#the second dick is based off his design from the Harley Quinn series!
literarymerritt · 1 year
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Some Dick pics 💙
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fipindustries · 7 years
           So there we go, my first, full novel, entirely written in English. I did it.
There is a crack in the world originated from three or four very basic seeds, eventually many others were incorporated, so many so granular that I wouldn’t be able to keep track of them all, but the basic ideas and characters have easy to track roots.
           The three sisters were the first thing I came up with, way, way back in 2012/2013 and from the sisters the first one I came up with was Telescopica. Yes, that’s right, Telescopica was the first character from this story I invented and she was based on the design of the main character from the tv show Fringe, if you want to know how she would look IRL, she is basically a hardcore version of Anna Torv. Later came Harmonica and she was based on Martha Wayne in the short batman story made for the flashpoint event where Martha was the joker. The common thread between both of them (and what ultimately decided they would be together in the same story) was the fact that they both were female characters I didn’t often see back then and that I thus wanted to tackle. One, the stoic professional hero, the badass, not in the rough and tough Michelle Rodriguez kind of way, but more of the slick professional John Wick kind, I basically wanted to write r63!agent-47. The other was female joker, which is a far different beast than Harley Quinn, I didn’t want the cutesy, quirky, lol I’m so evil that can be redeemed by the right dick, or worse, misconstrued as an anti-hero. I wanted a truly detestable and threatening maniac, I wanted someone off-putting, someone people could truly hate. I’m not entirely sure I succeeded in this last regard.
          I had these designs and ideas for characters yet nothing concrete at the time, but then I read one book: the gunslinger, the first book in the dark tower saga, and boom. I had my idea for a premise. One chases the other on a dystopian world, simple, effective powerful. They are batman and the joker, they are Javert and Valjean, they are Tom and Jerry, but more than all of that, they were sisters. I think this vision I had of them (and of the world they inhabited) really solidified itself when I saw for the first time the trailer for Bioshock infinite, the one with the “Beast” song from Nico Vega. The thing about that song is that it came in two versions, an acoustic one and an electric one, and the relation between both versions reflects pretty well the relation between both sisters. One is calm and introspective, the other is chaotic and loud, yet they are both the same degree of fucked up. They are about the beast of America and how we are not going down like this. Give them a listen and pretend they are both sung by their respective characters.
           But that was not enough; I had a layout for the basic premise, right? One chases the other in a dystopian world, but what happens during the chase? Why is one chasing the other? How did the chase start, and more importantly, how will it end? I didn’t have answers for this, all I had was a shitty, unfinished comic (that would later be cannibalized and turned into chapter one of this story) that I couldn’t finish because back then I hadn’t figured out yet what kind of paper to use for proper inking. Hell, I didn’t even have names for them! And then, as always, math was the answer.
           I was doing Calculus II in college (and failing at it pretty hard) and we were studying numerical series, about their formulas and about how to tell when they diverged and when they converged. And so I came across a few really cool words: the telescopic series, the harmonic series and the geometric series. OBVIOUSLY I had to use them as names. But see, these are three words, and I only had two characters, so the next logical step was to come up with a third one. And this character was going to be even cooler than the other two because this one was going to be the mysterious one, this was going to be the white ranger, as it where, this was going to be Jacob from LOST, this was going to be that one character that was constantly going to be alluded to but always kept in the shadows until the very end, and once revealed the character was going to remain aloof and strange. And her name was going to be Geometrica, the oldest sister.
          Originally Geometrica was supposed to be “good”, in as much as she wasn’t going to be a psychopathic manipulator. She was supposed to be the Zen one, not evil like Harmonica, nor as obsessed as Telescopica. She was the middle ground. The calm one, the one who was supposed to be above it all. But then I started watching Hannibal.
           Now my big problem with Hannibal is that season two, and SPECIALLY any scene with Gillian Anderson, is a fucking slog, they are slow and dull and boring, so much so that whenever her scenes came I would have to create my own gore since the show wasn’t giving me none at the time and so I drew, because of course. This is a thing I’m not sure if other artist do, that is drawing while watching tv because what is on the screen is just so goddamn boring (I would do this as well with doctor who, daredevil and true detective) but the thing is that while watching Hannibal I would draw, and particularly I drew Geometrica. First she was cutting her own arm, and then using it to beat someone to death. Once I finished this particular drawing I asked myself who could she be beating and the answer came instantly: Harmonica, because obviously the most Zen character in reality turned out to be the most fucked up one! That’s just a no brainer. And then my imagination fired up and chapter 17 was created. And that was when I knew for sure that someday, somehow, I would have to write the whole story.
           To this day, chapter 17, and particularly it’s final scene, is my favourite thing I have ever came up with, as a scene, as a concept, as a story beat and a reveal and the only reason I made it this far was because of how desperate I was to make that scene real. I came up with it in 2014 and three years later here we are, the dream came true.
           Now this is all fine and good, but none of this is what actually made me sit down and put the actual words on the paper, I had chapter one and chapter seventeen, but what about everything that was supposed to happen in the middle? All of this was simmering in my head but it wasn’t actually boiling. The steam pressure, as it were, was not moving any locomotives as of yet. And I could tell you a thousand more stories about how The Foremost was originally supposed to be a female version of the nazi guy in inglorious bastards, or how his and Karachay’s current design came from the character Shades in Luke Cage, or about how once I came up with the names Chernobyl, Karachay and Tzar I realized they were a perfect reflection of Harmonica, Telescopica and Geometrica and thus they had to exist in the same universe, or how I’m not sure where the character of the emperor came from but I’m convinced Warhammer 40K and Twig had something to do with it. I could tell you all this and more but instead I’m going to tell you about the story that finally made me take stock of my life, of my choices, and decide it was time, that the ideas had been stewing in my head for long enough and it was time for execution. Weirdly enough, the story that did that was The Northern Caves. Even more weird was that it was the second read of the northern caves what did it.
           I’ll say it right here, There is a crack in the world was me reacting to the psychological horror that TNC, and indeed many other stories like it such as cordyceps or the hell sections in Unsong, caused in me. A horror intensified by the mental problems I had been dealing with during most of 2016. But the thing was that ever since I moved to a new city and started looking for a job most of that horror had been replaced with much more grounded concerns. Instead of having the shakes because of existential, metaphysical uncertainty, I was getting the shakes due to economic and housing struggles. I realized that normal, everyday problems were the perfect antidote to counteract existentialism, and so those were the problems I decided to plague my story with. Lack of food, poor shelter, contaminated water, rampant crime, earthly, lower class concerns, those are the horrors within There is a crack in the world, as opposed to a children’s book writer making some book that apparently made people go insane. And then I decided not to stop there, another common thread in many of these stories was that there would be this mystery to the world, this unfathomable puzzle, filled with complicated plots, intricate lore and abstruse complexities which were begging for a plucky protagonist to be smart enough to solve it all. So I decided to make the lore in my story absurdly simple and yet completely impossible to solve no matter how clever or intelligent or rational you were: There is a crack in the world. That’s it, nothing can be done about it.
And then came the final touch, the characters. The final thing that I saw in a lot of what for lack of a better word I’m going to call “rational fiction”, an umbrella term under which I liberally group works such as HPMOR, Worm, After the hero, Unsong, The northern caves, etc was that in every instance the protagonist would be some form of bleeding heart. Someone who would be painfully hyperaware of the pain and suffering that happened all around the world and would desperately try to find the way to fix it all, to understand it, to make sense of it all. So my story would have none of that. I made Telescopica and Chernobyl to be as indifferent and callous as I could and as the story advances they slowly start to consider that maybe they can do something to help, that maybe they can try and make the world a better place, and then I prove how incredibly foolish they were for ever thinking that.
Not gonna lie, the story is filled with self indulgent bitterness and misery, and a lot of it is me getting carried away and probably venting some of the negative emotions I had accumulated all throughout 2016. If I want to be uncharitable with myself I would say that some of that bitterness came from me reading those stories I just mentioned and feeling inadequate knowing that I would never be smart enough to write anything like it (I’m a deeply insecure person, in case you haven’t noticed). But also, for whatever reason, halfway through the story I decided “fuck it, I’m just going to write some misery porn”, I started challenging myself to see how horrid I could go, what horrors I could concoct if I well and truly tried. Yet the thing is that I feel I never really went all out on it. I like to think that, as dreadful as the story could get at times, it was never truly absurd, never profane, I could be wrong though. There is an essay talking about this in way better detail than I ever could so just go read it.
           I published there is a crack in the world as I wrote it, which means I challenged myself not to go back and edit something in the previous chapter for the sake of convenience or to establish something I might need for later chapters. I forced my self to compromise and work only with what I had previously established in the story. This fostered an interesting practice where I would start to throw foreshadowing and small meaningless data all over the place which could be easily ignored or forgotten but that I could also go back to and expand into something more on the long run if I needed to pull something out of thin air for the plot. That is the way characters like Hector or Maurice or things like commando living on an abandoned military base ended up becoming a thing in the story, grown from just throwaway characters and trivia that I thought nothing of when I first put them in the page. The biggest example would be the kosmonavt, I had no idea what I was going to do with him by the end of the story but I knew an astronaut was a useful thing to have so I put him there in his own chapter, just in case.
           Another consequence of this was that, as the story progressed and I got a better grasp of the world, of the actual real consequences of having a crack in the world, of the actual sociopolitical organization the empire would have I realized I fucked up. A lot of the lore doesn’t really add up, there are details which are poorly thought out or scientifically incorrect. And if I decided to start introducing all of that it wouldn’t just interfere with what had been previously established in the chapters that I had already published but it would also interfere with where I wanted the story to go, with what I wanted to do with the characters and with my dear, precious chapter 17. All of this meant I had to foregone a lot of neat realism and worldbuilding that could have made it into the story if I had taken some time to think things through before starting putting chapters online, but the thing is that if I hadn’t put those chapters online then chances are I would have never been  motivated to write the rest of the story. Hopefully I’ll allow myself to develop whatever new story I come up with next in more organic ways, not being afraid to kill my darlings in order to let it grow naturally. We’ll see.
           Final thoughts: I’m actually really proud of this story, whatever its origins or the emotional fuel was behind it, whatever gross scientific mistakes I made in there, whatever edits I would like to perform to make it a stronger, more coherent whole, I truly believe is the best story I have written thus far and that is achievement enough for me, I know people had been reading it and even enjoying it according to AO3, not sure how many but more than zero is enough, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you have thoughts and comments about it that you might want to share with me.
           Whatever the case might be, it’s been three months and a little more that I worked on this and it’s been a great learning experience. See you in my next work.
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comicsxaminer · 5 years
DC COVER GIRLS: BATGIRL BY FRANK CHO STATUE designed by FRANK CHO sculpted by JONATHAN MATTHEWS Kicking off the newest series of DC Collectibles’ famous DC Cover Girls line is Batgirl, designed by popular cover artist Frank Cho. Cho’s clever take on Barbara Gordon gives a touch of humor to the piece. Any fan of Cho’s covers and art will not want to miss this statue, which introduces him as the new artist for the line. • Limited to 5,000 pieces and individually numbered • Statue measures 9.16″ tall • Allocations may occur • Final product may differ from image shown ON SALE FEBRUARY 2020 $130.00 US
DC DESIGNER SERIES: HARLEY QUINN AND POISON IVY BY EMANUELA LUPACCHINO STATUE designed by EMANUELA LUPACCHINO sculpted by JACK MATHEWS This stunning DC Designer Series couple statue features two of Gotham City’s most famous villainesses, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, and showcases their close and loving relationship as portrayed in the comics. Designed by amazing artist Emanuela Lupacchino, this statue captures the passionate feelings that these two characters have for each other, even while living in a city as crazy and intense as Gotham. Don’t miss out on this iconic statue, which releases just in time for Valentine’s Day 2020. • Limited to 5,000 pieces and individually numbered • Statue measures 10.7″ tall • Allocations may occur • Final product may differ from image shown ON SALE FEBRUARY 2020 $280.00 US
HARLEY QUINN RED, WHITE & BLACK: HARLEY QUINN BY JOSHUA MIDDLETON STATUE based on artwork created by JOSHUA MIDDLETON sculpted by KAREN PALINKO Based on one of his popular variant covers for the HARLEY QUINN comics series, this all-new statue brings Joshua Middleton’s artwork to life. Sculpted by Karen Palinko and featuring a fabulous sparkly paint deco, the statue’s paint job makes it the first piece in the line to sport this unique and fun look. Everything from the style to the stance to the facial expression makes this the perfect Harley Quinn collectible for any fan. • Limited to 5,000 pieces and individually numbered • Statue measures approximately 7.59″ tall • Allocations may occur • Final product may differ from image shown ON SALE FEBRUARY 2020 $90.00 US
BATMAN BLACK & WHITE MINI FIGURES BLIND BAGS WAVE 3 The third wave of Batman Black & White Mini Figures Blind Bags are in stock at Diamond and available for order now! Each blind bag contains one of six different 3.75-inch tall PVC figures expertly designed by some of the best talent in the business. This wave of mini figures includes figures based on art by: • Jim Lee (The Joker) • Jim Lee • Dustin Nguyen • Mike Mignola • Sean “Cheeks” Galloway • Batman Arkham Asylum
• Allocations may occur • Final products may differ from images shown • $90.00 US per case of 18 • Each bag priced at $5.00 US ON SALE AUGUST 2019 AVAILABLE BY CASE ONLY
BATMAN BLACK & WHITE MINI FIGURES BLIND BAGS WAVE 1 The first wave of Batman Black & White Mini Figures Blind Bags are in stock at Diamond and available for order now! Each blind bag contains one of six different 3.75-inch tall PVC figures expertly designed by some of the best talent in the business. This wave of mini figures includes Batman figures based on art by: • Amanda Conner • Darwyn Cooke • Jason Fabok • Patrick Gleason • Frank Quitely • Dick Sprang
• Allocations may occur • Final products may differ from images shown • $90.00 US per case of 18 • Each bag priced at $5.00 US ON SALE NOW AVAILABLE BY CASE ONLY item code JAN199262
BATMAN BLACK & WHITE MINI FIGURES BLIND BAGS WAVE 2 The second wave of Batman Black & White Mini Figures Blind Bags are in stock at Diamond and available for order now! Each blind bag contains one of six different 3.75-inch tall PVC figures expertly designed by some of the best talent in the business. This wave of mini figures includes figures based on art by: • Bruce Timm (Harley Quinn) • Frank Quitely (Robin) • Michael Allred • John Romita Jr. • Gary Frank • Eduardo Risso
• Allocations may occur • Final products may differ from images shown • $90.00 US per case of 18 • Each bag priced at $5.00 US ON SALE NOW AVAILABLE BY CASE ONLY item code MAR198721
DC GALLERY: KNIGHTFALL BATMAN COWL sculpted by JOE MENNA The latest addition to the DC Gallery Batcowl line is the Knightfall Batman Cowl in metallic blue. Fans of Batman will recognize this quintessential look from “Knightquest,” in which Jean-Paul Valley takes over the mantle of Batman. This cowl stands out among the rest as perhaps the most distinctive of the line. • Limited to 5,000 pieces and individually numbered • Statue measures approximately 6.51″ tall • Allocations may occur • Final products may differ from images shown ON SALE FEBRUARY 2020 $99.00 US
DC GALLERY HARLEY QUINN 1:1 STATUE designed by BRUCE TIMM sculpted by JONATHAN MATTEWS DC Collectibles has created the ultimate Harley Quinn collectible: a full-sized, 1:1 scale statue of the Clown Princess of Crime herself. Harley is decked out in her iconic red, black and white costume as originally designed by animation legend Bruce Timm. The HARLEY QUINN 1:1 STATUE is a limited quantity showpiece that is a must-have for any Harley fan, Batman collector or your own comics shop. Don’t miss your chance to snag everyone’s favorite harlequin for your collection! • Allocations may occur • Final products may differ from images shown • Materials: fiberglass and resin ORDER UNDER ITEM CODE: APR198603 FINAL ORDER CUTOFF DATE: AUGUST 5 $5,200.00 US • Ships in five crates. • Assembly Required. Estimated to arrive in stores December 2019. This item does not appear on the July Previews Order Form. Please order at the Diamond retailer website or with your customer service representative.
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DC Collectibles Solicitations For February 2020 DC COVER GIRLS: BATGIRL BY FRANK CHO STATUE designed by FRANK CHO sculpted by JONATHAN MATTHEWS…
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Star Trek vs Transformers, Batman/The Maxx, Star Wars, Team Sonic Racing, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for December 5th!
John Barber, Mike Johnson (A/CVR A) Philip Murphy (CVR B) Gaving Fullerton
Klingons and Decepticons lay siege to a remote Federation dilithium mine-and the only thing holding them back is the shaky alliance of Captain Kirk and Optimus Prime. But what dark secret is buried beneath the ground… and can this uneasy partnership withstand the revelations?
The Transformers ’80s cartoon series meets Star Trek: The Animated Series in a no-holds-barred Saturday Morning mash-up for the ages!
John Barber, James Roberts, Shane McCarthy (A) Alex Milne, Andrew Griffith, Guido Guidi (CVR) Marcelo Matere
Rodimus leads a team of Autobots into Cybertron’s past, pursuing the Decepticon double-agent Brainstorm, who plans on killing Orion Pax before he can become Optimus Prime. Meanwhile, on Earth, Prowl is left in command gathering his allies, the Constructicons, to search for the one human he holds a grudge against, Spike Witwicky. Then, Drift returns! After leaving the Autobots in disgrace, he’s now alone, on a mission to clean up the darkest depths of the galaxy.
Collects Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye issues #35-40, Transformers: Robots in Disguise issues #35-38, Transformers: Punishment, and Transformers: Drift-Empire of Stone.
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   The best format for new readers to pick up the series and for continuing readers to supplement their collections with deluxe hardcovers.
Sam Keith (A/CVR A&B) Sam Kieth
With Joker back in Arkham, Maxx runs off into the night. Meanwhile, Batman grows more wary of Dr. Disparu’s experiments. In an effort to unravel the riddles of the Outback (and Disparu), Batman seeks out Julie Winters… and they both enter a dimensional hole leading to the Outback-where they encounter an alternate version of Harley Quinn! Back in the real world, Joker, Harley, and the Penguin are the current subjects of Disparu’s experiments-experiments that have a decidedly bad reaction on the Maxx!
Chester Gould (A/CVR) Chester Gould
Dick Tracy closes out the 1960s by moonlighting-literally! The master sleuth takes a part-time second job as Head of Security and Law Enforcement for Diet Smith’s operations based on the moon. Soon, Tracy learns that an international crime syndicate, the Apparatus, has infiltrated Smith’s organization on the lunar surface.
All this and more in these classic Chester Gould comic strips, from April 3, 1969, to December 23, 1970.
Vita Ayala (A) Harvey Tolibao (CVR A) Ken Lashley
The boundless multiverse of Magic: The Gathering returns to comics!
In the wake of tragedy, Planeswalker and pyromancer Chandra Nalaar strikes out on her own. On her journey, she’ll have to fight against threats both old and new, as well as her own sense of guilt. Can she overcome all of that alone? And who is that familiar face lurking in the shadows?
Steve Niles (A/CVR) Damien Worm
With their former leader and father retired, the rest of the Allan family adjusts to the new status quo and brings the monster-hunting business into the modern era. But a sinister and powerful new evil stirs… one that could tear the family apart! The town of Gristlewood is under attack from the most powerful being it has ever seen. Vivian and Geoff take the lead in fighting the evil, but can they even begin to match its power? Or will this be the end of the October Faction?
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   “The October Faction: Supernatural Dreams is packed with demonic action, with an important family thread running through it.”-Horror Talk
Patrick Rothfuss, Jim Zub (A/CVR A&B) Troy Little
A dimension where the Dungeons & Dragons paradigms are real. The rules are absolute… or, at least, they were… until Rick and Morty make their mark. Get ready to plead the fifth (edition) in this unlawful, chaotically evil story of family friction and fantasy frolics.
The world’s greatest roleplaying game. Reality’s most dysfunctional animated series. What could go wrong?
•   Presented in conjunction with Oni Press! •   Patrick Rothfuss, the multiple award-winning, bestselling author of The Kingkiller Chronicle series, joins Dungeons & Dragons fan-favorite author Jim Zub (Avengers, Wayward) on a tri-dimensional fantasy adventure! •   Rick and Morty is one of the most popular shows in Adult Swim history, with a steady fan following since it debuted in 2013. This is the first official Rick and Morty team-up story and should have deep traction in fan circles! •   Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition sales continue to grow each year and the Baldur’s Gate video games have sold millions of copies around the world. D&D has returned as a cultural force in bookstores and online.
Matthew K. Manning (A) Chad Thomas (CVR A) Andy Suriano
The TMNT are in a bitter fight with each other over an extremely sensitive topic… which pizza place has the fastest delivery! When a villain butts in, the Turtles will have to put aside their differences and do what they do best: beat up bad guys!
•   Overseen by showrunners Andy Suriano (Cosmic Scoundrels) and Ant Ward!
Jonathan Mayberry (A/CVR B) Drew Moss (CVR A) Santiperez
An over-the-top wild ride prequel to ROAD OF THE DEAD! Written by Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author and creator of V-WARS. Scientist Harriet, tank crewman Skelly, and their crew of losers leave a trail of bodies-living and dead-behind them as they race for sanctuary through the zombie wasteland of North America. The road to hell is paved with bad decisions, heavy drinking, and a lot of blood on the asphalt.
•   Five-time Bram Stoker award-winning author, Jonathan Maberry, returns for a new tale of the undead!
Scott Tipton, David Tipton (A) Angel Hernandez (CVR A) Tony Shasteen (CVR B) Photo
On the heels of the blockbuster THROUGH THE MIRROR miniseries comes a brand-new NEXT GENERATION series, featuring untold tales of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D! Interstellar odd couple Worf and Beverly Crusher undertake a difficult mission, but can they overcome their differences to work together?
•   Takes place during Star Trek: The Next Generation’s critically acclaimed fourth season! •   Featuring covers by Mirror Broken co-creator and designer J.K. Woodward! •   The unexpected twist ending of Through the Mirror continues!
Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Michael Moreci, Kevin Burke (A/CVR B) Arianna Florean (A/CVR A) Valentina Pinto
Welcome to the Resistance! Star Wars Resistance is an exciting new animated series coming to the Disney Channel this fall, and making its Star Wars Adventures debut in this very issue! In the time before The Force Awakens, this all-new adventure follows the fledgling Resistance as it begins to realize the growing threat of the First Order!
•   Ties into the new Star Wars Resistance animated show coming this fall to Disney Channel! •   Written by Resistance show writers Chris “Doc” Wyatt and Kevin Burke! •   Plus, an exciting new Flight of the Falcon story!
Scott Beatty (A) Jon Sommariva (A/CVR A) Derek Charm
Swallowed by the shifting sands of Jakku, the Imperial Star Destroyer Spectral has been lost for two decades, giving rise to rumors of hauntings and buried treasure. But an epic sandstorm has revealed the ruins of the starship, and renowned scavenger Rey now leads the race to claim whatever lies within!
•   Three-issue miniseries set during the days before The Force Awakens! •   Includes a backup story depicting the Battle of Jakku, revealing how the Star Destroyer Spectral met its fate during the last days of the Empire!
Caleb Goellner (A/CVR A) Adam Bryce Thomas
Sonic’s been taken to another world and entered into a race unlike any other! With a little help from his friends Tails and Knuckles, he’ll race to win the competition and get everyone home! BUT! Before that, check out a comics exclusive story straight from the world of Team Sonic Racing!
•   Leads into the upcoming game, Team Sonic Racing, available Winter 2018! •   Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails team up in this exciting adventure! •   Special extra-long one-shot!
Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Ben Bates, Dustin Weaver (A) Bill Sienkiewicz, Damian Couceiro (CVR) Dan Duncan
Bebop and Rocksteady stumble across a time-travel scepter, kickstarting the craziest, most destructive adventure yet! Then, when a mysterious new mutant targets Baxter Stockman, it will be up to the TMNT to reluctantly save him, but little does anyone know that a larger trap is being laid by a new arch-foe. Plus, Donatello reboots a new and improved Metalhead only to find that the robot no longer functions entirely as designed. Collects the Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything mini-series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe issues #1-8, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #65-66.
•   Advance solicited for December release! •   The best format for new readers to pick up the series and for continuing readers to supplement their collections with deluxe hardcovers.
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IDW Comics Shipping List for December 5th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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