#the spaceman x male
owen-writes · 9 months
A Noble Christmas
10th Doctor x Male Reader
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It was a crisp Christmas Morning when the TARDIS materialized in the backyard of the Noble household. The 10th Doctor, Donna, and you stepped out, greeted by the warm glow of festive decorations.
You all wandered into the house, through the double doors, the scent of Christmas hit your nose.
"Ah, Donna! Look at this! Christmas on Earth is fantastic!" the Doctor exclaimed, taking in the twinkling lights and adorned tree.
Donna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just don't go setting anything on fire, Spaceman."
You chuckled, the Doctor turned to you with a grin. "And how about you, handsome? Ready for a proper Earth Christmas?"
"Absolutely, Doctor," you replied, feeling a warmth spreading within you.
The evening unfolded with laughter, stories, and the delightful aroma of Christmas dinner. Donna teased the Doctor, who defended himself with exaggerated charm. Amid the festivities, the Doctor couldn't help but shoot you a fond glance.
As you all gathered around the table, the Doctor couldn't resist whispering, "Pass the potatoes, love," and you obliged with a smile. Donna raised an eyebrow but continued chatting, unaware of the unspoken connection.
After dinner, you found yourself alone in the kitchen with the Doctor. He leaned against the counter, his expressive eyes fixed on you. "You know, this whole celebration thing is great, but I was thinking there's something even more special about tonight."
"Oh? And what's that?" you asked, genuinely curious.
He stepped closer, his hand going out to hold your hand. "Being here with you. It makes it feel like the stars aligned just for us."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you found it hard to look away from his intense gaze. "I... I feel the same way, Doctor."
He grinned, a mix of joy and relief in his eyes. "Good. Because I've been wanting to do this." With that, he pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours, a gentle yet passionate kiss that felt like a promise.
Donna's voice interrupted the moment. "Oi, you two! Quit the lovey-dovey stuff. There are leftover mince pies in the fridge, and I'm not sharing!"
The Doctor pulled away, chuckling. "Let's get those mince pies before she eats them all, love."
Throughout the night, the Doctor remained by your side, stealing glances and offering tender smiles and soft touches. The TARDIS hummed contentedly in the background, as if approving of this newfound connection.
As the clock struck midnight, the Doctor took your hand. "Come with me," he whispered, leading you outside.
Underneath the starlit sky, he pulled out a small, beautifully wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas, my love."
You unwrapped it to find a sonic screwdriver, a symbol of adventures yet to come. It was your favourite colour, engraved with your name. "Doctor, it's wonderful!"
He grinned, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Well, it's not just any sonic screwdriver. It's yours. For when you decide to join me permanently in time and space."
You looked at him, a mixture of excitement and love filling your heart. "I'd like that very much, Doctor."
He kissed you again, sealing the promise of a future filled with galaxies to explore and countless moments to share. The TARDIS glowed in the background, lighting up the backyard as you and The Doctor shared a kiss.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
I Know What You’re Thinking, Just Kiss Already - Cliff Booth x Male!OC
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Fandom: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019)
Pairings: Bobby Brightside (OC) x Cliff Booth, StarBeep, DeepSpace, Platonic!Geep
Warnings: Swearing, Gay shit, Heavy flirting, Nobody has a collar kink bobby’s band is just experimenting with their style, 
Notes: Two shots in one day? Yea, I’m procrastinating a handful of school projects right now. Enjoy!
Dedicated To: @mori-ohs​
Bobby adjusted his choker, looking at Gene through pink heart-shaped sunglasses. “Gene, do I look pretty?” He giggled, twisting from side to side to let his skirt waft a bit.
Gene looked down at Bobby, with a straight face. “Yes.” He grunted.
Bobby clapped, excited.
“But Peep looks better” Gene pointed over at Peep, who smirked at Bobby.
“Suck it, Brightside” Peep teased, sticking out her tongue.
“Rude” Bobby dramatically groaned, walking away. He made his way to one end of the stage, by Cliff. “Cliffy, do I look pretty?”
Cliff put his hands on Bobby’s hips, thumbs stroking his exposed skin. “Beautiful” the blond answered, Bobby’s arms around his neck.
Bobby chuckled, taking off his sunglasses so that he could lean in and kiss Cliff.
Beep turned away from the sight, tugging what was around his neck. “I hate how it’s Bobby’s turn to wear a normal choker today” he whined.
Deep exhaled through his nose, cracking his neck. “What? Doggy think collar ugly?” He mocked, snickering to himself. “Don’t be mad that Bobby has balls that you don’t, big enough to make moves on men he wants.”
“Shut up.”
Deep trailed two fingers along his black collar, down to the O-ring that held the collar together. “I think my collar’s cute. Penelope has a choker like this, except the O-ring thing hangs from it, it doesn’t hold it together.”
Beep adjusted his top, admitting “Starchild actually told me he liked my outfit earlier.”
“Mhm. ‘It looks real good on you’.”
“Ow!” Deep exclaimed, eyes going wide in surprise. “He wants Benji’s body.”
“‘Benji’s body’? You’re gross.”
“You have low hope.”
“What are you two bumpin’ gums about?” A disembodied voice asked, the tone almost instantly recognizable at that point.
Deep spun around, his skirt spinning with him. “Ace!” He greeted. “Nothing, Benji was just bitchin’ ‘bout the neck stuff.”
“Aw, c’mon, man. Lighten up, you guys look good” Ace teased.
“‘And’?” Ace looked intrigued. “There’s more?”
“Benji also happened to mention a certain someone saying his outfit looked real good on him” Deep added
“Ooh,” Ace’s eyebrows jumped. “Say it ain’t so.”
“But it’s so, Space Ace.”
Beep grumbled, sliding away on his heelies.
Deep scoffed, waving his hand in a dismissive manner. “What a guy, eh?”
“Yea, you can say so.”
Deep flattened out his skirt, fixing the bright bandannas on his wrists. He tilted his head up, gaze following the silver makeup around Ace’s eyes.
Ace’s eye caught onto the ring holding Deep’s collar together, and chuckled. He poked a finger through it, touching Deep’s bare neck. “Weird thing y’got there. What is it, a collar?”
“Yea. Beep over there was being a grumpy puppy over it. I like ‘em, personally. I personally feel like everyone has an invisible dog collar on ‘em, capitalistic rich people dragging us by the leashes.”
Ace blinked, pulling his hand away. “Rough.”
“I know.”
“You got much money on ya?”
“Just enough to get Missy ‘n’ me by, I suppose. No one in the band has as much money as Bobby- judging by his house, and the fact he’s juggling three jobs.”
“Three, really?”
“Yea. First came screenwriting, a childhood-stemmed thing. Then came this band. And most recently, modeling. He’s got the looks for it, that’s for sure” Deep explained, watching Bobby follow Cliff across stage like a lovesick puppy.
Ace watched them as well. “Is Cliff o’er there like...a reverse sugar baby?”
“Ha!” Deep laughed. “Nah, man, rats. Broke, yes. Used to live in a dumpy trailer behind some drive-in with his dog, before they moved in with Bobby. But the Buddies have known Cliff almost as long as we’ve known Bobby- except Monte over there, Bobby’s childhood friend. And ex-”
“Yea, so is Damien. But that’s another story. Point is, we know Cliff. And Cliff ain’t a gold digger. He just drives around ‘n’ looks cool when he isn’t being somebody’s stunt double.”
“I’m learning more from you than I ever could in school, Deep.”
Deep laughed in an airy tone, shrugging. “I’m just yakking off, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, man” Ace ruffled his hair. “The more I know about who I’m sharing a stage with, the better, right?”
“I guess so” Deep agreed. “He could pull off a collar, too.”
“We could always ask Cliff-”
“Man-” Deep guffawed, shoving Ace’s arm. “Don’t do that to me, gross!” He fake-vomited, causing Ace to laugh.
“Drama Queen” Ace insulted.
“Well DUH, what do you think the ‘D’ stands for?”
Ace didn’t reply, but rather grew a sly, long grin.
Deep’s lips parted slightly, feet shuffling. “Nasty man.”
“‘Nasty man’?” Ace shook his head in disbelief. 
Deep licked his lips, dismissing the topic. He fixed the frills on his white top, feeling like- in Maria’s words- a ‘slutty pirate’. In his defense, a black dog collar, a frilly white button-up, some dark pants with smart holes in them, a couple bandannas on his wrists, and heeled black boots should fit the procedure pretty well, right? 
Maria was also able to do something with his face to make it look a bit dirty, but like strategically dirty.
Ace did help by messing up his hair, too.
Deep stretched his arms, Ace seeing his skeleton hand tattoos.
“That must’ve hurt” Ace commented, sucking his teeth.
“Ah, a common thing for tattoos” Deep held up his hands, clenching and relaxing his fists. “I look cool, though, don’t I?” He asked, tattoos reaching from his wrists to just below his fingernails. 
“Obviously, man” Ace scratched the back of his neck.
“Cooler than you?”
“Don’t push it, dog boy.”
“‘Dog boy’, eh?” Deep giggled, tapping his collar. “What, that the best you could come up with, Spaceman?” He teased.
Ace towered over Deep on his boots. He smirked, hooking two fingers around the ring on Deep’s collar and pulling Deep towards him. Ace looked directly down at Deep, their faces obviously much closer than ever before. “Would you prefer any other dumb nicknames?”
Deep’s eyebrows raised in interest, eyes going big. “Only if y’got any suggestions, Ace” he flirted, face slowly relaxing. Deep balanced himself on the tips of his feet, short hair falling back due to how his head was tilted directly upwards, at Ace.
Ace chuckled softly. “Our bands are collaborating, Derek. Everything has to be a team- if not partner- effort.”
“It takes two to tango” Deep reminded, finger gesturing between Ace and himself.
“Maybe so” Ace whispered, testing the waters that kept the border between flirting and playful banter with a buddy.
Deep felt a hint of a smile on his face, gaze up at Ace a gentle one, hopefully not openly loving. “Anyone ever tell you y’look weirder up close?” He joked.
“You lie, Derek” Ace poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, “it pains me.”
“Aw, rats, whatever shall I do to make it up to you?” Deep purred, tongue tracing across his teeth. 
“Could trail m’hands up your skirt like a girl.” Ace suggested, painfully unaware himself if he truly meant that as a joke or not.
Deep assumed it was the first option, and thought nothing of it. “You do that, and I’ll mess up your makeup” he told, two fingers trailing across the broad shoulders of Ace’s costume.
“Oh yea?” Ace asked, condescending.
The two stayed like that in silence, eyes and grins soft.
Beep broke the silence as he rolled by. “Quit flirtin’, you two. Soundcheck’s in five.”
Depp watched Beep slide off, and rolled his eyes. “Party pooper.”
Ace quickly pulled away, hands on his sides. “Y’got that right” he nodded.
The two looked at one another, feelings bubbling up from under their strange outfits.
Ace departed first. “Deep.” He nodded, turning to walk away.
Deep nodded back at him. “Space Ace.” He returned, the two parting ways on the stage.
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mishasminion360 · 4 years
Space Age Love Song, Ch. 1
A Mandalorian x O/C Fic
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Warning: Language
Notes: I’ve had this idea for awhile now and decided “why the hell not?” It’s been quite some time since I’ve written a full fledged fic, but I’m going to try to remain committed and complete this one. I already have a good idea of where I want it to go, so that’s a plus. Readers, you’re in for plenty of Mando romance, fluff, angst, action, and suspense. I hope you enjoy!
He crashed into her life like a falling star. The brightest star in the cosmos.
Ch. 1: Crash Into Me
The world was always a lonelier place at night. Rural Kansas appeared much more desolate in the dark; the roads and the land seemed to stretch on forever, both leading to nothing. The whistling of the evening breeze was the only voice to be heard for miles.
A half-drunk glass of whiskey in hand, Sara craned her head skyward to gaze at the stars. At most times, it seemed, they were her only friends. At least there were plenty of them to go around.
Her shift at the Hillsboro Community Hospital had been a grueling one this evening. She had just managed to drag her weary bones home a little more than an hour ago and already the night was creeping into day. Though exhausted, she’d suddenly found herself wired the second she’d pulled into her driveway at nearly 3 a.m. Now coming up on 4 in the morning, she downed the rest of her whiskey in hopes of calming herself long enough to drop into dreamland.
She had no reason to be awake so late, or early, rather. Sara had no one to pass the wakefulness with. The last of the only family she’d ever known had vanished from her life nearly a decade ago, leaving her with nothing but an old country house in the middle of nowhere that was far too big for a solitary woman such as herself. That house and memories.
There shouldn’t be any joy in the thought of coming home to an empty house. No happiness at the thought of eating alone, sleeping alone, living alone. But, as it began to happen more frequently, Sara came to realize that this rush of adrenaline she felt upon returning to her solitary homestead night after night was from the hope that she wouldn’t be lonely for long. One night she’d come home and there’d be someone worth coming home to. Someone waiting for her.
For now, though, Sara pulled herself to her feet, blinked the stars from her eyes, and prepared to head inside where she’d climb the stairs to her room and finally sleep the sleep of the dead.
She had just yanked open the finicky screen door when she heard a peculiar thoom! Her tired eyes returned to the sky to see that it was ablaze with light. A star, like a white hot ember, arced through the night, tumbling, tumbling down. So bright. So fast. So BIG.
That is not a star, she thought.
Sara watched the object’s decent with her heart in her throat. What if it was a meteor? Or a guided missile gone astray? Should she take cover? Would there be enough time? Would it even matter? The time she could’ve spent moving was lost to an endless string of “what if’s” playing on a loop inside her head, and by the time her brain managed to squeeze a logical thought about running into the mix, the object was crashing to earth in the field behind her barn.
She felt the impact from her porch; wobbled unsteadily on her feet as a tremor passed through the ground below. She could see the glow of flames in the distance. With the threat of a wildfire from space igniting the field beyond, with her house and all its memories in danger, she sprang into action.
Sara darted inside and made a beeline for the kitchen, retrieving the fire extinguisher from under the sink. Then, opting to take the back door, she darted back out into the chilly pre-dawn and ran as fast as her legs would carry her toward what she could only assume was Fox Mulder’s wet dream.
So, it definitely wasn’t a star. It wasn’t a meteor or a missile either. Nothing in her wildest dreams could have prepared her for what she was seeing. It was in pieces and it was on fire, but even partially destroyed Sara could positively identify (having watched enough cheesy sci-fi movies with her gramps to do so) an alien ship when she saw one.
“What kind of Superman origin story bullshit is this?” she wondered out loud.
The flames licking at the wreckage weren’t too big, and the small extinguisher did the trick for the most part. The dented silver exterior was still smoldering in some places by the time the canister was empty. Tossing the empty red cylinder aside, she stood and stared at the UFO in a mix of wonder and fear as another round of incessant questions bombarded her brain. Should she call someone about this? Who the hell was she supposed to call anyway: the cops, a scientist, the news, or all of the above?
With a startling groan of metal and a hiss of pressurized air, a large door at the rear of the ship (or was it the front? She had no fucking clue) descended, assuming a new role as a ramp, or so it appeared. It was almost as if the ship were inviting her inside.
Sara took a moment to peer into the vessel’s dark innards, then shook her head. She’d seen enough Ridley Scott movies to know that going inside was a terrible idea. Blindly investigating a mysterious extraterrestrial ship is how people ended up dead or, at the very least, pregnant with an alien baby. She wanted no part in either one of those scenarios if she could help it.
The rationalist inside of Sara urged her not to take another step farther; practically shouted at her to turn around and run the other way. But the nurse in her wouldn’t, couldn’t allow her to abandon someone who might be aboard and may be hurt, human or...otherwise. Damn. Sometimes she felt like she’d chosen the wrong profession.
Taking a cautious step up onto the ramp, jumping a bit at the echoing of her own footsteps, Sara called out to the darkness.
“Hello? Is anyone in there?”
When she got only silence for a response, she decided to forge on ahead into the belly of the great metal beast.
“Okay, I’m coming in so please just...don’t eat me and keep your tentacles to yourself.”
The cavernous ship was as black as night. In the distance she could see lights blinking, like stars in the night guiding her way. Sara felt along the walls blindly and inched forward with small, cautious steps.
“If anyone is in here be warned. I do not like surprises and, so help me, if you jump out at me here in the dark I will punch first and ask questions later.”
As she drew closer to the flashing lights, she began to hear noise. What sounded like about five different alarms were blaring, but still nothing resembling a voice.
Suddenly, the floor seemed to rise by a foot and she stumbled at the sudden change in elevation. Her arms flailed dramatically as she desperately reached for something, anything to grab onto. Sara hit the ground hard and loud, her cry of surprise cut short as her head thumped against the cold floor.
Disoriented from the blow, she looked up and took in her surroundings with blurred vision. The alarms screamed at her from every direction, which was doing absolutely nothing to help her gradually building headache, and the lights blinked furiously in sync with the shrieking sirens. She could make out other objects now, what looked like buttons and knobs and levers and screens all illuminated by the incessant flashing of the warning lights. Damn her shit luck. Alone on this alien ship and she’d managed to stumble (literally) into the freaking cockpit. But where was the pilot?
Okay, maybe whatever had been flying this saucer never heard her, had no idea she was here. Maybe it was an unmanned craft. There was still a chance she’d make it out of this incredibly foolhardy endeavor alive. Stiffly and carefully Sara rolled onto her back, glanced up, and immediately screamed.
A face, or at least what she assumed was a face, more like a mask of some sort, peered down at her from above. Stifling another cry, she scrambled up to a sitting position and shinnied away until she felt her back hit wall. Even with that outburst, the creature didn’t appear to stir. After a few minutes of heavy breathing and vigilant observation, it didn’t appear that the alien was conscious.
Before she even realized she was doing it, Sara was on her hands and knees, creeping closer to where the sleeping being was collapsed heavily in what she figured to be the captain’s chair. Upon closer inspection, it looked more like a man than a monster. A man (or a woman) encased from head to toe in a suit of shimmering silver armor. Hell, it could have been a robot.
Through the small t-shaped visor in the dome-like helmet Sara could see no traces of a face. She had no definitive way of knowing if the spaceman was truly slumbering or just waiting for her to get close enough to grab, and for a moment she hesitated to move any closer. But when she saw the small trickle of blood leaking from beneath the helmet and onto the right pauldron, her fear instantly vanished. Definitely not a robot; a living, bleeding person. RN powers activate!
“Hey! Hey, can you hear me?” Sara gave the shiny helmet a light tap, trying to conjure a response. “Come on spaceman, spacewoman, are you with me? Wake up!”
His or her head rolled limply to the side as the blood continued to run. Unconsciousness following a vehicular (or spacecraftular) crash was never a good sign, but Sara couldn’t know for certain until she saw the source of the blood how bad the damage was. Gripping the helmet between her sweating palms she began to slide it upward carefully. Before she could even get it past the wearer’s chin, a hand reached up and wrapped around her wrist, stopping her instantly. She flinched, in surprise rather than pain; their grip was unexpectedly gentle.
“Don’t-don’t take it off,” a very male voice stammered weakly. “You can’t...”
Sara was momentarily stunned. The alien spoke perfect English, and in a voice as soft as their grasp. She shook her head to reorganize her thoughts. This situation called for the utmost professionalism. When you’re a nurse, first impressions are everything. And she wasn’t representing just herself at this moment, but potentially the entire human race.
“Sir, I...it’s going to be alright, sir. I’m a nurse. I can help you, but I’ll need to assess the injury. I need to remove your helmet in order to-“
Sara had entered this ship expecting to find a monster ready to frighten her. What she’d never anticipated was that the monster could be just as frightened as she was. And that’s what she heard in the spaceman’s voice: fear. He was scared. Of her. And that’s when any remaining trace of her own fear vanished. She reached down and found one of his gloved hands and squeezed it gently in her own.
“It’s okay. You’re going to be alright. I’m going to help you. You’re safe.” With her other hand she caressed one side of his helmet and tried to imagine that she were stroking his own cheek. “You’re safe.”
He seemed to relax a bit under her touch, but that may have been from the second wave of sleep overtaking him. Sara released his hand, took a step back, took a deep breath, and began mentally preparing herself for the task ahead.
Dragging a snoozing spaceman all the way to the house was not going to be an easy task, but it was one that had to be done. As a nurse, she’d be damned if she’d let a patient, even an extraterrestrial one, die on her watch.
Sara slid her arms around the limp man’s chest and began the first chore: hoisting him out of the chair.
“Welcome to Earth.”
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rxmanticdevil · 3 years
Tagged by: @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins​
1. Why did you choose your URL?
When coming up with the URL, I was in a rush and just didn’t want to think too much haha. So I just thought about the two things that stuck out to me about Trelawny: his love of romance, and that Karen calls him a devil, and Mary-Beth says “a kind devil.” So then I just smushed them together and like, put an x in there because that’s what the cool kids do I hear. 
2. What is your middle name?
My sister’s middle name was supposed to be my middle name but before I was born my parents met someone with a kid with that name who was a nightmare. So they gave me another name and then when my sister was born they liked the name again. It’s also a very common name, and my first name isn’t uncommon so in my sorority there was another woman with my name, and like three women with my middle name, so the woman and I who shared a name went by our last names shortened. Our last names shortened sound like traditionally male names but that was still fun. We made shirts. 
3. If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
A unicorn. I’ve been riding horses since I was like two, I have a horse I love to pieces, but if he could be a unicorn that’d be great. Or like a Rapidash from Pokémon - especially a Galarian Rapidash. I’m here for pastels. 
4. Favorite color?
Yellow or green! But actually I really just like colors. Lots of them together - like a flower garden. With sparkles. My aesthetic blog is my favorite color. Which is all of them. With sparkles. 
5. Favorite song?
My favorite song changes based on so many different factors. One of which, as cheesy as it is, is which character/series I’m most into and what song I feel fits it. I can say right now I’ve been jamming to Taylor Swift’s Right Where You Left Me and Mr. Perfectly Fine but like, just give it a minute and I’ll be back to The Killer’s Spaceman or like, Knee Deep by the Zac Brown Band. 
6. What are your top three fandoms?
I love fandoms, but I get really anxious in them. I’m loving writing for RDR2 though. But one fandom I do love and keep returning to is One Piece. My main RP blog is a One Piece one with a character who is just a happy, pirate Arthur in essence. His name is Shanks and he is lovely. But I digress. I love pirates. I guess I’ve spent some time in the Marvel fandom, specifically Spider-Man. But that was before the big movies and I’m really a fan of the comic books. I appreciate the movies but, well, I had an internship with Marvel in their library so I was able to read a lot and gained such a deep appreciation for a lot of the comics. Spidey and Hawkeye (both of the Hawkeyes, in the comics) are my favorites. If you want recs for what to read, hmu! 
7. Why do you enjoy tumblr?
This is tricky. Right now, it’s just the most convenient place to rp. I’ve done forums and Gaiaonline and email and discord and they all just... aren’t as efficient. Tumblr itself gives me anxiety and I’ve cried because of people on this site more than I care to admit. That’s why I don’t have a personal blog. I mentioned an aesthetic blog but no one follows it and that’s fine by me. I’m very, very selective about what fandoms I rp in. I ventured to one fandom for a while and as soon as they started with callout posts (about others) I peaced. My social anxiety does not deal with conflict well and has things super triggered by that behavior. The OP community is pretty laid-back and this one seems to be okay so far. But I'm always super ready to bounce at the first sign of an issue.
8. Tag all 9 of your tumblr crushes.
I know like 3 people and I think they’ve been tagged. Also tagging is scary. 
So just assume if you’re reading this you’ve been tagged. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. 
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fly-flower-fanfics · 5 years
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Did You Just...?
Eleventh Doctor x Male Reader
Warnings: None
The Doctor was hurt rather badly. Not life-threatening to the point where he would need regenerating, but badly enough. He needed rest, and we needed to get out of here. Fast and right now. I slammed the TARDIS doors shut, narrowly avoiding a hailstorm of bullets, and settled him into a chair.
The Doctor groaned, and his arms clutched around his stomach. I leaped up the steps to the console of the TARDIS and ran my fingers over the panel as fists began to pound on the front door.
I yelped and flipped a switch on the console. The Doctor had only begun teaching me to fly the TARDIS, and I wasn't the best flier, but I was pretty good at it.
"Watch the order," the Doctor said, trying to get up, but accepting defeat and slinking back into the chair.
"I got it, Doctor, have some faith in me," I replied and gave him a wink, but inside, I was panicking.
What if I messed up? The Doctor never told me, but stopped me as soon as I made a mistake. I always thought it was to make sure I wasn't learning it wrong, but what if it was because something could go terribly wrong? Or both?
Stop it. Come on, get it together. I shook my head and began to push the colored buttons, flipping switches, and twisting knobs. I went over the order in my head, hoping that I wasn't screwing it up. I'd been writing it down when I was alone in my room, and I've been studying over it to make sure I was remembering it as best as I could. I made sure not to hit the buttons that the Doctor told me I never needed to hit, same with a pair of levers. I didn't know what they did, but it didn't really matter because I didn't need to use them.
One less thing for my mind to remember. I felt relieved as I heard the familiar noises of the TARDIS dematerializing. At least I was doing something right.
As I rushed around the console, practically smacking the console in a panic, I realized that I didn't know where I was supposed to land. Hell, we hadn't got there any way in my training. I didn't know how to land the TARDIS, and I didn't know how to insert a destination or whatever or how to do it.
I rounded the TARDIS's console once more and noticed a large, blinking blue button. It was a button that the Doctor didn't show me a button that I hadn't ever seen before on the console. I normally thought things through and weighed the pros and cons in unknown situations. I'd also been learning to be better and faster at doing that because there usually was never enough time to think through 'unknown situations' with the Doctor.
Except this time, I went purely on instinct. I slapped the button and the TARDIS jolted to a halt.
"What did you just press?" The Doctor called out to me and I backed away from the console, pointing at the blue button that was now just glowing blue instead of blinking. The Doctor groaned, but it was different than his groans of pain. When I looked over at him, he had his head in his hands with his elbows on his knees.
"What?" I questioned him and rushed over to him.
The TARDIS was clearly stopped and there was no pounding at the door so I assumed all was safe enough.
The Doctor muttered something that I didn't quite understand. I knelt down in front of him, frowning a little bit.
"What did you say?"
He peered at me through his fingers, shaking his head. "She showed you the stabilizers. I've been trying to get her to show me those blasted things for years, and she just up and shows you!"
He shook his head once more and leaned back in the chair, wincing a little bit.
"So were just floating in space?"
"Basically," he answered.
I couldn't help but laugh, but I tried to cover it with a cough after I saw the Doctor's glare.
"Aww, cheer up. You've had her for centuries. You and her have this special relationship. She's just playing you."
I helped the Doctor to his feet and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You know she likes you better." He grunted in annoyance and this time, I didn't stop myself from laughing. "Ah, hush up, spaceman. Let's get you to bed and get some rest so you can heal up. Then when you feel better, you can scold the TARDIS for hiding the buttons for you and me for being a better flier than you are."
"Better flier?" he sputtered out.
I just smirked to myself as he began to run into his little ramblings, his pain seeming to be gone or he was just ignoring it to prove me wrong. Either way, I knew the Doctor would be fine in a little while. He never did stay down long, even when he died.
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xwaywardhuntress · 5 years
Rock & Roll Mystery (Part Two)
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Summary: Round 2 of Scooby-doo featuring Y/N.
Pairings: Dean x reader,  Fred x reader
Warnings: Based on the Scooby-Doo & KISS movie.
Word Count: 1900+
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Scooby-Doo. This is fanfiction only. Please do not redistribute my writings on other sites, horrible or not. Thanks!
Part One
You took the lead as suggested by Fred, leading the group around the corner of the entrance gates. You magically took out a bolt cutter to use on the fence, cutting enough to make a new entrance. Once everyone was in, the group found themselves sneaking behind small tents that were used as food stands, games, and prizes.
Fred had kept close behind you which seemed to irritate a couple of others in the party. When Dean couldn’t take it anymore, he picked up his pace to reach both you and Fred. “Hey man, I need to talk to Y/N about something. “ He whispered as he passed by Fred, who thought nothing of it as he let the older Winchester pass.
Dean smiled forcibly, nodding his head as thanks. The older hunter honestly didn’t have anything specific to talk about with Y/N. He just wanted to be in between you and Fred.
Hearing voices nearby, you came to a stop holding out your right arm to signal for the rest to stop for a moment as well.
The voices grew louder as they drew more near. One of the voices caught Daphne’s attention as she whispered to the group, “Hey, I think one of them is the guard that wouldn’t let us through earlier.”
You signaled for everyone to hush up as you all listened in on the conversation taking place between the guard and a stranger. They were discussing the temporary closure of the park due to a witch terrorizing the park guests and park operators. The stranger is identified as the park supervisor as he expresses his desire for someone who can help them with the witch issue, but the guard is too confident that she can handle the situation by herself due to being a former government defense employee. The park supervisor disagrees as he requests for mystery solvers immediately and stomps away with the guard behind him.
As the voices leave out of hearing range, the gang walks out from behind the tents as the coast is clear.
“Sounds like we have a mystery on our hands, gang.” Fred announced.
“Great witches. I hate damn witches.” Dean muttered.
You chuckled at Dean’s comment. As much as you agreed with him, the fact that you were solving this case with Scooby Doo and the gang made it 10X better than a regular witch hunt.
While Scooby’s gang discussed the witch and her intentions, Sam pulled his brother and Y/N to the side. “Have either of you watched this episode? Nothing is ringing a bell.”
The older Winchester shook his head. “I’d remember if there was an episode with KISS and the only one I recall is where Daphne’s hot cousin was present.”
You narrowed your eyes at Dean’s description of Daphne’s relative.
Dean felt your eyes on him as he shrugged with a goofy smile.
“It’s not an episode. We’re in a movie.” You answered.
“So you’ve watched this mystery and know how it ends?” Sam asked, a bit hopeful.
You bit your bottom lip. “Not exactly. I just remember seeing it online and it was on my To-watch-list.”
“Wait a second? You weren’t going to tell me that Scooby Doo was going to have a movie with KISS?!” Dean gasped, staring at you.
You rolled your eyes. It wasn’t that you planned on not telling him, but every time you thought about it, he would bring up his last lay or be eyeing a potential future lay. At some point, you just didn’t want to bother anymore.
Before you could answer with a smart remark, Fred popped up beside you. “Hey guys, we’re going to search for clues in there. See what we can find about out about this witch.” The blonde pointed to a nearby building that looked like some kind of walkthrough.
Annoyed by the thought of Dean’s inability to not hit on any woman he sees, you hooked your arm with Fred’s arm. “Let’s go search for clues then!” You agreed as you turned him around to head towards the walkthrough, a big grin visibly on Fred’s face.
Dean’s mouth dropped at your action.
Sam snickered, using one of his hands to close his brother’s mouth. “How does it feel to be on the other side?” Sam asked as he quickly picked up his steps to follow behind you and Fred.
Dean grumbled to himself as he followed too.
When everyone reached the entrance of the walkthrough, it was obvious that Scooby and Shaggy were refusing to go in. You unhooked your arm with Fred’s, which Dean and Daphne both seemed relieved about, and headed over to the scaredy cats. “I can stay with them and make sure they don’t get into any trouble. You five go on ahead.”
Everyone but Dean nodded their head in agreement as he made his way over to you. “You call out if anything, I mean anything happens, understand?”
His attitude surprised you a bit but you nodded your head. “Roger that.” You smiled softly.
Dean nodded and then entered the walkthrough to join the others.
Shaggy and Scooby came up beside you, “Oh man, thanks for that.”
“Ra Ra” Scooby agreed.
You smiled at both of them, “No problem! Now, how about we play some of that?” Across from the walkthrough, there was a tent sent up with water guns and the faces of the KISS members. It was one of those carnival games where you shoot the water gun in the mouth of a face and compete to see who can fill up the thermometer looking container behind the face first.
“RAS!” “YES!” Scooby and Shaggy both yelled in excitement as they scurried over.
You followed after them as the three of you lined up next to each other, a water gun per person.
“Prepare to lose Scoobs!” Shaggy preached.
“Ro! You rerare to roose Rhaggy!” Scooby barked.
You shook your head chuckling, “Alright, on the count of 3…”
Scooby and Shaggy put on serious faces as they looked to their sides.
Scooby began laughing almost maniacal as everyone aimed their water gun at the open mouth.
The water blasted out of the water guns at the same time. At first, Shaggy was winning, then his arm got tired for a moment from holding the gun and the water hit the edge of the mouth slowing his pace. You took the lead with a grin. You were almost at the finish line when Scooby came out of nowhere and immediately filled the container first.
“Aw man.” Shaggy complained.
Scooby began posing with the water gun in his hand.
You just laughed, not at all disappointed in the results. Too busy laughing, you didn’t notice that someone else appeared till you heard Scooby scream, followed by Shaggy.
When you faced the direction they were facing, you saw someone on the ground with a wet red sheet over themselves. The wet part obviously from Scooby’s actions, it looked like.
The Winchesters and the rest of the Scooby gang came running out as they all had heard the screams.
“What happened?” All the men asked.
Scooby and Shaggy had found their way behind you, shaking as they pointed to the covered figure. “W-W-WITCHHH!” The two scaredy cats yelled.
The frame outlined by the red sheet was bulkier than a regular person, even a witch. At least the witches you encountered had the more normal human frame.
Dean and Fred rushed in front of you while Sam made his way to the figure sitting on the ground. The figure moaned. It sounded manly too. Sam looked at Dean and Fred signaling to be prepared to pounce on the stranger once he pulled the red cover off. Daphne and Velma had made their way beside you to witness the uncovering.
“HEY YOU KIDS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! THE PARK IS CLOSED!” the guard came out of nowhere behind the gang yelling from afar.
Scooby and Shaggy moved in front of you, trying to hide from the guard now, as they yelled, “It’s the mean-ol’ guard lady!”
“I recognize some of you…” The guard shared as she reached close enough to the group. “You were the kids with the dog that I wouldn’t let in earlier.” Her eyes landing on Scooby. “I told you, we’re closed. You need to leave.”
“But, we may have just caught the witch.” Daphne explained as she pointed to the covered stranger on the ground.
“Actually, that is not the witch.” Velma interrupted. She pressed her glasses as she walked over to Sam and the person in question. “By the shape of the upper body visible through this red sheet…” She tugged on the wet sheet. “…I mean this wet red sheet, there is a male under this, who is none other than….” She pulled off the wet red sheet.
“The Demon?!” Y/N, Dean, Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby all gasped.
“Oh, heck yes!” Dean exclaimed.
“Guess the jig is up.” Spoke another voice from the shadow.
Like a ninja, the Demon flipped backward, joining three others as they all posed to introduce themselves. “On the drums, the Catman. On bass, you’ve met him and you’ve wet him, the Demon. Then our lead guitarists, the Spaceman and Starchild!”
Daphne grew heart eyes as Starchild was introduced. Dean grew star eyes. Everyone else but Fred, Sam, and the guard were in awe.
The guard, possibly not a KISS fan, walked over to Scooby and Shaggy. “You kids will still need to leave. Again, the park is closed.”
“Hold on there, mate. These guys are good guys.” Starchild spoke up for the gang.
“Yeah, they helped us at the Banning Junction, am I right?” Spaceman asked rhetorically.
“That’s right. And now we’re here to help solve the mystery of the witch.” Fred stood proudly as he glanced over at you.
“They’re what we need, so they’re cool to stay.” Starchild insisted.
“Ah! Perfect! Just what I wanted!” The voice from earlier was heard as a bearded man with grey hair appeared.
“And you are?” Dean asked, not in his star-struck phase anymore.
“I’m the park supervisor, Manny Goldman.” Manny walked over to KISS. “You all are here already?”
“We heard what was happening and thought we could help.” Starchild answered.
“And you’ve brought mystery solvers too!” Manny exclaimed as he went to hug Scooby Doo.
Scooby pulled away from Manny, taking his hand in his paw. “Rice to Reet you too.”
Manny smiled, shaking Scooby’s paw and then turned to his park guard, “Delilah, these people will not be leaving. With this much help, we’ll have the park up and running again in no time! Just in time for the main attraction, the KISS concert! So for now, go patrol somewhere else and stay out of their way.”
The guard didn’t seem to like what was going on and how quickly she became not the higher authority. She gritted her teeth in frustration and then turned to leave to patrol elsewhere.
Y/N, Dean, and Sam noticed her frustration and all looked at each other. They had all been thinking the same thing, that the witch could possibly be her.
“Now then, the park is open to you all to solve this witch mystery ASAP. If there is anything I can do, just let me know. KISS, if you don’t mind coming with me, Chip is back at my office and we need to talk to you four.” Manny requested.
KISS agreed and followed Manny back to his office.
“Alright gang, let’s look for clues again and split up.” Fred suggested.
Next: Part Three
R&RM Tag:
@22sarah08 @monkeymcpoopoo @shameless-danni @blackmissfrizzle @happylittlesuns @cheritzie @leahslovelylibrary  @walkerchick007
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thedcdunce · 5 years
The Atom
“Size isn't matter.” - The Atom
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Real Name: Raymond “Ray” Palmer
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 0″
Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Auburn
Microscopic Stability
Missing Hand
Katarthan's Sword
Indigo Tribe Staff
New Earth
Base of Operations:
Ivy Town, Connecticut
Morlaidh, Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
Citizenship: American
David Palmer; father
Susan Palmer; mother
Marital Status: 
Divorced (Jean Loring; wife)
Widowed (Laethwen; wife)
Education: PhD Ivy University
First Appearance: Showcase #34 (October, 1961)
Last Appearance: Titans Vol 2 #38 (October, 2011)
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Microscopic Stability: For some reason, Ray's physiology allows him to not explode when he is miniaturized unlike other living things which explode after a short time of being miniaturized.
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Judo: Ray Palmer often finds himself in situation where physical violence become necessary. As such, he has developed a proficiency in the martial art judo.
Physics: Dr. Palmer has a Ph.D. in physics and was a full professor at Ivy University.
Swordsmanship: The Atom used a long sword as a weapon while living among the Katarthans, gaining considerable skill in its use.
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Missing Hand: He allowed Baracuda to cut off his left hand to save Ryan Choi from the miniverse.
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Bio-Belt: Originally, Ray's size/weight controls were located in his belt buckle. However, he later moved them to his gloves for greater accessibility and swifter transitions, and in the costume he wore after his days in New Morlaidh, had an encepholpathic grid in his mask that allowed him to do it mentally.
Size Alteration: Able to shrink his body to varying degrees, achieved by storing most of his mass in a pocket dimension. As the Atom, Ray can assume any size from his normal six-foot stature down to sub-microscopic, although he generally deems a height of six inches as most functional.
Mass Alteration: Able to instantly alter his molecular density to whatever degree he desires. Ray can also assume any weight at any height—up to his full 180 pounds.
Flight: He is able to glide on air currents and stiff breezes. A favorite travel method Ray had, was to call some location on the telephone; when the intended phone answered, he could shrink down enough to literally travel through the phone lines in seconds to emerge out of the answering phone.
Superhuman Strength: By shifting all his mass into his fists he can punch with incredible force.
Dimensional Travel: Ray found out that by shrinking beyond the subatomic scale he could slip beneath reality at the quantum level to traverse around the multiverse at will.
Katarthan's Sword: The Atom used a long sword as a weapon while living among the Katarthans, gaining considerable skill in its use.
Indigo Tribe Staff
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Ray Palmer is a hard-working, dedicated man. In fact, "dedicated" is hardly the word for it; "driven" is a little closer to the truth. Once Ray starts working on a problem or puzzle, there is absolutely no stopping him. This single-minded pursuit of his goals is more than a little responsible for Ray's shattered marriage, though it has occasionally come in handy to Ray the crime fighter. In spite of his obsessiveness, Ray is a level-headed hero and a likeable human being.
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Ray Palmer is the Atom, the Mighty Mite, a superhero with the ability to shrink to incredible sizes while retaining his full mass, making him a formidable combatant. He was a member of the original Justice League of America, where he gained a great deal of respect from his peers. Aside from his crime-fighting career, he is also one of the world's top scientific minds, given his background as a brilliant physicist. He is capable of shrinking to subatomic sizes, and explores the universe on a frontier unknown to any other man.
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Ray Palmer grew up in Ivy Town, Connecticut where he studied physics at Ivy University, under renowned scientists such as Alpheus P. Hyatt. He began dating law student Jean Loring, eventually becoming exclusive. Both graduating and working in their professions, Ray would frequently ask Jean to marry him, but she would always decline, wanting to establish herself as a lawyer before getting married and settling down.
While a physics graduate student, Ray Palmer discovered a tiny fragment of white dwarf star material that had fallen to Earth. Investigating matter compression, Ray theorized that if he were to grind a lens from this fragment and focus ultraviolet light through it, he could shrink anything struck by the light down to a fraction of its original size. Ray rushed off to his laboratory, tried the experiment, and found that it worked exactly as he had imagined but the objects he shrunk became unstable and exploded moments later.
A couple of days later, a disillusioned Ray and some friends became trapped in a cave-in while out spelunking. Ray was forced to risk instability and use the shrinking lens on himself in order to escape the cave and save the lives of his friends. For some reason, however, Ray didn't explode and returned to his normal height. In fact, the shrinking lens worked on his body much better than he had expected, and he developed a set of control devices that gave him limited control over his weight as well as his size. Ray later hypothesized that some unknown "x-factor" in his genetic makeup prevented his atoms from becoming unstable, though many scientists now believe that Ray's ability to shrink was actually made possible by the "Metagene", which is the source of many superhumans' powers.
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Early Career
Keeping his discoveries a secret, even from his Jean, Ray created the identity of the Atom and began a career of crime fighting in Ivy Town. In his first recorded adventure, the Atom stopped the crook Carl Ballard from exploiting the tiny alien Kulan Dar, to commit his crimes. Foiling this plot, the Atom became a trusted hero in Ivy Town, and established a great working relationship with the local police. Next, the Atom defended the wealthy Doctor Gordon Heath from a plot against him orchestrated by his caretaker Bates.
The Atom's heroics made him an ally of the CIA, who sent him overseas to rescue Professor Anton Kraft from foreign spies. Returning home, he stopped crooked newspaper reporter Greg Phillips from stealing valuable chess pieces. The Atom met his first super-villain when battling Jason Woodrue, an exile from the Floral Dimension, who attempted to take over the Earth with specially bred plants. The Atom defeated Woodrue with the help of Maya Queen of the Dryads that live in the Floral Dimension. Atom next stopped jewel thief Bart Tranter with the help of the self proclaimed Mr. Odd and recaptures Carl Ballard when he masters Kulan Dar's teleportation abilities.
The Atom would next be used in a bizarre plot by Amos Fortune and other villains to destroy the Justice League of America, using a de-memorizor ray to pit the Atom against the League. With the aid of the Atom, the team of heroes would defeat Fortune and his minions and elect the Atom as a member of their group. Next, the Atom would have his first clash with Chronos, a criminal obsessed with time.
Reconnecting with Professor Hyatt, Ray would learn of Hyatt's experiments with the Time Pool, a device of Hyatt's creation allowing him to "fish" for items out of a tiny portal that can bring items through time. As the Atom, Ray would travel back time to ancient Middle East where he would help a young boy named Hassan best a group of thieves and bring back a golden Dinar for Hyatt's study. When simultaneous nuclear explosions on Earth-One and a parallel world causes the two to merge, the Atom helps the JLA prevent the inhabitants of that world from destroying three major cities on Earth to prevent the cataclysm and work together to revolve the problem.
When visiting Happy Harbor, Rhode Island to give a lecture as Ray Palmer, the Atom comes to the rescue of Entron Kol a visitor from a sub-atomic world who is trapped on Earth and uses a wish fulfillment device to try to draw help to his plight. Returning to Ivy Town, the Atom foils an attempt by a crooked photographer named Elkins from framing Tom Parks for crimes he did not commit. Ray would next attend a JLA meeting were the team would ponder how to get out of a dangerous scenario posed by one of their fans.
When Ray's colleague, the world-traveling Ted Ralston is turned into diamond by a strange stone he brought back from one of his expeditions, Ray would travel into the microscopic world inside the gem where he would clash with the Atlantean tyrant Karl Jat. Next he would foil jewel thief Fred Harris' plot to rob a lake side community using local folklore to hoax the people into thinking the thefts were perpetuated by a ghost. The Atom would next be targeted with the rest of the JLA by the Tornado Tyrant. In another adventure with the Justice League, Ray would aid the League in liberating the people of the micro-world of Starzl, whose three android defenders had turned evil.
Back in Ivy Town, Atom would foil a plot by stage manager Howard Crane from framing former astronaut Peter Venner for crimes he did not commit and in a Time Pool adventure travels back to 18th century London to foil Dick Turpin from stealing the king's gold. The Atom and the rest of the JLA would next be forced into exile from the planet Earth due to the manipulations of Dr. Density, however the JLA would foil this plot, ending their exile. When preventing an invasion of Earth from the Thalens, the Atom would team up with extraterrestrial lawman Hawkman and his partner Hawkgirl, forming a long lasting partnership between the trio.
On another Justice League case, the Atom and his fellow JLA members would clash with Spaceman X. Later the Atom would be present with the JLA in their first team up with the Justice Society of America, their counterparts from Earth-Two, against the Crime Champions, a group of villains from both universes. While on the home front, Ray would battle an escaped Dr. Light, stop Alfred Trask an art gallery employee working the masterpieces his employer has on display, would battle an evil doppelganger created of himself created out of a lab experiment gone awry and thwart an attempted kidnapping of the king of France during a Time Pool adventure to the year 1609. His next meeting with the JLA would be less eventful with the group relating their battle against Queen Bee while Ray would tell them of his encounter against Dr. Light.
Working with the CIA once again, the Atom would go to Vienna to collect the plans for a new anti-gravity metal, however exposes it as a communist plot to destroy America, and back home foils Doro Briggs' theft scheme involving hoaxing people into believing that she can transform into a swan. The Atom aids his fellow Justice League colleagues in once more defeating and capturing their old foe Kanjar Ro and Kraad the Conqueror, tyrant ruler of a sidereal dimension.
Back home, Ray would attend a Ivy University ten-year reunion, where he would foil Jack Archer's attempt to use hypnosis to steal a priceless Buddha statue, followed by a cruise with Jean Loring where he would stymie invaders from Randath. Next Atom and a number of his fellow JLA members would be rapidly aged by Despero, but later restored to normal following Despero's defeat at the hands of his fellow JLA members who were unaffected.
On the home front, Ray would find his powers being used for crime when he is temporarily the prisoner of a crook who uses his body as a power source for a ray gun and later uses the Time Pool to travel to Baltimore circa 1849 where he helps Edgar Alan Poe solve a mystery involving stolen gold coins. Atom would next aid the Flash in stopping an invasion of Earth by Attila-5. Later the Atom and his friends in the Justice League would be manipulated by the ultra-galactic "I", an evil being who's very existence was threatened by the JLA's continued success.
In Ivy Town, Ray would clash once more with Chronos and clear the good name of his civilian identity when he is accused of a crime he did not commit. Back with the Justice League, the Atom is present when Green Lantern relates a solo adventure to the group and would be among the super-powered members of the League to go on "strike" following a UN sanction preventing them from using their powers, all a plot orchestrated by the evil Headmaster Mind. Still with the League, he would be present when a video created by Superman's father Jor-El, regarding the other planets he considered sending his son prior to Krypton's destruction.
Resuming his activities in Ivy Town, Ray would battle his own costume when it briefly gained sentience and aid Doc Magnus in rebuilding the Metal Men and stop the evil Uranium. When visiting his old classmate Ed Thayer, Atom would get caught up in an attempt by foreign spies trying to steal Thayer's Illusion-Maker device and foil the teleporting Hyper-Thief's robberies. Atom is also present when the Justice League invites his ally Hawkman into the group and in attendance of Aquaman's marriage to Mera.
Next, while on vacation the Ray becomes the temporary pawn of criminal inventor Andrew Frost, battles Brain Storm with the JLA, crushes the Hooded Hijackers, and uses the Time Pool to travel to the 19th Century, where he comes to the rescue of writer Jules Verne. Atom would become an unwilling pawn of the Endless One, and is forced to fight some of his fellow JLA members and when restored to normal becomes a victim in one of Dr. Destiny's plots to get revenge against the JLA.
The Atom would have to combat side-effects of his Time Pool adventures when battling the evil Phantom Mask, and spend a brief time thinking he was a flea in a flea circus when spies attempt to replace Ray Palmer with one of their own agents. He would next aid Zatanna search for her missing father on a micro-world ruled by the Druid. Later, joins with the Justice League in once more battling Brain Storm. Going solo, Atom prevents crooks from benefiting from his "stool-pigeon" computer and with the aid of Maya and the Dryads posing as Leprechauns, convince Arthur Ennis to fill a witness report with the police following a robbery. During his next team up with Hawkman, and Hawkgirl against Matter Master, the trio of heroes would trust their secret identities to each other. Atom and his fellow JLA members would team up with the JSA against the evil Johnny Thunder of Earth-One who has manipulated the Thunderbolt into creating Earth-A and the Lawless League, criminal versions of the Justice League.
The CIA once more hires the Atom to stop a group of Russian spies who are attempting to manipulate Jean Loring's father in an attempt to get at the Atom, and on another Time Pool to 18th century London where the Atom prevents one of Professor Hyatt's ancestors from being thrown in debtors' prison. Atom would also aid his fellow JLA members in preventing global disaster and conflict inadvertently created by Andrew Helm's Corti-Conscience machine. Acting solo, he stops a common thug named Eddie Gordon from enslaving the Bat-Knights of the Elvaran people. Atom next helps Batman, Robin, and Elongated Man capture "Numbers" Garvey and his gang.
The Atom also aids the Justice League in defeating the Key during his attack. Returning to Ivy Town, the Atom makes up a story about alien invaders to make the return of a radion-ball sound like a more exciting adventure and foils a robbery plot orchestrated by groundskeeper Billy Knowels. Atom's powers are briefly pilfered by Professor Ivo in a plot against the Flash, when the Flash relates the story to his fellow JLA members including the Atom, they are unaware as they are not using their powers at the time. Next Atom would join the Justice League and Metamorpho in battling the Unimaginable.
After liberating the Floral Dimension and Earth from destruction at the hands of Jason Woodrue, the Atom would join the JLA in curing Batman, Green Lantern, and Flash from a plague infected upon them by the Unimaginable. Atom would return to Ivy Town, to foil a series of robberies orchestrated by Bill Jameson, the so-called "Man in the Ion-Mask". Working with the CIA once more, the Atom would travel to Russia to foil Boris Kalumchuk's plot to poison America with irradiated gold. Ray would next join the Justice League of America in their battle against the Shaggy Man.
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Engagement to Jean Loring
Back in Ivy Town, the Atom would earn a new villain in the Bug-Eyed Bandit. During this adventure Jean accepts proposal for marriage for fear that Ray would eventually become too absorbed in his work to ask her anymore. When both Earth-One and Earth-Two are threatened by the Anti-Matter Man, the Atom would be one of the Justice League and Justice Society members gathered to combat the threat.
Going solo in Ivy Town once more, the Atom would crush the Panther Gang and going on another Time Pool journey to 18th century France where he foils an assassination attempt against Benjamin Franklin. Returning to the JLA, the Atom would aid them in stopping the Lord of Time from manipulating Vietnam war hero Sgt. Eddie Brent. Returning home, Atom would clash with once more against his old foe Chronos. Later, when the entire population of Ivy Town suddenly shrinks, Ray learns that a chunk of white dwarf star landing in the city water supply is the cause, and cures the people with no ill side effects. Ray would next work together with his Earth-Two counterpart in foiling a plot by the Thinker to rob Earth-One and escape to Earth-Two. At a JLA meeting, Atom, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Batman and Elongated Man would all learn that of Zatanna's success in freeing her father with the help of magical proxies that she created of the heroes following her respective encounters with each of them.
Ray would return to Ivy Town where he would stumble upon and foil another plot by Eddie Gordon to manipulate the Elvarian Bat-Kights. He is also present when the JLA must face the evil Mastermind, who has turned many of the League members weapons against them. Atom would team-up with Hawkman once more to search for the missing Johnny Burns, a reformed crook, to reunite him with his sick mother. During the encounter, they battle Toyboy, Johnny's evil half brought to life when Mrs. Burns is briefly endowed with mental powers following a scientific accident. Rejoining the JLA, Atom would foil the Royal Flush Gang's attempt to destroy the League.
When paralyzed in a lab accident, Ray manages to get Jean to activate his size-control devices causing him to shrink to microscopic size, freeing him of the paralysis. Before returning to Earth, he would save the sub-atomic people of Palonds from the evil Honds. The Atom would also be present to cheer on a UN-sponsored charity race between Superman and the Flash. He would later team-up with Aquaman against the plankton creature called Galg the Destroyer. After a rematch against the Bug-Eyed Bandit, the Atom would team-up with the Elongated Man against Chronos. After battling the Big Gang, witnessing another race between Superman and the Flash, foiling "Smarts" and his gang, Atom has another Time Pool adventure to London to prevent Colonel Tom Blood from stealing the crown jewels from the Tower of London.
The Atom is one of the members of the Justice League enslaved by Queen Bee, until they are saved by Batgirl. In another revenge plot against the Justice League, Dr. Destiny briefly switches the League's bodies with some of their greatest foes. For a time, Atom would be forced to trade bodies with Jason Woodrue, until Dr. Destiny's ultimate defeat. When twin transmitter towers on Earth-One and Earth-Two cause people to rapidly age either forward or backward, Earth-Two's Atom would have to briefly battle a young and hot-headed Ray Palmer before destroying the towers and returning everyone back to normal. Atom would next work with Batman in foiling the Cannoneer from robbing the Brotherhood Express. The Atom would also be involved in a Justice League case where the group would get embroiled in a gang war between the Pyrotekniks and the Bulleteers in a complex scheme hatched by mobster Leo Locke.
The Atom would soon gain an unusual ally in his next adventure, Major Mynah, a mynah bird that he meets foiling a group of Viet Cong soldiers from raiding a Cambodian temple while on an archeological dig in the region. With the bird injured in the battle, Atom takes the helpful creature to Hawkman who replaces the bird's broken wings with mechanical ones. Major Mynah becomes Ray's pet, following him in both his civilian and costumed identities. After helping the Atom capture crooks, Major Mynah's involvement almost tips Jean off to Ray's secret identity and so he comes up with a method of disguising Mynah for future adventures. The Atom would return to the Justice League and foil the Key's plot of using Superman to destroy the JLA and later battle Dr. Anomaly. Ray and Major Mynah would next go into action to stop an invasion from the alien Physalians from feeding on the humans they have captured. The Atom is one of the JLA members seemingly killed by T.O. Morrow, he is restored to life following Morrow's defeat at the hands of the JSA, their new ally Red Tornado and surviving members of the JLA.
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Justice League Mainstay
As time would go on, Ray would eventually get involved in less frequent solo adventures, often teaming up with either Hawkman or getting involved in many of the Justice League's cases.
Ray joins Carter and Sheira Hall on vacation in Mexico City and battles Telka and his followers. With the Justice League, the Atom battles the laughable Generalissimo Demmy Gog of Offalia, in a pathetic attempt to conquer the world. The Atom next is hired by the FBI to break up a spy ring. He succeeds thanks to the intervention of Major Mynah. This would mark the Atom's last use of Major Mynah. The bird's ultimate fate is unknown. Atom also finds himself involved in a revenge plot enacted by criminal Jason Madden, who attempts to kill his former accomplice Chuck Wheeler. Atom aids the Justice League in clearing Green Arrow's name in a murder frame-up plotted by Headmaster Mind and the Tattooed Man. Ray is involved in a Justice League investigation of the new costumed vigilante known as the Creeper.
While attending a science convention with Carter Hall, Ray and Carter are attacked by a man resembling Carter. This gets them embroiled in a battle against the Shiva, Hindu goddess of destruction, who with her army of Nether-Men is attempting to win back worship of humanity. Through the efforts of the Atom, Hawkman and Hawkgirl the plot is thwarted. The Atom would join his fellow Justice League colleagues in traveling to Mars and aiding their comrade Martian Manhunter against the evil Commander Blanx, a battle ends in J'onn J'onzz's resignation from the team. Ray next goes into action as the Atom to foil a plot by rival university professor Horace McByrd to discredit Ray among his peers. Ray next joins the JLA and Hawkgirl in saving Hawkman who has been turned into salt by a group of demons, fighting off their minions a biker gang known as the Gruesome Ghouls in the process. When Professor Heinrich Von Rilk is almost assaulted by Ivy University students for destroying an electron-microscope, Ray learns that Von Rilk did it to prevent an invasion from a microscopic world. Investigating the claims as the Atom, Ray confirms Heinrich's story, and stops the invasion by defeating its vanguard, a creature known as Ag. Atom would be among the members of the Justice League and Justice Society who would ban together to save both universes from the threat of Aquarius, a living star creature bent on revenge for being exiled by his superiors.
When Jean Loring is kidnapped by the people of Jimberen, a microscopic world who believe that she is the descendant of their ruler, Atom and Hawkman team-up to rescue her. However, due to the radiation the people of Jimberen expose Jean to, she is driven insane from the ordeal. With technology on Hawkman and Hawkgirl's homeworld of Thanagar making it possible to cure Jean, Atom would entrust her to the care of Hawkgirl.
Focusing on Justice League business, Atom would be one of the members who would accidentally have an evil duplicate of himself created out of his ego, which would battle new Justice League member Black Canary. When an influential man named John Dough would attempt to turn the United States government against the JLA, manipulating Snapper Carr into betraying the group, the Atom would be involved in the conflict, which would reveal Dough to be none other than the Joker. Atom and the Justice League would soon setup shop in a new base, an orbital satellite above the Earth.
During this time, Atom and the other members of the JLA would team up with the Vigilante against the Doomsters, aliens who threatened to pollute the Earth.
Ray would ultimately learn that Hawkgirl's quest to restore Jean's sanity on Thanagar was met with trouble when both women's souls were stolen by Norch Lor, a scientist from Thanagar who's misguided intention to save the universe from the coming "end of all things" was attempting to collect the souls of all living beings in a Ghenna Box. With the help of Tomar-Re of the Green Lantern Corps, Ray and the Justice League would restore Hawkgirl and Jean's souls to their bodies, Jean however would still remain insane. Atom and Hawkman would travel together en route to Thanagar to try and get Jean the help she needs, and along the way run into the threat that Norch Lor was attempting to protect them from: The insane Jest-Master, who leaves all those in his path completely mad. With the help of the Justice League, Atom and Hawkman would defeat the Jest-Master. In the aftermath of the battle, Jean's constant exposure to Jest-Master's insanity rays would restore her sanity to normal. Returning to Earth, the Atom would once more join the Justice League and the Justice Society in preventing another threat to both Earth-One and Earth-Two. This time coming from a being called Creator2, whom by utilizing Red Tornado's connection to both realities, would attempt to merge the two universes together, threatening to destroy both. Atom and his colleagues would foil this plot, however the Spectre would seemingly perish in the process.
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Sword of the Atom
Ray and Jean's marriage would become strained over time as Jean's law practice and Ray's devotion to both science and super-heroics would take time over their romance. Soon, Jean would begin an affair with her fellow lawyer Paul Hoben, which Ray would stumble upon one night. Realizing their marriage was on the rocks, Ray would decide to investigate White Dwarf star radiations he detected out of South America and decide to investigate it without Jean. Taking a flight with some drug runners, he would learn too much about an illegal cocaine field and prompting the pilots to attempt to kill Ray. However, the pilot would be shot and Ray would jump ship and shrink down to Atom size. Ray would be struck by lightning trapping him at a height of six inches. The plane would crash, and because one of the men aboard stole one of Ray's rings, the world would presume him dead and Jean would go on with her life and pursue her relationship with Paul. Ray meanwhile would find himself captured by aliens known as the Katarthans—small aliens whose ancestors were left on Earth centuries ago and live in a world of high technology and barbarism. With a revolt immanent, Ray would be captured along with members of a resistance led by Taren.
Forced into gladiator battles, Ray would learn the Katarthans' language and befriend Taren and learn that he hoped to overthrow their leader Caellich and marry princess Laethwen. The two men would become unknowing pawns of Deraegis who would seek to cause the people to revolt against Caellich so that he could rule. To this end, he would blind Taren, causing the people to protest. Taren, Atom, and Laethwen would escape the arena and flee into the jungles where they would reunite with the rebels. Knowing his end is near, Taren would turn over leadership of the rebels to Atom, and perish while the group fled an army of carnivorous ants. Atom and Laethwen would soon fall in love with each other. Atom would lead the warriors on to Moralaidh to launch a revolution. In the final battle, both Caellich and Deraegis would be slain, but not before Deraegis would activate an old star drive powered by a white dwarf star fragment. Attempting to save his newly adopted people, Ray would dive into the plant to try and stop the reactor from exploding. However the white star radiation would cause him to grow as it irradiated him and smash his way through. Growing to near human height, Ray would frighten the people away before the reactor exploded. Restored to his normal height and in a delirium caused by radiation exposure, Ray would pass out and be found by rescuers. Waking up in the hospital, Ray would come to realize that he no longer had an interest in returning to his old life and have moved on from Jean. Having learned that Jean had come to South America looking for him he would decide to finalize their divorce and try to find Laethwen again.
Returning to Ivy Town to settle his affairs, Ray would realize that there wold be no way to rekindle his romance with Jean. In repairing his size change belt, Ray would find that the process of shrinking would cause him great pain due to his absorption of massive amounts of white dwarf radiation and would fear that constantly changing his size could eventually kill him. Finalizing his divorce from Jean, Ray would put his money on an expedition back into South America, taking along with him writer Norman Brawler to chronicle the experience. The two men would run afoul of drug dealers and Ray would shrink down to Atom, giving up his normal height seemingly for the last time to help destroy the drug operation. Finding the Moralaidh tribe and being reunited with Laethwen, Ray would leave Norman to find his own way back. Norman would publish the tale in a book called The Atom's Farewell, which would become a best seller.
Ray would lead Laethwen's people in building a new New Moralaidh and rebuilding the alien societies lost technology, he and Laethwen would become wed as well. However, his past life could not stay away, as when Jean would marry Paul Hoben and when the newly weds would clear out Ray's lab she would accidentally shrink herself. In order to restore her to her normal height, Paul would have Norman Brawler lead him and Jean to find Ray. However, along the way, Jean would be captured by minions of rebel leader Torgul who had captured many of the Moralaidhian women including Laethwen. Ray would lead a mission to rescue the captured women, which would end in Torgul's death, and the freedom of his people. With Jean restored to her normal height, Ray and Laethwen would wish them farewell, Ray leaving Paul with his old size changing belt.
Ray would remain New Moralaidh's champion but would come at times to aid his old allies in the Justice League of America.
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Crisis on Infinite Earths
When the evil Anti-Monitor attempted to destroy the entire multiverse, his opposing force the Monitor would sacrifice his life to shunt the five surviving realities into limbo, however they were slowly merging together causing chaos on all worlds and threatening their destruction in the process. Alexander Luthor, Jr. of Earth-Three and the Harbinger would gather heroes and villains from all realities in an attempt to rally their support in saving what was left of the multiverse. Atom would be among their numbers and would agree to aid in the effort.
Ray would be called in to examine the Red Tornado, who is recaptured by the heroes following a lengthy captivity under the Anti-Monitor who converted the android into an engine of destruction. However, despite the best efforts of the Atom and T.O. Morrow, the Red Tornado would self destruct, causing massive damage to the JLA Satellite, and apparently destroying the Red Tornado.
Later on in the Crisis, when a united group of super-villains from each surviving reality would attempt to conquer each earth, Atom would be among a group of super-heroes dispatched to Earth-S to attempt to quell the uprising in that reality. Although the heroes there were made prisoner, the Atom would be part of a counter attack of heroes that were uncaptured, and would succeed in freeing Billy Batson allowing the boy to change into Captain Marvel and turn the tides of battle.
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Changes Caused by Crisis on Infinite Earths
Following the defeat of the Anti-Monitor, the surviving parallel worlds were combined to create a new universe. While, much of the Atom's Pre-Crisis history remains the same, many of his past adventures may have been altered or erased from existence entirely. In particular, Atom's encounters with Hawkman may be different given the extensive changes of Hawkman's origins. The Thanagarian Katar Hol is replaced in Post-Crisis history with Earth native Carter Hall the Hawkman formerly from Earth-Two.
In addition, due to the massive changes in the histories of his fellow JLA colleagues Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, the Atom's history may have been altered by proxy and many of his adventures alongside these heroes no longer be part of history.
In addition, many of the adventures that the Atom had with the Justice League of America that involved traveling to other universes, particularly their encounters with the Justice Society of America on Earth-Two, likely no longer exist, or if they do, in a vastly different manner such that the multiversal threat was simply a threat to a single unified universe.
Lastly, the Atom's encounters with his Earth-Two counterpart may no longer be part of history, or if they are, they have been altered in such a way to accommodate the notion that these adventures only happened in a single universe as opposed to having occurred on Earth-One and Earth-Two.
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Power of the Atom
The Katarthans and their village were soon wiped out by a horrible fire and the Atom returned to Ivy Town, only to find that one of his friends had written a book exposing Ray's secret identity in his absence. After battling various foes, such as Strobe, Humbug, and Swarm, Ray learned that a US Government agency had engineered the destruction of the Katarthans, in order to induce his return to the States. He avenged the Katarthans by permanently reducing the agents responsible for the massacre to six inches in height. Ray returned to Ivy Town just long enough to bid his friends farewell, and then briefly went into hiding.
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Suicide Squad
The shrunken agents, now calling themselves the Micro Squad, vowed revenge on Ray. Ginsburg, one of their number, made an attempt on Ray's life, but died in the attempt. Ray approached Amanda Waller, who convinced him to fake his own death and secretly join the espionage unit known as the Suicide Squad. As a part of this mission, Ray went undercover and Adam Cray served in the Suicide Squad as the new Atom. Adam was killed by Blacksnake and Ray resumed the role of the Atom. Later still, he joined the then-current Justice League on a semi-active basis.
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Teen Titans
Al Pratt, the original Atom, died during a battle against Extant in Zero Hour. During this event, Ray was also hit with a blast of chrono-energy that de-aged him into a youth again. He would go on to become a member of the Teen Titans.
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Identity Crisis
In time, Ray and Jean were able to be friends again. In the divorce she had received half of his patents. As a gesture of friendship, Jean decided to sign them back to him. Little did he know that this was but one of many facets to Jean's deadly scheme to win Ray back. Since their divorce, Jean had somehow become seriously deranged and believed that the only way to be reunited with Ray was to force the issue. Incredibly, she devised an elaborate plan to endanger Sue Dibny, wife of Elongated Man Ralph Dibny. Jean was privy to the fact that every year on her birthday, Ralph would be absent solving a custom-tailored mystery devised by Sue. She bypassed the Dibnys' security by shrinking down and traveling via the phone lines into their home. She then entered Sue's body and obstructed the blood flow to her brain. To cover up this evidence, Jean scorched Sue's body.
Jean knew that this event would send all the heroes scrambling to protect their loved ones and—hopefully—drive Ray back into her arms. Jean employed two other schemes to cover her tracks. First, she faked an attempt on her life, then she hired Captain Boomerang to kill Robin's father Jack Drake. She supplied Drake with a gun to defend himself, hoping that Boomerang would be killed and that everyone would believe he was Sue's killer as well. Eventually, Dr. Mid-Nite's autopsy of Sue's body revealed the truth, and the Atom himself elicited a confession from Jean after she inadvertently spilled the beans when asking about a letter sent to Jack along with the gun. Ray managed to put two and two together because Batman had taken the letter away from the crime scene even before the police arrived, so only he and the Leaguers were supposed to know of its existence. She was promptly admitted to Arkham Asylum. With Jean's incarceration, Ray was overwhelmed with despair, and shrank continuously until he vanished completely into a microscopic or subatomic world.
Ray's legacy would continue on with Ryan Choi utilizing a version of his costume and shrinking device to become the current Atom for a short time.
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During the missing year following the events known as the second Crisis, Palmer's technology is employed by Supernova to shrink and grow in size in order to enter and exit the bottle city of Kandor.
Ray took refuge the Nanoverse, and met a young mystic who told him about the new reformed existence of the Multiverse. He traveled through different realities and find himself in Earth-51, where its heroes eradicate supercrime and create a utopian Earth. There he witness his Earth-51 counterpart's death and took his role in this reality including marrying this world's Jean Loring.
While there he study much about his Earth-51 counterpart and discover he never became the Atom and acted as a scientist consultant to the Earth-51 Justice League. Also this Ray gifted with the ability to be immune to all kinds of diseases and viruses. Furthermore, the Earth-51 Palmer worked on preventing the deadly Morticoccus Virus, and knowing that in every reality of the Multiverse there is deadly chance that the virus would appear decided to travel the Multiverse and inoculate each inhabitants with his immune system. Realizing the importance of his counterpart's work, Ray carry on Earth-51 Ray's work and travel to different worlds inoculating each denizen of every Earth with a resistance to the Morticoccus Virus.
Unknowable to Ray the Monitors and the Challengers from Beyond were scouring the reformed Multiverse for him as they believe that he maybe the one to prevent a cataclysm known as the Great Disaster. Eventually the Challengers discover him and learns his history on Earth-51. Shortly afterward Bob reveals his intention in killing Ray. With the Challengers' help, Ray escapes but witness the death of his Earth-51 friends and his alternate wife.
Despite what the Challengers were told by the Monitors, Ray reveals to them that it was the Ray Palmer of Earth-51 who was meant to stop the Great Disaster.
After joining the Challengers, teaming up with Jimmy Olsen, Forager, Harley Quinn, Holly Robinson, Mary Marvel, and Firestorm on Apokolips, Ray discovers that Karate Kid was infected with the Morticoccus Virus. Following the damages to the planet by the Pied Piper and Brother Eye, Ray secretly eavesdropped on Monitor Solomon and Darkseid, learning that Darkseid wanted to remake reality and Solomon wanted the Great Disaster to happen. Alerted by this, Ray returned to the others and was pressured into curing Karate Kid.
Ray and the others were then teleported back to the reconstructed Earth-51 and seek advance medical attention from Project Cadmus; however, once they were at Cadmus Karate Kid was already dead.
Ray helped the scientists at Cadmus in finding a cure to the Morticoccus Virus after the virus was released to the world. Despite everything he has done, the Great Disaster prevailed forcing Ray and his friends to return back to their Earth.
After returning to their world, Jimmy Olsen is kidnapped by Mary Marvel, who has been corrupted by Darkseid. Ray hitches a ride from within Jimmy. When Darkseid takes control of Jimmy's powers, Ray locates and shuts down the control sphere inside Jimmy's brain, but is then swarmed by Apokoliptian antibodies. While escaping this onslaught, Ray discovers the "battery" containing the New God spirit energies. Ray removes it from Jimmy's head and shatters it, releasing the energies.
Ray later joins Donna, Kyle, and Forager in their new mission as border guards to the Multiverse, realizing that there is nothing left for him on New Earth anymore. However, Palmer returns to New Earth one more time, upon realizing that his old nemesis Chronos had taken his identity to mislead a young pretender to his identity, Ryan Choi. After helping his successor to once again save Ivy Town, he returns to the Multiverse with a new sense of fulfillment, leaving his town in the hands of a new, capable hero.
During the Final Crisis, Ray returns to New Earth and works with Choi again to aid in the efforts to evacuate the last free humans.
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Blackest Night
During the events of the Blackest Night, Ray asks Hawkman to visit his wife Jean Loring's grave to be honored as a fallen member of the community, but Hawkman refuses due to her murdering Sue Dibny. Ray later called Hawkman again, over the phone. Atom is then invited to visit Carter in order to discuss his heartache over his wife which the deceased Carter planned on killing him.
Arriving at Carter's house, he was attacked by the Black Lantern Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and only escaped by miniaturizing himself and hiding in Carter's Black Lantern Ring. Ray did a thorough exploration of the ring, discovering that it was nothing like Hal Jordan's power ring, instead made of dark matter with micro-wormholes sending energy to an unknown source. Jumping out, he helped Hal and Barry Allen fight off the Black Lantern Justice Leaguers, with his compassion attracting the Black Lantern Dibnys. Ralph mocked Ray for still being love with Jean after she killed Sue, but the two Dibny Lanterns were destroyed by the Indigo Tribe, the wielders of the indigo light of compassion, then teleporting the three living Leaguers to the Hall of Justice, where they met up with Firestorm Jason Rusch and Mera. After Indigo-1, leader of the Indigo Tribe, explained that the Black Lanterns were expressions of darkness which considered the living to be invaders, Barry and Hal pointed out that Ralph and Sue had no reaction to each others' attack, leading Ray to conclude that the Black rings were some sort of organic computer that rebooted the body without restoring their essences. Before they could plan a proper counter-attack, the Black Lantern League arrived and attacked, and the Indigo Tribe teleported Hal away, leaving Ray, Barry, and Mera without a means to effectively fight the Black Lanterns. Ray had almost been turned into a Black Lantern by a reanimated Batman but ultimately been protected by an unknown force. Ganthet inducts him into the Indigo Tribe as a deputy for his strong compassion.
Indigo-1 claims that she can teleport the armies of each Lantern Corps onto Earth, if given time to meditate. So, the responsibility falls to Ray to protect her while she does so. Before she enters her trance, she reveals to Ray that the indigo staff and his overwhelming compassion allows him to mimic the other powers of the Lantern Corps; she demonstrates this by temporarily becoming a Red Lantern and vomiting corrosive blood all over an attacking company of Black Lanterns. She then enters her trance, while Ray fights off Black Lanterns Hawkman and Hawkgirl by temporarily becoming an Orange Lantern, loudly proclaiming "I want my friends back!" He then summons two orange energy duplicates of Khufu and Chay-Ara to help him fight off his and Indigo-1's attackers. He is briefly successful. But then Jean shows up to torment him, and she leaps into Indigo-1's ring. Ray follows her. He ends up reliving Sue Dibny's death, and is then attacked by various Black Lantern Morlaidhans, the miniscule race he befriended during his time in the Amazon jungle years before. He fights them off and--summoning the powers of a Green Lantern--destroys Jean. Indigo-1 manages to summon the various armies and thanks Ray for his help. He tells her to keep his involvement in the deployment of the troops a secret, and asks that she help him find a way to legitimately resurrect Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
wrong number, right person
Summary: Complete accident brings Rose and John into each other’s lives by way of a misdialed phone number but as they form a friendship that could bloom into love, it almost seems more like fate.
Pairing: Ten x Rose || Rating: All ages || Word Count: 4264
Note: For Day Seven of 31 Days of Ficmas: prompt “ring.” This is... so much longer than I intended it to be when I started writing lol. - tagging @doctorroseprompts for the event :)
Rose answered her phone without looking to see who was calling, assuming it was Jack for the third time that evening. “I told you Jack, I can’t come out tonight, I’ve got homework and a bloody astronomy exam tomorrow I need to revise for.”
“Um, I think I have the wrong number but I could probably give you some tips on astronomy if you need them,” a male voice on the other end of the line that was decidedly not Jack said.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry. My friend has been calling me non-stop trying to get me to go clubbing with him tonight and I just assumed he was trying again,” Rose said, cheeks heating.
“No need to apologize! I’m the one who dialed wrong and interrupted your revising,” the man said, very cheerful for someone talking to a stranger.
“It wasn’t going well, so I really don’t mind.”
“I meant it when I said I could give you some astronomy tips. I umm… I might have a doctorate in the subject.” The last sentence came out in a rush, like he was nervous about admitting it.
“Really? You sure you’re not trying to impress some random girl on the phone?” Rose teased.
“Honestly, astronomy and astrophysics don’t usually do the trick.”
“Got degrees in both?”
“Bit brilliant, aren’t you?”
Rose laughed. “Alright mystery doctor, want to give an impromptu intro to astronomy lecture over the phone to a stranger?”
“Love to, actually. What unit is your exam on?”
“Honestly, if you can make parallax equations make sense I will probably propose marriage at this point,” Rose admitted. “I’m really lost.”
He laughed. “Proposing to me and you don’t even know who I am. Bit hasty but I like it.”
“Hey, I just said I might propose, no promises. Besides, this is dependent on your teaching skills.”
“I’ll have to be impressive then.”
“You better be, I’d like to pass this exam,” she shot back. “I’m Rose, by the way.”
“John, but you can keep calling me Doctor, if you want.”
She raised her eyebrows even though he couldn’t see. “Alright, Doctor.”
Rose could practically hear his smile.
“Alright, ready to learn?”
“I guess. Last chance and all that.”
With that he launched into a lecture that was far more engaging than any of the actual classes Rose had attended. Her impromptu professor had a tendency to go off on tangents but also a knack for actually describing things in a way that made sense to her and by the end of the conversation, she actually felt like she might pass the test.
“Thank you so much,” she said, things winding to a close. They’d been talking for an hour at least. “You have definitely earned a potential marriage proposal.”
He laughed, the sound warm and low. “Wait and see if you actually pass that exam.”
“Seriously though, thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
“I don’t know who you were trying to call but I’m really glad you rang me instead.”
“Me too.”
“Alight, goodnight then, Doctor.”
“Night, Rose.”
When Rose got her exam grade back and saw that she’d actually passed by more than a smidge, she quickly snapped a picture and texted it to her mystery caller.
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: <Image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:32 pm]: i passed! ready to accept my proposal?
Text to Starry Rose [5:36 pm]: Congratulations! Knew you could do it!
Text to Space Doctor [5:42 pm]: my prof is probably going to think i cheated
Text to Starry Rose [5:43 pm]: Nonsense! You’re brilliant!
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: science isn’t really my thing but thx
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: Feel free to call me up if you need help again. I’m happy to be of assistance.
Text to Starry Rose [5:54 pm]: If you want. That was probably weird to offer. Sorry. I just like to help and I enjoyed talking to you.
Text to Space Doctor [6:01 pm]: thatd be brilliant!!!! im def going to take you up on that
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry cant chat rn. at my mums for dinner
Text to Starry Rose [6:02 pm]: Have fun! Look forward to talking again soon :)
Rose stowed her phone back in her purse and headed into the kitchen to help her mum with a smile on her face.
“You know, I never asked who you were trying to call when you ended up ringing me,” Rose said. “Last time, I mean. Obviously, since I called you this time.”
It was a couple weeks after that first call. They’d texted on and off about random things and Rose was really starting to consider him a friend despite never having laid eyes on him. With another exam looming, she’d called John up for another tutoring session.
“Oh, my sister, Donna. She wanted to try and talk me into coming to some dinner party so really you saved me,” he said, voice completely earnest.
“Happy to help.”
“Gracious of you. Ready to start?”
“Don’t need an offer of marriage beforehand?”
“I am a patient man, Rose,” he said loftily.
Rose snorted. “No you’re not. Even I could tell you that.”
“Teach me of the stars oh wise, patient Doctor,” she intoned, laying the sarcasm on thick.
“Still rude but I’ll let it slide this time.”
Text to Space Doctor [8:34 pm]: i looked up the going rate for tutors and i’m really glad you aren’t charging me anything
Text to Starry Rose [8:37 pm]: Who says I’m not logging hours to bill you later?
Text to Space Doctor [8:41 pm]: would have to find an address for me to bill me :)
Text to Starry Rose [8:43 pm]: That /is/ a dilemma.
Text to Space Doctor [8:47 pm]: besides… i already offered to marry you in exchange for your services as tutor. not my fault you didn’t take me up on that excellent deal
Text to Starry Rose [8:50 pm]: I still could.
Text to Space Doctor [8:51 pm]: nope too late now. missed ur chance ;)
Text to Starry Rose [8: 54 pm]: A true tragedy.
“Oi! Spaceman, are you listening to me at all?”
John whipped his head up to give Donna a sheepish expression. “Yes?”
“You weren’t. You had that goofy smile on your face that means you were texting that Rose girl.”
“I did not!”
“You so did. When are you going to actually ask her out?”
He sighed. “I don’t even know if she’s in London, Donna. Can’t exactly take her to dinner if she’s not in the city.”
“But you do want to take her to dinner!” Donna crowed.
John rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone after shooting off a quick text to Rose. “Yes, fine. I’d like to actually meet her in person and maybe eat while doing so. Happy?”
“For now.”
Text to Starry Rose [10:21 am]: I wish I was anywhere except this meeting right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:22 am]: probs better than my astronomy lecture
Text to Space Doctor [10:23 am]: i swear this guy doesn’t realize half the class is asleep
Text to Starry Rose [10:25 am]: I would MUCH rather be in an astronomy lecture right now.
Text to Space Doctor [10:26 am]: nerd
“Ooh, are you texting your mystery man again, Rosie?” Jack asked, leaning closer to her. They were out at the pub and crammed into a booth with three other people.
Rose rolled her eyes. “He is not my mystery man. He’s just a friend who’s helping me pass astronomy.”
“You don’t even text me that much,” Jack said, eyebrows raised. “So, come on, spill the beans.”
Rose groaned and reached for her beer. “I might, might, have a crush on my mystery man.”
Jack cheered, drawing looks from everyone else at their table. “So make a move!”
“I don’t even know who he is, Jack! He probably doesn’t even live around here.”
“So that makes making a move a bit difficult, yeah?”
“You two lovebirds already have a great connection. What’s a bit of distance and putting a face to a name?”
“A lot.”
“Fine, fine. Just think about it though.”
Text to Space Doctor [1:47 am]: u stil up?
Text to Starry Rose [1:49 am]: Yes. Didn’t realize it was so late, actually.
Text to Space Doctor [1:52 am]: jack got me drynkj
Text to Space Doctor [1:53 am]: drunk. ha!
Text to Starry Rose [1:54 am]: All his fault?
Text to Space Doctor [1:56 am]: no
Text to Space Doctor [1:57 am]: ur falt too
Text to Starry Rose [2:00 am]: Really? How so?
Text to Starry Rose [2:05 am]: Rose?
Text to Starry Rose [2:11 am]: Are you alright? Do you need someone to come get you or anything? I’m in London but I can call a cab anywhere.
Text to Starry Rose [2:20 am]: I’m going to hope you just fell asleep or your phone died but let me know that you’re alright when you see these messages.
Text to Space Doctor [7:46 am]: remind me never to drink w/ jack again.
Text to Space Doctor [7:47 am]: my head is killing me
Text to Space Doctor [7:54 am]: sorry for worrying u last night. fell asleep
Text to Space Doctor [8:02 am]: also sorry for drunk texting you
Text to Starry Rose [9:13 am]: Glad you’re alright. You can text me whenever, you know that :)
Text to Space Doctor [9:14 am]: :) :) :)
“I still can’t believe you haven’t finished reading Harry Potter,” John complained. They’d been talking for almost three months now and, as far as she could tell, he had called tonight specifically to complain about her lack of Harry Potter knowledge.
“I’ve been a bit busy.”
“The last one has been out for ten years, Rose.”
“I’ll get there!”
“You’ve at least seen the movies, right?”
“The first couple. I’m waiting to read the books,” she said, grinning. This was too easy.
He groaned dramatically. “I’m not sure I can be friends with you.”
Rose laughed. “You know you are far too easy to wind up, right?”
“Doctor, I’ve read the whole series like three times and seen all the movies,” she admitted, still grinning as she moved into her kitchen to pour a glass of wine.
“I cannot believe you.”
“Still want to be friends?”
He sniffed, dramatic to the end. “I suppose, but you’re on thin ice.”
“Even if I tell you my theories on the Sorting Hat?”
“...I’m listening.”
Text to Space Doctor [3:34 pm]: i’m going to fail all my finals but especially astronomy
Text to Starry Rose [3:36 pm]: You’re going to do brilliantly. Want me to call tonight to help go over things?
Text to Space Doctor [3:39 pm]: please. i’ll be home around 7?
Text to Starry Rose [3:45 pm]: I’ll talk to you then!
Rose walked out of her astronomy final feeling cautiously optimistic about how she’d done. She quickly fished out her mobile and turned it back on to text John. She quickly shot off a message that she’d survived and then headed straight to Tesco’s to get a celebratory bottle of wine.
Jack wasn’t finished with his tests until tomorrow so they were going out then. Tonight was all hers and she had a date with Netflix and at least one bottle of wine.
She was settling down on her sofa when her mobile buzzed in her pocket. Rose quickly checked it and smiled when she saw it was a text from the Doctor.
Text to Starry Rose [6:52 pm]: Congratulations on making it through your class! I’m sure you aced the final!
Text to Space Doctor [6:54 pm]: SO glad to be done with that class
Text to Space Doctor [6:55 pm]: celebrating with alcohol and crap telly. any watching suggestions before i pick something?
Text to Starry Rose [6:59 pm]: Star Trek?
Text to Space Doctor [7:02 pm]: omg you are so predictable
She grinned and queued up the next episode of the comedy she’d started a week ago and settled in for a cozy night.
About three quarters of the way through her bottle of wine, Rose had the sudden realization that without astronomy class, she wouldn’t have a built-in excuse to call John anymore. She knew they were friends, but what if everything was built on that tutor relationship and things started crumbling.
She’d known for a while that she had a massive crush on her mysterious friend, despite having no clue what he looked like or any identifying details about him. She took a healthy sip of her wine and picked up her phone, quickly opening her conversation with John.
Maybe meeting in person was the next step. She’d wanted to for ages but something had held her back. Fear. The fear that he would be disappointed by who she was outside of their phone conversations or that maybe she would be disappointed in him, but she thought that scenario unlikely. The fear that actually meeting would somehow ruin the magic of their instant friendship.
That feeling was suppressed by red wine, showing up only as a tickle in the pit of her stomach as she started typing.
Text to Space Doctor [8:50 pm]: you know… we should meet up sometime. get chips or something
Text to Space Doctor [8:53 pm]: i’m in london too. don’t know if i ever told you that
Text to Space Doctor [8:56 pm]: but i’d really like to properly meet you.
Text to Space Doctor [9:00 pm]: only if you want tho
Rose stared down at her phone, biting her bottom lips as the television played on unnoticed. He usually answered faster than this. Had she made him uncomfortable? Oh god, what if she’d completely screwed things up?
She set her phone aside and tried to concentrate on her show and reclaim the celebratory mood she’d felt earlier but it was gone.
Soon the wine was as well.
John never texted back.
When Jack arrived at Rose’s flat the next afternoon, he expected to find his friend chipper and ready for a night out on the town now that they were done with the semester. Instead, she opened the door in sweats and an oversized t-shirt, expression drawn.
“Whoa there, Rosie. You feeling alright?” he asked, stepping into her flat and closing the door behind him.
“I’m fine,” she said, giving him a wan smile. “Just lost track of time. I’ll go get ready, you know where everything is.”
“Hey now,” he said, grabbing onto her arm so she didn’t get very far. “What’s wrong? Did you get a bad exam grade back or something? It’s not like you to be so down, especially when we’re free of classes for a bit!”
“I’m fine!”
“You’re not. Fight with your mystery boy?”
Rose looked away and Jack felt a protective anger rising in his chest.
“What did the jackass do?”
“Nothing, that’s the problem,” she said with a sigh, sagging back against the back of the sofa.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I’d texted him earlier last night to tell him I’d survived the astronomy final and everything seemed fine and then I had to go and open my stupid mouth after having a lot of wine.”
Jack raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
She sighed. “I asked him if he wanted to meet up sometime, like in person. Get chips or something.”
“And he didn’t answer you?”
“S’like he fell off the face of the planet. I haven’t heard from him all day.”
“Aw, Rose, I’m sorry. I know you really like him.” Jack gathered her into a hug and his heart cracked a bit when he heard her sniffle.
“I really really do. Why won’t he answer me? He could just say no and we could stay phone friends at least.”
“I don’t know, Rosie. Your man’s an idiot.”
She laughed, a small watery thing but a laugh nonetheless. “Yeah he is.”
“Wanna stay in and watch cheesy chick flicks and eat ice cream?”
“I don’t want to ruin your night, Jack. You go ahead and go out without me,” she insisted, pulling back from the hug.
“Nope. I’m spending the night with you. We can go out another time when you’ll actually have fun.”
“I might have already eaten all my ice cream.”
“I’ll go get us some more while you pick out movies. Deal?”
“Throw in some wine and you’ve got one.”
They shook on it like they always did and then Jack kissed her forehead and waltzed back out the door.
John sped back to town, anxious to get to his flat where he would have both a charged mobile and service so he could use it. He’d gone on a stargazing trip and forgotten that he wouldn’t have any reception or power and he hadn’t told Rose that he was going off the grid.
Damn but he missed her. He was really hoping that she still wanted to be friends now that she didn’t need his astronomy knowledge any more. He thought that she would but there was still this niggling worry that maybe he thought they were better friends than they were. He could be blinded by the ginormous crush he had on her but he was almost positive that they were legitimately friends.
The moment he stepped into his flat he dropped his bag on the floor with a thud and made a beeline for the phone charger by his bed. Powering up his mobile, he winced at the number of texts he’d missed. A couple were from Donna but he went straight to his messages with Rose.
He couldn’t contain his grin when he read the first few, the ones that said she wanted to meet him. John couldn’t believe he’d missed these! Then his heart fell into his stomach as he kept reading.
Text to Space Doctor [10:34 am]: if you don’t want to meet up u can just say so
Text to Space Doctor [10:40 am]: i’m not going to hold it against you or anythin
Text to Space Doctor [5:45 pm]: i hope you’re alright. not like you not to text back.
Text to Space Doctor [6:02 pm]: sorry if i made things awkward
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 am]: you know what, fuck this. i really want to meet you because i really like you and you’re one of my best friends now. you don’t have to up and ghost me just out of the blue like this
Text to Space Doctor [1:30 pm]: please at least let me know that you’re okay
John swore profusely as he checked the time and realized that her last text was from four hours ago. She’d been texting him all weekend, thinking he was just ignoring her because he was an idiot and forgot to tell her he was going out of range.
Hands shaking, he hit the dial button and raised the phone to his ear, praying she’d actually pick up.
“Nice of you to finally answer me,” she said acidly when she picked up on what he thought was the last ring before it went to voicemail. “I do like to know that my friend isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere.”
“Rose, I’m so sorry,” he started.
“For worrying me or for being a prick or for something else?”
“Everything? I was on a stargazing trip and I forgot that I wouldn’t have service out there. And then my phone died and I’d forgotten to pack my charger and I just got back to my flat and saw your messages. I called right away. I’m so sorry.” The words spilled out of him, like if he got them out fast enough, Rose would believe him faster and they could move past this and get to the meeting up part that he really hoped she still wanted to do.
There was silence for a moment and then he heard Rose start laughing.
“Oh my god, I was worried that I’d scared you off and then that something had happened and you were just being your normal idiot self,” she said through her laughs.
“Um, yeah pretty much. And for the record, you proposed to me during our first conversation, I don’t think you’re scaring me off now,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Well, that’s good to hear.”
“So, chips? I’ll buy. I really want to meet you too.” He paused, heart racing as he worked on getting the words out. “I kinda really like you too,” he said.
“It’s a date,” Rose said. He could hear the smile in her voice and he grinned too.
“Are you free right now? I could murder a basket of chips right about now.”
“I am! Just have to wait for my phone to finish charging.”
“Perfect. I’ll text you the address of my favorite chippy?”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!”
John made a little happy noise and Rose laughed.
“I like the sound of that too,” she admitted.
“I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Bye, Doctor.”
“Bye Rose.”
They rang off and the Doctor just grinned down at his phone. He had a date with Rose! A real proper date!
His mobile buzzed and he quickly opened the message from Rose.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: meet in an hour? this is the address.
Text to Space Doctor [5:47 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Space Doctor [5:48 pm]: and that’s me so you know who you’re looking for ;)
Text to Space Doctor [5:49 pm]: see you soon! xx
Text to Starry Rose [5:49 pm]: You are gorgeous.
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: <image attached>
Text to Starry Rose [5:50 pm]: One hour. See you soon :) xx
Within five minutes of meeting, neither of them could remember why they were so nervous about doing this. They talked as easily as they had over the phone and text for months but now, they could see the smiles they were drawing from the other person and brush fingers as they stole chips from each other.
Rose teased John endlessly about forgetting his wallet when he had promised to buy but said that they were definitely on him next time. His answering grin was so wide and bright that Rose thought she might pay for the chips all the time just to see it.
They reluctantly parted ways after a couple hours, heading in opposite directions outside of the shop. Rose had barely made it around the first corner when her phone vibrated in her hand.
Text to Starry Rose [9:15 pm]: Have plans for tomorrow?
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: miss me already? ;)
Text to Starry Rose [9:16 pm]: Yes.
Text to Space Doctor [9:16 pm]: big ol’ softie <3 i miss you too
Text to Space Doctor [9:17 pm]: and no i don’t have anything planned
Text to Starry Rose [9:18 pm]: Good. Want to hang out with me?
Text to Space Doctor [9:18 pm]: absolutely. give me the details when you know them?
Text to Starry Rose [9:20 pm]: Will do :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:15 pm]: so i figure i might as well put this out there before i see you tomorrow. i meant it when i said i really like you and you should know that it’s as more than just a friend. i’m hopin that you feel the same but if not than we can stay just friends
Text to Space Doctor [11:18 pm]: really what i’m trying to say is that if you’re not completely opposed to the idea i’m probably going to kiss you tomorrow
Text to Starry Rose [11:19 pm]: Honestly, I almost kissed you today when we hugged goodbye so I’m definitely not opposed and I feel the same way :)
Text to Space Doctor [11:20 pm]: !!!!
Text to Starry Rose [11:20 pm]: Haha, my feelings exactly!
Text to Space Doctor [11:22 pm]: so… do you want to just come over to mine tomorrow and watch netflix and maybe make out on the couch?
Text to Space Doctor [11:23 pm]: i might even let you convince me to watch star trek finally
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Yes.
Text to Starry Rose [11:23 pm]: Also yes to the Star Trek. You’re going to love it!
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: your nerdery is catching, apparently
Text to Space Doctor [11:24 pm]: i only didn’t watch it before because i thought it would be more fun to watch it with you
Text to Starry Rose [11:25 pm]: Now who’s the big ol’ softie? :)) <3
Text to Space Doctor [11:25 pm]: the promise of make outs helps too
Text to Space Doctor [11:26 pm]: still you <3
Text to Starry Rose [11: 28 pm]: I’m going to get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow! xx
Text to Space Doctor [11:29 pm]: goodnight doctor <3 see you tomorrow xx
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
March 9, 2021
As you know by now, Netflix is streaming a new three-part series called “Murder Among Jack Mormons.” Authorities from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints objected on account of the Lord told them he doesn't like the term “Jack.” It's all quite embarrassing. The documentary focuses on Mark Hofmann who in 1985 killed two people with bombs. Hofmann, who was a closeted Jack Mormon and a master forger, kept “finding” old documents that seemed to undermine the church, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Religions are always trying to authenticate their faith — like Jesus walking on water. Closer inspection reveals it was low tide. Smith was led to gold plates that held The Book of Mormon gospel by an angel called Moroni. But Hofmann “discovered” a letter that said it was actually a “white salamander” that guided old Joe. It was so shocking that Mormon leaders turned a whiter shade of pale — it was that bad. They quickly bought the letter so it would never be seen. Of course, it was a fake because everyone knows Angel Moroni is real and fell off the LDS Temple in a recent earthquake. In the end, Hofmann accidentally blew himself up and almost died. Maybe he wishes he did die. It's better to explode than fade away.
You think things are bad here now that Dr. Seuss has been outlawed and Glenn Beck and Kevin McCarthy have lost it over “Green Eggs and Ham.” Well, it could be a lot worse, according to The Drake Equation. Three CalTech physicists have just updated the 1961 mathematical model developed by Frank Drake to find where and when life is most likely to occur in the Milky Way. It also identifies the prime factor affecting life's prevalence: Intelligent creatures' tendency toward self-annihilation. (We could not possibly make this up.) The takeaway from the new study: “Most of the alien civilizations that ever dotted our galaxy have probably killed themselves off already.” Not everyone wanted this information to get out. It's going to kill real estate values once people realize that demand could tank once the self-annihilation begins here on Earth. And if you've got stock in Elon Musk's Space X company, you should dump it fast. The news also is troubling for The Amazing Kreskin’s Supernatural Dating Society. (It's for real, folks.) According to Cosmopolitan magazine, it's $15 a month for a Premium membership and $20 for VIP. It's not the bargain it once was — the Princess Laya of your dreams is probably dead. But who knows, you could get lucky.
This has rocked Trumpist America to its core: Reportedly, Mr. Potato Head lost his thing. Or should we say, 'thang.' It totally blew away Republicans who watch Mr. Potato Head closely. In fact, David Alvord, a Republican on the Salt Lake County Council, said the Left won't be satisfied until every male is castrated (like Mr. Potato Head) and plays girls soccer. He went on to say the Libs won't be happy until “there are no males, no females ... we have no children, and simply have new humans arrive in labs and immediately put into a school for indoctrination.” (You can't make this stuff up.) It's the Culture Wars and Republicans need something new to hate. OK, Reality Check: It was toy maker Hasbro, not Democrats, that decided to redesign the Potato Head box so that it would be inclusive of Mrs. Potato Head (how liberal can you get). Yes, Mr. and Mrs. are both in birthday suits inside the box, possibly bumping and grinding to Tina Turner or Bruce “Can't-start-a-fire-without-a-spark” Springsteen. Don't tell Tucker Carlson. As for David Alvord and his righteously repressed Republican libido — therapy and Viagra could be helpful. As Democrat Jim Bradley, put it, “Alvord is a sourpuss.” Well, Wilson, if you don't know what that is, don't ask.
Post script — That's it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Dr. Seuss so you don't have to. As Democrats went full throttle last week to pass one of the largest stimulus packages ever, Republicans, not to be outdone, were busy raising outrage over Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. It's Cancel Culture, they vented. We're seeing the end of freedom in America! What's next, Bugs Bunny and SpongeBob SquarePants? This is the same party to which motivational speaker and flim-flam artist Burgess Owens belongs. As you will recall, at CPAC — the MAGA version of Burning Man — Owens said Democrats would self-destruct. You got it, Wilson, it's called projection. But that wasn't nearly enough. President Joe Biden scoffed at anti-maskers, saying, “We don't need Neanderthal thinking” — and all hell broke loose. How was he to know that Republican Sen. Marco Rubio's parents were Neanderthals from Cuba. Marco, who has large knuckles, was hurt, saying that Biden had insulted everyone with even the tiniest bit of Neanderthal DNA — it was elitism at its archaeological worst. But it was Trevor Noah who summed it up best: “Biden got Republicans to say the N-word and acknowledge evolution at the same time.” OMG!
Alright Wilson, you and the guys in the band are looking pretty perky and we know it's not your diet. By now, you've probably been checking out the Supernatural Dating Society website, so let it rip:
Woke up this morning with light in my eyes And then realized it was still dark outside It was a light comin'down from the sky I don't know who or why Must be those strangers that come every night Whose saucers shaped light put people up tight Leave blue green footprints that glow in the dark I hope they get home all right Hey Mr.Spaceman, won't you please take me along I won't do anything wrong Hey Mr.Spaceman, won't you please take me along For a ride
Hey Mr.Spaceman, won't you please take me along I won't do anything wrong Hey Mr.Spaceman, won't you please take me along For a ride
(Hey Mr. Spaceman — The Byrds)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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vintage1981 · 5 years
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Dyanne Thorne, Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS Star Dies, at 83
Dyanne Thorne, who starred as a wicked soldier of fortune in the Naziploitation film Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS and a pair of sequels, has died. She was 83.
Thorne died Jan. 28 of pancreatic cancer while in hospice care in Las Vegas, Howard Maurer, her husband of 44 years and frequent co-star, told The Hollywood Reporter.
After a turn as the Fairy Godmother in the X-rated Pinocchio (1971), Thorne portrayed a warden in a Nazi concentration camp in the waning days of World War II in the lurid She Wolf of the SS (1975), directed by Don Edmonds.
Ilsa subjects her female prisoners to torturous medical experiments to prove they can withstand pain as well as men and thus be able to serve in combat. She also has lots of sex with her male prisoners, and those that don't satisfy her are castrated.
According to the 2008 book The Porning of America, the movie was made on the Culver City set of the CBS series Hogan's Heroes, which had recently been canceled.
"The initial torture scene was not in the original script. Not until we showed up on set that day. So I didn't know they were going to do that scene and [I thought the] little bit that was in the opening of the scene would not be so graphic," Thorne recalled in a 2011 interview.
"When I did it, they poured the red into the water for the blood and they had me walk around. This was the sweetest actor in the world that they castrated. I must tell you that was probably the most shocking scene in my entire life. And from there it just got one shocking torture right after the other."
In his review, Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune called Ilsa "the most degenerate picture I have seen to play downtown" and "80 minutes of sado-masochism … [it] plays like a textbook for rapists and mutilation freaks." He also noted that the movie "is doing terrific business."
Thorne then starred in the Middle East-set Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976), also directed by Edmonds; Ilsa the Tigress of Siberia (1977), helmed by Jean LaFleur; and Wanda, the Wicked Warden (1977), an unofficial sequel of sorts from Jess Franco.
A native of Greenwich, Connecticut, Thorne sang and appeared on the stage; the theater was her first love, her husband said.
She had walk-ons in the studio films Who Was That Lady? (1960), Love With the Proper Stranger (1963) and The President's Analyst (1967) and appeared with Robert De Niro in the 1965 short film Encounter and on the second-season Star Trek episode "A Piece of the Action."
The 1970s also saw Thorne play a wealthy villainess in Point of Terror (1971), star with Anthony Geary in Blood Sabbath (1972) and show up in The Swinging Barmaids (1975), Wam Bam Thank You Spaceman (1975) and Chesty Anderson U.S. Navy (1976).
More recently, she was in the 2013 films House of Forbidden Secrets and House of the Witchdoctor — her husband was in those, too — and Exploitation (2018).
Thorne and Maurer for years ran a business in Las Vegas in which they served as non-denominational reverends to officiate weddings. She wrote scripts and he sang and played keyboards for the ceremonies.
Some clients would ask for an "Ilsa Wedding" — "Ilsa is an icon all over the world," Maurer pointed out — and she would preside dressed in a military-style costume, with the swastika replaced by an American flag. Occasionally, Thorne and Maurer were flown out of state and even out of the country to perform the marriages, he said.
Mike Barnes reporting
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