#the soong family everyone
professional-termite · 5 months
brent spiner and his descendants, brent spiner, brent spiner, brent spiner, brent spiner, brent spiner, brent spiner, brent spiner, bren
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stuffyflowers · 2 years
Already going back and watching every data and lore episode. Spinning the fucked up android brothers in my brain microwave style
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mostly-natm · 1 month
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Brothers. 🙄💛✨
Since my last post, I have been thinking about the dynamic that Dadi should have with Data and Geordi’s families! And I have decided that a character who is a combination of Data and Geordi would be quite responsible by nature, so he would definitely accept everyone in their families as his own!
That brings us to the art. I interpret Data as being quite patient with Lore, while staying suspicious and keeping his wits about him, because he values having a brother at all. I think adding Geordi’s feelings to the mix would add tension to their relationship, and result in Dadi having much less patience for Lore than Data does. He would take more of a self-preservation approach to the relationship than Data would, and would therefore be even more estranged from Lore. Ultimately, he views Lore as his very, very flawed brother who needs to get his shit together before they can spend more than a few minutes in the same room together! Similar things can be said about his relationship with Dr. Soong.
You can read more about Dadi here!
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Another renaissance painting shot :)
Also interesting to note that, with the exception of Teena, they're all looking away from each other (Teena, the ever supporting bf 😌)
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Well, at least Nont is aware that he has fucked up... Though the twinks have been fighting among each other even before Nont showed up, so it's not entirely his fault
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Way to kill even the last bit of hope and good mood, Zouey...
This is another instance where I think Zouey went too far and was too judgmental towards someone. Also, he's conveniently forgetting that it was Porche who killed a guy and not Nont. Nont never had the intention to kill anyone (not even Prom).
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Yeah, Nont has had enough as well ;;
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And now First is the voice of reason! They still haven't found out what happened to Nant. There is still a mystery to be solved!
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Everyone has better things to do in life than deal with shitty situations, Zouey. Still doesn't mean we should simply abandon our friends!
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There, First is right! Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten 😤
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And now Zouey is just being a cunt tbh. Turning the knife in the wound to really make it hurt, aren't we?
I'm kind of annoyed by Zouey. He is very self-centered and forgets that he's not the only one who's hurting. Nont lost his twin brother, First and Captain also lost their friend, not to mention that Soong and Teena are still shaken up and most likely traumatized by what happened to them under that bridge (Zouey keeps mentioning Teena, but did he actually ask his boyfriend if he's doing ok? Is he offering support and kind words? Nope... Instead Teena is the one who's trying to comfort Zouey). Then the whole thing with Jason still chasing Porche and Jump and Aob and Puen who have to hide (after Puen nearly got drowned...). But here we have Zouey, who has to make everything about himself 🙄
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thegeminisage · 7 months
it's TNG UPDATE TIME. last night* we watched "birthright" parts i & ii. just this once, i'm not combining them because i can distinctly differentiate between the episodes, they were actually (after all that angst) kind of unconnected, though i would have DIED to have left it on that cliffhanger
* time changed i'm scheduling this to go up when people are awake
birthright part i (tng):
DS9 CROSSOVER! i wish it could have been for both halves. also, i kind of wish odo could have been the one to talk to data even though he has no reason whatsoever to leave. it just would have been so much autism in one room
human brent spiner HORRIBLE to look at. the faces he makes as dr soong (which...why would dr soong be white...was that old man white idr...) remind me of lore's.
however: thrilled that data can dream now. i was so happy also that everyone treated him really niceys. except bashir who microaggressed him one time but i forgive him because it was funny
it was WWWWILD to see tng characters walkin around ds9. i hated tng in my ds9 but i loved ds9 in my tng. i wish they had a budget for a proper crossover. did sisko have to be in the same room as picard again? did o'brien go aboard and say hello? i miss him so bad.
minor deanna and worf moment in this ep when she comforts him over his dad potentially being alive. mwah. i feel like the tng side characters have been non-existent for awhile...first we stopped watching tng as much for ds9, then we got that deanna-only ep, then that picard-only ep, and now the ds9 crossover and the worf-only ep...can we PLEASE get the gang back together
final note i love that worf loves shitty replicator food and also riker's terrible cooking. king.
birthright part ii (tng):
i have complex feelings.
worf's dad plot as a means to get worf to be the pov character for the ethical dilemma of this episode kind of undermined the entire ethical dilemma
the ethical dilemma tng THOUGHT it was presenting was, "if klingons and romulans have escaped the war to live peacefully together, is it right to disrupt their way of life just because their children might choose differently?"
THE ACTUAL DILEMMA IT PRESENTED WAS. IF YOU HAVE SEVENTY-THREE KLINGON PRISONERS OF WAR. actually that's not even a question. they just have them. let's break this down
this romulan guy, unclear if he was the one actually in charge at the khitomer massacre or not (i thought he looked familiar, i looked it up and he previously played a totally different romulan on tng lol), but this guy is running this fucking prison with seventy-three klingons completely at his mercy. yes, they ""asked"" to stay, but they WANTED to die, they ATTEMPTED to die, and they would have CHOSEN to die had the option been given to them, but they're doing this instead in order to keep from bringing consequences down on their families heads. so he has total power over them and he... "marries" one???
i am going to start discussing conception via rape please consider this your warning.
this is of course coming after tasha yar had a FUCKING BABY VIA RAPE in a romulan prison and then got killed for trying to escape. he "married" a klingon woman. ALL RIGHT
even if she thought she loved him and consented to everything SHE IS A PRISONERRR. SHE WAS NOT ALLOWED TO DIE. SHE IS NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE.
like, when worf kissed that girl and realized she was half romulan his revulsion should not have been from the fantasy racism but from realizing she is a rape baby. like, this whole sitch is horrifying
and it really brings into perspective too how lucky worf must have been...he was so young when khitomer happened and yet he's very in touch with his heritage, but something as simple as old klingon stories are considered dangerous by the romulan warden
AND HE IS A WARDEN. again: nobody is allowed to leave where they are. this isn't a peaceful group of equals, conscientious objectors who chose a different way of life. THEY ARE PRISONERS. they're not allowed to look at or even touch any of their old things. they have to find fun and entertainment with old weapons. klingon tai chi classes are NOT allowed
in fact, the REAL ethical dilemma is, is it right to try and force this half-romulan half-klingon girl out of her "home" when it is clear she is happy in here and will be reviled out there? i argue yes because her home IS A PRISON CAMP like girl if spock did it u can too but what do i know
it makes no sense also that these people would be choosing to procreate. if this prison camp is only marginally better than death, or worse than death in some ways but a necessary evil, why bring kids into it??? unless the romulans are the ones making the babies
god this dude even sat at the head of the table and had everyone bring his food to him and then was ready to execute worf for bringing klingon culture into and i repeat the KLINGON PRISON CAMP
anyway, this episode did pop off at a few points. it was cool to see worf help them get back in touch with their own culture and doubly cool to see him get "even" with his like...sort of enemies. ALSO fun to watch that little bootlicking klingon who was sucking that romulan guy's dick finally come to his senses and stand w/ worf
i also loved the part where worf was perfectly happy to die as a klingon rather than live as someone with dishonor...it felt so different from the episode where he tried to kill himself because this time he WAS being honorable and not cowardly. he would have had nowhere to go had he run and he would have been leaving those other klingons behind
i am disappointed though that after all that. worf's dad really was dead. also, how did that guy know where the camp was and why did he tell. ALSO also, how are the klingons gonna get by when they can't tell anyone what bloodline they come from...that's like your picture ID in the klingon world
the point is, as usual, tng almost had something really cool but couldn't get out of its own way and as a result dropped the fucking ball.
NEXT TIME: ds9's "move along home" and "the nagus."
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irismfrost · 2 months
July 16 - National Palace Museum and Chiang Kai-shek Shilin Residence
The National Palace Museum contains China’s most precious artifacts. During the 20th century, China was involved in many wars, including civil wars, sino-japanese wars, and world wars. The government wanted to keep these artifacts safe, so they were boxed up and moved around to different locations throughout the first half of the 20th century. Eventually, these artifacts were shipped to Taiwan during war times. The National Palace Museum was founded and opened to the public in 1965. There are so many artifacts that the museum rotates the items every 3 months. The museum has 3 floors of artifacts. They are organized a little bit by time period and you can tell by the type of material and designs of the artifacts. All of these artifacts are priceless. We took a look at this one blue-ish ceramic bowl. It was pretty basic looking and if it didn’t have any history attached to it, I would pay 10 USD for it at Goodwill. It is worth 36 million USD. It was interesting to see the influences of each dynasty on these pieces. It’s crazy how hundreds of years of history can be squished into an hour or two walking around a museum. 
We also visited the Chiang Kai-shek Shilin Residence. Yesterday, we visited his memorial. He was the first president of Taiwan, fleeing to Taiwan after losing the Civil War in China. He positioned himself as a savior and a powerful leader. The people around him respected him and were a necessary proponent of his success. His residence had a beautiful garden and a large house, I assume it was especially large for the time period. This house welcomed many famous people and many important political conversations took place within those walls. I particularly want to draw attention to his wife, Soong Mei-ling. She knew how to play politics and would join Chiang in important conversations with guests. She grew up in the US and went to Wellesley College majoring in literature. She was a fan of the fine arts, an avid painter, writer, reader, and also enjoyed movies and music. Chiang also appreciated these and was known to always have a book on hand. Chiang died in 1975 in this house, surrounded by family and friends. Soong Mei-ling passed away in 2003 in New York City. 
There seems to be a divide within the people living in Taiwan. Part of this divide stems from Chiang Kai-shek. Some people love him and associate him with freedom and democracy. They see him as a savior because of his efforts against communism in China. Others see him as an invader and authoritarian leader that highly encourages others to adopt his ways. I think that even though everyone lives in Taiwan, some also associate themselves with their Chinese heritage, while others do not. The National Palace Museum, for example, is more like a museum for Chinese culture instead of Taiwanese culture, despite the fact that all of the artifacts belong to Taiwan.
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LEGAL NAME: Data Soong
NICKNAME[S]: He doesn't have one, but would love to have one. So, send in your best Data nicknames for mah boi! (Although I like the one Mirror!Barclay gave him in a personal log, which is "Picard's pet android.")
CURRENTLY LIVING: On the U.S.S. Enterprise
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, binary, and probably a lot more (Earth languages as well as alien languages). This funky lil' android is literally a walking ChatGPT, albeit more advanced.
EDUCATION: Starfleet Academy.
HAIR COLOR: Depends on the lighting; sometimes it's dark brown / brown, at other times, it's auburn.
EYE COLOR: A greenish yellow (or chartreuse, according to Google).
HEIGHT: 1.80 / 5'9''
WEIGHT: 100 kg
SIBLING[S]: B-4 and Lore, his older brothers (and Altan Inigo Soong, I suppose, although I'd like to think of him as Data's half-brother, since Juliana never mentioned him, so he might have had a different mother? God knows what Noonian has been up to in that weird jungle hideout of him).
PARENT[S]: Doctor Noonian Soong and Juliana Soong
RELATIVE[S]: Adam Soong, Arik Soong, and Ira Graves, but idk if he even qualifies lol.
CHILDREN: Lal, Dahj and Soji (and technically an entire planet of androids, but let's not over-complicate things).
PET[S]: SPOT! His precious cat!
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Tbh, I've thought about this a lot, but never wrote it down as a proper headcanon; I'd like Data to represent the minority and state that he's aromantic — he's possibly bordering on the asexuality spectrum as well. And as for his preference, he doesn't have one; not only does his programming prohibit him from discriminating between genders and withhold him from engaging in favouritism, he's also genuinely fascinated by everyone. In other words, he doesn't nurture a strong preference for a specific gender. However, since he's aromantic he's not really interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone; it's primarily friendships he's after, familial or platonic.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Data is a single bean, just living his best life with his beloved cat.
SINCE WHEN: And this is where we ignore the whole romantic escapade with Jenna D'Sora lol. So, N/A (Or since his date of activation).
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Tagged by: @lettherebemonsters Tagging: @elaleph (Agnes!), @ensnchekov, @dimensionalspades (Julian!), @quantumstarpaths, @nebulaties (Tasha!), @fasciinating, @storiest0ld (Beverly!) & anyone else who'd like to do this!
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stellarred · 1 year
A Few Q Thoughts and Ideas
It's a relief to see Q return in STP, but I have a few thoughts barreling through my head. My Qcard brain's gears are going to be grinding and smoking hard, for sure!
Everyone is so excited that Q is back from the dead.
Or is he really? Is Q really back from the dead, or is this Q a *future version* of himself?
What if Q really did die in S2, but before he died, he visited Jack Crusher to warn him of a new trial in which Jean-Luc will need Jack's help to rescue Q from whatever is ailing him. Q has decided to get to Picard through Jack, essentially. Q wants Picard to save him, but Jack is really the only one who can convince his father.
Basically, so what if Q is sending a message in a bottle of sorts from S2 to Picard's son in S3X10?
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I'm curious about this because there were hints that S2 and S3 could've been a time loop because in Fly Me to the Moon, Q tells Soong that line about "In seventeen seconds, you are going to take a seat. Right on the tick!" And in S3, we have the 17 Seconds episode. That connection was a bit odd.
There was also a line in Farewell where Christobal said, "Time is a funny thing." Q agreed with, "Yes, it is. Interesting."
I also like the idea of how Q had red in his S3X10 costume--like judgement colors-- but if "red" Q in S3 was a sick S2 Q being projected into the future, Q's robes and clothing are all black. The look of death.
Another thought I had was when in S3X10, Q tells Jack that Picard's trial of Humanity was over for him (Picard), but Jack's trial was just starting, I'm wondering if perhaps this is a hint by Q that Picard has already ascended to become a Q in the future. Picard's destiny with Q has already been guaranteed.
Only when Picard has ascended does the trial actually end. If that wasn't the case, then why does Q tell Jack his trial is over when he was always reminding Picard that the "trial never ends"?
I think Humanity, to Q, was specifically Jean-Luc Picard. Picard had to prove his worthiness for reaching Q status, and when Q said "See you out there" to Picard in S2 Farewell, he knew that Picard would eventually find Q (with Jack's help), save him, and ascend to become a Q with him.
So, I personally conclude that it doesn't really matter if Picard marries Beverly, or Laris, or does whatever, Jean-Luc's future destiny with Q has already been guaranteed.
Beverly may marry Picard and live in marital bliss with him for the next twenty years, but eternity with Jean-Luc,
that belongs to Q. Eternity is Q's territory.
Since I can't see Q having any reason to be a jerk to Jack--after all, Q loves Picard so much--, why would he offend or cause pain to his beloved's only child?
I wonder if Jack's "trial" will come from a hostile force? Maybe another Q? Perhaps one that has a grievance against Picard? And our Q is there to eventually be a helper to Jack?
What if Q wants Jack to be a stepson of sorts because Jr died?? Q wants a family, so he will have Jack convince Picard to open his heart to him (btw, I like how Seven and Raffi are now Captain and Commander of the new Enterprise, so Jack is right there serving under two commanding officers, who are in a same sex relationship, and he can see that as an example), and help his father see all the good that Q has done for him.
Jack could be very helpful to Q in the long run.
Anyways, my brain is getting twisted up in this analysis.
If I was in the Q Continuum, I would flunk the Timelines 101 course. It's so confusing.
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antimatterpod · 2 years
“Hey, someone left a naked disassembled android lying around! We should definitely rebuild him!” Anika and Liz, minus their evil twins, discuss “Datalore” … with some Picard spoilers along the way. 
Skip to 00:49 to avoid the big spoiler and also Liz singing
(Liz actually pronounces French words even worse than she sings, so, um, apologies to France)
“I apologise to everyone for comparing Beverly Crusher to Darth Vader, however…”
This is an episode about family, and not just the Soongs
Breaking down the “Shut up, Wesley” scene
Picard spoilers from 26:03 to 26:15
And again from 27:05 to 27:32
If you are a Wil Wheaton who was forced to participate in the “Shut up, Wesley” scene, you may be entitled to compensation
But seriously, fandom’s treatment of Wil was NOT OKAY and it’s alarming how little has changed (from alt.wesley.die.die.die to Facebook comments complaining that Bella Ramsey isn’t playing a sexy 14 year old)
Very, very mild spoilers for Picard from 41:49 to 42:11
Bigger spoilers from 45:06 to 50:24
“It’s almost like they can’t understand women as something that are unrelated to men.” THIS APPLIES TO EVERY ERA OF STAR TREK (except Discovery)
“I mean, just because something is bad doesn’t mean you can’t love it. We’re Voyager fans!”
Extra credits: this episode uses a drop created by Adam Ragusea for The Greatest Generation (go listen), and portions of compositions by Ron Jones. We’re calling it fair use since we were discussing those pieces.
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pixiedane · 1 year
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine, Jack Crusher (Star Trek: Picard)/Narissa | Lieutenant Rizzo Characters: Jack Crusher (Star Trek: Picard), Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, Seven of Nine, Raffi Musiker, Cristóbal Rios, Agnes Jurati, Soji Asha, Elnor (Star Trek), Narissa | Lieutenant Rizzo, Narek (Star Trek), Laris (Star Trek), Zhaban (Star Trek), Liam Shaw, Original Romulan Character(s), Borg Queen (Star Trek), Q (Star Trek), Data (Star Trek), Guinan (Star Trek), Adam Soong, Kore Soong Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Family Drama, Unconventional Families, Families of Choice, Team as Family, Romulan Culture (Star Trek), Tal Shiar (Star Trek), Zhat Vash (Star Trek), The Borg, Time Travel, Complicated Relationships, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Childhood Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Neurodiversity, Slow Burn, Idiots in Love, Enemies to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 3 of Chateau Picard Summary:
"Time offers many opportunities, but it rarely offers second chances."
[a retelling of S2 with elements of S3]
Chapter three is up! Beverly and Jean-Luc catch up an old friend, Raffi and Soji discover the limitations of historic data, and everyone else bickers and/or bonds.
The Exegesis
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adelha-mathilde · 4 months
A Mutual Friendship (Prince!Vash AU) drabble
content: Vash finds out that King Nai has made an arrangement with some of the nobles. An arrangement nobody expected, but proves beneficial for everyone.
Vash walked into the throne room to hustle over to the table set out. King Nai there as well as his closest advisor Legato. While the members of the Currier clan nobility were also in attendance. The crown prince also noting that his personal bodyguard was standing right behind his brother. So Vash felt some of his tension ease as he took his seat next to his twin.
King Nai gave his twin a smile before speaking up. His words strong yet warm as he gave his attention to the documents upon the table. "It has come to our attention that many of the other nobles have become impatient with my selecting any of the ladies to wed. For either myself or my twin. But I am glad to say that we have all made a step towards mutual friendship with another nation. The Currier clan and their allies have proposed new trade agreements as well as a peace treaty between us. They had also pledged to stand with us should any other nation threaten to conquer us."
Vash blinked to then openly grin in sheer delight at the news. Wolfwood also smirking as Laird Eugene Currier bounced the newborn bay girl in his arms. The Laird choosing to speak up as his daughter Magdeline sat beside him to sign a few of the documents. "Many of the ancient clans agree that a mutual friendship between our nations is ideal. Or they agree to a non aggression treaty to ensure we have one less enemy. I have obtained the signatures of many of the clans to proceed with a peace treaty that they will uphold. From the Kurokaze clan to the Alvareide clan. Even the pompous head of the Soonge clan agreed to sign." Legato gave a huff to inquire, "Just how did you get the fabled Duke Laurence Soonge to agree to such a thing?" Which had Countess Mathilde smirk to speak up as she poured King Nai another cup of tea. "I contacted him personally to remind him of the several dozen favors he has racked up with myself and several others in my clan. He may be a suave and devious womanizer. Yet he utterly fails when it comes to both holding his liquor or playing cards."
Wolfwood burst out laughing as King Nai gave the white haired lady a smirk. While Legato openly rolled his eyes to shake his head. "To think that such an important matter of politics would come down to who lost against who at cards. Realistic as well as disdainful. However, I sense no malice or wicked intent from any of the Currier clan. So I have deemed it safe to ally with them in this treaty of peace and mutual trade." Vash nodded to look to the Countess with keen interest. Her words soon surprising him when she directed her gaze to the crown prince to speak. "Prince Vash R. Seibrem. Before anything is made official. I believe it best that you speak openly to those present. It is you that the citizens dearly love and speak openly with. You are the one that walks amongst the people to listen to their woes and aide them in their times of need. So it should be you who decides. Have it in you to place your trust and faith in what our clan offers to your kingdom? Or do you have doubts you wish to voice?"
Vash felt all eyes in the room turn to him. Which set his nerves on edge. But Wolfwood walked over to place that hand to his shoulder and give him that old smile and wink. the knight saying with amusement, "Well, needle noggin? Time to speak your mind. Just say it as it is." Vash felt the tension ease to heave a sigh of air. Soon looking around the table to then smile that same warm yet shy smile that was his nature. "The people here want the best for all people. Not just those in their own kingdom. I want this peace and friendship between us. Not as a political move or for any leverage or gains. I want the relationships we're building to deepen and for us to stand together. As friends. As family. As partners and allies. I accept this treaty and fully support it."
The others at the table gave smiles as Vash fetched a quill pen to begin signing his own name to the documents on the table. While the Countess Mathilde beamed to then make a valid point. "Then I for one will ask that we drop all the titles and royal formality we keep having to cram our feet into. Since we're all friends now and should be able to skip all the ruffled skirts and frilly necklines." This had Legato blanch as he paled at the mere suggestion. His fist soon banging on the table as he shouted, "How dare you even suggest that-" However, King Nai raised a hand for Legato to instantly cease his bellowing. The king soon settling into his chair with a more relaxed posture as he nodded his head at the suggestion being made. "I agree to that. Recently, Magdeline told me that a lot of the clans of your nation don't bother with the formalities and titles unless it's a serious political event or religious holiday. So adopting such a tradition now would be suitable. Besides. I think we've had more than enough of the frilly necklines as Adelha put it."
At this, Wolfwood reached up to just pop all the buttons on his collar and heave a sigh of relief. Noting with a huff of air, "Thank God! Having my shirt buttoned up to my chin makes me feel like someone hanged me! Can we please look into a new kind of formal attire that doesn't include necklines? All they do for me is give an enemy a chance to yank the neckline and break my damn neck!" Both Eugene Currier and his best friend Claude Gaugain openly laugh at this for Adelha to get up from the table. Her steps taking her to Wolfwood for her to just give a tug on the neckline area of his attire. The sound of ripping seams soon followed by the neckline falling to the floor. Which had Legato and Nai raise an eyebrow as Vash giggled at the sight of Wolfwood heaving a huff of sheer relief. the knight rubbing his neck as Adelha stepped back. "I will gladly tailor and adjust all the clothes you want, Nicholas. Vash. Nai. We'll call it adapting your style of dress to our own culture if anyone nick picks."
Claude soon removed his coat to show that hos own attire was much more casual in nature. Despite the expensive material of his clothes, his shirt had no sleeves to restrict his arm movement. Which also showed off how truly muscular the man was. Vash commenting with sheer awe, "Wow. Claude. You look like you could take on a grizzly bear bare handed." This has Claude smirk as Adelha chuckles to admit, "He has. During my winter survival training in the snow saturated mountains. We ended up running into a very grumpy grizzly bear. Claude was able to wrestle the bear around and right off the incline. He got a few good scars on his abs for his trouble. But he technically did win."
So it was that the people at the table were able to make this peace treaty between two nations into official law. While Vash was able to deepen his hope that, perhaps, he might have more chances to strengthen his blooming relationships with the maiden he so fancied.
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papasmistakeria · 3 years
Starfleet: You are an android that doesn't deserve love and respect, let alone a family you can't love!
Data: :(
The entire crew of Enterprise-D and Q:
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E5 Reaction (spoilers!)
Borg Queen drinking in radio soup... yes
borg queen stirring shit up WHY
Also borg queen using agnes' voice first... girl... 😳
okay so raffi fights and seven flies i want to DIE
“what doesn’t move is vulnerable” okay why you gotta attack me like this
raffi seeing elnor...........................................................
Is this one of the first times they're openly talking about depression on Trek?
DR SOONG?????,???? DR S
soji soji soji soji soji soji soji!!!!!!!!! <3
okay fine maybe kore not soji but ISA BRIONES MY BELOVED
she's really tempting me to cut my hair like that grrrrrrrrrrrrr
"I want to learn to swim" KORE BABY YOUR DAD HAS A LITERAL POOL
wait no why is she dying. i hate it here. i'm already attached to her do NOT take her away i swear to g
"Check your 3D printer ;-)" oh god will 2024 sexting be 3d printing dicks
Why are the police still involved in star trek picard. Go away <3
Also yes love how much we're seeing of the La Sirena in this episode, gotta be a good thing for the Mapping La Sirena Project! <3
Picard having tea with milk????? Who are you and what have you done to earl grey, hot
Why does Agnes wake up with perfect hair, thanks i hate it
Agnes with a gun is so sexy of her
Yeah Borg Queen really be acting of the..,... Fruity Nature like "I'm the only one who has seen all of you"???
Now hold on... Dr Soong's quarantine shields for Kore are the same as the ones they use in 24th century Bad Timeline... hold on i'm connecting the dots
"Patience implies time" hmmmmmmmmmmM
"There's no one we can trust more" -pans to space idiots (affectionate) dragging dead body across the floor- WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT STAR TREK PICARD BEING A COMEDY LMFAOOOOOOO
Raffi and Picard having that chat... ended stand up comedy actually
also i love their little rapport and how they kind of gently press each other about their relationships, it’s so nice to see
I love it that everyone is all back together by the way <3 Found family <3
What do you mean they can't bring everyone to the gala???????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CANT SEE EVERYONE IN FANCY DRESSES, LITERALLY SHUT UP
also i hate this because i've been writing a champagne reception Saffi fic and now it'll look like i lifted it from this episode
"Intro to Antique Coding" CUUUUUTE
Mmmm fly me to the moooon
Agnes looks so GOOD 😭
In conclusion, this episode was great. Super compelling. Now give me Raffi and Seven in evening dresses/tuxes 🤠🤝
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datasbride · 3 years
It is surprising to many that Data was anatomically correct, fully functional and programed in multiple techniques. The reason for surprise is of course that it's a family show so everyone is kinda sexless but occasionally do romantic stuff, not adult sex. (No sure how to put this into words exactly.) But thinking about this, there should be anatomically correct, fully functional, programed in multiple techniques sex robots. That would be the first thing humans would do given the technology. The main challenge dr. Soong was facing was to stabilize the positronic matrix and gain sentience. That's what Juliana told Data, that the failures with previous models was due to positronic matrix collapse. That is also what killed Lal. But the anatomy and the programming the sex part would have been probably a public domain and open source off the shelf product.
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thegeminisage · 9 months
ok, its time for a QUICK tng update before xm*s proceedings. saturday we did "best of both worlds part ii" and "family" and last night we did "brothers" and "suddenly human."
best of both worlds part ii: I LOOOOOVED THIS EPISODE. mwah. EVERYTHING i wanted. creepy little cyborg implants. brainwashed picard. his beautiful perfect cgi tear (which may or may not have been cgi, this is a point of debate, experts please weigh in). data bravely doing a robot mind meld. 1000000/10 more borg episodes please please PLEASE
can you imagine if the borg has ben in tos btw. what a thought experiment, except for how i quite literally can't think about it or i'll get so excited i'll pass out
did guinan imply she and picard were lovers in this ep...girl you can do better
my one nitpick with william riker was him promoting that lady he hated instead of someone who deserved it, like worf or data. it probably would have given worf ptsd but can you imagine that enterprise having a captain and first officer being gay on the bridge again...wonderful. except this time there would also be deanna <3
"how much do you remember" "everything" AHAHAHAHA GREAT. GOOD. WONDERFUL. anyway
family: extremely unusual episode but i loved it nonetheless. i was really shocked worf's parents were so sweet!!! i fucking loved them. they're like the cutest people on earth i can't believe they raised such a taciturn and stoic guy like worf...
picard's family i wasn't sure about at first until the wrestling match in the mud. sometimes you need to punch a guy and his brother stepped up to the job admirably. i kept thinking he looked like michael caine, which would have been an incredible choice.
WESLEY.....................................................we don't need to talk about it
everyone's accents in this ep were wack. why does picard have a totally different accent from his brother. why is worf's accent different from his parents. ik its not that deep but its making me crrrazzzyyy
brothers: i didnt even get a look at the title of this episode before we started bc vumoo (the shady site im using to watch) doesn't display them but it was SUCH an unexpected pleasure to get a data episode
absolutely scuh-reaming at the ease with which he hijacked an ENTIRE goddamn starship. he's so competent i love that. a real "glad he's on OUR side" moment, not unlike spock commandeering the enterprise in "the menagerie" (rip i wish that had been a better episode).
lore grew on me really fast. i was neutral on him during his last appearance, the meme aside, but in this episode he was really fun and unsettling. brent spiner can do horrible, horrible things with his face
this ep felt a little cut off? i expected another confrontation with lore, a getting back of the chip, or at least some kind of burial or funeral for dr soong, but we just quit like 3/4 through the episode. maybe less time spent on the opening section of the hijack could have fixed this
anyway i love the foil between data and lore...one has support and the other does not...but it doesn't make sense for lore to get the emotions chip because it seems like he already HAS them??
oh yeah and data repeating "i am not less perfect than lore" got funnier EVERY time he did it. little man was really going thru it i was cracking up genuinely <3
suddenly human: this episode was wack
ok, did you guys read face on the milk carton when you were in school? i did when i was way too young to be reading it and it fucked me up real bad and i completely forgot about it until i watched this episode and then i got to unlock that memory in real time
anyway, while it is obviously the correct choice to return a child to their family when they are kidnapped as babies, it is also hugely traumatic for an older child to be ripped away from a loving home* and transplanted with strangers, which those books explore in horrific detail. so the whole episode i found myself going "i KNOW it's bad politics but could they not just CONSIDER leaving him with the only family he's ever known as a possible choice" and then they DID THAT and i wanted to be ill because it was obviously the worst choice in the world
* this is a different scenario than the first tng episode involving kidnapped children, which strongly resembled the residential schools from real life. THIS particular situation, minus the method of kidnapping (during warfare), more closely resembled the crazy cult shit happening in those books, where the kidnapped girl was being raised by people who thought they really were her biological grandparents and weren't bad people and her biological family also weren't bad people. a "no fault" situation EXCEPT FOR HE KIDNAPPENED THAT BABY DURING WARFARE.
anyway this is the second time tng has dropped the ball on this subject so i think from now on they should not do episodes like this anymore. really really really really bad.
NEXT TIME: "remember me" and "legacy"
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iamthecutestofborg · 3 years
At first you think Noonian Soong made all his androids look like himself out of egotism, but that's not actually the case, as by now it has been made obvious that everyone in the Soong family are identical. So of course he would make his sons look like Soongs.
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