#the reading rangers
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feroluce · 9 days
Love how Hoyo is just as much on Boothill's dick as the rest of us. The Wardance crowd really is just the fandom fjkdlsajlksl
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
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paperhandsexe · 4 months
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aha what if he was a mole for a day or week, wouldn't that be crazy?
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mudanonaito · 5 months
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"What's this? It doesn't look like you're stronger than me. Then it won't do! You disappoint me!"
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meiinoe · 6 months
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trying to make my way into a new fandom by posting full rendered fanart
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viveela · 11 months
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The Princess has been kidnapped!
Drew this for a fic I've been tryna make for ages, it's finally seeing the light
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 3 months
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Fun little wind downs. More like before!
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kindlythevoid · 1 year
I have read Fellowship of the Ring more times than I have cared to keep count and every time I read Boromir’s, well, possession for lack of a better word, I have read it in fear, in discomfort, in horror, indifferently.
This was, I think, the first time I read it in pity. I looked at all the plans Boromir was making, how he would save his beloved city, how obstinate he was in his belief that the men of Minas Tirith would not be corrupted when wielding the Ring against Sauron —and I felt sad. He’s waving his hands and hollering and part of him is desperate just for the Ring, of course he is, he’s been traveling beside it with no hope for months, but he’s also desperate for hope. He’s desperate for a chance to save his people, save his brother, save his city.
Moreover, every time he calls out the Elves or the Wizards, you have to remember that he doesn’t know them. All he knows is that he traveled almost a full year to get their advice and they send him on, in his eyes, a hopeless venture. The one hope they give him is Aragorn, who promises to return and help save Minas Tirith with him, but even that all changes once Gandalf dies. They come to Lothlorien and of course it’s a welcome break, but they cannot, or maybe in Boromir’s eyes will not, help his people. And once they leave, Aragorn assumes his role as leader of the Fellowship in Gandalf’s stead more permanently and suddenly even that one, brief, uncertain hope of his is gone. Aragorn will follow Frodo. And it’s almost certain that Frodo will not go to Minas Tirith.
So is it any wonder, really, that tired, desperate, hopeless Boromir, out of his realm, out of his depth, already hanging by a thread when he joins the Fellowship and having been gnawed on by the Ring for months upon months afterwards, finally snaps once it’s clear that he will have to return home empty-handed and almost certain that somewhere far away Sauron is capturing the Ring and killing the companions that he had bonded with? Of course part of the Ring is making him lust for power, but it’s also his only “reliable” (in his mind) source of hope left to save his city.
And so I read Boromir’s (intelligent and thought out, mind you) raving and I don’t feel scared for Frodo, not after reading it so many times and knowing what ultimately happens, but sorrow for Boromir.
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jade-of-mourning · 1 month
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companion - for the ranger gathering 2024!
something about halt & crowley's friendship has profoundly ingrained itself in me in a way i'm not sure i could describe. like they were always meant to know one another in every universe, regardless of the manner of their relationship; it's a certain kind of inexplicable gravity they revolve within, or maybe just the potential of what never was — anemoia. ever since its release, tournament at gorlan has remained sort of my comfort flanagan work i suppose.
while i've technically been in the fandom for five years at this point and have a library of brotherband fanart, i have somehow not made RA fanart… so although i would have liked to spend more time on this like i'd pictured, i realized that i had not even started approximately three hours ago and cranked it out. one day i'll come back and make a better RA fanart that's more representative of how i feel about it, but until then, here's the one piece that i resolved to finish for this year's gathering.
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cranberrykissel · 8 months
of Flanagan's chronical chronology mess-ups and all age inconsistencies it involves, I find Crowley and Halt's first meeting story the most hilarious
Crowley describing Halt as a intimidating dark man? Who's probably at least few years younger than Crowley.
And in this exact scene-
Halt: I hit your men with an arrow 😉😜 Morgarath: ... where Halt: at the inn 😁 Morgarath: I asked about the body part
And at the time he chooses to call himself Halt Halt deliberately, as a joke.
He's eighteen (18), guys.
They are all talking to a runaway emo-aligned teenage short king prince and go "oh he's SO intimidating" while he drinks his coffee black and sweetened.
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dimmadoome · 1 year
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the-lonelyshepherd · 7 months
oh outlaw, oh spur in side by @natscatorrcio
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made this in a frenzy last night after reading something that was specifically made to be crack for me i think
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77ngiez · 6 days
hey guys do we realize that the main difference betwen how kai and midori developed is that kai was given the chance to learn what normal life and love and family was like by working with chidouins while midori was kept under asunaros thumb all his life. do we realize that just a few changes could have kai acting just as cruel and merciless as midori. do we realize that midori is a victim of asunaro too, and though that doesn't excuse his actions it does make them more tragic. do we realize this or are we all being serious when we say midori is the only character who isn't worth redemption.
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grandmafc · 4 months
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That old man is already planning the post season LOTR Extended Edition marathon
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