#the shops in luton!...
redsbrainrot · 6 months
Fairytail characters in the UK
- Lucy would’ve grown up upper middle class fr - family shops at Marks and Spencer’s and Waitrose
- She 100% went to an all girls private school
- If the friend group were planning a day out in London she’d drag them all to Convent Garden
- Natsu is council estate roadman, and he’d probably live in Luton HAHAHA
- Would spend his spare time at either a skatepark or maccies
- Gray would also be a roadman but from the north like Yorkshire or Newcastle
- Spends his free time at greggs
- He would definitely be hitting that blue razz elf bar
- Erza would be lower middle class, but richer than most of her friends - so she can shop at Sainsburys but meanwhile her friends go to Asda
- Juvia would be Gray’s chav girlfriend, but one of the sweet chavs
- Makarov is a corner shop boss man selling vapes to minors
- Mirajane would also be a sweet chav
- Gajeel would live in Milton Keynes
Part time jobs:
- Lucy: boots
- Erza: sainsburys
- Gray: tescos, maybe greggs
- Natsu: maccies
- Juvia: Lidl/Aldi
- Mirajane: wetherspoons
- Levy: Waterstones
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hongduongn120 · 3 months
Flynn and Serafine, a history
The year was 1922, and Flynn Luton had just exited from a train in downtown New Orleans. It had been 10 months since he came to America and while he already has a lot of experiences in his travels, they would pale compared to what will happen next.
After what happened in New York City, Flynn had become a blip in the underworld, with words running far and wide. And a figure with power has picked up that the masked man is in his city, and they would reach out to commission him. The invite led Flynn into the bayou, where he met an unlikely pair of siblings whose fates would be intertwined between all three of them.
When they first met, both Flynn and Serafine didn't think highly of each other. After the introduction and briefing, Flynn thinks Serafine is unprofessional, loud, and brash. Serafine, meanwhile, thinks of him as just a thug, a relic of the Great War, broken and battered, only good at following orders. Nevertheless, they are convinced by the handler to work together.
At the time, Nicodeme and Serafine Savoy were still working for a small-time local crew. Not really questioning why they're being tasked with linking up with a freelancer before raiding one of their rival's safehouses, they waited at a cabin in the swamp along with their handler, waiting for this contact. What they didn't expect is a 6-foot-tall British Shorthair with a prosthetic mask.
A week of preparation followed, and the impression of both the siblings and Flynn for each other remained negative. Time and again, the veteran tried to make the Savoys to be more professional in their conduct, but they instead just continued to act like superstitious hoodlums. Nico and Serafine, meanwhile, because they don't understand the past of the man they're working with, keep treating him like an old, stuck-up man and do what they please except for the bare minimum amount of cooperation.
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The papers would tell that on November 7th, a plantation mansion was burnt down due to an out-of-control kitchen fire and that there were no survivors. But the truth was that the mansion, and everyone in it, was destroyed in a raid, conducted by only 3 people. Through the raid, both the Savoys and Flynn came to respect each other for their skill and prowess. The siblings for their aggression and sheer awesome force, Flynn for his precision and tactical acumen. Like hammer and scalpel, in theory, they shouldn't have worked in tandem, but they did.
After the raid, the three would go on a couple more jobs together, while smoothing out whatever disagreements they have with each other before eventually becoming an extremely effective team. Unfortunately, Flynn's time in Lousiana was coming to an end and they gathered for a final drink before he had to catch the next train headed for Texas, leaving behind a short but fruitful relationship, and it could've ended at that, with the three going their separate ways, their short stint together only remains as a fond memory.
That was, until 1925. By sheer chance, both the Savoys and Flynn have settled down in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, completely unaware of each other then. The siblings were "recruited" by the Marigold gang, while Flynn started a gun shop, and eventually, an underground gunrunning operation, selling wares to all parties within the city. It was only a matter of time before the three were reunited by accident. The siblings heard of a new firearms store in town and wanted to check it out to see if they could have a new service point. They didn't expect the man behind the counter to be their old partner. Flynn invited them to stay for tea, and after recounting what happened in the time before the reunion, they agreed to keep contact with each other.
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Their relationship started out simple, with cafe meetups and impromptu range days, courtesy of Flynn's shop. None of them knew about the other's illegal biddings, so they stayed on the surface as just a trio of genuine friends. That is until Flynn got a deal to supply off-the-books munitions to Marigold. And who just so happens to be the representative to receive the good but the Marigold Trio, Nicodeme & Serafine Savoy along with Mordecai Heller. Their secret life was revealed right then and there.
Soon, Flynn was introduced to the head of Marigold, Asa Sweet, and due to a previous agreement between Flynn and the head of the Lackadaisy gang, Atlas May, being asked to switch sides. Although he was hesitant to change his allegiance, Flynn nevertheless was hired once again as a freelancer, working with the Savoy siblings as their third in case the usual man, Mordecai, wasn't available.
As 1925 turned to 1926 and then 1927, the friendship between the three grew with each job and general interaction as Flynn got more and more involved with Marigold, while Serafine began to have feelings for Flynn, although he was oblivious to it. He has his own feelings for her too, but he thought that it would never come to be.
One night, Flynn was having trouble sleeping and decided to head to the roof of his building to contemplate his life. 6 bottles of beer in, looking at his old army cap, Flynn was startled by footstep noises. Serafine had come over, alone. They talked about how fate had led them to this point in time and reaffirming their friendship. Then Flynn looked up to the sky, reminiscing about his childhood. Seeing the stars in his eyes, Serafine decides to commit to it and pulls Flynn in for a kiss, his very first kiss ever. In that moment, they both knew that they were made for each other.
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After that fateful night, they became a couple but decided to keep it secret for now. To the outside world, they still acted like best friends, but Nico suspects something more. He noticed that they were more close and more intimate with each other and decided to poke and prod into it for info about why they behaved like they did. The couple deflects his question for a time until (because her mind is on something else) after some back and forth, Serafine goes "Well, I still love you regardless". Nico, mouth gaped, has the final piece of the picture and then, still in shock, exits the building they're in to compose himself. Serafine shortly thereafter, realizes what she just said and chases him to try and explain it with Flynn following.
Now the secret was out, at least to Nicodeme, and the couple could at least be more open about it when he was around. As of 1927, they have no intention of advancing their relationship beyond its current state, but whatever the future brings, they are ready to face it, together.
(Credits to @stardust-clearwater for the doodles)
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tartt9 · 6 months
[ shop ] sender and receiver go to the grocery store together
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It's not like Jamie tries to be incompetent in the kitchen; it's just the way he is. The way he always has been. He's been lucky in the sense that he's always had some way to feed himself - from his neighbours on the estate growing up to the chefs with City - both before and after their move to Etihad Campus - to Richmond's nutrition staff, there's always been someone who can provide him with a meal. And he's not so totally incompetent that he can't follow a recipe in an emergency, but it's easier for him to live with someone else cooking for him. He didn't think Roy was being serious when he said they were going to the grocery store, but Jamie'd get in Roy's car with him if he said they were going to fucking Luton. He'd go anywhere with him. To his genuine surprise, they actually ended up at the grocery store. Now, Jamie's wandering the aisles at Roy's side, occasionally darting off to look at some product or another. "Artichoke's in season right now, y'know," he says, reading a label and repeating what he's just read to Roy. "They're meaty and flavourful."
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@eulogier [ roy ] // from here !
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brettyimages · 6 months
year to date little adventure journal, in case you care
jan 28: edinburgh, nadine shah. spent my sunday afternoon shopping for the important things (bed sheets and bath sheets) and the fun things (hair dye, book club novels). had a ramen lunch at the yo sushi on princes st watching sushi plates sail past the scott monument. dinner and drinks with friends then centre barrier at the assembly rooms. my 9th time seeing nadine, 3rd time since she started teasing the new album so 3rd time hearing topless mother, even light and greatest dancer live. she was sensational. always is.
jan 31: glasgow, depeche mode. as soon as i got back from seeing nadine i was on ticketmaster looking for a cheap seat. had to work on the train and in waverley station but worth it. arrived to find myself in the back row of the hydro but i loved it. nadine supporting was stunning, first time i've seen her from the back of a room and her voice filled the place. depeche was amazing too, a couple of hours of songs i adore including strangelove, behind the wheel, somebody, in your room, just can't get enough, policy of truth, black celebration, etc etc etc. i got up when they started walking in my shoes and danced through the entire show from that point on, safe in the knowledge that there was nobody behind me as i flailed around. it's given me the last-minute trip bug.
feb 9: glasgow, the 1975. a long trip with many connections to get to my airport hotel and then back out to the hydro. early entry door was so slow that i got in as the normal doors opened, damp from the rain, but i got a good spot down the front. didn't know the japanese house were making upbeat tunes now so their set was a surprise. still... at their very best was much like the show last year but loved it, especially the surprise of bagsy not in net. i swear matty made eye contact with me a few times; he's so good at that. staging was beautiful, as always. mad rush to get back to town for the airport bus.
feb 10: london, suedemas. a couple of months late this year because of tour in december. early flight to luton and a morning in maida vale, an afternoon in highgate wandering aimlessly in waterlow park and hanging out in the boogaloo. italian food and gossip and gifts at paddington, drinks then trekking across to hackney for an indie club that played 6 AM songs in the hour we were there. heartwarming to spend the day in the company of dear friends.
feb 22: leeds, nadine shah. filthy underneath on repeat on the train down. a little shopping time before dinner but the second hand record store prices appalled me. over at the brudenell there was no queue for the show so i hung in the lobby as nadine soundchecked her new songs. front and centre in the main room, 6 songs: the three she'd been playing at all her pre-album shows, plus keeping score, hyperrealism and french exit. stunning, again. she spotted me wearing her merch and gave me a big grin and wave. i love her.
feb 23: birmingham, the blackout. a huge french toast brunch at moose coffee, a train to brum, a wander round the bullring. ready for a weekend of big nostalgia seeing the band who defined my student years and first flush of independence; found myself singing along to the songs and doing all the little actions as if it had been weeks and not years since the last time. ended up on the barrier for the last couple of songs and snoz immediately pointed a drumstick at me with a grin. saw some old friends, waited a long time in the freezing cold to get a chat with each of the 6. lots of big hugs, catch ups, a "fucking love you!" greeting from Gavin. so special.
feb 24: london, the blackout. trains to kentish town, bumping into matthew on the way to the flat. an afternoon with my besties, tokyo diner bento, hot chocolates, the Cute exhibition. we hung out in the hello kitty disco and pretended to have a sleepover in the hannah diamond installation. seeing an old band with a new band friend - same set, different side of the stage. waited out in the cold to chat again, more big hugs and catch-ups including a long conversation with sean. so much easier to chat as adults when i pretend we're old friends and not a girl with the singer from the band she has a huge crush on. a perfect weekend.
mar 9: galashiels, swim school. a local gig, a band i barely know but have high hopes for. the kind of show where i can have a normal day and then hop on the bus in the evening; macarts, a place that feels like home now. swim school and her picture both great bands, the kind of gig where i didn't know a single song but wasn't wondering how many songs they had left.
coming up: sprints. a week of adventures with a brett anderson cameo or two. nadine again. olivia rodrigo. for one night only, the ninth wave. finally, eventually, being in front of suede again.
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jedivoodoochile · 10 months
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Keith Richards pictured with a ‘59 Les Paul that he sold to Mick Taylor when Taylor was playing with John Mayall. The guitar rejoined the Stones with Taylor in 1969.
According to information provided by high-end guitar brokerage Richard Henry, the “Keith Burst” is a ’59 Les Paul that first arrived at Farmers Music Store in Luton, England, in ’61, and was played for a time by John Bowen of Mike Dean & The Kingsmen. Bowen had a Bigsby added to the guitar at Selmer’s Music in London, before trading it in there in late ’62. A young Keith Richards, who purchased the Les Paul with Bigsby, occasionally visited a regular haunt of musicians on the booming London scene of the day, Selmer’s. (It’s worth noting that both Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac and Jeff Beck of The Yardbirds also acquired used ’59 Les Pauls at Selmer’s, and several other acquisitions logged in the history of rock also took place in this popular west-end shop.)
Throughout the early days of the Stones, the Les Paul was one of Richards’s most prominent guitars. The Best-known photos of the era show him playing it on a Ready Steady Go! TV-show performance in Britain in ’64, and he also played it on a tour of the US that same year, when it popped up during the Stones’s performance on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Early Rolling Stones hits purportedly recorded with the Les Paul include “Satisfaction,” “Get Off My Cloud,” “Let’s Spend the Night Together,” and “Little Red Rooster.” As seen in color photos from the time, just five years after it left the factory it was already faded to a deep amber burst with a little iced-tea shading around the body edges. While still in Richards’s possession, the Bigsby ’Burst was also purportedly loaned to Jimmy Page for some studio sessions, and was then loaned to Eric Clapton for use with Cream at the ’66 Windsor Jazz & Blues Festival. - Gibson
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Court Circular | 16th February 2023
Buckingham Palace
His Excellency Mr Bader Mohammed Al Mantheri was received in audience by The King today and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Sultanate of Oman to the Court of St James’s. His Excellency Mr Thani Thongphakdi was received in audience by The King and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador from the Kingdom of Thailand to the Court of St James’s. Mrs Thongphakdi was also received by His Majesty. Mr Thomas Drew (Director General Defence and Intelligence for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) was present. The King this afternoon attended a Reception at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone, 300 Saxon Gate, Milton Keynes, to celebrate Milton Keynes’ new status as a City, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire (Countess Howe). His Majesty met community groups representing charitable, business, faith, environmental and arts organisations in Milton Keynes. The King afterwards visited Milton Keynes Food Bank, 14 Burners Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes, and was received by Ms Fola Komolafe (Deputy Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire) and Ms Louisa Hobbs (Operations Manager). His Majesty met staff, volunteers and representatives from local partner schools and organisations and viewed the foodbank’s new Mobile Top-Up Shop. The King later received His Excellency Dr Sultan Al Jaber (United Arab Emirates’ Special Envoy for Climate Change and President Designate of the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties). Mr Vinod Tailor (Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire) was present at London Luton Airport this morning upon the Arrival of The President of the Republic of Poland and welcomed His Excellency on behalf of His Majesty. The King and The Queen Consort were represented by Sir Nicholas Coleridge at the Memorial Service for Dame Vivienne Westwood (Fashion Designer) which was held in Southwark Cathedral, London SE1, this afternoon.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, today carried out the following engagements in New Zealand. Her Royal Highness this morning visited Havana Coffee Works Limited Roastery, 163 Tory Street, Te Aro, Wellington. The Princess Royal, Patron, New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated, later visited the Wellington Group at Battle Hill Farm Forest Park, 610 Paekakariki Hill Road, Porirua. Her Royal Highness, President, the Mission to Seafarers Limited, this afternoon opened the new Wellington Mission site, Shed 39, CentrePort Wellington, Aotea Quay, Port of Wellington. The Princess Royal, President, the Mission to Seafarers Limited, afterwards unveiled the Foundation Stone for the Mission to Seafarers and Merchant Navy Memorial at Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul, 2 Hill Street, Thorndon, Wellington. Her Royal Highness, Colonel-in-Chief, Royal New Zealand Corps of Signals, this evening attended a Reception at Government House, Wellington. The Princess Royal, Colonel-in-Chief, Royal New Zealand Corps of Signals, afterwards attended a Dinner at Government House given by the Governor-General of New Zealand (the Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro).
Kensington Palace
The Duke of Gloucester, Colonel-in-Chief, Royal Army Medical Corps, this afternoon received Major General Alan Hawley upon relinquishing his appointment as Representative Colonel Commandant and Brigadier Robin Simpson upon assuming the appointment.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Deputy Colonel-in-Chief, this morning visited The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers and Greys) at Leuchars Station, St Andrews, Fife.
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piastrinorris · 2 years
i'm in the coffee shop that i turbo-write busy streets and busy lives in, except apparently every parent to every screaming child in luton is here today too 🙃 but they have new reusable cups in so i thought this one to be my new ralph-writing cup since it's my favourite colour 😊💜
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colinmkl · 2 years
Hello!.. here are links!
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maxxmesii · 2 days
Leather Pants Dry Cleaning: A Total Guide
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Leather pants talk volumes almost design and continuance. In any case, being a Leather article of clothing, Dry Cleaner LUTON it requires exceedingly proficient care to protect its surface, see, and life span. Leather pants include a ageless request and are genuinely sumptuous; they require a bit of extraordinary consideration in care to keep them as great as modern. Pants are a exceptionally critical portion of clothing; this is to a great extent since of their flexibility for distinctive occasions, such as commerce gatherings and indeed casual strolls. Over time, they get recolored and exceptionally messy from the ceaseless wear and washing, which gets to be exceptionally risky to handle. This is where proficient dry cleaning plays an critical part in the cleaning and support of your pants in great condition. Welcome to Leather Trouser Dry Cleaning Bedfordshire, where the upkeep of calfskin tastefulness is an craftsmanship frame. This is a benefit for your calfskin trousers: How Leather Dry Cleaning is Carried Out When your calfskin pants go to a proficient dry cleaner's shop, there is very an expound prepare included for the best results: ● Inspection: Pants are to begin with reviewed for stains, tears, or any other harm that needs consideration some time recently genuine cleaning. The dry cleaner checks what sort of calfskin it is and distinguishes regions where extraordinary consideration will be needed. ● Pre-treatment: Stains and spots are given uncommon items outlined for calfskin. It is a exceptionally critical step, as ordinary texture recolor removers would crush leather. ● Cleaning: The pants are cleaned utilizing arrangements that are especially planned for calfskin. These solvents break up earth and oils without wetting the fabric. This handle keeps up the leather's unique grain and polish. ● Conditioning: After cleaning and conditioning, the pants are delicately squeezed to return them to their shape. Any repairs, such as zippers or sewing, are commonly done amid this last organize of finishing. ● Finish: At long last, the pants will get one last check for quality agreeing to the dry cleaner's guidelines. All minor modifications are done some time recently the article of clothing is given back to the customer. Benefits of Leather Jacket Cleaning Milton Keynes and Leather Pants
Professional dry-cleaning has certain focal points over self-cleaning methods. ● Preserves Surface: The cleaning solvents that the proficient cleaners utilize guarantee your calfskin pants stay delicate and supple, fair as before. ● Removes Intense Stains: Leather Pant Dry Cleaning close me employments extraordinary items to expel resolved stains viably and without harming the leather. ● Prevents Harms: Discoloration, shrinkage, or solidness from a few DIY cleaning strategies may happen to calfskin. Proficient cleaners spare you from those damages. ● Longer Enduring: Normal proficient Leather Pant Dry Cleaning Luton cleaning makes the life of your calfskin pants final longer by routinely supporting their best texture quality. Why A&Z Dry Cleaners? If you require your Leather pants cleaned and Leather Skirt Dry Cleaning Bedfordshire, at that point A&Z Dry Cleaners is the title you can instantly believe. With a few a long time of encounter with Leather articles of clothing, their proficient group will take the best care of your pants. This cleaning organization makes beyond any doubt that your calfskin pants are returned as great as unused with high-class strategies and quality items that protect the surface and color. For greatest comes about, believe your Leather pants as it were to A&Z Dry Cleaners, where values are built upon quality and client fulfillment.
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QC Commercial Flooring: Your Trusted Carpet Shop in Luton
At QC Commercial Flooring, we understand the importance of finding the perfect flooring solution for your home or business. Whether you are renovating, building a new property, or simply updating a single room, we offer a wide range of options to fit your style and budget. Our commitment to excellence has earned us a reputation as a trusted name in the flooring industry.
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🛠 Wide Range of Flooring Solutions
As one of the leading carpet shops in Luton, we take pride in delivering high-quality flooring materials and professional installation services. From plush carpets to durable vinyl flooring, our product selection is designed to suit any taste or requirement. Our extensive catalog includes:
Carpets: Soft, luxurious carpets perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, or offices.
Vinyl Flooring: Water-resistant and easy to maintain, ideal for kitchens and bathrooms.
Hardwood Flooring: Elegant and timeless options that add value to your home.
Laminate Flooring: Cost-effective and durable, perfect for high-traffic areas.
We are committed to providing flooring solutions that meet your specific needs while fitting within your budget. Our team is always on hand to help you select the best option for your space.
🧑‍🔧 Professional Installation Services
Choosing the right flooring is only the first step. The quality of the installation is just as important to ensure that your new floors last for years to come. At QC Commercial Flooring, we take care of everything, so you don’t have to worry about a thing.
Our highly experienced installation team has worked in a variety of settings, including Category A prisons and other government buildings. This experience ensures that our fitters are not only skilled but also fully vetted with government security clearances, guaranteeing the highest standards of workmanship and reliability.
We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy life, including evening and weekend appointments. Whether you need to install carpets in your living room or upgrade the flooring in your entire office, our team will work around your schedule. Plus, we handle all aspects of the installation process, from moving furniture to removing and disposing of old floor coverings.
💼 Why Choose QC Commercial Flooring?
There are several reasons why QC Commercial Flooring stands out as one of the top carpet shops in Luton:
Expertise: With years of experience in the flooring industry, we provide top-notch products and services.
Flexibility: We accommodate your schedule, offering evening and weekend installation appointments.
Trusted Team: Our installers are vetted professionals with experience in high-security environments.
Comprehensive Service: We manage every aspect of the project, from moving furniture to disposing of old materials.
Whether you’re seeking to upgrade a residential space or looking for commercial flooring solutions, our team is dedicated to meeting your needs with professionalism and care.
📅 Easy and Convenient Scheduling
We know that life can be busy, and finding the right time for flooring installation can be a challenge. That’s why we offer flexible scheduling to make the process as convenient as possible. Our team is available for evening and weekend appointments, allowing us to work around your schedule and ensure that your daily routine is not disrupted.
Additionally, our team will take care of all the heavy lifting, including moving your furniture and removing any existing flooring. We aim to provide a hassle-free experience from start to finish.
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🌟 High Standards of Quality and Safety
At QC Commercial Flooring, we prioritize quality and safety in every project we undertake. Our fitters are highly experienced and come with government security clearances, giving you peace of mind that your flooring is installed with the utmost care and professionalism.
Whether we are working in your home, office, or a high-security environment, our attention to detail ensures that every installation is completed to the highest standard. Our expertise and commitment to safety make us the perfect choice for both residential and commercial flooring projects.
🏆 Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At QC Commercial Flooring, customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. From the moment you walk into our showroom to the final installation, our team is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience. We believe that the key to success is not just delivering high-quality flooring but also offering outstanding customer service.
Our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer your questions, provide advice, and guide you through the entire process. We take the time to understand your needs and preferences, ensuring that you receive a flooring solution that exceeds your expectations.
🏢 Conclusion
For top-quality flooring solutions, expert installation, and exceptional customer service, QC Commercial Flooring is your trusted choice in Luton. Visit www.qccommercialflooring.co.uk today and explore our wide range of flooring options.
Trust QC Commercial Flooring to provide the perfect flooring solution for your home or business. With our wide range of products, professional installation services, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, we are here to meet all your flooring needs in Luton and beyond.
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azbridal41 · 11 days
Transform Your Dream Dress: Expert Wedding Dress Alteration in Watford at A Z Bridal
At A Z Bridal, we understand that finding the perfect wedding dress is only the beginning. To ensure a flawless fit and a truly unforgettable look, our expert alteration team is dedicated to providing exceptional Wedding Dress Alteration services in Watford. With years of experience and a keen eye for detail, our skilled seamstresses will work closely with you to bring your vision to life.
From subtle tweaks to extensive redesigns, we offer a comprehensive range of alteration services to cater to your unique needs. Our state-of-the-art facilities and top-quality materials guarantee a superior finish, while our personalized approach ensures that you feel confident, beautiful, and truly like the best version of yourself on your special day. Trust A Z Bridal to transform your wedding dress into a masterpiece that reflects your personal style and makes your wedding dreams a reality.
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xridetaxiservice · 12 days
London Airport Cabs: The Ultimate Guide to Hassle-Free Airport Transfers
When traveling to or from London, one of the most essential aspects of your journey is the transportation to and from the airport. With several airports in and around London, such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, and London City Airport, the city is well-connected globally. However, navigating through the city to reach your destination can be challenging, especially for those unfamiliar with its layout and public transportation system. This is where London airport cabs come in as a convenient, reliable, and efficient solution for travelers.
Why Choose London Airport Cabs?
Convenience and Comfort: One of the primary advantages of using a London airport cab is the convenience it offers. Unlike public transport, which might involve multiple transfers and waiting times, a cab provides a direct route to your destination. Moreover, after a long flight, the comfort of a private cab can make a significant difference. Cabs are typically equipped with modern amenities, including comfortable seating, air conditioning, and Wi-Fi, ensuring a pleasant journey.
Punctuality and Reliability: London airport cabs are known for their punctuality. Professional drivers monitor flight schedules to ensure they are aware of any delays, which allows them to adjust pickup times accordingly. This reliability means you won't have to worry about missing your flight due to transportation issues or being stranded at the airport upon arrival. With pre-booked services, a driver will be waiting for you, sign in hand, ready to take you to your destination.
Safety and Security: Safety is a top priority for most travelers, and London airport cabs provide a secure mode of transport. Licensed cab drivers undergo rigorous background checks and are trained to adhere to road safety regulations. Furthermore, vehicles are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. For solo travelers, especially women, opting for an airport cab can provide an added sense of security compared to other forms of transport.
Local Knowledge and Expertise: London is a vast city, and its traffic can be unpredictable. Airport cab drivers are well-versed in navigating the city, using their knowledge to avoid traffic hotspots and find the quickest routes. Whether you're heading to a hotel in central London or a residential area on the outskirts, drivers can provide valuable insights into the best places to visit, eat, and shop, making your journey more than just a ride.
Fixed Rates and Transparent Pricing: Unlike some transport options that might have hidden charges or surge pricing, many London airport cab services offer fixed rates. This transparency in pricing ensures that you know the cost upfront, without any surprises. Fixed rates are particularly advantageous for budget-conscious travelers who want to avoid the uncertainty of fluctuating fares.
How to Book a London Airport Cab
Booking a London airport cab is straightforward. Most cab services offer online booking through their websites or mobile apps. You can input your pickup location, destination, and travel time, and get an instant quote. For those who prefer, bookings can also be made over the phone. It's advisable to book your airport cab in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to ensure availability and to potentially benefit from early booking discounts.
London airport cabs provide a stress-free, comfortable, and efficient way to travel to and from the city's airports. Whether you are a business traveler needing to arrive on time, a tourist unfamiliar with London's layout, or a local resident wanting a hassle-free trip, these cabs offer a solution tailored to meet your needs. With the convenience of door-to-door service, reliable drivers, and competitive pricing, London airport cabs are an excellent choice for anyone looking to make their airport transfer as smooth as possible.
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hongduongn120 · 5 months
So, Flynn's lore dump time
The 4th generation of his family trade, Flynn James Luton was born in 1893 in Dublin, Ireland to Cathal Luton, a weaponsmith, and Martha Cassidy-Luton along with his younger brother, Thomas. He enjoyed a relatively quiet childhood with his father teaching him about the art of gunsmithing, hoping for him to follow in his forefather's footsteps. However, he was distant to Flynn otherwise due to the nature of his work. But his mother's death from pneumonia when he was 17 drove him into a deep depression and that led him to join the British Army in the hopes of getting a purpose in life. He would be trained as an armorer and ascend to the rank of Corporal before the outbreak of the Great War. He would then be transferred to the Royal Dublin Fusiliers regiment, 16th (Irish) Division, and be shipped to France.
He would be fortunate to survive the war, although he would not speak much about his experiences. The nature of the 16th Division, mostly comprised of Irish Volunteers, would mean that Flynn would begin having nationalistic thoughts and wishing for Irish independence in his time with the unit. During the Battle of Passchendaele, a German artillery shell landed near his position, the resulting shrapnel cutting off half of his jaw and taking away his nose, hospitalizing him for 3 months and requiring him to wear a prosthetic mask from there on. After the Armistice, Flynn would be discharged with the rank of Sergeant Major, disfigured, suffering from shellshock, and returned to an Ireland teetering on the brink of war. War did break out, the Irish War of Independence, and Flynn would fight in it on the side of the Volunteers, renamed the Irish Republican Army. With the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the war's end, Flynn is one of many who thought the treaty went against what they had fought for. But rather than fighting in the upcoming Irish Civil War, Flynn was just tired of war, and therefore in late 1921, he boarded a ship headed for America, determined to start again. 
When he disembarked in Boston in January 1922, he initially wanted to settle down, but after a week's stay, he realized that the city wasn't for him. With little other choice, Flynn decided to take to the roads and wander through the Continental United States, trading his skills for a living, hoping to find a suitable place to settle down and to find himself and his purpose again. The journey would take him 3 years, going through 25 major cities and countless small towns from the East Coast to the Pacific Northwest. His drifting days would be filled with lessons, memories, experiences, and a few bodies, from a bar crawl in San Francisco, a duel leading to a carjacking in El Paso, an encounter with a death cult in rural Montana, and the most notable, a hit job in New Orleans that spiraled into a massive assault on a mansion compound, where he would first meet the siblings Nicodeme and Serafine Savoy. The assault by the three would be the start of a deep friendship that would continue to the present day.
Arriving at St. Louis in early 1925, the atmosphere convinced him that this was the place, and using the funds he had saved throughout the years, he bought a building in the city's downtown and founded Luton's Gunsmithing and Sporting Goods. In this gun store, he would sell both legal firearms, and later in his basement, illegal weapons. Through his customers, he heard of the main criminal organizations in the city, Lackadaisy and Marigold. His first time in the Lackadaisy Speakeasy doesn't go well, with a drunk patron mocking his appearance, eventually leading to a brawl. When the dusk settles, the patron is thrown out and Flynn is cared for by the staff, who introduces him to the proprietor, Atlas May. Atlas has known of Flynn since he opened his shop, and offers a partnership in which Flynn would become the gang's unofficial main armorer, while Atlas would use his contacts to connect Flynn to more products and customers. This partnership would continue after Atlas's death, although Flynn then decided to stay neutral in the rivalry between Lackadaisy and the new kingfish of the city, the Marigold gang. His reunion with the Savoys does come as a surprise, but a welcoming one nonetheless, with the siblings inviting him to their jobs, explaining the matter to their boss, Asa Sweet, as an old freelance partner. He has been offered to join the Marigold gang, a decision he still hasn’t fully made. Nevertheless, his business is still running smoothly, though, with the simmering situation in the city's underground, he's preparing himself for the next big thing that will be happening...
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semixfenz · 13 days
Enhancing Your Home: The Importance of Expert Curtain Alterations
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Curtains are one of the essential elements in home decoration, which does a lot to add extra elegance and functionality to your living space. Whether updating an old set of curtains or modifying new ones to fit the size of unique windows, proper alterations ensure that your curtains will complement your room's aesthetic, as well as your desired level of privacy and light control.
Expert Alterations for a Perfect Fit and Style
Common alterations to curtains include adjusting the length to ensure that they hang gracefully and do not drag along the floor or sit awkwardly. This generally means one needs to hem them to the perfect length, which may be of specific importance in rooms with high or low windows. Besides, it is possible to alter the width of the curtains to achieve the aimed-at fullness or make sure the fabric adequately covers the whole window. Similarly, the heading may be changed or even the style changes such as from a standard pleat to a grommet or tab top-which can make a difference in the overall look of the curtains and better match them with the room's decor.
Curtain alteration Luton's services can range from the mere adjustment of curtains to even professional advice on fabric, patterns, and styles that will suit your space. Likewise, if the engagement of a skilled tailor or curtain specialist is involved, alterations are made precisely to preserve the quality of the fabric for a polished finish.
Why Accurate Measurements Are Key to Successful Curtain Alterations
Window treatment for specific needs and aesthetic purposes can be done through curtain alteration. Be it length, width adjustment, or probably some other additions of grommets or pleats, curtain alteration might just make the difference in the outlook of a room and how useful it will be. Begin with measuring the needed dimensions very well, followed by proper fabric adjustment with your tools. Hemming can be performed by hand or on the sewing machine, and adding lining can make the curtains more durable and block the light better. If such a minor adjustment is beyond one's reach, reassessments for resizing or embellishments by a professional tailor or curtain specialist should be considered for a polished result.
A&Z Tailor and Alterations offers professional curtain alterations. Their team of experts offers perfect adjusting and fittings for functionality and aesthetics to your curtains. A&Z Tailor and Alterations boasts perfection in making sure that your curtains fit appropriately and are elegantly great enough to beautify your home or office.
Local Alteration Services and AZ Tailor Expertise in Perfectly Fitted Curtains
Curtain alteration services are somewhat vital in terms of perfection in fit and a tailored look on your windows. Several local tailoring shops and curtain companies operate around offering alteration services for curtains. They will alter the lengths, width, or style according to your taste and window dimensions. Services can also include curtain shortening or lengthening, adding/removing lining, changing headers or hooks, and even custom-designing curtains to match your décor. Curtain alteration near me can be so convenient since most offer personal service and quick turnarounds. Check online reviews, ask for referrals from friends or family, or stop into local home décor stores to find a reliable service.
For a pro-fit, visit AZ Tailor. UK-based A&Z Tailor and Alterations offers a wide array of services concerning the alteration of curtains and the beautification of window treatments. Their expertise includes resizing, re-lining, and adding features to custom-design your curtains. At A&Z Tailor and Alterations, you can be assured of quality, as it works seamlessly to achieve customer satisfaction.
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aztailorsuk · 14 days
Jacket Alteration Services in Luton
Looking for expert jacket alteration services in Luton? Whether your jacket is too loose, too tight, or needs minor adjustments, professional tailors in Luton can make it fit perfectly. From resizing sleeves to adjusting the waist and shoulders, skilled alterations ensure your jacket looks sharp and feels comfortable. Many tailoring shops in Luton offer quick turnaround times, ensuring you won’t have to wait long. If you're in need of quality craftsmanship, head to Luton’s tailoring services for precise jacket alterations that make your garment feel custom-made. Perfect your fit today!
Visit: https://aztailor.co.uk/suit-jacket-alterations/
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systemtek · 1 month
EE’s first 5G small cells go live, with capacity-boosting mini-masts now deployed at 1,000+ locations across the UK
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EE has now deployed over 1,000 small cells across the UK, marking 400 new deployments over the last 12 months including its first 5G sites, recently installed in Croydon, London. Small cells are miniature mobile masts which offer performance boosts in high-demand areas thanks to their size, which makes them easy to install on everyday street infrastructure including BT’s iconic red phone kiosks and digital street hubs, as well as lampposts and other furniture. In the last year, EE has expanded its 4G small cell estate to towns and cities including Cardiff, Dundee, Luton, Norwich and Stoke-on-Trent, as well as continuing to improve capacity in summer hotspots like Torbay and Cumbria. Elsewhere, EE’s first 5G small cells are also now live as part of a trial taking place in the London Borough of Croydon. Seven sites, including four along Croydon’s London Road – a busy thoroughfare lined with businesses, shops and homes – are now supporting the local community, seeing over 3TB of traffic each day. EE uses advanced network analytics to identify specific locations which would benefit from the performance boost enabled by a small cell. It then works with partners Nokia and Ericsson to deploy the solution itself, reducing congestion and enabling customers to benefit from speeds of up to 300Mbps for 4G cells, and 600Mbps for 5G. EE is unique within Europe in combining licenced 1800MHz and 2600Mhz spectrum with unlicensed 5GHz spectrum in its 4G small cells, which helps to deliver excellent capacity and speeds. The new 5G cells in Croydon are configured with licensed 1800MHz spectrum for 4G and 3.5GHz for 5G. Greg McCall, Chief Networks Officer, BT Group, said: “Small cells are an integral component within our mobile network, ensuring that even in the busiest places our customers have access to the full performance of the UK’s best network. To reach 1,000 deployments, including our first 5G sites, demonstrates our commitment to delivering unrivalled mobile connectivity to all four corners of the UK.” Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon, said: “This is great news for Croydon – we’re delighted to be the first town in the UK to be trialling 5G small cells with EE, bringing the latest mobile connectivity to our borough. These 5G small cells will improve the network capacity in high-usage areas, giving faster download speeds for our residents, businesses and visitors.” Read the full article
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