#the spanish flu must have returned because i am severely unwell
ranna-alga · 1 year
Crowley's subtle but devastating shift in expression before and after Aziraphale's "you're the bad guys" comment (I need to be sedated)
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 19
122: Nov 23
MM ANON …… “ it’s not Andrew it’s Meeeee!!”…… “suits is a positive act”🤣🤣……… “ life is like a box of chocolates”…… “Doritos here”……… “I’ll cook a turkey dinner”…… Charles Champion……… “ we’ll have to, in the speech??”…… media vita in Monte sumus…… “something borrowed ,someone’s blue”…… “Christmas’Blue Water,Lottie,”…… “Unicorrrrrns”🦄🦄……… “strictly Party Nanny 🥳”……… “ bit of week old thing, hugs!!”…… “ and a large sherry”……… “ a large malt
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 23/2019
💜💜🍰💐🎂HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🐼🎂💐🍰🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Riddle #122 1305 hrs CST
“ it’s not Andrew it’s Meeeee!!”
Madam wants attention OF ANY KIND!!! Not one ounce of compassion for what everyone is experiencing, she is most probably seething that her pulling out an old relative PR move didn’t work. She doesn’t care one whit what else is happening, even in a whose best teeth 🦷contest made up by her PR or paper. In fact, she went as far as calling out PA for behaviours he has not even been charged with!!!! Oh Rachel, you’re playing a very very dangerous game here, you’re dancing with the big boys now!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL THIS IS THE REAL DEAL, NOT DEAL OR NO DEAL, THE. REAL. DEAL!!!Selfish is as selfish does! ALWAYS A NARCISSIST! Just wait Rachel, your turn at all the headlines is coming sooner than you think!
“suits is a positive act”🤣🤣
This is funny/sad. In the interview Prince Andrew, he told the BBC Emily Maitlis, that for a man, to have sex, is a positive act. Well here MM ANON has given us suits is a positive act, obviously in relation to madam’ ‘acting’ on the tv show Suits. Actually hilarious twisting of his words, because her ‘acting’ ability is horrific at worst and intolerable at best!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 You’re so cheeky MM ANON!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 l must confess l had never heard of that show, but l did try and watch a hallmark movie l think it was, she was terrible, l didn’t last ten minutes! There was a Reitmans tv advert, clothing store here in Canada, and they kept showing this tv commercial and it was so odd. It was an outdoor restaurant and this woman walks in, all the other women stop and stare mumbling softly as she glides through the room, one says to the other, is that… before she can finish the woman turns around and said yes, it’s reitmans and yes it’s me, never giving a name. Every time l saw that it was so weird, l finally figured they were just acting like she was someone. Fast forward a few years, only to find out it was madam😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I venture to say, most Canadians seeing that tv advert had NO CLUE who she was😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣!!
“ life is like a box of chocolates”
Believe it or not, l have never seen Forrest Gump? But, l definitely know that line, it means simply thus when you open a box of chocolates, variety box not all the same flavour😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣, and you don’t cheat and look at the paper🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, you never know what flavour you will get. So it’s like life, you start each day , not know exactly what will happen. It’s a great metaphor for taking life as it comes.
“Doritos here”
The way this is phrased, reminds me of the guy at baseball games selling popcorn, he yells popcorn here! Get your popcorn here!😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂Doritos are triangular or actually various shaped spicy crisps, often dipped with salsa.Madam’s mother seems to have acquired that nickname online. So mama is coming to the U.K. or is already there for Thanksgiving. Yes, l will believe it when l see it!! Likely not even then because every stinking photograph is PHOTOSHOPPED FUZZY BLACK AND WHITE NONSENSE!!😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤬
“I’ll cook a turkey dinner”
Sounds like madam, the writer and mastermind, and likely receiver of a portion or fee for her service in a certain cookbook. Yes, the master of wine and all things foodie will cook a turkey🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. Good luck with that, yes sir, l need a 20 kg bird, how many people you ask, oh just me and archificial, yes he has all his teeth and this year he will slice the 🦃!😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 By the way , do l have great teeth?? 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 l don’t know madam, l just sell the turkeys 🦃😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!
Charles Champion
Charles has many causes to Champion, however he and a Camilla are due back from their tour, he was in a India, she joined him for Australia and New Zealand. The tour was successful however almost complete overshadowed by events on the home front, politically debates and family issues. He was extremely pleased to share the Princes Trust going global. He really has done extremely well and he is never bragging about it. He’s so quietly gentle, love him.
However, l do believe this refers to the ongoing jostling for power THAT pushed out Lord Geidt several year ago, until HMTQ asked for his return in March of this year. From overseas phone conversations , it was between HMTQ and Prince Charles the decision was made to give Prince Andrew his P45 and all that entails, including stripping him of funds from the privy purse and losing his staff. He has since had his Bahrain trip cancelled, dropped from almost every charity and his patronage’s will be reassigned. So, Charles has championed, when all along he has been and is the heir to the throne. I cannot fathom the brother relationship in such aristocracy. It’s all been done for over a thousand years and much much more than this in history.
“ we’ll have to, in the speech??”
Is the speech being referred to, the speech HMTQ will give at the NATO Banquet she is hosting on December 4/2019? What is the discussion here, certainly there is no need to mention Prince Andrew or his family. I think this is madam, explain why she is not there nor Harry, at this point with stories changing every day, sometimes in the same day l don’t have a clue what’s going on. However l am certain that Harry will be with HMTQ at 🎄Christmas!
Or, is this reference to HMTQ annual Christmas address, in my memory that has never been called a speech but that is semantics, so for all intents and purposes it is a speech where she in seated. She talks about all the things that have happened in the past year. It’s usually about 10 - 15 minutes or so. So if that is what is meant by this clue it sounds like mentioning such if the Royal family issues will require mentioning.
media vita in Monte sumus
Sumus hotel Monteplaya , in Malaga del Mar Spain, is an adults allowed no children please and thank you, meaning lots of sex and playing, drinking 🍹 , 💃 dancing. I know from being in Mexico playa means beach, so it’s probably got some amazing sea views and waters. Madam , did a stint in Argentina at the Embassy, arranged by her uncle, Heaven only knows what she did. However, he allegedly left abruptly with some man to go to Spain. There are many lost years after that. Is she there again? Does she have people there she needs to pay off to keep,them quiet? Any and all things are within the realm of possibilities!
Templar Knights of yore as well as a line from Gregorian chant , “media vita in morte sumus“, meaning “in the midst of life we are in death” its morte NOT Monte. Monte in Latin translates to current English as mountain. So in the midst of life there are mountains to overcome. Sumus translates to we are. So in life we are facing mountains to cross, metaphor for great challenges. Gosh MM ANON,l hope you meant Monte and not Morte, but knowing you as I do, and the fact it’s capitalized, you meant Monte! My goodness, truer words were never spoken because HMTQ has a massive mountain to climb or face now, at this point in her life. Oh my heart aches for her. I was reading that they took down the York flag from Royal Lodge today. This is extremely serious and crushing for all. I hope that they find no evidence. However damage has been swift in coming. Who would have ever thought , at her marvellous Jubilee things would twist and turn as they have, it’s heartbreaking.
“something borrowed ,someone’s blue”
You know the phrase, for a wedding, the bride to have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. My heart breaks for the York girls as well. Here we have Princess Beatrice, engaged to be married. They were planning a smaller wedding, but how can they cope. Oh my heart breaks for all of them. I just cannot imagine what any of them are going through, it must seem absolutely surreal. For PA, he is assumed innocent until proven guilty but HE GAS NOT BEEN CHARGED with a thing!! The disaster of the tv interview was the fallout due to public backlash. Just a few days ago and now this, l truly do not know how they will manage to carry on with the wedding. Dearie me,my hearts just breaks for them all. Fergie as well, one daughter happily married, the next found love and now, thinking the tv interview was a good idea never imagining the backlash. She must be reeling, am certain she is there with PA.
“Christmas’Blue Water,Lottie,”“Unicorrrrrns”🦄🦄”strictly Party Nanny 🥳”
Are the Cambridges taking a winter holiday somewhere warm and tropical, with wild 🦄unicorns 🦄 roaming the island?🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 Clear blue Caribbean water, perhaps Mustique again? Oh THAT sounds great! I have a feeling here that little Prince Charlotte wants every unicorn 🦄 on the planet for Christmas from Santa Claus! The use of the word Strictly, makes me thing of Strictly Come Ballroom, the 💃 dancing show. Since Nanny is Spanish, l am certain she knows the latin dances well and in addition to teaching the children Spanish, she very likely is teaching them dancing too, even if she’s just playing.
If a winter destination holiday on the calendar, this means Nanny comes too, excitement all around.
“ bit of week old thing, hugs!!”“ and a large sherry”“ a large malt
HMTQ and PP are spending time together. I am thinking she is visiting him at his ‘farm’ not him at Windsor because he has been unwell, likely with the flu or chest cold that seems to be making the rounds there. I see them in his room, nice big bed, cozy blankets, he is sitting up, nice warm sweater/jumper on, for some reason l posture it in the finest grey wool. HMTQ seated next to him on the most beautiful chair you have ever seen. Ancient but comfortable in the finest of wood, and beautiful red velvet fabric, a fire crackling in the fireplace. Curtains open, with windows open just a crack fir the tiniest bit of fresh air. Quietness fills the room as they both, after 72 years of marriage, celebrated or rather was this week but nary a celebration to be had. Looking at one another as the past 72 years roll by to taking them to the present dats. Tears in both their eyes. He looks at her and say, but if a week old thing, then says hugs because he isn’t comfortable and doesn’t dare want to give her his cold. A foot man arrives after the cord has been pulled. They ask fir a large sherry for HMTQ and a large Malt for himself. They will toast one another and quietly sharing time together drinking and remembering, also full of the pain of the occurring of the present day. Tears now rolling down both faces………..my heart is truly broken for them…….
1510 hrs CST
Thank you so much dear PG! A fascinating read once again. Love your stories….much appreciated! 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
123: Nov 25
MM ANON …… a homecoming hiatus …… Top of the Pops👑👑…… “ And when they were only half way up”……… “ it’s going to be a PA tabloid tsunami”…… 🎼”potato,patarto, lets call the whole thing off”🎼……… “just take the bloody photo”……… “a horrified positive Pratt”…… 🎼” iiiiim’putin on my top hat”🎼……… Kate’ “I do everything he dose, only backwards and in six inch heels, and with three children”…… “ I trust in William old thing”…… “Sir!! focus,a century is demanded!”…………… 🎼”pictures of Lily”🎼
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 24/2019 2300 hrs CST Riddle #122
a homecoming hiatus
Prince Charles has been on a long tour whilst the home fire are quite literally burning!! He has three days in the Solomon Islands and give or take a time zone he will be back in London mid week or so. However, he has been involved in the very critical decisions that have been made as has HMTQ and William. When he returns , there will be a readjustment to the new situation but l can’t see any hiatus, or time off, for him at all.
Top of the Pops👑👑
Top of the pops, was and maybe still is, the top pop songs of the week. I read an article that after the Duchy documentary people have grown in their valuation, respect and love for Charles, so much that he is top Royal, that would include Camilla who has been at his side fulfilling her duty to no fault! His decision making now and the documentary, he shall be well ready and the public ready for him to continue to increase his royal duties lessening the load on HMTQ and further preparing him for his future as a King, when the time comes.
“ And when they were only half way up”
The old song The Grand old a Duke of York he had 10,00 men when they were halfway up the hill they came back down again!
MM ANON you are truly in my wheelhouse of knowledge today! THANK YOU!! The Duke of York is PA, he has had everything but his HRH pulled, even his flag no longer flies at Royal Lodge😞. With nary a legal charge, all based on a photo, an accusation and that interview which l am sure he is regretting terribly! I pray for them all!
“ it’s going to be a PA tabloid tsunami”
GM is set to speak openly with law authorities or so it is said in the papers. She has ALL the information on everything AND everybody!! She is close friends with PA, and it has also been said she is very protective of him. In early June, she and four others, unidentified, met at BP with PA for several hours. Contents of meeting unknown but that has not stopped speculation! It has already been a tabloid tsunami for PA AND his family dragged into it! What will happen when Charles is back?, GM spills all she knows and PA speaks with French and American agencies investigating JE? Sounds like lots more to come! Hopefully there will be complete exoneration!
🎼”potato,patarto, lets call the whole thing off”🎼
Another great song this time the AMAZING Gershwin brothers, George music, Ira lyrics, OH MM ANON YOU ARE RIGHT IN MY SWEET SPOT OF FILM AND MUSIC! ENDLESS THANKS!! Anyhow enough of me, rumours are swirling that Beatrice and Edo’s wedding is off. I have not seen or heard ANY confirmation of this, thus far it’s more gossip to hurt our dear Beatrice l oh how my heart aches for all of them!!
“just take the bloody photo”
I wonder if this is the official photo of HMTQ and PP for their 72Nd wedding anniversary which was last week. It certainly deserves a photo!! You can hear PP saying this, just do it already, not wanting hours of poses!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂 Love him!💜 This may also be a family photo or the official Christmas photo. Regardless his patience has grown thin!! Take the bloody photo!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
“a horrified positive Pratt”
To a nurse a positive Pratt’s is not good, without going into details it a sign of blood clot to assess for DVT deep vein thrombosis/blood clot , this is not relevant.
Pratt’s is a very old Gentlemen’s club in London. The kind where historically aristocratic wealthy men could go to smoke cigars, drink and generally connect and spend time. This club goes back to the mid 19th century, l am certain all the Royal men are members at least of a certain age. I imagine amongst this set of gentlemen who have likely seen and done it all, from a time where before social media and when the wealthy were free to do anything, times have seriously changed. I am sure they are all horrified at what is happening within the Royal family just now!!
🎼” iiiiim’putin on my top hat” 🎼 Kate’ “I do everything he dose, only backwards and in six inch heels, and with three children”
This was the saying about MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, their films are legendary, dance sequences unparalleled! Bar none! Fool the Fleet, Top Hat, just the epitome! She always said or was it said about her , Fred was amazing dancer/hoofer slang word but it was/is always said Ginger did everything Fred did except backwards and in heels! So who was the better dancer eh? One of Irving Berlin’s most classic songs, LOVE THESE FILMS WHEN MOVIES WERE MOVIES, THE GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD 💜💜💜💜. Top Hat, Stepping out……tying up my tie, brushing off my tail, l am COMPELLED TO PUT A LINK IN BECAUSE IF YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU MUST!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZOJoV6H2UM
Anyhow this is par excellence reference to the yin and yang that is the beautiful dance that is the relationship of William and Catherine. They have become seamless, classics, seeing float through any and all appearances and appointments despite what’s happening in the background AND having three children!!! With strong personalities!! Louis has such a strong presence as a baby to earn the title boss baby , will be a joy watching him grow up! I can hardly wait for the NATO banquet to see them in them at their finest! They are the future of the Monarchy, absolutely no doubt at all!
“ I trust in William old thing”
William, if the papers are to be believed has been involved and in strongly so in the decisions regarding P45 with PA! He has been slowly becoming more and more into the role which he was born to be. It sounds like there is official support for him to continue and increase his presence in any and all major decision making. They are blessed to have him, as are we all!!! I think back to his meeting with HRC a week or so ago, l would LOVE to have been a fly on the wall!!
HMTQ and PP , having their usual time together, things much more urgent and distressing now, but PP soundly saying that William is a sound, modern and the future of where the ever changing monarchy shall be heading.With William as King , the next century is secured! He is above reproach, solid marriage partner who is beloved and children who are more popular especially given their strong personalities!
“ Sir!! focus,a century is demanded!”
As we all know, a century is 100 years. I wonder if this is ia s discussion , PP is 98, and has been at HMTQ side for longer than she has reigned, 72 years as of last week. In this conversation, LG speaking with PP , PC and PW, discussing the issues of the next century when William will be King, the long term ramifications of decisions made now. There is so much political talk from a certain political party to abolish the Monarchy. Critically important decisions made now, bode well public favour, which greatly helps in keeping the monarchy valued and solidly protected. Again with William to reign as King in the 21st century, with Catherine at his side, the modern monarchy is in excellent hands, above reproach and beloved by the public!
🎼”pictures of Lily”🎼
Oh dearie me thus is a very naughty song, l shall say no more, look it up if you want. HMTQ pet name is Lilibet, but this is NOT ABOUT HER!!! I wonder and strongly suggest this is reference to madam and photos/videos of a very distasteful raunchy nature. Oh please, release the hounds, so to speak, let it all out!!!! The world needs to know the truth!!!
0010 hrs CST November 25/2019
Thank you….I love your added details. What fun! Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
124: Nov 25
MM ANON ………lay a place for Vlad?…… lovers knot hiding …… Kate ,Melania & Ivanka shine …… nutmeg crashes posh-nosh?…… “ it’s just impeachy’Donald” ……… “ no chance Ma’am”……… “Hows the Dook?”…… “a special Yuletide for a million reasons ,ma’am”…… legalities,Banalities,Calamities …… “2020, I’m an optimist Christopher”…… “less is more, ma’am”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 25/2019 Riddle #123 1000hrs CST
lay a place for Vlad?
The term, lay a place, is when one sets a table for dinner, you lay a place. Vlad, l am certain is Vladamir Putin, the Russian leader. The NATO leadership will be meeting in London, this is from the official press release, all along l thought the NATO banquet was a December 4/2019 read this “The United Kingdom will host NATO Heads of State and Government in London, on 3-4 December 2019.The NATO Leaders Meeting, chaired by the NATO Secretary General, will take place at the Grove Hotel, Hertfordshire on 4 December 2019. An evening event at Buckingham Palace will take place on 3 December 2019, for which there will be a separate process for media access.
I am not certain if the press had got it wrong or l have had it wrong for quite some time now. Russia is not a NATO member. However back in 2002 they were part of a Russia-NATO council, however that was dissolved when Ukraine was invaded. Is Vladimir Putin going to be in London, meeting with HMTQ, surely not attending any NATO gatherings.
This clue certainly is giving the strong idea that he may be invited to the banquet. My understanding is Russia has wanted the dissolution of NATO however, maybe there are negotiations behind the scenes?? Extremely interesting times we are living in!
lovers knot hiding
Catherine has worn the Lovers Knot Tiara on a number of formal occasions l what does this mean hiding? Where is the tiara?? Is it being refurbished? What tiara shall Catherine wear to the banquet in that case?
I read about that massive billion euro jewel robbery in Germany l think. Oh dearie me, where is the Lovers Knot?
This is a pair of lovers not/no longer hiding. Madam and MA are well known for years and l have no doubt whatsoever he is the father of archficial, the real one! Oh God please, LET THIS INFORMATION BECOME PUBLIC!!!!
Kate ,Melania & Ivanka shine
Obviously the three women are stunningly beautiful, dressed to the nines, this l and many others are looking forward to at the banquet!
nutmeg crashes posh-nosh?
Oh goodness what is madam getting up to now. Posh meets upper class, nosh means eat/drink. Will she crash the NATO banquet???? Great balls of fire, the world is going completely mad and tilting off of its axis!
“ it’s just impeachy’Donald”
There are impeachment hearings going on in America. The House of Representatives has been interviewing a wide number of people, there will have to be a vote . If there is a vote to impeach it then passes to the Senate. Anyhow, this is a twist on the phrase things are just peachy, meaning everything is sweet in life, going very well, no major problems. President Trump has a lot of heavy stuff going on at home, as he comes to London for the NATO meetings and banquet. It seems that many many people in important positions are under attack, it’s extremely concerning. As a Christian, l read Revelations and it feels like we are at Biblical proportions of world crises. However, l am certain, he will rise above, attend the meetings and of course the NATO Banquet hosted by HMTQ. He does quite respect her, very very much.
“ no chance Ma’am”
I think this is a reassurance that madam will not be allowed to crash the NATO Banquet or any such royal events, I HOPE!!
“Hows the Dook?”
The urban dictionary has a definition for dook , “an individual who is not in his senses and is responding back with non sense and doesn’t make any sense” Is this referring to PP or PA, not the urban dictionary meaning, l mean the clue. Madam took to signing Instagram posts or others things regarding her husband as ‘ The Duke’. Herself is ALWAYS HRH! So is someone enquiring how Harry is?
Or God forbid, is PP that ill?? A number of possibilities here.
“a special Yuletide for a million reasons ,ma’am”legalities,Banalities,Calamities, “2020, I’m an optimist Christopher” “less is more, ma’am”
This is very long drawn out conversation between a very weary Monarch and her most trusted and loyal Chief Lord, Lord Christopher Geidt. They are talking about the years events and her annual address to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth .LG is reassuring HMTQ that this will be a very special Christmas for a million reasons hmmmmm. Million eh? Who is getting a million? Sounds like madam will be dealt with before Christmas! I know l have said that a number of times, l can only interpret the riddle before me, as it stands.
As HMTQ prepares her annual Christmas message, she touches on the events of the past year. 2019 has thus far presented a multitude of legal issues, pending ones and possibly unknown to the public ones. Madams lawsuit against the DM, Harry’s lawsuit against SPLASH for using drones to photograph the house in the Cotswolds, Harry current lawsuit against the media. PA issues.
Banalities😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣, so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Who does this sound like? Endless drone of PR LIES. On and on and on and on, just copies everything. Madam has never had an original thought, idea or facial expression. Banal is the absolute perfect word MM ANON, bang on perfect word to describe madam!
Calamities, well definitely in the Commonwealth there have been mass shooting, violence, weather and political calamities. However on the home front, madam has caused complete disaster since before the day of unhappy people and continues to. PP has been ill, and is aging, out of public life.
But the calamity raging now is PA and all that has happened in the days since the interview. Heaven knows what is yet to come. I hope to God madam gets death with, and begins to face justice and out of their world!!
HMTQ, clearly has her eye on 2020 , and is certain it will be much better than 2019, love the way she says it, it just shows the closeness of their long standing trusting relationship. His final advice is, less is more, how true is that eh? Often we go into great elaborative detail(OH DEAR I AM 100% DESCRIBING MYSELF!!), when less information is better then dumping it all onto someone. When someone says hello how are you, they don’t expect an hour of response, although, yet again, with me, yep, you get the full hour, just ask 🐼🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. So her message to us will be filtered as she deems appropriate.
Wonderful! Thank you so much dear PG! Entertaining as always!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
1055 hrs CST
Ask Skippy submission
125: Nov 26
MM ANON … “ it’s a Mozzi bite …… wed-ding-a-ling …… “my advice ‘ have it in Italy”’…… “ She’s crippled with shame”……… “I saw her with archificial yesterday in Waitrose,“ …… “from Windsor to Winnipeg”. ……… Andy, Charles and Clarence ,……”thanksgiving ‘ darling she went back to LA”…… “ but ,but, but the SOOOOOOPKITCHEN!!! “…… spin ,grin and a bottle of gin…… 🎼”I’m dreaming of a ( WOC) Christmas “🎼……… “Sandringham old thing, fuck the election”. …… “ ones duty first Philip”……… “ don’t mention him”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 26/2019
Riddle #124
1940 hrs CST
“it’s a Mozzi bite …wed-ding-a-ling “
Princess Beatrice is engaged to marry Edo Mozzi Mapelli, son of the Count from Italy. They have known one another for years, the families have as well. They connected at Princess Eugenie’s wedding and have been together since, a whirlwind romance leading to engagement. Gorgeous engagement photos and ring, photos taken by Eugenie in Italy. A mozza bite, is a cheese canapé often served at parties/ weddings.A ding-a-ling makes me think of a very silly song that has very sexual,double entendre. I don’t think that’s fitting here, l think hits referencing wedding bells. So to bite the bullet, take the plunge etc is to make a tough decision, are you in or out? So are the rumours true? Is Edo biting the bullet and no wedding 🔔 bells? Despite the fact is he loves her so much, his son to consider, as well as his families aristocratic status. OR the opposite, he loves her so deeply, his son is apparently, despite his young and tender age is already receiving Royal,training, will bite the bullet, take the plunge and damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead with the wedding. We all know Beatrice was not and did not want a massive royal wedding, according to the papers and friends who have spoken. I really do hope and pray love reigns and wedding 👰🏽 bells 🔔will ding-a-ling🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
“my advice ‘ have it in Italy”’“ She’s crippled with shame”
Sounding like discussion between the York’s and those involved with the wedding planning along with Edo and his family. There is so much massive, double positive l recognize my grammar, but l meant it that way!, negative publicity and just publicity of everything the York girls walking makes the papers. The papers l read all had to say Beatrice wore no makeup Edo’s birthday party because she would cry. WHO CARES. Why do that to her?
It really sounds like both girls are devastated but especially since Beatrice is engaged and was written to strongly encourage PA to do the interview, that was in the paper a few days, and Fergie also. Then oh sorry we shall switch it up now, forget the sorry, the papers then say they were both against the interview. I cannot imagine what Beatrice especially is going through. This is meant to be the happiest time in her life. It just crushing and my heart aches for all of them. It sounds like the wedding is very much on, love shall prevail with now exploring the idea of having the wedding in Italy. I know her mum really wanted the wedding in England, however circumstances have changed. Concerns may be about PA leaving England, l would seek legal counsel, because for some reason they are after him more than anyone else.
“I saw her with archficial yesterday in Waitrose,“
Yes, and l saw a Elvis in my backyard with a sasquatch😂😂😂😂🤣🤣. Yet another PR BS story. Trust me, if madam was seen grocery shopping, which she likely never done, with a rubber doll seated in the trolley, there would be a zillion cameras phone photos on every social media platform that exists!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
“from Windsor to Winnipeg”.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, ALL WELCOME HERE FOR CHRISTMAS 🎄 PLENTY OF ROOM IN MY INN. THERE IS NO WAY, NO WAY SHE IS COMIG HERE! OMG! NO. WAY NO HOW NO NO. NO NO NO. NO NO NO NO NO 🤣😂😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🥴🥴🥴🥴🤕🤕🤕🤕🤒🤒🤒🤒😮😮😮😮😮😮😧😧😧😧🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬NO NO NO . Am l expressing myself clearly??🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣
Andy, Charles and Clarence
Charles and Andrew will have a one to one very heated meeting at Clarence House, where the Duke and a Duchess reside and also have their official offices. PC has been on an extended tour, India, New Zealand, Australia, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, due to return home today. There were volcanic eruptions of things happening on the home front whilst they were away and he had to discuss and make decisions very likely through FaceTime or something similar. He will have a meeting with PA and l am very certain it will be a heated exchange. Will be interesting, if as rumoured, the decision to strip his HRH status, all with no charges. We shall we observers if PC first major incident other than madam in his heir to the monarch status even higher now as HMTQ has handed so much over to him and PW.
“thanksgiving ‘ darling she went back to LA”…… “ but ,but, but the SOOOOOOPKITCHEN!!! “
Will they, won’t they, will she, won’t she on and on and on. Gossip says she has all sorts of meetings set up in L.A. , l 110% believe her exit is very VERY imminent! She is planning for her life after divorce/annulment. So rumours of them going for Thanksgiving, now is it only madam going for six weeks or so? So what about staying in the England and her PR off working in the soup kitchen near Windsor on Thanksgiving day??? Her PR lies, intertwined with all the lies madam has allegedly told all like the old fashioned Christmas lights, you put them away neatly and somehow when you next want to do the tree it takes hours to untangle the lights with a few bad words uttered🤣🤣🤣😂. The young ones her have no idea, trees all prelit now. She has no clue what is awaiting her. The case built by LG and his team,,intel from PT, more intel,from iiiii, at or during the NATO summit, perhaps we shall see worldwide ramifications. By the way, l,took this from MM ANON, that Lady Kinrannoch so brilliantly decoded, iiiii is The Five Eyes of security/intel!
spin ,grin and a bottle of gin
Fergie has red hair, or is a Ginger. She is a full gorgeous ginger freckles and all. So bottle of gin, play on her ginger status and likely having a few G and T’s to chill. There has been soooooooo much PR and newspapers spin on did she no she didn’t, for DAYS about her pushing “my boy” PA to do the interview, then the press or PR changed it to no she didn’t. She has stayed smiling and waving, keeping a positive public face so as to not give the media more fodder, as in the articles repeating over and over that Princess Beatrice wire no makeup to Edo’s party! WHO CARES ABOUT MAKEUP! Steady on Fergie!!
🎼”I’m dreaming of a ( WOC) Christmas “🎼
One of my favourite Christmas films, Bing Crosby singing, l’m dreaming of a white Christmas. MM ANON has a WOC Christmas, women/woman of colour. So is the new PR spin that madam will have Christmas with OW,GK, MO,etc etc etc oh my.my, my, my or will she return to her sisters in SA?
“Sandringham old thing, fuck the election”. …… “ ones duty first Philip” “ don’t mention him”
HMTQ and PP, who by the way is feeling much better and stronger, are sitting together, needing there very much earned alone time. She is her tweed skirt and a lowliest soft grey velvety vest, and silver turtle neck of softest cashmere. PP dressed, smartly but very cozily, he has on the lovelies softest dark grey slippers. Grey is such a beautiful colours in many tones. Television is on low, news of the day, which switches to Strictly, they enjoy the dancing 💃, speaking of the dancing they have done in different places and times. The Ghillies Ball at Balmoral a favourite. Tonight he is having his favourite Boddingtins 🍺 and HMTQ, of course gin and DuBonnet, 🍸.
The election that is nearing May result in parliament sitting over Christmas 🎄. Depending what happens, if new Pm elected HMTQ will have to deliver the speech written by that individual. If that it the care the ceremonial nature will be drastically pared down, as in, no carriage procession, the ceremony inside parliament etc. However, the problem here is this means HMTQ will not have her usual Christmas break at Sandringham as usual. It’s all very disruptive when things are already so skewed.
Well, 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂, you do not have to ask who said the first line🤣🤣😂. HMTQ harkens back to her duty, which she has lived up to every second of her a Reign and is not about to drop the ball now!
2050hrs CST
Wonderful dear PG……she isn’t going to Winnipeg…..I think another royal is….as they do from time to time….love your stories, such fun! Thank you, so appreciate this!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
126: Nov 27
MM ANON … Archificial carves the Turkey …… Megan BURNS the gravy……Frogmore or LESS… ” Harry PULLS a CRACKER”… Dorito’ where is Dorito??…… An-drew the short straw… Con-sort it out Charles … swimmingly!!🦄🦎 …… “ the general public would lap it up your Highness” …… “ little stars”……… 🎼four and twenty Black-Birds🎼…… “Frozen film party at KP”…… “Darling I’ll cook, how many?”…… “14, no problem!!”…… “a ten pounder”…… “Kate’s cooking old thing”…… “another drink Philip?”… “wait till Christmas Eve !!”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 27/2019 1120 hrs CST Riddle # 125
Archficial carves the Turkey …… Megan BURNS the gravy
Hey MM ANON, l made this exact comment a few days ago🤣🤣😂😂. Yes according to scooby, baby Archie is being weaned at the ripe old age of 25 , doesn’t quite have all his teeth became share denture with madam🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂but his knife skills are unrivalled! Yes, running a blog, where absolutely every single word, idea, photo etc etc etc is lifted, ‘borrowed’ some might say copied, theft,or plagiarism. Aah potato, potahto, same thing all really.
Megan, NOT Meghan, who is Megan burns? I know Megan Burns is an actress, 28 days film anyone seen that? Not my wheelhouse but some like zombies or stuff like that. Give me Fred and Ginger! However, l doubt this is a typo but who really know so, l am going with that. I am certain wherever she is, she is up to something! And likely the idea is lifted🤣🤣😂😂. However, oooooooooohhhhhh, if Catherine wears the emerald tiara at the NATO BANQUET, THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL HEAR A BANSHEE SCREEECHING SO SHRILLY WINDOWS WILL SHATTER! Madam demanded this for the day of the gathering of unhappy people and HMTQ drew the line there and refused! She will be on fire she will be so mad! In fact, l think just being on holiday/rest time/contained time/ oops did l say that?😮😮😮😮😮🤐🤐🤐🤐. Wherever she is, she has pulled out the last relative card out of the back bottom shelf of her very dark closet. I am sure she is on fire with rage not knowing where Harry is or what he is doing and imagining who he is doing it with😁😁😁😁.
PC has returned, he is now at a new level of strength and confidence in decision making, look at the decisions regarding PA! Imagine, just imagine when her time comes, which l do hope and pray the NATO meeting is the last piece of the puzzle!
Money is sometimes referred to as gravy, especially if it’s an extra amount or a lottery like unexpected . I used to work with a guy who LOVED working holidays, he called them “piece of work gravy shifts” l KID YOU NOT!! Because you got time and a half for working that day and then a whole paid day off in addition. To burn the money literally means spending so much so fast it’s literally smoking. So Megan assuming MM ANON means madam is burning the the gravy, she’s spending money like mad or has done.We know SS and all her PR must have cost her a king’s ransom.
Frogmore or LESS…
Frogmore Cottage was officially designated as the Sussexes official residence and allegedly millions of pounds were spent putting in a yoga room with floating floor, baby room, a Doritos room, soundproofing, the garden etc etc etc. Who knows what really was done. We do know they have never lived there and the long litany of celebrities that says they have visited them there and seen/fed/played with archficial are either clients of SS, backers, or both, or untruthfullish. Madam likely thought she was getting Frogmore House😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 . So here is LESS upper case, confirms for me, that FAR LESS MONEY AND FAR FAR FAR LESS WORK was done in terms of remodelling and refurbishing has been done that what PR has said. There has been no visible major changes to the garden, according to locals, who also say the lights are never on, no cars coming and going. The only signs of life were when the builders were there. Were they even working? Or was that for show as well??
We always have crackers at Christmas, somehow, whenever l try to pull mine, mine never snap or making that cracking sound🤣🤣😫😫, hence why they are called crackers. We all wear the silly hats, read the jokes and lucky numbers and fight over who got the best silly toy. In fact l ordered the box yesterday! I ordered really pretty ones with old fashioned almost Victorian looking Santa Claus and other pictures on the outside quite lovely. In America, the word cracker has a whole entirely different meaning, it’s a racist White person, l don’t think this is MM ANON’s meaning. To pull can literally mean pull or tug however, it can mean being lucky romantically or more😚wink wink. Sooooo what has Harry been doing to rest and recover from his two year tour l’d duty! Maybe he got the best toy and hat in his cracker😁😁😁😁😁😁 I shall not speculate any further! LOVE YOU HARRY💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Dorito’ where is Dorito??
Where in the world is Carmen SAN Diego🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣 , kids tv show, along with where is Waldo? Doria has been christened online informally as Dorito. She has been completely off the radar, where is she? Custody?, OW. Witless, oops l meant🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂Witness Protection? Who knows! She sure is not the ever loving supportive “AMAZING”, the word Harry was compelled to say in the official engagement interview. Where is she??? She has an ‘assistant’ to walk her dog apparently unless she too gave her dog(s) away?
An-drew the short straw
When you draw straws, the one with the shortest straw gets to do or rather has to do the task no one wanted to do. So what will Anne have to do? Does this involve seating at the NATO Banquet? What what what does our Anne have the unlucky fortune of having to do?
Con-sort it out Charles
Now that Prince Charles has returned from his extended overseas trip, he has decided to spend first a few days with PP. l think this is very wise to seek the counsel of his father who kept the family in line, as it were, or handled delicate situations that needed handling, PP is not King, he is Consort. Oddly though when Charles or William become Kings, their wives become Queen. So Charles is earnestly and wisely seeking his father countenance, wisdom,advice and support in this terribly difficult time. Excellent decision Sir!
swimmingly!!🦄 🦎
When things are going swimmingly, it means they are going really well. Now the other day, Saturday riddle, l thought the riddle was meaning a winter holiday but blue water was apparently a shopping mall, thanks to a kind anon who commented! Are the children doing well in school? Are they taking swimming lessons and doing well? Are they preparing for a warm holiday after Christmas? Or all of the above? I am excitedly awaiting the Christmas photos of them all, especially little Louis to see how he has grown. Did l ever tell that was my dad’s name too??
“ the general public would lap it up your Highness”“ little stars”
Are the Cambridge children going to do a little video for us for Christmas? Yes yes, and yes please! Little stars as in fame but maybe dressed as little stars in panto. Maybe the school Christmas pageant!!!
🎼four and twenty Black-Birds🎼
Six a song if sixpence, very old children’s rhyme, second rhyme MM ANON has referenced. I am singing 🎤 now🤣🤣🤣😂😂 This is a recitation eh? Baking live birds, when l look back on the lyrics of so called children stories or nursery rhymes from ages ago they often are truly dark and dreary. I hate black birds, like magpies, l am sure you all remember my magpie story l told in a riddle awhile back. Blackbirds are EXTREMELY LOUD! aggressive, eat others birds eggs, babies and even kill ear other birds. So 24 of them,yikes, they swoop at your head to. I think 24 is significant, another clue in this riddle says Just wait till CHRISTMAS EVE!! Upper case two !! Now yes Christ’s birth and church on Christmas Eve is the reason for the season, however something MUCH MUCH SIGNIFICANT TO CURRENT ISSUES, OF COURSE CHRIST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT is either going to happen on the 24 th OR be celebrated!!!! I truly am salivating!!!
“Frozen film party at KP”
Sleepover 2.0 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Oh may l come too? I wonder if it’s Frozen 2? The new sequel l mean. This sounds awesome and loud and fun and giggly and everything that is wonderful about a four year old girl!and her friends!!!
“Darling I’ll cook, how many?”…… “14, no problem!!”…… “a ten pounder”…… “
William and Catherine discussing Christmas. The plan had been for them to alternate families each Christmas, doesn’t mean it cannot be Boxing Day. So Catherine knows not just for photo, having lovely children, being a loving wife and mother, looking gorgeous in any and all situations and garb, loyalty, being above reproach etc etc but she is an awesome cook. We even had a pasta recipe of hers here a few weeks ago. So sounds like she is cooking and it will be turkey. The entire Middleton clan adds up to 12, unless you add HMTQ and PP, HARRY. That makes 15. Possibilities, l shall not speculate on.This will prove a very lovely group indeed and absolutely rock solid confidential!!!! THIS HERE. THIS EXCITES ME TO NO END!!!
“Kate’s cooking old thing”…… “another drink Philip?”… “wait till Christmas Eve !!”
PP and HMTQ discussing the Christmas arrangements. No talks of politics intervening in this conversation. It’s rainy, chilly, the fire needs topping up as do they both. The footman arrives almost as the cord is pulled. Refills? He already had them, another Boddingtin 🍺 for himself and gin and DuBonnet 🍸 for HMTQ. Today, she chose a lovely purple sweater, skirt with a lovely purple woven through, he in evening relax dressed and those lovely grey slippers. 72 Christmases married🎄, that’s amazing! They sound pleased as they discuss Catherine cooking the main meal, they will be so glad to see the grandchildren. I wonder shall Catherine cook at Windsor as it would be ever so convenient, church in the forenoon and back home walk or drive after. HMTQ takes the drive, someone usually goes along. Did PP attend last year? I cannot recall, l do recall the last time he attended he walked the walk, so l think it must have been the year before. As they sip on their cocktails, discussing positive plans and things today. Things to look forward too. Things will very soon be done with and madam will be dealt with and out of their life and onto to L.A. or someplace else, who knows. In yesterday’s riddle, the word SOOOOOOP KITCHEN WAS used. I couldn’t get it out of my head. Six zeroes. Is she being paid a million or more, because we do not have a number before the zeroes, unless the upper case S means 5, five, let’s go with that for a minute. Is she being paid five million dollars/pounds/euros for something by someone or is she being led to believe that she is? Something big is going on thoughFOR SURE!!!
Wait till CHRISTMAS EVE!!. All caps, two !! Something big and exciting, besides Santa coming that night of course, is going to be happening! I surely do wonder what that will be!!
That was a beast of a riddle MM ANON
1255 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! I so love your additional storytelling…makes it so much fun! You are greatly appreciated, you lovely ladies…PG and MM Anon!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
127: Nov 28
MM ANON ……… pencil thin 👀…… 👧👦🏼👶🎡🎢🎠……… maple, leaf it alone ……… 🛩who knows?……… “one has responsibilities Charles”……… “ six weeks’ and they can’t show the bloody baby.”…… “flown out , bloody good job!!”……… send up the menu!! …… very secure ma’am!! ……… all those SS chappies…… “ I hear she’s quiet the English Rose” ……… “ if only!!”……… “good stock, don’t cha’ know”…… DEEP and CRISP and IVAN…… He’ll stop their extravagant travel. ……… “ charades ,old thing”. …” pass the parcel,Philip!!
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 28/2019 Riddle #126
1400hrs CST
pencil thin 👀
We do know our Catherine has always been athletic and lithe, but comments are more and more , how thin she has become, this phrase, pencil thin,goes way back to my childhood when people still used pencils🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Who is voicing this comment and should we be concerned. I hate Diana comparisons. Everyone copes with stresses differently however l wouldn’t howl from the rooftops just yet. She’s fine, ore than, stunning, gorgeous, excellent mother, partner and working Royal. She just spent a couple of days working in the maternity. I know she gets terribly ill in her first trimester with each child. Sometimes women get ‘baby fever’. My niece is a maternity nurse,they thought they were done their family with the boys they had. Well baby fever rolled in and thank God it did because they have the sweetest girl God ever made, l love that child more than my own life!
This looks fun, the Cambridge children at an exposition as we call them in Canada or expo for short. Others call them fairs or amusement parks. Will this be the Christmas video gift we will get to see? Or are they planning a winter holiday? I cannot fathom them at Disney WORKD or Universal, the security would be impossible unless they shut it down for them, but where’s the fun in that? Quite frankly, l enjoyed the video of the riding their bikes. I love seeing them do the ordinary things every child should be able to do.its marvellous, they are a wonderful family. We are so blessed!!
maple, leaf it alone
Oh I most certainly hope this means that no trash blows into our fair country from points east. This surely is a word play, maple, leaf it alone maple leave it alone. The Maple leaf is right centre on our Canadian flag 🇨🇦. Leave the idea of moving to Canada alone, despite MA being Canadian. With madams history and the iiiii, even with our CSIS recent crises, l doubt once that, once she is done with being Royal, she will be anywhere near Canada. Will the issue with the CSIS head of intelligence being charged be discussed officially at the NATO meeting? I am absolutely certain it has been greatly discussed at length by all the Five Eyes member as well as NATO intelligence overall.
🛩who knows?
As much as we know, rather make that we know very little about where she or Harry are, yet madam was reportedly seen a week or more ago at a small airport taking a private jet out of Oxfordshire, destinations unknown, current point unknown, to us, but MI6 will be all over her like a bad rash, she just doesn’t know it. I highly doubt, wherever they are, that they are together.
“one has responsibilities Charles”“ six weeks’ and they can’t show the bloody baby.”
PC , upon his return has been spending a few days at Wood Farm with PP. l am quite certain seeking his counsel as well as spending time together. Voicing continued frustration that in six weeks baby archficial has made nary an appearance during what was meant to be relaxing unscheduled free time, therefore no obstacle at all from baby archficial visiting. Except for a few pesky things, he’s a doll, she was never pregnant, it’s not Harry’s child and the surrogate wants the baby whoever the donors were, all allegedly of course!
Speaking of HMTQ and PC duty, the Firm comes first. Decisions regarding PA had to be made to protect the Firm. Wise counsel as ever from father to som , from Consort and partner of a Queen to the King in waiting who is having evermore responsibilities sent his way.
“flown out , bloody good job!!”send up the menu!! Very secure ma’am!!
I believe madam has been in custody of a sort this entire time, rehab, psychiatric, or both. LG arrives with information that she has been escorted out of the country, or intelligence have facts that reflect she has flown out of the country and that the intel is solid, he says very secure ma’am, meaning the information is secure, madam is secured or both and it’s reason for celebration. Order up a great dinner and some 🍸.LG had arrived with information, while HMTQ and PP have been talking, reassuring HMTQ, that she, is well secured, the information is well secured and the family is well secured. LG will join for dinner, or cocktail at the very least.
all those SS chappies
Each and every SS has been ordered to leave the country and lost their best client from whom they would never get fully paid anyhow! I wonder if, and how many, American, international and U.K. law get broken with PR, if any, l don’t know. However, l do know treason law, and it seems nobody bothered to check laws in a country with a Monarchy. It could well be that a plethora of actions undertaken may just bring about a world of legal trouble for the SS chappies as they are called here. I don’t know, l am voicing questions, perhaps there is a British legal mind reading this that might know.
“ I hear she’s quiet the English Rose”
“ if only!!”……… “good stock, don’t cha’ know”
Can l really say what l think? I believe strongly that Harry has found someone. Now is she a quiet rose, like speaks softly, or quite a rose, as in very English, pretty, English manners and understanding of aristocracy and Royalty. Are we to think that is where he has been spending his time? If this is the case, it sounds like they cannot yet , obviously, be officially a couple, but she is English and comes from a very good family! Oh this is exciting!
DEEP and CRISP and IVAN…… He’ll stop their extravagant travel.
When you deep fry or bake something you want it deep, crisp and even. Here we have deep, crisp and Ivan. IVAN is an obvious Russian name and reference Deep, May be deep cover, as is spies or law enforcement going deep under cover infiltration of an organization or country for intelligence gathering. Is there talk of the Madam and MA seeking refuge with Vlad? We have had several mention of Putin in the last few riddles. Yes, if you are a citizen of Russia you do or not do only what he wants done or done to. Burns can be deep and crisp. Cold can be deep. Russia has some of the coldest places on the planet. There are many who ponder who she really is, her missing years, her connections and who she is allegedly really working for. This NATO summit may result in intel shared and information released that may just be earth shattering and life changing for some!
Has madam found instead of pale, male and stale, a nice oligarch to fund her lifestyle? She is far too old, used up, and Russia is full of beautiful women to choose from. However she does possess an alleged skill set that some enjoy and most have never heard of , allegedly.
“ charades ,old thing”. …” pass the parcel,Philip!!
Sandringham Christmas, for the Royal family, has four certain things, family goes to church, family dinner, gag gifts and wickedly competitive games of charades. HMTQ and PP talking abut and very much looking forward to it. Appears they are wrapping Christmas gifts as the talk.
1535 hrs GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Sorry for lack of stories today kids, headache, but l wanted to at least give the riddle a go
Nothing gets in your way dear PG! No matter what, you always tell great stories and add so much to the riddles! Thank you for doing this, so appreciated! Sounding wonderful!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
128: Nov 29
MM ANON …… 🎼 build it up with wood and clay🎼 ……… a crown script …… Harry’s rapid response …… the wrong side of the tunnel ……… “give time,time old boy”……… “ if it was Good enough for HM”……… tagged ,bad, and dangerous to know ……… look ,listen and learn ……… black fry-day……”nowhere as secluded as Sandringham”……… “she’s a beauty mate, breath of fresh air”
First of all my prayers and sympathy for the terrible losses today, the act of a madman. Extreme gratitude to the brave members of the public who went well into harms way to keep others safe. Gratitude to the armed police response and all the police officers, emergency personnel, the trauma team that was choppers onto the scene and every first responder. My prayers for all the secondary victims, the witnesses, the people whose memories are triggered by this’d senseless violence. 💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 29/2019 1845 hrs CST RIDDLE #127
🎼 build it up with wood and clay🎼
This is a line from the classic children’s song, London Bridge is falling down. As I said in my opening, ‘twas a horrific act by a madman. I do trust the Terrorism Unit will investigate and see if this was a lone wolf, or part of a cell. Many ISIS and other prisoners have been released as their sentences served. This may just be a message of what to come in the Holy part of the year December, for a variety of faiths. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
a crown script
The television show The Crown airs on Netflix. I have never seen it. Reports and comments say there are quite the liberties taken with the truth. The current actor portraying HMTQ is Olivia Colman, academy award winner last year, is not doing as good a job as a Claire Foy, the previous actor.l read about things but don’t have the patience to watch. Apparently she plays HMTQ angrily’ , is what l have read. However, l do believe what isn’t known about HMTQ is and would far more complex and interesting than any television show.
Script is the writing for the speaking part of a play, film, tv show etc. Script can be a manner of writing, the font, is there some new engraving being added to the crown? I read the crackers for Christmas, HMTQ has bespoke ones for each family, some have gold crowns and some silver, l do believe there are inscriptions on each, hence crown script!
Harry’s rapid response
Was Harry involved in today’s event? Did he rush in to help? Or help a by-stander. Prince Harry was an Apache pilot and worked in Intelligence whilst serving in Afghanistan. I just wonder if he was helpful in any manner today. With Invictus, he and all the members this will possibly trigger, potentially bad episodes of their PTSD. I truly wonder if Harry has taken action in that regard to help out those triggered by this horrible event.
the wrong side of the tunnel
Because everything above was shut down, so was the tube, making the tunnel unusable. I wonder if some of the victims came out of the same side of the tunnel, before it was shut down and just happened to be bystanders in the situation. Kind of like , no exactly like being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“give time,time old boy”
PP has been ill, and very likely frustrated, he is being encouraged to give it time, to recover and feel better.Or is this PP saying this to PC who l think is still with him, l am bot certain of THST, just an idea.
“ if it was Good enough for HM”
Boy this reminds me of madam wanting air freshener in the Chapel at Windsor for her wedding. She was probably smelling her own sulfur! Is this, l cannot believe l am going to say this, but is this about the NATO banquet and the jewel the women will wear, l am thinking madam, wanting some specific and being given plain or something she didn’t want to wear and then the line was said, if it was Good enough for HM. Stop screaming at me! I know, breathe, l know there is NO WAY on this earth madam will be at this banquet, however with her one just does not know what a wild cat will do!
tagged ,bad, and dangerous to know
The killer on the bridge today that the public wrestled down after he stabbed many, two died, was an Islamic terrorist wearing an electronic monitoring tag. A bad bad man, now no longer among us! Yet there are many many many more! We all need to be vigilant! Bravo to those brave individuals today!!!
look ,listen and learn
This applies to each of us, a basic life lesson. Law enforcement in London was repeatedly saying today, if you see anything suspicious call them. Look, Listen, and Learn is also a trained learning of audio-visual correspondence, basically videos with sound,ie voicemail, FaceTime, Skype, text, imessage, etc etc as opposed to other embeddings, like plans for bombs hidden inside of a painting, a lot of ultra secret manners to embed data. requiring labeled intelligence. Is this the manner of monitoring of madam and other persons of interest? Is this how incriminating information was obtained allegedly by individuals at the SewHoe Farm? And other SewHoe places?
black fry-day
Today is Black Friday, started in America the day following their Thanksgiving, the first day officially to Christmas shop with sales galore. It has gone global! It’s madness, queuing up at 0300 to buy a tv!! Here we have black fry- day, what’s being fried? Or who?
Fry can means destroy and one wears black when in mourning. Both are directly a result of the horror that happened in London today. Lives lost, families destroyed, people traumatized and retraumatized. This was definitely one black Friday!
“nowhere as secluded as Sandringham”“she’s a beauty mate, breath of fresh air”
We have had several clues in succession on what l believe this to be. I do believe Harry has found someone during this horror time with madam. It would explain her rages when she cannot find him, putting out the PR that he was missing and his family was worried sick. We have not Harry for awhile. Next l believe will be NATO greeting and then the NATO banquet on December 3/2019. Sounds like Sandringham may be a nice secluded place for them to spend time together. And just as yesterday’s riddle said, this speaker is also giving a ringing endorse,ent if her!
Kids this was an extremely challenging riddle. I seem to be losing my abilities to interpret them. This is my best go. I hope at least some of it is helpful. It truly is me giving 110% effort.
Thank you dear PG….your hard work is always appreciated….🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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