#the real athos
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midnight-in-santa-carla · 3 months ago
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I had a lot of fun drawing Athos and his wonderful hair
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seance · 11 months ago
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [3/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 8 / the challenge
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cillyscribbles · 2 months ago
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athos making the very reasonable observation that it's hardly likely they'll beat an entire platoon of the cardinal's guards on their own vs aramis & porthos immediately saying they're up to it regardless, is so much funnier to me when you consider that like. athos only caught the tail end of the conversation with de treville whereas porthos and aramis stood there like misbehaving children looking at the floor while de treville upended their shit for half an hour for (checks notes) not winning a 4v6
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i love this movie
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prismatica-the-strange · 5 months ago
I am openly weeping about him. Stoppppppp
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cchickki · 9 months ago
why is it so hard to find athos x sylvie fics only focused on them and not some “but milady returns and he leaves sylvie/ending fix it fic with milady” bullshit
like i know i’m 8 years late to this fandom but god, they’re a canon couple and are end game.
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jane-of-almost-all-trades · 4 months ago
Athos: *whispering in the ear of an Englishman he’s about to duel* My name is Count de La Fère. You’ve learned my name. Prepare to die.
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scattered-winter · 7 months ago
Absolutely living through your live-blogging of the Musketeers please continue 😂
‘Athos’ soul leaving his body’ had me in stitches
I FULLY INTEND TO!!!!!!!!!! whats the point of watching a new show if not putting all of my reactions on main for the world to see
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general-du-vallon · 1 year ago
episode two here we go! well episode 3, I skipped 2. I'll watch it when I run out of ones I like, Vadim is boring.
Very Pirates of the Carribean start, fun. More brawls in inns for the musketeers, that is what I want. Porthos punching a man into a wall is great.
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rainbowcolored7 · 2 years ago
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IFFY I'M CLIMBING WALLS AND EATING CONCRETE YOU CAN'T JUST SAY STUFF LIKE THAT 😵 especially cause when I first started watching kp I was like, hm, Po kinda looks like Luke a little. They are perfectly gremlin4gremlin with their alcoholic stoic doms. I'm going to be thinking about this all day now. @iffervescent
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fangirlsovertoomanythings · 2 years ago
I think we should all read The Three Musketeers at some point. It's good for the soul watching three grownass men and one barely legal adult sharing half a braincell because they're all either incredibly smart or unbelievably stupid.
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general-du-vallon · 11 months ago
[ID: consecutive gifs of a scene in BBC Musketeers, Athos and d'Artagnan in a dim armory, part lit and dusty. Athos, head down and putting a pistol in his belt clumsily, says "battered but just about servicable", d'Artagnan tosses a sword and glances over, says "are you talking about yourself or that pistol?". Athos looks up in surpise and laughs, and d'Artagnan grins back, pleased with himself. They both look fond when they smile. End ID].
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THE MUSKETEERS 205: The Return
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hotmusketeerspoll · 2 months ago
Magnificent Musketeer Tournament
Athos Semi-Final - Poll 2
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Athos - Tom Burke The Musketeers 2014-2016
Tom Burke manages to portray the best and worst parts of Athos, with depth and emotion. He shows Athos wrangling with his grief and guilt, shows his loyalty to his fellow inseparables, shows his intelligence and his bravado. Burke captures these depths and heights, adds in a bit of humor, and a wealth of humanity. He fights, falls in loves, cares for his brothers, rages against Milady, drinks himself to stupidity, but rises to the occasion, and overcomes his demons. He's also gorgeous.
Athos - Matthew Macfadyen The Three Musketeers 2011
matthew macfayden has perfected the pathetic drowned cat look, he brings a real sad sack energy to athos that is 100% deserved. also the DOUBLETS they put him in for this movie oh my GOD
The complete list of entrants can be found here.
More information & links to the other polls here.
Additional Propaganda under the cut
Tom Burke:
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the moment that he was introduced in the show and dunked his entire head into a bucket of water i fell in love
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The moment in ep3, when Milady reveals she's alive with a knife to his throat and Athos (very drunk) responds by leaning into her embrace and whispering "do it," was the moment I knew I was ruined for anyone else. He's a badass swordsman he's lawful to a fault he'll commit treason for his friends he's got the driest most deadpan line deliveries he's SO good at looking miserable in the rain. His eyes are, at all times, simultaneously incredibly expressive and dead inside (that's talent right there). He also has the best hat.
Matthew Macfadyen:
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kabie-whump · 1 month ago
✧・゚ Ripe, About to Fall - Part 16 ✧・゚
This is an 18+ slowish burn pet-whump story with added romance.
Title from 'Liquid Smooth' by Mitski
First | Previous
Chapter Summary: Ventis makes some big decisions, just maaaaybe not for the right reasons.
Chapter Content: Addiction, deconditioning, sex mentions, honestly not a super heavy chapter just a lot of Ventis thinking
Ventis was… confused.
Would ‘confused’ be the word for it? He had just spent the last four years living as a pet - learning to squash down any sense of humanity or independence he might have had, learning to throw himself into his master’s arms over and over no matter if he wanted it or not because if he didn’t give himself he wasn’t worth anything and worthless pets get thrown out onto the street to starve, learning to fawn and present the veins in his arms and pretend and pretend and pretend until he couldn’t even remember who he used to be anymore.
And then it had just… stopped. 
Onthyes had come, and tried, and failed, and tried again, and actually succeeded by some miracle. 
And Ventis was grateful, really. Of course he was. What else would he feel? Regret?
Regret, maybe sometimes. Because Ventis had only been in Shayah’s house for a week now but still nothing made any sense to him and things were just so much easier with Athos. The bed was softer, the clothes fit better, there were books and a piano and… And Athos. Those feelings were far too complicated for Ventis to want to spend any time with them.
Confused. Understatement of the century. 
But Ventis was trying. Everyone around him clearly wanted him to get better, whatever that meant, everyone including Theodore, for some unbelievable reason. 
Ventis sighed, resting his head on his hand. He sat at the kitchen table, staring down at the bowl of fruit that had been washed and cut and abandoned in the center of the table. Onthyes had mentioned it offhand to Ventis: “Hey, there’s some fruit there, if you get hungry.”
Ventis knew what Onthyes was trying to do. He’d very purposefully phrased it so that it wasn’t an order or an invitation, just a delivery of information. Ventis had to be the one to do the real work, to unlock whatever invisible shackles were keeping him from grabbing a piece and bringing it to his own lips.
All he wanted was to make Onthyes happy. That was one of the only clear thoughts he came across during his time here. He wanted to do… whatever Onthyes wanted him to do. But all Onthyes seemed to want him to do was get better, and Ventis knew that meant eating without permission, acting on literally any thought or desire without permission. The one thing Ventis couldn’t do was the only thing Onthyes wanted from him.
Well, that and one other thing.
Get sober.
Onthyes had mentioned it a million times now. Usually as a response to Ventis’s persistent flirting.
When you get sober, we can be together.
Easier said than done.
He knew Ontheys was just using it as a barrier between them, which was endlessly frustrating for Ventis. Onthyes acted like it was such a serious thing, the idea of them doing anything remotely intimate. He didn’t want to be together. Fine. But did he really think he was getting away with pretending not to want sex? Ventis was an expert at reading people’s desires. He had caught the lingering looks from Onthyes since the day they met. He knew he wanted him.
And gods, Ventis wanted him too. Partially because it had just been so long since anyone touched him it was starting to feel as if his skin was buzzing and itching from the lack of contact. Cuddling with Onthyes was nice, sure. The weight of his arm slung across Ventis’s body at night was grounding, comforting. But recently Ventis had begun to feel so… pent up. He needed sex.
And, for once, nightspill was the one thing standing in his way.
Ventis didn’t want to get sober. Onthyes didn’t understand how much he needed it, how much he depended on it to keep him sane. Not to mention the fact that it was a very helpful tool to keep his magic in hibernation. No one wanted to worry about being shocked just for touching him, or cleaning up the aftermath of an indoor monsoon just because he got slightly upset. 
“What’s on your mind?”
Ventis glanced up, his lips quirking into a slight smile as Onthyes took the seat across from him. He watched as Onthyes snatched an apple slice between his thumb and pointer finger and brought it to his lips, biting it in half with a satisfying crunch. 
Show off. 
“Nothing,” Ventis said, averting his eyes. 
“That’s my sweet thing,” Athos would have said. “Not a thought in that little head. There’s nothing to worry about when I take care of everything for you, is there darling?”
Onthyes hummed, finishing his apple slice. “They’re a little sour, don’t you think? Have you tried one?”
“Not yet, sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
They lapsed into silence, as they always did when Onthyes tried to get him to open up. Ventis stared down at his fingers. His nails hadn’t been cared for in a while now, and Theodore’s nervous habit of picking at his cuticles seemed to have become contagious because Ventis’s own nail beds looked a little ragged now. Just another thing to add to the list of ways he had let himself go since his escape. 
“Has it been strange having your brother here?” Onthyes asked, audibly forcing himself to keep his tone light. “I understand it had been a while since the two of you last saw each other.”
“Four years,” Ventis said. He glanced out the window, watching the limbs of a nearby tree sway in the wind. Onthyes and Theodore had been acting stir-crazy recently, but Ventis didn’t mind being cooped up inside. It was comforting. “He is taller now, although he has always been taller than me.”
“You’re the older one though, right?”
Ventis nodded. “I am two years older.”
Another lapse of silence. This clearly wasn’t what Onthyes actually wanted to talk about, and Ventis could see him thinking, the gears turning as he tried to find a way to voice his true thoughts.
“I know that things are… tense between you two.”
Ventis looked away again, his shoulders stiffening. 
“And I won’t pretend to know what happened to make it that way…”
Hands clamping down on his arms, his stomach dropping as he’s forcefully leaned over the edge of the roof, the wind-
“But you should know that he’s trying. Really trying. He’s been sticking around this whole time because he cares about you and he wants to see you get better. He wants to heal things with you. Maybe you should give him a chance.”
Ventis’s jaw tightened. Onthyes didn’t know Theodore like he did. Someone as trusting as him would never see Theodore for what he really was: a stone cold liar. He didn’t care. Not really. He just wanted to gain Onthyes’s favor, and now he was stuck in this house because he’d become a fugitive in the process. He would have done this for anyone else.
Onthyes stared at Ventis in the fragile silence. He always did this, always gave Ventis time to process and respond when Athos would have just plowed on. It was annoying. Ventis didn’t want to think. He wasn’t built for thinking.
He stared at the bowl of fruit. It would be easy. All he would have to do is reach out and take. And it would be something else to do other than talking about Theodore, something that would surely make Onthyes happy. 
He let out a slow breath and reached out.
His fingers brushed the edge of an apple slice. He hesitated for a heartbeat, then picked it up.
Brought it to his lips.
And took a bite.
It was sour and sharp and real on his tongue, far from perfect but somehow just as good.
He glanced up, and Onthyes was grinning. That sight brought with it a rush of euphoria. He’d pleased Onthyes. Finally, after a week of noticing his disappointment every time Ventis gave in to his conditioning, he’d done something right. 
It felt good. Really good. Ventis wanted more.
In the small hours of the following morning, Ventis woke to the familiar ache in his bones, the fluttery sort of feeling in his chest that begged to be quieted by flushing his veins with liquid midnight. He groaned, twisting towards Onthyes’s sleeping form under the covers. 
Onthyes woke as well, now used to the routine: wake up, drug Ventis, go back to sleep until sunrise. He sat up wordlessly, reaching for the vial, which was kept in a locked box in the nightstand drawer. 
Ventis shuddered, squeezing his eyes closed. This was his chance. He could make Onthyes so happy right now, could do the one thing that might lead to them finally getting to have each other. But he wanted the drug more than ever at this moment. It would be so easy just to let Onthyes give it to him. Maybe he'll start tomorrow…
No. If Ventis wanted to do this, he had to be all in, right now.
No more hesitating.
“Don’t,” Ventis whispered.
Onthyes paused, key in hand. “What was that?”
“Don’t,” Ventis said again. “I want… I want to stop.”
He didn’t miss the way Onthyes’s shoulders sagged with relief. This was what he wanted, what he was waiting for. “Are you sure? We haven’t talked about this.”
“I’m sure,” Ventis said quickly, before he could give himself the chance to take it back.
@scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-whumpstuff @morning-star-whump @yeetmyskeet
@sleepyiswhumping @bitchaknso @unicornbeck @wounds-seen-and-unseen @3-2-whump
@looptheloup @lindsay00000008 @rainydaywhump @scoundrelwithboba @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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purplebass · 4 months ago
I've only just realized as I reread adsom, that agos is the first book in the series where we first see Rhy and Holland as they are and not as compulsed beings. When both are introduced, Holland has just given Rhy the compulsion amulet and the spell lasts until it is broken. Kell binds his life to his thanks to the black stone so he can save him, although Rhy won't ever feel like himself again because he feels like he's just borrowing a life. A similar thing happens to Holland. We see even less of the real him, because he's also compulsed and has a possession mark until Athos dies (Rhy and Kell also share a mark after they're bound). Holland is tired of suffering and he sees dying as liberating. Yet, Osaron saves him, promising him things. Holland is able to come back and reason with his will but he is still bound to the monster who saved his life. Oh, one last parallel is that Holland is a king. Rhy will officially become a king at the end of the series
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ravencromwell · 8 months ago
@badassbutterfly1987 just look at @pinkcupboardwitch being brilliantly transgressive.
AU headcanon: modern day White London AU and/or selkie AU
Most of my selkie headcanons are some variant of “baby selkie Holland = adorable and sad,” so have some modern ones:
1. Athos tends to alternate between blasting opera and Scandinavian rap when he’s focusing on something. Holland prefers classic rock (and Hozier, obviously). Astrid? God knows. Probably she has a lot of Wardruna on her playlist.
2. Holland secretly loves fantasy novels; he’s a big Tolkien fan, but really he’s a sucker for the whole genre. Period dramas too.
3. The twins don’t speak English, but Holland can, along with either French or Italian (I personally see canon Red London as based on Mughal India, but the language sounds Romance-influenced, so I’m not sure where to situate Red London in the modern world. Maybe the Mareshes are expatriates).
             Mostly, I’m weak and I want to see Holland blasting down the Amalfi Coast with dark glasses and one hand on the wheel of a fast convertible.
4. Astrid’s perfumes: Bandit, Cuir de Russie, Tubereuse Criminelle. I kind of want to assign Aramis to Athos, but honestly he’d probably be more into something like Dead Writers. Or he gets lazy and just steals from Astrid.
5. The twins are casually pagan (Heathenism specifically, though neither of them runs in folkish circles). Holland is Jewish.
6. Not strictly a modern AU since I hold this for canon verse too, but Athos is trans. Being in the modern world does affect how he is able to interact with gender as opposed to being in canon WL.
(Because I’m an academic and textual support is my kink: when Schwab describes their differences, she singles out Athos’s shorter hair and broader shoulders (he does have great shoulders, but I also think he pads them a bit so he’ll look bigger). Beyond that, they’re “identical.” It is really unusual for fraternal twins to be that similar, especially in height. Schwab might be exaggerating, but I also think there’s room for a reading where the twins are actually identical. Having one of White London’s rulers be a cross-dressing woman and the other be a man - when Astrid got spit on for just wearing pants - adds a lot to the way I read the series.)
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readercognito · 1 year ago
Where in the World is the Real Professor Avalon?
Palladium x Reader
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I had been keeping an eye on Avalon ever since he came to the school, especially due to his entrance. I mean really he could have just talked with Faragonda, or at least cleared the methods with her! While this had made Faragonda and the other professors wary in the beginning they had all warmed up to him rather quickly. Almost too quickly... 
But no matter how much I talked to him there was always something… off about him. Something I couldn’t quite place, and I didn’t like how close Bloom was getting to him. I understand why she wanted to talk to him, she was desperate to understand herself and her powers. Something Avalon had promised to provide answers too. I would be the same in her place, but that didn’t give me any comfort when Bloom would spend time alone with him. So I had been spying on them, I know it wasn’t really the most appealing method. But after Bloom was spelled the first time (recently coming out of Avalons office I might add) I had to make sure that wouldn’t happen again. So I had been keeping an eye on her using an enchantment all of my own creation. Any dark magic that made itself known around bloom would make my ring buzz. Naturally her tight knit group of friends have done their best to keep her safe. But that isn’t enough, plus they’re teenagers. Easily trusting, and easily distractible...
Then a gentle voice pulled me from my musings.
“What are you still doing here?” Asked Athos, leaning against my desk.
The last class had just let out, but I hadn’t gotten around to leaving my classroom just yet. At least I thought the last period had let out, until I glanced at the clock. Just how long had I been sitting here lost in thought?
“Sorry Athos, I guess I just lost track of time...” I said, looking into the amber eyes of Professor Palladium.
We had known each other since I started work here a year or two after my graduation from Alfea. He ran into me during one of the faculty gatherings, spilled tea all over my skirt. But I couldn't hold a grudge, or even be angry really. Especially since he had bought me a replacement only the day after. We became fast friends after that. He asked me out my second year at the school, (after his confidence boosting change in appearance) and we had been happily dating since. Which only Stella and Flora had figured out, Flora because she often stays back to talk with Athos about nature related topics. Stella found out because she is a drama and relationship bloodhound. Thankfully Faragonda (L/n)sn't seem to know of (or mind really) our relationship.
Athos smiled knowingly, "don't worry too much about it. Let's just head out, I want to show you something in the glade." 
That brought a grin to my face, the glade. Correction, our glade. Something Athos and I had found while looking for a plant for one of his classes. It's a beautiful place, a ring of ancient willows surrounding a sparkling blue lake. The grass is covered with clovers and bushy wild flowers. I still keep the four leaf clover he found for me when we found the glade. I spelled into a tiny glass pendant with a gold chain to hang around my neck.
"This isn't another 'surprise' is it?" I asked playfully.
Palladium flushed, "it was one time! I knew I shouldn't have asked that blasted pixie for help." He grumbled.
I let out a laugh, not able to witness Athos' face soften and a gentle blush return to his cheeks.
We are walking through the woods outside the school, nearly to the glade when Athos goes behind me and covers my eyes. Carefully guiding me into the glade.
"Oh, so it is a surprise~" I chortled.
"Oh hush," he said, with a chuckle.
Then with a flourish of his strong yet delicate hand, he revealed the most magical thing I had seen.
Little glowing orbs were dancing around the trees and above the flowers, clearly enchanted to glow and swaying softly to the tune being played by an unmanned harp at the waters' glittering edge. In the middle of it all was a picnic set up on a beautifully embroidered quilt. A dainty tea set with intricate china plates lay on a short wooden tray of sorts.
The gasp of awe was involuntary, Athos grabbed my hand and gently led my frozen feet to the blanket, then swiftly pulled me into him. I was ripped out of my stupor and fell with a shout.
After regaining my senses, looking a flushed Palladium in the eye. He was so adorably red, I couldn't help but laugh. He seemed as shocked by my fall as I did! Athos joined me with a chuckle of his own, then stilled.
Athos fixed me with those amber eyes, brimming with a yet unknown emotion. Those deep, warm, gentle, eyes. Just as I was about to lean in, my ring buzzed.
"Bloom!" I stood with a shout.
"What? What are you talking about?" Athos asked, confused, moving to stand.
"There's no time! Bloom's in danger!" I shouted before quickly teleporting to her location.
I looked around the room I had popped into, seeing Bloom in a yellow bubble. Avalon standing menacingly behind her, face and body glowing with red marks.
"Bloom look out!" I shouted and quickly shot a spell at Avalon. 
But it bounced off the bubble they were in, Avalon letting out a wicked bark of  laughter. Throwing a dark orb of magic at me and everything went black.
Palladium was frantic, what did you sense? How were you able to teleport so quickly to Bloom? How did you know that she was even in danger? These questions and many like it flooded his thoughts as he ran back to Alfea as fast his long legs could carry him.
Athos Palladium returned to an all too silent campus… What horrible thing had (Y/n) been trying to prevent? Was Bloom alright? He only just registered his surroundings before storming into Faragonda, so consumed by his own spiraling thoughts.
"You're looking for (Y/n) aren't you?" She said solemn but matter of fact.
How had she known? But before he could say anything Faragonda beckoned him to her office. Closing the door behind her and walking gracefully to her desk.
"I know about you and (Y/n)." Faragonda started.
Athos' eyes widened with shock, but he remained silent awaiting what Faragonda was going to say next.
"But I believe Professor (L/n) has been kidnapped along with Bloom. That both of them have been taken to Shadow Haunt, I'm not sure what Lord Darkar wants with (Y/n), but I am certain he has every intention to use Bloom's dragonfire to get to the Realix realm."
That answers some of Palladiums questions, replacing his mild panic with a deep sense of dread.
"What do we do now?" Athos' mind was too bogged down with worry to think.
"There isn't much we can do I'm afraid, but the Winx Club is putting together a rescue party with some of the red fountain boys. The same ones that helped when Stella and Bloom went to save the pixies." Said Faragonda almost conspiratorially.
“What? You’re letting them storm Shadow Haunt all by themselves!?” Athos said incredulous, he knew the girls were capable but facing Darkar all by themselves? 
“They certainly won’t be, the red fountain boys will be helping them. Apparently one of them has a connection with the underworlders there… But we are ready to step in if anything were to happen that our girls cannot handle.”
So that’s what they did, Palladium bid the students adieu. Then went to watch them on a scrying spell in Faragonda’s office, with the other headmasters on standby. Which honestly Athos was a little surprised at, he didn’t know that Faragonda had such a long history with them. They were talking with a familiarity only very old friends would have. 
The Winx Club was doing surprisingly well against the Shadow Haunt monsters, the girls even undoing the gloomix enchantment on them. But things got serious when a particularly large monster cornered Stella and Aisha (Layla). That’s when things really got into motion.
With the headmasters distracting Darkars lackey, Athos escorts the girls with the pixie elders. They gather the shards required to create a secondary portal to the Realix realm, but before the girls are able to make their way through, another fairy comes through the portal. A very familiar fairy.
It was (Y/n), but there was something off about her, there was a darkness in her aura. Even her clothes and hair seemed darker, and more jagged than her usual appearance. Then with a growl, she launched a plasma sphere at Aisha, who was only just able to dodge it.
“Professor (L/n)?! What happened to you?” Stella exclaimed in shock. Dodging yet another bolt of magic from the corrupted fairy.
“She must have been affected by Darkar’s magic! He most likely used a similar enchantment on bloom! Hurry girls, through the portal! I’ll hold her off…” Palladium shouted, his hands sparking to life with magic, throwing a sphere at (Y/n). Which she deflected, but the attack served its purpose, the girls were able to sneak through the portal and with (Y/n) preoccupied by Athos she didn’t even notice the portal closing. That was until it was too late…
“YOU SIMPLETON! You think those prissy fairies will be able to stop Lord Darkar and Bloom!? They’ll be destroyed!” (Y/n) screeched, then let out a wicked cackle.
Then Athos and (Y/n) went hand to hand for what felt like ages. Each landing a hit and then returning the favor, it got to the point where both of them were panting, and disheveled. Athos took a good long look at (Y/n). Her (h/c) hair was messy and almost entirely pulled from it’s usual style, giving her a deranged edge to her already twisted appearance. Her skin had a sheen of sweat, and there were several burn marks in her clothes, he was sure his appearance matched. But behind those glaring (e/c) eyes, a familiar spark was seen, one he missed so dearly in the moment. And before he could stop himself he said,
“What did Darkar do to the woman I love?” 
“What?” Said (Y/n) the venom only just receding from her voice. Which didn’t go unnoticed by Athos.
Ignoring (Y/n)’s question Athos asked another question with thinly veiled hope.
“Do you love me?”
“Do I what?!” She nearly shouted, the wickedness in her voice starting to fade.
He could do nothing but smile softly, seeing that familiar spark start to grow.
“Do you love me?” He asked again, a glint of knowing twinkling in his eye.
“You’re a fool!” (Y/n) seethed, but once again the anger seemed more fabricated than the last.
Athos let out a tired laugh, “I know, but do you love me?” Then he continued, “Because, though I haven’t said it before. I’m sure of it now, however strange that may seem. That without a doubt I love you. I love your kindness, and patience. I love just how confident you are, you get along with the students so well! But they all respect you, I can see it. They admire you, and how capable you are. I love you, all of you. Do. you. love. me?”
At those words (Y/n) was bathed in a bright light, making Athos close his eyes due to its intensity. Then as quickly as it came, the light faded and before he could even blink the black spots out of his eyes he felt a soft and warm body envelop him in a hug. Feeling warm and wet tears fall on his exposed shoulder,
“I’m so sorry,” (Y/n) sobbed into his shoulder “I saw- I felt what I was doing, but-but I couldn’t stop! I’m so, so sorry Athos…”
Athos returned the embrace full force, rubbing calming circles in (Y/n)’s back, “Don’t worry about that, I knew it wasn’t really you. I’m just glad I’ve got you back now.” He said soothingly.
“Did you mean what you said?” (Y/n) asked hesitantly.
Athos paused for a moment, a blush rushing to his pale face. He just now realizes that was the first time either of them had said those life changing three words. Just then his blasted nerves decided to get the best of him, his carefully cultivated confidence flying right out the window.
“E-eh, We-well of c-cor-course I did-d” He said, face getting even redder and cursing his blasted nerves.
Not that (Y/n) seemed to mind, letting out a cute chortle and kissing him on the cheek.
“You are wonderful Athos, I love you too.” She said.
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