 1444 words, Jace struggles to deal with Clary's loss, and finds himself drinking too much. Drunken steps lead him somewhere he didn't know he needed.
Quiet Love, Jace x Underhill, rated T, 1064 words, Jace needs a bit more cuddles time in the morning. Andrew is very happy to oblige. Love confessions ensue.
Burning Hot, TWI!Jonathan x TWI!Sebastian, rated T, 942 words, A small look into the TWI Universe after the show's visit.Jonathan has coffee with his boyfriend, his sister and her boyfriend. Cuteness and fluff galore.
Watchful, Widomauk, rated M, 825 words, Caleb watches Mollymauk shirtless.
Fire’s Embrance, Widomauk, rated M, 1679 words, Mollymauk has a very bad panic attack after a nightmare. Caleb finds a way to help.
The Mollymauk Library Memorial, Widomauk, rated T, 6130 words, collab with brunetta6, Teaming up with Lucien was hard enough for Caleb. Mollymauk has to be in there somewhere. He just needs the right motivation, right?
The Song of the Elder Woods, Geraskier, rated G, 893 words, Geralt visits the Elder Woods... and he's in for a surprise.
Gen Fics: 
Is it a Tiefling Thing?, Mollymauk & Yasha, Mollymauk & Caleb, Pre Widomauk, rated M, 2151 words, Molly, Lucien, and the ones before them all had a complicated relationship to warmth. Here are three flashbacks and a scene illustrating that.
Turn of the Season, Caleb & Beau, rated G, 1139 words, The oak tree of the Xhorhaus starts to shed some leaves.Caleb realizes what time of the year it is, and Beau is a slightly unexpected ally.
Multi Fics:
Selfish, Jace x Lydia, Clace, Claia, Sizzy, Malec, rated M, 56,018 words, Magnus and Alec have been married for almost a year now, and Jace comes to visit his parabatai in Alicante. He is still mourning the love of his life, but there is a familiar face in Alicante that he might be able to share his grief with.Over the course of a few months, Jace and his family deal with loss, grief and finding their own paths for themselves.
Shadowhunters 2.0. - Dive, Clizzy, Malec, Saia, rated M, 230,230 words,A rewrite of Season 2A of Shadowhunters, following the rewrite of Season 1 in Shadowhunters 2.0. - Discovery
 Knowledge, Widomauk, Beauyasha, Fjorclay, rated M, 12,236 words, An AU in which Molly, Yasha, Caleb and Beau are just doing their jobs, until they can't afford to do just that anymore.
A Castle in the Forest, Perc’ahlia, Vaxilmore, rated M, 7,507 words, Vex'ahlia moves to the Alabaster Sierras National Park outpost to get away from her past and take over after the previous ranger's disappearance. As she works to care for the park, she discovers there's much more to save than a wild forest and a gorgeous mountainside.
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