#the silvio discourse with him)
lucy-ghoul · 1 year
SO close to strangling my dad for what he's saying about berluconi... what a deeply ignorant little man he is at heart
#also he's sprouting a lot of catholic perbenismo that's making me nauseous#and my mom parroting him because she's got no actual opinions of her own...... (i'm sure she'd be parroring ME if i ever breached#the silvio discourse with him)#the thing about my dad is that i don't like him. i love him to death and he and my mom and siblings are the most important people in my life#and idk how i'd live without him#but i don't like him as a person. i don't like his opinions or temperament. i hate how he practically forced my brother in the closet#~to not hurt his DeLiCaTe sensibilities (aka homophobia) while my brother has to swallow his fascist nostalgia/apologia#and all the bs he says. i hate how he NEVER takes me seriously and laughs at me whenever i get angry with him#and treats me like a china doll/a misguided 15-year-old just because of my mental condition even when he claims i'm an intelligent person#i hate how he finds an opportunity to belittle my mom and mock her and never treat her as an equal at every turn#and she has to bear with all of this + his untreated anger issues (ever since i was a little girl i remember i promised myself i would NEVER#end up in a marriage like theirs and since then i've always been highly sceptical of marriage as an institution)#i hate that he always thinks he's right even when he makes 0 efforts to research a subject my brother is infinitely more knowledgeable about#because apparently he's ~suspicious of even basic stuff like reading the wiki or a fucking book and gets his Superior Knowledge#from the Heavens/God Almighty/his famously Big Brain etc.#i hate how he thinks he's the pinnacle of morality even if he's just a mean-spirited 'mussolini ha fatto anche cose buone'#kind of ~uomo perbene. he's just an unpleasant person i'd normally never associate with (no wonder he has no friends) except he's my dad.#val speaks#txt
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girlonthelasttrain · 1 year
I don't think I can properly convey how long I've wanted for Berlusconi to die (I knew he would never simply retire, and in fact he didn't even if he was ill). I grew up and came of age in the 90s/early 00s and he and his absurd stunts were inescapable, everything was about him, what he wanted, what he'd said five minutes earlier. It was literally everything that was talked about on newspapers and tv, and it revealed the actual emptiness of the political discourse on every side. Italian democracy has always been a very fragile project and Silvio Berlusconi never hesitated to grab a chance to bludgeon it to pieces, while too many people stood there and watched helplessly as it happened
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The Great Beauty, focused on the sixty-fifth birthday of a successful journalist and social animal in Rome, is a wonderful film: it presents a cosmopolitan portrait of life, and each image in the film seems well-chosen, for its architecture and interior design, for the presentation of nature and scene and visual art, for the location and placement of persons and movement. The central character among many eccentric characters, the journalist Jep Gambardella is smart and suave, a libertine who is too self-aware and honest to be self-infatuated or proud, and too generous to be cynical. Jep Gambardella (actor Toni Servillo) is a wonderfully believable and likable character. His life has been easy (his friends are rich, and he has a grand apartment, and the women are still attracted to him), but that has been part of his problem: Jep has not had to demand much of himself. The motion picture is full of personalities and their smart talk, and it presents diverse stories, different lives, with their comedy and drama. The Great Beauty could be a continuation of the work of great film directors such as Visconti, Fellini, and Bertolucci, men who created photoplays of grandeur and history, strangeness and truth. The importance of consciousness, personal choice, public discourse, art, money, and politics are the content of the conversations, conversations that are serious and also distractions from private dilemmas—a second book that was never written; a husband in love with someone else; a disturbed, suicidal son. The film allows meditation on modern existence, on the complexities and idiosyncrasies of modern contemporary life in great cities: the personal liberties and odd loneliness, and collisions of past and present, prominent industries, celebrity culture, jazz, cocaine, botox parties, and indulgent sexuality. by Daniel Garrett Volume 21, Issue 8 / August 2017
The film is an examination of potential unfulfilled and squandered, with the pursuit of momentary pleasures a salve against deeper wounds. It mixes a phantasmagoric, oblique critique of the excesses of Italy’s recent past under former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with an affectionate unstated tribute to the peculiar, exuberant imagery of Italy’s cinematic maestro, Federico Fellini.
Sorrentino acknowledged that the outsized gestures of his visual style — as also demonstrated in his vividly dense 2008 film “Il Divo,” which starred Servillo as seven-time Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti — are out of step with trends on the international art house circuit. And he doesn’t mind a bit. - By Mark Olsen
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zahumnypodcast · 5 years
Episode 6 notes – Populism is the new black
Populism is the new black, or so it seems judging from the ubiquity of the terms populist and populism in public discourse. Seriously, your policy is not relevant if it has not been called “populist” at some point at least once.
We are in the business of political science though and we do not take using academic terms lightly. That is why we set out to clarify what populism really is and show that not everyone who is being labelled populist really is one. Here is what we talked about in episode 6.
First of all … what is populism.
If we did this episode ten years ago we probably would have spent the whole half-hour on the different definitions political scientists argue about. But thanks to Cas Mudde, a Dutch political scientist, we have a definition that everyone more or less agrees with.
Populism as such is always somewhat context-specific because the particular segments of society that populists define and use depend on local realities. Nevertheless, in order for someone to call a person or a party populist, the following four attributes should be present in their language.
Number one, anti-elitism. Elites and the establishment are the primary “enemy” (often without the inverted commas) and populism presents itself as being in direct opposition to them. Populists claim to speak for those who have been overlooked, oppressed or left behind and present themselves as champions of the people. Which brings us to number two, the people. Borrowing the famous (and overused) quote about government being of the people, by the people, for the people, it is implicitly assumed that “people” is more or less everyone, or at least everyone who voted. This is not the case in populists’ eyes because the people is constituted by those who are the real, pure, uncorrupted and hard-working. That means that apart from elites, those on benefits or immigrants are often also excluded, especially by far-right populists.
Defining “the real people” is of course arbitrary albeit based on sentiments present in a given society. A good example of an instance of using these sentiments is birtherism in the United States. This conspiration theory maintained that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and as such unable to serve as the American president (as the Constitution prescribes that every American president needs to be born on the U.S. soil). For those who felt Obama was unfit to serve because he was...well, not particularly white, birtherism presented a great opportunity how to put a legal stamp on these feelings (racism, shush!).
Number three, the people as a homogeneous entity. When society is comprised of two opposing groups there is an implied assumption of common interests and common will of the people. That means that populism is, while not undemocratic per se, incompatible with liberal democracy – populists see themselves as the only representatives of the will of the people, and nothing is more sacred than that will – not even constitutional courts for example. Moreover, if you believe that the people is a unified entity you do not need to recognize minorities or even hold parliamentary debates. When all you do in office is exercising the will of the people, there is no need for blathering on.
And finally, number four, appeals to morality. Those follow from the distinction between the rotten elites and the pure people, in the sense of morally pure. That is why populism has the capacity to stir up emotions, it discredits its opponents through accusing them of being morally corrupt. Populist leaders can therefore be very rich and still claim to represent the common folk – social class or wealth is only secondary to moral purity. A not insignificant part of the appeal of populist leaders comes down to their accessibility enabled by social media, further showing how different they are from those in power.
What is missing from this definition of populism is any kind of ideology. Populist parties are difficult to place on the traditional left-right spectrum, which is also one of the reasons what it took political scientists so long to agree on a definition of populism. Some claim it is only a communication strategy, the aforementioned Cas Mudde uses the term “host ideology” because he sees populism as a vessel that can be filled with leftist or right-wing ideas. This will then influence the way leaders define the people and identify the enemy.
One of the best examples for this flexibility of populism is Italy. The country had the first Western all-populist government, with both the left and right represented. On the left it was the Five Star Movement. The Five Star’s priorities – their number gave the party its name - are why they are being classified as left-wing populists: public water, sustainable transport, sustainable development, access to the internet as a right and environmentalism. What makes the party populist if for one that manifesto rejects traditional party politics and political elites as well as the distinction between the left and the right simply because all politicians are equally corrupt. Anti-establishment stance – check.
The Five Star Movement is sometimes referred to as digital utopists but for our purposes we could call them digital populists. As traditional party politics is corrupt they set out to capture a collective intelligence of sorts that can be defined through and on the internet. The party’s app Rousseau is the tool for that and theoretically, after everyone becomes a member, the will of the people will emerge through consensus on everything from confirming election candidates to bills to be presented in Parliament.
Despite the fact that the Five Star Movement exhibits features traditionally associated with the (far) right – Euroscepticism, an aversion towards migration or links to the anti-vaccination movement, they are still mainly associated with the left thanks to their environmentalism or emphasis of de-growth. Undeniably right-wing on the other hand is The League of Matteo Salvini.
Originally called the Northern League, the party called for the separation of Northern Italy, or Padania, from the rest of Italy. The interesting thing about The League is that it has always been populist but the subjects and contents of their message changed. The definition of the morally pure people shifted ideologically from regionalism to nationals. Geographically, “us” is no longer Padania but the whole of Italy and the main “them” is no longer rotten Rome and lazy Southerners but migrants.
Salvini is also an avid user of social media. As opposed to the Five Stars who use new technology to build a platform to define the will of the people, Salvini uses the internet to build trust and give his voters the feeling he is one of them. There are more than enough selfies with the bare-chested Salvini than Tim Bernes-Lee would approve of but it works. Emotions and emotional charge spread like wildfire online and Salvini, as well as Trump, mastered it.
When speaking of Italian populism, we also have to mention Forza Italia and Silvio Berlusconi who used populist tactics before it was cool, in the nineties. He is a good example of another trait that populism often has – a charismatic leader. Forza is rather a centre-right party using populist tactics which only reinforces the idea of a rather blurry line between “pure” populism and a party taking a page out of the populists’ book. Forza has been ideologically flexible over the years but the core values stayed – freedom and individualism, which does not sound much like the quest for a unified people.
What Berlusconi mastered though was the use of media, the reason why we mention him in connection to populism. Before the internet was widely used, people watched television. And Berlusconi offered a very different TV experience – a lot of reality and comedy shows and according to one study published in American Economic Review, there is a direct link between consumption of Berlusconi’s media and support for Forza or even the Five Stars today. The researchers claim that these viewers expected easy solutions and also, simplyput, showed signs of cognitive decline. Which is of course not to say that people voting for populists are stupid but there seems to be a correlation between people being more receptive to populist messages and their media consumption preferences.
Generally, the quest for clear definitions and then using them to pigeon-hole different parties or politicians into neat categories is not always welcomed by conditions “on the ground”. The Five Start Movement is no doubt a populist movement, but they are also utopian. The League checks all the boxes for populism but is also far-right. On the other hand, there are those who only use populist tactics such as Silvia Berlusconi so is it a good idea to describe him as a populist?
There is a good argument for why not to do that because it distorts the original meaning of the word. But we also cannot come up with a new word every time something does not exactly match the definition we came up with. This struggle is of course nothing new, we have the same problem with the word democracy. The main lesson here probably is to be aware of the fact that words can be misused as a label and populists are not the only ones who are good at using emotionally charged terms. Trying to discredit ideological or political opponents by labelling them as populists not only muddies the terminological waters of politics but also leads to the question of why it is such a bad thing to be accused of “working for the people”.
Populism therefore is not only an interesting phenomenon by itself, it also demonstrates a broader point of the difference between “official” academic definitions of terms and the way they get used – and misused - in everyday language. So, beware of your words!
References can be found on the episode page here: https://soundcloud.com/za-humny-podcast/06-je-to-populista
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whatfilmwasthat · 4 years
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Nelson Pereira dos Santos, another renowned director, managed to make one of the most important films of the decade, called Como Era Gostoso o Meu Francês (1971). The film is a reinterpretation of cultural anthropophagy, a theme in vogue at that time. If Macunaíma (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade), a 1969 success, was a tropical interpretation of Mário de Andrade's anti-hero, Nelson Pereira's film subtly resumes a critical bias about the tendency of Brazilian culture to open up, about external influences. To this end, the film conveys allusions about the political defeat of 1964 and the impasses of the left-wing guerrillas, underway in the country.
Inspired by the saga of the German Hans Staden, who spent almost a year among the Tupinambás in the 16th century, the film changes the character's destiny (in this case, a Frenchman). In real life, Staden escaped being eaten by the Indians, while in the film, the foreign civilizing hero is eaten, but, before dying, he utters a kind of curse against the Brazilians who devoured him.
On the other hand, 1972 saw two important national cinema productions. The films Independência ou Morte, by Carlos Coimbra, and Os Inconfidentes, by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, showed different readings of events and official historical characters.
The first film assumed the discourse of official history, narrating the facts linearly and simplistically, emphasizing the emperor's loves and trying to imitate the luxury of foreign productions. Os Inconfidentes, on the other hand, was made within a conception of author cinema, with cheap and stripped-down production. He used the theme of Inconfidência Mineira to discuss the crisis on the Brazilian left and his failed option for armed struggle against the military regime. In the film, revolutionaries/confidantes were lost in illusions of conquering power, utopian projects, and empty speeches, while isolating themselves from the population and workers (in this case, symbolized by slaves).
At the end of the decade, Cacá Diegues performed Bye-Bye Brasil (1979), which sought to reconcile social and political criticism with a lighter and more humorous language. The film, a success with audiences and critics alike, told the story of a caravan of poor artists, the “Caravana Rolidei”, which traveled the interior of Brazil. Based on this theme, Diegues presented a critical assessment of the conservative Brazilian modernization of the 1970s, full of regional and social disparities, and the effects of the cultural industry in deep Brazil.
Almost at the end of the military regime, Brazilian cinema began to build a film memory of the dictatorship, especially in films set in the lead years. In 1982, Roberto Farias directed Pra Frente Brasil, which showed, with all possible realism, the torture that an ordinary and innocent citizen, mistaken for a left-wing “terrorist”, suffered at the hands of right-wing paramilitaries. Even avoiding directly incriminating the Armed Forces for all the violence shown in the film, the work caused much controversy and was almost censored.
The documentary cinema was also an important space for reflection on the dictatorship, especially from the 1980s onwards, achieving great public success, with films such as Jango (Silvio Tendler, 1984) and Cabra Marcado para Morrer (Eduardo Coutinho, 1984). The first resumed the political and personal trajectory of the reformist president overthrown in 1964, while the second plunged into the various paths followed by the popular classes after the coup and the repression that befallen workers and peasants.
After the crisis of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, themes related to the military dictatorship once again inspired dozens of Brazilian films, not only in terms of documentaries but also in fiction.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Silvio Santos classifies Bolsonaro as 'his boss'
The greatest communicator on Brazilian television took an attitude considered by many to be unusual. Silvio Saints, owner of SBT, refuted information published by Veja Magazine. In it, the media reported that the 'entrepreneur of the Chest', would have indicated the name of a substitute for the Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, who left, on Thursday (16), the Ministry of Health.
Silvio Santos it does not usually hit notes published in the media. On the contrary. He always receives a collection of information that comes out about him in the press and often has fun with the publications of certain subjects.
This time, the communicator reacted. He wrote a note, which was sent to the magazine's Radar column. In it, the businessman stresses that he does not usually meddle in political matters. Silvio Santos recognizes that the concession of his broadcaster is public, belongs to the government, so it would not be against the decision “of my boss”, in this case the President of the Republic. “My television concession belongs to the federal government and I would never be against any decision by my” boss “who is the owner of my concession,” he said.
This question of subordination to the “boss” is emphasized in another section of the note. For Silvio Santos, the employee who opposes the boss reaches two paths: either accept the opinion or find another job. The note from Veja magazine highlights that business-related names closed the question about the name of Nelson Taich to take over the Ministry of Health, but Silvio Santos went against it when he appointed Claudio Lottenberg, director of Albert Einstein, to the position.
Silvio Santos has flirted with power since the 1970s. For many years, he aired a weekly program in which he brought the political agenda of the presidents of the Republic, the famous Week of the President.
Later, this program left the grid of the Brazilian Television System. Recently, in the management Jair Bolsonaro, the businessman and presenter of auditorium programs considered the return of the news to be produced by the TV Journalism Department under his concession.
Luiz Henrique Mandetta was dismissed on Thursday afternoon (16). For weeks, he had been in an intense political clash with President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party). The first advocates social isolation; the head of the executive branch, however, expressed concern about this distance and the consequent decline in the economy.
On Sunday (12), Mandetta gave an interview to “Fantástico”, from Rede Globo. On that occasion, he defended the unity of discourse between the Ministry of Health and the Presidency of the Republic. For members of the government, the chat was considered an affront to Bolsonaro, who has no affection for the Marinho family broadcaster.
With that, the military, who supported the maintenance of Mandetta, would have withdrawn that support.
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hollywoodjuliorivas · 5 years
Trumpism deserves to be called a cult
The comparisons have come hard and fast, at least since 2015. Trump is like Silvio Berlusconi, like Adolf Hitler, like Boris Johnson. A 2018 film called “The Trump Prophecy” took the evangelical route, comparing Trump to Cyrus the Great, the 6th century BC Persian monarch chosen by God to free Jewish captives in Babylon.
But maybe it’s time to stop searching for the exact analogy for Trump, be he Cyrus or Boris, Adolf or a Silvio. What demands analysis is less the arrogant 73-year-old mediocrity in the Oval Office, but the worshipful attitude so many Americans have toward him.
A lot of nut jobs have peddled lies to Americans before, and even styled themselves as messianic. But at no time in history have so many Americans been drawn to what’s looking increasingly like a cult. I don’t use the term recklessly.
When Steven Hassan, an expert in cults and an ex-Moonie (as in the Unification Church, founded by a Korean businessman, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon), published “The Cult of Trump” last spring, some reviewers objected to his use of the cult framework as incendiary and not all that useful.
Indeed, for Trump critics to call his admirers cult members might be just another salvo in our nasty political warfare. It’s similar to the Trump psychologizing over the years that often doubles as name-calling: He’s a baby, a psychopath, a stone-cold narcissist.
The discourse around cults partakes of some woolly theories. “Mind control” and “brainwashing” are shibboleths from the 1950s, when the coinages were used to describe what Chinese Communists did to convert freethinkers to their cause. The implicit suggestion is that unsavory ideas and ideologies can only win adherents using extreme and witchy measures.
All that put me off the notion of Trumpism as a cult. But then in August, Trump looked heavenward and called himself “the chosen one.”
Suddenly, among evangelicals, it wasn’t enough to make comparisons with Cyrus or even King David. He had to be the savior himself. The far-right radio host Wayne Allyn Root called Trump “the second coming of God.” Then former Energy Secretary Rick Perry straight up affirmed Trump’s craziness, telling him, “You are here in this time because God ordained you.”
As 2019 drew to a close, my doubts about Trumpism as a cult dissolved. And I’m not alone.
Republican lawyer George Conway reportedly described his wife, Trump’s presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway, as a member of a cult. Former GOP strategist John Weaver has used the term. Anthony Scaramucci, Trump’s onetime communications director, concurs. Also news vet Dan Rather, conservative political scientist Norman Ornstein, science journalist Steve Silberman, pastor John Pavlovitz and academic and journalist Jared Yates Sexton.
What the cult diagnosis may lack in scholarly rigor, it makes up for in explanatory power. When polled, far too many Republicans come across as having abandoned their commitment to libertarianism, family values or simple logic in favor of Trump worship. They’re lost to paranoia and factually unmoored talking points, just the way Hassan was lost to Sun Myung Moon.
It can be heartbreaking when loved ones succumb to Trumpism. (It’s a double whammy when your grief is dismissed as liberal tears.) A true believer undergoes a “radical personal change,” as Hassan puts it. The person you once knew seems somehow ... not there.
Journalists Luke O’Neil and Edwin Lyngar, as well as Jen Senko in “The Brainwashing of My Dad,” have compiled stories of Americans who have gone over. O’Neil summarized the transformation this way: “A loved one … sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person.”
Sounds about right.
Hassan — who remembers, during his Moonie days, shouting, “I don’t care if Moon is like Hitler. I’ve chosen to follow him, and I’ll follow him to the end” — broke free, and became an expert on cults and how to leave them. He has spent his career proving it’s possible.
To see Trumpism as a cult is not to refuse to engage with its effects, the crimes committed in its name or the way it has awakened and emboldened the cruelest and most destructive beliefs and practices in the American playbook. Instead, the cult framework should relieve the pressure many of us feel to call Trumpites back to themselves, to keep arguing with them. They are stuck in a bad relationship with a controlling figure.
Understanding Trump is a fool’s errand. He’s sui generis, and far too erratic and finally insubstantial to reward close attention. Trump zealots are another matter. They are part of the tradition of radical converts in American history who elected to forfeit their authentic personalities and principles rather than refine or strengthen them. We need to stay focused on how so many Americans came to this pass and took this destructive course. The Trump cult will define American politics for decades to come, even after its dear leader is gone.
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asiastemcells-blog · 5 years
Adult Stem Cells - Significant Progress Made in 2010
Thinking back on 2010, I needed to impart to you a preview of the amazing advancement that has been made this previous year as far as undifferentiated cell science and regenerative drug.
This year empowered researchers to share their inconceivable discoveries around the world, extending from disclosures inside their labs through to the accomplishments of various clinical preliminaries. What made these triumphs increasingly important were the astounding stories that were told by individuals from varying backgrounds who took an interest in grown-up undifferentiated organism contextual analyses, s/cell treatment and medications. They have (with the assistance of the web) had the option to share their unfathomable encounters indicating us direct the advantages and progress they accomplished in an extremely brief time.
2010 was a genuinely wonderful and huge year for every one of those engaged with grown-up immature microorganism science and treatment. A critical achievement was seeing such a significant number of advantages reach such huge numbers of individuals, everything being equal, who have such fluctuating well being challenges.
The manner in which we care for and protect our great well being is as much an open door as when we have to recuperate from an ailment, infection or damage.
Regardless of what your condition of well being or age, anybody would now be able to profit, whether it be taking an undifferentiated organism supplement through to the individuals who experience full immature microorganism substitution treatment (which is currently turning into a day by day outpatient technique in numerous nations).
The "truth can be stranger than fiction" articles and recordings simply didn't stop all through 2010 and these were by a long shot the greatest approval of achievement we would ever request.
Grown-up Stem Cell Accomplishments in 2010
It's been conceivable to bring undeveloped cell medicines into the domains of therapeutic practice and furthermore into the home as far as increasingly fundamental well being applications.
These huge achievements include:
• Adult undeveloped cell substitution treatment.
• The banking of undeveloped cells. Numerous moms are presently saving their infant's umbilical string platelets so they can be utilized at a later arrange (if necessary) to help with the treatment of maladies, for example, leukemia. The cells can be protected for a normal of 21 years.
• Organs being developed in the research center with grown-up undifferentiated cells. In years to come it is accepted contributor organs will have the option to be developed in tremendous numbers in research centers, dispensing with the gigantic requirement for live benefactors and long holding up records.
• Stem cell supplements - experimentally demonstrated and incredibly viable. These enemy of maturing "regular" supplements initiate the foundational microorganisms inside our bone marrow and send them into the circulation system where they go about as a fix and restoration pack, bolster ideal tissue and organ work, and fortify our resistant framework. Foundational microorganism enhancements are quick turning into the crucial enhancement that everybody can stand to take.
On sixteenth September 2010, Jean Peduzzi Nelson Ph.D. from Wayne State University tended to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. Jean Nelson is a neuroscientist who is doing unbelievable work on presenting grown-up immature microorganism medications, especially for those with spinal string wounds, head wounds and radiotherapy harm. In her discourse she alluded to "the valiant pioneers who originally investigated the capability of grown-up undeveloped cell treatment. The advancement of grown-up s/cells has now gone a long ways past these specific patients (as noted underneath) permitting long haul follow up consequences of various patients in friend explored distributed clinical preliminaries."
All through the 1990 s and mid 2000 s, grown-up s/cells researchers and backers confronted numerous difficulties and obstructions that deferred advancement (for example a noteworthy absence of subsidizing, government limitations, an absence of clinical preliminaries and information to back up the realities). The confirmation is presently accessible.
Dr Jean Peduzzi Nelson discussed a few patients who have been helped by grown-up undifferentiated cells. These patients were a piece of a clinical preliminary and their outcomes were distributed in a companion checked on diary in 2010. A rundown of these examples of overcoming adversity are delineated underneath.
• Silvio had a spinal line damage at the base of his neck (cervical level 6/7, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) A, total damage. Evaluation An is viewed as the more terrible, which demonstrates total spinal rope damage where no engine or tangible capacity is protected in the sacral fragments S4-S5). Silvio was left with no development of his legs and insignificant development of his fingers.
2 years after his damage, and after escalated recovery neglected to prompt an improvement, Silvio got his own grown-up foundational microorganisms. Today he can keep up standing position and wave without assistance. With a walker and short props, he can stroll more than 30 feet without anybody helping him. He would now be able to move his fingers, which he couldn't do previously. Joined with an uncommon recovery program called BIONT (cerebrum started non-mechanical/non-weight upheld preparing) created by Dr Lazzeri and Dr Arcangeli, that Silvio utilized at Center Giusto in Italy he figured out how to walk once more. Dr Jean Nelson is hoping to bring olfactory mucosal s/cell treatment to the individuals of the US with the assistance of the NIH and/or the Department of Defense. At the point when grown-up s/cell treatment/medications are joined with a successful recovery program for Grade A spinal string wounds, the majority of the patients recaptured some muscle development in their legs. These discoveries were reported with EMG and SSEP accounts.
• Doug Rice was told in 1998 that he had 2 years to live because of incessant heart disappointment after numerous cardiovascular failures. Around then he could barely walk. He didn't meet all requirements for any US clinical preliminaries. Doug Rice thusly went to Thailand to have grown-up immature microorganism treatment. The cells were sent to an organization in Israel where they were cleansed and permitted to increase. They were then sent back to Thailand for infusion. Since that time, Doug has more vitality and is getting a charge out of life. This isn't a disconnected episode. In 2010, an article was distributed in the European Journal of Heart Failure detailing the follow up of 191 patients who got s/cells from their very own bone marrow contrasted with 200 patients with equivalent side effects. Those patients who had gotten grown-up s/cell treatment lived longer and had a more noteworthy ability to do works out. Their heart worked much better dependent on countless tests (left ventricular discharge division, cardiovascular file, oxygen take-up and left ventricle contractility). This report of the STAR-heart study gives the controlled clinical preliminary information, and new preliminaries are currently continuing in the US.
• Joe Davis was brought into the world with serious sickle cell iron deficiency. Sickle cell frailty is a blood ailment that influences 1/500 African-Americans. Specialists thought Joe probably won't live to see his teenagers. At the point when Joe was 2 years of age in 2002, he got a transplant of immature microorganisms from his more youthful sibling's umbilical rope. Joe never again has sickle cell pallor. So where are we now? In the US, around 72,000 individuals have sickle cell frailty that causes torment, interminable tiredness from iron deficiency and serious diseases, generally starting when they are babies. In a distributed report a year ago in the New England Journal of Medicine that was upheld by NIH, ten grown-ups were treated with grown-up s/cells from their sibling or sister. Of these patients, nine never again had side effects of sickle cell weakness and were excelling at 4 years after their treatment. A comparable report was distributed in 2008 demonstrating that 6/7 of the youngsters with extreme sickle cell pallor treated along these lines were without sickle cell side effects when they were analyzed at 2-8 years after treatment.
• Barry Goudy was experiencing numerous sclerosis. He had various backslides and prescription was not helping his condition. Barry was a piece of an investigation led at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago and got his own undifferentiated organisms in 2003. His MS indications vanished in 4 months, and he keeps on being side effect free today. Results were distributed a year ago in Lancet Neurology - 1 March 2009 (Vol 8. Issue 3, Pages 244 - 253).
• Next we have the wonderful recuperation of patients who have corneal illness. Corneal ailment is the second driving reason for visual impairment after waterfalls on the planet. Patients had grown-up undifferentiated cells expelled from their contrary eye and embedded into their harmed eye. The patients went from scarcely having the option to see hand developments to ordinary sight in these eyes. This technique was fruitful in over 75% of the 112 patients. A portion of these patients were pursued for a long time.
• Amazing advancement was likewise made utilizing grown-up undeveloped cells in adolescent diabetes. An ongoing clinical preliminary report in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that most of 23 patients who got grown-up undifferentiated organisms accomplished insulin freedom in the multi year development.
The examples of overcoming adversity simply continued coming in 2010. Caught underneath is only a little outline:
• Windpipes made with Adult Stem Cells Help Cancer Patients. [As revealed by Colleen Barry, The Washington Post]. ROME - Italian specialists have declared the utilization of patients' own grown-up s/cells to create new tracheas for two malignant growth patients. To grow another trachea, the specialists began with a benefactor trachea and expelled the majority of the cells. The ligament framework left after the strategy was then washed in the patient's bone marrow grown-up s/cells before transplantation. Over a time of 2-3 months the grown-up s/cells spread the framework with new tissue, developed inside the body of the patient.
• BERLIN, November 26, 2010 (Life Site News.com) - Doctors related with the German umbilical rope blood donation center Vita 34 state they have relieved a youngster's leukemia totally utilizing an implantation of s/cells from umbilical line blood.
• Stem Cell Spray Heals Burns. November 26th, 2010. By Ed Yeates. SALT LAKE CITY - A shower arrangement of a patient's own s/cells is recuperating their extreme consumes. Up until this point, early tries under a University of Utah pilot undertaking are demonstrating some amazing outcomes.
• ABC News - 5 June 2010 - Mike Dunkirk depicted on ABC News, how Ves Cell grown-up s/cell treatment improved hello there, Asia Stem Cell
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cubaverdad · 7 years
Raul Castro Apparently Decided to Change His Personal Image
Raul Castro Apparently Decided to Change His Personal Image / Juan Juan Almeida Juan Juan Almeida, 11 July 2017 — The President of the Councils of State and of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba recently underwent cosmetic surgery to improve his chin. The chief of Cuban communists wants to be rejuvenated so that young people won't feel they are being governed by an old man of 86. The absurdity is that a process so normal and ordinary acquires, on the island, the unusual dimension of a "State Secret." The problem that arises from such a "mystery" is that as a recognized public figure he is under the magnifying glass of the public observer who, from now on, will compare his current appearance with old photographs of him. Apparently, and this could not be confirmed, patient Raul Castro refused general anesthesia for fear of bad intentions. The truth is that the operation on the president was performed by a Cuban eminence of cosmetic surgery, a celebrity of the guild, of whom I will only say that he is an assistant professor and first class specialist in plastic surgery, because I want to protect his identity from future attacks or implacable witch hunts. Some time ago he had problems at CIMEQ hospital, and later started to work in one of the most well-known teaching hospitals in Havana. General Raul Castro is a man of particular appetites that grew over time, the influence of alcohol and a real frivolity. It is normal with this surgery to try to correct the traces of a person's excesses, without exaggerating or abandoning his disagreeable natural aspects. However, he is not the first president, nor will he be the last, who tries to improve his image using surgical techniques. Plastic surgery ("plastic" derives from the Green "plastikos" which means to mold or give shape) is the medical specialty that deals with the correction or restoration of the form and functions of the body through medical and surgical techniques. In 1994, while Libya was faced with an international embargo, a group of Brazilian doctors traveled to Tripoli via Tunisia, to perform a hair implant and neck surgery on the now deceased Muammar Ghaddafi. In 2011, the former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi underwent a long cosmetic surgical procedure on his jaw which, according to reports from his personal doctor, lasted more than four hours. Argentina's former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner also succumbed to vanity and was remodeled with the help of the scalpel. And although the Kremlin spokespeople insist on the contrary, one only has to look at old photos and images of President Vladimir Putin and compare them to recent ones. The change is obvious. It is normal that the Cold War raised the conflict between ideologies and the leaders of that time needed to focus on strategy and wisdom. Then, with the coming of globalization, nationalist discourses lost political strength. Now, in today's world, several leaders, some fierce, some bullies, prostitute their political ends paying special attention to self-promotion on the internet and on social networks. Raul Castro cannot escape the desire to look like a modern old man and subjects himself to discrete adjustments with the truculent intention of showing himself to be less despicable. Source: Raul Castro Apparently Decided to Change His Personal Image / Juan Juan Almeida – Translating Cuba - http://ift.tt/2uiG1Eg via Blogger http://ift.tt/2vihtrq
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