#the remainder is me
irishyuri · 1 year
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the funerals these poor fuckers had to go through post-canon is something i think about a lot. survivors guilt and whatnot
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rebouks · 3 months
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Byrd: Are you mad? Oscar: No, but your brother should’ve called sooner. Ivan: There, all gone-.. let’s get you n’ Robin home. Wren: Sorry, Frankie. Frankie: Don’t you worry about it, sweetheart. [nasty hospital vibes] Byrd: Are you sure you’re not mad? Oscar: Mhm. Byrd: You’re biting your nails though. Oscar: Hospitals aren’t exactly my favourite. Byrd: So, you’re mad? Oscar: No, Byrd. Byrd: Wren isn’t allowed to sign it, okay? ‘Cause you know she’ll write something rude like P E N I-… Oscar: [laughs] I hear ya.
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mekammin · 6 months
now what i really love about bad blood (besides everything else about bad blood) is how EXPRESSIVE scully is when we see her in mulder-vision. maybe because they're so in tune, maybe because he's a phenomenal profiler, maybe because he loves her. he just sees through all of the guards she puts up so easily
like this is what he sees whenever shes not chewing him out
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mercurybomber · 1 year
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excerpt from "The Ozmapolitan" (Issue 5, Reilly & Lee, 1928) featuring Ozma's thoughts on becoming a girl
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puyopuyo · 28 days
Idk if you still take these messages- but happy penis Friday!!!!
i do! im just not online that much, so i have been missing penis friday p bad l8ly. wishing u a v happy penis friday tho! and that any/all the 1's i missed b4 this have been just friggin delightful, dunky hot coco 4 u (^w^)
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mybraindumpsterfire · 2 months
While I don’t believe in the “phard launch” persay, I will say that the funniest way I think they could do it is start a video together before Phil says “wait we’re missing something” and Dan just stares at him for a second before saying “oh right” and then it just cuts to them putting rings on each other’s ring fingers and then going “all right now we can start” and just never addressing it from that point on
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fisheito · 13 days
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theyre touching tails and looking at ducks together now. tomorrow they'll braid each other's hair and decorate it with kelp ribbons
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class-of-classic-blog · 2 months
Snow White: Bianca White ( Bianca means "white" and Whites are probably one of the most obsessed families with their story, every single Snow White had a name with meaning relative to the fairy tails,)
Evil Queen: Eris Queen (I can't remember did I read a fic where she was called Eris but I think that the name of the goddess of discord really suits her)
Sleeping Beauty: Rosalin Beauty (pretty standard name)
Cinderella: Ophelia Ella ( a sweet name for a sweet girl)
Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood (one more standard name)
Big Bad Wolf: Aiden Wolf (close friends call him Andy :) )
Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn ( oh the irony of being the dark fairy with dark name and yet cover yourself in light)
Candy Witch: Cinnamon Witch (I also didn't come up with this name myself. I saw someone use it for her a really long time ago but I can't remember who. If the person who came up with this name sees this, you deserve a reward, the name is perfect. But I hc that she goes by her nickname: Candy. Why? Because it's such a cute nickname)
Pinocchio: Oak Wood (I think that every family name has something to do with trees or wood. Oak sounds like a perfect name for someone sweet, young and cheerful and later as an adult calm and wise)
Goldilocks: Dolly Locks ( I just think that its a cute name and she kinda remind me of Dolly)
Huntsman: Archer Huntsman (Okay, so, Huntsmans are bad at naming their kids, like REALLY BAD. Hunter we are counting on you to break that cycle)
King Charming: Dashing Charming (I read one fanfic were he is named Dashing and i think that name suits him, i myself couldn't come up with the more fitting name)
Queen Charming: Grace Charming (I also read that one in a fanfic and i think it fits her, somehow whenever i think of Charmings Dashing and Grace are the first name that come to my mind)
Rapunzel: Cressida O'Hair (I first just like the name but then i found out the Cressida means "golden" so it goes well with Rapunzel story)
Pied Piper: Devin Piper ( It means "bard" or "poet", the perfect name for a musician. Also, Piper is really a cool name, too bad it is already his last name)
Mad Hatter: Maddox Hatter (I just like silly names for Wonderlandians, especially Mad Hatter)
Queen of Hearts: Victoria Hearts ( okeey, it's not a very Wonderlandian name but neither is Elizabeth and Vicy is a cute nikename)
Cheshire Cat: Lorelai Cheshire (I didn't want to go for the obvious one Chatrine, like, I get it, she's a cat, She literally named her daughter Kitty, or maybe Katrine Kitty for short, BUT THEN I REMEMBER THAT TOLERAI EXISTED which is literally the same name just different first latter and I already gotten attached to Lorelai, so, umm if you all could just do me the favour and pretend that these are TOTALLY different names I would be very thankful)
Alice Wonderland: Amilia Wonderland ( Also would her last name be Wonderland or Liddell? Bonus cute nickname Amy)
White Rabbit: Castor Blanc ( At first i just liked the name but don't you think that "dutiful" is a perfect for White Rabbit)
White Swan: Elenor Swan ( It means "shining light" and to be honest with that destiny she's going to need some light in her life)
Black Swan: Callisto VonBart (What would be the last name of The Black Swan? VonBart?BlackSwan? I put VonBart because I found an OC of Odille on Pinterest and her last name was VonBart. I don't know)
Frog Prince: Hanry Croakington ( i reafuse to belive that he named his son after himself. Nuh-uh. He named Hopper after his father or maybe his grandfather)
Robin Hood: Wren Hood ( Listen, Listen, maybe they just have a thing with the birds?)
Maid Marian: Pandora Charming ( I don't think that there is a destiny stricly for Maid Marian. I think thats just a princess from Charming family or from nobel family, that's why i gave her last name Chaming. Last name changed after the wedding)
Beauty: Primrose Beauty ( Ah, Beauties and their roses)
Beast: Damian Beast (like it)
Fairy Godmother: Beatrice Goodfairy ("blessed one" mmm... too bad you can't bless yourself)
Jack Beanstalk: Jasper Beanstalk (nice)
Snow Queen: Isolde Winter (perfect for ice queen)
Snow King: Nikolai Winter (took his wife's last name, couldn't think of his own that's not arleady taken)
The Good King: David Charming (i think that only the main Charming follow that logic with names where all siblings have names with the same first latter)
Cinderella's prince Charming: Louis Charming (he's a nice boy)
Snow White's prince Charming: Cassian Charming (I just like it)
Sleeping Beauty's prince Charing: Liam Charming (don't ask)
#DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CHOOSE A NAME THAT GOES WITH YOUR CHARACTER#HAS A SIGNIFICANT MEANING#AND DOESN'T REMIND YOU OF AN EXISTING CHARACTER???#its very fucking hard#like i wanted to use nivea for snow white becouse it literally means white as snow BUT NIVEA IS A BREND#I also wanted to name pandora Penelope becouse its a cute name remaind me of the redhead#but who comes to your minde when you hear Penelope? Penelope Featherington .#WHICH IS WHY I CANT NAME SOMEONE REMUS WE ALL KNOW ONLY ONE REMUS AND THAT IS LUPIN#BUT TO MAKE THINGS EVEN WORST THERE IS ALWAYS ONE MORE POPULAR CHARACTER WITH THE NAME FIT FOR A WOLF#I WANT TO CRY#i HAVE NUMEROS EXEMPLES but okay its okay i'm okay#I GOT VERY FRUSTRATED FOR LORELAI#I liked the name becouse there is a legend about a water nymf named Lorelai and she lead sailors to their death#But in reality that nymf is acually the rock that looks like the woman AND PEOPLE STILL WRECK THEIR BOATS AGAINST THAT ROCK#beasicly there is a “nymf” named Lorelai that creates chaos and then you have a cat that creates chaos#see what i had in mind???#also while looking for names I also finde some of the strangest names people name their kids#like did you know that some people name their kides wolf or Blackwell?#Also to the people who came up with some of these names before me pls don't be mad i think you nailed it#and i forgot who you are#pls dont come after me i'm shaking with anxiety while posting this#ever after high#eah#ever after high headcanons#eah parents#class of classics
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thewastedpotential · 4 months
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Put these 4 in a room together who would be the first one crying and who would be the last one in a room?
My opinion? The first one out? Duchess. The last one in the room? Ramona.
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popcornrya · 5 months
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Remainder of me Au Prologue.
This is a lone survivor Donatello Au, Leo was lost to the prison dimension While Mikey and Raph were burned away and consumed by the mystic energy Mikey summoned to try and get Leo back.
There will be themes of grief and loss (obviously) mental/psychological decline, depression, survivor's guilt, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self isolation, anger/aggression and an unwillingness to get/accept help and or support.
Prologue (you are here)
Extra extra! Little written piece for this Au!
Programming problems~
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infamouslydorky · 1 year
Why is it so controversial to want to be able to have a life outside of work? Why is it expected to work extended periods of time with heavy workloads to the point that by the time you get home, you're too pooped to actually do anything? I don't mind working but I don't want it to be my whole life. I want to work to live, not live to work
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stellaluna33 · 25 days
Give me my Romeo, and when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little Stars, and he shall make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will be in love with Night, and pay no worship to the garish Day...
(Edit: Romeo's not dead yet. But we may not be able to keep him much longer.)
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23fallencomets · 6 days
danny ric you are bigger than the whole sky, i wish nothing but good things for you (aka that he at least get to finish the season out)
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variationsonacloud · 11 days
mcpriceley yuri jumpscare!!! ahhh!!!!
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more doodles & whatnot below the cut ^_<
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closeups of them since my camera doesnt do price justice whenever i take a photo of them together
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ignore that price is bald in the left photo but i really like how i drew connie here
on the contrary i dont really like how i drew her in the second photo but i didnt have correction tape when i drew it so oh well
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i love how price looks whenever she has her hair up i need to draw her like this more (this was inspired by frogsindenim's mcpriceley yuri design on insta you need to scroll a bit to find it but their art of them is super pretty!!)
also for the drawing on the left i think i was originally gonna draw price as a guy but i gave up so i decided to just make her a girl
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price is super mean (stop sticking your tongue out!!! such a meanie!!! [i just remembered the 2011 tonys while typing this at least price sticking her tongue out is true to her character] ) while connie is a sonny angel
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im pretty sure i drew this after my confession during my recollection last month so technically this is a super holy mcpriceladies doodle (ignore how price is basically disintegrating my camera doesnt like her)
heres most of these in their true unedited form sorry if this make this post longer but even though editing these makes the photos look nice i feel like it also gets rid of some of the details
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amazing waowie!!! super fun fact for the drawings on the bottom row of this is that whenever i close my sketchbook on this page price & mckinley kiss wowza!!
i know this post is long enough but heres one last doodle of them (if you squint you can tell its mpriceley)
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okay!!! thats it!!! im done!! finished!!! sorry for the super long post!!
thankyou so super much if you read &/or looked at all of this until the end of this post! ^_^ it might sound like exaggeration but theyre honestly all i draw 90% of the time
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kamomie · 1 year
This is kind of a view on q!Bad's current personality and it's heavily based on my own experience with my personality and how quickly people will define you by your worst traits during your worst moments. I Mostly wrote this for my own peace of mind but feel free to read and engage however you want :D
I've been seeing the sentiment that q!Bad is being his true self rn, because he snapped and went "back"(?) to his true self.
I disagree. q!Bad isn't being the person he "really" is. He's being the person he becomes under extreme emotional distress.
Was he always a good manipulator? Yes. Was he always hypocritical? Yeah. Was he always paranoid? Yep. Was he always somewhat morally dubious and willing to do what others wouldn't? Yeah.
Did he ever really cause harm to anyone before this arc? Not really. He annoyed people a lot, but it was never the way it is now.
All his worst traits have amplified and his good traits are somewhat surpressed. And he has traits that are unusual for him. Like, he's been awfully meaner to people and doing dangerous pranks that he normally wouldn't. He was always capable of a degree of cruelty and violence, but not towards his friends.
The worst part is before the eggs went missing he was dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil, after the furniture shit and being imprisoned on no proof. Like it has been shit upon shit for q!Bad lately. Like his trust issues have been sky high, and it really culminated today, with him telling q!forever outright that he's not welcome in his home...
Anyways, the person q!Bad was when he was stable/"under normal conditions", was kind, caring, helpful, trustworthy/reliable, protective, paranoid, childish, hypocritical, a bit of a liar, and a bit of a manipulator. That was so much more his true self than what he is now.
However this arc is one that might permanently alter how q!Bad is as a person. I honestly don't see him return to how he was before and if he does, it'll take awhile.
I'm sad.
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thirdtimed · 4 months
id just lik e to say.. this is probably the biggest/most active fanbase i have ever. ever posted fanart in and the numbers are frankly overwhelming to me. unbelievable to me tjat there are hundreds of you here... and every word i receive on my art is so so so kind. i wish i could say thank you a million times... even if i am just making fanart i have a lot of fun drawing it and my heart swells 1000x its size when ppl tell me they have fun looking at it too.......... sorry i am at heart a very sappy and overly sentimental person. Much love in my heart for everyone & everything. at a point where i can't take it sometimes
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lets play and have fun forever. my final message.
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