#the spatial mage brothers
acacia-may · 4 months
Feeling feelsy about the lovely but sadly underrated Lady Finesse right now so please take this short (unsolicited) snippet/drabble from a wip about her called "Burning Dreamhouse" that I never finished...
This scene takes place shortly after she learns about what happened at the Royal Knights' Exam
Finesse noticed something out of the misty corner of her eye. She knelt down in front of the dollhouse. It had been thoughtfully dusted and cared for but had not been played with in over a decade. Her dolls, Lord Thomas and Lady Clematis, were exactly where she had left them—sitting down at the table with Aunt Cynthia and their sons, Damian and Dimitri, while their daughter, Philomena Rose, slumbered peacefully in a nearby cradle. Finesse patted Damian and Dimtri’s heads and rocked Philomena Rose’s cradle. She ran her hair through Cynthia’s curly hair and fluffed Lady Clematis’s pink dress before her gaze fell on Lord Thomas at the head of the table—still stern, serious but with something so kind in his light eyes.
Something cold, wet, and unwanted cascaded down her cheek.
As she wiped her tears away, she couldn’t help but feel that it was her own fault for being so hopeful, so naïve as to even wish for such a life for herself only to have it slip through her fingers. Maybe her father was right, and she should just graciously accept all of this terrible treason business as her “out.” But...
She stared at her beloved dollhouse again—filled with silly hopes and childhood dreams. She knew House Vaude wasn’t the dream house she had always wanted. It was cold with something dark and sinister under the Lord and Lady’s perfect, plaster smiles that had left their sons wounded. Despite their best efforts to hide it from her, she knew something in them was hurting, was broken. It was a pain she could never truly understand, but she could feel it so palpably that it ached in her chest, burned behind her eyes, and left her helpless and torn apart.
And maybe that’s when she should have run, instead of digging in her heels and deciding to stay in a burning house, but how could she when she knew she wasn’t the only one trapped there?
From the moment she had chosen to care about Finral and Langris, she had known that if they needed her to stay, to crawl through those flames to reach them, she wouldn’t hesitate—would pull them close as their world crumbled and burned.
When Finral himself had left, had managed to save himself, she couldn’t bring herself to be anything but hopeful and supportive, to pray that he would find true happiness and everything he ever wanted by leaving his past behind, even if that meant leaving her along with it. She understood. She had never been able to offer him a rescue like his squad had. The most she could do was sit with him in all of that pain so he wouldn’t have to carry it alone anymore. But that hadn’t been enough—for him or for Langris.
Long after Finral had gone, she had still stayed by his side knowing how much he was hurting—how crushing the weight of those patrimonial burdens must have been and how devastating it was for him to lose his brother. She watched as the pain ate away at him with nothing she could do to stop it, and now that it had destroyed him, she was expected to leave...when he needed her most…when she didn’t want to.
Finesse smiled just slightly at the little dollhouse family before she grabbed her cloak. She already had a Finral-shaped hole in her heart. She wouldn’t have a Langris one too.
“Finesse? Finesse? Where are you going?” called her father as she rushed downstairs to the front door.
“To talk to His Majesty.”
No, House Vaude may not have been the dream house she had always wanted—may have been crumbling, broken, and burning, but it was hers. And she wasn’t going anywhere.
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vilandel · 7 months
When the Night and the Darkness visit the Morning
Summary For the first time in years, a certain grave in the cemetery get's a visit from a couple...
A/N My very first oneshot about the ship Ichinacht and also my first time writing about Nacht, Ichika and Morgen.
Ao3 link
It was a simple grave. Just a cross of stone, with a name on it and two dates. Birth and death. Whoever rested in peace under this cross, he died rather young. It was fair to assume that he met a tragic end.
The cross was halfway covered with moss and wild flowers bloomed close to the grave. Which might mean that no one came here for a long time.
But not today.
A man and a woman entered the cemetery, walking towards that grave. Both had black her and were wearing dark clothes. The man looked somehow as if his eyes were close, but he was still walking firmly on his two feet. The woman had her eyes open, looking stern, but there was still a softness within those grey irises. Her clothes were rather foreign, particular for Clover standards.
The couple stopped in front of the grave and the man kneeled down, putting a bouquet of sunflowers right before the cross.
“Good evening, brother.”
His first words to the person resting in the grave. A soft breeze went through the wild flowers, as if it was a greeting back.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t visited you during all those years. I still think more or less that I don’t deserve to be here.”
“Don’t listen to your brother, Morgen,” the woman interrupted him firmly. “We still need to work on his guilt issues, but he’s getting there. And he needs to understand that his visit makes you incredibly happy.”
Nacht Faust, vice-captain of the Black Bull squad – because it was him – gave her an amused smile before he turned again towards the cross, who had indeed the name Morgen Faust on it.
His twin brother.
“I’m sure you’re right now agreeing with her, as well as wondering who this woman is. May I introduce you to Yamis younger sister, Ichika. Yes, he has one and he never told any of us about it. But to be fair, he never told any of us about his past.”
Ichika now knelt as well in front of the grave, stroking the cross softly. “Hello, Morgen-sama. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Yami Ichika.”
“Don’t be so surprised that her name isn’t Ichika Sukehiro. Apparently, it is a custom in the Land of the Sun to introduce yourself first with the family name, not with the first name. And Yami had forgot to mention during all those years that his first name actually isn’t Yami, but Sukehiro. I wouldn’t be surprise if he actually forgot about it. You know what an idiot he can be. Thankfully, his sister uses her brain much more than he does.”
Another soft breeze flew through the flowers and for a second, it sounded almost like a chuckle.
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but Yami choose me to be the vice-captain of his squad. I didn’t wanted it, of course and even today, it’s more like a pain. I have to be more firm than the captain himself so that squad can actually work like a normal one, sometimes. We have a spatial mage who is actually relieved about that. Oh, and I managed to push Yami to finally do some paperwork. He delegated everything before, even direct captain duties. It is a chaotic squad, full of idiots.”
Ichika pushed Nacht slightly with the elbow.
“But I admit that they aren’t the worst. And they still managed to get the job done. Today, they’re pretty accepted, for misfits. We have a witch and she’s currently engaged to the current captain of the Silver Eagles. Yes, to a royal, don’t ask how this happened. And Yami is finally dating Charlotte Roselei. Do you remember how dense he was, that he not only realized that she was in love with him, but that he loved her as well? Even Jack realized it before him and he was a bigger idiot than Yami. I guess he’s the same in the afterlife. ”
Another chuckling breeze went through the wild flowers. Nachts face became a bit more serious, but there was a softness on his traits which wasn’t there before. He took Ichikas hand gently.
“And… Morgen, you told me once that despite my attitude, that I might find someone to fall in love with still. You actually were right, like always. But… Isn’t it weird that I fell for Yamis sister of all people?”
“I don’t know if I should take this as an insult or as a compliment,” Ichika remarked while rolling her eyes, before she smiled towards the cross. “I’m actually happy to be somehow your sister now, Morgen-sama. It is sad that I couldn’t properly met you. But don’t worry, I will take good care of your brother. But that’s not an easy task, stubborn like he is.”
“As if you aren’t stubborn yourself,” Nacht snickered, but the softness never left his eyes. “I hope you can finally rest in peace… after everything. You deserve this. I promise you that I won’t deny myself any kind of happiness anymore. I love Ichika too much for that.”
Both visitors blushed at those words, but it didn’t stop Ichika to reply, “I love you too, you stubborn idiot.”
Nacht and Ichika knelt for another while in front of Morgens grave, before they bid their goodbyes to him and slowly left the cemetery hand in hand.
The same soft breeze flew again between the graves and at the cross, a blurry silhouette appeared. The ghost of Morgen Faust, ancient Magic Knight of the Grey Deers and still a member of the Black Bulls despite his death, looked with affection at the couple, who passed through the portal of the cemetery before disappearing into the night mist, bathed with the first moonlight.
After this visit, Morgen knew that he would be able to finally rest in peace.
Finally, brother. Finally…. Nacht, be happy with your Ichika…
With this whisper melting with the breeze, the ghost disappeared, smiling happily.
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lyranova · 2 years
Could you write something for if Fuegoleon had forgotten Leopold’s birthday? What if he realized it because Mereoleona mentioned it or something?
Hiya Mitsuki! Of course and I apologize this took so long to get thid out but I hope you like it, poor Fue I’m sure there has been a time where he did forget Leo’s birthday because of how busy he is 😔. But I gave this a happy ending so I hope you enjoy~!
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Word Count: 1,115
Warnings: None
Fuegoleon sighed as he finished another piece of paperwork, it was never ending. Just when he thought he was done doing his work one of his squad members would come in with more paperwork for him to sign off on. He shook his head as he set his quill down gently.
“ Geez, you look like someone ran over you with a cart and then backed over you with it.” Mereoleona Vermillion, Fuegoleon’s older sister said as she leaned against the door frame.
“ Thank you for the compliment, dear sister.” Fuegoleon muttered sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.
“ You’re welcome dear brother, now,” Mereoleona began as she walked into the room and up to his desk. “ what did you get Leo for his birthday? Because that’s all that little brat’s been talking about since he woke up.” She asked curiously, and she watched as her younger brother froze in his seat.
“ What…did I get him? Isn’t his birthday next week?” Fuegoleon asked as he suddenly sat up straight in his chair, and Mereoleona scoffed.
“ His birthday’s today, genius, no way…” Mereo said as she noticed her brother’s eyes widened. “ Don’t tell me…you forgot Leo’s birthday?” She asked in surprise, and she watched as her brother groaned and rested his head on his desk.
Fuegoleon could not believe he forgot Leo’s birthday, he had never once forgotten it, not even when he was away on a mission. But now…after all this time, he did. He watched as Mereoleona chuckled.
“ Geez, you men are hopeless sometimes. Luckily I remembered and already had a party set up, so why don’t you run out and get Leo a gift and I’ll try to distract him.” Mereo suggested as she crossed her arms, and Fuegoleon instantly looked up at her.
“ You already had a party set up?”
“ Yep. That’s what happens when people are so afraid of you that they’ll do whatever you ask without question, things get done and usually pretty quickly. Now go, before Leo finds out his role model forgot his birthday.” Mereoleona said as she turned around and walked out of the room.
Fuegoleon quickly stood and walked out of his office, as he walked a bit of ways he happened to stumble across a spatial mage who had just joined the squad. He quickly asked for the mage to take him to the nearest town, he didn’t tell him why, he just explained that it was urgent.
The two quickly left and Fuegoleon instructed that he wait there until he returned, the mage nodded and Fuegoleon left in search of a gift for his little brother.
The vermillion haired man sighed in exasperation as he walked around the town for what felt like over an hour. No matter how much he searched he couldn’t find a single gift that he felt would ‘suit’ Leo, sure there were some trinkets and small things that he felt his younger brother would like, but it just…didn’t seem right to Fuegoleon.
So the older Vermillion finally sighed in defeat and turned around and walked back to the Spatial mage.
The Spatial mage went to ask his Captain what took him so long and what he was looking for, but after he saw the rare look of defeat on his face he realized it was probably better not to ask. Instead he gave his Captain a sympathetic look before he transported them back to the Crimson Lion’s base.
The two silently walked towards the dining hall where Leo’s party was to be held. Fuegoleon was mentally berating himself for having been too busy to remember his brother’s birthday and for not being able to find him the perfect gift. Sure Leo probably would have loved whatever Fuegoleon had gotten him, but that still didn’t matter to the Older Vermillion, he wanted to get him something special.
The two opened the door and walked inside to see the party had already started, and once Leo saw his older brother walk into the room his eyes lit up.
“ Brother! You’re here!” Leo shouted happily as he ran towards him, Fuegoleon quickly put a warm smile on his face to try and hide how upset he actually was.
“ Leo, Happy Birthday.” Fuegoleon said kindly as he patted his younger brother on the shoulder. As Fuegoleon looked at his brother he suddenly realized how much he had grown. He could have sworn it was just yesterday that Leo was only three years old and was following him around everywhere, saying how he wanted to be just like him and Mereoleona.
Where had the time gone?
“ Brother? Are you listening?” Leo’s voice suddenly pulled Fuegoleon out of his thoughts, he saw a confused look on the younger Vermillion’s face as Fuegoleon shook his head.
“ I’m sorry, my mind must’ve wandered for a moment. What did you say?”
“ I asked if you got me something? Sister said that’s why you were late because you went out to get it.” Leo said and Fuegoleon glared slightly at his older sister, who just smirked a bit in response.
“ I…” Fuegoleon took a breath before his smile disappeared and a sad look replaced it. “ I’m sorry Leo, I…forgot to get you a present, tomorrow you and I can go out and I’ll buy you whatever you want.”
Leo tilted his head a bit as the confused look remained.
“ But brother…I don’t want us to go out and buy anything, to be honest, there’s only one thing I want.” Leo said before he smiled proudly and pointed a finger at him.
“ What I really wanted for my birthday was for you and I to spar, and this time without holding back!” Leo shouted loudly, catching Fuegoleon and everyone else in the room off guard.
All Leo wanted for his birthday…was to spar with his brother? He didn’t want new clothes, trinkets, or material items? He just…wanted to spar? As Fuegoleon thought about it, it made sense, and was probably the most obvious gift. He almost laughed in disbelief.
Of course, this was Leo we were talking about.
“ So? Can we spar?” Leo asked excitedly and Fuegoleon chuckled and nodded.
“ Of course we can, but just don’t get upset if you lose again, since you’re the one who wanted us to go all out.” Fuegoleon said and Leo cheered.
“ I wouldn’t dream of it brother!”
As Leo and the other Crimson Lions all walked towards the courtyard, Mereoleona looked at her younger brother and chuckled.
“ Looks like you had the perfect gift all along.” She told him before patting his shoulder and walking past him. Fuegoleon nodded before turning and following her out into the courtyard.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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ramiliadoesstuff · 1 year
So, I decided to tell you a little about My two Black clover Au’s
The first one is Called “The white Tigers” Au.
Basically there are 9 squads like usual, but instead of the Black bulls you have the White Tigers a special Task force Magic Knight squad.
The Idea basically came from a thought I randomly had after watching the Episode where the Golden Dawn fought with the Diamond Kingdom army and it was along the lines of
“What if Clover had a Squad that was mainly for international affairs and dealing with terrorist attacks? Like the Diamond Kingdom and the eye of the midnight sun? Like, they would be the first line of defence?”
And that’s how the Au was born 🌚
important highlights that I can share since you find out about them in the first 4 chapters:
-Asta’s dead. He died the day father Orsi asked Yuno To deliver the letter to the town mayor.
-The black bulls don’t exist.
-Yuno Doesn’t Join the Golden Dawn, and s Noelle, Charmy, Vanessa and Finral don’t join the black bulls. They all join the White Tigers
-Noelle’s been adopted by the Vermilion family (Basically adopted by her Cousin Lavi—Mimosa’s oldest brother, yes I am giving Mimosa another Brother and he’s older than Fuegoleon and Nozel, about 34-35)
-My Oc Ramilia Walker is Married to Lavi. Making her Noelle’s adopted Mother.
-despite being adopted, they both look similar since they both have white hair (silver in Noelle’s case—but with a hint of lavender)
-Ramilia is the Female version of Yami—except she’s done with everything and has a serious caffeine addiction rather than nicotine addiction (she smokes too. But in moderate amount). She’s also a mother hen—although subtly since she has an image to retain.
—Yuno has been mistreated at the church since Asta died. It was like a trauma response from Orsi, Lily and Rekka to start treating him badly. Rekka went out of her way to be awful to him daily while Orsi and Lily ignored him and would not talk to him even if he approached them for something serious.
—Yuno is a lot more unsure of himself. Since he never had Asta around and thinking that he was the reason he died, Yuno grew up with Survival guilt, it affects his mental state a lot which affects his Magic Control a teeny-tiny bit.
—Yuno and Noelle are besties. I make the rules, they’re training and mission buddies.
—Since she was adopted By the Vermillion family, Noelle’s self-esteem is a smidge better. She can control her magic a little in regards to its output of power—however she still loses control 98% of the time and is still bad at other spells.
—Finral is unhinged. And he’s taken it upon himself to be Yuno’s unofficial Older brother figure. (And he’s Yuno’s favourite senior out of all the White Tigers members)
—Vanessa is actually a genius in potions and has been developing some formulas for the Magic Knight headquarters and some medicine formulas with Owen when she’s not on active duty. She developed a reputation for being the genius Witch from The White Tigers as she created many items for security and advanced communication devices.
—Finral goes by his Actual name, Vaude instead of Roulacase as it has already been decided that he is the next head of his family. His appearance in the Au is basically his Elf-Arc look.
—Finral developed a reputation for being the Clover Kingdom’s most advanced and skilful Spatial mage. His brother Langris is second to him in skills.
I think this is all I can say for now. I’m happy to also say that I’ll be putting the first chapter out tonight or tomorrow depending on when I have time.
So please look out for that!! 🫡
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi Erika! 💙 Thank you again for all of the wonderful discussion about the world’s best grumpy, tsundere spatial mage. You always have such wonderful and thoughtful ideas, and your headcanons are so spot on and delightful! 😊 It’s switching gears a bit, but I wanted to ask you about Demon Slayer (I’ve been on a bit of a KNY kick—lots of excitement for Season 3 I think). I apologise if you’ve already answered this somewhere in a past post, but who are your favourite Demon Slayer characters? Thanks dear! 💕
Hello hello, Acacia~! Sorry for taking forever and a half to answer your question but here's the answer now! (Also gonna tag you @acacia-may to make sure you see this because it's been so long.)
This ask has been sitting in the inbox so long that Season 3 of the anime is currently airing now. Whoops! 😅🤣 I don't think I've answered this exact question regarding my KnY faves, especially since I mostly post Black Clover... So thanks for making me think of Demon Slayer again~! 💖
Now for my favorites, I think I'm gonna go ahead and start with some honorable mentions before listing a Top 5.
I'm gonna talk a lot so the meat of this post will be under the cut.
Honorable mentions
I've talked about how similar Zenitsu and I are to each other and that's why he's an honorable mention. I vibe with the kid. He's so funny with how extra complainy he is about... everything. Poor child. (Side note: the store I work at sells some KnY character pens and the Zenitsu ones don't sell well and I lowkey feel bad about that.)
And Tanjirou is the MC. He's so sweet and kind to his friends. But he's a strong-willed fighter and knows what's right for everyone. Killing demons is how he saves humans threatened by demons and humans who have become demons. I love the way he learns in each arc, whether it be something emotional or in terms of how he fights. His worldview and morality don't really change but I do feel like he experiences growth nonetheless.
Top 5 Faves
5) Sanemi: I like this jerk, okay? I am drawn to jerk older brothers who secretly love and want to protect their siblings (Nacht, Nozel, and Sanemi have a little club in my mind.) He's a little off-putting at first but you know there's depth to his character when we see how he speaks to Kagaya with such respect. He acts rough but he's thoughtful deep down. And his bond with his mother and Genya! Like! This man is soft deep down, let me have it!
4) Nezuko: Before Nacht was my tumblr pfp, it was actually Nezuko. She is the cutest sister character in any series I've read (which actually isn't that many but sssshhhhhh!). I love her anti-demon flames. I love how she's allowed to fight and get bloody (mostly because she has a healing factor and can get absolutely wrecked but come back from it). She doesn't get to say a lot but she still has strong moments. Like how Tanjirou dreams of her telling him not to worry about their family not having nice things and to just try his best. Gosh, when that got animated I cried... I love Nezuko so much... Baby...
3) Mitsuri: Mitsuri is such a sweetheart! She's one of the two KnY characters that I'd date if given the chance. I love how she carries herself. She wears her heart on her sleeve whether she be happy or sad. Like, her second introduction to Tanjirou is crying openly in front of him. In the present, she's not afraid to be vulnerable. Her story in the second light novel is also really nice as it shows how Mitsuri became the open-hearted gal she is in the present. She went from feeling self-conscious about her reason for being in the Corps to learning how she brings cheer to people's lives and that renewing her convictions. She knows the Corps members have hard lives but her attitude doesn't make light of it. It's okay to have cheer after hardship because bogging oneself in pessimism will only hurt. Also, and this might be me bragging a little but I actually used Mitsuri and Obanai's failed romance in a college essay about romance literature in Japan. It was a silly little essay but to be able to cite one of my favorite mangas for a college assignment was fun (and actually my second time doing it. First time was talking about Daki and Gyuutarou in regards to depictions of "geisha"). I just love Mitsuri a lot and would love to be more like her (attitude, appearance, and ability-wise honestly...).
2) Kyoujurou: I love this man so much that I saw the movie in theaters and cried all three times because man does his death really hit hard in the anime. Kyoujurou is bright and warm and inspiring. While he's unable to help Tanjirou regarding the Dance of the Fire God, he still offers to make Tanjirou and the other boys his students. I think it's a mix of genuinely seeing their potential and just wanting the chance to teach the younger generation but it's kinda hilarious how quickly he latches onto the trio. I really like Kyoujurou's philosophy on life, how the fleeting nature of it is what makes it beautiful (mayhaps he read a bit of the Hojoki in his free time?/lh+j). It's a little sad to see people leave or even die but change is what makes life what it is. Kyoujurou also the second KnY characters I'd want to date so there's that.
1) Inosuke: MY BABY BOAR BOY! From the first panel he was in, he had me entertained. Inosuke is loud and chaotic and fun. I'm not usually about chaotic boys but Inosuke learning what kindness and friendship are are what endear me to him. He's so confused by affection is absolutely the cutest thing. And despite acting macho and like he's supposed to be a leader, all of his major victories are a team effort. Working alongside Tanjirou to beat that puppeted demon on Natagumo Mountain, the fight against Daki, and even in his fight of the final arc. I do kinda wish he had more solo moments though because he should get a little more spotlight, but what he does get, I enjoy thoroughly. He's the character that got me to make a KnY oc (Shizuka) because I wanted someone fiery but also sweet to play off him (and be shipped with him). Inosuke is a feral boy but still a sweet guy and I find that really cute for whatever reason. The bonus chapter about his early life is really stinking adorable as well! It's great! Inosuke is very adoptable in my mind. Thus, he is my favorite character.
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falcoreofankare · 2 years
Objects imbued with spells are extremely common such as license to practice magic. That is made by imbuing one's own magic into the licence. This gives the capital the authority to prevent your magic flow. Though not required, it can help you out of investigations and can help you receive a better job. Magic capabilities are passed through generations, this means that the more power your parents had the more power you will have. Person can also be Blessed a common occurence to those who have a strong will, good morales and empathy. A dragon may also deem you worthy of being gifted. The last way a magicless person can receive magic is to obtain a grimoire this can bestow certain magical affinities to those who lack them. A spell made by three master mages is hard to break, 7 is twice as hard and 14 is impossible. The coin of the Kingdom of Arkereas is made with such a spell to prevent duplicates thievery and loss. A person’s magical strength is judged by a magigage. A magigage is a small box that tests you for the capability to use magic. The box has enchanted stones inside that test your affinities for different types of magic. There are 8 and are as follows. Ruby for fire, sapphire for water, emerald for nature, diamond for light, quartz for wind, obsidian for shadows, alexandrite for earth, magicalcite for mental. Magical strength is determined through spells on a scale of 0 to 100. 100 being the maximum ever needed. A person with 100 could move endless mountains with little energy like pushing a wheelbarrow full of rocks. The average human has a rating of 46.7, half elves are at 67.3, elves are at 57, dwarves are at a 37. This does not include non magic users. The current perfect mage has strength of 86.9, Falcore has a 94.5 Auste has a 66 before dragon gift and being blessed and after has a 87.7,Dremsa has a 55.3, Ardrania has a 82.5.The four main characters average to 80 in magic power. Falcore and Ardrania both are irritated by Auste’s humor but Falcore deals with it while Ardrania berates him for his lack of seriousness Dremsa finds him amusing and treats him like a little brother. 30% of the mages order is elf 25% is human 35% is half elf 10% is dwarf 5 classes of dragon are aerial, rapid, strong, wise, givers. There are three species of dragon: tearian, sespian, and apexian. The average person has three affinities. Falcore has 5 mental, wind, light, nature, and water. Ardrania has 4 fire, shadow, earth, and nature. Dremsa has 3 light, mental, and water. Auste was special from the start he could use opposites and had 4 affinities shadow, light, fire,water after being blessed and gifted he was able to use earth, wind, mental, and nature .Magical affinities can be combined to create new spells. Forms of spatial magic are examples of such spells. Dwarf magic centers around fire and earth magic. Spell for metal working and mining. Elven magic centers around nature, water, and mental magic. Making spells for forest homes, river travel, and mental attacks as well as communication with wild animals. Humans specialise in nature, wind, earth, fire, light, and water magic. These spells are used with nature for growing crops, water for putting out fires, fire heating metal for working, earth for making roads, and wind for sailing, light for the dark they can not see in. Half elves' magic consists mainly of shadow, fire, nature, earth. They use shadow magic to hide in the open and to travel particularly fast, they use fire magic for cooking and as attack spells, nature magic used to liven up forest and for healing, earth magic for shaping the world to where it pleases them.
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barbiegirldream · 2 months
it also kills me that they set it up that Finral is a bad spatial mage for only know transport spells when literally every other spatial mage in the universe only does transport spells. And it's literally just his insane little brother who can on a whim erase things from existence
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amrago · 2 years
What if 5 - Ways to begin a story
I'm doing something different and somewhat more difficult: I'm going to write a short opening for my WIP with each method. Note that this is the same scene: Rosaspina who is packing his bags to get back home because he has been expelled from Magic College.
With a generalization and By establishing point of view
Humans hated mages. Mages were evil, descendats of the deities that created the universe (which were, by human standars, evil) too, sketchy, didn't like to hard work. Mages hated humans too. Humans were stupid, the unblessed population, an abscess of the world. But the deities were still evil for both sides. Which often, to Rosaspina, meant that somewhat he was to be considered evil too, he considered while putting away his things.
With a description of a person
Rosaspina looked exacty like his mother, Ortensia, the daughter of Death. He had black hair, a skintone that was a couple of shades too light for his native cold weather, while he now lived in the desert and he had to get used to have his skin burnt to a crisp. He didn't like to keep a beard so he didn't. He wore a linen robe with the Althian sign on the back that had nothing to do with the fancy and complicated and expensive clothes he had to wear at court. But the most remarkable thing about him was etherochromia. This is how is father called it. It just meat that he had two different eyes: one he took from his mother, black with a larger pupil and the other which was green, his irides had two black pupils in a way that mimicked an 8. Everyone was surprised to learn that he wasn't blind. That was the gift of Chaos, he has been told. He was born with two solid black eyes until he met Chaos, she did a ritual with the infant him and his fate as not-good-enough was settled.
With narrative summary
The last word the Mistress told him was "go away". Okay two words. "I don't want to see you for dinner tonight." And he was complying. The whole... thing has been awful. From the list of his mistakes, pranks and things she didn't like about him at all. No dinner for me? Let's say that no one would eat dinner tonight.
With several characters but no dialogue
Vanessa and Bluefrog sitted on his bed while he was filling his bags. They offered him help but he refused. So everyone was in a weird, uncomfortable silence until he finished.
With a setting and one character
He looked around the room, trying to understand if he wanted to actually bring any of those things with him. Spatial magic wasn't his strongest so he had to choose. That room has been his home for 7 years or so. He was never happy there. He was a demigod raised with humans. Despite the 7 years he still struggled with manners and, in general, how things worked. The room was quiet. The wallpaper was white with gold insertions and it had a big window on the left. The bed was comfortable too. He had also a desk, a chair (not so comfortable), a chest with his clothes and a couple of shelves with books.
With a reminescent narrator
Rosaspina couldn't stop thinking about why he was there. Forbidden love was still such a shame to bring on your family. But his sin was even worse: he loved the girl -now woman- that would inherit the only coutry that the last war left untouched. A human woman, a queen. And he was a mage and his parents, despite having worked in that castle for the last century or so - weren't enough rich, powerful or human enough. But regardless, he thought, they were still too happy to send him away like a unwanted gift.
With a child narrator and with dialogue (merged these two randombly)
"Mr Spina! Where are you going?" the little boy asked. "My name is not... Whatever. I'm going home." "Why?" Faladd didn't understand why he had to go. He saw Rosaspina close his eyes and reponening them. "Because... That's not my place to be, Faladd." "But why? Who am i going to play with if you go away?" "I... I don't know. You are like a little brother to me and I'm going to miss playing with you too." "Can I come with you?" "No, you cannot. I'm already guilty of a lot of things I don't want to, I cannot make myself guilty of kidnapping too." Rosaspina then patted Faladd on the head. "Take care. I'm going to write you some letters with puzzles so we can still play together. Maybe someday I will come back here. But now I have to go. I'm sorry." The child then hugged his best friend and cried a little.
I merged a couple because it was becoming tedius. But it worked well enough for me.
0 notes
books-of-cherry · 3 years
Langris: i went through an entire character arc during quarantine
Langris: i became more evil if you’re curious
Finral: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
Langris: i’m going to get worse on purpose
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talkngflowers-m · 4 years
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❝  c’mon  langris!!  a  quick  trip  to  the  market  with  your  brother  won’t  hurt!!  you  reaally  don’t  get  out  often  do  you??  ❞
❀ ``starter..   @yeonban​​​  //  langris   ♥
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acacia-may · 6 months
Could I have 13 for the ask game please?
Thank you so much, Greta! 💐 I'd love to answer this question from the writing excerpt ask game for you. Apologies in advance for the ramblings 😅
13. A excerpt of my writing that helped me understand a character better
(Warnings: Discussions of childhood trauma and abuse. Black Clover spoilers)
I write a lot of character studies, but the scene that immediately came to mind when I saw your ask was the flashback sequence I wrote in "Breaking the Cycle" depicting the first time that Langris presented with and ever used his magic.
This whole story was actually written because a friend of mine irl had been asking me some genuine questions about why/how I thought Langris was abused. Emotional and psychological abuse is often extremely subtle, and we spend so little time in Langris's POV in the canon that there is some reading the lines that must be done on the part of the reader/watcher to really see and understand that he's also a victim of House Vaude, just in a different way than Finral. Writing that story and especially that flashback scene was kind of my attempt at showing what I think it was like for Langris to grow up in that very toxic environment.
While he didn't suffer the same kind of abuse as Finral, he suffered in his own way. I think that depriving a child of unconditional love (whether that be by flat-out rejecting them like Finral or making them "earn" love like Langris) is one of the most horrible things a parent can do to their child--it causes lasting problems that stick with someone long into adulthood, like an empty space in their heart that they'll constantly be trying to fill. Finral tries to fill it with flirting/validation from romantic relationships and Langris tries to fill it with achievements, but it's a similar wound for both of them.
It was very painful but really interesting to try to get into Langris' head and really see House Vaude from his eyes. I think it gave me a much deeper understanding of his character and everything that he had gone through.
This is a very long portion of that flashback sequence, but I had trouble cutting it down beyond this. I've put it under the cut because of the warnings for heavy subject matter, childhood trauma and abuse, and spoilers for Black Clover
“The Noble House of Vaude has produced the premiere spatial mages of the Clover Kingdom for centuries,” their father continued, towering over Finral intimidatingly and glaring at him with a look that lingered ominously like a heavy, dark cloud before a thunderstorm. Langris swallowed hard and something twisted in his stomach. “This worthless excuse for magic is an embarrassment to this family.” 
Turning away abruptly with a sharp wince, Langris shut his eyes. He swallowed hard as he felt his mother’s hand on his shoulder. When he turned to look at her, her face said what it always did: you have to do better. He knew this—had known it ever since Finral had presented with a magic power that only brought their parents shame, frustration, and disappointment—the only problem was he didn’t know if he could. He stayed awake at night hiding under the covers and trying to make the type of portals that his parents wanted but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t use magic of any kind. He wasn’t sure which would be worse: having magic like Finral’s or having no magic at all. He didn’t want to find out.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” Finral apologized again. His shoulders were trembling as his wavering voice grew softer, smaller. Langris’ hands began to shake as he watched the tears well up in his brother’s eyes. “I…I just don’t want to hurt anybody…”
“Useless coward! You’re a disgrace to this House,” bellowed their father. He huffed. “The humiliation—one son with such worthless magic and another who hasn’t shown any ability at all…” Feeling his father’s attention falling on him, Langris shuddered and recoiled. His insides were twisting, and he was torn between desperately wanting to run away and hide and being unable to move.
“Langris is still very young,” intervened his mother. “I’m sure he’ll present with a very powerful magic any day now.” Langris stared down at the ground under the weight of his mother’s tightened grip and pointed stare which warned louder than any words: you had better.
Langris’ toes curled up tightly in his shoes. He felt like he was going to be sick.
Finral turned to look at him with teary eyes, but he tried to smile at him slightly. “Let me try again…” he said wiping his eyes and taking a step nearer to Langris, stepping in between him and their parents, before trying to make another portal. It shined and shimmered in front of him before flickering and disintegrating. Langris had always thought it was remarkable that his brother could make something like that, when all Langris could ever do was stare at his empty hands desperately willing the appearance of portals that never came. Their parents, however, were always unimpressed.
“Pathetic,” scoffed their mother.
Their father frowned irately before shaking his head. “They’re getting even worse. Utterly worthless. You don’t deserve to call yourself a Vaude.”
Finral hunched over—seemingly curling into himself, and his eyes welled with tears again as he choked out a barely audible apology. “I’m sorry…”
“You incompetent good-for-nothing!” Their father glared at him. “And now you’re crying?” he scoffed in incredulous disdain at the tears that streamed down Finral’s cheeks. “As if it isn’t your fault that you’re wielding such ineffectual magic, you blubbering idiot.”
Finral sniffled and tried to wipe his eyes apologizing profusely, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry…I’m trying…I just can’t—” Whack. Langris flinched at the horrible slapping sound of his father’s hand striking Finral’s face and his brother’s painful whimpering.
“I told you to stop your whining and excuses!” their father thundered. Langris clinched his trembling hands into fists. His chest felt tight and heavy. Stop it. Make it stop. He desperately pleaded internally to someone…anyone…as tears poured down Finral’s face and he frantically and hopelessly tried to wipe them away as their father raised his hand again.
Langris’ heart beat faster and faster and his stomach warped and coiled into knots—a weight building up inside him too heavy for him to bear. His knees buckled, and he un-clinched his fists. Stop it. Stop! St…
Crash. Boom. Thud. A bright burst of blue collided with the nearby gazebo sending pieces of wooden debris flying. The world seemed to stop as the roof caved in and the structure collapsed on itself.
“Woah…” whispered Finral with wide eyes, but their parents were stunned into silence. Tears prickled in Langris’s eyes, and his heart was pounding so rapidly he was sure it was going to beat out of his chest. His whole body trembled as his father turned towards him, and he shut his eyes tightly flinching in anticipation of his father’s rage.
“That is spatial magic worthy of House Vaude,” said his father. His head reeling, Langris opened one eye in blinking disbelief.
“What wonderful power, Langris!” his mother exclaimed placing a hand on his head.
Langris blinked at them. Was this it? Was this the magic his parents so desperately wanted—the magic that somehow he possessed? It almost seemed too good to be true.
“I…the gazebo…” Langris began quietly and apologetically still completely bewildered by his parents’ reaction.
“We’ll have the servants clean it up,” answered his father dismissively before he turned his attention away from Langris to his brother. “Finral,” he began, and Finral looked up almost hopeful but his face fell immediately as his father said, “You would do well to wield your magic like Langris. You wouldn’t want the shame of being shown up by your younger brother again, would you?”
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Danger: Obsidian |2| - JUYEON
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Pairing: Juyeon x gender neutral!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, fantasy, royalty!au
Triggers: death, semi-graphic depictions of blood
Word Count: 4.5k
Lesson 4: sometimes, it is not your duty or even your right to render judgment. Stepping back does not always constitute cowardice.
Previous: Amethyst >> Obsidian: Part 1 | Part 2 >> Next: Ruby
TBZ Masterlist | Danger | Kingdom
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Two nights later, Juyeon steps up to the shrine. Kevin walks softly next to him, while Jacob trails behind slightly, wrapped in his red cloak.
It’s unsettling, the mask that’s settled over the mage’s face since the day Hwanwoong told them his story. Juyeon is used to a smiling Jacob, one whose eyes remain gentle no matter how difficult the situation.
This is something he can’t understand fully, though. Juyeon isn’t a mage, doesn’t have the gift of magic running through his blood. Even though he knows it’s disgraceful, he’ll probably never truly comprehend just how much of a disgrace it is for a mage of such high rank to use his magic flame for something as sacrilegious as this.
All the more reason to hunt him down, though.
Juyeon presses a hand to the white stone door, listens for any hint of movement inside. He hears nothing. Raising a fist, he knocks lightly in the pattern Hwanwoong established with him two nights ago.
The door slides open with the barest creak. Kevin stiffens next to him, but Juyeon doesn’t hesitate. He enters the shrine.
White stone glows faintly in the pale moonlight filtering through the windows. Four figures stand in the shadows as Juyeon steps forward and he nearly draws the sword at his side, but then Hwanwoong steps under the light and he relaxes. “Let’s go,” he whispers.
With every turn, Juyeon expects someone to jump out, a guard or a soldier or something, but as Hwanwoong said, there’s no one here besides them and High Mage Jung. The mage lets them walk around and generally act like they aren’t prisoners, which shows some modicum of guilt on his end, but the closed-off look on the boy’s face doesn’t make it seem like it matters much.
If Juyeon had to live under the mage who did nothing to prevent the murder of two of his best friends, though, he wouldn’t think it mattered much either. He wouldn’t want to live as a prisoner under Mage Han, after all, even if it meant a cushier life.
Mage Han. Juyeon’s stomach twists. Will he have to kill Mage Jung, too?
Someone walks past Juyeon, one of the other mages in training that Hwanwoong mentioned. They haven’t exactly had introductions, but Juyeon’s heart clenches at the grief etched into every feature of the boy’s face. He looks young, even younger than Hwanwoong.
His resolve hardens as his pace quickens. Juyeon will kill the high mage if it comes to it. He’ll do it, even if he doesn’t want to, even if Mage Jung will join the cast of his nightmares, if it provides even a semblance of justice for these mages.
They didn’t deserve any of this.
Hwanwoong comes to a stop at a wall. There’s nothing on it, though, and Juyeon furrows his eyebrows just as one of the other mages steps forward. Shaking one arm out of a thin robe, he presses a hand to the stone, then draws a rectangle on the white wall. A door materializes the same way Taemin conjured the one that took him and Kevin to Castia.
Spatial manipulation, like Jacob. He must be Seoho, the mage who’s already finished his training.
They step into a dark room with no windows. The only source of light comes from a few torches around the walls and a white hot flame on a small pyre in the middle of the room, burning with seemingly no fuel to keep it alive.
Jacob’s breath catches behind Juyeon. “Castling queens.”
“You know how to put it out?” Kevin asks, looking cautiously at the fire.
“Yes.” Seoho nods. “One of the first things a mage learns is to douse our own flames in case of an accident. It will be much harder and take much more energy and magic to put out the fire of another mage, though, especially one as powerful as… his.”
The air shifts as Jacob steps forward. “He’ll feel the fire beginning to die,” he warns, staring into the bright flame. He glances over at Juyeon and Kevin. “You two need to be ready.”
Juyeon nods. “We will be.”
“Come, then.” Jacob walks closer to the pyre, the light casting strange shadows on his face. His gaze softens slightly as he looks at the other mages, all younger than him and looking terrified, despite the determination in their eyes. “This is our chance.”
Five mages form a circle around a pyre of white flame. Juyeon stands guard, Kevin resolutely at his side, as they bow their heads, extend their hands…
And the fire begins to flicker.
. . . . .
Dousing a mage’s flame is like cutting threads. Thick threads that require a lot of sawing, but threads nonetheless. The more powerful the mage, the thicker the thread.
Which means that the threads of this fire requires a lot of power to cut.
The heat of the fire scorches Jacob’s face as he stares into the white-hot flames that have only just begun to flicker at the tops. Out of his peripherals he can see Hwanwoong and Seoho squinting with equal concentration.
Five mages, two fully trained and three still students. It’s almost hopeless, almost, but Jacob refuses to think of the possibility of failure right now, not when the first thread is so close to snapping.
Though the second it goes, High Mage Jung will know they’re here.
Pressure builds in Jacob’s hands. Sweat pours into his eyes. Every ounce of magic in his blood flows to his open palms, shimmering into the air in streams thinner than a strand of hair, wrapping around the fire, choking away bits of flame –
Something gives. Jacob nearly stumbles as the first thread snaps. The burning pyre turns a shade darker, pale orange instead of white.
Jacob senses Mage Jung’s presence before he even enters the room. He starts to shout, to warn Juyeon and Kevin, but heat scorches the inside of his mouth and he chokes instead.
The door bursts open and yells fill the air as Juyeon literally goes flying into the far wall, hitting the stone with a sickening crunch that Jacob can hear even above the dull roar in his ears. Kevin shouts and there’s a faint whistling of a knife, but it ends with a clanging sound that doesn’t sound like a blade hitting flesh and Jacob knows his cousin missed.
More magic streams out of his hands, mixing with the tendrils pouring out of the other four mages next to him. Jacob grits his teeth, pushing the magic out stronger, faster, ignoring the boiling underneath his skin that warns of possible overload and depletion of his gift.
A flash at the corner of his eye. Jacob ducks just in time, hands still thrust towards the fire. Mage Jung sweeps next to him, a ball of water splashing onto the floor.
Water manipulation. It never looks powerful at first, but water can be used to do many things.
Like the sharp-bladed icicles slicing towards Keonhee.
Wide eyes stare at the ice hurtling through the air. One hand rises in a futile attempt at protection. Jacob feels a scream begin to build in his throat –
A gust of air blows his hair back and sends the icicles shattering uselessly against the ground.
Jacob glances at Dongju. His right hand, previously swept in Keonhee’s direction, has returned to the fire. Fury glitters in his expression as he squints harder, palms outstretched, larger bursts of magic pouring from his skin.
Another thread snaps. The flames grow smaller, darker.
Juyeon’s gotten up from the floor. Jacob hears the slash of a sword, muffled in his mind. Shattering sounds behind him, ice clattering to the floor and piercing his ankles but he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t move from his position as his magic curls around the tendrils of fire, choking them, dissipating them into the air.
Kevin lets out a banshee yell and the sickening sound of blades sinking into flesh almost makes Jacob lose his balance. A hand steadies him – Seoho – before returning to the pyre.
Another snap, one that nearly sinks Jacob to his knees. As they get closer and closer to the heart of the flame, the magic only grows harder to dissipate. But even as the thrum in his own veins begins to fade, as his skin radiates heat comparable to the dying flame, he doesn’t stop. Can’t stop.
Dongju falls, collapses to the ground in front of the pyre like a worshipper enthralled. The circle shifts, spreading further apart to protect his prone body, to fill his space. But Keonhee’s face turns paler and paler until an ice blade through the shoulder knocks him to the ground just as another thread snaps.
Red, almost black, flickers on the pyre. Jacob gasps, blinks sweat out of his eyes. He ducks with the prickling of his neck but a sharp piece of ice cuts through the clothes on his back anyway and sticky blood begins to seep down his skin. Next to him, Seoho almost looks up, but Jacob grits his teeth and forces the last of his magic into the air.
The last of Hwanwoong’s magic disappears and Juyeon almost steps on him before whirling out of the way. Kevin flies at Mage Jung out of the corner of Jacob’s eye but he can’t see what happens next, can’t pick out who let out that pained grunt and who’s the one with blood running down their skin because it’s just him and Seoho now, the only two trained mages in this room besides the traitor.
Their eyes meet across the pyre. They’re completely opposite now, the unconscious bodies of the three students filling the space between them. Seoho looks as white as snow and he could collapse any moment but then he looks down, sees his friends, his brothers lying on the floor, and his face twists once more with determination.
Pressure builds behind Jacob’s hands, blood boiling and threatening to burst from his skin. A last burst of magic coils with Seoho’s and crashes into the final flickering flame –
The pyre goes black.
A pained gasp leaves someone’s throat. Belatedly, Jacob realizes it was him.
Kevin grabs Jacob’s arm before he collapses but immediately pulls away, hissing. He looks down, confused at the reaction, but remembers – his flesh must be a brilliant red, overheated with how much magic he just used.
On the other side of the pyre, barely visible in the absence of light, Seoho kneels on the floor, crawling toward Dongju’s prone body. His hands move quickly, checking for a pulse on the young boy’s neck. Jacob breathes a sigh of relief when no wail of pain comes. Just magic overuse. No death.
Ice crashes to the floor, sparkling bits beginning to melt over the stone. Jacob turns to see the shadow of High Mage Jung, visible in the light of the torches that somehow never fell, sink to his knees.
Juyeon steps forward, walks past Jacob and approaches the pyre. His hand reaches out, picks a small black jewel off of the white stone. “Is it real?” he asks, holding out the gem.
It isn’t difficult to feel the magic radiating off the shiny surface, even in his exhausted state. Jacob nods sharply as anger boils in his stomach. A mage’s fire, used to hide a stolen jewel…
Juyeon steps forward, gripping the black stone in his fist. “High Mage Jung.” He spits the words like poison on his lips. “We have much to speak about.”
. . . . .
Just glancing at Mage Jung’s defeated face makes Juyeon want to look away immediately. Even though he wasn’t a mage, never learned from his magical teachings, he still used to admire his character. The high mage is a shell of what he once was, disgusting to look at, unbearable to listen to. Every single part of Juyeon’s body wants to scream and run away the moment he meets Mage Jung’s eyes, but he forces himself to stay put.
The jewel digs uncomfortably into his palm, he’s clutching it so hard. In his other hand, he clenches his sword, the blade stained with the mage’s blood.
This is not the mage, the honorable man he used to know. This is a mage who broke several of the most important tenets of magic. This is a mage who betrayed the Order of the two kingdoms.
This is the man who killed a gray mage and a queen.
This is the man who killed Juyeon’s best friend.
“How did you become a mage,” Juyeon asks, voice carrying in the silence, “if you are this weak?”
“You don’t understand,” Mage Jung starts. His eyes plead with his, but Juyeon shows no emotion, just a stone cold countenance. “You don’t know –”
The sword flashes, a silver streak against the faint firelight, coming to a rest at the side of the mage’s neck. “You killed Changmin, the last of the gray mages, and the former Ivory queen,” Juyeon says, voice deathly calm. “Give me a single reason why I shouldn’t kill you now.”
“You are young,” the mage pleads. “I had a wife, two daughters. The queen killed my wife when I first refused to comply, then held my daughters until I agreed the second time. How could you understand?”
Kevin gasps. Juyeon himself feels a pang of sympathy at the mage’s words – he met his wife before, and she was a good woman – but then Jacob steps forward.
The rage on his face reminds Juyeon once again of how much this man did.
“You taught me of duty,” Jacob says. His words carry through the shrine, sending a shiver down Juyeon’s back. “You taught me of responsibility and sacrifice. You taught me to value the balance of the Board above all else, above even love, the truest love. Kill your darlings, no?”
“You wouldn’t know –”
“Don’t try to tell me I wouldn’t know.”
The emotion, rage mixed with desperation and terror, startles Juyeon. His blade shifts slightly, digging deeper into the mage’s skin. This is a far cry from the Jacob he once knew, the Jacob who, no matter what, spoke softly and smiled widely and never, ever spoke back to a mentor.
But Jacob had a Valkyrie, a knight whom he loved with his entire heart. Juyeon’s own face heats with fury, fury that this high mage would dare presume that Jacob knows nothing of love, when his heart was been full of it for so long.
“I loved a knight,” Jacob continues, “a Valkyrie with the purest soul. This was the knight who came to save me from your cowardly clutches. You do remember telling me the stories of how you knew you loved your wife when you were fifteen, yes?” His lips curl into a snarl. “I think, then, I should be perfectly able to know my love at age twenty.”
The room is silent in the wake of Jacob’s silent rage. Though the fire has long been put out, invisible flames seem to rise from the mage’s skin, scalding the air that Juyeon breathes. Yet no one says a word, even as the unconscious students begin to shift on the ground.
“Do you know who I left behind at the ivory palace you helped imprison me in?” Jacob asks. His voice is soft, now, as soft as it’s always been, but an edge sharper than Juyeon’s sword glints in his tone. “I left behind my knight. I left behind my Valkyrie. I left my Valkyrie behind at the Ivory palace because they understood their duty and I understood mine.”
Juyeon may be the one physically holding the blade to Mage Jung’s neck, but it feels like Jacob holds the power to let that blade slice against soft skin, spilling blood over the white stone floor.
From the way the mage’s fists are clenched, Juyeon doesn’t think Jacob would think too much if that happened.
“I don’t know if they’re dead or alive,” Jacob continues, relentless. “I don’t know what happened to any of the Valkyries, if they’re sitting in the dungeons under the palace or lying in a pile of bodies, unburnt by a mage’s fire, soul unreleased and restless – a fire that you decided to desecrate, might I add.” Jacob snarls. Everyone in the room flinches. 
A dribble of blood drips down Mage Jung’s skin as he shudders, the blade digging even further than before. 
“I may have killed them by leaving them behind, and I wouldn’t know.” Heat really is rising from Jacob’s skin now, any remaining magic boiling in his blood as it tries to escape its constraints. “All because of the Ivory Queen’s reckless visions of war, visions that you have helped her realize.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Juyeon sees Kevin put a hand on his cousin’s shoulder. Jacob relaxes slightly at the touch, the air growing slightly cooler, but he’s still rigid, body tensed to spring as he speaks his last words to a high mage who can no longer even look his former disciple in the eye.
“I may not know the pain of having your own child held over your head.” Jacob’s fists release themselves as he takes a deep breath. “I imagine it is unfathomable. But do not, not for one single second, tell me I don’t know the pain of choosing between love and duty. Because I know it. I know it very well, High Mage.” Jacob spits the last words to the floor, crushes the title he used to look up to with his boot as he glares at the weakened man still kneeling on the floor.
Silence reigns. Not a single person, not even the two young mages who have just woken up, dare to speak.
High Mage Jung ducks his head even further, almost slumping against Juyeon’s sword. “You can kill me,” he rasps, closing his eyes. “I deserve it, as Jacob –” Jacob flinches at the sound of his name – “said. Please.”
The blade trembles. Juyeon could kill the mage and end it all, he knows. He’s already killed Mage Han. He could just as easily kill Mage Jung, especially when he’s asking for it.
But something stays Juyeon’s hand, prevents him from making the cut that will end his life. Perhaps it’s because of the mage’s daughters, who don’t deserve to have yet another parent ripped away. Or maybe he just feels like he can’t kill another person, much less a mage – how badly will that reflect on him if he ever gains his crown?
Even more than that, though, it isn’t his choice. Juyeon isn’t the one who was betrayed the most in this room. That title belongs to the five mages in this room, one of whom is still unconscious because of High Mage Jung’s decisions.
“It isn’t my decision to make.” Juyeon utters his words with certainty, keeping the blade at the mage’s neck. “Jacob, Seoho, all of the other mages you betrayed deserve to decide. I wasn’t the one who was hurt the most here.”
Jacob nods curtly before turning to Seoho. They kneel down beside the two younger mages who have woken up and begin to speak quietly.
Kevin stands next to Juyeon, refusing to look at the broken man who kneels in front of them. Juyeon swallows. Kevin watched him kill Mage Han, saw him live with that decision for all the weeks to come. He hurt Bom too – he knows what it’s like to be faced with a decision like this.
“Did I make the right choice?” Juyeon murmurs. “Or am I just a coward, pawning off the decision to someone else?”
A pause, then a shake of the head. “No, you made the right decision.” Kevin shakes his head again. “This wasn’t your battle, mainly. It was theirs. Like you said, they were hurt the most. Choosing wouldn’t have been right, coming from you.” He smiles slightly, and Juyeon takes comfort in the warmth on his best friend’s face. “It isn’t cowardly to not want to kill someone, by the way. Just as it isn’t cowardly to step back from a decision that isn’t yours.”
Juyeon’s own lips curl into a tiny smile. “Thanks, Kevin.”
Kevin just smiles back. Shoulder to shoulder, they stand before the mage until Jacob stands up, face grim but not displeased. “Let him live.”
High Mage Jung’s head snaps up. “What?”
Juyeon’s own eyebrows raise, but he can’t deny the relief that rushes through his chest as he withdraws the sword. “As you wish.”
“But – why?” The mage’s gaze fills with guilt and anguish, tears beginning to pool in his eyes. “I’ve violated –”
“You have two daughters.” Seoho steps forward, skin still pale with exhaustion, but determination in every step. “As much as you deserve to suffer, they still need you.”
“I –”
“You will lie,” Jacob interrupts. “You will lie and say that we came at night, taking the jewel with the help of the imprisoned mages who also happened to escape. When you woke up, it was gone.” He looks down, coldly. “And if the queen asks you how we were able to overpower you, you may tell her that you suspect a mage travels with the prince and the amethyst heir.” His lips curl into a dangerous smile. “If you so wish, you might even tell her this mage escaped from her own dungeons.”
The high mage gasps, collapsing even further onto the ground. “Thank you, thank you so much –”
“Save it,” Dongju snarls. “We don’t want your thanks. You watched and did nothing as Youngjo and the others were killed, and now we find out that you were one of the two who killed the gray mage?” He scoffs.
“Dongju.” Hwanwoong seems to have woken up since the mages began speaking, and he puts a hand on the boy’s arm. He relaxes, but the glare in his eyes doesn’t subside.
Jacob looks a lot like he agrees with Dongju, even if he doesn’t say anything.
Seoho steps up. “It is only fair that you stand trial after the war for your crimes. A jury of your peers will judge you, with His Majesty presiding.” He looks at Juyeon. “They will decide if you are ultimately worthy of death, or if your magic will simply be stripped instead.”
Mage Jung sags, but he nods resignedly. Juyeon nods as well. “I agree to this. Do not try to hide – we will find you. There cannot be no consequences for your actions.”
“I understand.” The mage swallows, and for the first time, dares to look up. “I also understand that you cannot accept my thanks in words. However, I have information that may help your jewel hunt, if you will hear it.”
Juyeon exchanges a glance with Kevin, then Jacob. Both of them look equally apprehensive, but eventually, they nod, slightly. He turns back to the mage. “Tell us.”
“The Ivory Queen let it slip that one of the jewels will be taken to another shrine, one of the holiest in the two kingdoms.” Mage Jung swallows. “Few have the privilege of stepping onto its grounds. I myself have forfeited mine.”
Juyeon understands at the same moment Jacob does, their eyes widening with realization together.
Kevin gasps a second later. “You don’t mean –”
“He means the shrine where Changmin was killed.” Juyeon clenches his fists hard, the jewel cutting into his skin. “She would dare…”
Jacob steps forward. “If you turn out to be lying, I will not hesitate to kill you the next time I see you.”
A long pause follows his statement, but no one protests.
Juyeon nods sharply. “We will leave. Do not follow us. If a single word is breathed to the queen on our whereabouts, we will know that you betrayed us yet again.” He snarls. “And next time, you won’t be able to count on any mercy should we find you once more.”
Even with that statement, Juyeon doesn’t lower his guard until Seoho has created the door to shift them out of the room. He barely breathes until they’ve made it far from the shrine back to their hideout at the edge of the forest. Once they’re among the trees, he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
Six pairs of eyes blink at him, four more than he’s grown used to. Juyeon swallows. “I don’t know if you four can come with us,” he says carefully.
Hwanwoong nods, thankfully. None of the others look very surprised either. “We know,” he says. “We never expected it, with you looking for the jewels and all.”
Juyeon hangs his head. “Still, I’m sorry. I can’t provide safety for you, even as your prince…”
Kevin knocks him in the shoulder. “No one’s safe in a time of war, idiot.”
A tiny smile quirks the side of his lips. “That’s true. However.” He straightens. “Do you know the name Lee Sangyeon?”
Dongju’s head jerks up. “One of your rooks?”
Juyeon nods. “Try to reach the Onyx Kingdom. You’ll be safer there, especially if you can reach a domain unoccupied by ivory forces. I don’t know how far they’ve managed to conquer –” he frowns – “but once you have the energy, shift into the capital. Find Sangyeon and tell him that the crown prince sent you. You can stay there. If something happens, though, just stay out of reach of ivory forces.”
“One more thing.” Kevin rummages around in the bag that holds their things and produces a shirt, one of those he brought when they first started out. “They might not believe you if you just say that we sent you, but if you show them this, they’ll know you at least saw us along the way.”
Hwanwoong takes the shirt, folds it and tucks it into his robes. “Thank you.”
“Wait, Kevin.” Jacob steps forward. “Give me your knife.”
Confused, Juyeon watches as he takes the blade, then hacks off a section of his red cloak. “Seoho, your specialization is the same as mine?”
A nod. Jacob hands over the section of cloth. “There is a spell embedded in my cloak to mask my magic, one that I think you can untangle. Once you do, weave it into your own clothes. It will help you stay hidden from other the magic of others.”
Three pairs of eyes stare into four. Then Hwanwoong kneels, followed by Seoho, then Dongju, then the last, who must be Keonhee.
Juyeon takes a step back. “What –”
“Thank you, Your Highness.” Seoho bows his head. “We look forward to the day you become our king.”
Oh, queens.
Juyeon’s throat chokes. “Please, don’t kneel,” he says, helping them up while trying to hide the tears beginning to brim in his eyes. “I’m honored to have you as my allies. Truly.”
“As we are honored to be yours.” Hwanwoong smiles. “Good luck, Your Highness.”
A tentative smile curves Juyeon’s lips. “Good luck to you too.”
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for oneus to get back safely!!)
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What's Aika's magic?
Damn this may be a long post im sorry anon but I'll just be explaining any magical traits that Aika has or uses so I can later use this post as reference for myself💞
Simply put, it's Time Magic, just like Julius. Though she also uses forbidden magic often too, more specifically necromancy. She tried to become the devil host of certain devil but it wasn't answering her calls so she gave up on that and turned to necromancy(which was going to be her focus anyway) so that she could communicate with her family even after they were dead. She never really passes the mourning stage in her life so yeah.
The time magic, well, Aika and Julius were born on the same day, same hour, and the same second. The timing of their birth has a big significance and also the reason why she has time magic. She also has a spiral grimoire, which used to be parchment colored but the pages are now black and the text is written in a different language. It turned black after she despaired when her family(her mom, two dads and younger brother) died.
As her mom died, she[Aika's mom] used a forbidden magic spell that basically passes on certain magical traits of the person who is dying. From her mother who used mirror magic, Aika gained the ability to use cameras(which I HC as a magical artifact only able to be used by people with phosphoromancy magic types), from her brother who used lightning magic, she gained resistance to lightning, from one of her fathers who used water magic, she gained the ability to breathe under water for long periods of time and a quick grasp on being able to use a magical stone that produces water. From her other father who had sword magic, well, he taught her swordsmanship but I guess his magic made it easier for her to make swords and other weapons out of creation magic. Anywho, she simply gained some passive skills from this inheritance spell. In the lore of my fic, this inheritance spell is used often by royalty so that heirs have an advantage over others.
Aika began to use mana zone more often after she went blind after a forbidden magic ritual called "Imago Dei." She traveled to the Heart Kingdom when the Priestess invited her and she began to grow the scope of her mana zone.
If I had to elaborate more on time magic, I would say that Aika can do the basics like speed up or slow down, take and give time. But she some times uses it in addition to necromancy. Like for example, by combining both, she can see the time a person was born and the time a person will die. She can see when she dies too yes. The time a person dies is never set in stone so it can be changed. The "time of death" that she sees is the estimated time a person will meet their demise if they keep going on the same course.
A strange thing about Julius and Aika's magic is that if they used magic against each other at the same time, they would cancel out. Kinda how Langris and Finral's spatial magic spells cancel out. But they can still use it in combination magic as detailed in one of the chapters.
Aika studied forbidden magic along with medicine in the Spade Nation War College for 4 ish years and that was where she had to sacrifice part of her humanity to be able to use forbidden magic properly. She gave up her ability to sleep. It's not that she can't sleep anymore or doesn't need to, but if she did close her eyes and go to sleep, it will be full of nightmarish visions of the past, present and future, both personal and unrelated to her and she can't wake up unless she endures them for 8 hours. So Aika hasn't slept properly in approximately 15 years. Emphasis on properly because she does sleep every few years in hopes that the torture would one day be gone.
Here's the picture of her weg but her full despaired weg form looks a lot more devilsh🤔 it’s rlly old art so ignore the ugliness💀💀
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Edit: I also forgot about a little forbidden magic technique she uses often in battle😭 when long ranged spells are shot, mages often let go of their control over them and Aika takes advantage of this and takes control of the magic and either redirects it or stores. Ofc using magic that isn’t yours is forbidden so👀
I'll make a separate post about her spells later but a few of them were already introduced in my fic. But yeah! This is most of the info so far and thanks for the question anon!
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yoshiduck1 · 3 years
you know in Black Clover Finral really is an incredibly interesting character because of the way his magic works, especially in comparison to the other members of his family. Finral's family is renowned for their use of spatial magic in combat, with his brother Langris as their little combat prodigy, but Finral doesn't fit in that role. his magic is much more simple, and much more useless for direct combat: all it does is create portals to places Finral has been. It doesn't make any sense at first glance: how could someone with such weak spatial magic come from a family whos specialty is combat using spatial magic? but when you consider finral's personality and the way he uses his magic, everything starts to make a lot more sense.
right out the gate, in the first fight he gets caught in, we're shown that finral is a coward. when he transports Gauche to where Yami and Patry are fighting, his first instinct is to just run away, and this instinct is amplified when the third eye show up. and later on, in the underwater temple, while everyone else is running around picking fights with the mages so that they can get out as fast as possible, Finral is shown just hiding and avoiding combat at all cost. and yet, when Asta starts to fight Vetto, he steels himself and joins in the fight. its in this fight that we see where finral strength lies: not in fighting himself - he's much too weak for that - but in supporting his allies. and a little after this, we're shown the other part of his personality that affects his magic: Finral's kindness. when Langris is insulting and belittling Asta and the other black bulls, finral, for what seems to be the first time, stands up to his brother for the sake of helping his friends. and its from this point onwards that we can see how this affects the way Finral's magic grows. the next spell finral learns how to use is Fallen Angel's Wingbeat, which does nothing more than moving his opponent somewhere else. the first time he uses this spell is against Langris, who, during this fight at least, had the clear intent of hurting Finral beyond the help of any healing magic, if not just killing him outright. and yet, despite being up against this person who hated him and pushed him away and treated him like he was nothing, Finral still can't bring himself to hurt his brother. through flashbacks, we're shown that through their entire childhood, Finral kept trying to reach out to and befriend Langris, despite the way Langris treated him. Finral even says it himself when fighting Langris: he doesnt want to hurt his brother, he just wants to save Langris from what he's going to become. this kindness goes even further than that, because after Langris is taken over by Latry, Finral says he felt guilty and partially responsible for the way Langris ended up, because even though Finral knew Langris was lonely, he left Langris behind. thats why instead of letting jack and yami take down latry by force and potentially let them hurt Langris, Finral instead takes latry out himself, and reaches his hand out to Langris one final time - and Langris finally accepts.
idk man I think abt this stuff a lot and this probably doesnt make any sense but I need to write it down so I dont forget. anyway the point is that Finral, despite everything his family put him through, remained so kind and gentle, and instead of it blowing up in his face and ending up with Finral being labeled as the naive character, it pays off with Finral and Langris finally reaching an understanding, and with the two having the type of relationship Finral tried so hard to have with his brother for so long. I just think thats great.
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psychedelic-ink · 4 years
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This is my commission for @i-draketheblake​  ! Thank you so much for commissioning me and I hope you enjoy this! I really enjoyed writing for Finral and Gauche they’re adorable together  (≧◡≦) ♡
Pairing: Gauche Adlai x Finral Roulacase
Genre: Romance, Angst (a little bit), Suggestive 
Word count: 4606 k 
Summary: Gauche is getting blackmailed by his relatives, knowing that this his problem he tells no one. That is until Finral puts two and two together. 
Commissions | Ko-Fi
The wind blew cold as the rustling of leaves filled the dark streets. Only ominous glitching street lamps illuminated the grey sidewalk, Gauche hurriedly walked, ignoring the flickering lights. His hands were balled into fists and were nestled in his warm pockets. Anger bubbled up inside of him as he saw two men waiting in front of a crowded cafe. This was their way of securing their pathetic lives just in case Gauche decided to attack them. It wouldn’t be the first after all.
He stood in front of the two men with a deep scowl on his face, the two men grinned at him, pleased to have the usually troublesome man tamed by them. 
“Were you able to collect the gems?”
Gauche rolled his and clicked his tongue, he pulled out a rather oversized pouch and dropped it into the greedy man’s sweaty palm. They opened the push up and both of them looked inside with greedy eyes, Gauche could see the gems reflecting their colorful light on their ugly faces with the little gleam the street provided. 
“Good good,” the man purred. “And you’ll be bringing the magical items next week?”
“How long is this going to last?” Gauche asked, glaring at them. 
“As long as we want you to.” the man growled. “Or do you want to cause trouble to your fellow magical knights?”
“I’ll blow your brains out.” Gauche snapped. 
Without saying anything he turned on his heel and left with only anger simmering in his heart. 
                                    ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Finral could feel Gauche trying to get under the covers as discreetly as he could. It was the fourth time this week, he had no idea where his partner went so early in the morning. It was always dark when he left. Finral knew that Gauche didn’t want to share much, he hated being a burden, especially to those who were close to him like Marie and the rest of the squad. He only wished Gauche could be more open towards him, if he was in trouble Finral wanted to know and help him. 
The spatial magic user felt himself being pulled as two strong arms came around him, he could feel Gauche’s chest flushed against his back, so warm, so inviting. It made him truly happy to be in such an intimate relationship with such a man. 
“I know you’re awake,” Finral flinched when he heard the other whisper into his ear. “You don’t need to fake it, just tell me what you’re thinking.”
Finral’s heart sped up at the hearing of his voice. He honestly had no idea what to say or what to do. He didn’t want to make Gauche feel uncomfortable but he couldn’t stay silent any longer either, especially since he was prompted to talk. Finral sighed and shifted so that he would be laying on his back, Gauche hand was still casually resting on his stomach as he propped himself on his elbow so he would see Finral better. 
“I’m sad that you’re not telling me what’s going on,” he said, almost as silent as a whisper. “I love you Gauche and you know that, I want to help you. I-” 
“You can’t.” 
Gauche’s words felt as sharp as a knife. It hurt but Finral expected nothing less of him. 
“Why not?” 
Finral’s violet eyes bored into Gauche, the man averted the spatial mage’s worried gaze. It was just too pure for him, he felt awful that he was worrying someone who he cared so deeply about. He clicked his tongue and sighed. There was no way he would tell Finral the truth, he couldn’t. 
“I went to visit Marie.” 
“Marie?” Finral asked as if it was unfamiliar to him. 
“Yeah, apparently she has some problems going on and I went to help her out.” 
Finral stared at him, scanning his face, he knew Gauche was lying. If Marie was really having trouble with anything there was no way this sister obsessed brother would be so calm about it. He wouldn’t especially do what he was doing in secret. Finral knew well that pestering him would be no good so instead of telling Gauche that it was obvious that he was lying, he wrapped his arms around the unexpecting man’s neck instead and pulled him in for a tender kiss. 
Whatever it was that Gauche was hiding Finral knew that they could take it on together. 
                                 ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Finral was woken up by the sun shining on to his face, he slowly blinked his eyes as he opened them. The bed felt cold and when he threw his arm to the side he noticed that Gauche was gone. Finral’s heart sank at the notion, he straightened up, pressing his back against the wall the warm sheets slid down his chest. A feeling of worry took over his emotions, where was he? 
“Hey,” Finral jolted at the voice, panicked he saw that Gauche was leaning against the door frame with two piping hot mugs in hand. Gauche raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”
Gauche walked towards him and sat down next to him, the bed dipped under his weight, he extended his hand holding the cup. It was filled with coffee with added milk and sugary caramel syrup, just how Finral liked it. With a soft smile the spatial mage gladly took the offered cup. He hummed happily as the warmth of it spread across his palms. 
“Thank you,” he said. “And I’m fine just got a bit jumpy when I didn’t see you in bed.” 
Finral took a sip of his coffee, the sugar made him smile. His gaze landed back on Gauche who seemed awfully thoughtful and almost...guilty. Finral said nothing as he took another sip. His heart jumped when he heard Gauche chuckling. 
“How on earth are you drinking that, it’s too sweet.” he said and stuck his tongue out. 
“You’re one to talk drinking that bitter bean juice,” Finral took another sip before lovingly gazing upon Gauche. “Besides, you made it for me. Of course I’m going to like it.” 
Finral grinned when a faint blush spread across Gauche’s cheeks, the blushing man averted his eyes. Finral absolutely loved it when Gauche got flustered, it didn’t happen often but when it did Finrak drank the expression like he was drinking the coffee that he held between his palms. 
“Want to go to the market today?” Gauche asked as placed the mug on to his lips. 
“That’s sudden,” Finral replied, still grinding. “Do you want to buy something?”
Gauche shrugged. 
“Not really, I just thought spending time together would be fun. It’s okay if you don’t-” 
“I would love to!” 
Gauche jolted at the sudden enthusiastic response, he blinked a couple of times as he looked at his partner. Finally he smiled and put his coffee on the bedside table. 
“Let’s get ready then, before it’s too crowded.”
Finral took another sip of his coffee since he didn’t want it to go to waste. Gauche on the other hand, despite not showing it,  was really excited and took off his shirt to put on a different one, something better suited for the occasion. 
Finral’s gaze landed on Gauche’s bare torso, it was as if his violet eyes were glued to him. He could never get enough of seeing Gauche’s physique, the way the mirror mage’s muscles moved and flexed under his skin. 
“You’re staring.” Gauche’s voice snapped Finral out of his indecent thoughts. 
Gauche had an amused look on his face as Finral blushed and looked away, he pulled his knees closer to his chest. His smile shifting into more of a devious one, Gauche got on the bed and crawled towards Finral who was still averting his eyes, his blush now a crimson red. Gauche didn’t stop until his face was just an inch away from Finral’s. 
“I can’t believe how flustered you get, still.” he teased. “You’re so goddamn red.” 
“I-It’s because of the cof- !” 
The words he was about to speak were muffled as Gauche placed his lips upon his, the spatial mage’s eyes only widened for a split second before he closed them, surrendering himself into the tender kiss. A soft moan left Finral as Gauche tilted his head to the side, sliding his tongue between his lips. Finral’s hands came up to Gauche’s back, softly his finger tips danced along his heated skin, feeling every bone and muscle as he did so. 
Gauche broke the kiss to witness Finral’s expression of pure bliss, his cheeks were red, lips parted and glistening with spit. Finral looked at his partner between half lidded eyes, his chest going up and down as he tried to catch his breath. Gauche placed his hand on the side of Finral’s face and brushed away the strand of hair that had fallen over his eye, Finral pressed into the mirror mage’s palm as he hummed happily. 
“We should get dressed,” Finral breathed out. “Before I completely lose myself in you.” 
                                ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Even if they left early, needless to say the market place was crowded as it always was. Children were running and giggling, grown ups were mingling, nothing out of the ordinary. Finral tugged Gauche by the hand as he dragged the mirror mage towards his favorite bakery. Gauche was already regretting going out, he would’ve much preferred to stay at home and mingle with his husband but knowing that Finral was worried about him, Gauche wanted to do something that he specifically enjoyed. Even if it meant he would have to be uncomfortable for a couple of hours. 
When they entered the local bakery a small bell rang signalling that new customers arrived. Gauche smiled when he noticed that the usually crowded bakery was moderately less crowded, Finral pulled him towards the display of sweets. There were all kinds of freshly made cakes, cookies and other deserts Gauche had no idea what they were. 
Finral on the other hand was giddy to share a cake with his lover, at least that was what Gauche thought. 
“I’m going to get the strawberry shortcake, what about you?”
“Oh, I thought we would share, so I haven’t thought about it.” 
Finral laughed as he placed a soft kiss on Gauche’s cheek. 
“I’m sorry but I really want to eat it by myself.” Finral replied with a cheeky grin. Gauche chuckled as he shrugged. 
“Fine, I’ll get an eclair then with a cup of black coffee.” 
“Eclair with a side of bitter bean juice, got it!” 
“Would you stop calling it that,” Gauche said, his eyebrow twitching. “I don’t say anything about your insatiable sweet tooth so leave me and my bean juice alone.” 
“Okay, okay.” Finral replied, lifting both hands up as a sign of surrender. “You go sit, I’ll bring us out orders.” 
Gauche picked a table near to the window, it was far from the entrance, just like he liked it. He watched as Finral waited for the orders, momentarily their eyes locked onto each other and Finral gave him a big smile accompanied with a wave.  Gauche waved back, how on earth did he get so lucky? Even if he had his doubts in the beginning he had no regrets now. Truly he was happy. 
With a tray of goods, Finral made his way towards him. He placed the tray on the table and sat down, his back facing the entrance. Finral licked his lips as he picked up his fork. Gauche on the other hand picked up the eclair from the bottom so that he wouldn’t get chocolate on his fingers. He took a bite out of it, the heavenly sweet cream filling his mouth as he chewed into it. 
“Is it good?” Finral asked, his mouth full with cake. 
“I hate to admit it, but yeah it is.” Gauche placed the half eaten eclair back on the plate. 
Despite his attempts of acting like he was fine, he couldn’t take Finral’s worried expression from tonight out of his mind. The way Finral’s voice trembled and how sad his eyes looked, it truly devastated Gauche. He had to tell him. He owed Finral that much. Sighing Gauche opened his mouth to tell him, but as soon as he did he closed it right back. His eyes widened as the welcoming bell rang. It was them. His so-called family that was blackmailing him, with nasty smiles they walked up to the display and gazed upon the many sweets. His heart stopped and his hands trembled. Why now, why here of all places? 
“Gauche what’s wrong?” Finral asked, placing his hand over Gauche’s. 
Before Gauche could answer his eyes locked together with one of the men, the man’s eyes widened momentarily but the gaze quickly shifted into something more sinister. He nudged the other man and gestured where Gauche was with his head, they nodded at each other and made their way towards the occupied table. 
Gauche could tell that Finral was continuing to ask him what was wrong but he couldn’t reply, his heart was beating so loud that he could hear it in his ears, he sweated as the men he despised so much came closer and closer. Suddenly it was as if he could hear everything, with each footstep they took he wanted to run away. 
It was too late for that now. 
The two men stood next to their table, with confusion Finral looked up to them, scanning them with a raised eyebrow. 
“Well hello there Gauche,” the first man said. “I see you’re on a…” he raised an eyebrow and looked at Finral “...a date?”
“Get lost.” Gauche spat, glaring at them. 
“Well now, that’s not how you should treat your remaining family.” 
Finral’s continued to go back and forth between the men and Gauche, he wasn’t aware that Gauche still talked to his old relatives, he had a bad feeling about all of this and finally he knew his questions would be answered about Gauche’s late time whereabouts. 
“You’re not my family, now get lost.” 
“Instead of going on silly dates shouldn’t you be doing what we’ve asked you for?” the second man said, ignoring Gauche’s anger. 
“What are they talking about?” Finral finally broke his silence, curiosity getting the better of him. 
Gauche turned to Finral, Finral hated how pale he looked. He had an fearful expression mixed with guilt, Finral’s gaze went back to the men. They clearly weren’t talking to Gauche out of familial love, they both stared at the two with sinister smirks. Finral sighed as he pulled out his grimoire. 
Gauche screamed as the ground under his feet disappeared and he started to fall into the abyss. With the corner of his eye, he could see Finral, chairs and the table all falling around him, his scream died out when he saw Finral with a frown and it was almost as his eyes were wet. Was he crying? 
 When they finally landed Gauche was surprised to find that they were in the middle of a plain filled with colorful flowers, they were sitting exactly the same way they were while they were in the cafe, even their deserts were in the same place. Even though he had bigger problems Gauche couldn’t help but be impressed by Finral’s improvement in his spatial magic. 
“You were being black mailed?” Finral hissed as he got up, anger radiating off of him. 
Gauche opened his mouth to talk but Finral cut him off. 
“How could you not tell me about this?” he frantically waved his hands in the air. “What did they make you do? How long has this been going on?!”  
Gauche waiting for him to continue stared at Finral in silence, the silence grew and he realized that he was actually waiting for an answer. 
“For…” Gauche took a deep breath. “About a month.” 
“A month?!” Finral shouted, making Gauche flinch. “Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you!” Finral replied, his voice also gradually becoming louder. “This was in order to keep you safe, all of you!”
Finral rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of him. 
“Yeah I doubt two slimy men can go against the black bulls and a golden dawn squad member,” Finral sneered, Gauche began to explain once again but was cut mid sentence by Finral. “I’m not even sure I want to hear your excuses, I’m not a damsel in distress you know. I can protect you as well, has that thought ever crossed your mind?” 
Gauche got up from his seat, the anger he stored in for so long starting to come to the surface. Why was he being so difficult? This wasn’t a matter of who could protect who, this was his problem to deal with, not Finral’s, not Marie’s and not any of the black bulls, it was his. This was the only way he could think of to get some peace, so what if he got them a couple of worthless magical items and gems? No one knows that they’re gone. He stood in front of Finral and  he quickly noticed that his lips were trembling, they were so happy not only ten minutes ago. How did they end up like this?
“This is my problem,” Gauche hissed, as he aggressively pointed at himself. “I don’t need help, I’ve never needed help. I don’t need you or my so-called family to solve them!”
Gauche’s words felt like daggers digging into Finral’s skin. He took a step back, his eyes wide, tears threatened to fall, it was as if someone took out his heart and stepped on it. Finral took another step back as he hugged himself, he felt so cold. Momentarily their eyes locked on each other, he could see that Gauche regretted his words. It hurt how Gauche put his family in the same box as him, Finral hoped that he would have more value than that but apparently what he felt was wrong. They shared similar backgrounds, Finral knew how low Gauche thought of his family and that’s why his words impacted him greatly. After everything they’ve been through, after everything they shared he expected Gauche to react better than this. 
“Finral I-” 
“We’ll talk later,” Finral averted his eyes as his grimoire started to hover next to him. “I just really want to be alone.”
The moment Finral said that Gauche found himself back in their house. It felt so cold now that he was back, alone. He cursed at himself and bawled his hands into fists, he was stupid, so undeniably stupid. 
                                  ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Finral let out a shaky breath as Gauche disappeared from his line of view, he walked towards the table, looking at the half eaten deserts. He really didn’t know what to think, should he be sad? Angry? Disappointed? He was feeling a mixture of all of them. 
“Damn it Gauche.” he said, covering his face with his hand. 
He never should’ve asked to be alone, who knew what the self destructive moron was thinking all by himself. It wasn’t Gauche’s fault, and even if Finral didn’t want to understand he somewhat did. Of course Gauche didn’t want to cause trouble for any of them, they were his new family. With another sigh he commanded his grimoire to hover near him, they would talk about it and figure out an answer, together. 
Finral willed a portal to be open.
It didn’t. 
“What the hell?”
He tried again and again but it seemed like his magic was failing him, his eyes widened with horror, his pulse quickening, jhe frantically continued to try to open a portal. After his failed attempts he heard a faint chuckle coming from behind him. He turned only to see one of the men he saw in the coffee staring at him. The man had a round, ball-like object in hand. 
“You’ll be coming with me.” he said, his grin widening. “That way Gauche will do our bidding...well… for forever.” 
“Are you jamming my spatial magic?” Finral asked, ignoring the empty threat. “You royals are all so damn petty. Just leave Gauche alone.” 
“Sorry but no can do.” the man snickered. “Now you’ll be coming with me.” His grimoire floated next to him. “Sleep magic: Morpheus’s slumber.” 
Finral’s legs gave out immediately as purple smoke surrounded him, his eyelids felt incredibly heavy, his mind too tired to concentrate. I’m pathetic, he thought right before surrendering to sleep. 
                                ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
With his heart pounding in his chest, Gauche ran as fast as he could, when he reached the squad base a sense of relief washed over him. With a loud creek he opened the large wooden doors, his shirt stuck to his back from sweat, his breathing heavy, he looked inside the base. 
Oddly enough, only Asta was inside, it was their day off so most of them had gone drinking or shopping. Asta stared at him with wide confused eyes, immediately knowing that something was wrong. 
“Are you okay?” 
“They kidnapped Finral.” he breathed out. 
“Come with me, I’ll explain as we go.” 
And just like that both Gauche and Asta left the Black Bull base. As they ran towards the location Gauche gave a brief explanation as to what was going on and what their plan would be. The men had basically written a long term ransom note, telling Gauche to provide an immense amount of magical objects if he ever wanted to see Finral again. They had written down an address and even though Gauche knew he could easily take the two of them on his own, sleep magic was quite tricky to handle and that was where Asta came through. 
“You get it right?” Gauche asked as they came closer to his relatives' hideout. “You’re going to hide, you’re my secret weapon, get it?”
Asta quickly nodded, when they arrived Gauche gestured to him to go and hide. Tentatively he took a step inside, the place resembled much like an abandoned warehouse. It was quite dark but when Gache walked further into the abyss he could see Finral tied to a chair, a round object in his lap. His two relatives stood by the spatial mage’s side, when they noticed the new arrival they both smiled. 
“Finally you arrive, we thought that maybe you’re going to ditch your friend here.” 
Finral stared at Gauche with his eyebrow raised, he scanned the area and with a deep sigh he rolled his eyes. 
“Please tell me you brought someone with you.” 
With a frown Gauche shook his head and shrugged. It was a lie, of course but Gauche couldn’t let them know about his secret weapon. He hoped that Finral knew what he was thinking, or else he would even get more pissed then he was earlier that day. 
Finral groaned and threw his head back. It seemed that he didn’t get it. 
“Let him go, assholes.” he growled. “You’ll be sorry.” 
“Did you fulfill our requests?” 
Gauche clicked his tongue with annoyance and took a step forward. 
“Of course not. Morons.” 
“You want your friend to die then?” the sleep magic user willed his grimoire to hover next to him. “You know that I can make your friend sleep forever.” 
Even if Finral was scared, he didn’t show it. Gauche wouldn’t let him die, that he could be sure of. 
“I’m aware of your magic,” Gauche replied, a smirk spread across his lips. “That’s why I brought a weapon of my own.” Gauche’s grimoire floated next to him as he shouted. “Asta!” 
With a crash Asta broke through the window, Finral’s eyes widened with the fact that Gauche actually brought someone with him. The men flinched as Asta ran towards the sleep magic user with immense speed, the other man on the other hand gritted his teeth as he turned towards Finral. The man’s grimoire floated near him, Finral knew by his look that he was going to go in for the kill. Finral tried to set himself free and move his hands but the wires they tied him with dug in deeper into his wrist, he hissed at the pain. 
But before he knew it Finral heard a thud and the man went flying. Gauche gave the man a look of disgust, his foot still in the air. 
“You’re not even worth using magic on.” 
“Gauche!” Finral exclaimed, tearing up a bit. 
Gauche kneeled behind him, his hands gently grabbed Finral’s tied wrists, his heart broke when he noticed the small amount of blood trickling down his wrist, they would pay for this, they would pay for hurting someone he loved. 
Gauche quickly undid the binds, before he could apologize Finral wrapped his arms around his neck and embraced him. Surprised, Gauche’s hands came up to his back, he pulled Finral close and closed his eyes as the warmth of his partner’s body seeped into his. 
“It’s okay,” Finral whispered into his ear. “I forgive you.” 
Gauche chuckled. 
“You’re too nice to me.” 
Gauche’s hands slipped down to Finral’s waist as the spatial mage shifted back to look at him. He had a soft smile on his face. 
“You deserve it.” 
Gauche leaned in and nuzzled Finral’s neck, he placed open mouthed kisses and his hands traveled down to his bottom and gave Finral a gentle squeeze. Finral gasped as a blush covered his face. 
“What are you a teenegare?” he hissed. “We’re still in public you know.” 
“I know I know,” Gauche smirked. “By the way I thought you weren’t a damsel in distress?” 
“Oh you know what scratch that I don’t forgive you. You’re an ass.” 
Finral made a move to get away from Gauche’s embrace but his hands tightened around him, forbidding Finral to leave. Gauche’s smile grew wider as Finral pouted. 
“Okay okay I’m sorry.” he placed a kiss on Finral’s forehead, his lips feeling hot against his skin. “I just missed you.” 
“I missed y-” 
“Hey get back here!” 
Asta’s voice snapped them both back to reality. They noticed that the two men were nearly out the door as Asta chased after them. The two disappeared from their field of vision, leaving Asta behind. 
“They’re quite fast for their age,” Asta said, scratching the back of his head as he walked towards the couple. “Sorry Gauche they escaped.” 
“It’s okay, let’s just head home for now.” 
                                  ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Finral hissed as Gauche gently dabbed his wound with a cotton ball covered in saline. It stung only for a moment but Finral wasn’t much of a fan of pain. Gauche clenched his teeth together. 
“I’m going to kill them.” he muttered. 
“Don’t worry,” Finral replied, placing his unoccupied hand on top of Gauche’s head, he slowly started to play with his hair. “The wounds aren’t serious.” 
“I know but I would prefer if you didn’t get them.” 
The way Gauche pouted made Finral laugh. His hand slid from Gauche’s hair to his cheek and gently cupped it. 
“We’re magical knights,” he said between chuckles. “Wounds are inevitable.” 
Deeming that his wound was clean enough, Gauche turned Finral’s hand and placed a kiss inside of his palm. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll find them later. They won’t get away.” 
“You’re right. I’m just glad that you’re safe.” 
Gauche was still worried but as long as he had Finral by his side, he knew that he would be fine. 
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icewitcher · 4 years
You know, the one I was talking about with Asta and Finral being affected the most by the AU. There is also a chance that Finral won't be the same as canon. Also angst, pain, hurt/comfort, nightmares, torture, probably PTSD are to be included if anyone feels like he can write a fic about it. But don't worry, I will do a part 2 to write my ideas on how it goes on. Now this is established
Everyone remembers that the Spade kingdom has (apparently) a spy in Clover ? In this AU or canon divergence they use it as a way to find interesting magic they might use for their own benefit and kidnapp the users at night.
So the spy heard about Finral's family, the Vaude family which is a well know family because of their spatial magic but to not compromise the mission, Spade soldiers maybe some dark disciples doesn't take Langris for obvious reasons (powerful offensive spatial magic) and goes for a twelve years old Finral.
Everything is going well until the elder son of Vaude house woke up despite he was sleeping because of a sleeping spell near the border between Clover and the neutral territory and you guess it, they are at Hage. Finral doesn't recognize the place, saw those unknow mage and put it together: someone is kidnapping him. He start panicking and screaming for help in case someone is nearby.
Lucky for him Asta, which is a 6 years old at the begining of this AU, was walking around the forest because he couldn't sleep. So he goes straight for the person who needs help because a good future wizard king must protect everyone, no matter if he doesn't have his magic. Yet.
Just like with the drunk man who wanted to took Yuno pendant, he charge and didn't give up, Finral can't believe that a child with half of his age is actually trying to save him alone and being under the shock of everything he doesn't think of using his magic to get out of here with that kid. The mage with the sleeping spell, having enough of Asta attack, use a more powerful spell on both Asta and Finral. The Spade mage decide to take Asta as well with them because they believed children who still didn't developp their magic might become powerful mages in the future and they don't waste the occasion.
The boys woke up in a cell together with no idea of knowing where they are. Asta being the protective child of the church make sure that Finral is okay before they ask who is the other. The two of them bond fast and talk about their siblings and family.
Then Finral tense a lot because he feel three source of mana coming towards them along with two others but the three he felt are dangerous, Asta doesn't understand why until the Zogratis siblings are in front of their cells. He can feel something malicious from them and the way Vanica look at him creep him out. But with Finral being scared as hell and trying to be small, he can't afford to show his fears so he tries to put up a brave face. But the worst is coming.
For three years, him and Finral have to survive by fighting other people made prisoners by the Spade kingdom so they can be stronger and their magic too, endure torture and living with their mana being robbed some days. Asta always beat up his opponent by using his fists and his body, Finral isn't a fighter but he can help Asta with his portals however it isn't enough for Spade which always finish with Asta protecting him, even if it means being the injuried one. Once they are back in the cells, Finral always ended up crying because he blames his own weakness, he blames himself to not be able to stand up, to fight back and most importantly to let someone he can consider as a little brother being hurt. Asta always reassure him by saying it is his choice and if he can't protect one person then he can't become the Wizard King
One day, a Dark disciple found it strange that Asta still doesn't have his magic and by using an artefact he discover that a manaless boy survive for three years in Spade. FOR THREE YEARS !!! A MAGICLESS BOY beats magic users with his bare hands !!! Somehow it excited him to fight the boy to see how much he put in a fight.
As expected, the fight isn't in Asta favor which is more beaten up than usual and everyone is horrified because they know Asta won't make it if he doesn't give up. Finral asked Asta to stop, he doesn't and is sent on the ground once again. The dark disciple compliment the boy for being such a strong opponent despite his total lack of magic and that he should be totally grateful for being sacrified for Spade's glory but also to be pick up by them since no one else would have take him. Asta's breaking point is reach like in canon, Dark Disciple ready to kill him at distance by using his magic to not have such filthy blood on his hands. Finral intervened, save Asta life by using his spatial magic and redirect the magic elsewhere, do a speech on how Asta isn't useless, that he trust him with his life and that there is no way he let his new littlr brother die before he become the Wizard king. Asta doesn't give up, stand up and the five leaf grimoire appeared before him (Yes the grimoire did the travel at high speed to join his new master.) The slayer sword appeared, Asta took it and rushed towards the Dark Disciple who stayed still because he noticed that unlike him, the boy was devil possessed. 
Since this guy was one of Vanica Dark Disciple, the curse magic place on him was destroy and I headcanon that Vanica Dark Disciple would die if Megicula resurrect spell was cancel by anti-magic. Finral is shook not only Asta beat this guy but he also gain a grimoire at nine years old ! Of course the soldiers who were watching attack Asta since he killed a DD but they weren't prepare for anti-magic and their spell being cut which left them vulnerable and Asta took his chance to knock them out. Then Asta think about his power, Finral magic and come up with the craziest thing ever heard in Spade: Escape the kingdom by using Finral spatial magic while Asta take care of the eventual guards. Also Asta is doing his best Midoriya impression by thinking how his new big brother magic could work. For example does Finral really need to be conscious to left a mark so he can transport everyone or does his magic do it for him ? Does spatial magic can transport the mage and other people if the mage remember well the place he wants to go ? Finral tries Asta's ideas and he knows if he couldn't do it, innocent people of Clover and Spade kingdom will suffer but first he tries to reach for the outskirt of Spade kingdom. AND IT WORKS !!!! AND FINRAL IS SO HAPPY ABOUT IT !!! But problem the tempest of snow created by the natural mana blocked their way until Asta used the antimagic with the sword to create a way for them. 
People starts to go outside the kingdom, thanking both Asta and Finral until some soldiers found them. Asta fight them while Finral hurry up everyone to travel and go to the other side. Finral repeats the same process with a bonus: several place are mark by his magic and the safest one would be his father's home especially after his kidnapping. His father, Ledior might be harsh with him but Finral knows his father would never wish to have one of his sons kidnapped. But at the same time, Asta is taking too much time for simple soldiers even if the boy was injuried and it make Finral worried. He said to the others prisoners to tell to the people in the house that Finral Roulacase is the one who send them. They don't understand until they saw the spatial mage go back in his tracks.
Poor Finral can feel his blood turned cold when he saw Asta covered in his own blood and a tiny bull horn sprouting from Asta hair. Does it mean that Antimagic is actually forbidden magic ? But also he can feel something malicious and evil from Asta, not as high as the Dark Triad but it is there. But no way Finral leave without Asta so he open a portal for them to go on the other side of the tempest who reformed and Finral can feel that his mana is low, Asta knows it so he joined Finral and they escape and decide to continue their evasion by walking no matter how much they have to cover before Finral can open them a portal to join Clover.
They thought they were finally free but they did the mistake to take a pause so they can at least heal Asta wounds with what they can because Asta was ready to fall unconscious, thinking it was safe three hours after their unexpected evasion but they were wrong. They both felt something coming towards them, the three same source when they woke up in the cell three years priors. They both thought there was no way they have already found them but when they heard "Asta-kun, Finral-kun, where are you ?" in a singing tone, they knew it was the Dark Triad and the three of them: Dante, Zenon and Vanica. Asta and Finral were considered as a threat despite their young age and a serious one if the Dark Triad decided to take the matter in their own hands.
Asta decided it wasn't the time to hesitate and sign to Finral to open a portal discreetly, he nodded and work on it as Asta took out his giant sword from his grimoire as he watched Finral. The older boy tug lightly on Asta clothes. But before they could move, the rocks they were using to hide were destroy, crushed by gravity. Asta didn't loose time and hit Finral with the flat side of his sword to send him in the portal. Finral once hitting the ground of his family house tries to reach his portal, to keep it open with his last drop of mana so he can reach Asta and bring him back but Asta pull out a Vergil move at the end of DMC 3, slashing the portal and left an injury on Finral's right hand.The last thing that Finral saw from Asta was the boy smile as he fall inconscious.
That day, the royal capital of Clover could hear screams of pain and despair as the elder child of house Vaude breaks and cries, losing the only light that allowed him to survive for three years in what he could describe as hell on earth while waking up the real power of his magic.
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