#the specificity of the onomatopoeia one??
mumblesplash · 3 months
comics as an art form make me insane. they’re so difficult to do well. there’s so many different ways to make sequential art work and most of them are deeply unintuitive. onomatopoeia that feels completely ridiculous to put down often reads seamlessly. panels on a page become a fractally nested image composition challenge that’s only possible to lose because if you do a good job no one will notice. you have to direct the readers’ eyes on a specific path across the page but also account for the fact that they won’t follow it. comic time isn’t linear. if the order of events isn’t crystal clear the story becomes incomprehensible. sometimes you need to do this on purpose. all this for a medium almost universally considered less effective than animation and less respectable than plain text. even its own name doesn’t take it seriously
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10 Ways to Add Sizzle to Your Boring Writing
Writing that sizzles captures the reader's attention and keeps them engaged from start to finish. Whether you're an experienced writer or just starting out, there are several techniques you can use to make your writing more exciting and dynamic. Here are ten detailed ways to add sizzle to your boring writing:
1. Use Vivid Descriptions
Vivid descriptions bring your writing to life by creating a rich, immersive experience for the reader. Instead of relying on generic or bland language, use specific details that appeal to the senses. Describe how things look, sound, smell, taste, and feel to paint a vivid picture.
In Detail:
Visual Descriptions: Use color, shape, and size to create a mental image. Instead of saying "The car was old," say "The rusty, olive-green car wheezed as it pulled into the driveway."
Sound Descriptions: Incorporate onomatopoeia and detailed sound descriptions. Instead of "The music was loud," say "The bass thumped, and the high notes pierced through the night air."
Smell and Taste Descriptions: Use sensory language. Instead of "The food was good," say "The aroma of roasted garlic and herbs filled the room, and the first bite was a burst of savory flavors."
2. Show, Don't Tell
"Show, don't tell" is a fundamental writing principle that means revealing information through actions, thoughts, dialogue, and sensory details rather than straightforward exposition. This approach makes your writing more engaging and allows readers to experience the story.
In Detail:
Actions Over Exposition: Instead of telling the reader "Jane was scared," show her fear through her actions: "Jane's hands trembled as she fumbled with the lock, her breath coming in shallow gasps."
Dialogue: Use conversations to reveal character traits and emotions. Instead of "John was angry," show his anger through his words and tone: "John's voice was a low growl as he said, 'I can't believe you did this.'"
Internal Thoughts: Reveal characters' inner worlds. Instead of "Emma felt relieved," show her relief: "Emma let out a long breath she didn't realize she was holding and sank into the chair, a smile tugging at her lips."
3. Create Relatable Characters
Relatable characters are crucial for keeping readers invested in your story. Characters should have depth, including strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears. When readers see aspects of themselves in your characters, they're more likely to care about their journeys.
In Detail:
Character Flaws: Give your characters realistic flaws. A perfect character can be boring and unrelatable. Show how these flaws impact their decisions and relationships.
Character Arcs: Ensure your characters grow and change throughout the story. A well-crafted character arc can turn a good story into a great one.
Background and Motivations: Provide backstories and motivations. Why does your character act the way they do? What drives them? This adds depth and makes them more three-dimensional.
4. Add Dialogue
Dialogue can break up large blocks of text and make your writing more dynamic. It reveals character, advances the plot, and provides opportunities for conflict and resolution. Ensure your dialogue sounds natural and serves a purpose.
In Detail:
Natural Speech: Write dialogue that sounds like real conversation, complete with interruptions, pauses, and colloquial language. Avoid overly formal or stilted speech.
Purposeful Dialogue: Every line of dialogue should have a purpose, whether it's revealing character, advancing the plot, or building tension. Avoid filler conversations that don't add to the story.
Subtext: Use subtext to add depth. Characters might say one thing but mean another, revealing their true feelings through what they don't say directly.
5. Use Strong Verbs
Strong verbs make your writing more vivid and energetic. They convey action and emotion effectively, making your sentences more powerful and engaging.
In Detail:
Action Verbs: Choose verbs that show precise actions. Instead of "She went to the store," say "She dashed to the store."
Avoid Weak Verbs: Replace weak verbs and verb phrases with stronger alternatives. Instead of "He was walking," say "He strode."
Emotionally Charged Verbs: Use verbs that convey specific emotions. Instead of "She was sad," say "She wept."
6. Vary Sentence Structure
Varying sentence structure keeps your writing interesting and prevents it from becoming monotonous. Mix short, punchy sentences with longer, more complex ones to create a rhythm that engages readers.
In Detail:
Short Sentences for Impact: Use short sentences to create tension, urgency, or emphasize a point. "He stopped. Listened. Nothing."
Complex Sentences for Detail: Use longer sentences to provide detailed descriptions or explain complex ideas. "As the sun set behind the mountains, the sky transformed into a canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples, casting a warm glow over the serene landscape."
Combine Different Structures: Mix simple, compound, and complex sentences to maintain a natural flow. Avoid repetitive patterns that can make your writing feel flat.
7. Introduce Conflict
Conflict is the driving force of any story. It creates tension and keeps readers invested in the outcome. Without conflict, your story can become stagnant and uninteresting.
In Detail:
Internal Conflict: Characters should struggle with internal dilemmas, fears, and desires. This adds depth and relatability.
External Conflict: Introduce obstacles and challenges that characters must overcome. This can be other characters, societal pressures, or natural forces.
Resolution: Show how conflicts are resolved, leading to character growth and plot progression. Ensure resolutions feel earned and satisfying.
8. Use Metaphors and Similes
Metaphors and similes add creativity and depth to your writing. They help readers understand complex ideas and emotions by comparing them to familiar experiences.
In Detail:
Metaphors: Directly state that one thing is another to highlight similarities. "Time is a thief."
Similes: Use "like" or "as" to make comparisons. "Her smile was like sunshine on a rainy day."
Avoid Clichés: Create original comparisons rather than relying on overused phrases. Instead of "busy as a bee," find a fresh analogy.
9. Create Suspense
Suspense keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eager to find out what happens next. Use foreshadowing, cliffhangers, and unanswered questions to build tension and anticipation.
In Detail:
Foreshadowing: Drop subtle hints about future events. This creates anticipation and a sense of inevitability.
Cliffhangers: End chapters or sections with unresolved tension or unanswered questions to compel readers to keep going.
Pacing: Control the pace of your story to build suspense. Slow down for crucial moments and speed up during action scenes.
10. Edit Ruthlessly
Great writing often emerges during the editing process. Be willing to cut unnecessary words, tighten your prose, and refine your sentences. Editing improves clarity, pace, and overall readability.
In Detail:
Cut Redundancies: Remove unnecessary words and repetitive phrases. "In my opinion, I think" can be reduced to "I think."
Focus on Clarity: Ensure each sentence conveys its intended meaning clearly and concisely.
Proofread: Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. A polished manuscript reflects professionalism and attention to detail.
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yuurei20 · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland Curse Word Compilation: Main Story
⚠️Language Warning!⚠️
Note: these localizations are not literal translations (“くそ” does not literally mean “to damn something,” for example), and are more so examples of what the characters might be saying if they were speaking American English ^^
This post was made in collaboration with the wonderful @irafuwas to whom I am most grateful for the wonderful explanations ♡
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#1: くそ (kuso)
An interjection used to express feelings like anger, frustration, disappointment.
Meaning: Dammit/damn it, damn, god damn it, shit, bloody hell, fucking hell, fuck
Ace is the #1 user of this word in the main story, repeating it at least 5 times from the prologue to Book 6.
Jamil repeats it at least four times from Books 4 to 6, Grim at least three times and Deuce at least twice.
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Cater,  Epel, Idia, Kalim and General Lilia all use it at least once.
(Note: there seems to be a rumor that Epel uses very dirty language that is being hidden by his dialect, but I did not find this to be the case ^^ I collected all examples of Epel slipping into his natural dialect in the main story and it is mostly just normal words in an accent. He will use casual verb forms with his senpai, which is impolite in a similar way, but he is not using literal curse words.)
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#2 ち (tch)
Not so much a word as it is an onomatopoeia, “tch” is still very impolite and is used to express frustration or disdain. It can be considered equivalent to clicking one’s tongue, tsking, or tutting.
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Leona is the #1 user of this sound, repeating it at least 30 times from the prologue to Book 7.
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General Lilia repeats it at least six times (as of Book 7-4), Jack repeats it at least six times, three times for Floyd, three times for Ace and at least two times each for Azul, Idia and Jamil. It is also used at least one by Cater, Baur, Sebek and an unnamed person in Book 5.
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#3 馬鹿 / バカ (baka)
Meaning: Idiot, moron, fool, dumb ass, dummy, stupid
Leona is the #1 user of this word in the main story, repeating it at least 8 times (at least five of which were in a kind of cute way, possibly to make it sound less harsh as it is when he is speaking to Ruggie).
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Ace uses this word at least five times (three times to insult Deuce specifically).
Azul uses this word twice, as does Deuce, although one time is just him agreeing with Ace and insulting himself.
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Jamil also uses the word twice, as does Lilia (one normal-Lilia, one General-Lilia).
Jack, Jade, Floyd, Epel, Vil, Idia and Sebek also use it at least once each.
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#4 野郎 (yarou)
“Yarou” has a literal meaning of “guy” or “dude”, but can be used in a derogatory manner with a meaning of “asshole” or “jackass”.
It can be attached to an otherwise neutral noun to turn it into an insult, which Leona has a penchant for doing, depending on who he is talking about (e.g., snake-yarou for Jamil, octopus-yarou for Azul, etc.).
Leona uses this word a lot, repeating it at least 11 times in the main story.
Unnamed students, Azul, Deuce and soldiers in Book 7 also use it, while General Lilia will sometimes use it to refer to his own men.
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#5 ちくしょう (chikushou)
An interjection used to express feelings like anger, frustration, disappointment 
Meaning: Dammit/damn it, damn, god damn it, shit, bloody hell, fucking hell, fuck
Another word used similarly to how “dammit” is used in American English (it is a little harsher than kuso, maybe), Epel uses it at least three times in the main story.
Deuce uses it twice, as do unnamed students at the school, Ace once and General Lilia once (as of 7-4).
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#6 間抜け (manuke)
Meaning: fool, moron, blockhead, half-wit, idiot.
This word is used to insult someone for lacking awareness or being absent-minded.
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Leona uses it at least twice in the main story, and it is also a part of the string of insults that Jamil delivers to Kalim in Book 4.
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#7 アホ (aho)
This is a common insult similar to “idiot” or “stupid,” used at least once by Ace and once by Deuce (in a more slang way) in the main story.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
A Brutally Honest Description of How Each Brother SHOULD Text Each Other
That bitch who corrects your grammar and typos.
"Is it 'who' or 'whom,' MC? You can do better."
Always formal, full sentences, good punctuation, with little typos.
Only changes when he's solo texting Diavolo where suddenly they're sending each other text spam and multiple emojis like gossiping schoolgirls.
I swear, his texts should be basically unreadable. Not because he can't write, but because he never reads over for mistakes before hitting send.
Typos, misspellings, missing words, the whole works. Sending messages through only emojis would arguably be more coherent.
Very big fan of voice chat because his brothers make fun of his illegible texts.
Only person who can reliably decipher whatever he says and never gets on his case about it is, surprisely, Lucifer. But he's had to read it for so many years that he barely even notices the flaws anymore. His mind fills in the gaps.
VERY BIG FAN OF ALL CAPS but to express excitement.
Could write you a novel but will send you an internet link to what he's talking about instead.
Sends random sentence fragments when too excited because his thumbs get away from him and he'll accidently hit "Send" twelve times in a row.
Texts exactly how he speaks. Included his many Levia-isms which are just keyboard smashes or random ass onomatopoeia like "bluforgal"
Can write you a novel. Will write you a novel. And will squeeze it all into one or two texts max.
Run-on sentences galore. Man has never met a comma he doesn't immediately take in like a starving Victorian orphan.
Likes taking aesthetic pictures of his books, coffee, rain, and cats. Mostly cats. You would think he has to immediately report each one he sees to MC like an endangered species.
The living god of emojis. He has ones downloaded that you've never even imagined before. Incredibly hyper-specific ones like "man bent over stop sign puking on ground."
The kind of person who will ALWAYS answer the questions "How are you" or "Where are you" with an immediate selfie. Even in the tub.
Comes up with brilliant hot-takes while drunk and spams them at you at 3 in the morning.
While send selfies and aesthetic pics to you first for approval before posting them to Devilgram. He expects detailed critique on image quality, filter usage, pose, composition, lighting-
I feel like Beel just matches whatever energy you give him, sometimes for no reason.
If you text him: WHAT IS THE GROCERY LIST THIS WEEK? You'll get back:
The only big difference is Belphie because those two can send each other messages that are just "Uh-huh." "No." "No way!" for an hour and come away with a complete conversation.
Abbreviation king. If he can skip out on writing out the whole word, he'll do it by any means necessary.
Sometimes he doesn't even bother finishing people's names and uses initials like he speaks in code.
"M wnt 2 🛒 store"
"Wtch out, Lu is 😡"
Falls asleep texting often so messages can be perfectly fine one minute, then turn into a garble of letters the next.
Voice chats his dreams to MC like an audio-diary. Since he naps often, they may get 5 to 10 of these rambily messes sent to them a day.
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fifi-afterhours · 1 year
Telephones and Their Possible Connection with the Audience
So some time ago l was scrolling through @/partycoffin’s blog as one does when you fall into the fandom hole of welcome home, and I wanted to do a little speculation post about telephones and this picture:
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Or more specifically, Eddie's and Howdy's ones, and their different rotary dialers.
[Supposed tiny post turned into long theory ramble below cut!]
(I have checked that this was made on 4 December, 2022, so I think this could be speculated on!)
As we can see, not only are the phone types different (with theirs presumably being portable), the numbers used for dialing are replaced with colours instead. Now, a simple explanation could be made that the colours simply replace the numbers, but that's not the case:
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(I know they're not buttons, but let's just use that as a placeholder name for now-)
Neither of them seems to match with the 10 buttons needed for a a normal rotary dial, so the only explanation I could think of is that each colour corresponds with a neighbor.
@softestvine made a post about this before, and if you take a look at the guestbook signatures, the missing purple button on Eddie's phone makes sense since purple should represent him, and therefore his phone number in a sense.
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The real question is why would Howdy have his own phone number. Maybe an extra set of hands means he owns two phones? Or maybe it's normal to have your own contacts to ring yourself up, and Eddie is actually the odd one out? For that I'm not sure.
Continuing on, there's also the curious addition of a black button, which doesn't seem to connect to any neighbor at all. My first thought was that it could be related to Home, but considering that it communicates through onomatopoeia that even Wally couldn't understand sometimes, I feel like it's doubtful that it's meant to be for Home. (though I'm not saying that it's impossible, just unlikely for now).
Which leads to the second theory: it's to represent us, the audience, the viewers of the show. My speculation is that there was a segment on the show that would involve the characters calling or receiving a phone call from a fan of the show, similar to how irl children shows that includes audience participation will show off fanworks in their episodes. (the closest example I could think of is Blue's Clues right now since my sister used to watch that).
Admittedly this feels like a stretch, but phones seem to be important to the show in some manner. In some old posts, we have audio of what prank calls to some of the characters are like, and although they're definitely not relevant to the work now, it's interesting to note that the concept of a way to communicate with the puppets exists.
Another thing is that on one of the secret pages of the website, you're sent to this page:
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An error page that shows altered text and a phone gif instead of the one with Home. Perhaps I am looking too much into this, but compared to the other hidden links, why would this one take us to an error page first, albeit a different one?
Some people have pointed it out here that if you inspect the phone gif, it says "It's for you". When you click on it, you're taken to a page called 'duet' where Wally is singing to Home.
Don't you think it's coincidental that the only page with an audio file was only found through a phone? And why is the page called 'duet' when Home only responds after Wally finished his song? That's because the duet isn't sung by Wally and Home, it's supposed to be sung by Wally and you. By clicking on the phone, you're answering Wally's call, hence the "It's for you" file name.
My conclusion is that the phones were used to talk to the audience back when the show is running, and now Wally is using them to try to reach out to us.
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biceratops7 · 11 months
HOly fucking SHIT-
Guys I just had a complete Shellstrop style “holy motherforking shirt balls” moment at work about Donnie’s unusual speaking patterns. You know, when he does this:
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This tendency to narrate his actions in the third person or verbally say onomatopoeias in place of the sound is uh… well it’s autistic right? Look it features in literally every compilation but no one knows why other than “vibes, sometimes it just be like that 🤷”
But NO. No it NOT be like that. I finally know what this fucking nerd is doing, hear me out…
… he’s scripting.
Think about it. You know what else describes action, emotion, and sound in purely words? Books. He has these little speaking quirks, yah, but if you actually zoom out and see the whole picture, Donnie talks like he’s a narrator. This makes a SHIT ton of sense considering we already have textual evidence that he engages in scripting behavior (more specifically some possible echolalia. See: saying “New York! What a Town!” in any situation something kind of abnormal happens after he hears Splinter say it with the exact same infections and everything.)
And we also know from the mystic library that Donnie actively seeks out and enjoys reading. So it stands to reason an autistic 14 year old who likes to be left alone to work on complex machines a decent amount and takes pride in his intellect would model the way he communicates off of written media as opposed to tv or his brothers. He could fill his social tool box with lines from Jupiter Jones and Lou Jitsu movies, but he may think it would give him less of a chance to properly express his capabilities.
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Books are also the only form of media that can literally just tell you flat out what a character’s expression or emotion is supposed to be without it being awkward, which would be really appealing for Donnie. What solidifies this for me is the fact that at least once he verbally says “sad face emoji”, which could not have come from a novel or textbook. But we often do flagrantly use emoticons as tone indicators, and Donnie is constantly on his phone.
I think he’s definitely aware that this is not a regular way of communicating, but he’s clearly also self aware of his issues in getting his emotional meaning across and receiving input back. So it stands to reason he would accommodate this in a way that, yes, makes him sound odd, but is at least effective.
Now for my final little “I’ve connected the dots. I’ve connected them” moment, I headcannon that Donnie learned to read before he fully got the hang of speech. Aside from… literally everything I just said, he uses sign language to tell the squirrels to blow up his treehouse in that one episode. But he does the sign for “make” a bit incorrectly (there should be a slight twist in his upper fist), which leads me to believe he was probably taught baby sign out of necessity rather than being fully proficient in asl. This is fairly common for autistic children with speech delays.
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ckret2 · 1 month
I’m sorry if this is a pain - is there any way that in the Ao3 version of the Goldilocks thing you could translate the Cesar ciphers? Like maybe in the end notes? It’s totally ok if not I don’t want to be a nuisance - I just thought I’d ask because I suck at decoding them lol
Unless I've forgotten something, I'm pretty sure the only Caesar cipher I've used in the fic so far is "rxfk." in the chapter 2 image. (it says "ouch.") Is that what you're referring to or is there another I forgot about?
I ask because I've been avoiding codes in the fic unless they're translated in the same chapter or The World's Easiest Code (just writing backwards) specifically because I don't want any of the fic to be dependent upon solving codes, because that means some people won't have access to the full story. So if I did use another code somewhere and forgot about it, tell me where so I can fix it.
If that's the only one you mean though, I didn't translate it because "ouch" is pretty trivial and I thought "rxfk" works as a pained onomatopoeia that also sorta sounds like a swear lmao. Sometime soon, ADHD permitting, i'll try to tack a translation onto the bottom of the image.
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
Pikmin 2 Personality Quiz Translation
quick disclaimer: I am not especially fluent in Japanese, I'm just some shmuck trying their best, so take these translations with a grain of salt. especially since there's some i'm really unsure of here.
feel free to play along with this link! or just scroll all the way down to the "results" section at the bottom if you just want to see the descriptions
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Thank you for Accessing [This Page]
Ahh, thank you! You came right away. I'm so happy.
Hey... If you don't mind... I could examine your personality!
View Content
(note: there's some usage of katakana in the paragraph where it typically wouldn't be, notably for the pronouns 'watashi' and 'anata', so I decided to bold those.)
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Pikmin Personality Quiz
Q1: What is the most important thing in your life?
Q2: Of the following 5 colours, which do you prefer?
Q3: Who can you not say no to?
My parents
My lover
My boss
There isn't anyone (None)
Q4: What word best describes your lifestyle?
(note: these are all onomatopoeia in the original, so an exact translation would be impossible, or at least unreasonable. hopefully this does the job fine.)
Q5: You're flying in a spaceship. What happens to you next?
I crash
I sleep
I explore an undiscovered planet
I fall
I go back home
(note: "I fall" could equally be "I fail". it's hard to say with so little context, but either way it's not good.)
Q6: How much money do you have saved up?
No more than 100 yen
No more than 1000 yen
No more than 10,000 yen
No more than 100,000 yen
More than that! I'm rich!
(I'm here for translations, not currency conversions, but this would be (in USD, since I'm pretty sure most of you are American even though I'm not): $0.67, $6.67, $66.72, and $667.21 respectively. the fact this was probably made for children really shows here.)
Q7: What's your favourite game?
The leisurely Animal Crossing.
Pikmin, of course.
As expected, it's Zelda.
Obviously Mario, right?
Actually, it's none of these.
Q8: What's your favourite creature?
Pellet Posy
Iridescent Flint Beetle
Q9: What's your LEAST favourite creature?
Beady Long Legs
Titan Dweevil
Bumbling Snitchbug
(note: this quiz seems to specifically be related to the New Play Control version of Pikmin 2, so the inclusion of the Titan Dweevil isn't QUITE as spoilery as it seems on first glance)
Q10: What's your favourite place?
Valley of Repose
Awakening Wood
Perplexing Pool
Wistful Wild
Inside the Onion
Q11: During a space trip, you're met with an accident, and end up shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet. What kind of planet is it?
A jungle planet
A sandy planet
A mechanized planet
A planet of bugs
It's actually Earth
Q12: If were shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet and could only bring one thing with you, what would it be?
My secret safe
My Game Boy Advance
My passbook
A novel
Q13: If you were to start a family in the future, how many children would you have?
I don't know
A lot
Q14: How would you describe your interactions with others?
Easy to get carried away
I don't care
Q15: Seriously, how old are you?
10 or less
20 or less
40 or less
60 or less
What a rude thing to ask!
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Check your personality!
(note: if you click this button before answering all of the questions, you will get a popup saying "Q[earliest unanswered number] has not been entered.")
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Your personality is [most like]...
The President.
Your strength is that you are honest about your feelings. Your energy as a leader is undefeatable.
However, you should maybe consider other people's feelings at least a little bit.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
The President's wife.
She's straightforward about her feelings, more so than you.
She always toys with you.
However, that's because she believes in you.
→ Back
(note: I have absolutely zero confidence in that middle sentence.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
A hard-working man who loves his family. He is popular among the Pikmin for his leadership.
However, he's a bit unlucky.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Olimar's wife.
No matter how destitute, she will always support you with great love.
There can be no secrets (such as a certain safe) between lovers or husband and wife.
You two can keep it together and not let the recession get to you.
→ Back
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Your personality is [most like]...
You're not so good at communication. People tend to misunderstand you, and have no idea what you're thinking.
Maybe you should voice your feelings more often?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Louie's nana.
Her narrow eyes make her look like she can't see anything. But trust me, she definitely sees the real you.
Even if it's hard, please indulge her as much as you can.
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(note: another really hard phrase to translate on the partner pages, yowch. this time, it was the last line of her description.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Hocotate Ship.
On the outside, talkative to the point of being a blabbermouth.
But on the inside, actually a bit dry.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Beady Long Legs.
A strong personality that will really shake your heart. Whether it's out of fear or love, your heart will keep thumping.
Once you get over these feelings, a new you awaits...... Probably.
→ Back
(note: because "さん" is gender neutral, this could equally be Ms. Beady Long Legs. hocotate ship yuri, i GUESS.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Pikmin.
Serious and hard-working. Your strong suit is cooperating with others. The type to thoroughly devote yourself.
But maybe you could assert yourself a little more?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Bulborb.
It will lead you with a WILD personality.
A big maw awaits you.
Please look forward to some wild kisses.
→ Back
(note: again, could be Ms. instead)
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ladybracknellssherry · 3 months
My collection of writing resources I've gathered for fanfic writing. Grammar, prompts, general writing advice, research tools, thesauruses (or thesauri 😉)... Enjoy!
English Language and Usage Stack Exchange
UW Madison Writing Center - Grammar/Punctuation rules/basics
Wheaton College Writing Resources
UNC Writing Tips and Tools
Purchase College Editorial Style Guide
Writing Forum - The Writing Process
Absolute Write Forum
English Plus Grammar Slammer
Onelook Thesaurus
Online Etymology Dictionary
Fiction Writing
Instead Of...Simple Writer's Guide by anaemicc
'How to Become a Better Writer' by @tapwrites
'50 Tips for (Fanfic) Writing' by @ao3commentoftheday
Fic Writing Advice by @radioactive-earthshine
'How to Exploit Facial Expressions' by Kathy Steinemann - absolutely check out the rest of the site too, it is a goldmine.
'Writing Inspiration and Resources' by Bryn Donovan - some digging required but there's tools here for everyone.
'World Building and Writing Advice' + a brilliant list of Prompts, Scenarios, and Dialogues by @pendarling
Writing Questions Answered Masterlist
One Stop for Writer's Character and World Building Thesaurus
ProWritingAid Emotions Thesaurus
Descriptionary - it's...ways to describe things. Just check it out, lmfao.
The Sexy Stuff
KJ Scott's Lewd Vocab Survey Results
'The Smutwriter's Dictionary' by @maybeeatspaghetti
Laurel Clarke's Sexy Thesaurus
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sincerely-sofie · 7 months
I'm struggling to name my own charmander, do you have any tips?
I want the name to sound natural for a pmd environment (aka not a human name)
Smol bits of character I have are:
- likes to fight
- acts first, ask questions later,
- bit of an airhead
- nerd
Oooh, this is a topic I love. Names are such a joy to tinker with when creating characters. I'll start out with a preamble on naming characters in general before getting into specific names I'd recommend for this charmander in particular!
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Something to keep in mind about characters when you're naming them is who in the story is doing the naming. What is their relationship with the character? What is their opinion of them? What is their personal background? All of these things will influence the types of names your character might be given. The same is true if your character is naming themself. 
(You can ignore these things if you want to free yourself up as you name your character, of course! I just find it helpful in narrowing down my miles-long lists of names I end up with.)
In the case of Twig, I knew Grovyle was going to name her, and that he was going to come from his grass-type background with most names he had been exposed to. He named her Twig because that's a common name amongst grass-type communities that implies smallness, youth, and on the namer’s end, a devotion and determination to protect the one being named. 
Note that there's no such real-world implications in the English word Twig. It's more often used as a way to call someone scrawny and weak. The beauty of writing a story is that you can do what you want in it, and if you want the pokemon language to have a whole plethora of implications and connotations in their naming system, go for it! Just try and communicate it in the narrative somehow so that readers can enjoy it in full. 
Alright, preamble over. Let's get into the names I've found after searching up “fire related words” and exhausting every online thesaurus known to man. I'm going to assume that your charmander character is named by a fire-type, likely a family member, which will center most of them around literal flames and heat, but I'll throw in some less obvious connections as well
Hearth. This name implies a more cozy, homey setting along with a tame sort of fire. However, it may be fun as a contrasting name for a hot-headed character. 
Ember. A classic fire name, and one with a gentler sound than some of the harsher names below. 
Spark. This might be a good name if your character has moments of brilliance despite their airheadedness— like if their nerdy streak has applications that seem to give them sparks of genius. 
Pepper. An indirectly fire-related name, which may be given by a grass-type or its botanical root or a character who enjoys cooking. 
Illumina. A name describing light— again, something that might be fun for emphasizing a nerdy streak!
Fizz. An onomatopoeia of a campfire hissing and crackling. It might be good for a character that surged up in their temper, but is quick to fizzle out. I think this one is really fun, but that's just me!
Wick. Like a candle wick. I love how this sounds. 
Halo. This name emphasizes light and purity, and might not make much sense with its Christian implications in the PMD world. However, it could be used to refer to halos of light around the sun and similar things, which would negate that issue!
Aurora. I see this as being a name popular among both ice-types and fire-types. 
Sol / Soul. Depending on how you spell it, this name is a reference to either the intensity of the sun or your character’s shining spirit. Or both, if you use some fun worldbuilding shenanigans!
Pine. A bit of a stretch, maybe, but I like the idea of referencing pine cones which release seeds amidst forest fires. 
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Mallow. Like the above, a reference to bush mallow and baker's globe mallow, types of plant that thrives in the aftermath of fires. 
And finally, Lychee, at my little sister's recommendation!
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Finnish meme words you see often
I am so sorry you need to see this. But I see many of you learning through memes and want to help you out! If you have a meme concept/sentence you want me to translate, feel free to ask! Also I have no idea why it's not letting me edit the text to make it evenly spaced rn!
mjäy miu mau miuku mauku ect. - *meowing* lirp lörp hörp maisk ryyps ect. - *drinking* lits läts - *sploshing* öyh + rääh - (both literal sounds) vinksin vonksin - (things not being the way they're supposed to be (humorous)) krooh pyyh/mimimi - *sleeping* yhyy nyyh byääh ect. - *crying* nams mums namskista ect.- *eating* öö nuuh - *sniffing*
NOUNS & ADJECTIVES haloo - hello? (phone) kiva pikku... - a nice little... hupsu - silly hassu - funny mälli - cum
(humorous names for sexual organs include pimpero, pimppi, pimpsa (vagina) and jorma, gigels, pippeli (penis)) hörppiä - to slurp sörkkiä - to poke around haista vittu *insert meme* - fuck you *insert meme* vitut *insert meme* - fuck it *insert meme* mötikkä - lump kreisi - crazy (english loan, often used sarcastically)
spurdo spärde - (too niche to explain shortly, a genre of specific Finnish memes) sibul - (funny form of sipuli, onion)
jonnet ei muista - "the youngins don't remember (this)" (Jonne being that one stereotypical name for a young boy, even though these days the name used is often Veeti)
FREQUENT WORD ADD-ONS AND ENDINGS -uli - (diminutive) -tella - (the act of pretending or acting as something) -uttaa - (causative)
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duckprintspress · 8 months
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What are a bunch of writers if not a huge collection of nerds who love words? So we at Duck Prints Press thought we'd celebrate National Word Nerd Day to share some words we love!! Seventeen of our authors contributed to this list, many offering up multiple favorites cause dang it we just love words that much! Definitions are from Merriam-Webster unless otherwise specified.
hurkle-durkle. scottish; to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up
认床 [rèn chuáng]. (chinese) the feeling of having difficulty sleeping in a bed other than one’s own (definition from duchinese)
ubiquitous. existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered
plaudit. an act or round of applause
bubkes. the least amount; nothing
vituperative. uttering or given to censure: containing or characterized by verbal abuse
lugubrious. exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
antithetical. being in direct and unequivocal opposition: directly opposite or opposed
consanguineous. of the same blood or origin – specifically: descended from the same ancestor
nacreous. possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or abounding in nacre; iridescent
pareidolia. the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern
defenestrate. a throwing of a person or thing out of a window; a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)
petrichor. a distinctive, earthy, usually pleasant odor that is associated with rainfall especially when following a warm, dry period and that arises from a combination of volatile plant oils and geosmin released from the soil into the air and by ozone carried by downdrafts
sanguine. marked by eager hopefulness: confidently optimistic; consisting of or relating to blood
hydrochlorothiazide. a diuretic and antihypertensive drug
eyjafjallajökull. a volcano in Iceland (source: wikipedia)
vestigial. remaining as the last small part of something that existed before
gloaming. the fall of the evening as the time of dusk or gloom; the twilight (source: wordnik)
insouciant. lighthearted unconcern, nonchalance
squamates. any of an order (squamata) of reptiles including the snakes and lizards and related extinct forms
flabbergasted. feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished
rapscallion. a person who causes trouble, rascal
fiddlesticks. something of little value, trifle
liminal. of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold: barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response
ipsedixitism. dogmatic assertion or assertiveness
flibbertigibbet. a silly flighty person
oscillating. to swing backward and forward like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories
fomite. an object that may be contaminated with infectious agents and serve in their transmission
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
susurrus. a whispering or rustling sound
ascetic. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline; austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
時々 [tokidoki]. japanese; sometimes (source: wictionary)
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
onomatopoeia. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it
bodzermoggl. (franconian) pinecone (definition provided by neo scarlett)
petrodraconic. a word created by australian rock band king gizzard & the lizard wizard (source: wikipedia)
What are YOUR favorite words? Tell us in the tags or comments!
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campgender · 4 months
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from “Soft Butch” by Nora E. Derrington, published in Fat & Queer: An Anthology (2022)
image description below the cut.
I: Soft
There’s an onomatopoeia to the word. It begins with a sibilant, sinuous, sensual ess, then moves on to a gentle ah that caresses the palate. Then the quick succession of consonants hitting the lips and teeth like a playful kitten batting a toy mouse. The word is a delicacy, smooth and subtle.
As a descriptor, it can be tactile: pliable, cushioned, comfortable. Cotton sheets worn silky smooth. Downy puppy fur. Velvet rose petals drawn across bare skin. But of course, the negative associations slip in quickly: pliable becomes yielding, yielding becomes weak. A soft touch. Soft-hearted. A big softie. An antonym not just for hard but for strong.
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be strong, to be tough. I didn’t want to be soft. How could I be anything but soft, though, when PE was my worst subject and I was so sensitive that the slightest injustice—Nikki’s mom yelling at me for wearing shoes on Nikki’s waterbed, even though the tell-tale footprint clearly came from Nikki’s shoe—or most mundane tragedy—restless teens dismembering a cheap claw-machine teddy bear in my presence—never failed to make me cry?
II. Butch
More onomatopoeia here, too: a voiced plosive, a deep vowel, three consonants in a row. Similar in feel to “macho”—but subtly different in meaning. Stereotypically masculine. Nothing about me has ever been masculine, so how could I ever be butch?
Dickies pants became the rage when I was in high school. As an alternative-rock aficionado who obsessed over the sound and aesthetics of the movie Singles—it came out when I was 12 and changed my life—I knew I needed them. When I was 16 and had both a job and transportation, I made my way to the local Tillys to snag a pair. The black cotton twill was stiff under my fingers as I stepped into the pants and pulled them up.
The Dickies pulled against my hips, uncomfortably snug, and gaped so wide at my waist I could fit a fist between my skin and the cloth. I left the store disappointed. Why did I even bother? “Good, child-bearing hips,” people would tell me, even as an adolescent. I resigned myself to a presentation that never quite matched the ideal in my head.
VII. Soft butch
Despite my fitting comfortably under the queer umbrella, I’d never really given all that much thought to the specifics of my gender identity and expression. I met a trans man when I was 24 who used the same nickname I do, which made it easier to see our similarities, but I knew immediately that his path wasn’t mine. Later that year I met someone who epitomizes high femme, and, again, I could immediately see both how perfectly she embodied that expression, and how poorly it would suit me.
The person I thought of at the time as my boyfriend, then my husband, used to joke that I was the man in the relationship— despite my tender heart, my frequent tears, my undeniable softness—but I was more or less content in just knowing what I wasn’t. It seems possible I could have stayed in that liminal place forever, but then when we were in our mid-thirties, my wife came out as trans.
This is not a story of my adapting to my wife being trans. I’d always known we were both queer, and discovering I was married to a woman came more as a pleasant surprise than anything else.
What did happen, though, was that her coming out gave me permission to do more soul-searching, to try to pinpoint my gender identity and ideal gender expression. I first encountered the term “soft butch” in one of those joke “futch scale” charts—the ones that sort musical instruments or tropical fruits on a scale from high femme to stone butch—but it stuck with me. It didn’t seem to be something I was allowed to call myself, though: image searches on Google or Pinterest just led to rows of photos of beautiful slender white people with artful short haircuts and distressed jeans. Lots of Kristen Stewart and Elliot Page and occasionally Justin Bieber. I am definitely too old and too fat to try to emulate those folks! Eventually I lamented on Twitter that I was drawn to the soft butch aesthetic but didn’t know if I could pull it off, given that I’m not thin. I quickly received a slightly baffled but firm response from a genderqueer acquaintance that of course I could. In some ways I’m still a kid, seeking others’ permission to accept myself.
I realize as I write this that I’m wearing what might be my quintessential soft butch outfit—it fits me almost without my trying. Distressed jeans—a pair that I stole from my wife long before she transitioned. They fit my hips and thighs beautifully, which means I have to cinch a belt tight to make them stay up around my waist, but I know how to manage that now. A close-fitting t-shirt celebrating a punk band I’ve seen in concert a good dozen times. Hair pulled back into a messy bun. Fuzzy gray slippers with arch support, because I’m a middle-aged fat person, so of course I have plantar fasciitis. A gentle breath before a firm statement: the perfect mixture of soft and butch.
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isekai-crow · 8 months
Mashle 2 Episode 2
Other Episodes-> ep1 ep3 ep4 ep5
This episode was a riot. It was so much fun.
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SO many random HP easter eggs and we get some new fun characters!!
Specifically, Margarette Macaron!!
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I love them. Non-binary, music magic, and a love of tartar sauce (and a motorcycle in the ending credits!). (It me? maybe.) Despite seeming like an overused Okama-trope, I have hope based on the spoilers I went searching for. I'm so hype for more of them in the next episode.
VA Squee: They're voiced by Koyasu, Takehito!!! The voice of Dio Brando! Touji Fushiguro! Faust VIII from Shaman King! and Clayman from TenSura!!! A very masculine voice that can also take on feminine tones and a perfect fit for Margarette. Manga Spoiler: I wonder if they'll have another va...
Ep 2 Spoilers Under the Cut! Warning IT'S SO LONG THERE'S SO MUCH.
We open in the middle of the decision to execute Mash or not, and Dumbledore, Harry, and Draco having a stand off lmao
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We learn that Whalberg/Dumbledore is a famous wizard because he fought with Innocent Zero in his youth.
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Does this mean the shadowed Innocent Zero who was called father by Cell War is the equivalent of Grindelwald, and Evil Jesus(Cell War (or cell wall if you wanna be a pun) is Voldemort? (Also is it father or Father lololol)
We get a little speech from Wahlberg reminiscent of one of Dumbledore's speeches, but more importantly, WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RAYNE ALSO BOWING???
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Also his protecting the headmaster is a cute touch
I get that he is one of the Divine Visionaries, but is he more important than the others? He's still a student, wait, HOW DO STUDENTS HAVE THIS MUCH POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT?? NO WONDER ITS FUCKED UP??? Did I miss something??? (His reasoning for not wanting Mash dead also being the flashback to Rayne thanking him for taking care of his little brother?)
And of course Mashle can't be executed, so they set they give him a task to delay his sentencing...
The original goal Mash had in the first place, so ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
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Them backing the fuck up as Mash punches the floor is fricken hilarious. The best parts though...
1) Innocent Pero / Innocent Gyro - Thats a great subtitle translation choice, because they can't do a straight translation. Mash calls them Innocent Pero, with pero being the onomatopoeia for LICKING something in Japanese (WHATS THAT IMPLYING :EYES:), so Innocent Gyro is a good choice XD
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and 2) the scene cuts to the bad guy's lair... which also seems to be shaking...
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(I went and installed a gif maker for this >.>)
DON'T TELL ME. IS THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS UNDER THE BUREAU OF MAGIC????? (This is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Season 1 semi-stuck with random Philosopher's Stone plot points and the secret rooms, so it can be a semi-safe bet that season 2 might follow Chamber of Secrets?)
We then jump to an outing at the near by town to celebrate Mash Avoiding Death.
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↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ The normal one ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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Finn is the only actual normal one, WITH STYLE AT THAT, and I love him for it. (However he might also be the target of a Brother Complex and end up on the receiving end if Rayne can get over himself>o>)
The fucking Koalas...
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What The Fuck Lmfao. That's all I have to say (but also this is a common gag for Japanese comedians and high school boys so... Still WTF. (This had my Beetle killing himself with laughter))
3 Wizards and a Macho walk into a wand shop and...
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And the Macho is the one to get a wand. I'm so fascinated by this. How much damage is this thing going to do when Mash finally yeets it at someone???
The entire second half episode is so cute. Mash is so happy to have friends... I'm so happy for him....
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But Also. Poor Finn. Look at these Freaks (affectionate).
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YOU'RE ONE TO TALK. But Also Poor Finn.
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The last bit. Our introduction to Margarette Macaron.
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The fucking... shrimp.
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It took Too Much Time for my ace-ass to realize they're THRUSTING the shrimp into the tartar sauce.
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I love them? I love tartar sauce too. It's delicious.
They are so over the top. I love everything about them.
I've added too many photos to this post and tumblr is yelling at me.
So I will leave off with my hype for Rayne vs Margarette in the next episode!!!
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↑↑↑↑Imagine me making this same face in anticipation↑↑↑↑
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krasytoonz · 1 year
Welcome Home Gangster AU Fun Facts!
Joke AU pls don’t take it seriously
Wally D
Can bleed blood out of His Eyes whenever he Witnesses Public display of Affection
Doesn’t need to Eat or Sleep (or Shit)
Fragile masculinity
Guilty Pleasure/Special Interest is Bluey (Australian Family Cartoon)
Lil Dawg
Will pay BUCKS for hotdogs ($40 for one? No problem)
Beatboxes 🎶🔥
Apparently despite of his Height and Size no one is really scared of him (maybe because of his Resting Smile Face)
Big Edd
Listens to Kpop girl bands and watches magical girl Animes
He’s everything that Wally’s fragile masculinity FEARS
Shit at makeup but still love doing it on people’s Faces
Every Voting Season he hacks into the American Government and fucks their Voting System up for no reasonable explanation at all
Trolls on Reddit and 4Chan (probably has Access to the Dark Web too who knows)
Overexplains everything just to piss Wally off
Can unleash her inner Roadman Voice when she’s angry
Once caught Lil Dawg eating KFC and never trusts Anyone ever again even if she’s cool with them
Watches Thai Girl’s Love Series
Howdy Pi££ar
Money is Love, Money is Life
Will do anything for money (50/50 might probably Fight a Grandma for money too, it’s unpredictable)
Tried to flush Wally down a toilet but he came back out (Don’t Ask about it)
The only gang member alongside Silly Sal that can drive a motorcycle
Horrible at rap battles and Coming up with Lyrics
Deep ass voice
Silly Sal
The only gang member alongside JJ that can drive a motorcycle
Cannot keep her hands to herself (literally POKES everything she Did Not have to poke)
Fr4nk’s Ex.. Best friend (BAHAHA)
The Butt of the Joke of everything practically
The Joyful Siblings
Bikers! 🏍️🏍️🏍️💨
Knows sign language (including JJ)
Owns Joyful Burger (that same one you see in TAWOG) but it’s for money laundering purposes
Best van ever (Automatically Drives! Self Aware!)
Speaks in Onomatopoeia (Vrooommm!)
In General
There is No Blood in this AU, and everyone is stuffed with Cottons
There is no actual ‘serious’ Weapons in this AU, and the gang use Waterguns and slingshots to do Steal from Banks lmao
The Jail Bar’s Gap is so big the shorter gang members (Wally, JJ, Sally) can practically escape through the gap.. But they just don’t for some Reason
All the Tattoos on the Gangsters are Drawn with Markers 🖊️
Y/N can be a Citizen, part of the Gang or a Cop, or whatever Y/N wants to Be!
There is no specific ‘look’ for Y/N, so Y/N can look like whatever Y/N wants to look like.
*Will be updated Accordingly!
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tyrantisterror · 21 days
Can you elaborate on clowns in your Midgaheim setting-what they are, their powers and how normal humans feel about them?
You've said that they are Cambions, so a type of hybrid between a human and a demon, so are there multiple cambion breeds including vampires?
To answer the last question first: there are countless variations on cambions, but most are one-offs - unique individuals resulting from intercourse between a demon in its true form and a human being. Each demon gives distinct traits to their offspring, and the result is a highly varied class of monster.
Most of the varieties of cambions that are numerous enough to be given a subcategory to themselves are created by a different method - vampires are a result of humans mating with a demon that has created a human body for itself, werewolves and other therianthropes from a human mating with a demon that's created an animal body for itself, doppelgangers from a human mating with a demon possessing a living human body, doppelsaugers from a human mating with a demon possessing a corpse, etc.
And then there's clowns.
Clowns all owe their existence to one specific demon - Alichino, Marquise of the Malebranche, subordinate of Abaddon the Prince of Wrath warrior from the Malebolge. The exact method she used to make clowns is a mystery to all but herself and the mortals she's "blessed." What is known is that there are four varieties of clown, each supposedly blessed by a different part of Alichino: Harlequins, the red clowns, blessed by Alichino's red horns; Pierrots, the white clowns, blessed by Alichino's white hands; Buffoons, the blue clowns, blessed by Alichino's blue wings; and Mimes, the black clowns, blessed by Alichino's black tongue.
All clowns share certain traits in common. First, their skin is chalk white with stripes, spots, and other patches of bright colors mixed in - often with big spots on their cheeks. Their noses tend to be bulbous and have a brightly colored tip (generally but not always red). Their hair is rarely a natural human color, and even when it is it's an unusually bright shade (vibrant cherry red, shimmering blue-black, cotton candy pink, etc.). Their teeth are sharp and triangular, like a shark's, and their fingers and/or feet will end in large, flattened tips with sticky pads like the feet of a gecko or a frog. Their eyes will be unusual too - some will have jet black eyes like those of a shark, others will have non-white sclera, and some (generally first generation clowns) will have multiple rings of color between the iris and the sclera, giving their eyes a very psychedelic look.
True to their titles, the four different varieties of clown will favor one color over others - harlequins tend to have more red hues, pierrots are paler, buffoons favor blue and other cool colors, and mimes have prominent black stripes and spots. Harlequins are most likely to have horns out of all the clowns, and even when they don't, their hair often sticks up in distinct spikes. Buffoons tend to be more heavily built, Pierrots tend to be lanky and thin, and mimes are generally the least-human looking. Speech impediments are common among clowns - some are born mute (particularly common in mimes), and others can only speak in laughter onomatopoeia - i.e. "Ha ha ha, hee hee hee, hoo hoo? Ha ha hee hee heh heh heh ha!"
Clowns are essentially gifted with cartoon slapstick physics - while they can be hurt as easily as anyone else, inflicting mortal wounds on them is exceptionally difficult. Light a clown on fire, and it will flail around comically before the flames extinguish and leave the clown covered in soot but otherwise no worse for wear. Smack a clown with a hammer and it will flatten like a soda can, only to resume its shape in some comical fashion afterwards. Generally clowns can only suffer truly horrendous harm if the method that inflicts it is also humorous.
In a similar vein, clowns have the uncanny ability to pull comedy props and tools out of thin air - generating balloons by blowing into their fingers, pulling an endless rope of inter-twined scarves out of their pocket, spraying geysers of water from a flower on their lapel, etc. The most impressive use of this ability is the Clown Car technique, where dozens, hundreds, or even THOUSANDS of clowns can emerge from a space that reasonably could only hold one or two tops.
And like all cambions, clowns do not die of old age, which means means they can live as long as they aren't killed by unnatural causes. Combine this with the fact that every child of a clown will be a clown itself, and one has to wonder why the earth hasn't been overrun by them - well, except for the fact that most clowns are so careless that they end up meeting those unnatural ends sooner than anyone would expect.
It's rumored that clowns can infect other people and turn them into clowns, much like vampires and werewolves do, but no one knows for sure if that's true (i.e. I'm still mulling over that particular idea).
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