#the rest of it sounds super cute GO FOR ITTTTTT
formulaonedirection · 2 years
I also have a work crush except he stopped smoking like 2 weeks after we started working here (first job) and he's single AND kinda funny and he has a cute smile and I.. like his voice..
This is the first time I could have a chance with a crush but also he's a football fan which isn't really an ick but like I'm Side eyeing him
His worst sin tho : rbr stan. 😔
Omg....living in my own world....didn't understand.....that anything can happen.....when you take a chance.....this could BEEE the start of something new 😙😙😙😙 This sounds v v v v cute I love when men don't smoke and are a lil bit funny and have nice voices teehee I'm in FULL SUPPORT. Also unfortunately I have a chronic disease called being attracted to insane football fans and The List includes one Chelsea Fan and one United Superfan so I guess...like if we have to....we can tolerate the rbr thing.........
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OMG hiiii dw abt it at all! your answer is long enough and im so sorry :( i hope you feel better now/soon!!
thank youu omg well im in my first year so we do a bit of everything! some coding like coding websites and stuff and some written computer problems as well! (i would explain but it's kinda hard to and i suck at explaining so asdhkjasdhjh) its a bit of everything! programming (practical) and theory!
ahsdjkahsdkj owning two trousers is so real lmao i think i only own one pair ajskldsjad and they are flared so not fit for all weathers ajksdhkjsah they sound sooo cute! if you wouldnt mind sharing them, i'd love to see them! but thats totally up to you! i dont want to make you uncomfortable at all so the choice is yours! im just a lil nosy hehe
omg same when i was a kid i once ate like an entire chocolate egg in a day! the time after that was hell i was sooo sick but its worthh itttttt and yes exactly!! like whenever i was young i had school assemblies and they were all like 'i dont play to draw i play to win' and like yeah so real! as long as no ones too mean and harsh while being competitive then go nuts! i love a little competition!! stardew valley is more of like a relaxing game for me! also animal crossing but like i get so frustrated when i cant catch a fish asjkdhaskj fishing is HELLLLLL in animal crossing alksdjlksj
awww thank youu! your hair sounds beautiful the compliments are most definitely soo valid! my hair never reached that point when i was young tho bc its like SOOOO frizzy and fluffy it almost grows outwards rather than down askjdhkasjh so it was always kinda short and super fluffy ajsdskjh
i think stuff abt the modern day world i really hate is that almost everyones so pretentious nowadays like you see someone and youre like oh theyre nice speaking out abt this and turns out that its all hypocritical and shit but also that feels like its not exactly modern? so ill give another answer and that is INFLATION! everything nowadays is soooo expensive oh my god! and yes governments is so reall
hmm, smth in the next five years... this is sooo not related at all and im totally twisting the meaning of your question but my online friends ajsdhkajsdh okay but serious answer? i wish to see less labour! like yk sites that use fast fashion and stuff that force labour onto people and children and i want that to be addressed and reduced bc like. no. labour is bad how is it acceptable for people to pay such horrible wages to their workers who make them so much money!! that feels so cruel! what about you?
and my question for you: what is something in/from a person that makes them absolutely unacceptable in your eyes? (i dont think that makes sense lmao) basically if you were friends w someone, whats one thing they could do to make you immediately see them as a red flag or like not like them/block them immediately (apart from them saying the r word!)
byee have an awesome day!
-swiftie spring exchange anon!
Hello again! I am doing better atm - I've basically had like, one long bug for three weeks, and like...I'd start feeling better. Go to work. Get worse from the exertion. Have to miss work. Get better slightly, so go to work...yeah XD I do seem to be on the mend now, I've just got a bit of residual pain and cough, and some of my underlying issues are being a bit unpleasant. But I'm taking it XD I had to take almost a week off work last week but I think the prolonged rest helped.
And hey that sounds really cool though!! So guessing you're in uni then? How's that going? Where I am it's starting to come up to exam season, so the people that I know are in uni at the moment are all quite stressed, bless them.
I don't mind showing you them like, privately, but due to my style being quite...unique (by courtsey of making a lot of it) I try to keep it off public tumblr to some extent, just because anyone who knows me would know immediately this was me. Tbh it's not a big deal if they did, but since I work with kids I feel the need to be more careful with social media these days.
And ok but see, I have very straight hair, and I've always wanted frizzy/fluffy hair!! Sometimes I fear we just want what we don't have XD
I think the hypocrisy is related to the modern world however! Social media kinda encourages a very black and white thinking of things, and most things are not so black and white (I mean like, obviously if someone's like. "Haha, I want to murder babies"...that's not a black and white issue. But you get me XD) So you end up with people being like "x is always bad". Then they'll later be like..."this thing that's basically x is fine"?
Inflation is SHIT. Look when I moved into my current place my phone bill was exactly 10 quid a month. It's not like 13 something!! It's not the biggest hike, my energy bill has freaking doubled, but by nature of it starting at a solid 10 I can see the inflation so much easier. It's a 30% increase!!
And see I am very lucky, I have seen a few online friends! My gf and I met through tumblr, and I've got two close friends that by thankful virtue of being in the same country I've been able to meet quite a few times...I met one who I've since lost contact with sadly, but I'm hoping to meet a couple more! OH and one is in a ldr with one of my close friends so I'll see her when she comes here (well I should do) but idk when that would be yet.
And look I have SO many fast fashion complaints. A big reason why I do so much thrifting and sewing is because I just hate fast fashion. I know it's sorta popular in some circles to talk about the shit quality, but it's shit because companies are paying people like a penny a piece for it -.- I refuse to use places like shein and temu...
I think in the next five years...generally I'm wanting to see a shift in climate change. I have a lot of climate anxiety, and I'm hoping that we start getting actual change in how politicians and companies approach the issues?? I want more eco changes. More bikes, cheaper plant based food, less fossil fuels, etc...I also want my government to stop making life harder for no reason. They recently decided people who have visas to work in the care industry over here can't have their kids come from overseas too?? Like there are people who now have their kids in other countries cause of this shit??? If they're working here, they deserve their kids to be here. How is that not the default idea!!
Less generally, I'm hoping to see improvements in my personal life XD I want to see a couple doctors to get some shit sorted out, and I want to improve my art further, and sort out where exactly I'm going with my career.
And nah that makes perfect sense! Honestly I'm a bit of a pushover, I'll take a lot from people. I think mainly the things that will really make me go. Hm. I mean, if you're outright a really terrible person (like if you told me you murder babies for fun, to use my "terrible person" example from above XD) I'm not gonna be interested in talking to you, but that's kinda obvious. But I think the things that make me go "red flag" are usually more personal things based on past experience. For example, I knew someone once who would move my mobility aids away from me, and I'd be like...right well I can't. Move now. Please give them back. And they're one of the few people I've cut contact with. But tbh I feel like I probably need more boundaries, I just get like...what if I'm being too harsh on this person XD
What about you tho??
See you again soon, hope your day has been well when you see this!!
EDIT: I forgot to ask a question back!! D: If you could make one trivial change to the world what would it be? Has to be something small, like...renaming strawberries to be fluffleberries, or making bananas rainbow XD
0 notes
breakfastatwonhos · 6 years
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>> Pairing: Jooheon x Changkyun x Minhyuk >> Genre: Fluff, Humor, Non-Idol AU >> Word Count: 1,246 >> No Warnings! 
Summary: Jooheon just wants to spend some quality time with Changkyun but Minhyuk is being a tad possessive. 
The day had finally come when he was able to spend time with his best friend Changkyun. They both had been super busy with work and were never able to make their schedules work. So when Jooheon’s meeting got canceled and his dance practice finished early, they both jumped on the opportunity to catch their favorite show, Teen Wolf. The only problem was his boyfriend, Minhyuk. He had never really been a jealous person until they had moved in together and realised he wouldn’t be spending ALL my time with him. To say he had to adjust was an understatement.
“But I don’t understand, it’s late. I don’t think you should be going to another dude’s house at 7 o clock pm.” He whined behind him as he chose a jacket and shoes.
“Did you really just say 7 o clock pm??”
“That’s not the point Jooheon. Stay home with me. I’ll watch that show with you.”
He rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to grab his keys, “Minhyuk, No. I’ll be back right after the show and we can spend all our time together. And Changkyun is not just SOME dude. I’ve known him for years.”
He gave Minhyuk a kiss before he could start again and made his way out of the door.
As he was making his way to Changkyun’s house, his phone buzzed. Minhyuk, of course. Go take a nap or something. He answered it immediately regretting his decision, “Yes??”
“Can you bring me back something to eat??”
“If something is open then yes. I will. Is that all??”
“Don’t call me that! You really plan on staying long??”
“Oh my cheese. Bye Minhyuk.”
He hung up and continued his journey to Changkyun’s house. He didn’t show it but he was really excited. He missed his friend and after the week he had had, it was nice to just be around someone other than his co workers or Minhyuk. Once he arrived at his apartment, he lucked out and found a spot right next to the stairs. He walked up to the door, knocked, and waited.
“Who is itttttt??” Changkyun sang.
“It’s me!” he said smiling.
Sounds of the door unlocking and some shuffling around led to Changkyun opening the door with the biggest grin on his face.
“You made it!”
“I did!” They pulled each other into a big hug. “Kyunnie! I missed you!”
“I missed you too Joo! You came just in time too, there’s ten minutes left before it starts!”
“Awesome! Getting away from Minhyuk took longer than I thought.” he said rolling his eyes and taking his shoes off.
“I bet! What did he have to say about you coming over here??” Changkyun smirked.
He popped him in the arm as they sat on the couch, “The usual. He’s still not used to me having friends.”
He chuckled, “We will have to get together one day. I can’t have you unhappy now can I??”
“Stiles is always getting the short end.” Changkyun said as he stuffed his mouth with popcorn.
“He really is though. I just need him and Lydia to kiss forreal.”
“Yeah! Like first..” He was cut off by Jooheon’s phone vibrating multiple times.
“You can get that if you want, it's a commercial.” His face showing obvious signs of amusement mixed with contempt.
He sighed and took a look at his phone screen:
It’s been 2 hours. I’m hungry.
Bring food.
Where are you??
Jooheon?? Don’t ignore me!
Jooheon turned on silent and put his phone back into his pocket sighing with annoyance.
“So are you in trouble or nah??”
“Nah, he’s just saying stuff to get my attention.”
He shrugged his shoulders and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
They finished the rest of the show and got up to say their goodbyes. “See you soon Kyun, this was fun and so needed.”
Changkyun pulled him into a hug, “Love you, Joo. Text me once you get home.”
Jooheon hugged him back tighter, “I will! Love you!” He put his shoes on and headed out the door to his car, checking his phone as he walked.  4 missed calls. Already. Why is he like this?? he thought in annoyance. Hmph, I’m not calling him back. He will see me when I get home.
When he reached their shared apartment, he took a deep breath and got out of the car. He had silently hoped Minhyuk was in the shower or had gotten over it. He had given him ample enough time to cool off. As he unlocked the door, he heard music blasting from the bedroom. He took more deep breaths, telling himself that he only plays music that loud when he wants to be dramatic.
“Minhyuk. Please turn that shit down. It’s late.” He said as he walked into the room and took off his shoes and coat.
He gave him the eye, “Oh?? So NOW you care that its late?”
“I’m sorry??” he said as he looked over his shoulders watching him walk over to where he was.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls and texts?? I was so worried!” He pouted.
“You need to calm down, sir. You know where I was and what I was doing. Don’t start tonight.”
“Do I REALLY know what you were doing though??” He seethed, looking him in the eye and challenging him to react.
Not backing down, he stared back, “Try me if you want Lee Minhyuk. This jealousy kick you are on is not cute.”
Jooheon licked his lips and eyed him up and down. He actually looked pretty damn sexy with that muscle shirt on and basketball shorts showing an obvious bulge. But of course he wasn’t going to tell him that.
“You hanging out with other guys isn’t cute.”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You know what Minhyuk, You can sleep on the couch tonight.” He took a pillow and a blanket and shoved them along with him out of the room.
“Boo Bear..Open the door.” He could hear him place his head on the door as he knocked.
Whatever. He changed into his sleep clothes and called Changkyun.
“Hey pupper! I made it home!”
“Ugh you know I hate that name…”
“But you love me so…”
“You right. I’m glad you made it though! I thought you were dead or something.”
“I’m rolling my eyes at you.”
“How did it go??” He could hear Changkyun laughing on the other end.
“It came and left. He pissed me off, trying to come at me.”
“Oh lord.”
He heard rustling at the door. Had he been there the whole time?? What was he doing??
“Minhyuk stop being weird and go to bed.” No answer. He got up and walked over to the door placing his ear over it.
“I think he fell asleep by the door, I hear snoring.”
“That’s both precious and sad.”
“We should get together and have lunch one day. When are you off??”
“On Saturday, when are you off??”
“Saturday too! Sweet. Let’s meet at Salata.”
“Cool! Okay I’m going to bed. Love you pupper!”
Still by the door, Jooheon opened it slowly and peered around the living room. As his eyes adjusted to the dark he saw Jooheon laying there on his phone looking miserable. Good. Ass. He closed his door and went to bed praying that this meet up didn’t go left.
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breakfastatwonhos · 7 years
pairing: Changkyun x Reader, Jooheon x Reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1202
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The day had finally come when I was able to spend time with my best friend Changkyun. We both had been super busy with work and were never able to make our schedules work. So when my meeting got canceled and his dance practice finished early, we both jumped on the opportunity to catch our favorite show, Teen Wolf. The only problem was my boyfriend, Jooheon. He had never really been a jealous person until we moved in together and realised I wouldn’t be spending ALL my time with him. To say he had to adjust was an understatement.
“But I don’t understand, it’s late. I don’t think you should be going to another dude’s house at 7 o clock pm.” He whined behind me as I chose a jacket and shoes.
“Did you really just say 7 o clock pm??”
“That’s not the point! Stay home with me. I’ll watch that show with you.”
I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to grab my keys, “Jooheon, No. I’ll be back right after the show and we can spend all our time together. And Danny is not just SOME dude. I’ve known him for years.”
I gave him a kiss before he could start again and made my way out of the door. “BYE I LOVE YOU!”
As I was making my way to Changkyun’s house, my phone buzzed. Ugh Jooheon. Go take a nap or something. I answered it immediately regretting my decision, “Yes??”
“Can you bring me back something to eat??”
“If something is open then yes. I will. Is that all??”
“Joo Joo??”
“Don’t call me that! You plan on staying that long??”
“Yes. Bye Jooheon.”
I hung up and continued my journey to Changkyun’s house. I didn’t show it but I was really excited. I missed my friend and after the week I had had, it was nice to just be around someone other than my co workers or Jooheon. When I arrived at his apartment, I lucked out and found a spot right next to the stairs. I walked up to his door, knocked, and waited.
“Who is itttttt??” He sang.
“It’s me!” I said smiling.
Sounds of the door unlocking and some shuffling around led to Changkyun opening the door with the hugest grin on his face.
“You made it!”
“I did!” We pulled each other into a big hug. “Hey Danny! I missed you!”
“I missed you too penguin! You came just in time too, there’s ten minutes left before it starts!”
“Great! Getting away from Jooheon took longer than I thought.”
“I bet! What did he have to say about you coming over here??” He said smirking.
I popped him in the arm as we sat on the couch, “The usual. He’s still not used to me having friends.”
He chuckled, “We will have to get together one day. I can’t have you unhappy now can I??”
“Stiles is always getting the short end.” Changkyun said as he stuffed his mouth with popcorn.
“He really is though. I just need him and Lydia to kiss forreal.”
“Yeah! Like first..” He was cut off by my phone vibrating multiple times.
“You can get that if you want, it's a commercial.” His face showing obvious signs of amusement mixed with contempt.
I sighed and took a look at my phone screen:
What are you doing??
Its been two hours. Im hungry.
Bring food.
Why aren’t you answering??
I sighed and put my phone on silent and returned to eating popcorn.
“So are you in trouble or nah??”
“Nah, he’s just saying stuff to get my attention.”
He shrugged his shoulders and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink.
We finished the rest of the show and got up to say our goodbyes. “Bye Danny, this was fun and so needed.”
He pulled me into a hug, “Love you, Penguin! Text me once you get home.”
I hugged him back tighter, “I will! Love you!” I put my shoes on and headed out the door to my car, checking my phone as I walked.  4 missed calls. Already. OMG Jooheon, I thought in annoyance. Hmph, I’m not calling him back. He will see me when I get home.
When I reached our shared apartment, I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I had hoped he was in the shower or had gotten over it. I had given him ample enough time to cool off. As I unlocked the door, I heard music blasting from the bedroom. I took more deep breaths, telling myself that he only plays music that loud when he wants to be dramatic.
“Jooheon. Please turn that shit down. It’s late.” I said as I walked into the room and took off my shoes and coat.
He gave me the eye, “Oh?? So NOW you care that its late?”
“What??” I said as I looked over my shoulders watching him walk over to where I was.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls and texts?? I was so worried!” He snarled.
“You need to calm down, sir. You know where I was and what I was doing. Don’t start tonight.”
“Do I REALLY know what you were doing though??” He seethed, looking me in the eye and challenging me to react.
Not backing down, I stared back, “Try me if you want Lee Jooheon. This jealously kick you are on is not cute.”
Jooheon licked his lips and eyed me up and down. He actually looked pretty damn sexy with that muscle shirt on and basketball shorts showing an obvious bulge. But of course I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“You hanging out with other guys isn’t cute.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You know what Jooheon, You can sleep on the couch tonight.” I took his pillow and a blanket and shoved them along with him out of the room.
“Boo Bear..Open the door” I could hear him place his head on the door as he knocked.
Whatever. I changed into my sleep clothes and called Changkyun:
Kyunnie! I made it home!
Ugh you know I hate that name…
But you love me so…
You rite I guess. I’m glad you made it though! I thought you were dead or something.
I’m rolling my eyes at you.
How did it go?? He says laughing.
It came and left. He pissed me off, trying to come at me.
Oh lord.
I heard rustling at the door. Had he been there the whole time?? What was he doing??
“Jooheon stop being weird and go to bed.” No answer. I got up and walked over to the door placing my ear over it.
I think he fell asleep by the door, I think I hear snoring??
That’s precious and sad.
Shut up.
Lol. Okay I have an idea. Let’s accidentally run into each other at the mall tomorrow and have lunch. You off right??
Okay let’s do that. Noon is when I have my break, meet me at Salata.
Okey dokey. I love you Kyunnieeeeee.
Ugh...love you too. Night!
Still by the door, I opened it slowly and peered around the living room. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I saw Jooheon laying there on his phone looking miserable. Good. Ass. I closed my door and went to bed praying that this accidental meetup didn’t go left.
-Admin Hosi
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