#the rest of my subs list is like. ah yeah we are old friends and maybe we've drifted apart but i'll check in from time to time
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teenagefeeling · 6 months ago
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rogue-hammer · 5 years ago
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ELDAR PART 2: #5 EXODITES You know that army everyone says their going to do, and then you never see anyone doing it? You know that concept that seems kind of bizarre and niche, but is always kind of fun when you think about it? Lets cut the bull, do you know about the Exodites? Yeah you know the ones I mean. The Eldar who where smart enough from the get go to realize that shit was gonna hit that fan. And by hit we mean, the shit was a dirty nuclear bomb, and the fan was spinning at Mach 10, and no one within a 1 million light year radius of it was going to not get shit on them? The Eldar that if they had a proper army dex, would probably be Toughness 4, Strength 5 and could break an Aspect warrior over their knee? Well fear not, because the Chaos Druid is here to tell you how it may be possible to have these “Salt of the Earth” Style Eldar as a force. -First off, the lore. The Exodites as we all know, where those Eldar who, at the time before the fall realized what was going to happen, and after trying to tell the rest of their race that the liberal agenda was a bad idea, went fuck it and took off for the distant Eastern fringe of the galaxy. Abandoning much of what their race had achieved, these highly attuned seer like Eldar went and settled many a wild and dangerous world. You could say they where Mountain Men of their race. Minus the Buckskins. When establishing a concept for your army, it should be important to note these sorts of things, and mayhap research our own real world history, looking for those who left behind more advanced surroundings to wander the wilds and tame or become a part of their new surroundings. Besides, whats not to like when coming up with a how did your army tame mutha fuck’n dinosaurs for an army concept than to read about people who did much the same thing? 
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-How to represent it? This is the big hurdle to Exodites. GW never did give these backwoods space elves a codex of their own (sometimes I wonder if they where meant to be a mirror to wood elves from WHF) and so you have to be able to work a little bit of magic to bring them to the table. There are two ways of doing this: 1: Use a community created and tested Codex. This one is pretty simple. There are loads of communities on the net who enjoy making non-official but professional quality dexs that never existed, or that did and got left behind. This can be a good place to start if your unsure what exact kinds of units and characters you want to try and represent on the table. 2: Do a “Counts as army.” While this may seem a bit less interesting than going out in search of a quality fan made dex, believe it or not, counts as armies and models are some of the funnest challenges in the hobby. After all, who says you have to stick to one area? When it comes to a race as wide spread as the eldar, you can use all kinds of lists to represent your Exodites. From IA books, to the various inner factions and old codexes, you have a wealth of pre-made stats and rosters for your army, and it may even inspire you to create a Home Brew Dex of your own for use with friends and fellow Exodite fans, it can even be a group project!
-Modeling. Ah yes the next big hurdle in your quest to make this awesome idea come to life. But lucky for us, in this day and age of vast miniatures Renaissance, your never short on companies who produce all sorts of models for use in creating your own flavor of Exodites. Even the GW ranges can be put together via the various universes and factions to give rise to a unique and conversion heavy Exodite host. It’s these kind of armies that GW once upon a time used to really try and get their community interested in. Your own imagination is the only limit when making a fully converted army, and since everyone likes Dinosaurs, dragons, and laser guns, well, who isn;t going to have plenty of models ripe for bits fodder and base construction? 
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-So then next, whats your theme? After all, Exodites can be as various as their craftworld kin. They don’t all have to be from the same sort of planet, or even have the same sort of unit arrangement. Think first to yourself, what wild and possibly feral world has my army tamed and guards as their own? Are they Jungle style folk, Eldar survivalists of the deepest jungle worlds know to the galaxy who could give catachans are run for their money? Taming giant lizard like creatures and avian like Dinosaurs for use in war, while using mainly Stealth and Guerrilla style tactics against invaders, blending seamlessly into the Jungle foliage to strike while using the elements of their home world to wear down an enemy, Maybe they are a desert folk. Having traversed the sands of a barren wasteland planet in the style of Dune. (Dune….Eldar. Ok I may have to do this now) and have grown hardy and strong from the unforgiving conditions. Training and using burrowing and dangerous desert creatures such as serpentine lizards, Scorpion and draconic scalies of fire and ash to their use. Able to blend in and traverse the known ways of the sands to out maneuver and flank their foes foolish enough to come after them (and now I also want to watch Lawrence of Arabia). An alpine people would also not be a far stretch. After all we have seen plenty of Jungle Exodite concepts. So what about their Highlands dwelling kin? Eldar who live off the rock and timber of a giant temperate and sub arctic worlds. Strong of limb and able to survive the cold and wild temperaments of their chosen homes. Going into battle atop heavy plated and massive dino/prehistoric mammal like hybrids, battering their foes aside by ferocity and strength much like our own history’s hardy people of the mountains regions. Truly when creating an Exodite army, any hardy and primal like folk of our own world can serve as an excellent source for theme and character.
-And that leads us to story. Yet another thing that can have infinite possibilities based off your own imagination. Are your Exodites of the first migrations away from their Stellar Empire? The ancient and proud ones who fled the fall of their doomed race and have since held onto life and world for thousands upon thousands of years? Are you a young and newly aspiring tribe of Exodite travelers, having only just now in recent years and light of galactic events decided it best to leave the constraining confines of a Craftword and forge a new and hard destiny for yourself? Are you a sanctuary to Outcasts and those who have been forced or chosen to leave their homes in the Craftworld or even the Dark City. Do you dream of rising once again to dominance, or have you accepted the humble life of survivors and exiles. Are your Exodites proud warrior like people, given over to tribal customs of battle, honor and glory in combat? Or have you attempted to become a peaceful and conservative folk, only drawing a blade when pressed by outside forces. Do you count many of the ancient seers among your ranks, or do the physically strongest and most warlike lead you? Have you shunned all forms of technology or do you harbor much of your ancient relics and tech for use to give you an edge over your environment and enemies? Again, the sky is literally the limit with the number of ways you can forge your own unique brand of Exodites. That is, at the end of the day the fun of non-official, but canonical armies. #6 CORSAIRS Everyone’s thinking it I’m just say’n it. Pirates! Ah yes, corsairs. Eldar Corsairs no less. A throw back to the original concept of these ancient Space Elves from the Rogue Trader era, where the Eldar, much like Orks, and even Chaos were cast in a more “Raider, Pirate, Freebooter” light than as giant interstellar empires of their own. And if I may be frank, my favorite style of all Eldar. Corsairs are in a league of their own when it comes to lore and the table top. If Craftworld Eldar are the Boomer parents, and the Dark Eldar are the teen goth phase kids, while the Exodites are the redneck uncle you visit during summer vacation, then the corsairs are that cool older sibling who always seems to have a few rings in his ear, rocks out to old style metal music and owns some sort of sup’d up car you love riding in. Over the years the Corsairs have had many attempts at army lists and most have fallen by the way side with each passing edition. So what is a pirate to do? Break out your Space Rum and lets find out. 
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-Find your inner Outcast. This is the best place to start. Of all the Eldar sub factions, Corsairs are considered the Outcast. Too liberal minded and self serving for the Craftworlds, not into back stabbing, court intrigue and BDSM which counts the Dark Eldar out, and still too fucking full of themselves to go and play salt of the earth farmer with the Exodites. In all things the Corsair is the embodiment of the classic pirate trope. Those who live outside law and country. Content to ply the stars and do as they wish, when they wish, and save their own skin above all else. This type of “Sandbox” mindset can be used to create an eldar force with limitless background, style and character possibilities.
-What sort of pirate be ye? That’s your next question. Being Self sufficient and serving, Corsairs fit just about any niche you can think of when it comes to reaver like style. This also means they can be found just about anywhere, with just about anyone. Are your Corsairs a club for eldar only? Or have they allied to other even more unscrupulous characters? Corsairs can be found raiding alongside the likes of Rogue Traders, other alien species, and even among chaos warbands and Ork freebootas! And the reasons are just as varied. Are your pirates proud Corsair Princes/Princess’, plying the stars on an ambitious mission of their own? Are they fallen from grace renegades who have or will fall in with any dirty crowd? Are they the ruler of a pirate kingdom all their own, or do they sail the stars in a single infamous vessel like pirate stories of old, ravaging and stealing as they desire? Are they survivors of a larger group of CW Eldar, hiding amongst Exodites and teaching them the old ways of your people while trying to accumulate enough power and followers to rebuild what was lost? The options are almost limitless when forging a narrative for your Corsair warband.
-What is your goal? In the end, many a Corsair is an individualistic character. Shunning the Narrow dogmatic path of the Craftworlds, and refusing to become a corrupted sadist like the Drukari, they live a life of self fulfillment and ambition. So what motivates your band of pirates? Do they seek a sporting challenge as arrogant reavers of the stars? Are they after the ancient glory of their Race’s past when they ruled over the galaxy? Maybe perhaps they are altruistic, and ally themselves with whoever they foresee being a benefit to the galactic order of things. Fame and fortune? Women and wine? A warrior code dedicated to Khaine, or another esoteric group of reavers worshiping the many faded or forgotten gods of the past? Nefarious allegiance to chaos, or maybe a darker order of things. Maybe perhaps just indulging your own hedonistic desires without care to share them with others. Again, a corsair can have many a goal, which makes for all sorts of unique concepts regarding your army.
-Models models models. Ah yes, models, and what to use for your physical army on the table? Fortunately we live in a time where not only is there quite an expansive range of Eldar style models, both official and third party, but there are other factions with models that can be used to further augment your Corsair warband. The options are many. Maybe you use a combination of CW and Dark eldar models to achieve a rough reaver/noble look.  You can also dip into the Human side of models, utilizing Necromunda and RT faction models to give your eldar a much more grounded and space faring/gang like look. Even fantasy Elven ranges can be used to boost a more primal look to your Eldar, or perhaps Out of the way factions like Mechanicus and Warcry warbands can be augmented with Eldar models to produce some very unique Tech mash ups or tribal like appearances. Not to mention older far more grim looking GW models from Ebay can be used to add a spice of old to your model ranges. However you choose to do it, make sure your models are cut apart from straight up CW or Dark Eldar style figures. After all, your above that kind of crap. 
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-Now we come to the final question, how do we play this army? As I mentioned before, there are older Corsair lists under official publishing one can use, as well as no doubt a bevy of fan made content. Like the Exodites, the Corsairs can easily be used as a counts as force, with even more options as you can pull from a number of different books in order to create homebrew allies and piratical alliances with your army. Once you have down how to create a list, its time to ask, how will yours be a unique pirate band? The cornerstone of any crew of pirates is Speed. After all, no need to hang around and risk your own neck am I right? This luckily is the Eldar’s forte, and can be done in numerous ways without too much overlap. On one hand, taking advantage of Eldar Air power is an awesome idea for Corsairs. Not only have they used in pass incarnations many of the powerful aircraft of the Eldar race, including the feared Void Dragon, other smaller editions have been made of time such as the handy Wasp, and fast moving Jump pack corsairs. Building off this concept, corsairs can utilise the various armies of the Eldar to kick into high gear. Between the DE and CW books, there is a wealth of fast moving raider vessels, teleporting and deep striking units, as well as high initiative and deadly close combat infantry. Depending on your list and homebrew rules, you may even have options to add other races in for flavor, such as Ork Meatshields…..I mean Ork allies that are very useful and cared about. Human RTs that can use various codex designs to function as an extra bulwark of strength and toughness and even Chaos elements if your feeling like you need the warp on your side. Maybe your corsairs favor Jetbike and light attack craft tactics and are made up almost completely of such units, along with jump infantry to help support your already fearsome maneuverability. There’s even ways to create an Eldar Corsair force that deploys almost exclusively from Deepstrike, entering the table at any point, ready to strike the enemy’s weak spot or run circles around their more cumbersome units. Always remember the enemy can;t hit back if they never see you coming, or are too slow to catch you!
It can be said, if the Exodites are a Modeling enthusiast’s dream, then the Corsairs are Narrative army creator’s playground. Enjoy Pillaging the stars fellow pirates! I can only hope this lengthy entry has given some of you new perspective or even just revivied old ideas on how to create and Eldar army of unique or simply enjoyable design. Sometimes I do feel as if Eldar are bottlenecked into repetative lists and story styles that leave little to customize, and rarely seem to fire the imagination. So really, these Pointy Eared ones arn’t just simple ELVES IN SPACE. There is little limit to what one can make of so many different aspects of this once great and powerful race.
As Always, Happy Hobbying!
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wherethingscomebackx · 6 years ago
Top 25 Larry Fics of 2018
It’s here you guys!!!
I did this list for 2016 and this list for 2017 and you guys have been so lovely!
I read a lot of fic and the majority of it is larry. I like making lists and I like larry so I thought I’d do some minimal research of the top 25 larry fics published/completed in 2018 in order of least to most kudos (with links). All of these fics are top notch so you should all check them out!
25.) knock knock, i love you by @thelovejandles
“Well,” Louis says, searching for something to relieve this tension. “I think if a bloke gets kicked out of his stats exam for a knock knock joke, he deserves to hear the punchline, yeah?”
“Oh!” Harry says, beaming. “I forgot where we left off, what was it again?” He looks overjoyed to be exchanging a shit joke.
“Ah, you said knock knock, then I said who’s there, and then you said Noah,” Louis supplies helpfully. He hates that he's actually curious about the rest of the joke. “So, Noah who?”
“Oh,” says Harry, in a much different tone, dragging out the syllable. He looks bashful now. Louis cannot keep up with this boy, it's going to kill him. “Right, well.” He shuffles his feet. Fuck, what kind of knock knock joke gets a boy nervous? “Noah a good place we could get something to eat?”
[Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.]
24.) Let Me Be Your Star by @chloehl10
Harry Styles has always been a singer, but he’s never had much confidence in himself. When his idol is brought on as the new judge on The X-Factor, he figures, what the hell? He’d get to sing and meet his idol. What could go wrong?
Louis Tomlinson has always wanted to mentor young musicians. When he’s asked to be a judge on The X-Factor, it’s a dream come true, everything he ever wanted. What he didn’t expect was to meet a curly-headed stranger that would turn his life upside down
23.) The Compulsion to Find Love by @toomanylarrytears
The most prestigious English third-level institution, Candling University, accepts omega students for the first time and Louis Tomlinson applies with bright eyes and brighter ambitions. There he encounters personal obstacles, traditional mindsets and a beautiful boy who inverts every prejudice Louis has ever known.
22.) Pursuit by DirtyLarryStylinson
Some people may deceive you by acting pleasant and friendly to begin with, but their demeanour can sometimes take a sinister turn when obsession kicks in.
Louis Tomlinson is seventeen years old and carefree. He has close friends and family, a stable education and a pretty good life overall, so what could go wrong?
Well, a lot. Especially when you've attracted the interest of Harry Styles, who hides a staggeringly frightening secret.
21.) ROUGE by lourryalrightee
Submissive Louis Tomlinson is a misjudged criminal who is accused of beating his own Dominant until unconciousness. But the truth is not like that. In fact, Louis has been a victim of severe abuse by his Dom, he only fought back to defend his own life. One could imagine how many times the Dom has raped the Sub, how many scars from canes and whips are there to litter across his body, how many times his flesh has been split open, how many nightmares he has endured that leaves him lose all hope in life.
Sent to the BDSM prison for "behavioural correction", Louis meets the warden there, Dominant Harry Styles. Dominant above all Dominants, Harry is cold and harsh on the outside, but secretly a lonely man in the inside.
Louis supposes he could find his solace here in prison, a time for his scars to heal, both physical and mental ones. But what if Harry starts befriending the Sub, seeing through all the false accusations? What if Harry wants to seek justice? Does Louis even want his name cleared anyways? But the most important question is,
Will Harry be able to give Louis the love he deserves?
If only Louis could tell him the truth.
20.) Now In A Minute by @avocadolouie
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
19.) Wild Love by purpledaisy
“Good,” Julia says, clearly pleased to have them both uncomfortable and unable to look at each other. “Now, I only have one more question before you can go. What are you planning to do when this experiment ruins your friendship?”
“We said we’d stay friends no matter what,” Harry says smoothly, his chin lifting in defense.
“That was our one thing going into it,” Louis agrees. “Stay friends no matter what.”
Julia raises a perfectly manicured brow, “That’s all fine and good. But I hope you realize your emotions aren’t going to realize this is an experiment in the end. If one of you falls for the other and finds out those feelings are not reciprocated, you’re not going to be able to laugh it off as a social experiment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do this, I’m just hoping you’ve considered all of the possible outcomes.”
- AU: Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.
18.) Take Our Bodies Higher by @littlelouishiccups
Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that.
In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
17.) You Got That Somethin’ by @styleandsin
“How are you? Having a good time? Got a couple of beers in? What are those?” Louis hears him ask in quick succession, the loudness of the microphone making him jump even though the screams around him have yet to cease.
“It’s vodka,” Louis says, slightly unsure.
“Vodka! Oh, straight?” Harry asks, louder this time and with a growing smile.
Phoebe and Daisy have turned around to face him, huge smiles on their faces.
Fuck, this man is really going to be the death of Louis. He can physically feel his brain struggling to make his body cooperate and answer the question. He is so gay.
“No, gay!” He shouts, immediately getting an elbow to the side by his sister.
Or, the one where Louis attends a Harry Styles concert and makes an absolute fool of himself.
16.) The Road Less Travelled By by @freetheankles
Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada.
Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed.
Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband.
A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid.
No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
15.) Dirty secret by iilarryii
"Dad, you can't go!" Louis yells to his father as he watches him pull out his sword.
"Louis, you know that I have to. It's the pack leaders orders," Dan says calmly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of the family if I die."
"So what? You'll just give up?"
"Of course not. I am just willing to die for my family's safety."
"So am I."
The Zoely pack is attacked by rogue alphas and the pack leader orders all alphas over the age of eighteen to protect their pack. Dan Deakin is one of the strongest alphas in the pack, but there is one problem. He has a wife and six kids to feed and look after. Louis is the oldest child and the one who wants to protect their family.
Or a Mulan AU where Louis is an omega who takes his father's place in the war.
14.) Breathe Me by eternalxrry
Omega Louis thinks he's worthless, after being told thousands of times a day, he finally starts to believe the bullies. But no one is there to protect him, until Harry and his pack move to Louis' hometown. Will Harry protect Louis? Or is it all too good to be true.
13.) The Second Hand Unwinds by @fullonlarrie
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
12.) won’t you wear my watermark by @bottomlinsons
The new Earl of Harrisson is a young man, an impulsive romantic, forced to shoulder too much responsibility far too soon. He is also Louis’ soulmate, but there’s nothing to be done about that. At least, as far as Louis is concerned.
The Earl, it seems, will take some convincing.
(A slow burn Regency AU featuring secrets, seduction and, our favourite, soulmarks.)
11.) That’s How I Know by @allwaswell16
Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees.
Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor.
10.) I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) by @allwaswell16
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
9.) Have Faith In Me by stylinsoncity 
As the son of Anne Styles, millionaire owner of one of the world's most luxurious fashion labels, Harry has spent his last seventeen years living in carefree extravagance. And now he's grown tired of it, along with the pressure from his mum to follow in her footsteps and the constant care given to him by her past assistants.
When his mum's newest assistant, Louis, moves into the guesthouse, Harry determines to be treated differently. To be treated like an adult. Except Louis is not at all what Harry was expecting...
This is a story about growing up, growing in love and having the faith to make it last.
8.) falling into you by stylinsoncity
In the grand scheme of adolescence and boyhood, Harry was still working himself out, so far with little luck. But four things he could say for certain: 1) he'd been at the top of his class all through primary and secondary school, 2) he was the shittiest alpha to ever walk the earth, 3) Liam Payne never let him forget it, and 4) he’d been in love with this boy, Louis Tomlinson, ever since he was fifteen years old.
7.) Blue Ice by @larriegal
"Don't ever try to get near me! I don't wanna see you." Harry had slurred in his face looking him in the eye.
"I-I don't understand..." Louis managed to say his voice low, pushing a little from the wall holding his left arm with his right hand.
"What don't you understand? I. DON'T. WANT. YOU!" Harry said again pointing at him, while making his way to the living room, Louis following him in horror.
"Why are you being like this?" Louis managed to get out, though he felt like being ripped to pieces.
"You really thought I love you?! You must be really fucking stupid! Who could even love you?"
An AU where Louis finds himself in a marriage he didn't bargain for.
6.) If Anyone Knew by @marastarfar
Harry’s a young alpha who’s strangely gentle. Louis’ an omega who’s strangely protective. Being the only ones in the band who aren’t betas they automatically empathise with each other and decide that it’s their job to look after each other.
Or Harry and Louis through the early One Direction years in an a/b/o universe.
5.) Worth Dying For by whoknows
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.
“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.
Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
4.) Fucking Animals by @pointerbrotherblog
“Just, off the record,” she says, voice lower, eyes sharper, crook of her mouth quirking up a little, “don’t you ever miss it? A good knot? You must.”
Louis blinks and then swallows, thickly. “No,” he exclaims, offended that she’d even ask, “I love my husband. And anyway, how could I miss something I’ve never had?”
Louis is the frontman of an equal rights-movement, author of a book about beta-omega marriage and the struggles of being born and boxed into a personality you don't necessarily feel you fit. The notion that an omega must want to be with an alpha or else he or she's just settling for less, is bullshit.
But, fucking hell.
3.) the impossible now by stylinsoncity
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
2.) Where You Lay by @ham-palpert
When Louis's upcoming heat threatens his success at his new dream job, he asks the best (and only) person he can think of to help him through it: his best mates' best mate, Harry Styles. Harry reluctantly accepts, and together the two navigate a strange friends with benefits relationship that quickly turns complicated.
1.) For As Long As I Can Remember (It’s Been December) by @greenfeelings
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
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caticorn61 · 7 years ago
Forget Me Not (Part V)
Summary: You could never forget him, but what happens when an accident causes him to forget you?
Genre: Angst/Fluff (Chanyeol x reader)
Word count: 2994
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
(A/N) I LOVED writing this! Please let me know what you thought of this and I will do my best to update again soon!
You picked up the cup carrier off the counter as you thanked the barista and handed him the change. A few days had came and went and you finally felt yourself falling back into your old routine. Starting with your lunch break. You went to your usual sub shop, the one two blocks from work, and you ended with coffee. Your midday life line. You ordered the usual, which included Chanyeol’s usual too. At first it wasn’t on purpose, you just spat out the first thing that came to you mind. The order you got for years and when you realized you had his too you didn’t know what to do. The first few days you would throw it out, mentally scolding yourself for messing up like that, but today you kept it. You planned to surprise him in his studio, sit down with him and watch him work. That was your favorite past time. Even when you weren’t peppering kisses on his cheeks or the back of his neck, even when you just sit there and watch the gears in his head turn as he writes. The way his eyes lit up when he got the sound he wanted, or how he bit his bottom lip slightly when he was stumped. That was when you loved him most.
You walked past the front desk of SM, waving hi to the staff at the front desk and greeting them as you waited for the elevator to meet your floor. You eyed your reflection in the stainless steel of the elevator shaft, fixing your hair and your clothes. A new jacket that Lani bought you on a girls day out rested on your shoulders. She called it a pick me up method. Buying clothes to boost your confidence and make you feel like a sort of new person. You couldn’t deny you felt a little lighter on your feet today. Part of you felt a little like a schoolgirl, dressing up nice to impress the guy she liked. It was all so cliché that you had to force yourself not to cringe.
The elevator was empty. Red Velvet’s latest release replaced the stereotypical elevator music that most places had. Whenever you got in this elevator it was like a mini dance off. God forbid you rode it with Kai, it would start off playful but even then he would outshine you effortlessly. Chanyeol always goofed off and exaggerated his moves, unless it was to his own songs, in high case he would do his best to look as cool as possible, proclaiming he couldn’t make himself look like a fool to his own music in front of the woman he loved. At which point you would kiss him to shut up him up and tell him he’s always a fool but that’s why you loved him.
The floor his studio was on were always eerily quiet. The soundproofed walls kept in every ounce of life and music that they produced. Today however there was a quiet him among the producers and creators that shared the floor. Max and Henry laughed over something stupid they saw on their phones, their work laid spread out in front of them. Amber spoke with her manager and one of the producers over her new song. It was good to see everyone at work.
You walked up to Chanyeol’s door and opened it. You stopped knocking s long time ago, knowing he more than likely wouldn’t hear you anyhow over his work. He swirled around in his chair, the big one that he still made look small when he sat in it. A look of pleasant surprise took up his face and a broad smile spread to match it. You felt your stomach do a small flip and you hated yourself for how much you still loved him. How the smallest of things had you wrapped around him.
Then you saw her.
Your smile faded, and instead of doing cute little flips your stomach bunched up like it had been poisoned. The girl he had ran too a few days ago sat in front of you. The one that was eerily similar to you, but name brand. Looking at her made you feel like a knock off and he had just found the real deal. A laugh laid on her tongue, as the air went stiff. Like you had just interrupted a pleasant conversation with your prescience. Or walked into a room full of people talking about you. She sat perfectly in front of you, her legs crossed comfortably as if she had been his closest friend for years. Her hair was casual but perfect, she even flashed you a smile that, honestly, made you want to go blind.
“Hey what a surprise!” Chanyeol exclaimed. He ran a hand through his hair as he adjusted his hat as he stood.
“I, uh, brought you some coffee. I thought you might like a little pick me up.” You said softly. Your eyes darting back and forth quickly between her, him and the coffee in your hand. You awkwardly shuffled in place. If you had known she was going to be a part of his life more frequently you would have bothered. Even if she was just a friend, it felt like you’d been replaced. “Here.”
“Was, you know me so well.” He gushed slightly. “This is Hye-ah by the way, we met at a shoot last week. Hye-ah this is my stylist.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’ve seen your work, you are incredibly talented.” Hye-ah beamed,
“Thank you.” You dead panned. “Um, I should go, sorry for interrupting.” Chanyeol’s smile faltered as he looked over your face. His brows furrowed as he sat his coffee on the side stand.
“You can stay, we were just talking, we weren’t in anything deep.” He stated, his eyes fixed on you. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine it’s just supposed to snow soon and i walked here so, i shouldn’t stay out.”
“You walked?” He exclaimed, “it’s freezing outside. Let me call you a cab at least.”
You shook your head. Even if you wanted his help you still preferred walking to being in a car. Any car.
“It’s fine, Chanyeol. Now go back to work, I’ll see you later.” You faked a smile and turned to leave, ignoring him as he called your name. As you walked to the elevator you passed a trash can and dropped your coffee in.
You stared at the Christmas tree intently. Normally you had the members help decorate it with you but this year they were all busy. They apologized and swore up and down they would be home soon to help carry out tradition but you knew better than to expect show business to be done on time.
You rubbed your hands together lightly. Your knuckles had started to crack again. They did this every year. Once the weather turned cold your hands felt like sandpaper. This year seemed worse for some reason. They cracked to the point that they would bleed, and your skin would flake so terribly that you hated to look at them. Lotion helped a point but it never quite fixed it.
You heard the lock click and the door push open as Baekhyun stepped in. His eyes looks exhausted but he smiled his cheeky smile as he wiggled in place.
“It’s Christmas!!” He yelled and dropped a bag in front of you. A medium sized one with no logo on it. “I started my shopping.”
“Better than me, i have no clue where to start.” You said as you snooped through the unassuming bag.
“Ah no!!” He yelled and grabbed the bag away from you. “You’re on the naughty list. No gifts for you.” He waved a finger at you as you chuckled and rubbed some hand cream into your skin. “Ah have your hands always been this bad?” He took your hands in his, holding them like he was a concerned mother doting over her kids health. He was always the mother duck in your life. The protective older brother that was there even when you didn’t see it.
“It happens every winter. Although they usually don’t bleed.” You states as he whined while examining your sad knuckles. “He used to kiss them you know. Whenever they got bad he would take them and kiss each knuckle as if it was it was a cure all.” You laughed softly,”I guess he was right.”
Baekhyun looked at you softly through his round glasses, his small gentle but heartfelt. He patted your hands softly and gave them a squeeze. “I’ve got a lotion I’ll lend you that will help with this for now. I’ll bring it to you after i shower and then I’ll help you with the tree, Okay?” You nodded and he disappeared into the hall. You sighed into the empty space before you. You decided to play some Christmas music to put you in the mood, you pressed the playlist you had put together and connected to your Bluetooth speaker. As the music flooded the room you felt a new energy run through you. The box closest to you held tinsel and other random decor items. Thankfully you already had the lights strung up, but tinsel, to you, was especially annoying. For a second you debated leaving it off this year but you didn’t want to hear it from Chen for “breaking tradition” so you sucked it up and pulled it out.
Dancing to the music made the tinsel-ing go faster. You got as high as you could reach then figured you would need one of the giants to do the rest. You retrieved a box of ornaments from the container next to you and put them on randomly. Typically you’d put some on that looked nice and then scatter some handmade, more meaningful ones around to give it a personalized glow. Each member had their own ornament that they would put on themselves. You had made them a few years ago as a project and they loved them more than they would ever say. They wound up making one for you in return, calling you an honorary exo member and giving you the cheesy power of style. You rolled your eyes just thinking about it. They were all so cringey at times, but you loved them anyway.
The song switched over to “What I want For Christmas” which became your favorite Christmas song of all time last year and still reigned king. Something about this song made you feel so romantic. So at peace. Kind of like you were taking a hot bath. Warm but free and safe. It made you want to slow dance every time you heard it. On occasion Chanyeol would put this on randomly and dance with you in the kitchen out of nowhere.
You closed your eyes and swayed to the beat slowly. Imagining yourself back in your kitchen in one of those rare moments. And there it was. The warmth washed over you. The feeling that this song gave you washed through you from your head to your toes. Your hand raised subconsciously as you pretended he was there. Sometimes you would talk while you danced and sometimes you would just lay your head on your chest and enjoy each other’s company. Even if Chanyeol moved on this would stay one of your fondest memories. Even if he never remembered you and married some other girl, and if you found someone else those moments would remain. Moments where you were undoubtedly and unconditionally loved. You could only hope he felt that too. Even if he didn’t remember it anymore. A part of you was starting to accept it. Starting to think and pick itself up and dust itself off and try and throw itself back into life. To move on. To just move forward. You had taken off your ring and now and hung around your neck on a delicate chain. You would never part with it, but seeing it every day was breaking you like a hammer. It was the mental masochistic equivalent of “why are you hitting yourself”. Taking it off your finger was part of your recovery.
You pretended that he had one had in yours and the other holding you close. That he had the same cologne he always wore because you demanded he never change it. You pretended that he was holding you the way he always did. And somehow you felt at home in your pretend little world. Maybe all this practice you’d had lately was making you delusional, because it felt real. You pretended so hard that if you weren’t careful you’d cry. You pretended until you opened your eyes.
And then you realized you weren’t pretending anymore.
He had one hand in yours and one resting on your waist is gently that he seemed to be scared to move you. His eyes set almost lovingly on your face that you had to blink to really believe what you saw. He smiled at you and chuckled.
“You there?” He said just barely above a whisper.
“I didn’t hear you come in.” You replied, keeping your voice soft as an attempt to preserve the small amount of intimacy that had somehow been created.
“It was unlocked.” He answered and you nodded softly.  You were so close you could feel his breath softly on your face. There were only inches between you, it was so easy and so, so, tempting to just kiss him. You wondered if his lips tasted like coffee. They usually did since he practically lived off it. You looked at him with a sense of curiosity. Wondering how the hell you got here and hoping you could stay. He looked at you and with every fiber of your being you had forgotten yourself. You forgot that he wasn’t yours, that he had forgotten you entirely. He looked at you, as if he felt exactly how you did. Undoubtedly and unconditionally loved.
“Hye-Ah is just a friend by the way.” He mentioned hesitantly. “She’s practicing for a survival show that puts her debut at stake. She wanted some pointers and i agreed to help her out.”
You looked at him and took in a slow deep breath. “You don’t have to explain this to me.” you breathed, “You’re allowed to have female friends other than me. You don’t owe me anything just because you can’t remember me.”
Chanyeol’s face grew an expression you’d never seen before. Not on him. It was more serious, yet somehow still soft. He nodded so slightly that if you hadn’t been watching him so closely you’d have missed it.
“I know. It’s not because i don’t remember you that i felt like telling you. I just wanted you to know.” He said. He looked away and suppressed a laugh.
“What?” Your laughter joined his.
“It just feels kind of, well, like…” he paused, “like I’m cheating on you somehow. Which is ridiculous I’m aware.”
You giggled a little. In your head you couldn’t stop laughing at the whole irony of this. Just how close he was to figuring anything out but yet how far. It was a fine line.
“Well I’m glad to know.” A small smile slowly took over your face. In response he seemed to glow, happy his little confession was well received. You wondered what he thought of you. What went through his mind when he saw you. You were beginning to see that you weren’t just a fly on the wall to him. Maybe you were the flowers on the counter that he checked on. Maybe you were the candles he burned to add a certain layer of home to the air. Maybe you were the elephant in the room.
“Who’s playing all this sappy Christmas music?? Didn’t we talk about this??” Baekhyun exaggerated as he walked in the room. The two of you immediately separated, Chanyeol turning to pick up a box and open it and you putting a hand on your hip and scoffing at Baekhyun’s comment.
“Baek this is your song. Literally the one you wrote.” You quipped.
“Yes but it makes me feel soft and i don’t want to feel soft i want to be alive while decorating the tree not mush on the floor.” Baekhyun picked up your phone and started flipping through the playlist you had up.
“Hey!” You yelled as you reached for your phone, only causing him to smack your hands quickly away. You felt a sting as the skin on your hand broke open. Tiny droplets of blood poked through the wound.
“Look what you did!” You said, shoving your hand in his face. “My hands are worse enough without your salty ass.” You stuck your tongue out at him playfully and he made a face back to you. Chanyeol came over and picked up your hand, which was nearly engulfed in his.
“Yikes, have they always been this bad?” He said, “My Mom always taught me that the Best way to cure winter skin is to kiss it. She always did it to me when i was little.” He cooed as he rubbed a thumb over your wound and without warning brought it to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. You froze in place, your heart forgetting it’s own beat and pumping harder as if it had been just as surprised as you. “There, your hands won’t hurt as much now.”
You turned your head slowly to Baekhyun and saw a smile appear on his face even though he fought hard to hide it.
“I guess you won’t need this then.” He shook the hand cream that he had in his other hand. He shifted his eyes to Chanyeol, his own practically ready to burst as if he was keeping a secret safe.
“Looks like you found your cure all.”
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fandom-sheep · 4 years ago
Wilbur Soot Origins (29 March 21)
Delayed live blogging Part 1/1
Ok so I’m late. But I saw near the beginning where they started planning. I also saw the naming before the minors joined.
Now Phil is building the second floor and Wilbur is being very charismatic.
Lil Niki in her water hole
Oh ooo Charlie. He just got lava’d.
Lil cat ear mermaid in her hole.
I’m glad Wilbur is making sure Niki feels included.
“That sounds like a threat” -Ranboo
“Can we keep the lanterns?” -Tubbo
I love the hydrophobic ones panicking in the rain and the hydrophilic people started celebrating.
Slime hunt! Slime hunt! Slime Hunt!
Wilbur and Charlie going off on their adventure again. Time for the chaos peeps.
I’m sorry we’re milking the slime...
I feel uncomfortable.
Wait... Niki didn’t keep wet? Who unalived Niki?
I bet it was Jack since he fell next.
The flower forest is so pretty.
A slime with a pet slime. Oh correction partial slime with a pet slime.
Wilbur has a dog? I haven’t heard this somehow? Ok the rest of chat doesn’t know either.
Yeah dogs set rules for you.
I’m sorry why does he step on the sweet lady pups tail.
Cotton! A great dog name!
Ooo a cocker spaniel. I love spaniels so much.
Dumping a dog on family members. Yep. Sounds right.
Chloe the funky something pup.
Chloe the black flat coat retriever
I love how chats always love dogs and cats. How it’s all just “awww”
Cotton and Chloe my beloveds. I love pets so much.
“How would you describe that process? Osmosis...” “Agonizing” -Wilbur and Charlie
Uber Slime
That is an externally scuffed seed. Just wall, and be circle hole pit thing.
Off he goes.
Understanding Zodiac is too much work. And a waste of time, but still too much work.
Backwards head ghost man.
Ahh. One of those family members.
Scuffed seed wandering
Desert Temple in the savanna.
Wilbur climbing the wall and Charlie going small. Lovely.
The “hey best friend” tiktok audio is fantastic.
I love all the people knowing the name of that audio. I just know the sound.
Apparently zodiac stuff makes a lot of trouble in dorms like where roommates and such don’t match????
Bird man can find the swamp
Ah. A kin list. Kin lists are funky. Depends on who you ask. Some say that it’s characters you relate to. In old tumblr it’s people you think you are.
Are you an old kin person or a young kin person is essentially it.
“How’s Twitter going?” -Wilbur
Chat running to Niki. We all love her so much.
Losing the slime boy in the grass.
“My natural state is just airborn” -Charlie
Chat still going on about Kin lists. Y’all, we’re talking about the small slime fighting a Gollum. There are better topics to laugh at.
Niki has requested some lovely kelp. The girl deserves it.
Awww. Wilbur is so dedicated to helping Niki.
Niki Just accepting the aggressive help.
“I would love to respond to you but half my screen is full of water” -Charlie
Wilbur gave the chat a whole 4 emotes and they love them.
I’m glad I can type here since Wilburs chat is sub only
Your new boyfriend 2 (aka attempt 2)
Your second new boyfriend
Tubbo’s the bee boy
Phil just doing has magical building stuff.
“She dried” -Charlie
Nikis soft “thank you”
Bars over the windows.
Also the brick is fantastic.
Skirting board. We just call them base boards.
He pressed shift.
He shifted, yet again.
Oh there is a subreddit? I need to check that out.
Someone make a bee origin for the bee boi
The Indian Jones theme song is just one of songs everyone starts singing.
Fight the Lorax
No don’t bring up the onceler. We don’t need extra tumblr in this.
Do we all just have this song memorized? Oh wait never mind he lost it.
Poor old Phil doesn’t know the Lorax
“Phil do you speak to the trees?” “Nope” -Several and Phil
I can’t see chat anymore btw. The switched off sub only and I can’t see anything.
I left and came back to see if it’d fix it. It didn’t and I had to watch an ad.
“This is for the Niki enclosure” -Wilbur
Poor Niki being treated like a zoo creature.
Oh that’s actually pretty smart.
A reverse chimney to let rain in.
Creeper aww man.
“Wasn’t even cause of your origin” -Ranboo (I think)
Phil removed the to do list. How sad.
We lost Niki!
Hooray! I got chat working for me again! I just needed to send a message to get it to work.
They haven’t explained how the new update will work.
Why is everyone panicking and screaming?
Wilburs trying to read chat to no avail.
Tubbo thinking too much.
Poor Jack is just suffering.
Alright I disappeared for a second. What did I miss?
We’re showing Niki how to swim quick.
Niki made it to the Tank!
Slime tank. Slime slithering around.
Will embracing his inner fish.
They’ve made it Niki accessible. But no one else. They have no roof.
Niki can extra attack the slime
I love that wilbur chose to burn for a moment to attack ranboo with water.
Soot boy searching for the bee origin.
They want really slow creative mode. I love it.
You go mod modders
I love the bee panic button
Please. Slime boi jump on a slime block.
According to a random thing in chat it’s been 2 hours.
Long stream for Wilbur
Phil taking Charlie to the swamp
Can the enderman get in the water cauldron.
A good screenshot. Get your thumbnails y’all!
Everyone getting their thumbnails.
Wilbur doing the photography.
Cauldron water does effect the enderman
I saw someone asking about Fragrance Man. As though schlatt doesn’t have a lot of extra drama right now.
Fight everyone Niki!
Wilbur is both the nicest to Niki and the meanest.
Feed the fish!!
Pollute the pond. Pollute the tank.
Niki isn’t a merling. She is a fighting fish.
It’s just be mean to Niki time isn’t it?
Someone should start encouraging primes.
Lovely ringing.
A phantom! A friend! Angry friend but friend!
He’s dancing in the window! A fantabulous phantom.
Ah. Makes sense that Wilbur is heading to bed. Been a long stream for him.
Oh he’s not leaving us yet. I was saying bye.
We raiding Niki! We raiding our favorite girl!
And poof. Off we go to Niki!
I’m going to make a new post for this see ya in a second.
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nosunlite · 7 years ago
ap top 25 list: 2k17, a month late
The AP “Audio Popularity” Poll was Ben’s way to get us all to make a list and talk about our favorite songs of the month, back when we were all living in the same house. He describes it here. I have since cut back to doing it every year, with the ever shifting goal of defining “audio popularity” and “favorite” and “best”. 
This year’s list, 5 years after Ben’s death, my main goal is to identify 25 awesome tracks that I’d love to talk to Ben about. They are my favorite 25 songs of the year, a focus on new discoveries (tho a few songs from last year’s list show up), songs that I surely would’ve dubbed for Ben back in the day.
25. the rats: the rats’ revenge
60’s punk rager - an era we did not ever go deep into, but now it’s time to eat up those Back from the Grave comps.
24. fluf: stuffed animal
Not their typical noise-grunge, which Ben yeah loved (he lived Sub Pop inexplicably into the 2010s), but a Sebadoh-esque minimal gem.
23. LNZ: blondehairdown
The most quoted song of 2k17 for me. Ben was always into weird local rappers no matter where he was. Sharing this internet-destroying monstrosity with him would be a conversation for thee ages!
22. new kingdom: terror mad visionary
tom waits as MC sounds like a thing ben would love or hate (he rejected lots of undie rappers for their not slamming hard enough) but this stuff is so pirate-vocalled that i’d love to have asked him what was going on here.
21. octa#grape: dirigibles
The most soul-junk of galaxalag’s new group, spinning all sortsa weird beats into their calm noise.
20. wovenhand: golden blossom
16 hp was a shared favorite, and i’d love to go thru these new DEE albums with ben.
19. slim cessna’s auto club: commandment 3
Seeing these guys live was a total revival that was up Ben’s alley. Dwight Pentecost  and his doubleneck guitar with hologram switching from Sacred Heart to Marian Immaculate Heart. Munly looking like a straight up ghoul man, gathering us into a circle, and chiding me for screaming the lyrics too loud. Slim just hamming it up preacher style. Rebecca wielding all sortsa kitchen sinks and keeping it together. They encored to “Commandment 3” in a karaoke choreograph line dance. One of the few shows I’ve seen that really produced a spectacle within a minimalist framework.
18. kleenex girl wonder: dont wait up
An alternative bee-thousand.
17. puff pieces: competition
The local DC stuff always seems to be ahead of the rest.
16. arroyo deathmatch: swimming the witch
They acoustic thrash their folk without guitars and just uke! This one sprays rap tropes and references all over the Crassy gender politics. Joyous bleakness!
15. the out_circuit: come out shooting
A wonderful sequel to our favorite Frodus “Year of the Hex.”
14. ramshackle glory: punk is the worst form of music, except for all the others
Anarcho politics and emotions, what drew me into punk.
13. a fistful of dynamite: smoke it, like a cigarette
More acoustic thrash folk with an even worse vocalist. “Write my own favorite songs/ write my own singalongs...you think this is bad? Well it just gets more rough!”. The world’s worst snare sound. Charmed!
12. shellac: riding bikes
He was an albini fan, and we would definitely have spent time jamming his new ones. And what an epic this one is.
11. bradley hathaway: the world is screaming
I could see ben finding it utterly pretentious, but bradley straddles that line of being so serious but also so reckless, so honest and so charming to me. His new album is the best, riotous blasphemy as prayer, but this one does the post rock building ben taught me to dig.
10. lou barlow: try 2 b
Our indie legend put out a great one (years olde already?), oh well, it slams lo-fi.
9. the beakers: 4 steps towards a cultural revolution
Ben downplays a lot of thee weird punk, but weird punk from his beloved Seattle scene? He’d dig! This out Ubus David Thomas. Ultra.
8. ps eliot: the cyborg
Reminds me of so much of the stuff on the ktru tapes, but this struck me very hard this year.
7. lifter puller: mission viejo
Most of their weird stuff has more to discuss, i guess, with the spoken stories and nonsense arrangements, but this is just an indie rock emotion block of thee highest order.
6. defiance, ohio: calling old friends
A classic campfire singalong.
5. henry thomas: when the train comes along
Not Thomas’ most canonical or comp’d performance, but such a stomper. Ben got me into old timey music and the last cd’s he ripped from me were the pseudo-old-timey boxset from Fonotone.
4. ballydowse: sails
An albini-produced christian-anarcho celtic folk/punk group relying prominently on tuvan throat singing. And yet it took me til 2k17 to find it. Ben used to be after a Crashdog CD at Family Bookstore, but this stuff would’ve taken it to a whole nother level. The best band you don’t know!
3. snail mail: static buzz
Woulda been a ktru darling. Local bmore rock girl makes it big - new album gonna be on Matadork.
2. mike knott: double
We always ignored the mike knott stuff, but this year has been all about rediscovering the blonde vinyl roster, and that dip goes deep. This song is an undeniable one, whether live at Cornerstone or with the *gasp* secular Aunty Bettys playing it.
1. showbread: matthias replaces judas
This raw rock was the first new rekkerd i listened to after we found out ben had died, but a song that has only emerged more recently as a post-Pedro emotional cleansing monster. Ben loved “Every New Day” with the Reese Roper vocals, he’d love this too. & it’s the best song ever, so he’d better...
honorable mentions:
Blackbird Raum - Last Legs // Acoustic thrash folk! He’d be thrilled to see Wacko-Hed’s genre is alive ‘n’ well...
Double Dagger - The Lie / The Truth // Righteous at the drive-ining.
City of Caterpillar - A Little Change Could Go a Long Ways // One of the bands that indoctrinated me into punk rock seeing them live - i put off listening to their cd until recently. Ben would talk about how NoU did it better, I’m sure!
William Elliot Whitmore - cold and dead // Ugly blues voice on this Americana death tinged guy.
Pogues - If I Should Fall From Grace of God / Fairytale of New York // We never talked about the Pogues. They hit most of the sweetspots for me emotionally and aesthetically. Ben loved Cordelia’s Dad, and this is their Dad.
Model Engine - Reeperbahn // Ah a CCM classic - I knew we had to listen to Black Eyed Sceva, but unsure how much play this one ever got in the CCM era.
Lift to Experience - to guard and to guide // They post rocked the map to Texas. I remember expecting to find this in the used CD store when I visited Ben at Rice. Now it’s been reissued and is weirder packaged and sounding than ever - really woulda liked to listen to this with him.
Flesh Eaters - Pray till You Sweat // Richard Hell in Violent Femmes skin godsend
EZT - Central Control // Some sorta Neil Young smog. Who knows.
mike knott - rocket and a bomb; one way streets - we all love peanut butter; 3 mile pilot - house is loss; i hate myself - urban barbie, keep reaching for those stars; fistful of dynamite - tribute to castellana; arroyo deathmatch - as an instrument, all the best matadors are fascists, casting into the void; azealia banks - 212; lifter puller - star wars hips, plymouth rock, math is money, 4dix; ramshackle glory - face the void, eulogy for an adolescence shattered against elliot st. pavement; kleenex girl wonder - tendency right foot forward, the sound of paul, why i write such good songs; new kingdom - kicking like bruce lee; slim cessna - commandment 7, hold my head, he roger williams; aunt bettys - speeder mode; shellac - dude incredible; snail mail - thinning; 2 whole Fountainsun and Aesop Rock lps...
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chickenkooks · 8 years ago
two rotten apples [m] | pt. 2
Tumblr media
credit: x.
❛❛we’re next-door neighbors and have hated each other since middle school but now we’re going to the same university how can we avoid the other person like the plague so there isn’t a crime scene— what do you mean you promised my mom you would keep an eye on me???? you fucking planned this❜❜ AU
COUNT → 17.686
GENRE → smut | eventual angst
PAIRING → jungkook | reader
WARNINGS → dom and sub tones | spanking mention | mild cum play | explicit language | male and female masturbation | penetration | erotica mention | public sex | restraints | dry humping | graphic dirty talk 
LINKS → 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | COMING SOON
The second the timer on the drying machine went off to alert you of your shirt finally being dry enough to wear, the band from its neckline snapped against your shoulders when you slipped it back on. You pulled some of the cotton material to your nose, trying to see if it still even faintly smelled like beer.
Unlike your underwear which just smelled like cum and farts.
The farts courtesy of Jungkook. Well, you didn’t know if he actually farted, but he just naturally smelled like that to you—like old beans and moldy cheese.
You’d spent the past two hours in the laundry room in nothing but a bra and your loose-fitted skirt. It still hadn’t hit you yet—at least not entirely—that you had let your next-door neighbor spank and bone the living shit out of you. That was something you were going to put on your list of stupid-things-you’ve-done-but-did-anyway-for-some-reason. Maybe his mother could relate after giving birth to him. You were pretty sure she found him just as annoying as you.
But then everyone else thought rainbows shined out of his ass.
Stumbling your way across the tiled flooring of the laundry room, the space between your legs a nearly identical soreness to the rawness of your ass—which made you grind your teeth because once again you remembered you’d let that idiot spank you not once but ten fucking times—you hesitated as you pulled at the latch on the door. Had Noori been looking for you at all? You could only hope she’d only looked downstairs because you would not be able to live it down if she found out Jungkook fucked you. And not in the sense that she would make fun of you for the rest of the semester, but something else.
You just didn’t fucking understand what she liked about him.
In the past week that the two of you’d known each other, she’d brought him up at every possible opportunity. Conversation about tampons being taxed as a luxury item? I fucking wonder what Jungkook thinks about this, she would say. Mentioning the horror of you finding a cockroach in the communal bathroom? Well, you hadn’t actually brought that one up to her because you would’ve just ended up replying to whatever bullshitery that flew out of her mouth with Jungkook was the cockroach I found in the communal bathroom, Noori.
Applying for a new roommate would probably be a good idea.
Whenever she wasn’t talking about Jungkook, though, she was actually funny and kind of nuts—but she was also fucking entertaining and a joy to be around.
Just not when she talked about how cute his moles were.
You’d grown increasingly protective over her from the moment you met her in your dorm room on move-in day to now, so you were going to do whatever it took to make her forget about him—there were much better men out there.
Whatever feelings she had for Jungkook—you had to put an end to them.
After clearing your head, you finally pulled on the latch, unlocking the door and turning the doorknob to step into the hallway. The drunken shouts and cheering from downstairs—still from playing beer pong probably—was the only thing you heard but other than that you were greeted with silence.
"Were you the one in the laundry room?"
Or maybe not.
You looked down the opposite end of the hallway and saw the most beautiful man you'd ever seen in your life. He had a short brown fringe, his hair looking soft enough to touch, and you wanting to run your fingers through the strands. A plain beige t-shirt was paired with dark washed jeans, him finishing off the look with some sneakers stylishly. Not to mention his skin was so perfect—you wondered for a second what his skincare routine was to have such clear pores. As he walked closer to you, you could feel your heart hammering against your chest and one of your hands grasping a fistful of your clean shirt anxiously.
Don't say anything dumb, you chanted to yourself.
"Y-Yes," you replied, your voice an almost mumble. "I'm sorry. My shirt had a—"
"Don't worry about it." He shot you a bright smile, his luscious lips curving upwards. "I was just curious since you were in there for a while.”
You nodded, smiling at him shyly in return.
The two of you stood there awkwardly. You were trying to think of what to say to him, if anything at all, when he asked, “Are you looking for someone?"
Your eye twitched in irritation at the thought of Jungkook. You hadn't the slightest idea where him and his farts had disappeared off to after he left you and your swollen cunt behind in the laundry room—and you were mad your cunt was swollen from his dick in the first place since he had to consult the help of a fucking washing machine to get you off. But you knew that he wasn't really thinking about how you’d suffered in those few minutes he'd spent nailing you.
Knowing him, you weren’t even a concern. Instead, he was probably thinking about what he was going to have for dinner tomorrow.
"Um," you started to say, trying to look him in the eye but losing your nerve. "I came here with my friend. I don't know if you know her. Her name is Noori.”
"Kim Noori?"
Your eyes lit up. "Do you know where she is?"
"Last time I saw her she was looking for you."
Your eyes fell on a ripped spot in his jeans thoughtfully, then you made eye contact again before dropping your gaze to the floor nervously, chewing on the inside of your cheek. You hoped she hadn’t spent too long looking for you.
"How long ago was that?" you asked, glancing up at him every few seconds.
His eyes squinted as he tried to think back to when he'd last seen her, the muscles in one of his arms on full display after he ran a hand through his hair.
"I think an hour or two ago?"
Nodding, more to yourself than to him, you said, gratefully, "Thank you."
"You're welcome," he breathed out, staring at you. "I'm Jin, by the way."
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, a nervous habit of yours, then told him your own name—and you somehow managed that without stuttering.
"Pretty," he mumbled under his breath. "I could help you find her if you want."
"That would be great, actually. I don't really know where I'm going."
He chuckled softly, then ushered for you to follow him with a gesture of his hand. You seemed to be in a daze as you trailed behind him, almost feeling yourself become intoxicated just by the smell of his cologne. The view from the front was beautiful but it was nothing compared to his back because of his broad shoulders and the taut muscles lining his spine. Snapping your eyes up to the back of his neck, you quickly rushed to his side so you weren’t just awkwardly following behind him like some sort of domesticated squirrel.
"So," you began, feeling almost uncomfortable calling him so casually when the two of you just met, "How do you know Noori exactly?"
"Ah, right. I’ve known her since we were kids. Our grandparents went to the same nursing home, so that’s how we met. And now she always comes to me with her problems, like her roommate vanishing into thin air.”
You smiled at him, laughing to yourself awkwardly.
The two of you finally reached the base of the stairs, both scanning the crowd of people still scattered throughout the living room and kitchen for a familiar head of straight, black hair. And that meant your roommate, not the idiot who had slithered his cock into your vag and left you to hang like a dirty sock.
Just as you had that thought, your eyes fell onto a group of guys laughing obnoxiously in the kitchen, holding bottles of beer and red solo cups as they talked animatedly amongst each other. One of them had his back facing you, but you knew it was Jungkook just by the ridiculous height—and he was wearing the same outfit as him, too, unless that was his evil twin.
Except Jungkook was the evil twin.
As if he knew someone was fantasizing about dunking his head into a tank of battery acid, he turned to look over his shoulder at you, the self-satisfied smile dropping from his face as he saw you. His eyes flickered to Jin for a moment, his jaw clenching tightly, and he looked between the two of you with an expression you couldn’t quite figure out. You didn't understand why since the fucking laundry machine cared more about you than him. But just as soon the look came, it was gone just as fast—him already turning back to his friends.
A figure suddenly shoved their way through a crowd of people standing to your right and you were amazed by the strength of a girl that appeared to be the same size as a twelve-year-old while also having the stomach of a sailor.
"Jin!" Noori exclaimed, beaming up at him, then her eyes fell on you. "And my disappearing roommate! Where the hell did you go? I was so worried.”
She engulfed you in a hug suddenly and you awkwardly patted her back.
"I was, uh... I was in the laundry room because my shirt— I-It stained."
"That's all it was? I thought I saw you go upstairs with Jungkook, though. You two were gone for—” She paused to narrow her eyes. “—a long time."
"Y-Yeah, we were," you agreed, feeling some sweat line your brow at the thought of her knowing what you two were doing. "He was just helping me wash my shirt and we—” You cleared your throat.” We just, um... hung out."
"I see. That was nice of him."
The word nice and him do not belong in the same sentence, you thought.
"So, it’s getting kind of late," you told her, looking at the time on your phone.
She nodded. "I was just waiting for you, so we can leave now."
Just before the two of you could take even a step, Jin made a noise from the back of his throat—and you were ashamed to admit you’d forgotten he was even there. You could only watch awkwardly as him and Noori seemed to have a conversation all on their own, consisting of raised eyebrows and head tilts. Your eyes flickered back and forth between them, trying to understand what they were arguing about but it was just too advanced for your tiny brain.
Turning to you after a solid minute of eyebrow language, Jin said, "I'll give you guys a ride home. I’m sure you’re sober enough but Noori here will probably—"
“I’m sober!” she shouted. “If I wasn’t— If I was— You know—” After struggling to speak coherently, she simply hiccuped. “Could a non-sober person do this?”
Instead of doing anything, she just stood there.
"I think it’s your bed time,” you muttered, reaching for her hand.
“What?” she asked, looking between you dragging her towards the front door and Jin following closely behind, trying to hide his laughter. “Am I not doing it?”
He pulled his car keys out of his pocket as your shoes made contact with the concrete driveway, unlocking the doors, then he helped you shove Noori into the backseat. Almost instantly, she curled into a ball and yawned cutely.
“Thanks again,” you grumbled. “We’re at Burge Ha—”
“It’s okay.” He chuckled lowly as he opened the door to the passenger seat for you and you thanked him quietly. Shutting the door after you reached for your seatbelt, he jogged to the other side. “I know which dorm. Hill Street, right?”
You nodded timidly, tugging at your seatbelt. He turned the key in the ignition as soon as he joined you in the front seat, buckling himself in as he did.
As the frat house disappeared from the rearview mirror when you turned a corner, it hit you that the night was finally over; all that happened with Jungkook was over. You could only hope the two of you didn’t run into each other again.
And you also only hope that Jungkook was thinking the same thing.
I hope you know that burger was fucking the earth's dirt when I dropped it on the ground, you thought, your upper lip curling in disgust at the sight of processed meat, a slimy mixture of ketchup and mustard, and even bits of pickles being ground in that disgusting mouth of his. You didn't even have to say who it was because the universe liked fucking you just as much as him.
Except the universe would get you off—or think about it—unlike someone.
Wishing you could simply put the past seven days of anger, perspiration, and naked genitals intertwining behind you was just too much to ask apparently. Then again, maybe it was your fault you forgot your parents—and his—planned an annual camping trip at the start of fall each year. Mostly because they liked to get one last trip in before the weather changed. You wondered if your father would fuck a kayak if he could because of how much he loved camping—and then your mother was just so supportive of his weird hobbies that she would probably fuck a kayak, too. You didn't really know why this trip had to involve Jungkook but it’d been that way since you were kids. And although camping with him and his parents wasn't anything new, you usually invited your friends and he invited and the two of you would just ignore each other in complete bliss; you had no interest in each other back then—and hadn't for ten years.
But something had changed recently.
Though, you were going to do your best in making sure his penis didn't come anywhere near you like it did at the frat party—and that included all of your body parts, not just the gaping hole between your legs—you weren’t sure how that would go. The party had only been two days ago but you didn't think you would forget about that any time soon, not when you kept thinking about it.
Grabbing a napkin from the stack in front of you, you delicately wiped your mouth free of any ketchup stains, crumpling and tossing it on your plate.
"So, kids—"
Here we fucking go, you thought to yourself.
You placed your chin in the palm of your hand, eyeing Jungkook every few seconds as he innocently bit into his hamburger, ketchup and mustard lining his upper lip—but you also saw the twinkle in his eye. Your father cleared his throat, swallowing the food in his mouth, then looked at you two sharply.
“How’s school?”
Sharing a look with Jungkook for a brief second, you dropped your gaze to the paper plate in front of you, picking at a single burnt french fry you left behind.
“Good,” Jungkook answered, smiling politely. “I really like my classes so far.”
“The first week is always the easiest,” your father agreed with a deep laugh. “Remind me again what your major is, son. It’s something having to do with—”
As the two of them shared an enlightening conversation, you were only thinking of what excuse you could give to get you out of this situation—and the situation in question meant lunch because going back to school this early in the trip was just not possible. Although it didn’t look like it, you were basically being forced to be there against your will. If you had any say in it whatsoever, you would’ve just stayed at school to study—even though it was only the first week—but you didn’t have a choice when your parents all but showed up at your dorm at ten o’clock in the morning. And then Jungkook and his parents traveled separately and met you at the camping grounds only a half an hour after you arrived.
“I saw the picture you took, Jungkook,” your mother said with a smile. “You two look so good together. I keep telling her that you two are going to end up ma—”
“Mother,” you hissed, embarrassed.
She rolled her eyes. “Have you two been seeing a lot of each other?”
“I actually ran into her at the library the other day.”
You grumbled to yourself, covering your face with your heads in an effort to hide your flushed cheeks. The two of you knew what happened at the library but you were confident he would twist it around and lie about what happened.
"Oh?” your mother asked, intrigued. “Did you two have a study date—”
“No,” you immediately interjected. “We just ran into each other.”
A chorus of boring echoed around the picnic table. However, Jungkook was there to open his mouth without you asking him to—just another day.
“I actually invited her to this party my frat threw this weekend and—”
“And I think I’m full,” you interrupted, standing up. “Thanks for the food, guys.”
Everyone at the table protested when you went to throw your plate into a nearby garbage can, but you knew he was only doing this because he could—he liked to see how far he could take it. And, of course, everyone believed him.
Before you left, though, the topic change made you stop in your tracks.
“I think we’re embarrassing her,” your father said and the rest of the table laughed along with him. “She got the same way whenever you came over, Jungkook. She’d hide up in her room and stay there until you left.”
Grinding your teeth, you quickly made your way to your tent, zipping it shut as soon as you were inside. You sat on the back of your heels, staring blankly at your unpacked suitcase. Your parents still didn’t understand why you were always in your room whenever Jungkook came over, either for dinner, some barbecue they were throwing, or any sort of get-together. Hiding typically means you don’t want to be found, not because you were shy.
Although, you’d stopped hiding from him long ago.
At the sound of the doorbell, your mom called over to you reading a book on the living room couch, “Honey, can you get that? My hands are kind of full.”
Glancing over the back of the couch, you watched as she turned her attention back to her meatballs, opening a jar of pasta sauce to stir in with a wooden spoon. You shut your book sharply, placing it beside you on one of the couch cushions, and then approached the front door. As your hand hovered over the door knob, you took in a deep breath, knowing who stood on the other side.
The door swung open to reveal Jungkook and his parents, all holding different containers of food, such as home-cooked garlic bread and caesar salad.
“Oh, hello,” his mom greeted you, pulling you into a hug. The steaming container of ravioli warmed the thin material of your tank top as her arm wrapped around your waist. “It’s so good to see you, darling. How’s school?”
She laughed after you gave her an awkward smile, mumbling something in response, and you stepped aside to let them in to take their coats and shoes off.
Jungkook had just started high school this year, leaving you behind in eighth grade. You didn’t want to say this in front of his mom but you were actually relieved that the two of you were no longer going to the same school. He’d gotten better over the years—that or you grew a higher tolerance for his unimaginative insults. But being in the same study periods, the same lunch periods—it eventually began to weigh down heavily on your good moods. And then none of his friends liked you either so it was like avoiding twelve of him.
One of him was annoying enough.
It was worse in fourth grade when he had nothing better to do but to yank on your hair and follow you around on the playground during recess. For some reason, he had this strange fascination with you. Your friends always asked why he teased you so much—and tease being a very subjective term because what he considered teasing was like when a surgeon performed open-heart surgeon and joked about how they’re using a step-by-step wikiHow article to operate.  
But then before they can explain that it was a harmless joke, they’ve already caused the poor man to have internal bleeding from one of his coronary arteries.
As Jungkook’s parents wiped their shoes on the welcome mat, the two of you made eye contact. Crossing your arms, you took on a defensive stance and were rewarded with Jungkook just shrugging off his coat and throwing it at you.
You glared at the back of his head, one of his hands running through the strands there. He must’ve gotten a haircut because he’d gotten uglier. The plain white t-shirt he was wearing didn’t improve his attractiveness because you knew for a fact that he washed that less than once a month—and he wore it every day.
Grumbling to yourself, you hung his coat in the entryway closet without a word, trying your best to resist the urge to cough on the sleeves so he'd catch the cold you had; someone at school gave it to you and you were still mad about that because your bedroom had become a haven for used tissues and sadness.
“Did you hear me?” your mom called from the dining room, setting down plates and glasses as everyone took a seat. “Dinner’s ready, so come sit down.”
You looked at the clock hanging overheard the television in your living room, the hour hand barely hitting the five. As you approached the dining room table, you swallowed a groan at the sight of having to sit directly across from Jungkook.
Everyone ate in contented silence at first, too busy passing around servings of spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, and salad to make meaningless conversation. But just as you plopped a spoonful of spinach and arugula on your plate, you felt something brush against your foot. Running your tongue along the seam of your lips, doing your best to contain the anger brewing inside of you, you passed the serving bowl of caesar salad to your dad sitting beside you. He thanked you, already serving himself double the amount of what you served yourself, but then you felt it again—this time, though, you knew what it was.
It was Jungkook’s foot kicking your knee.
You looked over at him from over the rim of your glass, swallowing down ice water as he tried to act like nothing happened. The front of his shoe slowly returned to its place underneath his chair and you couldn’t resist.
The heel of your shoe made contact with his jean-clad knee and he winced.
Smirking to yourself, you assumed that was the end of that and you could finally eat dinner in peace without him having to remind you of his presence.
Conversation started to pick up again, your dad telling some story about how he managed to catch a pair of pants on his hook the last time the three of you went camping, but then the table shook as Jungkook’s foot came slamming into your knee again, the skin there beginning to bruise just by how hard he’d kicked you.
“Mom,” you suddenly whined, rubbing at your knee. “Jungkook’s kicking me.”
“Oh, stop it,” she hissed, glancing at Jungkook as he smiled innocently. “Eat your dinner. I don’t want to hear another word until that plate is spotless.”
You clenched your jaw tightly, rolling your eyes because once again she didn’t believe you. As usual, you had to take matters into your own hands.
When Jungkook wasn’t looking, you crept your untouched fork underneath the table cloth, grasping it tightly in your free hand in wait for his foot to come back. And as you expected, his foot came back to abuse your knee once again.
But this time you were ready for him.
Without an ounce of guilt, you jabbed the fork into the bare skin of his ankle and he cried out in pain, his foot retreating until it was tucked under his chair. His parents looked at him then, concerned, but he brushed it off that the meatballs were too hot and he burned his tongue. Suspiciously, they nodded, and everyone went back to twirling their spaghetti and cutting their meatballs.
And he didn’t bother you for the rest of dinner.
You shook your head at the memory, not being able to fight off a proud grin.
Things hadn’t changed between you two—and that was only five years ago.
Just like back then, he didn’t get to fuck with you without consequence. Just the thought of letting him bang you at that frat party two days ago made your stomach turn. He didn’t get to just get off without getting you off in return. He didn’t get to use you like all that without even apologizing for what he put you through all those years ago. You wouldn’t let him use you like that ever again.
If anything, you would be the one using him.
An hour later, after everyone finished lunch presumably, you found your mother unzipping your tent—and just as you were getting to the part where the main characters were about to fuck for the first time—to give you some bad news.
“We rented a canoe and your father and I want you to go with Jungkook.”
Please kill me now, you thought to yourself, already resigned to your fate.
“Whatever,” you replied, continuing to read.
Jasper delicately held onto my hand, looking deep into my eyes with the raw desire that was no doubt reflected in my own eyes, you read. He—
“I mean it. If I don’t see you out of this tent in five minutes—”
“I get it,” you snapped, making eye contact with her so she knew you were listening and weren’t just going to hide at the bottom of the lake like you wanted to. “Just let me finish this chapter. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
She nodded, zipping your tent back up before you heard her footsteps fade into the distance. Just as he leant forward, lips hovering an inch away from my own, you read, an alarm went off in the distance and—You turned off your phone with, fighting the urge to toss it across the lake and then buy the book in hard copy form so you could use the pages as toilet paper. You should’ve been expecting this because the author had a magical way with cliffhangers.
And by that, you meant she used them as much as she could get away with.
Cursing to yourself, you sorted through your suitcase so you could hide your phone underneath your underwear—just in case. The idea of anyone, especially your parents, finding out you were reading an erotica was just—
You shuddered at the thought.
If anyone found it, it would be because they were actually looking for it.
Just as you looked back down at your suitcase to make sure your phone was well-hidden, the bright pink material of your bikini caught your eye. It would probably be a good idea to wear it on the canoe because the likelihood of Jungkook tipping it over was not out of the realm of possibility.
And it would probably be on fucking purpose.
You assumed you were teaching him how to canoe because you'd never once seen him in a canoe or a kayak or any type of boat while camping together. He was always either playing football with his friends, pigging out with a family-size bag of potato chips to feed his eight stomachs, or getting blown in one of the bath houses—and that last one wasn’t something you’d seen yourself luckily.
Just as you expected—after stripping down and slipping your bikini on—you saw Jungkook sitting at the dock, waiting for you. He was talking to your father as he baited the hook of his fishing pole, Jungkook’s toes barely breaking the surface of the lake. What made you stop, however, was his nudity.
There was something about him being shirtless paired with low-riding swimming trunks that made your heart pound just a little bit faster.
It was different from him being shirtless at the frat party because you could barely concentrate on anything but him impaling you on his dick at the time, let alone his nipples and sun-kissed skin. But now you could actually appreciate his sculpted-body as he offered himself up on a silver platter—or hardwood platter to be more specific. One of his hands came to massage the back of his neck after submerging it in the water, some droplets trailing past his shoulders and down his defined back. He ran that same hand through his hair then and you took note of his undercut that was usually hidden beneath his overgrown black hair, some of the strands clinging to his skin because of his wet fingertips. Even more prominent than the muscles bulging from his back were the veins in his forearms and you wondered if going canoeing with him was a good idea.
“There she is,” your father announced, chuckling when you snorted at him.
When you looked back over at Jungkook, he was looking at you like you were a piece of meat and you unconsciously covered your chest, crossing your arms. Instead of shielding your body from his wandering eyes, however, you only succeeded in squishing the tops of your breasts together.
“It’s all ready for you two,” your father cut in, gesturing towards the canoe at the end of the dock, tied to it with a rope. “Now, go have some fun.”
You and Jungkook shared the same expression just then—dread.
At least you weren’t the only one who would rather a meteor strike the earth and kill every life form alive at the moment than go canoeing.
Sighing, you watched your father reel in one of his catches, then throw it back into the lake when he heard your mother calling his name. Grudgingly, you returned your gaze to Jungkook already standing up, looking uncomfortable.
“Let’s just get this over with,” you grumbled, brushing past him on the dock.
You bent over to grab one of the paddles, then carefully climbed into the canoe and took your place in the front. When you didn’t see him move in your peripheral vision, you glanced over your shoulder at him still standing on the dock. He scratched at the skin above his ear awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with you. Narrowing your eyes, you poked him with the end of your paddle.
“The sooner you get in,” you started to say, “the sooner we can get out.”
Rolling his eyes, he nodded with a deep sigh, following in after you. The canoe rocked with his added weight but he settled himself at the opposite end, the paddle still at his feet. After just sitting there for a full minute, you realized he was not going to pick up the paddle ever and just expected you to do the work.
It was surprisingly peaceful—if you forgot about the dead weight on the other end of the canoe—the sound of the paddle gliding with the flow of the lake. If this was a normal camping trip, you would actually enjoy being here.
“We’re just going to go around the lake, got it?” you asked, glancing at him over your shoulder. His back straightened when he realized you were looking at him, his legs spread and clenched fist pressed against one of his cheeks. “I don’t want to be in this fucking canoe with you any longer than I have to.”
“Fine,” he agreed, looking away to see your parents waving at him.
When you saw him hesitantly wave back, you said, “Don’t encourage them.”
He snorted, but lowered his hand into his lap, turning to face your back again.
“You know,” he began and you internally sighed to yourself, knowing where this was going, “the last time we were alone like this was when I was fu—”
“I will flip this boat over and leave you to die.”
“It’s healthy to talk about your feelings,” he simply said. “Like how good it felt for you when my dick was ramming into your tight pu—”
You pulled the paddle out of the water almost immediately, spinning around in your seat to glare at him. He looked at you expectantly, his eyes drifting to your chest once again. Though, you didn’t even bother to cover yourself this time.
“I felt no such thing.” Back straightening, you grabbed the paddle and pointed it at him threateningly. “In fact, the only person who felt anything was you.”
He placed his hands on both sides of the canoe as he leant back, grinning.
“Because you actually got off.”
Without giving him the chance to respond, you turned back around in your seat and the boat began to move again when you dipped your paddle into the water. The two of you approached a beach on the opposite side of the lake, a few rocks brushing against the side of the canoe when you paddled through the shallow waters. To your surprise, Jungkook just sat there quietly.
While you continued to alternate paddle strokes, you observed a pair of birds flying into a nest of newborn hatchlings, then heard the laughter of some children off in the distance. It was peaceful again for a few minutes, but as expected, Jungkook had to ruin it like he did everything else.
Suddenly, he leant forward and pulled at the string of your bikini top. You let out a yelp in surprise, the paddle dropping from your grasp into the lake on the left side of the canoe, sinking into the water where it wasn’t as shallow. Reaching behind you, you managed to tie the string together in a sloppy knot, then leant over the side of the canoe to see where the paddle went, as it had disappeared.
“Way to fucking go, Jungkook,” you grumbled, sitting back in your seat.
“We still have another paddle.” He kicked at the other paddle on the floor of the canoe with his bare feet, it landing within your reach. “So just chill out.”
“Yes, but this is a rented canoe, you idiot.”
His head fell back against his shoulders as he let out an annoyed groan, then hopped over the side of the canoe. When all you did was gape at him, the lake deep enough that you could only see his head, he sunk below the surface to look for the paddle, some of the water splashing against the canoe.
You placed your hands on the side of the canoe, your head hovering over the water as you tried to get a glimpse of his figure feeling around on the lake floor. Out of nowhere, he came up for air, then produced the paddle when he raised one of his arms above the water. You reached for it then, but he reacted quickly, leaning away from you so that your hand only grabbed a fistful of air.
“Jungkook,” you growled. “Just give me the fucking paddle.”
“All right,” he said, putting the paddle in your reach again. “Come on.”
Just as you did, though, fingers outstretched, he pulled it away again and you easily lost your balance, falling face first into the lake.
A string of curses fell from your lips as soon as you gasped for air, not being able to see at first because of the drenched strands of hair in your face. A shaking hand brushed them past your forehead, the sudden temperature drop causing your teeth to chatter. Jungkook, however, only laughed at you.
You shoved at his bare chest, but his laughter only deepened, cackle after cackle leaving his mouth. The canoe then ran into one of the rocks near the shore and you rolled your eyes at him, swimming towards it. Just as you were about to climb in, he pulled you back into the water and spun you around quickly, your back slamming into the side of the canoe. The water was more shallow there so you were actually standing, Jungkook looking down at you with a twinkle in his eye that you didn’t like very much. Before you could protest, he grabbed your hips and pulled you against him roughly.
“You want the paddle?” he rasped out, his eyes darting down to your lips.
Pursing your lips, you grabbed at his wrists, shoving him away from you so that you could have some room to breathe. He would not get you again.
“Fine, then you can paddle us back,” you huffed.
One corner of his lips quirked up at that, then his lips collided with yours.
He slammed your back into the side of the canoe again, hands frantically feeling your sides but not being able to get a firm grip when the two of you were still in the water. Just as his tongue licked one corner of your lips, silently asking for entry, the canoe suddenly moved past the rock and more onto shore from the impact of him grinding into you. Without the canoe to hold you up, you lost your footing. Jungkook attempted to hold you up but after he tripped on a few jagged rocks underwater, the both of you came crashing down onto the ground.
It seemed that he thought that was a good place to resume because you felt the outline of his dick through his swim trunks pressing into you.
The waves came rolling in, some of your hair floating on the surface, but it wasn’t deep enough that you were submerged in the water. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you slowly maneuvered yourself backwards until your back pressed against some of the dry sand, your toes still dipping into the water as your leg brushed against his. He caged you in with his arms, then you felt the familiar sensation of his lips before he tugged and pulled at your lower lip.
Each time he pushed into you, it created an indent of your body sliding further up the beach in the sand, and each time, you could barely remember your own name. Even over the thin layer of his swim trunks, he felt painfully hard.
“How long have you— oh, fuck,” you attempted to say, grunting when the outline of his cock brushed against your bundle of nerves. “—been this hard?”
His lips hovered over yours, looking you directly in the eye. Your foreheads moved against each other in sync with his thrusts, as he said, “Since you came out of your tent in this—” He tugged at the band of your bikini bottoms, snapping it against your hips sharply. “—fucking tight ass bikini.”
"Have you never seen me in a bikini before?” you breathed out, eyes managing to stay open somehow as he continued to move rhythmically against you.
He shook his head, then closed the short distance between your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth with a groan. You moaned contentedly into the kiss, your fingernails digging into the skin at his back, water trailing past his neck from his wet hair. It was like the material of his swim trunks clung to his skin because you could feel every part of him as he ground against you. His head fell against your shoulder then, breathing heavily into your skin for a moment.
When his thrusts against you began to move at a frantic and irregular pace, you knew he was close. You were so lost in the feeling of him against you that it didn’t even occur to you that he was using you to get off again.
“You feel so fucking wet,” he said in a husky tone. “It’s a good thing we’re already drenched because you’d be leaving a wet spot on my trunks.”
You blindly nodded, biting back a moan as he ground against your clit over and over again—no doubt without realizing it in his furious chase to reach his peak.
When he groaned out, his thrusts starting to slow against you, your eyes snapped open. Not even a second later and he was pulling himself off of you, standing to his feet and grimacing at the mess he made in his trunks.
“Ah, shit,” he muttered, not even glancing at you as you raised yourself up with your elbows. “This is going to be a bitch to clean up.”
Cum trailed past his leg from under his swim trunks and he cleaned himself up by splashing water on his thigh, the rest of his cum leaving a barely noticeable wet spot on his trunks. Children swam in that lake, you thought.
“You’re really going to do this to me again?” you hissed from the ground.
He looked at you as if to ask if you were really that fucking surprised.
You scoffed, shaking your head, then brushed past him to push the canoe back into the water. He followed after you after readjusting himself in his swim trunks, his bare chest ghosting against your back as he helped you with the canoe.
Once it broke free from the beach, you looked at him from over your shoulder briefly before climbing back into the canoe. You were fucking pissed but you still waited for him to climb in after you. Mostly because your parents would crucify you if you didn’t come back with Jungkook. It blowed your mind to this day that they were still oblivious to the fact that you two hated each other.
Instead of the slow but powerful strokes of the paddle when you first got into the canoe, now you were paddling quickly, wanting to get back to the dock and as far away from him as possible. It was like you never fucking thought about the consequences, not as long as his dick was touching you somewhere.
And that was embarrassing.
“You’re such a girl,” he grumbled to himself, but you heard him.
Licking your lip angrily, you pulled the paddle out of the water, throwing it at your feet as you stood to your full height. The canoe wobbled as you did but nothing could stop you from yelling at him, especially since you were alone.
“And you’re such a guy,” you sneered. “Sorry that I’m fucking pissed at you for using me again, like I’m just another place to bury your dick into.” You paused, letting out a humorless chuckle as you placed your hands on your hips. “I don’t understand why I keep letting you do this to me. How the hell do other girls keep coming back to you for more? You only care about yourself.”
He stood up then and you instantly felt smaller, his height causing him to tower over you. “And why the hell should I care about you? Just because I fucked you doesn’t mean I suddenly give a shit about you. You’re still fucking annoying.” Your chest heaved as he finished, mouth dropping open. “Hot—but annoying.”
“So that’s how you feel,” you said, nodding your head in disbelief. “Good because I feel the same fucking way about you. Hot—” You paused, your gaze dropping until it landed on his toned chest and defined abs. “—but annoying.”
When your eyes came back to stare into his eyes, he subtly bit his lip, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides as he resisted the urge to fuck you—either that or kill you; those were his two options when it came to you.
Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed, feeling his dick already straining against the material of his swim trunks. Again? he asked himself, irritated.
“Can you swim, Jungkook?”
His mind came out of the dark place it crawled into, registering you asked him a question. He barely managed to murmur an answer before one of your hands reached for his hair, tugging as you pushed him over the side of the canoe.
A few seconds later, he resurfaced, sputtering as you sat back down in the canoe, reaching for the paddle and leaving him to swim back on his own.
“You’re really going to fucking leave me here? Because I didn’t get you off?”
You stopped paddling for a moment, looking back at him keeping afloat in the water. Grin widening, you asked, “Why the hell should I care about you?”
Then you turned back to the front. Maybe you could just tell your parents that Jungkook wanted to go for a swim and he’d be back later—eventually.
“Oh, you fucking bitch,” he whispered, then swam towards you still paddling away from him. Without even hesitating, he gripped the side of the boat and flipped it over, you easily falling into the water with nothing but a grunt.
Water splashed in his face as your hair smacked against him when you came up for air, gasping and then throwing every curse word you knew in his general direction. He couldn’t let you have one fucking victory—always had to have the last word. Well, he didn’t really look happy about the fact that you pushed him out of the canoe in the first place, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
When you felt his leg brush against yours, you easily kneed him in the crotch underwater. He choked out a gasp, squinting his eyes and groaning in pain.
After he recovered, he tongued his cheek in irritation, then pulled his arm back to bring a wave of water rolling against your face. Some of the water went into your mouth, so you simply chose to spit it in his face in a clear stream.
What came after was just an onslaught of splashes and curses exchanged.
“Hey, kids,” the two of you heard, turning in the direction of the voice to see both your fathers come to a stop near you in a motor boat, equipped with fishing poles. “What ever happened to canoeing? And—” Their eyes then fell onto the flipped canoe at the same time. Before their gaze came back to you, the two of you easily jumped apart to make it seem like you were not trying to drown the other person two seconds ago. “What the hell happened here?”
You glanced at Jungkook anxiously. “We were just—”
“We just wanted to go for a swim,” Jungkook cut in with a confident shrug.
Your father slowly nodded, as if he didn’t entirely believe you. It was awkwardly silent as you all avoided eye contact but tried to maintain it at the same time.
“Well, come on, then,” your father said, shaking his head at the canoe.
You swam towards their fishing boat, not even bothering to check if Jungkook was following you because you cared more about an amoeba invisible to the human eye than you did about him in that moment. The water was deeper the closer you got to the boat, so when you grabbed ahold of the side of it, Jungkook’s father offering you a hand, you still struggled to pull yourself up.
However, Jungkook swam up behind you and gave your ass a push and you barely managed to regain your balance when you stood up in the boat. As you sat beside your father, looking at all the fish they caught and had in buckets filled with water, Jungkook then climbed in after you, adjusting his trunks.
“What about the canoe?” you asked, looking over at it still floating there.
“We’ll drop you kids off first and then come back to get it.”
You nodded, avoiding looking Jungkook in the eye as he sat directly across from you. Your father gave the boat’s motor a tug and the engine roared to life, the four of you quickly making your way across the lake and back to camp.
“So, what’s everyone’s plans for the night?”
As the three of them all supplied their answers, talking about smores and ghost stories around the campfire, you thought about your plans for the night.
All you needed to do was wait until Jungkook was asleep.
It wasn’t until a quarter after midnight when you snuck out of your small tent that you realized opening its zipper quietly was not something that was doable.
It was like eating a fucking bag of chips in the movie theater.
Still—both your parents were sound asleep in their camper that they decided they didn’t want to share with you for reasons you can assume but also didn’t want to think about. Jungkook’s parents also had a camper parked directly beside theirs, just like how his tent was set up a few hundred feet from yours.
Hopefully your parents wouldn’t wake up to hear what you were about to do.
They did have a lot to drink after everyone took to sharing ghost stories around the campfire. Your father was a lightweight, but your mother on the other hand—you were most nervous that she would be the one hearing everything.
You just had to make sure Jungkook stayed quiet.
He was going to fucking pay for not getting you off not just once but twice now. You didn’t know what his sex life was like—and you really didn’t want to—but you weren’t about to just go to sleep when he was lying only a few hundred feet away from you, unaware of the plans you had in store for him tonight.
Glancing over your shoulder one last time, the lights still off in your parents’ camper, you slowly unzipped Jungkook’s tent, stopping every couple of seconds to make sure he was still sound asleep—if he was even asleep to begin with. Then again, you’d been keeping an eye on his tent for the past two hours and not even the light from his cell phone illuminated the inside. When he continued to snore, you unzipped his tent just enough for you to slip inside.
The temptation to laugh maniacally to yourself was hard to resist at the sight of him. Although it was dark inside his tent, the light from the moon shone through the crack you left in the tent’s opening and you could make him out dead asleep in a sleeping bag. Recalling that he was a heavy sleeper, not even poking him in the cheek being able to wake him up, you knelt beside him.
“Wake up, you fuck,” you whispered into his ear, but just as you expected, he didn’t move an inch. Reaching forward, you plugged his nose, causing him to snore even louder, starting from the back of his throat.
It was fun for the first five seconds but now you were bored. Impatiently, you unzipped his sleeping bag, revealing him in only his plaid boxers. Then, you swung one of your legs over his, settling yourself against his crotch. As if his dick remembered your vagina, it began to stir against the cotton material.
You probably could just fuck yourself on his dick without him even knowing the next morning, but where was the fun in that? You wanted him to lie there and watch as you got yourself off on his cock—and him being the one left behind.
Tired of waiting, you pulled your phone out of your pajama shorts pocket and quickly opened your flashlight app, shining it on his face. The few seconds before he woke up from whatever it was he was dreaming about—probably denying you your orgasm like he did just eight hours ago but you weren’t bitter about that—your gaze flickered across his sculpted face. With his eyes closed and mouth shut, you couldn’t deny how handsome he was. If he wasn’t such a gaping butthole, maybe the two of you could’ve been friends. He had such long eyelashes that it almost made you want to cut them off. Jungkook didn’t deserve those beautiful eyelashes. In fact, he didn’t deserve to be this handsome—especially when he was only sleeping.
As his eyes cracked open, slowly adjusting to the light flashing down on his face, he realized quickly that you were in his tent and sitting on his dick.
“What are you doing?” he asked, groggily.
“Taking what’s mine.”
You didn’t give him much time to think about what you said before you were raising your weight off of him to tug at his boxers, your phone dropping to the floor of his tent with a thud, the flashlight still on. His dick wasn’t entirely flaccid against his leg but he also wasn’t as hard as you needed him to be. The idea of sucking him off to get him as hard as he was on the beach didn’t really appeal to you because you wanted this to be the longest fucking hour of his life.
His eyes darted to where you sat back down on his lap, propping himself up on his elbows as he continued to blink sluggishly up at you. Some strands of his hair stood up atop his head and running one of his hands through them only made it worse, but somehow you found it cute—and you hated that word, at least when it came to him. Inching your way closer to him, he straightened his back when he realized your lips were coming closer and closer to his.
He must’ve thought you came into his tent to fuck, but he was about to given the biggest surprise of his life. You were going to get fucked all right, but it wouldn’t be by him—it would only be using parts of him.
And he wasn’t going to get a single spike of pleasure from it.
Sitting up completely, he wrapped his arms around your waist on reflex when your lips connected with his, roughly. Your hips started rolling against his hardening dick unconsciously, biting and tugging at his bottom lip.
“What about our—” He paused to exhale shakily after he felt wetness on his cock from a spot in your pajama shorts. Your nails scraped against his scalp, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. “You’re so fucking wet already.”
One of his hands held onto your hip tightly, the tip of his thumb pulling at the waistband of your shorts to reveal you weren’t wearing any underwear.
“Stop fucking talking,” you whispered, your fingernails clawing at his jaw hanging open so his attention was back on you and not your throbbing vagina.
His head tilted to the side as you kissed him again, your noses brushing against each other. Some of his bangs tickled your skin but you quickly brought one of your hands away from his cheek to push them past his forehead. When your hips stopped moving rhythmically in his lap, he groaned lowly in his throat, grabbing at your waist to make them continue to roll into his stiff length.
You could tell he was hard enough now—and you were almost surprised at how hard he got and so quickly—but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop kissing him. Just a few more seconds, you kept telling yourself, but then those seconds turned into minutes as he ran his tongue across the seam of your lips, licking under your tongue and then swirling around it wildly. Whining into his mouth, you barely registered him blindly feeling for your phone, the flashlight still on, pulling one of your hands away from his jaw to put in your palm.
“Turn it off,” he breathed into your mouth, then pulled away completely so you could concentrate on what you were doing without the distraction of his mouth.
Except you were distracted by his mouth suddenly nipping at your neck.
As your head tilted back, moaning out as he bit into your skin a little too harshly and lapped at it with his tongue a second later, your eyes struggled to stay open as you unlocked your phone and frantically turned the light off.
Your phone fell out of the palm of your hand when his hands felt under your tank top, the material coming with his hands as they slid up the bare skin of your back. Just like his lips at your neck, his touch was scorching hot and you had to remind yourself why you were in his tent in the first place. You had to remind yourself that just eight hours ago, he’d used you once again.
It was your fucking turn now.
And with a clear head, you shoved at his shoulders until he landed on his back, your weight still resting on his dick. He blinked up at you, confused.
“Close your eyes,” you whispered, palms resting on his naked chest.
“Fuck—” Your nails lightly grazed his nipples on their descent towards his dick.
You were given the green light as soon as his eyes closed, one corner of his lips quirking at the thought of you sucking him off. As quietly as you could, you pulled your headband out of your shorts pocket. It was thin, as thin as one of your ponytails, but you knew it would be enough to tie him up. You wouldn’t be able to get away with what you were about to do if he wasn’t tied up somehow.
Rationally, you knew if he wasn’t distracted he would catch on pretty quickly, so with a resigned sigh, you touched his cock with one hand. It wasn’t easy to stroke him up and down without some sort of lubrication, though, so you spit into your hand and tightened your palm around his length. His eyebrows knitted together but he kept his eyes closed just as you asked, which was surprising.
With him distracted, you jumped forward to grab his arms, bringing his wrists together so you could quickly wrap the headband around them to restrain him.
His eyes shot open, looking at you in shock. Shoving his tied wrists behind his head, you sat back down on his dick with a victorious smirk. The hard part was over and now all you had to do was take what was yours—your orgasm.
“Wh-What the fuck are you—”
“This’ll go by a lot faster if you just lie there and take it, bitch.”
You gripped the base of his cock then, tight enough that you knew he wouldn’t be able to cum but not enough that it would be borderline painful. Your other hand pulled at your shorts, sliding them past your hips until you were naked from the waist down. He swallowed thickly, voice dry as he begged and pleaded for you not to do this like the little bitch you knew he was.
Everyone was a little bit submissive—and you were about to make him your slut. A few veins in his neck seemed to nearly pop out of his skin as his heart rate picked up, but he was holding back the string of curses directed towards you on the tip of his tongue. He knew you were the one in control and could easily yank off his dick like it was a hair follicle from his fucking eyebrow.
Still gripping him and watching his every reaction, which was the best fucking part of it all—besides the fact that you were about to finally get to cum—you guided the tip of his cock until the slit was brushing against your clit while still keeping a firm grip around the base so he couldn’t cum, the slightest touch making you twitch in anticipation. You wanted to take this slow—and you wanted to make it last—because you knew that after it was all over—
Well, you would probably just run for your life because he’d want to kill you.
That thought was really ruining your fantasy, though, so you just focused on his throbbing dick as the tip circled your clit. Whenever you masturbated, you always focused on teasing, which always made you orgasm harder, so you would do the same with his cock. Still grasping him tightly, you guided him down towards your slit, lubricating the tip with your wetness. He could only grunt beneath you in both pain and pleasure at the intense feeling in his groin.
Your head fell back limply against your shoulders, mouth dropping open from how good he felt against your clit when you brought him away from your entrance and back to your bundle of nerves. He felt hot against you—so hot that it was almost a scorching pleasure, but you’d never felt anything like it.
But you still needed more.
The hand that was pressed against the floor of his tent inched its way towards your core, dripping with your juices. Just as you plunged a finger inside, slowly at first, Jungkook struggled against your headband, fidgeting wildly as he couldn’t take his eyes off you masturbating with your fingers and his cock.
You raised your head when you felt his thighs clenching beneath you and quirked an eyebrow. If he really wanted to, he could get himself free. He’d flipped over a canoe weighing at least seventy pounds easily, so you knew he was more than capable. Maybe he was actually enjoying this and why he’d stopped complaining—more or less. And that’s why you didn’t take your eyes off him as you inserted a second finger, mouth dropping open in a silent moan from your fingers stroking your walls and his cock rubbing at your tingling clit.
His eyes rolled into the back of his head as you took the underside of his tip and rubbed at your clit painfully slow, each vein there protruding from the side of his cock and giving off a numbing sensation that had you seeing white.
“I’m going to fucking get you for this.”
Your grip against the base of his cock tightened and he groaned, shutting up.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to be threatening me.”
“The second you fucking untie me—”
You let out a dry chuckle. “And who says you’re getting untied?”
You glanced down at his dick rubbing and twitching against your clit. He was so fucking hard and throbbing against your hand and you wanted nothing more than to just pull your fingers out of you and plunge him inside of you instead.
“You want my cock, don’t you?” Sweat trailed past his brow, neck glistening under the light of the moon. “You want it so fucking badly, don’t you?”
“I don’t fucking need any part of you,” you hissed.
“But you want it.”
You knew he was right.
You knew you wanted his dick so fucking badly. In that moment, all you could think about was when he fucked you in the laundry room and how good it felt. Before you realized he wasn’t going to get you off, it felt so fucking good. And maybe you were doing this to him just so he would fuck you that hard again.
But your pride and ego wouldn’t let you give in to him—not this time.
So you ignored him and flicked at your clit with the tip of his cock, crying out each time from the pleasure shooting into the pit of your stomach. Your toes curled beside his legs, loosening your grip on his dick for a moment. Jungkook moaned with you and you hated that. Even though he couldn’t cum, that didn’t stop him from feeling anything as you gripped and stroked him accidentally from how slippery his length was becoming from rubbing at your wetness.
“Just remember that’s my cock that’s getting you off,” he rasped out, panting.
“Shut the fuck u—ah, god—” you started to say then screamed out at his dick suddenly twitching against you, mouth falling open as your eyes closed.
When he clenched his abs again, his dick twitching, you leaned away from him, tightening your grip around him to keep his cock away from your clit. You were getting close to cumming way too fast and you were letting him get you there.
“St-Stop,” you moaned out and he only grinned devilishly up at you. “Stop f-fucking doing that. I don’t want to cum yet, you stupid motherfucker.”
He held himself up on his elbows, raising an eyebrow. “You sure? I thought you wanted to cum. I mean, that is why you came in here to torture me, after all.”
Pursing your lips, you sat down completely on the front of his thighs.
“Nothing to say? Thinking about how badly you want to sink down on my hard cock? I don’t blame you since we both had such a fucking good time at—”
You didn’t give him the chance to continue, pulling your fingers out of you, drenched in your own juices, and then thrusted them inside of his mouth.
It was silent for a few seconds, his glare hardening, and then you were taking his dick in your palm again and sliding his length along your entrance. You felt the back of his throat vibrating against your fingers as he attempted to speak, but you kept them there, the silence in the tent music to your ears. Your thighs shook against his own as you rubbed and flicked at your clit again with his dick. You knew you were close—you could tell by how you were shrinking away from him as the stimulation almost became too much for you. Your fingers still in his mouth, you looked him in the eye just as you came apart on the tip of his cock.
Your mouth fell open, then. “Oh, fuck. J-Jungkook, I’m c—”
With your hand stiff from gripping him so tightly, you continued to rub at your bundle of nerves, pace softening as you guided yourself through your orgasm.
Releasing your grip on him, his dick slapped against his stomach as you shakily stood up, your insides tingling. You couldn’t help but let a bright smile take over your face, grinning to yourself because you finally got to cum. Running one of your hands through your hair, some strands damp from how sweaty the whole ordeal made you, you looked around for your discarded pajama shorts.
As you glanced down, you laughed to yourself loudly.
He was still fucking hard as a rock.
"Okay..." he rasped out, panting. He tiredly opened his eyes to look up at you in desperation. "You had your fun, now suck me off or something."
"It's funny that you think I'm going to let you cum at all."
"What?!" He sat up, bringing his restrained hands into his lap. "You're just going to fucki— You’re just going to leave me like this?!"
Looking over your shoulder at him one last time, your eyes trailed down to his cock that looked painfully hard. Isn’t it the worst when you’re left hanging like that? That you have to get yourself off because someone else was selfish?
"Revenge is sweet, Jeon."
Jungkook sat there for a while, his cock begging to be touched.
It’s like he couldn’t believe you did this but he also could at the same time. You were so fucking petty. So what if he didn’t get you off at the frat party? So fucking what if he didn’t get you off on the beach? You fucking loved it.
You hadn’t tied his hands directly behind his back and he could easily get himself off now that you were gone, but it was like his dick had been hard for such a long time now that he didn’t know if he wanted to cum anymore; it was more like he wanted to break free just so he could storm you into your tent and ram his cock into your pussy until the fucking late hours of the night.
He could do that, but that was way too fucking easy. That’s what you wanted him to do. Maybe you did come into his tent to get back at him but he also knew you did that just so he would mad—mad enough to fuck you like you wanted him to. No, he was going to make you fucking sweat first.
And then he would fuck you.
Tensing his biceps, he groaned out and managed to snap the headband in half, freeing his hands for the first time in sixty minutes. He rubbed at his wrists, the headband having left behind red indents on his skin. If the two of you were at school, he would just find time in his day to go to your dorm and fuck you there but this wasn’t school—he couldn’t get away with it as easily on a camping trip.
Your parents were here. If by some miracle they didn’t hear you scream in his tent after cumming on his dick, they would definitely hear that during the day. But where could he fuck you that they wouldn’t come looking for you? He needed fucking time. He didn’t want to just bang you and run back home.
He wanted to fuck you so hard that you would keep coming back.
Even without getting you off.
He was going to be patient. The first instance the two of you were alone, he’d take his chance and fuck you wherever he could. And he wouldn’t get you off.
Staring down at his cock still standing at attention against his stomach, he sighed. He gripped himself, then paused when he looked at the head to see your dried up cum still sticking to the skin there. You’d looked so fucking hot cumming on him like that that for a fleeting second he wondered if he’d been doing it wrong the entire time—not caring whether or not you got off with him.
Jungkook wasn’t entirely sure what the two of you were playing at. It seemed things just went back and forth between you two and didn’t know what to call what it was you were doing. Were you fuck buddies? Occasionally fucking to take your anger out on the other person? He didn’t know but what he did know was his dick liked being in your pussy more than it did getting jacked off.
He fell against his sleeping bag as he continued to pump his length furiously, imagining his cum ejaculating all over your back, in your mouth, on your tits. If you two kept fucking, he was going to enjoy every fucking second of it. No other girl had ever gotten him this hard and this fast before, not even his noonas—and he’d been fucking them since freshman year of college.
Grunting with each stroke of his fist down his cock, he imagined how fucking good it’d feel to finally be balls deep in your pussy again. He could barely remember what you felt like at the party and he thought about it every day.
“Shit, shit—” he moaned quietly, precum leaking from the tip and coating your own cum still dried to his skin. His free hand gripped at the material of his tent, careful not to grip too tightly otherwise the tent would come falling on his head.
His fist unclenched then and he blindly felt around, searching for something more secure to hold onto when his fingers wrapped around your phone.
He paused, sitting up and relaxing his grip on his cock. Did you forget to grab your phone in your mad dash for your tent? Of fucking course you did. Still stroking his length up and down with his hand, he turned your phone on and managed to unlock it—you didn’t have a passcode for some stupid reason.
Snorting, he looked what your most recently used apps were, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at some game about cats and then a bookshelf app. He didn’t know you liked to read—at least not so much you did it on your fucking phone. Curious, he opened it and had to place a closed fist against his mouth so that he didn’t burst out laughing at the cover of one of the books you were reading.
There was a shirtless dude on the cover riding a horse, long hair cascading down his back in order to look majestic and not like a total cocksucker but Jungkook knew it was too late for that. In the background, there was a tower with spikes on the roof, the distant figure of a woman with curly hair waving out the window. One of the best eroticas on the market today, he read with a snort.
He really didn’t know as much about you as he thought.
The book then automatically updated to the page you were last on and he threw his head back in a fit of laughter. A clear crimson was littered all over the satin covers, but it was symbolic for the two lovers. Red was the color of passion and passion was what kept them together, kept them connected just as they were connected now under the light of the full moon. His engorged member pulled out of the woman, her tear-stained cheeks a sign of what had just transpired.
If this was what you were into, he lost whatever little respect he had for you.
He skimmed through the remaining pages, grimacing at the flowery detail and purple prose. It was pretty obvious the book was written by a middle-aged woman that hadn’t been fucked ever since her wedding night. How the fuck was this entertaining to read? Why did you pay ten dollars for this garbage?
About to chuck your phone behind you, an idea suddenly struck him. He could fucking use this. He was going to study this book like it was a god damn bible.
Laughing maniacally to himself, he scrolled back to the first page, but then remembered his dick was still hard and he hadn’t cum yet. He really didn’t want to do what he was about to do but desperate times called for— Nah. He wasn’t ashamed. It was just like reading porn instead of watching it. In the corner of the screen, he tapped on the search icon and proceeded to type in penis.
0 results found for “penis.”
Huh, he thought to himself, dumbfounded. Was there some fancy ass word for penis he wasn’t aware of in these porn books you read? Thinking for a moment, he typed in dick but the same response came back. Really? Not even that? There must be some little virgin club that called penises something else.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later after frantically typing every word that even vaguely reminded him of a penis that he gave up and skimmed through the pages for a sex scene, which wasn’t hard because it was full of them. He narrowed his eyes once they landed on the word member and rod. What was up with this bullshitery and not calling a cock what it was? A fucking cock.
Sylvia cried out as Gabriel continued to make love to her devirginized hole, the two of them moving in sync with her pale ankles wrapped around his muscular back. Her hair splayed across the covers and he took her—
Where the fuck was the detail? He didn’t care about the color of the bitch’s hair; he wanted to read how hard she was getting rammed into the bed. Maybe this was the kind of shit that girls liked to read and why men still watched porn.
Sighing, he closed out of the app and decided to go through your pictures instead, just to relieve the painful throbbing in his cock. I know, he told it in his mind. I’ll get to you in a second. He yawned as he continued to scroll through your camera roll but then stopped, sitting up straight at photos of you in a bikini from last summer when you went on a road trip for a few weeks with your friends—not that he cared that you were gone or any bullshit like that.
As his eyes zeroed in on your tits, he was reminded of how fucking good you’d looked under him on the beach, your chest pressing against him so firmly. Jungkook didn’t consider himself a boobs guy but you fucking made him a boobs guy and an ass guy and whatever other body parts girls had that he usually ignored—because you could make him cum in his pants easily.
His hand resumed its fast strokes against his length as he continued to look at pictures of you in a bikini. When he came towards a candid photo of you running towards the water, your ass on display—that’s when he choked.
When the fuck did you get so hot?
A stream of curses fell from his lips as he spurted cum after cum from the tip of his cock and directly onto his stomach. Head relaxing into the sleeping bag, he looked at your picture again, not being able to forget the time he jacked off to bikini photos of you for the rest of his life. He was going to fucking die.
But not before he finished reading that porn book of yours.
And definitely not before he fucked you.
You slept with your parents in their camper last night.
Maybe you were being paranoid but you didn’t want to take the chance that Jungkook would storm into your tent last night and you fuck you so loudly your parents would hear. The thought of that made you fidget in your seat and clench your thighs together at the picnic table as you watched your father turn hot dogs and burgers. It was like hamburgers and grilled hot dogs were the only things he knew how to cook. Well, actually hamburgers and grilled hot dogs were the only thing he knew how to cook but he insisted on being the chef while you guys were camping to give your mother a break. Though, it wasn’t much of a break since she naturally worried about him and was always watching him like a hawk so he didn’t unnecessarily hurt himself.
You didn’t know where Jungkook was. He’d been asleep in his tent the entire morning, but you weren’t about to ask why just in case he appeared.
“Well, good morning, sleepy head,” Jungkook’s mother cooed.
Maybe that fleeting thought of yours was considered a question that the universe wanted to answer because there he fucking was.
“Rough night’s sleep?” your father asked, flipping a burger at the grill.
His gaze slid over to the back of your head, then drifted back to your parents.
“Something like that,” he grumbled. “What’s for lunch?”
“Same as yesterday,” your father answered. “Some juicy— Honey, we had another bag of buns, didn’t we? Are they in the car still?”
“No.” Your mother walked over towards the grill, looking around as if your father was legally blind. “That was the last bag. The car’s all unloaded.”
Your father’s hand paused in mid-air, spatula gripped tightly. Looking between the two of you, you sensed something you didn’t want to be apart and immediately stood up. They were going to make you do somet—
“Jungkook,” your mother began, “you have your license, right?”
“Yeah,” he said with a nod. “Is there something that you—”
Just a few more steps and you would be at your tent.
She sighed, as if she didn’t want to ask him but did anyway. “Do you think you two could go to the convenience store for some more hamburger buns?”
So close yet so far, you thought to yourself, your tent mere inches away.
“I don’t mind but—”
“Why can’t he just go by himself, mother?” you cut in, irritated.
“Well, I—” She struggled to think of an answer. “Just do as I say.”
You groaned, head tilting back as you stomped to your tent to change out of your pajamas and into casual clothing. Maybe that would keep his slimy hands off of you. Also, you were probably going to fight him if you didn’t walk away.
Slipping a jacket over your head, zipping it up to your chin, you nonchalantly looked around your tent for your phone. It’d been missing since... last night...
No. You couldn’t have left it—
Some part of you knew the answer already.
A moment later, Jungkook peered his head in, looking around before his eyes landed on you. You narrowed your eyes at the grin on his face.
“Your dad gave me his car keys so I’m ready whenever you are.”
Ignoring him, you brushed past his shoulder and headed towards your father’s white pick-up truck, climbing into the passenger seat. Faintly, you heard Jungkook telling your parents that you two would be back in a bit.
“So, here we are ag—”
“Not a word.”
“All right, then,” he easily agreed, turning the key in the ignition. “Not even—”
“Not a word, Jungkook.”
You crossed your arms, leaning away from him. Jungkook awkwardly put the car into reverse and backed out of the parking lot, waving at your parents. The convenience store wasn’t that far away, only a few minutes drive, but every second in the car felt like the hour hand ticking on a clock. You wondered if he’d already forgotten what happened last night but that was wishful thinking.
As the highway disappeared from view and he slowed down as the speed limit changed, you saw the convenience store in view, him turning and parking in the vacant lot. He shut off the engine, hopping out of the driver’s seat and heading inside, not even bothering to wait for you. You didn’t know why you had to come in the first place; it wasn’t like it took two people to buy buns.
The cashier greeted you politely as you followed in after Jungkook. The two of you immediately separated, both going to different sides of the store. You went straight to the food aisle with canned beans and bags of bread while he perused the candy aisle. If he didn’t have the car keys, you would buy hamburger buns yourself and fucking leave him behind.
You knew he had something planned. 
He always had a plan.
Just then, Jungkook came behind you and grabbed your shoulders, pressing his clothed dick against your back. He pretended to be reaching past you to look at the labels on the soup cans but you knew he had an ulterior motive, as his fingers grazed the sides of one of your clothed breasts, stopping to squeeze before skimming down your waist. Closing your eyes, you swallowed shakily. He glanced towards the front to see if the cashier was paying attention to you.
When he realized he wasn’t, his grin widened and he leaned in to whisper into your ear, “Wait for me in the bathroom.”
“I’m not going to fuck you if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“You sure about that?”
Just then, he ground his cock against you and you felt it hardening with each movement of his hips, barely being able to keep your mouth from falling open.
“Y-Yes,” you attempted to say clearly, but stumbled visibly.
He’d already got you and you both knew it.
Pulling away from you, you quickly turned around to grab at his arm, hesitating when you felt the muscle in his bicep tensing under your grip. “Jungkook, we can’t. I don’t—” You paused to look at the cashier sorting through his drawer. “What if he hears us and— We’re going to get in trouble.”
“Oh, relax,” he said, following your gaze to the cashier. “He doesn’t give a fuck whether or not two horny kids fuck in the bathroom. He just wants to go home.”
And then he walked away without another word, leaving you to decide if you really wanted to go through with this. After all, he’d given you a choice. Even though it came out more like a demand, there was always a choice. In the laundry room, you had a choice. On the beach, you had a choice. And now, in the convenience store, you had a choice on whether or not you wanted to let him fuck you in public or wait for him in the truck like a sad virgin.
Biting your lip, you chose the former as you disappeared into the back.
From the corner of his eye, Jungkook saw you turn a corner and open the door to the women’s bathroom and smiled to himself. He was browsing the aisles to avoid suspicion when he eventually followed in after you. Although he knew the cashier didn’t give a single fuck and was probably used to this, it was still exciting to pretend getting caught was something he wanted to avoid.
Just as the cashier walked into the backroom for a moment, Jungkook took that as his chance and followed in after you, locking the door behind him.
Your eyes locked in the mirror as you leant over the sink, checking your appearance to make sure you didn’t look ugly. But by the growing tent in his pants, you knew that he found you far from ugly. Your fingers curled around the edge of the sink, feeling anxious about what you agreed to but still not wanting to back out. He knew it and you knew it—you were waiting for this to happen.
“As they stared into each other’s eyes, he stopped to ponder whether fornicating against the walls with his love was an obsequious idea.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, thinking to yourself why he was talking like some old guy straight out of a renaissance fair—and also what the fuck was he even saying? He didn’t know what obsequious meant—that or love.
“What the fuck are you—”
He came to press himself directly behind you, one of his hands dipping past the waistband of your shorts and to grope your bare ass.
“The skin of her nether regions was gentle beneath his hardened palm, the perfect place for him to spread his seed—”
“What’s happe—”
“The lowly knight worried the other servants dwelling in the castle would overheard him making sweet, passionate love to his princess and—”
Something else pressed against your back then, and it wasn’t his dick.
Still staring at him in the mirror, you noticed he was looking down at something, as if he was reading aloud to you. Scrunching your eyebrows, you pressed yourself into him firmly and shoved him away so you could turn around.
Your mouth fell open at him holding your phone, reading one of your eroticas.
“Jungkook, is that my—”
“His princess was anxious,” he read. “If they were caught, no matter what her status and his, the duo would be beheaded under the light of a new day.”
“Where did you—”
He anchored you to his hip then, his free hand curling around your waist. Slipping your phone into your back shorts pocket, he softly laughed.
“Some interesting reading material you have.”
“Did you seriously go through my phone?”
Jungkook shrugged. “It was just lying there in my tent after you used me like a fucking month-old cucumber, then left me—again—to take care of myself.”
You opened your mouth to respond but he quickly added, “Without hands.”
“I’m sure you managed.”
“Oh, I did,” he replied with a widening smirk. “I jacked off to you in a bikini.”
Your upper lip curled up at that. “You’re disgusting.”
“Her words wounded him,” he began, placing a hand over his heart in mock offense. “She wished to take them back but the damage was already done. The only thing that could heal his breaking heart was... fucking her in the bathroom.”
He dipped his head and pressed his lips against yours, you moaning from the back of your throat from the sudden intrusion but not quite complaining. Jungkook walked you backwards until your lower back pressed into the counter, then hoisted you up so your only support was the mirror.
“We sh-should—” you attempted to say, pulling away from his mouth, “—probably be quick. My parents are—oh.” Your head lolled against the mirror when his mouth gave up on kissing your lips and instead dove into your neck. “They’re p-probably waiting for us, so we— we can’t b-be—”
Tugging at your skin with his teeth, he pulled his head away from your neck to look at you with a raised eyebrow, accepting the challenge.
“I can do fast.”
His hands slid up your sides while you unzipped your jacket, then he pushed it past your shoulders, the material falling to the bathroom floor a second later. You were still wearing your tank top from last night and he grinned.
“So does this mean you never put on underwear?”
Not trusting your voice, you shook your head. Immediately, his hands fell to your thighs, one hand leaving your skin to lift you up slightly and tug at your shorts. At the sight of your bare skin, he grinned wildly, tossing your shorts somewhere behind him. His palms slid up the skin of your thighs, leaving a scalding trail behind. To your surprise, one of his hands skated across your stomach, skipping over your core that begged to be touched. You whined, grabbing onto his hand and begging for him to touch you there.
“Please,” you whispered and the grip he had on your waist tightened.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips. He pressed himself impossibly closer to you then and ground his palm into you, slowly at first. Your wetness completely coated his palm and he glanced down where his hand rested against you.
“Beg for it,” he breathed out, palm immobile against your core.
“Touch me,” you pleaded, nibbling on your lower lip, “please.”
“Ah, come on.” He pulled his palm away from you completely, resting his hands against the countertop beside you and leant forward, his lips hovering over yours. “You can do better than that. I said beg for it.”
Instead of doing what he said, you reached for one of his hands and forced him to touch you where he wanted him to. He raised an eyebrow but didn’t pull himself away, as if he wanted you to resist. You put some pressure on his middle finger so that he was lightly touching your clit, showing him exactly where you wanted to be touched. When he didn’t move, you rocked your hips against his hand, particularly against his finger, and you moaned out.
“Yeah,” he growled. “Fuck yourself into my hand like that.”
At the sound of one of your loud moans, he quickly brought his other hand to cover your mouth. You blinked up at him, stopping the movement of your hips.
“We gotta be quiet, remember?” he whispered. “We have company.”
You nodded and rolled your hips into his hand again, closing your eyes as spikes of pleasure washed over you. It seemed he was content just watching you because every time you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you.
It wasn’t enough, though. You were doing all the work and you needed him to do something. No matter how much you moaned against his hand, he just stood there, watching you. Maybe he was waiting for you to do something.
Pushing his hand to the side, you hopped off the counter and pressed yourself against him until his back slammed into the door. Leaning up to kiss him, he finally responded by grabbing the collar of his t-shirt, pulling away from you to tug it over his head and throw it in a corner somewhere. At the sight of his bare chest, your nails grazed his nipples and he groaned out. His hands fell to your hips, tugging you closer to him, then dragged your tank top up to your breasts.
“No bra either, huh?”
Your shirt covered his hands when he let go of the hem, moving to palm your breasts instead, thumbs flicking at your nipples.
“J-Jungkook!” you cried out, shrinking away from him.
“You’re so fucking loud,” he rasped, but then brought his index finger and thumb together to tweak at your hardening nipples. “You like that?”
He dropped his hands from your breasts to continue to pull your shirt past your chest, then threw it in the same direction as his shirt. At the sight of you completely naked—for the first time, it seemed—he cursed to himself.
Frantically, his hands went to grab at his belt, unbuckling it quickly and then tugging at his pants until they dropped to the floor. Jungkook grabbed your hands then, placing them against the last article of clothing stopping the two of you from fucking all over the bathroom—his boxers. Instead of pulling them past his hips like he wanted you to, you palmed him over the fabric.
When his hands pushed yours aside to grab at the waistband, you suddenly pulled away, eyes widening in realization.
“W-Wait, Jungkook,” you said, pulling his hands away. “We can’t.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And why the hell not?”
“You can’t fuck me without a condom.”
He let out a sound of agreement, nodding to himself. “Right.”
Thinking that was the end of that, you went to grab your shirt and shorts.
“No.” He pulled you up, kicking away your clothes. “Stay here.”
And then he was quickly pulling up his pants, ignoring his boxers, and casually putting on his shirt before he unlocked the door and stepped into the store.
While you waited patiently, he strolled through the aisles carefully before his eyes fell on what he was looking for—a package of three condoms. Then, he went to the food aisle to grab some hamburger buns and walked to the front.
“Find everything you need?” he asked, monotonously.
“Yeah,” Jungkook grunted, pulling out his wallet and placing a five dollar bill down to pay, then slid it across the counter slowly. “Thanks.”
At the sight of condoms, the cashier sighed to himself but didn’t say a word.
He took his sweet time placing the bill into the drawer and giving him his exact change, except they were all out of quarters.
“Hold on,” he drawled. “We have more in the back.”
“It’s okay—”
“I’ll be right back.”
As the cashier disappeared into the backroom, Jungkook threw his head back in a deep sigh, tapping his foot impatiently. He could feel his dick straining against his jeans and tried not to think about how naked you were while you waited for him in the bathroom. He just wanted to wrap it so he could tap it.
He heard whistling from the back and it was like he knew what he was doing. Maybe it was too fucking obvious with the condoms but they were both guys. Didn’t he understand that sometimes a man has to fuck in a public bathroom? Unless he was a virgin and only ever saw tits on a dimly lit computer screen.
“Here you go,” the cashier said when he returned, placing quarter after quarter into Jungkook’s outstretched palm slowly. “25, 50, 75. Have a nice day.”
“Thanks,” Jungkook grumbled. “You have a bathroom I can use?”
“Yeah. In the back.”
Sloppily, Jungkook shoved his change into his wallet, then tucked it back into his jean pocket. He already started to open the condoms, glancing over his shoulder at the cashier one last time before he stepped into the bathroom.
“I’m back,” he sang, lowly.
“What took you so long?” you asked, arms crossed. “Can we go now?”
“Nah.” He tossed the box of condoms at you and you snorted. “Get over here.”
You ripped open the box, producing one of the three condoms. Jungkook was taking all his clothes off again and throwing them into a pile at his feet. As you walked over to him, you gave him the condom and he grinned down at you.
“Safety first,” he breathed against your lips, then kissed you.
He blindly ripped open the condom as you kissed, maneuvering you so that your back was pressed into the wall opposite of the sink a second later.
Pulling away from your mouth, he glanced down as the condom encased his length in latex, stroking himself a few times to make sure it was secure. You followed his gaze, waiting patiently, then he looked back at you with a smirk.
Jungkook eased himself inside of you and you moaned out. You’d fucking missed this but you weren’t about to tell him that. Maybe you just needed to get laid more often and it didn’t have anything to do with him or his cock. His hand slammed against your head as he completely bottomed out, then pulled all the way out of you. He ran his dick, completely coated in your juices, along your slit, savoring the moment as you took in sharp lungfuls of air.
Your nails dug into his shoulders and his forehead came to rest against your own, lips hovering over each other’s. When he pushed back in with a deep thrust, you moaned out in ecstasy. His hand beside your head then fell to your hips, the other following behind, and he hoisted you up so your legs wrapped around him. The angle made him go that much deeper inside of you, brushing against a spot that had you crying out, which quickly made him cover your mouth and you slipping from around his waist loosely.
“We got to be quiet, remember?”
You nodded. “I know. I know. Just fucking— Just move, please.”
“That’s more like it. Beg for this dick.”
“I’m not begging for shit.”
“Fair enough.”
He readjusted your leg so it was anchored to his hip, then started to pound into you. It was the first time you’d been completely naked when he fucked you, so your breasts bounced up and down with each thrust. After you moaned out loudly, he sighed and leant forward to kiss you in order to shut you up.
His tongue licked the seam of your lips and you easily parted your mouth for him, his tongue plunging inside just as he gave you a particularly hard thrust.
Suddenly, you heard the sound of another customer walking into the store.
You couldn’t hear what they were saying but after a minute or so, they walked towards the back and into the men’s bathroom—the bathroom directly beside the bathroom Jungkook was currently fucking you in. In fact, you were getting fucked against the only wall that was connected to it and your face paled.
Attempting to move away from the wall as you heard the customer unzipping his pants, Jungkook only shoved you back against it with a thud.
“What’s the matter?” he rasped out. “Don’t you want him to hear us?”
“No, I— No, I don’t, so get your fucking hands off of me.”
Jungkook raised his hands in surrender and you unwrapped yourself from around him, trying to ignore your throbbing pussy as it protested. His cock slipped out of you with a squelching sound and you couldn’t resist glancing back down at it, his condom-sheathed length coated in your wetness.
“At least blow me or something,” he pleaded.
You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to rationalize that the two of you could just fuck later—but you also noted that the only time you were left alone with him was when everyone was asleep and could you really wait that long.
No. The answer was no.
“Oh, whatever,” you groaned, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him.
Jungkook choked out a gasp but quickly responded, licking and biting at your lips until you could feel a surplus of wetness almost dripping down your thigh. He was barely touching you but you were drenched and not even your thighs brushing against each other as you consciously clenched your walls could relieve the ache.
"Fuck me, Jungkook."
As he spun you around and you braced your hands on the wall, bending over to give him a good angle to fuck into, you heard the sound of piss as the customer in the bathroom peed into the urinal. That didn't stop you two, though. Jungkook was horny and you were horny and nothing was going to stop you from getting off.
He rammed inside of you, every inch of him stroking and rubbing at your walls, coating his length in your juices dirtily. Soon enough, you rested your cheek against the wall, sighing in pleasure as he continued to pound into you, picking up the pace when he felt you clenching around him tightly. His head tilted back, the new position causing him to fuck that much deeper into you. With each thrust, your cheek slid up the wall, moaning to yourself but loudly enough that you knew that the man in the adjacent bathroom could probably hear you.
One of your hands on the wall drifted to your clit and rubbed furiously, the added stimulation causing your jaw to drop as silent scream after silent scream escaped you. Jungkook's hands gripped your waist, then slid around until they were palming your ass cheeks, spanking them occasionally when he pulled out just to plunge back into you.
"J-Jungkook— fuck, fuck, fuck! You feel so good in—" you cried out, near tears at the pleasure.
"I know— Fuck, you feel so good, too. You're so fucking tight and warm. You're swallowing me whole." His mouth fell open as he groaned at you clenching around him. "Your pussy was fucking made for my cock."
You nodded against the wall, not even caring anymore about the man trying to pee.
As you continued to rub furious circles around your clit, you knew you were close—and that was a first. Although, Jungkook was lasting for a long time, longer than he'd ever lasted before. It was like he was making a conscious effort to make this good for you, even though you know that couldn't possibly be true, or maybe it could. He was different with you this time.
And you didn’t know why.
"Are you about to cum on my cock?"
"Y-Yeah. I'm so cl-close, Jungkook."
If it was even possible, he pounded even faster into your pussy, his thrusts irregular and frantic. He kept brushing against that spot inside of you and—combining that with the stimulation from your clit—you were a goner.
"Ah, god—" you cried out, mouth hanging open. "Right t-there. Oh, I'm—"
"Right here?" he breathed out, panting as sweat lined his brow. "Right fucking here?"
He stopped pulling all the way out like he did before and just rubbed himself back and forth against your spot. Your fists clenched and unclenched against the wall, then blindly searched for something to hold onto. It felt so fucking good that tears formed in your eyes and just like that, you came. Your walls clenched around him hard and he stuttered out a moan, continuing to plow into you but his pace steadily slowed down after he came into the condom.
His sweaty back pressed against yours as you straightened against the wall, his breath fanning against your neck.
The two of you heard the sound of the faucet turning on in the other bathroom, the man quickly washing his hands before he was out the door without buying anything from the store. Maybe he got a boner from listening.
After pressing his forehead against your shoulder and wiping some of his sweat on you, Jungkook stood up, his dick softening so that he could easily remove the condom and throw it into the trash. You licked your lips, then stumbled over to get a paper towel to clean yourself up, your cum a mess on the insides of your thighs. However, you soon realized the bathroom was out and there wasn't even toilet paper to clean you up.
"Here," Jungkook said, offering you his boxers.
"R-Really?" you choked out, the idea of your cum staining his boxers both disgusting and turning you on.
"Do you really want to ride back without cleaning up?"
You sighed, taking the fabric and bending over to wipe at your abused pussy. "No but— What about you?"
He didn't reply, scooping up his shirt to pull it over his head, some of the sweat causing it to stick to his skin. After you wiped some of your cum with his boxers, you awkwardly handed it back to him and he slipped them back on.
"This is kind of hot, huh?" he asked, one corner of his lips tilting up into a smirk.
You rolled your eyes but laughed, pulling your shorts past your hips.
After the two of you got dressed, he followed you back into the store, waving at the cashier as you stepped outside and headed towards the truck.
"Did you get the hamburger buns?"
Instead of answering, he raised up a bag of hamburger buns you didn’t notice him picking up, not to mention he didn’t throw away the leftovers condoms.
The car ride was relatively uneventful, the two of you having nothing to talk about now that that was out of your system. When you stepped out of the truck and walked back to your parents still at the grill, he handed them the buns and shrugged his shoulders when they asked you two why it took you so long.
"We had to go to another convenience store because the first one didn't have any," you lied.
And then the two of you went your separate ways, you in your tent finishing your erotica and him at the dock watching both of your fathers as they argued about whose fish they'd eat for dinner.
You did see him later, though.
You had to use the rest of the condoms somehow.
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mimegrime · 8 years ago
Alright you fools, I was tagged by @transalbus​ to do this tag thingy and you know what, let’s go. Wowza.
drink – green tea phone call – a man trying to tell me my laptop had a virus; jokes on them, I haven’t been near a piece of modern technology since the 90’s. text message – a message from my friend that says “rest in peace” that I forgot the context for. song you listened to – the entire lighting thief soundtrack at once time you cried – like an hour ago cause I thought I had murdered my plants
HAVE YOU EVER hated someone twice – Uh I think so?? like “hate-is madly okay with-hate”, I don’t hate people often, but this one dude, hahahah. kissed someone and regretted it – not really, kissing is weird though if not with people I’m comfortable with.  been cheated on – I hope not lost someone special – I think most people have been depressed – yeah gotten drunk and thrown up – I once drank a whole twenty pack of apple juice boxes and threw up, does that count. made new friends – how else do you make friends? is there another way? fallen out of love – idk if I’ve ever been in love before laughed until you cried – I assume so???? found out someone was talking about you – both negatively and positively! It’s fun either way, but for different reasons obviously. met someone who changed you – I think everyone one I meet changes me somehow, I’m just very impressionable I think. found out who your friends are – I guess, I have friends so I assume I know who my friends are. kissed someone from your facebook list – what’s a Facebook list? kissed a stranger – depends on what you classify as a stranger and also what you count as a kiss drank hard liquor – nah, I hate the smell. lost glasses or contact lenses – on a plane, and I cried for like a week about it. turned someone down – yeah sex on the first date – lol no broken someone’s heart – Yup! had your heart broken – I kinda wish I have, like I know it sucks a lot, but I feel like it’s some growing up ritual. Maybe I’ll regret saying that, wowza. been arrested – in first grade, time out was also called prison time; it was kinda messed up, but childhood. cried when someone died – I cried when my dog died for like a month fallen for a friend – Don’t you need to have some level of friendship with someone before you like “fall for them”? Or is that stupid???? kissed on the first date – nope
GENERAL list 3 favorite colors – I don’t have favorite colors, I think any color can be as wonderful as any other honestly. But the fact people have favorite colors is so cool! like your eye receptors have grown to find certain shades more appealing than others, that’s remarkable! how many facebook friends do you know in real life – My one facebook friend is my sister, so all of them. do you have any pets – three! Two dogs, and one blessed fish. do you want to change your name – I like my name, but I wouldn’t mind changing it. I have no real attachment to it. what time did you wake up – when? Today? five days ago? This question is very vague, like I have no sleep schedule. what were you watching at midnight last night – my dog try to fight a box, only to find out in the shocking revelation, that the box could not fight back. He then proceeded to protect the box from my other dog who was trying to fight it. name something you can’t wait for – RAIN. Also for the next time I get to eat cereal. when was the last time you saw your mom – like an hour ago, we talked about child birth what is one thing you wish you could change in your life –I wish that I didn’t wish to change things, and instead actually went out to change things. what are you listening to right now – my neighbor’s doing questionable things in their backyard Have you ever talked to a person named Tom – Two different ones, and both are pretty chill. something that is getting on your nerves right now – I hope the sky doesn’t think that it’s stars are ugly most visited website – google is a website technically, so google. mole/s –I have like, four? There might be more, two on my face near my eyes, two under my leg/thigh area. mark/s – I’m kinda confused by this question, so I’ll just move on. childhood dream – to become the chosen one, fall in love with someone cute, and live rich. or become a hermit. There was literally no in-between. do you have a crush on someone – In kindergarten, I thought having a crush meant someone wanted to crush someone else with their bare hands. So when this poor boy came up to me saying he had a crush on me, I thought he was challenging me. It didn’t end well. So in the kindergarten sense, yeah I have a crush on someone.   what do you like about yourself – I had to restart my old wizard 101 account, and I’m already at level 9, that’s called dedication. piercings – Maybe when I’m older? But also it costs money and that’s money I could use on bad romance sim games. or food. blood type – probs just pure apple juice at this point. nickname – there are too many relationship status – tired zodiac sign – virgo, but apparently there’s like the new 13th zodiac or something, and I’m a leo in that version. So you can pick which one fits me best. pronouns – he/she/they, honestly anything. I’m in a pretty strong he/him time right now though, so ye. favorite TV show – AH. I love too many, and I guess some of them don’t even count as TV shows since they weren’t aired on TV, but still. There’s too many. tattoos – Nope, but like before maybe in the future. right or left hand – Either way my penmanship is trash, so you just have to choose the lesser of two evils. surgery – not that I know of to this date. hair dyed in different color – One time a sub tried to send me home cause she said we weren’t allowed to have dyed hair, cause apparently in the light my hair looked purple???? Anyway the answer is no, but I still get all the fun. sport –I used to do softball, track and field, cross country, basketball, swimming(I can’t swim anymore though), and soccer. Now I do nothing. vacation – ????? What??? What does “vacation” mean???? Where I want to go??? Where I have been???? What does this mean? eye color –a pretty dark brown, some kid said I had shark eyes so that’s super chill. favourite movie – the “sex ed” videos they showed us in school, which were hilariously hetro and also advertised that having your period causes you to be better at bowling. A classic.
WHICH IS BETTER hugs or kisses – Both! I’ve been so touch-repulsed for so long until recently, and now it’s wild cause physical interactions when you aren’t disgusted by it is like “woah” It’s gr8. lips or eyes – Both again, wowza, okay but like, people are just so pretty??? shorter or taller – Another question I shouldn’t be confused by but am, like in what context??? Both have their own advantages and such, it just depends on the scenario which remains ungiven. nice arms or stomach – Idk what “nice arms” or a “nice stomach” look like really. Like I think I understand the main key points, but not really to which those key points make sense to me. Any arm and any stomach can be nice, like bodies are so unique, isn’t that makes them so intriguing to artist and stuff? Idk I’m overcomplicating this question. sensitive or loud – Loud people can be sensitive too, my dude. Being one doesn’t cancel out the other. hook up or relationship – Uh, depends on what you mean by hook up and what you mean by relationship. troublemaker or hesitant – I’ve talked too much in this section so I’ll just say both, I know surprise, but ye.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN yourself – I try, but in the same sense I try to complete my childhood dream. With lots of doubt and incoherent voice notes I record for myself.   miracles – Nah mate, humans need to give themselves more credit. Or humans need to give nature more credit. Or someone more credit. love at first sight – Depends on what you define as love, but grand picture, it’s kinda an off-putting idea. It reinforces the idea of soulmates, and I kinda have a thing against soulmates. Santa Claus – Nope, but I feel like that’s for the better. Making one man responsible for not only judging every child in the world, but also the happiness of every child they deem as “good” seems like some level of hell.
Anyway, I hope someone enjoyed this episode of “I overshare cause it’s 1:49 AM and answer none of the questions correctly.” This was wild. Next in the suffering train is @freaking-out-is-my-okay @sockboxes​ and @elyciancosmos​ casue I don’t think I’ve tagged them before. Get pranked and now I’m going to sleep. 
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