#the spirit kingdom fancast
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simpofhans · 4 months ago
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he is a bad father but he is the perfect faceclaim for frost in live action.... eh. at least I found a man that is 100% him. even if the character is awful.
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sotwk · 4 months ago
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SotWK AU Headcanon and SPOILER:
The last (known) Elvenqueen of Eryn Lasgalen, wife of Crown Prince Aranion, was a Silvan commoner. She and Aranion were crowned by Thranduil just before he sailed for the Blessed Realm.
She is the daughter of....??? Spoilers under the cut. (Although I'm not sure there's a reason to care about spoilers for my AU at this point, since I have never written anything in a linear fashion. LOL.)
Born in TA 1190, Thalawen is the daughter of Feren, Captain of the Mirkwood Kingsguard.
Her mother was grievously wounded and poisoned by a spider while pregnant with her. Although the powers of Elvenqueen Maereth saved both mother and child, Thalawen was born very prematurely: small, weak, and with deformed limbs. It took her entire childhood to fully recover to a healthy state. With centuries of further healing intervention and therapy/training, her limbs regained close to normal use and appearance, but she was left in chronic pain.
Throughout these life challenges, Thalawen remained positive and brave, a rarity during the dark times of Mirkwood's Third Age. She discovered her exceptional talent at sewing and creating specialized cloths. She received commissions to sew wardrobe pieces for members of the Royal Family several times, but she devoted her craft mostly to the creation of clothing for Mirkwood's guards and scouts, using enhanced ("magic") cloth that gave them added protection.
Thalawen's strength and infectiously bright spirit captured the attention of Prince Aranion (son of Crown Prince Mirion and Princess Itarildë) as early as TA 1975, growing their friendship to mutual love. But as much as Thalawen gave Aranion joy and comfort throughout the tragedies and losses endured by his family, the weight of his responsibilities to his grandparents and his new position as Crown Prince (after his father's death), made him reluctant to pursue his own happiness.
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SotWK Fancast: Bradley James and Emilia Clarke as Elvenking Aranion and Elvenqueen Thalawen, the last rulers of Eryn Lasgalen.
Eventually, Maereth intervened and encouraged her grandson to build a life and family of his own, and to choose hope in spite of the darkness and despair that engulfed Mirkwood. In TA 2724, Aranion and Thalawen were wed, and she became Crown Princess of the Woodland Realm. Together they served their King and kingdom faithfully and well, and were instrumental in helping the realm endure while Thranduil was incapacitated from grief for nearly an entire century after Maereth's death in TA 2793.
For a long time, despite their best efforts, the couple struggled to conceive a child. In fact, no Elven child was born in the Woodland Realm after Maereth's death until the destruction of Dol Guldur. Thalawen finally give birth to a daughter and new heir in the spring of TA 3020.
tldr: Feren's daughter becomes Queen of Mirkwood/Eryn Lasgalen in the Fourth Age!
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(SUPER BELATED) HAPPY HALLOWEEN, @nocturnsworld! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY! *I know you're new to my hot mess blog, so I feel I must deeply apologize for info-dumping on you, but this is really what happens when I get Asks. :)
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annachum · 2 months ago
Medusa and Crystal of the Lhazareen ( ASOMAM )
Queen Medusa of Lhazar
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In ASOMAM, Medusa is Queen of Lhazar. Courteous, often seductive and alluring, Medusa comes from a mainly fire bending household in the South of Lhazar, and her marriage to King Black Bolt united many tribes of Lhazar. She and Black Bolt have a 3 year old son together by the time the Lhazar - Free Cities alliance is struck for the sake of defending themselves against Viktor Von Doom of Qarth. Black Bolt and Medusa found themselves having to face a more opening up of Lhazar to the world at such high stakes
I imagine Queen Medusa's ASOMAM wardrobe to be kinda like Ancient Tibetan/Northern Desi versions of her wardrobe in Marvel in spades - lots of purple and pearls with long auburn hair often in braids and such.
Princess Crystal of Lhazar
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Princess Crystal is the energetic, diplomatic and free spirited younger sister of Queen Medusa. Skilled in diplomacy and astronomy, she has great elemental powers. When she turns 18, she found herself in a bethrothal with Pietro Blackfyre of the X Council in Free Cities. As she and Pietro have an allies to love love story, Crystal juggles between being a new member of the X Council and also being a diplomatic head of Lhazar
I imagine Princess Crystal's wardrobe to be kinda like an Ancient Tibetan/Northern Desi version of her wardrobe in Marvel in spades - lots of yellow and gold ornaments, with elemental patterns and such, and her copper red hair in thick curls and often in braids.
In ASOMAM, Medusa and Crystal's mother is borne a Princess of Qahl ( a Northern Great Moraqi kingdom which is an island near Faros, and inspired by Ancient Kashmir Kingdom ), which is a reason why Medusa and Crystal often dress in Tibetan and Northern Desi inspired elements
And yes, Tabu and Charithra Chandran are also my fancasts for Medusa and Crystal respectively in ASOMAM
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westerosiladies · 5 years ago
Arya Stark Fancast Resource
So I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been having a hard time finding age-appropriate actors in period costumes when trying to create any content that doesn’t feature the actors from the show (not that I don’t love them all, just sometimes a change of pace is nice). That’s particularly true for characters whose book and show counterparts are significantly different in age. I thought I’d start putting together some resources for fancasts that are reasonably accurate to book descriptions, particularly after I saw the incredible Sansa Stark resource put together by BookSansaDaily.
So yeah, let’s start with Arya:
“Nine years old at the start of A Game of Thrones, Arya's appearance is more Stark than Tully, with a long face, grey eyes, and brown hair. She is skinny and athletic. She is generally regarded as plain, as exemplified by a nickname “Arya Horseface”, and is often mistaken for a boy.” (x)
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Raffey Cassidy was roughly 9 years old when filming Snow White and the Huntsman. The costume design is appropriately medieval, and I've found it a particularly good resource because of the number of clips where Raffey looks disheveled and/or tomboyish. Best for AGOT and pre-ASOIAF content.
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I can’t find an accurate birthday for Anna Maguire, but given that she played a 9-year-old character two years after this film, I feel confident placing her at 7-10 during the filming of Ever After. The film is set in the Renaissance rather than the Middle Ages, but Danielle’s clothes are still reasonably appropriate. As with Snow White and the Huntsman, this is a good resource for both AGOT and pre-ASOIAF content, especially since it contains footage of Anna Maguire looking both put together and covered in mud. She’s not as long-faced as Arya should be, but she’s got the appropriate mischievous energy.
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Pan’s Labyrinth is set in the 1940s, well outside appropriate ASOIAF timeframes, so Ivana Baquero is best used for stills and closeups. However, the scene in which she faces the toad (pictures 1 and 4 here) has her filthy and in reasonably time-neutral underclothes, so I’ve found it useful before for the period when Arya’s on the run with the Night’s Watch or the Brotherhood. Ivana was 11 when filming, so that puts her at a more appropriate age for later novels.
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Again, not a period-appropriate film, but Heidi does spend a significant amount of it running around in an undershirt, so that’s useful for taking it out of time a bit. Anuk Steffan was 10 when filming, and this movie has the added benefit of portraying her with both long and short hair, which makes it particularly ideal for content portraying both Arya Stark and Arry the Orphan. She even occasionally runs around in boys’ clothing, albeit 19th century boys’ clothing.
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1. ARABELLA MORTON - GAEL (THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER): Arabella was 10 when filming the third Narnia movie. She doesn’t have a ton of footage, but there’s some material between her and her onscreen father that’s potentially useful for Arya and Ned, and she’s got a mischievous spirit that feels very Arya to me.
2. UNKNOWN ACTOR - YOUNG SOPHIA/ZOE (SOPHIA): I’m not sure who this actor is (if you know, please tell me!) but she plays Young Sophia/Zoe in the Russian series Sophia. Based on her height, she’s significantly older than Arya, and she only appears in one sequence, which can be found here. However, I think her face is uncommonly perfect for Arya, so I’ve used her both for gifs and for stills.
3. HARRY STOTT - LUPUS (ROMAN MYSTERIES): Harry Stott was 11-12 when filming the TV series Roman Mysteries. He’s a useful resource when fancasting Arya in disguise as Arry, particularly in the Season 2 episode titled “The Fugitive from Corinth,” where he wears the brown traveling cloak you can sort of see in the picture above.
4. TOM TAYLOR - YOUNG UHTRED (THE LAST KINGDOM): Another good Arry fancast. Tom Taylor was 13ish when filming the first season of The Last Kingdom, which has particularly good cold weather, fur-based fashion. Heads up that the character of Young Uhtred was recast for later seasons, and the other kid looks much less like Arya.
Anyway, I hope this is useful, and feel free to add any additional actors you like to cast as Arya! I’m planning to make several of these for different characters; the full set can be found here once I’ve made more.
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cleoselene · 7 years ago
Do you have any favorite ships that never happened with characters that never met from got?
Robb x Margaery is the main one.  I am ready to sign up as a Priestess to preach the holy word of Robbaery.  I feel like Stark military strategy coupled with Tyrell wealth and resources and troops to add to Robb’s sparse force would have been a true power player move.  If the Starks aren’t desperate for troops, they never make the move to mend things with Walder Frey, and they never have a Red Wedding.  With the Tyrells on their side, the Starks have the required southern political savvy to temper Robb’s idealism, creating more of a balance.  I think each house in this case has strengths the other house lacks.  It’s a world-fixing strategy.  There’s a lot LESS death and destruction and unlike Dany’s wavering, they would be enemies who feel the urgency to attack King’s Landing and take out the Lannister threat before moving forward to the war against the dead.
Also, no Margaery in King’s Landing (which would be the case here as I imagine the Tyrells going to Robb instead of Tywin before the Battle of the Blackwater) and not only does it look dicey for the Lannisters to hold the line against Stannis, but also that Sansa takes up Littlefinger on his first offer to spirit her away to the Eyrie (since she has no promised wedding to Loras to make her turn him down) and thus her flight to the Eyrie is a lot faster.  The Knights of the Vale very likely end up with the Stark-Tyrell forces in this scenario.
And when Daenerys rolls around, Margaery is an excellent diplomat… something would be worked out there… PLUS you got Jon luring her into his etchings still.  Forming an even stronger alliance which imo would end with Dany and Jon in King’s Landing on the Iron Throne is exchange for the dragons/her armies help in the war, but the North is sovereign and Margaery and Robb end up King & Queen in the North.  Westeros is not wholly united, but closely allied, as you have brothers near or on the throne in both major newly formed kingdoms.
Beyond my perfection Robbaery?
Robb/Loras because well >_>  Friend and I have been working on fleshing out the above AU and our Robb and Loras are SUPER SUPER CLOSE BFFS.  And there’s UST.  Which.  Idk.  There’s almost no content for these two wunderkinds of famous houses and I could one hundred percent dig some, whether it’s gen or slash.
A petty party of me that LOATHES Ned Stark wants Catelyn/Jorah plot because they’re beautiful and age appropriate and have by this point a lot of weary memories about Ned.  Ned took Catelyns little girls to a snake pit in King’s Landing and they both ended up suffering because of it, and as Cat told Ned: You could always say no to the job.  In my head Cat is a little bit, very quietly, angry with Ned for the choices he made which resulted in the tragic scattering of her children.  He knew there was something dangerous going on and repeatedly did not take the proper precautions, including BRINGING HIS ONLY DAUGHTERS TO KING’S LANDING.  I’ll never get over this tbh.  And well, Jorah hated him some Ned Stark.  To have Catelyn end up with Jorah Mormont would probably annoy the fuck out of Ned, and well, since both characters have their own reasons to be angry at Ned… I’m not saying it’s healthy, but it’s satisfying in a way.
And finally Sansa/Willas.  Since he’s not on the show.  But he seemed sweet and lovely and gentlemanly and would have treated her the way she wanted to be treated.  Even if I absolutely loathe the common fancasting for him as I think that actor looks so squirrely and Willas in my head is all kinds of wholesome.  Tyrells shouldn’t look squirrely, lol.  And Sansa deserves to be in a wondrously beautiful place like Highgarden.  Among nice people.
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