#the shadow war ducktales
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And another one gone, and another one gone-
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laz-kay · 6 months ago
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Something something Donald was hot in this episode
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best-ducktales-episode · 11 months ago
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bolddeducktionneverfails · 2 months ago
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☁☁☁☀️ New year, new art! 🌑☁☁☁
I was thinking about the eclipses in the season finales and thought it was...really strange that S3 didn't have one. 🤔 That finale took place in a very sunny environment and a sun was even placed on the floor of The Lost Library.
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Both Sun and Moon are needed to make an eclipse and there seemed to be an interesting uptick in moon imagery throughout that season too; in spite of things like The Spear of Selene, the invasion and Penny's homesickness being settled. Whenever the Moon is in focus, or just Space in general, we're more likely to think of how closely Della is associated with these things. Both of the eclipses we saw in the show had something important to do with her: The first one preceded the discovery of her still being alive and the second one happened when she reunited with her brother.
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Considering the reflective nature of the show, it would make a lot of sense for her to be involved, in some kind of way, if a third eclipse were to have happened. Could the other instances have been hinting towards the third one being a loose combination of the two? And if it involves another character, who could represent the Sun well enough to match up with Della's Moon connection? 😏
So, yeah, I wanted to draw something that resembled my thoughts on what could have been. I mainly drew inspiration from DT version of "The Kiss" painting Gladstone had in "Lamp".
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I pretty much intended to recreate that but had trouble with the posing. 😓 I was also inspired by "Neverrest" and a couple of lyrics from "Ragnarok"s hero song. ✨
I had said that I wanted to add more effects to my work, and this piece certainly delivers that! I was gonna try a lens flare out too, but I was getting tired of working on this piece. 😂 The process for this one and the last one were dragging out too much... x_x
Heh, as I was putting this description together, I realized that my last post from last year had a sunset and my new post for the new year is a sunrise...I love that it. xD
Well, uh...time to work on next month's pieces. 🚶🏾‍♀️
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i-mostly-reblog-things · 8 months ago
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So the @best-ducktales-episode tournament got me thinking about my favorite Ducktales episodes, so I decided to do a gif set of my favorite ten episodes. I don't know what it say about me that Last Crash of the Sunchaser is my favorite😅
While many of these episodes didn't necessarily get too far in the tournament, I still love 'em all the same
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tokuvivor · 5 months ago
Well, last night, we had the first of three Halloween Movie Nights for this month, all with a broad supernatural/parallel universe theme to them. So, the highlights:
Skeleton Dance
Me: “That’s gotta hurt” (the cats pulling at each other’s tongues)
@writebackatya falling into the well and @tealottie pulling him back out
The stream cut out, so we didn’t get to finish the short. But if you want to check it out, you can do so right here.
Magica’s Shadow War
The fact that the episode was the original inspiration for Lena
Everyone wanting to smash Magica
@spamtoon: “i fucking forgot about 87 poe”
@puffyducks: “it’s ok the writers forget about 87 poe too”
Gyro’s invention being a camera with a spotlight
Puffy: “they just fucking flashbanged her”
Will: “me when Webby kicked the flash grenade back to Gandra”
Scrooge’s girly apron
The guy at the airport (Gus Goose?)
Scrooge White and the Seven Nephews (courtesy of @shewhowantsmouseears)
Scrooge covering all the bases with the shadow’s pronouns
Scrooge wearing a moose head
Me: “Keel moose and squirrel”
Mel: “They had to make a moose joke, given how her voice is clearly based on Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle” (Since June Foray voiced both Natasha Fatale and ‘87 Magica.)
Magica’s shadow looking like Madam Mim because of the hair (plus some lore droppage from Mel and @emeraldcity1900)
“Magica’s raven” That’s her brother!
Will: “Do you think every family member immediately groans to themselves whenever Scrooge starts his sentences with “I made my fortune””
Several people: “Yes”
Surprise Webby!
@alex31624: “is like... some shadow war...”
Endless drama with the dime (as usual)
Caro: “I was hoping Scrooge would SHPEDEHOOING the dime out of her hands”
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!
Lena time!
Scrooge in a deep sleep
Lena: “Aaaah…”
*theme song plays*
Will and Caro discussing how the theme song playing would impact the characters in real time
@spamtoon: “hi mark”
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Webby’s long-ass speech about Scrooge
Magica being a terrible person
Blink-and-you-miss-it animation error where Lena isn’t wearing shoes
Gavin subplot!
Louie’s Kids
Darkwing Duck and Paperinik references (leading into Donkey Kong reference)
Will: “And then there’s Della! She’s dead.”
Sword horse!
Huey and Dewey being jerks to Louie in this episode
Puffy: “dewey time travel adventure is a touching story about him spending christmas with his missing mother and then louie time travel story is him just going to a 23rd century film set”
@godfrey-the-chaos-duck: “huey needed a time travel story”
Puffy: “I think huey experiencing any time travel would cause him to spiral”
Louie finding out Gavin’s conning them (and that his name is Gavin)
Gavin being like Bradley Uppercrust III
“Bigfoot, you just poked the bear.”
“The power…the body…”
Everyone losing their shit at Lena’s dream scene
Louie beating Gavin
“i win”
“Now go back! From whence you cameee!”
Everyone losing their shit again at the last scene
A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!
The fact that it’s a peak episode
Lena’s song and everyone else’s reactions (including Louie’s “TF did I just watch” face)
Friendship bracelets!
Violet being relatable AF
The fact that Boyd and Gosalyn should’ve gotten friendship bracelets in the show
“Let’s eat pure sugar!”
Us watching this episode coinciding with the server’s one-year anniversary
“Me!” “…Sleep.” (plus Dewey’s offended face)
The boys and Violet sleeping
Glowy stars ✨
The fact that we should’ve gotten a second sleepover episode
The sword horse returns!
The finale foreshadowing
What would Boyd dream of? Does he even sleep? (Plus this incorrect quote from Will)
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The sword horse disappearing without so much as a sound effect for it
Dewey High!
Dewey’s love interest (queer allegory)
Puffy: “bro thinks she’s bill cipher”
Godfrey: “if they ever made a deal all of reality would collapse”
Cat Louie!
“Meow. Everyone pat my head.”
Wolf Lena!
Seriously, long-legged Huey is cursed AF
Whale Launchpad!
“My dream is just to read more.” “Awesome!”
@hueberryshortcake: “the bond between a girl and her librarian is unbreakable”
Now for Lena’s dream
She looks cool in green, though
Lena would make jokes about Poe
Everyone in their dream forms rescuing Lena
Lena and Webby’s conversation (and the feels that come with it)
Mel: “friendship is magic, the ponies were right”
Alex: “friendship is the best magic”
Magica is dead! (Welllll…)
She actually just lost her magic. Which explains her white feathers. (LOL what a loser)
These drawings from Puffy (minus Violet, she will be added later):
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Magica trying (and failing) to do a Darkwing-esque speech at the end
Ghoul Friend
Adorable or horrible style? (It was a joke, though.)
Zombie Goofy!
Screaming Squirrel
Goofy Holler!
“You wouldn’t hit a mouse with glasses, would ya?” (Also the only line in the short, which says a lot about how you don’t necessarily need dialogue to tell a story.)
Goofy died because Max failed the perfect cast
Alex: “Coraline won, and everyone leaves”
Keith David being in the movie
Looking ahead to Coco, and talking about how much we will (or will not) cry
@ducklooney: “Skeletor robot on motorbike!” (Wybie)
(About Coraline’s dad)
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Will: “Are ya winning dad?”
Blue boy in a painting
Puffy: “woah you know who ELSE is a blue boy in a painting”
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I ❤️ Mulch
Coraline’s parents being too absorbed in their work to pay attention to her
The fact that her friends in Michigan gave her a whole billboard to say goodbye to her (courtesy of @story-blossoms-ducks)
Kangaroo mice!
Puffy: “woah.. mirror dimension... just li”
“wait everyone that watched infinity train with me is gone”
The food in the other dimension looking fantastic (even though it’s not real)
The mice are friends
Mr. B’s confusion over Coraline’s name
Puffy: “we're not even in the scary world and everyone is still a fuckin creepy weirdo”
Will: “yeah, isn’t it great?” “they’re good people. Just weird”
The fact that everyone is telling Coraline to not go through the door, yet she still does
Will: “I mean they had mango milkshakes”
Puffy: “wait you’re right I hadn’t considered that”
The garden in the shape of Coraline’s face (feat. the mantis cart)
Mouse circus!
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How Lena would fit into the role of Coraline
Keith David is the cat!
Me: “That is a lot of Scotties”
Brain bleach moment with Other Spink and Forcible
Shit gradually will start to go down (Coraline given buttons for her eyes)
John Linnell of They Might Be Giants being the Other Father’s singing VA
Cocoa beetles
DuckLooney: “"You will eat ze bugs and you will be happy."”
Puffy: “-the lion king”
“Bad.” “Lost.” “Bad.” “Lost.”
Coraline and her pillow parents
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Mel: “dammit, beldam, spit will out right now”
Breaking the mirror=seven years’ bad luck
Will: “And she’s hanging out with a black cat who’s always crossing her path”
Into the trap!
Puffy: “girl that is NOT your mother”
@kaitosduckmania: “she is mommy tho”
Coraline trying to collect the ghost eyes (and thinking she’s out of time when it’s still going) (shoutout to the cat on the assist with the last eye)
People having the hots for the Other Mother’s spider form
Destroy the key!
Webby Wybie to the rescue!
That’s all folks! (Not really, the sound was messing up)
Will’s cat watching with him
Puffy and Mel with a Simpsons reference (We’re Sending Our Love Down the Well)
Why is Mr. B’s skin blue?
Will: ““So your sister’s dead. But good news; her soul is no longer held captive by the spider woman.””
It was a good movie. Very unique.
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quiverwingquack · 2 years ago
Do you guys ever think about how Webby was there when HDL met Della for the first time and HDL were there when Webby found out Scrooge is her dad
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mrgladstonegander · 9 months ago
everytime im bitching about something in the art book assume i'm also stopping at most episodes to gush about how amazing they are to my friends in the same discord call as me ok
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 9 months ago
Oh this absolutely happened
Webby: {picks her charade slip} Oh this is easy! {starts imitating Scrooge}
Dewey: Sour! Sour grapes! Old fruit!
Lena: [in her shadow form] She’s your Uncle Scrooge…
Dewey: Hat! It was a fruit hat! Bowler full of smoothies!! Nailed it?!
Lena: No…She’s your Uncle Scrooge!
Dewey: Money?!
Lena: You’re getting there…
Dewey: Expensive smoothies!
Lena: Oh for the love of- IT’S NOT FRUIT RELATED!!
Dewey: Smoothies with cash in them!? Swim away from the smoothies!? An old man!
Lena: {gasps in excitement}
Dewey: Pruuuune smoothies!?
Dewey: No?
Beakley: Time!
Webby: Augh! It was Scroo-
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disabledcharacters · 7 months ago
TV ANIMATION: Della Duck (Ducktales) - Amputee, Prosthetic Leg User
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Della Duck made her animated debut in the television series DuckTales, first appearing at the end of the two-part season finale “The Shadow War!” on August 18, 2018.
She is a seasoned pilot and adventurer, having once accompanied Donald and their uncle, Scrooge McDuck, on globe-trotting expeditions. The mystery surrounding her disappearance serves as the emotional core of the show’s narrative.
Unique to the series, however, is the character’s depiction as an amputee. As revealed in the episode “What Ever Happened to Della Duck?!“, Della’s leg was injured in the crash, resulting in her amputating the limb and instilling a robotic prosthetic in its place.
The showrunners collaborated with the Amputee Coalition of America in portraying Della as an amputee. According to Youngberg and Angones, they did not want Della’s disability to define her character, as “she's dealing with a lot of other things,”.
They explicitly wanted to avoid portraying her as “the amputee hero”. Rather, the circumstances surrounding Della’s disability highlight the perseverance and overall spirit of her character, proving that “nothing would stop her." [wiki]
Join me as I celebrate and post about different Disabled Characters throughout the month. Tracking #dcotm
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bolddeducktionneverfails · 3 months ago
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I still wanna know what the heck Launchpad saw in the future that made him react to Louie’s remark like that. There was only one person we know of who did something this similar to taking the Time Tub. 
So, why would Launchpad seem to have...someone other than Della in mind...?
I think that scene was a lot less likely about him suddenly forgetting the story of Della taking the Spear. While I do suspect him of having memory issues, I think he actually overheard it as it was explained in “Last Crash” as opposed to HDL simply telling him about it afterwards. In "Shadow War", he emphasized that it was the boys who blamed Scrooge rather than accepting it as fact.
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When the show was running, I was seriously hoping we would see Future!LP again...After "Timephoon!" aired, I thought he was foreshadowing the Moonvasion. When he didn't show in that finale, I then thought, "Oh, ok, he's going to show up in the one for Season 3!". There was all this "end of the world" stuff coming up over and over again, and Launchpad even had a surprising trend in the first half of the season...but that wasn't it either? And where was the eclipse? It appeared every other season...
I've been coming across comments here and there saying that the cancellation of the series caused the third season to stray away from what the showrunners originally intended. (Possibly mentioned in both the deluxe artbook and the Gallery Nucleus panel. I haven't read that version of the book...yet? I plan to watch the latter eventually.) I'm pretty sure it effected the things I'm wondering about, because based on other amusing instances in this show...I don't think it was just some random gag, or a cool element they didn't think much of; it's very notable that they did this with Launchpad of all characters. And the eclipse was too consistent to not happen a third time...especially with the Moon's focus increasing after Della's return...like...huh?? What was that about?!
I have SO many thoughts about DT17's cancellation and what we may have been supposed to see...I'll probably talk about it in a more detailed manner someday...probably somewhere else.
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magicvicky1 · 10 months ago
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Some drawings of the Evil Queen of Shadows!! Aka Magica De Spell lol
I renember that back when I was watching Ducktales she was the character that interested me the most and that she was one of my favorite villains in the show…Now that I rewatched the show, I’m glad that she still remains as great as I renember xd I really like how even though she has her more goofy moments, she still manages to be an menacing and cool antagonist in the story. The Shadow War episodes are, to me, some of the best ones in the series and I enjoyed each moment that she was on screen. (I do need to watch the Dt87 show and read some of Duck comics with Magica, so that I can see how she is in other iterations)
Speaking of the drawings itself, I’ve always preferred inking rather than coloring, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone. It took me a while to paint and render the first one in a way that I liked it, and I think that I succeed it on it…Aside from that, I also included Lena (another one of my faves), basically being consumed by Magica’s shadows in the second one, so she’s not having a great time xD
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violetganache42 · 3 months ago
Since the first poll was a success, I'm gonna do it again!
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I didn't even think of doing this in the first poll, but under the cut is a lineup of all the episodes, movies, and shorts we have seen in the second batch of watch parties.
Mystery Night
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "No"
DuckTales (1987) - "Duckman of Aquatraz"
DuckTales (2017) - "McMystery at McDuck McManor!"
"Clock Cleaners"
The Great Mouse Detective
Mermaid Night
"Sea Scouts"
Darkwing Duck - "Something Fishy"
DuckTales (2017) - "The Lost Harp of Mervana!"
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "Wonders of the Deep"
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Duckburg Adventures Night
"Chef Donald"
DuckTales (1987) - "Send in the Clone", "Dough Ray Me", and "The Good Muddahs"
DuckTales (2017) - "Daytrip of Doom!", "Who is Gizmoduck?!", and "Happy Birthday Doofus Drake!"
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "Swimmin' Hole"
Dad Night
"Donald's Happy Birthday"
Darkwing Duck - "Darkly Dawns the Duck" and "Life, the Negaverse, and Everything"
DuckTales (2017) - "What Ever Happened to Donald Duck?!"
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "Goofy's Grandma"
A Goofy Movie (Rewatch)
Triplets Night
"Donald's Nephews"
DuckTales (1987) - "Allowance Day"
Quack Pack - "Can't Take a Yolk"
House of Mouse - "Music Day"
DuckTales (2017) - "The Split Sword of Swanstantine!", "The Fight for Castle McDuck!", and "Day of the Only Child!"
Future and Pirate Night
"No Sail"
DuckTales (1987) - "Duck to the Future"
DuckTales (207) - "Sky Pirates…in the Sky!"
Marshmello x DuckTales - Fly (Music Video)
Treasure Planet
Competition Night
"Polar Trappers"
Quack Pack - "Need for Speed"
DuckTales (2017) - "The Missing Links of Moorshire!"
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "Dog Show"
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Triple Halloween 2024 Nights
Halloween 2024 Night #1
DuckTales (1987) - "Magica's Shadow War"
DuckTales (2017) - "The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!" and "A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!"
Halloween 2024 Night #2
DuckTales (1987) - "Earth Quack" and "Ducky Horror Picture Show"
Quack Pack - "The Boy Who Cried Ghost"
Darkwing Duck - "Hot Spells"
DuckTales (2017) - "Terror of the Terra-firmians!"
Halloween 2024 Night #3
DuckTales (2017) - "The Trickening!" (Rewatch) and "The Town Where Everyone was Nice!" (Rewatch)
Webby Night
DuckTales (1987) - "Cold Duck" and "The Good Muddahs" (Rewatch)
DuckTales (2017) - "Daytrip of Doom!" (Rewatch), "From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!" (Rewatch), and "The Last Adventure!"
Glomgold Night
DuckTales (2017) - "The Ballad of Duke Baloney!", "The 87 Cent Solution!" (Rewatch), "Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!", and "GlomTales!"
DuckTales (1987) - "Master of the Djinni" (Rewatch) and "A Whale of a Bad Time"
Christmas 2024 Night
Mickey's Christmas Carol (technically a rewatch since it was featured in Snowed in at the House of Mouse)
DuckTales (2017) - "Last Christmas!" (Rewatch) and "How Santa Stole Christmas!" (Rewatch)
Darkwing Duck - "It's a Wonderful Leaf" (Rewatch)
Mickey Mouse (2013) - "Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special"
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scottpetersen · 4 months ago
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Honestly, I think that Violet Sabrewing from the DuckTales (2017) TV series would be fascinated to compare Lena Sabrewing to the Boogeymen from the Monster High franchise. After all, as stated in Twyla’s 13 Wishes Diary, Boogeymen have the ability to travel through the shadows whereas, as shown in the episode ‘The Shadow War! Part 1: The Night Of De Spell!’, Lena is a shadow. Also, I think that Lena might get along quite well with Twyla, a Boogeywoman from the Monster High franchise. After all, as shown in the episode ‘Nightmare On Killmotor Hill!’, Lena had trouble opening up to other people and, as also stated in Twyla’s 13 Wishes Diary, Twyla also had trouble opening up to other people.
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alex31624 · 3 months ago
Duck Comic Reading Club Week 20: The Old Castle's Secret
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I finally got around reading The Old Castle's Secret. It was the last comic from the Club I was missing. Let's see how it went.
The story begins with good old Scrooge asking Donald and HDL to come to his house. He needs help to find a treasure.
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With that hair, Scrooge looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future.
The treasure is on Castle McDuck, located on Dismal Downs. Hey, just like in the 2017 hit Ducktales!
There's a problem tho, ghosts. An evil spectre protects the treasure. Sadly, there were no Ghostbusters to call, and Scrooge called the second best option. Is time for Donald to prove his courage.
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Is worth mention that this is the second Scrooge comic, he's not the brave tomb robber… I mean, treasure hunter we know, yet.
Anyway, is time for the McDucks to go to reveal the secret(s) of Castle McDuck!
In Scotland, they were welcome by Scrooge's trusty worker, Scottie.
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So, he's a scottish whose named Scottie. Ja.
The McDucks went to work right away, using Scrooge's X-Ray machine to search for the hidden treasure. They worked for hours until…
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It's so funny how Scrooge walks on Donald.
They found the treasure on the walls, millions on gold and jewels. Donald is forced to take the treasure outside, but he's attacked by the ghost.
Unfortunately, the castle is full of dust, and that makes a lot of problems for Donald because of his asthma, you know it. So, he went to the yard to get some fresh air, not because he's scared, no, no, no.
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Thankfully, Huey has the solution to all their problems.
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Sadly, the ghost escaped. Only Scottie was left behind. Suddenly, an armor approached them, and Louie did the logical.
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That's a fine armor, Donald took an axe directly to his head like it was nothing.
Scottie had enough of this madness and left the Castle. The best decision so far. On the other hand, HDL continued with their ghost hunt, only to be trapped in a battlement. Not long after, Scrooge ended in the same place.
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Now, is up to Donald to rescue them. He's on his way, but first, he found out Scottie's now playing on the ghost's team.
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And of course, he's trapped too.
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Well, I get that it's a hard situation and they need to escape, but, I'm not sure if I would have told my ten-years-old nephew to swing into a pond.
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With HDL on the ground, the babies went to find a way into the castle. They found a secret tunnel in the cemetery. Because, of course there's a secret tunnel.
Meanwhile, the adults are preoccupied about the kids. Scrooge regrets not having given them a gun.
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Imagine if Scrooge had have that gun on DT17. The second Magica appeared, he could have shoot her and avoid the Shadow War.
Anyway, the ghost is attacking the babies, and Scrooge didn't hesitate.
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Remember kids, next time a ghost wants to mess with you, shoot it. Kill it a second time.
The ghost tried to escape, but the McDucks caught it. And now, the plot twist, the ghost was Scottie, who actually was Diamond Dick, the guy with the best name ever.
It was all Diamond Dick's scheme to steal the treasure using an invisible spray he stole. Also, the real Scottie is dead.
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Ok, forget about the invisible spray and how Dick still made a skeleton shadow. Forget about the fact that his third wife was a McDuck, technically making him a member of the clan.
How was Scottie a trusty worker if Scrooge didn't even knew how he looked. Diamond Dick said, hey guys it's-a-me, Scottie and Scrooge was like, hell yeah, that's Scottie.
Donald tried to take all the credit for solving the case, and the babies sprayed him with the invisible formula.
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This was a great, fun story that I enjoyed a lot. One of the best Club readings of this year, IMO.
And with this review done, I have done all the Club comics. It has been a lot of fun, let's see what next year brings.
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