#the second that man showed up at the mc's apartment a day after meeting her and told her daughter to put away the groceries I knew he w
tiixij · 8 months
I should watch a movie that isn't for class
0 notes
maleyanderecafe · 5 months
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The Shades of Red (Visual Novel)
Created by: Kuro
Genre: Horror/Romance
I was actually pretty surprised how well made this game was, considering that many demos tend to be still in development stages. I was also surprised that the yandere in this one had a wife before the events of this story, which leads to various questions on why he might be infatuated with the female lead. This was another wonderful addition to the #yanderejam and it certainly delivers on both it's creepiness factor and it's romance.
The story starts out with the MC going to an art gallery with her friend Jane. She just moved into a new apartment and is trying to live a new life for herself so she doesn't have to rely on her dad. Jane tries to connect her with the famous artist there, Issac Redfield and even ditches her later so that she can meet him
When she does meet him, he grows a strong interest in her, even asking if she would want him to be her art tutor. The two of them end up talking about his artwork and even gives him some of hers. After leaving, Issac thinks about how similar she seems to someone before continue talking to them. The next day, the MC goes to Isacc's house for lessons and they head over to his art room. You can attempt to sneak up the stairs, but Isacc will catch you and warn you not to go up there. Upon going home, the next day, Jane comes over and the two talk about their visit to the museum, where Jane talks about the divorced man that she was talking to. Jane also asks about Isacc and the art lesson. The MC goes for another art lesson, where Isacc asks her out on a date afterwards. The next day, Isaac seems pretty annoyed over Jane, insulting her, to which the MC has to defuse the situation. Issac ends up flirting with the MC during their next lesson and the MC goes home. The MC tells Jane what Issac said about her, which causes Jane to get upset if the MC takes his side, which leads to her leaving. The MC and Issac go on a lovely date later after this.
Depending on certain choices, the MC can have the opportunity to sneak into the second floor without issue. They find that it's very darkly lit and have a choice to look at two items, the art pieces and the covered boxes. The art pieces show pretty spooky art, which is very different from Issac's current style. The covered box as the MC finds smells horribly and is instead filled with a lot of dead birds. Issac ends up searching for the MC and catches them trying to leave the second floor, and gets pretty angry with her if he did warn her before. He will ask if she found anything there. He seems less panicked when you've only found the paintings but he seems more scared if the MC finds the dead birds, He tries to explain that the neighbor's cat has been killing the birds in his yard and that he didn't want to throw them away in the trash lest the MC finds it. The MC attempts to leave after this.
If she feels uncomfortable and tries to leave, Isaac will run after her and almost get hit by a car. She ends up going back home, with Isaac banging on the doorway to try to let her come in. She ends up calling her dad, who invites her to stay at his place for safety reasons, proving once and for all how
If she tries to defend Jane, she will tell Issac to apologize and leave the house. She tries to text Jane, but she doesn't answer and so the MC can decide to either go home or go to the library.
If she goes home, she'll end up drawing at home, worried that Jane hasn't responded back or even looked at her text. When she goes to bed, she ends up getting kidnapped and wakes up to Isaac tying her up in the basement. After getting angry, he mentions that Jane is no more causing the MC to go into distress.
If she decides to go to the library, she'll end up reading up on some art books while also being worried that Jane is not responding. While going home, she finds that someone has broken into her place, as the lights are on. She calls the police and then calls Isaac after going to a hotel for the night. Isaac tells her too that he tried to call Jane to apologize, but she wasn't picking up and that she could come over to get her mind off of things. When going back, the MC finds Issac in his garden and we can learn more about his wife, who had died suddenly and pretty recently. We can also talk to him about the caterpillars in his garden, something that he likes very fondly, despite the fact that they eat his plants. He seems to despise birds though and tells the MC that he tries to get rid of them so that they don't eat the caterpillars. In the end, the MC thanks Issac for the nice time.
I got to say, this game is a lot more polished than I first initially thought it would be. There's an animated title sequence, voice lines, unique UI, even a bar for affection. It's pretty polished, all things considered. The tones of red within the game are cool and the artwork that Issac has is pretty haunting. The game is pretty for sure, though because it's in it's demo state, it's hard to see what the full game will eventually be like. It's also nice to have an MC in one of these games that does have a good relationship with their parents, since most of them either don't or are nonexistent within the game. The setup to the more mysterious side of Issac is pretty good too, like why he might have an obsession with butterflies or what happened to his wife. Why he might be obsessed with the MC, that stuff.
Speaking of Issac, I think it's really intriguing that he actually did have a wife prior to meeting the MC, since I don't think I've really seen as many widowed (is that the word?) yanderes. Normally when they do project their love onto someone (if this is what is happening), the person they're trying to replace is a previous lover, or another close member, not necessarily someone they've married and (unassumingly) almost had a child with. Unless it's of course, more of a gothic vibe to them (something like Viego from League of Legends or even something like Cursery: The Crooked Man and the Crooked Cat). Still we don't know too much about what happened to her and their unborn child, whether she unfortunately died during childbirth or was killed by him or someone else, which does add to the mystery of it all. Either way, it seems he's pretty sensitive to it, even to this new person that he likes. For yandere actions, there isn't really too much other than in the ending where the MC leaves, where we do find out that Issac probably has the keys to the MC's apartment, along with being able to kidnap them. He also seems to get jealous pretty easily, calling Jane a whore and even killing her in one of the endings. He can also be a bit manipulative, knowing that the MC was feeling vulnerable after finding out someone had broken into her apartment and getting them to hang out together. I'm not sure what's going on with him and the caterpillars, maybe something relating to his wife, which is why he seems very vehement about killing off all of the birds that come near his garden, as well as the old artwork that he has on the garden. Maybe Issac isn't actually replacing his wife, but rather is trying to move on, and grows obsessed over her because he doesn't want her to end up like how his wife died. That's just speculation though. Like I said, Issac is a bit of a mystery currently and that makes it even more intriguing.
Overall, I think the game was a lot better than my first impressions on it down to the style and the interesting take in yandere. Issac's voice actor did a pretty good job in my opinion and the mystery in the game makes me want to go back later to see what's going on. If you are interested, please check it out.
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Reason ~ ch. 36
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pairing: female oc (devon alba) x levi ackerman
tropes: instructor x cadet, strangers to lovers, male mc falls first
warnings: angst/slow-burn, strong language, upcoming smut(18+ readers only for those chapters pls 🙈), fluff
brief summary: This story takes place a few years after the Fall of Shiganshina. Devon Alba is in her final year of the 101st Training Corps (844-847), due to her success as a cadet she gets the chance to meet Captain Levi. She doesn’t think too much of him until he catches her in the midst of doing something that she isn’t entirely supposed to be doing. But surprisingly, this leads to something unexpected...
ch. 1 [...] ch. 35 | chapter 36 | ch. 37
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“Oh I know that look.”
Devon immediately snapped out of her trance at the voice. She turned to face the shorter old woman.
Devon blinked, “What?”
“That lil smile while starin’ off. You’re in love aren’t you?”
Devon’s eyes widened before immediately going scarlet.
In truth, she had been thinking about Levi. More specifically the body-tingling kiss he’d given her during lunch. She was able to make it back to the apartment during his lunch hour today.
What was meant to be a chaste kiss at the door resulted in her back against the wall and his hands gripping her sides—all because she hadn’t broken the kiss first.
She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it.
The older woman sighed, “I remember those days.”
Devon offered her a gentle smile—feeling rather embarrassed. She knew she’d zoned out but to think that her face had given away her thoughts that easily..
Maybe Imada had a point in calling her clearer than glass.
The elderly woman returned her smile with a kind one of her own.
“Who is he?” she inquired, gently.
Devon hesitated at the question—suddenly questioning the state of their relationship.
What are we?
“He’s my fiancé..” she answered with a subtle frown.
The woman’s smile widened, “How’d you meet him?”
She fidgeted a bit, absentmindedly messing with the strap of her bag over shoulder.
“Ah—It’s a bit of a long story.” she said, feeling somewhat shy.
“Does it look like I have something better to do?”
Devon couldn’t help but laugh a bit at that.
She supposed it was true. The woman seemed to be waiting for the public traveling carriage-wagon like her. The carriage seemed to be taking longer than anticipated to arrive.
She bit at her lower lip. She supposed sharing the story couldn’t hurt. She kind of did want to talk about him with someone anyway…
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“Oh wow! So what started out as a fake engagement turned into a real one!” the old woman exclaimed.
Devon smiled, “I suppose so.”
“How fortunate.” the woman responded with a warm smile.
“He played the long game, huh.” a dreary masculine voice piped up from behind them.
They both glanced over to see a trench coat clad, dirty blonde male in his early thirties leaning against the building behind them.
He caught Devon’s shocked expression.
He blew out a puff of smoke from his cigarette, “What—the guy’s probably had eyes for you the second he saw ya. Probably took you to his spot on purpose.”
Devon’s brows drew together.
“Didn’t you just say he told you he liked you since the training corps or some shit?”
She didn’t like that this random male suddenly knew the details of her relationship. She hadn’t seen him show up at the carriage stop.
She frowned, “Yes but..” It wasn’t planned.
He let out a low chuckle, “You thought he messed up your career and took you to his place out of the kindness of his heart?”
At her blank expression he smiled smugly, “Naive girl.”
Before Devon could address her bubbling agitation the carriage arrived.
The man tossed his cigarette onto the ground, smothering it with his heel before walking past them to get into the carriage first.
“Good luck to ya.” he spoke while passing her.
She glared.
She suddenly felt a hand touch her elbow and immediately glanced over.
The elderly woman stood beside her, “Ignore him. Probably got his heart broken once and forgot things can unfold genuinely if you let em.”
Devon nodded expressionlessly before helping the woman get onto the carriage.
She tried to dismiss the strange man’s words from her mind but the seed had been planted. Uneasiness swirled within her gut and she couldn’t help but feel an undercurrent of doubt.
She stared out the carriage window, a subtle frown spreading along her lips.
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She tried not to think about it. Tried.
She told herself she wasn’t going to let some bitter man’s words get to her but the more she tried not to think about it the more her brain wanted to.
Because it was possible. She couldn’t deny the possibility of what that bitter man said being true. Levi could’ve ruined her scout career to get her alone—it wouldn’t be the first time that had happened.
After all, when she was little she’d gotten kidnapped and sold by her ‘adoptive father’. It wouldn’t be the first time someone used her for their own means.
The possibility felt like a knife to her gut.
She took solace in the fact that Levi hadn’t necessarily tried to have all of her yet-but what if that was all a part of the ‘long game’ that bitter man spoke of. After all, her adoptive father had seemed like the nicest man alive before his true intentions became clear.
She entered the apartment and locked the door behind herself. She wandered into the living room, setting her bag of leftovers from culinary school onto the coffee table. It was some sort of specialty dish that nobles supposedly enjoyed. She’d made it perfectly despite not liking the taste herself. The chief chef loved it though.
A soft sigh left her lips. Just as she raised her arm to remove her cloak a deep voice arose from the kitchen.
“Don’t tell me you brought food from class again.”
She immediately glanced over to see Levi seated at the dinner table. He set down the newspaper in his hand, despite being completely impassive there was a subtle gleam in his eyes.
He’d come home early and he knew it. He usually came home later in the night but it was merely a quarter after seven.
Her gaze dropped to the open box of chicken skewers at the center of the table. The plates and utensils had already been set out as well.
Her eyes widened as she remembered telling him last week that she missed the food they had at the festival together months ago. And chicken, at that—she was certain they must’ve cost a pretty penny.
He found them?!
Her rising excitement was quickly shot down when the bitter man’s earlier words rang through her mind.
You thought he messed up your career and took you to his place out of the kindness of his heart?
Naive girl.
Her expression faltered, her stomach lurching.
She inadvertently bent over, her hand cupping the lower half of her face as she got the sudden urge to puke. Nothing came out.
He shot out of his seat. “Devon-“
Before he could step towards her she straightened. 
She held out a hand, “Don’t move.”
His eyes were wide as he immediately stopped mid step. Standing completely still.
His brows furrowed when he noticed how pale she looked.
She swallowed, slowly lowering her hand, “I need to know something a-and don’t even think of lying to me.”
His eyes narrowed. His jaw clenching as he contemplated her words before settling on, “Go on.”
She spoke as firmly as she could manage—despite her thoughts running rampant within her head, “Tell me.. you didn't plan any of this. That you didn’t stop me from being a scout just to get me here, alone with you—to make me fall for you, j-just to..”
“To what.” The words felt curt despite his natural monotone.
She met his sharp, hard-set gaze. She didn’t need to look too long to see his thinly veiled anger.
She hesitated, feeling almost nervous to say it out loud but she knew she had to get it off her chest. Yet the words still seemed to stick to her tongue.
“To. what.” he repeated, his tone more severe somehow.
“To take advantage of me.” she spat, her chest heaving in and out-as if it took her a lot to say.
“Tch.” he scowled. His hand flat on the table curled into a fist at his side.
His silver eyes were sharper than razor blades, “You think I’d wait this long if all I wanted to do was fuck you.”
“If that’s all I saw you useful for what’s stopping me from fucking you the second I got you here.”
“Hell—what’s stopping me from fucking you in the damn training corps? You think your word would’ve mattered over mine if you snitched?”
Her eyes were blown wide—speechless.
His scowl deepened, “But you did get one thing right.”
He looked aside. His expression gloomy as he stared off elsewhere, “I never planned on sending you to the damn Scout corps.”
Her brows furrowed in astonishment.
He continued, a tad quietly, “Sometimes I think I knew the second I met you. You just.. reminded me of myself-a much, much better version of myself.”
“I never cared to talk to you. I watched you and didn’t hate you the second I saw you, so I figured that’d be enough to cut it with Erwin but you just-“ he grit his teeth, “you just had to be you.”
His narrow eyes met hers, “There was no way in hell I’d let you go through what I did.”
She felt her heartstrings tighten within her chest.
She forced her voice to come out steady, “That still wasn’t your choice to make.”
“Yeah? Was I just supposed to not give a shit? Was I supposed to assume you’d do great against a titan when you couldn’t even defend yourself against Carter?”
Her face twisted into a glare, “Yes.” she spat.
He returned her glare by a thousandfold, “You don’t know what you looked like on that Infirmary bed.”
“I don’t care! It’s better than having someone else make my decisions for me.”
He went quiet at that—his jaw clenching before he looked away. His dark hair covered his eyes as he faced downwards.
Her voice came out crisp, “And what then-if I still wanted to be a Scout?”
“You want to be a chef.”
“Yes, but if I didn’t—what would you do?”
He shifted-still not meeting her gaze, “That’s not—“
“Answer the question.” she snapped.
His eyes flashed to hers in an instant, “I obviously would’ve done everything in my fuckin’ power to not let that shit happen.”
Her eyes widened at the harshness of his tone, before her gaze hardened.
“You would’ve lost me.”
His posture stiffened, “I don’t lose if you’re alive.” 
She was rendered speechless at that. His face was a cold mask of indifference—she felt like she was back at day one with him. Back to the days where she couldn’t read any emotion off of him.
The air felt heavy between them, like a dark undercurrent that no one wanted to address. The silence only making it worse.
His hands tightened into fists at his sides before he ran a hand over the bottom half of his face.
He exhaled-before speaking lowly, “It’s me, right? It’s me that’s bothering you.”
His voice was flat, detached, “I’ll leave if that’s what you want. We both know this place is more useful to you than me-“
Her eyes widened, “What.” her voice wavered.
He took a step towards the door, “I’ll transfer the apartment's ownership to you whenever you want. If you need me-“
She ran towards him, not stopping until she stood directly before him.
“Levi, what are you saying?”
He couldn’t meet her eyes.
She searched his face, “That’s not what I want.”
His steel-gray eyes flashed to hers. Her heart skipping several beats when she saw the desperation in his eyes despite his gruff tone.
“What do you want.”
Her hands went to his chest. Her voice wavering, “I want you” -to stay.
His lips were on hers in an instant—stealing any incoming breath she had left. His arm wound around her waist, crushing her chest to his while slipping his hand up through her hair to hold her in place by the nape.
He pried her lips open with his and she couldn’t help but moan softly when he tilted his head to kiss her like he couldn’t get enough. His tongue moved against hers in that familiar way-that lit up her insides and left her weak to his advances. The butterflies in her gut kicked off at an unprecedented rate.
He drank her in with his lips. His grip on her faltering when she stumbled a bit—her sense of balance nowhere to be found.
Suddenly she was backed into the table. A short gasp leaving her lips when he grabbed her by the waist to sit her up on the tabletop.
He captured her lips once-more, her hands slipping around his neck in the process. A quiet sigh leaving his lips-mid kiss-at the feeling her chest being pressed up against his ignited.
His hand on her hip managed to find her skin once more. His fingers slipping underneath her shirt—his fingertips grazing her hip before cupping the curve of her waist. Her skin warm to his touch—he squeezed her waist, caressing-only to inadvertently make her shiver.
She immediately broke the kiss, only to flush when she met his gaze. She looked away-unable to maintain eye contact with him. Before he could let that bother him his eyes caught the untouched skin of her neck right before him-openly teasing him.
She gasped when she felt his lips latch onto her neck.
Her hands slid down his neck to his chest as she gripped his dress-shirt in her fists. The feeling of his warm mouth and teeth nipping at the sensitive skin of her neck was indescribable. Butterflies churned restlessly within her stomach.
His hand flat on the table by her side kept her from leaning away too far as she caved under his touch. His hand on her waist underneath her shirt slid up further. His palm slid over the skin of her ribs, his fingers grazing the edges of her bra.
A stuttered moan left her lips when his lips seemed to find a sweet spot on her neck. She lurched sensitively under his touch. Her hand on his shoulder squeezing tightly.
Her gaze flitted upto Levi’s when he backed up slightly. His steely, narrow eyes pierced into hers—making her body tremble slightly when he pressed his forehead to hers.
Her hands found the sides of his neck just as moved to make her lean back against the table.
“L-levi.” she nearly whispered, making him pause.
A deep hum emanated from his chest, “Hm.”
Her fingertips caressed the sides of his neck-scratching lightly in that way he liked it. His half lidded eyes fluttered close as his jaw locked.
He pressed his forehead into hers once-more, silently urging her to continue.
Her eyes widened when she realized he stood between her spread legs at the edge of the table. If her hips were a slight bit closer to the table’s edge her groin would’ve been right against his.
She shivered at the thought, before looking up to meet his gaze again.
“I’m a virgin.” she mumbled, her face hot.
He didn’t seem to react. Instead his silvery eyes seemed to search her face before his deep voice rumbled,
“You don’t think I can be gentle.”
Her face seemed to burn hotter, “Well.. I know it’s the last thing you want to be.”
She gasped when she was suddenly flat against the table. Her hands gripping his shoulders as he raised his forehead away from hers slightly, his face hovering before hers.
His dark gray eyes glimmered with barely veiled lust as he stared down at her. His ragged breaths trailed down her skin as he rasped, “The last.”
She blushed-hard.
She felt how tense his body was underneath the grip of her hands on his shoulders but.. to hear him sound like that. So restrained… it made her almost fearful of what was to come.
Her eyes flickered upto his, “How about this..”
Her heartbeat pounded rapidly within her chest as she came up with something on the spot, “If I leave my room door open.. at night.. that means I’m ready.”
His eyes widened and she couldn’t help but redden further.
She shifted slightly under him before placing her hand on the side of his face, “O-okay?”
A soft smile tugged at the end of his lip, he nodded. Strands of his black hair tickling her forehead.
The sight of his little smile stole all of her attention. He was just so handsome.
“Kiss me.” he ordered gruffly.
She intended to give him a peck but he pressed his lips down against hers—holding her lips captive for a moment longer. Her lips melting like butter under his.
He broke the kiss with a low sigh. His arm slipped around her back, easily lifting her upright as he stood up himself.
He stepped back, running a hand over his face before he noticed the other end of the table.
“You made the skewers go cold.” he grumbled.
When she didn’t respond he glanced over at her. His eyes widened when he noticed she was looking down at his lower region. He didn’t need to check himself to know he had a raging boner.
But to see her looking at it—all shy and nervous. Her hair disheveled and shirt rumpled from all their prior lip-lock. Her neck blooming with hickeys. His cock twisted in his pants, the tent growing noticeably larger.
His eyes narrowed, “Devon.”
She glanced up at him, eyes wide, only to glance back down again. She couldn’t seem to pry her eyes off of the bulge in his pants.
“Keep starin’ and I’m gonna make you do something about it.”
In truth he was embarrassed-really embarrassed-despite knowing it couldn’t be helped. Especially not with the way she drove him up the edge but taking control of the situation to watch her get flustered was always worth it.
The flush that spread across her cheeks was unmatched, “There’s nothing to stare at.”
She quickly hopped off the tabletop-intending to quickly pass him but his hand caught her wrist, yanking her towards him. His free hand clasped around her throat, pressing her back to his front.
She gasped when she felt the outline of his hard length against her bottom. Her body instinctively jerking away only for him to let go of her wrist and press his hand into her lower stomach–holding her in place. His hand at her navel didn’t stop though, continuously pressing her so that her bottom was flush against the tent at his groin. His cock throbbed appreciatively.
She twisted slightly under his hold before placing her hand over his at her navel–preventing his hand from going lower.
“L-levi..” she whined quietly, as his fingers tightened around her neck.
She heard his breath hitch before he turned his face into hers, his voice rough against her cheekbone.
“Nothing, huh.”
She shuddered and she swore she heard a low growl emit from his lips. It was taking everything in him to not grind his cock against her ass and bend her over the table to have his way. The warmth of her body felt too good against him. His cock was harder than stone-painfully so. He didn’t want the contact to end.
She swiftly pulled herself from his grasp–scurrying to the other side of the kitchen. He could’ve easily caught her but forced himself to keep it together. God knows what he would’ve done had she not slipped away just then. He didn’t want to act more impulsively than he already had–especially not after the consent she’d provided him today.
That was a lie. He wanted to act impulsively so bad… his cock was like a voice in his head, paying attention to every detail of her–making him lose his mind. But he cared more about her wishes and he was head-strong about that.
Or at least, one head was.
He watched her stand at the opposite end of the table. Her face flushed as she kept her arms crossed-unable to meet his eyes.
“That’s what I thought.” his low voice rumbled.
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“I’m gonna kill him.” Levi muttered.
Devon was sitting on his lap, happily eating a chicken skewer when he’d asked her why she came home all guns ablaze today. She’d told him everything from top to bottom-starting from when the older woman had noticed her zoning out to when the bitter man bid her ‘good luck’ in that tone.
She was too happy to let that bitter man’s words get to her anymore. Maybe the food in her hands had something to do with it.
She looked over at him with a small smile, a playful squint to her eyes. “You want to kill everyone.”
“I don’t want to kill you.”
She paused, raising a brow, “Really?”
A moment of silence followed as he searched her face–completely expressionless, “Never mind.”
She broke out in a fit giggles and his eyes widened. He didn’t notice the small smile that had spread across his lips the longer he stared at her laugh. She always managed to make something within him melt.
His hand on her hip pulled her further up his lap. He reached over to wipe away a crumb from her bottom lip when her laughter subsided.
“You shouldn’t talk to strangers.” he advised, quietly.
“But the old lady looked nice.” she rebutted, lightly.
“You wouldn’t say the same about an old man.”
“What do you mean?”
His eyes narrowed as he saw her attempt to hide the shy yet goofy smile spreading across her lips.
She continued, “I’m with you after all.”
Just as she lifted herself off his lap, his hands found her hips–firmly planting her back down on his thigh. His hands were at her sides–tickling the living shit out of her. She gasped-twisting, turning, laughing all at once as she flailed within his arms.
“Levi! Stop—stop. Please–” she choked out through laughs.
He didn’t stop, only continuing to tickle her relentlessly, “Old man? That what I am to you.”
“I was joking–joking–ah!” she cried out through giggles.
He finally stopped, letting her head fall into his chest as she went limp from his tickles. She took a moment to catch her breath.
She finally opened her eyes, “You’re the worst.” she mumbled.
His small smile reappeared, “Mhm.”
She shoved his chest, “I mean it!”
There was a moment’s pause before he spoke.
“ ‘Oh I know that look. You’re in love, aren't you?’ “ he mocked the old woman’s words from the encounter she’d just recounted.
Her eyes widened. She’d meant to leave that detail out but he didn’t understand how Devon became tempted to share their ‘story’ to a stranger so she’d just told him. She hadn’t expected him to bring it up though.
She blushed-retorting, “She was just saying that. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“So you weren’t thinking of me.”
She blinked, “I-erm-I.. I was but-”
“That’s all I need to hear.”
She glanced up at him-her heart skipping a beat. Despite the words coming from his typical low, flat tone–the words felt oddly gentle.
She straightened up slightly, feeling shy. Maybe it was childish of her but the ‘L’ word felt rather intimidating. Not in the sense that she was simply scared to say it but because she still wasn’t sure if she knew what it fully meant. In her mind the closest she felt connected to the word was when she thought of how she would do anything in the world for her friends.
Would I do anything in the world for Levi?
The first time she’d said those three words was to her adoptive father. Even if she’d said the words innocently-and meant it as purely as a child would’ve, it left a scar. One that wasn’t physical–because we all knew how that had turned out.
Levi assessed her quietly. Watching her eat in silence without that usual spark in her eye. He knew something was brewing in her little mind.
His hand went to her temple, tucking her hair behind her ear. His silver eyes raked down the darkening hickeys on her neck. The sight shouldn't have elicited the deep rooted wave of satisfaction that it did.
“Oi.” he spoke calmly-forcing himself to focus on the task at hand.
She glanced over at him.
“What’re you thinking about so hard.”
She blinked before a soft smile spread across her lips. Who am I kidding–I’d do anything for him.
The realization made her heart flutter and also made a small laugh leave her lips. She couldn’t help but think of how absurd it was for her to realize right after he asked such a question.
She leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, “Nothing.” she murmured, airily, before turning back to her food. He watched her continue to eat with wide eyes.
He sighed-before grumbling as he squeezed her hips, “Keep doin’ that and this old man’s never gonna let you go.”
She blushed, “Maybe that’s the goal.”
“Careful what you wish for.”
He began to tickle her again and she cried out, “Levi!!”
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asterjennifer · 2 years
Hi, I really like what you write, thank you 🧡. Can I request Jumin forgetting MC's birthday but she's taking it good ( not sad or angry,...). Sorry for my English. Thank you
🎀 Aw, of course you can, sunshine! 🎀
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@chanman517 on Tumblr
Busy Days
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Jumin x Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: X
Word count: 1892
Summary: Given his schedule is filled to the brim; you don't take it personally once he seems to have forgotten your birthday.
He makes up for it later on, though.
Jumin liked to hide away any misfortune, especially at the morning as to both not overwhelm and ruin your mood. This man owned a good, trained poker face. However, it's more obvious than ever that today he's stressed out with everything.
Despite numerous tries to remind him about something certain that's taking place today, he'd been urging left and right. Pushing his paperwork into the bag while doing his tie simultaneously. You couldn't help but smirk after leaning against the frame of the bedroom door.
“Are you sure you haven't forgotten something, honey?” Your voice teased him slightly; dark blue, almost grey eyes snapped up from underneath the eyelashes for a second.
He sighed and ran his hand through the black hair. Thanks to the enormous window replacing the wall he looked somewhat enlightened, you adored whenever the sun's shining warm colors down onto the man painted in cool ones. Yet his heart fit the sun best, you thought.
He then flipped his phone open to ensure he'd seen all messages. “Yes, I'm confident I gathered my needed working materials.” You hid the smile behind your finger.
Jumin walked up to you, towering above your shape and perhaps it's been quite uncomfortable when first meeting him; now it's just simple comfort for you. He rose his hand to your forehead, brushed the hair that's in the way and left a kiss to your warm skin.
It tickled, making you giggle. “It will take around five hours until I return, I'm sorry. I promise I will be there for our dinner.” His apology's filled with surface lingering annoyance towards his schedule.
Since he didn't want to leave in the first place, either. You nodded and showed a small pout to him once your hands came around his suit. “You still forgot something.”
The way he frowned looked overly adorable. Before he's able to part his lips his phone rang with Assistant Kang's nummer shining on the display. He sighed sharp as he passed by your shape.
“I'm sorry, my love. I have to leave. Please remind me another time.” And with that he'd been forced to run out of the apartment.
With your hands on your hips, you shook your head in defeat. You're aware it's not his intention to forget; on the contrary, Jumin loved spoiling the living soul out of you. And the two of you kept an close eye on each other's important dates, the birthdays, for example. They needed to be celebrated well with lots of fun.
The last one had been very comfortable, how you both took days off at a spa and woke up with breakfast in bed. You played with the strands of your hair a second longer while the thoughts ran through your head. Perhaps you should leave him a message instead.
Your own birthday had become a celebration you looked forward to and that all thanks to your lover. Jumin went out of his way every year, making you the happiest woman alive with brand new gift ideas and trips every time. It's cute how he broke his head over the next one by the current celebration, even.
Elly jumped onto the sofa in the living room; her bright blue eyes round as she eyed your face in something that resembled serene. “Are you wishing me a good birthday instead?”
You chimed to her playfully when taking your phone from the table, the cat meowed loud and the sound had you chuckle. After picking the words you opened the messenger to text your husband the one thing he'd forgotten by all the stress.
» You: Love, you will return tonight so we can celebrate my birthday in the pool, right?
Lastly you added a cat emoji before sending him the message. To your surprise; no answer came in for the entire rest of the day. You'd been around the place and every thinkable face wished you a beautiful birthday by their own wamrth.
You went to the chef to let them teach you a cake recipe as they decided spontaneously to make one for you, gifted with your helping hand as secret ingredient. It'd been a good passing time to try baking with them; the taste a compete success.
Strolling through the Villa had you a tad more exhausted as the hours passed by. At some point you sat down at the bed to stretch your body. A nap couldn't hurt, you thought to yourself while checking our phone. But just like before; no new message from him.
Although others had the chatroom open, you decided to lay down and join them in. The way Saeoyung pretended to sing there with Zen complaining that Jumin's not around had your mood lifted some more, Yoosung's picture of a balloon in your favorite shape had been the cherry on top.
Finishing the talk you placed the phone onto the nightstand while a yawn escaping your lips. Seemed you'd been more drained from walking than first suspected. Therefore you cuddled yourself deep under the blankets to get some rest.
Yet as soon as you've woken up from the blurry dreams you were in; it's a hand on your shoulder which took a moment to realize at all. Warm as always with every stroke over your skin. “My love, wake.”
The voice of Jumin's softer than usually as it called out for your attention. You turned around, hair tickling your facial features before your stroked some of them away. He sat in his suit still. Black strands close to cover the eyes filled with a certain glimmer you're unable to identify.
His pure presence a little suppressed by the strict wrinkles on his forehead. “Jumin..?” You asked sleepy, his hand running down to cup your cheek.
“I apologize, (N)...” He began out of the blue. “You kept hinting towards your birthday and I didn't acknowledge. I'm very sorry for forgetting.” It made you smile.
This man would be the death of you one day by how cute he's able to behave. You sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eye. “It's okay, don't worry too much!” You giggled the words considering you meant them wholeheartedly.
He parted his lips, however, you were quicker pressing your finger over them. “I don't mind, Jumin.. It can happen, okay? You've been stressed.”
It's not his fault by all the work; you'd be the last holding it against him. Jumin's face relaxed only so much, now you noticed the gift sitting patiently on his lap. Wrapping paper of your favorite color with some very beautiful flowers you didn't knew the name of. He then placed his hand onto it afterwards.
His greyish eyes suddenly lifted with something close to ecstatic. “Therefore, given I didn't realize by myself, I wanted to make up for that.” Your lover raised the present.
A hint of a smile underneath the poker face he's trying to keep for whatever reason. “Happy birthday, my love (N). I love you and I am grateful to be with you for another celebration of your birth.”
Feeling your cheeks flame by the affection, your eyes darted back down to the gift soon enough. Once he nodded as premission your curiosity won the upper hand for you to carefully rid the wrapping paper. Knowing this man, he probably packed it up by himself after coming home.
With the fingers taking the lid off, you found a few things. Cute looking plushie so, so soft inside your palms. One of your favorite artists works with the sign in the corner. It made you gasp out in shock.
“No way!” That's when Jumin lost the professional composure and couldn't resist a smile.
He waved his hand for you to continue; not even giving you much time admiring the piece of art made by hand. So very well done and detailed to the base. You rolled your eyes amused and found something like flyers on the bottom.
Another quick gaze shot to him and you took them out, reading what they said. They're tickets, that's the first thing coming to your mind. Thus the place they're for almost didn't surprise you. But only almost.
You stared down at the one name of the location; the one place you'd been dying to show Jumin ever since meeting him for the first time in the chatroom. These were both tickets to your very own country.
“What...” The breath left your lungs altogether; having the CEO take the tickets into his own hands on both ends. A slight blush on his cheeks, what a rare sight.
He then sighed. “I'm aware that you wanted to visit your family and hometown for a while, as well as show me..” He avoided your eyes by lowering his head.
“Of course we could've used a private helicopter or jet,” His smile widened while giving you a side look from the corner of his eyes, catching your jaw dropping.
It had him shake his head. “But I know you traveled to Korean normally. So I want to recreate that memory and take on a flight with you in the familiar way.”
Silence followed the intentions he openly admitted. Tears formed in the corners of your eyes, that's how touched you felt by his consideration. So very humble despite all the money in the world; wanting to experience your first frightening flight to Korean for the sake of your career.
And now your lover's the person taking you back home? What a gift that was. Probably one of the, if not the most amazing you'd ever gotten in your life. Jumin escaped a silent gasp when you're urging forward with strength in your arms.
They fell around his neck, the smell of his perfume so safely hugging you back before he's acting on a single move. Your smile hurt when it reached your cheeks all the way up, heart behind your chest beating like it's about to jump out and run.
“I love you!” Your rough tone set the man on the edge of your bed into motion; two strong arms coming around and holding you tight. “I love you so much, thank you..!”
You sniffed into his shoulder, hearing him huff at your reaction. “It was the least I could've prepared to make up for it.” He rubbed over your back in circles.
The position wasn't the most comfortable, you decided to sit down in his lap for a while and calm your racing pulse down. Jumin kept his touch on your body in a soft manner, leaving a kiss to your cheek after some moments went by.
Finally you found your voice, leaning your cheek to his shoulder for comfort. “Do you want a piece of cake?” You changed the subject. “Me and the Chief did one earlier.”
Jumin stopped stroking your back for a second, trying to see more of your face. The confused look on it forced a wheeze out of you. “You baked yourself the cake?” He sounded quite buffed.
You nodded, going even as you kissed his cheek. “Hmh, it turned out great. You wanna try it?”
Hearing your pure happiness helped Jumin let loose of the remaining tension inside his body, nodding his head. “I suppose this is a different kind of birthday for you. But I would never say no to your pastry, my love.”
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
A sort of Fairy Tail - Chapter 4
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Rating: T / PG-13, SFW. Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: 707/MC (Jaena)/Saeran Chapter 4 Wordcount: 2905 Summary:
Freelance Hacker by day, cosplayer by weekend, Jaena Grey was living her best life. One fateful convention, she meets a scarily talented fellow costumer and his friend Zen.
When Jaena finds herself embroiled in the usual Mint Eye apartment plot, Seven panics to see someone he knows. Hijinks ensue, including Jaena spending the majority of her time cosplaying as 707 in his own bunker to hide herself from Vanderwood - for better or worse.
You can also read this on AO3! <- Also a good place to check tags.
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Chapter 4: Careful Decisions
“A twin?” Seven repeated, freezing for a second before deciding that she was being silly. “Well, yeah. You, obviously, since you’re me right now. I don’t think parent trapping Vanderwood is a good idea though.”
The joke shook Jaena from whatever funk she was in, and she looked up at him in confusion. “What?”
Seven took in her reaction at a glance and strode over to her. “Were you serious?”
“Yeah. It didn’t really hit me until I caught his face on camera, but Unknown looks like a goth bizarro version of you. Same height, same build. Hair color’s different. Eye color’s different, but the similarities are striking.”
“That’s not possible.” Seven said, sitting next to her and pulling the laptop onto his lap in one fluid motion, staring at the image. “Saeran…?”
Jaena watched a series of complicated emotions cross Seven’s face before he started muttering to himself.
“He must be completely shameless, he’s not even covering his face. He’s practically skin and bones. I hated that the agency made me go through physical training… but i guess it made a difference. No way…”
“Seven, do you know him?” Jaena asked, not really wanting to break his concentration, but not being able to help being concerned about the way he seemed to be spiraling in on himself.
“Oh… That’s…” He glanced at her, but them immediately back to the still. “What… what happened? Why is he… why is he there? That has to be Saeran, right?”
Jaena leaned against Seven and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. There wasn’t much she could do about whatever was going on right now, but he really seemed like he could use some support.
“Is he the hacker, then? God… when did he learn to hack?! Who taught him? And why would he be doing this!? Rika told me he… Something bad must have happened after Rika… I knew I should have asked V more. I should have pushed, I…”
Jaena tried to pretend she couldn’t hear the tears in Seven’s voice.  Something about seeing Unknown on the screen was breaking him, and she felt so guilty for showing him this, for making this happen. For being involved.
“I’m sorry.” She said, finally, and Seven leaned his head against hers, but didn’t say anything.  She could feel the quiet tremors of his crying, but couldn’t bring herself to mention it, or even move.  From just the little bit she’d learned about him today, it sounded like he spent the vast majority of his time alone in this bunker. He probably didn’t know how to handle her being here and seeing this any more than she knew how to comfort him. And so they sat in quiet silence together, until Jaena felt his breathing calm.
“Seven. That man…how do you know him?”  She didn’t need the information, really, nor did she feel he owed it to her, but she had this feeling that if she didn’t get him to talk about it, he might never say another word.
“That man…” He took a deep, steadying breath before he continued. “You got it in one, Scarlet. He’s my twin brother. And… you shouldn’t have found out about this. Ever.”
“Why? Is he also an agent?”
“No. And I can’t… I shouldn’t… can you please keep what I said, what you know about us, a secret? You can forget it completely…”
Jaena barked out a pained laugh.  “I can’t forget anything, Seven. Not even if I try. The best I can do is attempt not to think about it, and promise not to share.”
“I… that… yeah, okay.” He was flustered, and upset, and neither of them had moved from where they leaned on each other.
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“Scarlet?” Seven’s voice was soft, and she cracked open her eyes to see him hovering just out of reach of the bed. “I’m sorry to wake you, but I have time to take you to get your things, if you still want to do that.”
Jaena sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, glad she’d taken the contacts out before deciding to sleep.
“I shouldn’t go dressed as you.” She said.
“My thoughts exactly. And you probably don’t want to wear yesterday’s clothes again so… uh. There’s lots down here; pick whatever, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen?”
“Yeah.” She said, smiling at him. “Thanks for letting me raid your closet. It’s like having a big sister suddenly.”
“That’s me,” he said with a grin. “Big sis.”
Jaena made quick work of picking an outfit. She’d already taken time to explore what he had yesterday while she was waiting for code to compile. There was a lot here, and she had a sudden need to see Seven dressed up in one of the girlier outfits. For reasons.
Seven looked up as she appeared, grinning. “You look adorable. Shall we?” He held out his arm for her to take, and she laughed, letting him escort her to his garage, the contents of which still boggled her mind.
“Which babe should we take? I’m partial to this one;” he gestured to a blue Herrari, “if the choice is too difficult.”
Jaena chuckled. “Let’s drive your favorite. Someday, I hope you trust me enough to drive the yellow one.”
“Sure, sure.” he said, laughing. “Maybe when you know what it is other than ‘the yellow one’.”
The drive back into the city seemed longer, but it was likely just because she was actually awake this time.
“So.” she said quietly. “Will you tell me about Saeran? Since I’m not supposed to know anyway?”
She saw his hands tighten lightly on the wheel, but he nodded. “Okay. I guess hiding it doesn’t mean anything now… I’ll tell you a bit. That boy, well man, that you ran into. He’s my twin brother, but I haven’t seen him in years. I have a floppy disc of pictures of him that Rika gave me when we would have been in high school, but… we never got to go to school.  Saeran was always weak and got sick a lot.”
“I wonder what he would have looked like with red hair.” Jaena said, encouragingly, but also out of pure curiosity.
“Well, he’d have looked like me.” Seven said, amused. “Because we’re twins. We look alike but our personalities were very different.”
“Well, he’s an angsty goth boy with pink and white hair, so…”
Seven snorted out a laugh. “God, angsty Saeran. What is this world coming to?” he sighed. “When Saeran was with me… he was barely able to leave home.  We grew up in a very complicated household.”  he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye before continuing. “Our father is one of the presidential candidates at the moment.”
“Whoa. Important family.”
“Ugh. I guess? But I won’t tell you who, since you might end up in danger even knowing that. Hell, knowing us.”
“Well, I choose to know you, Seven.” Jaena said, her voice full of determination. “But he chose me, so I think I might just be stuck with the both of you.”
“Right, so this just turned into 707 history hour. Promise you won’t tell anyone?”
“Who would I tell? Tiktok? No thanks. Besides, the only person who should be telling your story is you.”
Seven laughed. “Okay, fair. Uh. Right. So even before he was elected as a congressman, our father was an honorable man… on the outside.  But he and my mother had twins without marrying. Of course, our father probably didn’t know about us when we were born.  Since our mother asked for money in return for keeping quiet about us.”
“Oh, she sounds like a real piece of work.”
“Mhm. When we were young, our mother didn’t let us leave the house. She didn’t consider us as her children, but as a tool to threaten our dad.”
“Our father tried multiple times to kidnap us. And our mother was an alcoholic and half insane most of the time. Putting it into words makes me realize how impossible my family was.”
“If it weren’t for the tone of your story, I would have assumed your father was trying to save you from that house. But that said, it sounds terrifying. How did you end up such a skilled hacker at our age, then?”
“Oh, that… I’ll tell you that if you promise to tell me your story, too.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’m sure it’s a lot less interesting than yours, I’m boring.”
“You’re not boring.” Seven said, sparing her a look. “Anyway. So… I was the healthier of the two of us twins, so whenever our mother needed something, she made me do it.  When her alcoholism was at its worst, she couldn’t really walk or do anything herself.  Later, I analyzed her pattern and left the house when she couldn’t catch me.  So when I wandered outside, I found this church, and at it V and Rika, and they realized by watching me at the Sunday School that I was immensely talented at patterns and computer-related things, and started bringing me coding books to learn from.”
“Church? Wow, I… I mean they mentioned your baptismal name in chat, but I never really connected it. I’m not a churchgoer myself, never have been, so it’s all outside of my wheelhouse, I guess.”
“It’s… a time.” Seven said, but shook his head. “Anyway, no matter how much I learned or how hopeful I was about saving us from the life we were growing up in, there just wasn’t any way for me to save Saeran.  My father became more and more powerful, and I lived in fear of him trying to take us out.  Thankfully with V’s help I was able to abandon my identity and my family and go abroad for school so that my father couldn’t track me.  Well, all of that was from the Agency, but… V introduced me to them, so I credit him.”
“That explains getting your codename at 12.”
“But what about Saeran, then? You wouldn’t have just left him. I’ve not known you that long and even I know that much.”
“V and Rika promised me that they would take good care of Saeran. That’s the only reason I was able to leave on my own. I worried constantly about him, but they always told me he was doing very well, and getting healthier.  I promised him that I’d always be with him, that I’d protect him. But I broke that promise, just trusting V’s words. And seeing him now… I betrayed him, I think. I never meant to, but there’s no way he would be doing anything like this if he were really taken care of the way I promised and was promised he would be.”
Jaena could hear the tears in his voice, and reached out and put a hand on his leg, in comfort. “You didn’t betray him, Seven. Not if you feel that strongly. You still care. I’m sure you always did.” 
He smiled slightly, letting one of his hands drop from the wheel to rest on top of hers.
“Thinking about it now, I’m so mad that I never had a single ounce of doubt! To be honest, I missed him so much ever since we parted ways.”
“I feel so bad you had to go through all of this Seven. Him, too. I shouldn’t want to hug the man that kidnapped me, but I think both of you probably need huge hugs right about now.”
“Mhm.” Seven said quietly. “You know, a secret agent doesn’t need such a backstory. I could have just lived forever in your mind as happy-go-lucky 707 who cosplays too much and doesn’t take anything seriously.”
“But that would have been a lie.  Besides, I like this you. The real you. You’re great, ok?”
“Pffft.” He dismissed her compliments. “I failed even that though. I couldn’t be an agent who abandons his past completely. I couldn’t let go of my brother. So I kept begging Rika to tell me how Saeran was doing.  That disc of photos I mentioned… she sent them in secret. Two years ago, my 20th birthday gift.  Clearly she’d had them awhile, but… She told me that Saeran was happy and healthy and that I shouldn’t worry about him.” He sighed. “Something must have happened right after that. Was it when she died? Did he get caught up with the wrong crowd? But V still tells me he’s doing fine.”
He squeezed her hand, then let it go, returning his hand to the wheel so he could use his left to push his hair out of his face. 
“God, I’ve rambled too much about all of this. You just make me want to tell you everything.”
“Well, I’m no therapist, but I do care.” Jaena said, squeezing his knee before taking her hand back. “And besides, you saved my life. The least I can do is care equally about yours, right?”
“Well, if you put it that way.” he said, smirking. “I can think of lots of ways you can repay me.”
“What, like doing your agency work so you can sleep ever?”
He laughed at that, a true laugh. “That would definitely be a high value payment.”
“What about cooking you an actual meal?”
“I might take you up on that someday we can be sure Vanderwood won’t show up in the middle of you cooking.”
Their conversation devolved back into teasing each other and banal topics, and Jaena couldn’t help but think just how happy she was to spend time just chilling with Seven, and how nice it would be if they had no grand plans or nefarious plots tying them together, but were just allowed to exist.
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Jaena tended to be a neat person. Even staying in an extended stay hotel with its own laundry, her things were sorted into clean and dirty, most of it still in her suitcases. The most packing she needed to do was her bathroom necessities.  Seven just stood at the door and watched, only speaking up when she was about finished.
“You know, this is the perfect opportunity for you to just slip away. Go home. Pretend none of this happened.”
Jaena turned and looked at him, considering.  He wasn’t wrong. She could go back to the states and pretend this was all one weird fever dream.  But she’d come here hoping to find her fellow cosplayer back, and if she left now, she’d be turning her back on any kind of connection she’d made there. On the chance to actually find out what it was that she was feeling when she was around him.  Because she’d be leaving him to handle it alone. And that, that was unforgivable.
“I can’t.” She said, shaking her head as she walked up to him, practically crowding into his personal space and making him step backwards into the door by reflex.  She leaned her forehead onto his shoulder. “I want to. This is terrifying.” Her voice cracked, and she was glad he wasn’t looking at her. “But I came here to find you. And sure, I found you in the most impossible way, but you’re here. You’re real. You’re not a fever dream. And I can’t just leave you to try and save your problematic emo twin turned evil hacker on your own. I can’t. I just—“ Jaena hadn’t predicted the tears. She didn’t cry in front of other people. She especially did not show weakness in front of people in her field, let alone someone she had feelings for. As such, she wasn’t expecting Seven’s arms to wrap tightly around her and hold her close.
“You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that.” Seven said, his own voice rough in her ear. “I’ve had you in my life for like 8 hours and I don’t think I can go back to sitting in that bunker by myself.”
They stood there in silence for another minute or so before Seven’s phone started to ring in his pocket, which startled the two of them apart as though they’d been caught by one of their conservative parents.
“Fuck.” Seven said roughly, and cleared his throat as he dug his phone out of his pocket.
“This is Zero Seven.” “Hey. I know I promised you tomorrow off, but we got an urgent job. I managed to get you until morning. Get a shower and some sleep, I’ll send you the information, start when you wake up.” “Thanks, Vanderwood. I owe you.” “Damn straight you do. Boss wanted you on this hours ago.”
Seven tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Pretend you heard none of that.”
“Okay.” Jaena said. “But before I do - we should get you back home so you can do that thing your handler wants.” She walked over and closed up her bags, doing the usual mental math to figure out how to carry them.
“What, sleep? Or was it shower?” Seven said with a chuckle as he took the heaviest of the bags from her without asking.
“Pretty sure it was both.” She said, sticking her tongue out at him. “You know I can carry that.”
“Yeah, but there’s no point in me walking out empty handed while you carry everything.”
Jaena conceded, and shooed him out of the room ahead of her.
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
The Famous Line
Jake and MC meeting for the first time
thanks @inertflouride for this prompt
⚠️T/W: violence and language
Coming into my apartment after a long day of work. I crash on the couch, thankfully I had some leftovers in the fridge from the take out the night before. After watching a tv show I'm trying to catch up on and eating my dinner I decide it's bedtime. I check my phone to see if Jake has messaged me at all and nothing. I'm not too concerned as we haven't been talking daily since we found Hannah but when we do the feelings are still there. We both agreed we wanted to meet up but he has to shake his pursuers first. I had told him where I live in case something was to ever happen. 
As I'm in the bathroom I hear faint knock on the window pane. I was so caught up in the music I was playing I didn't hear my front door open though. I go to check the window but before I do someone comes up behind me and puts their hand over my mouth and all I had was a curling iron in my hand that they made me dropped.
I start to panic, unsure who is behind me when my body goes weak. Just as I'm losing control I see someone in the window.
I finally come to my senses and I'm tied up to a chair. My mouth is gagged and I start to scream but it's muffled.
"If you want the gagged remove be quiet" a man says.
I turn my head and I see a guy, he's dressed in all black and tied to the chair as well. His black hair makes me wonder if it's him. As my eyes get big he looks at me.
"It's really me. This isn't how we were supposed to meet" he says, trying to undo the ties on his hands.
The door opens,"oh good you're both awake" the man says wearing a mask.
"Look you have me, let her go. She doesn't know anything" says Jake.
"See we thought of that but what are we supposed to levarage if you decide not to talk to us?" The man says again.
I feel tears run down my face as I realize there is only one way out of this.
"I swear I'll give you whatever you want. Just let her go" Jake says, looking at me.
"Lets see what she has to say. As she seemed to have screamed alot when passed out" the guy says and removes my gag.
I take a big breath of air, and look at Jake with pleading eyes. I finally notice his bruises and some blood on him. The guy gets in my face and grabs my chin towards him.
"Oh, was this the first time you have actually seen him? What a shame it might even be the last" he says with a grin.
I lose any control and hit my head on his as hard as I possibly can and he steps back.
"Oh your a little shit!" He yells as he slaps me. Then looks at Jake "Nymos, there is officially no letting her go. She waged her own war on me and I'm not even the head of the snake." He snares at Jake.
"I'll just cut the head off" I yell, going into flight mode. What he does realize is while I was doing that, Jake got his hands loose enough to slip out.
He storms back up to me and wraps his hands around my throat. "Those were your last words, you bitch!"
As he says that Jake gets free and gets behind him, snapping his neck. He unties his feet and then undoes my ties.
"You okay?" He asks, looking into my eyes.
I see those bright blues looking into mine and I lean my head against his. "I'll manage, let's get out of here." I say slowly standing up but losses my balance.
Jake helps me up and grabs the guy's gun. "Do you know how to shoot?" He asks, looking at me.
"I've been to shooting ranges" I say concerned.
He grabs the second one and hands it to me. "At least you know how to use a gun" he smiles, which melts my heart. "Stay behind me, if I don't see it just shoot okay?" 
"Okay shoot first, ask questions later" I say with a smirk.
He heads to the door and opens it peaking out. He doesn't see anyone on either side and heads out. I peak out as well and do the same thing. 
I go to open my mouth and he puts his finger to it to tell me no and I listen. Why does this man first time meeting him tell me to keep quiet and I flat out listen. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot coming from behind me and I move and turn. As I get the gun up Jake already shot and hit the target. My eyes get big as I realize this is going to take a lot on me to shoot someone. I pray Jake has enough ammo to get us out of here.
He takes my hand and pulls me towards more hallways and I feel like we're going to get lost but I trust him. He must sense my nerves and pushes me against a wall to steady my breathing for a second.
"We will be okay" he whispers into my ear. I feel myself calm down and he takes my hand again until we hear more gunfire and he shoots and I hear another. For the need to survive I lift the gun and shoot and I see the body drop to the floor. 
He pulls me close again and we see a sign above a door that says exit and pulls me towards it. I have to run to keep up with him but I know I'm safe. 
He gets into a car and I follow his lead getting into the passenger seat. He hijacks it and peels off. I keep looking back and all of a sudden I see a vehicle chasing us. 
"Jake, we have company," I exclaim. 
"Do you trust me?" He asks, looking at me as he puts his seatbelt on.
"Yes" I say, following his lead.
He speeds up and starts making a ton of turns. After 30 mins, we finally lost them and he pulls into a parking lot and we get out. I lean over and throw up.
"You okay?" He asks coming up to me.
"Not how we were supposed to meet" I say as I catch my breath.
He giggles and I swear it's the best sound in the world. 
"Even when we are being attacked you know how to make me smile. By the way, good job keeping his attention so I could get my hands loose. However, we should get moving again" He says as he extends his hand. I reach for it and take it in his as we start to run away from the car. 
Once he feels we're a safe distance away he stops and pulls me into him. I realize I'm still only wearing a big shirt that I use to sleep in and I blush. He wraps his arms around me. 
"Back there I really had to put my trust in you, you know that right?" I say looking into his eyes.
"I'm glad you trust me enough too even though we never met before," he says as he runs a finger on my neck and I flinch from the guy trying to stangle me.
"I have my bag hidden so I can give you a pair of pants and let's go get that Chinese date" he says with a smile.
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genevievemd · 2 years
The Year Between (20/22)
May 12-13, 2022 - Past The Clouds
Book: Open Heart: Third Year Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 2033 Rating: T Category: , Extended Series: WIP, AU Series, fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: ~Series: Following their engagement, Ethan and Gen navigate the year between the ring and wedding. ~ Chapter: It’s the final two days before the big day. 
Warnings: none
A/N: Originally, this chapter was going to be the entire week leading up to the wedding, but I changed it to just the two days before, because I feel like that’s all we need. So enjoy. Gen meets Ethan’s extended family, and then we have the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Lots of fluff. 
May Part 1 ~ Part 2A~ Part 2B ~ TYB Masterlist
Ch. 1 ~ Ch. 2 ~ Ch. 3 ~ Ch. 4 ~ Ch. 5 ~ Ch. 6 ~ Ch. 7 ~ Ch. 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch. 10 ~ Ch. 11 ~ Ch. 12 ~ Ch. 13 ~ Ch. 14 ~ Ch. 15 ~ Ch. 16 ~ Ch. 17 ~ Ch  18 ~ Ch. 19
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Thursday, May 12th
11:09 AM
He can hear her fumbling around in the master bath from the living room, her muttered curses finding their way across the apartment. 
“Gen?” Ethan gets off the couch, taking a single step towards their bedroom. 
He knows she’s nervous about meeting his family today, though she has no reason to be. Their opinions mean very little to him, and they were only invited to the wedding at her and his father’s insistence. If Ethan had his way, their wedding would have consisted of ten people in total and happened a week after getting engaged. 
“I’ll be out in a second.” There’s a crack in her voice, the one she gets when she’s desperately trying to swallow down her anxiety.
It always breaks his heart, and has his feet carrying him to wherever she is. Wordlessly he enters the bathroom, moving to stand behind her. 
Their eyes meet in the mirror as Ethan kisses the back of her head. “What’s wrong?” 
“What if they don’t like me?” Genevieve sighs, dropping the makeup brush from her hand and leaning back against his chest. 
“They’ll love you.” 
“Okay, but what if they don’t?
“Genevieve,” He turns her around gently, hands moving to cup her face. “If they don’t like you, it changes nothing. I personally, could care less what they think. But, I am certain that they’ll love you. It’s impossible not to.” 
“Tell that to your mother. She hates me.” 
“Let her. She’s not a part of my life, or our life together.” Ethan smiles gently, kissing her forehead. “Everything will be okay. We’re getting married in two days.” 
That gets her to smile, looking up at him from under her lashes. “Yeah, that’s true.” 
“Come on, let me show you off to my family.” 
11:45 AM
They had chosen to meet Ethan’s family at a restaurant near the hotels for the wedding quests. A quaint little diner perfect for the pivotal moment. 
Genevieve takes a deep breath as they walk through the door, squeezing Ethan’s hand tightly. 
“Ethan!” A chorus rings out from the far corner, a large group turning towards the door. 
The only person she knows is Alan, and his friend Beverly, everyone else is a stranger. 
She wonders briefly as they walk to meet them if Ethan had felt this nervous when meeting her family two years ago. If he too felt like his heart was in his stomach and his stomach was in his throat. 
“So, you’re the woman my grandson has kept hidden away.” The oldest man in the group steps forward, pulling Gen into a hug. 
“I am.” She smiles, feeling a weight lift as she meets Ethan’s eyes, catching him winking with a smirk. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr Ramsey.“ 
“Oh please, call me, Jonah. We’re family now.” Jonah smiles wide as they pull apart. 
“Wait.” She turns towards her husband, shocked. “Your middle name is Jonah. You’re named after your grandpa? You didn’t tell me that!“ Gen smacks Ethan’s arm playfully. 
“I could have sworn I had.” 
“You didn’t!” 
“Well,” His grandmother steps forward, and devious smirk on her face, “I have plenty of young Ethan stories I can tell you as revenge for him keeping that little secret. And I’m sure his cousins do as well, come on.” 
They share a laugh as they walk to their table, the last bit of worry fading away with every step. 
Friday, May 13th
8:43 AM
Sunlight creeps in through the crack in the curtains, casting a streak of light across their bedroom. He can’t remember the last time he’d slept in this late, their trip on Valentine’s Day perhaps. Or even as far back as his and Gen’s trip to Paris. 
Ethan turns in bed, with the intent of pulling his wife close for some mid morning snuggles, but his plan is throttled by her already sitting up right. Nose in her phone and the cutest look of concentration on her face. 
“Good morning.” He props himself up on his arm, unabashedly staring at her. 
“Morning.” She barely looks at him, all focus still on the phone in her hand. 
“G, what are you doing?” 
“Making sure everything is set for today. Why did we think it was a good idea to have our rehearsal on Friday the thirteenth? Friday the thirteenth! Do you know how many things can go wrong today!? Alma and Ethan could miss their flight, Henry and the kids could get stuck in traffic, it could rain when we start rehearsing the ceremony. The restaurant could have forgotten our party for tonight. I could –” 
Ethan cuts her off, sitting up to take the phone from her hand. “Genevieve.” 
“What?” Her shoulders slump, sighing defeatedly. 
“Relax. Everything is going to be fine.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do, in fact, and you know why?” Ethan pulls her into his arms, leaning back against the headboard. 
“Because in twenty-nine hours, no matter what happens, we will finally be getting legally married. And there isn’t a single thing that can happen between then and now that can change that.” He kisses her head, lingering for a moment. “This is it, Rookie, we made it.” 
“Not yet. Say that again in thirty hours after the ceremony.” 
“Gen, look at me.” His wife sighs again, getting out of his embrace to look at him. His heart breaking the tiniest bit at how apprehensive she is. Ethan takes her face in his warm hands, thumbs stroking her cheeks. “We’re already married, correct?” 
“And what else is left to be done to make that official?” 
“Sign the paperwork and send it in and then wait for our marriage liscense to come in the mail.” 
“And does any of the millions of ways something can go wrong today or tomorrow change that?” 
“No, because we can do that regardless.” 
“Exactly.” He tugs her face forward, kissing the tip of her nose. “We made it, Rookie.” 
“We made it.” 
8:45 PM
It turns out, Ethan had been right that morning. Nothing catastrophic had happened that day, everything went perfectly. Henry, the kids, Alma and little Ethan Hudson, had all arrived on time, their rehearsal went perfectly - even if Gen had started to cry when they stood at the alter, overwhelmed by the realness of it all - and now their rehearsal dinner was in full swing. 
Everyone was laughing, eating and drinking, enjoying the night before the big day. Their families were getting to know each other and the kids were in the corner dancing the night away. 
It was the perfect day before their perfect wedding tomorrow. 
Gen smiles, as she leans into Ethan’s side, listening to him laugh with Naveen and Henry. Her heart so full it felt like it might burst at any minute. 
They had worked so hard to get here, and now their happy ending was only seventeen hours away.
“If I could have everyone’s attention for just a brief moment.” Alan stands from beside Ethan, clinking his glass. “First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for being here tonight. I know for many of us it feels like a day we’d never see.”  
The room erupts in laughter, Ethan rolling his eyes. 
“Second, I’d like to take a moment to talk about not only this wonderful couple, but also the woman who has touched so many hearts, our sweet Genevieve. While I had long accepted my son would never marry, there was always a small part of me that hoped he’d, at least, find someone. And I knew from the first time Ethan told me about his Rookie, that she wasn’t just someone who got under his skin, or his friend, but she was someone he was very slowly and unknowingly falling in love with.”
Alan turns to face her and Ethan, his smile full of pride and hope, and love. “Genevieve, you are the best thing to ever happen to not just my son, but our family as a whole. Your love for Ethan, your support, has changed our lives for the better. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think our family would have ever healed from our hardships and pain. And I thank you for that everyday. 
But most of all, I thank you for opening up my son’s heart, and showing him the kind of love that not many are fortunate enough to find. Ethan often says that Genevieve is filled with love, that it’s the essence of who she is, and I think we can all agree that he’s right. 
Finding someone like that is rare, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better to marry my son. So, please, if you would all raise your glass in honor of our beloved Genevieve and the love she and Ethan share. I wish you both nothing but happiness and a wonderful marriage. Cheers.” 
Her eyes are wet with tears by the end of her father-in-law’s speech, getting up to hug him as he finishes. 
“That was so sweet, thank you.” 
“I meant every word.” Alan hugs her tightly. “You changed his life, Gen.” 
“He changed mine, too.” She pulls away, wiping a tear from her cheek. Laughing internally at herself. There is no way she makes it through the rest of the weekend without going through at least one box of tissues. 
But for the first time in a long time, they were tears of joy and she’s happy to shed every one. 
10:30 PM
He hasn’t let go of her hand since they left the restaurant, soaking up every last second of being by her side before they part for the night. 
For a reason that makes little sense to him, Genevieve has insisted they keep the tradition of staying apart the night before the wedding. And no matter how many times Ethan insisted and reminded her that they were already married, she wasn’t giving in. 
So here he was, in the elevator of their hotel, dreading the moment he lets her go. 
It doesn't help that she and their wedding planner had picked the hotel chain that has quiet a few memories attached. 
They’re staying in The Celestial tonight, the hotel chain having a location just outside their home city, and when Gen found out she booked it without a second thought. Saying it was a throwback to their beginning, where she knew he was the one. 
He knew it that night, too. Kissing her on that Miami balcony had stirred something in him, awoken a part he didn’t know he had. It terrified him, forced him to push her away when he should have held her close. 
But here they were, three years later, on the eve of their wedding. More in love than he ever thought possible. 
“Time to say goodnight, babe.” She turns to face him once they make it to the bridal suite. 
“You sure I can’t change your mind?” Ethan takes a breath, wrapping her in his arms. “You know how much you hate it when we sleep apart.” 
“You’re right, I do hate it, but it’s only one night and it’s tradition.” Gen brings her arms around his neck, reaching up on her tip toes to press her forehead against his. “And remember in twenty fours hours, you’ll be carrying me through these very doors as my husband.”
“I can’t wait.” He closes the distance between them, kissing her the same way he had in Miami. Passionately and desperately. 
“You’re not helping. How am I supposed to leave you when you kiss me like that.” She’s breathless when they break apart, cheeks tinted the prettiest shade of pink. 
“I wasn’t trying to help, G.” 
“I’m standing my ground, old man.” Gen shakes her head, finally extracting herself from his embrace. 
He watches her open the door, the excited squeals of her bridesmaids already inside the suite echoing into the hallway. 
“Rookie,” Ethan calls after her before she door closes, smiling when she turns around. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” Gen walks back to him, taking his face in her hands. “I’ll see you tomorrow, husband.” 
“Tomorrow, my beautiful, wife.” 
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A/N: We made it to the wedding bitches!!!! Who’s excited? 
Get your tissues ready, because the next chapter is their first look and ceremony and I’m determined to make all of us cry. 
(Tagging Separately) 
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
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breanime · 4 years
They Have to Have You Now (With Bonus Boy)
warning: steamy, slight voyeurism (?)
Billy Russo: Billy couldn’t wait another second to have you. Wordlessly, he grabbed you, pulling you to him as his lips met yours in a fierce, breathtaking kiss. Your hands pressed against his chest, and you could feel his hammering heartbeat underneath your palms. He was still wearing his stealth suit, fresh off of a mission, but all he could think about on the helicopter ride back to Anvil was getting his hands on you. He had moved through the halls like a panther, not stopping to talk to anyone or even to change. He had a new mission--finding you, touching you, and burying himself inside of you. Billy didn’t say a word as he undressed you, his lips nibbling and sucking on the flesh of your neck as his hands roamed your curves. You sighed, your eyes fluttering shut as his long fingers entered you, prepping you for him. “Next time,” he growled, his mouth warm against your neck, “you come with me...” “Aw,” you cooed, combing your fingers through his dark hair, “you missed me.” “I missed this,” he smirked, pulling back just as he curled three fingers inside of you, making you gasp out in pleasure. Your hands slid up to his shoulders, gripping them as he fingered you, the sounds of your moans and the wetness between your legs filling the small room. “Billy,” you gasped out, head thrown back in ecstasy, “We--I--the door!” Billy paused, pulling his head up and looking over at the door, “Yeah? What about it?” “Did you lock it?” You asked. He smirked, slowly pulling his fingers out of you. Billy pressed them to your lips, watching with those dark, expressive eyes as you obediently sucked them into your mouth. He waited until he felt your tongue swirling around his digits to answer you. “I’m the boss,” he said, his free hand going to unbuckle his belt as he spoke, his voice low and confident “I don’t lock doors. I’m gonna fuck you right here in this storage room, and if someone walks in... We’ll give ‘em a show.”
Logan Delos: In a matter of seconds, Logan had reduced your entire, extensive vocabulary down to two words: Logan and yes. You were positioned face-first against the floor length window, hands slapped against the glass and breasts pressed against the cool glass, your entire naked body exposed for all to see. All they had to do was look up. Granted, you and Logan were on the penthouse floor of the suite, but still. Logan was behind you, pounding into you, wearing nothing but a black cowboy hat. He reached around you and grabbed your chin, turning your head to face him. His lips met yours in a bruising kiss, his hips slamming upwards as he pulled away. “I can’t believe you,” he huffed, a smirk on his perfect face, “Bought you all the way out here, and we didn’t even make it past the fucking train tour.” “That... that wasn’t my fault,” you gasped back, biting your lip as Logan’s dick hit that spot that had your legs shaking, “You’re the one who said we had to go.” “Yeah,” he agreed, taking a handful of hair and pulling, making your head fall back, “because you looked so goddamn good...” He moved against you, once again making it impossible for you to say anything but his name and “yes, yes, yes”. You came hard; quivering as you reached your climax. Logan didn’t even give you a second to relax; he was relentless. He pounded into you, his hips smacking into your ass so hard, you wondered if you two were going to accidentally break the glass. “Baby, look,” Logan hissed, his lips against your ear, “We got an audience.” Still shaking with pleasure, you opened your eyes, blearily blinking until you could focus again. Across the street, there was another suite, and all the way from here, you could see the woman standing in her window with her hand up her dress. Logan chuckled, his hand moving to take hold of your leg, lifting it and pushing deeper into you, making you scream with delight. “Let’s see who gets off first... you, me...or our friend over there.” 
Jax Teller: You weren’t entirely sure what had gotten into Jax, but you for damn sure were grateful for it. He’d been on the road for the past three days on a run with Opie, Juice, Tig, and Clay, and he’d gotten back in town sometime early in the morning. But, of course, they had church and then some kind of sketchy meeting with another MC, so you figured you wouldn’t be able to see or speak to your man until later that night. But then he surprised you by stomping into the house hours earlier than you’d expected him. You were in the laundry room; you’d just started a load when Jax came in, greeted you with a “I need to be inside of you”, picked you up, and plopped you down on top of the vibrating washer. He was inside of you in record time, kissing you as he moved against you. Sex with Jax was always enjoyable, no question, but being fucked while the washing machine vibrated beneath you, enhancing each thrust and every motion of his hips--it was enough to make you scream. And scream you did. “Yeah, darling,” he grinned, his hands on your hips, rings digging into your flesh as he held you close, “Go ahead and cum for me...” And you did, cumming within seconds of him entering you, your head falling against his shoulder. Jax didn’t slow down or let up, he plowed into you, that thick, long dick of his hitting you right in that spot that had you seeing stars. You scratched as his back, and Jax chuckled, kissing your chin. The gesture was soft, contradicting the punishing pace his hips were setting, and you moaned against him. “Been missing you like crazy,” he grumbled, picking you up and spinning you around, slamming you down with against the washer with careful control before pushing into you again, “Had to skip out of the meeting to get to you...” You turned your head, your cheek resting against the cool steel, a smile growing on your face. From the feel of his hips and the way he was moving without any sign of slowing down, you had a long day ahead of you... and you couldn’t be more excited. 
Coco Cruz: As soon as you had walked into the apartment, heart pounding with worry and suspicion, you knew something was up. You could see water seeping from the back room, but before you could so much as ask a single question, Coco was on you. His lips slammed into yours, pushing you against the wall. He was rough, but gentle, as always, placing his hand behind your head to make sure you didn’t smack it on the wall as he bit your lip, leaving a stinging sensation that he soothed with his tongue. “Tell me you love me, no matter what,” he whispered, his hands pulling at your clothes, getting them out of his way, “Tell me you’re with me, no matter how bad I fuck up.” Your fingers found their way into his hair, massaging his scalp, getting lost in the thick curls. “I’m with you,” you said, your lips moving against his, even as you spoke, “I love you, Coco, no matter what.” He grunted, apparently pleased with your response. “I fucking love you,” he said, his voice somehow growly and broken all at once. You wrapped your legs around his waist, whispering his name lovingly as he entered you. He needed you; you could feel it. Coco fucked you up against the wall, his moans and your sighs filling the hallway. Your eyes were squeezed shut, stuck in a whirlwind of passion and love and concern. You knew your Coco sometimes needed to work out his frustrations, and while you were more than happy to help, you were still a bit worried about whatever was bothering him. As he fucked you, you made sure to whisper your love for him into his ear, kissing the shell of it as you told him over and over again how much you adored him. “No matter what,” you added, moaning the words out as Coco’s dick slid between your thighs, his pre-cum and your arousal already starting to drip down your leg, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” You came at the same time, you with a sigh and him with a shout. Carefully, Coco slid out of you, his cum thick and warm as it ran down your leg. “Baby... what’s wrong?” You asked. He paused, kissing your cheek before whispering in your ear, “So... Something... Something happened...” You pulled back, frowning. It took you only a moment and a handful of steps to see what he meant by “something”. “Jesus Christ, Coco! You fucked me fifteen feet from your mom’s corpse?!” “Shit, is that fucked up? My bad!”
Angel Reyes: “Scrapyard,” Angel growled, already leading you that way, “Now.” You followed him, biting back a grin. He’d been eyeing you all day as you helped set up the clubhouse for a party, no matter who he was talking to or what he was supposed to be focusing on, his eyes always seemed to land on you. And when you’d given him a show while wiping down the tables (how that soapy water got down your shirt, you’d never know), you saw the spark in his eyes. He wanted you, and Angel wasn’t going to waste a single second--he was taking you. Now. The scrapyard was open, but empty, and so when Angel turned around, grabbing you and pulling you to him, you knew there was no one around to see... yet. “I got alcohol and bandages in the club,” he said between kisses, “so after,” he smoked, “I’ll fix you up. But for now...get on your knees.” You did so happily, falling to your knees, the ache in your legs nothing but a small price to pay for what was coming next. You watched, licking your lips greedily, as Angel unbuckled his pants. His thick cock was already hard, and he grabbed onto it, stroking it for you. “Open your mouth,” he ordered, his eyes staring down at you. You did, sticking your tongue out, and you took in a sharp breath when he skid his dick into your waiting mouth. You closed your lips around him, gathering saliva and sucking on him, making him moan. Angel’s large hand fell onto your head, a heavy token of his appreciation for your efforts. You held onto his upper thighs, bobbing your head back and forth on his cock. There was drool dribbling down your chin, and Angel was moaning like crazy, your name coming off of his lips as you sucked him down. There was gravel and dirt in your knees already, but all you could focus on was the taste of Angel and the sounds of his pleasure. His fingers twitched on your head, curling around a lock of your hair--a sure sign of what was next. Angel came with a grunt, sighing as he felt you swallow him down. “We got a few minutes till the party starts. Stand up, it’s my turn to taste you, mi dulce.”
Miguel Galindo: Whenever Miguel was working late, so would you. Often, you’d wake up at your desk or on the couch surrounded by papers, slogging your way back upstairs to bed to be met by Miguel hours later. You were currently on the couch, fast asleep, when you felt a soft, warm caress on your face. You smiled in your sleep, recognizing Miguel’s touch even while you were unconscious. You heard him above you, his voice deep and low, “Come to bed, mi amor.” You hummed, holding the jacket you’d used as a makeshift blanket closer to you. Miguel chuckled, and you felt his lips, warm and soft on your cheek. “I’ve missed you,” his hand had been on your face, but you felt it slowly move down, “come to bed...” You hummed again as you felt his hands, those hands you adored and knew so well, run down your thigh. “No? Fine,” his lips were on your neck now, soft and warm as he spoke against your throat, “Have it your way...” That made you giggle; no matter what the situation--it was always Miguel’s way, not yours. Your giggle soon turned into a moan when you felt Miguel’s fingers slip inside of you. “Mm... already wet,” he mused, “Were you dreaming of me, mi amor?” You nodded, eyes still closed. He kissed your collarbone, “So you’ve missed me too,” he chuckled, “Open your legs.” You did, and Miguel rewarded you with three fingers, curling inside of you and tickling your clit. You sighed, biting your lip. Miguel’s other hand went under your shirt, gently pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “More?” He asked. You nodded. His fingers disappeared for a moment, and you sat up, eyes open now, pouting. Miguel was hovering over you now, his dark eyes staring down at you. He pushed into you, the action rough and exhilarating, making you gasp at the stretch of him. Your eyes closed again, and you wrapped your arms around him, letting him fuck you until both of you were spent, his cum blooming inside of you as you pulsated and shook around him. Time seemed to slow, and when you opened your eyes again, you were tucked into his side in bed. You smiled, cuddling closer to him, and wondered how he would wake you in the morning. 
Nick Amaro: “We don’t have long,” Nick said, undoing his tie, “I swear, I’ll make this up to you, babe--” “It’s fine,” you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him, “I know you need this.” He stopped, his hands on your waist, “I need you,” he clarified, “And I want to go slow and give you all the attention you deserve, but...” “But we only have enough time,” you said, kissing your way down his jawline, “To fuck. So come on, Detective... Fuck me.” Nick didn’t need to hear anything more; in seconds, he had his pants around his ankles and his dick between your thighs. You held onto him, your nails digging into his forearms as he fucked you. His thrusts were rough and fast, and you felt him getting deeper and deeper with each motion. “Harder,” you gasped out, your toes curling. Nick obliged you eagerly, pushing into you with such force, your legs started to shake. Sensing that you were getting overstimulated, Nick carefully lowered you to the ground. Fucking him in your office was one of your favorite new past times, and no matter how needy or rough Nick was, he always made sure that you knew--from his touch, his words, his kiss--he loved you. He was on top of you, the weight of him the only thing anchoring you, keeping you tethered to the world while he brought you to unknown heights of pleasure and ecstasy, the two of you connected by the heart and by the hips, nothing in the world but you and Nick. You came first, and Nick showered you with loving words, kissing you as you shook around him. “There you go,” he cooed, “My love...” He pulled out of you, and you squirmed at the loss. “...Come wrap your pretty lips around this dick.” 
Johnny Tuturro: “Shh, shh, shh,” Johnny whispered, his supple lips caressing your ear as he spoke, his dick sliding between your wetness, “if Charlie hears us, we’re dead.” You nodded, burying your face in the cushions of the couch. “If anyone hears us,” he went on, casual as he fucked you, “We’re gonna be stuck on chore duty for the next,” he paused, shifting his hips and pushing deeper into you, making you whine at the absolute delicious stretch of him, “the next three weeks,” he continued, his body was draped over yours, and you could feel him--every sinewy, muscular inch of him--hovering over you. “So be quiet, baby girl,” he went on, rotating his hips above you, “no guns downstairs, and no fucking either.” You bit your lip, nodding. It was hard to listen, to think, with the way he was moving against you--inside of you. Johnny was completely naked--he’d just come back from surfing, and as soon as he had walked into the room and seen you...he just had to have you. “Fuck,” he hissed, licking at your ear, “How are you always so fucking tight? So perfect?” He asked. You couldn’t answer; all you could do was whine as Johnny pushed into you again, making you shift upwards on the couch. There was nothing like Johnny inside of you, nothing like his long, hard dick pressing into your most sensitive parts. As badly as he needed you, as desperate as he was for you, you were equally needy, equally desperate. Hell, you couldn’t even be bothered to take a second to walk (or run) up a handful of stairs; you needed Johnny then and there--there was no time to waste. “Johnny,” you groaned, “baby, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” He didn’t, his hips slamming into your ass with a renewed rigor until you were both cumming, both of you calling out the others’ name. “Oh fuck,” Johnny said on a laugh, still inside of you as his seed pumped into your waiting wetness, “Now I won’t be able to sit here without thinking of fucking you...we might need to make this a weekly thing.”
Rio: “I don’t give a damn if you try,” Rio said into the phone, “You gotta win, bitch. And you gotta pay me my money--and right quick, too.” You felt yourself clench at his words; you loved getting to hear him do business, loved the power and control in his voice. You loved it even more when he was fucking you while working. Rio had one hand on his phone, and the other on your neck as he fucked you, his eyes never leaving yours. “Matter of fact,” he went on, pumping inside of you and squeezing your throat affectionately, “You’re gonna pay me extra. Because that’s what happens when you make me wait.” You swore, as talented a lover as Rio was, it was his words that were making you so wet. “Consider it incentive for next time,” he continued, “You miss a payment cause of Little League or book club or whatever other white suburban shit you got goin’ on, you pay me for the lost time.” Rio grinned down at you, seeing the excitement on your face. He leaned down and kissed you filthily, his tongue snaking into your mouth, lapping against yours before pulling back, the phone still at his ear. “Which reminds me, gon’ ahead and bring me the keys to that slick black ‘Vette I saw the other night, I think my girl will like it,” he grinned down at you, and that grin had your heart flipping in your chest. His hand flexed on your throat, and that, coupled with his thrusts and the way he was handling business at the moment, had you nearly sobbing with desire. “I don’t need your bullshit ass excuses, Elizabeth,” he went on, his thumb trailing upwards, tapping your bottom lip gently until you opened your mouth, sucking it in, “I need my money, plus the extra, plus that black Corvette. Otherwise, you can take another pay cut, and I’ll make a visit to your husband’s place of work--again,” Rio paused, a smirk growing on his kissable lips, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” His smugness did it for you; you came then, whimpering as your orgasm ran through you. Rio fucked you through it, still on the phone. By the time your orgasm subsided and you came back to reality, the phone was gone, and he was grinning down at you. “Good news, baby,” he reported brightly, still moving inside of you, “We got an extra 20 grand, a new car, and I still got another round in me,” he leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss, speaking lowly, his words going directly into your mouth, “and since you were such a good girl, I’ma make you cum again, and again, and again...”
Bonus Boy
Tommy Shelby: “Get out,” Tommy barked, swaggering into the room with nothing but authority coloring his steps, “Esme, close up on your way out. Yeah, you too, Finn, fuck off.” You stood, money still in your hands, as Tommy approached you. He wasn’t talking to you, you knew it. You knew it from the second he walked into the betting shop, his thunderous blue eyes searching for you. You knew what he wanted, what he needed. You watched as everyone scurried out, the sounds of feet hitting the floor and doors slamming filling the space. You watched as Tommy walked up to you, your handsome man in his dusty black coat and his blood soaked hands. You watched as he stripped his coat off, tossing it to the side, his hands already reaching out for you, eager for you. Desperate for you. You let him come, and Tommy grabbed you, his touch possessive and rough and gentle and confident and unsure all in one. He kissed you, tasting of mint and smoke, and you grabbed at his collar, keeping him close. Tommy wasted no time, his hands moved expertly, pulling your skirt up and pushing your undergarments aside until the only thing that separated him from you was time. And time was fleeting. You both groaned when he first slid inside of you; there had been no prep, but your body adjusted to him quickly. His mouth moved against yours as he fucked you, his hands keeping you close to him--as if there was any other place you’d rather be. “Never leave me,” he whispered, and his words broke your heart. “I won’t,” you promised, and you meant it. He pushed you back against the desk, his movements firm but his eyes soft as he looked down at you. Tommy was a patient man, a calculating man, but with you--he could never bring himself to wait, never consider the pros and cons, the consequences. He just needed you--needed you like he needed air, like a horse needed freedom. You were his everything. And even though he couldn’t always find the words to say it, he could show it. And he did. As Tommy held you, his mouth on your face, his heart in your hands, he knew that this need, this desperation would never ebb. He belonged to you...and he always would. 
*******************************************************************************************Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip here, I would greatly appreciate it!
Which boy did you like the most? Was there a Moment you enjoyed? Was there a line you liked? Lemme know! :)
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vyneyard · 3 years
love's arrows
a study on love at first sight and how it relates to vyn's character
first things first, we have to get a major misconception out of the way. yes, vyn believes in love at first sight, he says so himself, right in the first level of the second episode of his personal story. one of his students asks him about it, and vyn spells out his exact thoughts on it. i will quote precisely what he says:
context - vyn explains love at first sight from a psychologist's point of view to his student, making it sound akin to an illusion
student: falling for an illusion... is love real then?
vyn: love is an emotion that cannot be quantified and measured. what matters is what you truly feel. when passion fades away, you will know true love if you still want to be with that person.
student: professor, do you believe in love at first sight?
vyn: personally? yes, i do believe in love at first sight.
student: really? i thought someone as rational as you wouldn't believe in such an... illusion.
vyn: being an illusion or not does not mean it should be discredited and dismissed. also, feelings of love are not rational to begin with. i am only human as well. however... when it happens to me, i would step back to make assessments instead of jumping at the chance. it is worth the wait to see if everything is really just a mirage, or is indeed real.
student: there's a way to find out? can you tell me how?
vyn: it is nothing hard. all you need to do is take the time to observe. observe their attitude and views regarding certain things, especially life-concerning matters. one's reactions more or less tell of their true character.
now that we are all on the same page, we can clearly tell the meaning of vyn's words. what he declares in this dialogue is his entire love philosophy - it describes the way in which he relates to love and to mc in very direct and bold terms, laid out for the player to see. not only does vyn believe in love at first sight, but he also has a plan in regards to how he is going to handle his newfound feelings of adoration. the reason why he keeps questioning mc's principles and beliefs, why he is interested in her hobbies and opinions, why he invites her to spend time with him, be it at art galleries, polo matches or merely in the comfort of his own home; it is all because he wants to get to know her, and he wants her to know him as well, in order to establish whether a relationship would be beneficial to both of them.
vyn richter is an analytical and rational man, that much is true. he is a perfectionist, seeking knowledge and reassurance in the world of facts. he appreciates when things are certain, and he lives his life with the need to be aware of every possible outcome, at any given time. however, this does not mean that he is not in touch with his feelings, or that he does not believe in love - i believe that a bunch of players do not notice this about him, believing instead that he only relies on science and reason. truthfully, vyn is perhaps the most introspective out of the entire cast of characters - he conducts psychological reports on himself in order to be aware of his current state and feelings, after all.
the next question would be "what made vyn fall for mc?", which has a quite simple answer. after the conversation with his student, vyn has a flashback to his first meeting with mc, back when he challenged her to remove a card from the house of cards, without having it collapse. after she expectedly fails, he asks a simple question: whether she would have still tried to remove a card, after having known the outcome. much to his surprise (or delight, rather), mc responds like so:
mc: the only constant in the world is change. and so, so what if i knew that the cards would collapse? i could always pick a different card. maybe the outcome would change. even if i drew the same card again, the outcome might be different depending on how i remove the card, right? i believe that we shape our own fates.
mc's words moved vyn at the time, and they still do, especially her last remark. this paragraph will contain spoilers for vyn's backstory, so in case you are not aware of his origins, and do not wish to know before finding out yourself, i suggest skipping this section. the ability to shape one's own destiny is something vyn longs for. having been born in a royal family, his life had been laid out in front of him before he even had the chance to choose for himself. although he left the Kingdom of Svart, and supposedly cut ties with his family, vyn is still plagued by the thought that he has no control over his fate. when mc reassures him that she believes in change, she believes in the power of choice, vyn is awestruck. it is all he has ever longed for: a person who would understand his stance and his hardships.
the wish to be known is what starts burning under vyn's ribs that day - the possibility that someone might be able to grasp all of his intricacies and beliefs is laid out right in front of him, materialised in the form of mc. and so, he falls. hard.
then why is he so hesitant? another question with a fairly simple answer. vyn believes in love at first sight, and even has an optimistic and idealistic view on love:
vyn: love brings light and hope into your life. love lifts you up. true love can come at any time, even without you knowing.
the next paragraph will contain slight spoilers for vyn's relationship with his father. they are not as grand as the previous ones, but if you still do not wish to know before experiencing the story yourself, i suggest skipping. if vyn has such sweet and bright perspectives on love, and if he has such a well-crafted plan for approaching mc, why is he so uncertain sometimes? because he is scared, and it has to do with his family. his father had gone through the same thing - he fell in love at first sight with a woman, and yet their relationship fell apart. vyn observed this, and he kept witnessing his father's regret and shame throughout the years. he does not wish to go through the same tragedy, so he desperately fights against following his father's steps. when he falls for mc, the fear of losing her, of ending up alone, scarred and sorrowful, makes him reluctant. even so, her words of encouragement, her belief that one can craft their own fate, push him forward.
he becomes more confident over time, wishing to make her fall for him. his possessiveness has roots in those same feelings: vyn does not want to lose mc when he barely started gaining a grasp on her. so he becomes jealous whenever a threat, as small or irrelevant, appears. he becomes grumpy, angry, cold whenever another man shows the slightest hint of interest, not because he thinks that he owns mc, but because he wishes to be with her, to be the only one she sees, in the same way she is the only one he cares about. so he fights - he fearlessly fights for his chances with her, he defends her in front of everybody, he learns new things and skills just for her, for a sliver of her affection and attention.
in conclusion, vyn loves mc carefully, with studied steps. he never takes reckless decisions when it comes to her, because since the first moment he saw her, she became the light in his eyes, the only one worth all the effort. it is either her or nothing, and vyn is not going to risk his chances - not after witnessing his father's destiny. vyn will be different; he will be better. all for mc.
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
July 23 - 29, 2022  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
A Cure for Homesickness - @choicesfanaf  ☁
Ethan makes a delicious meal for Arundhati. [Cooks]
A Picture to Burn - @genevievemd  🎭
While secretly staying at Ethan’s apartment after the attack, she discovers something she shouldn’t. [Hurt/Comfort]
All Mine - @potionsprefect  ☁
Ethan can’t stop staring at Luke and Lily. [Domestic; Family]
As It Was - @jamespotterthefirst 📚
[mini:wip] All the times Ethan meets her exes throughout the years.
Part 4: The Surgeon
Ballet Memories - @liaromancewriter  📷 ☁
Cassie shares three memories about ballet over the course of her life. [Domestic; Family]
Both - @lsvdw-blog  📱
Post Mass Kenmore Heist in Book 2, Chapter 9, Ethan is feeling sentimental. [2.9]
Everything Has Changed - @genevievemd  ☁
Now that her second year is over, Ethan realizes its time to make their relationship official, AKA Ethan finally asks Gen on a real date. [Office]
Fairy and the Captain - @potionsprefect  📷 ☁
A new outfit, means a pictagram post.
Handful - @liaromancewriter  ☁
Ethan’s on baby duty and the twins have a surprise for him. [Domestic; Family]
Intern Year - @cariantha  📚 📷
[extended: wip] Follow Sawyer Brooks through her first year of residency at Edenbrook.  
The Closet Under the Stairs | Riding the T | Am I Dreaming?
First Impressions
Jealousy, Jealousy - @bex-la-get  🎭
Nat wasn’t the type to get jealous. But when she meets her, things begin to change. [Hurt/Comfort; Jealous]
Late Night Talking - @danijimenezv  🦚
Jill opens up about her background to Ethan. [1.10; Miami]
Little Helpers - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria has a genius idea. [Domestic; Family]
Looking in the Mirror - @potionsprefect  ☁
For a second, Ethan thought he had stepped back in time. [Domestic; Family]
No Shame - @potionsprefect  ☁
They’re on this journey together. [Pregnancy]
Photobombed - @txemrn  ☁ Ⓜ
While searching for tax documents for Ethan's father, Tatum stumbles across a stash of nude photos. Of Ethan's exes. Tatum's reaction will be one that Ethan will never forget.
Right Up My Alley - @storyofmychoices  ☁
Ellie makes an unexpected discovery about Ethan's past. Feat. Bryce Lahela, Alex Spencer (Hollywood U)
Rose-Tinted Glasses - @inlocusmads  ☁
Jane's dress-up-as-a-superhero plans are thwarted after a wardrobe mishap. Nevertheless, she improvises which greatly amuses Ethan. [3.3]
Runny Nose - @a-crepusculo  ☁
She caught a cold at the most inconvenient time. [Illness/Injury]
The Miami Redux - @coffeeheartaddict2  ☁ Ⓜ
Ethan surprises Casey with a trip to Miami to celebrate their first year of marriage. TW: mentions of miscarriage [Miami]
What Doesn't Kill You - @inlocusmads  🎭
Upon Jane's return from Canada, she finds it impossible to settle down- especially when Edenbrook no longer feels like a second home.
102 Days of Smiles - @genevievemd  📚 📷
[extended: wip] One post a day, for 102 days, with something that made our new bride smile.
Behind Closed Doors - @ofmischiefandmedicine  ☁
To anyone else, they are Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Emery. Behind closed doors, things might look different.
A Unique Blend - @jerzwriter  ☁
Tobias insists he's found a coffee that tops Derry's, but Ethan isn't buying it.
Delaying the Inevitable - @jerzwriter  📚
[extended: complete] Ethan/Casey/Tobias love triangle.
The Final Chapter
The Perfect Gift: For Your Eyes Only - @jerzwriter  ☁ Ⓜ
Tobias is always spoiling the love of his life, and she desperately wants to do something in return for him. But the man has everything. What can she possibly give him? Suddenly, she has a perfect idea! And it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
50 Days of Love - @openheartfanfiction  📚 📷
[extended: wip] Just 50 Days of Adelaide showing love to many different things.
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
The Boys Reacting to MC Telling Someone Off!
You go, MC! You don’t take shit from anyone!!
The scenario is that some stranger is being racist/ homophobic/ sexist/ transphobic towards you, and you SNAP!
Note: In Belphie’s prompt you can still be Gender Neutral, but I had to imagine AMAB for it’s contents. Forgive me!
Lucifer was walking you home from RAD. You stayed a little late after the meeting to finish up a bit of homework. On the walk home, a car pulled and started driving at your walking pace, howling suggestive obscenities at you.
How rude. Didn’t these lowlifes know that it’s disrespectful to catcall? He grits his teeth angrily, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. Poor you, you must be so uncomfortable.
Not. You stop in place, which causes them to slam on the breaks of their car. Before they can start asking for your number or to get in the car with you, you go off. You’re much more reserved with your voice, but your tone is frightening. Lucifer hearing you be so eloquent in describing what you’d do to them if they ever bothered you again was not something he expected he’d enjoy hearing. But here he is.
Pride? UP! It seems you got some backbone in you, threatening demons like that. He’s glad you are adjusting to life in the Devildom so well.
You and Mammon were enjoying your time at the casino. He usually goes alone but this time you managed to convince him to come with you.
The dealer at your table has been giving you both shifty eyes for a while now. Mammon’s luck is just getting worse and worse. He doesn’t seem to entirely notice it yet, blind through his frustrations, but you pick it apart quickly. The dealer is intentionally giving you both bad hands.
You nudge Mammon at the start of another round. His eyes follow yours to the dealer and suddenly he’s watching them like a hawk. After that round was lost, he’s about to pop a gasket.
Seeing Mammon angry wasn’t anything new, but the expression on his face made his anger contagious. He slammed the cards down on the table and went off before a word left Mammon’s mouth. he watched you with such passion, calling the dealer out. Needless to say, he’s glad you tagged along with him that night.
You both were at an Anime Convention. You decided to cosplay as one of Leviathan’s favorite characters from an anime you both picked up recently.
You both were enjoying your time there, taking photos, and shaking hands with other cosplayers and fans. You even got a few gifts as a thank you for some of the photos.
It was when one of the “fans” came up and asked for a photo that the problem started. They put their arm around you, and leaned in uncomfortably close. Levi watched from where he sat as the two of you began to take the photo. He heard a racial slur uttered from the fan and nearly lunged at them to attack.
What stopped him however was you, shoving them away and shouting about how disrespectful and unfunny that was. Levi watched with glee, his Henry being so brave in the face of bullies! Afterwards, he asked if you were alright, and treated you to a nice lunch away from all the noise.
You and Satan were both enjoying your time at a cat café. He seemed particularly invested in a kitten that curled up at his foot and was now purring. A grouchy older woman seemed irritated that a man was so emotionally invested in a kitten.
Satan was used to these comments. He learned by now to ignore them, and didn’t seem bothered by it at all. He was much more occupied petting the sweet kitten, who he almost wanted to take home with him had Lucifer not banned him from keeping pets.
You on the other hand, were not having it. You turned in your seat to the older woman and asked what her problem was. This caught Satan off guard, who figured up until now you were ignoring her too. Apparently not.
Things escalated and the woman, feeling threatened, decided to leave on her own accord. Pride wasn’t his sin, but to say he wasn’t proud of you for standing up for him nonetheless was very much appreciated. At least he knew he could count on you.
You and Asmo were at a huge party in town. There were some party-goers who were extremely drunk, and weren’t very fond of Asmo’s dress matching with yours. They commented specifically about how men shouldn’t be wearing dresses.
Asmo has dealt with people like this before, so he’s quick to ignore their comments. Arguing has only made these sorts of situations more stressful for him, and it’s not like he cares too much about what disgusting people think of him. He’s assured of his beauty by thousands, he doesn’t care what bad apples have to say!
You, on the other hand, do. And Asmo loves you for it. You immediately slam the breaks on whatever you were doing, turn to the two drunk party-goers, and yell at them that if they don’t like the way Asmo dresses, they should just leave. Asmo is loved by many humans, demons, and even angels, and no one loves people who treat others with no respect based on how they dress.
The argument goes on for just a bit longer before the drunkards are escorted out. Asmo has never been happier in his life. You didn’t need to, but you stood up for him. And even confirmed for him that yes- the world loves him for who he is and what he does. He’s sure to go all out (as if he was ever holding back) on the dresses, skirts, and bows now more than ever, thanks to you!
You and Beelzebub were are Ristorante Six, enjoying a meal together. It had been a long day after Beel’s game and he was starving. More than usual. He casually ordered at least five of everything on the menu.
It’s not like you were just barely eating yourself. You had gone through a few plates as well, unashamed of how much food you were able to put away. it was nothing compared to Beel, but he liked that you weren’t afraid to go all out on food as well!
HOWEVER, one disgruntled couple a few tables down did not seem fond of that. You heard a few comments here and there about your “piggish” behavior. Beel seemed to notice and was quite irritated about what he was hearing. He even stopped eating at certain points to be sure he was hearing right.
He was about to throw something at them in a fit of rage before you stopped him. You spun around in your chair and shot the couple a menacing glare. When you spoke, you were firm and terrifying, telling them to mind their own business and move away if they can’t handle you enjoying yourself with your favorite demon. Beel never seemed so happy to hear you standing up so firmly for yourself.
You and Belphie were waiting at the bus stop. You both wanted to get home as soon as possible to get some well needed rest after a long day at RAD. Absentmindedly, you sat in Belphie’s lap and he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn’t help but notice the disgruntled person who was also waiting at the bus stop with you.
Belphie wasn’t having that shit. Instantly was ready to pop off the second he realized that person had a problem with you in his lap. He snarled, showing his clear frustrations.
You stopped him calmly, by patting the top of his head and shushing him. He gave a mild complaint, but you continued to silence him, telling him that it was alright. You’ll handle this. He wasn’t sure what you meant until you stood up, and grabbed the person,
You were telling them that if they’ve got a problem with you and Belphie, then at least be brave enough to be more vocal about how much of an idiot they are. Your relentless tirade went on until the bus arrived, and by then the person was afraid of getting on the bus with you. Belphie was glad he had you to call his.
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lilacyennefer · 3 years
A/N: Ever since I heard the song ‘Cardigan’ by Taylor Swift I knew that I’m going to write a fic based on the song, so here it is now! I was working on this piece the whole weekend because I wanted it to be really good, I honestly don’t know if I succeeded because I’m truly insecure about this one. Feedback is always appreciated ♥️ (I do NOT own the song or the lyrics, all credit goes to the original authors)
WARNING: none, maybe just a mention of a sick mother
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For Angel, you’re always going to be that one thing in life that he will regret forever.
You were high school lovers, but even after graduating, you stayed together.
Your parents knew each other, your mother had a flower shop in front of Felipe’s butcher shop, on the other side of the road, and your mother was best friends with Marisol, meaning you spent your whole childhood with the Reyes brothers.
You were in the same age as Angel, and from the very first moment you met as children, the two of you clicked.
The two of you went into the same classes, always sat next to each other, talked about everything, until one day something shifted between you two, and you started falling in love with each other.
After high school, neither of you went to college, you helped your mother out with her flower shop, she needed some help, and Angel was prospecting to the local MC.
You stayed together, until you didn’t.
Remembering back to the days when the two of you were so young, and so in love, when you were dancing under the streetlights in the middle of the night on the empty streets of Santo Padre, or when you parked your car somewhere to make out without getting disturbed.
Thinking back to these memories, you still feel how Angel’s hands were sneaking their way up under your sweatshirt.
But almost 10 years passed since that one night happened that changed everything.
You wanted to surprise Angel at the clubhouse, you knew there will be a party tonight, he mentioned it to you, but you weren’t sure about joining him, so you said maybe, you’ll show up.
Angel took this as a no, he knew you didn’t like parties that much, you always went just because of him.
Bishop gave prospect Angel some free time, and many beers later Angel found a woman in his lap who wasn’t you.
Was he too drunk to refuse the flirting of the beautiful woman sitting on his lap, or was he young and foolish? Thinking back, Angel still doesn’t know the answer to that.
But that night lives in both of your memories painfully vividly, when you stepped into the clubhouse looking for Angel, only to find him making out with another woman.
Angel didn’t see you at first, he only saw you when you threw a drink on both of them, making them gasp, Angel angrily looked for the person who soaked both of them in the alcoholic drink, only to find you standing in front of him, angry as ever.
“It’s over!” Is all you say as you storm outside of the clubhouse, Angel trying to catch up with you, but you were already in your car, driving away.
That was the last moment he saw you, since that night you left the town, and you only came back to visit your mother in secret.
Angel Reyes regrets a lots of things in his life, but his ultimate regret is letting you go, and fucking up his relationship with you.
He was convinced that your love was that king of love that happens only once in 20 lifetimes. He once talked about this with Coco, and his answer to Angel was that he was young, and he knew nothing.
But, he knew that every kiss of yours lingered like a tattoo kiss, reminding him of the matching tattoo you got with him after both of you turned 18.
Back then, it seemed like a good idea, you were so convinced that you’ll stay together forever, nothing ever will break the two of you apart, so one night you presented your idea to Angel, who was more than down to it.
Deciding what you wanted was a lot more difficult, it caused not one argument until you found the idea that you both liked.
Both of you wrote down each other’s initials, so you got an “A” tattooed on you with Angel’s handwriting, and Angel got the first letter of your first name with your handwriting.
It was small, but meaningful.
The past 10 years Angel couldn’t stop thinking about the what-ifs, his questions haunted him.
What if that night you came earlier, before he fucked it all up?
What if it was just the matter of time, until he fucked it up?
What if it never happened and the two of you were still together?
What if you were already married, and have children?
The thought of seeing you walking down the aisle in a white dress made Angel’s heart clench, knowing it will never happen.
At first, he tried to find you, he went to your mother’s flower shop every day to ask about you, but your mother sent Angel away every time, although her heart broke for both of you.
Your mother adored Angel, and Angel adored your mother. She was always supportive of your relationship with the biker, she always said that Angel looks at you like you created the whole universe, with such love and adoration that she never saw before.
But you were her daughter, so she protected you.
10 years.
So many things happened in 10 years.
You cursed Angel for a very long time after you left, completely heartbroken.
You didn’t understand how he could do this to you, when everything was perfect.
But maybe that was the problem, because in this world, perfection is rare, and when you find it, it won’t stay with you for long.
Especially not in the world where Angel lives in.
Now as you were driving back to Santo Padre, thinking about that you have to move back because your mother got sick and she can’t take care of the shop anymore, made your stomach drop unpleasantly.
You knew that it was just the matter of time until Angel will know that you’re back in town, either he will see you, or someone else will, and they’ll tell him.
With every inch of your body, you wanted to push your feelings away that you still feel for Angel.
He not only left a mark on your body with the tattoo, but also on your heart and soul. He was your first love, your only love for that matter, your best friend, and even dare to say that, your soulmate.
After arriving back to Santo Padre, you moved in with your mother, so you could help her with the housework, and the next day, you started your day in the shop, more nervous than you ever were.
With a dry throat, and a knot in your stomach, you parked your car in front of your mother’s shop.
You took a few deep, calming breaths, and looked around the street, it was early morning, so it wasn’t that busy yet.
Getting out of the car, your eyes unconsciously shifted to the butcher shop in front of you, making your heart drop when you saw an old man reading his morning news paper in front of the shop.
It’s like he could sense it, Felipe turned his head towards your direction, his eyes finding you.
You cursed when you saw Felipe looking at you, but you ignored him as you opened the shop, preparing yourself for a scold from your mother, since she still were friends with the oldest Reyes man.
It was now just the matter of time until Angel hears that you’re in town. You try to mentally prepare yourself for the conversation, you don’t know anything about him other than him now being a full patched member of the MC.
The first few hours in the shop were relaxed, some of your mom’s friends came in to ask how she was doing, but other than that it was all quiet.
Your back was turned against the door as you were placing some decorations on the wall when you heard the bell ring, signaling you that someone entered the shop.
“Just a second!” You say without turning back as you do some finishing touches on the decoration.
“Do you still like iced coffee?” You hear a deep voice that you know so much ask, making you turn in horror.
After Felipe saw you, he immediately called Angel, letting him that you’re in town.
Felipe always loved you, he thought you were a good influence on Angel, and the two of you made a perfect pair.
When Angel got the phone call, his heart dropped, and he knew he had to do something. The hopeless romantic in Angel, a part of him only you saw and he buried deep down after you left, hoped that you would get back together with him, but realistically Angel just wanted to see you, and apologize to you.
He had no excuses, but he knew that you deserved an apology at least.
So Angel got himself together, he took a shower, he put on his nicest shirt, and his special cologne that he only used rarely.
When you were younger, and you had an argument with Angel, the next day he always brought you your favourite iced coffee as a peace offering.
Angel hoped you still liked iced coffee as he was picking it up from your favourite place in town, then heading towards the flower shop.
You knew this moment would come, when you meet with Angel again after all those years, but you could never prepare for this moment.
Angel looked amazing, he aged like fine wine, he definitely looked a lot more mature than when you left him, but you still could feel his playful charm that you loved so much, what now was invisible under his nervousness.
“I do.” You nod, your voice is small.
Angel hesitantly steps closer to you, placing the cup of coffee down on the counter in front of you.
He was more nervous than he thought he would be, as he was looking at you, he suddenly forgot everything that he wanted to say.
“Y/N, look.” Angel sighs, he nervously shifts his weight on his legs “I don’t have any excuse about what happened. I know it’s late, but I want you to know that I’m really sorry what happened. I regret it every day of my life.”
You listen to his words, tearing up the old wounds, making your heart ache once again.
You’re silent for a while, not knowing what to say as you look at the man who used to mean the world to you.
“Here’s my phone number and address.” Angel says as he places a small paper next to your coffee “In case you want to talk.” And with that, he left the shop.
This is definitely not how Angel planned to see you again. During getting ready, and picking up the coffee for you, he prepared a full speech to you, telling everything he wanted in a few minutes. But when he saw you he froze, being more nervous than he ever was.
Once again, Angel cursed himself as he drove away from your shop, leaving you alone with your coffee.
You didn’t get a chance to say anything to Angel since he stormed out of the shop, leaving you speechless. You silently picked up the iced coffee, its smell bringing a smile to your lips from the old memories, when you were happy with Angel.
While sipping the coffee, you constantly stared at the piece of paper that was still on the counter where Angel left it. Finally picking the paper up it felt really heavy in your hand, the emotional weight of it sitting heavily on your soul.
Angel made his first move, and now it’s clearly your turn to decide what to do. So many happened during 10 years, so many changed, and so many stayed the same.
You were still hurt by what he did, but you weren't angry anymore, but you always avoided Angel because you were afraid of your feelings, afraid that you’ll get hurt again just by seeing him, and you didn’t want to put yourself through that. But you undeniably still had feelings for Angel, something that you could never get rid of, your mother always said that you were soulmates, and that’s why you could never truly get over him.
Making the decision that at least you should get the chance to talk to him, after closing the shop you picked up some food from a local restaurant, and headed towards the address that he gave you.
Parking your car in front of his house, you saw his bike parked there, signaling you that he’s at home, hopefully alone.
You nervously knock on his door, holding your breath as you wait for him to open the door, seconds later the door opens, finding yourself face to face with a very surprised Angel.
“Are you hungry?” You hold up the bag full of food “I figured we should talk.”
Angel nods, opening the door wilder, letting you step into his house.
“I brought our old favourites, I hope that’s okay.” You say nervously.
You look up at Angel, you can see the earlier nervousness on his face.
You take a deep breath and say “I think it's easier if we talk first.”
“I’m sorry—“ Angel starts, shaking his head.
“What happened that night?” You cut him off, not caring about the excuses.
Angel sighs as he drops his shoulders “I honestly don’t know. I had too many drinks and I fucked it up. I could blame it on the drinks, but I won’t. I don’t want to bullshit you. I fucked it up, and I regret it every fucking minute of my life.”
You silently watch him. You always knew when Angel lied, you don’t know how, but you could always feel when he’s not telling the truth. But right now, you can tell that he’s saying the truth, and he’s actually sorry for what happened.
“I believe you.”
Your words made Angel let out a loud sigh, making him feel like years and years of pain was lifted off his shoulders.
“Y/N.” Angel whispers your name “I need to know. I need to know if there’s still a chance.”
Angel couldn’t wait with his question, he knew it was risky, but the uncertainty was slowly killing him, and he already wasted a decade, he didn’t want to wait any longer.
“I’m honestly not sure, Angel.” You shake your head “Let’s just eat, talk, and see what happens, okay?” Angel nods “It’s more than I could hope for.”
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan, under someone's bed, You put me on and said I was your favorite.
Taglist: @gemini0410 @rosieposie0624 @blessedboo @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @mayans-sauce @mrsmarvelous1995 @phoenixhalliwell @rocketqueen @witching-hour @starrynite7114 @bellisperennis0
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
Hello ! Do you write for queer reader ? If so, may you please write a Lance x Male reader, where they were long time best friends before (TO) Lance loves reader but as the last dragon he thinks it’s his duty to continue the legacy so never aknowledges his feelings wich leads him to be quite depressed, until Erika-I-stick-my-nose-everywhere find out somehow and build a plan with others to confront both about it ?
Thank you !
Hey there! Thank u for your ask, I loved the prompt! And I'm sorry for the delay, my relative is still hospitalized but he's better😊.
Also, of course I write queer, I'm part of the community and even though Eldarya doesn't have queer options regarding the MC I think it's interesting to treat other possibilities.
This one's structure was a bit different from the one I normally use. My amazing beta @rina-nanashiro and I have come to the conclusion that would be better to use the first person singular and the omniscient narrator to correctly portrait each character thoughts.
For this one, let's say that the plot is settled not long before Lance becomes the chief of the obsidian guard and Erika arrived 4 years earlier.
Also, whether the MC is human, faerie or faelian is up to you. I didn't dwell on any physical descriptions or mention his race.
To conclude, my ask box is closing soon. So if¡ anyone wants to request something, you have a couple of days to think about it.
Lance and a male MC have problems confessing their feelings and Erika meddles in under the cut
I carefully settled the dumbbells in the fresh grass, brushing away the light film of sweat, which covered my forehead, with the back of my hand.
Almost every day was a sunny one in the City of Eel. I have been told once that the shield surrounding the Head Quarters repelled rain and other natural phenomena, and I was delighted to enjoy the warm sunbeams, though as the day drew on, training in hot weather wasn't very pleasant.
A group of females crossed the gardens and threw a glance toward my bare, glimmering chest, sweat sliding down my pectorals and abs. One of them blushed while the other winked at me. The flustered one dragged her friend away while she couldn't help her giggling.
I was used to the attention. Such things would usually happen whether I was training shirtless and why not saying it, showing off a bit.
But those females’ attention... wasn't the one I was longing for.
As if my thinking was some kind of magnet, the object of my thoughts suddenly appeared in the Central Pavilion. I gulped and clumsily tried to fix my hair, using the fingers to comb the lost strands while Lance was engrossed in a conversation with Erika, laughing by his side.
"Hey, you" The girl gave me a sincere smile while Lance grabbed the nearest towel and threw it at my sweaty face not before smiling too. Jerk.
"Thank you, Lance.” I rolled my eyes seeking to restraint the smile of my own.
"Why are you training at this hour? It's too hot," asked Erika.
"The correct question would be why you are training and showing off at this hour." The dragon winked at me not before running his eyes over my bare chest.
I gulped for a second time and focused on the dumbbells on the ground, ignoring the warmth that settled in my chest and threatened to go down to my inner thigh. Yeah, it was indeed hot there.
"Well, it may be too hot for you both, but I enjoy the warmth." And while Erika simply didn't favour it, Lance was naturally more comfortable in cooler places. Disadvantages of being an ice dragon, I supposed. When the man opened up to the guardian and revealed his true nature, I was speechless.
It was a well-kept secret that not many knew and that such a closed-up person as Lance decided to give me that reliance meant the world for me. He didn't only trust me but wanted to show himself as he was. As the powerful and endangered being that he was. Keeping that secret all their lives made the twins wary of everyone, afraid of their reactions. But what I saw didn't frighten me. It made me want to know Lance more and unravel the person that hid behind that dense layer of steel and smugness.
"Oh come on, just admit it! You want to get tanned since summer is close!" Well, maybe that was another reason why I was training at this hour, but there was no way Erika was get away with it, so I hurled my towel, full of sweat, into my friend's face which made her grimace in disgust and Lance chortle.
"By the way, where's Valkyon? I need someone to back me up since apparently, you two have decided to bully me today." Valkyon had told Erika about his new nature as well. Before starting to hang out with the brothers, I didn't know much about the woman apart from her faelian condition, but we quickly befriended each other after spending time with the twins and meeting in several missions.
"He's been assigned to organize the armour's stock, so don't expect to hear from him in the next two hours," replied the brother.
Suddenly, a female elf popped next to us, most likely an acquaintance of the dragon. Her pink stare found Lance's, and she smiled sweetly at him as she spoke up
"The Obsidian Chief would like to meet with you. He's looking forward to discussing your promotion if you don't have any relevant matters at hand right now.”
"Yes, of course, just give me a moment." Lance turned to face me. "I came by to ask you if you're available after lunch. I've found some cool techniques in one of the books I'm reading and I thought you might be interested in learning them."
My chest tightened at the words, and after taking a deep breath I answered.
"Of course, I would love to." Lance parted from us undertaking to meet us at lunch with the rest. Normally, we would have lunch with Valkyon, Ezarel and Nevra, and sometimes Miiko, Yhkar and even Kero would join.
I sighed thinking about my last training with the Obsidian-Chief-to-be.
Lance was situated behind me, a firm hand holding my hip while the other grabbed my arm in a defensive position.
"You are doing it wrong. If anyone sees you with a posture like that one they'll mistake you for a novice lost on the battlefield. Let me teach you how to do it.”
I was painfully aware of my friend's figure pressed against my back. The warmth was sinking into my body, and I tried to think about pure things instead of embarrassing himself, but it was so difficult to focus on something else when his breath skimmed my ear and my butt was pressed against his-
"SNAP OUT OF IT, SCATTERBRAINED!" Erika brought me back from my memories with a hard slap to my head.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, VIOLENT MAD WOMAN?!" Geez, Erika could be really aggressive at times.
"I want to know what's going on with you" The young woman was directly looking at me with a clear stare. The kind of stare that made her violet eyes shine brighter. "And before you answer 'I don't know what you're talking about Erika, I'm perfectly fine' please, don't take me for a fool."
"I don't think you're a fool."
"I know something is going on with Lance. Every time he turns his back, you stare at him with that painful-but-loving look on your face and you sigh like he has taken your breath with him."
"I think you're a busybody."
"Come on, talk to me." I attempted to go away, but she grabbed my wrist. "I'm your friend. You know you can trust me."
"There's nothing to talk about. And nothing is going on with Lance either."
"Is it because you're both males? You know no one would-"
"It's not that!" I broke free from her grasp and finally addressed her. "I don't give a fuck if someone came insulting me or spitting shit on me or whatever. It just... It's Lance, we aren't talking about anyone." The problem wasn’t just that we were both males. It was far more complicated than that.
"And that means...?"
"It means he's a dragon. It means that apart from Valkyon, his race is extinct. He's born in a different league, and he shouldn't be with a male. He shouldn't be with me." I lost count of the times I wished Lance had been born as a female, or me, for that matter.
"You don't even know what he wants."
"I know what he deserves."
(But Erika didn't agree with him. Lance deserved someone that cared about him and not some random female that could give him offspring. And the guardian loved him. Deeply. She knew the second he met him he had a crush on Lance, and she could bet the dragon noticed as well. Come on, even Valkyon was aware of the guardian's feelings for his brother.
The one who didn't seem to realize Lance attempts to hit on him was the guardian. He was so dyed-in-the-wool that he didn't even consider the possibility that Lance could be interested in him as well. But she couldn't blame him: Lance himself was a mess of feelings.
The guardian wasn't wrong: Lance truly thought it was his duty to continue the legacy of his race, but he was conflicted between what he thought he had to do and what he desired, what meant taking one step towards his friend just to take two back. They were more and more miserable as each day passed and Erika couldn't stand seeing her loved ones like that.
What if they couldn't have offspring? Should they sacrifice their happiness just because they couldn't have kids? They love each other. They cared about each other. That should be enough.
But there was no use trying to convince them otherwise, so she did what she knew best: stick her nose into someone else's problems.
She conceived a plan to confront them: In three days, she would go on a mission. But at the last minute, she would remember that she had to deliver an urgent letter to Lance that he had to read immediately and she could ask the guardian to deliver it.
That way, when Lance opened the letter in front of the guardian, instead of coming across with an important document, he would find a text that said something of the sort "Actually, this whole thing was an excuse. I wanted to confess my feelings for you even if I didn't know how."
Yes, he would definitely kill her, but she wasn't going to sit in silence and watch how his possibilities of going out with Lance were decreasing each day, right? There were a lot of girls going after the twins, therefore if the guardian didn't hurry... Another one would do it.)
One morning, after I had accompanied Erika to the boat to wish her good luck in her mission and say goodbye, she let out an astonished gasp. "Oh no! I can't believe I forgot! Please, can you take this to Lance? It's something urgent, so tell him to open it the moment you give it to him!"
"I... Yes of course, do you know where he might be?"
After being told that at this hour he would probably be on the edge of the forest, I wasted no time and hurried up. Erika was a competent girl, but it wasn't a surprise that she sometimes forgot things like that. She could be hardworking and a mess with legs, but that made her more adorable.
I spotted the two brothers taking a stroll and conversating about something probably irrelevant since Valkyon seemed to be mocking his big brother. They were inseparable. Wherever Lance or Valkyon went, the other would tag along. It was truly heartwarming seeing how much they cared for and loved each other.
"Lance! Erika forgot to give you this." Both dragons instantaneously turned their heads to look at me, eyes clear and ready to listen to whatever I had to say. It was kind of funny to watch how seriously they take their roles. "She said that it was important and you should open it immediately."
When Lance opened the envelope, Valkyon took a step closer to his brother but after reading the first words, he squeezed his twin's shoulder and departed not saying a word.
When we were finally alone, Lance looked up to face me and muttered. "You finally came to talk about your feelings for me?"
Those eyes were clear as ice, and even though there was no trace of mockery, a heavyweight settled in my stomach. My...feelings for him? What the hell he was talking about?
I didn’t even say anything. I just gave the envelope that I had been tasked with and that was been all. At the sight of my confused mien, the dragon tended me to the letter.
I slowly took it, not leaving his eyes for a moment, and when he read I... My hands ripped it apart and tossed it somewhere in the woods without caring where it landed and hissed. "This was that busybody's doing!”
‘I wanted to discuss my feelings with you,’ she wrote.
I couldn't believe Erika had done that. It wasn't her affair and she had no right to meddle in someone else's business. How would she feel if I did that to her?
“Just... Look I'm sorry I can no-" The blood under my face was boiling, my whole body was boiling in shame and panic. I couldn't face him right now, I had to get the hell out of there.
I didn’t make it far before Lance gave me a firm grip on my wrist and said "Please, let's talk. This was my fault. I should have talked to you earlier, explain myself to you before anyone stuck their nose into this."
"What are we going to talk about, Lance?" I confronted him praying this new growing determination would not abandon me. "Do you want to talk about how you can't be with a male? How we are not meant to each other?"
"You know that's not true."
"Isn’t it?" I frowned and let a sad chuckle slip my lips. What a bastard. "You can't be with me, Lance. You deserve and want someone who can give you a family, that will bring you children, and I can't do that."
The dragon didn't so much talk. He couldn't say the proper words because I wasn't mistaken.
"There you have it." My voice cracked at the first word and I could have sworn something broke inside him as well seeing the gaze he gave me. "You may want me, but I'm not enough for you." Tears ran freely down my face like raindrops of a cold, cloudy day in winter. "Find a good mate, Lance. You have many admirers, so I don't think you'll have much trouble."
Lance couldn't stand it. He had never been a coward and that wouldn't be the first day he would start being one. He gently brought his hands to each side of his friend's arms and held him there. Firm but gently, he gripped him making sure he wouldn't go anywhere until he finished what the guardian deserved to hear.
"Look at me, please." Those eyes that were always full of love were hurt and sorrowful. He took a deep breath and let out his thoughts.
"I do not want you, I love you. You can not imagine how much I care about you and what your presence in my life means to me." His hands were slightly shaking. "You are right. I think that as a dragon, I must continue our legacy, but I have been unfair to you. I couldn't make up my mind, and I have hurt you."
The guardian started sobbing and one of the dragon's hands met his face to wipe his tears.
"You know, I've talked about this with Valkyon several times and I've realised my brother is right. I dese- We deserve to be happy. Together. Whether I can or cannot have offspring doesn't matter, it shouldn't be a duty and I shouldn't force that on you."
The guardian sobbed harder and embraced his beloved, feeling his hand on the head, the other arm gently stroking his back. Lance couldn't restrain a few silent tears of his own at the sight of the male whom he loved him as much as was loved by.
They will make it work, Lance could assure.
Do you have any requests? Feel free to stop by my ask box! But first, please read this.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Three part smut series about Leviathan and his blessing.
Pairing: Leviathan x MC (F)
Fandom: Obey Me.
Warning: Diphallia (Double Penis), female masterbation, double penetration, phone-call dirty talk.
Notes: A thank you to @theinariakuma​ for your help as always, I owe you so much.
Tagging: @darkfaerry, @otome-smut-queen, @0-miles-away, @rainbowscythe, @minteyedoll, @theshove, @thebestaqua32   [Part One here]
Part Two: Preparing.
The following morning was a tearful goodbye, her clinging to Levi in a tight hug. He stood proud in his military uniform, a few medals hanging off his right shoulder with his sergeant's cap on. Power and dominance pulsing from him, captivating the people around him. 
“I have to go now,” A gloved hand gently stroking her cheek, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear. Pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Take care of her for me,” He signalled to Lucifer, who was already putting his arm around her shoulder to take her back to the house of Lamentation. A smirk on Levi’s face to see the scowl of Lucifer at the red hickey glowing just above the collar of her shirt. He didn’t need to know about the lavender diamond at the base of her neck, his mark, his pact upon her skin just yet. Binding them souls and mind together, easing him to know when he was away he would still be able to be connected with her. 
 The couple already had their goodbyes before they left, Levithan wanting to uphold a professional standard in front of his comrades rather than a bawling wreck. But watching as Lucifer took her away from him, it still hurt. Watching his eldest brother slowly lead her away, taking a few steps up towards the remaining soldiers awaiting his command. 
“Wait- Levi!” A yell called out making him turn on the spot. The young girl bolting past the crowd of people towards him, Levithan catching her in his arms just in the nick of time. Holding her up as her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands buried in his hair knocking his cap to the floor as she kissed him deeply. “I love you,” whispered so softly over and over between kisses, both of them slightly losing themselves in the moment as his tongue slowly ran across her lower lip. A cough pulled them apart, a displeased Lucifer now back at their side with an unpleasant frown on his face. Impatiently tapping his foot as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
Placing her down, fingers brushed hair from her face, "No more tears." His lips pressed to her forehead. "I'll be back, I promise. I'll try to call before we head out on the waters." He gently drew her into his arms, the man having this air of confidence he never showed before. This wasn't her Otaku that she made red faced, this was the Grand Admiral. 
"I love you and I'll be back and I promise it'll be you and me." His fingers moved to draw her face up. "Think you can put a brave face on for me?".
She gave him a meek nod, sniffling slightly as he wiped away her tears. 
“Leviathan…” Lucifer respectably calling his name, “It’s time,”. 
"Look after my Normie for me." His fingers ran through her hair as he looked to Lucifer, "Make sure Mammon keeps his hands on my Normie."
Once again with his arm around her shoulder, Lucifer and the young woman watched amongst the crowd as he along with the row of soldiered demons disappeared into the base camp. Lucifer guided her to his car awaiting for them, one final glimpse over her shoulder to see the base he would be staying in for a few hours before leaving on boat for two weeks. Where and why she was unsure, Leviathan's role swearing him to secrecy over his position in case vital information was leaked into the wrong hands. Her eyes fell to the banged up car of his waiting for its owner's return, the car that Levi loved with all his heart. It would be fourteen days until it saw him once again, where she would be eagerly waiting for her beloved to return home.
“Ngh! Shit-” Gasped through deep breaths, one hand covering her mouth to try keep her noises at bay. A phallic shaped toy, roughly the same size of Levi, was pushed into her core. One hand around the base as she slowly pulled it all the way out before thrusting it back in, letting the grip of her walls pull back into her until it was fully hilted. Whilst she’d had sex before, this was by the thickest thing she’d ever taken. Thanking akuzon for discrete, next day delivery. She already felt so full with the toy inside her, but this was just the beginning. Wanting to prepare for her boyfriend's return, wanting to be able to take him, to take all of him. 
She gradually learned how to climax with the toy inside her, deep angled thrusts which quickened the closer she came to a release. Once she knew she could take the toy without much resistance, she slowly pushed her body to new limits.
Lubed fingers danced over her clit before pushing the tips into her core, being pressed inside with the toy. It was an uncomfortable stretch, one that took a few days to get used to until finally two fingers knuckle deep were inside her along with the plastic toy. She was no stranger to masterbating but this was a new level, taking climax after climax from herself when her fingers were replaced with a duplicate version of the toy inside her. Both of them hilted fully inside her as she took deep breaths. Hands and thighs coated in lube and release, stretched and prepped perfectly for Levi to return home in two days.  
Whilst away she had sent him teasing photos, a cheeky naked shower picture here, a peak of the lingerie she was wearing under his shirt before bed, a photo of two fingers glistening with release resting on top of her thigh. Each one had Levi red, hiding his D.D.D. from anyone else around him. Thanking a higher force that he had his own private room. 
He missed her terribly, her warmth, her scent, her laugh, everything. She was a ray of sunshine who brought light into his once lonely world. He was grateful for her entering his life, choosing him over his brothers to be with. Choosing him to hold her, to love her. Most of all he missed climbing into bed after a few hours of streaming, wrapping his arms around her waist as she automatically snuggled into him. Drifting in and out of sleep as she lay her head on his chest. Both lingering in the silence as they held each other. Leviathan unable to take his eyes off her peaceful form, intoxicated and smitten with the sleeping beauty beside him.
He’d been able to control his urges, savouring himself with a couple of releases. Always to the photos she’d sent him. Only on the last night, the night before he was supposed to come back, several phone calls had appeared on his phone. He’d just finished up on a meeting with several lieutenants about their strategy positions for the upcoming deploy on certain fleets. He just entered his room when he saw a phone call come across the screen. Noticing it was his beloved and that he had several missed calls, he answered. He didn't expect to hear a moan when he answered. 
"Baby” His voice was low, enjoying the sound of her. It was a blessing during this trip, the signal was too weak at sea to communicate in anything more than texts or images. 
"N-no. You weren't s-suposed to..." Her words cut off as her voice trembled, the tell tale whine her voice reached when she had a steady climax. "..answer..." Her breathing was heavy. "I wanted too… oh fuck.. surprise you, officer".
"Normie… You’re making me so hard… Let me help--" 
It took everything for her to hang up the phone on him. Another call instantly came through, Leviathan clicking decline as soon as the red button appeared, a voicemail joining the others flashing up a few seconds later. 
This was the first time he’d heard her soft voice since leaving, watching videos of the two of them whilst messing in his room or in Devildom was not the same as having a conversation. Both of his cocks already standing to attention at just hearing her voice, the whimpers she made gave a clear indication to what she was doing. 
He was already in bed, the small bottle of lube he brought with him, two strong squirts onto his hands as he rubbed him over his two lengths. One hand free he clicked on the first voicemail and he was not expecting what came through.
‘I miss you so much… Your touches, your kisses… You're so good to be Levi. So good. Fuck…’ A sigh that he recognised left her lips, ‘I’m so wet just thinking about you… about all of you… I can’t wait for you to, oh, come home’. She described to him in every detail what she was doing, describing and surprising him using one of the toys on herself. Fucking herself over the phone to him.
‘I wish this toy was you… It’s so thick… I wish it was you fucking me...Ngh! Levi…’ He’d heard and made her climax before, bringing her to them with his tongue or fingers but the way she came alive over the phone. The desire and need clear in her voice as words began to falter, trembling moans growing louder and more frequent. The pitch of her voice raising as she came, strings of ‘Oh’s, fuck’s and Levi’ repeated like a lewd prayer. 
 Both of his cocks in the palm of his hands, stroking them to the heavenly noises she made until he couldn’t hold back. His climax hitting him hard as he came at the same time as she did, making a mess over his chest, hands and sheets. The voicemails being replayed over and over until finally he was spent and his cocks began to soften. 
A carnal desire being lit inside him, the urge to get home had never been so desperate.
[Part 3]
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❁ Kinktober (18+)
❁ Masterlist (18+)
❁ Smut Drabble, Prompts and Giveaway (18+)
543 notes · View notes
viatagrinner · 3 years
Our new beginning. Kagemaru
Key: thoughts, narration, speech
The heroine and Oboro bought dango and return to hideout the Senkitai.
Oboro grinning at MC mischievously:
"But are you sure I'm the one you should've asked to go with you?"
МC: What do you mean?
Oboro: Wouldn't you preferred, say... Kagemaru? He is kind of your boyfriend.
(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?)
МС: Mmm, how should I put it?
If I'm completely honest, my relationship with Kagemaru is still a bit of a mystery to me.
(Somehow we've kissed, but we've never outright admitted how we feel about each other. I just can't tell what that guy is thinking.)
MC: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend…
Oboro: Huh? But Kagemaru himself said you guys are dating.
МС: That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked. I mean, there are still Ayakashi who can't stand human coming and going as they please.
Oboro: You sure about that? You really sure?
Oboro pouts, looking dissatisfied.
Oboro: I think you really caught Kagemaru's eye, MC.
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MC: What?
Oboro: He's the kind of guy who knows what he wants. If he didn't actually like you, he wouldn't call you 'his girl' even for the sake of a lie.
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(You think?)
A feeling of warmth blossoms within my chest.
Oboro: You're a great catch, Airi. You should be more confident in yourself.
Oboro declares, his gaze moving toward my hair: Oh yeah, that ribbon you're wearing is different from the one you usually wear.
MC: Oh, uh. Yeah, I bought it a little while ago.
Oboro: It's really pretty. Now Kagemaru's bound to fall in love with you all over again, huh?
MC: Th-That's not why I bought it!
Half-amused, half-frustrated by Oboro's comments, the two of us arrive at the Senkitai's hideout. We head underground and Oboro begins to lead me toward his room. Along the way, we run into a familiar face.
Oboro: Oh, Kagemaru.
Kagemaru: ......
My eyes meet his and for a second he looks startled.
Kagemaru: "Back again, are ya?"
(Same old, same old. )
Oboro: Huh? Kagemaru! What kind of way to speak to your girlfriend is that? Look, she came all the way over here just to see you---
Mc: A-And that's enough outta you, Oboro! Shall we be on our way?
Hiding my disappointment, I urge Oboro along.
Kagemaru: Oi.
To my shock, Kagemaru grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.
MC: Um?
Kagemaru: .......
We're mere inches apart, his hand reaching toward my cheeks.
(What's going on? In the middle of a hallway? Really?)
His hand brushes past my cheeks and continues to reach for my ribbon, undoing it with a rustle.
Kagemaru: What're ya wearin' somethin' as scruffy as this for?
MC: Come again?
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
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(What's wrong with my ribbon? Meanie ).
Embarrassed at mistaking his gesture for even a second, I blush red.
Kagemaru: Guess ya don't give me much of a choice. I'll go get---
MC: .......
Filled with a rage I can't quite understand, I push him away as hard as I can.
Kagemaru: !
MC: Sorry, Oboro. I'm going home.
Oboro: W-Wait!
I ignore Oboro's pleas for me to stay and head straight back outside again, leaving them both behind me.
Several days later.
(Oh, that hairpin is beautiful!)
During a shopping trip in Asakusa, a hairpin on display in front of a store catches my eye.
(It's really stunning. There's something special about it.)
I instinctively draw closer for a better look, the display having caught my full attention.
(They're so pretty and sophisticated. No way anyone would ever call them scruffy.)
Kagemaru: Yer supposed to be the boss' girl 'round these parts. If yer comin' to see me, ya can at least dress the part.
•••••End Flashback•••••
(Looks like what he said about me is still on my mind.)
A mixture of frustration and anger welling up inside of me, I bite my lip.
Man: ......
I sense someone approaching my side - out of the corner of my eye it appears to be a man wearing a cap.
Man: ......
He snatches one of the hairpins and quickly scarpers.
(A thief?!)
Mc: W-Wait!
Bewildered by what I just witnessed, I go to chase after him.
Man: Hey, you're in my way!
Man: !?
A woman adorned in a kimono grabs him by the arm, twisting it.
Man: That hurts!
Yuzuru: My, what a gorgeous hairpin.
Catching a glimpse of the hairpin the man is clinging onto, Yuzuru beams.
Yuzuru: And yet it seems so wasted on a scruffy old pickpocket like you.
Passersby take note of the scene and come to a halt, raising their protests.
Onlooker 1: Hey!
Onlooker 2: You get'em, Ma'am!
(She's so cool!)
Not long afterward, the thief is taken in by the police and dragged away.
Hairpin Shopkeeper: Thanks a million, Yuzuru. That guy's a thief who's been stealing what he can from around here lately. I don't know how many times he's targeted my shop.
Yuzuru: As if I could stand the thought of such a gorgeous hairpin in the hands of a slimy creep like that.
Yuzuru goes to hand back the hairpin, but the shopkeeper shakes her head: No, I want you to have it. Consider it my thanks.
Yuzuru: My! You sure about that?
Hairpin Shopkeeper: It's the least I can offer! Considering what you just did for me.
Yuzuru: …Very well. Don't mind if I do.
Yuzuru thanks the shopkeeper, then turns toward me with a smile on her face.
Yuzuru: .....
Several moments later, I'm leaving the shop with Yuzuru - or rather, Kagemaru dressed as his alter ego.
MC:  Um, are you heading to work?
Yuzuru: Oh, not today. I'm in town to pick up a little rouge for my lips.
(She's a million miles away from Kagemaru!)
(Also, I didn't realize she was still entertaining people as a geisha.)
I'm so shocked by the transformation that I'm practically lost for words.
Bar Goer 1: Hey, you two pretty ladies over there!
Two men call out to us from a nearby stall, raising their drinks at us.
MC: Um. Yuzuru…
Bar Goer 1: Whoa, you two really are something.
Bar Goer 2: What do you say we buy you a drink?
With that, Yuzuru suddenly grabs my arm.
Yuzuru: Read the room, boys.
She pulls me up against her, making sure the two men get a bird's eye view of the situation.
Bar Goer 2: Wait! What?
Yuzuru: Can't you tell? We're having plenty of fun just the two of us. And we don't need any men around to interfere.
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Bar Goer 1: ...Huh?
Yuzuru: Shall we?
Yuzuru and I pass by the bewildered men, still arm in arm.
(When I first laid eyes on Yuzuru, I was struck by how beautiful she was.)
I can feel my heart start to thump as we walk along together, still pressed right up against one another.
(Yuzuru's the perfect definition of a girl crush. She's so cool and gorgeous you can't help but fall for her!)
(I mean, I know she's really Kagemaru on the inside, but still!)
(I can't even tell if it's Yuzuru or Kagemaru making my heart flutter this much anymore.)
(But I like it.)
(I hope we can stay like this for a bit longer.)
Yuzuru: Sorry about that, Miss.
When the two men are no longer in sight, Yuzuru finally goes to let go of me.
MC: Wait, um!
I keep my arm wrapped around hers and squeeze, not letting her do so.
MС: There's somewhere I'd like to go with you!
I job a finger toward the same Japanese sweets parlor that Oboro and I visited the other day.
Yuzuru: Hah?
Yuzuru: Why'd ya want me to---
For a second, Kagemaru slips back into his usual self, but, conscious of passersby, quickly clams up.
MC: You don't have work today, right? So you can spend some time with me!
I take Yuzuru's hand and start to lead her into the sweets parlor.
We take a seat and I excitedly pour over the menu.
Yuzuru: .....
Yuzuru: …Someone looks like they're having a good time.
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(Ah. She might be mad.)
MC: Well, it's not every day a chance like this comes along...
Yuzuru: …I suppose.
At first, there's a slight hint of irritation in Kagemaru's eyes.
Shopkeeper: Here you go!
Yuzuru: Thanks, doll.
Yuzuru aims a dazzling smile at the shopkeeper as they deliver our sweets.
(Yuzuru really is stunning.)
(Boy, girl, it doesn't even matter. That kind of beauty is ethereal.)
I spend an afternoon captivated by Yuzuru's beauty while enjoying the delicious sweets.
By the time we leave the shop, it's already evening.
MC: I had a really great time today. Thanks for humoring me.
Yuzuru: Oi.
I say my thanks, about to leave when Yuzuru grabs me by the arm.
MC: Huh?
Yuzuru: Ya made me go along with that act for long enough. Ya think I'm jus' gonna let ya wander off home by yerself?
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Yuzuru starts pulling me along surprisingly in the direction of my own house.
(Is she walking me home? Is that it?)
I look up at her from my side and she stops in her tracks. I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle.
MC: What is it?
Yuzuru: Turn around.
I do as I'm told, my back toward her, when I feel her undoing my hair ribbon and running her fingers through my hair.
I feel a rustle as she fixes my hairstyle. She finishes off by adorning my new look with the hairpin she received earlier as thanks.
MC: Oh wow! Thank you so much!
Yuzuru: So ya don't complain when it's Yuzuru, do ya?
I hear the faint click of a tongue and something soft brush my neck. In my shock I turn around.
MC: Um?!
Yuzuru: Ah well. Might work out for the best.
(Was that a kiss just now? And that smile…)
Yuzuru: Yer beloved Yuzuru will have ya trained in no time.
Yuzuru: She'll make ya into exactly the kinda woman fit for the head of the Senkitai.
MC: Train me?
Without giving me a chance to refuse, Yuzuru's face comes closer, her lips against my ear.
Yuzuru: I'll show you how to make the most of your feminine charm.
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MC: !
Her voice is so alluring and seductive that I'm already shivering in anticipation.
(I can't let my guard down around Yuzuru anymore than I can Kagemaru…)
I tell myself as heat gathers in my cheeks from how intimately close she's standing…
1. The heroine's pansexuality is proven.
I want to note that MС used the pronoun "she" in relation to Yuzuru, although she knows that this is Kagemaru's alter ego. It's great that a girl accepts her partner as he/she is.
2. It's great that we decided to show Yuzuru. Now I am interested in the attitude of the heroine's father to Yuzuru/Kagemaru.
3. Oboro is the best family psychologist. When a 12-year-old child is better versed in relationships than adults. I think it's time for this boy to start a psychological practice.
4. A little criticism.
The relationship between the heroine and Kagemaru at the very beginning of the story was a little annoying.
I understand that the heroine is 15 years old, that in these years the girl wants romance and showing feelings.
Therefore, there were such phrases and such thoughts:
"(Is that how the rest of the Senkitai see us?) Mc: See, he's not exactly my boyfriend… That was just a tactic to ensure I'd be able to come and go around here without any questions being asked".
The girl doesn't understand that not everyone can or wants to flaunt their feelings.
It is clear that Kagemaru wanted to help, but it looked so toxic. In the role of Yuzuru, Kagemaru is more affectionate and understanding. He could learn from his alter ego how to communicate with young girl. 😄
Yuzuru showed herself better as a partner than Kage.
I hope that in the next sonnet/event, the couple will understand how to communicate with each other.
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axwalker · 3 years
Bad Timing: Kismet
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairing: Drake Walker x Alexis O’Brien (MC) 
Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is escaping a terrible past. After months of running  she settles  in Cordonia where she meets Drake at the bar where she works and they spend a passionate night together. 
What happens when a one-night-stand turns into unexpected parenthood? 
This chapter
WORDS: 3,890 🙊
POV: Dual 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: None for this chapter. In the future, mentions of domestic violence, and explicit sex scenes. 
A/N: I apologize for any grammatical errors. 
I switch between Drake’s and Alexis’ POV several time in this chapter. I hope it’ll be clear enough!
 After a one-hour bus ride and a 20-minutes walk, I finally find the correct address. When I reach the massive iron gates, I punch in the code Mr. Beaumont’s assistant gave me on the phone and gape as the extensive estate comes into view when I walk through. Acres and acres of super green grass littered with pines surround the massive house in the distance. The closer I get, the more I feel like a foreigner. This might have been my world once, but my new reality couldn’t be further apart from all this luxury. I have fifty dollars left in my wallet, an eviction notice back in my 200 square foot studio, and to top it all, the worst freaking headache I’ve had in my life. Talk about a bad streak. Ironically, I’m happier than I’ve been in years. My life belongs to me; I don’t have to live in constant fear and –most importantly, I’m free. Unattached. I want to do a lot of things with my life, and no one will stop me. That’s worth the worst headache in the world or a few money problems. 
I ring the bell, and a gorgeous woman opens the door. Her deep blue eyes scowl at me when I smile at her. 
“Who are you looking for?” She doesn’t ask as much as she barks the question. 
“Eh,” I haven’t been called shy a single day of my life, but her attitude it’s messing with the positive vibes I had coming up here. “I’m looking for Mr. Bertrand Beaumont from Beaumont Caterings.”
 “This door is for house guests only. The help,” she says the word as if it tastes bad in her mouth, “must go around the house and ring the bell back there.” She’s about to close the door right in my face when two hot guys come to the door. Seriously, what do people eat in this country? 
“Penelope, what are you doing answering the door like a simple maid? Where is Jessa?” 
Penelope rolls her eyes. “She had to leave early. She said she asked you for the afternoon off.”
The older man nods as, the younger one grins at me. “We can discuss Jessa’s schedule later, Bertie. Please, come in, Ms.?” He asks me, still smiling. 
“Ortiz. Alexis Ortiz.” I grin back, instantly liking the man with the kind blue eyes. “I’m here for the catering job.” 
“I’m Maxwell Beaumont. This is my brother Bertrand—the owner and Penelope Brim, one of our party planners.”
I follow them to a huge office and give Bertrand the resumé I printed at the internet place next to my building.  
“Is this all true?” He asks after a quick read.
I nod my head.
“Are you sure, Ms. Ortiz? It says here that you were working as a bartender, a barista, and a waitress in a very exclusive French restaurant, all at the same time.”
Penelope gives me a dismissive glare. “She’s obviously lying. That isn’t even possible. Unless she’s iniquitous.” 
I know better than to interrupt a potential employer, even worse if it’s to correct them, but this woman is grating on my nerves. Plus, I had a lifetime of keeping my head down with Matt, and I just don’t have the patience for this kind of crap anymore. And she called me a liar. Hell no.
“No, Ms. Brim, I’m not ubiquitous.” Maxwell snorts, and I swear the other guy, Bertrand, smiles behind my CV. I refrain from telling her what iniquitous actually means because I do need this job. “I worked as a barista in a Starbucks from 5 to 11 am. Then as a waitress at “Clair de Lune” from 12 to 6 pm. Finally, as a bartender in an Irish pub from 7 to midnight or 2 am, depending on the day. You can call any of those places and see I’m not lying.” Just please, God, don’t ask for my papers.
Maxwell reads the resumé when Bertrand gives it to him. “Do you speak French and Spanish as well?”
I shrug. “I love languages, and I grew up in a house where my mom and grandmother only spoke Spanish. I learned French in school. I had an amazing teacher.” 
Maxwell and Bertrand look at each other. The older brother, a younger, sterner version of Hugh Jackman, clears his throat. “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Ortiz. Two of our waiters are absent, and tomorrow we’ll be catering to one of the most important events of the year. If everything in your resume is true, you can start training today --paid of course, and start working tomorrow.”
Paid training? Despite my throbbing head, I want to scream with happiness. “Everything is true.”
“That’s settled then. Penelope, please, darling, show Ms. Ortiz the kitchens and the ballroom. You can ask Naomi to train her for tonight. You know Regina, and she’ll want everything to go as smooth as possible.” 
“Right.” Penelope turned at me with an uptight smile. “Come with me.” 
I turn and beam at Maxwell, who’s giving me a thumbs up. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.” 
Bertrand shakes his head. “Don’t thank me yet, Ms. Ortiz. Just do an impeccable job.” He glances at my Vans. “And for the love of God, only heels tomorrow.” 
I nod and follow Penelope down the hallway. 
 “This is why you ditch your friends who get hitched to a relationship,” I grumble, sitting in my chair. 
“He’s five minutes late,” Liam says. 
Leo shakes his head. “Well, I want a goddamn drink. How come I can’t order one until he gets here?” 
Liam pinches the bridge of his nose. “You two are acting like children. You can wait five minutes.” 
“Maybe, but I need something, and fast.” 
“Ah, there they are,” Max exclaims, hands clasped together, staring at us. “My boys.” Jesus Christ. Liam is scooped into a hug and then set back in his chair. 
From over Liam’s head, Max points at me and shakes his finger. “Come here; you handsome Walker bastard.” 
I hold up my hand. “I’m good.”
 “Nope.” He shakes his head. “You don’t get to pass up Max’s snuggles.” Before I can move, he swoops to his knees, pulls me into a hug. . . and nuzzles. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Beaumont?” I ask, my voice strong as I try to push him away. 
“You smell like heaven,” he says, chuckling. No one likes to fuck with me as much as Maxwell Beaumont does. Unfortunately for me, he’s one of my best friends, and the bastard is well aware of it. 
“Get out of here.” I palm his face and push him away. 
Leo laughs. “Come on, man, you know Walker is a sour bastard.” 
With another laugh, Maxwell retreats to his seat, unbuttons his jacket, and sits down. Hands-on the table, he looks between us and declares, “I’m in love.” 
Christ. “We know,” Liam and I say at the same time, irritation heavy in our voices. Leo just rolls his eyes as he looks for a waiter. 
Maxwell has only been dating Rashad for a few weeks, so it’s no surprise he’s like this—a hopeful idiot with a relentless smile. Hell, he’s been in love with the man for years. It took him a really, really long time to finally make a move. He adjusts his tie as he says, “You don’t have to be rude about it. I’m just sharing. Isn’t that what this is all about? Sharing?” 
“Sharing? I thought this was about drinking as much as possible and hooking up with a hot waitress,” Leo says, flagging down our waiter. 
When he arrives, I talk above the guys and quickly say, “Macallan, neat.” 
“Dalmore, on the rocks, please,” Liam says, and Leo orders the same. 
When the waiter turns to Max, he rubs his stomach and says, “You know, a hot cocoa would be perfect right now.”
 What the actual fuck? “No.” I step in. “He’ll have an Old Fashion. Thanks.” A little confused and probably slightly disturbed, he takes off as Max complains. 
“Hey, I really wanted a hot cocoa.” 
“Not happening. First, because they don’t serve hot cocoas here and second because we’re supposed to be out drinking, Beaumont. And you fucking love Old Fashions. You order one every damn time. Stop complaining.” 
“Sheesh.” Maxwell unfolds his napkin and sets it on his lap. “What’s up your ass?” 
“Nothing.” I push my hand through my hair. 
“It’s a girl.” Leo smirks, causing Liam and Max to practically jump out of their seats.
“A girl?” Liam cocks his eyebrow. “Surely not Drake --permanent bachelor, Walker. My fucking heart can’t take it.” 
Fucking Leo. “It’s not what Leo is making it out to be.” 
“He met her two months ago, and he’s been thinking about her ever since. Magical pussy right there.”
“I swear, Leo; I don’t care for how long we’ve been friends, next time you talk about her like that, I’ll personally break that shit-eat grin off your face”
The clown raises his arms. “I rest my case.”
 “What?” Max’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. “Drake Walker doesn’t get attached, and he doesn’t duel his friends for a girl.” 
Jesus. Thankfully the waiter brings our drinks at that moment, so I have a second to compose myself. 
“You slept with her?” Liam asks after a swig of Dalmore. He’s been in a stable relationship with Hanna Lee for a year now. Once the most popular guy on school, he now spends his Friday nights curled up with her watching Netflix. I can’t even remember the last time he went out with us. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. The only reason this fuckhead is bringing it up it’s because I went looking for her, and he saw it.” There I said it. Better me than Leo fucking Rys. 
Max and Liam exchange a look, but Max seems too stunned to talk, so Liam asks. “You did what?”
I chug my whiskey and ask for another one. “I don’t know why. I just …” Tired of this fucking conversation, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We had a great time. That’s all.”
 “How come Leo knows about this girl, and I don’t?” Liam complains. 
Max complains too. “Dude, you know I’m the romantic one. Leo over here has a brick for a heart, and Li is too busy. You need to discuss these things with me.” 
“I don’t have a brick for a heart,” Leo says, surprisingly offended. 
“No, you’re just still hung up on Maddie,” I say with a smirk. He shifts in his chair but doesn’t say anything. What does it feel, Rys? 
“So . . . who is the girl?” Maxwell asks. 
For fuck’s sake. I might as well get it over with. “I’m going to say one last time that I’m not interested in her anymore, so before your little hearts starts beating wildly for playing cupid, it’s not going to happen.” 
In a snarky tone, Leo replies, “Well, of course, it’s not. She left the country. Are you that bad, Walker? Because I can give you a tip or two.” He’s so fucking annoying. 
“Oh.” Max sighs, disappointed.  
Leo elbows his brother and says, “He hasn’t slept with anyone since.” 
And there it is. The real reason why Leo is worried about this. He lost his wingman. “I’m not an animal, Leo. It’s not the first time in my life that I go two months without fucking. I’m not you. Anyway, all this is pointless. She’s gone.” 
My friends grew up with me, so they know when it’s time to stop pushing. Max interrupts the silence that follows because nothing makes little Beaumont more uncomfortable than a gap in the conversation. “Everything is ready for the party tomorrow night. The thirtieth anniversary of Rys Corporation will be a success.” 
Liam nods. “Regina talked with Hana this morning. It’s the first anniversary since I took over as CEO. I need everything to be perfect.” 
“What about the staff, Max?” Leo asks, smiling. Having sex at every anniversary party is a personal challenge of his. 
“We actually hired someone today. She’s gorgeous.” He turns his head at Leo. “But she’s off-limits.” Leo smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. “I mean it, dude. Bertrand said he’s tired of looking for new waitresses. Two quit yesterday morning when they found out that the event was for Rys corporation.”  
“Hey, I never lie. It’s not my fault if they think I’ll call them anyway.” 
“Whatever, just don’t mess with her. Plus, I got to talk to her after her training today. She’s super nice. She’s Am--. Wait.” He says when his phone chimes up. “Sorry, boys. It was a text from Penelope. Apparently, the Chablis hasn’t been delivered yet. I have to call Joelle before I lose my big brother over a wine crisis. See you all tomorrow.” He finishes his cocktail and stands up. 
Liam stands up too. “I should go home too. Han arrived today from Hong Kong.” 
Leo checks his phone. “Wait, Li. I’ll go with you. I have a date with this girl I met last night at Kismet. Do you want to come, man?” He asks me. “I’m sure she has a friend she can introduce you.”
I shake my head. “I’ll finish my whiskey and head home. See you all tomorrow.”
It was only one fucking night. Why can’t I get her out of my head? 
It’s maddening. Or maybe it is a blessing. If I’m still thinking about her after one night, imagine how bad I’d have it after several. It’s best that she stays far the fuck away from me. I’m not interested in long-term attachments of any kind.  I don’t want to think about Lexie Ortiz, but she’s infected my brain. The sound of her teasing laugh haunts me.
And I can’t deny it; it was one hell of a night.
 “This is a single girl’s paradise.” 
“No,” I grimace, trying to clean the spilled tomato sauce from my shirt. “Paradise would be a tropical beach with a hot cabana boy giving us free massages... and an endless supply of piñas Coladas.” Naomi laughs, the sound almost lost in the chaos of the kitchen. Chefs shouting orders, Penelope and Bertrand panicking, plates being dropped—the world of catering is a noisy business. 
“Cabana boys may have hot smoking bodies and virility, Lex, but they lack two essential qualities: prestige and money.” 
“So, what you’re saying is that you’d prefer an old limp dick over a young hard one? Interesting,” I answer, teasing her. 
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, smart ass. I’m saying I’d take a solid bank account over a solid dick. Think about it—with all that money, he could never fuck me at all, and I couldn’t care less. And I’d be treated properly. Rich guys know how to treat a lady.” 
“Trust me on this, Naomi. Money has absolutely nothing to do with how a man treats a woman.” I should know. “In any case,” I retort, grabbing another tray of drinks, “if you’re looking for old rich guys, there are tons of opportunities out there.” I laugh at the dreamy look on her face, partly because it’s hilarious and partly because I know she’s kidding. After my training last night, she invited me to her house, where I met Theo, her little boy. He’s eight years old and the absolute love of her life. 
“Speaking of fucking,” she says, her eyes sparkling, “did you see the Rys brothers? One of them is taken, but the other two are single and oh so yummy. Especially the tall and brooding one. I’ll kill for those smoldering brown eyes looking right at my soul” 
I snort. “You really should stop reading romance novels, Nao. And yes. I served one of them and his girlfriend champagne earlier, but he was blond and didn’t have smoldering, brooding eyes. I thought they were only two brothers, though.”
“Well, technically, yes. But Constantine Rys --the super-rich owner of Rys Corporation-- adopted two other kids. A boy and a girl. They all grew up together.” She uncorks several champagne bottles as she speaks.
Now that my uniform is clean, I grab one of the Veuve Clicquot bottles and help her pouring the cold liquid into the glasses on our trays. “How do you know all of that?”
“I’m Cordonian, girl. The Rys siblings are almost royalty in this country. The one that is not an actual Rys is the one with the smoldering eyes. He doesn’t work for the company, though. He’s a … a vet, I think.”  
A veterinarian like Drake. My stupid heart flutters when I think about him. 
“Do we pay you to work or to gossip, ladies?” Penelope screams from the kitchen door. 
Naomi and I roll our eyes and grab our refilled trays. 
“This is a huge night for Liam,” Regina says behind her champagne glass. Constantine has been telling everyone, especially her, that he’s ready and happy to retire, but she knows him better than anyone. Leaving Rys Corporation and pass the torch to Liam is much more difficult for Constantine than he cares to admit.  
“It’ll be all right, Regina. Don’t worry. Liam is more than ready to handle the responsibility.”
She throws a glance at Liam, who’s standing a few feet behind me next to his dad. “I just hope he doesn’t forget that his personal life is equally important. He and Hana work too hard.” 
I’m about to answer when one of the waitresses distracts me. Her back is turned to me, so I can’t see her face, but there is something incredibly familiar about the way she moves. She’s passing drinks amongst Regina’s friends. I want to go and see who she is, but Liam catches my eyes across the room.  We exchange a look, one that we’ve exchanged several times over our lives. It was Liam and me when we were younger, walking into his father’s office after getting into a fight at school. It was the two of us when we came home late, and his parents were waiting in the living room as we walked in, drunk. It was the two of us when we wrecked Leo’s new Porsche when we were sixteen, and right now, I know he needs me. Constantine is a great father, but he has too many expectations for his younger son. Liam needs a break. 
Regina sees the exchange and smiles. “Liam’s very lucky to have you, Drake.” She is not our biological mother, but she loves all of us as if she was. And she’s more my mother than Bianca Walker will never be.  
A couple of men look at me, and I try to remember if I should know them from somewhere. I think they’re both on the board of directors at RC. As much as I love the Rys, I will never get used to this shit. Socializing and pretending to like a bunch of people that annoy the fuck out of me. Ignoring them, I make my way to my best friend. Liam is standing with his hands in his pockets, looking serious and put together like the CEO of the largest company in Cordonia should. 
“I think it’s going well,” he says as I approach. “Father was driving me crazy with all his advice.” 
“It’s not only the anniversary of the company, Li. It’s also his first one as the former CEO. It’s normal he feels out of place.” 
Liam nods. “I know. I just wish he’ll trust me more.”
“He does, Liam. He’s just nervous.”
 I’m cut short by Liam’s grin. His gaze slides right behind me and lights up. 
“Would either of you like a glass of champagne?” a female, very familiar voice nearly whispers behind me. 
“I’m good,” Liam answers, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “How about you, Drake?”
 I turn around, and my heart skips a beat. Soft curves, tanned skin, and a few freckles across the bridge of her nose. The brightest, most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. Alexis Ortiz tucks a strand of her rich brown hair behind her ear and takes a deep breath. Her eyes widen, and I see she recognizes me but doesn’t mention it. Instead, a faint smile ghosts her luscious lips, and she lifts her chin like she has a secret she won’t tell. A secret we share. Her gaze remains on Liam, almost like she’s afraid to look my way. Finally, she turns to me, and when she does, an adorable blush color her cheeks. 
“Would you, uh, sir?” she asks, taking half a step backward. 
“Would I what?” I press, enjoying too much the way her cheeks turn even pinker. 
“Would you like a drink?” The words leave her lips fast like she wants to pronounce them and run away. I take a step towards her, remembering the night she spent in my arms and how damn perfect she felt. I know I make her nervous because I see little goosebumps erupting on her soft skin.  I smirk at her. “That depends on what you’re offering.”
 I shouldn’t be toying with her, but I can’t help it. I want to keep her talking, to watch her reactions, to see that sweet smile again.  
“I don’t have much to offer,” she says, a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Unless you like champagne, sir.” She emphasizes the last word.
“I like all sorts of things.” I keep my gaze heavy against hers, not allowing her to look away. She fidgets with her tray and swallows hard but never takes her eyes off mine, too rebellious to look away. The longer our eyes match, the hotter my body becomes. She bits her delicious bottom lip slowly, her dark gaze boring into mine. 
“Is that so?” Liam laughs beside me, and I watch her jump like she forgot he was there. Alexis clears her throat and glances around the room. She turns back to us again, this time a practiced smile on her face. The easy grin and soft laugh are both gone. She wants to get away from me, I can feel it, and I understand. She’s working; it wouldn’t be professional. This is not the time or the place to reconnect. Unfortunately for her, I have other plans.
“Gentlemen ...” With a nod, Alexis walks away as fast as possible. She doesn’t look back, but I watch her until she’s out of sight. 
“What was that?” Liam snickers, loosening his gray silk tie. “I thought you were going to jump on her.” 
I rub my thumb over my lip, still surprised as hell.
“That was Alexis, the girl I met a couple of months ago. Now, if you excuse me, Li, I need to go talk to Bertrand.”  
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