#the ragwitch
bracketsoffear · 7 months
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The Ragwitch (Garth Nix) "Ten-year-old Paul and his sister Julia are on vacation at the beach one day when they find a shell midden on the shore. When they climb it, they find a crow's nest with a creepy little ragdoll in it. Paul distrusts it immediately, but Julia is entranced, and brings it home, where their parents don't seem to be able to see it. The next morning, Paul hears someone moving around, and follows the sound out to find his sister, possessed by the doll, building a strange blue fire on top of the midden. She freezes him helplessly in place, then jumps into the fire and disappears. Paul rebuilds it and follows Her through, determined to rescue his sister.
So begins a quest to stop the Ragwitch and save his sister (and maybe the world he finds himself in on the side). Throughout, the narrative switches between Paul's journey and Julia Fighting from the Inside despite the Ragwitch's attempts to control her mind."
Coraline (Neil Gaiman) "The presence of another world that resemble the one you know but different, the Other Mother whole deal and the fact that she spies on people using dolls and sews buttons in place of her victim's eyes."
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bookquote2 · 10 months
First, he thought, I am all alone in a forest. I have no idea where it is, as I got here by walking through a fire. - The Ragwitch by Garth Nix
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violet-yimlat · 2 years
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Behold! The glorious mess which is my reading pile. Happy to discuss any book from any series that you see here, unless this is going to be my first time reading the book in question. I’ll note it beside the titles. From top to bottom, we have;
Dante’s Divine Comedy
The Cay
Blood brothers
Stone cold
Shade’s children
Paradise lost + paradise regained
A ballad of songbirds and snakes
The rangers apprentice
the extremely inconvenient adventures of Bronte Mettlestone
How to cheat a dragon’s curse
The Shepard’s crown
Zo and the forest of secrets
Making Money
Grim tales
The northern lights
The subtle knife
The amber spyglass
Chime seekers
Nura and the immortal palace
Life of Pi
Frostheart 2 (can’t remember name )
Terciel & Elenor
The hobbit
Face like glass
The light fantastic
How to twist a dragon’s tail
Kay’s anatomy
Happy here
Gullstruck island
The graveyard book
Charmed life
The hunger games
The borrowers
A hero’s guide to deadly dragons
The ragwitch
The unraveller
Surface detail
The left hand of darkness
Which way to anywhere
Carter beats the devil
Mortal engines
Violet Veil and a case of grave danger
Catching fire
Kat Wolfe investigates
The wolf wilder
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twinnedpeaks · 2 years
yoooo hows it going? whats the last movie u watched and last book u read?
yoo its not going my friend hbu? i last watched glass onion and my last book was the ragwitch by garth nix
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aqueerpolysocialist · 2 years
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I was tagged by @lizziethereader, thank you!
First crush on a fictional character:
The first one that I remember is Harry Potter, but it’s hard to say. I probably had crushes before that, but looking back on childhood crushes is increasingly complicated as I realize that I had crushes on so many female characters, and just didn’t consider them crushes at the time. Can confirm I had at least one crush that came out of The Royal Diaries, although I can’t remember which.
A book that made you cry:
There are so many. I cried a lot during The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer—back in the day I cried through the entire first read of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from Dobby on—The Book Thief never fails to make me sob like a baby. The Ocean at the End of the Lane and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close are two more that always get me.
Book that was spoiled for me:
Anna Karenina. I was literally holding the book open at 100 pages in, reading the book, and a friend came over who had seen the movie and goes, “Oh! You’re reading Anna Karenina?” to which I answered, “Just started!” to which she felt it was appropriate to respond, “I was so shocked when [character] [died unexpectedly at the end of the book]!” I was furious. It’s still one of my favorites though!
First book you fell in love with:
I definitely can’t remember. My dad said the first book I read was The Cat and the Hat—I read it proudly out loud to him, upside down (I had memorized it, I couldn’t read it yet). The first book I can remember falling in love with was Into the Land of the Unicorns by Bruce Coville. The novel that I spent 2nd through 6th grade writing starred unicorns. I might return to it someday. Another big one was The Ragwitch by Garth Nix, which I read so many times I remember the plot even now despite not having read it for years.
First time you couldn’t stop smiling because of a book or character:
Rhy Maresh makes me smile like crazy. Fred and George Weasley are another obvious choice, and Ginny as well. 
First person that really impacted your reading:
My family were all so supportive, because they wanted me to be a reader, and I certainly was. My parents shuttled me back and forth to the library, and when I ran out of options in my age level, to the bookstore (although I continued retrieving from the teen and adult sections at that point). They would also defend me against people outside our family who would make it seem like me being too “bookish” would be a bad thing. 
Other important figures where my great aunt, who when I visited would bring me to a used bookstore where I found many of my childhood favorites; and my grandfather, who is a professor of folklore and comparative literature, and who would give me old editions of fairy tales and folk tales, giving me an early love for studying them—he also encouraged my writing and would always ask about my reading. 
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openingfiction · 7 years
'Come on, Paul!' shrieked Julia as she ran down the dune, the sand sliding away under her bare feet.
Garth Nix, The Ragwitch
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call-me-schmidt · 3 years
Literally every story I enjoy that takes place in a medieval-y world eventually spawns a transmigration/dimensional travel/modern character lands in ‘x’ world fic that I don’t ever bring myself around to writing, but one that I do extensively immerse myself in when I can’t sleep; have to go anywhere more than 15 minutes away, and when I’m supposed to be working. 
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dresupi · 6 years
Gingerbread Hot Chocolate - Bucky/Darcy
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For: @ragwitch Pairing:  Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Prompt: Gingerbread Hot Chocolate Rating: T
"They're going to love you, don't worry!"  Darcy gushed, linking her arm through Bucky's and pulling him up the snowy walk towards her parents' home. "Anyone who makes me slow down is aces in their book, I promise!"
"You seem so sure about that, doll… but I think you're forgetting that I'm over a hundred years old and up until recently, public enemy number one." Bucky reached up to straighten the tie he'd insisted on wearing. A tie and a sweater vest and a brand new haircut.  Basically, he'd told the stylist to do anything to make him not look like a hundred-year-old assassin.
Darcy shot him a look, one that warmed his heart almost to the melting point. "I think we'll be fine. It's obvious I adore you. And I'm super picky, so I think they'll overlook most of your sharp edges. Besides, they're my parents. I should know what to expect more than you, James." She punctuated by poking him square in the chest. A poke which turned into a full-palm caress of his pecs.
He caught her hand before it could go any further. "No matter who I am, I'm pretty sure your parents don't want us groping each other on their porch…" he said with a smirk, lacing their fingers and pulling her hand down between them as they continued to walk.
"We haven't rung the doorbell yet…" she reminded him. A little heat in her voice that made him go against his better judgment and slip his hand behind her head, pulling her close for an open-mouthed kiss that was extremely promising until her mother opened the door.
"I thought I heard someone out here-- oh!" Mrs. Lewis stopped in the middle of her thought and chuckled a little before pushing the door closed. "Don't mind me, just ring the bell when you're finished…"
Bucky's face blazed red with embarrassment as Darcy didn't even try to choke back a laugh.
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ragwitch · 6 years
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my seat is your seat, coraline.
her favorite place to sit is on my butt while i’m watching netflix or reading on my laptop. sometimes i just open up photobooth so i can see what she’s up to.
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bracketsoffear · 2 months
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Last to Leave the Room (Caitlin Starling) "The city of San Siroco is sinking. The basement of Dr. Tamsin Rivers, the arrogant, selfish head of the research team assigned to find the source of the subsidence, is sinking faster. As Tamsin grows obsessed with the distorting dimensions of the room at the bottom of the stairs, she finds a door that didn’t exist before - and one night, it opens to reveal an exact physical copy of her. This doppelgänger is sweet and biddable where Tamsin is calculating and cruel. It appears fully, terribly human, passing every test Tamsin can devise. But the longer the double exists, the more Tamsin begins to forget pieces of her life, to lose track of time, to grow terrified of the outside world. As her employer grows increasingly suspicious, Tamsin must try to hold herself together long enough to figure out what her double wants from her, and just where the mysterious door leads…"
The Ragwitch (Garth Nix) "Ten-year-old Paul and his sister Julia are on vacation at the beach one day when they find a shell midden on the shore. When they climb it, they find a crow's nest with a creepy little ragdoll in it. Paul distrusts it immediately, but Julia is entranced, and brings it home, where their parents don't seem to be able to see it. The next morning, Paul hears someone moving around, and follows the sound out to find his sister, possessed by the doll, building a strange blue fire on top of the midden. She freezes him helplessly in place, then jumps into the fire and disappears. Paul rebuilds it and follows Her through, determined to rescue his sister.
So begins a quest to stop the Ragwitch and save his sister (and maybe the world he finds himself in on the side). Throughout, the narrative switches between Paul's journey and Julia Fighting from the Inside despite the Ragwitch's attempts to control her mind."
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is your birfday today??
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happy happy happy happy birthday dearest @ragwitch !!!!!!!!
🎂❤️🎂❤️🎂❤️🎂 ❤️🎂❤️🎂❤️🎂
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wunderlass · 7 years
One of the very coolest mutuals
why are you all so wrong?
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Command the Moon, It Will Come Down by @ragwitch​ (x) a Tasertorch Practical Magic AU
Darcy Lewis, aka ‘one of those Romanova witches out on the cliff’ lives on Swans Island and has been dreaming of Johnny Storm and his warm hands since she was twelve years old.
If only he wasn’t such a horrible ass.
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My lovely magical and fantasy favorites bookshelf—both of the Harry Potter sets I have in Chicago, a bunch of my childhood loves (The Princess Bride, The Ragwitch), a bunch of Ray Bradbury, The Night Circus, The Buried Giant, and a small subset of my collection of fairytales and folklore, all alongside tokens of my travels and a wooden heart I got from my mom. 
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shieldshockfanfic · 7 years
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ShieldShock Image Set from @shieldshockfanfic​
inspired by
Flufftastic ShieldShock Fanfiction from @ragwitch​
7. ‘I’m on a long term mission to find the best possible pumpkin spice latte. Wanna hop along?’
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