#the selkie one and the vampire one
laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
Dear MagiSoWo
I'm a teen born to a vampire father and human mother. I live with my father, though. I show no vampiric traits yet, which upsets him occasionally and means he's extremely overprotective of me, so overprotective that I'm almost always stuck at home or I'm at school. He lets me go out with friends sometimes, but not as often as I would like. I just want to be able to have fun with someone who isn't him once in a while. He also wants me to be like him once I'm in my early 20s, but I don't know if I want that. It seems scary, and I'm just unsure of how to broach either of these topics with him. Any help would be awesome.
- A confused halfbreed(?)
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Thank you for writing to us. It sounds like you're in a very difficult situation. We can imagine why you feel confused.
From what you've written it seems like your father wants to protect you, but your wish to spend time with friends and your doubts about being turned are completely reasonable.
You are always welcome at any of our offices and community centers. Also outside of walk-in hours. But perhaps the solution to bridging the gap between you and your father lies in our local vampire community.
Fanged, Fledged and Future-proof is the biggest vampire-led nonprofit around and they offer peer-support groups of all kinds. There are support groups for half-vampires like yourself, but also for the parents of vampiric children. If your father is worried about your lack of vampiric traits (which is very common in your phase of existence), he might benefit from speaking to other vampire-parents in the community. And perhaps he will be more comfortable contacting a fully vampire focussed organisation like F3. Speaking to other (half) vampires about your situation, might help you both talk to each other as well.
Hopefully this is helpful to you. If it isn't, please don't hesitate to contact us again. We shall enclose our overview of local MagISoWo support numbers, in case you ever want to call or text.
~ the MagISoWo Team
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lutheban · 2 days
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thinking about @jube-art werewolf and vampire au
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harboretum · 9 months
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Good morning 🍊
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happyk44 · 1 year
Vampire Nico, werewolf Jason and selkie Percy.
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ectoplasmer · 4 months
did you guys know i loove ymy boyffriendss orr
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laikuh · 2 years
selkie!dean is the one thing guaranteed to make me crazy still about dean and john.
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avocado-writing · 7 months
I saw some of your BG3 headcanon and I got to say I love it. 💕
I hope it okay to ask what would BG3 companion would react if the reader is a selkie 🦭💕
how cute! hope you enjoy, anon!
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sort of glad he isn’t the only “afflicted” of the group (even though you consider your selkie-dom a blessing and not a curse like his vampirism)
you spend long nights discussing how you adapted to “normal” life after the tadpole. he doesn’t need to hide from sunlight, you don’t feel the pull to constantly be near water.
makes jokes about stealing your sealskin when you annoy him, in return you threaten to stake him. just girly things 💕💞💓💗💝💘💖
when you finally get the confidence to transform in front of him he is transfixed. you are beautiful.
“what do you think?” nervous eyes, picking at your fingers.
“you’re wonderful,” he says, uncharacteristically sincere, and you feel your cheeks heat up.
super duper fascinated.
asks you a billion questions, ones you didn’t even think about the answers to!
”so how does it feel when you actually slip into your seal form?” “?? Normal I guess? Idk, Gale!”
he watches you transform and swim around, making lots of notes to start with — but he gets distracted and just watches you play.
when you flop up onto the bank next to him, covered in water and out of your seal body, he gets lost in the sweet depth of your eyes.
when he kisses you for the first time it’s the most sure he’s ever been about anything.
“oh my GODS that’s so cool!”
also asks a billion questions too but not like… smart ones.
“have you ever eaten raw fish?” “yeah of course, Karlach!” “haha ew how did they taste?” “pretty good actually!” “AMAZING”
can’t stop looking at your, stroking your cloak when you’re in kith form. she knows how precious it is to you and wants to keep it safe.
she submerges herself in water and heats it up like a hot tub, you turn into your seal form and float around lazily enjoying her heat. ❤️
gobsmacked but honoured you shared this side of yourself with him.
we know our lad likes fairytales, he’s swept up in the storybook aspect of it all.
(secretly you’re both thrilled at the idea of being a knight having a romance with a selkie. it’s so perfect and sweet! 💕)
always checks in to see if there’s anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable - finding you water to relax in or getting you some fatty food to enjoy.
perfect partner. respectful and doting. no notes!
surprised, but pretends she knew all along (she didn’t, she just doesn’t want you knowing how taken aback she is)
I think you being a selkie helps her get the courage to try and swim.
maybe it’s you in bipedal form holding onto her and leading her into the water, or maybe you turn into a seal for extra buoyancy.
either way, she’s squeaking “don’t you dare let go!!”
she eventually gets more comfortable with this side of your life and there is nothing she enjoys more than just floating with you, holding your paw or your hand 💕
doesn’t really understand.
you have to explain the concept to her a couple of times before it sinks in.
”this is a confession?” “yes…” “I do not understand why you believe I would think any differently of you. you are still the source of my joy.”
her honest acceptance of you, all of you, is enough to make your soul feel sweet.
you kiss her. there is simply nothing else for it.
my man wildshapes, so he’s pretty used to people being in animal forms - even if it’s a bit different for you.
the two of you talk at length about changing into beasts and how it feels, what joy and freedom it brings.
let’s be real. we’ve all seen the bear scene. the two of you probably both turn into seals and get freaky. it’s great.
he likes to curl up in his bear form around you as a seal and drift off to sleep on the shore. you feel so safe next to him. he’d never let anything hurt you.
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give my boi alucard a mermaid or selki gf please i beg you it can be yandere or not i just want to read about the pretty supernatural beings in love or obsession please feed the brain rot that is the yan castlevainia comunity
A/N: Okay so since I went with a sort of mermaid/selkie reader here with Yandere! Alucard, I figured this one would be non-Yandere Alcard with a mermaid girlfriend.
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Alucard with A Mermaid Girlfriend: 
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At first, Alucard is concerned by her sudden appearance: where did she come from? Is there a legion of underwater creatures coming for Castlevania? Or perhaps she is fleeing something? Could there be a trail of more night creatures to follow after her? 
Alucard is apprehensive when they first speak, but also immediately drawn to her alluring, otherworldly nature, and she is drawn to him in return. 
Her hair, of course, is long and gorgeous, as is his. She compliments him on its upkeep, haircare is considered pivotal in the mermaid/siren community, and the more lustrous your hair is, the longer you’ve spent working on it. 
Despite barely knowing him at all, she reaches out to touch his hair, and even more surprisingly, Alucard lets her. It shocks everyone, but especially Trevor who was waiting for Alucard to snatch her wrist in mid-air. 
Instead, Alucard studies her face as she runs her fingers through his hair. It feels… nice, comforting almost. It’s a foreign feeling, but not entirely unwelcome. 
She’s elusive, yet forthcoming, the type of character Alucard has grown used to in these past few months. Had he been alone, he’d be much more weary of her, expecting her to take advantage of him as Taka and Sumi did, but with his friends around him (and not to mention the entire new Village Belmont) he feels confident enough to handle it. 
He shows her to a large bathhouse in the castle where she can stay. The water is warm and just deep enough for her to be able to transform into her mermaid form and slink along the bottom of the bath without issue. 
After some much-needed soaking, Alucard gives her a tour of the grounds- the Belmont Hold and the Castle. In the hold, she’s impressed to find relics and pieces of architecture from her culture. It also unnerves her a bit but when Alucard shows her the skulls of vampires and vampire children Trevor’s ancestors stored in a glass case, she feels less alone as a creature amongst humans. 
Because they’re the only non-humans among the villagers, they end up spending a lot of time together. They read literature, go on walks, and play chase with the children. 
One day, as they’re sitting in one of Castlevania’s many libraries, her laid out on the sofa, and him seated on the floor in front of her, she starts playing with his hair again, running her long deft fingers through it, massaging his scalp. 
Alucard melts into her touch, feeling a warmth wash over him. Her soft touch feels cozy and inviting, almost hypnotic as she fingers his golden locks. 
She offers to brush his hair and braid it for him, to put it up in  a way that won’t obscure his vision when he’s fighting or playing with the children. 
It becomes a routine for them. At night, after his bath, she’ll seek him out, and Alucard comes to her, gladly, his blonde hair still damp from the bathwater and cleansing oils. 
Eventually, once their relationship progresses to more intimate levels, the two of them begin taking baths together. Their bathtimes become a sort of spa time for them, just the two of them, two beautiful creatures plucked from obscurity, placed in the middle of such human conditions. 
Their love grows to infatuation, and it becomes clear to all who see them. Even the village children begin to refer to the couple as “Mr. and Mrs. Alucard”. 
When the two of them dress up to visit other provinces, or simply for a night out on the town, people can’t tear their eyes away from the immaculate couple. They are gorgeous, and so in-tune with one another, with a single look, they can tell what the other one is thinking. 
Together they watch over the castle, and the hold of Village Belmont, looking like an ethereal pair, A Vampire King and his Mermaid Queen. 
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COD monster men
Requested: Yes. By me. I requested this cause I wanted it.
Warnings: spice, angst, blood, some fluff, Alejandro watches you sleep
Ghost - Vampire
For Ghost, it’s all too easy to forget what he is until he’s in the heat of battle, blood on his clothes, stroking that ever present hunger that burns inside of him every second of every day. He’s afraid to be around anyone right than, his hands shaking as he licks the blood off of his gloves in whatever dark corner he can find, far away from prying eyes. He’s so so hungry, so desperate for it that he accidentally bites through his gloves, drawing blood from his own skin. It’s never good, makes his belly twist and turn til he vomits it all back up. Sometimes he’s so desperate, so hungry, that he bites himself on purpose, puking be damned. That’s nothing compared to the pain of a stomach so empty that he feels like he’s going to die, a feeling he’s felt all too much in his life, even when he was human.
And then he sees you, waddling around in army gear, approaching him cautiously, a medkit in your hands. You tell him how you’re a medic, how you need to evaluate him for injuries.
He tries so hard to get you to just buzz off but you insist on staying, so he reluctantly lets you sterilize his fingers despite knowing that they’d just be healed within the hour. But there was something soothing about the satisfied look on your face when you were done, his fingers taped up oh so carefully. He looks at them for a moment, trying to remember the last time anyone had showed him such concern and gentleness. Probably…..yes, it was probably Tommy and His Mother, from so many years ago. The 1950’s, he believes.
He looks at you, not noticing as you get fidgety the longer he stares. He…..he likes it. Your care, your worry, your gentleness. It overpowers the hunger that begs him to rip your throat out, to bathe himself in the blood that would gush from you. To drink himself so full of you that maybe he could have those things, be those things. Maybe it would soften up his insides and he could really feel things for once.
Please, make him feel something.
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Soap - Selkie
The first time Soap lets you touch his seal skin, he almost has a panic attack. Years of generational trauma, of the fear of a human touching and stealing their skin, of stealing them away from friends and family, raping and abusing them. Everything in him is yelling to yank his skin back from you, to hide it far far away from your eyes. But he doesn’t. He knows you wouldn’t do that. Sweet sweet you who is so gently petting at the snout of his skin, a look of wonder on your face.
And despite the panic that he’s fighting, he decides that he likes the sight of his skin wrapped around you, almost like you’re a selkie yourself. He knows he can trust his skin around you, because you would never hurt him. Never hide it from him or tether him to the land when he wants to be in the sea. Knows you won’t commit the atrocities that many people before you have commited.
He likes the sight of you holding his skin, entrusting all of himself with you.
And, as you pull out the small black box that he hid in the folds of his fur, he hopes that you’ll entrust him with all of you as well.
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König - Werewolf
König couldn’t remember most of what his first change was like, only the pain. Blinding mind numbing pain as bones broke and healed, taking on new shapes, stretching his skin and growing hair, more hair than a Sasquatch. His Oma had to explain it to him when he woke up like that one morning, mid way into his transformation, screaming and crying, praying for death because surely that would be better than this pain. His Oma shushes him, cradles him even when he begged her to go away, her warm hands on his oversensitive skin only making everything worse, driving him even further into overstimulation.
And it was the same with you now, crying as you held him through his transformation, pawing at you, trying so hard not to let his claws sink into you and rip you to shreds just to distract himself from the pain. You were so sweet to him, cooing in his ears, rubbing your hands over his fur, trying to help him. And when he looked at you in the finishing stage of his change, you looked like an Angel sent from heaven. Something otherworldly, beautiful and strong, having pity on the animal he is.
And he knew he never wanted to let you go. Never ever again. His angel.
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Alejandro - Incubus
Alejandro sighs as he crouches over your pliant body, gently caressing your cheeks with big rough hands. He had waited so long to get you like this, peacefully sleeping away as he invaded your mind, showing you the most deliciously sinful images of the two of you together. Twisting and whining and crying beneath him, or even above him in a few cases. And oh, the sexual energy that started floating off of you was the best he’d ever had, only growing sweeter the longer he tormented your sleeping brain. It was such a tease, not just to you either. He had to watch you crying out under him, wanting to touch you so badly that it hurt. But he wanted your permission. Wanted you to willingly let him in so he could wreck you for anyone else. Destroy you so beautifully that you could never be put back together the way you used to be.
And when your beautiful eyes opened up, looking at him so cutely in your sleepy pleasure drunk haze, he knew that he too would never be able to go back. That you’d ruined him for anyone else, made him addicted to you and you alone. Nobody else would ever compare.
All he wants now is you. So please, let him have you.
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britany1997 · 6 months
Signed, Sealed, Delivered…I’m Yours
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Paul x GN Selkie Reader
Paul x creature partner is my favvvv, think he would be so cute with a selkie reader🥰🥰 hope y’all love this! Not sure if there will be more yet but I plan to keep it fluffy regardless:)
(Also Paul is on the Santa Carla ocean conservation board because of Fishy, so he’s an advocate for all sea creatures🥹)
Warnings: reader is mentioned to be nude a couple times because in selkie lore, they are when they shed their seal skin🤷🏻‍♀️ (readers body not described)
follow up blurb
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Paul’s teeth tore into the skin of some asshole’s neck. He was sure at one point he’d known his name, but after an endless night of sharing joints, it was long forgotten.
Paul wasn’t picky about his blood, but stoners were his filet mignon. They had a sweet and spicy flavor, and they always left him with a buzz.
This one was yummy, but he’d been insufferable. He wore a scarf and wire rimmed glasses he didn’t need, he was a philosophy major who’d met both of his girlfriends in his gender studies class, and ten minutes into their conversation, he’d explained to Paul that it was actually pronounced “Van Goff” and not “Van Go.” Paul had quickly moved him from his smoke circle list to his dinner list.
As he sucked the last drops out of Mr. Pretentious, Paul let his body fall to the sandy ground underneath the boardwalk.
He checked his watch, there was still time before sunrise. Paul couldn’t think of anything better to do with the rest of his night then ride out his high on the beach.
Dwayne seemed to like it after all.
Paul snuck away from his dumping grounds and began to stumble towards the shore.
He paused, rubbing his eyes.
He had to be hallucinating, because reclining on the sand was the most attractive person he’d ever seen in his unlife…
…totally naked. God what was in that weed.
He rubbed his eyes again. You were still there.
So this was why Dwayne loved the beach so much.
You were radiant. Alluring in a way that made Paul swear he’d dreamed you up. No person was that perfect. He was over the moon instantly.
A look of pure determination washed over his face as he desperately tried to conjure the words to speak to you. He scowled as he thought this would have been a lot easier if he was sober.
After a few minutes, he realized he’d better come up with something quick because he’d been fumbling around behind you for an almost unacceptable amount of time.
Just as he was about to approach you, he watched you shiver as a cool breeze blew past. Your arms crossed over yourself, rubbing your shoulders as you tried to keep warm.
Paul softened. He may have been a bloodthirsty, vicious vampire. But dammit, he was also a gentle man.
His eyes scanned the shore until they landed on a sleek leather coat.
Paul strode to your side and picked up the coat, smoothing it out a little.
You whirled around, fear blooming in your chest at the sight of a strange man holding your coat, your only escape to the ocean.
But instead of keeping the coat for himself, he flashed you a warm smile and held it out to you.
“You must be freezing,” he said, maintaining impressive eye contact as your naked body graced the sand.
Your jaw dropped. You’d heard many horror stories from elder selkies about the cruel and savage human men who would hunt down stunning selkies, only to take their coats and lock them away. Confining the selkies to the land, and shackling them to the men who’d stolen from them.
The captured selkies would be forced to live as humans while their hearts ached desperately for the world beneath the water.
You’d met some of your kind who’d suffered this terrible fate and escaped, but some you knew had never returned.
But this sweet, handsome man, he was giving you your coat? You’d never heard of such a kind human man.
You took the coat from his hands, half expecting him to yank it back, but he didn’t, he let you take it. “Thank you,” you uttered reverently, folding the coat over your arms.
“No problem baby,” his smile widened, “what’s a babe like you doing out here so late?”
Your eyes narrowed in confusion. “I- I’m not a baby,” you told him. You had thought you looked like any regular adult human in this form.
Paul’s eyes widened, “oh uh, no sorry that’s not what I meant,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s like uh…well you know it’s a nickname.”
He was wayyy to high for this.
“Nick…name?” You rubbed your temples, “but my name is not nick…” you trailed off, confused.
Paul’s head was pounding. “No, sugar, it’s like um…it’s like a nice thing to call someone you know?”
Your face flashed with something Paul thought resembled understanding as you nodded slowly.
“Damn babe, you from outer space or somethin?” He asked, only half-joking.
“No,” you replied.
“Mkay,” he shrugged, hey he had secrets too, one of them was currently decomposing under the boardwalk.
He noticed your shoulders shake before realizing the coat was still in your arms, “you’re not gonna put that on sweetheart?” he asked.
Your lips pulled downward. You weren’t ready to change back yet. Not when you were having such a wonderful time with this man. He was teaching you important human things. You figured you’d better stick around.
You vigorously shook your head no.
Paul mirrored your frown. He couldn’t let you freeze to death. “Alright baby well at least take mine,” he offered as he shrugged out of his own jacket and placed it around your shoulders.
You could have melted into a puddle right there.
This man hadn’t just returned your coat. He’d given you his coat as well. What a strong man he must be to brave the cold. He would be the perfect mate.
You practically purred as he buttoned the jacked around your shoulders. You leaned in to nuzzle against his shoulder. “You’re so strong” you hummed, “so warm, so handsome.”
God bless the beach.
Paul beamed, “yeah baby? I hit the gym every now and again, nothin special.” He flexed his bicep with a smirk.
“Mmm,” you hummed, moving closer to press your cheek to his chest, wrapping your arms around him, desperate to be close.
A goofy smile spread across Paul’s face as he couldn’t imagine a man on earth as lucky as he was.
Then he remembered. Daylight.
His watch confirmed his fears, it was time to go.
“Listen sugar, I could do this all night but I’ve gotta get going,” he cursed his Sun intolerant vampire body, “but give me your number honey and I’ll call you anytime.”
You glanced up at him, confusion written all over your face. “Which number do you want?” You asked.
His brow furrowed, “home, cell, work, whatever you have babe.”
“Three?” You guessed.
Paul shook his head in disbelief.
“Let’s try this, where do you live baby?” He asked.
You smiled, you knew this one.
“With you,” you purred, wrapping yourself around him once more.
Paul raised an eyebrow, “what?”
“I live with you now,” you informed him.
Paul stood still for a second, processing as you held him.
“Yeah ok,” he said, taking your hand and tugging you toward his motorcycle. Best night ever.
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TLB Taglist❤️: (comment to be added)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @crustyboypix @arenpath @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @gothamslostboy @vampirefilmlover @lostboys1987girl @solobagginses @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @warrior-616 @sad-ghost-of-garbage @chiefdirector @its-freaking-bats @arbesa-mind @f4iryfxies @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @katerinaval @rynsfandomsfun @softchonk @walmart-cereal @fraudfrog @memphiscity69
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Well Met By Moonlight Part 20
When I first started this story a year ago the only goal in mind was to get a sexy blood drinking scene between Steve and Eddie. Which yay! I achieved TWICE!
But then the story began to grow and twist and things kept getting more and more interesting. Plot deepened, twists turned sharper and characters began to take shape.
I'm grateful to everyone who held on this one even as interest for it waned. I'm happy that it started to gain more interest again at the end, because that's what kept me going all the way to the end.
I'm currently having someone read it (not in the ST fandom) to see if they think it has the potential to be an original fiction that could be published. I know she loved the story, but I have gotten back all her notes yet. So we'll see.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
“It’s good thing that worked,” Brian said scratching the back his neck sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure my song worked on werewolves.”
“It doesn’t work on selkies?” Nancy asked.
Brian just shrugged.
“We were under water,” Barb explained, “we didn’t hear the song.”
Nancy eyed her suspiciously, but wisely said nothing to her friend.
“So now that everyone’s lives are no longer in danger,” Wayne said dryly. “You want to explain the whole ‘they don’t belong here’ statement?”
Nancy jumped at suddenly be addressed. “Oh, right! I knew there had to be more to the story than what the newspaper and the VHS report said.”
“Video Home System?” Jeff asked in confusion.
Wayne snorted and Eddie badly hid his grin.
“That’s what I said!” Eddie crowed.
Nancy rolled her eyes and decided to ignore the idiot vampires. “Van Helsing Society. They’re a secret police force that investigates these types of things.”
Alexei slowly inched out of the boathouse and everyone kept their eye on him.
“Dr. Brenner was doing a lot of experiments and not just on werewolves. He was looking into other dimensions as well.”
“What was the point of it all?” Steve asked.
Chrissy landed on the beach and said, “He was trying to create the perfect supernatural being. One without any limitations at all. But he didn’t want keep using people from our world to do it because it would raise too many questions. So he was opening worlds and pulling out test subjects. But always werewolves.”
“That’s insane!” Steve cried. “You have to see how insane that is, right?”
Chrissy nodded. “When the cat sìth arrived at the Creel House to tell us of our Dominus’s death, I started looking into the previous Dominus’s experiments thinking it had answers to what was going on in this town. I was right and disgusted.”
Nancy nodded. “They,” she jutted her chin at Alexei and Murray, “are the ones that survived because at the same time they were brought over, Dr. Brenner was being investigated by VHS and had to stop temporarily, so they slipped into the wide world accidentally. This world’s Dr. Oborin killed those kids because they were teasing this world’s Mr. Bauman’s baldness. But when they saw the two that looked exactly them, they hatched a plan to use them as scapegoats and are currently on the run in Mexico.”
“Who told you all this?” Jonathan asked, speaking for the first time.
“I did,” and final person emerged from the tree line.
“Sam...” Wayne said warningly. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“That’s actually a funny story,” Sam said sheepishly. “So apparently our investigations did overlap?”
“Right,” Sam said with a grimace. “Do you mind if I take over the story from here?” he asked Nancy.
She waved her hand at him. “Go ahead. I’m interested to hear what more you may have gleaned.”
“So my original investigation was whether or not there was a descendant of the original Karl Van Helsing from the female line was in the Harrington pack,” he said with a wince.
Steve frowned. “What does ‘female line’ mean?”
“There is the male line,” Sam explained, “where you keep the last name. Harrington for example. You are a descendant of the original pack leader, Clarence Harrington. That is the male line. The female line is when, let’s continue using Harrington as an example, say Clarence had two sons and a daughter. The daughter marries and has children. Those children are still related to Clarence but their last name has changed.”
“You think Greta had children?” Wayne asked incredulously. “Because like hell she did.”
Sam shook his head. “No, not Greta. Her aunt Vanessa, who married Peter Kincade.”
Dread pooled in Wayne’s stomach. He knew that name because he had been trying to find out why Murray would murder a non-werewolf. Not that he knew it was Murray at the time. Peter Kincade was Allison Harrington’s great, great, great, great, great however many it was grandfather.
“When Benjamin Kincade was murdered and subsequently his daughter and husband,” Sam continued, “the blood was sent to our lab by an anonymous source, a source we now believe to Dr. Alexei Oborin.”
The assembled turned to the doctor who was now cradling his mate to his chest. He stroked Murray’s head. “I didn’t like all the murder. I found a neater way to get Harrington out of the pack. Show the VHS that he was their missing link and he’d be whisked away and have experiments done on him so they can strengthen their ranks. Then you’d be alpha, my love.”
Murray whimpered.
“I’m sorry,” Alexei whispered back. “They didn’t move fast enough.”
“So that’s how it intersects,” Eddie said. “If Murray hadn’t killed the Harringtons and Mr. Kincade, you’d never had been in town looking for Steve.”
“It would have been easier,” Sam agreed, “but there is some really power magic on Steve that prevents VHS agents from being able to detect him. And it is absolutely due to his Van Helsing blood. They were purported to have all sorts of abilities and immunities that made them perfect watchmen of the supernatural communities. The blood magic used to create the spells that will protect an agent makes it impossible to mate with supernatural creatures.” Wayne bristled, but Sam held up his hand. “Note I said mate, not couple. It’s the act of producing a child that is disastrous.”
“Why’s that?” Barb asked from the dock, still the only part of her that was human was her head. “Supernatural creatures mate with humans all the time. I mean some times it can have some pretty strange results, but no one would call them disastrous.”
“It’s the anti-magic of the spells used and the innate magic of the supernatural being mixing and slowly driving the poor child insane,” Sam said, looking side-long at Steve. “We actually had long suspected Steve might have some connection to the Helsings because–”
“Because he should have gone crazy twice!” Eddie said with a gasp. “The first time was when he changed for the first time at age eighteen. The Franklins were banking on him going off the rails so they could paint him some rabid beast that needed to be put down. But he was lucid.”
“And then again when the Hunters tried to kill him,” Nancy finished. “He should have gone mad from the amount of silver he had on him. Even for that short a time. Being alpha would have only protected him so much.”
Steve pointed to himself in shock. “What? Me? There’s no way, there has to be another explanation.”
Wayne shook his head. “Nope. You’re the descendant of two very powerful lines, Steve.”
“Back to the problem of Murray and Alexei,” Brian said, raising his hand. “Because Steve is cool and all, but all this new information doesn’t really change that. It just confirms what smart people have known for years.”
Steve blushed.
“They can’t be in this world anymore,” Sam said, sadly. “Their very presence is what’s causing the sharp increase in supernatural suspicion in the normal populous. The whole being just out of step is sending out shock waves across the world that they’re dangerous.”
“I understand,” Alexei said, “I always knew there was no place for us anywhere.” He leaned over to kiss Murray.
“Maybe we can–” Nancy began when two gunshots went off in quick succession.
Then Alexei slumped over Murray’s body. There was no doubt what had happened. Alexei must have picked up the gun when Chrissy landed. Then he shot Murray, finishing the job that Robin had started then turned the gun on himself.
“Oh,” Robin said softly. “Now that they’re dead you can actually feel the difference.”
Nancy let out a frustrated whine and stomped her foot. “I was going to suggest finding a way to send them home. Not for them to die.”
Sam came over and put his hand on her shoulder. “This is was the best. Even though they were innocent of the original crime of killing the kids, Dr. Alexei Oborin killed the Hunters in his own universe and then all the deaths on Murray Bauman’s hands are far too many. To merely send them back would be a grave miscarriage of justice.”
Her lip quivered, but she nodded. It galled her. If they hadn’t been pulled here by Dr. Brenner than they would be lauded as heroes in their home world, only to be branded villains in this one. But they had caused so much harm.
Sam turned to Steve. “So about that linage...you are wasted here as a mere alpha. You could head the entire Van Helsing Society. You would be incandescent there.”
Steve shook his head. “No. This is where I want to be.”
Eddie let out a little whine of relief and even the golden wolf that was Robin looked relieved.
“I am making Robin Buckley my female alpha,” he continued. Nancy let out a breath of relief of her own. “I’m changing the name of the pack to the Roane County pack. No more Harrington crap. I am the last and it will end with me. Same goes with the Van Helsing line.”
Sam’s eyes nearly burst out of his head with that. “You can’t mean that, surely!”
Steve shook his head. “I can. I will donate a single vial of my blood to the Society and allow you to test the limits of my abilities for one week a year, but the rest of the time I will be here. Taking care of the people who matter most to me. On one condition.”
Sam’s hands were clenched in rage. “You dare to make even more demands?!”
“Yes,” Steve said coolly. “The Society will come out of the shadows. You lot being a secret society is precisely why there is rise in Hunters. If people knew there was an actual policing body that would bring rogue cryptids to heel, they would be less likely to want to take matters into their own hands.”
Wayne and Sam shared a look of shock between them.
“Oh.” Sam gulped heavily. “Deal.”
Steve shook his hand, then he turned to Chrissy. “I’m assuming you’re the new Dominus.”
Chrissy blinked. “Oh shit. I guess I am.”
“Good,” he said primly. “We’ll meet later in the week to find you a new home and to lay out a new treaty between the Coven and Pack.”
She nodded gravely. “It will be done, Alpha.” She turned to Jeff. “Come, we need to find places for our Coven in the mean time.”
Jeff nodded and they both transformed and flew off into the air.
“Robin,” Steve said, turning to his new alpha female. “Take the rest of the pack back to the compound and explain everything that has gone on. Let them know I will be back shortly to reassure them. I will mete out Tommy’s punishment when I get there.”
The golden wolf nodded solemnly. Nancy and Hopper changed back into wolves. Tommy climbed back on Hopper’s back and then looked behind him at Steve. He had misjudged everything and no he must pay the price. Then they followed her back to the compound, Jonathan bringing up the rear.
Steve walked up to Barb and Brian. “The Roane County Pack owes the sirens and selkies a debt of gratitude. Name it and if it’s in the power of this alpha it will be yours.”
Brian and Barb looked at each other and then they both shook their heads.
“You continuing to advocate for us will be a far great boon then any other thing you could do for us, alpha,” Barb said sternly.
Steve nodded.
Brian reach out and took Barb’s flipper in his hand. “Plus, there’s this, too.”
Gareth and Eddie let out wolf whistles.
Brian blushed, but Barb smiled softly.
“Yes, this is a good reward as well,” she murmured. She removed her hand from her skin and took his hand.
Brian smiled up at her. They both transformed again. She slipped under the water as Brian flew over it, humming to himself.
Steve turned back to the remaining four. He walked up to Gareth.
“What is it the gwyllgi want?” Steve asked, getting down on one knee so he could look the large black dog in the eye. No preamble. Just straight to the point. He knew the Graveyard dogs had a lot of grievances against his pack and he was going to change that starting now.
“Agree to meet with my father to work out restitution for our pack,” Gareth said seriously.
“Done,” Steve said, bowing his head. “I will make sure Robin contacts him for a meeting.”
Gareth shuffled forward and hugged Steve with his neck. “You’re a good alpha and a better man.”
Steve pinched his nose and then rubbed the end. “Thank you, Gareth.”
Gareth loped over to Eddie. “You take good care of him, won’t you? He tends to get caught up in his head sometimes.”
Eddie nodded, giving a watery chuckle. “Just whose friend are you, mine or his?”
Gareth tilted his head to the side.
The dog turned and vanished into the tree line.
Wayne turned to Steve. “I’m thinking of retiring from this whole supernatural guardianship. I’m going to let Eddie take over. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
Sam let out a sound that was combination between a whine and clearing his throat. “If I–I mean, if I haven’t completely ruined things between us. I–”
“Just spit it out, Sam,” Wayne growled.
“This was my last investigation for the Society,” Sam said, looking down at his feet. “I told them after our last meeting. I hate lying to you. It kills me every time. So I want to spend my time with you. If you’ll have me.”
Wayne huffed and then grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him in close. “You’ve got a lot grovelling to do. And I have a long list of ways you can start making it up to me.”
Sam eyes went wide at the low sultry tone. “Oh. I am very willing.”
Wayne transformed and flew off with his arm securely around his waist.
“Gross,” Eddie sniffed.
Steve pulled him into his embrace. “I too have a list of things, but mine is more about the lovely things I want you to do me.”
“Ooh, I do like the sound of that, big boy,” Eddie said with a feral grin. “And I’m pretty sure my uncle won’t be at the trailer for awhile.”
“I like the way you think,” Steve pulled him in for a long kiss. “I’ll meet you there. I just have make sure Robin hasn’t set the compound on fire and then I’ll be right there.”
“Are you sure you want her as your alpha?” Eddie asked with a chuckle.
“Yeah, she’ll be fine once she gets over her nerves,” he said with a smile. “Plus no one will be asking if we are going to mate. Having a lesbian best friend really does have its perks. You don't have to come with.”
Eddie through his head back and laughed. “Nah, I’ll come with. I want to see their faces.”
Steve smiled and took Eddie’s hand.
They walked past Lucas, who was on guard duty, hand in hand, a werewolf and a vampire. Both once outcasts even in their own communities, now leaders in their own right.
Steve smiled.
The future never looked brighter.
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @fullpoetrybread @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @thelittleclare
5- @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @she-collects-smut @irregular-child @y4r3luv
6- @fairytalesreality @anaibis @papergrenade @ravenfrog @blondie1006
7- @thedragonsaunt @sadisticaltarts @kultiras @blackpanzy @disrespectedgoatman
8- @kal-ology @w1ll0wtr33 @townseleven @dreamercec
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threewaywithdelusion · 10 months
Alec Lightwood Not Giving a Single Fuck About the Law
(Spoilers! So many spoilers! For everything except Secrets of Blackthorn Hall, because I haven't read it yet)
I'm not too clear on what the Accords say about Shadowhunters policing Downworlders/what Downworlders are not allowed to do. But I'm pretty sure all of these must be illegal (or at least frowned upon):
Not reporting that Magnus started a joke cult that turned in a real cult that was killing people and worshiping a Greater Demon
Letting the person actually running said evil cult go free after they had captured her because he knew the Clave would execute her and even though Shinyun was literally responsible for several murders, he thought she deserved a second chance (and Magnus related to her, and Alec wanted to spare Magnus pain)
Never reporting Elliott of the New York Vampire Clan for literally everything he has done, including biting several Downworlders at a party, having multiple incidents with faerie fruit, "accidentally" biting 17 mundanes while under the influence (including at least one time where Lily had to stop him from killing the mundane in question), and cheating on two Selkies who then caused property damage in a fight with each other
relatedly, not reporting Mordecai, the faerie fruit dealer
(I just love this entire exchange: "As the current head of the New York Institute," Maryse said, with an attempt at firmness, "if there is illegal Downworlder activity happening, it should be reported to me." "I do not talk to Nephilim about Downworlder business," Lily said severely. The Lightwood parents stared at her, and then swung their heads in sync to stare at their son. Lily waved a dismissed hand in their direction. "Except for Alec, he's a special case.")
Watching Juliette, Werewolf Queen of the Buenos Aires Shadow Market, kill a Shadowhunter and just lightly suggest she try to take the Shadowhunters alive (and then not punish her in any way for killing that one guy)
Not reporting that Ragnor Fell had found a realm for the Greater Demon Sammael and also worked for him for a period of time (I don't think the Clave would care that Ragnor didn't had a choice because of the sventhorn)
Suggested in the final battle in Queen of Air and Darkness that an effective way to render opposing Shadowhunters unconscious would be to have vampires bite them and drink enough of their blood that they passed out
Protecting Marcy, the werewolf who transformed at a club during a full moon, and never reporting her for almost revealing the shadow world to Mundanes and injuring several of them
Breaking the Cold Peace several times by visiting several Shadow Markets, interacting with faeries, and pretending not to know about multiple illegal Shadowhunter-faerie relationships (Tian/Jinfeng and Mark/Kieran/Cristina)
Not illegal but probably seen as outrageous by other Shadowhunters:
marrying Magnus in Shadowhunter gold
traipsing into a hell dimension to save Downworlders
letting a vampire (Simon) drink his blood
offering his blood to a different vampire (Lily)
raising a Downworlder child as his own (and also training that child like a Shadowhunter)
raising a Shadowhunter child that has a Downworlder parent
Basically, Alec Lightwood is a badass and the fact that he went from the type of guy who said "sed lex, dura lex" to the man who did all of this is the reason he is one of my favorite characters ever
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thenightfolknetwork · 10 months
Hello. I'm, um, not entirely sure how to talk about this. I hope it's okay if I misspeak. I'm a human, right, so I think that needs to be clear more than anything, but I've been very involved in the creature community for years now. I live by a great big lake and I always liked to walk down the shore late at night or early in the morning, you know, just to try and get out of my own head, and one night ages ago I accidentally tripped over someone's jacket and twisted my ankle. It was a gorgeous fur jacket, too, not like any kind of fur I'd seen in a jacket before, but just stunningly soft and thick as Hell.
Now, of course I didn't take it, that'd be awful, but also I had just hurt myself in kind of a nasty way and so it wasn't like I had anything else to do but sit by the shore next to the jacket and waited, and yeah, a few hours later one of the lake seals popped its head out of the water, looked at me for a good long while, and then...well, I mean, you know how the rest of the story goes, I'm sure.
Anyway, it's been a few years now and I've become really close to this family. I didn't really know anyone in my town before meeting them and I'm not on speaking terms with my own folks, so in a lot of ways these people have become my family, and it's an honor that they trust me to keep guard of their cloaks and such when they go out. But I've got this problem, right, and it's just...over the years it's felt less and less like I fit in with other humans. All my friends are nightfolk now, my family hates me even more because they're bigots--in this night and age, can you fucking believe it--and it's just like every night I get further and further away from the shore.
I'm just scared because...I don't *want* to stop drifting away. I've had dreams of joining them down there in the lake, practically every night for months on end. I've tried doing research into methods of joining the community but I don't want to become a vampire, I don't fancy any lunar-aligned nonsense, nothing has felt right except selkies, but I can't decide if I'm just self aware enough that I need a push from an outside viewer to try and accept something I already know full well...or if no, actually, that little voice in my stupid head that won't go away that keeps calling me a fraud, an invader, an appropriator--what if the reason it's not going away is because it's right and I really don't belong?
Just...please be honest with me. Am I a complete asshole for spending hours every day trying not to just outright beg my family--sorry, chosen family--to help me sew myself a cloak, or is there something to this?
First of all, reader, please rest assured. As long as you are speaking from a place of kindness and a willingness to learn, you don't need to worry about using all the correct terminology. I always try to listen generously when people come to me in need, and I encourage our followers to do the same.
Unfortunately I can well believe that bigots like your biological relatives still exist. I'm glad you've been able to extract yourself from their hateful society, and have found comfort, support and kinship among the nightfolk.
You say there is a little voice in your head calling you a fraud, casting doubt on the validity of your feelings. As much as you might want to push it away and stop your ears, I want you to listen to that voice, just for a little while. Pay attention to the language it uses and what ideas it seems to have about the world.
And then ask yourself: is this my voice? Does that sound like me? Or does this sound like a last, desperate, wriggling remnant of the people I've worked so hard to distance myself from?
Every one of us is raised with a narrative, a story about the world and our place in it, and how we should treat the people around us. We're told that story by our parents, by our teachers and schoolmates, by television and books and a million other sources. The story is so vast and so all-encompassing, it takes an enormous effort to be able to see any single part of it clearly.
Imagine, then, how hard we have to work to realise some of that story is untrue, or harmful, fed by hatred and fear. To start untangling ourselves from the rotting, strangling roots of the story we've known all our lives, and start planting something new and fresh and honest.
It sounds to me like this little voice is one of those lingering strands of the story you were raised with – one where liminality is nothing to admire or strive for, and where you cannot be trusted to know your own mind, and your own needs. It's time to tell yourself a better story.
You've found people who honour you with their trust and who make you feel supported and loved, as you deserve. You admire them, and want to be like them. None of this sounds “stupid” to me.
This is not a decision to be taken lightly. By all means, take your time, and talk your feelings through with your family. But I think you already know what story you want for yourself, reader – and for what it's worth, I think the world will be better for its telling.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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glossysoap · 3 months
soulmate au / vampire au recs
requested by @callsign-selkie ! i tried to answer your ask but it disappeared when i tried to post it 😭 i’m crossing my fingers that i’m remembering every rec that was on my answer before tumblr got rid of it 😅
if i find any more, i’ll edit this post and reblog it with a note saying there’s been more added.
soulmate au:
- @all-purpose-dish-soap’s soap soulmate au. i would be remiss to rec soulmate fics without mentioning this one. it’s literally everything i’ve ever wanted in a fic, especially a soulmate one. the characterization is perfect, everything is perfect.
- soap soulmate au by @joonieskinks
- the dog days are over by @nptnewr (i read this on ao3 but while i was looking for more recs i found the link for it on here so i figured to use the tumblr one)
- unhinged ghoap x reader soulmate au by @xoxunhinged
- i know that these aren’t technically soulmate aus but in my heart of hearts, poly 141 x reader are always soulmates in @vgilantee’s aus 🙇🏼‍♀️ without further ado, pls check out everything from them but esp char’s regular poly 141 au, monster 141 au and omegaverse au! their masterlist is here <3
- ghoap x reader soulmate au by @auspicioustidings ! i love the concept of them chasing reader 😵‍💫
vampire au:
- vampire 141 making you cum by biting you by @kyletogaz (but really anything by jess mwah)
- ghoap x vampire! reader wip wednesday by @kyletogaz (again, i rec anything from jess ily)
- sparrow series by @diejager (i recommend anything by them, especially their monster works)
- vampire smile by @theywhowriteandknowthings (simon’s begging? his desperation to see you again, for you to let him in, for you to bite him, for you to let him fuck you? oh. my. GOD.)
- bloody love by @boolger (oh the smut in this is FIRE. the dirty talk? mgmhngn 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
- kelsi’s monster au masterlist by @groguspicklejar (anything by kelsi, let’s be real LMAO)
- pluto by @groguspicklejar (i haven’t finished reading it all but i’m rec’ing anyways bc i know it’s gold)
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vamptember · 6 months
Tumblr media
Welcome to MerMay - Vampire Chronicles edition! Vampire lovers, please join us in celebrating another category of mythological creatures and monsters: mermaids, sirens, rusalkas, selkies, and so on, combined with the VC characters we know and love all month long! 🫧🐠
Create fic, art, playlists, moodboards, photo manipulations, and anything else you can think of that relates to the theme of bodies of water and their inhabitants! 💙
Base it on the characters of the books, the movie, the show, the musical, or even that other movie! Genderswapped and trans versions welcome! Whatever ships, pairings, genres, tropes, and ratings you feel like doing! 🐙
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
1. MerMay VC will run for 4.5 weeks with each week featuring FOUR THEME PROMPTS and a bonus FREE SPACE prompt where anything in the spirit of MerMay goes! Prompts can be interpreted as SFW or NSFW — go nuts! Pick one or combine them or rearrange them, it's up to you!
2. Tag your posts #vamptember so that we can reblog! We'll be staggering out our reblogs throughout the month so that we can make the mermaid magic last longer! ✨ If your post isn't showing in the tag please don't hesitate to send us the link in our ask box! Delayed submissions are always welcome!
3. As of 4/24/24, our ao3 collection is now live!
4. Follow @vamptember to see everyone's incredible creations and keep up with our latest fandom events! Our sister blog @priapus-at-the-gate will also be a hosting an exclusively NSFW MerMay event, so feel free to give us a follow there as well for more fun stuff coming soon! And as always, let us know if you have any questions about anything, we're here for you!
𝕿𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉! 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙! 🪼
WEEK 1 (May 1 - 7)
fishing net / stuck on land / gore / pearl / FREE SPACE
WEEK 2 (May 8 - 14)
lighthouse / curse / knots / thalassophobia / FREE SPACE
WEEK 3 (May 15 - 21)
sea cave / pirates / specimen / myth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4 (May 22 - 28)
rescued / song / bioluminescent / depth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4.5 (May 29 - 31)
tentacles / under the moon / eggs / shipwreck / FREE SPACE
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
Sanji is a love witch and a matchmaker. It's his profession, but he is not human. He is a selkie from his mother's side. Sanji lives on a house boat, Franky was a big help in renovating the old thing.
Sanji was responsible for his friends' realships, nani/vivi, franky/robin. He only gave usopp nudge to ask kaya out since everyone could see they were perfect for each other.
Sanji dated both Ace and Law. Now Ace and Law are together. I thought they would be cute together, lol.
I thought it would be funny if sanji hooks up with zoro on the night of his 25 birthday, and then Luffy invites Zoro as his plus one to sanji birthday dinner. Luffy almost always brings someone new, and then a lot of the time, they end up being part of the friend group. Zoro has met almost everyone before, him and sanji kept missing eatch other.
Zoro is part yokai from his father's side. He owes a company that makes mostly sake, they are expanding to make other alcohols. When he Mets sanji he knows that he is his mate.
No one knows what Robin is except Franky and he won't tell. But they do know she is a priestess of Stolas.
Nami is a nymph a Nephele (coulds and rain) she works as a meteorologist and runs a fashion blog.
Law is a vampire and a surgeon
Chopper is a raindeer faun. He is doing his residency at the hospital Law works at.
Usopp writes and Illustrates children's books, he does side work for Franky for extra money and to keep busy. He is somthing wind related.
Luffy is an incarnation. Witch are created by gods. They take pieces of themselves, aspects personality and then make a person of them. If you know the Mercy Thompson series, then that's what it's based on.
Kaya is a fairy who works as/working on becoming an infectious disease specialist
Ace is a firefighter
Franky is still a cyborg and still builds things. He was Sanji's first official client. Him and Robin were his first match as a professional.
@too-much-alphabet-soup thanks for some ideas
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