#the series is actively playing with that as well but I had kinda hoped to like him more
bitchking-of-angmar · 8 months
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Me watching the living armor episode of dungeon meshi: I know that guy!
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snapscube · 2 months
I FINISHED TURNABOUT BIG TOP! Which means here is my updated autopsy report ranking for cases and characters!
Both have actually shifted around quite a bit so you may find it an interesting update. I'll explain some of my current thoughts on the new placements as well as my thoughts on 2-3 in general below a break if ur curious.
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Okay so first thing let's just address the elephant in the room: We have an all new category on the character ranking!! One that I sure wish I didn't have to include but unfortunately Big Top made some... very Interesting decisions with specific characters. It would be one thing if this content was featured and then addressed, but it was particularly off-putting and frustrating to me that everything was played entirely straight?? So yeah. New lowest of the low category for a couple freaks who are actively courting a 16 year old!!!! yayyyyyy
OTHERWISE, I do have to say.... I was really pleasantly surprised at 2-3 as a case. I can say now I completely understand people having a distaste for it especially in regards to the unsavory age gaps, but literally..... almost everything else in this case was well put together and generally on-par with the quality of the rest of the series? As an overall package I actually still find Turnabout Samurai infinitely more dull. Like, maybe it's just because the lead-up to actually playing it was so uniquely frustrating for me and forcibly lowered my expectations by a ton, but there was so much good shit in Big Top. Maya, in particular, is in top form during this case. She is so fucking funny. I loved almost every word that came out of her mouth and it really solidified her top spot in the character ranking for me at present. But past that, I think the second half of this case is EXTREMELY strong compared to its opening half. I'll admit during the first trial section I was getting kinda tired with it and finding it hard to care given how much I just do not root for Max, so I had tentatively placed it at bottom of C tier. But then once von Karma arrives in the investigation section and then Acro's storyline enters the equation I really think it finds its footing. I actually found the last few scenes of the trial very emotionally effective, especially Acro's breakdown at the witness stand and mentioning how he couldn't follow through with taking his own life to escape his crime due to his desire to see his brother wake up. Like... I legitimately teared up.
And FURTHERMORE.... von Karma. Oh my god. I don't know if I'm picking up on anything here, nor do I want to know until I maybe see it for myself, but something about her conduct in the final trial really spoke to me. I feel like a surface read makes it apparent that she's just as frustrated as she is because she's losing the case to Wright again, and I do think that's a huge factor still to her reaction... but I don't know, I felt something else with her. Particularly when it came to her reaction towards Acro's attempted murder of Regina. I felt like she came across as PARTICULARLY disgusted towards that revelation and towards her own client in a way that subtly humanized her and had me just CHUCKLING AND CHORTLING in evil anticipation towards potential character arcs. I really hope I've grasped onto something here because... I love her so much. I love the idea that in spite of her reputation we're still gonna get to see this spark of humanity light up. AHHHHH.
Okay. Anyway. In summary:
I understand why people have a distaste for Big Top now, but it does not change the fact that I desperately wish I had been given the chance to experience the story myself going into it without that baggage. It genuinely did not help my experience in the slightest to just have that cloud of expectation over it and it is generally irritating that I couldn't even bring up that I was playing it without people jokingly apologizing to me or telling me that I wouldn't be able to handle it or whatever. Really not a great vibe.
As a case, it has a couple MAJOR, GLARING points of discomfort but I'm still really glad I gave it a chance and was able to find a lot of good in it anyway. It inspired me to unfortunately lower some of my other rankings because this is what I kind of consider a more middle-of-the-road quality for the series now. Solid B tier. I have played much worse.
Maya Fey is a god damn treasure.
As for some of the other character shifts, particularly in relation to some of the characters who got bumped from S to A rank, that's less because I decided I like them less now than I did when I first ranked them and more that I decided my initial interpretation of my feelings was incongruent in some cases. Like, for example I LOVE Mia I really do she's great, but in no way at this current time is she on the same level as Maya or Lana for me. So I just needed to adjust the ratios a bit.
Anyway, I'll be back eventually with posts about the next case and the last one of AA2! :3 I hear it's pretttyyy long but pretttyyy damn GOOD. Can't wait.
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sunsburns · 5 months
kiss of life (iii.)
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pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!daughter reader
summary: you have never doubted aphrodite when it comes to soulmates, she's the goddess of love, she knows what she's doing and you're getting pretty sick of people telling you she's made a mistake with your soulmate, specifically. you refuse to believe that she could be wrong, but luke castellan is making it really hard for you to have hope.
—or: you and luke are off on your quest you're totally not having second thoughts about choosing him, he's your soulmate after all... right?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: filler chapter (sorry gang), reader's pov, reader is lowkey unreliable and is hiding something, pre-tlt, luke's character is kinda inconsistent but whatever, angsty fight with luke and reader, low-key happy ending
a/n: everyone might've moved on but i'm still here 😔… gang i think i’m coming back to my active era (no one cheered) anyways there’s so much i wanna write for this series so enjoy this little filler!
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You'd always been a fan of bad ideas, but choosing Luke Castellan as your companion for the duration of your quest had to be your worst one yet. You felt a pang of doubt, questioning your choice, especially after witnessing the outcome of his quest—a failure that seemed impossible to shake off from the whispers of other campers. A failure your siblings wouldn't let you forget.
"I was there when he came back. I know what happened," you muttered, frustration creeping into your voice as you stuffed clothes into your bag.
Your siblings meant the world to you. You cherished the bond you shared—the familial camaraderie that bound your cabin together. As the eldest, you revelled in guiding and nurturing them, relishing the role of guardian and friend within your cabin's close-knit circle. Yet, like any family, they can sometimes be suffocatingly overbearing.
Alexis, your brother, ever ready to smack a reality check, had been the first to warn you against choosing Luke Castellan, and now he spearheaded a group of your siblings, all urging you to reconsider with reason.
"But that's just it. You don't know. Not really. None of us do." Alexis told you, reclining against the shared vanity in your cabin. The absence of the younger kids, off with Chiron for a lesson on constellations, offered you some peace of mind, sparing them from witnessing the escalating intervention.
As Silena sifted through the clothes strewn across your bed, her soft humming filled the room, a stark contrast to the weighty silence that hung over the conversation. "No one but Chiron and Mr. D knows what happened on that quest. He refuses to talk about it." she mused.
"There's not a lot of glory in that." Alexis shrugged, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"He's been so weird and different since he returned," Silena added, "I remember he used to smile. It was such an attractive smile. And he used to talk... He barely ever talks anymore."
Alexis snorted, "That's called depression, Silena."
"It's just so sad." She frowned and sat on your bed, her gaze distant, "Pretty people don't deserve to be depressed."
"Amen to that."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at their melodramatic exchange, a fleeting smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you focused on folding another pair of pants. 
"He still talks." You said.
"But it's not the same," Alexis countered, his expression grave. Deep down, you knew he was right.
"And the way he's treated you," Silena scoffed, "constantly icing you out..."
"Avoiding you for months..." Alexis added, stepping closer to you with a solemn expression. "Refusing to even talk to you."
When he tried to put his hand on your shoulder, you couldn't help but shrug it off, not wanting his sympathy.
Their reminders, well-intentioned though they may be, served only to deepen the wound already festering within you. Like a knife twisted in your back, the memories of Luke's avoidance and unanswered questions pierced your thoughts with relentless precision. You vividly recalled the disappointment etched across his face in the infirmary, a silent testament to his dismay upon discovering your role in his fate. The weight of his unspoken words hung heavily in the air, a haunting reminder of the rift that had formed between you before it even started.
Your siblings were very careful with their next words: "Do you think that maybe... just this once... Aphrodite got it wrong?"
With a heavy heart, you stormed out of the cabin, your mind reeling with conflicting emotions. You swore up and down to Alexis and Silena that you were fine, that you only needed air. The need for clarity drove you to seek solace in the quiet embrace of nature, the gentle flicker of a breeze offering a touch of comfort amidst the turmoil raging within.
Throughout your life, your unwavering loyalty to your mother, Aphrodite, and the Gods has been a source of solace and guidance. You found comfort in the subtle manifestations of them, from the celestial dance of stars to the gentle caress of sunlight filtering through the trees. Even in the casual interactions of everyday life, you sought traces of your mother's hand guiding your path.
As you gazed into the dancing flames, the remnants of fruit smouldering in their fiery embrace in a tin can, you found yourself caught between hope and despair during your offering for your mother. Silena's words echoed in your mind, a harsh truth you were reluctant to confront. Maybe you didn't have a soulmate. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe you're unlovable.
Yet, amidst the cloud of doubt, a flicker of defiance ignited within you. The mere thought that Aphrodite could be mistaken in matters of love seemed impossible to you. You had witnessed firsthand the intricate tapestry of fate woven by her hand, guiding souls to their destined counterparts with unfailing precision. 
The yearning for that connection, that soul-deep bond, burned within you like a beacon in the darkness of uncertainty. It was a desire as old as time itself, the longing to find solace and belonging in the embrace of another.
As the flames dwindled to embers, their dying glow casting flickering shadows upon the ground, your prayers went unanswered. 
The weight of your impending quest pressed upon you like a heavy cloak. Questions tumbled over one another in a relentless cascade, each one a dagger aimed at the heart of your resolve. Where would you need to go? Would you need to defend yourself? Would monsters come after you? Should you choose someone else? Could it be that Luke was nothing to you but a mistaken thread tethered into your life?
Your shoes stepped over twigs and dry leaves on the ground until you stepped out of the forest. Passing by the armoury, you forced a smile upon your lips. You forced yourself to be excited for your first quest rather than dread it. It was a rare privilege bestowed upon a child of Aphrodite, you should honour it.
As you approached the heart of camp again, the familiar clang of sword meeting dummy rumbled through the night air. The rhythmic sound, though commonplace in the realm of demigod training, carried an ominous weight under the cover of darkness. You would have assumed that all campers were asleep.
Luke Castellan, a boy who had become synonymous with the darker days since his return from his quest, stood amidst the training grounds, his silhouette illuminated by the pale moonlight. The sight of him, bathed in the ghostly shine, was haunting. With each precise strike of his sword, a muted testament to the rage that plagued his restless spirit, he seemed to exude an aura of both determination and despair.
No wonder you were so exhausted.  
You dared not meet his gaze, instead keeping your head bowed as you navigated the familiar path through the training grounds. Every fibre of your being screamed for you to move faster, yet the pull of his presence was undeniable. Despite your best efforts to remain unseen, Luke's voice cut through the night, calling out your name with a sense of urgency that sent a shiver down your spine.
With a sinking heart, you felt his hand land on your shoulder, stopping your escape. You couldn't avoid him now. Turning to face him, you were met with a sight that mirrored the restlessness within your own soul. His features, etched with lines of weariness and frustration, betrayed the weight of the burdens he carried.
You were distracted by the way he was looking at you. Brows furrowed, his lips turned and pulled into that permanent frown that had you wondering if he had ever smiled since he came back. Yet, despite the weight of his solemn expression, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glint of warmth, of familiarity, that almost stirred a faint glimmer of hope within you.
"You're making a mistake." He insisted. "You need to choose someone else for your quest."
You tried not to seem too disappointed. "I can't pick anyone else." You protested, and he raised his brows at you, doubtful. "The Oracle told me to choose you."
"She told you to-?" A scoff escaped him, "The Oracle doesn't tell you who to choose. She doesn't say anything about who you should bring-"
"The Oracle tells you what your quest is, then a weird riddle about something that will happen on your quest that will put you on edge the entire time."
Luke had stepped closer to you as he spoke as if his words would've sunk into your head clearer if you could hear them better. He spoke to you a lot that way, hoping you'd cling to every word he had to say; good and bad. Mostly bad.
The Oracle's cryptic words lingered in your mind. She had not revealed much about your quest, offering no subtle hints or insights into Eros' whereabouts to make your life easier. Instead, her assurance that success hinged on bringing Luke Castellan along had left you grappling with uncertainty. "He has all the answers you seek," she had urged, her words echoing with a weight that you struggled to comprehend.
"It has to be you."
"What else did she say?"
You hesitated. "That's it," you replied, your words falling short.
"That's it?" He didn't believe you.
"Just a few hints of where Eros might be, I guess." The lie slipped from your lips effortlessly. 
He caught it quickly but never urged you to admit it. Luke remained silent, his expression unreadable as he mulled over your words. 
You sort of wished he fought you over it.
You wished he'd do anything with you. At least try to.
"If you don't want to come with me, that's fine," you conceded, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, with or without you."
"Really? You'll just leave?"
The bitterness in his tone was unmistakable. Yet, despite the resentment that coloured his words, there was a flicker of something in his eyes – a glimmer of regret, perhaps, or maybe resignation. It only annoyed you further.
Luke Castellan was possibly the most confusing person you've ever met. He didn't want to join you on your quest, but you couldn't leave without him either? What's his fucking deal?
He intrigued and frustrated you, like some curse had been placed upon you, and you wanted to understand every part of him while he wanted nothing to do with you. Perhaps Aphrodite was being cruel when she chose him as your soulmate, but you weren't any better when you put him in the position of joining you on your quest.
"I don't know you." You admitted the words hanging heavy in the air between you. "You've made a really good effort to make sure that I don't know anything about you. I did my part. I picked you. If you don't want to come, that's... fine."
It pained you to say it. You did not want to go alone, but you weren't going to force someone to accompany you who clearly didn't want to be there. However, the uncertainty of what lay beyond the safety of the camp walls loomed large in your mind. You haven't left the protection of the camp in years, you weren't sure of what was out there other than the stories the summer campers would tell you, of their close calls and near misses. 
Luke Castellan was the perfect example of what leaving camp does to someone.
Despite the weight of your decision, you held your head high as you turned on your heels. You doubted Luke had anything more to say; he was a man of few words, after all.
You left him there, just as he left you by the docks for months. And then you lied to yourself, clung to the belief that your mother, Aphrodite, would safeguard your journey and that your brother, Eros, awaited your rescue.
And so, the next morning, after bidding your tearful goodbyes to your siblings and friends and earning a proud pat on the back from Chiron, you swallowed your pride and left.
The Oracle's words were etched into the very fabric of your being, a relentless mantra that monopolized your thoughts as you trudged toward the top of the hill and left the safety of campgrounds. Each step forward was a testament to your determination, each footfall a declaration of your unwavering commitment to the quest ahead.
As you climbed, you couldn't help but imagine the faces of campers upon your return. You pictured the awe in their eyes, the pride in their voices, and most of all, the look on Luke's face when he realized the extent of your lone success, his disbelief mingling with a begrudging respect.
The sound of your name startled you out of your thoughts. You were trudging through the grass when you spotted a body sitting under a pine tree, shaded from the sun by its leaves.
Luke looked up at you, frowning, "Took you long enough."
His dishevelled dark curls fell over his eyes, a stark contrast against the vibrant greenery surrounding him. With a resigned sigh, he rose to his feet, his movements fluid yet tinged with an air of impatience Luke picked up a bag by his side, tossing it over his shoulder. It wasn't until he emerged from the tree's shade that you noticed the subtle changes in his attire. Gone was the signature orange camp shirt, replaced instead by a more subdued navy tee that hugged his frame. His old cargo pants remained the same, but different nonetheless.
Eyeing his bag, you could spot smaller daggers strapped to the sides, prepared for anything. It took you a few seconds to process why he was there. You squint at the sun as he steps out from under the tree. "You came."
He huffed, "Obviously."
You let out a breathless chuckle, maybe one of relief since honestly, despite everything you'd been trying to convince yourself of, you were terrified to leave on your own. 
"Why?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of uncertainty as you adjusted the straps of your own bag. The question hung in the air, unanswered. Of course. You almost rolled your eyes as Luke began to descend the other side of the hill. With a fleeting glance over his shoulder, he wordlessly beckoned you to join him by tilting his head to the side impatiently.
You grinned then, wide and bright. "I know I said I didn't care if you came or not, but I'm glad you're here."
He showed no sign of acknowledgment of your sentiment, his gaze fixed ahead as he continued to walk once you joined his side.
As the minutes stretched on in silence, broken only by the rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot, you found yourself lost in thought. It was only when the distant hum of passing cars reached your ears, their blurred forms darting through the forest's fringe, that you were jolted back to the present.
Drawing to a halt near the forest's edge, you felt the weight of uncertainty settle upon you. With a hesitant pause, you turned to face Luke, the question that had been gnawing at your mind poised on the tip of your tongue.
"Why'd you stop?" He asked.
"I just..." Your voice wavered, uncertainty lacing your words as you struggled to articulate your thoughts. You worried that if you said the wrong thing he'd leave you stranded right there and return to camp while the two of you were still walking distance from it. It annoyed you a little; how much you had to walk on eggshells with him.
You couldn't help but wonder how different things might have been if you hadn't chosen him. You were being stupid when you picked him, you decided. You already regret it. Maybe Luke was right, the Oracle was just trying to get into your head.
"What made you change your mind? About coming on the quest?" you finally managed to voice, your eyes meeting his in search of answers.
He looked at you, brown eyes flitting over your expression, before licking his lips and simply stating: "If you break an arm, so do I."
That had been the closest Luke Castellan had ever been to admitting he had a soulmate.
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absolutebl · 2 months
This Week in BL - The Summer Games BLgin.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Those Greeks did have that reputation for naked dudes rolling around together so I'm declaring it...
I'll be passing out metals in various sporting events, as part of the weekly updates through mid August, just for funzies.
July 2024 Week 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) eps 9-10 of 12 - I guess mass murder is nothing next to having to raise funds for your basketball club. There were a lot of water sports in these eps (no not that kind). I’m not complaining. The street BB playoffs were fun. Frank is GOOD. I didn’t know he played. They aren’t using doubles for this. Meanwhile, it’s a bummer this one can’t be a poly romance. 
Gold in Handball
for that shower scene in ep 9 (also... ya know, DUNK TANKS)
Balls in hands of all types.
Briefly must chat about that intro/outro music. It's like Thai autotuned Stray Kids. Which means I kinda adore it.
Century of Love (Weds Gaga) eps 5-6 of 10 - I guess he’s had a long time to learn how to fight really really well. This is a fun show. It does occasionally feel like a bunch of gay boys playing dress up. I LIKE P’Third a lot. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be an actual baddie. I’m finding the music a little intrusive in these episodes. I love the deconstructed suits look, and the velvet blazer. Very 90s. The confessions scene was very cute. It’s a good thing Vee is so easy-going, because the last few months of his life have been truly insane. And now he’s queen of the castle? Still working his convenience store job?
I honestly thought we'd just get kisses halfway through not a full on sex scene. But it was very sweet and tender. Appreciated, boys, thanks. However it’s never a good sign when the sex scene is it at the halfway point, it just means there’s gonna be a lot of trauma to come.
(I gotta say every time Daou smiles he actually looks his age.) 
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This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Fri iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - I like them now. I mean as a pair of characters. I wasn’t really sold on the main couple until this episode, and now I’m interested (yes I am shallow). The boy with the glasses is definitely sus. I’m quite drunk, thus I have to say Sailub is the hottest thing on my screen right now. Metas's taste in interior design sucks. OK, that physical therapy session was sexy. I wasn’t sold at first, but now I love this side couple too.
Argh. SailubPon kiss so well. Also COUNTER LIFT!!!! 
Silver in Weightlifting
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 - I’m the one who always says this stuff, but this pair might be the best at relationship heat. Let me try to explain. They are good at putting on screen the kind of NRE, want to bone, just really into each other physically and also connected and loving. It’s the way their bodies always arch towards each other. They’re very comfortable in each other’s space in a way that’s really rare to see out of Any BL country but Taiwan. I think they might be my favorite couple currently active. I don’t know how to put it except that
it looks like they want each other,
it looks like they like each other,
it looks like they’re into each other,
and it looks like they GET each other.
It’s nice to see on screen. The plots/stories/narratives that they're given aren’t doing them any favors, but man they’re a good pair. Meanwhile, was I screaming the whole time don’t rip the sample of the custom piece? Yes I was. But it was still sexy.
Sam getting discovered was fun! Yo is gonna burn his arse good.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - Okay! Officially boyfriends. I almost like the friendship btw Atom and Mudmee better than the romances. But they all so cute. 
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 4 of 12 - I hate the gf intern so much. I think she is past redemption now - time for death. What is it they say about ADs? they do all the work, for none of the credit but all of the blame.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 10 of 12 - I guess Peak’s dad really is that awful. Jane is the beard? Got it. The show got suddenly quite sweet and complex. Where did that come from? Meanwhile ,Almond + Latte + sex education is awesome. Great trope we rarely get in BL. 
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Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 7 of 10 - Look, what’s really annoying me is that I am neither upset nor pleased with the show. I like to be driven one way or the other by Meme. Trash watch here. (delayed this week, I can't face it)
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 1-2 of 12 - Out the gate I don’t like it. I don’t really like the teasing thing and the acting is poor. That said, neck kisses in the very first episode do make me happy. So I’m gonna keep watching. As for ep 2, I like the sides, and we have gay brothers trope activated. I also like the paranormal element, it adds some much-needed tension, but it is still a little slow (typical of a pulp).
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - I like our poor lost puppy slowly figuring out what’s going on. It’s so elegantly done. Also, the the boy begs his quiet seme to SAY something, you know he’s gonna DO something instead. 
I could have done wihtout the pan around the head kiss. We over that, 8 years ago.
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - Why don’t I like this show? I had to think about it quite a bit. It’s the power differential. I never enjoy it when the character with less power is the one doing the pursuing, it comes off as too desperate or something. In this case he is: from the country, poor, and younger, It just makes Takara’s dismissive attitude and snobbery unpleasant to watch. Also, you know me, =/= obsessive stalker behavior. 
It's airing but...
Bad Guy (Korea YT) - yeah, erm, no thank you.
4 Minutes (Thai Netflix/Grey) ep... - Great, a rich boy studying business at uni, suddenly gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future. I try to catch up next week.
I have a source, but I simply didn’t have time to watch it. So sorry. Too much traveling too much BL to keep up with. A perfect conflation of conflicting priorities.
Meet You at the Blossom (China) - it's your funeral (or, more likely, one of the main characters'). You can argue but... statistics. You know my feelings on this matter. MY BLOG, remember?
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In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer IS COMING IN SEPTEMBER!!!!
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Coming Up Next!
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return, and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: the premise? Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
8/4 Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun ????) 10 eps - OMG a uni student who looks too young and a... COP. GAH. The subversion and kink of it all. Please Gaga pick this one up? They made it for US.
8/7 Cosmetic Playlover (Japan Weds ????) 8 eps - office romance around the makeup counter featuring a younger seme and sex by blackmail. I am intrigued. DFTUJ (don't fuck this up, Japan).
8/8 Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs WeTV ) 12 eps - I am so DAMN excited to see Big finally lead a BL. I can't even with this, one of my most anticipated of this year. He's a great kisser ya'll, he's kissed a lot of boys as second lead. I can't WAIT.
8/12 First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) 12 eps - About a singer with stage fright and his timid fan stars Charles (H4 the puppy one) and Michael Chang (the youngster in My Tooth Your Love), plus side couple featuring a Thai actor Jame (Koh in Gen Y) and Liu Min Ting (of Guardian fame). What a damn tean. I can't wait. With thier powers combined!
8/16 The Last Time (Thai Fri YT) ? eps - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something.
8/22 The Paradise of Thorns (Thai movie) theater release - Jeff Satur is back but this does not look like a BL (the gay lover's death is the inciting event). More in Goodbye Mother vein. Looks dark and dramatic. He opposite and extremely well known actor Toey Pongsakorn who has never done gay before.
Addicted Heroin (Thailand adaptation) is also supposed to release this month. GIVE IT TOO MEEEEEE. I don't care about anything else but August back on my screen. It's been almost a decade since he did BL.
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This week's adventures in caption "out of" and "off" are not the same thing. This is an uncomfortable thought.
I'm so tired I'm seeing double. This is all you get.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
Sports in Play (the jokes write themselves) )
(That's Not) Cricket
Diving (yes, for that)
Fencing (yes, with those)
Handball (exactly what it says, no, read the word.. again)
Rhythmic Gymnastics (obvs)
Squash (snicker)
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powerpuffobsession · 2 months
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It's been a while since that interview where Vivziepop said some vague things about killing off characters and wishing she spend more time with Adam. Instead of saying directly - "Adam will come back", or "Adam won't come back". There is no knowing what to make of it until we see the actual future seasons. Vivzie sounds like she's avoiding spoilers
And I'm kinda tired of people already jumping to negative conclusions and shoving them down the throats of anyone who hopes for Adam returning, all the while calling Adam irredeemable and saying he has no purpose in the plot anymore
Here are my thoughts about those points:
The fact that the fandom still goes on with "Adam is an irredeemable monster because he genocided defenseless sinners and enjoyed it", shows how much hazbin howl sucks at not sugarcoating it's setting and Charlie's radical ideas of forcing criminals into heaven
Like... boo hooo, poor little defenseless rapists, pedos, murderers, nazis, bullies, drug dealers, violent drug addicts, scammers, and other people anyone would normally be happy to see get hurt or die because they have hurt other people? Let me play the wold's smallest violin in their honor
Adam did the right thing and he had the right to enjpy murdering sinners, fight me about it
His actual sin is that he wasn't picky enough about who he was going after and that he attacked Charlie who is innocent
But you know what? We are literally being shown that decent people in hell are VERY few and rare. The majority is just a crowd of psychopaths who actively tell Charlie to f off with redemption
And if you spend your afterlife living in heaven, of course you are going to think that all of hell's population is dangerous
However, Adam has a potential to get redeemed if he interacts with Charlie in a more grounded way and learns that she's not dangerous, despite being a daughter of two people who stabbed him in the back. Sins of parents are not a child's sins, and Charlie's life has a big worth. As well as lifes of more decent sinners who make an effort, like Angel, Vaggie, Husk and sir Pentious
Through Adam other characters can be developed. There are a lot of them who have connections to Adam - Charlie, Lucifer, Lilith, Eve, Emily, Sera, etc... Showing flashbacks just won't be the same as having Adam himself in the plot
And do not get me started on how bringing Adam back is not logical and ruins the cartoon's quality. I've got a lot of not pretty things to say about hazbin hotel's "logic"... There are already a bunch of plot holes and lazily slapped on character changes. Finding a way for Adam to return won't be hard
Have you seen the way Stolitz and Sir Pentious, for example, ended up, compared to what they were claimed to be at the start of the series? Or the way fan theory about Vaggie being an exterminator suddenly got added into canon last minute after she had been a moth sinner for so many years and lot of people got used to it? I won't be surprised if Vivziepop will actually retcon the lore or come up with something to resurrect Adam
Maybe, "if a soul of a redeemed sinner gets into heaven, which is a rare occasion and didn't happen before the events of hazbin hotel, - the dividing system finds a sinful angel soul to take their place in hell". There you go. The lore about angelic blade murdering for good still stands, but now there is a loophole for Adam specifically to be lucky enough to survive
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ro-is-struggling · 1 month
Fireproof Series Masterlist || Johnny Storm x Reader
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disclaimer: the pictures above are purely for aesthetic purposes and do not represent the physical appearance of the reader
Series summary: you and Johnny weren't supposed to get along. You were the exact opposite of each other. While he was loud and outgoing, you were quiet and introverted. He loved to be the center of attention and you actively made efforts not to be. He had made a name for himself as one of the biggest players on campus while you stood out for your academic achievements. You hated guys like Johnny, and he had no reason to associate with people like you since you rarely shared spaces. And yet, against all odds, you were able to forge a solid friendship. In fact it was the contrast that made the two of you work so well. You called out his bullshit and he pointed out yours. You were a good influence on each other, no one could deny that. It was a perfect relationship, you knew all the bad things about each other and still chose one another....
But what happens when romantic feelings start to flourish?
This series is a collection of one shots that will give you a glimpse inside Johnny and y/n's complicated relationship.
Warnings: slow burn, friends to lovers, mutual pining, a bit of angst, fluff, lots of cliches (like seriously, I was kinda playing the game of how many cliches can I put in the same story? lol) 2000s teen flick/ rom com coded (so I guess it’s a bit cheesy? read at your own risk!), FEMALE READER
This fic starts a bit before the events of the first Fantastic Four movie, when reader and Johnny are in college (but it gets to the movies don’t worry!)
English is not my first language
Author’s Note: I recently rewatched the old Fantastic Four movies and I had so much fun I just had to write something for Johnny. Yes it's terrible plot wise but I love the early 2000s vibes of it. So I tried to keep a bit if that vibe with very overused tropes/scenes and stereotypical characters (yk like the annoying popular girl, the playful fuck boy love interest with a heart of gold and the ‘I'm not like other girls’ main character). I have a soft spot for those kinds of stories and I thought Johnny was perfect for it! I tried to keep a balance as to not make it too over the top, I hope I did a good job
The idea for this fic is to make a sort of collection of separate one-shots that show different moments in Johnny and reader’s relationship, if that makes sense. I have most of the story planned and written, but it is not completely closed. What do I mean by that? That I have a beginning, conflict and ending thought out, but that doesn't mean that once I post those parts the story is over. 
I'm structuring this fic more as plot points than anything else (i.e. how they meet, when they have their first kiss, what the big love confession is like, stuff like that). Beause of that, there are parts of the timeline of the relationship that aren't shown. And that leaves me time to imagine a lot of things, if that makes sense? So if I have a random idea about a silly thing that happens between them in the middle of "the plot" (or if you guys think of something!), I can add it and expand the context without changing the whole story.
Part 1: First Impressions
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curlyangelsblog · 9 months
✿ Yandere!Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader ✿
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
( Hello ! I wanna start a new Yandere series and here is a little sneak preview of it ;) please if you want tell me what you think so far and tell me what you wanna see in it and please leave request for more series and shorts I’d appreciate. I wanna be more Active on here and find mutuals. Hope you all have nice holidays. <3)
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
„Aww come on ten ten don’t be such a sore loser“ you giggled into his headphones.
„yeah whatever“ was all he mumbled back with a blush on his cheeks which you couldn’t see. You and Tomura, or Tenko as he introduced himself to you, have been gaming together for 2-3 months now. You guys met in some sort of chat room and have been hitting it off ever since. You not only game together but also talk on the phone for hours on end about Friends and Family , personal stuff and obviously gaming. Well you more then him. He love listening to you ramble. Your cute voice and addicting laugh.
„It’s getting kind of late ten ten (you’re the only person that gets to call him that) I have work early in the morning but it was nice talking to you“ you giggled. It really was you always felt like he was the only person that understood you. And he felt the same maybe even more but he wasn’t ready to admit that.
„Sleep well ten ten !“
„You too“
Was all he said and that was enough for you. You always knew what he was intending on saying and what he meant.
—————— next day—————————————————
From [y/n] : Hey Tenko you ready to play r/g (random Game) again ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა♡ ?
To [y/n] : sure
You were actually really good also a reason why he liked playing with you besides your cute voice. It was getting kind of frustrating that you were so good. Not to mention you were enjoying yourself quit a bit and making little remarks about how bad he was.
„Ok now your not THAT good“ he said
„I only won four times in a row didn’t I“ you said cheekily.
„Yeah yeah whatever“
„Well maybe you can learn a couple of things from me if you would watch me play“
What did you mean watch you play. Did you stream ? You guys have been talking about all lot of stuff but jobs and other hobbies have never really been topic. You did send him pictures before so he kinda knew what you looked like. You were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. But all he said that he didn’t need to watch you.
„Here is the link to my channel if you ever change your mind“
Tomura could feel how his heart sped up and a blush was creeping on his skin. He had to suppress the urge to click on the link and watch you stream. He had recordings of your voice which he listens to every night and the pictures you send him which he looked at when he felt down or when he did other things… But it wasn’t his fault that he got hard looking at you. You were just so beautiful to him.
„Buuut let’s finish this round I’m getting kind of tired ten ten“
„This time I’m gonna beat ya“ he said chuckling. The excitement and the images of you streaming shot right to his member. He wondered if you were one of those who wore slutty clothes and took money from old men. He was gritting his teeth trying not to make a sound. It excited him being able to see you more often it wasn’t enough to just see your pictures anymore he needed more. He won the round and he let out an excited “yes!” Which made him blush a little bit he was still a little awkward about showing so much emotions. You like it tho it was cute the way he got excited. You grumbled in response to loosing against.
“Well I can’t lie that was pretty good ten ten”
You guys logged off for the night. And as soon as the call ended Tomura clicked on the link as fast as possible. The link led him to your stream account it was as he imagined all pastel and pinky it was so you . The brightness stung in his eyes but he was too eager to look away. You were at almost 350k follows how has he never seen you. Well looking through you content you did play games you two liked to play but the majority of you content was games he wasn’t too familiar with. He clicked on one of your videos. The latest one of your streams. You greeted you viewers with a little wave and that cute smile of yours. He couldn’t look away. He had to have you…
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forsakensword-if · 11 months
Hey, I just discovered this and well, considering just how obsessed I am with angel stories, I had to follow immediately.
Unsurprisingly considering my tastes, Lucifer is the RO I'm interested in, but I have a few questions about their romance. - Is this romance "easier" or "harder" to achieve with a Michael who has a certain personality or another? I'm planning on doing a pretty benevolent character though I will iron the details once I can actually play the game. - I was thinking on having a character who would turn their back on God after a while, but is this mandatory in order to actually romance Lucifer? - And on that matter, is the disposition towards humans linked to MC's loyatly towards their creator? Because I would love my character to remain benevolent towards humans regardless of the rest. - I believe a member of the "friend group" is a fallen/demon hunter right? How does that... impact the romance with Lucifer. And the other way around too - wouldn't romancing them break that one specific friendship? - Lucifer seems possessive of Michael, but I wonder how does it show? Like, do they actively say stuff like Michael belonging to them unprompted and from the very start of the story, or is this only an opinion they keep to themself? Mostly wondering since I'm curious about the possible dynamics between them. - Is it possible to have a preexisting crush on them? I mean, decide by the start of the game the MC had a crush on them for a while.
Yeah, it's a very specific series of questions (I hope none has been answered already, tumblr hasn't been cooperating with me). Thanks for taking your time to check these and answer them if you can! Have a great day!
hello! i hope i answered these sufficiently, and thank you for the interest!
under the cut because this is kinda long.
1. lucifer will want michael no matter what personality you choose to play with. you could play the sweetest michael or the darkest michael, it wouldn’t make a difference in getting their route.
2. no, however you decide to feel about god, that won’t change lucifer’s opinion on michael. nor will it change their opinion on god.
3. that will be for you to decide. some michael’s might remain benevolent to humans even after they turn their back on god and some might have only been benevolent towards humans because they had to be.
4. not really. arik is very aware of michael and lucifer’s more complicated relationship and while he’s protective of michael, he understands that some things are just beyond his understanding. michael’s feelings for lucifer being one of them. also not many hunters tend to go after lucifer, they’re far too powerful and generally keep the others in line. also arik falls for noor so it’d be a bit hypocritical of them lol.
5. to begin with, no. it’s lucifer’s pov that will allow you to see their possessiveness at first (for those who don’t read povs, you can be just as surprised (or not) by it as michael). they show it more with actions rather than words, but when lucifer loses their temper or gets scared for michael’s life, that’s when they start straight up telling michael that they belong to them.
6. that is possible! it will also be possible to decide whether your michael became ashamed of their crush on lucifer after they fell. however, you will not have the option to have told lucifer about how you feel pre-fall.
hope you also have a great day!
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happypanda101 · 7 months
Near Past Headcanons
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So I recently got back in death note. A blessing for middle school me lmao.
Note that these headcanons were influenced by what was give in the Death Note live action movie series, mainly L change the world.
- Nate “Near” River was born into a rich family. This kinda already was my conclusion before finding the live action series, with how he dresses and how bratty he comes off as lol
- Near with born with a form of albinism, so his skin can be very sensitive to the sun, which was why he was often dressed in long sleeves
- Though still a strange kid, Near was a sweet child. Always helpful, shy but kind. His mother called him a little lamb. Everyone thought he was adorable
- He had an older sister. He was attached to her hip, and despite to the annoyance of some others, she’d let him join her for any activity. She’s the reason why he has a fondness for puzzles
- The River family was well beloved by those that knew him. However, with every wealthy family, there’s always someone out to get them…
- A trader with the family got greedy and poisoned the manor with a virus to try to get ride of his “competition”
- Everyone was dead in a matter of weeks. All expect for Near, traumatized and hiding in his room. To this day, no one really knows why the virus didn’t kill him. However, it’s theorized that his rare condition caused some type of immunity to the deadly infection
- Crushed with grief and survivors gulit, Near closed himself off to the word. The sweet little boy disappearing and the Near we know today beginning to emerge
- Because of what happened, Near with get rather frantic when someone is sick. Either doing everything he can to avoid them or making excuses to be helpful to check if they are okay
- His sisters influence causes him to be more tolerant of the younger children at the orphanage and lets them play with his toys if they want to
Andddd that’s it! Hope you found them interesting!
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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This was the only time in the show where one of the main trio interacted with one of the forge master duo.
And, I gotta admit, this was one of the things that disappointed me in the show.  As much as I love this series, I do wish these two storylines had converged in the end.
Like I really thought there would come a point when the vampire sisters invaded Wallachia and Sypha and Trevor would encounter Hector and realize he was an unwilling participant.  Similar to the scene we got with Isaac, Hector would say he couldn’t help them because of the blood ring restraining him.  And with all the fighting they’d been through and Trevor just being straight up done with everyone and their mother, I think he would have just handed Hector a knife and said, “You have two options.  You’re either our ally or our enemy.  Cut that ring off and help us or I’ll kill you.  What’ll it be?”  Harsh perhaps, but a big part of Trevor’s character is ‘do what’s necessary’ no matter the personal cost, so I don’t imagine he would have had much patience for Hector.  And that’s a difference between Trevor and Hector’s characters that I really need to go into in a separate character analysis.
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This was my outlook when Season 3 ended though.  We did leave off with the return of Trevor’s dark view of the world in spite of the positive influence Sypha brought, and Hector realizing the consequences of trusting Lenore.  The series played Season 4 off pretty well in that Hector did have initiative was actively conspiring behind the scenes in order to give Isaac the opening he needed to take out Carmilla.  So I’m glad they didn’t write Hector off as ‘the helpless one.’
On another couple of notes, I kinda thought/hoped Sypha’s grandfather would make a reappearance in the final season and he would be the one to finish what the Ship Captain started in guiding Isaac along his journey of letting go of his anger and just living well, but that’s just me.
Back in Season 2, Isaac refers to Alucard as a spoiled child, and I really want to know what that was all about.  In the battle against the Generals and the Styrian soldiers, Isaac and Alucard seem to recognize each other, but did they have any interaction with each other before Lisa died?  Maybe I’m wrong and Isaac just thought, ‘There’s only one person that could be.’  I’ve talked about my theory that Alucard was a sheltered child and hadn’t seen much hardship in his life before his mother was killed, so I can see him and Isaac resenting each other out of emotional immaturity.  It would have been interesting to see that development in their characters.
But I get it.  The show only had a limited number of episodes and didn’t have time for all the tiny nuanced story arcs, and that’s fine.  An important element of writing is being aware of which parts are the essential and which are ones you need to cut.  If it were a longer running series like Avatar: The Last Airbender, then I would expect some more attention and care put into the subplots and side characters.  It’s a little touch and go with Striga and Morana’s relationship, Zamfir’s backstory wasn’t as developed as it could have been, and there are other elements that felt rushed.
Even so, I truly think the end result was fantastic.
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entamesubs · 9 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 90 Sub Release
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Please make sure to read the FAQ if you have any questions.
There are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead.
ドッチ・ジャーニー・ショウ! Which Way the Book Turns!
This is a pun-laden name from Dudi again. It can be romanized literally as "Which Journey Shall/Shows!", but it is also a play on 書 (sho), which can sometimes be used to refer to a book - like the one Dudi is reading in the card art.
I just tried my best here; I'm sure there's a punnier name that makes me go "oh my god why didn't I think of that" once YGOrg puts their article out.
お前の中でこれがしの自我を保つのは難しそうだ "Your body is unable to sustain my ego."
Clarifying here that Kuaidul means this in the sense that if he merges with Yuudias, something disastrous will occur... to Yuudias. He is willingly undoing the fusion, or reversing it, so that it doesn't harm him.
He is "letting go" of Yuudias of his own volition.
種の寿命が尽きようとしている "Our species is approaching the limit of our lifespans."
More accurately, Kuaidul is trying to say "our species is going to exhaust our lifespan", as in "use up" or "run out", but I couldn't think of a way to word this that had the same finality as limit.
It is very much with a finality that Kuaidul says this. Interpret as you wish.
Some other easter eggs
In order for Shewbahha's card to activate, Yuudias had to send Leviaknight (Phaser's card) to the grave - kinda like giving Shewbahha something to eat!
Nyandestar's Cat Claw Girl is the last obstacle that everyone must overcome, which is fitting considering she was the first ever card created by Kuaidul
Similarly, the last people to give Yuudias the ATK boost he needs are some of the first people he ever met upon arriving on Earth... Yuamu and Yuuhi!
Dudi Nishaw, though he's part of the Dudi Ducasse, is in fact a Velgearian... due to how he's supposed to be one of the three "factions" fighting in the Velgear Star Cluster. You can sort of think of the term "Velgearian" as both a species identifier and a nationality. Dudi is a "Velgearian" species-wise, but he is Dudi Ducasse in terms of nationality. Hope that makes sense!
The "Andromeda-Milky Way collision" is a real thing that is projected to happen... in the next 4.5 billion years. According to Wikipedia, it's actually not going to cause much damage to either galaxy or the stars within it at all, due to how far apart each individual star is. In fact, by the time this happens, all life on Earth would've been wiped out about 3 billion years ago anyway due to the Sun's growing instability
In Mahayana Buddhism, which Japanese Buddhism is derived from, a "bodhisattva" is someone with "a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all" - does it sound familiar? It's Yuudias offering his body to Kuaidul even despite all of the wrongs he has committed.
I guess we now know why the ED is titled "Song of Departure"
Go Rush will be taking a break on New Years weekend and will not air an episode then! The next episode will be on January 7th.
As well, the entameSubs team will be on vacation for the next two weeks. I will be in Japan! That means episode 91 will be massively delayed until I get back.
There will be a dedicated announcement post of the vacation in a day or two, just so people are aware.
And that's a wrap!
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for Go Rush season 3, now that we know that's a thing that's happening! It has always been something I wanted because I adore this show to bits... but I was so convinced we would be moving onto the next series already.
But here we are! The voice actor of Yuudias, Arthur, said that this third year was only possible "with [the fan's] support" - so it's wonderful and heartwarming to know Go Rush is very well received.
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate! Happy Holidays otherwise!
This is one of my favorite episodes of all of Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole. I have not cried at a finale or even any episode like this since ZEXAL aired Nasch vs Yuuma ten years ago.
I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite games that applies word-for-word to this episode. Just replace "Ardbert" with "Yuudias".
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Yuudias chose love, and Kuaidul was undone.
Happy New Year.
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lunawings · 6 months
Apologies in advance to everyone who looks to me for new King of Prism news and info, but I may not be posting much about the new project. Actually, I may actively be avoiding it for a while after this.
King of Prism to me, and to many others, is largely about the theater experience. So I feel like I wouldn't want to spoil it too much for myself until I get to experience it fully, whenever that is.
The Love Live Series started doing a lot of streaming during the pandemic, making things more accessible online and overseas. Even after the pandemic ended they've continued with this, and still haven't returned to theater live viewings. King of Prism will not be going in this direction however, judging by how you had to go to a theater viewing just to see the new series announcement.
But as someone who lived through it in Japan, I do understand. There really is something magical about the live experience with King of Prism specifically. The whole series is designed with that in mind.
There was something special going on with the PriZooms for a while, but with the fairly low-quality screening and embarrassing technical problems, I do understand why it didn't pan out.
Well, I will play the game though. Or at least I will try it.
Honestly it's hard to imagine myself sitting at a computer to play a rhythm game, if that is what it is. I play rhythm games on busses, in bed, kicked back in a chair... So I hope it works on mobile too. I dunno.
Hooray but also kinda... bleh.
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effervescent-au · 8 months
Hey, I know it's been awhile and unfortunately I won't be active in Tumblr often. But I just wanna know what's going on right? If you're okay about giving a small recap of the reason about having a new AU
Okay so there’s a couple reasons that I a) have this AU and b) am working on it instead of the Splat Chat.
First and foremost, Effervescent existed about a year before the Splat Chat, and while I wrote some stuff for it, I never shared anything for it. Effervescent was really the reason I got into writing fanfic, as that the story that I really, really wanted to tell. Back then, it just wasn’t very well put together, and I was not confident in what I had written. I also never worked on the old Effervescent fic consistently; I’d write 10k in a week, and then stop working on it for months. I ended up setting it aside for a while, as I was just not happy with how it was turning out.
Then Splatoon 3 came out, which I played day 1. That was my first time actually playing a Splatoon game (I was about to get splat2, but they announced splat3, so I decided to just wait ). I loved it, and then once I finished the story mode, I was reminded of my Effervescent fic, and I decided I wanted to give it another go. However, I had read a chat fic for another fandom that I really liked and decided that I first wanted to try writing a couple chapters of a chat fic as a warmup, and then I’d go back to Effervescent. So that’s what I did; I wrote a chatfic with some generic usernames and generic personalities, and figured I’d do like 5 chapters and call it done. I also decided to post it to AO3 since I liked how it turned out.
The Splat Chat got a much wilder reception that I could’ve ever hoped for. I loved having people vocally love my writing, so I wrote more and more, abandoning my intentions of writing for Effervescent and instead building out my own universe with the Splat Chat. I started building some lore, character quirks, and eventually named my agents. As we all know, the Splat Chat took off and became it’s own series, with the main fic and all the side stories.
So what happened? I kinda began to lose interest in the Splat Chat last summer. It got harder and harder to write for and think up plot. I really think I should’ve just ended the storyline after Raid Under Storm and Stress, but alas, I did not. The problem was that I never really had solid outlines for the Splat Chat, so I had very little direction besides some vague ideas in my head. Because I started losing interest in the Splat Chat, I ended thinking about Effervescent again. I went back to the old fic and began editing it again, with the intention of posting that. However, I soon realized that it was kinda not great, so I decided I would just rewrite it, and that’s what I did; I uploaded the prologue and chapter 1 in July, iirc.
Then I got caught up in moving out and trying to get ready for university, and I lost a lot of interest in writing in general. The only reason why I was able to post so much stuff for the Splat Chat anniversary was because I really kicked myself into overdrive to do it, because I had hyped it up so much and didn’t want to fall flat. But after that, I was really just exhausted with the Splat Chat universe and writing. I tried to get back into it for NaNoWriMo, but I ended up just getting back into Effervescent instead, and that’s when I started regularly updating that fic, and I’ve pretty much been focusing on writing for that universe since.
Why? Well, if I had to pick favorites between my AUs, it’s Effervescent. I actually have a really good outline and plan, so it feels much more cohesive, whereas the Splat Chat’s story was always messy. Effervescent is also the fic that I always wanted to write, whereas the Splat Chat just kinda… spiraled. I don’t always feel in control of the Splat Chat universe anymore. The Splat Chat just isn’t what it used to be, and I’ve had people point that out too. The cast is huge, the way the series and side fics are organized is horrendous, and it’s definitely a different fic that it was when it first started. I had someone comment that they didn’t like the new direction I was taking the series and they felt it was way too dark when I was working on the end of Amaranthine, and I got really discouraged by that. I was really trying to finish out my vision for that fic before I lost interest, but being told that it’s not what it should be really made me lose confidence in the Splat Chat series as a whole. It was the final nail in the coffin for my interest in the Splat Chat.
All in all, Effervescent was the story that I always wanted to tell, and I was just waiting for the right time. I do want to come back to the Splat Chat eventually, especially because I don’t want to leave a story unfinished when it was a fic a lot of people found solace in, but now’s just not the right time for me. At the end of the day, writing fanfic is just a hobby of mine, and I’m gonna write what I want to write.
Sorry that was certainly not a “small recap” but I think I needed to finally put an explanation down into words about what���s going on with my writing.
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fayesdiary · 8 months
Congrats on beating 3H !! So what are your thoughts of the complete Fodlan experience ?
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Jokes aside, honestly I'm not sure I can give a straight answer.
Overall I'd say it's been one of if not my least favourite Fire Emblem, but that really doesn't sum it up.
A more accurate description would be that it had a good chunk of things I loved (above all the Nabatean fam, Dimitri and his story and Claude as a character)... But it's buried beneath a mountain of boredom to slog through, decisions I just don't vibe with and The Bullshit™. Sooo much tedium and Bullshit in this game, and the fact I was kinda done halfway through VW and only persevered through the end out of sheer spite doesn't help.
And it's such a shame because when I liked the game I REALLY liked it and think it has some of the best/most interesting ideas of the entire series... But was it really worth slogging through hundreds of hours playing the same mediocre at best maps and story beats over and over and having to constantly bear that. Fucking. Monastery? Right now I'm inclined to say no. As much as I love those things, it was not.
Playing all the routes one after another really lays some of the biggest issues of this game, like the repetition. SOOO much of this game is recycled between routes and also in a single route to honestly insulting levels, and it doesn't get that much better in Part 2. The fact the devs somehow didn't think people would want to play more than one route is just. Baffling.
Something I realized in the final playthrough is that they also recycle maps for what are supposed to be completely different locations. So you get shit like Brigid somehow looking the exact same as a forest in the Alliance filled with Demonic Beasts, or Rhodos Coast and a beach in the Sreng Peninsula perfect copies of each other. Complete with the monuments for Cichol and Cethleann. Also like damn, Seteth's wife was so dead they had to bury her twice. In two different locations.
The writing is all over the place as a result of the chaotic development where not even the devs could agree on what the story was, and the whole game could be used as a test study on the sheer damage scope creep can do as well as the obsession with lore and worldbuilding that they contradict as soon as it's convenient over making an actually coherent narrative. And also why you don't throw literally any idea you can come up with to the wall hoping something sticks.
Because of the overreliance on telling over showing, what with the bland recycled maps and all, that Garreg Mach almost feels like the only real location in Fódlan, and that's something no amount of in-game libraries or novels worth of lore if those ten thousand years of lore are even real and didn't just make it up
Speaking of Garreg Mach, dear Sothis I hate that place now.
The monastery was fun the first time around, but then it became a chore to something I actively dreaded doing. It's monotone, you do the same shit every time, it lasts FOREVER compared to, you know, the ACTUAL Fire Emblem gameplay I'm playing for. And while you can technically skip it, you're losing on so much stuff to progress your units if you use it, so it feels like the option is just there to mock you. Getting into Persona and realizing how well the calendar system can work if done properly did nothing but sour me even more on the monastery.
The characters having new dialogue every chapter is really neat and something I wish got properly carried over to Engage, this game manages to turn even that into a chore.
And like - I really want to like this game, and in a sense I do, there's quite a bit of it I love. But so much of it makes me actively groan that I don't think I'm gonna replay it for at least a year. And if I do it will be with the No Monastery mod.
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noffy96 · 1 year
Kustard kid fic
Decided to add something to my 'Back Home' Series. Red is panicking about seeing his young son battle.
that was the whole premise. hope you all enjoy
Also Nicecreamguy/Burgerpants are here. Finally getting into this part of the story as well.
First Encounters
Word count: 6,210
Chapter 1/1
He had to suppress another chuckle. It’s kinda funny their fight was basically seeing which of their parents was better. Also, it was kinda sweet to hear what they found cool about each of them.
“That’s it! I challenge you to a duel!” The young cat monster declared
“I accept!” Nova quickly answered with no hesitation
He felt himself freeze, as he heard those words, the grin dropping from his face as he stared at the two kids.
The first time a monster has a monster battle is very important. Battels is how you show affection between friends. With friendly magic attacks Their son was now at the age where he and his classmates would have them. Red had expected to hear his happy son’s ramblings about it…not see it happen. And he isn’t quite sure how to feel…seeing his 5-year-old fight
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
He stepped out of the shortcut about a block away from the school. Slowly meandering his way towards the crowd of parents picking up their children. He looked through the crowd if he spotted Sansy.
Nova would hopefully be thrilled that he was here to pick him up as well. He wondered what he had got up today. It was a Friday, so that meant free picking of activities. Which also meant, one of three things. Nova had gotten to play with the Sandbox, so his clothes needed to be washed. He did some painting again..which also meant the clothes needed to be washed. Or he played tag with the other children…
Well, it basically meant that Friday was the day that his son came out very messy and in need of a shower. But also with a big grin on his face, and maybe even a project he had worked on. And he was excited to see what it was this time.
He finally saw Sans leaning on the fence of the playground around the school talking with Napstablook. The smile on his face came a bit easier, and some tension melted away, stepping up beside his husband, wrapping an arm around him.
The collar around his own neck let out a pleasant hum, as he nodded towards the shy ghost. Who had seen him do this enough times, that he only turned a tiny bit transparent, instead of up and disappearing completely.
And he tuned into their conversation.
“Sooo….yeaaah.. We hope… we can get Dawn…enrolled… next year.”
“Yeah, I think it will be fine pal,” Sans responded.
“And if for some reason it doesn't work out, look for me at Grillby's on Wednesdays, Me and Red still have some stuff for when we were looking into clubs for Nova”
Blooky nodded happily
“Thank…youuu….you really are…kind….you…still play…trombone…at Grilby’s?”
His mate laughed.
“The whole reason I am there,”
then leaned forward to the shy ghost
“And if you and Shyren even wanna perform, just say the word,”
The shy ghost turned more transparent
“Ohh….nooo… I dunno.. I have to go….my friend….meeting…nice..to see you…Bye, Sans…Bye Red”
He raised his other arm and waved, as Napstablook floated towards the school, where a teacher seemed to be waiting for him.
“So, him and Shyren settling down after Mettanton's next tour?” he asked his husband who had crossed his arms to lean more on the fence.
“Looks like it, don’t wanna be touring all over, with their kid growing up. They want them to have friends”
He nodded. Nova was starting to make his own friends, and it was a joy to see. These would be people that he chose himself. And not. Happenstance cause they are the only couple of their age group around the block. Or within their parents' friends circle with kids which weren't many. But people his own age he could relate to and hang with. Still limited to a small class size of course but more choices than he ever had
He had heard all kinds of names come and go these first few weeks. But not yet a consistent name. Nova seemed to play with someone new every day, and he was happy to see that his son was so social. Even as it made nerves crawl at his spine sometimes.
Sans gave a short soft squeeze at his spine. Right. Nothing to worry about.
“I never get why, he is so nervous about performing at the bar, they perform for millions with Mettaton” he continued their conversation instead. Gesturing towards where Napstablook had disappeared
Sans shrugged, leaning more against him.
“Maybe it’s cause it is filled with familiar faces”
He let out a hum.
“So, how come you so early?”
The other asked while leaning over to peck his cheek.
“The workers installing the new airco for the server room came early. So we shut down so that they could start. And then we could hopefully get everything back online today instead of tomorrow”
Sans hummed.
“ Will That be your job later?”
He shook his head
“Nah, it’s Frank’s, only on call in case something goes wrong”
Sans straightened himself. And they both noticed the small heads of the children in front of the windows. He noticed children sitting next to the window peeking outside every now and then, looking for their parents instead of paying attention. It made his heart grin. He had barely any memories of going to school himself. He was sure that he did at some point, but mostly it had been Gaster teaching him.
He wouldn’t have stood for being distracted, He saw one kid stare at him through the window. Probably staring at his prosthetic arm, He leaned more on the fence bringing it more into view. Slowly swaying it back and forth. Seeing the kid follow it with his eyes. Then the kid snapped his head back. Looks like he was caught by the teacher.
Sans chuckled,
“You shouldn’t distract them”
He shrugged in response
“Not my fault, they think my arm is cool looking”
“Fair enough”
There was a brief silence, then was filled by the gentle buzz of other parents' conversations that he half paid attention to.
“By the way, Is Blue still coming over later? “ he asked remembering suddenly
“As far as I know, yes “
“So Taco’s tonight?”
“Unless our brothers bring leftovers, yes.”
“Sweet, it’s been a while”
It really had been. Blue had been back in underswap for a while. Having missed some bestie time with his Alphys. Stretch had certainly missed his younger brother. And Edge and Pap had been very busy between work and the twins. It helped of course that Stretch stayed home. But two young monsters that started to develop their magic? It had been hard with just one. The guy deserved some relaxation
“Probably means Nova gotta bath twice today”
“Wow, it would be the lowest record, we’ve set in months, Ow..Hey!”
His husband had shoved him out of his personal space
“Behave you”
He gave a gentle shove back. His lover rolled his eyes at him, as they got interrupted by the school bell.
They both straightened themselves and walked closer to the gate, waiting for their son. More and more children walked by. And as the minutes ticked on…he was slowly growing more worried
“I think I saw some of his classmates…”
He pointed out.
“Yeah…he might still be inside?” Sans stated but it came out more of a confused question
Why tho…? went through his mind
There were still quite a few people around…but most were parents with older kids.
“One more minute..and then we check?”
He asked, sticking his hands in his hoodie and Sans gave a nod of agreement Nova probably got talking with a classmate..it happened last time he was late. They were both probably worrying about nothing. But maybe he got in trouble with the teacher?
“Okay,...let’s go”
He gave a nod and followed behind Sans. Slowly they made their way through the hallways, some of the older kids running by. As their son's classroom came into sight, at the door was Toriel taking to two other adults. A blue bunny monster and an orange cat monster.
Oh, that is the guy that sold the Nicecreams. And the guy that used to sell the burgers at MTT resort back underground. At least…he looked like a grown-up version of that kid from his dimension. And unlike Stretch and Blues Home. Most lookalikes were pretty one-to-one here.
Toriel turned to face us
“Oh, Sans, Red, good to see you both”
She greeted the both of them with a warm smile, She didn’t seem to be panicking so that was a good sign. Nova was likely still here. But he also knew the boss monster poker face could be really good.
“Hey, Tori, Nova hasn’t shown up yet, is he still here”
Sans asked her with an air of familiarity that some people found rude to speak with the former queen. No matter how long it has been or how she insists that people act casually.
The boss monster gave a nod, and he felt his own chest ease
“Yes he is, I made him help clean up, as he and Roman have been getting into some spats all day”
The Nicecream guy smiled apologetically
“I am so sorry for the trouble miss Toriel”
She turned to the other pair of parents with the same patient smile.
“Oh don’t be dear, It’s a good teaching moment, and your kids aren't the first, and won’t certainly be the last,”
“What made them start fighting?”
He asked her. As far as he knows. Nova hadn’t gotten into any fights before today. Well nothing more than what could have been resolved at the end of the day Toriel made a sound between a sigh and a chuckle
“Roman was convinced someone had stepped on his cape. Nova pointed out it actually got stuck between some bags. And basically been a back and forth ever since, nobody could back up either one of them”
The orange monster nudged his partner.
“Told you the cape was a bad idea”
The blue one rolled his eyes in response. They got interrupted by shouting coming from the classroom they stood in front of.
“No, I AM not!”
That was their son's voice.
“Yes you are, you are just jealous!”
Came a different child's voice
They all glanced inside as Toriel sighed, and stated the rather obvious.
“They are it again”
The five of them walked into the classroom. And in the center of the room were the two children. Nova seemed to have thrown a rag on the ground, the sleeves of his dark purple hoodie a bit wet from cleaning. Across him was a blue-haired cat monster. Who was wearing what looked like a handmade prince costume. Complete with a handmade paper crown and a toy sword. And of course, as indicated before. There was a bright red cape strapped to his shoulders
Toriel stepped forward and spoke up using her teacher's voice.
“Boy’s, this doesn’t look like cleaning”
Both boys crossed their arms and looked embarrassed.
“But miss Toriel.” Nova started
“No Nova, It doesn’t matter who started it, you were supposed to work together”
Nova crossed his arms again and sent a glare to the side. His eyes looked back every once in a while like Sans also does when he is frustrated.
“I am not working together with someone who calls me a poopyhead” he muttered
And the other kid let out a loud gasp
“Well, I am not working with someone who calls me a dumdum!”
He puffed out his chest as he turned away. Nova turned back in response All of them tried to hold back some giggles at their children's small argument and childish insults. As Nova turned back around angrily. Getting right back to the argument
“Well, maybe you should listen to Miss Toriel. So I don't need to repeat it"
“And last time I checked, you aren’t Miss Toriel so I don’t gotta listen to you”
The blue monster stuck out his tongue
“Yeah you do, I am older!” Nova argued
“I am taller!” Roman responded
“My pops is friends with Miss Toriel” Nova pointed at Sans who could only shake his head in amusement
“Well my dad makes ice cream, which is way better” The child waved his arms toward the blue bunny monster next to them
“Kids” Toriel spoke up. Trying to cut in between their arguments. But both kept going
“My dad has a cool robotic arm,” Nova said pointing at him
“My papa wrote Mettaton's best play!” The blue-haired child said pointing at the orange one of his two fathers
“My dad's a better fighter!”
“My dad taught me how to fight!”
“Pops did too!”
“Oh yeah! Bet you are bad at it!”
“Children, please” Toriel sighed impatiently
He had to suppress another chuckle. It’s kinda funny their fight was basically seeing which of their parents was better. Also, it was kinda sweet to hear what they found cool about each of them.
“That’s it! I challenge you to a duel!” The young cat monster declared
“I accept!” Nova quickly answered with no hesitation
He felt himself freeze, as he heard those words, the grin dropping from his face as he stared at the two kids. Beside him, the Nicecreamguy stepped forward.
“Roman come now, there is no need for that"
"Actually I think it's a great idea!" Toriel said. And everyone in the room turned to gape at her.
“You mean that Miss Toriel? "
The young cat monster asked, stars seeming to fill his eyes
“of course my child, I think it would be a good opportunity for the both of you"
Toriel said while continuing to smile kindly. Meanwhile, the feelings of dread didn't subside The young cat monster let out a small cheer and then pointed at Nova with a sneer.
"You will taste my crushing defeat, you foul beast"
Foul beast!?! What kind of language was that? No monster called another one a beast unless they wanted to be like the humans that still tried to drive them back underground. He was shocked at the kid's language but was even more surprised when Nova only rolled his eyes. Was this kind of behavior normal?!
Then the orange cat monster that stood next to him spoke up gruffly
"Roman! That was not very princely of you. Was it now?…you know better. What does a prince do?"
The kid's ears flattened and suddenly looked quite embarrassed. And inwardly he sighed as he felt Sans settle a hand on the low of his back.
"Always be kind, even when fighting you don't go for the same tactics as the villain"
The monster next to him nodded. While the blue-haired one let out a chuckle in between font and tired. Like this was something they had to deal with regularly
His eyes flicked between the kid and his parents. As he took in the uniform of the orange guy. It was of one of the employees of the theatre. And he started back at the child's costume. And it all just clicked
The kid was not a bully. Just a theater kid with the flair of the dramatic.
He looked at the kid again. The young child was probably just parroting what he heard from plays and movies Not yet fully realizing what all the things he said could mean. Luckily Nova didn't seem bothered by the name calling so he could let it slide.
"Tori, don't like to be the skeptical one. But you are sure this is safe?" Sans spoke up beside him as they all looked back up at the boss monster who simply clapped her hands together delighted.
"More than my good friend, I wouldn't suggest it, if it wasn't. But the classroom is hardly the place for a friendly battle. Let us go outside "
The grown-ups gave some skeptical looks all around and followed the two excited kids and boss monster outside to the outdoor field.
Toriel grabbed a stick from the ground and drew two lines in the sand. And directed both children behind one each. And both took their position, bouncing excitedly.
Toriel stood in the middle overlooking the would-be battlefield, addressing them all.
“Okay, I am laying out the rules. And if they are broken that means you have lost the duel. Understand boys?"
"Yes miss Toriel,” both boys said.
He shifted uneasily, as Toriel had herded the four of them behind her. A good view, but not one that could easily interfere with the battle. He could feel the nervous energy around them. He trusted this Toriel. She was kind and had taught many kids over the years. She knew what she was doing. Didn't mean he had to like it.
“First. We are only using magic attacks. No objects are to be picked up and thrown or any form of physical contact. Only throwing magic attacks Am I clear?".
Both boys nodded.
'We are just going for one point. So focus on dodging each other's patterns. So the first hit wins."
Nova nodded again. But slowly the other kid raised his hand.
"We…we are only trying to get a hit in…and not like…not take hp off right?"
He fidgets in place. Ears flicking back and forth.
"Because… I don't wanna … " the boy trailed off looking worried.
He gave a half smile, seemed he really misjudged that kid at first glance, man he was getting rusty. Or he was doing the overprotective parent thing again. Likely the latter.
But his son's response kinda shocked him
"What? Suddenly afraid to hurt me!? " Nova slapped his own chest. "Don't you dare underestimate me! I am sturdy!"
Sans sighed beside him. And he himself let out a little hopeless laugh. Sans seemed intent on speaking up. When Roman cut him off.
"We all know you got the lowest hp in our class! You may be a meanie but I don’t wanna send you to the hospital!"
The kid genuinely looked distressed. And it made something awkward stir in his chest. He knew how Nova felt about his low hp. He also hated what people thought of he, or sans for that matter were fragile for their single hp.
But it also soothed him that this kid was looking out for Nova. Probably aware of how much damage an attack could actually do and what that could mean. It was a rare trait to find, especially in kids.
The Nicecreamguy leaned over and nervously asked Sans.
"Sorry to ask like this…but how much hp, DOES he have?"
He turned to glare at the tall bunny. But was surprised by Sans strong hold on his spine and answering honestly before he could tell him to mind his own damm business.
"Five….and Roman?"
To his surprise, the blue guy let out a sigh of what seemed relief. While the orange cat looked mildly horrified.
"Thank goodness. The highest damage Ro can do is three. Then I ain't too worried and Roman sits at eighteen"
Wow…pretty high for a kid that age, he thought as the blue guy's partner stuttered.
"five…just five…? That's…"
He cut him off with a growl
"More than we thought he would ever have"
The cat's jaw clicked shut. And to his surprise, the bunny chuckled
"Don't worry Cal. If Sans could handle Papyrus's teenage energy with less hp than that. Then I am sure his son can too"
The orange monster stared between his own husband and Sans with wide eyes. And Sans gave a hearty chuckle
"Not just Paps. I remember you and your siblings chugging a few attacks my way back then as well Felix"
“Sucks to be the oldest.”
"Oi, you weren't the youngest either." Sans accused him and the blue bunny shrugged.
"Not the oldest either. So your brother got younger sibling solidarity"
The two of them gave each other what seemed a fist bump of understanding. While he and the orange guy just gave each other a look of mutual confusion.
He had personally never hanged with the bunny's back when he still was in Underfell. But then again. There had been a lot more territorial spats between the bunnies and dogs. Long before he and his brother ever arrived in Snowdin.
Here the two groups of monsters seemed to get along. At least from what he could tell when he visited Sans at Grilby's for his jig. But the dogs seemed to invite every and anyone into their game nights anyway.
They all looked up when Toriel coughed loudly.
“If the audience would be silent, we are about to begin.”
The woman had a small grin that told him that she was enjoying telling them off. Especially as the two kids snickered as well. It seemed the boss monster had managed to settle the situation between the kids as well as they had been talking.
Toriel turned fully back around.
“Any more questions?”
Both kids shook their heads and steadied themselves.
The soft pressure of a battle starting began to fill the air. And Nova had the first move, it surprised him for half a second before realizing it had been Roman who challenged him and not the other way around. Nova took a deep breath. Placing his hand on the ground, and summoning three small bones in a line sending them towards Roman.
He gave a proud groin as the summoned attacks held. And watched as the cat’s eyes widened but managed to jump over them easily. Responding with a simple round magic bullet most kids learn early on. It didn’t have a lot of speed so Nova stepped out of the way easily as well.
He was feeling a weird combination of tension and calm. He had the feeling he had to be looking everywhere. That everyone here was a threat, and could any second. Would step in and interrupt the battle. Making it much more dangerous.
He never really got used to the turn-based system they had here. But at the same time. Seeing how small and weak the kids' attacks still were. Made him ease. It was like seeing Nova roughhousing with kids in the neighborhood the first few times. Nervewerking sure. But you slowly learn when the play fighting stays that way or turns into actual fights.
A couple of turns passed like that. Both kids easily avoid each other's attacks. Both only used small white bullets. After Nova’s first attack. He wondered if Nova had tried to imitate their ‘strongest attack first’ strategy from stories he must have heard from his Uncles at this point.
It was Roman’s turn again. Who was looking at his paws frustrated. Beside him, he saw the blue Bunny’s arm rise up. Before being quickly halted, by his orange-haired partner.
“He gotta do it himself, Felix. No hints”
“Right…Right, sorry..”
Sans's hand had migrated from his spine to around his hips during the battle but was now warming itself inside his hoodie pocket right now. Where his own clenched fist was hidden.
He gave a quick glance at his husband, but when he felt the hand move in the limited space his grin turned up a grad.
Seemed the Blue guy next to them wasn’t the only one who was having trouble keeping down the hints. As he slowly intertwined their fingers together to stop the hand signs at all.
Roman let out a grow of frustration as he shot off another pattern of bullets. They were a bit more erratic As the frustrations messed with his aim. Nova managed to dodge out of the way of all of them, but only just so. The last one had nearly hit him. He stood still just in time for it to fly past him.
He felt his own soul almost jump out of his chest as he saw it nearly hit his son in the side. But somehow managed to not move an inch forward even though he really wanted to. Nova panted a few times with a scared look in his eyes. But then a grin overtook his face that reminded him of his own.
Nova was having fun.
Nova was having his first actual battle, and he was clearly having the time of his life.
“Almost Got me. But it aint good enough! Prepare yourself!” Nova Declared.
He took a deep breath. And Nova’s eye flashed for a second. Which made his soul thrum anxiously and excitedly. Nova spread his arms beside him and summoned two really big bones taller that were than himself. One on each end of the battlefield only leaving space in the middle to pass through. But it was smaller than Roman could fit.
Sweat was breaking out of his son's face. Struggling to keep the bones summoned. Then with all his might, he swung his arms forward making them move towards the blue cat boy. Nova was shivering as he did it. And they were not moving quickly at all. But Roman had nowhere to run. Unless he wanted it to count as fleeing
The kid's eyes looked scared for a brief moment. The parents beside them trembling with probably the same feelings of wanting to step in and interrupt. But then the young boy's eyes filled with determination. And what surprised everyone he ran towards the moving bones.
“Roman?!” The blue-haired father of the boy suddenly exclaimed in panic
“What is he?!” Sans muttered worriedly.
All of them had taken a step forward. But where stopped when Toriel had held her arm out. Making them all pause. He saw the young cat monster near the gap, Surprised that Nova didn’t let the wall fall at all. Out of exhaustion, surprise, or both. No, he was shaking badly. But he kept the attack up. Heels digging into the ground. His other eye started blazing as well with the magic input. Giving up a dark-blue nearly purple glow.
Roman got closer and closer. Then he jumped and twisted his body a bit. But then…Roman just…squeezed through the widest part near the top. His body seemed to morph into just a little so that he could slip through easily. He landed on all four of his limbs before standing up with a smile. His Crown has flown off in his sprint.
Beside him, he heard a loud groan and grew worried as the tall bunny fell to his knees hand over his heart.
“Shoot…right..he’s part cat..how do I keep forgetting”
His partner laughed at him. But it had been filled with anxiety. “Dunno babe, you’ve seen him slip through tighter spaces.”
“Uugh, kindly shut up love.” the taller one said as he got back up. Still shaking lightly
His own arms were trembling. But that exchange made him grin a bit. It seems the four of them were way more terrified then. The children and the teacher in front of them.
He stared back at the battle. Both boys were panting, and also slightly shaking. The end of the battle was approaching.
“My-My…My TURN!”
Roman said in between pants. Holding his hands together. Exclaiming a shout of triumph as he suddenly held something round and white in his hands. Seemingly having conjured his own attack this time. instead of the standard bullet.
"Take this!"
The blue cat threw whatever he had made. It was a bit powdery, and flakes were falling off.
“Huh..wait what?!” the kid seemed suddenly confused. Under what Roman had just thrown, patches of ice were forming where the flakes were landing.
But it mattered little as Roman was of course now closer than he had been before. Nova had no way of avoiding the incoming snowball and threw his hands up instinctively. Making a small bone appear and it was sent hurling towards Roman as well.
Nova hadn’t been quick enough to catch the snowball and it hit him square in the face making him fall backwards. At the same time, the young cat tried to step away from the accidentally thrown bone, slipped on his own ice landing face-first into the dirt.
The feeling of a battle stopped as they both hit the ground. All four of them quickly rushed forward. But before any words were spoken by the adults
Nova had sat back up with wide star eyes, looking towards his fallen-over opponent.
“Dude you can make snow?!”
The cat monster was slowly getting up but slipped again. Falling into the dirt again, with a little groan.
They all stood still as Nova quickly got up and rushed over to Roman to steady him as he got up a second time. There was some dirt stuck to his fur, but he seemed fine
“That is so cool! You can have a snowball fight every day!”
The Cat boy grinned.
“Me?! What about you?! How did you make that huge attack?! Darwin is always bragging about making the biggest construct but that was way cooler! Why have you never shown it before?! “
“That was my first time doing it” Their son exclaimed proudly.
“No way!? I don’t believe you” Roman was gaping
Nova scratched the back of his head sheepishly
“I haven’t. Truly. My uncle has been trying to teach me how to make this like…Really tall bone. Just like he can. That is part of his. ‘Super cool regular attack’ But I never managed anything bigger than my leg. Let alone two! But you got me really fired up with that wild attack pattern! I just had to try!”
He let out a shaky laugh. A few seconds ago they had been at each other's throats but now they were both gushing about each other's moves. Toriel was smiling satisfied.
Right… battles were meant to forge bonds of friendships. Not like where he was from. Where everything was kill or be killed. Isn’t that why his Edge and he still sparred regularly? They might say it’s because no one else could keep up with their style of fighting. But that was just not true. It was their own form of bonding. Even if it left a lot more bruises than anything the kids here could come up with.
Nova got rid of some of the dirt on top of Roman's head.
"Also look at all this ice!", Nova pointed behind them. Continuing on excitedly "I don't think I ever saw you do that in class?"
"That has never happened before. I didn't know that. Could happen" The boy stared at the small patches of ice
"Never" he shook his head to confirm
"So cool!" Nova muttered. And the other boy flushed proudly.
Nova had wiped away the last of the dirt and now seemed to be absentmindedly playing with the kids' ears. Clearly finding them interesting
“I didn’t hurt you? Did I? I didn’t mean to throw that last attack!”
The young cat's ear twisted, leaning slightly into the light petting he received happily... And shook his head
“No not at all!” then seemed to pause for a moment and said with a huge toothy grin. “I’m sturdy”
Both kids burst out laughing, holding each other up through their giggles.
Toriel walked towards them and gently grasped both their shoulders. And knelt between them.
“You both did very well, I hope this has settled everything”
Both boys nodded excitedly.
“Then it is time for both of you to head home, don't you two say”
He smiled as Nova, locked eyes with them. Stars in his eyes. Clearly very eager to start gushing about what just happened.
They all looked at the small cat monster, whose ears flattened as all eyes landed on him when he spoke. He clearly was surprised that everyone looked but he took a step forward and addressed their son.
“Uh…I’m…I’m sorry for calling you names all day. I just….well..” He bristled and shrugged
“Dunno…I was really convinced someone had stepped on the cape…And thought you were suggesting I was dumb. But you are pretty cool. So..yeah...Sorry..”
It was quiet around them for a couple of seconds. Before Nova rushed forward and enveloped the other monster in a hug.
“I’m sorry too. You aren't dumb. I was just trying to help. And didn't want anyone getting accused of something they didn't do”
The young cat looked happy, then guilty, and then happy again
“Hey…how about next week we play together!” He said as Nova pulled out of the hug, keeping a hold of Nova’s shoulders.
“Yeah! That be awesome! I would love to see you make that snow up close!”
“Sure!, but then you gotta try and make another big bone wall!”
Both kids stepped fully out of the hug and shook hands like they just made a business deal instead of a playdate.
Before both let go and ran towards their parents. And he couldn’t help but smile at his son’s beaming face.
“Dad, Pops! Did you see how big that attack was? It was almost as big as Uncle Paps! “
It hadn’t been. But he wasn’t gonna burst that bubble. Sans chuckled picking up their excited child. And nuzzling his skull affectionately
“It sure was, little star”
He gave Nova a firm affectioned rub on his back
“Well done Starburst, Also excellent evading skills. Have you been practicing when we weren't looking”
Nova nodded.
“I let Selene and Solis throw cushions at me and avoided them!”
Oh boy…so that is why the twins were giving their parents such a hard time. He and Sans shared a look that went over their son’s head. Seemed they needed to have a conversation with their kid in the future about not Involving his younger cousins in training when they haven’t even learned to summon to control magic yet.
“I can’t wait to tell everyone! We are gonna see them this weekend right?!”
Nova swung his head between the two of them. Trying to see who would answer. Still bursting with energy that only a five-year-old can have.
He gave his son a smile
“Well, your uncle Blue is coming home early so-”
His son's cheering cut him off causing him to chuckle. Nova loved family nights, but most of all surprise family nights. And after a day like this, he was sure, his son was gonna talk everyone's ear off the second he had the chance.
They turned to face the other small family. Roman was being held against the blue bunny’s hip, much the same as Nova was. The young boy also still smiling ear to ear.
“It was nice to see you again Sans. I am sure this isn't gonna be the last” The blue bunny said with a smile.
Sans laughed,
“No, I think not. We’ll come by the shop sometime.”
Both boy's eyes widened
Both of them exclaimed. He sighed at the kids' enthusiasm. And he answered
“Sure, Well buy you something as a treat for an amazing fight from both of you”
The orange cat scoffed. As the kids gushed excitedly
“You might wanna make it a treat, but this one ain't gonna let you pay, and make it his own treat instead.” He pointed his thumb at his husband. Then he tried to soothe Roman's excited wriggling so he wouldn't fall out of his father's arms.
“Callied…please” The Nicecreamguy rolled his eyes.
“What I AM, right? Ain't I Felix?"
“That isn't the reason and you know it” the blue-haired guy sighed again.
“Still right you ain't gonna let them pay. Are I?"
His partner didn't deny it.
He liked the rough orange guy he decided The guy seemed fun from everything he heard him say today. Plus he respects a guy that didn’t mind calling people out on their shit. Be it good-natured or otherwise.
They all waved and said their goodbye Nova finally grew tired in Sans's hold, leaning against his chest sleepily. Not surprising with how much magic he had used. Especially for that last attack.
As Sans stood still just outside the gate. So he could hold him a bit more securely around his hip. While he tugged his son’s hoodie a bit more around him. As he slowly dozed off. Giving his skull a brief kiss. Meeting Sans's eyes for a second.
“Yeah…yeah, I know he’s fine. Not even a single hp was taken off. “
He mumbled at the unasked question
“I ain't judging you Dear. I nearly ran in myself a couple of times”
He eyed his mate again, who raised him a single browbone. Trying to dare and contradict him
“It didn’t show Sweetheart, probably for the best…for his sake”
Nova let out a soft grumble and then snoozed on.
“Probably, wouldn’t have wanted to interrupt that”
No…it was a good thing for their son to learn and fight his own battles. Friendly or otherwise. Knowing that in the future could handle himself. Even if I did now it had happened in a controlled environment. Still hard to stand there and do nothing the entire time.
He nodded. And they walked home.
Seeing his son fight had been nerve-wracking. Downright bone-chilling and made his soul give out nearly five times. But he was also damm proud he had seen it. The smile on his son’s face. The way he was now lying so satisfied in their arms. How neither He nor the young cat monster had cared who had won in the end. Both were just excited that they had been allowed to have a friendly battle at all. It all made him just that more thankful that he could have these moments.go, witness.
Little did they know then. That they hadn’t just watched their son’s first fight. They also had seen him make his very best friend
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logicalalo · 1 year
Thoughts on CSM ch. 138
Alright, finally have somewhat organized my thoughts regarding this week's chapter and have some points that I would like to discuss. I would also like to add that some chapters are kinda foggy in my mind (I should definitely re-read them), so if there are errors, please let me know.
Introduction of Fumiko; Denji's bodyguard.
With her introduction and actions, yeah no, but we are stuck with her as she has been appointed to be Denji's bodyguard at school. In other words, Denji will have another figure from Public Safety keeping tabs on him. The way Yoshida explains Fumiko's job is that she will protect Denji so that Denji can enjoy a normal life. AKA since she is Denji's bodyguard, Denji can't have the excuse that he turned to CSM for self-defense. I would like to add that her addition to the cast and being another player for public safety makes me feel like the story is once again highlighting the two prominent sides of an impending conflict soon: Church of Chainsawman and Public Safety. Perhaps, we may have a school chapter soon where we can once again see the dividing attitudes of both groups via the students.
Sword Man
The first time I read the chapter (in my 15-minute break), I had assumed that Sword Man was part of Public Safety/ part of Yoshida's team alongside Fumiko, but I then realize he isn't? Or more like nothing has been said yet about where he stands. For sure not with the Church of Chainsawman. We do see him wearing the school uniform and a Twitter user suggested that he could be the one that helped Denji back during the Falling arc*. Based on his choice of words, he seems to hold CSM in a higher regard compared to Asa who he described with the words "some fresh-nobody" and almost dismissive by saying how she is the Church's poster girl. His re-introduction did bring a lot of buzz, as seen on social media, with many hoping that past hybrids from the series make a return. * Tweet about Sword Man being the one that helped Denji in the Falling Arc
Asa and the Fame
Per a discussion and agreement with Fami, Asa is now actively fighting devils while being the "poster girl" for the church of Chainsawman. Asa and Yoru agreed while each having their own reason; to protect CSM (Asa) and to kill him (Yoru). In this chapter, we see Asa looking tired with a band-aid on her face while staring at the TV. Displayed on the TV, appears to be a talk show where the host describes Asa in a positive manner. The host used the word "beautiful" and Asa repeats the word as if to confirm that she did indeed hear correctly. Yoru then shares that it's not so bad receiving recognition which Asa attempts to downplay by saying that "[they] aren't doing this for the praise...", she is doing it to protect CSM, and that it's creepy. However, Yoru sees through. We, the reader, also understand that it's not entirely true as Asa is shown smiling in a certain manner. Her smile makes me think of those smiles we sometimes make unknowingly when nervous or lying. Either way, the smile Asa gives feels questionable. The smile does low-key remind me of the smiles Yoru would make in previous chapters. Regarding Asa's development in this chapter, it looks like it could take the route where the newfound fame gets to Asa's head. I'll explain a bit below, but most of the time that this conflict is used in media, it doesn't serve the character well. It's sort of always used as a cautionary tale about fame getting to people's heads. Although, I can't blame Asa for feeling the way she did because getting recognition/praise feels good; she seen. It's human to seek approval at times because it also affirms our actions as 'correct'. I could more in-depth about this another time. On a lesser scale, something similar to what is occurring has played out. Remember the Aquarium arc? Asa was all smiles and confident when she pulled out that cell phone because she had others saying good things about her as she became their hope for a way out. Unfortunately, she fell and in came Haruka's criticism that crushed Asa. Wonder if something like this will play out again as falling at important moments has been an explicitly stated problem Asa has. Perhaps, she will deal with a 'fall' during her peak as a Devil Hunter? This is really random, but I suddenly made the connection with Mean Girls regarding Asa's current predicament. To be exact with the trope 'becoming the mask'. I think the trope loosely applies to Asa. Below are the comparison drawn between Asa and Cady (main character of Mean Girls). - Join a group that they were told to join where both were skeptical at first base on what they saw and heard. For Asa, it was Fami telling her to join the Church of Chainsawman and for Cady, it was Janis who told her to join the Plastics. - Once in the group, they become accustomed to it and lose their original self. Here it's where it can loosely apply to Asa since it's implied the fame may be getting to her head, but we still don't see the severity of it. While in Mean Girls, Cady took over Regina's role and lost herself along with her friends/ unrecognizable to those close to her. By the end of the film, Cady acknowledges that being at the top of the chain by being a plastic made her lose her way, her friends, her parent's trust, and made her feel lonely ( ex. eating lunch alone again). Cady reverts to her true self and repairs those bridges; becoming happier. Who knows, maybe Asa will also go through something similar to that as it seems to be a pattern when the problem in a story is about a character letting fame get to them (Shark Tale is another example of that conflict in media lol) I have so much more to say about Asa in general, but I think I will leave that for another day.
Fami better come back soon to clue us in a bit more on what her plan is with the church. Fami said that she wants to save humans, but her planning brings in a lot of questions. There is also the Fakesaw Man, Justice Devil being back, the weird thing that seems to be haunting/advising Haruka, and the list goes on. Only time will tell.
Thank you for hearing my thoughts which can sometimes be all over the place. I was really excited doing one of these posts since it's been ages. If you would like to talk more, don't hesitate to send me a message.
Edit: whoa it got a weird format when it’s posted.
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