#the second arrangement seems more agreeable for everyone involved
nilgans · 2 months
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day 3 - outfit swap - clothes so nice you swap them twice 👍 feat. Elizabeths Lawyer outfit
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
Actually, just, in general, we've noticed people have this impression that we are Very Nice People who Do Nice Stuff and, like, if we may vent for one second: no, we are not.
Like. Someone will be fronting and then we'll look at each other in headspace, and someone else will switch because both of us agree someone else was being rude to us and then we'll freak out over something stupid because we're good at jumping to conclusions. Or someone else here has issues being in large crowds of people and can't handle more than six minutes in large crowds. We will call someone "bitch" just after turning a corner within their earshot because they were rude to us, and one of the Jade Leeches will gaslight the fuck out of them so we may still keep our job (or, as we put it, "don't be an asshole to retail workers"). We hide from people and we hide things from people and don't tell people everything becase we don't know if we can trust them (and like, have you seen how much we talk about ourselves on here???? Yeah).
We are not obvious about it. We ate not subtle about it, either, but we are not blatantly waving around this behavior like a lava red flag.
We hate living with other people because they fuck up the arrangement of our kitchen and create too many dishes and intrude into the life we've built for ourselves too much. They talk too loud and smoke weed and fight each other all of the time and touch our shoulders without thinking when they try to say thanks for helping them, or whatever the hell it is this time that set us off. We dream of the day we may buy ourselves a house, not because of the propagandist "american dream," but so we may know peace and stability, for once in our goddamned lives.
We still jump down peoples' throats at labels they use because, if they use X and X is just next to Y, then those are practically the same thing with no nuance right??? We do not want fascists in our home. We don't want them to exist at all. How can someone be neutral about our existence?? How will that not slide into very blatant fascism? Obviously this is not how anything works and in the offline world we do not have the time or ability to back off, like, 90% of the time we think offhand. If we had that chance we might be able to understand some people mean it to mean "too uninformed to say anything," or "I don't want to be hatecrimed," or whatever the fuck else that is, for certain, not what we think it probably is at first glance.
Like there is one person we might be able to tolerate we think that would be open to the idea of living together with us, and we have known them for literal years. We have a couple of people online we consider good friends. We don't know if this is necessarily "good" but we like it, it's more manageable like that.
We just, aren't agreeable with most folks.
But we still try to be decent folks 'cause like, we don't know how we can grow vegetables and we need to get our coffee grounds from somewhere, and that isn't really love but it's mutually beneficial to everyone for us to not fucking kill people, yeah? And most people likely are just trying their best like we are, yeah?
We apologize too much and we're quiet when we don't know you (unless we're at work, we're either overdoing the niceness or being LOUD because the environment is LOUD then yeah?) but honestly, some of this is also because it's probably better for everyone involved if we don't get loud, puffy, bratty, demanding, in your face, or otherwise end up socially beating someone into submission the way we have done our current, endomisic coworkers.
This particular space is where we place all of that energy. So is fighting (lol) our endomisic transmisic coworkers. Elaborating on something we have thought about even if it seems like the same exact point to everyone else, because something seems missing and we just need that one thing, is also where we place all of that energy. But we don't want everything to be a so-called "coping skill" or otherwise the neurotypicals win, so our friend shows us painting and explains it's a coping skill for her, so as much as we liked painting we don't touch a bottle ever again (so the neurotypicals don't win). We never write anymore despite sorely needing to (so the neurotypicals don't win). We need to, one day, piss on and deface our abusers' graves (so the neurotypicals don't win and they are enraged into doing something about these people and their families and the structures allowing them to do it, because holy fuck are we tired).
People are stupid. We are fucking allergic to stupid. We need order and people need order but that would go against the very ideology we are trying to support, and in fact would play into the hands of the very people who would use these feelings to murder us and our very few cherished ones. So if we can fight against our worse nature for our entire lives we think this asshole customer can stand to force themselves into an Autistic Plural social norm twenty seconds and use their fucking brain cells.
It's complicated. It's messy. It's probably from trauma but we aren't always sure of that. There is no word in the english dictionary to describe the ways we have felt about this, and the lowest we have ever gotten on a standardized language comprehension test was existing within the 96th percentile.
We don't have some snappy way of saying that people can be decent even if they aren't good people, or that your online presence can be just as good of a reflection of yourselves as your offline one (if not more accurate sometimes, in some cases like ours where we are capable of actively curating our spaces better), that when we say "we have no choice but to let Hope get up (bloodied, scraped knees and all, tooth knocked out) because if we let her die then we have nothing to actually live for," we are entirely serious and we would become a depression potato.
This is NOT about anyone who is here, we are, as we have said, just a very frustrating system to deal with in general and it is difficult to be our friend in an offline setting lolsob.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Selfish Pt.3 - Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader (Robin Hood 2018)
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Part 1 / Part 2
Author’s Note: Michael Buble lyrics...?! Yeah! Her home town may or may not be heavily influenced by my trip to Norway back in March... and the fact that we had a bunch of lectures on Vikings. ...And the show Vikings itself...!  I apologise for the length of time it’s taken to get this one out to you - basically I wrote all of it, then not only was it far too long, but I was attempting to get all the characters into their places for Part 1 / 2 (future state!) right away. Where as I realised I was allowed to do that bit by bit! Therefore I had to decide which went where... And opted for this order! (That means you may well get the other parts quicker, but I’m making no promises!)
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, his name was not my idea. It’s all Wikipedia’s fault! (More on that below!)
Premise: With an arranged marriage on the cards, all she wonders is who he is and what she could be getting into. Determined to use her strengths to his advantage, the Sheriff has a proposal for his bride-to-be...  Words: 6606 Warnings: None (Depending on your feelings for Arranged Marriage!)
I'm not surprised Not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times I've stopped keepin' track. Talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up than I let myself down. I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought I thought of every possibility Oh I might have to wait, I'll never give up I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck Wherever you are, Whenever it's right You'll come out of nowhere and into my life And I know that we can be so amazing And baby your love is gonna change me And now I can see every possibility And somehow I know that it'll all turn out And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get I just haven't met you yet And I know that we can be so amazing And being in your life is gonna change me
--- Quick note on his name: I did a fair amount of research when I began writing this. Because she would address him by name. And I wondered if there was a record of what his name should be... Turns out noone really knows. But , Wikipedia seems to have an idea? And also when I looked him up you get this nice piece of information: William de Wendenal (also William de Wendeval) was a Norman baron probably born during the mid-12th century. He was one of the highest officials left in charge of the Kingdom of England when King Richard the Lionheart was away at the Third Crusade to reclaim the Holy Land from the control of Saladin of the Ayyubid dynasty.
And considering our Sheriff and his big “plan” I thought it played perfectly.  Look out for future plot points ;)
--- The journey to England was far longer than she thought it would be. Though, that could be perhaps she was in nervous anticipation. Her father was doing this in order for his kingdom to strengthen. To create bonds and international ties; trade perhaps... Being the eldest daughter, however, she was to be married off to a King. Perhaps. If that’s how the people of England called it. Several of her sisters and brothers were making the trip too, and they clocked in at just under 20 strong. For Norsemen that was a formidable force.
She wasn’t particularly against the idea of arranged marriage. She had expected nothing less, given her upbringing. Still it was strange for her to think about marrying a man she barely knew. What would he have her do? Give everything she loved up? She had to prepare for that scenario. Or would he let her be herself. She wondered many other things about his personality, and his looks. What would he look like? How old would he be? 
She worried sometimes... but, was thankful that she knew her father wouldn’t marry her off to just anyone. He was a valiant warrior who earned the right to his kingdom and held the respect of everyone. He was a good family man too. She thought that a man like he would make an agreeable husband and only hoped her father would think the same. 
 The King listened seriously to Eskil’s proposal. He sighed; “It is regrettable for me to give you the news that myself and my sons are unfortunately spoken for. However, I would not lose hope. Your proposal is certainly not one I would have England pass up. You are most welcome here... We have many jurisdictions in our fair country of wide scope. They will not be Kings, as such, but they will run their land in a similar manner. Fine, respectable, men...” He thought on it for a moment. Who, though? He studied her very carefully. He had to make the right choice. To send her to the right part of the country. He couldn’t start this off on the wrong foot... it may end badly for everyone involved. Most Lords were old, ailing, through several wives and strings of children already. 
Eskil had travelled from the North to offer his eldest daughter. To offer trade and a treaty. The King began to narrow his options, the man had to clearly be single... or at least ACT single... for a trade to take place and the fact that the Norse Kingdoms all relied on ships, it would have to have a good water network. Coastal or by river... He titled his head, regarding her. She was young... all her best years ahead of her, she looked like she was what they called a Shield Maiden. Even if she was prepared to give that up, she was likely a free spirit. Which meant she’d need someone with some new age thinking...  Most of the real warriors were at war. So that narrowed his options down even more... hmmm... decisions, decisions... One of his advisors leant in “Your highness... I have a suggestion...” “Please, do...” if he was on the Kings list... “Why not send them to Nottingham.” .... Nottingham!? To William!? The King didn’t quite laugh; that silver-fox known playboy?? A string of 5 or 6 different women every other week? A man not to be tied down... just enough under the thumb of the church? He wasn’t sure sending him a wife for an arranged marriage would stand him in good graces with the Sheriff. However, when he thought about it, the man did fit the bill. He was old-er... but his management of Nottingham has been nothing short of incredible during this war effort. It could certainly be classed as a little new age management...
The King nodded, a fine suggestion. Maybe a woman such as her could finally whip that loose cannon into shape. She could be just what he needed. “There is a man who I can certainly send you to. His name is William de Wendenal. And I would not send you his way if I did not think he would be a good man for your daughter. He resides in Nottingham. It will be a few days ride North from is here in London, but it will be worth the trip. I shall send him a letter right away to inform him of your impending arrival. He is a Sheriff... a little more elected than a King... but he holds a wide jurisdiction none the less and it will be no less impressive. Enjoy the English countryside. And Nottingham itself is a spectacular city.” 
 The King has allowed them to stay in London to prepare for their ride North. But she spent the majority of it nervously pacing... William... William... the Sheriff of Nottingham.... she didn’t doubt that the King would keep his word and he would be a fitting match. A good man. But she knew nothing about him other than his name and title... she could only pray that she would like him... though she might have little choice on that... However, whenever she managed to get the King on his free time; he would sit her down and tell her stories about this man in Nottingham. He sounded like a good person, who did plenty of good things. She liked that, even though she hadn’t met him the King was allowing her to get a sense of the man she was likely to now marry. It made her excited to meet him in person, she couldn’t deny she might have feelings based on all these great stories… She hoped against hope that he might live up to them… In the Northern territory that the Sheriff commanded the feeling could not have been any more different. A letter from the King arriving made his heart swell at the honour, until he cracked the seal and read. “ARRANGED MARRIAGE-!? ME---!?” He turned to Tuck; his blue eyes hard “What is this-!? A jest-!?” Tuck gave a shrug “I wouldn’t have through the King would… joke about something like this Sir…” The Sheriff’s sigh was angry “Do we know anything about her!?!” “Besides what is in the letter for you? No. I wasn’t even aware of the content Sir…” His face pulled into an angry frown as his eyes scanned the parchment, hand to his forehead “Oh…” that groan didn’t sound all that pleasing to Tuck either “…She’s from the Nordics… Marrying me off for trade it seems. Well, she better be worth it.” The friar looked heavenward; Please God let it be good trade at least…!! The Sheriffs frown turned inquisitive for a second “Oh-! Her father is a King of a Norse Kingdom… I suppose that makes her a princess…” He pressed the corner of the letter to his lips curiously “…Does that make me… married up?” William threw the letter onto the table and turned back to Tuck; “Well. I suppose we best be getting Nottingham ready for their arrival.” Tuck decided there could be no better time to try a last-ditch effort; “Do you have to accept?” otherwise the Sheriff would be in a foul mood all week until they arrived. And if she wasn’t exactly right he’d be in a bad mood for life. That didn’t seem like something the people of Nottingham would want. Especially in the middle of this War. The Sheriff chuckled, darkly; “It’s from the KING, Tuck. There’s nothing else to say. Of course, I must accept.” ** Her sisters stood together giggling. The general consensus of their whispers was that whoever he was, the Sheriff was likely to be the worst one amongst them. She was determined to ignore that until she knew for sure. But the procession from Nottingham castle almost left her disheartened. And her sisters didn’t help. It got worse the most Lords that appeared. This was awful… This wasn’t what she wanted. Or expected. She should have known to keep her expectations low – hell, maybe her expectations were low and at this point they should have been through the floor. The line was still for a moment and she had a hard time not reaching out for her father to call it off. Her brothers all seemed to be uneasy as it was. None of them were likely to want her married to just anyone… She was glad for a moment that they might fight for this, instead of her. But then the doors opened again, and one last man swept out. Tall, lean, older by his grey – but neat – hair. He looked finely groomed, the type of man who would not tolerate one single thing out of place. He stepped in front of the line. Nope. THAT had to be him. Looking like a badass in a long grey leather trenchcoat. She found herself smiling and her eyes flicked to her sisters; tongues all held and regretting their words. William scanned the girls quickly. It was hard to tell the oldest… He was apparently being given the oldest. Only, he also felt he might get to choose. The King surely couldn’t expect him to marry one he wasn’t interested in. He was surprised the King expected him to marry at all. If this is your idea of reigning me in you have another thing coming… All of the females in front of him had their heads bowed forwards politely. Save for one. Standing slightly away from the others, she was placed with the men of the family. She intrigued him by how she was essentially stepping out of the line of respect. He found himself smiling internally. He liked her.  Askel was unconvinced “Dad he doesn’t even look like a warrior.. I don’t know about this!” She glared across at her brother, jabbing his arm with her elbow, she hissed “Be quiet! Askel!” Askel raised an eyebrow with a smirk “oh! She likes him already?!” Then his face fell, his eyes hard “Y/N! You haven’t even met the guy! You don’t know him!” She remained glaring at him, but Eskil, hearing his children bicker merely chuckled. If she had feelings for him already, it meant the King had probably made a good choice.  The Sheriff nodded politely to the Norse King. Respect was everything at this game. And if he would play it like a game, he would win it. “Eskil, King of the Northern Realms of the Northmen. Or… Southern realms from what I have gathered.” Geographically speaking, Eskil presided over a kingdom in the Southern part of his country. “The honour is mine. My name is William de Wendenal – The Sheriff here in Nottingham…” “Sheriff.” His English was spoken in an accent but was still understandable “We have heard much about you! And I certainly appreciate your willingness to see us.” The Sheriff didn’t think he had much of a choice, but held his tongue with the appropriate smile. “I believe we may have much to discuss…” “Certainly…” His curious blue eyes flicked to the row of girls now peaking at him from under their lashes, and then to the single woman alone. Her inquisitive stare respectful, like she was weighing him up. He thought she could be standing alone because she was not to be selected… Now he felt that she might be the woman he was here for. He asked the question by looking back to Eskil. “Ah-! Sheriff, of course. My daughter… Y/N…” He stepped to the side and held an arm out to bring her forward. Although her step seemed hesitant and shy, he could tell by those eyes that she really wasn’t. William offered her his hand, which she took. Allowing him to kiss the back of her palm; “Y/N…” OH-! To hear him say her name. He had an accent; one that fit with the English words she knew how to speak perfectly. Where every word was pronounced properly and without effort. And the blue eyes he was casting upon her were gorgeous, up close and in the sun like this… She prayed… Harder than maybe she ever had before that he was as good a man as he had been made out to be. “…It is a pleasure to finally make the acquaintance of such a woman as you… This is a great honour you are doing me…” He let her go, all too soon, with a respectful bow of his head and turned back to her father; “Eskil, you make an excellent point. There is much to attend to! Without further ado-! Please… Do step this way…” William took a step backwards, but did not turn his back on the King, his arm outstretched, reaching towards the doors he had just walked from. *** The sheriff considered the proposal carefully. As if he had a choice, he’d already read it whilst scoffing about the letter from the King. Because as if he’d get married...But now it was being spelt out for him. Now this girl... woman, he corrected himself, she’s a woman. ... was standing in front of him he was beginning to scrap all resistance. Marriage still wasn’t his thing. He would hold off from that as long as he was able. Just another way he could stay under the thumb of the church he had no doubt. But courting her...? She was respectfully quiet as her father set the terms.  They were good terms. They also meant that she would not be the only Norseman to stay. Her brother would set both her father and her at ease... and the Sheriff himself on edge. That was the point. Well, William wouldn’t argue with that one. He nodded along gently. “It all seems to be in order...” He stood, drawing himself to height. “I would gladly accept your proposals King Eskil. Nottingham and its rivers will welcome trade of any kind with your kingdom. I will also allow safe passage to continue your travels further into my jurisdiction, toward the farther reaches of the North of England. No trouble for you and your people of course. Adding your son, Askel to the guard of my fair city would give it power and guidance unlike it had seen before. And of course... his priority over Y/N will be respected...”
 His blue eyes flicked to her, this time her head was gently lowered. She was tense. He assumed she understood every word he was saying... if her father spoke English this well he would assume she could too... at least he hoped so. Communication was likely to be important here... The Sheriff took a step away from her father as he turned his attention to her, making her heart jump in her chest. “... As for the marriage proposal... on that I do accept all terms...” now those gorgeous hazel eyes met his. She looked a little fearful. A little hesitant. And the first thing he wanted to let her know is that he would not force this upon her. “... But I would wish to court your daughter first. Get to know her a little...” Her lips parted but whatever she was going to say got lost as she clamped her mouth shut with her lips. He turned back to Eskil “I will marry her. But it will be under the correct conditions.” Eskil gave a curt nod “I accept those terms Sheriff. I believe the King has made an agreeable choice.” He held out his hand, to which William had to smile, “I do my best.” “Yes. As you should.” That was much more a threat than Eskil’s smile gave away and the Sheriff knew it. Lay one finger on her when she didn’t want it and he’d be dead. Dead and likely to bring the wrath of a Norse kingdom raining down on Nottingham City. If not England. 
Kings be damned… 
 She watched her family leave. It had been a few days of the Sheriff allowing them to stay, for her to get accustomed to the principles of an English city. Askel had grumbled a lot, but she knew how much he really didn’t mind. This assignment would allow him to step out of their older brothers’ shadows. And he would enjoy it once he got used to it. 
But she had not spent any time alone with the man she was supposed to marry yet. And it made her exceedingly nervous. He was attractive, certainly more so than she could have hoped for, and he spoke with an authority that could be soft when he addressed her. He cared. He wanted to get to know her. He could have had her sitting next to him in silence for the rest of her life, but he didn’t seem like the type. Still, she didn’t know him. Did it matter that he looked so good if he was a monster? She left her window as soon as her family were out of sight. Tears stinging at her eyes. It was painful. She was independent, but it was still painful. Askel was up at her room before she got to the door. She turned; how did he get up here so fast?? “Didn’t you....?” “Wait? I said goodbye. I’m now concerned about you.” “Why.” “I don’t trust him. And I’m your only protection.” “... Well will you let me get to know him?” “Only because if you are to marry him you must...” he shook his head “I can’t believe father agreed to this.” She sighed gently “…I feel I could have done a lot worse.” “He’s not a warrior. By his age he never will be. What is he offering you? In return for all you have to offer him. It really is injustice.” “Askel...!! Right now I don’t know do I? I don’t know him... but you need to give me that CHANCE. Before I do have to marry him.” “Well that’s even worse. What if he decides never to marry you!?” “Well... maybe he won’t.” “I’ll have his head.” “Askel!!!” Her eyes widened and she looked up and down the corridor for those who might be listening, even though they were both speaking Norse. She didn’t want talk like that, she needed to believe this was all going to work. She needed to get to know him; which meant having her brother on side. This had to be successful. For both of them. Maybe he was forgetting that...
Maybe he was also forgetting that there was one of him, and a whole host of Nottingham guards that could take him on... On second thought maybe that Norse overconfidence was a good thing. 
She knocked gently at the door to his office. Her brother had been sceptical enough to have followed her here but she forbid him to enter the room. “Come.” It was single worded and harsh. As if he didn’t wish to be interrupted. She took a deep breath and opened the door, closing it behind her with another warning look to her brother. Stay out or else. “Oh. Y/N...!” He rose from his desk, papers almost instantly forgotten “... I apologise I did not expect to see you here so soon... I had thought you would want some time alone...?” The Sheriff crossed to her slowly, his body language open, calm... he remained at a respectful distance constantly. He spoke every word with great care too. Both in the ones he chose and the way he spoke them. She smiled; it was still not done in a way that made it sound like he was belittling her, only to make sure she understood. “Now my family are gone... I felt it necessary for us to spend some time together.” “... Alone?” His eyes flicked uncertainly to the door. She followed his line of sight “My brother is outside... but... I was just thinking... perhaps it would be best alone. I would very much like to get to know you...” He smiled then, “I would like to get to know you too, Y/N... is that the correct way to address you? If it should be something else...” She shook her hand “Y/N is fine...” then immediately took his prompt “...How should I address you.. Sheriff?” He smiled “That is your choice. Sheriff, Sir... William... it will naturally progress to Wil... always spelt with a single L... if you are to write to me. I pray that does not need to happen often...” he wouldn’t like to be far away from her whilst getting to know her, but he may need to deal with something outside of Nottingham from time to time. He thought on it for a moment. It would be much easier to take her with him. Then she would learn of his true reach. The power he controlled, that she would preside over with him. He had no doubt looking at her that this would be no ordinary marriage. William found that thought had him nodding to himself. Ordinary would not be what he was ever after as it was. He may not know about her yet, but he was certain the woman in front of him - looking at him with uncertainty in her eyes (that he would change. With time. He would make sure he was a good choice.) - would put him through his paces. ** She loved talking to him. She couldn’t deny that. How when he had finished attending to his duties, he would walk with her around the corridors of the castle. He liked to see her in sunlight she knew that by the way, depending on the time of day it was, he would look for and subsequently follow the sun. He seemed like a very private man, he showed emotion where appropriate but in all kept his cards close to his chest. He could get angry easily. She’d seen it, but he tried – if she was in the room and he knew she was present – to curb that. But that was all part of the job. And his work was not his private life. To her, he could open up a little. He told her about his family, where he had grown up with his parents in a town just outside of Nottingham. In the country. His father was a Lord of the Manor so, that paved the way for him to become Sheriff, and in his youth he’d moved around until he ended up in Nottingham. Then he had worked diligently to be in office. And here he was, and certainly not intent on giving up. Although, he did add when she questioned him, that he could leave… And he would likely go back to his family’s house if necessary. She told him about growing up in Stavanger – the capital of her father’s Kingdom – based on the sea with the towns spread into the country and she spend a lot of time growing up with her brothers. He loved hearing her talk about her siblings because it was a relationship he’d never got to have. And with one of them here, he hoped to get Askel to warm to him. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Clearly her older brother was here to protect her, and was therefore weary of the man that had been chosen. But he wanted to give Askel a good life. To prove himself. He had suggested that he begin training and sparing with the Nottingham guard. And apparently that hadn’t been a bad idea. At least Askel had smiled when she had translated it. On this particular day talk had awkwardly progressed to religion. He’d noticed her staring at the church more than once, and always hoped she wouldn’t ask. Inevitably today as they walked, she paused. Staring up at the structure visible from the courtyard “…What is that?” She asked like she knew it had significance. The Sheriff was hesitant; “OH… It’s…” She caught the movement of his head the shrug of his shoulders and the way he stretched his back. “…It’s a church. I mean, that one is slightly more significant than a lot of the little ones you might see… But… It is… the house of our God.” She raised an eyebrow; “A place of… worship?” “Yes, that’s exactly what it is.” “Oh.” She turned towards it again; “…God, singular. I have heard this notion…” “…Does it bother you?” He wanted to kick himself as soon as he said it. At the same time, he’d made a fair point – The North, from what he knew, had many Gods. To be expected to marry him, she would have to at least accept the idea of just one. The Church wouldn’t have anything less “No... But I would need to learn more…” She turned back to him expectantly and this time he tried his best to stutter through a sentence to no avail; “W-Well I – I – Uh… I Could-” He could not have been saved at a better time by a better man. “SHERIFF!! Sorry-! Sorry-! My apologies-! I just wanted to.. oh-! You have company…!” TUCK! The Sheriff turned on his heels with a genuine smile “Tuck! No! Not at all. Come here. You can help me with this…” The friar couldn’t help his look of surprise; “Oh! Of course-! Sir…!” He hurried down the corridor to them both “How may I assist.” “Tuck, this is Y/N… I have mentioned her a number of times but I believe I have not yet introduced the two of you…” “Oh! The girl from Stavanger! YES!” He took her hand excitedly “It is a pleasure to meet you- Now, forgive me if I get any of this wrong but…” Suddenly it was the Sheriff’s turn to be surprised as Tuck lapsed into Norse. William only recognised it from hearing her talk to her brother – and she was just as shocked as he was. But he watched the way that she lit up, hearing someone else speak her own language. That wasn’t happiness she’d yet shown around him, and he found himself disappointed. Tuck was giving her someone to talk to in her own language that wasn’t her brother, that wasn’t someone she knew. He’d made her happier in 5 seconds than the Sheriff had managed to make her in weeks. She laughed, and responded in kind. The natural way those words rolled off her lips – and she got animated. He wanted to watch this exchange go on all day… He found himself not only smiling but laughing – which turned the two of them back to him, with a pause in conversation. The Sheriff folded his arms “You wouldn’t happen to be able to explain the church in her own language now, Tuck, would you?” “Oh! Is that what you were asking me for Sir? I would certainly be happy to! Of course-!” “What did you want me for?” “Oh-! Sir, yes, Um… Pembroke said it was important. Something to do with the war effort. Though, I wouldn’t want to take you away from Y/N…” “No no…” He waved away the suggestion and turned back to her; “She is in good hands…” He bowed gently “You must forgive me my dear.” She gave a nod back; “I understand… you have work to do.” “I wish I did not.” “Hopefully you can hurry back.” “…Indeed…” He turned back to the friar “Thank you… I pray not to be long!” “Don’t worry, I’ll keep her company, Sir…” With that the Sheriff took off down the corridor – eager to return to the image of her he now couldn’t get out of his head. He paused, before he turned to run through the door, turning back to the two of them. Now lost back in Norse conversation. He smiled to himself; he would have to learn it. He vowed to learn it. It was the very least he could do… *** William had heard the term Shield Maiden mentioned far too many times now to believe that she wasn’t one. She’d even mentioned it herself, but said it wasn’t something they used. Women were warriors just as much as men were, if they wanted to be. Just because she was content to walk around the castle here as if she was a fair maiden – didn’t mean that was who she was. And he was concerned that she might become bored of it. 
“I have a job for you…” “Like a real job?” She sat back in her chair with a quizzical look “Yes. Like a real job.” “Isn’t my place here?” “Well, it could be… But, I want to put your skills to use… And I think you’ll enjoy it.” “My ‘job’ is to be a good woman, is it not?” He chuckled “If your father really sent you over here to get married and have children – nothing more – I have a feeling he sent the wrong daughter.” He waved a roll of parchment at her “I want you to take a look at this. Offer some fresh perspective.” He unfurled it “This is a map of Nottingham. What I would like you to do, if you want to, is head up our Security; our guards and defences. And I happen to think you’re the right person for the job.” She took to the map instantly, but her eyes flicked to his, and it was a tentative look. Was he serious? Her? He presented some more sheets to her; “This is a list of every man currently enrolled. Put them to good work.” “Why are these men not in the War?” She held a small teasing smile on her face that he didn’t miss. “Perhaps they should be – but someone has to defend Nottingham! Keep the peace at home too!” She laughed “Maybe I can free a few up for your effort…” Then looking to the map again she bit her lip “…I’m not forcing someone out of a role… Am I?” “Certainly not. Our Master of Arms has been on the way out for some time – I should think he would welcome this…” ** “So... tell me about her.” Lucien was always one to cut straight to it. “Y/N.. What do you need to know? I believe she will be more than competent at succeeding you…” “Ah-! She is from the North, of course. Formidable! And also female! It will certainly be a change. I am confident, however, that my men will handle it with respect…” “I am a little concerned with your men.” The Sheriff wondered how the majority would react being led by a woman. Even one like her. “They will treat her with respect so long as she does them, I will make sure. But I doubt that you would have seen her in combat.” “I would take a Shield Maiden at nothing less than her word.” “Oh. I do not doubt, Sheriff. Is she commanding?” “I would also suspect. She doesn’t take any nonsense from anyone. Not even her own family. She’s... possibly a little more outspoken than she comes across. She’s... trying to become a proper lady.” “Would you rather she wasn’t?” “Do you know another man in all the kingdoms who has had this privilege? I intend to make her, not break her.” “As long as you wise up to what may break her, Wil.” “Meaning-” Lucien looked at him with slight contempt “This one will not put up with your games for longer than she feels she must. You think a Shield Maiden would give anything of herself to a man who will not even give her his full attention?” Lucien’s words were sharp but true. “Do not. For the love of God, William, let this one return home. Because she will. I have no doubt. It might take her a while, if she has feeling for you at all. But eventually, she will know she is worth more than you think she is.” 
She was standing at the far end of the corridor, sword on her hip and bow across her body. He liked her already. He gave William a significant look – that conversation would come around again before long; the Sheriff knew. “My Lady. I am Lucien. Master of Arms. It is a pleasure to meet a Shield Maiden such as yourself.” She bowed gently “Y/N… Please… And it is an honour for me to meet the man who had served Nottingham for so long.” “Alright- what’s be been telling you!?” Lucien grinned, looking to the Sheriff, whose amused look told him he simply wouldn’t say. “And Nonsense! Honour! These boys deserve the real honour. They are tried and true. They will prove that to you themselves, but I can make you the promise that they will not let you down.” Lucien spent the next few minutes giving her a high level overview of how things in the guard worked. Similar to the information she had gathered from what William had already given her. She nodded along with everything. It was all as she expected it to be; it was nice for it all to be reaffirmed. “Any questions?” “Sir, I would very much like for you to transition me in. It would not feel proper of me to simply take this from you…” “Oh-! Miss.Y/N!” Lucien looked like he hadn’t expected it; she studied the Sheriff’s expression carefully – but it was reading as agreeable. “It would be my pleasure. We’ll have them up to scratch and following you to the letter in no time!” *** She’d been watching him for some time. And Marcus knew. It was starting to make him nervous. He wasn’t sure if it was with disapproval. But he was about the only one she didn’t offer a smile to as she watched.
She. Y/N… That was an interesting choice, but Marcus wasn’t deterred by that. In fact he saw it as refreshing; what would she bring from the Nordics that could help out Nottingham. She was the greatest gift in his book. The King was a fool not to use her in London. And Marcus hoped he’d never found out and pulled her back. However, she looked far less impressed with him than everyone else. She would tsk every so often, she would give a small shake of her head, she would ask Lucien questions and her eyes would flick to him and it made him nervous. This was all he had. There were several reprimanding reasons why Marcus couldn’t join the war effort. If she wasn’t impressed, the new head of Nottingham’s guard and security would surely throw him to the streets.
Apparently today, was such a day. After one final sigh she marched down the row of practicing soldiers to him and dragged him out. She was smaller than him. But her strength was incredible. “What??!” She pointed to the door “Leave.” “What?! Why I!” “Leave. Go, now.” Her English only held a slight accent, but it was almost icy. “But- my lady- I-! Please I-!” “I don’t want you here. Leave. Go.” “Lucien-!” Marcus pleaded. He had nothing. And the master at arms knew this. This was pretty much his life’s work. Even though he was young, what work could Marcus really do after this? “You heard her. Y/N is in charge now...” he didn’t even seem sympathetic. “But Sir...” She flicked her head again, and this time he obliged… one step at a time; “Where do I go...?” “The Sheriff’s office would be a good start. Marcus.” Lucien looked grave and Marcus suddenly felt cold - no! No, no, no! That was a guarantee to be banished from Nottingham and its surrounding counties. Not good enough for the guard. Not good enough for anything. The shield maiden looked across to Lucien and they both shared a look that Marcus could explain. Before she stepped towards him again and took his arm in her vice like grip. Geez! She was so strong!
The next thing he knew he was being literally dragged to the Sheriff’s office. “Wait here.” She pushed him to the wall and knocked; upon the Sheriff’s beckon she stepped inside. Marcus thought about stepping over and pressing his ear to the door. But he knew the wood was thick and it would look even worse if he was caught. He didn’t know how long he was standing outside anxious and alone with thoughts he didn’t like chasing themselves around his head. Long enough for training to clearly be over as Lucien appeared, refusing to acknowledge him as he stepped into the Sheriff’s office too. That was final then. Marcus’ life was almost guaranteed over. Eventually the door opened and Marcus was faced with Lucien again. “Sir I-” “Come in, Marcus.” He swallowed hard and entered. The Sheriff was sitting behind a desk fingers laced together pressed against his lips. She was standing just in front of it; arms folded. That same unreadable expression. Marcus turned to the Sheriff expectantly. Who shifted; “Marcus. Tell me how long you have been part of the guard here?” His eyes flicked between the three of them; no such luck. None was giving an inch “... since my late teens I suppose, Sir... over 15 years. But, I suppose as a real useful contributor, around 7 or 8.” He seemed to be trying to implore her, he hoped it was working. “And tell me why exactly you were not drafted?” Marcus found this an odd question for the Sheriff to ask. He would know, he was in charge of drafting. A good number of the guard had been drafted. But, Marcus had a reckless streak. Sometimes what he had to do came before what he was told to do. “I believe I was told I was too unruly for war... Sir.”
Then she smiled, it was small, bordering a smirk; and she turned to her lover with a raised eyebrow.. He nodded in confirmation and she turned back to Marcus with a renewed smile this time genuine, friendly; “Marcus. I have a proposition for you.” “A... proposition...? I’m... you’re not kicking me out?!” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice or the relief off his face “Told you he’s think that.” Lucien couldn’t help his chuckle. She unfolded her arms “No. The fact that you did not complain, get wound up, or protest even once despite me doing what I was doing further cements it. When I take control of security I’m going to need a right hand man. Someone I can trust.... I think I can trust you. You come highly recommended. You sound like the kind of man I need... I only hope that you will accept my offer?” “—! Me!? Your...” Marcus shut his mouth in order to compose himself “My lady I would be... honoured. To accept.” He gave a firm nod “I will not let you down.” “And he means it.” Lucien nodded to her “He’s a good choice.” She gave her own nod and walked forward. “Marcus. You do not have to address me so formally, please, Y/N is enough.” She held her hand out, and he knew immediately it was to shake, not kiss “...Y/N.” He shook it firmly with a smile, to which the Sheriff laughed. “This is going to be a great partnership.” She turned to him with a smile “Sir. We will endeavour to ensure your city is safe.” “Oh.” He leant back, and despite the other people in the room, gave a smirk meant only for her “That you will.”
--- GIF CREDITS: @dennismitchell & @benmendo 😘
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@dennismitchell @krnncsbtch @happyskywhale #MendoTagSquad.
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Envious Attraction
Word Count: 1,521
Summary: Having a half dragon boyfriend has its perks, but sometimes his instincts can get the better of him.
*Author’s Note*: The last @bad-blue-moon-rising commission for this bunch! Some jealous dragon boyfriend antics, which I can’t get enough of…I hope you enjoy!
Gwyoko could stand just about everything but someone messing with his pottery, and jealousy. He couldn’t help himself. He was naturally a little territorial, a little clingy, just another instinct courtesy of his dragon side. Instead of hoarding treasure, he tended to hoard his pottery, always keeping his home stashed with glistening and glowing pots of all shapes, sizes, and colors no matter how many he sold. That was fine, since it was a harmless habit, and sometimes worked in his favor. He was never short of stock, and always found inspiration for new designs. As far as his work went, his hoarding habit was actually kind of beneficial.
However, when it came to his relationships…well, people aren’t really inanimate objects. Things like emotions and attention can’t be hoarded, because there’s no real way to quantify or measure them. They just get exchanged between people to a degree that hopefully suits both parties; in the event that such an arrangement doesn’t work, the logical response is to sit down and talk things out, to establish new parameters that are agreeable to everyone involved.
Alexys always gave him more than enough attention, and he gave her an equal amount in return. Sometimes he gave her more than she ever thought of asking for, but she’d never complain about something like that. She loved Gwyoko and his personality, the depth of his devotion, his dedication to making sure she always felt special and loved. She hoped she did some of those same things for him, and of course, he thought she was more than perfect. He never felt ignored or slighted or second best with Alexys, but that didn’t stop him from being just a tad possessive about her time.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to see anybody else ever again, but he got lonely easily when she was away. He’d do his best to pass the time with his pottery, or some other simple, mundane task that could serve as an adequate distraction until she returned. When she finally did, he’d smother her with hugs and kisses the moment she walked through the door. She’d return his affection in earnest before filling him in on the events of her day.
When she was home, he loved to snuggle and cuddle and hold her. He loved to wrap himself around her and envelope her in his warmth, to cover her with one of his robes and just spend the afternoon lazily lounging together on the couch. If there were guests over, he tried to tone down the gratuitous affection just a bit, because neither he nor Alexys wanted to make anyone feel weird or uncomfortable. But he couldn’t keep himself away from her entirely; he’d come to rely on being able to feel her against him in some way just a little too much.
This afternoon a familiar face had returned to visit Alexys’s apartment; her good friend Xena. While Gwyoko had started to view her as a friend of his own, he didn’t really have a say in his instincts. He was never rude or mean or hurtful to Xena, but he would exhibit some behaviors that were noticeably more…needy than usual. Xena was sitting on the couch with Gwyoko and Alexys on the opposite side, and she couldn’t help finding Gwyoko’s antics a bit amusing.
She continued their conversation cheerily, although she kept an eye on Gwyoko just to see what the extent of his reaction would be. He was sitting behind Alexys like he usually did; even with people he knew, he preferred having Alexys as a kind of barrier between him and others. She was the only one he trusted so wholeheartedly. He sat with his arms around her shoulders, but not in an overbearing way. His hands were just visible enough to inform anyone that might be speaking with her that he was there, too.
Xena also noticed that he had his tailed wound around her waist. It was kind of cute, seeing the signature red appendage holding Alexys close, twitching in delight every now and then if something entertained or pleased him. Xena wasn’t sure if Alexys was aware, but her friend would absently pet or stroke parts of his tail as she talked, seemingly out of reflex. This would trigger a sound from Gwyoko that couldn’t be mistaken: that of a pleased purr.
Alexys definitely noticed that, and she giggled and gave Gwyoko a light peck on the cheek. In turn, Gwyoko nuzzled the side of her neck and rested his head there, assuring that his horns weren’t in any position to do her any harm. He adjusted his arms to join his tail in wrapping around her torso. Xena raised an eyebrow, and Alexys looked at her in confusion, oblivious to how unusual the situation looked to someone on the outside looking in.
“You two really have gotten close,” Xena noted, eyes shifting between the two lovebirds. “It’s nice to see, and I hope you two are happy together. I take it Gwyoko is especially happy getting to spend essentially every day with you.”
“I’m happy that I get to spend time with him, too,” Alexys agreed, and Gwyoko’s red cheeks only grew redder. “My life wouldn’t be what it is today without him. I don’t think I could ever ask for a better partner.”
His tail was twitching in quite a pronounced fashion now, and Xena’s grin widened. “As lovely as you two are, how would you feel about joining me on a weekend getaway sometime? Just like a mini vacation somewhere relaxing. I think we could both use the break.”
It was a harmless suggestion, but Gwyoko’s attitude changed instantly. His grip grew just a little tighter, and his tail drew Alexys just a little closer against him. He wasn’t looking at Xena with contempt, more like irritation. Such a suggestion made his skin crawl, and although he knew it wasn’t really an appropriate reaction, it occurred out of reflex. Small wisps of steam started puffing from his nose; another physical representation of his annoyance accompanied by a low growl in his throat. His skin started warming up as well, and Alexys picked up on these signs quickly, drawing him closer to give him a few kisses and help him calm down.
When it came to Alexys, Gwyoko didn’t have a lot of self-control. He wanted to hold her, and love her, and protect her. She was the best thing that’d ever happened to him, and he would fight to the death before he’d let anything take that away. He didn’t want to fight Xena or confront her with any action more severe than this. But just hearing the possibility of Alexys being taken away, being removed from his life for more than a couple hours, stoked the fire that raged within him. He knew it wasn’t rational, or kind, or even necessary, but he was still half dragon, and always would be. The good news was that Alexys had experienced this behavior of his a few times already and was more than capable of soothing his nerves and cooling his head.
“I’m sorry,” Gwyoko sighed, directing his apology at Xena. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t give it a second thought,” she replied, waving her hand dismissively. “I know you didn’t mean it. And I also know you can’t really help yourself when it comes to Alexys, can you? I guess that makes sense, since she is your treasure.”
Alexys and Gwyoko blushed in unison, and the half dragon ducked down behind her shoulder. She rubbed one of his horns and combed her fingers through his hair, still attempting to offer him some comfort despite being so flustered herself. Having him around always made her feel so serene, she wanted to make sure she could make him feel that way, too.
Xena’s expression softened as she rested her arm against the couch. “You two really are perfect for each other. It’s kind of wild, considering he came from a whole other dimension. I guess it just goes to show that even boundaries that seem impossible to cross aren’t really that impossible.”
“I’d still say most of it was luck,” Alexys corrected, and Gwyoko nodded his head in agreement. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad things turned out this way. More than glad; I couldn’t be happier. This is probably the most surreal, and most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Gwyoko and Xena both knew her words were genuine, and Alexys’s confession stirred a little joy in both of their hearts. Xena was sincerely happy for her friend and would continue to be as long as this was what Alexys really wanted. Gwyoko couldn’t fathom leaving her side, determined to do everything in his power to bring her as much happiness as he possibly could. And Alexys appreciated the fact that she knew such kind people, and had such warm and caring friends. Right now, everything in her life was exactly how she wanted it to be. She couldn’t dream of better people to share it with.
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terresdebrume · 7 years
Responses to my ‘I hate the idea of teacher!Harry’ post
[Link to the post for reference]
I also kind of want to make it clear that just ‘cause I personally hate the idea it doesn’t mean I think people shouldn’t be allowed to like or use it—I’m just gonna make sure to play in a different sandbox for the sake of everyone involved xD
That being said, since the post was kind of bare-boned and written in the heat of the moment, more explanations/reasoning is fair game. Ahem. Onto the debate, such as it is.
@ginmo said: I get what you're saying and I'm 50/50 on the Harry as a teacher thing, like I really don't care what profession JKR would have given him because I see value is each, but the boundaries and culture you're attributing to the profession in the real world is not necessarily there in the magical world (and I'm a teacher -high school- too lol I didn't expect to see a lot of teachers on here!)
Haha, hi fellow teacher! (I have different conditions tbh, I teach in a French Institute which is more like a...private language school? Sort of? Vastly different from teachers in the national education network of France, at any rate)
Honestly, I disagree with the idea that Hogwarts would be freed from the limitations that exist in muggle schools.
After all, Albus Dumbledore was a very influential person, and even he couldn’t prevent his own firing (courtesy of Lucius Malfoy and some kind of parents council or whatever else in COS) Dolores Umbridge’s presence in OotP, or Lupin’s firing due to prejudice in PoA. True, those were in the specific context of mounting fascism in the magical world and Dumbles was a very flawed person, but still.
Plus, while we don’t know for sure whether Hogwarts is a private or a public school (or in any case, the knowledge escapes me) it is, as far as the books state, the only wizarding school in GB, so you bet your butt people are going to keep an eye on it and demands are going to be made.
If Dumbledore couldn’t make the school into its own little kingdom, I highly doubt later headmasters/headmistresses will manage it, even if I have every confidence that some of them will work their hardest to make things better.
@rahakasha said: I always thought that if he did any teaching it would be tutoring - weekends/summer for Hogwarts students or perhaps home tutoring for non-Hogwarts students. He'd be able to set his own schedule, location, terms (if contracts are needed), and so on.
(Sorry, the @ feature didn’t want to work for your url :/)
It is a possibility indeed, and there would be more leeway there (plus of course creative license since there’s no canon about that option). However, even when privately arranging with a family, you are not free to do whatever you want—they are your clients, you’re their employees, and you’re forced to compose with them and their demands, whether you think they’re reasonable or not.
(For ex : If a parent says they want their kids to have four hours of class every Saturday morning with you, it’s delicate to refuse, first because they might not accept or appreciate your attempt to influence their kid’s education, and second because you might lose a client and you sort of do need them for a living)
Plus, from what I’ve seen and experienced, people who ‘buy’ lessons for their kids tend to treat said lessons as a product. They often want visible results as soon as possible because, well, they don’t always want/have the ability to pay for too many hours in the long run. This is actually very frustrating for teachers, especially when the expectations for results fail to take into account the realities of teaching and learning.
(To be fair, most of it is born of a lack of education to the topic, but it doesn’t make things any more agreeable for the teachers involved).
@crocordile​ said: Hogwarts is so different from a regular school, I really feel like Harry would have much more ground to make a positive impact on children who need support - because they're being bullied or anything of the sort....  with minerva as principal moreover it'd be a very different things, they could work together and do so much...                     In this job, he'd BE the authority, only minerva above him, Btw I don't mean to come onto your post and annoy you sagvdbhfrgnjsd just exposing why some of us don't find it hateful even if we are teachers ourselves dealing with the terrible aspects of our profession :S I'm positive most people with that headcanon see harry as a solution to the problems you bring up, rather than being caught in them, etc
(Frankly, I disagree on the idea that it’s that different from a regular school. The topics and building are different but it didn’t seem to me like the pedagogy or lessons structures were that different from things I’ve seen or experienced as a student or during my nine months of working in Scotland. Hogwarts, to me, seems fairly modeled on the UK’s schol system, but I might be wrong.)
I mean, yes, he’d have power to turn his classroom into a better environment, but changing the school would be dependent on his colleagues’ and superiors’ active cooperation, which is never a guarantee. Plus, even with his hierarchy’s full support, McGonagall (or any other headmistress/headmaster) isn’t above the law or the various institutions meant to control Hogwarts, and war prestige only gets you so far (see my response above about external influences on the school life during Harry’s years).
Like, yes, Harry could make a positive impact as a teacher, but it would still be delayed no matter how you cut it, which I really, really can’t picture him being okay with.
Also, you mention bullying but what about the abuse that happens at home? What about students who are too poor to afford proper living conditions outside Hogwarts? As a teacher, he’d do what he can but I doubt he’d be able to offer much in terms of practical, immediate solution (let alone solutions he could have control on).
Of course, the job of Auror comes with its own trappings in that respect because he wouldn’t be on the field 24/7 and there would probably be a TON of paperwork, but at least with every job finished he’d know for a fact that he had a real, measurable influence on making the world a better place, which I honestly think he needs to see.
(Hogwarts, while an important place, isn’t the world, after all, and I’m not sure Harry would feel satisfied to limit himself to such a small microcosm without even being able to address the causes of his students’ distress)
That being said, don’t worry, I wasn’t annoyed by your intervention :D
Like I said at the start of the post, while I have a visceral dislike for the idea I don’t mind that not everyone shares my opinion I just...avoid entering the debate with staunch proponents of it? Mostly because I know I’d get irritated and snippy and that wouldn’t be interesting for anyone involved, honestly.
Debates along less wide chasms I can manage, though, I hope xD
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bosstoaster · 7 years
Kiss From A Rose
Shunk Week Day 3: Flower Meanings
(Fill 2/4)
Summary: Hunk and Shiro bond over a shared interest in an Altean novel series, which escalates into learning Altean flower language.  It turns out trading flowers is more fun that passing notes.
AKA No one ever make me make up fake flowers ever again
Thank you to @xagrok for beta’ing!
As Shiro opened the door, he nearly walked right into Hunk.  
"Woah, hey there," he called, stepping carefully out of his path.  "Everything okay?"  He glanced back the way he'd come, as though he could see the reason Hunk was rushing, then realized it wasn't because he was in a hurry - it was just that Hunk had his nose in a book.
It took a few moments to respond, and then Hunk blinked and looked up.  "Huh?  Oh, Shiro.  Hello."  Another second passed, and what happened seemed to register.  "Oh!  Did I nearly walk into you?  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.  I was just distracted."
"I can see that," Shiro replied fondly.  "Good book?"
(Read More Below)
Hunk perked, seeming assured that Shiro wasn't upset at nearly being run over, and he held up his tablet.  "Yeah.  It's one of the ones Coran put through the translator.  It's some kind of romance novel, I think?  Unless I'm really misunderstanding.  But they're kind of like spies about it.  Did you know Alteans have a flower language too?"
"I didn't," Shiro replied, brows up.  "Makes sense, though."
Hunk nodded agreeably, eyes still locked on his novel.  "Yeah.  Juniberries actually mean renewal and growth, fun fact.  I thought that was nice."
Lips curling up, Shiro nodded.  "It is.  What's the name of the book?"
"Blooming at Sunset," Hunk replied, pulling it back up and showing Shiro the cover.  It was a dramatic shadowy meadow with a starlit night sky and two huge moons, along with some kind of ring that looked metal rather than made of ice and space rocks.  Artificial?  In the lone spot of light there was an Altean, back to the cover, their cloak billowing dramatically as they stared into the darkness.  "I know it looks silly, but..."
Shiro waved him off.  "You don't need to defend yourself.  It sounds like you're enjoying it.  I asked so I could look it up myself and see."
Eyes going wide, Hunk blushed faintly.  "Oh.  Good.  It's a good book.  But it's, uh, not for kids.  For the record."
Brows jumping up, Shiro looked over Hunk considerately.  "Are you reading porn?"
"It's not- no, not like that," Hunk replied, swallowing hard.  "I mean, okay, a little bit.  But not really.  There's a few parts that I just wouldn't want to read out loud to my moms, that's all."
Shiro finally cracked, grinning.  "Noted.  Thanks for the warning."
"No problem," Hunk replied.  "I should go check in with Coran on the Yellow Lion repairs.  I'll talk to you later."
Oh, right, Shiro had been heading to talk to Allura.  Well, he'd left early, so he still wasn't late.  "Yes.  Thank you for the recommendation."
To his delight, Hunk went pink again as he nodded and scurried off.  If he'd had a tail, it would have been firmly between his legs.
It was probably mean of Shiro to tease him.  After all, he was essentially Hunk's superior officer.  But, well, Shiro was enjoying Hunk's blush, and he had to get his kicks somewhere.
That in mind, Shiro made his way through the rec room to the other hallway, and he put aside thoughts of the book.
At least, he did until that night, when nightmares lurked, both from his memories and from his imagination.  But the blank, dark walls of his room did him no better.
Then Shiro remembered Blooming at Sunset and reached for his tablet.  Something silly and romantic was a lot better than anything his mind would cook up right now.  So he settled in for the night and began to read.
The novel was a light read, and Shiro was done with it well before the day started.  Likely, the only reason it had taken Hunk more than a couple of hours was due to how busy they were.  But it was amazing how much extra time one had when sleep wasn’t in the picture.
So the next morning, Hunk found a piece of paper with a passable sketch of Glagminium flower left on his plate.  Shiro wouldn’t call himself an artist by a long shot, but he could copy something, and he’d found the image of it in the Altean animal and plant glossary also included in Coran’s translated books.  
That and he’d labeled it.  That helped.
Hunk paused at it, surprised, then smiled at Shiro.  “You read it that fast?”
Shiro shrugged one shoulder.  “It was enjoyable.”
“Read what?” Pidge asked, peering over at the drawing.  She reached out to pick it up, but Hunk snagged it up before she could.  She scowled back, no doubt remembering the many times that Hunk had felt no issue in going through her things.
“A novel,” Shiro replied easily.  “It involved Altean flower language.  The Glagminium means ‘thank you’.”
Allura picked her head up and smiled.  “Oh!  Which book was it?”
“Blooming at Sunset,” Shiro told her.
She beamed, eyes sparkling.  “Oh, good choice!  I loved that series as a teenager.  It’s a bit... uh, dramatic, but it’s very enjoyable.”
Lance eyed them all suspiciously.  “Did you two just read the Atlean version of the  latest teen girl craze book?”
“It was quite popular, yes.”  Allura squinted at him.  “I don’t understand why that’s a problem.”
“Because some books get reputations based on their fan bases on Earth,” Keith replied, shrugging.  He pulled over the platter and started to serve himself.  “It’s not a big deal.”
Allura considered him, still ruffled by Lance’s tone, but she finally seemed to decide it wasn’t worth the argument.  Good.  Shiro didn’t want to have to deal with that first thing in the morning, even if he hadn’t technically just woken up.  Actually, especially in that case.  “Yes, it does mean ‘thank you’.  It can also mean the beginning of affections.”
“Oh.”  Shiro paused, surprised.  The book had only mentioned the one meaning.  Huh.  He supposed it was either supposed to be understood, or it was a hidden joke, since it was passed on early between the romantic leads.  “Well, that’s not the meaning I meant.”  He offered Hunk a smile.  “I’m very fond of you already, no beginnings necessary.”
Hunk beamed back.  “Aww!  Thank you.”  He slid the drawing into one of his pockets and started his own breakfast, practically glowing from the compliment.
Not for the first time, Shiro reminded himself to praise Hunk more.  He did so much for the team and he always got so flustered and pleased when someone mentioned it.  Shiro never wanted to take him for granted.
“I haven’t really looked into the translated novels yet,” Pidge admitted, sipping her water.  “I was trying to get better at Altean and read them in the original format.  Translations usually lose something.”
Considering some of the translations he’d read in the past, Shiro nodded.  “True.  But sometimes you just want something light to do.  Let your brain take a break.”
Snorting, Lance reached over and ruffled Pidge’s hair.  “I don’t think you’ve ever heard of that.”
“I take breaks!  I like puzzles.”  Pidge smacked his hand away, huffing, and she shoved her hair back out of her face.  “And we watch plenty of movies together.”
Shiro snorted.  “Well, today’s training will certainly be a break for your brain. It’s going to be reflexes work.”
That earned him a series of groans from everyone except for Keith, who just nodded his understanding.  Shiro smiled at their whines, utterly unbothered.  It was something nearly all of them needed to work on.
Once breakfast was finished, they all broke off to get changed.  When he got to the training room, he saw a piece of paper taped to it.  On it was a picture of a chain of Traynia blossoms, arranged in a neat row.  They were labeled with an arrow like Shiro’s drawing had been.
Each one meant ‘thank you’.  A chain of them meant ‘many thanks’ or ‘overcoming adversity’.  
Now Shiro understood why Hunk had looked like he have been lit from the inside when he got Shiro’s drawing.  It was nice.  Not quite like getting real flowers - all of these were extinct, which Shiro was trying very hard not to think about - but pretty close.
And it was just nice to know that someone was thinking about him enough to draw flowers based on their meaning.
Sliding the drawing into his bag, Shiro started to set up, a soft smile on his face.
The trade continued over the next few weeks, to the point that the rest of the paladins started to pick up on the messages as well.
Shiro drew Hunk a bouquet of mixed Drium Tears and Bruxnets, meaning ‘strength’ and ‘intelligence’ when he came up with a clever solution that saved their lives on a mission.
Hunk drew Shiro Chaxwims for ‘rest’ on dozens of sheets of paper and pushed them all under the bottom of his door when he’d had another bad night and looked like it in the morning.
Allura and Coran were delighted, to Shiro’s relief.  He’d been afraid that it would be hard for them to deal with seeing those reminders.  But in hindsight, they lived in a giant reminder of what they’d lost, so perhaps flower language wasn’t so hard to see.  Especially since Allura seemed excited to talk about the book, if anything.
It was also just nice to have something to bond with Hunk over.  While they were on the same team and they trusted each other with their lives, Hunk and Shiro hadn’t had much social overlap outside of the group.  Shiro had history with both Keith and Pidge, just like Hunk and Lance had, and Shiro and Lance at least had common interests and a shared occupation.  What Hunk was good at, like mechanical tinkering and cooking, were some of Shiro’s weaker areas.
So the shared interested in the flower language (more so than the novel, if Shiro was being honest, but he didn’t want to disappoint Allura) was a good bridge, and it got them talking more often.
And it also ended with Shiro offering to help more in the kitchen.
“That needs to be heated first,” Hunk told Shiro, as he started to pour the sticky brown liquid not unlike maple syrup into the sauce.
Shiro paused and frowned, turning to look at him.  “Why?  It’s about to go into the hot pan anyway.”
Hunk shot him a look that said that Shiro should just take his word for it, but he sighed.  “It changes the chemistry of it.”
“Oh.  The consistency?”  Cooking had always been essentially witchcraft to Shiro, but chemistry he knew.  Intellectually, he was aware they were related, but as far as he was concerned, food came already made, either from cafeterias or the frozen food section, so he’d never had to delve into it.
Brows up, Hunk nodded.  “Right.  And it makes dissolving easier.”
Like tea.  Okay, Shiro could understand that.  He put the syrup into the heating element (not a microwave, apparently.  Hunk and Coran agreed on that, though for different reasons, but Shiro still thought it was basically the same idea) and let it warm before adding it.
“Sorry that you have to babysit me,” Shiro told him as he stirred.  Hunk had given him very specific directions not to stop after the last time he’d burned all the liquid out of what he was cooking.  “It really defeats the purpose of offering you a hand.”
Chuckling, Hunk shrugged.  “It’s not all about that.  Well, yes, it’s nice when the food’s edible and we don’t make more of a mess than we have to.  But it’s also about the company.  Food usually is.  You can make a nice meal just for yourself, but it’s so much work just for that.  Fine as an indulgence, but...”  Hunk smiled at Shiro like the sun breaking through clouds.  “It’s better with friends.”
Shiro felt his cheeks heat and he ducked his head to hide it.
Shit.  Hunk was really cute when he said stuff like that.  
Or when he lifted the training bot bodily.
Actually, that wasn’t cute.  That was a different reaction altogether.
Oh, jeez.  Shiro did not need a crush.  He never needed one, but especially not now, when they were the universe’s last line of defence.  Shiro couldn’t afford to be distracted just because Hunk had a lovely smile and work-rough hands and muscles that could lift Shiro and make it look easy.
Damn it all.
Picking his head up, Shiro stared at Hunk, and then down at the sauce, which was really more of a puddle at the bottom of the pan at this point.
Despite that, Shiro found a drawing of a Glagminium and a Rumin taped to the door of his room that night.  Thank you for your help.
Shiro took them down and stored them carefully in the drawer with the others, carefully preserved.
...Damn, okay, he’d had this crush for a while, hadn’t he?
What a bother.
Now that he was thinking about it, Shiro couldn’t stop noticing Hunk.  His smile when he made a pun and the rest of the group groaned in pain made Shiro’s heart pick up.  The way he casually pulled everyone, including Shiro, into big hugs made him feel warm for an hour after.  The way his nose crinkled when he concentrated on putting a machine together made Shiro want to kiss away the wrinkles.
It was all incredibly frustrating.
Shiro really needed to do something about this.  Exorcise his feelings, somehow.  Get it out of his system.  He hadn’t had feelings for anyone in years - since before graduation, before training for Kerberos, before everything that happened after - and he’d forgotten what a constant pain it was.
He’d also forgotten how exhilarating it was, but that didn’t matter.  Hunk saw Shiro as a friend, and that was wonderful.  Shiro wasn’t going to push for more than that.  
So what to do?  How to make it go away?  Shiro wished this was like a cold and he could just take his medication until the feelings died off.
He was still musing on that on their next mission, answering a weak distress signal on an otherwise quiet planet.
It turned out to be a quick stop.  The beacon sending off the signal was a barely-active hunk of rusted metal, and the rest of the settlement was in abandoned ruins.  Either they’d died out years ago, or they’d left completely and abandoned their settlement, and no one had remembered to turn off that particular machine.
“Well, at least it’s a nice planet,” Lance offered, as they trudged back through the forest to their lions.
Pidge shot him a flat look.  “For you, maybe,” she replied, voice thick.  “Whatever’s out here is getting past my allergy meds.”
Glancing around, Shiro nodded to the blooms on the bushes and branches of the trees.  “I think it might be pollen season, here.  That would explain why.”
“Great,” Pidge replied, rubbing her nose.  “Let’s get back quickly, alright?”
Keith eyed her in poorly disguised amusement.  “So much for lessons learned from the Olkari.”
That only earned him a huff.  “I appreciate plants a lot more when they’re not trying to convince my body to kill me.”
“Your body isn’t trying to kill itself,” Lance replied, rolling his eyes.  
“Feels like it.”
They stepped out into a field and trudged through the waist-high grasses and plant stalks.  “Sorry, Pidge, I’m with Lance on this one.  It’s a really nice day.”  He stretched comfortably, arms in the air and back arched, and Shiro had to look away quickly so he wouldn’t get distracted.  
Which was why he noticed a push off to the side with bright yellow petals.  “Oh!”
“What’s wrong?” Keith asked, frowning as Shiro suddenly veered off bath.
Picking a few, Shiro held them up.  “These look like Wiyses.  Don’t they?”
“They do,” Hunk confirmed, eyes wide.  “Well, the Alteans traded a lot, and that probably includes flowers and plants.  I’m not surprised something ended up managing to survive somewhere else.”
Pidge frowned.  “Or it’s just convergent evolution.  It just looks like the same flower.”
“Maybe,” Shiro agreed, shrugging.  “Regardless, it’s nice to see.”
“Bring some back to Allura,” Lance replied easily.  “She and Coran will be able to tell if they’re the real deal or not.  And it’ll probably make them happy.  They like your arts and crafts flowers, they’ll like these.”
Nodding, Shiro took a few more and hoped it was enough for a clipping or testing or whatever the Alteans had to make more flowers.  If it wasn’t, they could come back for more.  “Sorry, Pidge.”
“I’ll live,” Pidge replied, though she sighed.  “What do these mean?”
Shiro paused, trying to remember.  “Beauty,” he replied.  “And romantic affection.”  He paused and looked down at them.  “I should probably explain before I just hand these over.”
Reaching out, Lance plucked another one off.  “I’ll give them to Allura,” he offered, brows waggling, and he huffed when Shiro only gave him a flat look.  “She’s beautiful, so it works.  C’mon, I have like five lines all ready to go.”
“Please don’t let him bring any,” Keith muttered.  
“Seconded,” Pidge added.  “This is supposed to be nice, don’t ruin it with your bad pick-up lines.”
Lance placed a hand on his chest.  “They’re great!  Tell ‘em, Hunk.”
Wincing, Hunk hesitated.  “Um.  Yes?”
“Cold, dude.  As if you could do better.”
Rolling his eyes at them all, Shiro bundled the flowers carefully.  “Enough.  I’ll give them to Allura and Coran and just explain the situation and no one has to say anything else.”
That kept them quiet for about a minute.  Then Hunk spoke.  “I could definitely do better.”
Lance stuck out his tongue at him, already stepping into the Blue Lion.  “Yeah?  Prove it.”
“Sure.”  Hunk stepped over to Shiro and plucked one of the flowers out of his hands.  Then he tucked it behind his ear.  “It suits you.”
With that, he turned and followed Lance into the lion.
Shiro stared after him, eyes wide and sure his face was going pink.
“Shit, that was pretty good,” Lance allowed, glancing back at Shiro.  “I was going to quote some Shakespeare, but I guess that doesn’t make sense with Allura anyway.  Alright, fine.  You win.”
Hunk didn’t reply.  He just glanced over his shoulder back at Shiro and offered him a small, warm smile.
“Shiro?” Keith called, waving from where he and Pidge were piling back into the Red Lion.  “C’mon, let’s head back.”
“On my way,” he replied, heading after.
Pidge frowned and looked him over.  “I should have gone back in Blue with all this pollen in here, eugh.”  But she seemed to notice his blush and paused. “What did Hunk say?”
Shiro swallowed.  “It was a pretty good line,” he admitted.
“That and you just have a massive crush on him,” Keith muttered, sitting down in the chair.
It was the fact that Allura and Coran hadn’t seen these flowers in years that kept Shiro from throwing the entire bouquet at him.
Later that evening, when Coran and Allura were done exclaiming over the flowers (it was the same plant, though a few thousands years of evolution along, so slightly different), Shiro decided to get even.
The manufacturing on the ship was somewhat limited by the supplies they had, but there was plenty of colored plastic (technically not actual plastic, but close enough).  Which was enough to make fake flowers.
Shiro agonized over the choices, flipping through Blooming at Sunset a few times for inspiration.  Finally he just made a list of Hunk’s qualities and cross-referenced it to the flowers.
Patience, intelligence, wisdom, loving, beautiful, caring.
It was a mish-mash without rhyme or reason, and the result looked like Shiro had jammed together a bunch of random plants without any care.  But hopefully Hunk would read into the meanings, or at least enjoy figuring it out on his own time.
Taking a deep breath, Shiro took the bundle and knocked on Hunk’s door.
Opening it, Hunk paused and smiled.  “Hey, what’s- oh, wow.”
Shiro shoved them forward and took a breath, just barely holding onto his dignity.  “I didn’t want to be outdone,” he admitted, smiling.  “I’m a little competitive.”
“No kidding,” Hunk replied, totally dry.  “The guy who was picked to go to Kerberos when he was still a student is competitive.  Who would have guessed?”  Then he looked down at the lot with a smile.  “All this is for me?”
“Yes,” Shiro replied, hands falling awkwardly to his side.  “This time you don’t get labels.  Have fun.”
Hunk smiled back.  “I will.  I have something for you too.”
Frowning, Shiro blinked at him.  “Oh.  What kind of something?”
“Great minds think alike,” was all Hunk replied.  He ducked back into his room, then came back out with a fake flower of his own.
It was a red rose.
“I wanted to be up front,” Hunk admitted, voice thinning with nerves.  “Because I think you- well, when I said that before, I was kind of hoping you might, you know... also.  So.  Here.”  He held out the rose.
Taking it gently, Shiro stared at him.  “Is this a confession?”
Hunk winced and nodded, eyes slamming shut.  “Yeah.  I promise it won’t be weird if you don’t feel the same.  But I thought from your reaction- I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” Shiro replied, shaking his head.  “Mine was too.  I was just making you figure it out.”
Hunk’s mouth fell open.  “Oh.  Oh!  You... Oh.”
They stared at each other for a long moment, neither quite sure what to do now.
“Oh, screw it,” Shiro muttered.  Then he leaned forward and kissed Hunk.
Hunk’s lips curled up under his, and he pulled Shiro in a step closer.  “Let’s go on a date first.”
Groaning, because no matter how lovely Hunk was, his puns still sucked, Shiro pulled away.  “You’re something, alright.”
Chuckling, Hunk pressed their foreheads together.  “A good something?”
“Yes,” Shiro replied.  He reached out and tangled their fingers together.  “Want me to stay while you figure out the flower message?”
Hunk nodded and pulled Shiro into his room.
The next day, there was a bouquet of the Wiyses on the table, bright and blooming.
No one commented, even when Pidge eyed it warily through breakfast.  But her anti-histamines held, so she didn’t complain.
Peering at Hunk through the yellow petals, Shiro offered him a small, warm smile, which was returned.
Later, he’d have to make a few more flowers, now that he didn’t have to obscure his feelings.
But first, training.
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articlewriter24 · 5 years
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diki6808 · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
high power cleaning melbourne
0 notes
forextrendyscanner · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
high power cleaning melbourne
0 notes
screamowyabois-blog · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
ilhadehsoll-blog · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
viraltnteam · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
high power cleaning melbourne
0 notes
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
high power cleaning melbourne
0 notes
its-me-dawn-flange · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
high power cleaning melbourne
0 notes
jmj973 · 6 years
Easy Steps To Follow For Home Improvement Home improvement is a puzzling topic for many. No homeowner can afford to ignore home improvement work forever, though. Read this article if you are at a loss for where to start or simply don't know what to do to improve your home. Small rooms can seem dreary but that can be changed. Look for ways to make the room appear lighter and more airy. Clean your windows and make them sparkle. Open the blinds as well. Rooms appear much larger and more open with good natural lighting. Paint your walls a color that is pale and do not have a cluttered home. Your small room suddenly won't seem so cramped anymore. Whenever you will be staining or painting something that is wooden, smooth the surface with sandpaper and use a damp rag to wipe the residue off. This process will make the wood look smooth and attractive. Using a wet rag to wipe off the item will eliminate dust and ensure the finish remains smooth. Consider the "age-in-place" philosophy when you are making home renovations. This concept helps you to cope within the home as you are going to get older as time passes. When you are making changes to a home you want to keep forever, or even one you hope to sell, additions that are age-in-place increase the safety, value and comfort of the house. You can make your kitchen more pleasant thanks to flowers and fruits. Try arranging fresh cut flowers in a vase for instant appeal. This method is very cheap and can instantly liven up your kitchen. A vase filled with fresh fresh flowers instantly lifts your mood and the look of the kitchen, even on the dreariest of days. If you have a tired, dated kitchen, consider a new sink. You home will look better instantly when you add a new sink. Newer sinks in fresh colors can help you add some color to the kitchen. Before you buy blinds, you should measure them. Without measuring properly, you may have trouble installing the blinds correctly. There are many sizes of blinds and some go on the interior while others go outside of the window. Are you one of those people who enjoy the outdoors, but don't care for the bugs that may come along with that experience? You should think about putting in an enclosure on your home that is screened. A screened enclosure gives your family a nice shaded and protected area that keeps the bugs out but lets the fresh air in. A ceiling fan will increase your comfort. If you have a large home improvement job, it's best to hire a professional. Architects, designers, and contractors earned their titles. Their job is a challenge, but they have the tools and training for it. Hiring a pro with a good reputation is the best way to ensure a job well done. List steps and measures you will need to take before you start your home improvement project. You can even have someone else go over the list to make sure you haven't forgotten something important. Ensure you have the time for this project, sometimes it takes longer than you thought. Use steel wool as a temporary measure to plug any holes or cracks that are allowing mice to find their way into your home. Rodents cannot nibble through the steel wool as easily as they can chew through wood. It will therefore assist you in keeping these pests out of your home until a complete repair can be made. This hint will help you through a long cold winter. Purchase a water softener and filter your water through it. Water softeners clear away magnesium and also calcium deposits in water , which are responsible for hardness. There are different types of water softeners available, such as ones that use tablets. Make the choice about which is right for your house. It doesn't take a lot of time to clean your gutters, but it can make a big difference in the success of your home maintenance plan. Clogged gutters can cause water to remain between guttering or holes in a fascia board. This may rot your wood. Thus, it's a good idea to improve your home by cleaning out your gutters. Weren't these some great suggestions to assist you in home improvement ideas? Use these suggestions as soon as you can. You can have a good time changing your house. This article should have simplified matters for you and given you the confidence to move ahead on your projects now.
How To Transform Your Basement Into A Game Room
If you find yourself thinking about taking on home improvement projects, then you are probably also wondering if you will be saving yourself money by doing them yourself. Of course you can, but you should know your limits and start small. This article can help you do things yourself, and help you know when to call a professional.
The key to home improvement projects is to have fun! While you should be careful, you should also enjoy yourself. If you are not enjoying yourself, you will make some mistakes. Think about finding a professional to do the job for you if cannot do it yourself.
A good tip for home improvement is to plan ahead of time. You can prevent poor decisions and disaster by planning ahead. If you plan the job properly before it starts, you will find the work gets done quicker and with less problems.
Be sure to set up an emergency escape plan and familiarize everyone in the household with it. If there is an accident, many people have the tendency to panic. Making plans on safe ways to exit a home when there is a fire or other emergency can help increase the likelihood that all family members will escape unharmed. Get together and devise a plan for any possible emergency.
Install a shower if you don't already have one on the premises. A shower is easier to get into than a bathtub and also limits the water consumed by people in the house. This is especially true if you have kids. A five-minute shower consumes a quarter of the water necessary to fill a bathtub.
Lots of homeowners decrease their renovation costs by putting in particleboard or solid wood cabinets without hardware. Luckily, you can get the knobs, handles or pulls that you want on the Internet or at a home improvement retailer. You can purchase any style or design of knobs that you wish and install them in a minutes.
An air conditioner may stick out like a sore thumb in your garden decor, but it is a much needed appliance in many climate regions. You can safely and effectively camouflage with a wooden trellis or latticework. One other option is to use large, ornamental grass. Remember to leave space for the roots to grow.
Homeowners who hire a private contractor to do a large-scale home improvement project should listen carefully to the contractor's advice but avoid taking it as gospel. Even top-notch contractors with great reputations will work in their own best interest when dealing with homeowners that are intimidated, uninvolved or overly agreeable. Get a second opinion before agreeing to additional work that involves more money or time.
Do not overload a room with too much furniture. A room full of furniture looks tiny, no matter how big it actually is. While you may like the furniture, someone looking to buy your home will probably prefer to see the open space. Having less furniture in a room can cause it to appear larger.
If your home is very functional, add more living area. A playroom for your children or a home office are great choices for additions. Not only will this make your home more comfortable and livable, it'll increase its resale value, too. Wait on these larger projects until you have saved enough money for them.
You can perform many home improvements yourself. If the project is more complicated, then hiring a licensed contractor with experience is important. You might be able to paint, do simple repairs to your plumbing, and other things without professional assistance. You can keep some money in your pocket if you do these things by yourself.
Get windows that have secondary glazing. Although these windows can cost more, they help decrease energy costs as well as outside noise considerably. Think of getting these kinds of windows if you want to save some time and money later on. These windows will keep your home cool and quiet.
Home improvements can show your own true colors. You can do some great home improvement projects that won't cost too much money. This article will give you the information you need to know if you can do it yourself or not.
High Power Cleaning Services
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