#the rotary phone has to save battery....
mothsgotghosts · 3 months
Usha is so easily my favorite pc already. "She's a 100 years old" immediate favorite. The oldest woman in the world. Rehka the genius you are
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ohmysoft · 5 years
juice poured out on laptop, some keys no longer work what to do
juice poured out on laptop, some keys no longer work what to do? Yesterday, Bluetooth, cordless phones, baby phones, microwave ovens, among others, bustle around, so that interference is common. WLAN divides the frequency range into 13 channels. Channels 9 and 10 have almost the same frequency as standard microwave ovens. The price is perfectly reasonable. the use case is clear, but it still has to work. A couple of things worked. The keyboard was similar to that of a monotribe. The sound and the look of the device well. In the meantime a few years have passed, but the love for electronic and other music still remains. Some commands are more complicated to execute than others and take significantly longer to execute. Let's take the division as an example.
In interaction with Cubase, I don't always have good things to say about it.
You know one of them from old rotary dial telephones.
The saving measures mentioned reduce the energy requirement, so that battery life of six to nine hours can be achieved.
Hard drive performance is a little less important.
With this grand disassembly description I have it, now I only need the small circuit board where the socket is soldered as a spare part and then hopefully the stuff will work again.
For higher demands, each pair of wires can be shielded with aluminum foil. The four wire pairs are twisted together, sometimes get an overall shield and are cast. According to current knowledge, this is not dangerous for health, because it is below the permissible limit. Only from 0.5 watts upwards do headaches appear to occur. There are initiatives, e.g. B. in Great Britain and Austria, to limit the use of WLAN in schools [38]. If you have the option, remove the keyboard and dab the interior of the laptop. Instructions for removing the keyboard can be found in this article. Now release all keys from the keyboard. This can be done, for example, with a knife or a screwdriver. The keys only have to be lifted slightly and can then be removed.
1 note · View note
A Dying Art (Chapter 11)
A Dying Art
Lorcan Verdigris is a time wizard, a misanthrope, and a single father to a household of magically-sentient furniture.
Lorcan Verdigris is not a necromancer. Anymore. But when the leader of the local necro coven comes to him with a request he really, really can’t refuse, past collides with present as he finds himself back in the world he’d tried to leave behind. Someone is trying to steal a powerful magical artifact, one whose destruction could unleash chaos upon the city. Or save it from an even greater danger. Or do nothing at all. Who knows. See, this is exactly why Lorcan stopped messing with the stuff.
Unfortunately, one way or another, Lorcan’s the one stuck dealing with it. He’d like to say this is a challenge that will take all his magic and his ingenuity to overcome, but let’s be real, stopping this threat will take something even more dire: actual effort. At least he’s getting paid this time…
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Chapter 11: Late Night Showdown
Word Count: 4,362
Content warnings: very brief examples of minor body horror
Necromancy shit always started at midnight, which happened to be the exact time that Operator called for him after a long and unproductive day of staring at blurry pictures of his own hand and catching up on sleep.
“I’m up, I’m up,” he said, walking into the living room. “What’s–”
“One of Osiris’s people says she needs to talk to you,” Operator told him. They tossed him their headset (Op was a faux-1900s candlestick rotary phone plugged into Lorcan’s landline).
Someone who worked for Osiris. But sensible enough to call on a phone instead of summoning a million dead bugs–the realtor? “Hello?” Lorcan asked.
“Hello, Mr. Verdigris.” It was the realtor. “There is a situation at the Crown’s estate we need you to deal with. Intruders on the premises.”
He frowned. “And they can’t handle it because?”
“Osiris is doing a ‘nighttime inventory’ at the store. Minimizing time spent here until the security holes are patched.”
“That makes sense,” he said. “But one, I don’t have a car, it’ll be at least half an hour to get there if I’m lucky with the buses. Two, do you really expect me to fight someone that can go toe-to-toe with the Crown Osiris?”
“I’m not asking you to fight them, Mr. Verdigris. The methods of these intruders seem different from before. Less subtle. They’re angry about something.”
“Unsubtle anger doesn’t usually make a fight less likely. Guess how I know.”
“Mr. Verdigris,” the realtor said, and there was something in her voice that made him stop. “No one has broken through Osiris’s security system before. I doubt these intruders will, either. But we are the system. Do you understand that?”
Oh, he thought. The retorts died before he could get them out. She wasn’t asking him to help Osiris. She was asking him to help the poltergeists patrolling their estate. Lorcan might not survive an encounter with whoever was trying to break in. But neither would the shades. And they didn’t have a choice.
She was asking him to help.
“Do what you can to stall, I guess,” Lorcan told her. “I’ll call an Uber or something.”
He heard a pause. “Thank you.” Then she hung up.
“Are you doing the lock-and-load montage?” Vulk asked him before they headed out.
“It’s not an anything montage and there’s nothing to lock or load. I’m just checking over my supplies.”
“That’s still a lock-and-load montage. We should play some music.”
“Do not.” Lorcan sighed.
His best suspects were still Belial, Eva, and Gravelord. Lorcan didn’t know as much as he wanted to about their minions, but he could at least be prepared for them. He still had his necro gear from the night before, and a few other tricks up his sleeve.
One ghost flashlight with fresh batteries, a stained glass filter for its lens that his father had made for him. A small scalloped shell his sister imbued with some voice magic went into his pocket. Lorcan’s family always had his back.
He shoveled a spoonful of instant coffee powder into his mouth–look, it would keep him from falling asleep on the ride over, stop fucking judging him–then he and Vulk headed out.
His hand started curse-bleeding again while he locked up. He should go back inside, Lorcan thought, make sure the curse wasn’t doing something worse to him. Grab a towel to at least wipe off what looked like a very bloody handprint on his door before the neighbors noticed. The realtor could wait a little bit longer–
He stared at his hand. “Uh, Lorcan?” Vulk asked from the backpack.
The thoughts felt plausible, almost like things Lorcan would actually think. But not close enough. “It’s fine,” he told his familiar. “Let’s go. Lock and load, or whatever.”
In the darkness that bathed Osiris’s front lawn, the shimmering, opalescent figure of the realtor stood out. Next to her were two shadows in the dark, obviously human. Lorcan squinted, then turned on his flashlight.
“Belial Blithe. Eva the Inevitable,” he announced, trying to sound casual. The two of them stood exactly at the edge of Osiris’s aquascape protections. Belial’s sleeves were rolled up with a set of pitch black garters to display hir elegant magical tattoos–classy, and yet also imposing–and Eva was tuning her haunted guitar with menace. They hadn’t attacked yet, but the threat was there. “What are you doing here?”
Not that he expected a full confession or anything, but well. If they were aiming to steal the crown, they wouldn’t be standing out in the open like this.
“We were looking for you, actually,” Belial said, turning to face Lorcan fully.
He blinked, looking at the rich green lawn around him. “So naturally,” he drawled, “you figured you’d find me at Osiris’s house.”
“Snarky,” Eva remarked. “But that smart mouth’ll do you in one of these days. How do you know this is Osiris’s place? They’re very protective of that information.”
Well, fuck him sideways, Lorcan thought. She was right.
“You knew about it last night, too. When you snuck into my concert spouting lies.”
“Alright, you don’t have to monologue,” he said. “Yes, I know where Osiris lives and yes, that’s super suspicious. And once you figured that out you, what, called up your buddies, asked if anyone else noticed me lurking around?”
“Actually, Belial called me.” Eva smiled tightly. “It’s nice to know somebody remembers old friends.”
“For a spy, you’re being quite forthcoming,” Belial said.
“If yesterday night taught me anything it’s that I’m a crap liar. And at this point, I figure there’s a real risk of you just killing me out of annoyance. I’d rather not.”
Belial scowled. “You should have thought of that before trying to burn down my tattoo parlor.”
“Wait, what?” he asked.
“Dad,” Vulk whispered (he was not supposed to be drawing attention to himself). “Did you burn down a tattoo parlor?”
“No!” he whispered back. To Belial, he said, “No. That wasn’t me.”
“You said you wouldn’t lie to us, traitor–”
“Yes, because as mentioned I am bad at it.” Lorcan let himself fidget nervously with the scorpion bracelet on his wrist. They had to have noticed it by now–it was the flashiest thing he’d brought.
So, he loosened the buckle and let it drop to the ground. Then he raised his hands to show they were empty except for the flashlight. He was trying to look open. Trustworthy. Vulnerable.
“You both saw through me last night,” he said, “and I doubt I could fool you now. You’re too dangerous for me to risk trying–there’s nothing I can do to stop either of you from killing me if you really want to. Can we start from the beginning? What did you think I was doing at your places yesterday?”
Lorcan knew necromancers. Necromancers lived and died (and re-lived, and re-died) by threat assessment. Osiris only trusted him as far as they did because Lorcan Verdigris was, fundamentally, not a threat to the Crown Osiris.
Even Belial and Eva could easily wipe the floor with him in most fights. There was a time to challenge that assumption, but not now. Being weak enough to dismiss would get him the slack he needed. He saw the look they traded at his admission of fear, and relaxed the tiniest bit.
Belial started: “Osiris has been acting cagey. Someone’s been gunning after them, and Eva thought it was you.”
“You knew about the mansion,” Eva threw in. “Either you’d show up here yourself–which, you did–or we’d have someone to sell out to Osiris once they got home.”
“Well, you’re too late, I sold you out first,” he shot back. “Look, I was contracted by Osiris. They gave me this address themself. You can ask her.” He pointed at the realtor.
“It’s true,” she confirmed. “The details of his task are confidential, but he is no threat to the Crown.”
“Are you sure about that?” Belial asked. “We haven’t gotten the part with my shop yet.”
“I didn’t burn down your shop,” Lorcan said.
“You burned one of my amps,” Eva noted.
“Yes, and I am–” He took a deep breath. “--sorry about that. What happened with the shop?”
“One of the needle guns got a frayed wire,” ze said. “And my guns don’t fray. It had to have been–”
“A curse,” Lorcan finished. “That sounds like–something else that happened to me. Did you get hit, too?” he asked Eva. “Besides the amp. Which I’m sorry for.”
“Uh huh. We can’t afford to lose any of those, you know. We’ve already got to replace the three that lit up during the morning marathon rehearsal.”
“...was that the curse?” Lorcan asked. Behind Eva, Belial waved hir hand in a ‘sort of’ gesture.
“Well, it was more than usually crap out on us,” she said, giving hir a sour glare. “Still, didn’t think much of it until Belial called about the shop. Hir defenses are no joke, either, do you know how many health inspectors the wards have to turn away from that place?”
Lorcan thought about how easy it would apparently be to add corpse ink to the shop’s inventory. “I can imagine.”
He held up his hand–the ‘blood’ had been getting thicker the more they talked about the curse, easily visible next to the flashlight’s glow. “A cursed fire nearly got me a few nights ago,” Lorcan explained, “and there’s this. Trying to distract me, I think. I honestly figured–at your place, one of your minions drew something on me that could’ve been magic.”
“Uh,” Lorcan said. “I’m really trying not to rat people out to angry necromancers without evidence–”
Belial ran a finger halfway down a tattooed ulna. Both it and the tattoo along hir knuckle started to glimmer like moonlight.
“Fine, dammit, this guy named Ray? I don’t have any proof, please don’t kill him.”
But ze just snorted. The tattoos went dormant. “Ray? He wasn’t cursing you, he was flirting with you. Thirsty bitch.”
Lorcan flushed. “I know that now,” he grumbled. “So, yeah. Somebody else. Not you, I’m guessing. And not me.”
“Osiris hired you to find out who’s after them,” Eva said.
He glanced over at the realtor. ‘Confidential’, she’d said, but well…what else would Lorcan be investigating?
“Osiris thought I should look into you because you knew things about their old life,” he said. “But I didn’t tell them which of you I was investigating. I’m not going to set the Crown Osiris on someone without being sure you did the thing you’d get killed for.” He paused. “Or unless I really needed to get the heat off me.”
“How courageous.”
“But fair,” Belial said. When Eva glared at hir, ze added, “What? You threw plenty of people under the bus back when they were still Opal.”
The mention of Opal deepened her scowl. “You’re buying this pretty quickly.”
“I don’t know if I entirely believe him,” Belial told her. “But his story does add up. Besides, do you really think Osiris would be frightened of him?”
That stung, but it was accurate. He was in the same boat, anyways. None of this proved Eva or Belial’s innocence, but it didn’t make sense if they were guilty. That only left…
“So, um. While we’re trying to make sense of all this.” He paused. Had to ask. “Is the Marquis of Shadows with you, by any chance?”
“Gravelord? Of course not,” Belial said, in a dismissive tone that Lorcan did not like. “Why would he be here?”
“Because I talked to him last night, too. Did he not mention?”
“Gravelord can barely remember ritual incantations these days,” Eva spat out, “much less who’s spying on him for who. Heck, isn’t that fraternity buddy of his still selling you information?” she asked Belial, who glanced away with a guilty look.
Yay, Lorcan thought. He was right, again. That was definitely triumph he was feeling now. “I thought you were his friends,” he said.
Belial blinked. “Gravelord’s a liability. He needs watching.” Ze sounded almost defensive.
“I’m surprised you even care,” Eva told him. “Aren’t you a sad little loner who thinks everyone’s going to hurt him? Friends turn on you or they die, right?”
“I don’t care.” He did. “I’m just surprised you don’t.”
“It’s none of your business. You’re not involved in any of this.” The look on Eva’s face was stormy. Uh oh. What did Lorcan do this time? “Opal would’ve come to us, you know. We protected her from threats just like this.”
“I don’t know what to tell you,” because wow was that a can of worms Lorcan knew better than to open by now. “Osiris doesn’t really trust other necromancers these days.”
“And what do you get out of this?” Belial asked.
These two didn’t know about the crown being in danger (or were at least pretending not to). They might actually be on board with Lorcan’s plan to maybe destroy the thing if he got the chance. But could he trust them? Could he trust Eva to sit still and wait until Lorcan knew breaking the crown wouldn’t blow up the city? Belial not to decide Lorcan was a liability himself?
“They paid me,” is what he said, and apparently Lorcan had not learned his lesson about Eva, because he couldn’t help adding, “Turns out rich people were always able to do that.”
“Shut the fuck up. What does Osiris even think you can do to help them anyways? You’re nothing. You couldn’t even defend yourself, let alone them.”
Eva’s words didn’t worry Lorcan. What worried him was the way she fingered the neck of her guitar as she said them.
He’d have to tread lightly. “You don’t have to understand why, but Osiris does trust in my ability to deal with this issue. Messing with me could look like…” He reached for the right phrase. “A challenge to their authority.”
“That’s only a problem if someone tells them,” Belial said, and Lorcan’s stomach dropped. “And we can take care of that easily.” Ze flicked hir eyes over towards the realtor.
“Hold on. Do you really want to do this?”
“I do.” Eva’s eyes flashed. “Maybe it’ll teach Osiris to pick a better protector.”
Well. He’d known all along this was going to end in a fight, hadn’t he? Lorcan inched his backpack off his shoulder. He handed the whole thing, with Vulcan inside, over to the realtor. Just inside Osiris’s barriers. “Keep him safe, please,” he told her.
“Yes, keep it safe, shade,” Eva said. “How’s the sorry excuse for a mage going to fight without his familiar?”
“Tough words from someone who can’t let go of a guitar haunted by someone else’s thrall,” he said.
“Hey, I don’t need it. I’ll fight you a capella if you need the reminder,” she declared, setting her guitar with care on the manicured lawn next to her. That care disappeared as she strode forward, with a raspy hum that rattled his bones.
Minus the bone-rattling, it was exactly what he was hoping to goad her into. “We don’t have to do this,” he said. He needed her to get just a little closer.
“Oh?” The word echoed in his ears, dancing in and out and in and out. He swayed on his feet–for a second it felt like the ground was bucking underneath him. “How do you plan to defend Osiris if you’re not even willing to fight?”
His heart stuttered, carried through five beats at once by that last vowel. “I was going to let Osiris handle that part, actually,” he grunted in response. “They don’t need my protection.”
“Why are you here, then? Did it finally hit the almighty Crown that they can’t just carry on as a one-gestalt army? It must have stung to need help from someone as pathetic as you.” She leaned in with a sneer.
“Osiris doesn’t need me,” Lorcan said. He pulled a bedazzled scallop shell out of his pocket with his free hand and tossed it in Eva’s direction. “And they don’t need you either!”
And Eva. Fell. Silent.
Not from his words. Because Lorcan had just used a shell enchanted by his sister’s familiar, a magical mollusc with a talent for stealing voices. The singer’s hand went to her throat. The guitar behind her, forgotten, for just a moment.
And god, if he could just get her to listen–“Look, I didn’t know Opal. But just because I have some skepticism whether she deserved your loyalty doesn’t make me the bad guy. Sometimes our friends suck. It happens.”
Eva didn’t respond, obviously. He doubted the message would sink in, but if he was really lucky she might be rattled enough to leave.
A sharp pain pierced through his outstretched arm. Ulnar nerve, Lorcan thought, and whipped his head over to Belial.
“A voice-stealing hex,” ze said, tattoo now glowing, vivid in the dark of the night.
Lorcan felt at the arm carefully. Everything from the elbow down was frozen, wouldn’t bend. He hid his concern with a casual shrug. “It’ll fade eventually.”
“You said you couldn’t win a fight against us. And that you weren’t going to lie tonight.”
Fucking hell. “I didn’t,” he said. “I can’t win a fight against you. Not my fault you assumed I wouldn’t come prepared anyways.”
“Prepared to fight against us.” And there was that threat assessment, working against Lorcan now. He’d caught them by surprise, and that wasn’t always a good thing. It meant he could do it again.
So, he did. Lorcan flipped the glass filter over the front of his flashlight, and the beam of light that came out looked brighter, healthier. The grass seemed to drink it in where it fell.
“Sunlight,” Lorcan said. “I brought it here to deal with Gravelord, but it’ll work on you, too. Let me explain: I am a time wizard. I can make anything break. How long do you think your tattoos will last in direct sunlight? The pigments dissolve. The colors fade.”
“You think you’d take me out in one attack? Your magic can’t be that strong.” Hir eyes had narrowed, uncertain. Belial didn’t know anything about Lorcan’s time magic, he’d wager.
But bluffs were a last resort. Scorched earth. It worked or you died. Tonight he had to play the long game.
“It’s not,” he admitted. “If we fought, you’d win. But I’d make you hurt for it. You two noticed Osiris slipping–how long until your rivals start wondering who else has weaknesses to exploit? Can you afford to be rusty? After all,” Lorcan added, enunciating each word, “tattoos take so much time to touch up.”
Ze took a single step back, and glanced over to Eva.
She’d picked up her guitar, mouth set in a snarl. A chord filled the air, then another. Lorcan felt his heart rate pick up, palms sweating, then two sets of skeletal finger bones formed in the air. One flew to Lorcan’s right leg and…strummed, phalanges passing straight through Lorcan’s flesh and setting every fiber of muscle in his calf to vibrate.
He kept from letting out the yelp of pain but couldn’t stop the convulsions from taking him to the ground. His focus was on the flashlight, keeping it gripped tight, which is why he didn’t notice the second set of fingers until they grabbed for his throat.
Eva made two mistakes there. First was not going after the flashlight so Belial could back her up. The second was overlooking the bone necklace tucked under Lorcan’s shirt. It reacted to the ghostly presence, coming alive to wrap around Lorcan’s throat like a protective snake. The fang of the pendant darted out, batting away the hand for a moment.
Lorcan looked back to Vulk, set on the ground just inside Osiris’s wards. He nodded.
Sometimes he and his kid had trouble communicating, Lorcan knew. But every now and then they were perfectly in sync. Vulcan’s cord whipped into the ground, his plug sinking directly into the boundary line of Osiris’s wards.
Vulk could sense magical energies like ley lines, ambient energy, and wards. And with a strong enough source of magic, he could also tap them.
The lava lamp lit up, overcharged and magically luminous. Everything inside his radius was hit all at once with the anti-necromantic energies of Osiris’s aquascape defense. It tore the ghost hands off Lorcan in an instant like leaves in a river’s rapids. The bones flew apart, losing coherence until they simply faded into the night.
Familiars one, haunted thralls zero.
Lorcan pushed himself up. Eva couldn’t use her guitar’s magic against him inside the protective radius, and Belial’s paralytic tattoo curses wouldn’t reach him either. But his left arm was still frozen, and Vulk couldn’t keep this up long. He had to take Eva out of the fight for good.
The not-bluff he used on Belial wouldn’t work on her. Eva was angry, and Lorcan knew anger could make the future seem inconsequential. No, he’d need an equally emotional target.
He stood up to his full height, raised the hand holding the flashlight to rub at his own neck. It was a perfectly natural action after nearly getting strangled. He hoped Eva didn’t notice the way he lingered on his bone necklace, stiff and lifeless inside the anti-necromantic light.
Her mouth moved. She’d really forgotten that her voice was missing, huh?
“What’s that?” Lorcan asked. He didn’t even have to try to give it just the right mocking tone to set Eva off. “I can’t hear you. Speak up.”
She stalked closer, possibly planning to beat the shit out of him with her bare hands. Lorcan was sure she could. He stepped forward, out of the light.
Like the scorpion bracelet, Lorcan’s bone necklace was magically inert until the right conditions were met. It animated when exposed to necromantic energy. The red ink of a dark curse worked well enough.
The necklace, following his mental commands, slid down his left arm and wrapped itself tight between paralyzed fingers. Lorcan launched himself at Eva.
A summoned hand passed straight through his gut, and Lorcan was definitely going to be feeling that later, but in the meantime he let the toothy pendant arc right at the guitar.
Magical objects were usually warded against serious damage, and Eva’s guitar was no exception. She should have remembered time magic ripped straight through those wards. The fang scraped across the body of the guitar with a keening screech, and Eva froze in place.
It lasted only a moment–a single strum summoned another bone hand to shove Lorcan to the ground–but even after she’d gained space Eva simply held the guitar in front of her, staring at the gash in the guitar’s perfect ivory coating.
“That’s one hit,” Lorcan said in the silence that fell after. “And if I got close once, I can do it again. You’d risk a lot to fight me, but are you willing to risk that? It is your only reminder of your dear departed friend.”
Belial let out a shocked whistle. Without a voice to speak words, Eva seemed only to be able to give Lorcan an open-mouthed stare.
“I told Belial,” was all he said. “I can make it hurt.”
Eva looked at her guitar. Rage, heartbreak, grief warring on her face. Finally, she whirled in the grass and stormed away, boots stomping heavy footprints in the grass.
As Lorcan picked himself off the ground, Belial said, “Don’t think that trick’ll work when Osiris gets tired of you. They won’t let you get close.”
“I’m aware.” He didn’t relax until both of them had disappeared, and Vulcan’s glow could finally fade.
Shoulders drooping, Lorcan turned to the realtor. “They’re not looping back around?”
“Not as far as the other shades can see,” she told him.
“Good.” He reached for his stomach, which very much wanted to hurl all over Osiris’s perfect lawn. Whether that was from the fight or the gut-scrambling, Lorcan couldn’t say. “You paid attention to the spells they cast, yeah? Did any of it look like what our mystery assailant’s been using?”
“You let yourself get cursed on purpose?”
He snorted. “Don’t give me that much credit.”
The realtor thought a moment. “No, actually. We’ve seen strange fog, cloaked figures, some sort of ghost lights. You think they’re telling the truth about not being involved?”
“I think so.” They could still be playing a long game, but, “They’d be risking a lot if they were connected somehow. Showing their faces, letting us go. Ugh,” he groaned, “I really don’t like the idea of Gravelord being my best suspect.”
“What’s wrong with Gravelord?” Vulk asked, and well. Lorcan didn’t want to talk about that with Vulcan, of all people. The kid knew way too much about the context.
“Later. Maybe,” he said, picking up the lamp. They’d have to clean the mulch out of his prongs when they got home.
“So that’s how a time wizard fights,” the realtor remarked, shaking him from his thoughts. “It’s surprisingly effective.”
Lorcan breathed in. “Time is slow,” he said. “It doesn’t break things all at once, it just grinds them down bit by bit. But it never stops.”
She nodded, giving him a studying look. “We appreciate your help tonight, Mr. Verdigris. I don’t think those two would have left us unscathed.”
And how was he supposed to reply to that? ‘No problem’? He’d only risked his life against two angry killers armed with dark magic, after all. “Call me Lorcan,” he finally said.
“Jennifer Lynn,” she told him. “But don’t take it personally if I say I hope we don’t have to meet again.”
He didn’t. He preferred it, actually. Jennifer Lynn…she was something like a spirit, in a situation that Lorcan, being a living breathing human person, couldn’t understand. She had a sense of pride that, despite it all, he did sympathize with. She was a decent person to be acquainted with.
Lorcan might not be able to solve her problems with Osiris. Not yet. But he could feel a little bit proud, himself, of what he’d done tonight. For once, he’d done something good.
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The aircraft electrification market is estimated to be USD 6.0 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 20.0 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 14.3%.
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The market for electric aircraft is expanding rapidly and will continue to do so over the next years. Electric motors, which are used to power electric aircraft, can be powered by a variety of sources, including batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, power beaming, and ground power lines. Additionally, electric aeroplanes hold great promise for reducing problems with pollution of the air, noise, and toxic emissions. Electric motors also offer reduced operating and maintenance costs. These potential advantages of electric aircraft increase their adoption over those powered by fuel. Additionally, electric aircraft use cleaner, battery-powered electricity instead of petrochemicals.
Fuel may be saved by converting aeroplanes to electric propulsion utilising fuel cells by producing energy with efficiency. The aircraft's braking, landing, and ground taxiing may all be done using electric propulsion from fuel cells when the main engines are not functioning. Electric and hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion are quickly revolutionising mobility technology. The issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from aviation has received a lot of attention.
Segmental Analysis of Global Aircraft Electrification Market:
Based on Component
Power Electronics
Electric Pumps
Fuel Cells
Solar Cells
Electric Actuators
Distribution Devices
Based on Technology
Fully Electric
More Electric
Hybrid Electric
Based on Application
Power Generation
Energy Store
Power Distribution
Power Conservation
Based on Platform
Fixed Wing
Advanced Air Mobility
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Rotary Wing
Based on System
Landing Gear System
Propulsion System
Environmental Control System
Flight Control System
Thrust Reverser System
Get Free Sample:- https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/aircraft-electrification-market/84/
Top Key Players:-
Thales Group
Raytheon Technologies
GE Aviation
Zunum Aero
Bye Aerospace
Radiant Power Corporation
Meggitt PLC
Equator Aircraft
H3X Technologies
Joby Aviation
BAE Systems
Beta Technologies
Heart Aerospace
Hartzell Engine Technologies LLC
EaglePicher Technologies
Nabtesco Corporation
Wright Electric
Interested in purchasing this Report? Click here:- https://wemarketresearch.com/purchase/aircraft-electrification-market/84/?license=single
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
What are the key market players active in the electric aircraft market?
What are the prevailing market dynamics in the market?
What are the current electric aircraft market trends that are likely to determine the global electric aircraft market analysis in the next few years?
What are the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities in the market?
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mayahe12 · 3 years
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Shenzhen Mayahe Co., Ltd synergize products which are basically use in grooming and beauty in day to day life and also provide comfort to the user. We deal with products like Shaver, Hair Clipper, Soap Dispenser, Neck Massager, Mini USB portable fan, Mini Humidifier, Mini Aroma diffuser. OUR PRESENCE AROUND GLOBE
Our products are widely exported to United States, Europe, South-east Asia, Middle East etc.  You will find excellent products and partner here with us ! OUR PRODUCTS & FEATURES
SHOP EXCLUSIVE GROOMING PRODUCTS AT MAYAHE 3000MAH MINI POWER BANK ONE OR TWO HEADS FANX2 Portable mini power bank fan. It is easy to carry and can be fixanywhere in car or small spaces. With 3000 mAh battery it can be use for long hours. It comes inBlack, White, Green, Yellow and Pink color. AIR PLUS HAIR DRYER C1803
Hair style changes your look and for good hair styling a good hair dryer is must. Air plus hair dryer with two heating settings, cool wind function, removable filter and low EM radiation emissions is available. BLACKSTONE 3 ROTARY SHAVERY S1605
Buy and try New style 3 rotary shaver S1605 with intelligent anti-clip system and travel lock will ease shaving in no time with minimum effort providing travel security. BOOST HAIR CLIPPER C1706
Bestseller Boost hair clipper C1706 with ceramic blade is available for purchase. Get it on a low price Easy and fast delivery. Plug and trim your hair in no time. CLASSICAL MINI USB FLIP FAN X5
Elegant Mini USB Flip Fan X5 portable, low price and fulfilling your mini airflow needs. It is available in Green, Light Pink and white colour. ENROLLER HAIR STRAIGHTENER C1802
Hair styling with brand new hair straightener with 30 seconds rapid heating, one click locking and anti-scald protection. Hurry Up!!
Latest brand new hair curler. Give yourself a new look with curl hair style. It is based on latest S - shape ceramic coated aluminium plate with instant heating and power cord for easy hanging. EYE MASSAGER E6
Give your eyes a relaxing vibes. Buy and try eye massager with four massage modes, multi-point vibration, Bluetooth connections, built- in speakers for music, fast heating and portable foldable design. Neck Massager G5
The G5 comes with a new system with TENS pulse massage function which gives you a comfortable and effective massage. In addition to the massage device, you will also find a package of remote control.You can you can also enjoy a pleasant warmth of the neck at a temperature 40 °C thermostatic heating. Neck massager G3
The G3 delivers deep massages in minutes. One of the alternatives to the G3 Massage is that the remote control is magnetically attached. It works as a sizzling compress, which is a good, especially in winter. Neck Massager G2
The neck massager is primarily designed to take care of your cervical to restrain awful issues. Each of the massage techniques provides 15 levels of strength selection to ensure you have a suitable set of massage systems. The G2 can connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth so it is intuitive and easy for the user to be operated. You simply charge it with USB Type – C connector. Mini USB Neck Fan F6 The earphone design allows it to hang around the neck so definitely the best makes the hands free neckband fan softer and more durable and less jittery.  Lightweight and small cooling fan is easy to carry and store for personal cooling sport like running, cycling, Super strong wind, to cool you off. Mini Power bank folding fan Z03 Foldable and portable, mini size power bank fan Z03 providing you a continuous airflow. Product Weight:110g, Product size:145*95*42mm.Small and foldable design, it could be put in your bag easily and take it anywhere. Mini Desktop USB Night Light Foldable Fan H1-1 Due to the folding design, the fan can be used as a desktop fan and also has a night lighting design. Its lightweight appearance can be easily moved to any place, with the USB charging cable produce natural wind to keep you comfortable. Large USB Power Supply Humidifier Diffuser-X11 With a capacity of thousand milliliters,the Humidifier diffuser -X11 makes the perfect option to prevent damage stale air and allergens by neutralizing the harmful ions. Moreover it ensures a sense of calmness, relaxation and freshness all-day-long. Large USB Power Supply Humidifier Diffuser-X12 Humidifier Diffuser-X12 humidify your room throughout day and night and bring peace and calmness in interiors.It can help you feel more fresh, energetic and productive by improves the quality of the air  with a constant inviting fragrance. Spray folding fan D10
Spray folding fan D 10 is new generation mini handheld portable fan. The light-weight sleek handheld design allows you to carry around in office, home and travel. It is design to deliver impressive air performance. 
Sharp X hair clipper C1702
Classically designed clipper is easy to hold and use and convenient for styling your hair.This powerful electric clipper cuts through the thickest of hair with no snags or pulls and aa battery-powered hair clipper which is a perfect companion for saving time without going to a saloon.  Sharp 3S Hair Clipper C1705
The new Clipper from Mayahe, provides a salon-style hair, always. It comes with stainless-blade, skin-friendly blades, which are incredibly long-lasting.  . It is convenient to handle and easy to operate. Use Sharp 3S hair clipper for the best experience. New Mini Clip Table Fan J02
It comes with white, light pink and light blue colour. This can be easily taken from one room to another without any hassle. It has outstanding performance compared to other regular portable fans. So adorn your home with Mayahe Fans today. Foldable Bladeless Air Multiplier Neck Fan X3
It is a foldable Bladeless Design: Hanging around your neck, free-your-hands-anywhere, it comes with the construction of lightweight. Fan is equipped with an in-built rechargeable 3000 mAh battery capacity. Stay Cool Anywhere, Anytime whenever and wherever you need it. Yoyo hair clipper C1701 It is a best home hair styling clip. Trim-n-Flow technology for continuous cutting and Self-sharpening stainless steel blades that are incredibly long-lasting. It is designed to be comfortable to use, convenient to handle and easy to operate. Get an easy haircut, quick and easily so you can finish your style in one go. Traveller’s men's shaver S1602 Travellers men's shaver S1602 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men. Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishingtouches. For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: shave with Traveller’s men's shaver. Touchless soap dispenser D1901 It is built and designed to maintain hygiene, completely contactless, automatic and super saver in soap consumption makes it the preferred choice. Its 280 ml soap capacity makes it a perfect product for your hand washing needs in homes and offices. This is an eco friendly and hygienic way of hand washing. Touchless Coco soap dispenser D 1902 Coco soap dispenser is a Foaming Soap Dispenser and a futuristic product designed for washing hands. The dispenser has a capacity of 330 ml.Here put your hand under the sensor, then the high-efficiency pump will dispense soap automatically in just 0.25 seconds, which ensures no germs or smudges left on your hands, So, isn’t it an easy hand cleaning tool? Steel 3S Men's shaver S1601 Our floating shaving system gives you a smooth shaved look in no time with the intelligent anti clip system and a multifunctional indicator. It is designed to give you the smoothest shaving experience with fewer nicks and cuts. Guaranteed to leave your skin feeling super soft. Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men.Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishing touches.For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: Shave with Mayahe Gentleman 3S shaver. Gentleman 5S Men's shaver S 1603 For smooth, even and comfortable results use gentleman 5S Men's shaver that fits naturally in your hand for maximum comfort and control which gives comfort with five ultra-sharp and ultra-thin blades to cut more cleanly and efficiently at the root. So go for this premium shaving machine. Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone is versatile and portable, making it a well-rounded option for any scenario.This fan is the perfect solution when you need cool air blowing on your face while on your smartphone. MAYAHE IS NOT A BUSINESS BUT A SERVICE OF HAPPY BANDWIDTH
Our aim is to create awareness about personal grooming and care. Now a days as we all suffering from pandemic as a result we are more aware and active about health but as far as health is concern it is not only about the good diet and fitness but also it demand utmost care and grooming of body. Mayahe continuously launching new products of personal grooming and care and delivering at your door so that you can be safe and healthy enough to fight pandemic.
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kc-anathema · 7 years
Fanfic: Torn Pages (on AO3)
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia          
Summary: Toshinori created All Might to inspire peace with his bold smile and confident strength, and Izuku is supposed to follow in his footsteps. Despite the heroes in their midst, society has confidence only in the strength of their rules and the bold certitude of their laws restraining their heroes. With his mentor’s example on one side and society’s demands on the other, Izuku finds instead that peace can be inspired in many ways.
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tags: Villain Izuku Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku/Tokoyami Fumikage (will update with relationship tags as they come up)
Previous Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6
Izuku had never driven a car before, but the starter was on the dash and the engine was already running. He rolled slowly down a steep road lit only by lightning and the ice in the headlights, but Tokoyami's shuddering pushed him faster, guiding him to the base of the mountain.
The police cars and cement barricades were gone. Of course. Izuku felt his heart clench as fiercely as his jaw.
"Someplace safe," he mumbled. "Bandages, gauze, sutures, pain killers...blankets...someplace warm..."
So late at night, a car prowling through the narrow streets wasn't noticed. It was luck that he found a motel with a lurid neon sign advertising a vacancy. Even more luck that he noticed the concierge's eyes flicking toward his green hair, taking note of his scarred hands. Identifying features, Izuku knew, of a well known student having vanished from the nearby campus.
"Did they offer a big reward?" Izuku asked calmly.
In a grimy sweat shirt, ostensibly watching a wrestling match on the portable tv behind the desk, the concierge's voice didn't falter at the odd question. "Reward for what?" The lack of curiosity or confusion in his tone forced Izuku's hand. He couldn't afford mercy. He had a friend to protect.
Izuku had to roll the body into the threadbare carpet in the hall, then tied it with a curtain cord and poured the rest of the man's beer over the surface. A huge stain, too big to even think of salvaging, and he chucked the whole thing into the dumpster out front. Then he took a key for an empty room, carried Tokoyami inside to the bed and put a blanket over him.
"I'll be back," he whispered, smoothing the feathers on Tokoyami's head. "With something for the pain."
"...don't...don't get caught..."
Lightning flashed outside. Izuku closed the curtains and left the lamp on. As he walked out, he turned on the radio by the bed, a strange superstition in his heart that if Tokoyami didn't fall asleep, he'd be alive when Izuku returned.
The only pharmacy he found was already closed. Fine. No one saw him pull the bars off the narrow back window and slide in. He had to root through the dark for packaged flashlights and batteries before he could cautiously shine a beam over the shelves and gather food, medicine, a lighter. He raided behind the counter for prescription pills. And then he splashed rubbing alcohol over the floor and set the shop on fire, sprinting out loaded with bags as the glow grew behind him.
So this is what it feels like, he thought. To not care. To have nothing to lose.
No, he thought. Not 'nothing' to lose. Everything precious to me. All I have is my friends. If he...
Izuku swallowed his worries and hopped through the alleys faster.
The rain was finally slowing to a dull drizzle as he came around the corner of the motel. In the red neon glare, something reared up and swayed over him, a giant centipede as tall as the roof. With a half-choked shriek, he whirled and pulled his fist back, arm taut with the gathering power.
Not a centipede. A rolled carpet that had shifted upright in the wind.
Izuku stared at it for a long moment, trying to reconcile what he was seeing with the vision his mind had conjured. Its legs, just long threads and shadows. The fangs, the shoes jutting out of one side. The hissing, the rasp of old fabric on metal.
He shoved the carpet back down into the dumpster and slammed the top closed. As he walked back in, he changed the sign to no vacancy and locked up.
Tokoyami was still breathing, his gaze sliding from the ceiling to the door as Izuku came in. Shadow unwrapped from around him, welcoming Izuku in as he took out bottles of pills and water.
"Does it make you stronger if your shadow's in the dark?" Izuku asked as he read the instructions on the side and measured out the right dose. "Like, can he help you stay...?"
Alive? He couldn't make himself say it. Tokoyami had the strength to raise his head and take the offered pills and water.
"...don't...know..." He lay back and closed his eyes.
"Things like that, we should know," Izuku muttered. "Just one lamp so I can see, and then we'll turn it off."
To Izuku's relief, the bleeding had slowed to a frozen slush from Tokoyami's arm and shoulder. He rinsed them off and used the antiseptic, gauze and bandages. Only now as he tried to look up 'field medicine' did he see that the rain had gotten behind his cell phone screen. Desperate, he looked for Tokoyami's phone only to find it in his shirt pocket, two large ripples of cracks in its screen.
He did the best he could, made a quick canned soup in the microwave and forced Tokoyami to swallow some of it. Then he turned off the lamp and closed the curtains. In the darkness, Shadow's eyes shone like stars, sometimes staring at Izuku, usually watching Tokoyami.
Izuku's mind raced—too exhausted to sleep, too wired to focus, he found his fingers writhing, in need of a pen. He used the flashlight to search through the drawers for a pen, finding one by the rotary phone by the bed. But there was no paper or notepad.
He started writing on the walls.
"Phones, internet—first priority. We need communication. Radio's not good enough. We have to warn everyone. Save everyone. Stop the government. Stop them from hurting us. Destroy their ability to hurt us..."
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earbudsshop · 5 years
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Bluedio T2s Bluetooth Headphones On Ear with Mic, 57mm Driver Rotary Folding Wireless Headset, Wired and...
T2S, Turbine 2(Shooting Brake), releases globally in Nov. 2014, a upgraded version of HT(Shooting Brake). It’ s been 6 months, our engineers redesign Turbine idea, trying to bring the best music experience for you. Besides the amazing bass as HT(Shooting Brake), T2S is foldable and easy to carry, more comfortable to wear, more metallic in look, and strengthened in headband.
Specifications Bluetooth version: V4.1 Supported Profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP Drive: 2X2.24inches Impedance: 16O Frequency response: 20 Hz -20KHz Sensitivity: 110dB THD: <0.1% Operating distance: up to 32 feet (free space) Bluetooth music time: about 40 hours Bluetooth talk time: about 45 hours Standby time: about 1625 hours Fully charged time: about 2 hours Headset size: 7.87″ tall 7.32″ wide Package size: 7.87″X6.69″X3.35″ Headset weight : 7.9oz Package weight: 15.49oz
In the box Bluedio T2S headset 1pc Charging cable 1pc 3.5mm Audio cable 1pc User manual 1pc
Tips for Pairing 1. When the headset is off(if not, power off the headset first), press and hold the MF button, only when the LED remains blue can you release the button. The headset is in pairing mode. 2. Switch on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone, add/search devices. 3. When “Bluedio” appears, select it. (If asked for a pass code: Enter “0000”)
About Bluedio Bluedio is a manufacturer pioneer in portable audio device, providing solutions of professional audio and wireless communication. In 2009, we have registered Bluedio as our trademark in the USA, later obtained certificates from China and the whole world. So far, Bluedio has owned over 30 patents, highly praised by consumers over 34 countries.
NOTE: Original Bluedio T2S Turbine Headphones sold by” Bluedio”. 【GREAT SOUND】Bluedio engineers have spent two years in creating T2S Ultra-big speaker, diameter up to 2.24 inches, trying to bring you the best music experience: rich and strong bass, crisp and clear highs. 【BLUETOOTH / WIRED DOUBLE MODES】T2S Over-Ear Headset is not only a Bluetooth headset but also a wired headset. With the included cable, you can still enjoy favorite music when the battery runs low using 3.5mm audio cable. 【40 HOURS LONG TIME PLAY】Bluedio T2S Headphones adopts Bluetooth 4.1 Chip, which can transmit data at high speed and bring you smooth music experience. And its low power ensures long lasting battery life: up to 40 hours continuous music time. 【190° COOL ROTARY DESIGN】T2S, T is the abbr. for Turbine which we think can best stand for your endless passion and energy. And T2S wireless headphone is rotary, you can rotate the ear cup up to 195 Degree, easy to carry and save more space. 【COMFORTABLE TO WEAR】Its ear cup and headband top are padded with sufficient foam and covered with soft leather. What you may not notice is that we have adjusted the headband, based on Ergonomics theory, to fit all head sizes.
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newrockvoipgateway · 5 years
rotary vane vacuum pump o f vacuum forming
The application of rotary vane vacuum pump in forming process has been tested by many years'practice, representing the most advanced level at present.
Claw vacuum pump is energy-saving, mainly used for pressing process, such as furniture production. If the requirement of vacuum is high, rotary vane vacuum pump can be the first choice.
Screw vacuum pump can discharge leaking gas and steam without affecting the operation of the vacuum pump. It is the preferred lamination process for solar battery components, flat screen and smart phone display screen.
Vacuum forming, compaction and lamination are common processes in many industries and manufacturing technologies. Through these processes, various materials can be combined or customized.
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As far as moulding is concerned, it is very important to inject materials into moulds in a vacuum that meets specific requirements. Thermoforming is a common process in the production of products, which can make plastic film forming. In the thermoforming process, the plastic film is heated to soften it. Then vacuum the die. Under the action of vacuum, the heated and softened plastic film is pulled into the die. Once the plastic film is cooled, the shape of the die will be formed. This method can be used to manufacture food and other commodity packaging, as well as the preformed plastic shell of garden pool.
Vacuum pressing technology can be used in the wood industry, for example, when you want to paste multi-layer wood together, but because of the geometric shape, mechanical pressing can not be used, then vacuum pressing should be used. In addition, vacuum technology can also paste or fix plywood or synthetic materials to the front of the kitchen and other similar boards.
Vacuum lamination is a process that combines multi-layer materials, often used in semiconductor and electronic industries. Solar cell packs, flat panel screens and smartphone screens are made in this way.
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componentplanet · 5 years
2020 Chrysler Pacifica Review: Swallow Your Pride – This Beats an SUV
For most Americans, a minivan is the best people-hauler for the demographic called parents-with-kids-and-all-their-crap. And the 2020 Chrysler Pacifica minivan serves the demographic better than virtually every other sports utility vehicle or minivan. You can have a Pacifica sort-of-inexpensive or trimmed in leather, with or without hiding stowable second-and-third-row seats, or as a plug-in hybrid, all with third-row seats usable by adults. Come 2021, you’ll again be able to get the Pacifica with all-wheel-drive.
The Pacifica handles relatively well. The plug-in hybrid goes 32 miles on battery power and has a battery-plus-engine cruising range of 520 miles. It is roomier and lighter than a full-size SUV. On the downside, some useful driver assists are optional on the Pacifica. Pacifica’s reliability from recent years past is not on par with competing minivans, especially from Toyota and Kia.
The Pacifica is one of the few three-row vehicles comfortable in all three rows.
On the Road with Pacifica
I drove an upscale Pacifica Hybrid with a full suite of driver assists, the latest UConnect 4 infotainment system, and black leather seats with contrasting stitching. It feels roomier than a full-size SUV because it’s roughly the size of the full-size Dodge Durango SUV, 203.8 inches versus the Durango’s 201.2. With a shorter nose and without the sloping rear of some SUVs, plus a couple more inches of width than Durango, there’s a lot more room in the Pacifica for people and cargo inside.
Handling is pretty good for something that weighs a handful of pounds shy of 5,000. It gets to 60 mph in about 7.5 seconds via a 3.6-liter V6 Atkinson cycle gas engine (higher efficiency, lower peak power) and an electric motor that net 260 hp, all driving the front wheels. Once in a while during testing, the nine-speed automatic was slow to shift or thunked into the next gear. The shifter is a rotary knob on the dashboard. Most reviewers hate shifter knobs (or buttons). I say: They leave more room for cupholders and phones on the dash or console. Nobody manually shifts a minivan. This knob would work better if it was coated in grippy rubber.
The infotainment system and navigation, called UConnect and now up to version 4, continues to be one of the easier packages to comprehend. The display is 8 inches diagonal, which is good, but a 10-inch display would be nicer (likely on 2021 models).
2020 Chrysler Pacifica.
The Pacifica excels three ways:
Around town, driving is almost zero-cost because the 16-kWh battery tucked under the floor lets you cover 32 miles of commuting to work, car-pooling, and handling daily driving tasks. It will recharge overnight on 120-volt power, or in about two hours at 240 volts. Many owners won’t burn any gasoline most days of the week, although maybe you might, because there’s no button to force the Pacifica to run electric-only before going to the combustion engine. So Chrysler uses an algorithm to decide when to use what. In a week of driving, I averaged 29 mpg, close to Chrysler’s 30 mpg EPA overall rating, which is quite good for a 2.5-ton vehicle.
Second, on longer weekend or vacation trips, you get up to 520 miles of driving. You only have to fill up once a day. Yes, the kids have to go pee more often than that, but the interstate service area choreography of one parent taking the kids to the bathroom while the other heads for the fueling islands, then meeting up while the refueler parent dashes back to the restrooms, seems to save very little time.
For weekday carpooling tasks and weekend family trips, you can fit up to seven people; the middle row is always two buckets, not a bench. And everybody, in every seating position, is plenty comfortable, especially in the hybrid. The under-floor battery means there’s no space for the stowable (Stow ‘N Go) seats that fold into the floor, but those stowable seats are thinner and less comfortable. The comfier PHEV’s seats are heavy to take out, though.
The Pacifica has upscale finishes on most trim lines. The UConnect 4 center stack display is 8.4 inches.
Lots of Trim Lines
Shopping for a Chrysler Pacifica starts with “Where do I start?” There are eight Pacifica gas-engine versions, five of them called Pacifica Touring (gut none called Pacifica Car Pooling); plus six Pacifica Hybrid versions; plus more two gas-engine entry model Pacificas, only they’re called Chrysler Voyagers (explanation below). As for the hybrid models, there are three Touring models (Touring, Touring, 35th Anniversary Touring L) and three Limited models (Limited, Limited 35th Anniversary, Limited Red S). The hybrid 35th Anniversary (of the first Chrysler Corp. minivans) and S models are upholstery, badging, and paint variants. If this sounds confusing, it is, and there’s not much on the Chrysler Pacifica website that helps you see what features are on what trim lines.
The least costly hybrid, the Touring, is $41,490 including $1,495 freight. That is $6,250 more than the gas-engine Touring, but you are eligible for a $7,500 tax credit, so really it costs less. The Touring gets you power-sliding doors, heated mirrors, keyless entry/ignition, a power-adjustable driver’s seat, three-zone climate control, the 8.4-inch touchscreen, Bluetooth, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and USB jacks. Driver assists are blind-spot warning/rear-cross-traffic-alert (same system) and rear parking sonar. No forward-facing driver assists.
The Touring L, $45,780 including freight, may be the sweet spot: It adds leather upholstery, heated front seats, and a power liftgate. But it, too, lacks a full range of driver assists.
The Limited, $47,340, is where you can add a fuller array of driver assists. It has nicer leather, vented front seats, navigation, UConnect Theater (rear entertainment), and 20-speaker audio. For $995 you can add the Advanced Safety Tec Group: stop-and-go adaptive cruise control, advanced forward collision warning, advanced lane departure warning, parallel/perpendicular parking assist, front sonar (rear is standard) with auto-stop, and surround cameras. You can also add a $1,895 panoramic sunroof.
The top-line Hybrid Limited Red S fully optioned runs $52,000, before tax credit.
Be still my heart: the 1984 Dodge Caravan, enabler of the soccer mom demographic.  It’s also 28 inches shorter than today’s Pacifica.
The Shrinking Minivan Market
Minivans as we know them date to the 1984 Dodge Caravan and Plymouth Voyager, boxy vehicles, some with woodgrain wrap on the sides. They helped keep Chrysler Corp. alive. (The vehicles, not necessarily the woodgrain.) Sales of minivans, all brands, peaked in 2000 with 1.4 million sold, 8 percent of the year’s 17 million sales. Most had three rows of seats, and even the third row was reasonably comfortable at a time when there were far fewer SUVs. And they drove like cars at a time when SUVs didn’t.
Minivans were popular with college-educated boomer parents in the suburbs who drove their children to sports practices a lot, had similar-to-each-other buying patterns, got involved in the PTA, and tended to vote. Demographers called them soccer moms or soccer parents, which annoyed the heck out of them, more because soccer mom was too easily understood as well as misunderstood. In retaliation – “how dare these people reduce me to two words” – they switched to SUVs that were bigger, top-heavier, tipsier (until electronic stability control came along), cost you 3-5 mpg in fuel economy, and lacked room for teens in row three. Nothing like seeing six kids in shorts and cleats disembark from a GMC Yukon Denali, not a Pacifica, to prove you’re not a soccer dad or mom.
Fast forward to 2019, and sales of the five minivan models (plus leftover Chrysler Town & Countrys) amounted to just over 400,000, or 2 percent of the (again) 17 million sales of light vehicles. The best-seller Dodge Grand Caravan gets the majority of sales in fleet markets, making the Honda Odyssey and Pacifica the top two sellers to individuals.
Minivan Model 2019 Sales 2018 Sales Change Dodge Grand Caravan 122,648 151,927 -19% Honda Odyssey 99,113 106,327 -7% Chrysler Pacifica 97,705 118,322 -17% Toyota Sienna 73,585 87,671 -16% Kia Sedona 15,931 17,928 -11% Chrysler Town & Country 5 6 -17% Totals 408,987 482,181 -15%
Between 2000 and today, more than a dozen minivan brands departed the market: Buick Terraza, Chevrolet Uplander, Chevrolet Venture, Chrysler Voyager, Ford Freestar, Ford Windstar Cargo, Mazda MPV, Mercury Monterey, Nissan Quest, Oldsmobile Silhouette, Pontiac Montana, Saturn Relay, and Volkswagen Routan. The one significant entrant is the Kia Sedona in the 2015 model year.
In 2020, the aging Dodge Grand Caravan goes away this spring, to be replaced by the Chrysler Voyager, effectively an entry-level Pacifica. That will likely be the rental-fleet minivan. Insiders say the two-name strategy helps the residual value of the Pacifica. Any time more than half the sales for a model go into fleets, it depresses resale prices.
The 2020 Pacifica measures 203.8 inches long, 79.6 inches wide, and 69.9 inches high. This allows for superb cargo space: 32.3 cubic feet with all seats used, and 140.5 cubic feet with the middle and rear seats down.
Should You Buy?
If you do a lot of urban driving, you’ll likely love how much of it can be on electricity, where the cost of electricity (low) is equivalent in cost to the Pacifica getting 82 mpg on gasoline. It is roomy on legroom as well as side to side shoulder room, so you really can get three across in back.
The Pacifica scores well on IIHS safety tests: good overall on crashworthiness, and a Top Safety Pick. However, it’s light on standard driver safety assists: Blind spot warning is standard, plus government-required features such as a rear camera. If you want a fuller range of assists that help especially on long highway trips, you’ll really want one of the Limited trims and the features of the Advanced Safety Tec package.
Only when you reach the Limited are significant additional driver assists offered in an options package.
Against the competition, the same money, roughly, will get you the sensational Kia Telluride or Hyundai Palisade three-row SUVs with less space and a premium-car fit and finish. Against other SUVs, the Honda Odyssey is well-thought-out and so is the Toyota Sienna, which is the only minivan to offer all-wheel-drive. The Kia Sedona, less flashy, has rock-solid build quality and reliability on its side. Consumer Reports rates recent Sedonas at 3, 4 or 5 of 5, while the Pacifica is rated at 1 or 2 out of 5.
The Chrysler Pacifica has been out since the 2017 model year. It gets a significant refresh for the 2021 model year with all-wheel-drive offered on the gas-engine Pacifica only (Chrysler last had an AWD minivan in 2004). Chrysler could have redirected the PHEV’s electric power to the rear wheels for all-wheel-drive (as Toyota has done to create AWD on a front-drive car), but chose not to. There’s a new, version 5, of UConnect Drive by Android software. And there’ll be an additional trim line at the top end, called Pinnacle. To keep up with the competition, the 2021 Pacifica will make standard forward-collision warning, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, and lane departure warning/lane-keeping assistance.
Now read:
2018 Honda Odyssey First Drive Review: Tech Makes It the Ultimate People Hauler
2020 Kia Telluride Review: The New Benchmark for Midsize SUVs
At Last: Driver-Assist Terms Will Be Common Across All Cars 
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/307788-2020-chrysler-pacifica-review-swallow-your-pride-this-beats-an-suv from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/03/2020-chrysler-pacifica-review-swallow.html
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protisipun1987 · 5 years
Multi-Function Alarm Clock, Indoor Thermometer, Charging Station/Phone Charger with Dual Port USB Compatible with iPhone/ipad/iPod/Android Phone&Tablets(Black)
New Post has been published on https://www.homeguide411.com/product/multi-function-alarm-clock-indoor-thermometer-charging-station-phone-charger-with-dual-port-usb-compatible-with-iphone-ipad-ipod-android-phonetabletsblack/
Multi-Function Alarm Clock, Indoor Thermometer, Charging Station/Phone Charger with Dual Port USB Compatible with iPhone/ipad/iPod/Android Phone&Tablets(Black)
The C1 Noisy Alarms with Dual-USB Charging Port and Thermometer
Large Liquid Crystal Display &Large Font Display Enables you to easily see the time.
Simple to Set Noisy Alarms Spin the very best rotary button to create time and alarm while in time setting mode.
Gradual-wake function Fades your alarm in gradually for any gentle wake-up by chord music.
Dual-USB port Enables you to definitely charge select cellular devices. 3.1A total power(1 x 2.1A ,1 x 1.0A).
Snooze Option Afford a couple of extra minutes rest.Starts with a subtle.
Indoor Thermostat Displays the 70 degrees.
Battery Backup Maintains power and saves settings during outages (requires 3AAA batteries, not incorporated).
Specifications Dimensions: 4.3*4.3*2.5 ” Power Adaptor: AC 100-240V Electricity 5V-3A
What’s within the box C1 Noisy Alarms x 1 AC Power Adaptor(US Plug) x 1 Instructions x 1
Noisy Alarms WITH 4 Amounts Of LCD DIMMING – 3.2 inch LCD large font display for simple readability throughout the day or during the night and it has 4 brightness levels easily adjusted by tapping the large button.
SAFE & FAST CHARGING – dual front panel USB charging with 3.1A total power(1 x 2.1A ,1 x 1.0A). Built-in surge protection to safeguard against overcharging, surges and overheating, making certain the delivery of steady output to every device.
SNOOZE OPTION AND GRADUAL WAKE ALARM – with snooze functions, afford a couple of extra minutes rest.Starts with a subtle, low volume that progressively increases to some greater volume to lightly wake you up.
SUREALARM BATTERY BACKUP – support AAA Battery for ensures accurate time-keeping throughout a power failure or disconnection from the cord.NOTE:it doesn’t support charging and lighting lengthy amount of time in AAA battery mode.
INDOOR THERMOSTAT – displays the 70 degrees on front panel.
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brandonxnellis · 6 years
Business Phone Lines options of today
Business Phone Line Options of Today
  Cell phones are a part of our lives, and for better or worse, they are becoming further ingrained into both our personal and business lives.
In fact, you’d be hard pressed to look around and not see the majority of individuals with a cell phone in hand, taking care of business or tending to personal matters.
The busy business owner juggling briefcases on the way into the office, cell propped between shoulder and head, glued to ear, is no exception. From personal calls, texting and tweeting, to business calls, networking and emailing, the smart cell phone can do it all.
But are there benefits to having a phone line restricted specifically to business calls? Is a second phone line for your business necessary, or even all that useful?
This and more will be explored below. Read on to find out if shelling out your hard earned dollars for a second phone line is the way to go…
Second Cell phone as Business Line – Benefits
A separate business line has some obvious benefits.
Firstly, it’s certainly more professional to conduct business on a separate phone line. Not many employers would enjoy having their personal phone number printed on a business card.
With a separate line for work, one need not worry about giving that personal phone number to clients and colleagues, or having a spouse sit through your professional business voicemail prompt before they can leave you a message about what’s for dinner for that matter.
Distinct Separation of Work and Play
With a separate business phone, there is no concern for that awkward and seemingly inevitable text message sent to the wrong person (hopefully not that important client) or the pocket-dialing disaster that occurs at the worst time and leaves your boss a long and inappropriate voicemail.
Using a separate business cell phone eliminates the risk of dealing with personal and unprofessional calls in a professional work environment.
Control and Clear Distinction between your Personal and Professional Hours
Finally, using just one phone will likely result at times in the crossing of boundaries between personal and work time for entrepreneurs and small business owners with autonomy over how they spend both their working and off hours. When you can’t put your business phone down on the weekend because it’s also your personal phone, the odds are you will be answering business calls if they come in, interrupting family time or other obligations. At work, the opposite could become an issue, with personal calls interrupting and negatively affecting work performance.
A second cell phone can easily serve as a business phone and is for obvious reasons preferable over a landline for entrepreneurs on the go. But do you really want to carry a phone in each pocket? And is it really worth it to pay the bill for two cell phones, just to separate work calls and personal calls?
Read on to explore these issues further…
A Second Phone Line on your Cell as Business Line
Another option is a dedicated phone line on your beloved cell phone.
All work-related calls and texts are sent to the second number, keeping work neatly separated from personal life. Various apps for iPhone and Android devices offer these virtual secondary number services for a monthly cost ranging from free to five and ten dollars. That’s much cheaper than adding another phone line to the monthly cell service bill!
Google Voice offers the service as well, but is known for having a noticeable lack of updates, minimal support and spotty performance.
Another popular app that’s highly supported, and generally receives top ratings and reviews is Hushed. Hushed is privacy-focused and offers a feature-rich, highly supported and performance-minded solution starting at just $1.99. So for less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks you could be well on your way to setting up a second private number for your business or other ventures.
Some apps even allow you to text and make custom voicemail greetings and voicemail forwarding.  Apps also allow for privacy and personal space while remaining available to business connections without physically juggling a second cell phone. For example, Hushed doesn’t even require a credit card to purchase the app.
The applications which provide a second phone line, are not to be confused with Wi-Fi calling. As such, generally standard rates apply according to phone service plan. In reality, this is just a third party that establishes a second phone line for you elsewhere and actually just transfers those calls to your phone when a call comes in. Some service providers include this extra service. For example, Verizon offers “second voice”, which is an extra phone line, for $14 dollars. However, users must also pay additional charges for minutes used on the second line.
Virtual phone systems (VOIP) as business lines
Many small business owners are opting for virtual phone systems, which are essentially call forwarding services set up through a computer (or mobile app on a cell) online. These services offer telephone numbers that can be used to enable long distance service without incurring long distance charges, by routing calls to the user’s actual phone number. Business owners can actually purchase 1 800 numbers from virtual phone companies like Vonage and Grasshopper.
800 Numbers – What’s the deal?
Although most cell phones don’t charge long distance fees anymore, there is still an incentive to having an 800 number. The area code is among the most professional.  It sets your business apart from local companies and indicates your business may be nationwide. The cost for this service can vary, usually between 20$ and 50$.
Vanity Numbers
Vanity 1800 numbers can also be purchased. These numbers are customized to spell words associated with the business, making it easier for potential customers or clients calling to remember the number after seeing it in advertisements.
There are more benefits to that number. Start-up companies and small businesses struggling to make a name for themselves feel more professional to the client if it’s a toll-free number. Virtual phone services can even let you choose local numbers. Customers will picture a professional office setting but you may be working out of a less traditional work environment, at Starbucks on your cell.
Virtual Phone Services Providers
Virtual phone services like Grasshopper and TalkRoute allow for the creation of customizable greetings, sometimes with voice studios to create perfectly professional greetings and pre-recorded messages. Record an informational message with directions, product descriptions, or services offered, for clients who only need basic information about the company. You can set up a company directory to play along with custom “hold” music and commercials. To gather employees together, there are often built-in conference calling features.
Running a business with a virtual phone system and dedicated phone line applications, employee and employees can benefit from the flexibility of schedules and the ability to work just about anywhere because they always have access to business and customer calls.
This system can get to be a little expensive, considering the cost of the forwarding service in addition to the traditional cell phone service bill, assuming you use the service on the cell’s mobile app.
Landline as a business line
Some businesses still incorporate landlines, but more often desktop phones are no longer used. There is little time to sit and wait for calls when so much can be accomplished with a business cell phone in hand (or pocket). Of course, landlines still can and are used in some office environments, particularly large firms with multiple extensions for transferring. Multiple extensions can easily be set up with the aforementioned virtual phone services as well, however. Business owners can extend lines to employees who can, in turn, record their own greetings and set up call forwarding as needed. No client would guess that you aren’t all sitting at your offices in the same building down the street, balancing rotary desktop phone receivers on your shoulders.
Benefits of a Landline Business Line
If you spend a great deal of time in the office or want to restrict your business calls to your business hours in the office, a landline has its benefits too, however. The signal is typically strong with a landline, and the monthly cost is lower, between $15-30$ for basic service, which generally includes features such as caller ID, call waiting, and voicemail which can be customized easily. Long distance calling is usually higher but if most calls are local, a landline can be a money-saving option. Toll-free numbers can be purchased for landlines too.
There are benefits to keep being a landline installed as a secondary phone in any case. Building security systems usually require a landline connection to monitor fire and Burglar Alarm sensors. Finally, a phone with a corded base can work during a power outage, as long as it’s connected to a conventional land line. You never have to worry about a dead battery either.
Closing Thoughts
If it’s time your business began using its own phone line, or your business is ready to make a change, consider the options presented in this guide.
In addition to buying a second cell phone and using a desktop landline, adding a second, separate number to your cell can be a cheap and convenient solution. Purchasing 1 800 numbers from virtual routing services is also an excellent method for quite easily starting up your own business line at little cost.
Think about the needs of your company and choose an option that works for your business. And if you’re looking for a full-featured app with additional privacy and data protection built in, consider checking out Hushed, a top rated stand along app that is compatible with both iOS and Android-operated smartphones and tablets.
The post Business Phone Lines options of today appeared first on Hushed.
from DDigits WP Feed 1 https://ift.tt/2Nzd9ku via IFTTT
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yatesburton1-blog · 6 years
KNURLING Related Articles
We might not realize it in our daily life, however the steel manufacture sector influences us in even more manner ins which we can imagine. The procedure is however limited to the welding carried out in the horizontal placement as well as is mostly utilized for plate steel welding in automatic or semiautomatic configurations. The way the pipeline is outlined for welding, is just what is indicated by pipe welding positions. Jim's Security Doors offers its customers a vast choice of aluminium as well as steel doors in Melbourne They have a team of skilled artisan that would study your requirements and also provide you doors that match your taste as well as mix seamlessly with the overall decor of your house. Rely on the sort of device made use of to bond parts welding machines are of various kinds. By doing this Metal Slug feels like a fierce, but laid-back frolic back to a period most of us remember too fondly for our own good. Although oxy-fuel is one of the earliest welding processes, today it has actually come to be less preferred in industrial applications. The relationship in between Ground Nos and also Phantom Pain has been as complicated as a Steel Gear Strong plot, however today's news brings some precise quality to process. Doors & windows - these are properly affixed to the main frame by welding or other efficient technique. Ensure you are not making use of added metal to overmatch as that may give a lot more stamina to the deposited metal than the weld steel. Welding is an unsafe profession in which good sense as well as listening can save your life.
Seeing that style is as much a benefit as the fulfillment of brutalizing an adversary with a flurry of katana hack-and-slash, sliding beneath someone, redirecting strikes, canceling combos, or unleashing in Steel Equipment Increasing: Revengeance's hook: Blade Setting. Macam-macam bending pipa ram flexing, rotary ram bending, induksi panas, rol flexing, panas dan mandrel. For your very first several welding projects, do not attempt to weld without the supervision or instructions of someone experienced in the practice. Currently if you do make a decision to utilize a gasless MIG welding cord you are mosting likely to have to change the cord feed rolls. Robot welding is the most up to date technology in welding automation, as well as has the ability to perform all steps in welding, consisting of the preparation and also handling of products. Going by the marriage procedure of the work surface, strong welding including welding helped by heat to damage down a layer of oxidation or dust externally of the work surface. You will desire a smooth, even bead (path of brand-new welded steel) on your job item. The following point you should select is the type of welding you will do the majority of the time. Strong state electrolytes have received even more focus in recent times due to the fact that battery and automobile makers are seeking far better products as well as recipes for making batteries that can last more than just a few years. This is a various setup made use of in welding with an arc/electrode system, which uses much more convenience, particularly in above welding applications and for use welding particular alloys that do not weld conveniently with Air Conditioning voltages. Burning solid waste for power might be effective, but we pay the rate in terms of increased carbon dioxide and various other greenhouse gas emissions. By doing this, if the timber strips obtain gone down or rearranged, you'll have the ability to inform which order your strips belong in. Corrosion is a chemical procedure in which iron oxidizes as well as starts to flake away the metal. This is brought on by water that soaks into the steel or comes in call with the steel regularly gradually. The firm is wagering that a battery based on fluid steel electrodes will be stable, scalable, and inexpensive enough that it might revolutionize grid storage. One of my preferred welding suggestions which are both wonderful for residence as well as for generating income is to weld yard art, and also you don't even have to be a good welder making them. Therefore, in coils of basic materials smelting, rolling stage must take steps to reduce inclusions as well as grain refinement procedure in pipeline flow lines must also increase angle steel reasonable control. Engineered landfills in the majority of cities are created to include toxic chemicals leaking from rotting strong waste from reaching our water supply. When you see a welding generator available, figure out the amount of hrs it has currently run. Still, I won't refute that Endure isn't really taking the Steel Equipment name as well as dragging it with the mud, I'm just claiming that it's not like it would certainly be outside the realm of possibility for some sort of zombies to be part of an MGS game. In addition to underwater hyperbaric welding and undersea arc welding, a typical way of welding joints on surface areas underwater is to bring the surface area into completely dry land, create a pressurized chamber around the joint, and utilize a hyperbaric completely dry welding procedure. In order to avoid unneeded expenditures, look for a welding business that could give you with the most effective devices and also expert services while at the very same time rapid and trustworthy given that delays and on-site issues could result in added expenditure and waste of sources. If the light weight aluminum being bonded is thicker then 1/2 of an inch there could be Helium contributed to the mix. While you are flexing the coin, make certain the customer is doing something else, like authorizing a card for an upcoming trick. The metal sheet embossing operation is frequently achieved with a combination of heat and pressure on the sheet metal depending upon what kind of embossing is required. See to it that the stress on the rolls is not too extreme as that could make the aluminium cord to accident. Although browse this site of codes approve the credentials of a Certified Welding Assessor (CWI) for aesthetic assessment of welds, they DO N'T NEED that the Examiner be a CWI. The sleek look and smooth working mechanics of glass and also aluminium doors provides your home an appealing look from inside and out, without being lightweight or troubled. Little arms fire is just about pointless as it will bounce off the metal of the pedestrian. Wrench: You'll require a wrench for several reasons as you deal with your jobs. It truly is only a problem of your welding trainer phoning and also requesting for some totally free examples! The Bend Allocation is specified as the amount of material used for the bend, and also is determined using the adhering to formula: BA= (0.0173( BR) + 0.0078( MT)). Thicker steel needs more amperage as well as larger diameter rods, while thin steel needs reduced amperage and also smaller sized size rods. Among the secrets journeyman welders have to make solid welds, is based upon how well they established their welding machine! This job requires not just precise web link welds however additionally the reliable use of both drag as well as push method of welding. As well as the majority of ferrous metals (Metals which contain and/or are magnetic) Are magnetic, although I think there's one non-ferrous steel that is, or perhaps one ferrous metal is not magnetic. You will certainly pick various settings based on the kind of steel that you are welding.
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robertkstone · 7 years
11 2018 Range Rover Velar Surprises and Delights
Let’s face it—there just aren’t a ton of new vehicles out there that are just so very good-looking that they can make grown rational adults do stupid things such as spending $51-90 large on an SUV that can be had for thousands less at the Jag store—wearing almost as fetching a wrapper. Almost. As one of those rational folks whose knees go totally wiggly for the interior and exterior styling of the Land Rover Range Rover Velar, I seek to provide a public service here to my fellow right thinkers by presenting 11 hard-nosed objective plusses and minuses, surprises and delights with which your left brain can help talk your right brain into or out of the gorgeous new Velar.
Tesla Door Handles
The mechanical engineer in me frets about motorizing things that are much more easily left mechanical. Sure, aero-flushness is good for fuel consumption, but it can easily be accomplished the way sister brand Jag does it (press the forward edge of a flush door handle, and the back pops out). The Velar’s handles motor out when the car is unlocked (via fob or a press of the button on any handle), and they only retract when you relock the car. But at least unlike the electric-release latches on a Tesla Model S, the deployed Velar handles are mechanically connected to the latches. And hidden inside the key fob is a slim key that can manually unlock a Velar with a dead battery. Pretty cool.
Free Gerry McGovern Gesture Drawings
Every Velar comes with not one but two free copies of the “gesture drawing” illustration that was so very faithfully brought to production as the Range Rover Velar. Just approach or leave the car at night, and puddle lamps project these drawings down from each rearview mirror. Quite cool.
Illuminated Sill Plates Galore
Illuminated sill plates are now being offered on cars priced up and down the status ladder, but open a front door, and in addition to the backlit “R-Dynamic” sill plate, under-dash footwell lighting seems to spotlight the metal “Velar” nameplate on the floor mat. And much less expected amongst wagons and utes in any class is an illuminated cargo area sill plate. Nicely played.
Black Panels
When parked and locked, the steering wheel buttons, instrument cluster, and central display screens and knobs are all black and featureless. Climb aboard with the key in your pocket, and the I/P screen proclaims your wise choice of upgrading to the R Dynamic performance model with the same logo you stepped over on the sill plate while the upper center display screen shows the green oval Land Rover emblem. The lower screen and the ambient lighting both glow, as well. Only after you switch the vehicle on do the steering wheel control functions, gauges, and screen menus come alive. Very dramatic. A few nits to pick: This seasoned menu prober was unable to locate the controls for altering the color of the ambient lighting (I later learned of a handy online owners’ manual that instructed me: “From the HOME screen, swipe the touchscreen to the left to access the EXTRA FEATURES screen. See TOUCHSCREEN HOME MENU. Option 11 is ambient lighting”). I did find the options for changing the upper center display’s screen saver image, the preferred blower fan demeanor (soft and quiet, balanced for comfort, powerful and fast), and for choosing the lower screen’s default display, however. I never did find a way to disable the automatic sunroof shade, which opened upon every startup and closed upon every shutdown, worrying me about its longevity.
Objects Behind are Farther Than They Appear
Now that rearview cameras are being mandated as standard equipment on everything, the fancy cars are trying to differentiate themselves with bird’s-eye view images and trickier wide-angle cameras such as the Velar’s. This is great for seeing cross traffic, but it made it look like I was about to graze the edge of the garage door every time.
Multitasker Knobs
One of the things everyone loves about the Velar’s interior is its sleek look, uncluttered by a squillion buttons controlling as many functions. A big enabler of this look is the multifunction lower screen with its two rotary knobs, the functions of which can vary depending on which screen is active. They usually control left and right temperature, but press them, and they’ll adjust the driver and passenger seat heating or cooling functions. Call up the Vehicle screen, and the left one selects among the many dynamic and off-road driving modes. There are probably more tasks they perform that I never encountered in a mere week with the Velar. Expect this idea to proliferate quickly.
Multitasking Favorite Button
There’s a little diamond button on the steering wheel that can be assigned not one but two frequently used functions. Options include cancel nav guidance, next audio source, audio mute, audio play/pause, access phone voicemail, microphone-mute, telephone hold, auto-reject a call, upper-screen off, and traffic alerts. Press the button quickly for one function, press it for longer to access the second function. (How many folks will discover and use the second option?)
Auto-Massage Seating
Loads of fancy luxury cars offer massage seating. Nothing bums me out worse when driving one than when I find myself at the end of a journey after having forgotten to switch the damned thing on. Land Rover has solved this problem by allowing me to program the seats to automatically start massaging my back 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes into a journey. Naturally I chose the 5-minute setting. I am not aware of another manufacturer offering this flash of brilliance.
Cut-Me-Off Default ACC Following Distance
As much as I love the auto-massage seat option, I hate having to manually shorten the following distance from the default maximum following distance to the closest after every ignition cycle. In any other setting, every other driver on the road will fill the generous gap ahead of the Velar retarding its progress on a busy highway. Machine learning will soon allow cars to infer our preferences, solving issues such as this—hopefully without turning all of our cars into homicidal HAL 9000s.
3-D Tunnel Vision Tail Lamps
The lighting supply world is really outdoing itself these days with organic LEDs, fancy light pipes, diffusing lenses, virtual reflectors and the like. The Velar’s taillamps probably incorporate several of these new technologies to create extra-deep-looking LED taillamps.
Vented Spoiler
Any savvy designer puts a spoiler of some sort on the back of a two-box wagon or ute to encourage the air to separate cleanly instead of clinging to the rear window and sucking the car backward. Few of them put little vents like the two bright openings you can see in this one. They’re there to allow a bit of air to blow dirt and mist off the rear window. It might well cost a fraction of a drag-coefficient point, but the savings in rear-window-washer fluid might well be worth the tradeoff.
Read our 2018 Range Rover Velar V-6 First Drive review HERE from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2lC8Khr via IFTTT
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earbudsshop · 5 years
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Bluedio T2s Bluetooth Headphones On Ear with Mic, 57mm Driver Rotary Folding Wireless Headset, Wired and...
T2S, Turbine 2(Shooting Brake), releases globally in Nov. 2014, a upgraded version of HT(Shooting Brake). It’ s been 6 months, our engineers redesign Turbine idea, trying to bring the best music experience for you. Besides the amazing bass as HT(Shooting Brake), T2S is foldable and easy to carry, more comfortable to wear, more metallic in look, and strengthened in headband.
Specifications Bluetooth version: V4.1 Supported Profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP Drive: 2X2.24inches Impedance: 16O Frequency response: 20 Hz -20KHz Sensitivity: 110dB THD: <0.1% Operating distance: up to 32 feet (free space) Bluetooth music time: about 40 hours Bluetooth talk time: about 45 hours Standby time: about 1625 hours Fully charged time: about 2 hours Headset size: 7.87″ tall 7.32″ wide Package size: 7.87″X6.69″X3.35″ Headset weight : 7.9oz Package weight: 15.49oz
In the box Bluedio T2S headset 1pc Charging cable 1pc 3.5mm Audio cable 1pc User manual 1pc
Tips for Pairing 1. When the headset is off(if not, power off the headset first), press and hold the MF button, only when the LED remains blue can you release the button. The headset is in pairing mode. 2. Switch on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone, add/search devices. 3. When “Bluedio” appears, select it. (If asked for a pass code: Enter “0000”)
About Bluedio Bluedio is a manufacturer pioneer in portable audio device, providing solutions of professional audio and wireless communication. In 2009, we have registered Bluedio as our trademark in the USA, later obtained certificates from China and the whole world. So far, Bluedio has owned over 30 patents, highly praised by consumers over 34 countries.
NOTE: Original Bluedio T2S Turbine Headphones sold by” Bluedio”. 【GREAT SOUND】Bluedio engineers have spent two years in creating T2S Ultra-big speaker, diameter up to 2.24 inches, trying to bring you the best music experience: rich and strong bass, crisp and clear highs. 【BLUETOOTH / WIRED DOUBLE MODES】T2S Over-Ear Headset is not only a Bluetooth headset but also a wired headset. With the included cable, you can still enjoy favorite music when the battery runs low using 3.5mm audio cable. 【40 HOURS LONG TIME PLAY】Bluedio T2S Headphones adopts Bluetooth 4.1 Chip, which can transmit data at high speed and bring you smooth music experience. And its low power ensures long lasting battery life: up to 40 hours continuous music time. 【190° COOL ROTARY DESIGN】T2S, T is the abbr. for Turbine which we think can best stand for your endless passion and energy. And T2S wireless headphone is rotary, you can rotate the ear cup up to 195 Degree, easy to carry and save more space. 【COMFORTABLE TO WEAR】Its ear cup and headband top are padded with sufficient foam and covered with soft leather. What you may not notice is that we have adjusted the headband, based on Ergonomics theory, to fit all head sizes.
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
UK biomimetic engineering startupAnimal Dynamicsis buildinga microdrone with wings inspired by the flapping flight of a dragonfly. The project, which started in June 2015 with a feasibility study, isbeing funded with 1.5 million from theUK Ministry of Defence, via DSTL, the Defence Science and Technology Lab.
Last fall the companyswitchedfrom researching the feasibility ofthe concept into phase two: actually trying to build the thing.They now saytheyre confident theyll havea flying prototype of their Skeeter drone to demo by this summer with the tech potentially deployed in the field bythe endof next year.
To be clear this microdrone hasnot yet got off the ground. At this point all theyreshowing publicly is the bug-like modelon a stick, pictured above. But Animal Dynamics co-founder and CEO Alex Caccia says hesconfident it will take to theair in two to three months time. One of the challenges with something that flies is that everything has to work for it to work at all but were pretty close to it now. The ah-ha moment of it flying is almost the last thing that happens,he adds.
The team is also lookingto raise around 4 million in Series A funding in the next few months for continueddevelopment of Skeeter but also to fund some potential spin-out technologies theyve created along the way such as a high efficiency linear actuator designed for the drone which they reckon could also be used for other use-cases, such as in medical pumps and for road vehicle propulsion.
Were fundamentally interested in developing commercial products from studies and understanding of how nature reaches these tricks that allow greater performance and efficiency, saysCaccia.
Drones with flapping wings do exist including a DARPA-backed drone that resembles a hummingbird, built by US company Aeroenviroment back in 2010 but its fair to say that flapping dronesare the exception not the rule. A far more typical animal in this space is the buzzing quadcopter.
Yet rotary blades have drawbacks. They dont support stable flight in windy conditions. Theyre noisy. They can even be dangerous. And they can require a lot of power to stay airborne. Hencethe MoDs hope of driving development of amorerobust flight techniquethat can withstand tough in-the-fieldenvironmental conditions.
Its a very extreme challenge, set down from them DSTL came up with the requirements which is can you make something at this scale operate in high wind and difficult environmental conditions, says Caccia, discussing the MoDs requirements for the Skeeter drone.
Theyd been using small drones in Afghanistan and Iraq with quite a lot of success because when the environmental conditions are right they are extremely useful for soldiers on the ground to go out and see whats round the corner they need to be small so that they cant be seen, so that theyre easily carried and so that theyre quiet. However as soon as theres a slight wind anything above5 meters per second they get blown out of the sky So theyve got a frustration.
As Caccia tells it, theusual suspect defence suppliers werent at all confident theycould build anythingto meetthe MoDs microdrone challenge. But Animal Dynamics other co-founder,Adrian Thomas, a professor of biomechanics in the Zoology Department of Oxford, suggested the answer could lie in looking to nature for inspiration given that birds and insects are able to achieve stable flight in turbulent conditions. And, ultimately, Animal Dynamicspitch securedthe DSTL funds.
Adrian was doing some work in his garden during Storm Doris andthere were 50 mile an hour winds and there were bumblebees happily buzzing around the lawns, completely unfussed by the high winds. Which is something insects have solved for a very long time, says Caccia. Its very, very difficult to do but the interesting things is that flapping wing propulsion lends itself to solving this problem very well. Rotary blade propulsion doesnt.
Asked for anopinionon the engineering challenges of flapping, Dr Mirko Kovac, director of the Aerial Robotics Lab at Imperial College London, tellsus: Flapping wing flight has several advantages compared to propeller based solutions, including the ability for highmanoeuvrability and potentially low energy consumption during forward flight. The challenge however is significant and includes the need for a thorough understanding of the aerodynamics involved, as well as the development of the mechanics and wing transmission mechanisms as well as the controller for successful flight.
Commenting onthe Skeeter project specifically, Kovac adds: The mentioned timeline seems possible but it will depend on the size and weight of the vehicle. Bird-sized flapping wing vehicles are partially already available on the toy-market while bee-sized flying robots are still the topic of intense university research. However, I do believe that it is possible to build a flapping micro drone that can provide value in environmental monitoring, smart farming and search and rescue applications.
Cacciasays the biggest remaining challenge to getting Skeeter off the ground at this point is the mechanical design. Flapping, as youd expect, is a lot more complex in engineering terms than spinning especially if you also have relatively littlepower to play with, as its a lightweight, battery-operated device.
The challenge is really around producing a very low friction mechanism. So the wings weve built, the flight control system has been solved, its actually the mechnical design thats very difficult. So were doing some work with some people in the Swiss watch industry to help us out Its really about friction. You need to get the mechanism to be very, very low friction, he says.
Even the slightest friction will cause resistance, and create heat and stop the thing from working properly. Most mechanical systems get around it by putting an unreasonable amount of power in. We dont have that so we have to make things run very, very smoothly.
Thomas also points tofriction and inertial load as the hard problems. The high leverage at the wing hinge means that the motors see about 50 times the wing weight, so driving the wing weight down has huge benefits. Similarly, apart from the aerodynamic loads, almost all the work done by the motors is work against friction in the flapping system, driving the friction in the system down pays huge dividends, he says.
The stability and control systems may seem challenging, but there has been a lot of work done on control and stability in birds and insects, and our vehicle has a huge advantage over any of the other current drones that can hover turn the motor off and it glides, with good passive stability, down to a relatively gentle landing.
On the plus side, the team says its benefiting from the easy availability of electronic components spilling over from the mobileindustry.
The extraordinary thing and one of the factors that has made a project like this possible is availability of components from the mobile phone industry. The access to very low costs MEMS and sensors and tiny antenna and a whole array of electronics is really one of the key factors, says Caccia. Ive noticed that a whole bunch of components have come onto the markets as development boards literally in the last two to three years I think partly also driven by the wearables market Which anyone can have access to. And certainly were using that.
He also suggests this liberal availability of electronic components is providing an added incentive for the MoD to fund projects such as Skeeter.They need to try and keep one step ahead, but also engage with the tech developer world far more to understand how these technologies are being used, he adds.
The dragonfly-esque Skeeter is planned tobe 120mm at its largest; weigh less than 20 grams (packing a camera and the other necessary comms and navigation sensors); and have a top speed of around 45km per hour. In terms of flight time Cacciasays it will be useful qualifying that as not quite an hour though he also notes it depends on wind conditions, andpoints outthat adrone with wings can also glide thereby saving on battery power.
Range will be most limited by the radio signal which he says might be up to 1,000 meters. While the per unit price theyre aiming foris the low thousands so the microdronecan be widely used andin effect almost thrown away though it remains to see if they can keep costs down.
One thing is certain: should Skeeterget off the ground, this is going to be a very bespoke animal indeed a drone made to measure for its military masters. But, while youre in no dangerof receiving an airfreighted Amazon package to your doorstep conveyed via an industrious team of Skeeter dragonflies,Caccia does reckon flapping wing tech holds promise for more than just stealthy surveillance microdrones. Especially as the form factor need not be so small. And its certainly true that military-funded technology has a habit of filtering down to the consumer space after the expensive R&D work isdone as indeed isthe case with drone tech itself.
I think theres a market for it not just in the military but also elsewhere too, and also at different scales. Theres been a very clear focus requirement to make it at this scale, because theyve been using something at this scale but the technology can be scaled up. So one of the reasons were looking to raise funding is wed like to make a bigger one, he says.
Theres all sorts of advantages you can have with a larger, flapping drone. Far, far more efficient flying from A to B. Can still hover. Much less dangerous. You can put your finger in the flapping wings as they flap and it wont hurt you And also with a quadcopter drone, if any of the mechanism fails it falls out of the sky like a brick. Whereas the things that were making glide in their neutral position.
Could a larger flapping wing drone be capable of taking payloads sayfor adelivery use-case?Caccia reckonsit could, though hesaysit wouldneed to have half a meter to a meter wingspan.Which, sadly, suggests theres also little prospectof urban drone delivery via giant dragonflies. Maybe just for some edge cases such as delivering humanitarian aid to remoter areas.
I think delivery drones is a laughable idea, adds Caccia. I dont think its really going to happen. Its a sort of fantasy. But I think there are uses [for a larger-scaleSkeeter] for instance agriculture, for instance surveying large field areas.
A quadcopter type thing is pretty nigh useless for that because the flight times so low. So I think its something thats definitely worth exploring.
Even at the microdrone scale, the team sees potential agricultural use-cases for flapping propulsion.One area Id like to explore is precision agriculture inside greenhouses, saysThomas. Using the drones to deliver precise tiny doses of nutrients or pesticides to the plants that need them rather than dosing the whole greenhouse, that might be a good use for the existing drones once we have them in mass production and have the cost down to sensible numbers.
It is also investigating the potential of flapping in water, for propulsion and hydropower-generation. And is on its third prototype of a human-powered boat, also animal-inspired of course, with Caccia pointing out thatfish swim with far greater efficiency than propeller-based water crafts. He describes the craftas looking kind of like a recumbent bicycle with a dolphin fin behind it.
This isthe activity that Adrian and I first got excited about, he tells TechCrunch. Its something were hoping to be able to get out this summer and have a go at breaking the world speed record. Just as a demonstrator of how you can make something flapping go very fast.
Propeller design efficiency has basically reached an asymptote, theres been no real, materialimprovement in the efficiency of propellers in the last 20 years, Cacciaadds. Of course everyone thinks flapping is a completely ridiculous thing to do but natures way of telling you youre wasting energy in water is a stream of bubbles. And fish dont produce a stream of bubbles when theyre going about So were interested in all sorts of areas. Were making an out-board motor that uses it. Its also very, very quiet And were making our human-powered boat. And it would be wonderful to see larger vessels using it too.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nQbzh2
 The post Is it a bird? Is it a bug? No its a biomimetic microdrone with flapping wings appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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