#the rainmaker imagines
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brazilian rainmaker and witch hunter
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vexcatz · 9 months
funny tiktok thing i corporate clash managerified a while ago
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tbh replace Brian with Mac Opsys
and replace the og comment with cathal or something
and pretend prester and holly talk like how they actually talk
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fried-trash · 1 year
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My three girlfriends And yes, they like fish.
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bravequackcathal · 2 years
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i like to think they r friends
(buck and brian have to be kept separate for. obvious reasons)
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paceplace · 2 years
this is a very self-indulgent hc about Misty, but she has a toonsona who is a blue cat (she even picked out an outfit she draws them in. a grey shirt w/ yellow lightning bolts and a blue pleated skirt) and she meows sometimes. She also likes to climb on counters.
(Based on me doing this exact fucking thing when i was still like 12. :'])
also, i imagine holly with a giant fucking sword strapped to her back and the Sigourney weaver alien outfit... ok thats all have a nice day :)
aaa that's an adorable hc, anon! i can definitely see misty creating a toonsona for fun, esp since she has a somewhat of a playful streak to her personality compared to her co-workers (her wanting to play tic-tac-toe with bessie, her friend req lines offering to play hopscotch with us, etc...).
also gatekeeper with a giant sword is what she deserves! definitely matches with her shield drop too to complete her fit. thank you for sharing this with me! it brought a smile to my face haha
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bigtreefest · 2 months
i love ur writing! Can u cast ur friends as readers in any of ur series? And what series from another writer do u want to be in?
Hi! Thank you so much!!🥰 I love all this love I’ve been getting lately! I don’t know if I have enough series to cast all my friends on here, but I’m gonna try!! I love you for this challenging question, and to all my friends, I love you, pls don’t hate me for my decisions or if I accidentally leave someone out!🥺💗😅
- first and foremost, I think @krirebr would be Decks from The Rainmaker. Two tough ladies!
- @thezombieprostitute as the reader from Comfort Cuddles. I can just see her loving the comfort Curtis provides and wanting to return the favor, paying attention to exactly what he needs. They’d be so in sync
- controversial, but @biteofcherry is the reader in Saint or Sinner? And I can imagine it would’ve been double the feral if that were Steve.
-brandy. What’s the most feral thing I can think of?? @brandycranby would for sure be with Curtis in Drip…And Lick. Have her tongue all up in that business, I know it.
- @buckymorelikefuckme would probs be reader in Wait Until We Get Home. Two feral overstimulating babes who can’t get enough of each other😳
- @ronearoundblindly I think is Duchess from Bigger Houses. To me, she’s got it all together and deserves a love like a sweet, soft Ari who just wants the best and is constantly bettering himself to be deserving. In awe of the woman he pulled
- @sweater-daddiesdumbdork as Cherry in Handiwork. Homegirl is out doing her own thing and exploring, living life to the fullest, I hope. Curtis is there in support.
- @stargazingfangirl18 ohhhhh, Siri. Hmmmm, you like soft ran? Yeah, I thot so. Probs Ran’s sweetheart in Meet the Parents (and its smutty sequel👀)
- @jamneuromain would def be with phd candidate! Curtis. Need I say more? Two smart cookies in a supportive love
- I think @darsynia is Honeybee in YCMBWH. Incredibly witty and welcoming, ready to share
- @steviebbboi is probably Angel in the yet unreleased Guardian Angel. Very well-rounded and observant and encouraging
- @yenzys-lucky-charm is probs from Marshmallow Dream because he needs someone to appreciate him for all he is and keep him in line a little. It’s the unbridled Jake love that’s contagious
Now, what series would I wanna be in? Um, try everything the aforementioned lovelies have written and more? I can’t choose! It’s not fair!! *starts buzzing and beeping* *explodes* *dies*
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ieilaf · 2 years
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I always imagined it’d be cool if rainmaker had a rosey/ rosette aesthetic!  What if the glass ticks and cracks whenever it’s the half point of the timer for holding the rainmaker and what if it cracks whenever a checkpoint happens, submitting the idea that the teams checkpoint has been taken! and just completely shattering when doing a winning dunk with roses flying on the screen when the game just ends! I imagined how it’d shoot out the rainmaker shot is like rose cannon from Steven universe but mini and multiple of them working together to shoot one power shot!  ____________
Here’s what I thought of if it wasn’t a skin but a game mode version!
 so basically maybe this can be like a glass canon mode where you can just smash the rainmaker and it’ll come back to reset in where it is, so there can be an advantage/ disadvantage to summoning and then (maybe it’s your team or the enemy team) popping that rainmaker bubble whenever you want!
I’d imagine it’d be annoying though with bad teammates, maybe it’s a tournament, event (spring fest) or a private battle thing :0
(I wanna do more customization and like skin ideas. It was really fun)
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mononokevalley · 16 days
Schiarazula Marazula
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"Schiarazula Marazula" is a captivating piece of Friulian folklore, deeply embedded in the cultural and ritualistic practices of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. This folk song, associated with rainmaking rituals and agricultural ceremonies, presents a fascinating case of historical and cultural evolution, reflecting both the vibrancy of local traditions and the impact of historical forces on folk practices.
Historical Origins and Lost Lyrics
The original lyrics of "Schiarazula Marazula" have unfortunately been lost to history. The earliest documented reference to the song appears in a denunciation letter dated June 10, 1624, addressed to the diocesan. In this letter, Don Bernardino Morra describes a ritual performed by women in Palazzolo della Stella, who sang a song starting with "Schiarazzola Marazzola" to invoke rain. The partial translation provided in the letter—“schiarazzola marazzola a marito ch'io me ne vo' et quello che segue si come son donzella che piova questa sera”—suggests that the lyrics were related to invoking rain and fertility.
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Giorgio Mainerio and the Renaissance Influence
In 1587, the Renaissance composer Giorgio Mainerio transcribed the melody of "Schiarazula Marazula" in his publication "Il primo libro de balli a quatro voci accomodati per cantar et sonar d’ogni sorte de istromenti." This collection, which includes various dance tunes, provides crucial insight into the musical aspects of Friulian folklore. Although Mainerio preserved the melody, the accompanying lyrics have been lost, leaving the song's full cultural and ritualistic significance partially obscured.
Inquisition and Cultural Suppression
The Inquisition's efforts to suppress folk traditions had a significant impact on "Schiarazula Marazula." The Church's crackdown on practices deemed superstitious or heretical led to the loss of many traditional songs and rituals. The ritualistic use of "Schiarazula Marazula" for rainmaking purposes was likely seen as a challenge to ecclesiastical authority. The Inquisition's disapproval, coupled with the timing of the ritual during Pentecost, a period associated with Church-led rain supplication, likely contributed to the suppression of this folk tradition.
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Modern Interpretations and Misconceptions
In the 20th century, "Schiarazula Marazula" experienced a revival through various artists. Notably, Italian singer Angelo Branduardi adapted the melody for his song "Ballo in Fa diesis minore." While Branduardi’s version popularized the melody, his lyrics, inspired by a fresco in Val Rendena, diverged significantly from the original context of the song.
The poet Domenico Zannier also contributed to the song's legacy by creating new lyrics in the late 20th century. Zannier's rendition, filled with assonances and nonsensical phrases, sought to capture the spirit of the original melody but did not accurately reflect the historical context. His lyrics include:
«Scjaraçule Maraçule la lusigne e la craçule, la piçule si niçule di polvar a si tacule. O scjaraçule maraçule cu la rucule e la cocule, la fantate je une trapule il fantat un trapulon. (rit: la fantate je une trapule il fantat un trapulon)»
English Translation:
«Stick and fennel, the firefly and the frog, the little one sways and gets dusted. Oh stick and fennel, with arugula and walnut, the girl is a trap (liar) and the boy a big trapper.»
Zannier’s lyrics, while imaginative, do not provide a historical or literal account of the original song's content. They reflect a creative interpretation rather than an accurate representation of the song’s traditional use.
[photos from the Internet]
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arogustus · 6 months
Splatband Analysis - SashiMori
(Disclaimer: This analysis is based on what I get out of looking into the character descriptions we have of the splatband characters. If you disagree with what I say, that is fine, we are all beheld to our opinions. Just don't be a jerk about it.)
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SashiMori. The band best known for several things. Giving us the dopest trailer of Splatoon 2, having Da Boy, Paul, as a member, and of course the ever present mystery of the mysterious former lead singer. Let’s talk about them.
The band
SashiMori started life as a loud rock band, Ryu-Chang, Karla and Taichi alongside the mysterious vocalist. According to Taichi’s descriptions, it seems he’s the one who founded the band in the first place, but lost control of it to their self-centered, authoritarian vocalist. We have yet to learn the identity of this strange, mysterious person… but we’re pretty sure it’s Pearl. Like, it’s mentioned in Karla’s section in Haikara Walker that the vocalist of the band before SashiMori (the context here either means a different band they were in or SashiMori itself before they took on the name, it’s vague) had vocals so strong only they were capable of handling it. We know Pearl was a death metal artist who wrecked her venues a lot, and it’s not a guess to say she was probably a lot more domineering before meeting Marina. They actually asked Nogami himself about this fact, and said it was up to our imagination. That’s just a roundabout way of saying “yes, but we’re not gonna tell you that.”
Eitherway, the other three kicked their vocalist and stuck together as an instrumental band before deciding to search for a new one. Clearly the three were close enough that they willingly stuck together and united against a common foe in order to keep playing without problems. So, they put out an application of fish Twitter, and that’s where Paul comes in. They laughed at first, seeing such a smol bean trying to join the big leagues. But once he wowed them, they made him the centerpiece of the band's sound, and SashiMori was born.
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They also got to make an appearance in the White Day artwork, chilling with the homies of Bottom Feeders and Hightide Era. Well, all but one of them. You’ll see why in a bit.
Ryu Chang
Our big man Ryu is first. He’s a carp who grew up in a prestigious home at the base of Mount Nantai (another Pearl reference, seriously), who became a punk during his teen years and an established drummer after that. He was 35 in Splatoon 2, and that back in 2018, meaning he should be at least 41 by now (we are growing ever older every day). There isn’t much of a description of what he’s like now, but he did have a rebellious teenager phase at least, so it’s likely all that punk ideology stuff has carried on into adult life. He illustrates as a hobby, and created the little mascot you see in SashiMori’s album art, Mr. Wasabi. Wonder what the little guy is about.
He’s got a Rainmaker team going on with Kuze and Blow, Underpass Bass Drum, so he’s active in the Turfing scene. And as we established, the two also showed up in the Deep Sea Metro concert to perform for a bit. One thing I wanna note is that it’s considered an impromptu performance. They didn’t plan to perform together at the place, which begs the question: what were they doing in the Deep Sea Metro? Were they simply attending and got dragged on stage… wait, actually that makes sense. 
He’s kinda hard to read in the White Day Art. He’s sitting with Blow and Taka, and we know he’s friends with Blow. The only other thing to tell is that he’s very much watching Finn and Tangle fight, but his eternal fish face makes it hard to tell what he feels about it. Concern? Annoyance? Attraction? Who knows.
Karla is a mystery. They’re very quiet, their age is a mystery, and no one even knows how they eat! Well, actually, according to science, the Scaly-Foot Gastropod doesn’t eat at all, but rather relies on symbiosis with bacteria living inside them to get nutrition. Sooo, yeah, lady just doesn’t eat anything. Neat. 
That’s what their description focuses on, being very quiet and mysterious. Doesn’t even respond to questions during interviews, just goes “...” and that’s it. Obviously no indication that they outright can’t talk, just that they rarely do. They’re the silent type, maybe out of shyness, maybe because they just don’t have much to say, or maybe a third thing. At least it’s stated they don’t have bad intentions, so you know, they’re not evil. 
Fun fact, Karla’s design is actually reused from an old concept for one of the Denizens of the Deep that would show up in the train. While that is concept stuff that didn’t make it in, and doesn’t mean that them being from the Metro is true, the evidence does point to it being a possibility. Would certainly explain their quirks.
Out of the four, Karla doesn’t show up in the White Day artwork. Finn is there, and she’s (evidently) female, so that wasn’t really a reason to stop them from showing up. Maybe they were hiding out of frame? Maybe they took the picture? Or maybe they’re just asocial and didn’t want to come hang. 
Taichi Sawaberu
Taichi is, as can be inferred from the text, the founder of the band. He created SashiMori cause he wanted to add singing to his music after mostly being an instrumentalist, which as we can tell didn’t end well. Is the most experienced member of the band, being an experienced studio musician and all, so he’s been in the business for a while. He also has a lot of activities outside of the band. Hobbies most likely. You know, stuff like surfing, competitive knitting, high stakes bingo, whatever other kinds of hobbies exist. He must get out a lot. 
Compared to the other two, he wasn’t fond of Paul at first. He thought he was, to quote, “tiny and awful.” Now, it’s hard to say if this actually applies to Paul for real, as from what we see, nothing really indicates him being an awful kid in any way. He did change his mind after a while, at least, so maybe he was just projecting onto him? If the Pearl theory is correct, it would actually make sense that he was projecting onto Paul his last experience with a small person. His opinion must be a lot more positive now.
We see in the White Day artwork that he’s having a spirited conversation with Nishida. Far as we know, Nishida is pretty introverted, so Taichi must have somehow gotten through to him. What they’re talking about is unknown, but let’s just place this as Taichi x Nishida friendship (wow!)
Autism be damned, that octo boy can work a turntable. Paul is the highlight of SashiMori, a ten year old octoling who’s the replacement of the previous singer. Instead of singing, though, he provides vocals by remixing them from whatever sources he’s got, including ancient human vinyls. He’s a DJ like most octolings, but he’s actually labeled a particular type of DJ. A turntablist, to be precise. 
I’m gonna give thanks to @porubiteki, a moot of mine who knows a ton about DJ stuff and did all this research well before I decided to do this series. A Turntablist is a type of DJ specializing in manipulating music in real time. It’s basically the record scratching you see TV DJ’s do, but far more focused on compared to other forms of DJing. You actually hear that a lot in SashiMori’s music, which features it far more than any other of the Splatoon DJ’s. It’s also a well respected title in the DJ world due to how difficult it is to master the technique, and considering how Paul is highlighted as highly talented to the point of wowing three experienced musicians, it's safe to say he’s worthy of the title. 
Personality wise, we don’t get too much. What we know is he remixes from a lot of other DJs, meaning he’s a fan of any DJ’s work. As highlighted above, he is very talented, which can only come from extensive work on his craft, especially for someone his age. Taichi thought of him as “tiny and awful”, but if the Pearl theory applies, it’s likely he was projecting onto Paul for being small. We see him playing chess, and humiliating his opponent Jawn in the process, so his smarts extend outside of DJ work too. Also, it’s well known that child prodigies tend to be a lot more mature for their ages, so it’s likely he might have some of those traits.
And now for the big question. Are he and Acht related or not? It’s a common question asked due to the fact he wears a beanie with a tag that has the same logo as DJ Def1sh, a crude doodle of an octopus face. Haikara Walker itself brings up the question, in the same paragraph as Acht’s potential relation to Marina. Specifically, they might be blood relatives, or just follow the same brand. Side Order revealed the Marina thing to be true… and it didn’t reveal anything about Paul. You had one job, Nintendo. 
While Karla is the one with the “mysterious past”, Paul here is probably the one where the trope fits the most. It’s because his existence raises a lot more questions than it answers. Regardless of what his relation to Acht is, it’s clear from that that he’s from the domes. So, what’s a kid his age doing on the surface? When did he get there? The fact he had a Squid Twitter account implies he’s been around long enough to get familiar with all that stuff. Why is he even on fish Twitter anyway? Doesn’t he know that shit can traumatize even adults? Does he have parents? If not, has he been homeless the entire time before meeting SashiMori? Cause a kid doesn’t just show up to a band audition without at least some implication of family having taken him there. Questions and questions. Where is he now? Nintendo, please, tell us where our boy is, WE BEG Y-
And that does it for SashiMori. We are now left with three bands. Hightide Era, Chirpy Chips and ω-3. 
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felixstudios · 8 months
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Playing Corporate Clash Edition
Let's ignore how long it's been since I made these, okay? And ignore the massive 4th wall breaking
ALSO special appearance from some mgrs I normally wouldn't write for
Duck Shuffler
🎰He doesn't really know how to strategize, so he picks random stuff and hopes for the best
🎰Absolutely LOVES the trolley
🎰Loves to talk to basically anyone he comes across and try to make friends with them
🎰Often gets indecisive about what to do next, so he spins his slots to decide
🧠Okay, usually his intelligence is laughable and fun to make fun of, but this guy is a professional no life. He knows EVERYTHING about the game
🧠Tries to reach 150 laff as soon as possible and has absolutely ZERO fun with the game
🧠 Doesn't make friends and only talks if he's giving out battle strategies, which is... basically every round of battle even if it's just a 2 story building in Barnacle Boatyard
🧠He's kinda elitist, too
Derrick Man
🛢️Doesn't really play that often since he's not a gamer
🛢️I can't ever imagine him getting much further than The Brrrgh cause he just. DOESN'T PLAY.
🛢️Despite his inexperience and infrequently logging in, he's actually pretty decent at the game
🛢️Collects manager rewards and hoards them. He needs them all
Deep Diver
🫧He's the kind of person to not leave Toontown Central until he's maxed all of his activities, has overpowered gags, and also started a club that's now at level 100 and has like 50 members
🫧Very slow and methodical with her gameplay- she explores every little nook and cranny before moving on. Has all racing, golfing, and fishing trophies kinda thing. Gets all achievements kinda thing
🫧Loves to set up in battles and take his time with them. Yes, he will struggle a lot with Pacesetter
🫧She LOVES fishing, by the way
⛈️Doesn't really enjoy combat very much and prefers to play Toono and such
⛈️Also really likes the trolley and makes tons of trolley groups
⛈️Wouldn't progress much further than Mezzo Melodyland, probably
⛈️Tries to make friends, but others tend to find her annoying or even rude so she doesn't make very many
Land Acquisition Architect
🚦Tries to get some friends together to play with him
🚦Behind the screen, he is absolutely having a temper tantrum over EVERYTHING. Be it a gag missing or someone doing a less optimal play, he's screaming
🚦But in the game he's like SUPER DUPER NICE and makes no outward show of how angry he actually is
🚦If you befriend him, you're getting constant invites to like everything he does
⚔️Tries to max in the most efficient way possible
⚔️Will try to show off all her boss loot, but of course only in stylish ways
⚔️Kind of an elitist, definitely pretty rude
⚔️Likes to sit out of bounds doing nothing. Alternatively, she sits in front of the CFO doors or in DDL doing nothing just to show off her TTR elitist roots
Witch Hunter
🔱He says he wouldn't play such a childish game and says he's just gonna uninstall it
🔱Five minutes later he's in an OCLO. Also, he has 150 laff so clearly it's not too childish for him
🔱He's an elitist
🔱Would 100% quad Toon and try to act like they're not his alts, even going as far as giving them their own "typing quirks" and having fake conversations
Public Relations Representative
🧱Can't really use SpeedChat+ effectively since he glitches around and makes lots of typos
🧱Frequent misclicks and missteps
🧱Will not survive OCLO or Pacesetter very often
🧱Surprisingly loves to play the game and accidentally no lifes to 150 laff
🔔Loves to destroy Cogs with perfect damage whenever possible, for some reason
🔔His estate would be VERY cozy, which is honestly a huge feat considering its current in-game state makes it... very lonely and desolate by nature
🔔Super fashionable Toon, but he's also a little modest with his outfits
🔔He's ALWAYS gossiping in at least 3 people's whispers at any given point in time
🥪Is usually too lazy to push buttons himself, so he watches someone else play his Toon most of the time
🥪He is 100% never doing a Pacesetter himself
🥪Whenever he DOES play, it's usually easier boss fights and things that don't require much user input
🥪Sometimes gets enough motivation to play with his dad
Vice President
💡Started playing the game because he noticed his son really seemed to like it and he wanted to spend time with Cathal
💡At first, he doesn't really see the appeal of the game. But once he finds out there's a lot of strategy involved, he decides it's "like trying to find that perfect sales pitch!" and keeps playing out of personal interest
💡He'd apply to the Clash team to manage their social media accounts
💡He'd try to convince his coworkers to try out the game
☎️She doesn't really get the appeal of the game, but she'll play it anyways because her grandchildren wanted her to play with them
☎️Literally just does whatever her grandchildren wanna do
☎️She'll max her Toon... eventually
☎️She doesn't fully grasp battle strategies, but she knows enough to get by
Major Player
🎹Constantly suggesting things to be added to the allowlist so he can say ridiculous stuff {i.e. he was probably the one who wanted skibidi to be added... yes this is actually something you can say in the game}
🎹This guy would be the kind to accidentally time out in battle because he was typing a long message
🎹If you whisper to him, good luck getting him to whisper back. He... will probably forget to respond
🎹Constantly saving his teammates with PREFECTLY timed unites
Chief Financial Officer
💵Plays because Allan convinced him to do it
💵Surprisingly, he finds it enjoyable right off the bat. He especially likes battles
💵He feels a bit alienated since he's the only one who seems to find it weird and creepy that he can fight against himself in the game, so he just doesn't mention it to anyone else
💵He will have like 148 laff and the last 2 laff boosts he'll need will be his Cashbot suit LOL
🔥Mostly only plays because Graham wanted him to
🔥Wants to take his time with everything and try to actually figure out how to strategize, but he's usually too soft spoken to ask questions to anyone but Graham {who gives vague answers because he doesn't really know how to strategize}
🔥But if he makes a friend... TONS of badmouthing others in whispers happens. Much shade will be thrown and more tea will be spilled than was spilled in the Boston Tea Party
🔥Once he finally figures out how to play the game, oh you bet he's gonna use it to secretly make fun of others who don't know how to play. He knows he was once just like them, but he doesn't care
🌑He makes his satellite investors play with him so he doesn't have to wait for groups
🌑Also bosses them around from what gags they need to bring to what everyone's outfits look like {they all match and they're all in a club together}
🌑Because of all the help, he reaches 150 really fast
🌑Only helps his investors if it benefits him as well and doesn't really play with many other people
Chief Legal Officer
📚Plays because Allan suggested it to her
📚Is SUPER detail-oriented with her gameplay, so she always knows if she's in kill range. Also, she's very good at assessing the best strategy to use
📚Very no nonsense type of Cog, so she doesn't really do anything unless it's to advance in the game somehow
📚Has like 500 of each type of unite, like 7K C&Ds, 3K pink slips....
🪵Genuinely finds it VERY fun to destroy Cogs
🪵He'll convince Chip to play with him
🪵Don't think he'd ever max, but he'd get close. Like... 130-140 laff kind of close
🪵Loves to spam rewards in boss fights
Chainsaw Consultant
🪚Only plays the game because Spruce wanted him to
🪚Although he won't say anything in the game about it, he gets pretty mad when people make bad choices in battle
🪚Usually plays with music turned off and sound effects still on, which many others have told him is very eerie
🪚Doesn't seem to enjoy battles very much, but he won't outwardly admit that
Chief Executive Officer
⛳Plays because Allan suggested it to him
⛳I don't think I'm surprising anyone when I tell you that the first thing he's doing is maxing golf. He'd be scary good at it too, like he'd get a perfect 9 in the hole kit and kaboodle
⛳Doesn't actually get very far in the game since the rest isn't all that interesting to him
⛳He finds it... interesting how C.O.G.S., Inc. is portrayed in the game.
💤Tends to prefer shorter playing sessions
💤Makes slow progress over the course of years
💤Also hangs out with friends quite often
💤Falls asleep at the keyboard... a lot. Like, a lot. It's just a known thing they do
👟Tries to basically speedrun the entire game
👟If he goes sad {which will be a lot since he's so under leveled}, he will blame it on anything but his own fault
👟Once he unlocks his own fight, he will spam it over and over. He's... not really sure what to think when he goes sad to himself. Did he win, or did he... lose? Is he awesome, or...? Okay, yeah, thinking about that is stupid and for losers
👟Shows off all his manager loot in a way HE thinks looks good. Whether or not it actually does... I'll leave for you to decide
Chief Operating Officer
📋Seems to genuinely enjoy playing the game
📋Doesn't really have many friends and tends to multitoon so he's "less burdensome" sometimes
📋He'd 100% apply for Clash support team {whether or not he gets in I'll let you decide} because he'd just like the game that much
📋SUPER kind and always willing to help other people out
🐐He's the one who suggested the entire Litigation Team play it
🐐He's either REALLY pissed off or super calm about battles with no in-between
🐐Tends to make a lot of... less optimal choices in battle or needs to be told what to do. He just struggles a little with strategy sometimes
🐐100% he spams forges in like every fight so he can do more damage with that extra level 8. Oh, he also loves to set up with IOUs and uses a lot of those too
Case Manager
💼You'll think this guy is muted because he won't use SpeedChat+ like, ever. I mean, he doesn't really use SpeedChat either, but he at least USES it.
💼Has gags set up to play more of a supportive role in battle, always tries to pick gags last, and generally has a somewhat more passive play style
💼He does communicate a decent amount with stickers, surprisingly
💼Already has a maxed Toon and is just working on his alt
⌨️She would play on any control scheme EXCEPT a QWERTY keyboard {or even AZERTY, Colemark, Dvorak... basically any common layout}. I feel like she'd be pretty much allergic to it lol. And yes, she does think she's better than you for it. [Author's note: I use Dvorak on my phone and my only advice is don't.]
⌨️She's the kind of person to talk on and on and on and on and... oh my Cog how is she typing this essay so fast anyways?!
⌨️During segments like the final OCLO round, she ABSOLUTELY sweats it with like pixel perfect movements. And if she had a mic, you would hear intense keyboard pressing {or whatever she's using to control her Toon}
⌨️A little rude sometimes, but she's USUALLY pretty nice. Oh, and if you befriend her then she gossips a lot
🐊He's an elitist LOL
🐊He would get soooooo mad and start cussing people out over one "mistake" and also be the kinda person to straight up leave a boss fight because of an argument
🐊Sorry, but I genuinely cannot see this guy being fun to play with
🐊Also I feel like he'd have a super old YouTube channel from TTO days of him greening people
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sonicasura · 7 months
I think the funniest thing about a Splatoon crossover, outside of Smash, is that all the Inklings and Octolings are technically gladiators. The stages are a perfectly sized arena where they just kill each other trying to cover the most territory. It's literally a reenactment of an actual war if you look at the Sunken Scrolls(game's lore drops) but anyone who gets splat can just respawn.
On one side you have 'It's dangerous to go alone. Take this sword.' while on the other 'Here's an oversized paint roller. Go run over someone and take the territory like you're in the mafia.' The reward for it? Some cash alongside a little street cred so you can grab a 'You survived a war! Here's this T-shirt' clothes.
There are tougher variations such as Clam Blitz, Tower Control, Rainmaker, and Splat Zones which always ends with both sides getting obliterated by ink nukes or Spirit Bombs powered by Cyborg's catchphrase. What they consider normal fun being utterly horrific to everyone outside that.
The shit ton of different weapons, the usually vicious specials and the fact even simple clothing has built in boosts doesn't help either. Only way anyone wouldn't be terrified when it comes to Turf War if they are cartoon characters, insane or gladiators. *Looks at the gladiator crackhead known as TFP Megatron*
Imagine being a friend to an Inkling/Octoling and they just explain the latest death match like it's the coolest thing ever. Yes I could go on about the Splatoon World is a post apocalyptic earth where every human gone extinct from an B movie style natural disaster but that's a little overused. Child/teen cephalopod gladiators sounds morbidly funnier too.
What do you think?
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I'm campaigning pretty hard for autobot / defected! earthspark Thundercracker, but I'm currently thinking about the "Thundercracker and Novastorm transitioned and swapped places" idea and I'm imagining the hilarious idea that the rainmakers and the elite trine proceeded to gaslight everyone into thinking nothing happened.
Megatron: is it just me or were you blue before?
Now Novastorm: no, it's just you(lying)
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kaontic · 2 months
Oh look, it’s Megs’ little show ponies
Update: And Powerglide and Kickback
(Disclaimer: Or at least I think these Cybertronians are them, but we’ll see if that’s true in time)
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. I mean that’s Nova Storm for sure you guys (with Kickback nearby)
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. Acid Storm
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. Glad they (probably) didn’t forget about Ion Storm too this time yes yes very good Skybound 👏
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. They also look like Misfire in jet mode so that's cool
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. I didn’t recognize Powerglide at first since I haven’t gotten to season 2 of G1 yet
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. They could all just be a reference tho and I'm lookin' too deep into this, but IF NOT-
. Skybound, please. PLLLLLLLLLEEEEAAAAAASSSE. If ANY of them show up later-PLEASE do not write them off as soon as they do. I'm seeing potential here, especially in terms of, um, "visuals", if you know what I mean, for the Rainmakers specifically
. Take the Rainmakers' powers to the next level and let them literally rain hell down on their enemies. Idc if they only do it once in the entirety of the run I just wanna see how it looks
. Let them remain strictly loyal to Megs to add extra drama (esp. with Astrotrain) and raise the stakes
. If you need to write some of them off, my first choice for who gets to live is Misfire (idk to provide some comic relief plus he’s a fan fav)
. Second choice is Nova, fr. What a badass. In IDW2 they were canonically indestructible and sliced Sentinel Prime in half
. Like think of how much of a problem Nova could be in particular for the Autobots (cuz I haven't seen Windcharger yet lol)
. Imagine if they suddenly sprung out of lava to grab someone and drag them down
. Or took a fusion cannon blast to the face like it was a nice breeze
. I'm biased ok they're literally my profile (Nova does not smile often, but Reflector says thanks g for the geunine effort)
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. There, I fixed it:
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. But hey, those were just some ideas
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kaasiand · 1 year
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my dream remake of moray towers would probably look something like this. out of all the singleplayer elements, splatoon 3's soaker blocks fit this stage the best imo. imagine all the funny as hell plays you could make by shrinking soaker blocks underneath your enemies making them fall to their doom
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the spawn areas have one strip removed, and the topmost remaining strip is now flattened and only reachable by the defending team, serving as a better place to defend from as it now overlooks areas that are actually more relevant to the match—no more "why would you ever go here" zone.
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this funky grate bridge in mid is a silly addition that i'd love to see! it helps make the lower level feel less like an open-air eliter deathtrap, while also providing new options to pressure opposing backliners on the higher level as you can reach them with stuff like bombs or reefsliders from the front. or some inkbrush that's gonna run right at you in zigzags as you miss all your shots
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as for the rainmaker layout, this is what i'd like to see. (soaker blocks might be positioned differently, i just didn't feel like doing that.) the rainmaker starts on top of the grate bridge, making the right checkpoint look deceptively close—look, it's right there, right in front of you! (you're gonna get killed over and over trying to get there unless they're wiped and they'll easily get back control of the rainmaker)
on the other hand, the left checkpoint is a lot more like the left one on undertow, being farther away for both teams. this one is likely the better option since it's much farther away from the enemy spawn, which makes it all the more annoying when your teammates insist on going for the checkpoint that looks so so so close despite being easier to defend against, and you're over on the left spamming "this way" waiting to use the soaker block like an elevator for the rainmaker
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impofthegasstation · 1 year
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evgf, mostly trying to figure out how to draw the edgy whore of babylon form
uh. im gonna put more stuff under the cut i guess? iunno, au/headcanon stuffff
ok so, eve. eve is my favourite character in tboi so she's probably one of the most developed in my au, maybe even the most. lol
some basic info, her pronouns are she/her. she's a trans girl, she's around 16 years old and she's goth. emo? i imagine that she's an emo but it's the time where that term wasn't really popular so she calls herself goth. like ebony from my immortal, y'know? she's not as. girlboss though. she's very chill, calm. she's not easily annoyed at all, she's very patient infact! she's one of the older kids in the basement, so it's kinda needed she feels. she doesn't talk to others much, mostly keeps to herself. she can talk to others if needed though.
the reason why she doesn't really talk to others is just because she doesn't really want people knowing about her demon form cuz she's worried it'll freak people out and also because the WoB is very well known for being incredibly violent! fun. her WoB design is inspired by tentacled snakes, not too sure how well i did that tho…. here's a pic of one tho. they're silly little guys
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the reason why i chose this creature to base my WoB design off is because 1) they're very silly and i like them and 2) in my au, eve spent most of her childhood in downpour! rainmaker is basically her father figure. she only left downpour recently, to try and figure out more about the other places. there's some important backstory stuff there but i don't really wanna say that rn
dead bird is a literal dead bird. he does move and talk somehow tho. he doesn't really have preferred pronouns because he's a bird but he mostly gets called he, so i guess use those! he is the only thing that eve stays around, mostly just because he won't fucking leave. she only met him recently, after leaving downpour. first thing that happened is that he flew into her face and now they're friends, yay! he's also aware of the fact that she is the WoB but. he doesn't care (fun fact dead bird was actually killed by her a long ass time ago but neither of them remember). his design will probably change? iunno, birds are super difficult for me to draw for some reason… i owned birds for ages but for some reason i do not understand the bird anatomy :(
that's all i have to say for now, hopefully this was fun to read? or something? i'm sorry if anything was difficult to understand, i am bad at wording
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yakool-foolio · 1 year
i really love your death knight au for yakou‼️it’s super fun to read and think about
i’m just wondering about your perspective when it comes to yakou slowly putting together everything about the homunculus stuff in chapter 5. because, god, as far as i can tell that is absolute existential crisis material (like yakou figuring out he himself is a homunculus? and that his original is probably dead? like dude)
(i also imagine that the way he initially starts putting things together is like. through the whole pink blood thing. maybe yuma somehow gets (non-lethally) injured in the beginning of the chapter and sheds red blood, which leads into yakou realizing that something’s off?? don’t mind me i’m just rambling here)
There's a lot to take in when the revelation finally hits. While venturing through the abandoned village with Yuma, Yakou is mortified by the ghastly sight. Many citizens he'd known over the years, despite their passing, are husks of their former selves, mindlessly attacking him and the rookie. He fights back against them to protect Yuma, who they seem to suspiciously target more than Yakou. There's not much room to dwell on it as Makoto fires the arrow containing the threat of homunculi feasting on human flesh to survive. A pit in his stomach begins to form. While being chased down, the two fall down a cliff, both suffering some cuts and bruises. Yakou quickly takes action to clean off their blood for fear of attracting more homunculi. He takes note of the difference in their blood color, but doesn't comment on it, assuming Yuma hasn't been in the rain long enough for it to affect his body.
In the factory, Yakou confronts the zombified Hitman Zilch, newfound anger coursing through him. He wants to get back at the hitman for all the harm he caused, killing Yakou's wife and massacring the five detectives on the Amaterasu Express. Shinigami and Yuma manage to break him from his rage-induced trance, telling him Yomi and Huesca were the ones who gave the orders; he only followed their commands. Hitman Zilch confirms this during his drawn-out speech. As they discover the remains of each of the NDA detectives, Yuma immediately begins to panic. Yakou remains skeptical, trying to calm the rookie down by telling him they could be fakes. He's too deep in denial to say why.
It doesn't take long before a portion of the truth comes crashing down on him. Hearing strange noises in the freezer, Yakou instructs Yuma to stay behind so he can check. In the bone-biting cold, Yakou feasts his eyes upon the horrors of Kanai Ward. Frozen corpses are mushed into meat buns, the main food supply for the entire city's citizens. Shinigami turns away as he vomits from pure repugnance. Despite his disgusting display, he can't cough up all the lives he consumed. Exiting the freezer, Yuma rushes to him, fearful of what his chief could've seen. Yakou tells him not to worry; the bitter cold got to him, is all.
The two detectives head down into the old facility, shocked by the near cosmic terror of all the vacant pods lining the infinite walls. Holes in the ceiling reveal cloudless skies. Yuma steps into the strips of sunlight in relief, allowing himself a faint smile as he revels in what little warmth he can gain. Yakou instinctively avoids the holes, staying in the shade as he observes Yuma with sorrowful eyes. Shinigami advises her Sir to let the fledging enjoy it while it lasts.
In the bathhouse, Yuma curiously pokes and prods at the rainmaking machine while Yakou investigates. Suddenly, the rainmaker comes to a stop. Yakou and Yuma freeze up. The thick dark clouds dissipate, the blinding sun enveloping Kanai Ward. It's far from a welcoming embrace. Yakou feels his sense of self slipping away, his thoughts colliding together as a deep forgotten impulse claws up to the surface of his weakening mind. Using as much energy as he can muster, he yells at Yuma to turn the machine back on, but Yuma's anxiety flares. As he fruitless attempts to power the rainmaker, Makoto enters the building. Yuma backs up and clutches Yakou's hand, who barely clings to consciousness. When Makoto offers to help, Yuma takes his hand, allowing the three of them to connect. The rainmaker turns on, a brewing storm surrounding the city once more. Yakou regains what he had lost of himself while Shinigami recovers from her own stupor. Taking it all in is nigh impossible.
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