#the stars are my favorite element
starfishupatree · 1 day
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cracklewink · 7 months
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Part 4.5/5 of my mlp infection AU, Harmony Syndrome!
I had to split up the finale because I had too many ideas for it and it got too long lol. The actual final part will be along soon!
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illiaccrest · 3 months
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The Moon, The Star, The Sun
Or: the most important sadgirls and sadboys from Penacony who actually had no relation to Penacony
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burningparadiseduck · 9 months
New characters coming in 4.4 !!!
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arsgoeteia · 1 year
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azurecoffin · 2 months
saw that requests for x men drawings are open and i would LOVE to see your take on rictor!!!
Sorry this took forever! You got me into Ricstar so I got distracted in reading Ricstar comics & fanfics! It was for research but now I can't stop screaming & crying & throwing up about them!
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Casual Rictor
Also it was nice playing around with Green for a change instead of Red!
Prev: Boom-Boom Trinary M Armor Pixie Surge
Requests are open for Casual X-Men (Tho I'll focus on anyone who's a B-Lister or below) I'm gonna try to catch up to my goal of one a day but I have accepted the fact that it will likely bleed into August!
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kirby-the-gorb · 9 months
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nobumebungaku · 1 year
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Kanata in "Eccentric Party Night!!" Animation MV
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xysible · 1 year
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Swap!Eccentrics' Origin cards!
[ s!War Era lore below cut <3 (keep in mind i haven't read Altered or the original stories, so this is all based off of Element & the few anime episodes)]
Ex Fine: > Tatsumi, Himeru, Mao, Rei
5 Eccentrics > Nagisa, Rinne, Mayoi, Leo, Sora
Bystanders (they're important i swear) > Tsumugi, Arashi
= = = = =
Trigger/Content Warnings: - Mentions of violence - Suicidal thoughts; mentioned/implied suicide attempt
= = = = =
In the beginning, the need of a reform in the school was both Himeru and Tatsumi's idea. Tatsumi was the one to actually attempt to do much about it though, roping Himeru, and later Mao and Rei into it. He ends up as leader of ex fine and the one to draft up the idea of the Eccentrics. Both Himeru and Mao were somewhat involved in that, like how c!Tsumugi was. The original 3 were supposed to be Nagisa, Rinne, and Leo.
Himeru was the one to suggest Sora.
Sora was... a bit of an outcast. He came into his first year and was pretty quickly alienated and was bullied by a lot of the students. He's found by Hinata later on. The two quickly become best friends and Hinata gets people to back off on bullying Sora. They form Ra*bits, one of the few units from the school at the time.
Sora was known to be good at what he does, just a little odd. Himeru chose him for that reason, although he wasn't aware of the bullying the kid had to deal with.
Mao suggests Mayoi, after accidentally finding the Secret Room.
Mayoi spent a lot of time in that room and Mao didn't even know he existed until then. He used the room as his little corner and it was full to the brim with stuff he made, particularly, outfits and dioramas. Mao was impressed, and he felt that Mayoi could probably be a good candidate.
= = =
The first Eccentrics meeting went... interesting. Rinne and Leo fought, Nagisa tried to mediate while trying to help the rather scared Sora and Mayoi. The two didn't stop bickering until they realized they made Sora cry and were like "oh shit."
They eventually warmed up to each other, though, becoming a bit of a family.
Most of them were unaware that they were about to be vilified by fine.
= = =
The first to go down was Sora. Well... technically Hinata.
As the student body got more hostile against the Eccentrics, they decided to target the person they were kind of already targeting before this whole thing. They saw the fact that pretty much no one was doing anything as confirmation that this was okay.
The Ra*bits duo were attacked in the hallways one day. Hinata was injured the most, Sora being pulled away by some of the other Eccentrics as they tried to stop the fighting. They succeeded, but too late. Hinata is later hospitalized and the Eccentrics learn he's in a coma.
Sora is distraught and basically pulls a Shu. He starts talking in 3rd person around here, as a way to distance "himself" from the person who was unable to save his best friend from the people who were after "him" originally.
= = =
Himeru and Rei are furious at Tatsumi for not stepping in before things go that bad. Himeru shouts at Tatsumi and breaking off their friendship. He blamed Tatsumi for being both the indirect cause of Hinata's hospitalization and the person encouraging the students to be this violent.
= = =
Mayoi is desperate to fix all of this and stop the harassment they're getting. He feels this whole thing is unjust. He pulls a Natsume, basically, as well as disappearing soon after Sora.
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One of the people watching this whole thing unfold changes their opinions on the Eccentrics and Fine. Tsumugi, who had overheard Himeru and Tatsumi's argument, reaches out to the Eccentrics a little after the Incident, offering to help them.
Nagisa, figured out what Tatsumi was doing, tells Tsumugi it. At this point, the other Eccentrics are unaware, although Rinne and Leo are sort of suspicious about what Nagisa knows. Tsumugi ends up helping Sora and Mayoi as the chaos in the school gets worse around them.
= = =
The final battle against the Eccentrics and Fine happens, and Leo is chosen to be the one who fights against Fine. Nagisa tells him a week before all of this happens. Leo agrees to loose on purpose despite Rinne's protests. Mayoi shows up for the live, but Sora doesn't.
= = =
Going back to the beginning, Mao was originally intrigued when he learned about the three original Eccentrics. He brought up how he wasn't sure they would get along.
Nagisa was known to be a "god" of sorts and was highly respected. People knew about his connection to the Godfather and all.
Rinne was known as a clown, a person who was painted as "the eccentric outsider" when he first came to the school and have just been acting how people expect him to be.
Leo was known to be a genius composer and he was someone Mao admired a lot. Mao wasn't super sure about how this whole thing was going to go down, and he wasn't sure how he would feel about seeing Leo defeated. He didn't want to hurt him, but he felt like Leo could handle it, so he let it happen.
This leads up to the last live. Rei and Himeru are well ready to leave, but Mao is unsure. He's.. unaware he's being dismissed after that live. Leo gives Mao a little talk and enough confidence to get through that live.
Leo and his partner, Tsukasa, loose, and the War ends.
= = =
After the last live, Tatsumi is distraught. He pushed away Mao out of fear, feeling like what Himeru and Rei said were right and he doesn't feel deserving of a "hero" title some of the students have given him. He doesn't feel deserving of being student council leader. He doesn't feel deserving of being an idol.
He would've ended it all on that rooftop if Arashi hadn't been on there at the time and stopped him.
= = =
Arashi, another neutral bystander like Tsumugi was, had seen the whole thing unfold. She, originally, was against Fine after seeing what they let the student body do to Hinata. She later learns that, despite the rumors of the argument between Himeru and Tatsumi, it wasn't planned. They didn't want to do that, but Tatsumi was afraid that if he stopped them from doing whatever, the revolution wouldn't be successful.
She forgives Tatsumi for what he did and convinces him that he's worth something, still.
= = = = =
Other stuff:
Leo and Mao later find each other and start up Ryusetai
Arashi and Tatsumi are the original members of new Fine. Shu and Hajime join later on
Yuuta comes in the next year, posed at Hinata. Sora catches on almost instantly but they promised to make it work. Ra*bits is revived and gain two new members, Aira and Tori.
Because of Rei having been through the War, he's able to do more effective damage control when the Reimei revolt happens.
Himeru leaves to Reimei as well, later forming 2wink with Kaname
A bunch of the ages have been changed for this, uhhh I'm not really sure on many of them though lmao
if you wanna see more of this au, go check out @enswap :3
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felikatze · 6 months
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SLOOPIS FANKIDS. sorted youngest to oldest. (hi @v1u who is coparent of these goobers)
dont. dont worry about the notes on orion. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. we're not putting the teenagers in the torment nexus. no. I'm sure Orion is a normal child.
Orion was born Regularly but the triplets just kinda showed up on the doorstep one day. Entirely normal no Wish Craft involved.
(Orion, age 4) "Poppa!! Look!! The stork is real!!"
(Isabeau, suddenly father of four) "UH HUH. SURE IS."
Also. Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak are the three brightest stars of Orion's Belt. Star kids :)
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finisnihil · 4 months
Don't be cowards Mihoyo, give us more hot Imaginary women
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spocksjuul · 2 years
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The Pandora Principle, Carolyn Clowes.
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magratpudifoot · 3 months
Hi, uh, yeah. Just...just checking in? Do we...do we think calling two actors who aren't romantically involved with one another and lead separate domestic lives "husbands" because of a ship name for two of their many dozens of characters is, like, maybe not a great move?
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teddydeer · 1 year
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/(=´x`=)\  this is my character wesley, he is one of the most important things in the world to me..!! i made him almost a decade ago, we’ve been through a lot together
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
Actually one more thing about Sun & Star -
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“But can a being made of light survive in the darkest part of the world?”
So like. Is this a metaphorical thing or is Will actually made of light now? Is that a decision we’re making? Cause I am FASCINATED by the implications of that. Also, Tartarus itself isn’t the darkest part of the world, Nyx’s Palace is. Though there was some indication that Nico may have gone there in his first venture to Tartarus, which is Very Interesting because if they return there then you have a literal Son of the Sun venturing into The Literal Realm Of Night and i can only imagine that’ll be a fascinating scenario.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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ST Voyager: Repression - Horror Movie Vibes
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