#the register was a black guy with a turtle earring
cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
why does the trader joes always have such pretty employees. hello
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ravenna-reid · 5 months
Admirer from the past... (Pt. 2)
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TW: blood, mention of dead bodies & birds and stalking/obsessive behaviour
Part One Here
No matter how hard you tried to distract yourself. How many times you re-read over the plethora of files on your dozens of clients. How many times you made yourself yet another cup of tea. How many times you re-organised your desk, you couldn't tear your mind away from the memory.
The lines of police tape and sirens. The black petals dusting the dirty, wet ground. The stench of the strangers blood smeared across the pavement to spell your name. The horrified faces all snapping up to catch your reaction. The Red Robin's eyes glued onto you.
Fuck, you knew that guy was really bad news when he first walked in.
Although you were a registered and respected forensic psychologist, you were also working at your own psychology clinic, handling patients that displayed erratic or criminal behaviour. And did you still remembered him like it was yesterday.
He'd been sent to you for his odd behaviour, psychopathic tendencies, signs of selective mutism as well as obsessive behaviour.
Extremely obsessive behaviour.
Harry tells you you were being naive for thinking he'd never become obsessed with you, but you just never imagined it. You had, maybe seven sessions in total with him? And soon enough, a dark figure watched you leave and return to the office every day. He sent copious amounts of dying flowers and disturbing letters, and it only grew worse.
Banging on your car window and begging to be with you. Bloodshot eyes and a spine chilling grin wherever you went. And soon after, once you realised you had to move out of your apartment, he was sent to the police. Banned from your clinic and from you.
And now look at what he was doing. Taking innocent peoples lives-
Your soul leapt through your chest when you heard the gentle tap on the window. You snapped your attention outside to see Red Robin there, sheepish smile across his face as he waved.
Surprised. You were genuinely surprised.
Subtly regathering yourself, you closed your laptop and walked towards the window. The cool chill from outside took its chance to creep into your office once you opened the window. Tim's eyes glanced over you. Your hair was thrown into a french twist again, a little messy this time with strands of hair escaping here and there. A long, checkered coat hugged snuggly around your body, a black turtle neck peeping through the top. Your hooped earrings dangled as you tilted your head to the side.
He could practically feel the blush creeping up on him.
"Red Robin. How did you find me?"
Red Robin. He liked how you said that.
He ignored your question and gestured to your office, "May I?"
You nodded.
Tim slipped through the window, but stayed close beside it as though he was unsure about stepping further into the room.
He awkwardly nodded, "Y/n."
You gave an amused smile in return. How odd was this.
"I uh, I did a little research. Your clinic is pretty well-known." He finally responded.
Pride flushed through your cheeks. "I would hope so. It took me almost a decade to get this far." You sat back down at your desk and crossed your legs. "Do you need something from me?"
"Well, I was sent here by-"
"Harry?" You finished with a light laugh and the shake of your head.
Tim's brow furrowed. "That predictable huh?"
"Yes," you held up one of your spare coffee mugs and raised a brow. Tim swallowed before shaking his head. "It's alright."
You placed it back on your shelf. "Very predictable. Especially given the circumstances. Harry has known about this bastard for a while now."
"Yeah, about that. I was pretty eager to check up on you too after that."
Your heart beat a little faster. Tim moved closer to your desk, his eyes trailing over all of the files. The many degrees, masters and awards hanging above it. He snickered.
"How humble."
You shrugged. "'Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.'"
With a genuine smile on his face, he leant against your desk and crossed his arms. "I need whatever you have on this guy so I can get him. Put him away before he does any more damage."
"I agree," You said before pulling a folder out of the nearest filing cabinet. "Here. This has everything. Criminal records, psychoanalysis, extra notes and information."
Tim flipped it open and immediately became immersed in it.
Jacob Harrington was his name, which Tim - of course - already knew, but he was still surprised that this guy was actually younger than both of you.
Tim's dark hair fell before his eyes as he read, and you couldn't help but watch on and admire him.
He was definitely handsome, and therefore probably taken.
"What a fucking creep." He murmured, reading over the counts of crimes he committed towards you prior to this incident. Mainly all of the stalking.
"Tell me about it." You sighed. "I'll help you in any way you need. I can predict his behaviour, and I have some friends in high places."
Tim smiled, until his thoughts went to one of your little friends. "Like Harry?"
"A bit higher up than Harry."
Tim hummed. Then berated himself for thinking such a thing.
No Tim. Don't ask her, don't ask her, don't ask her-
"Are you too close?" The words were out before he could stop himself. He gave you a side glance and didn't miss the expression that melted onto your face.
"I suppose," You teased out. "Harry has always been a family friend."
"A very protective one." Tim pointed out. Rightfully so he guessed, but he still wanted to test the waters.
"Yeah, I guess he feels he kinda owes it to me to be so protective."
"Owes it to you?"
"Harry was the detective signed onto my parents case. But he never found the guy that killed them." You gave a sad shrug, your eyes still trained on the rug.
Something tugged at Tim's heart, and suddenly his determination to find this asshole who was stalking you became even more fervent. Intense. He would keep you safe, if it was the last thing he'd do.
"I'm so sorry y/n."
You took a sharp breath in and masked it all with a smile. "It's alright Wonder Boy." But he didn't believe you. Instead, there was this sweet, sympathetic glint in his eyes. This was the guys that plummeted bad guys?
Suddenly, your phone buzzed on the table. "Ha, speak of the devil." You gave a light laugh before answering. "Yes, he is here. Yes, we are fine."
Tim watched you, tried to read the conversation by reading your expressions. And obviously, Harry had just said something that terrified you.
"What? My apartment? But..."
Tim put the folder back on your desk and frowned. "What is it?"
You stayed silent though, listening intensely to what Harry had to say. And every second was agonising for Tim until you finally hung up.
"What's wrong y/n? Is it that guy?"
Your face grew pale as you tried to find the words. "He.."
Tim stepped closer. "Yeah?" He ushered gently.
"That fucker wrecked my apartment."
Part 3
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soft--dragon · 8 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Sandwich Spot - A Weak Spot One-Shot
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Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Villain Donatello, Fear, Intimidation, Original Male Character, Friendship, Minor Injuries, Harassment
Synopsis:  An elderly sandwich shop owner feeds a mutant one night not realizing the bond he's inadvertently formed until it's time to retire.
Huge shout-out to @some-guy-named-dominyk for jokingly fleshing this out with me!
This work is optional. If you are sensitive to threats and harassment, feel free to skip ahead to chapter 6!
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Chester hummed as he turned the sign on the door. The motion was an easy one that came with years of practice. As soon as the letters that spelled out ‘closed’ turned inward, his hand traced downward to the lock. Smiling to his elderly reflection, he then turned to shuffle around the counter. Some would shy away from their age, but Chester found each wrinkle to be a notch in what he’d survived. With the grill pre-heated, he moved to prep until the first customer came in. Opening before dawn had been a point of contention with Henry, but Chester found the solemn quiet before the sun rose to be the perfect slice of time before customers hobbled in. He found it difficult to express how he enjoyed their sleep addled faces. There was an honesty there that wasn’t present at other hours. There was also nothing like the feeling of wiping your brow after a long drone of knife work and pretty pans of sliced ingredients ready for assembling all before the metaphorical rooster crowed.
As he slid a box of lettuce across his prep table from where the delivery guy had generously placed it to mind his back, there was a huge crash outside. It wasn’t quite startling, but it did bring his eye up. With the shop’s inner lights glowing brightly, the outside appeared pitch black. Setting down his knife on the cutting board, he moved toward the register. Though he’d been robbed a few times over the years, he refused to let it shake him. His existence was a protest, anything beyond that was easily weathered. More often than not, these would be assailants were kids that simply needed an ear and a full stomach to be talked down. It was part of the reason why he’d settled into this little corner shop after retiring out of his other career; that and it reminded him of his grandfather’s deli.
As if right on time, the bell sounded. Chester craned his neck and saw a hunched form flip the sign back to closed. The figure then turned to scurry further inward only to find that the shop was little more than a single room with no proper seating. Seemingly cornered, the person turned and Chester’s mouth dropped at the sight: a green skinned mutant wearing what appeared to be a matte black trash bag and purple bandana that was utterly drenched in blood. There was no apparent source other than the fact that half his face was clear from the tacky liquid while the other was soaked through to the point where his eye had sealed shut under the sludge.
Sound refused to come out of Chester’s mouth as he moved on instinct. His eyes left the figure as he bypassed napkins entirely to grab a few clean cotton towels. He ran one of which under the sink and then brought them to the counter. There he found the mutant now seemingly composed from where he had just been in a frightened flurry. The mutant’s posture was perfect and he dropped his gaze to the cloths for only a moment.
“This is a restaurant?”
Chester jarred and his hand fell from where he was still offering the towels. “Yes…?”
“I presume since you are open now that you serve breakfast?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“What if I don’t want breakfast?”
The mutant hissed at the word.
Chester blinked as he watched the corner of the mutant’s lip come up to show his disdain through clenched teeth. Having a good gauge for that kind of thing, Chester pinged the boy as being in his late 20s. This seemed like a point of contention and the mutant clearly had no interest in addressing his wounds so Chester set the towels down.
“I haven’t properly done prep yet, but if you don’t mind waiting I could make you something?”
Though his back remained rigid, the mutant’s eyes searched Chester’s face intently.
Chester gave a little understanding smile and took to folding up the dry towels while the boy made up his mind.
“Do you offer your full menu at all hours?”
“I can assure you this isn’t a chain. We open at 4am, close at 2pm, and serve food. It’s as simple as that!” Chester put on a smile that the neighborhood found him famous for. He then finished folding and brought an eye up to find the boy scanning the menu overhead.
“I’ll have the hard salami.”
“Ah, that’s a shame. We’re out of that.” Chester sucked his bottom lip in and turned to keep from laughing.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the boy bristle. He then huffed with enough annoyance that it brought both his eyes open.
“You just said-”
“I’m gonna make you something special.” Chester turned away from the register, left the wet towel behind, and heard the padding of the boy’s feet as he moved to close the distance.
“You have no idea what my palate is like!”
“I don’t!” Chester’s voice hit a clear amused high note.
“Then…” There was another sound that Chester identified as the mutant putting his hands on the counter. “What is this!?”
“Well…” Chester drew out the word as he opened up the door to an oven. The faint smell of freshly baked bread flooded the shop. Using one of the dry towels, he then pulled out a rack and set it on an awaiting bench. “I just get a feeling is all.”
Chester heard a snort so loud it overtook the sound of him closing the oven. “’Trash for mutant scum?’”
That wasn’t right.
He slung the towel over his shoulder and turned his clear gaze right at the boy. “Not in this establishment. Never.”  
The mutant took the comment casually and his face expression didn’t change.
Chester didn’t expect it to. Instead, he made a show of getting a fresh loaf and cutting into it. “I’m actually going to make us both my favorite. I have pretty good taste if I do say so myself, but if you still don’t like it after you try it, then I’ll make you whatever you want.”
The mutant folded his arms onto the counter and set his bloodied chin atop them. He watched studiously as Chester went through the sandwich making process. The elderly man cut, assembled, and dressed two meals before wrapping them in a learned tug of parchment paper. He then crossed back over to the register and pushed one completed sandwich to the boy before taking his own.
Chester took his time unwrapping what he had just swathed. He meticulously folded down the parchment until it created its own little placemat just as he grandfather had shown him as a boy. Then he turned the halved sandwich twice before achieving the perfect angle to pick it up. Grabbing the meal to take a bite, he caught the mutant on the tail end of mirroring his methodology. It warmed his old heart. He watched as the mutant gave him one last wary eye before chomping down. The boy chewed in slow motion, taking in every bit of the flavor before scarfing it down in a frenzy. Chester smiled behind his bread at the youthful appetite. The two ate in silence and Chester even pushed his other sandwich half to the mutant who consumed it without a second thought.
When the boy was done, he gingerly took a napkin from its offered basket and dabbed his mouth.
Chester tilted his head with a chuckle. “You missed a crumb.”
The mutant’s face scrunched up and he reached for another napkin.
“Allow me.” Chester made a show of going for the wet towel and the mutant’s hand slowed in its extension. The tridactyl appendage then rerouted, but Chester was closer. He snatched up the rag and shoved it into the bloody side of the boy’s face. He then was able to give it a few good scrubs before the boy swatted him away and spat like an angry cat.
The belly-busting bout of laughter it pulled from Chester rang cheerily through the shop. When the man finally came down from the giggles, he found the mutant stewing in the spot. The blood from around his eye was smeared, but it had been cleaned partially away.
“Better?” Chester hummed and offered the rag again.
The mutant denied it with a fold of his arms and a turn of his head.
“At least I’ll know you ate well.” Chester nodded and moved to clean the counter off.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Don’t be silly.” Chester paused from grabbing the trash to wave the statement off.
The boy continued to stare when the door opened.
“Ah, just a moment-” Chester called out and, in a blink, watched as the boy simply vanished. Staring wide, he leaned over the counter and searched frantically. The suited man that had just entered watched curiously as Chester shuffled around the counter and out onto the shop floor. “I…”
“Are you alright?” The businessman asked.
“Um… yes. Please excuse the mess…” Chester drifted off in a spin as he realized there wasn’t a trace of blood to be found. In fact, beside the parchment still on the counter, there wasn’t a single sign that the mutant had been there at all. “I… I apologize, did you happen to see…?” Chester looked the businessman and the confusion he saw there told him all he needed to know. With a furrowed brow, he returned to his post and collected the trash only to reveal a hundred dollar bill under the boy’s folded parchment. He startled at it and tucked it away before mumbling off a few more apologies and taking the new customer’s order.
Chester had been prepared to write the exchange off as a New York oddity when exactly one week later the boy showed up at lunch time. This time he was pristinely pressed in a tailored black outfit and coat. Amongst the rush, Chester could only spare him a double take as the boy asked for his usual. It gave the elderly man a small pause to smile at the youth before he rang him up for an approximate sandwich. He watched in dismay as another hundred dollar bill was placed on the counter along with a wave of a hand noting that change should be kept. Chester tried to protest, but the arch of a brow argued otherwise. Grumbling to himself, the older man accepted only to shout for his assistant to double said order in some kind of recompense. The mutant waited with the others who warily gave him a large breadth. It brought out Chester’s voice as he called for orderly lines when waiting as a sly statement to stop the discrimination. Though he hadn’t looked back, Chester could feel an odd satisfaction waft off the mutant.
He wasn’t sure if it was that act or the meal itself that started the long standing tradition, but for the next week and every one after, the mutant would come. He would order the same sandwich, at the same time, without fail. It made Chester’s heart swell and the only reason he never had the sandwich readily prepared was that he wanted it to be as fresh as possible. He wished for only two things: that the boy would stop overpaying and that he would come even 15 minutes earlier than his chosen time. If the latter were the case than at least Chester could afford some small talk with his best customer. The mutant was staunch and couldn’t be swayed in the little time they had during their exchanges, so Chester resigned himself, albeit with minor annoyance. He set up the excess money in a little charity fund and donated it to the first reputable mutant fund he could find.
For years this routine went on. The only interruptions were from Chester announcing closings for either vacations or family gatherings. The mutant took the notes with a nod of his head and his parting words would announce his arrival on whatever date would fall next in the cycle. It was in this way that time marched on until a worsening back and roughhousing grandchildren began to wear on Chester’s body. He adored the clientele he’d fostered, but this had always been a post-retirement foray. It started with an expiration date and with that nearing, Chester made the appropriate preparations.
That is, all but one.
He knew the neighborhood would try to throw him some kind of party and Chester detested the thought. In his mind it was better to write a tear filled goodbye and wander off into the night as a fond memory. In time with his expiring lease and securing final sales on his equipment for that next Monday, Chester continued to work with his customers none the wiser.
It was with five days left that the mutant showed up for his weekly sandwich. As soon as Chester saw him in line, it brought forth a memory of the scared, bloodied boy that skittered in that fateful morning. The elderly man felt his eyes getting misty as the mutant approached. Chester had always given the boy forewarnings and because of this, something felt very wrong as he imagined him walking up to find that note on the door.
“I’ll have my usual.”
“That’ll be $5.79.” Chester played the same lines they said in a tongue and cheek fashion. The hundred dollar bill appeared on the counter. Chester took it with the same sigh and shake of his head as he opened the register to produce a point of sale. “Oh, and one more thing…”
The break in the script caught the mutant’s attention. “Yes?”
“This…” Chester had to swallowing the growing lump in his throat. “It’s been a pleasure to feed you all these years, my boy. I… I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be closing this Sunday and that I wish you all the best.”
The mutant stared at him with the same even expression.
Chester used a shaky hand to retrieve a receipt and stab it onto a pin with many others. “Next-!”
“No.” The mutant announced, slamming a hand down on the counter.
“N-no?” Chester startled along with a few other customers in proximity.
“You’re just going to close?” The mutant leaned forward, his hand sliding across the counter with the motion. “Just like that?”
“Well, yes. If you could keep it down-”
“What is it?”
“What is… what?”
“Is it business? Has it been slow? I can supplement that.”
“Business… wha-? No…!”
“Threats?” The mutant dropped his tenor and removed the black mask around his mouth with one hand. “Consider whoever is squeezing you squashed.”
Chester did not like the amount of satisfaction dripping from the wicked smile that appeared on the mutant’s face so he gave an awkward laugh. “Nothing like that!”
“Then what!?”
“I’m old!” Chester huffed. “I’m tired… I’d like to see my family more.”
The mutant frowned.
“I truly apologize. You’re the only customer I’ve told… planned to tell! Well… Really I wasn’t going to tell anyone. I don’t want any how-to-do… Wait, is that right?” Chester brought a hand up to his chin to consider it but dismissed the appendage in a wave when it got close. “I doesn’t matter. The point is: I’m closing and I’ll miss you.”
“Then don’t close.”
Chester watched the unmoving mutant until his own gaze hardened. “I’ve made up my mind.”
The two stared at each other for a long moment before the mutant broke away to join the pick-up queue. Chester swore he heard something about how they would see, but he ignored it as the next guest stepped up.
It was the mid morning lull between commuters and the lunch rush where Chester double checked his inventory. He was on a pretty good train to finish out his stock pretty evenly with the close and had already coordinated sending his final stock to a food pantry when the door to his shop opened.
“Just a minute!” He called out and did the last few tallies on his clip board. He went to wash his hands and approached the counter drying them on a towel hooked into his belt when he saw a familiar mutant standing at the register.
“Taper your hours.”
Chester folded his arms. He expected a celebration from his customers. He had not accounted for a fight. Though, watching the mutant now, he long knew the boy had a penchant for staunchly doing things his own way.
“I’m letting my lease lapse.”
The mutant’s shoulders rose with irritation. “Re-sign.”
“I believe it’s been filled.”
“Check again in half an hour. I guarantee it will be vacant.”
Chester wasn’t sure what that meant.
“My boy, I can’t maintain the space!”
The mutant leaned forward in a manner that accentuated his height. “Then hire someone. I’ve seen the books. You make more than enough.”
“You’ve seen-?”
“You already have a hand for the lunch crowd. Keep them on for the entire day if you’re concerned with a trustworthy hire.”
“Or hire your family. You mentioned wanting to spend more time with them for whatever reason that may be.”
Chester blinked. That was the first time he had gotten the mutant’s name. “Donatello, it’s a lost cause. I already sold everything.” Chester took a step back and extended his arms to gesture all around him. “What’s done is done. I can apologize again, make you your favorite, but this shop will close Sunday.”
“I-” Donatello opened his mouth and then snapped it shut.                                                            
Chester watched as the boy’s brow came down as he thought hard.
“I only eat my sandwich on Wednesdays.” Donatello noted and gave Chester a curt nod.
“Something else then…? Let’s not leave it like this…” Chester reached out a hand and Donatello recoiled away as if it were toxic. Chester brought it in slowly and Donatello inched towards the door. “Please…?”
With one last searing glare, Donatello stormed out of the shop.
Chester had barely been able to focus on work with his cell phone ringing off the metaphorical hook. He wasn’t exactly sure what was happening. First it had been his sister who had strangely asked if he planned to push back closing. He corrected her and had only been off the phone a few minutes when his daughter-in-law called. Her conversation had been much lengthier and consisted of almost quoted factoids about long term business success. He had tried to interrupt many times, but she kept plowing through her explanations as if she were possessed. He almost didn’t want to leave the call when she’d finished her speech. She insisted she was fine now which only worried him further because that meant she hadn’t before. Regardless, the conversation had come to a close and Chester desperately tried to man the counter.
That was, until his mother called. He hadn’t spoken to her since her birthday as she lived in a home upstate. It was her wishes when she had little mind left, but seeing as how she didn’t these days, her call came especially alarming. He tried to ask her what nurse had put her on when she said she began thanking him for his visit.
His blood ran cold.
He insisted he hadn’t seen her and she gave a little laugh. It rang with how feeble she was. She switched topics and started going on about her father’s sandwiches. He sagged at the register and motioned his lunch employee to take over. He listened to her reminisce somewhere between lucidity and fairytale as she recounted baking bread. It tugged at his heart strings so intensely that after the call, Chester took to the back alley and shed a few lonesome tears.
When he’d put himself back together and reclaimed his post, he saw the bobbing shape of his son-in-law outside. He straightened as he saw the man dip down and just knew what must be in tow. As soon as the door opened he heard her voice.
Chester stepped back from the register just as the little girl rounded the counter with reckless abandon. She collided with his leg and he smoothed her hair out instantly where it was already getting messed.
“Hey, pop!”
“W-what brings you two by?” Chester dipped down and hoisted his granddaughter onto his hip, much to his back’s protest. “Don’t you have work?”
“Strangest thing…”
Chester could feel the cold sweat on the back of his neck.
“Our office was… booked for a private event?”
Chester’s granddaughter pulled from her grip on his shoulder to reach for the buttons on the cash register.
“You… you work at a car dealership…” Chester balked, turning his body so she couldn’t reach the machine.
“Yeah… To say it was a new one was an understatement!”
“Oh…” Chester hiccupped and used the motion to set his granddaughter on the counter.
“I saw the guy talking to my boss and then he came up to me.”
“You saw him?!” Chester leaned forward with a little too excitement. He found the other two parties staring at him so he shrank down to hand his granddaughter a straw. The little girl delighted over the object. “I-it’s just… What kind of man would do something like that?”
His son-in-law squinted and craned an elbow to the counter to toy with the straw wrapper. “He was totally covered up, but real tall. He asked me if I knew any places that catered so I guess he’s got big bucks? Some people like a showroom with cars I guess.”
Hundred dollar bills came to mind.
“Did you recommend him any place in particular?” Chester gave an odd smile.
His son-in-law gave a knowing laugh. “I’d have recommended your place if I knew you’d still be open!”
“He… he didn’t ask?”
The man bobbed his head curiously. “Do you know the guy?”
“No!” Chester jolted and watched again as the two eyes tracked him. With jittery hands he took the straw his granddaughter was nibbling on and wove it into the shape of an animal. She squealed at the sight of it.
“Is something going on, pop?”
“Did you come straight here?”
The son-in-law’s arm faltered and he used the falling motion to straighten his back. “Oh… the, uh, guy said something about using the time to see family so when I picked up Jade from daycare I asked who she wanted to see most and she-”
Hearing her name, the granddaughter animated  out of her game of pretend. “Pop-pop!”
“That’s… me…” Chester mumbled, taking her outstretched hands and giving them a shake.
“What’s going on?”
“N-nothing.” Chester refused to look at his son-in-law until the heated gaze finally pushed his eye. “Nothing, I’m sure of. It’s all just an odd coincidence.”
“How so?”
Chester went on to explain the other calls, but not Donatello. Just because the mutant had showed up two days in a row upset about the closure didn’t mean he would resort to something like this.
“Are you still closing?”
Chester sighed at Donatello’s form from across the counter. The boy had come during the mid morning lull again.
“Yes, my boy. I have not changed my mind nor will I.”
Donatello clicked his tongue. “I’d rather hoped to avoid this.”
“Avoid what?” Chester leaned his weight against the register. He didn’t need to strengthen his resolve as it was rock solid, so all it left was a tedious waiting out process.
“I’ll buy it all.”
Chester straightened.
“The whole thing. I’ll buy this whole damn building.” Donatello slammed a pointed finger into the center of the counter. “I’ll kick every single tenant out. I’ll buy the whole block if I have to. Just come to work. One day a week.” Donatello leaned in.
Chester’s heart sank at the look there. It was somehow both devoid of emotion and yet oozing pure malice.
“Even if it’s for one single hour.”
The way Donatello’s head lolled to one side hinted at unspeakable terrors.
“I’ll triple… No.”
Chester shuddered as he thought he saw drool in the corner of the boy’s mouth.
“I’ll quadruple your pathetic retirement fund.”
The counter creaked under only the strength of that single digit.
“Just say you’ll do it.”
Every cell in Chester’s body screamed at him to take even the smallest step back; anything to put an iota of space between him and what was rapidly devolving into a mere creature of nightmares. He had no idea where all this was coming from. That first night he had seen an odd sight in regards to the mutant, but this was something else entirely. He couldn’t image this was the same boy he had known for all these years.
He wasn’t sure he knew this man at all.
“I won’t.”
It sounded like something cracked as Donatello’s head rolled all the way forward; it was a manner that Chester imagined only an insect could. Donatello’s back seemed to ripple as he retracted from the counter. From where his finger had been, there was a fissure that splinted across the counter.
“You won’t.”
There was something unhinged about the way he repeated the sentiment.
“No, I won’t.”
A rippling bark of laughter so synthetic burst from Donatello that the man clutched at his stomach as the cackles split his cheeks.
His back rippled again, but this time it looked as if huge worms were crawling underneath it.
“Or won’t…?”
Chester’s urge to step back was bypassed as one heel hooked his other ankle. The shop traveled around him at blurry speeds. He heard the smack of his body against the pavement and then the quiet of cold. When he rose up, his lunch employee was shouting in his ear.
He stared at her.
Rather, he could see her shouting, but the words weren’t reaching his ears.
Fear shot through him.
He shoved against protesting limbs.
It seemed like too many people were behind the counter.
Chester scrambled to his feet and looked out at the shop floor.
Several customer hovered nearby in abject horror.
All their lips moved.
He put a hand down on the counter to steady himself.
Where one of his senses was down, others were still there.
He lowered his gaze and traced the crack in the counter with his fingertips.
Against all his loved one’s and doctor’s recommendations, Chester had gone to work. It wasn’t as if he were hospitalized, but at his advanced age the doctor had pressed him to just leave that final day to his employee.
He couldn’t.
This place had been such a joy to him.
He wasn’t going to let his health take that from him.
That or anything else.
Thankfully his hearing had returned and he only had a minor concussion to show for it. Those his head had hit the floor, he thankfully hadn’t even needed stitches. It made laying in bed a bit uncomfortable and his back was worse for wear, but none of that would keep him from his customer’s smiling faces.
They were none of the wiser to the closing though he had received a few bouquets and homemade meals for his health. They were meant to be left with the shop staff so he was scolded a few times for having been there when he should be resting. He took the praise in stride and only scarcely watched the clock as the midday lull passed.
Before he knew it, closing time approached. As the final minutes waned, his employee packed up the rest of the stock for the food pantry and he waved her off as she drove the rented truck away to deliver it. With a slow shuffle, Chester crossed the threshold over to the door for what he knew to be the last time. He reached out and turned the sign on the door. The letters spelled out ‘open’ turned inward and his hand traced downward to the lock. It was in the afternoon sun’s cast that he saw a shadow darken  the handle. Retracting out of surprise, Chester fumbled as Donatello opened the door.
“I’d rather you not fall again.”
Chester’s mouth opened and closed several times but nothing came out.
Donatello gave him a look before closing the door behind him.
“Why what?”
“Why won’t you let me retire in peace?”
“Do you think I’m here to kill you?”
Chester flicked his gaze down in thought for a moment. “I suppose not.”
Donatello gave a hum of approval. “I took to you for many reasons, that being one of them.”
Donatello gave him another look and went to inspect the crack on the counter. The mutant sneered at it as if it were distasteful before leaning his body in front of it as if to hide the evidence. “Sell me the recipe.”
Even through his fear, Chester gave that weighty sigh. “There’s no recipe, you know that.”
“I’ve tried to recreate it.” Donatello folded his arms in irritation with one of his hands going to pick the fabric of his other sleeve. “It must be the bread or the ingredients. I’ve tapped all your suppliers to recreate exactly what I’ve seen you do 197 times, but not a single one was right.”
“You stay up all night doing that?” Chester adjusted himself near the door.
Donatello didn’t even flinch.
It wasn’t like Chester meant to flee, but the fact the mutant seemed to think it’d be in vain if he has was chilling.
“It’s been an ongoing process.”
“Oh?” Chester finally latched the lock and moved to complete the rest of his closing checklist.
As he rounded the counter, Donatello followed him and then resumed the same position again to block the crack.
Chester put up the few clean dishes.
“I didn’t run.”
Chester made a noise of interest, but refused to look back.
“When you fell.” Donatello clarified.
Chester moved to Donatello’s side only to count the till.
The mutant didn’t move.
“I ran out and alerted the closest person likely to call 911. Then I remotely hacked your phone to text your lunch employee to come in early. I watched from the nearby rooftop and then shadowed the ambulance to the hospital.”
All of those things made some sense, but they also didn’t in so many ways.
“I didn’t-”
Chester brought his head up and, without looking, put a hand to Donatello’s shoulder. “I know, my boy.”
Tense muscles seized there, but no further movement occurred.
Donatello stayed rigid throughout the rest of close. He only moved to follow Chester out the back after he retrieved his lunchbox and made a show of turning off the lights. Making sure the back door locked, Chester rounded the building and struggled to pull the shutters down. It was only then that Donatello truly animated and took over the task. Chester handed him the key and Donatello locked the shutters in kind. Chester made a motion for Donatello to hold out his hands and the mutant followed suit. He had the man hold his lunch box as he procured a laminated note. He then took his time taping it securely to the shutter for all to see the closure would be permanent.
Instead of taking the lunchbox back from Donatello, Chester simply zipped it up and pushed the object into the man’s chest.
“I hope I’ve finally made myself clear and you realize you can’t always get what you want.”
Donatello kept his gaze stiffly down to the bag.
“Especially with those means.”
With no response, Chester took a tentative step back.
Seeing the mutant would make no move, Chester’s shoulders relaxed.
“I’m sure you’ve guessed what’s in there. Consider it my parting gift. Stay away from me and my family.”
Donatello gave a curt nod and Chester turned to leave.
He made it down an entire block before he turned a corner and hailed the nearest taxi. It wasn’t a luxury he typically indulged in to get home, but he’d make an exception. He asked the driver to take an odd route and the driver agreed if only for the larger toll. Reaching his little rowhouse, Chester stepped inside and took his time removing his shoes. The scent of stew wafted around and he checked the peep hole one last time before allowing himself to indulge in it.
He rounded through his living room to the kitchen where his husband stood over the stove in a kitschy apron.
“Hello, dear!” The other man called out, not taking his eyes off the pot he was stirring. “How is the second time retiree doing this fine afternoon?”
Chester smiled. “Harry, now that it’s over and you won’t worry, have I got a story to tell you…”
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
Not So Korean Drama~Park Sooyoung(Joy) x black!fem!reader
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Pairing: Sooyoung/Joy x reader
Genre: Romance, Comedy(not really), College AU, Fluff
Summary: The it girl on campus, acting major and international student, Park Sooyoung  is all you can think about. You aren’t the only one, every person has a huge crush on her too. You want to ask her out, yet in the back of your mind you know everything about it would be unconventional.
  Warnings: Anxiety, Mentions of bi-phobia (nothing major), Mentions of Microaggressions 
Word Count: 4,206
Author’s Note: Here’s some Red Velvet, I also decided to write more black readers because I want to write more for black women like me. Also I know this is very niche so I hope you guys enjoy it regardless if you identify with the main character or not. Hope you guys enjoy!
Sometimes I see this mediocre, yet funny life of mine as a television show. A world where I’m surrounded by so many generic people, well they aren’t really generic, just similar to one another. That’s usually how it goes at La Rouge University , or as most of the students of color call it, La PWI. It’s weird though, I don’t really fit in with the other black students either, nothing against them but I’m just more on the nerdy side. I know that doesn’t make me unique, but there aren’t a lot of nerdy black girls on campus. The only one I found was Brianna, who was close to Wendy and Yeri. I found my band of friends but Wendy can be a bit insensitive at times. That’s one of the reasons why I keep my budding crush on Sooyoung. Where can I begin about Park SooYoung? There’s so much about her that draws me towards her, well regardless of her sense of style, straight black hair and the ability to pull off any lipstick color. 
“Um, earth to Y/N?” Brianna asks. 
I blink up from my book, a page that I clearly checked out from. I totally forgot we were in the library of all places, whoops. Of course Brianna’s holding a smug grin while she taps Yeri. 
“Look, Y/N’s lost in thinking about Sooyoung’s eyes,” she teases.
Yeri giggles as she takes Brianna’s hand tightly. 
“I know right, I don’t know why you don’t just ask her out already,” Yeri says. 
I cringe at how loud she said it as Wendy approaches our table with her usual blue sweatshirt, tan pants and bag slung across her shoulder. She must have gotten from her English class since she’s clutching her literature book for dear life.     
“Who’s asking who out?” she asks as she pulls up a seat. 
“Um, no one,” I say quickly. 
Wendy throws a deadpan look my way. 
“It’s gotta be about you Y/N,” Wendy notes. “You’re the single person at the table and if Bri and Yeri were cheating on each other I’m sure they wouldn’t discuss it in front of each other.”
Both Brianna and Yeri shrug as they link arms and kiss each others cheeks. 
“You haven’t found someone else, have you babe?”Yeri whines. 
Brianna nuzzles against her cheek. 
“You know I haven’t jagi,” Brianna coos. 
Yeri giggles at the pet name she taught Bri, earning a kiss on her lips. They’re cute, teeth rottenly so, but I always wonder how they got together. Of course they’re in the same major and have an obsession with Boba tea but what about their obvious racial differences, with Yeri being Korean and all. I’m curious but then again, it’s not my place to ask. It’s their relationship. 
“So, are you gonna tell me who it is?” Wendy asks while she pokes me with the end of her pen.
“Nobody,” I say.“None of your concern.”
Wendy pouts as her pokes grow faster. 
“Ah come on! You were fine with telling Yeri and Bri about it!” she groans.
“Yeah, but you’ll just kill the vibe,” I explain, “plus you know them so.”
Wendy gasps. 
“Really? Ah! So it won’t be hard to guess!” she says.“Is it Minseok from the Starbucks?”
Yeri giggles. 
“Uh, it isn’t a he, Wendy.”
Wendy blinks at Yeri’s statement as I send a Brianna a knowing glare. She nods and pats my hand. 
“Oh, I didn’t know you were into women, Y/N,” Wendy says. 
“Yeah, but I’m still into men too Wendy,” I say. “But yes, this crush is on a woman.”
“Oh ok,” Wendy says. “I didn’t know that was your thing but ok.”
I hold back my words, but Brianna doesn’t. Thank God.
“And what’s that supposed to mean Wendy?” she asks.
Yeri pinches the bridge of her nose as Wendy glances at each of us in confusion.
“What?” she asks.“Aw, did I overstep again?”
I nod sharply when Brianna scoffs. 
“Took a giant step over the line,” I say. “I’m bi.”
Wendy’s eyes soften. 
“I-I’m sorry Y/N,” she says. “I hadn’t realized and you never talked about it with us.”
“It’s fine,” I tell her with a pat of her hand. 
“So,” Yeri says, breaking the tension.“When are you going to ask her out?”
Fortunately Wendy’s all smiles again, yet she goes to asking me again.
“So, who is she? Oh! is it-”
I don’t even register who Wendy’s talking about as my focus shifts towards the entrance of the library. The double doors slide open, slowly (maybe its my hyperactive mind) and steps in the woman herself. Park Sooyoung. Of course she’d step in now of all times with her stylish tan trench coat, white turtle neck and dark skinny jeans. Just like in the TV shows she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. Ok it is my hyperactive imagination, she’s even walking this way. Shit, no that’s actually happening. Wendy pokes me again. 
“Y/N? Oh!” she gasps, realizing. 
Sooyoung steps up to our table with a tiny smile and a wave. 
“Hi Wendy, Yeri,” she greets.
Her attention shifts over to Brianna and I. Me. Park Sooyoung is looking at me. 
“Oh! This is Y/N,” Yeri says as she squeezes Brianna’s hand. “And this is my girlfriend, Brianna.”
Sooyoung grins, flashing a few of her teeth as she bows slightly, reaching for Brianna’s hand, shaking it then holding it out to me. I. My skin flares as my words begin to disperse. 
“Nice to meet you,” Sooyoung says. “Brianna. Y/N.”
Her attention is back on me, her eyebrow raised as she notices that I haven’t taken her hand yet. I grip it quickly and shake it just as swift.
“N-Nice to, meetyoutoo!” I manage to blurt out. 
Sooyoung turns back to Wendy. 
“I just wanted to ask if Professor Philip put the PowerPoint online,” she says. “I had to miss lecture today because of rehearsals.”
Wendy waves her off. 
“You’re in the clear,” Wendy reassures. “He’s going over it again next class.”
Sooyoung releases a breath of relief, another smile engulfing her striking features yet again. 
“Thank you Wendy,” she says.
It’s as if the entire library started to notice Sooyoung, guys start to pop up that I don’t even know. I know one of them, Jackson Wang, a friend of mine, we aren’t close, yet I didn’t know he knew Sooyoung.  
“Yo Y/N!” he greets. “Bri, Yeri, Wendy!” 
He then turns back to Sooyoung.
“We should get going,” he says. “JB and Bam Bam are waiting.”
“Ah, you’re right!” Sooyoung exclaims. “It was nice meeting you both, see you guys around!” 
And just like that Sooyoung’s gone and around the corner with Jackson flanking her. Are they a thing? Last time I checked Jackson was endlessly flirting with Namjoon, the library’s part time receptionist and full time genius. I’ve confided in Jackson about my sexuality before, but I’ve never talked to him about Sooyoung. Oh God, they must be dating.
“Y/N, Y/N you still there?” Yeri asks.
I turn my attention back to the table. Brianna holds a shit eating grin as always, Yeri tries to stifle a laugh while Wendy narrows her eyes at me.
“Sooyoung,” she says. “You have a crush on Park Sooyoung.”
“Not just a crush,” Brianna notes. “A school girl crush, I know you saw how nervous Y/N got. She could barely speak.”
I hunker down further in my seat as my face flares again.
“Shut up,” I groan. 
Wendy giggles. 
“It’s cute Y/N, but I’m not sure if Sooyoung’s-” she pauses prior to continuing. “You know.”
I get an uneasy tingle from Wendy’s words. She’s right, what if she isn’t into women. What if she doesn’t like black people? Another stab that would hurt more.
“What Wendy?” Yeri asks. “Gay or Bi? it’s ok, you can say it.”
Wendy frowns. 
“Guys, I don’t mean to come off like that,” she groans. “I just don’t want her to get hurt. Sooyoung hasn’t been here in the states for a while, I’m not sure if she’s-accepting.”       
“Well if she’s hanging out with Jackson, who’s big bi energy by the way,” Brianna explains. “She’s got to be somewhat accepting.”
Yeri’s eyes soften at me as she reaches for my hand.
“That doesn’t mean you should give up,” she says. “Just talk to her.”
I slip further down into my seat, it’s easier said than done. Sooyoung’s an international student which means she only hangs out with other international students. I only know two of them: Wendy, born in South Korea but studied in Canada prior to moving here and Jackson who moved here from China on a football scholarship.  They’re friends of course, but even they blow me out of the water with their style and the looks they get from students. Sooyoung especially. 
“I guess, ah look at that!” I say while getting out of my seat. “I got class in ten.”
Brianna grins. 
“Your class doesn’t start until 3:30, it’s only 3:05.”
I nod with a quick smile.
“I know!” I say. “I just need to get away from this conversation. Talk to you guys later!”
I’m out and away from the table before they can utter a goodbye.
Class was dull as usual. Thankfully it ended before my eyes glazed over and I can grab some dinner before heading back to my dorm. The classroom empty's out quickly, I rush to the exit of the building, ready for that cool air to hit me. 
“Ey! Y/N!” a booming voice calls.
I turn to see Jackson. He’s clad in his black and red Letterman jacket with the letters L and R embroidered on the front. His hair’s also gelled back to perfection, it looks awesome might I add. 
“Hey Jackson,” I say. “What’s up?”
I slow my pace for him to catch up with me from down the hall. The cool air hits my face, I sigh, then turn to Jackson, who’s already behind me as I hold the door for him. 
“Thanks,” he says as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You done with classes for today, right?”
I nod sharply. 
“Yep, you?”
Jackson chuckles.
“You know I don’’t have classes on Thursday,” he notes. 
I roll my eyes. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked. That’s what I want to say, but I restrain. I find myself doing that a lot here at La Rouge University. Don’t want to come across as that kind of black girl. Sure, Jackson and I are cool, I just don’t want him to put a thought into his head. I’m sure he’s seen many stereotypes of black women, black people in general. I don’t want to put that risk out, especially when Brianna and I have to had many talks with Wendy about it.       
“Hey,” Jackson says softly. “You good?”
I blink up at him as we stroll through the courtyard with the wind nipping at our skin. 
“Yeah, uh, I’m fine.”
Jackson smirks and leans closer to throw an arm around my shoulder. 
“So, Miss Y/LN,” he starts. “Tell me, how long has your little crush been a thing?”
I jolt at his words.
“Huh? C-crush? Nah, uh what do you mean a crush?”
Jackson chuckles and bats his eyes jokingly. 
“Don’t play coy!” he exclaims. “You looked like you were going to pass out around Sooyoung.”
My skin burns at his words. I wasn’t that obvious, was I?
“I-I, um, Sooyoung, who? Never heard of her.”
“Sure Jan.”
“When the hell did you watch the Brady Bunch?” I ask.
Jackson shrugs.
“I watched it with Yeri last weekend, you should have came over. I heard its a major part of American slang and memes which are hilarious.”
I nod in agreement. 
“Yeah, let’s discuss memes instead of Park Sooyoung oh-”
Jackson jabs his finger at me.
“You even know her last name, ha!” Jackson says. “You’re totally crushing right now.”
I sigh in defeat. 
“Fine, yes I like her all right. It’s not a big deal anyway.”
Jackson frowns. 
“It totally is,” he says. “Sooyoung and I are friends, along with classmates. I even know her schedule, for class and drama rehearsals.”
“Oh nice,” I say.
“I know that she’s free right now. Chilling at Reveluv Cafe, going over her lines, drinking some coffee or what not, looking stunning.”
I flush and cross my arms. 
“Yeah, probably flocked by drooling people,” I say. “She’s too stunning for her own good.”
“Yes, but unlike those drooling losers you’re going to talk to her.”
“I’m sorry, what? Jackson, no way,” I say. “She’s an actress, didn’t she act in a couple of K dramas?”
Jackson nods.
“Four actually,” he clarifies. “The first three were cameos, but the latest one she played a huge supporting role, over shadowed the male and female leads.”
“That doesn’t make my situation any better,” I deadpan. “she’s got status in her home country, gorgeous features and a promising career ahead of her. What the hell do I have?”
Jackson’s arm tightens around me.
“You’re sweet, pretty and nice to talk to,” he says. “You also have a career ahead of you crazy, that’s why you’re studying remember?” 
“You’re a friend,” I groan. “You’re inclined to say that.”
“Yeah, but even before we became friends, I always found you hot,” he admits.
I elbow him playfully in the ribs.
“Jackson Wang! Stop playing!” 
Jackson shakes his head.
“I’m dead serious, black women are sexy. And you definitely aren’t the exception.”
“Stop!” I laugh and playfully push him away. 
“What?” he chuckles. “look I know you find Asian guys attractive too! And I know good and well you like Asian women.”
He narrows his eyes and wiggles his eyebrows.
My face heats up as we enter the library for the second time today.
“Is there anything I can do to make you stop?” I joke.
Jackson nods.
“Talk to Sooyoung,” he suggests. “Hey, I can help! Start the conversation!”
I just stare at him as he puts his hands together. 
Reveluv cafe is bright, a little too colorful for my taste, but still homey and comforting. The walls are covered in various fruits, some hand drawn and neon to bring, I guess variety. It’s cute. Even the floor is bright red, leading up to the counter that’s decorated with other tropical themes, the employees even wear sashes and white uniforms with fruit based buttons.
Jackson leads me to the lounging area of the cafe which has an area of circular tables and higher tables near the windows. Sitting at one in the corner at the far back is Sooyoung, her straight hair spills down her cream colored turtle neck. Her head’s down in a book, she’s transfixed on the page. 
“Jackson, maybe we shouldn’t-”
“Sooyoung, hey!”
Damnit Jackson.
Sooyoung’s head jerks up as a soft smile graces her lips. 
“Jackson, hi!”
I watch from behind Jackson. He walks up to Sooyoung, she stands and engulfs him in a hug. 
“How are lines going?” 
Sooyoung giggles.
“Great so far! What brings you and-” she pauses to look at me. “Hi, Y/N, right?”
I nod sharply. God, she remembered my name.  
“Yeah, hi Sooyoung.”
Jackson smirks with a knowing glare at me. Hasn’t this man clowned me enough?
“Y/N here was just nervous to speak to you.”
My hands start to tremble as Sooyoung looks to me with confusion.
“Why?” she asks. “You’re friends with Wendy and Yeri, so by default I think you’re cool.”
Wow. Park Sooyoung just called me cool. 
“Oh, she is,” Jackson declares. His mouth opens to say more, yet a slight buzz in his pocket stops him. 
“What is it?”
Jackson takes a look at his phone quickly before grinning back up at me, then Sooyoung.
“Sorry ladies, I kind of have a study date with Mr. IQ 148!” 
Sooyoung’s brows furrow. 
“Um, who?”
“Namjoon,” I say. “Jackson! Ah!”
I take his arm and whisper.
“You can’t leave yet,” I groan. 
Jackson pats my arm. 
“You got this babe, I promise to give you all the details with Namjoon if you give me the details you get with Sooyoung.”
God, this man is incorrigible.
“If I fuck this up you owe me so many smoothies.”
Jackson chuckles.
“You got to try first sweetie, she’s cool, you’ll see.”
Jackson says a quick goodbye to the both of us.
I turn back to Sooyoung who’s looking dead at me with her hands behind her back. 
“Would you like to sit?” she asks with another bright smile.
“Yeah, uh sure.”
She gestures to the empty seat across from her, I slide into it quickly, Sooyoung follows. 
“So, are you an English major like Wendy?”
I shake my head. 
“No, actually I’m a creative writing major.”
Sooyoung’s face lit up as she took a swig of her coffee.
“Really? So, you write your own books and stories?”
I nod, and try to hide a smile behind my hand. Her attention is fully on me. 
“Yeah, but mostly poems though,” I say, pausing once I meet Sooyoung’s eyes. I don’t finish, God I can hardly face her. If Jackson can see it than its got to be obvious to her.
“Y/N?” she asks. “Are you ok?”
“Y-Yeah, I-I I just-”
Sooyoung’s eyes soften as she takes my hand, which is already starting to get clammy and sweaty. 
“It’s ok, breathe,” she coaxes. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
I giggle, the action eases some of the anxiety. My heart rate goes down a bit, just a bit because Sooyoung’s hands are still over mine.
“I-I guess not to judge me, or freak out even,” I say. “I know we’re different, ok. And we’re both women.”
Sooyoung giggles, teeth baring rather sweetly.
“You’re cute,” she coos. “Yes, you’re American and-”
“Black,” I blurt. 
Sooyoung nods.
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” Sooyoung jokes. She raises our interlocked hands together drawing my attention to my brown hand and her lighter, almost porcelain one. “Why? Is that an issue? Is that what’s making you so nervous?”
“Part of it, the truth is, I like you,” I admit. 
Sooyoung’s eyes widen, forcing me to pull my hand away from her own. She draws back to as she tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. My trembles don’t die down, but the flaring in my chest does. I nod as my eyes travel down to the table, I can’t look at Sooyoung right now. Of course I made a fool of myself.
“I uh, I can leave you alone now-”
“Wait, Y/N!”
She grabs my wrist before I can get up, it startles me. 
Our eyes meet again, Sooyoung giggles, the confidence she oozes makes me glance down at the legs of her chair. 
“Can I admit something too?” 
I nod, she then sighs lowly. 
“Can you look at me? Y/N?” 
Before I can register her question warm fingers juts my chin up, forcing my attention on her face. She smiles and I swear her eyes lingers down at my lips for a moment prior to moving back up to my eyes. 
“I’m flattered,” she whispers. “You’re really pretty, I’d love to go out. Maybe next week, if that’s ok?”
“I, um, yeah,” I mutter. “I-I’m looking forward to it.”
Weeks come and go. The teasing from Jackson, Brianna, Yeri, even Wendy (surprisingly) continues as the dates with Sooyoung get frequent. We’ve start to hold hands even, which is a huge step for me (Sooyoung initiated it first of course).  Dating Sooyoung has been surprising to say the least, she’s even more flirty now that we know more about each other, which makes me more anxious to be around her now. It’s fun to be around her, she’s interested in aspects of American culture that she doesn’t know much about. One in particular being memes, thanks to Jackson himself and even slang. It rubs me the wrong way to hear her say, ‘sup sweetie’ at times but she’s still learning. Right? I’m just thinking too much into it. I’m sure she won’t start talking black and Jackson learned not to from me, along with a quick, yet needed scolding from Brianna.  
 I arrive at Sooyoung’s apartment a sweaty mess. This is the first time I’ve been to her apartment and I already feel like I’m gonna mess this up. She talked about living with someone, but what I didn’t expect was a stunning woman with straight, blonde hair to answer the door. I don’t remember seeing her around campus, I’m sure the people would flock to her as much as they flock to Sooyoung too. 
“Hi, uh,” I pause at how intimating she looks. “I-I’m uh, Sooyoung invited me.”
The woman chuckles as she gives me a quick once over. 
“You must be Y/N,” she notes. “Come in.”  
She steps aside for me which I do. 
The house looks like a loft inside: a low, white couch sits in the middle of the living room, a flat screen hugs the far wall, the carpet is clear and fluffy covering most of the floor, leading to the staircase. 
“Joohyun!” Sooyoung calls while rushing down the stairs. “Y-Y/N, hi.”
I give her a tiny wave as Joohyun chuckles. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to your date,” Joohyun says with a quick wink at me and a narrow eyed glare at Sooyoung. 
“How long are gonna be out unnie?” Sooyoung asks. 
Joohyun giggles and raises an eyebrow.
“Why?” she asks. “You both aren’t going to have too much fun, are you?”
My eyes scan down to the carpet to memorize how spotless it is. 
“Joohyun! Y-You’re so embarrassing!” Sooyoung exclaims. I see her black sock covered feet next to mine. 
“All jokes Sooyoung,” Joohyun explains. “I’ll be staying at Seulgi’s tonight. It was a pleasure meeting you Y/N.”
“Same here,” I say. 
When I meet Joohyun’s eyes her intimating demeanor disperses. An easy, toothy smile now replaces it. Once she waves and is out the door, Sooyoung’s hands are on my face. 
“I’m so sorry about her,” she groans. “She didn’t frighten you too much, did she?”
“Not really,” I admit. “Does she always do this to people she doesn’t know?”
Sooyoung giggles.
“Yeah, she’s just protective is all,” she explains. “Now, would you like to watch the show here in the living room or.”
She steps up to rest her hands on my sides. 
“My room could work, I have plenty of stuffed animals,” she suggests. “We could cuddle.”
She smiles, my heart flutters as she intertwines our hands together. I lose my breathe as she steps closer, our faces suddenly an inch apart. She’s using a bright, red lipstick, perfect at this distance. Kissabl-
“Can I kiss you?” she asks.
I nod, she tilts her head to the right before our lips meet. Her lips are smooth, with a cherry taste. I didn’t even know lipstick could taste this good. She smiles against my lips, her hands wind themselves around my waist in order to deepen the kiss. Sooyoung’s fevered kisses keep my lips moving with her, it continues until I run out of breath, forcing me to pull away. 
“How was that?” she asks prior to biting her lip. 
“It was I-”
It takes me a minute to gather my words. I never kissed a woman before and that was-
“Amazing,” I manage to say.  
Sooyoung chuckles lowly, takes my hand and leads me to the couch. 
“Yeah, would it be dope if we continue?” 
I cringe at the word dope, she notices right away.
“What is it? I’m rushing things aren’t I?” she asks.
I shake my head, but think about it for a moment. I want to have this conversation about our different cultures. Of course it’s something we’re got to talk about but why do I feel as if its so awkward? It’s just a few words, right? I just don’t want to come across as that kind of person. That kind of black person especially. 
“Y/N,” Sooyoung says. “Are you ok?” 
“Yeah, it’s just uh,” I pause to finally form coherent words. “Slang, it’s um kind of weird when you say it-not saying that it’s bad or anything its just.”
I pause again to sit next to Sooyoung, who listens intently. 
“It’s your thing, right?” she asks. “As an American?”
“As an African American, as a black person,” I say. “I just don’t want you to use certain terms without knowing where they come from. I’m curious about Korean too, but I want to go by it respectfully. I want to respect you.”
Sooyoung’s eyes lighten up, her fingers play with my right hand as a smile spreads across her face.
“I want to respect you too jagi, ah! To be honest I got most of those words from Jackson anyway.”
I roll my eyes. 
“I’m not even surprised.”
“So, can we still watch the drama?” she asks with a playful frown.
“Of course!”
Sooyoung lets out a delighted giggle, presses a quick kiss to my cheek and moves to turn the flat-screen on. Maybe dating Park Sooyoung wasn’t going to be so difficult after all. 
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lit-base · 3 years
Family tree - Chap 1 [TMNT]
Family tree 
Summary: There was an explosion at the Central Bank, the turtles couldn’t interfere in time. Seven people had died and another twelve had been hospitalized, one of which had been Vern. 
As April O’Neil is investigating the case, she stumbles upon Felicia Cox, a writer who turns out to have had strong ties with the man and the criminal organization responsible for the bombing.
 Chapter ONE
 “Donnie, what’s the status?”
The electrical bzzzz coming from the ear piece let his brother’s voice through.
“He’s in the vault. I see blood on the floor, a woman, maybe dead? Can’t really say.”
Leo’s head snapped to the side, there were police cars upfront, Chief Rebecca Vincent barking orders, guns being drawn out of their holsters and strategic places urgently being occupied by cops. Blue and red lights were shining on the façade of the Central Bank and people were being ushered out of the way – curious passers by, thirsty for information.
“Keep us updated on his moves. Mickey, the vents.”
“Yeah… about that…” Mickey was already moving, a blur of orange and green, as he plucked the rack away from the vent entrance and disappeared inside. He was small enough to fit there and actually get to the vault in time.
“What about it, Don?”
“Yeah, so, it might not be a good idea, the guy’s picked the bomb from the ground…”
Leo froze and Raph clenched his teeth.
“I’m going after Mickey –“
“No, stay here. Don, what’s the fastest route to the vault?”
“The bathroom. Mickey, skirt around the lobby and make a left in a few seconds,” The youngest’s answer was immediate, “Ayay, cap’tn.”
Raph was tense and Leo could feel fire coming out of his nostrils. There was fear, there was reproach, but there was also some sense of this is the right thing to do, with all the risk they might expose themselves to.
“Raph,” his brother’s eyes were glued on the entrance vent, but Leo didn’t have time to snap him out of it. “Take this, I’mma talk to Chief Vincent and clear the zone. If this goes up in smoke, we need to save as many as possible.”
Handing his ear-piece to Raph, Leo patted his shoulders twice and took off in haste.
With short breath and thoughts about the impending doom, the red-clad turtle put the device in his ear and growled, “Fucking hell, D... Tell me it’s not gonna go boom with Mickey in there…”
There was a pause on the other’s side, a few mechanical clicks and then,
“Raph… There are twenty people in the building at the moment, not just Mickey…”
“Relax, bruh, I’m almost above the vault thingy.” Came the youngest brother’s response, energetic but a bit strained, “This place is SO freaking narrow, you could barely fit a – yuck, this thing’s sticky... Hey, I think we could’ve tried the back door. I mean -” Pause, - “oaah, guys? I think you should see this…”
There was a deep breath and silence. Raph didn’t get it.
“What? See what? Donnie, what?”
People were swarming around the bank, the cops started pushing them back. Chief Vincent was nowhere to be seen, the doors to the bank were locked, there was a black van parked near the entrance and a guy in a thick fire-resistant suit gearing up.
“Erm… Raph, can you spot Leo?” Donnie sounded a bit too uneasy.
“Spot Leo? What’s in there?”
“Bruuuh, this guy’s craayzaay… Donnie, can you see what I’m seeing?”
Raph couldn’t make out what Donatello said, but there was some kind of wheezing and coughing and beep beep beep beep and, out of a sudden, someone shouted - Donnie, in his ear, panicked.
“Mickey, get back. Get back now!”
Raph felt powerless, standing there, guarding, waiting, unseeing, unknowing.
“What’s going on?! Mickey? What’s –“
It was pretty simple. All he had to do was to go in, leave the package and go out. But curiosity pushed him to open it. And he knew he wouldn’t come out of this alive.
The door slammed close as soon as he entered the lobby. The sound of it reverberated through the circular room and caught the employees’ attention. They were sitting at their corner offices, but their eyes were on him. What was to be done next? He went on, his face to the floor, burning and sweating. It wasn’t fear in his veins, he wasn’t afraid of being later recognized, he worried about his mind going over their faces and giving it the opportunity to trace over the light in their eyes, the life still there and pulsing. He didn’t want to give himself the chance of regretting this, any of it. These were simple people, doing their daily jobs. They were serving their own society, the cradle that pulled them from their ignorant infancy and brought them to this dark day. They paid with their own time, patience, health for some monthly wage that would let them sleep soundly, that would give them their next-day-comfort and pleasures, that would keep their taxes and debts at bay. These were the lucky ones, luckier than those beneath them. They all knew that, next morning, they would come back here to do the same work, play along the same story line. They would probably get out of their cotton clad beds (pretty modest, as their role dictated), hurriedly eat a slice of bread and butter and dress up smartly in their mandatory service-clothes, which made them right for their customers’ eyes to look upon. They were all fighting for their next day in this rabbit hole – the single thing which kept them alive and managing.
So he went on.
The package hung heavily in the plastic bag, the smiley -Thank you, come again – white shopping bag; Its weight cut into his fingers, which were already printed with the stupid Thank you, come again cheap ink. Thank you, come again –
Come again –
Again –
This didn’t have an Again. Only this time, this moment, right now.
He wished someone would interfere; some suit would step in front of him, some guard would shout out, something, someone. But no one interrupted his course.
The black marble’s shine caught a distorted reflection of all the faces from the room. All of the employees went back to their jobs; Maybe they thought nothing of him, just another delivery guy with some head problems and a tight schedule which kept him on edge, teeth jittering and shoulders trembling. After all, he didn’t look like someone who would step over their threshold with anything else but delivering some pizza or stationery in their mind.
Their fingers went back to pressing keys on their laptops. Their eyes - back to the blue lighted screen, on which dozens of thousand of numbers cascaded, dollars and euros and crowns and pounds.
Some of the clients were still watching, though. He bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood and took a fugitive look at the blond guard – young and tall – next to the door that led to the other room. The door to the room was high and wide, thick and most importantly, locked. He knew he wouldn’t be let through it, conscious of the holey hoodey and grease stained jeans he was sporting. He didn’t get the change to change his damp sneakers either, nor the gloves worn ragged from all his fence-jumping and brick rubbing he did. And his face… it was probably as bruised as he felt it, and maybe his eyes were bloody red, the left one more swollen that the other, his lower lip mostly cracked open by a fist he got that morning. The blood wasn’t pouring, though, it had dried up a few hours before and it was now throwing a spikey shadow on his chin. Some of his hair burnt his forehead. He was most probably looking like a walking nightmare.
A well-worn, but thick carpet lengthened across the floor, from the middle of the room and up to the door, and it occurred to him that it absorbed the sharp sound of steps. The soles of his sneakers drowned in the thickness of it. His legs suddenly felt like counterweights, countering the heaviness of his arms and head. It felt like he was crossing through a swamp. The room behind the door, they’d said. Box one-oh-seven. You’ll see it marked #107, easy to spot, on the upper left side, they’d instructed.
Suddenly, he became aware of a shadow pressing on his form.
“Can I help you?”
He heard her voice even before he could catch a glimpse of her face, and when he swirled around slowly, his shoulders stopped their trembling and slumped. His mind couldn’t register anything about her, except the fact that this, in front of him, was a soon-to-be-dead woman. Condemned and unwillingly unaware of her fate. Innocent. The punishment was hanging above his head like a scythe.
He cleared the lump in his throat and didn’t answer. Instead, he got to the door and pushed against it with might, under the guard and the office-woman’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, you aren’t allowed to go in there. Please show me your permit.”
I know, I fucking know. I shouldn’t even be here. It’s not fair. I’m not allowed to enter, neither am I to stop. I must go on, I must. Please, I must. I’m sorry.
From the other side, the door opened and out came one of the posh clients. He caught the moment and slipped inside, pushed the door close, brought the safety lock in its place. He was here. He exhaled. He was here.
There was metal in the air, there were safety deposit boxes all around him, up to the ceiling, along the walls and he sniffed them like a mouse that could smell its cheese.
But there was someone else inside the room.
Only then was he seen, the other person’s panicked tone brought him back to reality, to the place he was in and the package he had in his hands. The guard pounded on the door on the other side of the room, keys rattled in the lock, the safety shook and his knees nearly gave out.
“Who are you? How did you get in here? Who let you in?” Another guard, a woman.
And he smiled. She stopped speaking. The crack on his lip split open as he smiled, his mind started buzzing, his hand was on the woman’s neck and no other sound came out. He squeezed his fingers until hers dropped from her belt, and only when she gripped his hand with both of hers, did he drop the package and slammed her into the floor. Her head burst open on the impact, the shopping bag fell around the armed bomb, the alarm started howling but all he could hear were the buzz in his head and the beep beep beep beep beep of the bomb.
Still, there was some distance between him and #107 so he shook away from the unmoving guard on the floor and picked the package back up between his arms. 
beep beep beep beep beep...
He pressed the beeping cassette against the one-oh-seven, the magnetic core clicked and it remained attached. But he still kept his hand on it, feeling the vibrations. 
The buzz in his head laced through the beeps and he closed his eyes, stood still and waited for the blast to engulf him...
and suddenly, the beep beep beep broke into a thunder.
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sereisstuff · 5 years
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 8
Demon! Kim Taehyung x chubby reader
The tales purpose - you accidentally summoned the prince of darkness and now he wants something in return, so he makes you his fiance to trick his father Hades into giving him the crown.
summary of the tale - Jimin comes barging into your room as Hades invites you to dinner, will jealousy spill from Taehyung or will the demon keep to himself.
(I deleted the previous chapter because I just wasn’t feeling it so I created another, please do enjoy!)
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Taehyung resided back to his own kingdom for the meantime wanting nothing of the mortal realm right now, the disturbingly serene silence the underworld brought him was daunting, the screams could only be heard if the large bolted doors of the kingdom were opened yet he’d rather hear that than to be trapped in his own chambers of taunting comments.
He’s made so many deals before whether it is with male or females all he cared about was what he received in the end, and usually, they ended rather fast with a few looks and forced comments from the one and only, then you happened and now as much as he hated to admit, seeing the end no longer brought a smirk to his devilish lips.
The end seemed too close but a deal is a deal and hopefully, his feelings don’t burn even brighter as the journey continues “son, you made it” his father clapped his hands, removing his helmet as his black orbs searched around him “where might this young woman you call a fiance, be?” his father couldn’t believe the news when Taehyung announced marriage, even if the title would finally be handed down, hades would always be the god of death.
Taehyung stood tall and proudly, his eyes inked in black as he blinked rapidly “she was unable to accompany me, father, no need to worry I will be introducing her soon” soon meant as long as he could hold off from everyone, you were nowhere near ready to be introduced to a god, although the potion would help you, your nervousness would give it all away, plus your witty and untamed mouth would mess him up.
“Finally able to give me a rest from this wicked torment of mortals, the dinner will be tomorrow make sure she’s there” his father announced even though it was taken more like a demand, Taehyung watched his father walk leisurely down the hall before throwing his head back and groaning ever so loudly, maybe seeing you would help him search for an answer.
Stupid idea, he thought, seeing you would only make his internal furnace burn more in desire, to lust after your piercing comments you made without shame, your confidence and stride to block people out with your defensive walls which slowly began to crumble in his presence every new scenario.
“That girl is gonna be the death of me”Taehyung walked back to his chambers in hopes of changing his attire before visiting you.………………………………………………………………………………..Glimpsing in love was an understatement, you glimpsed into the genuine emotion yet locked the door once you saw it’s capabilities, sitting on your bed in a pair of high waisted trousers and turtle neck, whilst reading a book about the gods, first was hera.
Goddess of fertility, marriage, childbirth and most importantly goddess of women, maybe one of her children walk this earth yet to be seen.As you read every word, you paid attention too, immersing yourself into the book eagerly looking for answers about hades, although he was a more known god amongst teenagers and adults, no one really knew about him, just his name and the world he ruled which would be terrible news if taehyung found out.
Sighing, today must not be your day as you slammed the book shut with a loud huff, not being able to concentrate close enough to remember what you just read, maybe your mind had run too fast to the point of no longer knowing the main intentions of why you were reading the book in the first place too caught up in the crossfire of loving a demi god and utterly hating the idea of doing so.
“Hey, so I found this” a melodious voice announced as it randomly entered your room, you jolted in shock throwing the book towards the unknown figure, scrambling back into the bed you watched wide-eyed as they groaned, rubbing their head in circled motions “first of all that was rude, secondly, you have a really good throw”
The figure looked up and meet eyes with you “Jimin” you breathed a sigh of relief as he picked his own book up again, dressed in a white unbuttoned loose blouse with a pair of trousers to match his outfit, showcasing his sharp collarbone and messy hair, damn he was exquisite.
“Tis, I the son of Aphrodite at your service” he knelt down, book in the higher hand as his back foot was thrown back in an angular position, Jimin had known of your growing love for his cousin wanting nothing more for you to receive happiness although he’d barely met you a few weeks prior, you had a certain innocence to you, he could feel the way his cousin relaxed at the mere sight of you and everyone who knew Kim taehyung knew that he never let his guard down.
“It’s a book, it has a certain prophecy in here that I wanted you to see, it may not be much importance to you but I couldn’t help but feel the need to show you” he sat beside you, opening the book while reading over the words until he found the one, “ah, yes here it is” he pointed to it leaning close to you as you moved your head to his side nearly touching his cheek with the proximity.
Reading aloud the words set in stone “when the fire burns brightest and the stars collide when death is near its peak and time stops, an answer which never should prevail will come to its end” with furrowed brows you made a huh sound looking at jimin who leapt from his spot “Okay, so I was thinking, that this prophecy is about you?”
You giggled “Jimin do you remember I’m not a demigod, this couldn’t be about me, I’m not even apart of your guy’s universe” this all seemed too ridiculous for you to register let alone be in a prophecy made thousands of years ago.“Point made” Jimin sighed still thinking about the book.
“But I can’t help it y/n” he groaned throwing himself beside you as you both released a heavy sigh while looking tediously at the roof, imagining things beyond you both, Jimin hated the fact that if this prophecy was true and his intentions on finding out were made proven then it would be his fault, imagine the chaos that would break through, the Erinyes would leave the judgment tables and wreak havoc.
Prior to if he really did understand it but prophecy never brought good to peoples lives.“Jimin, Y/n” a husky voice entered the conversation, his eyes inflamed in slight anger seeing you sitting so close to Jimin “Taehyung” you gulped leaning up, Jimin rolling slowly from the bed seeing the look of pure death being sent to his way, shaking off the disgusting feeling before returning a cute look “cousin” his voice dragged on in a disturbingly nice way.
Taehyung clenched his fist as he rolled his head around to curse the dead on his cousin “Jimin” he growled, Taehyung never dealt well with jealousy a personal trait he earned from his father, if he deemed you, his then until the deal is finished you were entirely his and no spell or powers could break that.
“I want you to get out” he muttered harshly under his breath bringing forth the anger he had sealed away for you from past days with namjoon “don’t hurt her please” Jimin begged, Taehyung stomped his foot making the pair of you flinch “just do as I say” Jimin sent you a reassuring smile as he walked through the white mist which formed around him.
Taehyung took a deep breath as to control his own self-deprecation “hello” you waved eagerly in his face even though it was pure nervousness, Taehyung bit his inner cheek narrowing his eyes your way as he searched your body, slightly admiring your outfit with a pleasurable hum “my little mortal” Taehyung admitted, wrapping a hand around your waist.
You choked slightly, Taehyung could feel everything from your heating emotions to your shyness that bloomed when he entered the room, thinking you weren’t noticeable was adorable to him, have you no idea of the amount of power he holds above your head, you usually greeted him with a groan but this time you uttered his voice with soft undertones, making his heart freeze.
“No comments today, my mortal, you must be growing fond of me” he teased leaning back to watch your reaction, even though the comment made your heart race as you pulled on a mask, acting disgusted “aren’t you just a joker today, asshole” Taehyung chuckled, his brows relaxing from its frown as he calmed down a bit.“I was just bringing your dinner attire for tomorrow night” that wasn’t true.
“Oh” was all you replied feeling slightly disappointed but you reminded yourself that he wasn’t yours, he had no need to be in contact with you until the day you met his father yet here he was once again.
He conjured a red bloody dress, which would have thick layers of linen along the sides of your arms below your shoulder, dropping down into your waist until it dropped down sensually until your ankles, making you gasp “this is amazing” Taehyung grew excited, wanting nothing more than to see you walking into the underworld in this dress
“I wanted to make sure you liked it, the choice of shoes is all yours though”
Taehyung hated to leave you but he had other duties that called, the few months he’d spent with you were all out of secrecy, now his work calls “thank you, taehyung” you wrapped your arms around him, Taehyungs eyes widened in shock, curling his fingers in his sides as he slowly embrace your first initiation of skin-ship.
“Ah-” he coughed roughly, you let him go as he stirred snatching you back into his embrace missing the sudden loss of warmth “remember the mark you have on your wrist” he whispered deeply into your ear, feeling his hot breath caress you sensually on your neck and lobe “that means your mine, y/n, and I don’t do well with sharing”He felt you shutter causing him to smirk, letting you go with one last peck before dispersing into flames, you sighed loudly, sitting on your bed holding on to your heart for support as you just began to recall what happened.
The doorbell brought you from your daze of contemplation, rushing downstairs quickly as you shoved the door open to see the witch who brewed the juice.She stood there, hand out with a gracious smile 
“Hello dear, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is lunar”
@sugarrimajins​ @bluemooncnblue​
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spider-manholland · 5 years
Don’t Tear Me Apart | Peter Parker
part two of the mending hearts mini-series
Pairing(s): Ex!Peter Parker x Female Reader, Peter Parker x Michelle Jones, Brad Davis x Female Reader
Warning(s): angst, like usual, some fluffy flashbacks, swearing, sexual themes (but not detailed), Far From Home spoilers
Summary: Sometimes it takes losing the person you once loved to make you realize how much they still mean to you.
Requested by @decaffeinated-turtle
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You found Venice breathtaking.
It’s been a few hours since you and your class landed in the beautiful city and now you all were walking around the market, checking out the unique stores and taking pictures of the gorgeous scenery.
You walked along the stone bridge, smiling at the sight of the masquerade masks, running your fingers over the fake feather that was attached to one of them. “See anything that catches your eye?” You withdrew your hand away from the mask, blushing from embarrassment as you turned towards the smiling elderly woman. “Oh, sorry. I was just looking, that’s all.” You quickly replied, flashing the woman an apologetic smile before walking away and returning back to where the rest of your class was.
“Where did you go?” Betty asked as soon as she spotted you walking up to her and the others. “I went to go see the other shops across the bridge. They’re okay, the much cooler shops are on this side though.”
“Oh, well me and Ned are gonna do a gondala ride . Wanna come with us?” Betty pointed her thumb back towards the bridge, causing you to shake your head. “Nah, I’m gonna go check out this jewelry store that I’ve had my eye on for a while.”
“Okay, see you later!” Betty said, waving you goodbye before skipping happily towards the bridge where Ned was already waiting for her.
Those two definitely have something going on, you thought to yourself, smirking when you saw their hands slowly brush up against each other a couple times before finally lacing together.
“They definitely got something going on.” You felt your heart nearly jump out of chest at the sound of Brad’s voice, turning to see him suddenly standing next you. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” You chuckled softly, crossing your arms over your chest.
“So,” Brad spoke up after a short silence that came between you two. “Are we going to talk about what happened on the plane or just try to forget about it all? Just wondering because what happened after was really awkward.”
“Yeah,” you nodded your head, feeling heat travel up your neck and to your cheeks, creating a pinkish color on your skin as the memory resurfaced into your mind. “It was really awkward.”
Muffled moans fell from your lips as your hands gripped onto Brad’s biceps tightly as you were met with another hard thrust from him, causing you to arch your back, your hands flying from his biceps to grasp onto the sides of the sink.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned loudly, feeling Brad’s hand instantly go up to cover your mouth as he pulled out and thrusted sharply back in. “You need to be quiet or we’ll get caught, okay?” He stopped, causing you to whimper from the sudden loss of contact but still nodded your head. Brad then smirked before continuing, increasing the speed of his thrusts, the sound of each other’s moans and your skin slapping against his filling the small room.
“I-I’m close.” You whimpered softly, moving your hands from the sink and placed them onto his chest, sliding up until it reached the side of his face, cupping his cheek and forcing him to stare into your eyes. “Me too.” He replied, leaning down and crashing his lips against yours aggressively, the feeling of his thrusts becoming sloppier and more rougher.
“Oh fuck!” Brad then grunted loudly, pulling away from your lips and thrusting into you one last time, sending you over the edge and causing you both to reach your climax.
You leaned forward and rested your forehead against his as the both of you tried to regain your breath, sharing quick pecks every couple of seconds. “That was-” you started to say, hopping off the small sink that you were currently sitting on, grabbing your jeans that were on the floor and putting them on.
“Amazing?” Brad smirked, pulling up his pants that were resting at his ankles and fixing his belt.
“Sure.” You replied sarcastically but playfully, causing the both of you to laugh. But when you unlocked and opened the bathroom door you both froze in your spots when seeing who was waiting on the other side. Their eyes were wide-open and their lips slightly parted.
“Oh,” Brad spoke up, uneasiness clear in his voice. “Hey, Parker.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, your voice low enough to where only Brad could hear you. “I used you as a distraction, and that’s such a terrible thing to do to a person.” You said, feeling the once pleasure you felt for him turn into guilt. “I was just so—angry at Peter for everything he did to me and I wanted to get back at him for it. And you standing in front me, calling me beautiful and all-” You didn’t know your eyes were tearing up until you felt Brad place his hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze. “Peter hasn’t called me beautiful in a long time. He used to.”
“And next thing I knew my lips were on yours, pulling you into the bathroom and-” you then couldn’t help but feel blush forming on your cheeks at your next words. “-and getting it on.”
“I’m sorry for using you to get back at Peter. You’re a nice guy, you don’t deserve-” you began to ramble but stopped when Brad placed his hand over your mouth. “Hey, it’s okay.” He smiled, reassuring you and pulling his hand away. “I’m not mad. I’m actually feeling the opposite of that.”
“Really?” You asked, your eyes squinting at him confusingly. “Yeah,” he nodded, laughing at your reaction. “I had sex, on an airplane. That’s like every guy’s fantasy. I should be thanking you actually.”
“Oh my god,” you giggled, shaking your head. You stared at him, the blush on your cheeks growing even pinker as his lips turned into a smirk. “I can’t believe you.”
“And guess what?” Brad asked, causing you to raise your brows at him. “We joined the mile high club together.”
“Shut up.” You playfully scoffed, shaking your head. The sound of someone suddenly calling out for Brad caught your guys’ attention, both of you glancing around to find the person yelling for him, your eyes landing on Flash who was waving over at himself.
“Oh yeah,” Brad spoke up, “I forgot that me and Flash were gonna walk around the city and try find a good place to have dinner tonight because from the looks of our hotel, the room service probably isn’t that good.” You chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Do you wanna come with us?”
“No, I’m good.” You shook your head, smiling politely. “There’s actually this jewelry store that I wanted to check out. I’ll see you later though.”
“Alright.” Brad nodded, winking at you before jogging towards Flash. “Oh, and Y/N?” You quirked your brow at him, staring at him amusingly as a smirk grew on his lips.
“If you ever want to get back at Peter again, let me know.”
- - -
Arriving at the jewelry store your mind has been so obsessed on ever since you got to Venice, you prayed that they had the necklace you were looking for.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t see where you were going until you felt yourself collide into someone else, causing you to nearly stumble back until you felt their hands grab onto your arms, balancing you. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going-” your words then got caught in your throat when seeing who you exactly crashed into.
“S-Sorry,” Peter quickly apologized, his eyes as wide as yours. “I wasn't paying attention either.
You just nodded your head, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear, something you usually did whenever you were nervous or anxious. Your eyes then drifted down at the small bag he was holding in his hand, your next words coming out before you could even fully register them. “What’s that?”
“It’s a necklace for-” Peter then paused, seeming almost hesitant to finish his sentence. And that’s when you knew. The necklace was for her.  “Oh...”
“Y-Yeah.” Peter nodded, smiling awkwardly as the two stood uncomfortably in front of each other, you bouncing on the heels of your feet as he nibbled on his bottom lip.
“I better go!” You both said at the same time, heat traveling up your guys’ cheeks. “See you later.” You whispered softly, lowering your head to hide the blush on your face as you hurriedly stepped inside the store, leaving Peter outside alone.
Peter knew he should’ve left, he got what he came here for. But there was a part of him saying that he should stay. So he did. He stood in front of the window by the front entrance and watched as you looked around the store, running your fingers of the display cases as you observed the different kind of jewelry.
What is she looking for? Peter couldn’t help but wonder, watching as you stopped at one of the cases, smiling widely as you waved for one of the workers to help you, pointing your index finger at whatever was inside.
He then watched you talked to worker, curiosity filling his veins as he noticed your smile dropping into a frown. “Oh shit,” Peter cursed, his eyes widening when seeing you walk out of the store with your head down. He quickly ran around the corner, hiding himself as you walked by, unaware of his presence.
“Come on, Peter.” He spoke to himself, his eyes trained on your leaving figure before turning his attention back at the store. “Just leave, you got what you came for. You got the Black Dahlia necklace for MJ.”
But he couldn’t leave. Seeing your disappointed face as you left the store made him want to go back in and see what you wanted. So that’s what he did. Peter stepped back into the store and walked around, checking every case to see what sparked your interest. And just as he was about to give up, his eyes landed on a familiar piece of jewelry. It was glass necklace, like the Black Dahlia. But instead of a black flower it was a red dragon.
Peter suddenly felt his heart pick up speed as he stared longer at the necklace, a memory that he still remembers even after everything he’s been through flashing through his mind.
“Mulan is the best Disney movie ever and you can’t change my mind, Parker!” You snapped, playfully rolling your eyes as Peter shook his head, refusing to agree with you.
You and Peter were both in his kitchen, cleaning up whatever was left of your guys’ dinner as the end credits of Mulan played in background.
“I don’t know, baby.” Peter shrugged, smirking at the annoyed expression on your face. “Cinderella is a classic. Nothing can beat that.”
“Mulan can.” You said, crossing your arms stubbornly over your chest. “It’s my favorite movie and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind.”
“I’m not trying to change your mind, Y/N. It’s you who’s trying to change my mind.” Peter stated, causing you to just scoff. “Oh, whatever.”
Your phone then suddenly went off, catching both of your guys’ attention. Just as you were about grab your phone, Peter quickly fired his web at it and yanked it towards him, catching it in his hand. “Hey!”
“What’s this?” Peter asked, turning your phone in your direction, showing your screen which had an image of a red dragon necklace made completely out of glass. “Why are you looking on a jewelry store’s website located in Venice, Italy?”
“It’s just something that I’ve had my eye on for a while.” You simply answered, shrugging your shoulders. “I was messaging the owner of the store to see if I can buy it online but he said that they don’t do online purchases. And I was gonna buy it when we went to Europe a couple months ago but we didn’t go to Venice and Venice is the only place that specific necklace can be found.”
“Oh baby,” Peter laughed quietly, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around you, finding your pouting face really adorable. “I promise next time we go to Europe together we’ll go to Venice and I’ll buy that necklace for you.”
“Really? You’d do that for me?” You asked, your pouting lips curling up into a smile. “Of course,” Peter nodded, leaning down pressing his lips against yours softly.
“I’d do anything for you, Y/N.” Peter mumbled against your lips, moving his mouth away from yours and began to leave kisses down your neck, making your knees go weak. “I love you.”
You felt your heart nearly bursting into millions of butterflies at his words, your hands moving up his toned chest to rest on his broad shoulders.
“I love you too, Peter.”
Peter felt himself smile at the memory. He told you that he loved you before but that was day he knew he was in love with you. Since he was Spider-Man his life was constantly filled with danger and paranoid thoughts. But you, you made him feel normal. You made him forget all the crazy shit he’s been through and currently going through and feel like he was just a teenager again. He just wished it worked out in the end for you two. But life doesn’t always work out how you want it to.
“Excuse me, sir?” Peter called out for one of the employees, pulling out his wallet. He then glanced down at the price, seeing that it cost the same as the Black Dahlia. “Shit,” he cursed, frowning. He already used most of his cash to buy MJ’s necklace.
You should just leave, part of Peter’s mind suggested but the other part told him to stay, and of course, that’s what he did. “Do you think I could pay just a little under the original price for this necklace?” He asked, pointing at the Red Dragon.
“No,” the man immediately shook his head. “Just like I told the girl before you, I can’t reduce the price.”
Peter sighed, nibbling on his bottom lip as he tried to think what else he could do to get it. “But,” the man added, “If you return what you just got from here you’ll get a full refund and have enough buy this necklace.”
Peter felt his eyes glance down at the bag that held the Black Dahlia, MJ’s necklace. He couldn’t return it. That was the only reason why he was even at the store in the first place, to buy that necklace for her. For MJ.
“Never mind, sorry to bother you.” Peter apologized before making his towards the exit. But just as he was about to leave the store he stopped, it was like something was pulling him back. Because next thing he knew he was standing back at the counter, in front of the same worker with his wallet in his hand.
“Do you accept credit cards?”
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if you want to be part of this mini-series’s taglist!
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@laic2299  @untoldstoriescomingtrough  @starsholland  @squid-kidd8  @harringtonwife  @maybemona  @valentinevirgo  @disgustangg
- Series Taglist - (if your username is crossed out that means I couldn't tag you for some reason.)
@wonders-of-the-multiverse  @stuckonpeterparker  @cherry3bombshell  @slytherpuffyy  @skarsgard-bill-sstuff  @the-nargles-made-me-do-it  @liljennyx3  @h00drhatwaifu  @fakindob  @charli-xy  @imagine-lovebug  @greene-house  @sweetdarlingholland  @t-holland2080  @baby-unidorn  @unsolvedhearts  @fizaalam98  @lunatic--charm  @lbuck121  @its-the-unknownspidey  @ravngers  @tomshufflepuff  @hypotheticallyhumanxx  @mizzvanjie  @jessiyoshi
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stingykei · 4 years
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Haiba Lev x Reader : Well Played
Word count: 995 words
Chapter IV: I missed you.
warning: mention of suicide
A/N : Okay i jUst wanna say this. I usually update everyday but I didn't yesterday becuase an error happened and the first Chapter IV wasn't saved. I was so sad and frustrated. I just scrolled through tumblr then closed it.
previously on Chapter III
There he was, Lev together with Hinata. Shock was evident in his face. Then he smirked.
"Hey Y/N, how are you?"
You just stood there for a while staring at the man who was hugging Hinata in the back. "Y/N? Are you okay?" You regained your composure when Alissa tapped your shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. I'm probably hungry." You said smiling at Alissa, then you turned to face Lev who's now let go of Hinata. He was standing there with his hand on his pocket.
He was wearing a gray blazer and a white silk shirt inserted in his gray pants. The first three button of his shirt was open, and his usual hair was styled slicked. He's wearing a rolex. Oh, he look like a model. he is.
"Hey Lev, how are you? I missed you!" you gave him your fakest smile. He frowned at that but smiled back at you. "I'm great actually." He paused for a while, "Why don't we go eat, since Y/N is hungry." Akaashi was standing there with you guys, just silent. He was staring at Lev, "Okay, let's eat. We haven't eaten anything anyway." Akaashi answered. Your head swung to where he was, 'you don't wanna eat with Lev' is what you thought. Akaashi just shrugged. You sighed, Alissa went on ahead with Hinata. You, Akaashi and Lev were left behind.
You grab Akaashi's wrist dragging him. He just followed you, then he hold your hand. You didn't pay much attention to it, Lev was behind you two. "Are you two dating?" He asked.
I mean, normal people would ask since you and Akaashi seemed to plan for this because your dressing code fits with Akaashi's. You were wearing a fit black pants and inserted you turtle neck over a black blazer. You have a gucci belt on and a necklace which has a teardrop pendant. Akaashi was also wearing a black shirt, two of his buttons were open with black pants. His blazer was hanging in his forearms. He was wearing a bracelet that almost matched your necklace.
"That's none of your business Lev." You answered still looking ahead. Lev just hummed. You talked with various things with Akaashi, you messaged everyone else your whereabouts. Everyone, was at the arcade. Kuroo was with them too. He sent a selfie of him, Bokuto his arms in the air, Kags was looking down, Sugamama was comforting him. He probably lost to Bokuto over something. Kei and Tadashi, was facing a game you don't know about. Kenma was looking in his phone. You told Kuroo you will eat first then head over to the arcade. 2 hours left before the show.
While laughing at your phone, Akaashi was also looking at yours. You felt a hand on you arms, you were being pulled back. You tried to grab Akaashi's shirt but failed. Akaashi was shocked too, he looked at the person who pulled you. Your back hit someone, arms snaked on your neck and a head over your head.
"Lev, wtf are you doing?!" You asked when you realized what's happening.
"I'm just checking if you two are really dating. Guess not." He answered, Akaashi stood there staring. "Lev let go of her." He said when he regained his composure. Lev hummed, he stealthily kissed the top of your head then let go of you. His arms in the air, then he went on walking.
Akaashi got a hold of your hand then he asked if you're fine. You just nodded. Things still haven't registered in your head but your heart reacted first.
It was beating so fast, that you wanna punch yourself for being so stupid. You can't believe he still has the same effects he did when you two were still dating. Over a small gesture like this. Your face was red when you arrived in the place Alissa choosed.
You hate this seating arrangement. You were seating in a 6 person table. You sat next to Akaashi. Hinata was sitting beside Akaashi, and in front of Hinata was Alissa and you have Lev over there. You hate this. He was staring at you, his head was resting in his hand. You already ordered the food and it's taking so damn long.
"Oh right, we are watching a movie later on. Do you wanna come?" Hinata said looking at Alissa and Lev.
"Sure why not?"
"I can't."
Everyone looked at Alissa. "I can't, I have something to do after this. Sorry. Lev can come though." She said with a sad smile.
"It's fine, there's always next time." Akaashi answered, you and Hinata just nodded. You all talked and talk catching up with each other. Lev and Alissamodeled and you know that. How could you not, wherever you pan your head you always see the siblings faces. A moment later the food arrived, everyone went silent. Probably too hungry to talk. You were the first one to finished, you were drank your water then excused yourself. When you came back, Alissa was not there. Hinata said that someone called her and she has to go. Everyone decided to go, Hinata and Akaashi was in front, you were last because you checked the table if there are things that was left. When you were that there isn't, someone softly grabbed your waist, his voice tickled your ears.
"I missed you too." It was Lev.
You don't wanna admit it. You missed him too. Literally, no joke, but you don't want to repeat everything again.
You were hurt so much, you are scared. You don't want the feeling of suffocating in your own breathe again. Having the trouble of sleeping, and even if you were asleep, you wake up with a tear in your face.
You were having a nightmare, you don't know what was real anymore. Even if you're asleep you're in pain, when you're awake, you're in pain. You just don't want that anymore, you might go crazy and accidentally kill yourself.
You sighed. You walked, staring into the empty space. Following wherever you feet takes you.
Chapter V: Like Before
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mingi-darling · 4 years
Different Circumstances
Pairing: idol!jungkook x fem!reader
Warning: slight mention of rape, cussing, kissing scene.
Fluff, just fluff
Summary: Jeon Jungkook is on the run as he struggles to get away from fans who are trying to chase him down, an unexpected turn of events leads to Andrea being under the hands of her favourite idol... like literally.
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Running as fast as he could, Jungkook bolted away from his hiding spot as a mob of fans chased him down. Well obviously hiding behind a pole is not the best place to hide in, it was all he could do at the moment.
Jungkook felt like he could out run the fastest guy on earth, even if his legs were starting to get sore, he can’t afford to take even at least one second to breathe or else the fans that were chasing him from behind could devour him whole.
The screaming fans only alerted more people that a ran away celebrity was on their street.
‘Can this day get even worse?!’
He took a sharp left as he kept running, he then suddenly caught sight of an idea, he prayed to god that this’ll hopefully work.
“Have a great day sir!,” Andrea bowed politely to the old man behind the cashier register, the girl offered him a big smile as he returned the kind gesture.
Walking out of the convenient store each step she took had a small skip to it, she had bought herself some snacks to eat to prepare herself for a long day of binge watching her favourite show, “Fight For My Way,” starring Park Seo Joon! Just even thinking about his name made her drool.
Her train of though was cut off as she was suddenly pulled into an alleyway, making her drop the bag of goodies, her heart started to beat faster as she could feel her adrenaline rush through her body.
‘Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, I’m going to die!,’ Andrea mentally panicked as her breath hitches.
Pinned onto the hard bricked wall, Andrea could feel beads of sweat starting to form onto her forehead. If she was going to report this person for sexual harassment she’s going to have to be able to describe them. Her eyes that were shut tight hesitantly fluttered open. The man that held her captive between his arms wore a black oversized coat, a black hat, a grey turtle neck which was tucked into a pair of black pants, around his waist was a black leathered belt that hung over his thighs, and completed his outfit with a pair of high combat boots, which were, you guessed it, was black. She noticed his ears were decorated with silver hoop earrings, he may not have a lot of colour in his clothing, but he did have a sense of style. Thankfully, the guy was busy looking over at his shoulder to notice that the girl was checking him out.
“P-please let me go!,” Andrea pleaded, the man’s eye’s soften, guilt washed over him as he felt bad for bringing her into his problems, but there isn’t any time to turn back now. He pulled his mask down and Andrea couldn’t help but sense a pang of familiarity, it’s like she’d seen him before, had they already met or something? But before she could even question him further, Andrea could smell his strong manly scent as he leaned closer, his lips hovering over her ear as heat crept up onto her face as she could feel herself turning red, His hot breath hitting her delicate skin as he whispered.
“I’m sorry.”
And with no further warnings he pushed his rough lips over her soft and plump ones, her eyes widen as she could hear yelling from outside the alley. If it could, her heart could jump out of her chest right at this very moment as it beat faster and faster with every gentle kiss this man placed onto her lips, she then slowly gave in and decided to let him lead her through.
A group of girls then stop right outside of the alleyway as they started going off at each other,
“Where’d he go?!”
“He was just here!”
“Idiots! You could’ve ran faster!”
“Even at running Jungkook could win a marathon! He’s so hot! What a shame, we were so close.”
“Ew, people really have the audacity to kiss in public.”
And with that they left, their loud bickering of how they could’ve met their favourite idol faded off, but the two didn’t notice as they were lost in the moment as they kept sucking their faces off.
They pulled away only to catch their breath, with heavy breathing, Jungkook rested his forehead against hers. Realization hit her as she finally let the words sink into her mind.
She had just kissed THE Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of the most famous and well known group.... BTS
What’s worst is that, aside from Park Seo joon, Andrea had the biggest and the most fattest crush on him.
“How the hell did you not even recognize him from the start?!”
As hard as Andrea tried to convince herself that it wasn’t him, she couldn’t help but look at him a little closer and now can see the similarities, his beautiful doe eyes stared her down and she could feel her legs going weak, Jungkook couldn’t help but smirk at the girl’s stunned expression.
“This isn’t real.”
Andrea didn’t mean it to slip, fear and embarrassment replaced the shy and flustered feeling she once had.
She had offended him and all she wantede to do now was dig up her own grave and curl up into a ball and cry.
She closed her eyes not wanting to see his pained expression.
But then a melodic chuckle filled her ears, she felt a hand on her head and realized that he was gently ruffling her hair.
“Aren’t you a cute little thing~,” Jungkook cooed as he grinned at how red her face had turned. Although, for the past 10 minutes of knowing her, Jungkook felt a different aura around her, it was more innocent and pure, he didn’t understand what he was feeling as all of this was foreign to him, but yet, he couldn’t help but crave for more of it. The way he get’s so giddy as he looked at her face with eyes filled with genuine happiness. Although he wished that he’d meet her under better circumstances than this, he was thankful that he had bumped into her either way.
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My first time posting here 🥺, I really hope it isn’t as cringey as it is...
#Jungkookff #BTSfanfics #BTSff #bts #idol!auxreader #xreader #kpopfanfics #kpop #kpopfanfics2020 #idol!jungkookxreader #au
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smeraldos · 5 years
blindside [pt. 2]
truth or lie: you can’t keep a secret. [college!au]
part 1 <       > part 3
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pairing: jeongguk x reader
summary: you’re too good to be true.
a/n: sorry for the long wait - i’m a turtle and life keeps me busy, so please bear with me. no JK in this chap because you get the spotlight (but he will make an appearance soon). hope you enjoy🌸
to the people who supported my 1st chap: thank you x 3000 - i don’t think i can say it enough. please see the bottom!
What you liked most about Taehyung was that he still had some Geochang in him. Granted, it hadn’t been long since he’d traded an idyllic riverside for the lights and smog of Seoul, but the part of him that others chided as rustic and unrefined was what you saw as honest. 
Secretly, you wished you could be more like him. And maybe you would have, if this city hadn’t made it impossible to. Without a thick skin, you’d be a deer in the midst of wolves. 
“Haesoo,” he called out from the paint aisle, “did you see any Holbein lying around?”
“The gouache?” You yelled back. “They ran out yesterday, but I placed an order. They should be coming in next week.”
There was a distant clatter in response, then Taehyung exclaiming “leaping lizards.” Sounded like he’d knocked over an easel. “That picky ahjumma won’t let me hear the end of it.”
“Then don’t tell her,” you said.
“She’s going to ask about it, anyway,” he lamented, coming into view. His hair was freshly black then, starkly illustrating his handsome features. Any girl would save a country for someone like him, although you had never seen him take advantage of it. 
“Good luck.” You returned to your book. “I’ll be cheering you on silently.”
Only the light melody from the speakers responded. Manager Min had a talent for finding poignant music, and right then, it swept you up in a breeze, a wash of waves along the shore. A midnight trip to the beach when you were a child, determined and fearless, and your brother dared you to wade out as far as you could without looking back. 
And then Taehyung cut in, yanking you out of your memory.
“Hoping we won’t find–” he began, his voice startlingly loud. In fact, he was standing right behind you, peering over your shoulder. Snapping your book shut, you whipped around to glare at him. “What do you want?”
“Can you switch with me? That ahjumma seriously gets on my nerves.“
“You handled her just fine the last time. If you can’t, what makes you think I can?”
“You’re way better at keeping your cool, for one,” he started, but when it was obvious you weren’t going to budge, he switched gears. “I’ll buy you something. Just name the price and I’ll pay it.”
“A job for the marketing team at Samsung.”
“You can’t pay for that,” he retorted.
“But you can bribe someone,” you shot back. “That’s still a price to pay, isn’t it?”
“Are you kidding? I can’t go to jail.”
“Then sorry, I can’t help you.”
Pouting, Taehyung pulled at your arm. “Please? Just this once.”
“No.” You tugged it back. “Will you stop and get back to work?”
“Only if you aren’t contradicting yourself,” he pointed out.
“Okay, first, there’s no one–” Paying, you were about to say, but caught your mistake. Not only was no one in line for the register, but there was also no one in the entire shop besides the two of you. 
“Exactly,“ Taehyung affirmed, a playful tilt to his smile. “So since we’re not busy and I don’t have anything to read, can we switch?” He turned up the aegyo again. 
Gosh, Taehyung could be such a persistent child. You don’t even like reading, you wanted to say, but considered giving in to get him off your back. 
Just then, the bells on the door chimed.
It took Taehyung a second to resume the part of a proper employee, and in that second, you gave him a smug look. He stuck his tongue out. Then he strode over to greet the halmoni who’d stepped in, and you watched her glow as he’d talked, Gyeongsang satoori on display. She’d come from around Daegu, then, you thought with a smile. Taehyung always knew how to make a customer feel at home.
A minute later, Manager Min shuffled in with a huge, sturdy bag, dropping it off in front of you.
“What’s this?” You asked, turning the bag around to see the logo of an electronics company.
“Our new security camera. Someone’s going to help me install it later.“ He made his way around the counter, and instinctively, you felt your pulse pick up. That was the one thing you couldn’t control. “Did that new shipment of Jumi notebooks come in?”
“Half an hour ago,” you said, wondering why Min decided to get a camera now. It hadn’t been long since the old one had stopped working, yet long enough that it seemed he would go on without one. The surrounding area was relatively free of crime, anyway, and chances of a robbery were slim to none.
Had he somehow caught onto you stealing? You turned to meet his eyes. His expression was nothing out of the ordinary - no narrowed eyes or searching gaze suggestive of a question.
“Great,” he said, voicing out your thoughts. “And you restocked them?”
“As soon as they came in.”
Min nodded, satisfied. “I’ll take over the cashier, you go and help Taehyung-ssi.”
“Of course.”
“Oh, and Haesoo-ssi?” You looked back. “Jiwon-ssi’s farewell dinner is tomorrow. Don’t forget.”
“I won’t,” you assured with a smile, then greeted the next customer. She was slim, dressed in a dark pantsuit similar to the one your mother bought when you told her you’d accepted an offer to work at Hana Financial Group. In fact, it hung in your closet, the tags still attached. You couldn’t bring yourself to return it.
“Hello.“ The customer came up to you, smile sweet, eyes sharp. “Do you have the piano performance book for the Associated Board Exams?” She pushed a girl who could only be her daughter forward, prompting her gently. “What level was it, princess?”
The daughter, surprisingly, had tears in her eyes. Her mother bent to wipe them, murmuring what seemed to be words of comfort until you read her lips. “You don’t want the duster when we get home, do you?”
It was a mild threat compared to the items that had been doled out on you for discipline. This girl, however, was no more than seven. She wouldn’t know anything worse. Bravely, she gulped in a breath and met your eyes. “Four,” she said, voice clear.
You could barely say, “yes,” before a bell-like sound came from the woman’s pocket. She pulled her phone out and held it to her ear, telling her daughter to follow you while she left to speak outside.
Alone, the girl looked to you timidly. Her wide eyes glistened from the last of her tears, and if her mother hadn’t been within sight, you wouldn’t have hesitated to reach out and console her. As it was, you could only say, “Follow me.”
In the book aisle, you showed her where the Associated Board ones were kept and turned to look at her. “Do you like playing the piano?”
“Yes.” She met your gaze straight-on.
That would have convinced you, had you not seen the way her mother treated her or how her gaze lingered at the art section, curiosity burning bright.
“That’s good,” you said, handing her the Level 4 book. “Are you practicing for the exams?”
“And did you make mistakes?”
She flinched, but maintained eye contact. “No.”
It was the face of denial. You knew that one too well.
Gently, you knelt down in front of her. “I didn’t say that was a bad thing. It’s how you learn and get better. If you keep practicing, you’ll do well.”
“But umma says if I make mistakes, I’m going to fail and make her mad.”
“Maybe at the exam,” you agreed, “but when you practice, it doesn’t count. When will you be tested?”
“Next, next…” She paused, thinking, then added, “next month.”
“You still have time,” you assured. “So mistakes don’t mean you failed, okay? They mean chances to improve.”
She nodded, slowly coming around to what you were saying. “Okay.”
“Please remember that,” you said, then stretched out a hand to her, opening your palm. In it was the origami ballerina you’d seen her staring at, the one of Odette from Swan Lake. You were sure Jiwon wouldn’t mind if it went missing. “And if there’s something you really want to do, don’t give up on it.”
Joy shone on her face as she took it from you. “Thank you.”
You returned her smile. “Don’t tell your umma any of this. It’s a secret, promise?”
She hooked her pinky through yours. “Promise,” she echoed, then tucked the ballerina in her pocket. 
You were glad she agreed. Not because you were afraid of her mother chewing you out; if anything, you could care less. You just didn’t want to make things harder on the girl, and you knew better than to get in the way between a mother and a daughter. You were a stranger, after all, not anyone close. All you could do was give her hope.
When the girl’s mother re-entered, you watched her run back, light catching on her hair. 
(In hindsight, that was probably one of the few things you did that was worth it.)
saved the best for last!  you guys mean a lot; i just didn’t want this section to bombard any new readers.
special shout-out to @jiminsarea for the ‘lil encouragement to continue; @scastro95 for commenting (actually, JK didn’t catch her - he just happened to look at her hands! it was a close call); @jkstrash1997, @baegukkiew​, @dammit-jjk​, @jjungkookvnv​ for reblogging; @ko0kle, @ctrl-alt-jeon, @chellllls, @deadleaves278, @wingsprainedhmelou, @jeon-shi for following; and everyone who liked the post (too many to tag!). i’m grateful for each and every one of you. thank you for gracing this humble work with your support 💜
hope you all keep reading, and if there’s a way i can support you as a creator, let me know!
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bamdab101 · 5 years
The stars align-Chapter 2
“it was time we had a break, he was starting to get crazy. I mean don't get me wrong he was so beautiful and he was fun but he was so controlling. Always had to know where I was and who i was with.” I yell to my friend trying to talk to her above the roaring techno music of the club. 
“Your damn right he was hot. Jackson was probably of the hottest people I have ever seen. Buttttttt its a great thing you guys are taking a break because now i have a club buddy again!” she yells back even louder. Looking around the club you spot at least two men you could have some fun on the dance floor with. You walk up to the bar deciding if anything is going to happen tonight you need a drink. Your best friend no longer behind you, your eyes travel around the large club. You spot her already on the dance floor with her tongue down a random dudes throat. Well at least one of us will have some romance tonight. 
You wave your hand getting the bartenders attention “Hey can I ge-“
“She’ll have a whiskey sour on my tap” a deep voice interrupts you from behind. Twisting on the metal barstool swiftly you turn around to see where the voice came from. That is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.
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The man behind you had vibrant red hair, his lips were a plump and a natural peach color. The black turtle neck and match black jeans he was wearing were showing off all the best parts of him. Staring at him a little too long you stuttered out “H-how did you know that is my favorite drink?” The beautiful man took the seat right next to you, never breaking the stare between you two. “I just guessed” he said, his eyes traveling from your eyes to your lips “I’m good at stuff like that.” His eyes lingering on your lips a littler longer they then moved back up your face to your eyes. His expression changed from a sexy almost predatory stare to a cheerful friendly one. A large smile grew in his face and he reach his hand out to you. “I’m jooheon, what’s your name darling?” He says
“I-I’m YN. Thank you for the drink jooheon” you studder out finally breaking out of the trance you were in. I’m really gonna need that liquid courage now. Grabbing the drink in front of you, you down the entire thing in one gulp. "Wow I like a woman who can handle her liquor" he says eyes wide with wonder. "Would you like to dance?" You say already feeling the drink working. Dang that was a strong drink. "Of course! I love dancing!" He exclaims cheerfully. Ready to dance you jump out of your seat, your legs immediately giving out. Before you hit the ground you feel his muscular arms come around your waist catching you. "Whoah there. Don't worry I got you” he huskily whispers in your ear behind you. "I- I'm sorry I'm usually not a such a lightweight" You say as you feel your head fall back onto his chest. What did that bartender put in there? "Hey it's okay love. I'll take care of you" He whispers as you loose consciousness. 
“Heavens jooheon how much did you give her?! She should be awake by now"
“ I got distracted! I mean look at how pretty she is. She's definitely a reincarnation."
You slowly start to come to consciousness. Your memories of earlier started to come back, the bar your friend the beautiful man the drink. "Maybe we should call shownu distract him. If he gets here and she's still asleep do you know what he will do to me?!? Or even worse what she will do to me if she chooses shownu and becomes queen!”  You hear a male voice whisper yell frantically. Wait I know that voice, it's the voice of the guy Jooheon think was his name. The guy at the bar who bought me a drink. Recognizing the voice you open your eyes. The light of the room burning them immediately. You groan at the feeling. "She's awake!" You feel someone help you sit up. Your eyes adjusting to the light you look around the room. The only words you could think to describe  it would be a mystic fairy tale. There was white marble everywhere. A large pond in the middle of the room with columns going around it. In the pond was beautiful koi fish swimming elegantly. Why are those fish better looking than me? Looking up to the man supporting you, you immediately recognize him.
“YOU. What did you do to me!?” His eyes got wide and he lets go of you. "I told you my name do you not remeber? The bar, your best friend grinding on that man, me jooheon?" He says with a concerned expression, worry laced in his voice. "Did you drug me? IM GONNA KILL YOU" you yell. Your anger getting the better of you, you jump on top of him. “TAKE ME HOME NOW YOU CHEAP GIGOLO!" You scream smacking his beautiful face. Suddenly you feel someone wrap their arms around you and pull you off. "D-Did you just call me a low class male prostitute?" Jooheon barely makes out while rolling on the ground holding his sides. "Oh I like this little fish, she's got some spuNK to her” you hear a voice say lowly from behind you. That must be his partner in crime. That's okay can take them both down. What's this bitch got? Spinning around out of his grip you swing your fist right to his face. Before your fist made any contact the man in front of you catches it, letting you get a look at him. I think Calvin Klein models just kidnapped me. I'm not too mad at this.
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The man holding your fist had blounde hair and probably the most kissable lips you've ever seen. He was wearing black ankle boots with black pants tucked into them with a black shirt with gold accents and a matching black felt jacket. Your eyes following up his body you noticed he had a charm about him just like Jooheon but this one seemed a little more.....deadly. "Like what you see my little fish?" He says leaning closer to you with a slight smirk. YN remeber how you got here, they're criminals! Jumping away from him you look around the room for an escape route. While your eyes search around the room you finally notice the three other men in the room. They were all equally as beautiful and had that same charming aura around them. One of them was sitting on the side of the pond. His hair was bright purple, he was wearing a white suit with small stitching flower detail all over the jacket. He was smiling at you, he seems kind. The next man was leaning against a column lazily. His hair styled up was a sandy color. He was wearing black dress pants with a dress shirt and a black tie. You could see his forearms were muscular as he had them folded and his sleeves were rolled up slightly. He was looking at you with his glasses half way down his nose. He looked as if he were judging you. The final man in the room had green hair. He was smiling awkwardly with a book in his hand. He was also wearing a dress shirt with matching white pants. On closer inspection his shirt had gold accents on it like the others. 
"Okay who the fuck are you people and where the fuck am I?!" You say with anger trying to understand everything that's happening. "Your name is YN your parents are YDN, YMN. You are YA years old. You work as a florists, you've had a fascination with flowers ever since you were little.” the green headed man states while looking anywhere in the room but at you. "Ho- how did you know that. Who the hell are you people and why do you know everything about me?!" You scream backing up. So much information going through your head it didn't even register with you that everyone stood up straight with suprise in your eyes as the large white doors behind you opened. Suddenly you ran your back into what you thought was a wall. Until you felt something grip your shoulders with a large sigh. "Boys I know none of you have much experience with human women. But freaking her out isn't the first step in wooing her." Without even turning around you could feel the commanding presence of the person or thing behind you. This is where die. I'm gonna die surrounded by beautiful weird creatures who are dressed like they're in a fancy military boy band.
The two hands on your shoulders started pushing you to the table across the room where the green headed man is. From the corner of your eye you see a hand pull out a seat at the table. The other hand gently pushing you to sit down. The commanding creature finally walking around into your line of sight. He had brown hair and was wearing black leather pants with a loose sheer black shirt. You could see through the shirt to his muscles. He was probably the most fit man you've ever seen. He towered over you and from what it looks like the others too. The beautiful men surrounded the table around you none of them taking a seat. "Hi YN I'm shownu. I am king here you are in my castle right now.” The tall one says. I know what it is I'm dead now aren't I. I died from a alcohol poisoning in the bar and this is my heaven. My confusing beautiful heaven. "You've already met jooheon" he says as he nods to the red head one "that is kihyun" he nods towards the green headed one “I.M”  he nods toward the sandy headed one who still looks like he's judging you "minhyuk" nodding to the purple headed one "hyungwon" he nods towards the blonde haired one who is smirking at you from across the table. "And Wonho who might be joining us later" he says looking around the room. "So it's true, mr. lion himself is joining this year" laughs slightly IM with a slight smirk. The comment just confusing you more you blurt out "what the hell am I doing here? Actually I don't even know if I want you to tell me because I'm pretty sure I'm dead and this is what the afterlife like looks like. I'm gonna be honest not what everyone says it is. Boy will they be confused." 
The blonde one laughs holding his abdomen, his laughing stopping suddenly "Your not dead. Your in the kyma room. Where you will chooses one of those blocks in front of you and...... have some fun" he says in a bored tone. You finally notice the seven wooden blocks in front of you each with their own symbol. A ram, two fish, a crab, a sun, a vase with water pouring out of it, a woman, and finally a lion. Each one had the symbol scribed enchantingly into the wood. They were each beautiful in their own way but one of them stood out to you the most, it was like it was calling to you. The lion. 
“Pick one beautiful and we will explain everything i promise.” Shownu said softly, his eyes were kind. Slowly your hand went to the lion and hovered over it. you picked it up without hesitation. “No fucking way” the blonde one said with surprise. “Oh this will be fun” said the judgmental one. Looking up to shownus face, you noticed it was blank. He was in thought. 
“Can someone tell me what the fuck is actually going on here now?” you exclaim. “I-I didn't think that would happen” said shownu finally looking up at you. His expression showed a little fear. He came in through doors so im going to leave through those doors. Finally get some answers as to where the fuck I am and who these people are. The chair behind you making a loud screech on the marble floor as you push it back and run across the room to the large set of doors. You look back at them as you pull the handle expecting to see them behind you but none of them have moved. This will be much easier than I thought it wou- your thoughts suddenly interrupted as you run into a large body in the door way. Looking up you see him. He looks you up and down, slowly like a hunter with its prey. You catch a bit of surprise in his expression when he gets to your face, but its quickly covered by the look of complete boredom. 
“YN meet, Wonho, the lion. Your chosen star.” 
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the-madame21 · 5 years
La Vie Jolie
Commission for @my-dreadful-mind! Ty again for this! Just a super ridiculously fluffy date featuring my OC Jasper and my discord’s OC Oliver! Enjoy ^^
Oliver Hirano knew 16 was going to be his year. He just hoped he’d chosen the proper outfit for it. Had spent most of the morning stressing out over it. Because what was someone supposed to wear, on their first date with Jasper Graves?
Oliver had decided on high waisted jeans that he’d rolled up at the end, paired with a pale pink jacket and his black and white striped crop top. Father only allowed it because the jeans were high enough that his midriff didn’t show.
Mom didn’t seem to care either way.
It felt sort of basic, but Jasper had complimented him when he saw him, and Jasper wasn’t really all that good at lying, so Oliver took it as a good sign.
So far, so good.
“Anything you’d like to see first?” Oliver asked, pocketing his aquarium ticket.
“Mmmm could we see the jellyfish first?” Jasper flipped his map right side up, because he’d been holding it wrong since they’d walked in. It always made Oliver smile, when Jasper did silly things like that.
“Do you like jellyfish?” Oliver stood on his tiptoes to get a glance at the map, and Jasper dropped his arms, so that Oliver could look without strain.
“Yeah,” Jasper nodded, lopsided smile claiming his face, “like the way their tentacles zap people? Freaking awesome!”
“I don’t think they’re called tentacles.”
“Sure they are.”
“Tentacles are for octopi,” Oliver frowned.
“And jellyfish,” Jasper affirmed, grabbing Oliver by the arm, pulling him along as if it were the most natural thing in the world. In fact, he did it so smoothly and so suddenly that Oliver didn’t have the time to prepare his heart, nor to stop the blush that was quickly rising in his cheeks. He couldn’t even gather himself enough to keep his ears from growing hot.  
But this was what couples did right? Hold hands? Or wrists, as Jasper was currently doing. Jasper certainly seemed a lot more used to it than Oliver was. But Jasper was also three whole years older. He’d probably done this sort of thing before.
The thought made Oliver go all the more red. In jealousy, rather than embarrassment. But he didn’t want to ruin today, so he tried to wave that thought away as fast as possible.
“Oli see, look! It says it right here! A jellyfish’s tentacles are key when catching prey—”
“Alright alright,” Oli tried to bite back his smile, tried to roll his eyes and act as nonchalantly as Jasper was about everything, but the truth was he couldn’t, especially not when Jasper called him by his nickname. “You were right.”
“See?” Jasper grinned proudly, “I’m more than just a dumb jock,” he finger gunned—actually finger gunned, clicking his tongue and all.
And Oli burst out laughing. Because it was the only thing he could do, and outside from it actually being really funny, Jasper looked so handsome doing it that Oli had no idea what he was supposed to do with the sudden burst of adrenaline.
Even after laughing, his body continued buzzing for much longer.
They watched the jellyfish for a bit, Jasper mesmerized, pressing his fingers and face to the glass as if he were a little kid. Oli found it absolutely adorable. For a moment, Oli found himself jealous of the fish, because he sort of wished Jasper would look at him the same way.
When he caught himself thinking that, he physically shook his head, calling himself stupid. He was on a date. Jasper had asked him on a date. So, obviously, Jasper was looking at him, in one way or another.
Oli just hoped they’d be able to hold hands again soon.
When Jasper had had his fill, they moved on to the other exhibits, making their way through the aquarium bit by bit. It was ridiculous how giddy Oli felt, even if they weren’t holding hands, just chatting and walking side by side, Jasper giving Oli glances of the map every so often.
And it was comfortable. Because this was something they’d done most of their lives. But this time was different. Because this time, they were practically a couple. A couple on a date. And that made all the giddiness Oli had spent in his silent years of pining seem like nothing. Because right now, standing next to Jasper as an omega, instead of just as a childhood friend— there was no giddiness in the world that could compare to that.
And it really shouldn’t have made much of a difference, because Oli had been around Jasper his whole life—had been around those pheromones all his life—but for some reason, today, Jasper smelled especially of…alpha.
Which definitely made Oli’s blood rush in the best way. Because he’d always loved the way Jasper smelled, but today…today was…
“Huh?” he whipped his head around so fast that he smooshed his nose against Jasper’s chest.
“Ow—oh—” his hand rushed up to his face, and they both blurted out an apology at the same time.
“You ok? Let me look at it—”
“I’m fi—” he wasn’t able to finish his sentence, because Jasper grabbed his face with both hands, one palm on each cheek, tilting his head up so he could look up Oli’s nose.
Oliver could have died.
“Doesn’t seem to be broken—”
“Of course it’s not you idiot!” Oliver shrieked, smacking Jasper’s hands away and going red up to his ears all over again.
Jasper Graves had just looked up his nose. How was he supposed to recover from this?? He rubbed at his nose again, trying to hide his face so Jasper wouldn’t see how much he was blushing, “Who would get a broken nose just from that…”
“Just wanted to make sure,” that lopsided smile fell over Jasper’s face again, “I’d hate for you to bruise.”
Oli lowered his hand, looking off to the side, “I don’t think it will…”
“So it doesn’t hurt?”
He shook his head.
“Great!” Jasper lit up, in the way Oli loved most, before he reached for his hand, stopping Oli’s heart for about the third time that afternoon. “Should we check out the next exhibit then?”
Oli nodded, because forming words was more than he could really handle at the moment. His hand was sweating. Was sweating way too much for such minimal contact, but Oli couldn’t help it, because that was Jasper’s hand he was holding, and no amount of daydreaming was enough to mentally prepare him for the real thing.
Jasper had big hands. Strong, and sure, and alpha. And it made Oli melt. Which was amazing, but sort of horrible, because if Jasper kept on holding his hand like that then Oli wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else.
The rest of the exhibits happened in a kind of blur, Oli willing the sweat to stop, reveling in how warm Jasper felt, wondering if it was ok to be walking so close to him, because the smell really was getting to him, making him hopelessly dizzy.
That is, until they got to the turtles. Not that turtles were enough incentive to get him to let go of Jasper’s hand. But baby turtles sure were. And apparently, they’d all just recently hatched. Which was the absolute most adorable little things Oli had ever seen.
An employee was explaining about how turtles lay their eggs and the dangers of predators when they’re young. Oli took a moment to head over to the tank, watching the little guys swim.
“Do you like turtles?” Jasper hovered over him, shadow stretching over the tank.
“Not particularly. But the babies are so cute. Look at that one,” he pointed at the glass, to a little turtle who kept going in circles.
“You’re cute,” Jasper stated, and Oli froze, because that was just like him, to say something that bluntly.
“J-Just because I’m small doesn’t make me cute,” he managed, tucking some hair behind his ear to distract himself.
“No,” Jasper frowned, “you’re cute because you’re cute. Because you’re Oli.”
If Oli’s face had gotten any hotter, there would have been steam blowing out of his ears. “What does that—“ he tried to laugh it off, “what’s that even supposed to mean?…” he looked away, heart drumming in his chest and his breath starting to catch.
“Oli,” Jasper bent down, showing off that toothy smile, “can I kiss you?”
Even though he’d asked, he didn’t give Oli the chance to reply, just slid those warm hands between his cheeks and pulled him in, pressing their lips together into a soft kiss.
It wasn’t wet, exactly, but it wasn’t not, and the only thing registering was the fact that Jasper Graves was kissing him, in the middle of an aquarium, in front of other people, that he was finally finally having his first kiss, and it was with Jasper, the way he’d always wanted it to be, and it was warm, and nice and soft, and so incredibly incredible that he couldn’t breathe.
But that was fine, anything was fine so long as Jasper kept holding him like this, with his heart was racing so hard and fast he thought Jasper might hear it, was worried about what might happen if Jasper’s fangs scraped against his lip, or if his tongue started to push past his teeth. Because oh god what was Oli supposed to do if Jasper stuck his tongue in? He’d read about that sort of thing. Had heard his mom talk about it enough. He wouldn’t mind if Jasper did—definitely wouldn’t mind at all—but his heart could really only take so much, and already, with their lips together like this, Jaspers scent fanning all around him, circling him, hugging him, Jasper’s hands so so warm against his cheeks, and just that scent that made him so dizzy Oli swore he could faint.
Jasper didn’t think Oli would faint. He wouldn’t have kissed him, if he’d known.
No, well, maybe he still would have kissed him. Because he couldn’t think of another situation where he’d get to carry Oli in his arms like this. They’d long since outgrown their piggyback days. Not to mention, the scent that had burst out of Oli’s scent glands after Jasper asked was the sweetest Oli had ever smelled.
Mom had said not to be to forceful about anything because omegas are very sensitive. He wondered if maybe his scent was too strong. Oli had never complained about it before, though. But then again, things weren’t exactly the same as before.
But it wasn’t like he could help himself, not when Oli was acting as cute as he was, getting excited over baby turtles of all things.
Definitely because Oli was cute, and not because Jasper had gotten jealous of baby turtles.
But if Oli didn’t even like turtles all that much then there wasn’t any reason to be looking at them for so long. Didn’t have to let go of Jasper’s hand to watch them swim in the tank.
Maybe this was the alpha possession Papa was always talking about.
Oli stirred in his arms, and Jasper was careful to cradle him, finding a secluded spot in the food court for them to sit down.
“Hey,” he murmured, “you kinda scared me for a second. You okay?”
Oli jolted awake,  panic stricken until he realized where he was, relaxing into Jasper’s chest before tensing up again. “Uh, sorry—I—”
Maybe it was bad, but Jasper kept him there. Kept his arms around Oli’s back, locked him onto his lap. “It’s fine, just relax for a little. I was thinking of getting us  some ice cream.”
“Ice cream?”
“Yeah! It was hot in there. That’s why you fainted, right?”
Jasper hadn’t learned a whole hell of a lot from his father. At least, not in the same way Alexander had. But one thing he knew for sure was that his dad always gave his mom an easy way out to save him from embarrassment. So he figured it was the least he could do for Oli.
That, and he was sort of scared that Oli might say something about not kissing him anymore.
“Um,” Oli blushed again, in that adorable way that made Jasper want to make him faint again, “could I have vanilla?”
“Sure,” Jasper grinned, “I’ll be right back.”  
While Jasper went to go get the ice cream, Oliver did his best to not think himself into an existential crisis. Jasper didn’t seem turned off, and if he thought that Oli had fainted from the heat then that was fine.
Lots of people fainted from heat.
It didn’t take very long for Jasper to return with two cups of ice cream, vanilla for Oli, and chocolate for himself. They ate mostly in silence, and when Oli couldn’t take the words spinning around in his head anymore, he finally said something.
“I’m sorry for fainting.”
Jasper stopped with his spoon in mid-air, letting it drop back into his cup, “You don’t have to apologize for that!”
“No well,” Oli blushed, “I mean you carried me and everything—”
“I don’t mind that.”
Oli blushed deeper, because Jasper was looking right at him, with those green eyes that were sometimes gold, Oli looking down to break the eye contact and fiddling with his own spoon. “I…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“And,” Oli swallowed, “sorry for…ruining our first kiss.”
A shock of cold met his cheek, Oli’s heart pounding at the realization that Jasper had kissed him. “You didn’t ruin anything.”
“Um…” his heart was beating so loud he could feel the pulses against his eardrums, but Oli squeezed his spoon, because if he didn’t do it now then he’d never have the nerve, “Could we…maybe try again?”
Jasper smiled, a small one that was more gentle than his lopsided one, but every bit as genuine, “We can try again and again,” his voice dropped as he said so, leaning in a bit but waiting for Oli to close the distance.
Oli did, but the feel of Jasper’s cold lips against his had he chest feeling as though there were a hundred butterflies trapped inside, fluttering and rushing about. He pulled away after a short while, knowing enough this time around to catch his breath. “You taste like chocolate,” a nervous scoff parted his lips, Oli tucking some hair behind his ear.
“You taste like vanilla,” Jasper grinned back. He paused for a bit, before making a strange sort of face, “Can I taste again?”
Breathless, Oli nodded, this time coming together more naturally with Jasper, gripping at the front of his shirt for balance, a dribble of a murmur sounding in his throat when the alpha licked at his lips. And so Oli licked back, because in truth he wanted a better taste of Jasper too. And when Jasper let out a shadow of a groan, Oli smiled into the kiss.
That was a sound he could most definitely get used to. And as of right now, it didn’t seem like he was going to faint again.
So far, so good.
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minigenos · 6 years
Holidays, Part 2
Part 1 ― Part 2 (you are here)
Genos plans a romantic holiday evening for Saitama. However, as this is the One Punch Man universe, things quickly start going to shit when monsters attack.
The atmosphere at the banquet hall was relaxed and friendly, though one wouldn't think so based on Genos's expression. While Saitama was nearly halfway done with his food, the cyborg hadn't touched anything in his bowl. He was just... staring at it.
Oh god, not again, the hero thought to himself as he looked over to his date. He's over-anaylizing something again, isn't he?
Saitama knew the only way to snap Genos out of his current mood was to get him to say what was on his mind, much to the older hero's chagrin.
He really hoped it wouldn't be another ten-minute long essay this time.
“Uh, Genos? You haven't touched any of your food yet. It's going to get cold...”
“Oh?” Now that Genos had been brought back to reality, the only thing left to do was brace for whatever he had to say next.
“Sorry sensei, I was just thinking. I should have been able to detect those two monsters you defeated well before we actually saw them. Now I'm beginning to wonder if my sensors are faulty or monsters have developed some way of hiding from them...”
Saitama looked over at Genos. Or, more specifically, the crack in his head from when the hero mistakenly hit it like an alarm clock.
That might be the reason why his system wasn't working properly.
But it was Christmas, and Genos shouldn't have to worry about something like that. If anything came along Saitama could handle it. Now all he had to do was convince the cyborg of such and get him to drop the subject.
“Ah, yeah, well don't worry about it. They're gone and if anything else shows up I can deal with it, no problem.” Saitama managed a smile to make what he said more genuine, which Genos seemed to begrudgingly buy.
“You're right,” he finally admitted. “I'll just have to make sure Doctor Kuseno checks it the next time I go in for repairs.”
For a brief moment Saitama was exceedingly glad the doctor didn't have any means to contact him – he probably would have gotten an earful from him over damaging Genos in such a stupid way.
With Genos's mind put at ease for now the pair could finally relax and enjoy their dinner in peace.
Except not really.
With Genos's sensors out of commission, everyone was taken completely by surprise when part of the roof and wall caved in and the shadows of a dozen monsters materialized in the swirling dust and snow.
Every single one of the workers fucked right out of the room at the very first sight of the monsters. They definitely weren't getting paid enough to deal with that kind of crap.
“Hm, hm! Well, isn't this a surprise,” one of the monsters said. “Someone who didn't run away for once. Are you too scared to move, or too stupid to know when to get out of the way?”
At the direction of the monster closest to the heroes, the entire group began to move forward well before the dust and snow had settled.
“Well, since you gave us such a warm welcome,” the same monster as before said, “please allow us to introduce ourselves.” Standing before them was what seemed to be an animated tree with two sets of stubby, gnarled legs and one pair of over-sized arms that ended hands with varying numbers of sharp claws. On what could be considered its torso was a giant number “1” while where its head would have most likely been was a circular robotic structure that held a bird within it. One of the bird's eyes and part of its head were robotic while a monocle was somehow held up against its other eye.
With a couple egotistical chuckles the bird spoke again. “We are The-”
“Hey look Genos, it's a cute little pigeon!” Saitama said, completely cutting off the monster. “Do you think they have any bread in the kitchen we can feed it? I wanna go check.”
“Sensei...” the cyborg whispered in what could be considered a pleading voice for him. He tried to grab onto his mentor to stop him, but the man was already out of his normal reach.
“Would you stop that!” the bird monster shouted, causing Saitama to freeze in his tracks. The tree it was positioned on top of lurched a huge step forward in response.
“Oh hey it talks!” Saitama smiled over his delayed realization. “Neat, a talking pigeon”
Now that Saitama's focus was solely on their newest adversaries, the hero finally took the time to look over each monster in the group. Thankfully for him, all but one were number-coded for easy identification.
1 – The talking pigeon (“I'M A PARTRIDGE YOU TWAT!!”) and animated tree.
2 – A bipedal, mostly white, turtle with unusually large claws. Saitama could see bursts of pink flames erupt from the limbs every so often. Its number was sewn onto a silver arm band.
3 – One of the most human-looking of the group, this monster had long, flowing silver hair and held a long cigarette marked with a “3” in a gloved hand. Her white boa provided a sharp contrast to her floor-length black dress.
“Oh hey, you look really nice!” Saitama couldn't help but compliment the monster.
“Oh? Tu es un charmeur,” she replied in a somehow italicized French accent.
4 – While the head of this monster was identical to that of a common sparrow, just enlarged to fit the rest of the body, everything from the neck down looked almost boringly human, even down to the black suit and polished shoes. A small “4” was monogrammed onto its pocket square. It might seem rather uninteresting, but this was definitely a high-class monster.
5 – A solid gold-colored, cartoonishly haute humanoid. He probably wasn't real gold; maybe 10k at max. He seemed to use psychic powers to continuously levitate and spin five circular gold blades at speeds fast enough to rip through flesh. Instead of telling time, his watch showed only the number 5 – honestly, there were some days where Saitama could get behind that sentiment.
6 – The only un-numbered one of the bunch, it was literally just a giant goose. Likely it had ripped its marker off.
7 – This monster seemed to have the head and upper body of a black-colored swan wearing a long, iridescent black feathered dress that trailed on the floor. Saitama couldn't tell if it had normal human legs, really long bird legs, or if it was just two swans standing on top of each other. He figured it would be too rude to ask. A black corset with a silver “7” jutting from it indicated where her place was in the group.
8 – This monster seemed... suspiciously human. A burly woman in a red and white maid's outfit, combat boots, and spiked punching gloves marked with one bright red “8” on each one seemed like something one would see at a cosplay convention than with a group of blatantly obvious monsters.
At this point Saitama wished there were fewer monsters because the descriptions of each individual one was becoming extremely tedious.
9 – Saitama had to admit, this monster looked surprisingly interesting. It was a ballet dancer made up of possibly millions of shards of crystal that seemed able to shift and reform its body at will, though most of the time was contorting its body in the approximate shape of the number 9.
10 – This monster seemed like it would again be more at home at a cosplay convention, or even a Renaissance festival. They looked like a ridiculously over-sized elf, aside from the mask over its eyes which turned them into a pair of glowing white dots. A belt held together with a “10” buckle stored numerous smithing tools and picks while the monster held a heavy mallet in each hand.
11 – A massive, completely mechanized hedgehog with a thick black sack for a belly and musical pipes as opposed to quills. Its number was engraved into large gears placed at the monster's hips.
12 – The final monster of the batch, and one of the few that looked like a monster to boot; a large demon drum with rows of spikes along both sides of its body. Based on how easily rubble was crushed into dust under its feet, it was safe to say this monster was notably heavier than it looked.
With each monster finally registered, Saitama had only one thing to say.
“You guys seriously take orders from a pigeon?”
“OH MY FUCKING GOD I AM NOT A PIDGEON!” the bird shouted as his wings slapped down onto the rim of his mechanical nest.
“He's an angry pigeon,” Saitama teased, which resulted in even Genos rolling his eyes. “Oh! Wait, I get it now! It's like the song! How's it go?”
“W...what?” the bird muttered in a perplexed voice.
“FIVE GOLDEN HENS!!” the hero bellowed at the top of his lungs, startling both Genos and the group of monsters. His student was the quickest to recover and pointed out his mentor's mistake.
“No, no, sensei. It's five golden rings. The hens are day three.”
“Are you sure? I thought they were golden hens...”
The pair spent an obscenely long time debating among themselves what item corresponded to each day and wildly failing, while the group of monsters that were very blatantly based off of the song stood. Directly. Across. From. Them.
“What shall we do?” the monster marked with a 3 asked.
“This is getting ridiculous,” the feathered ringleader of the group replied. Together they were no less than a Dragon-level threat, possibly bordering on that of God.
And they were being ignored by an over-literal cyborg and hoodie-wearing humanoid egg.
“Just kill them already!” the bird ordered with a wave of his wing, which triggered the monsters into launching forward – fangs, claws, fire, or tools bared – and bear down on the two heroes.
The sudden commotion was finally enough to break the pair from their discussion. Genos dropped down while his robotic body flared to life, while Saitama merely just turned his head.
“Don't you know it's rude,” he started while balling his left hand into a fist, “to interrupt other people's conversations?” He swung his fist in an arch, which made direct contact with the “1” on the sentient tree, causing the monster to disintegrate instantly. The shock wave from Saitama's punch completely destroyed the other monsters, causing their bodies to be torn to shreds and splatter in a wide arch around where they died. Only two monsters managed to survive the carnage by getting blown back and managing to avoid a fatal amount of damage.
“Get up Golde. We need to get out of here.”
“W... what happened?” The gold-colored monster rose shakily to an approximate sitting position and looked at the other monster. Hen looked pretty roughed up, to say the least. Her dress  and boa had seen better days, and the cigarette she had gotten from Par as a gift for joining the Knights was long gone.
The pair had been knocked notably far away from their original spot and landed in a poorly-lit area far enough away from the heroes to escape their notice. A true lucky blessing for them if ever there was one.
“I don't know how, but we survived.” The made a long, pained sigh. “I think we're the only ones who did.”
“But- but you've got to be joking! We're notably weaker than some of those monsters! Heck, we're not even full-fledged monsters like they are-”
“...were... but you're saying we are the only ones that made it out alive?”
Golde let out a dejected sigh and held his head in his hands. His partner stretched out her hand as a silent reminder for him that they needed to get up and get the heck out of there before reinforcements arrived. Or, even worse, those two heroes found them.
“How the hell did it end up like this,” he muttered to nobody in particular.
Neither Golde or Hen, his female co-patriot, were full-fledged monsters just yet, but were welcomed into the Demon Knights because they fit the rolls so well. Originally they had planned to just wait it out under the other monsters' protection until they had completely turned themselves, but now those plans had been completely shot to hell.
“Well, what now?” Golde asked as he wrapped one of Hen's arms around his shoulders.
“I have some items left in storage,” Hen replied. “If my contacts are still around I might be able to sell them and make enough money to open a store somewhere.”
“Hm? What kind of store?”
“I was thinking... a café or bistro maybe? I always enjoyed visiting those places as a child...”
“Ooh! Can I help?” Golde seemed to perk up at Hen's words, causing the woman to get knocked off-balance. “I've always had an eye for interior design and art.”
“Oui. But first,” Hen said as she readjusted herself, “let's focus on getting out of here.”
Golde had no choice but to nod dejectedly at the suggestion. Heartbroken over their loss but determined to make it out of the shitty situation they now found themselves in, the pair walked off into the night to piece their lives back together again.
On a positive note, the Demon Knights had been swiftly vanquished by Saitama. On a less positive note, about a third of the banquet hall had been demolished. That was a small problem for the heroes. The hall's owner probably wasn't going to be very thrilled over what they did.
As Genos called the owner and tried his best to explain what had happened over the other person's loud swearing, Saitama checked out what was salvageable from the food tables. It seemed only the fruit, vegetable, and one try of miniature cakes were, as those three were the only ones to still have a covering on them. Still, it was better than nothing. The hero picked up the three trays and walked over to a mildly frustrated Genos.
“I called the owner and they will be here shortly,” the cyborg said as he pulled out a Hero Association contact card and sandwiched it between a piece of rubble and one of the remaining tables. “I'll leave a card just in case he couldn't hear me over his own swearing.”
“Good thinking Genos,” Saitama commended his partner. He would have given a thumbs up, but his hands were full from the salvaged food. Genos turned around to thank his mentor for the compliment, but froze when he saw what the hero was carrying around.
“Sensei... why...”
“What? I don't wanna waste food if it's still good. This stuff's still covered so it's fine.”
“Yes, but...” Genos quickly realized any argument against taking the food would be futile, and let out a defeated sigh. “Fine,” he acquiesced, “but what now?”
“Hey, are you two OK?!” a familiar voice shouted from outside the newly “renovated” hall. The pair turned to find Mumen Rider in full uniform with a bag of groceries hanging from a handle bar.
“Oh, hey Mumen,” Saitama said before walking over to the other hero.
“I heard a loud explosion while I was out getting groceries, so I checked out and came as fast as I could. Looks like you took care of... everything... though,” he finished while looking around at the destruction.
“Yeah things got kinda messy,” Saitama nodded. “But, uh, we still managed to salvage some of the food, so that's good.” He hoisted up the trays in his arms to show off to the hero.
“Hmmm,” Mumen mused for a few seconds. “Hey, I have an idea!” He held up his pointer finger to emphasize the fact that he had an idea. “Why don't we stop off at the store so I can pick up a little more meat, and we can use it and those vegetables in a hot pot? I haven't had a chance to make that in ages!”
Saitama was on board almost immediately.
“Heck yeah!” the hero beamed. “That sounds great! You wanna do it, Genos?”
Even though the cyborg wasn't particularly thrilled about how the night had gone, he couldn't overlook the fact that Saitama seemed exceptionally happy over the suggestion.
“That's great,” Mumen smiled. “The store's right on the way home, so it won't take long at all to go in there, get what we need, and head back out.”
The group of three left the hall's parking lot with some light-hearted discussion, and completely ignored the owner of the establishment, who had just shown up. It was probably for the best that nobody was around him in the end; the string of expletives that spewed forth from his mouth could have made even Tiger-level monsters shrink back in horror.
“Alright, took a minute to put together, but here we are!” Mumen smiled as he set the hot pot assembly on the middle of the table. Finely-sliced pieces of beef along with vegetables had been carefully arranged in the bowl which was just now starting to heat up. It would be a little while before everything was ready, but even now the aroma was enough to make Saitama's mouth water.
“Hey, thanks for this,” Saitama said as they continued to sit around and wait for their food to be ready.
“It's no problem! Honestly, I was surprised to see you two out tonight of all nights.”
“Yeah,” the hero replied. “Funny enough, I almost overslept and forgot about it! Ha ha!”
Saitama's last sentence was enough to cause Genos to turn around and give him a mildly stone-faced look. The crack on his head was still very much visible, thank you very much.
In the end Genos couldn't deny that laughing off the incident was probably the best idea, despite the fact that it 100% was Saitama's fault in the first place. Tonight had turned out alright in light of their earlier setbacks, and nobody wanted to ruin it now. Genos merely waited silently for the hot pot to finish cooking as the other two heroes talked about everything and nothing at all.
“Is it done yet?” Saitama eventually asked, prompting Genos to pick up a pair of chopsticks and poke at the food.
“Seems so,” the cyborg replied.
“Aw sweet!” Saitama eagerly picked up his bowl and chopsticks, then pulled out a little bit of every item from the hot pot that was within his reach. Mumen and Genos quickly followed suit.
The pair didn't leave until nearly midnight, and to Mumen's delight cleaned out the hot pot bowl and all the dishes they had used. As the lone hero turned off the lights to his kitchen and living room, he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. He had only planned on having dinner on his own tonight, but sheer chance had led to Saitama and Genos joining him for the evening. It wasn't anything fancy or extravagant, but he had a great time and hoped the two other heroes did as well.
Saitama woke up with a start the next morning.
They had left all of their food at Mumen's house!
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ladyartemisia28 · 6 years
Say Amen (Saturday Night) Chapter Two
Chapter 2/?
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince.
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU
Being partnered for a class project causes some tension for Virgil and Roman. Until they both go to the same party and well…things happen.
Chapter 2 - Mama Can I Get Another Amen?
Summary: After Virgil spots his Ex at a party he comes up with a impulse idea. He and Roman find that they enjoy it way more than they thought that would.
Roman had been leaning against the hallway wall with his red solo cup in hand when Virgil appeared in front of him. He was wondering if he should return home to work on his monologue.
"Whoa , Um What?" he asked bewildered as he placed his drink on the floor. His mind startled as he thought that this was same guy who hurt him with rejection.
"I said my EX is here! Haven't you heard of a Fake out Make out? You said you're an actor! Act please!" he said with tension and fear
Sympathetically he looked into his pleading, oddly cute raccoon eyes. Roman's narrowed eyes darted towards Virgil's soft mouth and then quickly assessed his flushed face. He thought about how when he first saw him in class did think he was attractive before he was so hateful.
"Okay I can help a fella out" stating his consent with a cocky proud smile.
Virgil threw a quick glance behind him and saw that Jae had indeed followed him just like he thought he would.
So as he turned the corner, Virgil quickly took hold of the back of Roman's head.
Pressing his lips against Roman's he quickly forgot his previous state of fear. Roman's mouth was soft and caressing as he gently cupped Virgil's cheek in his hand. His thumb softly grazing against the skin of his face.
Virgil sighed instinctively, at his tender grasp of his waist as well. Before he knew what he was doing he momentarily relaxed. Roman's touch was tender and sweet, but still firm.
It made Virgil's stomach do an uncomfortable flip.
Letting his aggression flow out, he pressed his mouth forcefully against Roman. As he took a grasp of his hair between his fingers Roman's mouth opened with a sigh. Virgil pressed him against the wall with his body. Taken aback by the sudden rough treatment Roman froze for an moment.
Keeping his grip soft enough to hurt his partner Virgil tilted Roman's head back and trailed his lips down his throat and up around his neck towards his ear.
"Surely you can do better than that." Virgil growled into Roman's ear as he released his hair. “Come on pretty boy.”
Roman groaned as grabbed a fistful black fabric. Virgil's barbaric actions gave his heart a quick jump.
He had just barely registered the words that he spoke. His words were not only an insult to the skill of himself as an actor, but also his skill as a phenomenal kisser. He had to admit to himself that he could be turning up the heat if they were to convince an observer that they were romantically involved.
But when he was trying to woo a sweetheart he usually kept things sweet and gentle. What was happening with Virgil was NOT sweet o gentle, but it felt so good!
He had trouble thinking as Virgil found places on his neck and throat that made him moan loudly.
Roman felt so dirty making such sounds out in public, he felt his face heat with embarrassment.
In relation he angrily pushed them against the opposite wall pinning Virgil against the wood paneled wall.
He then took the other boy's chin in his hands. Virgil's darkened blue eyes looked into his warm brown eyes with a challenge. Roman licked his lips as he returned the look.
He then resumed their exchange with increased passion and force.
Unnoticed by the pair Jae looked on them with his eyes narrowed and then stormed off.
"OH hey there Teach!" Patton exclaimed as he spotted Logan.
"Don't call me that." Logan said as he subtly took a look at the Patton's pun covered shirt. “Interesting choice of apparel”
"Thanks, I like your tie," Patton said smiling a toothy grin. "I personally prefer bow ties, bow ties are cool!"
“Ah, Doctor Who! So you really like it?" Logan looked at him suspicious narrowing of his eyes.
"My step brother says that I look like I'm dressed for a job interview.”
“Nah! Serious people wear neckties." Patton smiled as he took out a juice box. “So your brother? What's his name?”
“His name is Roman. We were actually late to this gathering because of his preening. So uh did you happen to come to this gathering with anyone?” Logan inquired with a look in his hazel green eyes that Patton couldn't read.
Patton did have trouble reading his face in particular.
“My best friend Virgil.” Patton said happily.
“Virgil, like the poet. I like the name. ” his tightened face relaxed a fraction, Patton wondered what caused him tension.
“Hmm, I wonder where he wandered off too?” Patton wondered out loud as he took a look at his phone. “I've texted him four times and sent him a gif of a turtle”
“I uh, could come with you to assist you if you require help locating your friend.” he said as he adjusted his glasses. “Two sets of eyes are better than one.”
“Don't you mean two sets of four eyes?” Patton teased as he tapped his half rimmed glasses. And then gestured towards Logan's own black framed.
“We should start looking from where you last saw him, what does he look like?” Logan sighed not commenting on his attempted joke.
“He's wearing a black hoodie, a black shirt, black ripped jeans, black boots.” Patton described “Oh and he has black hair...and blue eyes.”
“He sure likes the color black doesn't he?” Logan stated sardonically.
“Sometimes he wears purple.”
They began their search around the spot they Virgil was last seen, near the refreshments.
After a few minutes Patton pulled up a picture on his phone and worriedly showed it to people at random.
“I can not believe you are showing everyone his photo like he is a lost animal or child.” Logan sighed.
“Have you seen this boy? His name is Virgil, known by his loved ones as Verge or Anxiety.” Patton asked two girls who were holding hands and talking.
When they took a look at his picture they burst out into a fit of giggles.
“Oh, we've seen them...I mean him...” said the brunette who wore a white shirt, black pants, and blue scarf looked a little nervous Patton. “He's not like your boyfriend or something.”
“No, he's my best friend.” Patton stated confused about the oblivious way that you could see relief on both of their faces.
“In the hallway through there, then turn left.” the blonde in a striped pink dress pointed them towards a hallway. “You can't miss them.”
Patton and Logan walked in the direction that the couple directed them to with confusion .
People were quick to leave the area where Virgil and Roman were occupied.
Full of warmth that was quickly turning to a overwhelming heat. Virgil reluctantly removed his hands from Roman's body and unzipped his black hoodie. He found it rather difficult to remove and began struggling.
"Let Me." Roman breathlessly rasped as he took the outer wear in his hands and quickly pulled it off Virgil's shoulders.
With the garment thrown haphazardly behind him, Roman placed his hand to the small of Virgil's back. He moved up to between his shoulder blades, he could feel his body through the loose black tee that he wore.
“Thanks for the help Princey.” he hissed as he licked a spot on his jawline.
“No problem.” he replied focused now on the feelings coursing through his body.
Both of them had at this point absolutely forgotten that this was supposedly a show for someone else.
“Oh! Yay, he's made a friend.” Patton exclaimed excitedly, squealing and clapping his hands together as they arrived at the entrance of the hallway.
“I think that's more than a friend.” Logan derisively mused before looking a little more closely in the dim light of the area.
As uncomfortable as Public Displays Of Affection made him feel, as he looked he realized that he recognized the other boy.
“Wait a minute. That's. My. Little Brother.” He stated in a clipped terse voice as he moved forward to break up the pair, when Patton's arm stopped him.
Both men were breathing heavily and they were unaware of anything that wasn't the other's body and mouth. That is until an abrupt cut in music startled them to an sudden stop.
“Sorry!” they heard someone in the distance shout out in the unexpected silence.
The music then returned quickly after. But the spell was already broken and they pulled away from each other quickly.
Roman continued to look at Virgil's mouth with his red lipstick smeared over it.
Virgil looked at his feet the as soon as they separated. He looked around and noticed that the area had emptied. Until he looked towards the end of the hallway, with a look of shock he saw Patton and a boy that he did not recognize.
With Patton's face in view he remembered why this had begin. This whole thing was just supposed to be fake, a con. It wasn't supposed to go this far. His feelings of panic returned with a vengeance. He needed to leave the party.
He looked for his protective hoodie, and on the floor it lay... in a puddle of the contents of a fallen red solo cup.
“Shit!” he cursed as he looked at his garment. His torn face looked back and forth between the exit and his apparel on the floor.
“I'll clean it for you!” Roman impulsively offered with a shout, taking the sullied garment from the ground. Virgil did not look at him as he spoke, but did he take the opportunity to leave.
“OK! See you in the library tomorrow!” Virgil said as he hurried away from the hallway.
“Oh hi I'm...” Patton cheerfully stated as he attempted to walk forwards and offer a hand to Roman. Before he could Virgil grabbed his wrist and pulled him away quickly. They left Roman and Logan alone before they could say anything.
“But I...” Roman started after him.
As he looked down at the black hoodie in his hands and licked his lips he could taste the lingering flavor of grape.
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Taglist: @dwbh888
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